#to me that interview wasn’t anything major okay
moethewriter · 6 months
could you do number 27 with finnick from the otp prompt list? i love yours fics!
Of course I can anon! Super excited for this one, I had the best time writing it! Lot's of angst and fluff! TITLE: The Light In The Dark WORD COUNT: 1.5k PAIRING: Finnick Odair x Reader WARNING: None! TAGS: Lot's of angst, and fluff! (As always please let me know if you think anything needs to be added) lot's of introspection and reflection from the reader! A/N: I was so so so excited to write this one! And I think it's such an amazing prompt! Thank you so much for requesting it and as always I take constructive criticism! -
District 13 was not a place you particularly enjoyed. It was safe, and secure and far better than being stranded in an arena forced to kill other people. But you weren’t as content as you had hoped you would be. When you were rescued along with everyone the rebellion scooped up, you had kept telling yourself that everything was going to be okay. You had to keep faith that whatever the next step was, was going to end all of it. 
Finnick had been rescued alongside you, and he offered a comforting ear. It was so strange being close to him again. It had been a year since you two had broken up, and though it had seemed like yesterday, you were no longer the same people you once were. So much had changed, you had changed. 
Though you knew once you both had been reaped that you were going to ally yourself with him. There really was no one else you would rather have at your side. Despite the separation, he had you trust and you knew he was far more capable than a lot of people gave him credit for. 
There had been tension between the group, that you knew, no one got along well unless it was with Mags. You knew the other’s could sense a different type of tension between you and Finnick, one filled with unresolved feelings bubbling below the surface. It had only gotten worse after you heard his voice through the jabberjays.
Johanna had tried to talk to you afterwards, even sent Katniss your way but you wouldn’t budge. You didn’t need to have a friendship circle and talk about how you longed for Finnick and how he still had your heart. No one needed to know that but you, though you sensed Johanna had always known, she had known you better than you knew yourself most days. 
There had been no major fallout with Finnick, no giant blow up that ended in destruction and despair. It had been so amicable … you had both been so busy, the life of a Victor always was. Not to mention the separation by District had been a struggle. You had been the one to bring it up, despite the pain it caused you. Finnick had agreed with you the moment you finished speaking. You hugged, and he left and then you stood there alone. You were both heartbroken over it, that much you knew. 
You had cried for weeks after it, though you felt you had no right to do that. No one was able to console you, despite Johanna trying her very best too. You knew she wasn’t the best with comforting people, she had grown colder after what had happened to her family, but you appreciated the effort she had put in. Seeing Finnick on TV doing interviews, going to parties and generally being in the Capitol had upset you the most. It was hard to look at him, you knew he was hurting so much more than anyone could tell. You wanted to reach out, but you knew it would have been a bad idea. So you stayed silent and watched him from afar, and kept your thoughts about him to yourself.
Though you hoped he thought of you too.
And in a blink of an eye, months had passed. You had both been mentors for the 74th hunger games, though to no avail as your tributes had passed in the arena. You didn’t speak to him much, and he did his best to avoid you. It was strange but you knew he was coping in a far different way then you were, so you couldn’t blame him,
The universe was funny though, bringing you both together again under far different circumstances. He had come to your door days after you had been reaped for The Quarter Quell to form an alliance with you, and you were both informed together about the rebellion by Haymitch Abernathy. You were hesitant but agreed to help, as long as Finnick was there too. There wasn’t anyone else you’d want as an ally in those games. Some small part of you was thankful that he had been there.
“Penny for your thoughts.” A familiar voice broke through the jumbled mess of memories you had been reliving. “Not much in there right now.” You chuckled, turning to meet Finnick’s gaze, he seemed relaxed, and adjusting far better than most people. “Just wondering about what the next step is, thinking about all that needs to be done.” The lie came easily to you, but you knew he could see right through it. He had always been able to see past you.
“That’s not the Y/N I know.” Finnick smiled, leaning against the wall. He looked like an angel in white against the steele gray. “The one I know is simply far too deep in thought about too many things that they’re overwhelming themselves with it. Am I wrong?” He raised a knowing eyebrow. 
“You know me far too well, Finnick Odair.” You snorted, crossing your arms in defeat “I was thinking about the past.” You said, quietly, almost hoping he wouldn’t catch what you said at all.
“About us?” He questioned, a strange look crossing his face.
You couldn’t quite tell what he was thinking at that moment, but you knew there was no point in lying. You didn’t want to lie to him anymore.
“You could say that.” You nodded.
“I hope it’s all good memories.” He said, meeting your eyes once more. “I know I still think of those on my dark days.” He swallowed the lump in his throat.
“You were one of the best things that ever happened to me.” You told him, earnestly. “I loved you more than life itself.”
“So you don’t  regret it at all?” Finnick questioned, and you weren’t quite sure if he wanted your answer by the way his voice quivered.
“No. Not one bit.” You told him. “I don’t regret having you because you made the sun shine brighter and you made my life worth living again. You put a smile on my face anytime I wasn’t feeling myself. You were the only one who loved me when I thought I couldn’t be loved. You changed me for the better in so many ways. You were, and always have been a star amongst the darkest of skies, Finnick. That little light that kept going even though the world tried to beat it down. You have always been one of a kind. I could never regret you. I would never regret a single thing because if I didn’t have you forever at least I had you at all.” Your voice was thick with emotion, finally saying all of this to him.
You had bottled it up for so long, kept it so tight to your chest that you felt like you were going to explode into a million tiny little pieces. You knew you would always love him, but a second chance at loving him had seemed impossible.
“I don’t regret breaking things off either.” You told him. “It was the best thing we could do for both of us at the time. You and I both know that.”
“I know.” Finnick nodded, a sad smile crossing his face. “Doesn’t mean I didn’t cry for weeks after it happened though. I missed you severely during those first few months. I’m sorry I never reached out, I wanted to but I didn’t know how.” 
You could see him fidgeting with his thumbs, something he only did when he was nervous, it was a quirk you thought had been adorable when you first noticed it. He had an anxious energy to him that could be hard to spot if you didn’t know him.
“It’s okay.” You whispered, sniffling a little. “That wasn’t your job anymore to be there for me.”
“You were never a job, I loved … love you and I always wanted to be there for you even when we were over.” Finnick said. “You’re the love of my life, you always have been, Y/N.”
“I’m still the love of your life?” You asked, wiping the stray tear from your eye.
Nothing could have prepared you for this conversation, but you were glad that you could air everything out. There was no one else for you but Finnick. You loved him, and you still wanted to be with him. He was the first person you thought about in the morning, and the last person you thought about before you slept. He was still the love of your life too. 
He was always with you, even when he wasn’t.
“Yeah.” He said finally. “I don’t think there’s anyone else for me.”
You made a tentative step towards him, and wrapped your arms around his neck. He was tense, you could feel that, but that didn’t stop him from wrapping his arms around your waist. He was warm, he’d always been built like a furnace in contrast to your cold body temperature but you two still fit together perfectly, like two halves of a whole.
It’s like you were always meant to be in his arms.
“I still love you too.” You told him, letting yourself get lost in his arms.
“When this is all over …” He whispered into your ear. “I’m going to take you on the best date in the world, got it?” 
You could hear the smile in his voice.
“Got it.” You said, hugging him tighter.
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
Okay jack concept here: the reader & him dated in the past but even though they broke up his family still talks to her & invite her to a gathering in hopes to get her & jack back together because they know how much they both miss each other & whatever they do works because in the end they’re back together
Promises - Jack Harlow x f!reader
note: damn this is looongg😅 sorry but uh i hope y’all enjoy. haven’t written anything in a MINUTE
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When you moved to Louisville in your senior year of highschool, you never expected to fall in love. In fact, that was the last thing on your mind, hoping to stay focused on your studies in preparation for university—but Jack Harlow was one persistent motherfucker.
“Come on Y/N!” Jack exclaimed as he chased you down the long school hallway, his hand reaching for your arm to stop you from walking away. The last bell finally rung and you were desperate to go home. “Why won’t you give me a chance?” he pouted, looking down at you adorably with his big bulky glasses and his curly hair pushed out of his eyes.
You let out a sigh as you stared up at him. You couldn’t deny that you thought he was cute…but he was the popular guy in school. This had to be some sick joke.“Jack…just drop it—”
“No! Tell me why first!” he insisted. “If you don’t like me or if you think I’m ugly then just say that! I can handle rejection.”
Upon hearing that, your eyes widened. “What? No! Of course I don’t think you’re ugly…I just…why me?” you ask with furrowed brows. “Guys don’t usually like me,” you sigh. “Plus I know guys like you. You’re a player. Only intrigued now because I’m new but when I give in you’ll use me then throw me to the curb for the next girl…that’s why I don’t wanna give you a chance.”
Jack licked his lips, his hands rubbing down his smooth face. “Well the guys where you’re from clearly didn’t have good taste…and I promise it’s not just cause you’re new. Just one date? I won’t hurt you…I promise.”
“One date Jack Harlow. We’ll see how it goes.”
And for the most part, Jack kept his promise. The years went on perfectly. You two managed to fall in love and he was all of your major firsts. You supported him all throughout his career but you always chose to stay private, not wanting to be in the spotlight or public eye which he supported.
And since then too, your relationship with his family grew exponentially. At first his Mom was a bit hesitant, fearing that you’d break his heart but the more she got to know you and spend time with you, you easily became the daughter she never had. She loved you like her own and it wasn’t quite a Harlow family gathering without you being there by Jack’s side.
However, it seemed as though everything changed when he did his Chicken Shop date interview. It was no secret that Jack had a major glowup and that interview in particular sparked the internet’s interest in the upcoming rapper, even being deemed as the new ‘white boy of the month’ and the internet’s boyfriend. That’s when the problems started.
Jack bit his lip in contemplation as he watched you get prepared for bed. You were standing in front of the mirror, finishing up your skincare routine by applying your moisturizer. Once done, you made your way into the bed and raised your brow at your boyfriend.
“Why do I feel like you have something you wanna tell me?” you laughed.
Jack took in a breath and ran a loose hand through his curls. “Look ma—the team thinks you should take down all of our photos together on insta.” You furrow your brows as you turn to look at him.
He lets out a sigh. “They think it’ll be better if we stay private for my brand—” You can’t help but scoff at his response. “Is that what you think too?” you ask him.
Jack groans, “baby it’s what’s best for my career at the moment…it’s better if people think I’m single to keep up that persona they’re going for. Plus you don’t even like being in the spotlight—”
“Yeah but I still like posting my boyfriend,” you interrupt with a frown. “Plus I’m already private on Instagram.”
“Ma, fans always find a way to get that shit even if you're super private,” Jack sighed. “Please baby? They really think it’s better this way. And it won’t change anything about us…I love you and it just means we get to be more private about our relationship without fans getting in the way especially with the sudden interest,” he persuaded sweetly—but it was more like manipulation unbeknownst to you.
You sigh before nodding reluctantly. “Okay…I’ll archive all of the photos of us,” you reassure.
Jack grinned as he swiftly cupped your cheeks and placed a soft kiss to your lips. “You’re the best ma.”
While it did partly not sit right with you that he wanted to hide your relationship from the public, you also heard many celebrity stories of relationships ending because of overbearing fans so you decided for the time being, it was the right choice.
As Jack gained more attention within the industry, he also gained much more attention from women which truth be told, was starting to become a difficulty.
Jack sat on the couch with his head in his hands as he rubbed his temples. “Ma you gotta calm down—”
“No I’m not gonna calm down! You were flirting with her on camera! I keep trying to be understanding of how all of this can help your career but you’re constantly direspecting me either by flirting with other girls or having them up all over you!” you exclaim. “It’s not fair to me.”
Jack let out an annoyed groan. “I told you it meant nothing but gaining a connection! Her team literally contacted me to do a song together so it’s obviously for work!” he yelled.
You take in a breath as your eyes collect with tears. “It still hurts to see Jack! You do it too much now--it's like you enjoy that extra attention,” you say with a shaky voice. “I don’t…I don’t wanna be private anymore. I want people to know you have a girl,” you sniffle.
Jack clenched his jaw and his hands balled up into fists. “I’m not doing this right now Y/N!"
“If you keep acting like you’re single then you’re gonna end up single Jack…”
“Yeah well maybe that’s what the both of us need right now.”
And just like that, a relationship that lasted nearly five years went down the drain and it hurt more than anything you’d ever experienced before. His family took it quite hard, having to get adjusted to you not being around anymore.
Whenever his mom would see you around Louisville, she always made the effort to stop you and spend however long just chatting it up with you. You thought it was adorable and it truly warmed your heart that his family still loved you despite the relationship ending but the reminder still hurt.
This time, you bumped into his mom at the grocery store and she wasn’t going to let you go easily.
“Y/N!” she exclaimed. “Haven’t seen you around in a while!” she continued with a hum. You let out a polite chuckle, hoping the conversation would end quickly.
“It’s nice to see you Maggie,” you say genuinely. “And yeah, I’ve been in and out of the city trying to find a job somewhere more exciting,” you chuckle. Since you didn’t really have Jack anymore to tie you to Louisville, you thought it was best to venture out more for work, either in New York or California.
Maggie frowned playfully, “then we’d be missing you,” she rebutted. You let out a laugh before shrugging. “Nothing keeping me here anymore,” you say, hoping she’d catch the tiny hint. “Even my parents moved back to where we’re from.”
Maggie nodded in understanding and the both of you enter a sort of silence before she spoke up again. “He misses you you know?”
You can’t help but scoff, shaking your head at her comment. “No he does not…he’s happy living the single life he’s wanted since he got signed to his label,” you mumble.
“Sweetheart—that isn’t true—”
“Then why hasn’t he reached out since then?” you ask, eyes beginning to tear up. “It’s been months and if he missed me then he would’ve done…something,” you sigh.
Maggie licked her lips and nodded. “Well we miss you,” she said nonchalantly. “I’ve gotten used to you being around so how about you come over this weekend for dinner?” she suggested.
You instantly shake your head. “I don’t think that’s quite a good idea—”
“You’d be coming for me. Please.”
“But—” as you go to reject once more, you knew that you couldn’t turn Maggie down. “Okay fine.”
Maggie beamed and reached to give you a hug. “I’ll see you Saturday at six then!”
Saturday rolls around and you approach the Harlow house with a heavy and anxious heart. You really didn’t want to be there but you hated to disappoint Maggie. You ring the doorbell and as always, she greets you with the warmest smile and hug.
You cautiously enter and slightly inspect the house for any signs that Jack was home. When you were pretty certain that he wasn’t, you let out a heavy breath of relief and aim to enjoy your time with Maggie.
Meanwhile, Jack, Urban, Druski, and Clay were all sat in the backyard of his home, chatting it up. It was dark out so it wasn’t easy to look out into the backyard from inside the house, but it was much easier to look into the house from the backyard.
“Bro…” Druski began, smacking Jack’s arm to get his attention. “Isn’t that your ex girl?” he asked, pointing towards the window that showed into the kitchen. Jack glanced over and his eyes went wide as he saw you laughing with his mom. “What the fuck?” Jack mumbled under his breath, getting up and storming into the house in frustration.
Upon seeing her son storm in, Maggie smiled knowingly. “Nice of you to join us Jackman,” she hummed.
“What the fuck is she doing here?!” he practically yelled, causing you to wince. Maggie stood her ground and looked at her son sternly. “I invited her to have dinner with us—”
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” you mumble quietly. Jack scoffed. “It’s my parents house—why wouldn’t I be here?” he spat back in question.
You take in a steady breath, your hands slightly shaking from the anxiety you were experiencing. As you go to respond, Maggie steps in. "Mind your manners Jackman. She came out of respect for me because I kept incessantly asking," she stated matter of factly.
Jack could only groan in annoyance, before he waved off his mom. "Whatever man--enjoy your dinner," he mumbled, causing his mother to raise her brows in questions. "Are you not joining us for dinner?"
The curly haired man let out a snarky puff of air before shrugging nonchalantly. "Nah--I've got guests in the backyard," he replied as he walked straight out.
As Jack walked back out through the sliding glass doors to the backyard once again, Urban shot up from his chair with wide eyes. "Dude! What are you doing back out here?" he exclaimed in question and shock. "All you've been doing the past fucking 6 months was sulk around and complain about missing her and now that you've got a chance right in front of you you're psyching yourself out?"
"It's not that easy," Jack mumbled while shaking his head with stubbornness.
“I don’t know what happened in there but this is quite literally your one and only chance to win her back otherwise—”
“Otherwise you’re gonna have to let her go completely,” Druski jumped in matter of factly. “Cos a girl like that sure as hell ain’t gonna wait up on a dude like you forever.” Urban agreed which caused Jack to sigh. He knew they were right—he was just to scared to admit it.
“What if she doesn’t want me? What if she’s been done with me?” he asked.
Urban smirked, “then she wouldn’t be at your house having dinner with your mom dumbass. Now go!” he exclaimed, pushing Jack back towards the back entrance of the house.
Jack slipped in and raised his brow when he saw his mom sitting at the table alone. “Where’s y/n?”
Maggie sighed and pointed towards the front door. “She’s about to leave—said she didn’t feel comfortable staying after upsetting you.”
“Shit,” Jack muttered under his breath, rushing to the front of the house and swinging open the front door. Luckily you hadn’t gotten far, just about to unlock your car and get in. “Y/n can we talk?” he asked exasperatedly, running a hand through his curls that had gotten much longer since the last time you’d seen him.
You let out a sigh and turn to face Jack. “You’ve already said all you needed to. I should’ve respected you and not come and I’m sorry—”
“But I’m glad you came,” Jack interrupted quickly. “I know I didn’t show it in there but I am…y/n I miss you,” he confessed quietly.
You can’t help but scoff. “Yeah well you have a pretty funny way of showing that—”
Jack furrowed his brows, “how did you expect me to react? You showed up unannounced and caught me off guard,” he defended.
You rolled your eyes and the both of you stood silent for a moment before Jack cleared his throat. "Do you miss me too?” he asked, his voice timid.
You let out a sigh. “Even if I did Jack we clearly don’t work.”
“My mindset on all of this has changed. Ever since I dropped the second album and finished up the tour, I realized this life ain’t sustainable and that I needed to be more lowkey…I think part of me needed to experience it first to know,” he explained with a sigh. “I’m sorry it took hurting you to realize that but I know now and I wanna pick up where we left off,” he breathed out, nervous that you’d reject him.
Your brows furrowed at his words. “You’re assuming I haven’t already moved on—”
“You wouldn’t be here if you did,” Jack stated confidently, standing tall as he reiterated what Urban had said earlier.
He had caught you slightly off guard with that statement, causing your face to heat up and for you to be at a loss for words. "T-That doesn't mean I'm ready to jump back into thin--"
"Do you love me?"
"Y/N, do you love me?" Jack asked again, inching his way closer to you. "You're gaslighting me," you mumbled, narrowing your eyes as you peered up at him.
The curly haired man couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "It really is a simple question," he shrugged. You couldn't deny the heat that came from Jack's body as he moved closer to you, his piercing blue eyes fixated on yours. You could feel his breath on your neck as he whispered, "I want to hear you say it...I need to hear you say it," he sighed softly, damn near begging you at that point from fear of losing you.
Your heart was racing, your mind in a whirlwind of emotions. You wanted to say it, to scream it from the rooftops. But something held you back--the thought of him hurting you again or going back to his ways even after he claimed he worked on himself terrified you.
"Of course I love you," you finally confessed, looking away from him as your cheeks flared up with heat.
Jack's hand cupped your chin, turning your face back towards his. "Look at me," he demanded softly. "I want to see it in your eyes."
You met his gaze, and as the intensity of his stare bore into you, you felt a wave of desire wash over you. He leaned in, his lips dangerously close to yours. "Say it again," he breathed.
"I love you," you whispered, and before you could say another word, Jack's mouth was on yours, his hands roaming freely over your body. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the two of you, lost in a passion that couldn't be extinguished.
Eventually when the two of you pulled away, Jack kept close, resting his forehead against yours. "I'll be better to you, I promise," he spoke against your lips. "I ain't losing you again."
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joelslegalwhre · 11 months
"Stop flirting." "Then stop teasing." | Dieter Bravo x f!reader
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word count: 2k
pairing: dieter bravo x fem!reader
summary: You're interviewing Dieter for his new movie, and no matter how many years you've been together - recently married too - he loves to flirt with you like the first time you've met.
warnings: age gap (reader is in late 20s, Dieter in his 50s but only mentioned once), Dieter flirting needs a warning, fluff, reader and Dieter are married, Dieters mind is pure smut who's surprised, allusions to smut, reader wears a dress and gets her nails done, use of the word "Daddy" like once (don't read it if you don't like it), use of nicknames (baby -like a hundred times, peach), also little disclaimer; I'm reading smut like my life depends on it but I've never properly written it so bare with me pls, not proofread
a/n: I saw a TikTok for this a while ago about Pedro (the account is pedritolovesu) and got super excited to write a little something for Dieter with it.. so have fun y'all
I'm a whore for age gaps, sorry not sorry
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the gif is by a7estrellas (I found it on Pinterest)
"First of all, thank you for your time, Dieter." You started the interview. "It’s my pleasure." He answered with his signature grin, his fingers playing with the ring on his finger.
"Tell me, what was your favorite part about filming the new Cliff Beasts movie?"
"Oh, there are a few," Dieter began to tell some stories from the set, stories you already knew about, because he had told you all of them right after they happened. Calling you late at night, during the day, or sometimes just right after you woke up. 
Interviewing Dieter was still something you found a little strange, but in a good way. 
It didn’t happen often, but when it did, work felt a little less like actual work. When Dieter was there, it was easier, and you instantly felt like you’re home again.
Today, it was just the two of you, no co-stars or other interviewers. Which also meant, no distractions from the looks Dieter gave you.
"Well, that sure sounds like a lot of fun." You smiled at him, when he had finished, "Oh it was." He grinned, but his eyes never left your lips once when he spoke. 
You tried to give him a warning look that said "stop it, concentrate", but you already knew it would do nothing to stop Dieter. 
The interview went on for a little longer, you asked him some fan questions you had gotten before the interview for him, which Dieter all answered perfectly. 
His flirting didn’t stop though. His eyes couldn’t stop wandering between your lips and your eyes, and the subtle winks weren’t as subtle as he thought. „Stop it, Bravo.“ You whispered in a short break, while the crew was angling the camera for another shot. 
"Stop teasing me and I might." He threw you an air kiss, jokingly, making you chuckle.
Not everyone knew that you were married to Dieter Bravo, although it was pretty obvious when you were in situations like this one. And your last name didn’t hide the fact either. 
Dieter managed to keep most of your relationship from the public. But of course the majority of people, especially his fans, knew. And there was nothing wrong with that, you didn’t want to hide anything. It was just nice to have some privacy then and there, so you didn’t make a big fuss about it.
The first time rumors had reached the media that Dieter Bravo was off the market, you had already been dating for almost a year. And the real shocker wasn’t the obvious age gap, with Dieter being twice your age, but the fact that he dated someone for longer than a month. 
"Sorry guys, the camera just stopped working, one second. Sorry, Dieter." Your camera man said all of a sudden. „Oh shit, okay.“ You nodded in surprise. "Yeah, no problem man." Dieter assured him. Not a second later, some of the crew was back around Dieter, to freshen him up. 
When he took something out of his pocket that suspiciously looked like the small box, he had his "drugs on the go" -how he liked to call them- in, you raised your eyebrows and shook your head, "No. Definitely not here". Dieter was down bad for you, and literally did anything that would please you, so to the obvious surprise of some crew members, he stuffed the box back into his pocket with a sigh. 
"Fine, fine."
"You know I don’t care, but not at work. Please?" you gave him your best pout, you knew he couldn’t say no to.
"Yeah, yeah okay, baby." Dieter looked up at the guy who was relatively new to the team that always surrounded Dieter.
What was his name again? He couldn’t remember.
"Happy wife, happy life. Isn’t that the shit they say?" He shrugs and goes on, "I’ll do what my girl wants. No one can tell me shit, but you bet she can."
The expression on the guy’s face changed from surprised to confused and then surprised again, making you giggle quietly. "Oh, you’re married?" He asked, eyebrows raised. Dieter shot him a lopsided grin, "Heck yes, we are." Dieters eyes locked with yours and you couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. There was nothing that made you as happy as knowing you’re married to him, his drug problems aside, being Mrs. Bravo was so different to anything you had imagined as a little girl. And you loved it. 
"Alright, cameras are working again, guys." The camera man announced, and the crew quickly left the two of you alone again. 
As the interview went on, you asked Dieter some more questions about the new movie, how shooting under quarantine was for him - horrible, he had called you what feels like a hundred times a day, whining about being alone and horny- and if there were any new movies coming up with him. Dieter answered everything you wanted to know, giving the fans some insights into the film and little sneak peaks. One being a short scene, which was currently playing on a little screen next to you. Later on, the video would be seen during the interview clips, but the screen was for you to know when to go on with the interview. 
Dieter had other plans, though. He didn’t pay an ounce of attention to what was playing on the screen, his attention on your nails instead. 
"Did you get your nails done?" He asked, leaning forward to hold your hand and inspect your new set of nails. 
He had only seen you when he fell into bed, the night before. He didn’t usually come home as late as he did yesterday, but the press tour has really been "kicking his balls", to quote him. So you must have gotten them done either yesterday or today, there hasn’t been a time Dieter didn’t notice a new set of nails. Not once. 
"Yesterday, after work." You softly smiled, showing Dieter the nails. So he was right. "They match the ring." He gave you one of his cocky grins. "That was the intention." You grinned back at him. Neither of you had noticed that the video was long over, and the camera was back on the two of you. Faces inches apart and both of you with a stupidly content smile on your faces. "They look fucking amazing, baby." He said, almost whispering in awe. "Thank you, Dee." 
"Uhm, guys." someone from the crew cleared their throat. Your head shot up, and you quickly slid back into the position you had before.
"Oh my- sorry, sorry," 
Dieter leaned back in his chair and grinned at you, again. And as much as you wanted to keep professional, you had to smile at him too. 
"You should see her nails, they match our rings." Dieter said straight into one of the cameras, a cocky grin on his lips once again. You shook your head with a little giggle. So much for being professional. 
"So, back to the movie, as we could all see right now, it’s very promising." You went on, trying to act like you didn’t just want to grab Dieter’s hand and drag him to your car. Driving straight home, laying next to him in bed, nice and warm, cuddled up in his arms. 
Only a few more hours, you told yourself.
Dieter had to hold back like hell not to kiss you senseless in front of the crew members. He’s had a shit ton of media work today already, now that you were his last interview of the day -only some minor things to do afterwards- his mood has changed for the better, drastically.
He wanted to throw you over his shoulder -hell, he starts to think like a fucking caveman- carry you out of here and rip that fucking dress off of you. He’d even be fine with cuddling, anything that involved having you close to him. Although he wouldn’t quite be himself, if he wouldn’t also think about dragging you to the next empty room and fuck your brains out right now. 
Dieter was down bad for you, and -a thing he never thought was possible for him- it only got ‚worse‘ when the two of you got married. Calling you Mrs.Bravo for the first time had him almost come in his jeans. 
The interview was finally done, and you got up from your chair to get rid of all the mics and cables.
"Do you know when you’re coming home today?" You asked Dieter, back still turned to him, untangling a cable that got stuck in the chair somehow. "Hopefully fucking soon." He’s had enough of behaving, he desperately needed to feel you, even if it was just a quick kiss, his cock already painfully hard in his jeans. 
"You look fucking beautiful today, baby. The most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen." Dieter whispered in your ear. He wrapped his arms around your waist, as he pressed your back against his chest. "Well, thank you, but I’m still working, you know." You chuckled, joking with him. You couldn’t care less that you were at work right now, and Dieter knew you well enough to know. 
"Yeah, working pretty hard, interviewing your husband in that tease of a dress, baby."
You grinned, the dress was one of his favorites, and it showed enough skin without being too exposing to wear it for work. 
"You know I fucking love it." He whispered, so only you could hear it. "Really? I had no idea, Bravo." You teased him with a grin, turning your head to see his face. 
You could feel his stubble on your cheek as he got even closer to your ear and pressed you tighter to his body. "Can you feel what you do to be, baby? I’ll rip that fucking dress up the second we’re home." His bulge was pressing against your lower back, and your body immediately reacted to it. 
"I thought you loved it? Wouldn’t wanna ruin it, would you?" You kept teasing him, feeling his grip on your waist tighten. "Don’t challenge me, baby."
"Or what?" You looked at him with a spark in your eyes. He nuzzled his nose in the nook between your neck and shoulder. You closed your eyes at the feeling, stopping a moan from escaping your lips. "Or I’ll take your cute ass to that storage room right now and let everyone hear how good your husband treats you." He said with a low groan, sending vibrations through your whole body, straight to your core.
It took you every inch of will power you had left, not to make a head start to that damn storage room down the hall. You could feel the wetness pool in your panties. 
Instead, you turned around in his embrace and slung your arms around his neck. Playing with the strands of his now almost salt and pepper hair, you got on your tiptoes, brushing his lips with your own. "I’ll be waiting for you at home, Daddy." It elected another groan out of Dieter, his eyes closed, probably imagining what he’d do to you later. 
You gave him another soft kiss, and caressed his cheek, running your finger down bis jawline. "I’d do something about that, if I were you." You smugly grinned at Dieter's noticeable bulge in his pants. "I’d be careful what to say, peach." He muttered into your ear. Oh, you couldn’t wait to get home.
Everyone had left the room by now, leaving the two of you behind. 
"I love you." you whispered, looking into his chocolate brown eyes. There was no more joking in your voice. No more teasing. 
"I love you too, baby." Dieter pressed his forehead against yours and his nose gently nudged against your own. "I love you." He repeated and closed the little gap between you. You smiled into the kiss, letting your hands wander from his soft tummy to his back.
"I can’t fucking wait to get home." Dieter grunted out between kisses. 
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I had to include this Dieter picture because🥵
I have an update blog now, so follow @joelslegalwhrereads if you want to get updated when I post💗
taglist: @alexxavicry @snow30285 @queer_poncho (tell me if you want to be added to the taglist) 🖤 @mountsgirl (thank you for being the best bestie I could ask for🫶)
buy me a coffee if you want🖤
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ateezscupid · 1 year
hwas part NEEDS to be a ff
HELP HELP HELP i just saw this now, i was hoping someone asked 😭. and i’m so so sorry for seeing this late, the notification did NOT come in. i also changed it up a bit, hope you like ittt!
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precious ✩ 𝗌𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗁𝗐𝖺 𝗑 𝖿!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
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plot - seonghwa cant focus when you overstim him during work.
genre - smut and fluff (if you squint)
warnings - switch!hwa x switch f!reader, sugar daddy!hwa, non!idol au, oral (both), facesitting, begging, masturbation, praising and degrading, fingering (f receiving), use of toys, dirty talk, pet names
wc - 3.5k
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“do you have to go in today?” you crawl to the edge of the bed and pout. you hated waking up late to see your boyfriend already dressed and ready for work. not only would you be home alone for most of the day, but it would be like this monday through friday. honestly, it was expected. dating a man who was the CEO of a major tech company, you should’ve seen this coming.
“i don’t have to work that much today, so you don’t need to wait too long, baby.” seonghwa said as he buttoned his shirt. you could lie, though. he looked hot in a shit and tie.
“okay… what time do you think you’ll be coming home? i found this movie i wanna watch-“
“just because i said i’d be home early doesn’t mean i’ll stop working. i mean, i know i said i didn’t have to work they much but i still need to send and respond to emails. that and i have a whole bunch of people who i need to supervise or have interviews and meetings with. my schedule today is very… booked.” hwa turns to you with a frown.
“so you won’t be free at all today? not even for a second? are you even gonna stop and have lunch? you’re always working and it leaves me home alone. why cant you work from home like me?” this wouldn’t be the first time you tried convincing him to work from home.
“how many times are you going to ask me that and how many times am i going to say i can’t?” he chuckled at your cuteness. seonghwa walks over to you and places a hand on your cheek, kissing your forehead to try and stop you’re complaining. he’s gotten used to it, but he still felt bad whenever he left to get into his car.
“i still think it’s worth trying.” you finally get off of the bed and stand behind him, peeking over his shoulder to watch him fix his tie. you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your cheek against his back.
“can i at least get a kiss goodbye?” you pour. seonghwa looked at you through the mirror and chuckles.
“love, you know if i start kissing you, i won’t be able to stop.”
“then don’t.” you reply. “i know you stop at dunkin’ donuts before you get on the highway, which means you leave twenty minutes earlier than you should. we have twenty minutes.”
“how the hell did you know i stop at—did you put a tracker on my phone again?” he chuckled, obviously not weirded out but flattered.
“no! i keep seeing dunkin’ donuts gift cards all over the place.” you let go of him. “and i checked your purchases on your card, nothing major.”
seonghwa turned to you and started laughing. you were so cute, he couldn’t deny your request. and you weren’t wrong, he was stopping at dunkin’ donuts before he actually had to get on the road and go to work. he places his hands on your shoulders.
“alright, twenty minutes. and after, we can try that idea you’ve always wanted to do.” he smiles and gently pushed you into the bed, making you lay on your back.
“the toy idea? see, i wanted to get one of those plugs for your prostate but i saw a cock ring that vibrated so i had to go for the second option!” you cheekily smile.
“you were about to buy me a butt plug?” hwa asked as he was undoing his tie.
“i wasn’t about to, i did.” you giggle. “if you don’t want it, i’ll take it. or you could give it to one of your horny little friends. i mean wooyoung.”
“no no, i’ll try it out. that fact that those four words willingly came out of my mouth says i don’t mind.”
that’s another thing you loved about seonghwa. he wasn’t afraid to try anything new, even if it was embarrassing. you did ask if he wanted to try wearing fishnets and he said no, but at least he gave it a bit of thought before turning down the ides when it was presented to him. all he wanted was to make you happy.
as if getting you multiple credit and debit cards wasn’t enough, he’d go out of his way to buy you things he knew you’d like. for example, those diamond earrings you two saw in the mall that one day. you didn’t bring them up again after, but he saw the way you looked at them. you wanted them. you were fully aware seonghwa was loaded, but you didn’t take advantage of that.
the only things you’ve spent a ton of money on is birthday parties, gifts and fancies, and clothes. most of the clothes and gifts were for you, but the rest were for seonghwa. it was your way of saying thank you for everything he’s done.
“seventeen minutes left.” you blurt out. “i know what we can do, or what i can do, let me suck you off!” you smile wide.
“or i could eat you out. i know i haven’t done it in a while and you seem to love my tongue.” hwa said as he stepped closer to you, messing with the strands of the tank top you had on.
“i think you have an obsession with eating me out, seonghwa.” you grab onto his shirt and pulled him over top of you, pecking him on the lips. “but i’m not completely against it.”
“oh? then sit on my face.” he tilts his head with a smile. “i’ll go easy on you since i know you have a meeting today. i don’t want you to be tired.”
“aw, you’re too kind.” his words make you blush. you sit up and scoot back on the bed. seonghwa kicked his shoes off and got on the bed next to you, laying on his back and pulling you over top of him. he grabs your hips and makes sure you were directly over his mouth. he looked hungry just looking at you.
luckily, you only wore a tank top and underwear to bed. he shifts your panties to the side and lowers your hips onto his face, earning a moan from you. you hold onto the headboard of your bed once you feel his tongue lick at your folds. now you’re desperately clinging onto the headboard trying to keep yourself stable.
the way he worked his tongue made you cry out in pleasure, lips wrapped around your clit with his tongue licking against the sensitive bud. your hand flew down and grabbed a handful of his hair, grinding your hips onto his mouth for more friction.
“mm, h-hwa…” you moaned, throwing your head back when two fingers started prodding at your hole. you needed to get away from his face, otherwise you’d squirt on him. you don’t want to do that.
“seonghwa, wai—“ before you could finish, his fingers entered you. he wasted no time pushing and pulling his fingers, curling them to hit the sensitive spots inside of you. your back arched and your thighs squeezed against his face. you were so close already, you needed to let go. he hummed against your heat, sending vibrations through your core.
you look down at him, making eye contact. his pretty brown orbs, you couldn’t help but think he looked adorable while trying to make you cum. as demanding and strict he was sometimes, he was soft when it came to you. of course he had his moments where he’d fuck you so hard, you actually thought he broke your back, but overall he was a big softie who wanted nothing more but to hear your pretty moans.
“hwa, i-i’m close!” you whimper, now gripping handfuls of his hair with both of your hands. you’re surprised how he didn’t have any bald spots yet because when you pull, you pull hard. it didn’t seem to bother him though.
“cum, baby, please.” he huffed against your pussy, continuing to finger you as you moved your hips back and forth to try and cum faster. and then, it happened. you came all over his fingers. seonghwa put his mouth back on you to lick up all of your juices, making sure not to miss a single drop as you came.
you felt like you were levitating once you did. he always managed to make you cum super hard, and he’d lick up what came out. it didn’t matter if he busted his load in you or not, he just wanted to eat you out.
your body almost flips onto his when coming down from your high. gently, seonghwa brings your body down and rests you on his lap, rubbing your back to calm you down. you two didn’t have much time for after care, but you didn’t mind this time. in fact, you were too lightheaded to even realize.
“you eat me out like a starved man…” you huffed, falling into him and breathing heavily on his chest. “i can’t even feel my legs all the way.”
“you’re adorable.” he kisses your forehead and sits up slowly not to startle you. “you still wanna use the toys on me?”
your head perked up upon hearing those words. then, you stood as if the feeling in your legs came back instantly. you get off of the bed and rush over to your side of the closet, grabbing a small black plastic bag that hung on the back of it. you take out a plug and a cocking, then the two remotes that go with it. seonghwa seemed nervous just looking at the toys, but he wasn’t one to judge a book by its cover.
“you’re still okay with using these, right?” you ask. he nods his head quickly and scoots to the edge of the bed. he was definitely happy, so there was that.
“alright, bend over.”
he was a taken aback from hearing those words from from you, but it obviously wasn’t the first time he’s heard them. he does so without word, moving his pants and boxers down enough so you could put the toys on him. he was already semi-hard.
you grab a small bottle of lube from your nightstand and open it, squeezing some onto the plug first. you giggle and press it against him before pushing it inside. he thought you were lying when you said it stimulated your prostate. his body jolts forward, a moan coming from his parted lips and you couldn’t help but giggle. it must’ve been pressing on it roughly for him to respond like that.
then the cockring. you grab his erection from behind gently put the ring around him. hwa forgot how tight the rings were since he hadn’t worn one in a long time. he definitely needed to dress casually today. a suit wasn’t going to help him conceal this at all. he didn’t want to feel his pants getting tight while talking to his co-workers.
“okay, now to test the vibrator part to make sure they work!” you say as you look at the remotes in your free hand. now holding one in each, you look at the plug vibrator. you giggle a bit before turning it up to three.
seonghwa didn’t even bother trying to stay up. he fell to his knees, his arms still resting on the mattress as his entire body trembled. the new sensation was a bit different than before.
“holy fucking—“ he began, closing his eyes as his chest began heaving up and down. “fuck fuck fuck, oh my fucking god.”
“it’s not even at the highest setting!” you laugh. “you wanna test the highest setting?”
“please, i just wanna—shitshitshitshit!” he grips the bed sheets once his plug is at the top speed. he didn’t even try silencing his moans, he felt like he was going crazy. he hid his face in his arms and arched his back, shaking his head as if he were telling you to turn it down, and you did. he fell limp, panting heavily.
“you still want me to try the ring-“
“please, oh my god..” he whined. you happily oblige and look at the remote for the cockring, turning it to the top speed. you saw him reach down, holding his cock in his hands when he felt the vibrations. he was semi-hard, but now he’s red and pulsing. that was quicker than you imagined.
“b-baby, get…get my lounge outfit, please.” he huffs. you turn the vibrations off and walk over toward the closet. you grab the black hoodie and grey sweatpants he was talking about, rushing back over and sitting them on the bed in front of them.
“you look like a whore down there.” you giggle. “using these toys are gonna be fun!”
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“y/n, oh my gosh.” seonghwa moaned into his hand. he thought he would be able to handle both vibrators at once, but he was terribly mistaken.
“hmm?” you hum into the phone, swaying back and forth. you were in the kitchen making cookies for when he got back, while also having the two remotes placed next to you. the ring’s speed was at 5, while his plug was at a 6. it was only a matter of time until you put them both at ten.
“i cant focus when you have these—please just come down here. i’m begging you.” he whimpers into the phone. you didn’t say anything as you dumped a bag of chocolate chips into a bowl.
“y/n, p-please.” hwa begged. he’s been begging for the past two hours. begging for you to come to his workplace and fuck the shit out of him, and begging for his release. the orgasm denial part wasn’t even your choice, it was his. he only made it harder on himself.
“give me a good reason to go down there and maybe i will.” you looked at your phone, grabbing a spoon and mixing the ingredients in your bowl.
“i-if you come… i’ll—fuck,” he couldn’t even finish his sentences. the sensation was making him feel lightheaded. he needed to push through this. “if you come, i-i’ll take a week off j-just for you.”
“a week? that’s generous.” you say, pushing your phone away from you and getting ready to roll up the cookie dough. on the other side of the phone, you heard seonghwa shuffling around at his desk. it was clear he was struggling to sit still. you couldn’t blame him since he did have a vibrator inside of him.
“baby, please, can i at least touch myself…” he asked as he continued to shift around in his seat. that made you laugh.
“i thought you needed to focus on something? you said you needed to focus.”
“i’m trying to focus on not driving home right this second and pinning you to the bed.” seonghwa mumbled. you heard this and went quiet. he went quiet as well, which was enough to tell you he knew he was wrong. you click your tongue and nod slowly, walking toward the sink and beginning to wash your hands.
“y-y/n?” he spoke. he was so adorable. hwa cleared his throat to try and distract himself from what he said, acting as if he was looking at something else. “i-i think i’m fine—“
you turned both of the vibrators up to ten.you took the two remotes and brought them to the bedroom, putting them in a drawer then walking back into the living room. you were waiting for seonghwa to act up to do that.
“you okay, hwa?” you ask into the phone, hearing his whimpers and moans as he grips onto the desk in front of him.
“f-fuck, i’m sorry i’m so sorry, t-turn them down, please!” he pushed his chair back and lurched forward, shuddering trying to control himself. he failed miserably. his pants were tightening around him, even though he was wearing sweats, and his body was heating up faster than before. he felt like he was going to explode.
“i’ll be there in thirty minutes.” you say before hanging up.
seonghwa looked around his office for some sort of relief. he needed to do something. he knew you weren’t going to allow him to touch himself, but you never said he couldn’t—
“the couch.” he mumbles. he was going to hump the couch. he scrambled out of his chair and rushed toward the windows that see through his office, rolling the blinds down and flipping the sign in front to “do not disturb”. he was glad he hadn’t gotten rid of that sign.
seonghwa walked over to his sofa and grabbed a pillow, placing it down then laying down so his waist was right on the pillow. he pulls his pants down then his boxers, positioning himself then lowering himself onto the pillow. he let out a sigh of relief once he felt the soft fabric of the pillow touch his throbbing erection. it was painful even moving, so he hoped this would help him.
he didn’t wait to start thrusting wildly onto the pillow, his fist on the armrest of the couch and his forehead resting on it. he was so horny, he couldn’t even think. his hips stuttered, not just because he was already close to release, but because of the butt plug and cockring working simultaneously to drive him crazy.
“y/n…” he moans your name, now with one hand gripping the armrest and the other holding the pillow in place. he needed to cum. he didn’t care if he got it in the couch or not, he needed to let go. it was painful holding it in, and even worse that he was being stimulated while sensitive.
“f-fuck, so close… s-so close,” he mutters to himself, eyes shut tight with his chest heaving up and down. all he needed to do was cum and all of this would be over. or, it would be over once you came.
before he was able to cum, you barged into his office and shut the door behind you, pulling him up by his hair and causing him to halt his movement. you’ve never seen him this desperate before.”
“seonghwa… look at you,” you chuckle quietly. “humping your pillow like a pathetic slut. you couldn’t even wait thirty minutes.”
“p-please, y/n i cant…” his glossy eyes look into yours. “touch me, p-please please please. i’ll be good, just please.”
“hm. you want me to touch you, pretty boy?” you raise your eyebrow then sit down on the sofa next to him. he struggles to even sit up, scooting closer and shoving his face into your neck. you get off the couch and crouch down in front of him, curling your fingers around his cock and admiring it. it was red and veiny, pulsing as if it was telling you to suck it off.
you loved how seonghwa’s body set off every sensor in your body. yeah, you loved taking control of him, but whenever you had the chance you couldn’t help but feel like you were slipping into sub space. his moans were so cute, you’d get drunk off of them.
opening your mouth, you enveloped his tip with your lips, causing his body to jerk and his hips to thrust up into your mouth. he pushed his cock further into your mouth, and you happily took him down your throat.
“g-god, your mouth…” he entangled his fingers in your hair, moaning loudly. he didn’t care about his coworkers hearing him anymore, he needed some sort of relief.
“you’re driving me crazy, y/n.” he whimpered. you bring your head back up and use both of your hands to wrap around his member. not even a second later, you were sucking him off as if you were in a porno. you were getting into it without giving him time to prepare.
“mm, my p-pretty girl,” seonghwa whimpers as he approaches his climax. his moans became louder and the grip on your head getting tighter. “y-you’re such a slut for me.”
then, seonghwa’s back arched. he placed both of his hands on the sofa and gripped onto the couch cushions, hips digging back into it as he moaned. you felt your mouth full with his juices. he was in complete ecstasy when you looked up, face flushed and his jaw hung. his thighs shook underneath you as he emptied his load inside your mouth.
it was tingly, it was good, and he felt like you were milking him dry. and as you swallowed his mess, your hand grazed his shaky thigh gently as a way to calm him down. he didn’t have a clue whether to keep his mouth open or close it. his orgasm was so powerful, his mind went blank.
“p-please, please please please…” seonghwa begs silently, chest heaving. “you’re so good, so so good for me. i love you, princess.”
you take your mouth off of his length and smile, finally getting up and pecking him on the lips.
“i love you too, my prince.”
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@cup1dtiny ✩ #cupids requests !!
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hungermakesmonsters · 5 months
Catch Me If You Can
Chapter Fifteen
Plot summary : When your friend interviews for a position at Anvil, you have a chance encounter with Billy Russo. He takes you for coffee and, by the time you’re done, Billy decides he’s anything but done with you.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R 
Chapter Rating : R - some smut
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] Nothing major, just some smuttiness happening in a public place. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : ~4.8k
A/N : This is set on new years eve (coming to the surprise of no one, I'm late af with this again)! Thanks as always for all the lovely comments and feedback, and thanks for reading!
Chapter Fifteen
You felt Billy’s eyes on you the moment you entered the party, finding him sitting off to the side with Frank, Karen, with a few of their other friends you remembered from the gala sitting at a neighbouring table. He let you clear about half of the distance between the door and their table before he got to his feet. There was something almost animalistic in the way he stalked towards you, the way he took in the sight of you, and it had you desperately trying to bite back a smile. But Billy wasn’t smiling.
You didn’t even get the chance to say anything before he was on you, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you into an eager and demanding kiss, his tongue slipping between your lips. It caught you off guard, left you weak in the knees - until you realised what he was doing.
He was making a spectacle, he was claiming you for everyone to see.
It was something he’d been doing more and more since his birthday. It had been subtle at first, little things that you hardly noticed; Billy holding your hand wherever you went, always finding a way to touch you or be close to you, putting his hand on your lower back and guiding you through stores and restaurants. Then it became more obvious; the way his gaze would darken when he caught other men so much as glancing your way, the way he’d kiss you like he was marking his territory, and the way he’d fuck you the second he got you home just to remind you that you were his.
And you were his, even though you hadn’t said the words yet, you both knew it.
“Billy -” you managed to pull back from the kiss, a hand on his chest gently pushing, creating space between you.
He looked at you, eyes seeming all the darker and filled with that want that you were coming to know all too well. Your hand stayed on his chest with just enough pressure to keep him from leaning to kiss you again. It took him a moment, but he finally got the hint. A second later, your hand was in his and he was leading you towards the table he’d been sitting at with Karen and Frank.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” you smiled at Karen, taking a seat next to Billy. “My last job was a nightmare, then I got stuck on the phone with my brother...”
“It’s okay, you didn’t miss much.” Karen told you.
“Nothing except Billy-boy moping,” Grinned Frank, earning him a kick under the table from Billy.
“Fuck off, Frankie.” Though Billy didn’t glare at Frank for long. His gaze soon moved back to you, drinking in the sight of you, taking in your outfit; a tight, long-sleeved off-the-shoulder dress with a low-cut neckline that showed just enough cleavage to make you feel sexy, and cut high enough above your knees that you knew Billy wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off your legs all night.
He stared at you, and you stared right back. You’d dressed up just for him, just so he’d look at you like that, but you had just as hard a time tearing your eyes from him. Billy had decided to wear the same dark grey suit he’d been wearing the day you’d met and a powder blue shirt and, already, you were thinking about tearing his clothes off.
“Frank, come dance with me.” Suddenly you remembered that Karen and Frank were still there while you were practically eye-fucking Billy, and obviously Karen wanted to give you both some space.
“Right, yeah, we’ll, uh, give you lovebirds some privacy.” Frank joked, getting to his feet and offering Karen his hand.
“Less talking, more fucking off, Frankie.” Billy answered back, barely tearing his eyes from you.
You held back a laugh, but only because of the way Billy was looking at you. Neither of you spoke for a few seconds, allowing Frank and Karen time to move away from you. You just held Billy’s gaze, trying to ignore the anxious pounding of your heart, hating that you couldn’t read his expression, hating that you had no idea what was going through his mind.
“So,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, “what do you think?” Nervousness slipping into your voice. Was your outfit too much? Did he hate it?
“I think every guy in the room is thinking about fucking you.”
“Not every guy,” you tried to lighten the mood, smiling at him. “Frank’s only got eyes for Karen.”
“Not funny.” Was he angry with you? Had you done something to upset him?
“Billy...” your voice so soft that it was almost lost to the noise around you.
Fuck. He was angry.
For a moment you looked down at yourself and, before you knew it, you were angry too. Before him you’d never have dared dress like this, you’d never have wanted anyone to look at you the way you wanted him to look at you. You’d spent years hiding yourself, staying in the background, never wanting to be noticed, until he made you want to be seen. He’d made you want to live your life, and now he was pissed that you were. 
You glanced towards the door, thinking about leaving, and Billy must have noticed because the next thing you knew, his fingers were wrapped around your wrist.
“Thinking about going somewhere?”
“Home, if this is how you’re going to be all night.” You sighed, not at all surprised when his hold on you tightened. “Why do you even care how anyone looks at me?”
“Because you’re mine.” He answered without hesitation.
There it was again, that declaration that you wouldn’t deny anymore, but still couldn’t quite bring yourself to openly agree with.
“Then why does it matter how anyone else looks at me?” You asked.
“Because they shouldn’t be looking at you.” 
You knew what this was, you knew him well enough to realise that this was nothing more than petty, senseless jealousy that he couldn’t quite control. But that didn’t mean you had to like it.
“Am I looking at them?” You asked, trying not to get angry, trying to talk it out with him, so you could settle whatever this was once and for all. Billy didn’t answer, so you asked again; “have you ever caught me looking at another man?” He shook his head, no. “Then why does it matter if they look at me?”
Billy remained silent for a moment, seeming like he was finally taking a second to think about why he was actually bothered instead of just acting on emotion.
“Because -” he let out an irritated huff, his usually composed facade cracking even further, “- because maybe one day you will look, and you’ll see guys who can give you all the things that I can’t, guys who won’t piss you off like I do, and you’ll realise that you’d be better off with anyone but me...”
There was an awkwardness to the confession, something angry but at the same time vulnerable, something that made you wonder just how long he’d been feeling that way - knowing Billy, probably right from the start. You sat with the thought for a moment, absentmindedly turning your hand so your fingers could wrap around his wrist and you could hold him like he was holding you.
“There is no ‘better’ than this for me. This is what I want - you’re what I want.” Your eyes found his and your heart broke at the confusion you found there, like he couldn’t quite understand what you were trying to tell him. “The only person who could make me want to leave you is you, Billy. I don’t want anyone else.”
There was a moment of silence while Billy took a breath and considered everything you’d said, then he offered the slightest of nods.You’d come to learn that this usually meant that he’d said all he wanted to on a matter and he was willing to let an issue drop.
“You look really pretty tonight - you’re beautiful, more than you realise.” He told you, quietly. Then it was your turn to fall silent and let your gaze drop. You’d wanted to look nice for him, but you weren’t sure you’d ever consider yourself beautiful. “Hey,” his hand found your chin, gently urging you to look up as if reading your mind, “I mean it.”
“Thank you, Billy,” you told him softly, leaning towards him and kissing him gently.
His fingers slipped from your wrist finally, and moved to hold your hand, pulling it onto his lap. For a moment his gaze wandered to the crowded dance floor, like he needed some time to regain his composure, and you let him, hoping that at least some of what you’d said had gotten through to him. You knew it was going to take time to convince him that you weren’t going to abandon him at the first sign of struggle, but what you had with him was more than worth awkward little moments like this one.
“I wish you’d let me pick you up tonight,” he finally sighed, turning his attention back to you.
“We never would have made it here if you had,” you smirked, leaning yourself against him, pressing into his side.
“Maybe not, but at least we’d be starting the new year with a bang,” grinning ear to ear at his terrible joke while you rolled your eyes and tried not to laugh. Then, again, he fell silent, his smile turning to something more serious before asking; “you were talking to Sam?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, “he’s pissed at me.”
“How come?”
“He thinks I should go stay with him in Connecticut for a while.”
His grip on your hand tightened a fraction.
“Why?” The word seemed to come out sharper than he’d intended but he didn’t do anything to soften it or take it back.
“The other week, I - I told him that things were rough and he suggested that I stay with him for the holidays, but then we sorted things out, and I told Sam I couldn’t go.” You let slip another sigh, resting your head on Billy’s shoulder. “He’s just worried about me.”
“He doesn’t need to worry about you, that’s my job now.” You might have laughed if it wasn’t for the possessive tone in his voice and the way his hand was holding yours.
“Even if I do go, it’ll only be for a week or two, and it’s not like Connecticut is a long way away. It’s only like three hours,” you shrugged. While you’d hoped to put Billy’s mind at ease, you quickly realised that your words had had the opposite effect when he pulled away from you.
“You’re still thinking about going?” His gaze searched your face, though you weren’t sure what he expected to see.
“He’s my brother, I have to see him sometime.” 
“He could come to New York.”
“He has a family, Billy. Kids. It’s not like I could ask them all to sleep on the sofa,” you tried to explain with an awkward sort of laugh, hoping that he’d understand, but the discomfort seemed to remain, bubbling just below the surface. “Maybe you could come with me?”
“You want your brother to meet me?”
“I mean, yeah? You’ll have to meet him eventually. I can’t just keep you hidden forever.”
Billy didn’t say anything in response, but you saw that little flicker of hope in his eyes when you dared to utter the word forever. And, with that, he fell silent again.
For a time, you were content to sit there with him, drinking champagne, and letting Billy keep you all to himself, but it wasn’t how you wanted to spend the whole party. You wanted to have fun. You wanted Billy to have some fun. So, you asked him to dance.
Billy didn’t utter a word, he just took hold of your hand and led you over to the dancefloor. You caught a look from Karen that seemed a little concerned, but you simply smiled at her and turned your full attention to Billy, your hands finding his shoulders while his arms looped around your waist. The music turned slow and you quickly fell into rhythm with each other, no space between your bodies, your eyes fixed on his.
“You’ve got no idea how much I want you right now.” He whispered in your ear.
“I think I’ve got some idea,” you smirked, pressing closer to him, feeling his semi-hard cock against your hip. But you decided to play nice, pulling back a little, giving him some space - though he decided to use that space to look at your cleavage.
“You’re not wearing a bra.”
“Less for you to have to take off me later.” 
“I can see your nipples.”
He was right, your hard nipples were pressed against the taut fabric of your dress. Normally you’d feel self-conscious, you’d pull your arms across your chest or find a jacket to cover yourself, but you loved the way he was looking at you; like you were the most perfect thing he’d ever seen.
“Must just be cold in here,” it wasn’t, if anything it was too hot but his ego was bad enough that you didn’t want him knowing it was in reaction to him. Your hand slowly moved up his neck, pulling him down so you could kiss him, and Billy eagerly obliged.
“I know what you’re doing,” he smirked when the kiss finally broke.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you played innocent, dramatically fluttering your eyelashes at him.
“I oughta punish you for this, sweetheart. Trying to get me hard in a room full of all my friends.”
“Trying? I think you’ll find I’m succeeding.” You joked, your fingers curling against his neck, letting your nails press against his skin. And, because you felt bold after a few drinks, you decided to ask; “how would you do it? How would you punish me?” 
The way he looked at you had you thinking he was about to give a live demonstration, right there, in front of everyone. There was something dangerous about him in that moment, something raw and carnal, something that had your thighs clenching awkwardly as you swayed to the music. An eternity seemed to pass with Billy barely keeping himself in control as he considered all of the things he wanted to do to you until, finally, he leaned forward to whisper in your ear.
“I’d put you over my knee and spank you until you were crying out my name, then I’d fuck that clever little mouth of yours until you learned to stop teasing me.”
“Fuck, Billy…” you practically moaned. It sounded so good to you, though you didn’t understand why. The thought of being spanked or punished had never even crossed your mind before, but the thought of Billy doing it, the idea of giving him that much control, trusting him that much, was such a turn-on.
“Am I making you wet, sweetheart?” His tongue ran along the shell of your ear and your legs trembled beneath you.
“You know you are,” you admitted. 
“How bad do you need me right now?” 
“So bad, Billy,” you pressed yourself closer again, sighing at the feel of his erection against your hip. But as much as you wanted him to take you home, you wanted this one normal night out with him. You let out a slow breath to steady yourself. “We’re going to stay a few more hours, have some drinks and celebrate the new year with your friends, then I’m going to keep you up all night, making you moan my name.”
“Or,” Billy countered with a wicked grin, “we could leave now and I could fuck you in the parking lot before taking you back to mine and spending the rest of the night inside you?”
You gave him a playful shove and took a step back.
“Go talk to your friends and have fun, I’m gonna get a drink and see Karen.” He looked ready to disagree, but you silenced him before he could start. “You’re gonna have me all night after this, Billy. I promise.”
“Fine, but if I catch anyone so much as looking at you -”
“You’ll remember it doesn’t matter who else looks because you’re the only one I want.”
He took a breath and bit back whatever comment he wanted to make and nodded. You smiled at him before turning away and heading towards Karen at the bar, every step you could feel Billy’s eyes on you and it made you feel sexy, powerful.
Karen grinned as she saw you approaching, glancing over at Billy making his way to join Frank at your table again. You’d barely reached her side before she started talking.
“Okay, what the fuck have you done to Billy?” She asked, looking at you with amused disbelief.
“What? Nothing. I -”
“Bullshit. I’ve never seen Billy Russo look so smitten. He can’t take his eyes off you and Frank says he’s had his head up his own ass since the two of you got together.”
You didn’t know what to say to any of it. Billy was - well, smitten wasn’t the word you’d use for it. Intense, maybe, possessive, definitely, but not smitten. But, then, it wasn’t like you spent that much time around his friends, and you had no idea what Billy told them about you or your relationship.
“It’s complicated. He’s complicated,” you sighed, leaning against the bar. “He’s amazing but he still kinda pisses me off sometimes.”
“That sounds like Billy,” she laughed. “Are you two alright? He seemed a little... upset earlier.”
You shook your head. “It’s fine, he’s just - I don’t know, things are getting more serious and I think he’s struggling with some of it. It’s complicated.”
“How complicated could it be?” 
“How long have you got?” You laughed. “He’s just - I don’t know, I think he’s a lot more vulnerable than he lets on, and I think being with me and being exclusive has been a big adjustment.” 
“That tracks,” Karen nodded, “aside from the-bitch-we-will-not-name, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else last more than a month with him. But it’s good - I think you’ve been good for him.”
“I’m not so sure about that; he keeps getting possessive and trying to pick fights over weird little things. But - but he’s working on it, and I -” you shrugged, not really sure what else you could tell her. “I don’t know, when it’s just the two of us, he can be so sweet and gentle.”
“Sorry,” Karen tried to force down a laugh, “are we talking about the same Billy Russo here?”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh of your own, knowing how ridiculous it probably sounded. “He is though, he’s kind of amazing when he’s not trying to act like - well, Billy.”
“Oh wow, you really like him, don’t you?”
While she said like you had a feeling she meant more than that. And the way you fell silent seemed to say more than words ever could.
“Oh my god, you’re in love with him.” Her voice louder than you would have liked, causing you to glance around the room, hoping that no one had overheard, and that Billy was still sitting with Frank on the other side of the room. Thankfully he was, and he looked like he was too busy listening to whatever Frank was saying to pay you any mind. “You haven’t told him?”
“No. Like I said, it’s complicated,” you turned towards the bar, flagging down the bartender and ordering yourself a drink. Karen fell silent, but only for the amount of time it took for you to get another glass of champagne.
“How complicated could it be? You love him and he obviously -”
“He doesn’t,” because he didn’t, did he? Billy was a lot of things, but you couldn’t imagine him loving you. “Billy doesn’t do love. Whatever he feels for me, it’s not that.”
“How do you know if you haven’t even told him how you feel?”
“He told me,” you shrugged, “right from the start, he told me that he’s not interested in love.”
“Bullshit. I’ve only known Billy a couple of years, but I’ve seen the other women he’s had around, and I’ve never seen him look at someone the way he looks at you.”
“Who’s been looking at you?” Billy’s voice sounded over your shoulder so suddenly that you damn near jumped out of your skin.
“Speak of the devil,” Karen rolled her eyes and tried her damnedest to force back a smile.
“Oh, you’ve got no idea how right you are,” Billy grinned. “I think Frank’s looking for you.”
You both knew that Frank wasn’t looking for Karen, but you were at least glad that he was trying to be subtle about getting rid of her. Karen gave you a knowing sort of look before shifting to something more sympathetic, but she didn’t say another word before walking away. 
“You lasted all of five minutes without me,” you sighed, reaching for your drink. “You’re supposed to be having fun tonight.”
“Yeah, well, talking to Frankie wasn’t exactly fun.”
“You looked pretty serious…”
“‘cause we were talking about you.”
“What about me?”
“Just about how I shouldn’t fuck things up with you and how he thinks I should think about settling down.” Billy shrugged.
“And what do you think?” You dared to ask even though you weren’t sure you wanted the answer after everything you’d just told Karen. If he couldn’t love you, he couldn’t settle down with you, and you weren’t ready to confront that fact with him yet.
“I don’t know,” he sighed, “and maybe that’s not fair on you…”
“What do you mean?” Though you already had an inkling where the conversation was going if your earlier conversation was anything to go by.
“It’s not fair on you that I can’t promise you a future, that I still don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.”
He was right, you supposed, maybe it wasn’t fair - but when had life ever been fair for either of you? You didn’t even know what sort of future you wanted, what sort of future you were capable of having. Billy wasn’t the only one who was fucked up, and you didn’t know what you were doing either.
In the silence he’d looked away from you, leaning on the bar and fixing his eyes on the row of bottles on the other side. He looked defeated, he looked like he’d already decided what your answer would be, and you couldn’t stand it.
“Billy, I don’t need you to promise me a future, I don’t need some picture perfect life planned out with you.” You reached for his hand, squeezing it tight. “All I want - all I need - is what we have now. I don’t know what I’m doing either and what we have terrifies me, but I know I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to give you up just because I might not get some fairytale ending.”
“It’s what you deserve though,” his eyes found yours and your heart ached at the way he was looking at you. “You deserve the whole fucking world.”
“What I deserve is someone who holds me tight and makes me feel safe, and that’s you, Billy. You’re the only one who’s ever made me feel safe.”
All he could do was stare at you, brow creased with a frown, trying to read between the lines and figure out all the things you still hadn’t told him.
“Who hurt you?” He asked softly, his hand moving to cup your cheek. You leaned into his touch, covering his hand with your own.
“It doesn’t matter -”
“It does. I want to kill him. Just say the word and I’ll -”
“Billy, it doesn’t matter, because I know no one will ever hurt me again while I’m with you.” You told him, squeezing the hand against your cheek, practically pleading with him to just drop it.
“But I hurt you.”
“Never in a way you can’t take back, and never in a way that scares me.” You smiled at him softly. “You piss me off sometimes - you piss me off so much - but when you hurt me, I know you’re only doing it because you’re hurting too.” You pressed a hand to his chest, right above his pounding heart.
“I don’t want to hurt you at all...”
“I know you don’t and, in time, we can figure it out. But, right now, I just want you to hold me and dance with me. Everything else can wait.”
He nodded and let you lead him back onto the dancefloor, wrapping his arms tight around you like he never wanted to let go. You rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady thrum of his heartbeat over the music, and lost track of time. Until, eventually you made your way back to the table, wanting to rest your feet while you waited for the new year’s countdown to begin.
“It’s almost midnight,” you told him, leaning in and pressing your lips to his without thinking about it. You didn’t expect Billy to tense, and you quickly pulled back. “What’s wrong?”
“Sorry,” he was quick to utter, “I just...” he took a slow breath that seemed to say more than words could. “Poor impulse control,” Billy shrugged, even though he knew how much you hated him using those words, “if I start kissing you, I’m going to want to touch you and, if I touch you -”
Your eyes were on his, so you didn’t notice his hand moving until it was on your bare thigh, just beneath your dress.
“Maybe I want you to touch me,” you muttered, turning slightly and parting your legs a little. 
Billy took a slow breath, trying to smother the fire that you’d stoked in him, but you decided that you weren’t going to let him. You wanted to kiss him, you wanted him to kiss you and to stop acting like you couldn’t handle his desires. (And, yes, you supposed the alcohol was playing a part too.) Leaning forward again, you kissed him, fingers tangling in his hair, holding him in place. It wasn’t long before he was hungrily returning the kiss, his hand slipping further up your dress.
You kept kissing him, not wanting him to stop, and when his fingers finally reached your panties, you moaned against his lips. Fingertips ghosted the wet fabric before slipping beneath and you tried to part your legs further for him, hoping that the darkness of the room and the table were hiding what you were doing from everyone else at the party.
“Is this what you want, sweetheart?” he asked against your lips, his fingers starting to strum against your clit. You took his lip between your own, sucking and nibbling, letting out another gentle moan for him.
“More,” you finally begged, “I wanna start the new year by coming on your fingers.”
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol, some desire to prove to Billy that you only wanted him, or just because you felt safe enough with him to do it, but you wanted him to keep touching you. You wanted him to know that when you were with him, you felt safe, you felt alive.
Billy swore under his breath but wasted no time in sliding two of his fingers into the wet heat of your body. The moan that left you was swallowed by the music and Billy looked like a man possessed, knowing he only had a couple of minutes left to make you come, but he seemed to like the challenge.
“Billy -” you moaned as his fingers curled. You loved that he knew just how to touch you, that he’d learned you inside and out. There was a roughness to the way his fingers moved, to the way he fucked you with them. You’d never thought about doing something like this in public before, but with Billy you wanted it, you wanted him to know that you weren’t afraid of his desires.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you look so perfect right now, so desperate to come for me.” He smiled, looking at you like he wanted so much more.
The countdown soon started and more moans spilled from you, but it was too loud for anyone but Billy to hear the noises you were making. When the countdown hit one, he pulled you into a fierce kiss and you came on his fingers, softly crying out against his lips. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, holding him tight as his fingers finally slowed and withdrew from your body.
“Happy new year, sweetheart. I can’t wait to get you home,” he all but growled in your ear and, already, you knew that it was going to be a very long night...
Chapter Sixteen
END NOTES : I don't have much to say on this one, I was just enjoying playing around with how the dynamic of their relationship has started to evolved now that they're getting serious about each other. And, yes, next chapter will follow directly on from this one (sorry, it's probably going to be smut heavy again lmao)
Also I've now hit 96 followers and, I know I say this a lot, but I'm so shocked and amazed. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting, it really does make my day!
If you want adding/removing from the tag list let me know (I know it’s not working for everyone - if it’s not working and you don’t want to miss a chapter, I post every Friday around 7:30pm gmt)
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oh-austin · 2 years
oh sweet priscilla (austin butler)
summary: in which austin uses y/n’s name instead of priscilla’s when filming and it’s brought up in an interview.
ask: Hi I love your writing could you write a Austin Butler and x reader fic where reader plays Pricilla Basically Reader has a crush on Austin but think she doesn’t have a chance until Austin accidentally says reader name in Elvis scene when he was supposed to say I love u Cilla he accidentally says readers name and the media catches the slip and asks about it in an interview.You can take it from there
authors note / warnings: no warnings! changed the request a tiny bit, but I hope you like it! sorry it has taken me so long to write anything but GM I'm super busy right now! enjoy lovelies!!
────── ∘◦❀◦∘
You fiddled with the mic that was attached to your dress. Austin chuckled, it was the third time you had tried to fix it in the last ten minutes. He could tell you were nervous, but he knew that you would be alright.
“Hey,” He whispered, “You’re gonna be fine”.
It was the first interview of the press tour for your new film Elvis. Today was duel interviews with Austin which was comforting, if you had to do one alone you wouldn’t be as calm.
Austin was technically a pro when it came to press junkets, you however, were still intimidated by the idea. You couldn’t help yourself but to fiddle with your fingers as the interviewer sat down.
“Hi guys, I’m Corey with Rotten Tomatoes, it’s a pleasure to meet you both,” The man had a softer face than other interviewers that you had worked with before, it was mildly comforting to your chest full of anxieties.
“So lovely to meet you,” Austin leant forwards to shake Corey’s hand. He was always such a gentleman, a quality that won him your affection in the first place.
You and Austin had been together for almost 9 months now. He finally asked you to go on a date just a little after production had finished. It wasn’t much of a surprise to you. You and Austin had been flirting with each other practically since the day you met. He had a habit of making any girl feel special and originally, you thought were another victim of his blue eyes and bright smile.
You never thought you had a chance, luckily, you were very very wrong.
After checking sound once more before the cameras started rolling, they were ready to start the interview. Your knee bounced as you listened to the crew talk to one another.
“S’alright, mamas” Austin’s voice barely above a whisper. He placed his hand on top of your knee, his thumb rubbing back and forth in a comforting motion. You felt yourself able to take a deep breath.
You nodded, smiling over at him before putting both your hands on top of his. You squeezed his hand before allowing him to take it back before the cameras started rolling. You weren’t going to tell the public that you were together. Austin and you had come to the conclusion that you would wait until after the film was released so the media would focus on it, rather than your relationship.
You knew that if Austin kept up with the hand holding and arms around your shoulders that it wouldn’t stay private for much longer.
The called action and you zoned out as they introduced both, Austin and yourself. You knew majority of the interviews today were going to focus on Austin, you were okay with that- he deserved the attention. To be honest, you were fine to just sit, smile and nod today.
You looked over to Austin as you listened to him speak about Elvis and his performances. Glimpses of Austin dripping with sweat as he sang on stage came in flashbacks. He was born to be in this film and soon everyone would know.
You laughed with the interviewer as he made jokes with you both. Austin really tried his best to always include you in the questions he was answering, even when it was painfully obvious that they were only meant for him.
The interview was coming to an end, a producer in the corner saying they only had a minute or so left. Soon you would have done your first interview of the press tour and what felt like hundreds more to go.
"Now, feel free to correct me if I'm totally wrong," Corey began, a smirk playing on his lips, "But I've heard a rumour that on set there was a little bit of name confusion?"
You started laughing, looking over at Austin. You knew exactly what he was talking about.
It had been a long day on set, almost ten hours of non-stop shooting. You wouldn't be human if you weren't exhausted, especially if you were working as hard as Austin.
Baz let a few line slip ups go, he knew that you both were losing stamina- but it really showed when you were filming Priscilla's first scene.
It was probably your eighth take, you were beginning to muddle some of your words as you tried to talk fast. Baz had told you to reset and take it from halfway through your monologue, letting you get a fresh start.
"And I just said, 'Mom, Dad… We talk and we listen to music, okay? That’s all'," You shrugged, "And then they were going on and on about that photo of you and Natalie wood riding around on that bike in Memphis, and-" You gasped slightly, shutting the bedroom door behind you. Hiding you and Austin away from the extras outside.
"And then what I said…" You sat down next to Austin, "And I said this really calmly, I said, 'listen, okay? He’s just really lonely. And quite frankly, so am I'. And then they didn’t really know what to say after that," You chuckled, "So I went upstairs and I went to bed,"
Austin was looking at you like you hung the stars and the moon, he was so enamoured with you. No one was ever sure if he was acting when he looked at you this way.
"Never met anyone like you, Y/N" Austin said. You looked around the room, Austin was confused as you broke character. "What?" He asked.
"You said Y/N," You whispered.
"No, I didn't," He shook his head.
"And then I was like 'Yes, you did' and Baz had to scrap the take" You explained, "It was such a good take too," Austin was sat leant back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest.
"It's not that funny," He grumbled from his spot.
"Oh, yes it was," You nodded looking over at him, "You were so convinced that you said Priscilla,"
"Because I did!" He sat up in his chair, raising his voice with a smile.
"Well.." Corey interrupted your bickering, "We've actually been given the footage from the studio,"
You gasped, your mouth agape, "No!" You smiled.
Austin sighed, leaning back in his chair with his head hung back, "God help me,"
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
My Wife Stays
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
AN: You know there is one thing that Jack doesn’t play about and that’s his baby
Synopsis: Neelam has had it out for you ever since the two of you met and Jack quickly puts a stop to it.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: one of my gorgeous anons
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Ever since Neelam became Jack's manager, you swear that she has it out for you.
And you had no idea why.
You had been nothing but nice to her because you trusted that she would make good decisions regarding your husband's career and you wanted nothing but the best for him and wanted to see him succeed.
She would say slick shit under her breath
She would sometimes comment on your appearance or imply how you weren’t contributing enough to Jack’s projects.
This left you thoroughly confused because you would literally spend hours writing with him and for him.
She would say all of these in front of anyone who wasn’t Jack.
PG knew what was going on and you made them promise not to tell Jack because you didn’t want to do anything to steer away from the path of success for him.
She would ignore you when you said something or made a suggestion 
Didn't want to include you in things regarding Jack even though you had a hand in writing the majority of his songs right along with writing songs for The Homies.
You knew that it was only a matter of time before it all came to a head.
You wanted to stay quiet for the sake of your husband's career, but you didn't know how much longer you could take. 
"Yes, stink?"
"Why doesn't Neelam like me?"
"What do you mean?"
"She just… I get weird vibes." You said without trying to give too much away. You didn’t want to send him into a panic since that’s exactly what he would do. 
"You just have to get to know each other babe. I'm sure it's nothing. Once she gets to know you, she'll see why everyone loves you the way we all do. But, no one can love you more than me though." Jack said while kissing your nose and trying to ease your thoughts.
"And don't I know it, but it's been like three months already." You replied while brushing a hand through his curls.
"You worry too much. You know that's my job."
"Well my job is making sure that my husband succeeds at his career."
"So far, so good. No complaints on my end. But don't worry about her." Jack reassured you while kissing your forehead.
Incident number one happened because you caught an attitude because there was a girl at one of his radio interviews that was a little too close to him for your liking.
Even Jack was uncomfortable and you could tell.
She would try to move closer to him and every time she did, Jack would quickly take two steps back.
He was about to be backed up into a corner at this point and you would have no choice but to step in to get her away from him. 
“She is entirely too close to him.” You said as you crossed your arms and watched the scene unfold in front of you.
“You always catch an attitude if anyone even goes near him. You don’t own him. Let him interact with his fans. Your attitude is going to be his downfall if you don’t stop.”
At this particular incident, Urban had been the only one other than you that heard her, and he knows for a fact that it made you feel some type of way. You and Jack protected each other at all costs along with the rest of PG and you knew his body language like the back of your hand and it honestly made you worried. You weren’t trying to make a big deal about it, but you just wanted to make sure that your husband was okay. 
“I don’t even have an attitude, so what are you even talking about? I can tell that my boyfriend is uncomfortable. I’ve known him long enough to know.” You replied turning to Neelam and Urban was eyeing you to make sure you didn’t swing on her. 
“Hmm, sure about that?” She said before going over and speaking to one of the interviewers. She put on a bright smile for them and quickly engaged in conversation while Urban just looked at you.
“No, Urby. You cannot tell him, okay?”
“But, Y/N she’s been saying slick shit to you ever since she met you. That isn’t cool and she knows how important you are to Jack so she needs to watch herself.”
“The last thing I ever want to do is jeopardize his career, so Urban stay quiet.”
“I’m letting you know right now. If this continues, I’m telling him.”
“It’ll be fine.”
“Your eyes are watering.”
“I’ll just go to the bathroom to wipe my face. Keep an eye on him for me, please.”
Incident number 2 happened when she dropped by the studio when all of you were there just checking up on Jack and seeing how everything was going.
Jack had run to get his phone charger that he left in the car and she took this as a perfect opportunity to put her attention on you.
“Hmm, does he ever go anywhere without you? And you are literally just taking up space and not contributing anything.”
All of PG’s jaws were on the floor not believing what she had just said to you.”
“Uhh, what? I’m here to support him as always.”
“Or you’re just here for his money.”
“Neelam, that’s enough. Don’t talk to her like that.” Urban quickly popped up seeing once again how you were about to cry.
You were always ready to fight and defend yourself, but you were also extremely sensitive and would cry in the drop of a hat.
She simply shrugged while looking at Urban before turning back to you.
“Just calling it like I see it since you have gotten a shit ton of new things since Jack made a few deals. And how in the world could you afford those personalized rings for everyone?”
“I’m not broke if that’s what you’re implying and I also don’t need for him to pay for anything for me. He chooses to do that.”
“He’ll drop you soon enough when he realizes you don’t have his best interest.”
You couldn’t even react to that last line because Jack came back with his charger in hand.
“Oh, hey Neelam.” He greeted her and he turned to you and asked for you to charge his phone for him.
“Hey, just wanted to check on you.”
You simply nodded, not trusting your voice at the moment which Jack quickly took notice of.
“Baby girl, you feeling okay?” He asked as he felt your forehead and you quickly nodded.
PG was watching the scene unfold and they were stuck between a rock and a hard place and truly didn’t know what to do.
They didn’t want to break your trust, but at the same time they probably knew that Jack was going to kill them for not telling him.
“You sure?”
Neelam eyed you and you quickly broke eye contact with her.
“I think I just need to lay down for a little while. That’s all.”
“Quiiso, 2fo, move so she can lay down on that couch and switch places with her.”
They did as they were told and you quickly laid down and began playing on your phone.
“How about after we’re done, I take you for some cookie dough ice cream?” Jack asked you while crouching down to your level and kissing your cheek.
“I’d like that.”
Jack smiled and as soon as he turned away from you a few tears slipped out which Urban noticed and was quickly annoyed with how you were being treated by Neelam.
The incident that brought it all to a head happened in the studio once more when you were all now discussing songs to put on Loose which would be Jack's first album under Generation Now with DJ Drama.
"Sylvia should be taken off." You hear Neelam say and your head whipped so fast to look in her direction.
"The answer is no. Sylvia stays." A true bop in your eyes and besides, you and Jack, and 2fo wrote it. 
"Umm excuse me but I don't remember asking you anything or talking to you. I have no idea why you're here or need to be included in this conversation."
"Oh fuck." Urban said while knowing that you weren’t going to put up with this for much longer. 
"Neelam!" You heard Jack yell, but you were about to put an end to this here and now.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?" You asked while getting up and making your way towards her with your arms crossed.
"Look, you heard me. I'm Jack's manager and I will do everything I possibly can to make sure gold digging girls like you stay far away from him."
"Neelam…" Urban said while warning her knowing you were about to pop off.
You let out a small laugh while trying to come to terms with what she just said.
"See I knew there was something about your bitch ass that I didn't like and I’m done being quiet…"
"Here she go… You can play with your life if you want too, we know better." Shloob stated while making sure he was out of your way not knowing if you were going to swing or not.
He was going to let you go since she had been trying you for months. 
"And I don't care if you don't like me. I'm here for Jack, not you."
That was it.
Now you two were in a screaming match going back and forth and it didn’t look like there was an end in sight until Jack saw your tears.
"Will you two stop?!"
"Then tell this bitch that YOUR WIFE will not be going anywhere."
There was a collective gasp since PG were the only ones who knew and Jack sighed.
"You seriously married her?!"
"Hoe, I'll slap the SHIT outta you if you keep disrespecting me. Don’t let these tears fool you or the fact that I’m little. "
Jack immediately stood in front of you now completely pissed off. 
"I'm going to say this once and I'm not repeating myself. We've been together since we were 15. She writes the majority of my songs along with songs for The Homies and she is the first lady of Private Garden and she is not going anywhere. She's not a gold digger because she never asks for anything. I give it to her because I want her to have it and I want to provide for her and have been doing that since we first met. No one knows we're married outside of the people in this room and it's going to stay that way. So either be cordial and act like an adult around my baby girl or I can find a new manager. She fucking stays and no one is going to say that she can't otherwise they'll have to go through me." 
“But Jack…”
“Did I fucking stutter? And the fact that you made her cry? No one makes my girl cry. How long has this shit been going on?”
Now everyone was silent, making him even more mad.
“Don’t all speak up at once!”
“She’s been doing this for months..” Urban quietly said while trying to avoid eye contact with Jack.
“Excuse me!? And no one thought to tell me?”
“Y/N told us not to! She’s our friend too and we didn’t want to break her trust!”
“But, my wife was up here upset and yall didn’t do anything?”
“We warned Neelam to stop, she wasn’t trying to hear it.”
“She always made sure you weren’t around when she did it.”
“Y/N…. why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to risk messing anything up for you.” You sniffled as he brought you into a hug.
“Neelam, this shit stops immediately. If she comes back and tells me otherwise, we’re done and you need to apologize to her. You were public with the disrespect so you need to be public with your apology.”
“Jack, you don’t need her. I’m trying to help your career.”
“I’m going to need for you to mind your own fucking business and not tell what what I need or what I don’t need. You’re acting like you’re in fucking middle school with this shit. She goes wherever I go and vice versa. Understood? I’m not having this conversation again.”
“Fine. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“What kind of half ass bullshit apology was that? Do it again.” Jack said while eyeing Neelam.
“I apologize, okay? It won’t happen again.”
“And you haven’t even held a conversation with her unless you’re talking negatively to her. Maybe if you actually took the time to get to know her, you wouldn’t be so quick to judge.” You were simply laid against Jack’s chest balling your eyes out as everyone else stood around awkwardly while he let Neelam have it. 
“Oh, and since she says Sylvia stays on the album. It’s staying. As for now. We’re leaving.”
“But, we aren’t done discussing this!”
“You’ve done enough today, or for these past few months. Don’t you think? My wife needs me and she comes first. Fuck everything else.”
“Nee, you know what I was thinking about the other day?” You asked her as the two of you were currently out shopping since you wanted to get a few new outfits for yourself as well as your husband.
“What’s that?”
“How there was a time when we didn’t get along.”
“And look at us now. Besties and Jack absolutely hates it when we get together because he already knows if he’s bringing you that I’m stealing you away from him.”
All you did was laugh as you both walked into a jewelry store looking for a new necklace for Jack. If you didn’t see anything you liked, you were going to get something made. 
“I’m happy we’re close now. I trust you with my life.”
“Right back at you lil bit!”
Just then your phone rang and you immediately recognized it as being Jack’s ringtone and you quickly answered.
“State your business, Jackman.”
“Well damn. I can’t check on my baby?”
“Yes, but you already know I’m with Nee and it’s like all state when I’m with her. I’m in good hands.”
“But you need to be in my hands right now. YALL BEEN GONE ALL DAY AND I MISS YOU.”
“We’re almost done, smush. I promise. Anything you want me to bring you?”
“Your pussy.”
“Well you asked!”
“We should be back soon.”
“In like ten minutes?”
“BABY! I promise I won’t be that much longer!”
Neelam then snatched the phone away from you and put it up to her ear.
“Now you know I’ll bring her back in one piece. Leave us alone to have our girl time so we can get a break from dealing with you and Urban.”
“NOW WHY AM I IN IT?!” You heard Urban scream in the background and you couldn’t help but to do anything but laugh.
“We love yall, bye now!”
“NEELAM! Hand the phone to my wife!”
“Whoops, can’t hear you, we're breaking up… I don’t know what’s happening!”
“He is going to be so pissed at you.” You said as she handed you your phone.
“Ehh, he’ll get over it. Now, we have a mani and pedi appointment to get to.”
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 11 months
Finesse (Request)
Words: 1,457
Warnings: Language, mentions of smut
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“Alright Jack, before we let you go, we have a few fan questions for you to answer.” The radio DJ pulled out his phone, scrolling to his notes. “Hit me.” “Okay, first question. Which city has the best pizza? Are you a Chicago deep dish fan, or a thin crust New York loyalist?” Jack pretended to contemplate the question before answering. “Thin crust all the way.” He looked at his watch, he hated these interviews more than any other press. “That’s surprising. Question two, early riser or night owl?” Outwardly Jack plastered a smile on his face, but internally he was screaming. These questions were terrible and a total waste of his time. “I’ve gotta say night owl, I hate waking up early.”
 “Last question. Who is your celebrity crush?” This question peaked Jack’s interest. He had been very vocal about his current celebrity crush, partially because he thought it was funny to rile up the press, and partially because he was hoping you would hear one of his interviews. “Y/N Y/L/N” he stated without hesitation. The interviewer was taken back by Jack’s sudden response. “Wow, you wasted no time answering that. I’ve heard you mention her name in other interviews, is there something happening there?” Jack laughed before answering. “I mean I don ‘t like to start rumors, but if she wanted to I would not hesitate.” The room erupted in laughter, but Jack was dead serious. “Anything you want to shout out to her over the air?” Jack stroked his beard; if he wanted to have a real chance with you he had to choose his words carefully.
“I mean, I hope you’re well and if you ever want to kick it, you know how to find me.”
“I mean its bold. I like confident guys.” You shrugged when the interviewer from Vanity Fair asked you for your response to Jack’s radio proposition. You’d been in the acting industry for most of your life, and this wasn’t the first time you had been linked to another actor, athlete, or musician, but Jack seemed kind; a lot of guys were crass and lewd with their comments about your body and how attractive they found you. “He’s a few years younger than me, and I don’t usually go for younger guys”, you threw that in to keep the press off your trail; you didn’t care about the age of the guys you dated. “We run in different circles, but I wouldn’t be opposed to getting to know him.”
Not even three weeks after your mutual interviews, Jack was set to attend the GQ Man of the Year Awards in London, where he was to be crowned one of the nights honorees. London was your second home when you weren’t working in the US, so you usually made the rounds at any major parties in the city. Jack spotted you immediately when you walked into the venue. He suddenly felt sick; he was confident until he wasn’t. Urban walked up behind him, double fisting two beers from the bar. He took a sip, gesturing with the bottle. “Look who it is.” He had been teasing Jack ever since that interview. He knew his best friend, and Jack was cocky as all get up, but you made him weak in the knees. “Shut up dude.” Urban laughed at seeing Jack so uncomfortable. “Why don’t you just go talk to her. In fact, let’s make a bet. You don’t get her number tonight, you pay for everyone’s dinner after our next game at Mockingbird.” Jack turned to Urban, “I pay for everyone’s dinner anyway!” “Then you have nothing to lose. Go!” Urban gave his friend a shove in your direction, Jack trying to regain his footing before he faceplanted right in front of his crush.
You were making conversation with the creative director of GQ, Ryan, someone you had gotten to know over the years. He was the biggest gossip and had heard about your situation with Jack. “You usually go for guys who aren’t in the industry, so this is surprising. Have you hooked up already?” You let out a sigh, the rumor mill ran wild with anything. “No, I don’t even know the guy.” You took a sip of your soda water. You had stopped drinking last year when you started getting serious about your health and fitness. “You know he’s here tonight, right?” “No way!” you retorted sarcastically, “crazy that he came to an event that is honoring him.”
Just as you were finishing your drink and waving the bartender over, your new “boyfriend” walked up to you. You turned to him, speaking before he could even introduce himself. “There you are! I’ve been looking for you all night. Where have you been, boyfriend?” Jack’s face was dumbfounded. He didn’t expect this to move so fast, and he really wasn’t sure what was going on. You looked around to make sure eyes were all on you and Jack before you pulled him in by his bow tie and planted a hard kiss on his lips. It was messy and not at all romantic, but it would have to do. When you pulled away, Jack’s eyes were still closed, lost in the feeling. You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bathroom, making sure the stalls were empty before locking the door.
You walked up to the mirror and adjusted  your dress and hair before applying another coat of lipstick. Jack was frozen, posted up against the door, unable to move or speak. “You alright there?” you caught a look at Jack’s face through the mirror making you laugh. He ran his fingers through his hair, clearing his throat before he responded. “Yeah. What the fuck was that out there?” “I’m sorry about that. I was tired of people talking about us, just needed to give them something to make them shut up.” You sauntered over to him, and Jack gulped as he took in your curvy figure, your silk dress flowing like water as you moved. “Nice to finally meet you in person, Jack. I’m Y/N.” You held out your hand, but Jack’s limbs were still immobile. You backed up to give him some room, giving him a docile smile. “You know you started this right?”
“I don’t know how to fucking shut up sometimes.” You and Jack had moved from the bathroom back to your table to continue the conversation. He was more relaxed now that he knew you were harmless, and beside the passing glances, people had settled down about the rumors. “Had I known this was going to happen I wouldn’t have said anything.” Jack sounded genuine but you knew he was lying. “Bullshit.” Your response made Jack choke on his water. “Sorry?” “I know you’re newer to the industry, but you’re not innocent. You’ve got me exactly where you want me, Mr. Harlow.” A smile crept onto Jack’s face; he threw his head back in a laugh. “If I’m being honest, I’m glad we finally got a chance to meet. I’ve always had a thing for you.” You were being sincere. Jack had your attention with his first single, “What’s Poppin”, and you had been hooked ever since. “You’re lying. I’ve seen the guys you date, they aren’t me.” You gave him a wink. “Maybe that’s the point.”
“So can I take you out sometime?” Jack leaned into you, and you let him invade your personal space, intrigued by his sudden confidence. “I would like that.” You reached for his hand, Jack taking a moment to appreciate how soft your hands were. He looked over at Urban who was a couple tables over looking like a complete stalker with his eye contact. He gave Jack a confirming thumbs up, and Jack flashed him the middle finger. “What’s that about?” Jack turned back to you, apologetic. “Ignore him, he’s a dick. He bet me I couldn’t get your number tonight.” “Really? You wanna fuck with him?”
You and Jack walked hand in hand over to Urban, giving him a big smile. You sat down next to Urban, turning to him in your chair. “Urban right?” Urban may have been making fun of Jack earlier that night, but seeing you, he was just as starstruck. “Uh, yeah.” “Listen, Jack asked me for my number, and I’m all for it, but I told him I was only interested in threesomes. Are you interested?” You would have thought Urban had seen a ghost with how pale his face turned at your offer. Urban leaned in close, his voice a whisper, “Are you serious?” You tried your hardest to contain your laugh, but looking a Jack broke you. You both broke out in laughter, Urban looking around confused.
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raraeavesmoriendi · 4 months
I just finished last night and I have some questions for people who have read mike bockoven’s fantasticland -
[for those who have not:
- take a climate change-charged hurricane that’s the worst noaa has seen in recent memory and the first to hit daytona beach since 1960
- throw it at a Not-Disney-World Florida theme park with major national nostalgia, where a bunch of the Not-Disney College Program kids and some adult staff have opted to get paid extra to stay inside the park through the storm to prevent looting
- watch as people trapped within the park for more than a month - still with plenty of food and water, mind you - lose their minds, fragment into factions, and begin going full battle royale/lord of the flies on each other
- tell the whole thing testimonial style with different witnesses interviewed each chapter, a la World War Z, with some insanely unreliable narrators to boot
if that sounds like your kind of horror novel, give it a go. it’s not perfect (especially when they call the factions ‘tribes,’ which. yikes.) but I tore through it in like, two days.]
okay, questions below, spoilers for the novel:
1. …is the pirate who comforted the little boy who was evacuating, in interview three with the kansas city dad, Brock Hockley? am I reading too much into that?
like. I don’t remember that we ever get a description of him, so I don’t know about the “weird beard/mustache thing” the dad describes, but just. the emphasis put on “I’d like to shake his hand. I might even give him a hug.” feels so purposeful. part of me wonders if that’s supposed to add some further hindsight horror to what happened in the park and then his prison interview. he says early that he found making little kids happy a fulfilling and rewarding part of his job as a character actor in the park, and we know other people found him charismatic enough to follow, not just because they were scared but bc he could have these moments of surface-level charm or rationality (the code, etc.)
idk, I just thought it felt a bit too one-off to read it as Just Some Guy. but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I could be wrong.
2. we never get any hint as to the identity of the warthog couple, right? I remember the FNG found their masks discarded outside the World Circus, they’re first mentioned in the book as hanging around/inside the circus, and the guy from the Dreamland Hotel interview talks about still getting postcards from them whenever he moves (scariest part of the whole book for me ngl), so we can assume they were walked out with the rest of the survivors. I just wasn’t sure if there was anything else to do with them that I missed.
I’m still thinking about the fact that they turned the Dreamland lobby into a torture theater. like… who was that for? just for them, or did they have an audience? probably not, right? since they weren’t affiliated with anyone? but still. also, who were they taking there, just people they could pick off???
hmm. I wonder if any casualties thought to be faction-related were actually theirs.
3. in Travis’s interview (the guy with the body camera), do we know who the girl is that they found in the crawlspace of the employee locker room? the one whispering “Mommy” over and over? there were enough survivors left that she could be someone we didn’t encounter before, but I just thought I’d check that there wasn’t some other interview where someone describes a girl running off to hide. the Anonymous shopgirl mentioned one of the girls disappeared during the cannon raid on Pirate turf with the Deadpool soldiers before they turned on each other, so I wondered if it could be her.
4. Brock in his interview mentions that Sam Garlieck’s people were terrorizing others during the power outage in the storm shelter, specifically mentioning an instance of sexual assault. does anyone else corroborate this in their interview? Adam Jakes sounds skeptical, saying his research would have turned that up by now, but the only people we really hear from about that period are Sam himself (obviously an unreliable narrator, like, duh) and Stuart Dietz, who mentioned that Sam definitely killed Maria Flynn. did anyone see any other mentions of this anywhere, or did we just move straight out of the storm shelters and never talk about them again once we get to the park? is this just Brock being an unreliable narrator himself to justify how things went down? (but then why would he need to be, when Bryce definitely died?? although he himself says that wasn’t as big a motivator as people writing about him want it to be, so maybe that’s moot)
5. not really a question just an observation: Stuart Dietz, the maintenance guy/Mole Man, is the only person to get two interviews in the entire novel. Not Sam, not Jill, not Brock. I don’t know, I just find that really interesting why he was selected to come back twice. I know part of it is to describe the botched demolition, but I’m also wondering what effect it has on the novel that the only person we hear from multiple times is an older dude from one of the pointedly non-aggressive factions.
6. in looking through posts already in the tag, I don’t quite follow some readers’ comments that there was an attempt at a “cell phones bad!!” message here. I feel like every time it’s come up, it’s been shown by Adam Jakes (author stand-in) to be minimizing what really happened and looking for an easy scapegoat. I don’t think that was part of the intended story at all, I think it’s just been stated over and over as people using an excuse to not think themselves capable of similar violence. just wanted to put that out there.
anyway. one of my favorite things about novels with multi-witness perspectives is finding threads that leave off in one person’s story and pick up in another, so I’m going through my digital copy and highlighting all the places two different interviews tie together (Austin’s fate, the guy who botched branding Adrienne as part of his Pirate initiation, etc.)
if anyone else has noticed anything interesting, I’m all ears 👀
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i23kazu · 1 year
♡ you're my spark
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char. : music major!xiao x gn!reader genre : romantic fluff / modern + college au! a/n : reblog with tag and comments please !! mwa hope you guys enjoy
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xiao as a music major is genuinely something i can see him doing
i mean… channelling the trauma into music
with all his seasons, he’s never felt so creatively dry until now :,)
crumpled paper after crumpled paper with half scribbled lyrics and notes are strewn all over his desk, some thrown in annoyance
what was he supposed to write? losing his siblings? heartbreak? missing his dad? being bitchless?
but anyways yeah. his mind was on creative strike and the producer part of him wasn’t producing
not to sound cliche, but everything changed 😔
you were initially there to interview him about his campus life for the school’s social media page
“hi xiao! thanks for agreeing to this interview. we could start off with a few questions first, maybe? [ xiao nods. ] what’s your next song about?”
aaaaaand it was the one question he couldn’t answer. what was he to say? that he wasn’t working on anything right now?
“it’s actually been a bit of a rough time, creatively. inspiration is lacking nowadays.” he blushed.
you knew how it felt, especially as another creative.
"well, what do you usually write about, then?"
the funniest thing about this post is that i'm the one who's creatively dry...
imagine giving him your favourite topic to write about then him turning it into a song. but if you're a boring person then i'm sorry bc xiao isn't going to write about tax refunds or something idk
you literally gave him the inspiration. he also literally called you inspiration fuel as your contact in his phone
“hey, inspiration fuel. what’s next”
okay thats kinda funny
anyways yeah. you give him inspiration and in return you get to stare at his hella beautiful face while he writes something down
this will probably have a part two when the two of you get together LMAO
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a/n: am i just projecting onto xiao because my mind is on creative strike? idk. maybe. anyways if you liked it please give me a reblog w tags and comments bc they make me very happy :D also pls consider giving me a follow mwah
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XCOM AU, like 11/12 years prior to Felps getting defrosted. Read on for unethical military and prison systems! More unethical than usual! And massively unreliable narrator because jfc it's funny with the context this is actually Felps trying to sell Cellbit out, not help him. Still, it is genuinely the start of their friendship. Ish. It's where Cell decides to cling to Felps, anyway. Vice versa takes longer.
Cell has no idea how long it has been since the door to his cell last opened. After those fucking assholes abandoned him to die, the guards had found him. They threw him into the prison hospital, then into solitary, and he has not seen another person since. Food and water get shoved through a hatch in the door, but that is it.
He talks to his guards, sometimes - talks to, screams at, threatens… It is all the same really. They don’t respond, beyond an occasional yell for him to shut up.
They are not always there, either, but that’s to be expected - Cell has been thrown into the deep depths of the prison, and left to rot.
The first few months he threatened and snarled and plotted, but now… Something in him has broken, now, some part which once promised to fight and keep on fighting has torn away. He survives, because he is human, but it’s hard - so hard to plot an escape, when all he can think of is burning hunger.
It is a surprise, then, when one day his cell door opens.
And in steps a man Cell is absolutely certain should be dead.
But, then again, he probably thought the same of him.
“Oh hello,” Cell greets his old ‘friend’. His lips are genuinely dry when he licks them. “I wasn’t expecting to see you again. Come back for another round, did we?”
Slipping into the threats is so easy, though he has to wonder… Felps was rid of him, and the blackmail counts for very little now. So why, oh why, did the man come back?
“I have a proposition,” the guard says. “A way out for you, maybe.”
“Oh?” now that does spark Cell’s interest, though not as much as he expected. Whatever spark is still there… Cell has to put effort into fanning it, to remember who he is and how he acts.
More than truly interested in escape, Cell is /bored/, and bored is a dangerous thing to be.
The bite scars in his own arms are evidence enough of that.
“Right,” Felps seems… A little too cheerful about this idea for it to have merit, but maybe Cell can work with something. “What do you know about aliens?”
Okay, that? That was not what Cell expected. He has to give Felps some credit for a genuinely funny idea, and knocking him so far out of line. It’s a curveball, one which Cell fails to catch and leaves him struggling to make it back in time to catch the next.
“What?” he asks, leaning into the joke. “Are you going to get your little green friends to abduct me and do experiments? Don’t be ridiculous.”
Two can play at this game, and Cell does not have anything but his claws to kill him with. And he’d really rather not be stuck with the blood on his hands, when all he has to clean himself is an extremely unreliable sink.
“I’m being serious. Actual genuine flying saucers have been dropping aliens and these weird devices in major cities all over. Abducting people - but not just that, they’ve been bombing places, too.”
“Felps,” Cell plays with the name on his tongue, watching the flinch as he does. “Felps, Felps, Felps - what have we learnt about lying to me?”
Felps does not reply, instead he tosses Cell a newspaper. It’s in English, but Cell can read it just fine. The front headline reads ‘ALIENS OVER NEW YORK’, with screenshots from security cameras showing… About what Felps described - small pink aliens, big eyes and all, chasing people down, and others trapped in some sort of gooey green netting. In the article itself are a whole host of other cities attacked, statements from the US Minister for Defence, smaller ones listing other countries who have suffered the same problem…
Page two is interviews with various conspiracy theorists, including some appropriately named Ohian fool.
Page three has two thirds taken up by a photograph of some mostly naked celebrity Cell has never heard of before.
He goes back to page one.
Reading over the article a few times, it looks too elaborate for an idiot such as Felps to have put together. Still, faking a functional newspaper is something he has seen plenty of people attempt. Either it is real or Felps has people with him, and Cell is not sure which option is more terrifying.
But how would he check…?
Felps probably has a phone. Cell isn’t sure if he can steal it - and if he does, he’s keeping it - but… He can try, right?
And, hey, Felps is being /cooperative/, so might as well ask first.
“Too easy to fake. Give me your phone - let me check the news sites.”
There’s a long pause. Cell did not really expect to be given it, but it is good to set the framework for an interaction down properly. Especially with something like this, where Felps is bringing up aliens and all sorts of crap.
He is getting ready for a fight, or Felps leaving, or something.
He is not ready for Felps taking a deep breath, walking to the middle of the room, putting a phone down, and stepping back away.
Cell… looks at it.
Cautiously, he approaches. Why… Why would Felps…?
It has to be trap, right?
It isn’t.
Cell picks up the phone and nothing explodes, and he opens it to find it working.
What a stupid, stupid display of trust.
And yet, Cell navigates to the internet browser anyway. He types in the name of one of the major news sites, and waits for it to load.
There, as headline news, it talks about alien abductions just the other side of the Argentinian border.
He tries another. It takes another minute or so and, this time, something about aliens attacking Berlin.
Foreign sites, other places - even conspiracy boards get checked. All agree, all match.
Cell does not know what to think. He… He doesn’t know what to do. This isn’t like the war, just a bloodbath of everyone against everyone where he fought tooth and claw for survival. This isn’t the streets, or the apartment he stole, and it’s barely even about the prison any more.
Suddenly, his very dark, very quiet, lonely cell seems so much better than anything outside it.
Something like fear settles in Cell’s dead heart. Carefully he places the phone back on the floor, and retreats back to sit on his bed.
Felps does not get up to take it again. He does not even look at it
“Oh,” he whispers, when he can find his voice again. And then, a little louder, “but, what the fuck does that have to do with me?”
“The government’s putting together a special task force - military unit, basically, but with its own science team and funding and shit,” Felps seems a bit distant as he talks. “They’re looking for people to do the actual fighting. I… Might have put your name forward?”
Cell knows how to fight.
Aliens, people, what is the difference?
But… Why would Felps give him an out so easy to escape from? Because he could. He knows battles, knows bloodshed like the claws in his hands. Get into a fight and it becomes so, so easy to slip out in the chaos.
His mind feels distant, but he still asks, "why would you even ask that for me? Aren't I too dangerous? I did nearly kill you, you know - and I ate those other men."
Felps makes the mistake of making eye contact. It makes it so much easier to see a conflction.
"Because I think you’d be a good match for it - you clearly have the skills, why not let you use them?" Felps tries to be nonchalant about it, but Cell can see the something more in his eyes. “Knife, alien, death. So long as you get some samples back to the lab, they probably wouldn’t even mind you snacking.”
That something is fear, or so Cell names it. Felps might be sat on the floor of his cell and doing everything to look calm, but Cell can see the touching and the twitching and the tapping. It only gets worse as the silence drags, and slowly, slowly Cell begins to laugh. The fear is… He likes the fear.
Or, at the very least, it is familiar.
"You're scared of me. You claim the high ground, but you're scared of me."
It’s not literal, though, the bed is definitely higher than the floor.
"Yes. But that doesn't mean you can't do good in this world, it just means I'm afraid."
Cell looks and assesses, and holds Felps in eye contact. No matter what he does, no matter where he looks, Cell… He can find hidden truths, more complicated aspects to the statement, but he… Felps actually believes that tripe?
Felps actually, genuinely believes that Cell has the capacity to do good, when all he has ever done is soaked people in blood.
Oh, the poor fool, thinking he can be better. Giving him a way out.
It is… Hilarious, honestly; Cellbit cackles, and it becomes a laugh, echoing and deadly in the silence of his cell.
“Me? Do good?” The laugh only grows more as Cell asks that and, perhaps he’ll keep Felps around, because this is a very very good joke.
… Cell sort of wishes it were true, but it is a very, very good joke.
“Why not?” Felps asks him, as though it is the simplest thing in the world to just /do good/. “Why can’t you do good, if given the chance to?”
Oh so so many reasons, not in the least that Cell has no fucking clue what he would do with it. His memories begin on that battlefield, desperately hungry and resorting to eating a corpse only to find it healing the gaping wounds all over him. Every second since has been paid for in blood and a pound of someone else’s flesh. Felps doesn’t understand that, and Cell is not sure he ever could.
"I'm a murderer, a serial killer, a cannibal - what makes you even think I'd even want to help?"
There’s hysteria in his tone. How dare he, how dare Felps - a man he as good as killed - believe he can do good? He’s seen the worst of him, how dare he say these things?!
He has no knife to clutch to, no sense to be found, but his fingers find the bedsheets and they try.
"You could say no,” Felps offers. “But then you’d still be here, and sooner or later someone is going to fashion a shiv, break into this cell, and kill you in your sleep - you’re not liked, you know?"
And Cell knows - he knows that. He wants out and at this point death is a perfectly good option.
But Felps…
How can Felps just offer him an alternative escape? He doesn’t… All this talk of doing good means nothing, when Cell has already proven that he /cannot/ be better, that he’s just a bloody corpsemaker through and through.
“Isn’t that what you want?” Cell asks, knowing he sounds as desperately confused as he feels. “Me dead? Seems like it’s a very complicated way to go about it, with this alien bullshit; as soon as I’m taken past this door I could kill everyone in the unit and flee."
“Or maybe you wouldn’t. Maybe you want to change.”
Felps does not skip a beat in answering and Cell…
How the fuck can Felps sit there and say he believes in him? How can he do that, how can he do that to him?
How can Felps offer him a change to be better, when Cell is already damned and runed and condemned to the bloodiest of hells?
Cell feels something inside him break, and a whine take over his tone.
"You believe in change for people like me?"
“Why not?”
And Felps says it like it is obvious, but Cell begs and begs him to understand - it is not obvious, not at all, or rather every reason why this is a stupid idea is! Because, because… “because I’m evil” Cell answers, knowing it true with his entire fucked up soul.
“Now, sure,” Felps shrugs as he says it. “But you don’t have to be.”
And Cell… Cell has no idea how to argue with that. All he can do is sit, and stare, and he can’t - his brain will not even begin to process the ridiculous nature of this situation.
It sits, uneasy, until Felps stands.
He picks the phone back up, and replaces it with a flask, and leaves.
… The door locks, and Cell realises… All he had to do was open it, until then - it was never locked when Felps came in.
He hesitates, and cautiously approaches the flask.
It contains nothing but fresh, black coffee.
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nol0nqerhuman · 11 months
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summary: One fateful day a student from JYP University goes missing. Lee Minho is a dance major, on October 31, 2023 he goes missing. Luckily for him a journalism student cares enough to look for him with the victim’s friends.
ㅤㅤ˖ ࣭ ࣪ ✦ ࣭ ֗ ♆ ࣩ ࣪ ⋆ ࣭ ࣪ ✷ ࣭ ࣪ ࣺ
Lee Minho was a very eccentric man, since he could talk he always confused people with double meanings, even his friends and family couldn’t understand him. He had never thought that would even be in this position now, phasing through walls and being completely unnoticeable to everyone. Maybe it was a blessing from God, maybe it was a curse but whatever it was, it surely wasn’t normal. He never thought to hard about the afterlife, but it wasn’t this. For all he knew, he was the only person, or unliving, like this. The first few days after his ‘death’, he was shocked at what he become, after the first few weeks, he began experimenting with things he could do and soon had a list, visibility control, object interaction, electrical manipulation and floating, after his one month death anniversary he got used to is new ‘life’.
ㅤㅤ˖ ࣭ ࣪ ✦ ࣭ ֗ ♆ ࣩ ࣪ ⋆ ࣭ ࣪ ✷ ࣭ ࣪ ࣺ
After a month with no news on Minho, except for a guy he claimed to see him appear and disappeared right in front of him, Chan and his friends weren’t exactly elated to wake up everyday. It got so bad too the point where Hyunjin gathered everyone to his dorm. “We can’t keep on waiting for them” Hyunjin said to break the silence, “Waiting for what” Changbin questioned. “For them to find Minho obviously, we have to do something, it’s like everyone forgot about him,” “Isn’t that a bad idea though, won’t we get in trouble by the police” Chan said. “Only if they find out” “ Yeah but how will we find him?” “Super awesome detective skills, duh” Han said rolling his eyes dramatically. “Okay so everyone agrees” Felix said. Everyone nodded, “Omg guys i’m literally a genius, you know that girl that interviewed Chan for the newspaper” Felix said, “Yeah”, “ Ok so basically she’s in the same year as me and apparently she’s super smart, and not just in her classes or whatever she’s like nerd smart, but anyways what if we ask her to help us find him?” “To be honest, he has a point but it matters on if she’ll agree in the first place.” Chan agreed. “Ok so where would she be now?”….
ㅤㅤ˖ ࣭ ࣪ ✦ ࣭ ֗ ♆ ࣩ ࣪ ⋆ ࣭ ࣪ ✷ ࣭ ࣪ ࣺ
Y/N was in Lia’s room listening to her rant while she inputted her two cents every once and a while, when the story got more interesting she would talk much more and be expressive but right now it was about her teacher who wasn’t even that bad she was just getting distracted because of Yeji and the drama she knew. “And then, he calls on me, knowing I was not paying attention at all and made me do a improv scene with him for a minute, completely unprepared!” “That sound devastating”, you say with a poker face, “Don’t make fun of me you nerd” “ I’m not a nerd!” “Yuh-uh” “Nuh-uh” “Yuh-uh” “Nuh-uh, Oh wait I have my reporting’s class in ten minutes, bye” “Byeee!”.
ㅤㅤ˖ ࣭ ࣪ ✦ ࣭ ֗ ♆ ࣩ ࣪ ⋆ ࣭ ࣪ ✷ ࣭ ࣪ ࣺ
Felix had thought that the gods themselves had blessed him when he saw Y/N walking to her class, jogging to catch up to her he stopped a few feet away and called out “Hey, are you Y/N?” “Yeah, what do you need” she answered casually but was freaking out because why is a random guy asking about her and for what. “You’re the one that did the page about Minho a month ago right?” “Yes I did, why” “ Okay basically, me and my friends want to find him because the police haven’t found anything and you’re really smart so we want your help to find him”. Wow, whatever she thought he needed, it definitely wasn’t something as obscure as that, “Maybe, I’ll think about” “Really! Wait let’s exchange numbers and you can text me your decision.” After exchanging numbers they both went to their respective ways. The question had been on her mind all day, she couldn’t focus on her classes. I don’t even know him why should I help, but that’s so mean and if I don’t help he won’t be found and the guilt would eat me alive, but what if they were lying and they are the ones that kidnapped him and they’re trying to take me too. No that’s stupid, they’re best friends, omg if I help I could write about it in the editorial and the case will get more recognition because it seems like everyone forgot about it even the police. Pulling out her phone, he hovered over the keypad before finalizing her decision and saying yes.
I’ll help you find him
seen 5:05
omg tysm i’ll go tell my friends, let me add you to the gc for this
You have been added to undercover detectives 🕵️‍♂️ 🧐🔍
seen by felix and channie 5:05
ㅤㅤ˖ ࣭ ࣪ ✦ ࣭ ֗ ♆ ࣩ ࣪ ⋆ ࣭ ࣪ ✷ ࣭ ࣪ ࣺ
this kinda rushed but yay now yn is a part of the detective squad
©️nol0nqerhuman 2023
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So I had originally planned on doing a Danny Phantom retrospective, mostly because I’ve been watching a lot of video essays on YouTube about old media and internet personalities, and Danny Phantom was always one of those shows that I had a complex relationship with. But during my research, a simple question kept popping into my head over and over again. 
What does Butch Hartman actually do? 
He constantly keeps claiming that he created Danny Phantom, and a lot of people do consider Danny Phantom to be Hartman’s best show, but how involved was he? 
I’m not saying Hartman just slapped his name onto a product and took all the credit for himself, as he is credited for writing, storyboarding and directing various episodes. But from all the interviews and clips I’ve seen of him, he doesn’t seem to know that much about the show’s lore or why people like the show to begin with.
For example, the show clearly establishes that there are ghosts who used to be human at one point, but Hartman has always insisted that every ghost you see in the series is a supernatural creature from an alternate dimension. And that his explanation for why some ghosts are more human looking than others is because they wanna be human? Um…..okay. 
Feels odd that Hartman had a problem with the ghosts being spirits of deceased humans but he originally wanted Vlad to be a vampire. 
It’s also pretty interesting how Hartman never wrote any season two episodes, as that season is when the show started to heavily incorporate elements of serialized storytelling into its main narrative. Something that was previously absent from Hartman’s other show, The Fairly Oddparents. 
And yes, I am still annoyed that we never got a legit payoff to the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire, they were clearly set up as these major plot points that were gonna be important later on, but were completely dropped entirely after Reign Storm. 
Guess now is the perfect time to talk about Steve Marmel and the controversy surrounding him. Long story short, Marmel was a writer who helped develop the series. A lot of the best episodes were written by him and once he left the quality went down the shitter. 
Many people have speculated that he was fired by Hartman/Nickelodeon for wanting the show to go into a more darker direction, while others claim he left due to creative differences. 
None of these rumors have been confirmed by Hartman, Nickelodeon or Marmel. And as such, should be taken with a huge grain of salt. 
Regardless of what you believe, you can’t deny that Marmel wasn’t influential during his time on the show. He really helped flesh out a lot of the characters and lore. 
Say what you will about the Green Bay Packers jokes in Bitter Reunions, but I kinda loved that aspect of Vlad’s character. It was a nice little touch that helped him stand out from your typical Saturday morning cartoon villain. 
And if I’m being perfectly honest, I don’t think Hartman could pull something like The Ultimate Enemy or Reign Storm off on his own, as he’s not that good of a writer. 
Which brings me to season three, now I don’t usually like parroting out the default opinion but, season three of Danny Phantom is just…..really bad. 
I’m not going to go into that much detail about season three, mostly because it’s a topic that’s been covered to death and I really don’t have anything new to bring to the table. But I will say that, if season three does anything well it’s that it showcases just how terrible of a writer Hartman actually is. 
Take for example the episode Urban Jungle, Sam’s eco friendliness is taken up to eleven, to the point where she starts feeling less like a character and more of a caricature. All she does in this episode is complain about how terrible humanity is, get captured and brainwashed by the villain of the week before getting rescued by Danny in the end. 
Oh, and Danny gets ice powers because…..reasons. 
I genuinely do feel bad for all the Danny Phantom fans who want to see a legit continuation or reboot, I came across a ton of amazing fan art and AU stories/webcomics that are a billion times more entertaining than the shit we got in season three. 
But alas, Nickelodeon has made it clear that they aren’t interested in a Danny Phantom revival/reboot, as they seem to only want comedy shows. Plus even if there was some sort of continuation, I doubt fans would support it if Hartman was heavily involved. Considering that he’s spent the last couple of years destroying any good will he had left with animation fans. 
Still, while the show may never get a proper continuation or revival, it will continue to live on in fan media form.
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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The Snaktooth Island Disappearances: Chapter 1
Warnings: Major character death, horror, non-explicit death, references to s^lf harm
AO3 Alternative
“The following documents are classified.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] writing for [\£?%], reporting on the recent tragedy and semi-mass disappearance of several grumpuses. An expedition was hosted years ago to Snaktooth Island, a small land off of the coast of North Mayflowers, which seems to have been part of a small archipelago. A team of twelve grumpuses lead by Elizabert Megafig left in June of 1967, and journalist “Scarla Echoyear” from GNN was sent in August of 1968 to interview Megafig and learn more about the island and the expedition team. The journalist was scheduled to return from the island 13 months after they had left; it is now December of 1970 and nobody has heard word from Echoyear nor of the expedition team. Workers were sent to Snaktooth Island to perform a welfare check on Echoyear and return them to the mainland, only to find that not only have they disappeared, but every member of the expedition team has. Detectives and investigators are currently taking routine trips to the island to investigate the mysterious disappearances of all thirteen grumpuses.
Those who disappeared include Scarla Echoyear, Elizabert Megafig herself, her wife Eggabell Batternugget, Filbo Fiddlepie, Shellsy Woolbag, Cromdo Face, Beffica Winklesnoot, married couple Wambus Troubleham and Triffany Lottablog, Gramble Gigglefunny, popstar Wiggle Wigglebottom, Chandlo Funkbun, Snorpington Fizzlebean, and Floofalie Fizzlebean. We are sure that their last whereabouts were on Snaktooth Island, as no boats of any kind have docked here carrying any of the team, and everyone attending the expedition is recorded as having left the mainland three years ago.
Investigators are struggling to find evidence, however, they have found what seems to be a diary of some kind. It is signed as being written by Beffica Winklesnoot, and the handwriting matches her records. The diary has been analyzed by investigators and a selected timeframe of passages has now been passed to me for documentation. All of the following is directly transcribed from the diary unless marked otherwise.”
September 25th 1970
I usually don’t write in my diary this late, or this early I guess, but something grumping strange just happened. I heard someone walking around outside my hut, and when I went to see it, it was just Gramble sleepwalking :o/ I thought it’d be more fun to wake him up than let him walk around doing nothing, but he screamed in my face the second he was up cuz I scared him so hard. I was bugging him while he went back to the barn, and then we saw it; I don’t even know how to describe it!! There was a THING there, it looked like a grumpus, but it wasn’t! It was MADE of bugsnax, more than anyone who was snakified or anything. When we saw it, we both just froze, until it fell apart and ran away- then I shrieked. Woke the whole town up. When we explained it, they didn’t rlly believe me, but they did believe him. Double standards :o(
Scarla couldn’t even figure out what it was after they looked around. Whatever it was, I didn’t like it; I’m not scared of the dark, but I feel uneasy just looking out my window now. Dunno if I can go back to bed after that, not even sure I feel okay turning off my lantern!!
“We are unsure if this entry is linked to future highlighted ones, however we’ve documented it just for security.”
October 15th 1970
Floofty came back to Snaxburg last night, can’t say I’m upset ;o) just means another snarky grump is back for me to mess with. So long as they don’t cut me open in my sleep for it
Scarla’s been a REALLY good bestie~ they’re helping me snakify my arms all green today, we’re gonna get Chandlo’s secrets outta Snorpy soon! Whatever his baggage is, it has to be REALLY juicy for it to be hidden so well
I'm hoping Scarla gets back with those snax soon. i dunno why, but i think i've been feeling more tired than normal- i'm ALWAYS sleepy at sunset, whenever it’s dark, but i feel like i'm getting more tired earlier. Is it getting darker earlier? I can't tell, but it’s getting colder anyway, so I might just be feeling like hibernating lol~
October 16th 1970
Trying to get Chandlo’s secrets out of Snorpy TOTALLY failed :o( never been more disappointed than this!! I thought I’d get some good JUICY dirt and I got nothing!
Buuuut, even if I failed with Chandlo, I heard Floofty and Triffany talking about something in the research tent. Not sure what, but I heard the words “dark” and “winter” a lot, so i guess they’re talking about all that. then they saw me, oops ;o3
Eggabell came back today. I’m surprised, I didn’t think she’d come back, and even then without Lizbert. I gotta wonder how she’s doing.
October 17th 1970
Okay, something is REALLY up now.
Most of Snaxburg has the same schedule, we wake up when the sun rises, go to bed once it goes down. I think I just naturally don’t get up unless the sun is blazing in my face nowadays, so imagine my surprise when I woke up and it was almost noon! and the sun was barely up!
I asked everyone at the center of town about it and they had done it too. Floofty said it’s because it’s becoming winter, it’s gonna be darker earlier and brighter less, but by this much? I don’t buy it. Gramble’s trying to train a bugsnak like a rooster so that we wake up at the right time, but waking up when it’s dark doesn’t sound like something I wanna do. It’s cold anyway~ so if that means waking up right before noon, so be it
Chandlo and Snorpy are walking around town putting up lantern posts. Not lit yet, and I'm hoping they’re pretty dim, I don’t need a lantern right outside my door all night long.
The sun set today at, like, six pm. Hell if I know what’s going on, but if it’s just winter, I can see myself doing a lot of sleeping.
October 18th 1970
The same thing happened today, the sun didn’t rise until noon. Dunno what’s happening around here :o/ Snaktooth Island is a pretty weird place, but I’ve been here three years, and I NEVER saw this before. Not last winter, at least. Filbo helped Snorpy and Chandlo put oil in all of the lanterns, so we don’t have to stay inside when it’s dark anymore. It’s better than only having a five hour day.
I noticed something today. I looked into the distance, at the rest of the island, and it’s all dark too. Usually I can see the volcano glowing and burning, but I can’t see anything out there when the sun isn't up. And when the sun is down, it’s weird that there aren’t any stars.
Safe to say it’s pretty obvious that nobody in town knows what’s going on. Gramble brought all of his snax into the barn and I barely see him come out when it’s dark, and Snorpy seems hellbent on not leaving the mill at all if the sun isn’t up.
Filbo’s still getting up at the usual time to start the fire, and I realized that he didn’t stop it at all, even when the sun was up. I bet he’s scared of the dark~
“The following passages are written in noticeably messier cursive.”
October 19th 1970
The sun didn’t come up today.
I woke up to Scarla shaking me awake, and I wondered why they were waking me up when it was still dark, but then they showed me their watch- it was the middle of the afternoon.
Everyone in town gathered for a meeting around the fire, which was HUGE. I think Filbo and Chandlo stocked it up higher today, because that thing burned brighter than any of the lanterns.
When we realized what was going on, everyone turned to Triffany, Floofty, and Snorpy. If anyone was going to know what was going on, it was them, wasn’t it? They’re supposed to be the smart ones.
We all ignored Snorpy when he went on a fit about the Grumpinati, figuring the other two would have a better idea, but they DIDN’T. I’ve never seen Floofty more defeated than when they didn’t have an explanation.
I don’t grumping like it at all. The fire was warm, but when I walked away from it to go back home, it was cold. REALLY cold, like freezer cold. It went away when I got back to the lanterns, but I feel like it comes back whenever I look into the darkness too.
I’m not scared of the dark, I never have been. But something’s wrong today.
October 20th 1970
Still no sun. I woke up and saw the fire blazing outside, and I was surprised when I wanted to join everyone and sit around it. Filbo, Wambus, Eggabell, and Chandlo were all around the fire, and when I was awake enough, I joined them.
They were talking about how to give everyone enough light in their huts over the days. The lanterns are hung up all around town, and a few are hanging in the tent, but most of us don’t rlly have more than candles in our huts. I’ve got fairy lights, and the end of my pen glows~
But I’m pretty sure my fairy lights are giving out. Without electricity here, they’re powered by other light hitting them, and there isn’t much of that anymore. And it’s not like the dinky little glow of my pen is gonna do anything.
It had to have been noon when Filbo called everyone to the fire to ask who needed new lanterns or candles. I took a lantern, don’t need an open flame in my hut, but I heard some of the others talking while they were given out. Gramble said something about how the barn was giving him chills now, like it was too big for him, and the darkest corners were huge. Eggabell agreed with him, she said the darkness felt cold, and she couldn’t bear to look at the corners of her and Lizbert’s hut. I didn’t think anyone else felt it.
Floofty and Triffany were talking too. I think they’re trying to figure out what’s causing this, stuff about winter, and prolonged eclipses, or something to do with the bugsnax. But I think whatever’s happening is bigger than the bugsnax, it has to be, doesn’t it? The bugsnax can’t make an entire island black out like this.
Everyone agreed at the end that, even if the dark is scary, it isn’t dangerous. I might not like it, but it’s not like the darkness itself can kill me. Filbo asked if Shelda wanted to stay inside someone’s hut instead of out in her gazebo in case she felt unsafe, but she didn’t want to. Everyone is just staying in their own huts, alone or with their housemate.
October 21st 1970
Another day of darkness. Everyone gathered around the fire today instead of staying in their huts, and it seemed like today was the day Filbo decided to try to keep our spirits high. He kept talking about how he’s sure the sun will come back up again, and we just gotta wait, but I think he knew half of us didn’t buy it. I don’t know what to believe, tbh.
Triffany said that she’s going to start trying to do some research, cuz Floofty gave her some new books for her study. I don’t even know what she COULD research about this, but I'm not rlly a science grump, so I guess I wouldn’t know anything at all.
Gramble said that the bugsnax have been restless today, ever since last night, he said the ones outside have been banging on the door. Didn’t find it amusing when I offered to eat them ;o)
We realized today that we weren’t sure how we’d get bugsnax now if Gramble didn’t give any up. We thought Scarla could go out of town and catch bugsnax nearby, but Filbo didn’t want them to do that, and neither did Eggabell. What else are we gonna do, though? I’m not gonna go out in the dark to steal from Gramble, there’s no lights over the pen. I don’t want them to go out either, but if Scarla doesn’t bring us snax, who will?
I don’t know what decision they came to. Today was a lot of nothing, just half-assed decision making.
October 22nd 1970
We gathered around the fire again today. I think most of us think it’s better than being alone in dark huts, except Snorpy and Gramble, but they’ve always been exceptions.
Apparently Scarla decided to go out and get snax today. No matter what direction I look, I can’t see their lantern anywhere in the distance. I asked everyone why they thought we couldn’t see them, and everyone had a different answer. Triffany and Floofty said the darkness is also part fog, Filbo said they’re up in the mountains, and Wiggle said we’d never be able to see their light from so far away. I guess I believe the scientists the most~
It was an excruciatingly BORING day today. I spent a lot of it listening to everyone else talk on and on about whatever, I almost fell asleep by the fire a couple times, and I probably would’ve if Cromdo’s voice didn’t make me jump every time. I don’t think any of us even know what the time is anytime anymore, we just go to the fire when we wake up, and leave when we’re tired.
“The following page had a page ripped out before it. Searching the writer’s hut, we found several torn pages crumpled under the bed, including the one that fit.”
i had a nightmare that felt too real it was like the sky was falling and the fog was rolling over the stars
i was alone, so alone not even in my hut but on cold stone it felt like scorched gorge but it was so cold i was scared i was so scared
there was nothing but a candle there with me and it felt like nothing the darkness consumed everything that wasn’t the flame it was all i saw and when i looked away something called to me and told me to come to it
it wanted me to leave the light and be part of the darkness
i don’t want to be cold
October 23rd 1970
I was the first one at the fire after Filbo lit it today. He looked surprised when I was the first one to come up behind him, and I actually think I scared him. When it was just the two of us, I felt… Awkward. Maybe it was because it was Filbo, and he expected me to insult him, but I couldn’t today. I didn’t try to talk to him at all, and he didn’t try to either. When Wambus and Triffany got there, he was all over the conversation. When everyone arrived, we all had a question.
Scarla wasn’t back today. It had to have been about 24 hours since they left, and they weren’t back. Filbo was sure they were getting as many snax as possible, so that they could get food for everyone, but can’t they only carry so many? Everyone figured they’d get back soon, if they can get set on fire and not care about it, they can survive this.
Gramble came to the fire today looking more traumatized than usual. None of us got an answer out of him around the fire, but I could tell Wiggle was going to get it out of him given how much he trusts her. They walked off to talk to each other by the barn, and I was just lucky enough to be the one closest to them.
His snax turned to mush. All of them. Every snak, in every enclosure, turned to mush and disappeared.
Does that mean every snak on the island is gone now? Is Scarla out for nothing?
I didn’t tell the others, but it’s been worrying me since I heard it. I don’t want to eat sauce until this is over.
October 24th 1970
Scarla still didn’t come back today.
Wambus is giving out rations of sauce, but it’s hard to make sure everyone gets their preference when most of us like sweet stuff. Though, it was pretty entertaining to watch Triffany drink straight hot sauce without a change of face.
I feel like the lanterns and the fire are starting to give off less light or something. It used to envelop the entire heart of town, but now, it barely escapes all of the seats, and the lanterns don’t really make a path anymore. It’s a lot scarier to go from my hut and back now, I can’t stand being in the dark for even a few seconds.
I kinda wanna ask to hutmate up with someone, but do I really want to? It’d probably be for the best, but then again, who’d wanna room with me lol. I didn’t really listen to todays conversation, I think I got super stuck in my own head
I hope Scarla is back with snax soon.
October 25th
There was no fire today.
I dunno if Filbo forgot to start it, or if he didn’t want to, but there wasn’t a gathering around the fire today. I think everyone stayed in their huts all day today. As far as I can see, their lanterns are all on. I see the little lights in their huts. Or, at least Wiggle, Eggabell, Triffany and Wambus, and Gramble are all at home. I can only see half of town from my window, but hey, it means they’re still out there.
If Scarla came back today, I hope they weren’t disappointed by the fire being out. I hope they’re waiting for it to come on, or they’re going to come by our huts and give us food, or smth. I don’t know.
October 26th 1970
forgot year yesterday, L beffy
There still wasn’t a fire today, and tbh, I’m kinda worried about it??? Filbo isn’t rlly the kinda guy to miss this out two days in a row. One if he’s super tired, but two? Nah. I wish I could see his hut from here and know if his lights are still on.
It’s also… kinda lonely out here. I didn’t think I’d feel it so fast, but after so long of seeing everyone by the fire, I think my brain has gone funny. I’m tempted to ask Wiggle if I can bunk by her until the fire goes back on, I can see her pacing around her hut, but I rlly don’t think she’d welcome me.
I gotta feel bad for Shelda about this. She doesn’t even have walls, can’t imagine her feeling safe about all this. Or warm.
I’m not really warm either, even if I am inside. My bed feels cold, my lantern is cold, it’s all really cold. I don’t like it. It’s been a long time since someone has hugged or held me, but well, what can I do about it?
October 27th 1970
Is this just one big halloween prank from the world to us? The fire wasn’t on again today, I don’t think Filbo is okay and I’m grumping scared. Everyone else’s lights are still on, and sometimes, I see Eggabell pass by the window. She looks just as scared as me, and if she looks out, she only looks worse. I feel weird looking out the window too. Even seeing the light of the other huts isn’t enough, the darkness just… it’s scary.
Sometimes I end up hitting my desk with my pen, and the light on it goes out for a little bit. It doesn’t take more than another tap for it to turn back on, but still, it’s scary to see it go out. I don’t know WHY it scares me to see it go out, when I’ve got the lantern, but it does. It doesn’t make me feel any better knowing my fairy lights went out ages ago, and I didn’t even notice.
October 28th 1970
I managed to talk to someone today. I saw Wiggle standing by her doorway, looking out, and I wondered if I could talk to her from across the street. Wasn’t easy, but we did it.
Put simply, we’re both grumping terrified. She was worried because she can’t see Gramble’s barn from her hut, but I can still see the light, and it felt kinda nice to see her feel better when I told her he was okay. We talked about what we thought this was, and she said something about bugsnax covering up the entire sky. I really don’t think so, but she’s got a few loose screws, so I wasn’t gonna stress myself out being mean right now.
I asked her if she thought it’d be safer if more of us were in the same place, and she was one step ahead of me. Said she’d been planning to take her lantern and run for the barn to stay with Gramble, but every time she’s about to go, she can’t get herself to. I guess I get it, it doesn’t seem safe to try and run across town like that. I wanted to ask if I could join her, but I dunno if she’d be very happy with that. I dunno if I would be either.
“The following is another ripped out page that fit into this spot between the other pages.”
i can’t do this i can’t do this i can’t do this i want my sister i want my father i want anyone who still loves me to hold me it’s too cold it’s too dark
the lights have all gone out all i see is black even with my eyes open it feels like something is staring back
i want to rip out my eyes i want to claw apart my flesh i don’t want to be cold i don’t want to be cold i don't want to be cold
i would give anything to be home and have dad telling jessany and i a story i would give anything just to be warm and happy
“Research has yielded that the mentioned “Jessany” is Beffica’s older sister, who has lived in New Grump City for all of her life with the two’s father, Olivier Winkleberry. We have not yet told either member of her family about Beffica’s disappearance and presumed death.”
October 29th 1970
I’m with Wiggle now. I had only been awake for a few minutes when I heard someone screaming, but it wasn’t even screaming- it was a yelp, and then silence. I caught a glimpse of light in town when I looked out, but it was gone in a second. It was one of the boys, one with a deeper voice, but I don’t know who. Wambus and Triffany’s light has still been on since it happened, so it wasn’t him either. Whoever it was, I didn’t wanna be next.
Wiggle had heard it too, and when she called out to me first, I knew I had to ask if we could stick together. She was so desperate that she didn’t care that it was me, she held her lantern out and told me to come to her.
I’ve got my diary obvs, and my lantern and pen. But something weird happened while I was crossing the street.
First of all, I felt SUPER cold the moment I was out of my hut. I would’ve frozen if I wasn’t rushing to get to Wiggle’s hut next, but I swear if I was out there a second longer, I would’ve gotten hypothermia or something.
And my pen is really struggling to stay on now. A few hits on the desk, and it only lights up for a few minutes. It’s like going through the dark broke it or something.
Neither of us want to sleep at the same time after hearing that scream this morning, so we decided we’ll sleep in shifts. She’s asleep rn, but she’s about to wake up, and it’ll be my turn.
I want this to be over soon.
“We are unsure of the validity of the timeline anymore, given the irregular sleeping shifts mentioned on the previous page. However, it is all we have to go off of currently.”
“The following page is covered in wet stains and has a very large ink splatter at the bottom.”
October 30th 1970
Wiggle has been basically hysterical for the little bit we’re awake at the same time for. She’s not doing anything crazy, but she’s talking to herself, and I'm pretty sure she’s crying based on how much mascara is leaking down her eyes. I'm scared too, I can’t deny being grumping terrified, but for some reason I can’t cry. I’ve never been able to take big stuff like this, I guess I don’t think it’s real, but it’s super real to her. I feel bad, I think. But with two lanterns and double the light now, I feel more secure at least. I'm hoping it lasts long.
“The following passage was written in messier handwriting and less refined, sometimes incorrect cursive, as well as on the same page as the previous passage.”
what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK i looked away and she was fucking GONE where the fuck is she
she was sleeping just a second ago where did she go what did she do
did she go to get gramble?? why???
she took her lantern with her i don’t feel safe i don’t feel okay
my pen is still struggling to stay on and i don’t know where she keeps the fuel for her lanterns
why am i all alone again why why why why WHY WHY DON’T FUCKING DO THIS TO ME DON’T DO THIS
“The handwriting returns to normal for the rest of the page.”
im okay im okay I’m Okay
She’s going to come back. She’ll be back, and she’ll have Gramble, and then there will be three of us. and it’ll all be okay
I’m so tired. I’m so cold. But it’ll be okay soon. I just need to rest and she’ll be back in the morning
“The following is the last torn out page that we could find, and it fits here. Unlike previous pages, this one is in an entirely different handwriting. After being compared to records, it is most likely Wiggle Wigglebottom herself that wrote this.”
the final song i ever sing will be my aria into the dark unknown
may light find everyone as the shining stars disappear
may this foul force have mercy on them all
“The rest of the page is full of nonsensical black scribbles.”
october 31
she’s not back it’s not okay i’m not okay i can’t do this i can’t survive this
the darkness is calling me to it. it’s taking everything around me into it too. wiggle’s lantern is gone, mine went out while i was asleep
all i have left is my pen
and it’s too cold to keep my paw moving
i’m sorry for being a terrible friend
i’m sorry for being a horrible daughter
i’m sorry for being a mean little sister
dad, jess i love you two so much
hold me one last time please
“This was the final page in the diary, and no other pages seemed to have been torn out or removed. We cannot determine the fate of Beffica Winklesnoot yet, however the pages imply insanity to have consumed her by some means.
Investigators have decided that most information inside this diary is not to be considered during the investigation and to instead all be marked down as insanity unless evidence can be found to support it. They will continue searching for evidence around Snaktooth Island in an attempt to determine what happened.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] signing off.”
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illfoandillfie · 2 years
The Assistant (Kinktober Day 12: Office Sex)
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: Gwilym Lee x Reader
Words: 2,075
Warnings: coercion so dubcon, oral sex (m receiving), semi-public sex, workplace sex, dom!gwil sub! reader, sex in exchange for money.
A/N: This one has been in the back of my head for literally months. I think it was inspired by a post I saw on a porn blog but they got deleted so I can't be sure.
When you’d applied for the executive assistant job there’d been no sign of anything sketchy at the company. Admittedly you hadn’t researched them much other than a quick google, but there’d been no red flags that you saw. You’d decided to apply because you needed the money and couldn’t find work in any fields related to your degree. An assistant role seemed like both a sensible way to make a regular paycheck and a fairly easy job to keep you occupied until something else turned up. Besides, at a well-regarded company like Lee, Jones and Boynton you could potentially make connections with high-profile people and that was always useful. So you’d applied, had an interview with the HR management and the man you’d be working for, Gwilym Lee. Apparently they’d liked you enough to hire you and before you knew it you were stationed at the desk outside Mr Lee’s office. You were his personal assistant which meant not just answering phones like you initially assumed, but also managing his calendar, taking minutes during meetings, and basically doing whatever he asked of you. It wasn’t too taxing but it did keep you busy which you liked. Besides, Gwilym was very handsome and you got to spend a lot of time watching him through the glass wall of his office. It was a major perk, and a slight distraction on slower days. Once or twice, you’d let yourself fantasise about hiding under his desk to blow him while he worked or riding him in the backseat of his company car.  
You’d been at the company for a few months when you were due to have a meeting with your boss to discuss how you were finding things and evaluate your performance. The whole thing made you nervous and you had to keep reminding yourself that Gwilym was very nice and very pleased with your work so far. You weren’t about to be fired. All the same, you made sure you dressed professionally that day and did the utmost on your work while waiting to be called into his office.   Luckily, Gwilym didn’t make you wait too long before calling you in. He directed you over to a set of chairs in the corner of his office so there was no desk between you. It helped you feel more at ease, like it was less of a professional judgement and more just a conversation. But he got right to it once you were comfortable.   “So, Y/N, how have you been finding the job?”  “It’s been really great actually.”  “That’s good to hear.” He chuckled, “I’ve been very pleased with your performance. Your attention to detail has been outstanding and you’ve kept up with the demanding nature of keeping me organised.”   You breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the praise.   “This whole thing is really just a formality. But if there’s any questions you had that you haven’t had a chance to ask, please ask them now.”  “Well, there was one thing,” you started, a little uncomfortable with the topic but wanting to get clarity all the same.  “Go on.”  “When I first interviewed, I remember it being mentioned that there was room for wage increases. I just wanted to check if it was an annual adjustment or something I have to apply for. How does it work?”  “Smart girl for asking. There are a few ways. A regular increase to your pay will come into effect every two or three years. There are bonuses available towards the end of the year. And, of course, we can always have a discussion about it and come to an arrangement between ourselves. Do you need extra money?”   You couldn’t help but blush at his forthright question, “Well...”  “It’s okay Y/N, you can talk to me.” He placed his hand on your knee, comfortingly, “If you need extra money urgently we can work something out.”  “Not necessarily urgently. Just that my roommate moved out quite unexpectedly and no one’s taken her room yet so I’ll have to cover the rent on my own until I find someone. I can cover it fine on my current pay. I know I haven’t really been here long enough for a raise or anything, I just was curious about it.”  Gwilym hummed in thought, “Well, yes, a raise may not be possible just yet but there is a way I can help. It’d be a small bonus to your pay. A couple hundred dollars a month maybe.”  “Are you sure? That seems like a lot.”  “Y/N, I like you. You’re an incredible assistant. The work you did to organise those Bangkok meetings was outstanding. I want to help you.”  “Thank you Mr Lee. Do I have to fill out a form or anything?”  “Nothing so formal. I can alert the finance department on your behalf and they’ll make the adjustment. All you have to do is suck me off.” His hand tightened on your knee for a moment before he released you.   “Sorry Sir, what?”  “Suck me off.” He said it slower, annunciating each individual word clearly. “I understand if you need time to consider. You may go.”  You nodded and left the office, not quite sure what had happened. And for the rest of the day you muddled through your duties, entirely distracted and unsure what to do.  
It was all you thought about when you got home. And for the next few days too. It crossed your mind that you’d misunderstood and then when you convinced yourself you hadn’t, it occurred to you that you should probably report him. Make a #metoo tweet, alert someone else in the company. But then the rent came due and you were left with less in the bank than you expected.  He was offering you the money you needed. You could get by without it but it’d be a lot easier if you had it, especially if it took a while to find a new roommate. And what was the harm really. Gwilym was handsome and you liked him anyway. You’d even fantasised about doing exactly what he’d asked you to do so it wasn’t like you were entirely opposed to it. By the time you next got into work you’d made up your mind to accept the offer. Instead of leaving work at your usual time that evening, you stayed in your seat, knowing that Gwilym would be staying late that night. He didn’t seem too surprised when he looked up and saw you still at your desk. He just smirked at you through the glass and then called you in.   You took a deep breath as you stood up, smoothed out the blouse and skirt you were wearing, and entered his office.  
“You wanted to see me Sir?”  “What are you still doing here Y/N?”  “I thought you might...need me tonight.”  He raised an eyebrow and kept looking at you.  You felt completely flustered by his gaze and within seconds he’d broken through your defences, blurting out, “I’ll do it Mr Lee.”  “Do what Y/N?”  “The thing we talked about.”  “You’ll need to be much more specific.”  You groaned when you realised he was going to make you say it out loud, “I’m here to suck you off.”  Gwilym shrugged, “Who said the offer is still on the table? Maybe you took too long to decide. Maybe there’s another piece of arse who wants it more. By the sounds of it you don’t really need the money anyway.”  “No, Sir, I do. I really need it. Please, I’ll do anything you want. Whatever you want.”  Gwilym smiled again, “Good. I just needed to know how desperate you are. Now, over here. My cock’s big but not so big you can reach it from across the room.”  You gulped and walked towards him as he swivelled in his chair so that his legs were no longer under his desk.   “I like this outfit you’re wearing. But you should undo a couple of buttons so I can see your tits better. That’s a good girl.”  Your fingers fumbled with the buttons as you exposed your chest for him and nervously knelt between his legs.   Gwilym made no move to help you. You had to unzip his fly and pull his dick out on your own. He was semi hard, so you spat into your hand and stroked him to full stiffness. He'd not been lying about being big and for a moment you felt completely intimidated. You waited for a word of encouragement as your hand slid up and down the shaft, waited for any sort of praise or direction from him. But he barely paid you attention, clicking through his emails instead. Somehow that was more humiliating than if he’d been staring at you. Even when you actually put your mouth on him, you got no recognition. You sucked on his head, hoping to get some sort of response but there was not so much as a groan. And when you began bobbing up and down his shaft, trying to take more and more of his length, it was the same. A couple of times his hips twitched, and once you were rewarded with a quiet hum of pleasure. But that was it. For the most part he took no interest in what you were doing and gave no indication that he was enjoying it. Which, stupidly, just made you push yourself further, aching for some sort of praise. You gagged on his cock and then tried to take more, hoping that if you got him in your throat, he’d give you a moan. When that didn’t work you moved faster, a constant string of little gagging sounds rising from you as you practically fucked your mouth on his cock. And still just the click of his mouse.  
You didn’t know how to feel or what to do other than keep sucking his cock. It was embarrassing how badly you wanted his approval. Shameful that you were getting wet from his lack of attention while you whored yourself out to him. And yet you couldn’t bring yourself to stop. A tiny thought popped into the back of your head. That, if he wasn’t happy with your efforts, he may refuse you the money. That you’d have put yourself in this situation for nothing. It was unthinkable and you were determined not to let that happen. So, you doubled your effort, tried to show him that you enjoyed submitting to his desires. With a mouth full of his cock you moaned, earning a pleased laugh from Gwil but nothing else. 
In fact, the only reaction you really got was when he came. His hand came up to the back of your head and he held you in place firmly. You tried to move back, to shake him off, but he was too strong and too determined to keep you shoved down his length. All you could do was gag and take it as he came, ashamed by the wetness you could feel in your underwear.   When he was done he let you go and you gasped for breathe. But there was semen running down his shaft where it had escaped your lips and you knew he would not be satisfied with your performance if you were not thorough enough. So you licked him clean, made sure you sucked every drop of cum from his cock, before you sat back, licking your lips clean too.  
For a moment you sat there, panting, waiting for further instruction. But then Gwilym tucked his cock away and zipped his pants up and you knew you were dismissed. You stood and moved towards the doorway, feeling sick to the stomach and close to tears, but he stopped you before you could leave.   “Wait, Y/N.”   You turned towards, trying to remain composed despite how humiliated you felt.   “Well done. I’ll make sure the bonus is transferred to your account, you’ll have it by tomorrow.”  “Thank you Mr Lee.”  “If you want more then you’ll stay late again. I can keep paying you but you’ll have to keep earning it.”  “Yes Sir.”  “I think I should test out a new hole though, so don’t worry about underwear.”  “Yes Sir.”  “Oh and Y/N,”  “Yes?”  “On a related note, tomorrow I don’t want to see those top buttons done up.”  “Is that all Sir?”  “Yes, that’s all. You’re a very good assistant. Goodnight Y/N” 
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marylikesflowers · 1 year
𝔸𝕤 𝕝𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕥
ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚: Dorothea's speech and the after party
Tw: implied alcohol consumption, kissing
Evan goes back to his seat, my eyes following him all the way back to his seat.
"And the best female lead in a movie goes to...” I feel my heart race during the split second silence before she announced the award.
“Dorothea Payne!” I stood up in shock, cheers deafening. Once I got up to the stage, I went through the majority of my speech in autopilot, still in shock. At the end of the speech, I locked eyes with him. Evan.
“And, the thing I am most grateful for is not the fame or awards or anything, but meeting people that I know will leave a lasting impact on my life.” I say this with Evan's eyes practically burning holes in my head. I end my speech and go back to my seat, happy and excited to see him at the after party.
It's finally the end of the awards. I'm pretty sure I heard about a million variations of the same speech. I bump into Haley, one of my closest friends in the industry.
"OMG HALEY!!!!! It's so good to see you!!" I exclaim, happy to see her.
"Hey girl! I'm so happy for you! Also- important question, what afterparty are you going to?" she asks
"Hmm probably the Vanity Fair one. You are too, right?" I respond
"Yep I am." she smiles back and we continue to talk for a bit, walking together to take the award winner photos. I end up next to Evan, not that I'm complaining. I bump him with my shoulder a bit, him turning his head towards me.
"Oh hi Dorothea! I'm so happy for you! I really like your speech." he says with a smile forming on his face.
"Hi Evan! I liked your speech too. I was wondering what party you’re going to after this..?” I ask
“Hmm well I wasn’t really planning on going anywhere, but I’ll go with you.” He says
“Omg really? That’d be awesome! I’m going to the vanity fair after party.” I respond, happy he wants to spend more time with me.
After photos and talking to a couple interviewers and fans, Evan and I end up at the party. We each get served a glass of champagne, which helped me loosen up a bit.
“Hey Dot, I saw Finn Witrock, I’m gonna go visit with him, I’ll be back.”
“Okay bye Evan! I’ll see you later!” I say. I’m definitely a bit nervous around all these people but I don’t want to be alone here.
I get sucked into the crowd, taking various shots and dancing with people I’ve never met before.
After a couple of drinks, I can definitely feel my quietness slipping, making myself more comfortable around everyone. A Taylor Swift song, Gorgeous, comes on an I immediately start singing along. Of course when I start acting like an idiot is when Evan makes his way back to me.
"Hi Evan!" I walk over to him, definitely stumbling in my heels a bit, feeling my smile grow even more.
"Hi Dorothea!" he says, laughing at me a little bit.
I wrap my arms around him, him wrapping his arms around the small of my waist, and we dance around a little bit; just slightly swaying ourselves. He starts laughing, and I'm really confused.
"Whats so funny?" I ask, slurring a little bit.
"You're just so cute when you're tipsy." he says, smiling, looking down at me. Of course he's still taller than me in my heels.
"Evan I am having so fun. This is so fun. I like this." I ramble, locking eyes with him.
"Aw Dot I like this too. This is very fun." he says, smile growing wide.
After a while the party died down, less and less people were there. Evan and I had still been dancing, but for a while we were just sitting and talking about our upcoming projects, while I was trying to sober up.
Now being more clear headed and being able to think straight, he and I decide to get something to eat.
“Y’know, no matter how expensive the food is; I don’t think anything beats McDonald’s.” I say
“That is a seriously hot take. I dunno if I agree.” He retorts
“Oh come onnnn, you’re saying those hors d’oeuvres they were serving are better than McDonald’s fries??” I ask incredulously
“I mean no-“ he begins to say but I cut him off
“Then there.” I say
I stay stoic and silent for a moment, then look at him and we both crack, laughing by ourselves in front of a McDonald’s at 2 in the morning
We walk in and get our food, getting stares from the employees because, it is sort of strange, 2 people dressed in formal wear at 2 in the morning in a McDonald’s.
After sitting in a booth eating each others food til the employees kick us out, we finally head towards our own hotel rooms, and what are the chances that we were in the same hotel room? Evan calls a taxi over to us, and we put in the hotel address.
Eventually we get to the hotel, and Evan walks me to my room. He gives me a hug, and before pulling away, we look at each other, feeling the tension growing between us. I go in for a quick kiss, Evan deepening it, and it takes a while for either of us to pull apart. The kiss is electrifying. He tastes like whiskey and salt and love and everything I’ve ever needed. His lips are soft and supple and he kisses as if he’s been waiting for this all of his life. Our kisses are full of life and strength. Both of us playing tug a war with each other. As if we were trying to become one. I eventually pull away, my lipstick smeared all across his lips and smudged around my mouth.
“That was..” I start
“Amazing?” He finishes
“Yes.” A short, simple word, but filled with emotion. I don’t want to not see him after tonight. I have to do something.
“Give me your number Evan.” I blurt out. His eyes light up, as if he was hoping I’d do something.
We exchange numbers, and right before I close my hotel room, I say goodnight.
“Goodnight Evan.” I whisper
“G’night Dorothea.” He whispers back, his cheeks warm and pink.
After getting ready and into bed, all I can think about his him. The future.
@pussy-whipped-l0ser :)))
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