#this song is so Gallavich to me 😭
squirrel-fund · 11 months
You ever listen to a song on repeat for almost three hours??
Yeah... me either...
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 5 months
literally every time I listen to grace, Ian listening to this album pops into my head 😭😭
who else do you think he can listen to? maybe lana(omg i headcanon that him and debbie talked about her music and she didn't expect that he knows her lmao), nirvana, the doors or something? I completely ignore his taste in the show too🫡🫡
oh anon i am so late to this and i apologize😭 i have no excuse other than laziness so… anyways!
ian definitely would like jeff buckley. i know that for a fact. i know that john wells showed us him listening to like… techno shit and lady gaga which is fine, but i don’t see him listening to that, i see everything that you listed, jeff buckley, lana del rey, nirvana, the doors, possibly oasis (based on carl’s shirt in 1x01), and maybe even radiohead (mickey canonically likes radiohead so…). 
i could see him liking grace, especially around season 1. like, another thing about ian and his “techno” music taste is that season 1 goes against it because we heard him listening to music in the van and he seemed to value music based on him saying he gave kash cds so that they would be interested in the same things. maybe he showed kash grace? i don’t know, i don’t want kash to know what grace is because i despise him but i could see ian loving that album. i don’t know if he would like sketches for my sweetheart the drunk just because i somehow feel like he wouldn’t have discovered it😭 like maybe later on around season 7 he would’ve listened to it, and if he did, he would like “nightmares by the sea” and “yard of blonde girls”, i think.
i personally associate ian with a few songs on grace, and if this post actually gets any attention and people want to know i could post about it like i did with mickey and nude by radiohead, but here are some songs that remind me of ian/i think ian would like (off of grace):
- lover, you should’ve come over; romantic song, i feel like ian would listen to it and think of mickey because he’s a fucking sap. he would have this song, “at last” (etta james, their wedding song) and some other love songs in a playlist titled “mickey” or something like that. this song i kind of associate with mickey in season 4/5, just because of how much of a hopeless romantic he is, but mickey would probably not listen to jeff buckley. early seasons ian would probably resonate with this song a lot, especially in season 2/3 when his love for mickey is growing stronger and it’s making him a bit miserable at the same time. the whole “so i’ll wait for you, love, and i’ll burn” thing reminds me of both of them, but especially season 2/3 ian because he was kind of always left waiting for mickey to the point where it started to really break him. just the intense feeling of love in this song is so ian and it’s just… such a beautiful song and also gallavich coded i can’t even
- forget her; ian’s feelings towards mickey in seasons 6-8. i think people often look down on ian for how he felt about mickey in those seasons, and i understand why, but i also feel so awful for ian because the way he acted was so clearly him just trying to forget. wanting to push down all feelings he had for mickey and pretend that the situation was something it wasn’t because he undoubtedly has avoidant attachment issues (which i want to talk about more in depth sometime). “don’t fool yourself, she was heartache from the moment that you met her” is so ian, there is no way he went into that relationship and thought it would all end up okay. whether we’re talking about ian or mickey being the “heartache”. because ian always expected mickey to get himself thrown away again, and ian always expected himself to fuck things up. so he goes out with other men and he convinces himself he’s okay when he’s not, that he’s over mickey when he’s not, he has this whole façade on and not many people could see through it, but the second mickey saw him in season 7 (or even in the visit in season 6) he saw through it. the lyrics “oh, i think i’ve forgotten her now” remind me of ian’s date with caleb or just the whole caleb thing in general where he’s clearly trying to be someone he’s not and saying things he wouldn’t have said.
- lilac wine; season 3 ian. but like, 3x06-3x11 ian. the downfall, the heartbreak, the start of it all. “i lost myself on a cool, damp night, i gave myself in that misty light, was hypnotized by a strange delight under a lilac tree”, really just reminds me of the aftermath of 3x06 on ian’s part. the way he started to change, and drink, and cry. he was hurt, physically and mentally, and i don’t know how to really explain these lyrics in association with him during that time they just are ian. the whole song is kind of just like, drinking and missing someone. “lilac wine is sweet and heady, where's my love? lilac wine, i feel unsteady, where's my love? listen to me, why is everything so hazy? isn’t that she, or am i just going crazy, dear?” ian at the wedding, or after the wedding. just 3x11 in general. he’s drunk/hungover throughout the entire episode, and it’s really the start of it all. i mean, i think that everything had started a few episodes before that, but to me, that was the first episode where i saw ian and was like “holy shit”. he missed mickey, he drank a lot, and he was just so fucking heartbroken.
- dream brother; this song always reminds me of ian when i listen to it and i don’t even know how to explain it. i think a big part of it could be the fact that it’s believed this song is about child abandonment, and not only that, but also self destruction. two things ian knows a lot about. “her green eyes blew goodbyes, with her head in her hands” reminds me so much of monica leaving in season 1. not only that, but the look ian gave her. the way his eyes looked everytime they landed on her. it’s so heartbreaking and that lyric really reminds me of that. another thing about this song is that it apparently was a warning for his (jeff buckley’s) friend not to walk out on his pregnant girlfriend because it reminded him of what his father did, which is why the song says, “don’t be like the one who made me so old”. to me, that’s ian to lip. specifically in 7x08, which is one of my favorite episodes/scenes ever and i have talked about it so many times. how the scene where lip grabs ian is a direct parallel to when frank headbutts ian, and how ian looks at lip the same way he looks at frank. how ian advises lip not to drink before ian goes off to prison, and like, i don’t know, how they both have always kind of worried about ending up like frank and monica, the people who hurt them both so much. “they're waiting for you like i waited for mine; and nobody ever came” just reminds me of how ian looked when monica hugged debbie and carl in season 1. when she says “please let me be your mommy again” you can tell that ian’s heard that 1000 things and he’s absolutely crushed.
i definitely think he would listen to lana del rey, and i intend on making a separate post about that (i also started a series on ao3 of shameless oneshots inspired by lana del rey but it’s on a quick hiatus because again, i’m a lazy fuck), he reminds me a lot of her album (or ep, i guess) paradise. especially the songs ride and cola. if he were to listen to her he’d definitely be a local but he would love the songs he knows. debbie definitely got him into her because i’ve literally made a whole in-depth post about why debbie is a lana fan (it’s basically canon, especially considering debbie’s age and her marina phase) and so she would introduce her to him. maybe ian has lana songs on that playlist i was talking about?? who knows
i could definitely see him liking nirvana, that’s pretty realistic and it makes sense for him. i made a post about ian and territorial pissings and i honestly could make a lot of connections between ian and nirvana, too. it’s worth mentioning that kurt cobain was bipolar and he had songs about it, and those songs always seem to remind me of ian (like lithium).
anyway… i said a lot more than i had intended, but like i said, i really like doing meta about characters regarding music so should i post more of that??
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vintagelacerosette · 10 months
Tag game catch up ✨
I was tagged by these magnificent sweet peas Macy @celestialmickey Evie @energievie Ling @lingy910y Laurel @lupeloto Deena @suzy-queued Vey @look-i-love-u Emmet @grossmickey Deanna @deedala Ajax @transmickey Cross @crossmydna Melodie @sirrudo Nosho @creepkinginc Jay @surviving-maybe Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Paola @mishervellous Sisi @sisitrip Donna @sleepyfacetoughguy Kat @milkmaidovich Lyds @ardent-fox Lemon @depressedstressedlemonzest Carolie @shinygalaxyperson Ri @tanktopgallavich Jade @jademickian Michelle @mmmichyyy Arrow @arrowflier Meagan @softmick @solaq Anna @rereadanon Julia @juliakayyy Cherry @too-schoolforcool
Thanks yall 🥰
This weeks Tag game Tuesday
Name: Shermyn
Whereabouts in the world are you? Sydneeeey
Do you have any pets? My Roxy pup
What do you do for work? DMV but we actually help y'all lol
Favourite fruit? Rock melon or as mericans like to say cantaloupe 🍈
A pet peeve of yours: Music or vid in public places like doctor waiting room or in trains
Are you a fast walker or a slow walker? As many have said, bc of short legs it looks fast, but I'm just tryna catch up 😅
How do you usually wear your hair? Down & flowing & I try to make it fun with hair bows or fun clips 💕
Sunny days or rainy days? Sunny days ☀️
What time do you usually go to bed? 11pm-1am
What time do you usually wake up? Sunrise clock is at 6am but I go back to sleep depending on how late i sleep lol so 7am-8am. 9am-10am on days off lol
if you were a cartoon character, what would be your everyday outfit? My birthday dress but in the cartoon my outfit is magic so it can turn whatever I want it to be depending on the occasion but keeping them colours 🩷🩵💜 for example if I needed a business outfit it would turn into a dashing 3 piece suit 💖
Something you'd like to learn: How to write fic & to crochet
and finally, tell me something that made you happy recently: All the birthday messages from y'all (thank you) & seeing my friends for my birthday 🎂💕
Last week's tag game Tuesday✨️
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Pronouns: she/they
Your sun sign, MBTI type, and enneagram type (google them if you’re not sure!): Leo, & Nines (ok screaming bc this was the first time i did thay & can i say accuracy wtf 😭)
How tall are you? 151cm/4"11 aka cute sized by
What colour are your eyes? Dark brown
The last time you saw a movie in theaters (bonus: what was it?): Barbie movie!! It was terrific & hilarious (if i did this one time the answer wouda been Birds of Prey haha great Margot films)
Favourite dessert: Love all dessert rn I'm craving for crepes 😋
Outer space or the ocean? Now I woulda said ocean before but just Good Omens season 2 means me want outta space 🚀
You’re in a McDonald’s drive thru, what are you ordering? 10 pack nugget meal with medium strawberry milkshake & sweet & sour sauce for the nugs
Are you good with plants? Probs not bought some basil & my dad ended up take care of it idk if they still alive 🥲
Would your current self and high school self get along? Sure but she'd berate me asking wth girl thought you'd be an animater 😅
A food you can’t stand:
Something you’d do if money were no object: Have an lavish retreat trip somewhere exciting to meet all the you amazing gallabitches in the fandom, where we can have fanfic writing sessions, craft sessions & even have a meet & greet with Cam & Noel. Oh my! Am I making a dashcon for gallavich? 😆
The last app you opened on your phone: Amazon prime bc of Good Omens s2
and finally, compliment yourself! You are incredibly resilient, creative & full of light. 💖
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Concert ABC
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Five comfort characters
1. Mickey Milkovich from Shameless
2. Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed
3. Kaylee Frye from Firefly
4. Wylan Hendricks from Shadow & Bone
5. Brooke Davis from One Tree Hill
List five songs that someone else introduced me to that have made their way into my regular rotation
Last line written of fic
“Ok! Small Gallaghers, it's time to get moving and into the car, or I'll be getting chatty kathy up my as again” A familiar voice cuts through the tender moment and causes Ian to shoot up like he’s been electrocuted with Liam still in his arms.
(Ngl i haven't touched my fics in forever 😅)
Fanfic trope tier list
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ok so im finally making a real pinned post since a lot of shamey fans have been coming here to share their headcanons and ideas especially regarding shooting characters with the autisticification beam. this is not an intro or about me post. its just easier to put all this in one place since tumblrs blog search feature is shit 99% of the time. i swear i am NOT a shameless blog
apparently i have to say this now but i am NOT "pro ship." i am against using fiction as an excuse to create and distribute csam, animal abuse material, and other material used to groom such as !ncest. you should block me if you disagree lol. also terfs kys <3
PLEASE DONT FOLLOW OR SEND ASKS IF YOURE UNDER 18 also if i see you in my notes interacting with my ns.fw posts im just gonna block you 😭 i cant stop you from looking at my posts but dont interact⁉️‼️
hey lol i have a lot of haters ig so if you uh see something bad about me please let me know so i can address it!
my a03
shameless tags: shameless gallavich autistic!mickey autistic headcanons trans!mickey (ns/fw)
my shameless spotify playlists! :D
other spotify playlists:
other inch resting tags on my blog: shit ive said or made pretty stuff :) the song of achilles nbc hannibal queer shit art
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ian-galagher · 9 months
willooow, let me pause our adventures to invite you to a game if you wanna-
🎶🌾when u get this put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your followers 🌾🎶
Noshoooooo 🤗🧡💚
5 songs huh 😂 I'm listening to 80 at the moment 😂🤗🧡💚
Toto, Africa 😂😂😂😂
The Lion King, just all of it 😂
Elbow - The Everthere (I'd say it's a Gallavich song but it fits every fandom ever 😂)
Macy Gray - I Try 😭😭😭
Freshly Ground - Ask Me (just because it always cheers me up 😊 and because it suits me so well 😂 "ask me about birds, ask me about flowers" 😂🧡)
I may just put the lyrics to I Try below a read more 👀😁
Games, changes and fears When will they go from here When will they stop? I believe that fate has brought us here And we should be together, babe But we're not
I play it off, but I'm dreaming of you And I'll keep my cool, but I'm fiendin'
I try to say goodbye and I choke Try to walk away and I stumble Though I try to hide it, it's clear My world crumbles when you are not near Goodbye and I choke I try to walk away and I stumble Though I try to hide it, it's clear My world crumbles when you are not near
I may appear to be free But I'm just a prisoner of your love And I may seem alright and smile when you leave But my smiles are just a front Just a front, hey
Here is my confession May I be your possession? Boy, I need your touch Your love, kisses, and such With all my might, I try But this I can't deny
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mikhailoisbaby · 2 years
Tagged by this cutie @energievie thank so much Evie ! 🖤
you can call me: Harvey or Harv
Sun sign : Taurus ♉️
where in the world are you? north east England !
are you left or right handed? right for writing and left for using scissors ✂️
how many languages can you speak? One 😭
last thing you ate or drank: red ice pop❗️
do you believe in ghosts? what about aliens? Maybe I’m kinda undecided like I think their other life out there sure and I think ghost are a cool thought
first song from your “on repeat” playlist:
favorite holiday: Christmas is the only one that we sort of celebrate in my house so that
give us a movie rec: scooby-doo movie (2002
if you could tell your 16 year old self anything, what would it be? Erm probably “ you know that girl ur kinda in love with yeah well don’t be” or like “don’t leave dad hospital room because it will be the last time you see him”
finally, do THIS picrew — that’s right, a tag game double whammy!
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Tagging : @vintagelacerosette @surviving-maybe @creepkinginc @imsorry-imlate @stocious @whatthebodygraspsnot @jomilky @heymrspatel @gallavich-headcanon @depressedstressedlemonzest @flamingbluepanda @francesrose3 @look-i-love-u @lizelandre @howlinchickhowl @deathclassic @reader115 @rereadanon @sickness-health-all-that-shit @iero @you-are-so-much-better-than-that
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ms-moonlight-inn · 2 years
I just heard Día de suerte by Alejandra Guzman and my first thought was gallavich! Second thought was telling you 😭
Oh, you giant asshole! 😂 You showed up after weeks of silence to break my fragile Galla-heart with that gorgeous song? 😭😭😭
¡Claro que me encantó!
And I'm so flattered that I entered your mind when you thought of it. OK, so here's one I've been analyzing lately. What's your opinion? Is it worthy of Mickey & Ian?
I'm imagining an AU where one of them in a singer-songwriter.
Also, you'd probably be interested to know that I've been keeping your song rec's in a playlist 'cause I'm that kind of nerd. 🤓
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bekkachaos · 2 years
Heya love 🥰 for otp ask for gallavich 26, 29 & 30?
I am shocking and forgot this was in my drafts sorry Myn!!!
26.What would be their theme song?
My god Two Punks in Love by bülow is all my Gallavich feels, listen and flail about it with me. Not sure about theme song but just 😭
29.one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Imagining Mickey after Ian broke his heart and broke up with him after everything, how he would have gone to jail and been so alone and just thinking about how Ian could just brush him off like they were nothing, wondering if it was how he really felt or if it was the bipolar speaking for him. Just the loneliness he must have felt.
30.one headcanon about this otp that mends it
Okay but does anything mend this? How did we survive this show in real time?
They talked about how they ended, maybe years later, maybe once they got married, a little tipsy and sitting in their apartment just talking shit and Mickey mentions it in passing, but then Ian wants to talk about it. He wants to apologise, tell him that he thought it was the right thing, that he felt lost, like he didn't know who he was anymore, like he had already hurt Mickey enough. And Mickey doesn't want an apology, doesn't want Ian to apologise for feeling that way about himself, wouldn't change a thing because at the end of the day, they're married now, the rest is just bullshit (bc it's Mickey and he's gotta make it seem like he doesn't care somehow, but he cares very very much).
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sluttymickey · 2 years
Hey hey!!! Music anon here! Omg, yes starting with your tags, I listened to that song and it’s SO Ian s7, it had me all up in my feels. Just like the rest of these songs 😭
Lost Boy/Blue Moon - Troye Sivan (Recommend listening to these back to back, it really gives me 5x12 Ian —> pre-prison Ian)
This is gonna out me as a former 1D stan but, alas:
Always You/Habit - Louis Tomlinson (It was always Mickey, Ian/ Ian is the habit Mickey can’t break)
What a Time - Julia Michaels ft. Niall Horan (just, oof)
I Won’t Mind - Zayn (Baby secret boyfriend Ian)
Matilda - Harry Styles (Not even joking, I get so fucking emotional if I think about Ian showing or singing this song to Mickey)
This one was a bit angsty so here’s one last one to make you smile:
She’s So Mean - Matchbox 20 (Mickey: “You say that again I’ll rip your tongue out of your head” Ian: 😏🥰)
Omg Music Anon HIIIIIII!!! I've missed you!!🥺
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(I truly thought you got annoyed by me and left ashfgdj I'm so happy to see you back in my inbox 😭)
Putting thoughts under the cut because I have MANY
1. Lost boy:
Omg. Did you know that I was so OBSESSED with this song like, 5(?) years ago?? Not just this song, the entire Troye Sivan discography from back then. I'm gonna listen to Blue Neighbourhood on repeat now for a while. Speaking of. It is SUCH A GALLAVICH ALBUM IS IT NOT?
Wild, Bite, Fools, Heaven, for you -> early seasons boyfriends
Blue -> s5 mickey 🥺
Anyway, back to Lost Boy!!
As the smile fell from your face, I fell with it // Our faces blue // There's a heart stain on the carpet // I left it, I left it with you (Porch break up 🥺)
So go, get to runnin', won't you hurry? // While it's light out, while it's early (remember when that post was going about about deleted lines from the porch break up? And ian said something like leave before you get burnt or something like that? Yeah these lyrics remind me of that 🥺)
So what are you waiting for? // Cause someone could love you more // I'm just a lost boy, lost boy (he doesn't want Mickey waiting around for him to do his next crazy shit 😭 (sorry i don't remember the exact dialogue he said))
2. Blue Moon:
Crash and burn is all I know // I think that's why I made you go // Those three words, you were my first
Maybe you were my blue moon // maybe I let go too soon // Running from what could be // so terrified of happy // how did I come to lose // My blue moon
^^ GOD. These lines have got me FUCKED UP. That's him 🥺
3. Always You:
I'm wastin' my time when it was always you, always you // Chasin' the high, but it was always you, always you // Should've never let you go (IAN ABOUT MICKEY YEAH 😭)
4. Habit
I always said that I'd mess up eventually // I told you that, so what did you expect from me? // It shouldn't come as no surprise anymore
You're the habit that I can't break // You're the feelin' I can't put down // You're the shiver that I can't shake // You're the habit that I can't break
You give me the time and the space // I was out of control // And I'm sorry I let you down // I guess that I know what I already knew // I was better with you // And I miss you now
^^ all of these make me think of Mickey thinking about ian in juvie after calling him a warm mouth 🥺
Also, We Made It also makes me think of ian and mickey 🤕
5. What a Time:
Ngl every time i listen to this song i think about s7 gallavich 😭
I think of the night in the park, it was getting dark // And we stayed up for hours // What a time, what a time, what a time
You clinged to my body like you wanted it forever // What a time, what a time, what a time // For you and I
^ mickey in mexico thinking about the night they stargazed 🥺
I know we didn't end it like we're supposed to // And now we get a bit tense // I wonder if my mind just leaves out all the bad parts // I know we didn't make sense
I admit it that I think about it sometimes // Even though I know it's not so distant // Oh, no, I still wanna reminisce it
^^ just. Both of them missing each other after s7 😭
6. I Won't Mind:
'Cause we are who we are // When no one's watching // And right from the start // You know I got you
I won't mind // Even though I know you // You'll never be mine
It hurts my heart to think this but yeah, baby secret boyfriend ian 🥺🥺🥺
7. Matilda
Okay so I heard this song for the first time just now and. Wow. Just. [Sobs violently]
The thought of Mickey getting to hear this. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Like the entire songs, every single one of the lyrics. 😭
But especially, especially, these lines:
Matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright //But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside // You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days
You can let it go // You can throw a party full of everyone you know // And not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love // You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
You can let it go // You can throw a party full of everyone you know // You can start a family who will always show you love // You don't have to be sorry, no
Thinking about Mickey listening to this and thinking about his family, about Mickey finding and starting a family of his home, a family that will always love him, and about him never having to be in that kind of pain again. Wow. Once again, excuse me while I- [sobs violently]
8. She's so mean:
Yes!! Mickey's rude but Ian's like 🥰 boyfriend 🥰
And the part about how he'll freak out if ian doesn't shut up and all all he wants is to hold him!! He'll never let him go so true <3
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purplemagpie · 2 years
fanworks creators self rec! when you get this, reply with your favorite five fanworks you’ve made, then pass on to at least five other creators. 💖
evie, hi 🥰! hope you're doing well 💛💫. if i rec my own writing it's gonna come with a whole lotta self-deprecation attached, so imma pick gifsets/edits instead:
- this mickey/gallavich set with lyrics from i wanted so badly to be brave by the wonder years. this song works so well for them, send help 😭
- this gallavich set with lyrics from i don't like who i was then by the wonder years (i am nothing if not predictable 😌🖤)
- this gallavich set with lyrics from deep red by movements (which reminds me i need to make an ian gifset 🥺🧡)
- prison boyfriends gifset (i love them so much 🥰)
- soon to be husbands gifset (they're soft and in love 🥺😭💙)
thank you for sending this my way 🥰!
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voidting · 2 years
Hi Void ♪
I have stumbled on a new obsession... The TV show "Shameless" (US version) and of course down the rabbit hole of Mickey and Ian. I have so many thoughts on the show to be honest (I looove Carl, he's such a little shit, I wish Lip could get out of south side and though I loved Fiona in the first few seasons, I kinda care less and less 😭, Frank can go die in a dumpster, and of course Mickey and Ian the adorable idiots 🥰), I'm going through season 5 at the moment but I've already spoiled myself with what happens next (I'm just like that) and I AM NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THE ANGST BETWEEN THEM.
So, what did I do? I read a Gallavich AU of course. AND IT WAS SO GOOD. If any of you have other recs, please send them my way 😌. In the meantime!!!, read this one.
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COOPERATIVE GAMEPLAY by grayola @gallavichy *
At nineteen years old, Ian Gallagher’s stuck. Stuck in a minimum-wage job he hates. Stuck in the same boring routine--sleep, wake, work, take your meds, Ian!, try not to lose it day after day after day. But after his little brother introduces him to MICK MILK, a frustratingly hot horror gamer he watches on YouTube, Ian's life will never be the same. ♥️
Explicit - Ian/Mickey - 421 889 words
That's a lot of words I know. But it doesn't feel like so many words, to be honest. The story flowed just perfectly and though it did take me a couple of days to go through it, I didn't feel the need to skip passages like I sometimes do for big fics.
We got, youtube gamer!Mickey (which fucking works to be honest, I freaking love his voice in the show) with groupie turned disillusioned turned crushing!Ian. I reaaaally loved the progression of their feelings and relationship.
Sprinkled with Twitter stans war, Instagram follow tease, cute couple pictures, knowing friends and family (I'm in love with Mo).
The icing on the cake is their mutual loving support, Mickey being able to do more of what he loves, Ian being able to find what he loves to do.
A lot of songs and Spotify playlists (that I listened to while reading, 10/10 setting the ambience tbh).
And really fucking hot smut 🔥🍋.
I laughed, I cried, I cringed, I cooed, this story has it all 👀.
Do yourself a favour, and take the time to read it if you haven't already.
Or re-read it. Like I'm about to do... 🌟
* If you'd prefer to not be tagged just let me know! I just saw you had a tumblr 😖
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themilkoviches · 2 years
hi hello just needed to say that you're so so right skin to skin is a gallavich song. like, i literally named a gallavich fic lend me your clothes (i'll lend you mine) 😭💙 i have so many feelings about movements + gallavich you have no idea 🙏🏼
Hi! Yes, yes! It’s right there! I have this problem where I don’t realize certain songs are just Them until I’m listening to it and this was one of them. The “Oh. 🥺” moment for me… I need to search that fic up! God, me too. So many feelings about them both… Also sidenote, but I know you said that Movements is an Ian band in your tags of your set and I’m also here to say that you’re absolutely right. 95% of their songs are just… meant for him. I’m here for this always. Movements are one of my favorite bands, so I’m so happy there’s someone else who can yell with me over this. ❤️
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mickmilks · 2 years
i’m also kind of having kind of a bad brain day so, hey, twinsies 🥂 anyway i’ve been listening to a lot of fob lately (well. more than usual) bc 1) they’ve got straight bangers & 2) i’m working on a fob x gallavich playlist, and im wondering if u have any fob songs that remind u of mickey/ian/them at all? “its not side effect” is one that makes me get all “🥺🥺😭😭🥺🤧” bc its SO mickey.. (also idk what kind of q’s you were looking for, so if this wasn’t it, feel free to ignore me 💕)
bad brain days buds 🤝 and oh boy do i
hold me tight or don't
alone together
wilson (expensive mistakes)
the (shipped) gold standard
the kids aren't alright
the last of the real ones
young volcanoes
dear future self
and i'm sure there's more but these are the ones off the top of my head!
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okaydays · 3 years
Thank you to @mishervellous @notherenj-nowherenj @yeah-all-of-it @mickeymilkovichenthusiast for tagging me in this you're all beautiful and deserve the world ❤️I am Very Bad at doing these things in a timely fashion and that seems to have become a personality trait but I appreciate all of you!!
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Three ships:
Gallavich (ofc)
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(For some reason the gif search only gave me one gif of them but it’s this one so I cannot complain)
Wolfstar (Remus and Sirius lmaooo)
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(Using this because there’s not really a gif for them??? Like not them in the actual HP movies?)
Jake and Amy
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They’re so cute 😭
Last Song: Lose You to Love Me - Selena Gomez (here's a good Gallavich fanvid to that song)
Currently Reading: I'm between fics rn (just finished Etherized Against The Sky and I'm FINE I'm not CRYING oh wait I AM) but in terms of actual books... Friends & Dark Shapes by Kavita Bedford.
Last Movie: The Princess Diaries with my housemate 🥰
Currently Watching: Shameless (very slowly lmao) and B99.
Currently Consuming: water, babey!!!!! 💦
Currently Craving: something to get rid of this headache goddamn. Also sleep. Maybe one will be the answer to the other.
Tagging @mickeyssleevelessflannel @mickeysfreckles @bazgallaghermilkovich @iansfreckles @southside-forever @whaticameherefor @whatwouldmickeydo @tomorrowillmissyou @betcoop no obligation to do this and if you've already done this before, all good!! Take this as a 'have a lovely day' message 💖
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sluttymickey · 2 years
Hello drish my love 💞💞 I had a stinky day, and I would like some fluffy recs?? Has anyone ever asked you your favorite fluffy fics??
Baring that, I'm thinking about lesbian gallavich + Yevgeny. He deserves two mamas 🥺 Mickey dancing with her baby and his chubby baby legs jiggling 🥺
ALICIA MY BELOVED!! I'm so sorry you had a stinky day :( I'm sending you all my love --😚😚😘😘😽😽❤️❤️🧡🧡💛💛💚💚💙💙💜💜🤎🤎🖤🖤🤍🤍♥️♥️💘💘💝💝💖💖💗💗💓💓💞💞💕💕💌💌💟💟--and a bunch of flowers to brighten your day up a bit--🌻🌻🌷🌷🌹🌹🌼🌼💐💐🌺--and a couple of fluffy fic recs to hopefully make you smile:
Everything With You: LRPD and EAY boys falling in love with each other forever 🥺 Reading this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and smiley
Under Lock and Key by @suzy-queued : Ian and Mickey work the night shift at the college's housing department. Super cute friends to lovers fic!! It made me go 🥰🥰😊☺️ SO many times!!
weaver of fate (to your will i won't fold) by @sunoficarus : Honestly, I'm OBSESSED w everything Vicks writes, but this holds SUCH A soft spot in my heart. Seer Mickey is the SOFTEST. And Ian's so fucking sweet 🥺 SOULMATES!!!!!!
Ian the Friendly Ghost: Yes, I'm letting the world know I'm Vicks' #1 stan BUT!!! This is SO GOOD. Ghost Ian is so fucking adorable and I wanna wrap him in a blanket burrito and boop his nose. And mickey!! So fucking tender 🥺 so fucking GONE over ian!! AND IT'S SO CLEVERLY WRITTEN AAAAAAAA.
Song of the Hearth by @howlinchickhowl : Mickey being the softest and most caring husband for a sick!Ian 🥺 I read it when I was sick and it's SO COMFORTING, it feels like you're cuddling in a fluffy blanket!! And Ian's so precious here too 😭
your kiss, my cheek by @suchagallabitch : Sick Mickey just wants his kisses!!😾 And he gets them 😌 Elle wrote this for me 😌 also have you checked out elle's word prompts fics!? I haven't had the time yet to read them yet but I'm so sure they're lovely 🥰
Mikayla's (@xninetiestrendx )SUPER ADORABLE TUMBLR FICS!!: Each one will def make you go 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰☺️☺️☺️☺️😊😊😊😊😊♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Gallentines and I Love You Beyond Measure and this prompt fic by @depressedstressedlemonzest : ALL THREE OF THEM ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AND I'M VERY SOFT OVER THEM!!!!🥺💞
Warmness On The Soul by @bravemikhailo : soft birthday husbands 🥺 guaranteed to make you feel as if you're all smiley and happy in the sunshine <3
This lil fic about the boys being soft during a storm 🥺 by @arrowflier it MELTED me 🥺
Everything Calli (@ianandmickeygallavich ) has written is soft and wonderful and brilliant!! 🥺♥️
And. Uhm. I've written a couple ficlets too which are very sappy 😳
Alright, all of y'all drop your fav fluffy fics for alicia <33
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sluttymickey · 2 years
hiii desi anon here, i hope ur having a great day and honestly icb u replied to me ur one of the biggest blogs here im so honored 😭 im from the south and i dont rly speak hindi but i understand most of it! which brings me to my question: WHAT HINDI (or marathi, i rly just want desi songs lol) SONGS REMIND U OF GALLAVICH? if u have a bollywood gallavich playlist PLSS SHARE! i've always wanted a desi gallavich stan to talk to so just a warning that im gonna be spamming ur inbox for a while lol
Hiiiiii!!!!!! Ofc I replied 🥰 and there's no big blogs here we're all just out here clowning together about the boys 😌
Omg I've been waiting all my life for this!!😭 I have SO MANY hindi songs that remind me of them 😭
Don't have a playlist, but here's a little list! Putting it under a cut cause it got too long lol.
Mai Yahan Hun: PRISON REUNION!!! Mickey making his way across the border for Ian inspite of everything!!
Adhoori Saans Thi Dhadkan Adhoori Thi Adhooren Hum // Magar Ab Chaand Poora Hain Falak Pe Aur Ab Pooren Hain Hum
Jaanam dekhlo mit gayi duriyaan, mai yahan hun, yahan hun, yahan hun, yahan // Kaisi sarhadein, kaisi majbooriyan, mai yahan hun, yahan hun, yahan hun, yahan.
Mere Haath Mai: like the entire song??? Reminds me of them breaking apart and reuniting every single time. Holding onto each other!! And ofc HANDS 😩💫. Tere haath mai mera hath ho, saari jannatein mere saath ho. That's SO them!! I've got the whole universe if I've got your hand in mine!!!😭
^^ that feeling of being incomplete w/o each other!! But now they're together and they feel whole 🥺 also the last line makes me think of them stargazing and feeling so content 🥺
Mast Magan:
Man Mast magan, man mast magan bas tera naam dohraaye// Chaahe bhi toh bhool na paaye
The part about just thinking about each other, and not being able to forget even if you want to. Like!!! Aaaaaah it's THEM
Duniya zamaana jhoota fasaana // Jeene marne ka waada saancha mera // Ho sheeshmahal na mujhko suhaye // Tujh sang sookhi roti bhaaye
The way the world doesn't matter if they have each other!! Till death do us apart 😭 and the last lines remind me of them bc like. They don't care about the fancy shit or anything, they just want a peaceful domestic life w each other 🥺
Bolna: the entire song actually 🥺 gives me very mickey about ian vibes if that makes sense?
Virah: mickey heartbroken in prison and in mexico </3
Tu Jo Muh Phere Sakhi Deh Pran Tyaage // Pal-Pal Tu Dekh Mujhe Zindagi Guzaar Du
When Ian turned away from him 🥺
Lab Par Aaye: the lyrics fit so well w ian trying to win Mickey back after the courthouse tragedy!!
Kaho na pyaar hai: idk gives me v early s5 vibes. They were lovin' so hard and they were so happy 🥺
Haan tu hai: ian@mickey!!
Jo khwabon khayalon mein socha nahin tha tune mujhe itna pyaar diya // Main jab bhi jahaan bhi kadi dhoop mein tha // Teri zulf ne mujh pe saya kiya
Reminds me of all the times Mickey's been their for Ian when he needed it 🥺
Koi bhi aisa lamha nahi hai // Jismein mere tu hota nahi hai // Main so bhi jaaun mein raaton mein lekin // Tu hai ki mujhmein sota nahi hai
Ian smiling as he dreams about Mickey in s10 🥺
Tum Mile: I feel like this is a very mickey thinking about ian song. About how his life has transformed after Ian came 🥺
Tum mile toh jaadu chaa gaya // Tum mile toh jeena aa gaya 🥺
Kaise Mujhe Tum: I feel like this has the same vibe as above. Mickey thinking about Ian and about how he can't believe he gets to have him. Idk s2 Mickey vibes 🥺
Jaane Kyun: best friends and husbands vibes 🥰 but also s3 best friends and boyfriends vibes 🥺 in the alley chase scene 🥺
Jab koi baat bigad jaaye: reminds me of them saying their vows. Good times bad sickness health that shit 🥺 also ian asking would you take care of me if i was paralysed.
Lag jaa gale: this was the first song I'd connected w gallavich. This is SO s7 ian and mickey when they'r stargazing 🥺 like from Ian's side bc he knows he might not be crossing the border w mickey and this might be the last night he shares w mickey 🥺
Yeh tune kya kiya: early seasons mickey about ian!!!
Tum se hi: I keep saying this avwhwb but mickey about ian!!!
Khabar nai: baby ian falling for mickey 🥰
Bekhayali: Mickey in prison and mexico 🥺
Maahi Ve (Highway): idk this is just a very THEM song and I'm obsessed w it. Oh and also Dhadak (from the movie Dhadak lol).
Roke Na Ruke Naina: s3 ending and s4a mickey 🥺
Kahin toh: s4a gallavich. The guy's part is Mickey and the part about mai kho gyi hun jaane kiski baahon mai is ian 🥺
I love you (Bodyguard): s2 Mickey about ian!! He's falling in loveeeee
Saawali si raat: this makes me think of them staying up late just because. All loving stares and soft smiles and being all cuddled up
Lehrein: s5b and s6 ian 🥺
Aaaand I'm done!!😌 Hope you like these 😌
What songs remind you of them??? I wanna know!!
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