#tma/ wolf 359 crossover
cranberrybogmummy · 1 year
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Elias and Marcus 'throwing shade' at each other and smoking that I commissioned @sajwho-art to draw.
it's this scene from my fic:
“You’re looking well Marcus,” Mr. Bouchard said. “Mostly. I do think your barber is overpaid for the quality of his work and I see that home gym you bragged about last time mustn’t be getting a lot of use.”
Mr. Cutter took a draw on his cigarette, “Heh, I know, I know it’s just I’ve been working so hard, I didn’t have time to hire a new personal trainer or really get a trim lately. Just worked to the bone. But Miranda has been a big help, she gave me this stem cell cream and it just makes wrinkles -like the ones under your eyes- disappear.”
Mr. Bouchard’s contented smile faulted for a second, “Quite. It must be working very well, you don’t look a day over twenty one, you can’t get old, Matt—I mean Marcus, after all, don’t want them to think, you have experience at this.”
He smoked a bit more.
Mr. Cutter glared through the smoke, then began to laugh, “Twenty one, really?  You flatterer!  I’ve been told I’m a young thirty… I mean, not all of us can age as well as you,  that graying hair and the lines on your face, they lend gravitas to being the head of an academic institution, right? And a bit of pudge around your waist, after all you work a desk job you can’t be expected to keep in shape.”
“Don’t you also have a desk job Marcus?” Mr. Bouchard quipped. 
“You got me there!” He burst out with a laugh.  “Seriously though, I should introduce you to Miranda! She would love to help you, like she does me,” Mr. Cutter said.
“Very generous of you, but no, from what you told me …Dr. Pryce is very… busy and I wouldn’t want to trouble her,” Mr. Bouchard said with a smooth calm voice.
Rachel heard what he said but looking at him she knew he meant, ‘I’m not letting that lobotomy happy madwoman near me, ever.’`
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Babe wake up new podcast crossover dropped. If Doug Eiffel, Mick Mercury and Tim Stoker are locked in a room together who do you think cracks first
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bi-digitalis-obscura · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by @romanticslimecreature
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently writing for wrestling and also still a bit for malevolent, used to write for tma and wolf 359, and i have three thousand abandoned drafts in other fandoms
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
•we’re all just killing time: malevolent, jarthur pwp
•my mirror staring back at me: malevolent, jarthur pwp
•drowning in a dream (that i can’t escape): malevolent, post canon case fic
•i’m not giving up (i’m just giving in): tma, jon/michael canon divergence
•a craving for something i cannot find (and the shame of never finding it): tma, jonelias post season 3 knife fic
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to but sometimes the brain is soup
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
what the water gave me: malevolent, arthur gets fucking traumatized by a ghost
i wrote it for a horror exchange with the explicit goal of putting arthur through hell
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
this is actually a hard question, i tend to write ambiguous or open endings a lot of the time
i think when is a monster not a monster, my john character study fic, probably has the most upbeat and optimistic ending? idk
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope, everyone things i’m sexy and my meat is huge (i exclusively exist in small fandoms)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do! i’ve recently been informed that the main through-line of all of my smut is characters discovering that they’re into d/s, which is fucking hilarious, so i guess the answer to what kind is “kinky”
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i don’t personally care to write crossovers
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
lars and i both wrote fics based on the same premise, at the same time, but that’s the closest i’ve gotten
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
whatever ship is eating my brain at any given time, i don’t have a real “all time favorite”
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
god the fucking vegas au. modern au malevolent fic where arthur is gifted a trip to vegas and decides to get spectacularly drunk and wakes up married to john, a complete stranger. it is *technically* still in production but i’m mostly just lying to myself there, it’s way too ambitious for my skill level because it needs to be multichapter and well plotted and i don’t have that in me
16. What are your writing strengths?
i’ve been told that i’m good at characterization, and i think i write description well
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
extended plot. i can do long one-shot plots, but i can’t do multichap plots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i am horrifically monolingual and would not insult another language that way
19. First fandom you wrote for?
….. homestuck
20. Favorite fic you've written?
this is an even tie between three fics i think:
drowning in a dream (that i can’t escape) is my beloved horror case fic that i put my heart and fucking soul into and it’s the longest fic i’ve ever finished
you eat your words in frame is the complete opposite direction, it’s wrestling pwp with sex tapes, it just also happens to be some of, if not the best writing i have ever done.
hit me baby (one more time) is a short and silly neon streets fic that only five people care about but it’s probably the fic i consider to be the most accurate to the source characters fic i have written and i love it
i’m tagging @voidofthestars @limbreaper and @grand-magnificent as well as anyone else who wants to say i tagged them
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chetungwan · 1 year
Tagged by @grand-magnificent! Name of the game is,
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Unfortunately my fics are very descriptive because otherwise I forget their premise. I keep a running list in a note on my phone
Fae SAYER AU - truth does not mean one doesn't deceive
Farscape: Gilina/John/Aeryn
Farscape: Zayn/Liko - okay he was in one episode once but he was pretty
SAYER/Person of Interest - AI vs AI vs AI vs AI
Farscape/Person of Interest - case fic with POI, but in the background the plot of Terra Firma is happening
Life/Supernatural - Charlie got merged with an angel in prison. Maybe this isn't a crossover
Wolf 359/Person of Interest?? - I dunno, I just think Root would shoot Pryce
Portal/anything with an AI in it I guess. Why not.
Inception/Person of Interest - they both fit this whole magical realism sci fi thing that I think I could explore
Justified/Life - aka, how many opinions on the concept of revenge can I juggle at once. Also I want to write Raylan realizing that Charlie isn't just some city boy, he's also fucking terrifying
Murderbot/SAYER - Murderbot wants to save Hale but that's not such a thing as possible
Wolf 359/TMA sequel - Tim in America, helping blow up Goddard, having to deal with Lovelace being a double
FatT: Cass/Ibex - They Both Make Plans.....
Crooked Kingdom/Person of Interest - so what if post-canon Shaw ended up dumped headfirst into Ketterdam
Rewrite Tanis funny
Write a better Tanis
As for tagging people I uhhhhh. Am not sure which of my friends write fic besides the one that tagged me. @intearsaboutrobots ? @tea-em0 ? @ducktoothcollection ? @ophelia-thinks ?
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all-seeing-ifer · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tysm to @spaghettisaurusrex for tagging me!!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 18
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 83,346
3. What fandoms do you write for? At the moment it's mostly Angel, with a bit of the Oklahoma revival as well! What a combo.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? From number five to number one:
A Series of Statements Regarding Sunnydale, California (btvs and tma crossover that I wrote the first four chapters of and then stopped updating over three years ago. sorry everyone),
looking up for heaven (vaguely angsty little women fic that I wrote in an afternoon bc I was In My Feelings about jo and laurie, but is honestly pretty good),
Those I Love, It Rends (really really angsty little women fic that I wrote in more than an afternoon bc I was In My Feelings about jo and laurie, and is also honestly pretty good),
Coming Home (little women fic about jo and laurie reconciling that's still a personal fave of mine),
sincere and honest conversation (tma fic about jon coming out to the archive team that I wrote in like a day for aspec archives week and it..... guys it sucks. it sucks so bad. can people please stop leaving kudos on this one i'm so sick of getting emails about it oh my god. not even linking this one fuck that
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to!! I'm always super excited to get comments and also have chronic won't-shut-the-fuck-up disease so I'll usually leave some kind of response, even if I have no idea how to respond to positive feedback half the time lol
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably triptych? feels like cheating since it's really just a character study of the actual ending to ok19, but surprsingly enough I don't actually have that much written that ends angstily
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? oooo I'm gonna say Coming Home - I probably have written fluffier fic but I find that one very cathartic and think the ending to it is just generally really strong
8. Do you get hate on fics? ehhhh I've had a couple of annoying comments in the past but nothing I'd call hate lol
9. Do you write smut? nope, and I probably never will! I wrote like. one vaguely suggestive scene for give them all that they can drink bc I kind of had to for story reasons and jesus it felt like pulling teeth. I simply do not enjoy it. anyway if like a year from now I've written myself into a corner where I have to do that again feel free to laugh at me
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I mean I'm currently in the process of trying to finish my Oklahoma/Magnus Archives crossover fic so I think there's your answer. Actually funnily enough all the crossover fics I've written have been something crossing over with tma. What can I say, I just really love the tma lore and enjoy applying it to other things!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not as far as I know!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope! Closest I've come is Miles helping me out with editing to be a king of a ruined world and us bouncing off each other with our ok19 fic thoughts in general
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I'm with you on this one El - can't answer this question my ability to have an all time favourite is hindered by my brain jumping from interest to interest like some kind of fucked up flea. also I mostly write gen anyway so. eh.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? oh dear lord there's so many. Like every couple of weeks I contemplate going back to this wishverse au I wrote where buffy and angel survive the battle against the master and proceed to have a deeply fucked up relationship and ruin each others' lives. It was vaguely inspired by the silt verses and the wolf 359 minisode variations on a theme. It was kind of about aromanticism. It was mildly unhinged. And it will probably never be finished because I couldn't figure out a good direction to take it in. Pour one out.
16. What are your writing strengths? Imagery!! People always tell me my imagery is super vivid and memorable and you know what? They're right! I think I have a knack for coming up with imagery and metaphors and motifs and weaving them throughout my writing. Doesn't hurt that I edit my fics like they're academic essays so even if they're not interesting they at least always have strong throughlines
17. What are your writing weaknesses? hmmmm I feel like pacing is something I struggle with. Also while I think my imagery and metaphors are strong I also have a really hard time figuring out how like, subtle to make them? Like I just Do Not have an intuitive sense of what's too heavy-handed or what's too oblique, so I feel like it can end up leaning a bit on the obvious side. it's something I'm working on!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? It's not something I've ever really thought about, to be honest! Probably not something I'd do myself, but that's really just because I'd be likely to mess it up lol
19. First fandom you wrote for? Lost, which is truly something I can never live down. guys I really really like that one insanely underdeveloped ghost-talking guy
20. Favorite fic you've written? either give them all that they can drink or how ridiculous I was as a marionette. much as I clown on myself for writing not one but two ace cordy fics that were meant to be short and ended up being 9k, I can't act like I don't think they were both excellent. oh, and I'm also always very proud of what exists of to be a king of a ruined world, though I feel like I can't call it my favourite on the grounds that it's only like. a third done.
tagging @discocaptain @ramiroangel @beatriceeverytuesday and @jennycalendar
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sheepnasleep · 4 years
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life kinda sucks when ur the protag....
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affectbreathe · 4 years
W359 crossover with TMA where the Hephaestus crew get back to earth
...riiiight as the apocalypse starts.
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rel-ish · 4 years
do u know what i would give for more podcasts to do crossover eps
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I saw Minkowski's statement thing and I had an idea based on it. Statement of Daniel Jacobi, on the death of his boss (definitely NOT crush despite what certain individuals may think, uh uh, no way), statement of Isabelle Lovelace, on being an alien doppelganger, and statement of Hera on being an artificial intelligence.
Someone work out the entities for all of these
(And someone else get Jonny Sims on the phone)
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transarchivist · 5 years
the magnus archives and wolf 359 could conceptually take place in the same universe and even around the same time frame. therefore minkowski could, and should, come and harpoon elias doucheard to death. in this essay i wi
wheres the essay anon, Wheres The Essay,
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figofswords · 4 years
Statement of Douglas Eiffel regarding his time spent aboard the USS Hephaestus station, in orbit around red dwarf star Wolf 359. Original statement given January 18, 2016. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, head archivist of the Magnus Institute, London. Statement begins.
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cranberrybogmummy · 1 year
Who Tops?
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The thrilling sequel to the first podcast crossover post: who do we think is winning a knife fight between Rachel Young and Rita [redacted]
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agoddammharpoon · 4 years
So I've seen quite a few things about similarities between The Magnus Archives and various fears and Wolf 359. And it got me thinking that Doug eiffel could definately have competed the Watchers Crown and started the apocalypse. If anyone know what it's like to be manipulated, abused and basicaly dicked around by multiple fear related entities, surely it's good old Dougy Boy! So below I've tried to pull together where he actually was touched by all the fears! Let me know if I've missed anything...
An obvious one. I've already seen posts about how the cloning and replacing of individuals by the Dear Listeners is textbook Stranger. And in terms of Doug's fear, seeing a literal clone of himself that spoke with his voice is enough. Evidence by him hiding under a table.
Less obvious. I had to look at the wiki page for this entity as its one of the ones that deals with a variety of more abstract fears. I did find- 'Deals with fears of being controlled'- magnus wiki. And this makes it really clear as Doug is constantly dealing with be under others control, by Goddard, by the decima virus in his system, by his own addiction. Ultimately the most obvious is the control bolt at the end which literally makes him a slave but there's clear evidence of his fear and his desire for free will from the very beginning.
The End
I mean. Mayday. Just like that whole episode shows his fear of the end. We will return to Mayday. That episode is basically the Watchers Crown all at once.
The corruption
Again difficult because Space is relatively clean and sterile? However there is an obvious exception- extreme danger bug! If having some hairy space insect try to bury itself into your chest is evidence of a corruption, i dont know what is.
The Vast
Obvious again. Our boy sure does love yeeting himself into space
The Desolation
Just like the day to day fear thats a side effect of having Daniel Jacobi in your life surely...
The Eye
Just like Magnus, we can get all meta here. His logs being constantly reviewed by Cutter as well as the Dear Listeners and indeed us. We are the eye and the eye is us.
Also he's scared people will know where his cigarettes are.
The Flesh
As with the Corruption, this is a bit tricky as theres no gore in Wolf 359 really. However, he sure was a bit freaked out by Pryce's eye?
Maybe a stretch for this one. Anyone have any other ideas?
The Spiral
So originally i was thinking that being on the Hephastus in general can cause this fear with its corridors that change and its rooms that shouldn't be there? However I then started thinking deaper than this and so much of Wolf 359 revolves around confusion of identity and i suppose this completely fits with the 'deceiving the mind and senses' elements of the Spiral. I think particularly Brave New World here. Doug literally lost in a room made up his memories and losing them slowly...
The Lonely
Again we're back at Mayday. If surviving for months in space by yourself, locking yourself in cryochambers just to have something to do, doesn't make you an avatar of the Lonely, what will my friends. Also just. Doug. Poor Doug. This is the most extreme version but let's face it, Doug is such a candidate for the Lonely and that hurts my heart.
The Slaughter
Could be so many parts but the bit that stood out to me in terms of 'unpredictable, unmotivated violence' is the end of 'Controlled Demolition'. Lets take a moment to pour one out for our good friend the Plant Monster here.
The Dark
Space. Is. Really. Dark.
I mean i joke but that may well have been enough?
The Buried
This is one of the most difficult because Space lends itself so much to the Vast which is the opposite of the Buried... However he did nearly drown in a spacesuit that one time and that must have been claustrophobic!
The Hunt
I think we need to go back to Brave New World here and Pryce 'hunting' through his memories, there was a definite predator and prey thing going on there.
I think thats all of them but if i missed one let me know.
Also, this was fun! Give me more podcast characters and I'll see if anyone else would have been a candidate for the Watchers Crown.
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I have this wolf 359/tma bodyswap crossover on my brain, and there's no version of it where its not funny but i think season 1 Eiffel and season 1 Jon swapping would be rly fucking funny
Im just imagining like. So youre Eiffel. You wake up one day and youre some British guy with a desk job at some stuffy archive. Ok. Cool. Youre not in space anymore, that means you can smoke and eat ice cream. This guy is so boring he has no ice cream. He also owns no tshirts. Actually all he wears is sweater vests. You have to buy ice cream. You dont understand british money. You get a call from a guy named Elias wondering where the hell you are. You mash up the ice cream and drink it. You arrive late for work. Youre wearing a partially buttoned dress shirt and no sweater vest. Elias gives you a weird look. You smile nervously. 
In the halls you see dead worms on the floor. Everyone else ignores them. Youre at your desk in a basement. There is a tape recorder. Why is there a tape recorder. Ah wait, does this guy do a radio log too? Cool.
You look at a statement. Its absolutely fucking insane. Someone is describing their son being eaten by the sky. You read another. Someone is describing their neighbor being eaten and replaced by a guy with a different hair color. You read another one. Someone eloquently describes a box with a spider apple inside. You close the folders. What the fuck is this place.
Suddenly some guy walks in from a side room and hes in sweat pants. Apparently he lives in a room next to your office because worms tried to eat him. Or something. Its not clear. Appearently hes also your assistant. Is he also your boyfriend? He lives in your work bedroom. You have a work bedroom. What the fuck
His name is Martin. He brings you tea. He's nice. You smile. He smiles back. You ask him for coffee. He gives you a weird look. 
Now everyone is giving you weird looks after you interact with them. What the fuck is this Jon guys problem? You smile and that makes them give you even weirder looks. You listen to a tape to try and figure out who this guy was and he sounds like an absolute jackass. 
A worm chases you in the hall. you try to smoke one of Jon's cigarettes and its a menthol, bc of course it is.
The whole day has been weird. Youve had enough weirdness. You have no context for why everything is so weird but you know you have to get out of here bc everyone is insane. 
Then, in the middle of your day, you hear a sound on the other side of the wall. It sounds like pasta that moves. And then you get attacked by fucking worms. Just. Gobs of worms. Worms fucking everywhere. And then you see a woman made of worms
And everyone is talking abt her like they know who she is like they were expecting this and your not-boyfriend comes out weilding a fire extinguisher and thats abt where you lose your goddamned mind
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artistformerlyknown · 3 years
★ my writing (06/06/23) ★
★ wow wow! i used to have a wip list but honestly, i’m pretty inconsistent with fics i start! so i figured having a general... list of couples i like and maybe the big universes i write for would be a better idea. very much always down to talk about these things as well as other things not listed here, particularly if we’ve talked about them before! ★ ★ i post on ao3 at: mybelovedagnes ★ ★ i mainly write fic for: the marvel universe (particularly aos), the magnus archives, wolf 359, blaseball, spies are forever ★ my main universes for these fandoms include: ✩ blaseball crossover (aos/blaseball | blidleo, fitzsimmons, tillsendec, others) ✩ unholy matrimony (aos | idleo) ✩ throssover (aos/blaseball/tma | blideo, fs, tilsendec, lonelyeyes, blidleolonelyeyes) ✩ national anthem (aos | bioleophelia) ✩ [UNNAMED WTNV/AOS CROSSOVER] (aos/wtnv | id/leo/kevin/2xOCs, bioquake) ✩ stalker (wolf 359 | kepcobi, platonic jacobi+maxwell) ✩ college au (wolf 359 | hereiffel, kepcobi, kepcobeiffel, herawell, minlace, pryce/cutter) ✩ femme fatale (spies are forever | curtwen) ✩ misc others that are less developed i don’t want this to get too long! ★ the main muses for these fandoms are: id + jemma simmons, leopold fitz (both of them), daisy johnson, agnes kitsworth, holden radcliffe, aida, ophelia (aos) | the maximoff family (wanda, vision, tommy, billy, viv, pietro, lorna, nina, erik, charles, magda. i do what i fucking want), ava starr, stephen strange, the parkers, victor von doom, loki, steve rogers, bucky + becca barnes (marvel) | kevin, charles the theologist, donovan, cecil, carlos the scientist, various ocs (wtnv) | warren kepler, daniel jacobi, alana maxwell, hera, doug eiffel (wolf 359) 
★ i have also been known to write fic for: the umbrella academy, overlord (2018), arcane (2021), time:bombs, house  ★ my main universes for these fandoms include: ✩ freelancing (tua/aos, slight overlord | doctorconductor, biophelia, vague tibbetchase)  ✩ highschool au (overlord, tibbetchase) ✩ love in the big city (tua/aos | leo/leonard, idviktor) ✩ don’t worry, baby (tua/aos | kitscliffe, leo/leonard) ✩ happy family (modern au!arcane | silco/marcus, prev. silco/vander, caitvi, jinx/happiness, jayvik) ★ the main muses for this fandom are: viktor hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, leonard peabody (au, all au, please do not kill me) (the umbrella academy) | lyle tibbet, morton chase, chloe laurent (overlord 2018) | jinx, vi, cait, ekko, jayce, viktor, silco, vander, marcus (arcane) | house, wilson, cuddy (house)
★ tags under the cut! ★
swing batter batter: blaseball crossover  stargirl: blaseball id simmons (blid because i am lazy) stargirl and the astronaut: blaseball id simmons/leopold fitz (blidleo because i am lazy) unholy matrimony: canon idleo, my fic of the same name 190 days: tma teachers  face your fears: the magnus archives magic hands: wanda maximoff  wonder twins: wanda + pietro biochem: jemma simmons  unstoppable forever: fitzsimmons scientific beauty: kitscliffe unlucky seven: the umbrella academy  sweet melody: viktor hargreeves and now the weather: welcome to night vale oh the misery: arcane hate crimes md: house  hand grenade heart: kepcobi 
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