#tiayang xiao long
catis15 · 4 months
I need more BMBLB meeting the parents content 😭😭😭
Especially Yang and Kali 🥹
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stoneillustrations · 3 years
Oz needs you to come pick up your STRQ kids...
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...he's done.
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ukiyo-24 · 3 years
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Young Qrow being confused at a club party.
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rwbyvein · 4 years
Pollinated Knight:  In-Laws:  Part II:  Xiao Long and Branwen
Taiyang: I'm sorry we have to do this on our lawn, we just never ever expected...
Taiyang: *gestures to JRWBY seated on the lawn*
Qrow: Let's get the party started. We both know my adorable nieces. Next we have Snow Angel.
Weiss: Hey?
Qrow: Broody.
Blake: *scowls*
Qrow: And blondie.
Jaune: Uh... hi?..
Qrow: Blondie here wants to marry all of them. They all seem to agree. I really have no idea how it's supposed to work, but it's not my life.
Taiyang: *looks over JRWBY*
Taiyang: Can I get anyone something to drink?
Yang: We're good for now, dad.
Taiyang: Are you sure?
Qrow: We can save being a good host until after we've had our little chat.
Weiss: I?.. concur.
Taiyang: *sighs*
Taiyang: To clear things up, you were Ruby and Yang's team mates?
Weiss: That we were, Mr. Xiao Long.
Taiyang: You can just call me dad.
Weiss: Perhaps after we finish here.
Taiyang: That... yeah...
Blake: It seemed like we were meant to be... Yang is exactly who I needed as a partner, Ruby is exactly who I need as a leader, Weiss and I seemed mutually opposed to resolve our own issues.
Taiyang: And how did?.. Jaune?.. get involved.
Yang: Oh, he was there from the very begining, he...
Jaune: *hides his head in his hands*
Jaune: Please, don't.
Yang: Come on, I call you it all the time, I kind of have to tell them what happened.
Jaune: *whimpers*
Yang: Turns out he wasn't so good with airships...
Jaune: *whimpers*
Yang: Which is why Ruby and I call him Vomit Boy.
Ruby: To be fair, I only did it the once, and apologized.
Yang: Ruby didn't have a good first day, either.
Weiss: We bumped into each other.
Ruby: She means that literally... and she dropped her dust... and I exploded...
Weiss: Quite literally. She has always been... exasperating... and adorable. Of course, I didn't see it at first.
Taiyang: And when did... it work?..
Weiss: If we're being honest it was during team-ups in the Emerald Forest.
Taiyang: The first day?
Weiss: Quite.
Yang: We all met up at the... *snickers* relics.
Ruby: It was RWBY and JNPR against the monsters of the Emerald Forest!
Blake: We had barely met, but... it worked?..
Weiss: It was a marvelous show by everyone... except perhaps Jaune-dear.
Yang: He was still kinda green, but he wasn't going to let that stop him.
Weiss: Or reason.
Jaune: *looks about nervously*
Taiyang: And what do you have to say to that?
Jaune: That's fair... fair...
Taiyang: And that's your way to sell yourself here?..
Jaune: I'm selling myself? Oh, right, yes, father's permission. Well, you see, sir, when I started at Beacon I was... not the best fighter. Without my team and the girls here, there's no way I would have made it.
Qrow: And then he learned he can bring back the dead.
Jaune: I was just using my aura... to use her aura... to heal her...
Weiss: That her would be me, by the way. And I must say that Jaune-dear's combat abilities increased with startling alacrity. He went from callow youth to unstoppable force. Once he learned to use aura...
Taiyang: Learned to use aura?
Jaune: I am so going to die here...
Jaune (muttering): I am so going to die here...
Weiss: Whatever is said here must be held in the strictest confidence.
Tiayang: . . .
Qrow: Don't be like that. The girls want to marry him, so he can't be all bad. I'm starting to like the doofus. He looks like a ray of sunshine, but he can be pretty dark if he needs to...
Taiyang: Then I promise.
Jaune: Please don't?..
Ruby: Jaune... kind of... didn't exactly get into Beacon.
Jaune: To be fair, I did, but I did by lying, and I feel really bad about it.
Qrow: Considers you have an entire team after you, you can't feel that bad.
Yang: Uncle Qrow!
Qrow: What?
Weiss: You just gave him a no-win scenario.
Qrow: I did, didn't I? Sheesh. Aren't they protective of him? And I've seen him throw himself in the way of an attack to protect them.
Weiss: Did he just do that on purpose?
Ruby: I told you Uncle Qrow was pretty cool.
Qrow: You got it, kiddo.
Ruby: I'm not that little anymore.
Qrow: I know... and it still hard to accept. You're a grown woman.
Taiyang: Can we focus, and get this behind us?
Jaune: So, yeah. Lied to get into Beacon, worked my ass off to not die, and I can definitely thank the girls for that.
Blake: He's saved us just as much as we saved him.
Jaune: And then epic quest across the continents, lots of fight, saved the world. And now that we can finally take a breath?
Taiyang: You all want to marry.
Qrow: Like you have anything to complain about.
Taiyang: In my defence, I didn't marry them at the same time. I didn't marry Raven at all.
Weiss: We realize that legally this is a tricky issue.
Blake: But the commitment...
Taiyang: You do all seem to love each other. I will have to say I am not... really... convinced here... but... I will admit Jaune is not forcing the girls into anything.
Yang: If anything, it was the other way around.
Taiyang: *rolls his eyes*
Yang: Come on, I'm finally taking responsibility?
Taiyang: And I am overjoyed about that... but... you girls are certain?
Weiss: We are.
Taiyang: I will need to hear it from everyone.
Yang: Tot's in.
Ruby: I wouldn't have it any other way.
Blake: Do you know how long it took us to covince Jaune this was a good idea?
Jaune: *looks about nervously*
Jaune: Yeah... I've never been the most self-confident guy... and four gorgeous, superstar amazons proposed to me... It took a bit of time for it to set in.
Taiyang: I think we're good on the dad interview. Now, can I get you anything?
Weiss: Mr. Xiao Long?
Taiyang: I thought I told you to call me dad?
Weiss: Yes, sorry, Mr... da-a-ad?..
Taiyang: You sound like you haven't?..
Weiss: I have not...
Taiyang: . . .
Taiyang: So, what's next on the plans?
Jaune: That's where it gets tricky... Her father... is not exactly happy with any part of our relationship.
Weiss: He tried to stop me from even leaving our home.
Taiyang: I've tried calling in a few favours, and I got him to agree to a face-to-face. That is all I can promise.
Jaune: And where are we?..
Qrow: Where else?, Beacon. With Goodwitch supervising. He wanted to bring in a few *scoff* *handquotes* Advisers.
Jaune: I would rather never speak to him.
Taiyang: *shocked*
Jaune: He disowned her. As far as I am concerned he has no right to say ANYTHING about Weiss' life.
Taiyang: And how does Weiss feel?
Weiss: *quietly looks away*
Taiyang: Please?
Weiss: I would rather never see any of my family, ever again. He is a monster. For what he has done to my family, for what he has done to the Faunus. Remnant would be better off without him, and I certainly will be as well.
Taiyang: . . .
Qrow: Give it up, Tai. You've never been able to say no to your girls.
Taiyang: *sighs*
Taiyang: We'll cancel the meeting.
Qrow: And now you've got four girl to dote on. And Blondie.
Jaune: Uh... thank you?
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
Can we please have more of Uncle Oz? That prompt was beautiful and my little heart needs more. Specifically why Oz slept on the couch before as Yang mention it has happened in the past. *puppy eyes*
Okay, okay, I’m an IDIOT who doesn’t remember her own writing. Because my fool brain ended up writing about Qrow sleeping on the couch instead, for undetermined reasons. Will I ever successfully answer a prompt? Will Qrow and Oz ever end up in the same drabble together again? Stay tuned to find out! 
(Prompt list is here) 
Tai took two steps into Ozpin’s latest apartment, saw the quilt lying haphazardly over the couch, and had the distinct urge to walk back out again.
“What did he do this time?” he sighed.
Ozpin’s lips thinned. He cast his own look at the messy pile of pillow and blankets, seeming to project an unwarranted amount of disdain at the poor, innocent fabrics. They wouldn’t be the first inanimate objects to take the brunt of Ozpin’s emotions. In lieu of people—and very much to their benefit—Ozpin tended to take his rare anger out on the trees of Forever Fall Forest; the occasional dish that gave a satisfying shatter. Those moments truly were rare though. More often than not Tai simply found piles of methodically torn up paper on Ozpin’s desk.
Right now the sleeve of his sweater was slowly coming undone, the loose thread rolled, rolled, rolled between two fingers. Yep.
“Don’t even try it,” Tai said, gesturing at the weak smile Ozpin had just conjured out of will alone. “If you tell me not to worry, say it’s nothing, or worse, start going on about how I came here for a nice visit? I will take this umbrella and shove it straight up your ass.”
“Hardly the best way to start our evening together.” This time the twitch of his lips was genuine. Ozpin swept aside to let Tai through, arm falling in a graceful arc to indicate the umbrella stand and a small mat for his shoes. “Truly though, you didn’t come here to—”
“Finish that sentence, Oz. I dare you.” Tai shook the umbrella and a thousand water droplets scattered across the floor.
“Oh for dust’s sake. You’re as stubborn as he is,” and with a huff Ozpin turned on his heel and headed back towards the kitchen.
Hmm. That didn’t bode well.
A lack of reprimand for getting water all over his entryway? Check.
Insulting his guest—because yes, any comparison to Qrow was an automatic insult in this family—right when they’d arrived? Check.
Visible frustration, petulant attitude, further faux pas by abandoning Tai to his own devices? Check, check, check. Tai cast a longing look at the door and kicked off his shoes.
“Formal announcement,” he said, wandering into the kitchen to find Oz slamming milk onto the counter. “I would like to remind everyone here,” Tai gestured to an invisible audience, “that I am not even related to you. Not technically. Not since I dumped Raven’s fine ass. And yet here I am, the best of fake brother in laws, here to be your shoulder to cry on. Metaphorically. Because I just bought this shirt and I’m not prepared to find out what two-thousand year old tears might do to it.”
The look Ozpin cast him could have melted iron. “Are you going to be like this all night?”
“Until you tell me what happened? Absolutely.”
“Very well. That shirt is horrendous though. By the way.”
“Thank you. Wore it special for this visit. Oh, extra marshmallows in mine. Don’t be stingy, old man.”
Ozpin agreed with a roll of his eyes, plopping said marshmallows into two mugs as the milk began to steam. He’d said once that only fools put the marshmallows in last. Pouring cocoa over them ensured the perfect, almost-melted-but-not-quite consistency for scooping up with a spoon. Tai had said he was crazy and had said spoon chucked at his head.
The cocoa was very good though.
“I can hear it buzzing,” Tai said, taking a seat at the counter. With speed worthy of a huntsmen Oz had his scroll out and tucked away in a drawer. Neither he nor Qrow had much time to cook, so their kitchen had the sort of aesthetic perfection usually only found in domestic magazines. Tai ran his finger over the absurdly clean marble top, tracing a line from mug to salt shaker. “You ever going to answer him?”
Ozpin pulled up a stool directly beside Tai, their knees now pressed together. Need for physical contact? Check.
“My silence is answer enough.”
Ozpin cut himself off and all at once the wind went right out of Tai’s sails. Oh. No more jabs or check-lists then. That expression wasn’t something to trifle with. He…
Well. Let’s just say the last time Ozpin looked like that he’d had the name ‘Summer’ on his lips. Dejection of that sort—pulling at an intrinsically optimistic nature—only ever meant someone’s death.
The mug of cocoa slammed down on the counter. “Qrow’s dead?”
“Right, right, sorry. Stupid, knee-jerk question. So he…?”
“Almost died, yes.” Ozpin delivered the news without a trace of emotion. Not to the casual observer, at least. “Of course, he’d never admit as much to himself. Let alone to me. Oh no, the man will go to his grave—literally!—insisting that he’s never made an impulsive decision in his life. Not on the battlefield, anyhow.” His own mug was snatched up and half the chocolate poured down his throat. “I married a fool.”
Been there, Tai almost said, but bit his lip at just the last moment. Right. Serious conversation now. It was just hard when he could so clearly see the picture spread out before him. He hadn’t visited last week because Qrow and Oz were out on a mission, the sort of thing that wasn’t secret exactly, but played close between them for Tai’s own peace of mind. They had to have encountered grimm because Ozpin would have been on a warpath if any humans or faunus had gotten between them. So maybe Qrow took on too many. Or, as Oz said, played the over confident fool. Maybe he was just careless.
…or maybe, based on how Oz was rubbing at his shoulder, Qrow had taken a hit meant for him.
“How bad is it?”
The question came out a whisper, but you’d have thought Tai shouted it with the way Ozpin jerked. Right. Pretty unused to having other people read him so easily—or at all. Tai would have liked to rib him on it. Only problem was, Oz was only transparent like this when something was well and truly bothering him.
Damn his own, kind nature. Tai was a freaking saint and everyone was going to realize it one of these days. He should really get some sort of medal.
Ozpin, meanwhile, had deliberately moved his hands back to his mug and carefully re-schooled his features. They might as well have been discussing budget reports.
“He dodged it,” Ozpin said, each word clipped and a little bit fragile. “Barely. After pushing me out of the way, of course. You’d think two thousand years of training would keep me from making an initiate’s mistake, hmm?”
“You’d think two thousand years of training would have taught you the lesson you’re always pushing on us.”
“Which is?”
“No one’s perfect, Oz.”
A curl of his lip and two taps against porcelain. It said, I should be.
“I don’t care about perfection.” Liar. “But I do care if my mistakes endanger others. More pressingly, given that it’s clear I will continue to make mistakes, I care greatly when others wish to take on my consequences when there is absolutely no need.”
Tai forced himself to swallow down another sigh. Oh, they all knew that speech well now. The problem with befriending an immortal was that he believed, with every fiber of his being, that he was meant to take the hit. Always.
Tai also knew damn well that he wouldn’t be the guy to talk Oz out of that. That particular honor went to the man currently banished to the couch.
Funny the irony there. And by ‘funny’ Tai meant ‘Not at all what the absolute fuck, Ozpin.’
“What I’m hearing,” he said slowly. “Is that you’re punishing Qrow for doing—wait for it—this absolutely horrible thing called loving you.”
Ozpin scowled. “You know very well it’s more complicated than—”
“Get over it.”
Ozpin blinked.
“Everything’s complicated for you. Everything is always going to be complicated. So for just this one thing get over it and accept that Qrow loves you. That loving you might include dying for you. I sure as hell hope not, but if you don’t allow him that then you’re gonna reach a point where he’s not even sleeping on the couch anymore.”  
Impassioned speeches, thy name is not Tiayang Xiao-Long. He’d tried though. With good reason. Ozpin was staring at the countertop now, one foot lightly bobbing over the rung of his stool. A bit of his bottom lip pulled up between his teeth. That was something.
Oh, Tai was under no illusions that he’d change someone like Ozpin so easily. But for now? That lack of pushback was just enough.
Finally Ozpin raised his head. He moved it in what might have been Remnant’s smallest, most terrified nod.
Or maybe Tai was just finding what he wanted to see.
“You want to see Ruby’s latest drawing?” he asked, tapping the space above his heart. Pure coincidence that his girls’ artwork happened to be tucked in the pocket there. “She’s got some pretty awesome ideas about what the grimm must look like.”
Ozpin’s eyes shown. “But of course. Although… perhaps we should wait for Qrow?”
Just like that. Smooth it over. Tai was good at that, though he had no illusions that he’d never again walk in to see Qrow’s pillow stuffed onto one end of that couch. Dust only knew how Oz would react the next time he tried to play hero… or whether Tai would ever be allowed to die for him as he would any other friend. That might be too much to ask him for.
Remember he’s different, Tai thought. Every victory is so much larger when it’s with Oz. You’ve just gotta remember that.
Tai lifted his mug in a toast. “Sounds like a plan.”
The cocoa was cold now. Tai decided to focus on the sweetness instead.
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thejaf711 · 6 years
Toast and Ice
“Shit,” exclaimed Yang. She’d been in Mistral in the same place as her family for several days, but ultimately had been unable to get restful sleep. Everything was perfect for her to sleep: heavy blanket, cool room, even a cooling cup of tea on her nightstand. Regardless, sleep evaded the blonde huntress
The room around her provided little entertainment with its white walls and wood floors. The walls had plenty of paintings, though, but she had studied them countless times in her boredom. The ficus in the corner needed watering and the bookshelf needed dusting. Am i that bored? Yang thought. Pulling her scroll up to her face, she squinted as the brightness caught her. 2:30. Slightly past half the night and hours before most people are up. Even at 9:00, she is usually the first out of rooms to get the day started.
Unsure of who this house belonged to, she did not want to train in the middle of the night as she had in the past on restless nights in fear of breaking something, but instead sat on the edge of her bed. But one can only sit on their bed on sleeplessness for so long, she surmised. Having never ventured out of her room at night before now, her curiosity was getting the better of her.
Her stomach growled. Despite the large dinner they had had the night before, she was starving. Damn metabolism. She got up and put on a long brown robe over her sleepwear. Not her usual colour but it matched her brown pajama pants and orange sports bra. Closing her robe, she opened the door to the outside.
The long halls only got longer at night. Twenty feet felt like a hundred. Stepping gingerly as to not make a peep, she crept towards the kitchen. Growing up around her light sleeping father and sister gave her the skill of stealth out of necessity. Whether she chose to use it outside the home was up in the air.
Reaching the living room, she began to lessen her stealth and move a little faster. After all she was at least fifty feet from any bedroom at this point. A lamp flipped on next to one of the couches, bringing Yang into defensive position with fists up and feet apart.
“You’re up at a weird time,” said a small girl in all white even at this hour. Yang relaxed. Weiss’ hair was down and she was holding a steaming mug of coffee.
Yang breathed a sigh of relief. “I could say the same for you. And coffee? Aren’t you afraid you’ll melt drinking that stuff like you do?”
Weiss huffed. “I’m not actually made of ice you know.”
“I know, that’s why it’s fun to tease you about it,” Yang said sticking her tongue out. “Laugh all you want, but this focuses me. Gives me a reason to keep going.”
“Most people refer to that as caffeine addiction.” Yang moved to sit next to her teammate.
Weiss’ expression softened. “Had a lot of days where i had to drink a lot of coffee to keep up with my dad’s intensive training. Now this stuff doesn’t do anything, no matter how strong i make it.”
“I’m sorry, Weiss.”
“Don’t be. Means i don’t have to worry about not sleeping because of this.” Weiss shifted to see her teammate better on the couch.
“What kept you up tonight?” Asked Yang.
“Ozpin gave us quite the information overload a couple days ago. Also that whole being kidnapped thing got to me a bit.”
“Fair enough,” yang said changing her expression. Her mom had done this as much as anything. Yang reminded herself to pay Raven back for this new trauma one day.
“I’m ok though. Just tired but not tired you know. What about you?” Weiss sipped her coffee
“Tired but not tired. A little hungry too. A lot overwhelmed. Mostly ready for all this grimmshit to be over with. And you know Ruby’s going to need years of counselling when all this is over.” Weiss giggled. Regardless if it was a joke or not, Yang’s tone and almost dismissal of that inevitably was humourous.  Yang giggled in return. She wondered if Weiss had picked up on her projection.
“We all will without a doubt.” Weiss took a long gulp from her coffee. “I borrowed a little something from Qrow if you want some.” She held up a bottle of Mistral rye.
“You know we probably shouldn’t.” Yang reached for the bottle and took a sip.
“After the shit we’ve been through, i think they’ll give us a pass.” Weiss took the bottle and poured some in her coffee before passing the bottle back.
Yang smiled after another swig. It was smooth whiskey. She understood why Qrow was fond of it. “Weiss,” she said before pausing
“Hmm” weiss replyed.
“I just wanted to say thank you. You know for listening to me the last few days. Just being there means a lot.” Yang chugged a shots worth of rye to finish her sentence.
“I didn’t know booze softened you up so fast,” Weiss teased. “If i’d known i’d given it to you last year.” The two girls giggled and Yang gave weiss a lite punch in the arm. “You know i love you right?”
“Note to self give the Ice Queen whiskey to melt her a bit.” They laughed harder this time, still keeping their noise level down as not to disturb the others. “I love you too, girl. Don’t ever leave me again, ok?”
A tear welled up in Weiss’ eye. “I won’t.” She smiled.
“You hungry too? All i really want is some toast. Pretty sure that’s all we have left anyways.”
“I’d like that.” The teammates smiled. Yang picked up the bottle and carried it over to the kitchen with her to get the bread out. Taking several swigs in the process, Yang pulled out the butter and put the bread in the toaster. Weiss sat at the bar with her coffee. “Your face is getting a little red.”
“Empty stomach. This stuff is gonna hit me like an ursa if i don’t eat something.” Weiss giggled. “ What is it?” Yang asked with a smile
“Never thought i’d see one of my teammates get tipsy before.”
“First time for everything, sweetheart.” The toast popped up suddenly, startling the two girls. They both laughed after they composed themselves.
As she buttered the toast, Yang’s expression changed. “You know i used to do this for Ruby every morning. Before school when we were kids, and even on weekends. Ruby is a great fighter, especially when she has to fight to cook anything.” They laughed. Weiss had gathered that Ruby was not the domestic type. “I loved doing this though.” She sighed.
“You ok? I know i’ve asked you this before. Can you give me a straight answer this time?” Weiss frowned as she took the bottle from yang for a swig.
“Yeah i can. I have no idea where my future is. Is it here with ruby forever or will i go off and get in big adventures? Will i become the next Qrow and be an alcoholic just getting by because of his immense skill? I don’t know.” Weiss sipped her coffee with a frown. “I tell you what i do know though,” Yang began, “we’re going to keep on going and i’m going to protect my sister and you no matter what.”
“That’s admirably. You have a lot to be proud of yourself for,” weiss said smiling. Yang handed her a freshly buttered piece of toast. Breaking it in half, weiss took a bite.
“Klein used to make toast for me and Winter sometimes. Father said it was poor people food but the simplicity made it desirable.” Yang felt the wave of nostalgia that hit her teammate. “I miss him. Between Father and Shitley i often wondered if they were the only ones who cared.”
“What about your mother?”
“Willow Schnee developed a bad habit or two.”
“Yeah good ol Tiayang Xiao Long isn’t known to be the most responsible. Losing two wives was difficult for him. He left the alcoholism to Qrow but he had plenty of destructive habits. His irresponsibility never got us in too much trouble but sometimes things got a little tight. We never worried though. Dad always knew what to do in the end.” Yang smiled. “He got this arm for me afterall.”
Weiss knew not to ask about the arm, touchy subject as it was. She took another bite of toast after a swig of whiskey. “It must have been an adjustment.”
“Dad helped a lot. He did what he could. A lot of it’s up in my head is all.” Weiss frowned. The problem ran deeper than her teammate’s head; weiss had seen her hand shake. Weiss couldn’t force recovery though.
“If you say so,” were the only words Weiss could get out.
“I’d ask you what you meant by that but i think the whiskey would talk too much. Since you made toast, how about 0i make one too.” Weiss picked up her mug and Yang her bottle, giggling at the Ice Queen’s pun. “To new beginnings?” Yang cheered.
“To new beginnings and decent sleep.” The clinked their respective receptacles together.
“I can drink to that.” Yang took a glass from the fridge and poured a shot, downing it almost immediately. “What time is it?”
“Probably close to 3:30 or so. I stopped checking the time a while ago.” Weiss had an idea. “You know we might sleep better if we can cuddle or something.” Yang raised an eyebrow. “It’s the same principle as having a teddy bear, just the other is living and breathing rather than stuffed and inanimate.”
“You know i think i’ll take you up on that offer. I could use the company. You must finally be feeling tired?” Yang said with a yawn.
“Yeah this rye is working as intended.” Weiss yawned in return. “Take another shot and let’s go. Might as well try for six hours before before Ruby wakes us up.”
“Agreed.” Yang finished her toast and took a double shot. “Want one?” Weiss nodded and Yang poured her a double. Weiss drank it with a grimace, eliciting a giggle from Yang. “A little much?”
“No no it’s fine. Not used to shots is all.” Weiss stood up and wobbled a little. “Sorry. Lightweight.”
Yang giggled again. “I was too. Too many nights sneaking Qrow’s alcohol for that now.”
“Oh and you were the one who said we probably shouldn’t. Yang Xiao Long for shame.” They both shrugged and laughed. “Come on let’s try to sleep.”
“Your room or mine?”
“Your room has a bigger bed to accommodate your hair,” Weiss said with a teasing smile.
“Hey my hair is majestic. Besides you’re one to talk yours goes past your butt.” Weiss laughed. The whiskey had turned them into giggling messes. The bottle had been full before the girls had gotten to it but now it was almost empty. “A little artificial relaxation was not necessary but definitely welcomed tonight. Thank you, Weiss.”
“You’re welcome, Yang.” She turned to her teammate and embraced her, wrapping her arms around the much larger girl’s waist. Yang wrapped her arms around Weiss’ shoulders. For once, yang felt she could be truly happy.
After their hug, they moved to Yang’s room and found the bed in the dark. Climbing into it, they cuddled next to each other. “Good night, Weiss” yang said as she kissed her teammate on the forehead.
Weiss beamed as she snuggled into her teammate’s arms. “Good night, Yang.” She reached up and returned the kiss. She immediately closed her eyes and snuggled closer.
Yang smiled as she felt her teammate get comfortable. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, wrapping her arm around Weiss. Yang was surprised at how warm how warm she was. She’s like a little space heater, Yang thought. Smiling one last time, she succumbed to sleep.
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So legit question for ya' to ponder today. Why did Raven choose Taiyang to have a child with? Because he doesn't exactly seem to fit in with her "Only the strongest" viewpoint as we've seen so far.
Yeah that is an interesting point to think about. 
The only thing I can think of is that she fell in love with him at the time. 
Minds and viewpoints change over time. 
Granted since Qrow also seems to know about the tribe that they “came” from, I would think that she might have had that mindset for a long time. 
But at the same time it might have become stronger over the years because of the fact that Qrow was part of it as well and now he’s not, he’s more against them.  So that tells me that Qrow’s viewpoint has changed as well. 
Cause I’m wondering if this tribe the people that simply taught them the turn into a bird trick or what? But that’s a question for another day. 
But still. People fall in and out of love. So something about Raven’s mindset at the time of meeting Taiyang must have been different enough to appreciate him more at the time. 
But I also think that Taiyang was slightly different then what we see of him. Cause all we have seen of him is him simple being a dad. And at this point of time a single dad. So he’s trying his best to be this father of two daughters. I doubt he’s weak and useless. Both Yang and Ruby Rose are great hunters. I mean I know they’ve had schooling, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t done one on one stuff at home. 
So my thoughts. Overall, to answer your question. Is that I think BOTH Taiyang and Raven’s thinking were different at the time of having a child. Obviously they were on a team together. They must have gotten along with each other to a point. 
There’s been several years that have passed between these two meeting and what we’ve seen now. We don’t know how much Raven was actually in Yang’s life. Just that Yang wants to know her. 
So yeah. 
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rwby-conversations · 9 years
Ruby: Dad, this is Weiss Schnee, my friend and teammate.
Yang: And dad, this is Blake Belladonna, my partner and teammate.
Blake and Weiss: Hello sir.
Tiayang: It's wonderful to meet you both finally. I've heard great things about you two in the letters my daughters send home. I have so many things to show you.
Ruby: Gee dad, do you really have to show them your fighting moves?
Tiayang: Fighting moves? I'm talking about your baby pictures!
Tiayang: Nice try little dragon but I've hidden it. Come on girls, I'll make some tea.
Blake: I like him.
Weiss: Me too.
Ruby and Yang: *groan*
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stoneillustrations · 3 years
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More found images (with some mild photoshop work) to reimagine them as characters from RWBY. I’ve done quite a few of these. Follow the #photos below to see interpretations of team RWBY, JNPR, Penny, and Cinder. More to come!
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reeves3 · 10 years
Qrow. Raven. Tiayang. Summer.
QRST - Quest
QRTS - Quartz 
SQRT - Squirt (lmao)
STRQ - Starku or Stark
SQTR - Squatter 
TRQS - Turquoise
Umm, any others?
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stoneillustrations · 4 years
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rwbyvein · 4 years
Rainbow Menagerie:  Vis-à-vis:  Part II/III
(final part of the Faunus Rights series)
Jaune, Velvet, and Kali returned down the stairs, only to find Taiyang and Qrow walking into the living room.
Jaune: Glad to have you here.
Jaune: *walks up to them, offering Taiyang his hand*
Taiyang: The girls insisted we come. We could hardly refuse.
Qrow: Something interesting happening.
Jaune: *hard gaze*
Qrow: That's what I figured. The real question is, Do I want to know? Because I'm not sure.
Kali: Either way, I doubt either of us will say.
Qrow: Blondie always has been hard to understand. I don't know if he's stupid, brilliant, or just crazy. Long time.
Qrow: *holds out his hand*
Jaune: *pulls him in for a hug*
Qrow: So, we're hugging now?
Jaune: *let's him go*
Qrow: *turns away*
Qrow: I don't know how long it's been...
Taiyang: Don't tell me you're touched?
Qrow: . . .
Jaune: You know RWBY, this is Velvet.
Velvet: Hello.
Jaune: And this is Ilia, an old friend of Blake's.
Qrow: *looking at her collar*
Qrow: mm-hm, right.
Taiyang: Qrow.
Qrow: Not my life. They all seem happy. It's just obvious she's more than a friend.
Yang: *glares are Qrow*
Qrow: What? You are all good kids. We all know that you aren't going to get involved in anything half as shady as what I've done.
Weiss: He does have a point. We're all family here, at least family of a sort. Closer than my actual family is. Taiyang is more of a father than my own father is.
Taiyang: Dad. I asked you to call me dad.
Weiss: Yes, sorry, fath... dad...
Jaune: This is Ghira and Kali Belladonna.
Blake: My mom and dad.
Taiyang: Tiayang Xiao Long. Ruby and Yang's father.
Qrow: Qrow. Ruby and Yang's uncle. I've got to ask, you're... uh... cool with this?
Ghira: My daughter has always been strong enough to forge her own path. This took her to the White Fang, which was fantastic... until it was not. She went on to Beacon, and helped you all save the world. Despite any misgivings I might have over this relationship, she smiles more now than she ever has before. She seems to have genuine joy, and his love for her seems to be without measure. Now that we have a spy within his ranks, we are without a doubt happy for them.
Jaune: Spy?
Velvet: That would be me, Master.
Jaune: Ah.
Blake: Wait, you spanked my mother?..
Taiyang: What?!
Blake: ...but let that go?
Jaune: She is adamant we keep in touch.
Velvet: I know what it's like to be without a family. I want to make sure we keep our ties together.
Jaune: I'm sure she has not revealed all that many details.
Weiss: Because?..
Jaune: She is always upfront about things like this.
Kali: *rubs her butt*
Kali: Like right now?
Jaune: Well, yes.
Yang: *wide-eyed stare*
Ruby: Something wrong, sis?
Yang: I know WAY too much about what goes on between them, and now I'm afraid I'll let it slip and I'll be the one he bends over.
Weiss: I can assure that will NOT happen, dear.
Ruby: Not unless we let him. Which we're not. Are we?
Ruby: *looks at Jaune*
Jaune: *shrugs his shoulders*
Jaune: I don't just grab random women and spank them.
Yang: Promise?
Jaune: *glares at her*
Yang: *winds up for an epic high five*
Jaune: *swings forward to meet her*
There was a knock on the doorway, and all eyes turned to Coco in a lovely, fashionable evening dress.
Coco: Hello, darlings.
Velvet: Coco!
Velvet: *rushes out ot greet her*
Coco and Velvet: *embrace in a powerful hug*
Coco: *gropes Velvet's ass*
Coco: *before she realized it, she was on her knees in an arm bar*
Jaune: You do NOT get to do that.
Velvet: Master, perhaps there is a better way to punish her.
Jaune: Did you want me to spank your ass?
Coco: *shrugs*
Coco: I did go too far.
Jaune: *let's her go*
Jaune: Up stairs. And Bun, I'm sure you have a kitchen to protect.
Velvet: *eyes wide with shock*
Velvet: Oh, thank you, Master.
Velvet: *disappears into the kitchen*
Jaune: Not what I expected to be doing today.
Jaune: *follows Coco up the stairs*
Jaune: *turns around*
Jaune: If you would excuse me.
* * *
Jaune: *closes the door to the Master bedroom*
Jaune: Naked butt, bent over the bed. Just remember you are not allowed on it.
Coco: *shimies out of her panties*
Coco: Think you can order me around.
Jaune: No one is allowed on the bed. It wouldn't be fair to the pets if I just let other girls on there.
Coco: *lays her upper body on the bed and pulls up her dress*
Jaune: *enjoys the view*
Jaune: If she seduces you, it's one thing, but you are NOT allowed to just walk up to her and grope, do you understand?
Coco: Hit me with your best shot, and we'll see how I feel.
Coco: Crap, maybe I shouldn't have said that.
Jaune: *slaps her ass as hard as he can manage*
Coco: *stunned, gasping for breath*
Jaune: One.
* * *
Jaune: *admires her nude bottom, still on display*
Coco: *breathing deeply*
Coco: I will admit I went too far, but man, so did you.
Jaune: I went just as far as you told me to.
Coco: I did, didn't I?
Jaune: So, we learned our lesson?
Coco: I never expected to lose to the guy who threw up on the way to school.
Jaune: *sighs*
Coco (nude bottom still on display): Chill, man, you beat me. Literally, but that's not what I meant. You're the one who got Velvet, and in a way I never could have. And now my ass really hurts, and I don't know what to do.
Jaune: *pauses*
Jaune: I could carry you down stairs.
Coco: Oh, yeah, that would look just fantastic. Me being carried all princess-like...
Jaune: Worse than everyone knowing I spanked your bare ass over my bed?
Coco: You do... have a point.
Coco: *slowly stands up and finds her errant panties*
Coco: How about a deal. I get to grope Velvet whenever I want, and you get to give me a spanking in return.
Jaune: Not unless it ends up in you sucking my cock.
Coco: . . .
Coco: I never imagined you had that kind of balls. I say you won the game and Velvet's heart, but was I even a player?
Jaune: I don't know, but I know I love her and am not about to let her go.
Coco: Alright, I know I asked for it, but could I get a pillow?
Jaune: *smiles*
Jaune: *opens the door*
Jaune: Blake!
Shuffling can be heard coming up the stairs.
Blake: Master?
Jaune: Can you get Coco a pillow?
Coco: For the record, do not say Give Me Your Best Shot, because he will.
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rwby-conversations · 9 years
Tiayang: Let's play with your flashcards, won't that be fun Yang?
Baby Yang: *gurgles*
Tiayang: Okay first card, triangle.
Baby Yang: *coos*
Tiayang: Good, good. House.
Baby Yang: *squeals*
Tiayang: Yes that's right, you live in a house. Right next one: campfire.
Baby Yang: *bursts into flame*
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