#this must be what Markiplier felt playing Crush Crush
cyberpunkboytoy · 7 months
Hey. So I started playing the phone game "Reverse: 1999." Doing my 10-pulls, as you do. And uh.
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They put me?? In the game???
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Same as Ace. So 1, 3 the list of doom and of still time and motivation in the end continue with 15 😇
welp :’) okay, let’s go
1) if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
why would anyone want to really understand me though? well, i’d say, book wise, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes and Narnia might be a good start, movie and tv show wise, Supernatural, Doctor Who and Buffy the Vampire Slayer are my favourites, animes wise, there are YoI, Grendizer and Captain Harlock, and music wise, you gonna have a lot of work, bc Queen, Depeche Mode, Die Ärtze, musicals (like BMC, Heathers, DEH, AVPM), The Beatles, ACDC, U2 and probably most of the bands from the 50s to the 90s bc that’s what I live with.
3) list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
oml you in for a treat. I ain’t gonna do all my fandoms, prob gonna forget one or two bc fandoms are my life tbh. I’m gonna straight up ignore most of the “real life people” fandoms, but you can note that I am in the GG, Markiplier, JSE, and a few more fandoms but yknow.
Marvel (comics and MCU) : Tony Stark or Peter Parker, as I too have low self esteem, a life which might look ideal but really sucks, and shitty parents
HP : Draco Malfoy, as I too grew up with parents so into their ideology I didn’t realise it wasn’t always like that
Musicals (imma put a few there): Michael, cuz I ain’t people’s first choice, Evan cuz I always end up in weird situations over bad decisions and have to face way too big consequences
Thomas Sanders (and the sides): Virgil, bc he’s basically me, I’m the incarnation of Anxiety, you don’t understand, but Virgil is me when I’m okay, and me anxious is far worse
Undertale: Sans, bc I make jokes to hide my true self and I never answer questions properly, and if you hurt someone I love, I will destroy you despite being like,,, really small
Life Is Strange: Warren, bc I’m nice with the people I have a crush on but they all end up dating someone else again I’m nobody’s first choice
BTVS: Willow, barely functional queer person, too many feelings all the time, the general habit of thinking I’m useless, turning scary bad when pissed, try to stay positive and help people
DC (comics, we ignore the latest movies): Harley Quinn, insane, fell in love with an abusive asshole, stayed with him for way too long before being dumped, now interested in boys and girls and on my way to find something better, probably crushing on one of my best friend and terrible at keeping plants alive
idk, imma stop here cuz i am tired :’)
15) five most influential books over your lifetime.
A Little Princess and The Story of Hellen Keller, because they made me feel so much as a child, and I feel like it’s a must, it made me change and try to understand, and TSoHK is the reason I want to learn Sign Language.
The Narnia Chronicles, because it took me away, and it’s one of my favourite book, and it made me realise it wasn’t because I felt like the less important one that I didn’t at least have a bit of importance. Also that’s something I want to RP one day.
Romeo and Juliet, which is probably one of the play I read the most, since I read it in french, in english, in old english and a few parts in german, and I know it by heart, at least. I even named my art blog with a quote from it! @lapestesoitdevosdeuxmaisons !
And, obviously, the Harry Potter books. I don’t think I need to explain? :’)
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logan-are-you-okay · 6 years
Marriage Behind Closed Doors
Chase couldn’t stop, no matter how hard he tried the images came flooding back to him. Stacy might’ve seem nice, sweet on the outside, but she was a nightmare dressed like a Day Dream. She wouldn’t believe him when he said that he wasn’t flirting with the girl after a “bro average” shoot, or that he wasn’t off with some slut to have sex. Stacy would always call him every hour to check up on him, but when he didn’t pick up right then... hell would be paid when he would get home. Chase tried everything that he could to please her, but nothing seemed to work.
He slowly raises his hand to the scar that he had on the corner of his eye. She had been very abusive during the whole relationship, but that one scar he can’t not see. Always in the corner of his vision, always when he looked in the mirror, every time he filmed a episode the fans would ask where he go it. Yes he has many other scars from her, but those are all underneath his clothing. Mainly on his back and chest.
Slowly turning over to the opposite side of the bed he looks out the window on this rainy night, he used to find the rain peaceful. The crashing sound of thunder, the brightness of the lightning striking the ground, the soft pitter pattern of rain drops hitting the window. He adored it, it was his one place where he could escape to when everything went wrong... but not anymore. Slowly closing his eyes, he remembers that day. All to recent, it was only a couple months ago.
He had just walked home from the shoot of a ‘Bro Average’ video, and was taking his time walking in the rain. Letting the cold droplets run down his bright green hair and down his face. His eyes where half lidded as he walked, it was very close to midnight after all. Stacy had called him about around nine o’clock and he didn’t answer. His manger wanted to go over an idea for relocating the set to LA, because there was a man by the name of ‘Bing’ who had offered to help progress the series to become global. Chase was so excited to tell Stacy, but when he saw that he missed her call... he wasn’t as excited.
Once he had finally got home, he opened the door and went inside. Taking off his shoes before he walked on the hardwood, Stacy hated a messy house. He was finally able to work the nerve up to walk into the bedroom, and talk to her. He had just hoped to god that she was asleep, so he could think over what to tell her in the morning... his prayers didn’t work. As soon as he opened the door he was met with a hard ass slap to his face. It was so hard his head snapped to that direction and made him fall over. Chase remembered the vicious look in her eyes as she lowered her body down to his eye level.
“Where the fuck where you?” The harsh tone still rings in his ears, even to this day.
“I was walking home from-“ he gets cut off mid-sentence with a sharp tug of his hair pulling him into the room and a large slam against the door that took the wind out of him.
“Don’t lie to me you son of a bitch! It’s nearly midnight and you DARE have the motherfucking guts to tell me you where at that damn SHOOT all day?!” She practically screams.
Instinctively his fingers clench onto the pillow he was sleeping on. Why couldn’t his mind just shut off for two minutes so he can sleep in peace?
“Honey, quiet down... you’ll wake up the-“ this time Stacy grabbed him by the collar of his shirt pulling him closer to her in a fast motion. Almost fast enough to give some one whiplash.
“Don’t tell me what I can or can not do, cunt! You belong to me, not the other way around! You don’t talk to bitches, you don’t look at bitches, you sure as HELL don’t talk to me like a bitch!” She said as she dug her nails into the skin on his arm. He screwed his eyes so that he wouldn’t yell out. It was the middle of the night, he didn’t want his kids to wake up early and be tired for school the next day. Even though how badly he just wanted to call out for help.
“Stacy... I d-didn’t have the car today... y..you did, I had to w-walk home...” he tried to explain with a desperate plea in his voice.
“Sooooo is that suppose to tell me that you didn’t happen to fuck the girl you where talking to when I called? What’s her name... Yolanda?” With that sentence his eyes popped open and he saw the rage fulled eyes staring back at him.
“Y-Yolanda is just my manager... where you stalking m-me?” He managed to squeal out. Why would she have snuck in and spied on him at work? Does she really not trust him that much?
“Like Hell She is, I saw those plastic breast that she was trying to fucking show off!”
“Please baby... lower your voice... swearing is bad for the kids ears-“ He then was met with being thrown across the room and landing on the edge of the frame that held the bed. He wasn’t able to catch himself and his head hit directly on the corner. He was able to land on his knees, but he felt something running down his face as he slowly got up. He slowly touched what he felt, pulled it back, and saw the blood.
“I don’t fucking care Chase! You are MINE and MINE alone!”
Chase Quickly sits up from the bed in a panic breathing quickly and heavily. He doesn’t want to remember, he doesn’t! Why should he remember such a horrible time in his life!? He then starts to cry at the top of his lungs and just scream as if he was getting murdered.
Screaming is the easiest way to get it out of his system, people always say that guys shouldn’t hit girls. That women are to precious and can’t handle themselves. Not once as he touched her in anyway to be abusive, never slapped, hit, punch, rape, anything! It’s perfectly fine for a women to grab a man and sexually assault him while she was drunk... while he couldn’t fight back because of morals. He couldn’t even fight back or he would be put in jail... no one ever suspects a man to be getting abused... no one ever thinks that a girl could ever harm someone to such an extent... no one ever thinks that the bruises, scars, dried blood is from the nature of a unhinged mother.
They all think ‘Hey, he must be a real daredevil to get those scars’ or ‘He must be a major cults.’ No one believes him when he tried to tell someone. They all say, ‘take like a man, or your just being a pansy.’
Even being this far away from her and being in possession of the kids, she still manages to haunt him. Still torment him as if she was right there beating him up all over again. Thankfully she was arrested for a DUI so he got possession while she’s in jail... but it doesn’t help. Yes he’s safe with the kids, but the past eight years of marriage can cause some seriously horrible PTSD.
“It’s three in the morning, so would you please stop screaming so I can get some sleep.” A sudden sharp voice blazes through the room.
Chase Quickly stops and looks right at the door frame. His heart nearly stops as he sees Bing in the door way in his tight black tank top and boxers. After Stacy got arrested he took the offer from his manager and moved to LA with his kids. Bing really wanted the show to work so he offered his place for Them to stay at while Chase searches for an official home to move into.
“Dude, have you been crying?” Bing asks with a concern tone.
What had he been crying!? Oh shit, just his fucking luck! Quickly he wipes away his tears as Bing slowly came walking into the room. Bing might’ve been your typical douchebag skater boy, but he knew when it was time to calm down and help someone.
“I-It’s nothing! J-just... just a little nightmare is all!” Chase says trying to reassure, but he was shaking. A dream wouldn’t do that so easily.
He then watches as Bing sits on the bed next to him, and his heart starts going a million miles a minute! Yes he might’ve just woken up, but he sure as hell was awake now! Chase has always had a crush on the most famous ‘BingIplier’ after watching his famous segments on ‘Markiplier TV’ station. He knows it seems bad... but he’s always been bisexual. He always preferred men over the women, but growing up you couldn’t be gay. It was never social acceptable so he just went with the other option. Maybe he should’ve just went against natures laws...
“Chase... I know that it wasn’t just a nightmare. Come on Bro, what do you take me for? An idiot?” He says with a joking manner trying to lighten the mood, but it doesn’t help.
Chase looks away from him and stares at the thunder storm out the window. He might not enjoy it anymore, but it’s better then looking at the chunk of meat next to him. Trying to calm down his shaking hands and heart he takes a deep breath and lets his eyes go lidded. He just needs to calm down... deep breaths... in and out... not long his brain goes back to a different time Stacy hurt him and his eyes screw up with a small flinch. Why can’t he just escape these memories? What did he do that was so wrong that god had to torture him like this? He’s never smoked, hurt anyone... badly, or kill anyone... guess the saying that bad things happen to good people comes into affect, huh?
Suddenly he feels a pair of warm, masculine arms wrap around him as his eyes dart open as his body tenses up.
“Bing!? What are you-“
“Sh... Sh... it’s okay, I promise.” There was a calming and sense of peace to his tone of voice. At first his mind went a thousand miles an hour! What does this mean!? Is he just trying to comfort him!? Is he just doing this for show!? Is he trying to gain trust and make him like HIM better!? After several minutes of letting this happen, Chase slowly lets his muscles relax into the embrace. Not a single thought of panic crossed his mind. It was... peaceful... warm... sweet... and he felt safe... something that he hasn’t felt in a long time. He even finally starts to fall asleep as he looks up at Bing who was playing with Chases hair.
“I won’t ask tonight, but I expect answers in the morning.” Bing says with a commanding, but kind voice.
Chases eyes completely close with a small nod of his head in agreement, he didn’t mean to, but it just happened. He finally falls asleep, something he hasn’t done in months. The only thing is... is that Bing didn’t leave after Chase had fallen asleep. Nothing wrong with that, just bro’s being dudes... right?
( @untrustworthyglitch I tried the dialogue text you gave me! Also @alaughingfreak tried to make a little angst, don’t know if it worked)
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rynnwolfe · 7 years
Wilting and Fading, part 2
(Hello again! As far as I can tell, this is the final part of this story (but you never can be sure). This part is actually more heart-rending than the previous chapter, I would say. Be warned~)
Click here for part 1!
     Mark had tried to get Bim back - the amount of love and attention he had put into the video rivaled that of ‘A Date With Markiplier’. It featured everything that the Egos had listed about their companion’s personality: the lopsided smile that he only had when he was exceptionally embarrassed, how he was constantly moving his hands when in front of an audience, his affinity for stuffed animals and all things green. The Egos even took it upon themselves to ensure that Mark’s look matched that of their friend. Everything had been laid out, orchestrated to perfectly fall into place and bring Bim Trimmer back into this reality.      Things go wrong.
     The man who stepped into the meeting room was not the Bim Trimmer that they all had known; though it had been over a week now, and they had attended many meetings with this new Ego, it was still as jarring to them all as it had been on the first day. This Bim, however, seemed oblivious to the looks he received, oblivious to the slight wrongness that he brought everywhere he went.      “All I’m saying, Willy,” Wilford grit his teeth at the nickname “is that I should get an extended segment on the show. That’s the only way anyone’s going to watch, and you know it.”      The Ego sitting in Bim’s chair had his elbows on the table, head resting on the backs of his hands as he looked up at the Wilford with a sly and utterly conceited smile. His foot tapped under the table, as it always did when he was forced to sit anywhere for more than a few minutes. Even on stage, the new Bim Trimmer had to pace, play with his sleeve cuffs, flirt with a contestant, anything to channel his unlimited energy. Wilford got tired just watching him.      “We’ve been over this, Trimmer; I’m the face of this channel, while you’re just some secondhand-” the pink Ego had pulled out his knife at some point and was gesturing wildly with it as he ranted, stepping close to Bim’s chair with the clear intent of making things violent.      All the Egos stood quickly from their seats in alarm, besides the man who was being threatened; who suddenly became intensely pale and seemed to fold into himself all at once, his confident façade crumbling. Wilford halted in his tracks at the sight of Bim suddenly pulling himself into an awkward, hunched-over position with his arms over his head to protect his face. It was as if Wilford had been taken back in time to when Bim was first scheduled to host his own television segment. The pink Ego had found the younger man in a supply closet minutes before he was meant to go on stage, hunkered down and hyperventilating. It had taken almost twenty minutes to coax Bim into any semblance of calm in that situation. It had been frustrating, confusing to Wilford originally: reporting and being in front of the camera was as natural as breathing for him. But as he got to know Bim better - as more than simply an unpaid intern of sorts - it became clear how much of a struggle anxiety made even the simplest of presentations. Knowing that, Wilford was, dare he say it, proud of how far Bim had come in such a short time of existence.      But then he had faded; and this new Bim? He was simply a coward.      With a scoff, WIlford placed the knife back in the folds of his shirt and walked out of the meeting room without so much as a glance at any of the other Egos. Most looked to Dark, waiting for him to make the first move. A brief pause, then Dark stepped over to the cowering form in Bim’s chair. The Ego was still tightly curled into himself, his fingers desperately pulling and twisting at his hair.      “Bim.”      Dark’s voice was soothing, the type of tone that he would use with a frightened child or someone who didn’t know his games well enough to resist. This Bim didn’t know Dark, after all. There was no response from the Ego, so Dark placed a cold hand on Bim’s shoulder; that sparked a reaction, and Bim leapt from the chair as if startled from a dream. His eyes were becoming red around the edges and there were tears pooling up in their depths; despite that, he regained his obnoxious, over-the-top smile in moments.      “Thought I would play dead to get him off my back. Meeting’s over then? I have scripts to write and plants to water.”      Bim was out of the room as quickly as Wilford had been, though the younger Ego seemed to feel as if he owed everyone a smile and wink as he left. Things stayed silent for a short while, then the Egos who remained broke into quiet chatter, mainly regarding the new Bim and the all-too-real concept of Fading.
     “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! I’m your host, Bim Trimmer.” Bim was pacing the rooftop, reciting his introduction over and over, each time with a different inflection. Each one felt ever so slightly off, as if the words weren’t meant to fit in his mouth no matter how wide his smile was. Between each lap around the roof’s perimeter he stopped at the garden boxes to water them carefully. It was calming, the way the leafy, tropical plants swayed in the breeze on top of the Egos’ building. It felt so detached from what had happened in the meeting, removed from the sideways glances he would always receive from the others. His plants didn’t act like he was out of place, off-kilter.      “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! I’m your host, Bim Trimmer.”      “Are you?”      The second voice, so similar to his own, made Bim jump up from where he had crouched next to the planters, sending the watering can flying. Before it could hit the ground, however, it disappeared in a bright flash not unlike a camera’s; another flash, and the object was once again in Bim’s hands. Dark, who had approached the rooftop garden as silently as ever, watched this display of powers with a quirk of an eyebrow. When the younger Ego had collected himself, brushing off his lapel to feign nonchalance, Dark spoke once again.      “You’ve noticed the looks everyone gives you. Particularly Wilford.”      Bim pursed his lips slightly at the statement - and it was a statement of fact, not a question.      “So, that’s not a typical thing, then? Not some weird sort of initiation into the group?” he gave a weak laugh that died quickly, the rest of his breath leaving in a defeated sigh. “I just...I don’t understand. What did I do wrong? It must have been something I did.”      Bim looked to Dark, who had wound his way through the various planters toward where Bim stood. The monochrome man was running his fingers across the leaves of a monstera plant, seemingly thinking of what to say in response. A moment passed, then Dark looked Bim straight in the eye. Bim could hear the faint ringing that always accompanied the man grow louder, more intense in pitch.      “You exist. That’s what you’ve done to upset them.”     The words hit Bim like a punch to the gut, and he couldn’t quite get the sudden questions that arose in his mind formed into words. Dark’s mouth pulled into what could have been a smirk, or a grimace of pity. His voice was heavy as he continued.      “The original Bim Trimmer faded, due to no fault of his own. And yet the other Egos couldn’t accept it; they did the foolish thing and convinced Mark to try and revive him, remake him as they remembered him to be. But, as an intelligent man, I’m sure you can understand,” Dark’s hand was still on the plant leaf; Bim registered in the back of his mind that the suited Ego was crushing the foliage, then smoothing it out again, uncaring of the rips it now had and the oozing liquid that stained his skin, “once something falls apart, it can never be quite the same.”      A feeling of panicked anger rose in Bim’s chest, and he threw the watering can still in his hand down before beginning to pace.     “That’s why they all hate me, ignore me? Because I’m not the perfect replacement for some guy who wasn’t important enough to be remembered?! Because I’m not Bim Trimmer?!”      The last sentence left his mouth with a note of finality, a choice that this new man had finally made after refusing to for so long. It felt good to him, and Dark seemed to approve, his lips turning up into a smile before he spoke once more.      “Well, if you’re not Bim Trimmer, who are you?”
     The question made the Ego pause, pull at his suit cuffs, then look at Dark once again, this time with the ghost of a hopeful smile on his face.      “Who should I be? You’re the one in charge here, after all. Tell me: who can I be so I’ll be remembered, given the spotlight I deserve?”      The newer Ego was close to Dark now, his eyes eager and full of a stubborn will to live, to be adored. Dark’s smile crept up his face, showing his perfectly white teeth as he placed a hand on the man’s shoulder, leading him toward the entrance back into Ego Inc.      “That, my friend, is something we should discuss in my office.”
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Shattered (Crankiplier)
 After Ethan gets hate comments he begins to doubt himself and his insecurities shine to a new light. Mark knows something's wrong and is determined to help his blue angel.Both are crushing on each other but neither are willing to confess . But after Mark reads the comments he's fueled by anger and makes a youtube video accidently confessing his love.
Third person Pov
   Ethan was just reading through comments of his channel Crankgameplays. He read through them with a small smile as he came across a specific comment telling him he had helped them get through their depression. Knowing he helped someone even if it was just a bit made his heart swell with joy he had always been insecure about making a difference in life.
 Those insecurities are still there just not nearly as strong as the blue haired YouTuber continued scrolling through the comments of his newest video his radiating smile turned into a heartbroken expression.
Do you hear that It’s the sound of nobody caring
Lol nobody could ever love you
Is it just me or is Ethan getting fat? No offense.
It’s not like he wasn't used to hate comments, in fact, that was just part of being a YouTuber but the hate comments had never been nearly as harsh or merciless.
  They are true, though  ….. nobody cares about me much less love me. And would anyone even notice if I was suddenly gone? Probably not and it is true I have gained a couple of pounds.
  Was it really that noticeable? Was I really that fat? I already knew the answer standing up from my computer chair that I usually film my videos at I pulled up my striped T-shirt. I pinched and prodded at my slightly toned stomach looking for non-existent body fat. I sat down as tears streamed down my face why hadn’t someone told me how fat I had gotten?
  A knock at my door pulled me out of my thoughts I couldn’t let anyone see how weak I was especially Mark who I have a crush on. He wouldn't care about me anyways he’d only make fun of me my subconscious said. Mark opened my bedroom door and approached me.
‘’ Ethan I’ve been invited to a youtube event dinner and I was wondering if you'd like to come with ‘’ Mark asked.
  The comments were racing through my mind over and over opening new wounds and insecurities.
‘’ Sorry Mark I have to edit videos ‘’ I lied.
  Mark spun my computer chair around forcing my light green iridescent eyes to meet his unique chestnut brown eyes. As soon as he saw me his gaze changed to that of concern.
‘’ Ethan...have you been crying ?’’ Mark’s deep voice asked somewhat softly.
Oh god, he caught me but I can’t let him know about the comments.
‘’ Haha no of course not it’s just allergies ‘’
  Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid you couldn't think of anything else could you Ethan? Mark looked at me with a knowing gaze and I knew I hadn't fooled him.
‘’ Ethan I've known you long enough to know it’s not just allergies. Now please tell me what’s wrong .’’
‘’ Mark I am fine and nothing's wrong but you should probably get going to that event otherwise you’ll be late ‘’
‘’  Fine I suppose you're right just know that this isn't we’ll continue this conversation when I get back ‘’ Mark had said it so determinedly that I knew there was no arguing.
‘’ Fine ‘’ I sighed  
‘’ Bye Ethan ‘’ he said before running out of the apartment Tyler, Mark, and I share.
‘’ Bye ‘’ I whispered.
  I shut my computer before lying in bed skipping dinner. I fell asleep with thoughts of youtube and the horrible comments raiding my mind.
 Something was completely and utterly wrong with Ethan and I knew it. Ethan had a tendency to hide things behind a fake smile when he was upset or conflicted. I had seen something flicker in his unique light green eyes.
   Everyone had always said that eyes were the window to the soul and that especially applied to Ethan. Yet today there was no spark no mischievous glint ….no nothing they were just devoid of life almost empty.
   And that alone scared me to death, my blue angel, my reason to live, ….my life had given up. I knew he had been crying no matter how much he had tried to hide it I had noticed the tear stains as well as his eyes darkening a shade.
   Had I done something wrong, had the playful insults become too much, had he gotten tired of me, and most of all had the stress of Youtube finally gotten to him? Oh god, I sure hoped not but like I said I would find out there was absolutely no way I would let this slide.
  If someone or something was troubling Ethan it had just become my problem as well as my main concern. No one and I mean nothing gets away with harming my Ethan.
  All I need to do now is suffer through this event and then I can come home and find out what had been troubling Ethan.
I arrived at the dinner and sat by Tyler. Tyler knows about my crush on Ethan.
‘’ Where’s Ethan ?’’ Tyler asked I just gave him a worried look before speaking.
‘’ I tried getting him to go but when I asked him he declined but he had tear streaks on his face he had clearly been crying but played it off as allergies ..it obviously wasn't allergies Tyler something's wrong with him and I’m worried .’’
  Tyler stared at me for a moment as if he was pondering my stupidity before finally speaking.
‘’ Mark what the hell are you even doing here? Ethan clearly needs you whatever he’s hiding must be serious I can take your place meeting the fans but you need to go find Ethan .’’ I nodded quickly desperate to find Ethan.
‘’ Thanks, Tyler ‘’ I said while getting up from my seat.
‘’ No problem and hey Mark ?’’
‘’ Yeah ?’’
‘’ You need to tell him before it’s too late ‘’
‘’ I know I’ll try ‘’
With that said I ran to my car and started driving as fast as I could tripping once or twice along the way.
(Time skip at home )
  As I approached Ethan's room I found him sound asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake him he looked so adorable his electric blue hair was sprayed across his face while his long arms hung limply off the bed. I looked around the room and found his computer curious as to what video Ethan had edited I opened the computer to find Ethan’s recent video.  
  But that’s not what caught my attention what caught my attention was the comment section……..
I nearly cried I honestly nearly cried as I read some of the many comments.
You're ugly why don’t you go kill yourself
you're only famous because of Mark
Do you hear that It’s the sound of nobody caring Lol nobody could ever love you Kys Is it just me or is Ethan getting fat? No offense.
  Rage, regret, love, and sorrow filled me all at once. I felt rage towards the many people who had commented these vile things quite honestly it made me want to find these people one by one and make them regret ever hurting my blue angel.
 The feeling of regret was strong because I had teased Ethan many times sometimes I took it a little too far and who knows what horrible things could be running through his mind by now.
  I felt love for Ethan he had been through so much and yet he still acted happy for others. He was just so selfless and adorable I could be having the worst day ever and one look at him made my day.
  But most of all I felt sorrow for not realizing sooner, sorrow forever teasing Ethan, sorrow at just thinking about what Ethan had gone through, and lastly, I felt sorrow for the people who couldn't grasp how truly amazing Ethan is.
  Scheming an idea I softly set Ethan’s computer down and walked out the door but not before I looked at Ethan one last time.
I ended up in my studio where I record video’s I took a deep breath before looking at the camera. As soon as the camera started recording I started with my usual intro.
 ‘’Hello everyone Markiplier here ‘’I gave a little wave before becoming serious once more
 ‘’ This video isn't about gaming or anything funny in fact it’s quite important. Lately, my friend Ethan or Crankgameplays as you know him has been staying with me. Anyways he’s been gaining a lot of subscribers lately and as you know more subscribers come with more hate as well. But the hate he’s been getting is overwhelming there are people telling him to kill himself! And before you say anything you would regret no he didn't tell me about the hate I found out myself. The hate needs to stop and it needs to stop now!  I …… can’t lose him because the truth is ….I-I love him. If something were to ever happen to him I would never be the same and Markiplier would be no more. At this point, I don’t care whether or not you support it if you do thank you if not then why are you still on my channel? Anyways this is a warning quit posting hate comments. Oh, and for those who ship Crankiplier your one more step closer to it becoming reality I can only hope he won’t reject me .‘’
  After pouring my heart out over camera I titled the video ‘ATTENTION viewers’ before uploading the video.  
  My phone gave off a quiet ding alerting me of my notifications, sighing I yawned and then stretched my arm across my bed to reach my phone on the nightstand.  Turning it on I was surprised to see youtube had alerted me of a new video from Mark.
 Clicking on it I was surprised to see the video titled ‘ATTENTION viewers '. This must be important because Mark rarely ever does serious videos. I was surprised to see the video had 1,101,760 views it had just been uploaded a little while ago. So why does it have so many views? Deciding to watch the video I tapped the play button and waited for it to start.
‘’Hello everyone Markiplier here ‘’ Mark gave a little wave but I frowned something about this seemed off.
 ‘’ This video isn't about gaming or anything funny in fact it’s quite important. Lately, my friend Ethan or Crankgameplays as you know him has been staying with me. ‘’What does this have to do with me? He seems so serious there's no way this is just about me staying with him. ‘’ Anyways he’s been gaining a lot of subscribers lately and as you know more subscribers come with more hate as well. ‘’ Oh god please please please tell me he didn’t find out about the hate comments! But the hate he’s been getting is overwhelming there are people telling him to kill himself! ‘’
 I shuddered Mark found out he freaking found out. A-and now everyone's gonna think I’m some wimp that needs Mark to protect me!
’’ And before you say anything you would regret no he didn't tell me about the hate I found out myself .’’ I gave a sigh of relief at least some of my fears hadn’t been exploited.
’’ The hate needs to stop and it needs to stop now!’’ 
Just because you made a video about it doesn't mean it’s gonna stop if anything It will only become worse.
’’I …… can’t lose him because the truth is ….I-I love him. If something were to ever happen to him I would never be the same and Markiplier would be no more. At this point, I don’t care whether or not you support it if you do thank you if not then why are you still on my channel? Anyways this is a warning quit posting hate comments. Oh, and for those who ship Crankiplier your one more step closer to it becoming reality I can only hope he won’t reject me .‘’
 The video ended and I was left in shock. He loves me?! Mark Fischbach loves me ..there's there's just no way. Yes, I love him but I never expected him to return my feelings. T-this must be some sick prank I mean why would someone as amazing as Mark ever love me? I mean I’m practically worthless. Yet why would he have gone through all this trouble if he hadn’t meant it? Ugh, it was so hard battling with myself why was this so hard ?!
‘’ Ethan get it through your head  he does not love you !!’’ I hadn't expected anyone to reply so when I heard a familiar voice reply I almost yelped in fright.
‘’ What if I told you were wrong ?’’
  Had Mark seriously just said that?! And if so does he truly mean it? Or is he just pitying me because of all the hate? I hate pity it’s not like their actually sorry for you there not sympathizing for you if anything it’s the complete opposite there sorry for you for their own personal gain. If it doesn't involve the person or doesn’t give them an advantage or personal gain you can consider yourself complete trash because that’s how they act towards you after.
  I sighed I knew he was only pitying me he didn’t really love me. Him loving me was like a fairy tale completely and utterly pointless besides the moral and my story was telling me to get my head out of the clouds. I looked Mark straight in the eye before speaking what was on my mind something I rarely ever do.
‘’ Mark I’m not wrong you are. You don’t love me and we both know it if this is out of pity I would prefer if you didn’t pity me or confess just to make me feel better about myself. I appreciate it Mark I honestly do but I would rather hurt than to have a relationship built off of pity and lies .’’
  Mark only looked at me with shocked eyes quite honestly he looked funny the way he kept gaping as well as opening and closing his mouth made him look insane but I knew he was only trying to find the right words.
‘’ Look at me Ethan ‘’ When I refused to look at him he gently lifted my chin forcing me to look at him. 
‘’ Ethan I can tell you this and I would never lie to you. This isn't out of pity I love you I love all your flaws and imperfections. I love all your curves, features, and everything in between. I've loved you for as I could remember and I’ll continue to do so for as long as you need because no one could ever take your place  I love you and only you. I've waited for you this long I can continue to wait.’’
  Tears welled up in my bright green eyes at Mark's confession it was so honest there wasn't a single lie I was able to detect. I-I….im just so happy and relieved so many emotions are running through me right now I’m not even able to process them all. I hugged him and after a moment his muscular arms wrapped around my thin frame. It felt so right the way his arms fit in all my curves it was like a puzzle piece as if this was meant to happen. I especially loved the warm feeling that came with Mark being near me. Shaking off feelings of uncertainty I mustered all of my courage and uttered one thing.
‘’ I ...I love you Mark ‘’
  I expected him to leave, yell, unfriend me, do something! Yet all he did was nuzzle his face in my neck and place a soft chaste kiss there.
‘’ I love you too my blue angel. ‘’
Time Skip
   It had been about a week since Mark and I had started dating it was amazing each and every second of it. He had long since found out about me skipping dinner and worries beyond belief he even cooks meals and makes sure I eat each and every one. The constant reassurance, love, and caringness I had received had been the best days of my life although I hate worrying him. I appreciate each and every second of it I appreciate Mark ….I absolutely love Mark he’s made my life so much better in every way.
  I had only saw darkness in my life and then Mark came into my life changing everything I had once known as my world evolved in color.
  Even though Mark and I had an amazing newfound relationship the hate comments would still come just not as frequently. We had both lost some subscribers but had also gained new ones which were mostly a bunch of Crankiplier fangirls. It made me happy to think that many people support our relationship and had even come up with a ship name.
  But I also couldn't help but have the feeling that I don’t deserve Mark many comments had said I was using Mark in every way possible …..that I’m only dating him for subscribers and that he deserves so much better. Yet he always brushed off all of my concerns. Whenever I brought up the subject he would cut me off by smothering me in multiple kisses and I would get lost in his mesmerizing deep chocolate eyes.
‘’ My blue smol bean!’’ I heard Mark ask from the living room.
‘’ Yes Markimoo ?! ‘’ I smirked knowingly because he had always hated the nickname he only allows me to call him it and even then it depends on what mood he’s in.
‘’ Baby come watch a movie with me ‘’ Even though I was all the way upstairs and he was in the living room I could practically hear the begging tone and see the adorable little pout he always had when something didn't go his way.
‘’ Fiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneee I suppose but only because I love you so much ‘’ I said lovingly before joining Mark on the couch. As soon as I sat down next to him he propped me up and cradled me in his lap.
‘’ What do you wanna watch ?’’
‘’ Mmmhmmm I don’t care you can choose ‘’ I said while burrowing myself deeper in his lap. He nodded faintly before choosing The Flash on Cw.
As the show progressed I couldn’t help but think about the many comments. They were revolving in my head round and round never leaving me at peace. Mark seemed to sense my doubt because he took my hand in his own larger own and kissed it before proceeding to kiss my collarbone giving me chills.
‘’ I’ve told you, Ethan, you're perfect and I’ll dedicate my life to make you feel exactly what you are…...’’
He let a hot breathy whisper trail across my cheek before continuing.
‘’Absolutely perfect  .‘’
And for the first time in what seems like forever, I actually believed what Mark had said.
‘’ And you’ll always be perfect to me ‘’
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missnimbus · 7 years
85 Questions?
I was tagged by this bean, @hetalia-happenings, you glorious bean (I thought we already were friends and yes I will love you forever-). I don’t exactly know what to do but hey we’ll try it.
I tag @capri-sunqueen, @aph-germany, @deogeno, @valisartbin, and my beautiful queen @scarfythewizard .
(So yes you must do this now!)
[The last..]
Drink: Water
Phone Call: To a “best friend” who obviously doesn’t care enough to even look in my direction anymore..
Text Message: To my REAL best friend who actually cares about me!!!
Song You Listened To: Chase Holfelder’s cover of “Animal”
Cried: Maybe the other night? I don’t remember.
Dated Someone Twice: At least 3 people twice, yeah.. I regret ever dating 2 of them.
Kissed Someone and Regretted It: No
Been Cheated On: Nope
Lost Someone Special: My grandmother and several dogs..
Been Depressed: Way too much, but I try to cheer myself up afterwards. Being sad is way too exhausting.
Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up: Dude I’m 15, I can’t drink.
Favorite Colors: Different shades of pink, red, and purple, I love blues and yellow is cool too. :3
[In the last year, have you…]
Made New Friends: Oh hell yeah
Fallen Out of Love: Nope
Laugh Until You Cried: Yep, I once laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe and broke into a coughing fit, I legitimately thought I was going to die
Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: Well yeah I mean when you’re as awesome as me- no just kidding, but yeah people have definitely talked about me.
Met Someone Who Changed You: no I don’t think so
Found Out Who Your Real Friends Were: Yep, there’s only about 6 of them, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world.
Kissed Someone On Your Facebook List: I don’t have Facebook
How Many Facebook Friends Do You Know in Real Life: I don’t have fACEBOOK
Do You Have Any Pets: I always have pets, at one point I had 7
Do You Want to Change Your Name: I used to, but now I’m chill with it. I’ve only met one other person with my name (and then there’s that stupid celebrity everyone brings up whenever I introduce myself).
What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: Celebrated a double birthday with my best friend because hers is a few days after mine, we had a sleep over. :)
What Time Did You Wake Up: 10:20 AM
What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night: Watching Markiplier play some scary games!
Name Something You Can’t Wait For: Hetalia’s new season for the anime (and for Gerita to become canon already).
When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mom: Last night before she left for work.
What Are You Listening to Right Now: Max and Alyson Stoner’s cover of Sweater Weather (better than the original song)
Have You Ever Talked to a Person Named Tom: yup
Something That is Getting on Your Nerves: Everyone’s crying over social issues. It gets stale after a while. Can't we all just chill out and like..play a board game and drink some milk?
Most Visited Website: YouTube and this hellsite tumblr
Hair Color: very dirty blonde
Long or Short: My hair almost reaches my tailbone, so long
Do You Have a Crush on Anyone: My boyfriend
What Do You Like About Yourself: My drawing and singing abilities
Piercings: My ears, but I think they’ve closed up
Blood Type: I don’t know
Nickname: I find it really sad that nobody has a nickname for me and I have to give myself one; I just kinda go by Nimby online… (It must be this damn song but I’m actually tearing up over this tHIS DAMN SONG)
Relationship Status: I’m in one :P
Zodiac: Libra
Pronouns: She/Her
Favorite TV Show: I can never really pick so I’m just gonna go with Hetalia, Attack on Titan, The Amazing World of Gumball, and The Simpsons
Tattoos: Nah
Right or Left Handed: Right
Surgery: No, but I did have to get stitches in my forehead when I was younger, I’ve got my own little Harry Potter scar :P (in the shape of a crescent moon)
Sport: I don’t play sports but I guess my favorite to watch would be football (American football)
Vacation: I don’t think I’ve ever had one
Pair of Tennis Shoes: I have a couple pairs but I don’t wear them
[More General…]
Eating: cookiessss
Drinking: Water
I’m About To: Watch some youtube, maybe finish writing some drabbles for my upcoming PruCan fanfic (It’ll be on AO3 and probably wattpad because people like me there for some reason)
Waiting For: My stupid book to come in the mail so I can start my belated summer reading project (it’s a bunch total BS)
Want: to go to my bestie’s house and finally relax for once
Get Married: Someday
Career: I would like to be an actress/voice actress, but I’m focussing on becoming a meteorologist (and I’ll be creating a web comic too)
Hugs or Kisses: Give me a hug dude I live for hugs
Lips or Eyes: I don’t know how to answer that so… Eyes??
Shorter or Taller: I don’t know what you mean by this? My boyfriend is already p tall, and I’m comfortable being small..??
Older or Younger: My boy is older by almost a year, and I’m comfortable with my age?? What do you want from me here????
Nice Arms or Nice Stomach: wtf nice arms?? I like muscley arms but with a nice soft tummy built for cuddlesss
Hookup or Relationship: Relationship duh
Troublemaker or Hesitant: I’m both!
Kissed a Stranger: Never.
Drank Hard Liquor: I’m 15. I’m a sophomore. I don’t want to drink. No thanks. I’m gonna pass.
Lost Glasses/Contacts: I’ve lost my glasses before, and I’ve left them at home once. By accident of course.
Turned Someone Down: Yes it was my childhood friend and it hurt me so bad I couldn’t look at him the next day because I felt so horrible but he was cool with what happened and I cried that whole day for nothing it sucked
Sex on the First Date: F I F T E E N S O N O
Broken Someone’s Heart: Yeah..
Had Your Heart Broken: Yeah, and not just by a break up?
Been Arrested: No I’m too much of a baby to do anything that could get me arrested.
Cried When Someone Died: Yes all the time in real life and in fiction I’m the biggest crybaby you’ll ever meet
Fallen For a Friend: Y E S
[Do you believe in…]
Yourself: Yeah, sometimes! :)
Miracles: Of course! Lord willing, anything wonderful like that can happen! :>
Love at First Sight: Yeah, I guess, but don’t make any hasty decisions right there on the spot. I think it happened to me in kindergarten XD
Santa Claus: Up until the 5th grade, yeah.. Not anymore though.
Kiss on the First Date: Maybe on the cheek, I don’t want to rush things.
Angels: Of course! As the smol Christian bean I am, of course I believe in angels!
Current Best Friends’ Name(s): Emily, Isaac, Zach, Keaton, Griffin, Francisco. (I get along better with boys, Emms is the only girl I could hang with forever and never get bored!)
Eye Color: Grey-blue, sometimes they’re more grey than blue depending on the lighting, but they are definitely blue.
Favorite Movie: I can’t ever decide but I think I would have to pick my favorite childhood movie A Series of Unfortunate Events. It’s my all-time favorite and I wish I had it on DVD and not a vhs tape.
This took me a few hours, so I hope your happy with it. :)
I've had to go back and edit this so many times how many errors can Nimby make in one post let's find out
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theworldisrough · 7 years
Dear Markiplier
Dear @markiplier
Who am I? Well, my name is Alyssa and I’m a girl from a small town who loves youtube and writing, fanfic or otherwise. A basic answer for a complex question, but who really truly knows who they are?
Now, why do I write? Well, there are multiple answers, I guess. It’s fun. I like seeing the response I get from other people who read it. Validation is something I very well crave in my day to day life. But also...because it’s a release. It’s a creative thing where I can take these characters and put them in any scenario I please. I can test out my reach and see where my limits are to them try and break through them.
But here’s something funny. One little thing I wrote one day, for a single, probably less than 1k, bit of writing I did...someone liked it so much that they used it as inspiration for their own writing… Someone saw something that I had written, something I wasn’t even entirely proud of in the first place...and wrote something based on it. That went beyond validation of comments or likes or anything like that. It was sort of amazing.
And next, am I writing for myself? Or the validation I get from others? Now, this is probably going to make me seem shallow and asshole-ish, but it’s probably the latter. Not that I don’t enjoy writing, because in the end, if I didn’t, why would I continue to do it? The reason I enjoy seeing the response I get for the things that I write so much because it makes me happy to see other people happy. Something I did managed to illicit such a response, and I want to make that happen again and again. So while I may enjoy the act of writing, I do it for others, to see how they respond and act towards the things that I write.
And so, am I still the same person I described at the beginning? Hell yeah. I’m still Alyssa, a girl from a small town who loves youtube and writing.
Now while your own panel turned quite serious for this next question, mine is a bit half and half.
Why do I make promises I can’t keep? Ranging from ‘Oh, the next chapter will be out by next week!” to “I won’t delete this fic. I’ll follow it through to the end.” It goes from “Wake up at 10 and do something.” to “Lose weight. I know you can do it. You got this.” I make myself, and sometimes others, a lot of promises that end up falling through, and a lot of the time, it’s due to loss of motivation. There’s no longer the drive for me to fulfill what I said I would do, and while it’s not necessarily detrimental to others, it can be on myself, because I slowly begin to doubt my own promises, making me wonder if anything I say truly has any merit at all.
While the questions you asked were more so written for those in the video creating world, I thought I’d take my own stab at them.
Now that the part specifically about me is over, I just wanted to write down a few of my thoughts about the things that you said.
For the first question, yes. As viewers, it’s very easy for us to think that we know exactly who you are when in fact, we truly do not. You could be a completely different person on and off camera and we’d never know. But in the end, I don’t think that’s actually true. Because while the you in your videos may be a bit exaggerated, in the end, it’s still you. People are drawn to others who are genuine, and seeing as how you’ve amassed and 17 million+ community, you’re quite the genuine guy. But for the broader question of who exactly you are as a person, well, we may never know until you manage to figure that out yourself.
For the second question, while I can’t necessarily say I’ve been saved by your videos, I can say that they’ve done a great deal for me. You’ve given me something to take my mind off of my life while school got tough (junior year was a bitch) or when my parents weren’t doing the best (which is something that still happens). You’ve helped me open up my thinking to other things because while most of your videos are you yelling into a camera while playing a video game, some of the other things, like the words of genuine advice you give or the amount of motivation one can see in your eyes when you’re doing a project you’re so excited about, they’ve managed to effect me in a very deep way. And about you quitting youtube anytime in the close future, I must say, I’d be real disappointed.
Now, I’m not sure if I’ve remembered this 100 percent, but there was a time in which you said that you wouldn’t mind if your channel got deleted through whatever sort of youtube glitch or something. And I have to be honest, that answer was almost devastating to me, because one of the people that I look up to most in the world would be gone… So while I don’t want to be a downer, I would be, as well as most likely a lot of other people, would all be quite upset if you ever quit, though I have to also say that in my case, I would understand any reasoning you offered.
For the third question, your entire answer kind of reminded me of the time that you confessed that you barely had time anymore to play games for yourself. And when you had said that, there was this sort of crushing guilt that I felt. Because it then started to make me feel like “Wow, does he even like the videos he puts out? Does he feel obligated? Is it too much?” I believe you’d even said that some of the games you played weren’t even ones that would have interested you normally… And while I know this is impossible, seeing as how I am one voice among millions of others...I sometimes wish you’d do things for yourself. Play a series you’ve been looking forward to for months even though it may not do well on the channel. Play it because you want to. Take some time in your day to relax and just not worry. Do things for yourself. But again, I can understand the inability to do these things no matter how much I wish you would.
And I’ll end my thoughts here because this is already a giant chunk of text that I’m fairly sure you’ll never see, though if you do, that would be pretty amazing. If you happen to read through this, I hope you can see whatever message it was that I was trying to convey despite the very terrible writing, and I hope something about it...makes sense to you.
~ Alyssa, the girl from a small town who loves you and the things you do a lot
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tolkiennub · 7 years
I'm Done
Okay so I’m sorry for this stupid ramble post but I literally can’t take it anymore and I need to get this off my chest. So as you all know break ups literally suck ass. In all my past experiences I’ve seldom been on the receiving end of a break up, but here I am and it sucks.
I will come right out and say it. I totally have commitment issues. Not in the sense that I want to cheat or anything, but the chase for me is always way more fun than the relationship itself. Don’t get me wrong I really want a lasting relationship, but if you don’t hook me in the beginning, then I’m onto the next crush. I do realize that’s a bit harsh, but it’s just the way I am and no matter how hard I’ve tried to change I always go back to my ways. I end up trying too hard to be something I’m not, then I get frustrated, then I get bored, and then I’m off again. (Please ppl don’t take this the wrong way; I’m not full of myself, I don’t think I’m “the shit”, I just do this and I don’t really know why).
So, I’m usually the one breaking up with someone else. This time, that was not the case. And it sucks.
I have the most terrible judgement on the face of planet earth. So far I’ve picked people with the personality of an unsalted peanut, or people whose sex drives are always on full throttle. Never anyone in between, never that perfect balance that I know is right for me. Until I met ~him~.
He was tall, dark fluffy hair, and as cute as a lil bean. He was charming, devilishly handsome, and…
A fuckboi
I knew he was a complete and total jackass. I knew that it would never work out right and it would all end in flames. But shit. He was so genuine and kind and amazing and everything I ever wanted that I couldn’t help it. So I went for it. And that’s exactly what happened.
He knew exactly what I wanted. He knew how to rope me in. He made all these promises about “what you heard is true but I’d do anything for you” and “you’re not like these other girls, I actually want you” and “you’re so beautiful and I just want this to last”. Bullshit bullshit bullshit. I totally fell for it. I ate up every last word.
Instead of going out, I just went over to his place for our first “date”. We talked and made out and cuddled and watched movies and it was great. I really thought that he could change for me.
Flash forward to about two weeks later. We’d talked in class and texted a lot, but I hadn’t seen him since I went to his place. I’d played for a competitive club volleyball team and it was the last couple weeks of the season so naturally I was pretty busy. Also with finals quickly approaching, there wasn’t a lot of time for a relationship. But we talked and walked home sometimes and everything was good. At least I thought.
So I finally have another free weekend and I go over to his place again. And everything was going fine. We were making out and I was perfectly good with just that. I’ve found that rushing straight into ~sexual relations~ can be a disaster, so I wanted to take my time with him, especially because I thought I had found a really good guy with a lot of potential. I wanted to wait a bit, and when he started snaking his hand down my shorts I politely made that very clear.
He respected my wishes, but was obviously very upset about it. I felt bad, but inner strong-independent-woman me kicked in and told me I shouldn’t be obligated to have sex just because my boyfriend wants to, and I shouldn’t feel bad about that. So normal me patted myself on the back and after a while, i went home.
That’s when it all went to shit. We started talking less often. Kissing less often. Spending time together rarely ever. I started to wonder if I should just sleep with this guy so he would like me again, or at least act like it.
Then, the day after school ended, I got a text. He wanted to break up because we “didnt talk enough”.
I hate being weak. I absolutely fucking hate it. I hate feeling like i have no control, and that I’m losing grip on myself and the people around me. I hate admitting that I was wrong. I hate opening up to people.
This fucked me up. It hit every damn mark.
I had gotten myself played. If I didn’t mention earlier, this guy was the new kid that smoked 24/7 and was dumb as a sack of shit. Not only did he just want to fuck me, I found out later that I was his showpiece. His reputation boost. I was pissed.
I couldn’t help but feel like it was my own fault. I k n e w he was wrong for me, but I did it anyway. I k n e w it would end like this, but I did it anyway. I got left high and dry and it was my own stupid fault.
I listened to a lot of Beyoncé that night.
I watched a lot of Markiplier and Orlando Bloom interviews
I watched a lot of LOTR
And a week later, I cried like a bitch. It hadn’t hit me until then how much I would miss him. How much potential he had to be everything I ever wanted, and how I never would have that with him. I was alone. And even though my sistas wanted to be there, there’s only so much your friends can do. Some things you must weather yourself.
I did not cry for him. I cried for what he could’ve been, and everything that he wasn’t. I would rather die than ever spend my days crying over some stupid fuckboi.
I think most every teenage girl has an experience like this, and I know I’m no exception. I’m not special and there’s no reason for anyone to read this because everyone knows how the story goes. Everyone has this same story. But that doesn’t make the pain any less easy to feel. Pain demands to be felt. Just because everyone else has done it doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Anyways, I’m sorry for this long mess of a post. But I needed to make this post to truly let go. So baby, goodbye. I hope you know it hurt like hell, but I’m over it and I learned from it. I’m still going to miss you, but I’m done, and I don’t need you to validate me anymore. In the end I have no regrets, not even for you babe.
4:02 am
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sleepyaxesolotl · 7 years
Not Your Average Fairytale
Chapter 2: Beginning (A/N: I didn't feel like putting information for another chapter,because........it's gonna take a long ass time. So I decided to tell you only about Taylor Bieke. Then I start the srory for real. Taylor Bieke:Played by my middle school (current) anime friend. Loves anime (yaoi/yuri) general terms and more. Black curly hair,light brown skin,dark eyes. Misaki's Senpia by a few months older. Loves Pewdiepie,Markiplier, and Music. Plays as a Neko-Human. Been Misaki's freind since pre-K. Now continue with the story!!!(Her wattpad name is Arakachan, follow her. She loves creepypastas,FNAF,Legend of Zelda, and Steven Universe) Alrighty let's start Now(also a lesbian) Okay NOW(And hates people's bullsit!) Done *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*               Author's P.O.V Once a---I mean on a day like today, it was going to be a beautiful and peaceful morni-- "Shit. Dammit. I should have turned down Shinobu's offer for a sleepover. I have a big shipment of pastries for the Blood Moon Ball." cried out Misaki 'Which coincidentally is the day two sons (Akihiko and Haruhiko) will pick a mate. Though in my opinion it's a one of the most bullshit ideas.' Misaki thought I mean they only have 2 nights to dance with thousands of women that just want them for their looks/money. Well money is 75% for that percentage of women of this era (No offense to some of the real people in this world. This is just for the story.) Misaki's P.O.V Though I'm just a village chef. I'm sort of popular, but not as famous as the worldwide places of backing and etc. So why pick a small person,for an order so big? I mean a few months ago I was in a slump and some nice soliders came by. One named Yukina, he was from the west region of the world on vacation. Though he reminded me of Nowaki, my other friend from the hospital,the place he works. They have a large bubbliness in their personality. I mean it looks as if they have flowers following them as their aura. It's just......creepy. Another one, Kisa-san, even though he is 29 surprisingly with that baby facr. They both asked for a breakfast special. They even gave me support, although I took it as a freindly geture. They reconsidered my thoughts. I felt glad because I know I wanted to make my business better every day. 'BUT NOW IS NOT THE TIME. I NEED TO GET MY ASS THERE PRONT--' My thoughts were interupted as my papers began to fall from my bag. All of the new recipes from the king himself. Even decorating them a childish halloween theme for an adult like party. 'Even though I don't blame him, its gonna take time to do all of this. I should just keep it all simplee!!!' My thoughts were interupted again as I accidentally tripped on a loose cement tile. 'Stupid tile' I thought I started to pick up up all of the papers that fell out. As I was very close to the last page the wind blew ot away. 'Fuck, why now I need the last piece'. I started to grab my blue bag and began to chase it in the wind. I wasn't paying attention. I didn't know I was one step closer to being crushed by a car. 'O shit ' I thought I was gonna be crushed till I saw two hands at the side of me. One grabbed thr runaway paper while the other grabbed mu front to pull me back. I gasped I was having a flashback of how my parents have died. Then imagining me in their place in the was. I almost had a heart attack. " Yo. Are you an idiot, you almost got killed over a stupid ass piece of paper" I heard a person yell. I looked up to see a silver haired man with light purple eyes. He looked kind of cute, in an overprotective type of way. He was glaring at me liek I was an idiot. I must be starting impolitly, better snap out of it. " Did you hear anything I just said lady" said the mytery man ' I'm a guy goddamit. I'll just tell him later. They always think I'm joking anyway. ' I thought " S-sory the paper was very important." I bowed in respect " Arigato Gozaimas. I would have been crushed if it wasn't for you" I replied,then stood up and almost turned around to start my journey, until I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. My had gotten chills and my stomach flipped. " Hey don't walk away, you owe me after that stunt". he said angrily " I didn't have to waste my time on you ya know." ' This bitch has the nerve. Luckily we are in public, or else I would give him a piece of my mind. Though he has a point, no one want's to be with a disgusting neko like me.(A/N: Soon you will see Misaki's past and why he hates himself) Even if my cat ears and tail are hidden with a technique I'm using.' "I'm sorry,eto....I could let you pick any three for free at my pastery shop. I'll also throw in a coupon. If the deal is okay with you?" I asked He thought for a moment, them looked at me. ' I'm not a mirror, do you want them or not?' I thought angrily " Fine lead the way, I'll take your offer." he demanded ' Dictator much' I thought as I sighed. " Okay then follow me we have to hurry I don't have much time. Also can you give me that paper it's important." I was about to snatch it from his hand. Though he was fater than me, so I didn't catch it. " Hm. What is this, a secret, a weird fanfiction?" he asked while smirking. He looked at the paper and his eyes narrowed. (A/N: Yeah Misaki is really OOC in this story so yeah hope you enyjoy. Also the next chapter is gonna be short cause I extended this chapter too long when I wrote it on Paper so,........Yeah. But for all the people who love the Terrorist couple. A special guest will appear.) BYE BYE
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