#this is self-aware in a way that game isn't always. and i like that. we're having fun here
konfizry · 2 months
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you know unlike the end-game anime cutscene that im uhh ambivalent about at best, i find this particular shot's blatant horniness unironically enjoyable
i feel like it walks the tight rope between raw and distasteful just right and the result has that twinge of tongue-in-cheek-ness that is really welcome here? like yeah you grab that mighty, hot, steamy, turgescent rod, Alphen. you grab that
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daily-hanamura · 5 months
I kind of wished that the persona 4 cast wasn’t stuck in a narrative where the main theme is ‘always accept the role thrust upon you and if you don’t like it, just force yourself to like it’. Yukiko actively wants to leave Inaba and create her own life, but is portrayed negatively when doing so, with her character arc involving her accepting the role thrust upon her. Don’t get me started on Naoto. I know you’re the Yosuke guy, and was wondering what are your thoughts on this when applied to Yosuke?
I want you to know that being called "the Yosuke guy" is now my greatest achievement you've made my day everyday for the last week
I do agree with you, and I think it was one of my initial issues with P4 where, for a game whose entire narrative is about being true to yourself, it sure falls back into that tired sense of social conformation a lot. It's grating, right, because it feels like what they really mean to say is "be yourself! but not too much and not in a way that makes other people unhappy and make sure you're still living up to other peoples expectations because that's the real reason why you're unhappy with yourself, you haven't accepted who we want you to be (which is the real you that we've decided) etcetc" and it just undercuts the emotional impact of their self-acceptance (see also kanji and rise). (dw I know P5 also kind of has the same problem, and I can go into a whole thing about the limits of transformative narratives written by capitalist corporations but i wont. today-)
I think with Yosuke though, it's really interesting because his character arc is more so tied to his relationship with Inaba as a place, rather than his fundamental self-perceptions. It's established early on that Yosuke hated the town for various reasons; he's a city boy who wants excitement and connection, but most of the town hates him so he's shit out of luck and it gives him little reason to like the town back. As the game progresses, he starts to like the town -- "it's not about where you are, but who you're with", so it's his friendships (and having people who accept him for who he is) that makes the place meaningful for him. And, at the end of the day, Yosuke did get what he wanted - excitement and connection.
But he's not tied to Inaba.
In P4AU, it's revealed that Yosuke's struggling to figure out what he wants to do in life, but by the end of it he tells Yu that he wants to leave the town and go to college with Yu in the city, and that he wants to see the world and experience more things for himself. It fascinates me because it very strongly implies that Yosuke's arc isn't complete as we're very expressly told that he's still developing. It stands in contrast to the other characters who have effectively been fixed into some role or position (Yukiko as an inn manager, Rise as an idol), and unlike them, Yosuke hasn't been permanently relegated to the things that he starts off hating. He hasn't been written to stay in Inaba or even to continue working at Junes after graduation, instead he gets the opportunity to try things. imo this makes his arc more situational (and therefore layered) - Yosuke's perspective on his circumstance matures, but who he is as a person doesn't have to change, and he's not forced to make a trade-off with the wishes he had at the start.
This might be because Yosuke is Atlus' favourite character of the contrast between Yosuke's city background and the rest of the Inaba folk. There's a guy in the school who talks about how most people who finish high school in Inaba just go on to get jobs, and very few actually leave for college and beyond. It's something deeply realistic and reflective of human geography IRL, because that's very common in small communities. A fear of the outside world because of how isolated they are (and Inaba kind of is - remember how Yosuke said they barely had cell connectivity up until recently) means they tend to look inwards instead of out, so there isn't as strong an awareness of what else there is out there and a belief that your options are basically just that (it also makes it all the more impressive that they have surprisingly well-traveled teachers). Yosuke, on the other hand, is very much connected to the internet and the outside world, and he also tends to think about the things that he's missing out on more tangibly.
It makes for a very interesting parallel with Yukiko, who had grown up in Inaba all her life and also expresses that same interest in wanting to go out and see the world. Yukiko's idea about the kind of options that she has is weirdly limited for someone who is supposed to be at the top of her class. When you meet her at the bookstore, she talks about getting a job license so she could leave town, and her first thought was interior decorator (do you even need a license for that? it's not a chartered profession unlike an architect or interior designer, but things might work differently in japan). And maybe she does have a genuine interest in it so I'm talking shit, but it also feels like it's a job that she's aware of only because of the ryokan. As far as I could tell, we don't actually see her express any interest in, say, furniture themes or colour swatches and fabric textures in the way Kanji very clearly does. Her world view, like everyone else, is bounded by the reach of her experience, but because Inaba is so small and cloistered it impedes her ability to imagine beyond that. Even when she's thinking of leaving, her options are still limited to her experiences at the inn. I'm still really salty about how she decided to stay at the ryokan in the end, because something much more satisfying in my opinion would have been for her to get the opportunity to try different things elsewhere in the world, and if she decided that the ryokan was the right thing for her, then, well, fine, I guess? Or some cliche like exploring other inns elsewhere so she could bring that knowledge home. Especially since she had the support of her family and the inn staff, it makes her narrative feel more like an acceptance of her lot in life, rather than a genuine realisation that yeah, this was what she wanted, which was what the game wanted us to think, except it's not convincing. Instead, it just feels like a weird stagnation because her initial wish of wanting to see the world beyond the ryokan was not satisfied.
But hey, guess who does!
Yosuke gets to learn how to make the best of a situation, but ultimately, he's not beholden to it. He - and his writers - understand that he's not done growing, so he doesn't fix himself to a role that he doesn't like. AND IT'S GOOD. I just wish everyone else got that opportunity.
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love-too-believe · 1 year
Why Namor x Shuri makes sense in terms of story structure
So if we go off context, Nashuri was already planned by the writers, as seen in interviews and the og script. Which isn't surprising because viewers picked up on their chemistry and romantic undertones in the movie already. The only reason this was changed is because they wanted to focus on the theme of grief and dealing with loss. Which has been the main theme for phase 4 in general since we're moving on to new heroes.
Also not sure if people are aware of this but the choice to kill Ramonda was more or less a last minute decision by Ryan. Angela only agreed to it after Ryan brought up how often it is for characters to come back.
So this could mean Ramonda's coming back to life or will continue to make appearances. If she does come back to life this more or less weakens the "but he killed her mom!" Argument.
Now let's talk about Shuri's story and Namor's role in it. Because at the end of the day this is Shuri's story.
Shuri's story in WF is her journey from childhood to adulthood. Tenoch has said this is his favorite thing about her story.
In the beginning she is a girl by the end she is a woman.
The particular kind of story structure Ryan used is called "The Heroine's Journey" a popular method to use in storytelling with female leads.
You'll find similar stories following this method in movies like "Star Wars, Labyrinth, The Hunger Games, The Wizard of Oz etc."
"The Heroine's Journey" is a female version of "The Hero's Journey" which is used for male leads. T'Challa actually goes through his hero's journey during "Civil War" and "BP" so im not suprised Ryan used the female version for his sister.
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If you look at the structure of the heroine's journey Shuri pretty much hits all of these.
Distancing herself from her mother, venturing out of Wakanda (both in America and in Talokan) aka leaving the nest, and having her time to shine.
Both the hero and heroine's journies are a method to mature your lead in a way that makes sense and is relatable since hey, we all gotta grow up some times.
Also a subtle thing Ryan incorporated was how both Ramonda and Okoye treat Shuri like she's a child while Namor treats her like an adult, because she is.
Now something that is not always included but is common in both, is the hero or heroine's being presented with sexual incitement, at times for the first time. This signifies them coming into sexual maturity which is why you won't see it in every story or may just get subtle hits of it.
Now if it wasn't obvious Namor is ment to be Shuri's expirence with sexual enticement. Possibly her first encounter since we don't know her history.
And this isn't a "maybe" situation he literally just is. Firstly, this role usually is presented when the hero leaves the nest, not to mention Namor takes up every single trope of this role.
-Invades the hero's space (hut scene)
-whispers to them (again hut scene)
-touches or caresses them (First holding her hand then putting his mother's bracelet on her)
-shows them something new and exciting (Talokan)
-Is usually older then the hero (20s vs 500)
-Often times wears clothing that is either tight fitted or very little clothing (bro is literally walking around in nothing but jewelry and booty shorts)
Secondly, sometimes you'll straight up get subtle hints and/or introductions of sex it's self.
-In Star Wars there's a scene where Leia has to sit on Han's lap and the ship starts bouncing up and down...
-Again, in Star Wars Kylo Ren wipes his mouth which we see has water on it after meeting with Rey through the force...
-With Shuri in Namor, their fight has a weird amount of grappling and holding, not to mention the back scratching...
Namor treats and speaks to Shuri like she's a grown woman. He doesn't handle her with kid gloves like everyone else, he respects her as an adult who can make her own decisions.
In a dark sense even when it comes to either raging war after Ramonda's death or the alliance. He leaves it up to her to decide.
Also Riri, just isn't this to Shuri. This is not to say people can't ship it cause you can ship whatever you want, their all fictional. But Shuri refers to Riri as "a kid", "a child" or "a girl" depending on what translations you watch. This is to show the audience that Shuri does not view Riri as an adult. They're confirmed to have a sisterly bond. Shuri lost a sibling and gained a sibling.
But back to Namor, he also is noticeably kinder to her then he is to literally anyone else in the movie besides his people. Not to mention it's canon that he finds her charming and interesting. He also likes her smile.
It's confirmed by Ryan that he never wanted to kill her even during their fight which some fans noticed, he never tries to kill her even when he has an obvious chance.
And lastly, he sees Shuri as an equal by the end of the movie, showing he has respect for her as a protector of her nation and possibly even views her as a god now but we have to wait and see on that one.
As quoted by Ryan, Namor is ment to be a Peter Pan archetype and when you think about it he really is. He's black and white way of thinking is very childish, he's incredible stubborn, he's arrogant and cocky, yet at the same time, curious and charming. Like Peter he's a father to his people (he literally refers to them as his children) and their sole protector.
There's innocence to his character that's very compelling and shows how young he is in mind.
-he collects (maybe steals, very Killmonger of him) Mayan artifacts from the surface since he never got to see Ancient Maya.
-speaking of collecting things, he even collects random surface world stuff. He has 2 gramophones in his hut, which he most likely got from a ship back in the day.
-he's suprised and charmed by Shuri's kindness. Which makes session since she's the first surface person he's ever spent time with.
-and hey, he got his love of drawing from his mama.
Now what does all this mean for Namor and Shuri in the future? Well for one you got a good amount of back up for them no longer being enemies.
1. Shuri's heroine's journey is over now.
2. Namor was the one who forced her into womanhood.
3. We concluded the story at her finalizing her grief
4. It's canon that Namor was humbled by Shuri after their fight.
5. Wakanda and Talokan will be working with each other.
6. Namor may play a mentor like role with Shuri
7. Dispite many romance scenes being removed they still chose to keep enough hints for people to pick up on.
8. Their fight is described as "intimate" by both writers.
9. Namor and Shuri are described as "two sides of the same coin" and "twin flames" (these are the same descriptions that were used for Rey and Ben Solo in Star Wars)
Why does them having a possible relationship make sense? Well the most basic answer? They're the only two people that can understand what the other is going through.
Their both protectors of great nations that are centered around a resource unique to their land and have a culture and ancestry untouched by colonization. They both know grief of losing people they love. (Namor's mother and his two handmaids, Shuri's brother and mother) Their both EXTREMELY intelligent. (Namor build a vibranium sun underwater and I don't remember where I read it but he learned English in a week.) They both find each other interesting. They both see each other as equals. They both have alot of growing to do.
So will they have some kind of relationship? Most likely. Will it be romantic or platonic? Who knows. But we know they won't be enemies so we have to wait and see.
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warabidakihime · 1 year
Resilience in the Rain
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Characters: ADA!Dazai x Reader Synopsis: Amidst the downpour of life's trials, they found solace in each other's embrace within the quiet halls of the deserted Agency office. Alone, their love became a shelter in the storm, nurturing their resilience and kindling a flame of hope that could withstand any tempest. Trigger/Content Warning: This story contains themes of emotional distress, self-hatred, guilt, vulnerability, suicidal tendencies, self-harm, and suicide. It explores complex emotions and may depict scenes that involve these sensitive topics. If you or someone you know is struggling with these issues, please reach out to a mental health professional or helpline. A/N: I wanted to take a moment to chat with you about this fanfic. As someone who struggles with mental health, I've got a personal connection to the topic, and I really want to explore it in my own way. Mental health is important, and I want to raise awareness and offer some comfort to anyone who's going through a tough time.
Now, I gotta be real with you. This story touches on some heavy stuff. We're talking about emotions running wild, self-hatred, guilt, and all that messy stuff. It even dives into subjects like suicidal thoughts, self-harm, and suicide. But listen, I'm not here to glamorize or make light of these things. Instead, I wanna shed light on the struggles people face and emphasize the importance of seeking help and understanding.
While you're reading, please take care of yourself. If anything gets too overwhelming, reach out to a mental health pro or helpline. Remember, you're not alone, and there are folks out there who care and wanna help.
Thanks for joining me on this journey. Let's spread some awareness, empathy, and support for mental health, one chapter at a time!
P.S this wasn't proof read, so i'm sorry for any inconsistency. i was making this in the office lol.
The rain poured relentlessly, drenching the streets of Yokohama as the Armed Detective Agency headquarters stood steadfast amidst the downpour. After a particularly grueling mission, you couldn't contain your concerns and frustrations any longer. You found Dazai nursing his wounds in a dimly lit corner of the headquarters, a faint smile dancing on his lips. Meanwhile Kunikida and the others have already returned to their respectful dorms.
You approached him, your voice laced with worry. "Osamu, until when are you going to keep this up?"
Dazai glanced up, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Ah, my dear Y/N, are you worried about me? How sweet. But rest assured, I'm always one step away from the edge, and yet, I remain standing."
Dazai, with his usual nonchalant demeanor, brushed off your very valid concerns with another dark joke, but this time, it only fueled the fire within you. Your frustration reached its boiling point, and your voice rose, shaking with sheer frustration.
"Osamu!" you shouted, your voice echoing through the room. "Enough with the jokes and deflections! This isn't a game! Do you even realize how much your self-destruction tears me apart? How useless it makes me feel that I can't do anything to help you, despite giving my all?"
Dazai's mask faltered, revealing a flicker of vulnerability as your words struck home. But before he could respond, you continued, your voice filled with raw emotion.
"I love you, damn it! I love you more than anything, and yet you push me away with your reckless behavior. How can you disregard your own life, knowing that I'm right here, willing to stand by your side? It hurts, Osamu, to see you care so little about yourself, even when you have someone who would give anything to keep you safe!"
Your voice wavered, tears streaming down your face as you poured out your heart. The room grew heavy with silence as the weight of your words hung in the air. The truth had been laid bare, leaving Dazai with no choice but to confront the pain he had inflicted.
Dazai's eyes widened, his carefree facade crumbling further. He reached out, but the words escaped him, his throat tight with remorse. The realization of the magnitude of his actions crashed over him like a tidal wave, shattering the walls he had built.
"I... I didn't..." Dazai stammered, his voice barely a whisper.
But you weren't done yet. You took a step closer, your voice filled with a mix of anguish and determination.
"I can't watch you destroy yourself anymore, Osamu," you said, your voice firm. "I can't keep picking up the pieces of your shattered soul, only for you to throw them aside again. You need to make a choice, for your own sake and your sake only. Don’t you think it’s time to break this vicious cycle?"
Dazai's eyes glistened with unshed tears, his mask finally crumbling completely.
Venom started to bubble in his throat, causing him to hesitate before opening his mouth. Regret, self-hatred, helplessness, and guilt devoured him as he gazed at you through seemingly indifferent eyes that now glistened with unshed tears. The weight of your words, the pain etched on your face, and the love that had long been overshadowed by darkness crashed over him, leaving him vulnerable and broken. 
In that moment, the walls he had built around his heart crumbled, and the armor he wore so proudly shattered, exposing the rawness of his emotions to the one person who had managed to touch his soul. You watched him, your heart aching but also hopeful. This was the moment of reckoning, the catalyst for change. You reached out, your hand hovering over his trembling shoulder, a silent offer of support.
"Osamu, my love," you said, your voice soft yet resolute. "You and I both know this can't go on. Sooner or later, we have to move forward. I'm not rushing you to heal, but I am urging you to start. Not just for me, but most especially for yourself."
The room fell into a heavy silence as Dazai wrestled with his emotions. Tears welled up in his eyes, the weight of his actions crashing down upon him. He sank to his knees, his trembling hands covering his face, trying to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to consume him.
In that vulnerable moment, you approached him, your heart breaking for the man you loved. You knelt down beside him, your hand gently resting on his shoulder. Dazai looked up, his tear-streaked face revealing the pain he had long kept hidden.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he choked out, his voice raw and filled with regret. "I didn't realize how much my actions were hurting you. I never intended to make you feel useless or unimportant."
You swallowed the lump in your throat, your own tears mingling with the raindrops falling outside. "Osamu, it's not about being useless. It's about sharing the burden and supporting each other through the darkest moments. I can't fix you, but I can be there for you. But you have to let me in."
Dazai clutched at your hand, his grip desperate yet filled with hope. "Y/N, I know where you're coming from; it's just that I've been a coward, avoiding the truth about myself and my emotions. I've been a bigger idiot for finding comfort in stagnation. But I don't want to be that person anymore. I want to face my fears, confront my flaws, and become the best version of myself."
The weight of his words hung in the air, a fragile promise of a brighter future. You both knew that healing wouldn't happen overnight and that the journey ahead would be filled with challenges and setbacks. But as you looked into Dazai's eyes, you saw a newfound determination, a flicker of the man he could and can become.
The rain had finally ceased, leaving behind a tranquil atmosphere in the aftermath of the storm. The Armed Detective Agency headquarters, once filled with tension, now carried a sense of calmness. You and Dazai found yourselves seeking serendipity in each other's presence, finding comfort in the quiet moments shared between the two of you.
As the last rays of moonlight filtered through the window, casting a gentle glow across the room, you approached Dazai. Your eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them. Without a word, you reached out and cupped his face tenderly, your thumb caressing his cheeks.
With a tender smile, you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting in a gentle yet passionate kiss. It started as a simple connection, a way to affirm your love and draw strength from one another, as well as a promise that you would never, ever leave his side. As the kiss deepened, fueled by the pent-up emotions and desire, it threatened to escalate into something more fervent.
Yet, in that moment of intense connection, you pulled away, your breath mingling with Dazai's. You gazed into each other's eyes, your chests rising and falling in synchrony. You continue to graze your fingertips on Dazai's cheek, tracing the lines of his face as if committing every detail to memory.
He leaned into the touch, a soft sigh escaping his lips. The weariness of the day, both physically and emotionally, weighed heavily on you both. The two of you had weathered the storm together and fought your battles, and now it was time to find solace in each other's arms.
His eyes searched yours, his gaze filled with a mixture of love, possessiveness, and a tinge of insecurity. His emotions, usually hidden behind a facade of nonchalance, were now laid bare before you.
"I love you, Y/N," Dazai whispered, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "More than anything in this world, I can't bear the thought of losing you."
His words, filled with a newfound intensity, sent shivers down your spine. His usual cool and collected aura had transformed into a mix of passion and a touch of distress.
But instead of being scared or overwhelmed, you welcomed and embraced his heightened emotions. You understood that Dazai's love for you was profound, a force that consumed him and left him vulnerable. And you were more than ready to reciprocate, to ease his worries and soothe his restless soul.
"Osamu," you whispered, "I'm here, right here with you. I'm not going anywhere."
His grip on you tightened ever so slightly, as if afraid that you might disappear if he let go. You leaned in, your lips grazing his ear as you whispered, "You are the only one for me, Osamu. No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side."
As your words sank in, Dazai's tense posture began to relax. He realized that his fears and insecurities were unwarranted and that you were steadfast in your love for him. With a mix of relief and renewed determination, he kissed you once more, his lips conveying a mixture of passion and adoration.
The world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you immersed in a bubble of love and trust. The room seemed to melt into a blur of colors as your bodies swayed with an unspoken rhythm, your connection deepening with every touch and caress.
As the kiss finally broke, you both were left breathless, your foreheads still pressed together. Dazai looked into your eyes, a mixture of vulnerability and adoration shining through his gaze.
"I don’t deserve you; you’re way too precious for someone like me, but thank you for loving me despite my flaws and for seeing the best in me. I promise to cherish you, protect you, and be the best version of myself for you," he murmured, his voice filled with reverence and devotion.
As tears welled up in your eyes, you were overcome by the profoundness of his words and the genuine emotion in his voice. "Deserve is such a powerful word, Osamu. There are countless individuals who are just as imperfect as we are, yet that doesn't automatically make us inherently wicked, right? I love every aspect of you, the parts you deem as flaws and virtues alike," you declared, your voice brimming with unwavering love.
Your words hung in the air, wrapping around them like a promise. In that intimate moment, both of you found strength, renewal, and a shared understanding. You knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy, but together, you were ready to face the challenges and forge a future built on love, trust, and healing.
With a smile, Dazai leaned in once again, capturing your lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss. It was a celebration of your love and an affirmation of the bond you had forged through the trials you faced.
And in that transformative moment, Dazai Osamu felt the weight of his burdens lift, liberated from the shackles that had bound him for so long. And it was all thanks to you.
After an eventful day at the ADA office, you and Dazai finally retreated to the comfort of your apartment, seeking peace and quiet. The chilly evening air prompted you to opt for a heartwarming hotpot dinner, a perfect choice to warm your souls.
As you set the table with an array of fresh ingredients and fragrant broths, Dazai made a sly gesture, revealing a hidden stash of sake. Your eyebrows shot up in a mixture of surprise and amusement, realizing the ungodly amount of alcohol he had squirreled away. With a deadpan expression, you couldn't help but playfully scold him for his excess.
You knew that part of Dazai's healing journey involved acknowledging and breaking free from his unhealthy habits, and excessive drinking was one of them. With genuine concern, you made it clear to him that going forward, he needed to be mindful of his alcohol intake. Dazai's playful pout surfaced, but beneath it, he understood and appreciated your intentions. He promised to be more mindful of his health, realizing the importance of taking care of himself.
As the evening unfolded, the apartment filled with a harmonious symphony of laughter and lighthearted banter. You and Dazai reveled in each other's company, sharing inside jokes and good-natured jabs. The stresses of the day melted away, replaced by a sense of comfort and contentment.
With every hearty slurp of hotpot and every sip of sake, the bond between you grew stronger. The shared meal became a symbol of nourishment not only for the body but also for the soul. As the day drew to a close, you found solace in the simple pleasures of being together, basking in the warmth of laughter and the undeniable connection that bound you.
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Love Languages (Marius, Artem, Vyn)
Honestly, it's very difficult to do romantic hcs for the Tot guys. Mostly because the game doesn't leave much to head canon about. I should really come up with some fics instead of relying on hcs. (Also, I have a HSR version in drafts too)
Some of these may be spit into giving and receiving, since I don't always think those are the same
CW: non really. Maybe a smidgen of angst in Vyn's, but not bad
Marius x Reader, Artem x Reader, Vyn x Reader
It's fairly obvious right from the get go that Marius's love language is acts of service. Ok Acts of service and gift giving, though I could make an argument that his receiving love language is words of affirmation.
He doesn't have much time on his hands, so as much as he's probably love to spend a ton a time with you, he has to settle for other methods
But his penchant for acts of service is pretty well established fairly early in the game. Not Marius von Hagen measuring Rosa's shoe size by sight and sending someone to get a pair of flats. He's a little shit, but he's a definite sweetheart
He's the kind of person who lets his actions speak for him. But he also has a habit of letting his money speak for him. That meme that floats around about him buying Netflix? Yeah, he'd totally do it.
Marius is of the opinion that he's part of one of the richest people in the city, why shouldn't he make sure that his s/o has the best of everything.
This all being said, his receiving love language is a bit different. He wants to do things for you and give you things, but he wants words of affection. As many as possible.
I mean, he's always seeking praise and comfort, frequently resorting to puppy dog eyes to get them. This guy does not know how to be upfront about what he wants from people. I mean, look at the world he lives in. I don't envy him
Sweet, loving, very awkward Artem. I love him so much.
The guy is definitely a quality time guy.
I would say acts of service is his, but Artem is someone who does things for people. That's just a general behavior of his. So I'm not sure it counts as a "love language" as much as it's a fundamental aspect of who he is.
So we're going to go with quality time and, to a smaller extent, physical contact.
I would say that quality time is his primary love language, both giving and receiving. If he's not working he wants to e around you. He wants to do things with you.
And sometimes that quality time also includes plenty of physical contact.
His desire for physical contact is often a very subtle thing. Brushing knuckles, running his hand over your cheekbone. An arm around you when you're cold. As soon as he's aware that you're ok with casual touch, he's more touchy. But subtle touchy.
Of course, in private, it's less so. He absolutely love to cuddle while watching movies or in bed after a long day.
Vyn, why are you so hard?
Vyn is so self contained and so damn aware of his behavior. And elusive as fuck .Everything he does is intentional. So I see his giving love language reflecting yours to a large extent.
He's keenly aware of what you need and desires to fulfil that in any way he can. Which I suppose counts as acts of service.
As far as receiving...again he's elusive as fuck, so trying to figure this out is not easy. In a lot of ways it matters less how you go about it but show this poor man some love. Like, lots of it.
Spend time with him, give him compliments, and tons of hugs not me being convinced that hugs fix everything. You're going to have to show the man that he's lovable and fine even if he isn't totally perfect. But everything you give him, I see him returning tenfold.
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 6 Part 1
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. JP SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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Mai: "So, this Kicho who is here now is..."
Sasuke: "I don't know all the details, but I guess he was affected by the distortion of history."
Sasuke: "That means he was originally a different person who never existed."
Mai: "Isn't that impossible?"
(How can one person's existence change like that?)
Sasuke: "I can't say it's impossible. There's always the unexpected."
Sasuke: "Have you noticed anything unusual around you since the wormhole stopped appearing?"
Mai: "Unusual?"
Mai: “Oh, after the attack on Azuchi Castle, the book I brought from the future turned weird.”
Mai: “It was a travel guide, which had some historical info in it, but right now, most of the pages are blank.”
Mai: “It was as if the future had disappeared.”
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Sasuke: “I see. That would explain why I can no longer observe wormholes.”
Sasuke: “Then, to return to our original time, we first have to deal with the distortion.”
Knock, knock.
Mai: "-----!"
Subordinate's voice: "Have you finished carrying the package?"
Sasuke: "Ah, yes. Safely."
Subordinate's voice: "I see. Then I'll walk you to the door."
(Looks like he's on the lookout.)
When I blinked at him, Sasuke immediately understood and replied cheerfully while quickly writing something on a piece of paper he had taken out of his pocket.
Sasuke: "Thank you very much."
Sasuke: "Well then, miss, I'm leaving. I look forward to working with you again."
Mai: "Yes, it's my pleasure."
I accepted the note he laid on the table, and just as I crumpled it up to hide it in my hand, the door opened.
Kicho's subordinate: "This way, please."
Sasuke: "Yes."
I looked over at Sasuke, resisting the urge to wave my hand.
After confirming the two had left, I gently unfolded the crumpled-up paper.
"Anyway, there may be some serious things ahead. I'll come back to you again. Until then, please take care."
(Serious things, huh?)
(I finally have a chance to get in touch with Mitsuhide, thanks to Sasuke, but there are more mysteries to solve.)
That rainy night, I finally felt grounded, and my vague sense of self took shape when Kicho told me I should just live as me no matter what.
(Is there anything in this world that didn't exist originally?)
(If so, when everything goes back to the way it was, will it be as if it never existed again?)
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Kicho: "That's all for today."
Mai: "Okay.”
Kicho: "............"
Mai: "What is it?"
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Kicho: "That's what I want to ask. What happened while I was away?"
Mai: "Eh, is something wrong with me?"
Kicho: "You have dark circles under your eyes. Are you having trouble sleeping?"
(As expected, he's sharp as a tack.)
Mai: "My sewing tools and fabrics arrived the other day, and I got caught up in making clothes."
Mai: "I know staying up late is not good, so I'll be careful."
Kicho: "Yeah, it's not worth it if you hurt yourself. It's best to do it in moderation."
(To be honest, I haven't even come up with a design yet because I don't know what to make.)
(I can't talk to him about it, hence the lie.) 
For the past few days since my encounter with Sasuke, I couldn't stop thinking about what I had heard.
I found myself worrying about his every move more than ever and ended up thinking about a lot of things at night.
(In the first place, if there's a historical distortion involved, he may not even be aware of it, and it's probably none of his business.)
Kicho: "By the way, I have one more thing to tell you."
Kicho: "We're going to have a banquet here at the trading post in two weeks to get acquainted with our business partners."
Kicho: "No, I think it would be better to call it a party."
Mai: "I could kind of imagine it. Can I help with the preparations?"
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Kicho: "Yeah. You're quick to catch on."
He nodded briefly and took a few papers from his desk drawer.
Kicho: "Here is a summary of what I need."
Kicho: "We don't have much time, so we'll have to split up the work with the others."
Mai: "What about the business meetings?"
Kicho: "I'll head to one tomorrow alone."
Mai: "Then, we'll be working separately for a while."
Kicho: "Also, I'm not going to have my men watch you 24/7."
Kicho: "As long as you don't make any suspicious movements, there is no need to be so worried."
Mai: "What?"
Kicho: "You looked bothered just now. I just thought you were worried about the surveillance."
Mai: "No, it's not that一Oh."
I involuntarily turned around to escape his gaze.
(Was I feeling lonely just now?)
(Nah, there's no way. Maybe he's right. Maybe I was just worried about the surveillance.)
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Kicho: "Mai, what's wrong?"
Mai: "N-Nothing!"
Mai: "More importantly, um, I'm gonna get ready for today's work. Excuse me!"
Without making eye contact, I left the room in a hurry.
Mai: "*sigh* That surprised me."
I put my hand on my forehead and took a deep breath.
(Anyway, let's go to work.)
Then, without seeing Kicho much, I began to spend my days running around preparing for the event.
Mai: "Is that the guy?"
Kicho's subordinate: "Probably. It's easy to tell when he's dressed like that."
Mai: "Right. I'll go talk to him then."
(I still get nervous when I'm with other people.)
(Until now, I've mostly been working with Kicho.)
I came to the port today with his men to get the necessary supplies for the party.
Hiding my tense appearance, I hurried over to our business partner, wearing a tall hat.
Mai: "Hello. Um, here, please."
When I handed him the letter that Kicho had written for him, he smiled, nodded, then beckoned me to come over and walk on.
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Mai: "They have some stuff over there. Let's go."
Kicho's subordinate: "Yeah."
(I can't believe he's already made all the arrangements.)
(We worked every day and night, so when did he start preparing all this?)
Thinking of him, I looked at the man walking ahead of me.
(Still, it's fun to see all these fancy-looking clothes.)
(I bet the people attending the party will wear something nice, too.)
(I wonder what Kicho plans to wear.)
Mai: "Right!"
Kicho's subordinate: "Is something wrong?"
Mai: "Yes, I've finally decided on the design."
Kicho's subordinate: "Design?"
Mai: "Um, I mean the style of the kimono."
Mai: "Hey, can I ask you for some help?"
That night.
Kicho: "What's the matter with you guys? Why are you in a hurry?"
Kicho's subordinate 1: "Before you return to your room, can I have a moment of your time?"
Kicho's subordinate 2: "It'll only take a moment, so please remain standing."
Kicho's subordinate 3: "Excuse me!"
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Kicho: "Hey, what are you suddenly wrapping around me?"
Kicho's subordinate 4: "Don't worry about it. We'll remove it as soon as we finish the measurement."
Kicho's subordinate 2: "This one is complete. How are the others?"
Kicho's subordinate 3: "Done."
Kicho's subordinate 1: "This one is also complete."
Kicho's subordinate 4: "Then I'll take them and report back to Lady Mai tomorrow."
Kicho: "Mai?"
Kicho's subordinate 2: "Thank you for your cooperation, Lord Kicho. We apologize for troubling you."
Kicho’s subordinate 2: "Well, please excuse us!"
Kicho: "Hey, you guys...!"
Before Kicho could call out to them, his subordinates quickly left.
Kicho, who remained there alone, looked at the door of Mai's room at the end of the hallway with a look of dismay.
Kicho: "I didn't expect you to order around my men in just a few days."
Kicho: "What the hell are you up to?"
One week later.
(Yup, it looks pretty good!)
Comparing the design with the finished material, I pulled my sewing kit next to me.
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(All I have to do is sew the rest and make adjustments as I go along.)
(I really appreciated their cooperation.)
His men were willing to help me when I asked them to get his measurements for the clothes.
(They weren't as scary as I thought they would be when I talked to them.)
(Just like Kicho.)
(I haven't seen him for about a week, but I hope he's okay.)
I imagined his face and felt a little sad.
(Anyway, I'll do whatever I can to finish this before the party next week.)
(If I do it on my breaks, I'm sure I can finish it.)
Mai: "Crap, it's this late already!?"
Remembering my promise, I rushed out of the room.
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Mai: "Thank you for your cooperation. I really appreciate it."
Merchant: "No, this is nothing. Merchants help each other from time to time."
(He's so kind.)
Today, I visited a merchant we met along the way to borrow some supplies for the party at a warehouse near the main street.
Merchant: "The tablewares are on that shelf, and the vases and picture scrolls are over there."
Merchant: "Next is一sorry, there are too many things to keep track of."
Merchant: "The items stored in this warehouse are not particularly meant to be used, so please take them as you like."
Mai: "Okay, thank you very much."
Merchant: "By the way, I heard that Lord Kicho is coming today."
Mai: "He's busy right now, so I'm taking his place."
Merchant: "I see. He really trust you."
Mai: "I don't know about that."
(Sometimes it's because they don't trust you that they keep you around.)
(But I don't think I should say that here.)
Mai: "Don't worry. Even if he's not here, I'll do my best. Huh?"
Before I knew it, something cold touched my neck, and as soon as I looked at it, I saw him holding something shiny.
(A knife!?)
Mai: "Why?"
Merchant: "Sorry, but a businessman needs information to make a profit."
Merchant: "See, I told you before. We need to help each other from time to time."
Mai: "I don't have any information. I'm only一"
Merchant: "Shut up!"
Mai: "............"
I could feel the coldness of the knife as he put more force into it.
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(What should I do? Kicho's subordinates aren't here yet.)
The man had a scary glint in his eyes, as if he believed that what he was doing was the right thing, with not the slightest hint of hesitation.
(I don't think I can buy some time.)
(I have to handle this myself!)
I quickly stepped back, put my hand on the shelf, and knocked it down forcefully.
Merchant: "Whoa!"
Mai: "I'm Kicho's secretary, but no matter what I am, I will never do what you say!"
Merchant: "Guh, you cheeky little shit! Hey, you guys, come out here right now!"
(Are there more people outside!?)
(Then I can't escape.)
???: "Yeah, I was going to come out even if you didn't tell me."
Mai: "Huh?"
Kicho: "It looks like you gave my secretary a great deal of hospitality."
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Mai: "Kicho!"
A graceful silhouette holding a pistol emerged against the light shining into the warehouse.
Kicho: "Your buddies outside are in no condition to be of any use anymore."
Kicho: "Get that girl over here now, or I'll shoot you."
Merchant: "Damn it!"
Mai: “Ah!”
He pushed me hard in the back, and before I had time to catch myself, a blinding pain resonated through my entire body as I fell to the ground.
Mai: “Ugh...”
Kicho: “Mai!”
Kicho immediately ran to me while the man rushed to the doorway, smiling wryly at us.
(Don’t tell me he’s...)
Merchant: “Later, losers!”
Mai: “W-Wait!”
I frantically shouted, only to be answered by the sound of a door being closed, followed by the sound of a lock.
(What to do? We’re trapped.)
Mai: “Sorry for causing you trouble.”
Kicho: “............”
Mai: “Kicho?”
I looked up with my hands on the floor and saw him breathing shallow breaths, and his face was so pale.
Mai: “Um, are you okay?”
Kicho: “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Mai: “Yeah, you’re not okay.”
He immediately turned away from me, but I could see a bit of sweat trickling down his forehead.
Mai: "Are you hurt somewhere? Or are you feeling sick from all the work you've been doing the past few days?"
Kicho: "No, none of the above. It's because of this situation."
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Kicho: "I have to get out of here as soon as possible."
Kicho frowned as he fell on one knee, clutching his collar.
(His hands are shaking, and his breathing is becoming more frantic.)
(Is there anything I can do?)
Mai: "You stay put. I'll find a way out."
I got up and walked around the warehouse, relying on the little light I could see.
However, there was no place to go in or out except for the closed door.
I tried opening it, but it was locked from the outside.
(I don't think I can do anything about it from here. At least, if someone passes by一no, what if it's a guard?)
Mai: "Kicho, we need to find a way to get out of here."
Just as I turned around, his shadow slid out of its position.
Kicho: ".............."
Mai: "Kicho!"
I ran to him and supported his body as he fell to the floor.
Just listening to the sound of his weak breathing made me feel suffocated.
(What's wrong with him?)
Kicho: "...ive…"
Mai: "What?"
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Kicho: "I want to live."
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mrowsaysthecat · 3 months
This is all about a fictional character that I'm still emotional over. In the end, it's all fiction and I'm aware of that - but there's also a reflection in how certain characters are treated in comparison with real life outlooks and experiences of actual humans who aren't fictional...
I also believe that there's room for dark shit, messed up shit, evil characters and that these aspects of fiction don't always reflect the author's true self. We're story tellers. I like my dark, fucked up shit the same as many other people - but in the end, I don't like cruelty in real life. I don't like a lot of shit that I'd happily write about, because it causes a story to be told - and something to think about, or things to hold up to society and say 'hey, lookit'.... And sometimes, it just for shits and giggles, if we're being real about things. However, I will forever be pissed off over how certain shit played out where one fictional character is concerned, and here's just a small bit of why. It involves both fiction and reality, and the reality that sometimes, some characters are treated in ways that reflect how some people are seen in real, every day life...
They did Glenn Rhee wrong in TWD main series.
They took meaning from his character outside of being Mr. Maggie for a good portion of the show. They didn't allow much back story either; what do we actually know of Glenn from the show's history? Not the comics or games or anything but the show? Really, what do we know? When they were in the prison and he was very angry, that was probably one of the highlights of him not being a ray of sunshine somehow, or a positive aspect ready to overcome the darkness. Steven Yeun has spoken on how flat he felt the character was served when it came to emotional reactions beyond a certain point. Goodness isn't a bad characteristic at all, neither is optimism, but there is a sense of lacking within Glenn's stories that don't show the layers of personality and worries and struggles behind those aspects of self. The only real time we saw was the showdown with Nicholas in the woods, and even that felt rushed and hushed in a sense. They made a sacrificial lamb of a person, and writers even admitted to not knowing what to do with him. So what if his character died in the comics? Do you realize how much they changed for so many different characters before that point? For instance, Carol's survival and Sophia's demise. Not to mention Daryl's whole existence as a character. Why couldn't they do the same for Glenn, defy the 'logic' of 'it happened in the comics', and why couldn't they give him more back story while they were at it?
And now, all these people wanting to ship Maggie and Negan, like Glenn doesn't matter at all. It rips at his humanity in ways I don't even want to talk about, but I'm sure people aren't thinking of that when they want those two to kiss. Who cares, right? Glenn's just a dead Asian man that y'all never cared about while he was alive anyway... And it runs deeper than that for some of you, but we won't get into that because I don't have the energy right now. After all, people who are racist in that way won't change because they either don't have the ability to see themselves for their true shit (and try to think about why and how to change that outlook) or they just don't give a fuck about it because they're unapologetically and proudly against either a certain set of humans with certain features or whatever it is they're stupid over, or they don't like interracial couples and don't give a shit to realize that we're all fucking humans and we're all connected in some way or another.... :x
But yeah. I'll always be salty about this, and the fact that Glenn's character could have been so much more than they let him be in the end. Then again, I think he and Daryl should have hooked up instead, but that's just me? But you know, so much of the TWD fandom would have shit itself over that pairing....
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saltymongoose · 1 year
wuh ohs!! sum of task force 141 is now in nevada!! and with player!! whatever will happen??
this iz an exxcuse to talk about Ghost Soap and Price abouts their reaction to nevada and our token nevadeans™
( this is about call of duty if ur unsure just wanted to place thiz lil note )
Oo, I was wondering if I was gonna get an ask about these guys. :)
To start off with, I think a large part of the 141's reaction to this whole situation depends on if they're also self-aware to some extent. You only play as Gaz and Soap within the MWII remake's campaign, so they're the best contenders for this since you'd have direct control over them. However, you're also in close proximity with Price and Ghost when you play as them, so given the whole "being near the Player's vessel = feeling some warmth" rule, they'd have to be aware that something's up. Plus, who knows if they'd be self-aware themselves from the multiplayer (as everyone in the 141 is an operator).
(More Under the Cut - this got extremely long. Basically fic length lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
If they were, then you'd be met with less skepticism when you explain who you are, and they would probably grow to trust you within a shorter period of time. It's less of a shock because they know you've always been there, fighting by their sides.
However, we're not gonna go too far into that (for now anyway lol) as this is very unlikely; the only reason the grunts became aware of you was that the Auditor decided to strengthen your connection to Nevada, and the world of CoD doesn't have that. The Employers' growing need to be closer to you motivated the Auditor and the others to tether your realities together in a stronger way, while I can't think of any reason for that to be the case with Task Force 141's universe.
In any case, you're definitely going to be questioned by them when they find you because they know damn well this isn't normally what Nevada looks like - or any place on earth, for that matter. And as the only human being they've seen in this wasteland so far, you might have something to do with them being there.
That's the line of logic they're coming from, and while it's completely understandable, it's also false to some degree. (Yes, you know who they are. No, you don't know why they're here. No, you don't know how they got here either, etc, etc.) This is where you have to basically give them a summary of who you are and what your role technically is in games. While this definitely gives them something of an existential crisis (nothing like being told your reality is nothing but a short game made for another human's entertainment), it definitely clears the air. You even talk about how you have positively zero experience with combat (before now, anyway), and reveal all of your more supernatural abilities with little hesitancy. You're laying all your cards out on the table for Price and his men to pick through as they please, and your being an open book is enough to get them to steer the conversation away from the interrogation-like territory it began with.
This opens the door to actually forming bonds with the 141, and although it will take quite a while for all of them to trust you like they would one of their own (Ghost especially), it'll happen. However, the closer you get with the Task Force, the less your own grunts feel the need to be amicable with them.
Even beginning their interactions, I don't think the boys would like them at all. Disdain would be a more fitting word; not only do these armored, dangerous people just decide to interrogate you (who's perfectly innocent), but they have the nerve to stick around afterward and get all buddy-buddy with you. It's annoying at best, and rage-inducing at worst.
To get to how they'd react to the Taskforce and vise-versa, we'll start with 2BDamned.
Doc is the leader of the four grunts you're with, and you're his superior in every way he believes possible. He's the first to praise your strategic expertise to the 141 in a way that's professional (he's sure you warranted more than the excited gloating of Deimos or Sanford), and will subtly brag about how much you've helped them. Yet, he finds himself getting unreasonably angry when the Captain of the 141, Price, does the same. And now that Price knows that you're the reason Gaz and Soap have managed to stay alive as long as they have (one of the reasons ofc - they're skilled, but he still likes ribbing on them), he's immensely grateful towards you, which translates into explicit trust and praise on his part. Not too much of the latter, but it's enough to convey how much he appreciates your help.
But Doc subconsciously takes Price's sort of mirroring of his own actions as something of a threat. Price has almost the same exact role in his group as Doc does with your group, so his doing all of this must be an attempt to sway you towards the 141 and himself. Plus, it's just not the same. Price's comments do not truly reflect how grateful he should be towards you, or how much value you have. So the fact that you take notice, even looking away bashfully before saying thank you whenever you're hit with a short compliment from the man, is enough to boil his blood. Even worse is that he knows what he's thinking is very slightly irrational, but the jealousy (and possessiveness) is enough to override any real rationality here.
Honestly, what makes it funnier is that Price actually respects 2B in his own way. It's obvious that you're the boss here, but he knows better than anyone how difficult it is to wrangle a group of very different people to get them to work together. So, both the Captain and 2BDamned view each other as similar, but for very different reasons. Where in one it inspires a sense of relatability, or even empathy, in the other it just fills them with jealousy.
As for Soap and Gaz, Doc finds them strikingly similar to Deimos and Sanford in how they'll joke around and be very open with you (Soap more so than Gaz). It's annoying because now he has to deal with two more outgoing people trying to get your attention all the time, and succeeding most of the time. While he's trying to find a way to peel them (and his own squad, to be frank) away from your side so you can get some time away with him to decompress, they're just content with trying to get to know you both better. It's not like Doc wants to make himself appear impolite, but he has zero patience for their antics. With Sanford and Deimos, he kind of has to have a good relationship with them for work, but the last thing 2B needs is two other people who have no consequence on his mission trying to impede it. Or at least, that's the justification he uses for being obtuse around them in response to their lackadaisical attitudes.
Although, it's not like Soap really cares about what opinion Doc has of him. In his eyes, their main priority is to (a) find a way to get home and (b) protect you (since you're not only their one ticket home but a really nice civilian who he wants to be friends with). So he'll just ignore whatever the tall grunt does, unless it comes out as a threat of course. Gaz feels a bit more threatened, probably because of all those parallels Doc has with his Captain, but he follows the lead of the others in his group by acting politely and disregarding any words and such against him. Plus, given how he's seen you chide Doc for being impolite (and the man give a rushed apology at that - which is really funny), he doubts anything more will come of it. Things are a bit tense, but that's alright.
With Ghost, I feel like the Lieutenant would instantly realize that there's some underlying reason why 2B has some restrained hostility towards the 141, and that it likely has to do with you. After being through what Ghost has in his history, he's got a pretty good "bullshit detector", so of course he'd notice how the grunt tenses up whenever you're mentioned, or how his grip tightens on whatever he's holding whenever you laugh with one of Soap's jokes. He thinks it's kind of weird, but it's obvious all of your grunts have a thing for you, so it makes enough sense. And he can put up with that. But what he can't deal with is any threats made to the 141. So he'll always be there watching, keeping an eye on things in case 2B or any of your little squad tries to do anything threatening. The 141's members can take care of themselves, but he's unwilling to let anything happen to them without his defense being there.
I think that in this case, Ghost is an even more menacing figure than Hank because at least Hank has a reason to keep Doc alive. This makes 2B a bit more hesitant to do anything rude, and I honestly think he kind of knows that Ghost is aware of what he feels for you. Perhaps not the complete depth of his affection, but enough to get an inkling as to why he acts the way he does. Which he can't tell is more or less threatening, since it just means they can be used for leverage. Although, it's not like he could do anything about the Task Force since it's obvious you like them and want to keep them around for now. So he'll continue being cordial and formal in all his interactions. It's what he does best, after all.
Moving on to Deimos and Sanford, they're more conflicted about this, because if this were any other circumstance, they might've even gotten along with the Task Force. They'd never admit it, but the Task Force is actually really easy to work with, and they can admire their skills. (And hey, at least Ghost bothers remembering which one of them is which, unlike a certain someone.)
However, like Doc, they feel like the Task Force is somehow threatening their own positions in your life, which sours their attitudes toward them. Deimos is kind of the unofficial "Funny Guy™️" in your life, so seeing Soap make you laugh and smile just makes it feel like something sharp is poking at his chest. God forbid if you laugh at Ghost's jokes too; once the masked man grows comfortable enough to tell his little quips it's over. You just find it so hilarious (especially with Soap's groaning about how bad they are), and you even follow up with your own. To Deimos, there's a sort of chemistry between you and the 141, and he doesn't like it. He isn't a very insecure person, but the fact that this whole situation is making him feel more uncertain about his future with you is something he hates.
With Sanford, he just disapproves of how close the 141 is getting to you. He respects Price, sure, and he can somewhat appreciate how the other three members of the 141 look out for you, but that's the thing; that is his job. It's Sanford's role to make your food, coffee, tea, whatever - not Gaz's or Ghost, or whoever else encroaches on his time with you. Protecting you from harm is something that he and Deimos do quite well, and they don't need anyone else trying to take their spotlight with that. Lord knows they have to deal with enough of that from Hank. Plus, there are some things regarding your friendship with the 141 that he (or any other grunt) can't compete with. You're all human. The 141 knows you better on a fundamental level because you come from a similar reality, and you are the same species. They probably are better at reading you and knowing what you like, and it pains him and Deimos whenever you make a reference to pop culture or something in your world and only the 141 understands. It makes him wonder how much he really knows you, and if he'd even be able to get everything about you. Because he really wants to; Sanford (and again, every other grunt in your entourage) seek to know you better than themselves, they want to have intimate knowledge about everything you are or want to be. And the fact that you're so different makes it difficult. The business with the 141 only makes it more painfully obvious.
Another issue for them is that it is generally hard to put a barrier between them and the 141. Sanford and Deimos are the more outgoing of your group, and as such, they're probably the first grunts that the Task Force feels comfortable trying to reach out to. Kind of like brothers in arms, except they're tall, grey Nevadans and not humans. (Hey, still better than Graves, right?) Soap and Gaz will be friendly with them, even Price in a more restrained way (professional, if you will), and Dei and San can't help themselves from responding in kind. Sure, they might kick themselves later when they find themselves getting really friendly, but it's hard to stop it from happening. Or they could convince themselves that becoming friends with the Task Force is a way to keep an eye on you when you're with the other team.
Either way, this won't prevent the lurking feelings of discomfort and envy they feel when they see you enjoying the company of the 141. But their hesitancy doesn't stop Soap and Gaz from treating them as they would any other combat team they work with, nor Price from including them in his strategies (that he works up with you, no doubt). This doesn't prevent Ghost from being more lax around them than with the other members of your group either, because he knows that Sanford and Deimos are the least likely to try anything. Not only because they want to do right by you, but because they're growing closer to the Task Force, albeit with great conflict. (He can relate; he felt much the same way when he had to work with Soap at first.)
For Soap and Gaz, they see San and Dei as sort of comrades (like the Los Vaqueros in a way), while Price kind of sees them as the sort of soldiers he'd worked with before. Perhaps not the types of people he'd hire for his own Task Force, but they remind him of those he interacted with in his time in the military. It's nostalgic, in a weird way. Especially since they're very far from human.
Now we have Hank. To put it shortly, compared to everyone else in your main group, Hank's approach is the direct opposite. He doesn't play nice with his own squad most of the time, why would he bother doing that with another group?
He doesn't see any benefit to having the 141 around and treats them as direct competition because that's what they are to him. To Hank, he can protect you and provide for you just fine on his own; you don't need anyone else, so he'll be there to whisk you away whenever they get too close. It doesn't matter if it's either of the Sergeants, Ghost, or Price, none of them should be spending large amounts time with you. There's no need. It's not like they have the same close bond that you share with him, nor do they have any deeper interest in you, so he doesn't see them as having any justifiable reason to be so buddy-buddy with you. It's a waste of your time for the benefit of theirs.
His behavior is centered around proving that he's better than them in nearly every conceivable way: more reliable than Price, more considerate and sweet than Gaz, better with combat than Soap and Ghost. He's obviously superior to them, so only pay attention to him, okay?
His mentality is very obvious, and it's insulting that the 141 find it more entertaining than anything. Soap will poke fun at you for having a guard dog, while Price will mention something about keeping him on a short leash. Gaz is more unsettled yet again, but confident that he won't do anything. He can't, not when you reprimand him every time he brings a knife or gun just too close to them. Ghost is significantly less amused, and the most likely to challenge his threats. In a rather smart move, he'll also point to you to show how much you disapprove of the tall grunt's actions, shaking his head at how Hank visibly wilts once he sees your disappointed stare.
You'd think that if he knew about how you wanted things to be nice with the 141, he'd care to put in more effort. But he won't, it's not in his nature. Instead, he'll just see to it that the threats happen behind closed doors. But Ghost will be there every step of the way, as a protector of his own squad and a helpful informant to you. Nobody likes a snitch, but seeing Hank try to make apologies to you is too good to pass up. A worthy punishment for threatening his squad, he'd say.
Besides, you're like the Captain of your grunts in a weird way, with how they listen to you. You might even deserve the title, with all your strategic expertise (which he knows he's seen now), and Soap has even taken to calling you that in jest a few times. And good Lieutenants always report to their superiors, right? So he's just acting according to the rules of the chain of command.
At the end of the day, for you, you have another group of individuals to help out, and ones that you've made friends with. Despite how much your grunts might dislike them, you've always been fond of Task Force 141, so getting to meet them is something you're excited about. Luckily for you, they quite like you as well. It's just those guard dogs of yours that seem to present a challenge, but they'd say you keep them trained well enough not to try anything too drastic. For now.
[Also, some general Nevada things regarding the 141 and their reaction:
They wouldn't like it there, it's too violent and they get enough of that at home. The landscape is fascinating but all of this stuff with the Nexus Core and the Employers is too complicated for them to want to deal with. Having you there makes it so much easier, so they appreciate you a lot (and want to protect you, since you're just an innocent civilian), but they would honestly much rather be home.
They're also somewhat horrified at the way grunts live. The only TV show that plays is Slaughter Time, and the predisposition to violence that all grunts seem to have is really concerning. It makes them more protective of you too, even throwing a few suspicious glances at your boys whenever they do something really harsh in combat. For once, they feel lucky that they're basically allies. Especially since Wimbleton can't die permanently, according to you. (Though Ghost is sure he can find a way to make that happen, if necessary lol.)]
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felassan · 2 years
Some more snippets of insight from Mark Darrah, from his recent Mark Darrah on Games YouTube Q&A video:
Cut for length
[source and watchlink; there are many other questions covered in the video, which is 3+ hours long, so check it out]
On Dragon Age: Dreadwolf and related topics -
Q. "What is your most cherished memory of your time on Dragon Age?" A. "For me, it's always about the game starting to come together after Alpha, because that's the point at which you feel like the knobs and levers that you've been pulling on frantically for the last who knows how long start to actually appear to be connected to something and you're actually starting the process of the game coming together. So that's where Dragon Age is right now, so hopefully they are similarly enjoying themselves. It's also the time where things can get really tough so it's kind of both the worst and best time."
Q. "Do you have any regrets about your time in BioWare and Dragon Age in terms of how the franchise has turned out?" A. "So a lot of times with Dragon Age, I feel like, as I've been thinking my way through Anthem, to try to get ready to do the Memories and Lessons [video] there, it makes me re-evaluate Dragon Age as well. To a large degree with Dragon Age I actually feel like Dragon Age is on its best possible path. The things that happened are the things that needed to happen and there wasn't necessarily a better path. I don't have that same feeling with Anthem, but that is where my mind is with Dragon Age, so as a result I don't really have regrets. I have regrets potentially more about the consequences on the team on certain times, but largely no."
Q. "Do you know of any changes to the control scheme for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf compared to Dragon Age: Inquisition?" A. "I'm not aware of anything, I'm sure there will be changes for sure."
Q. "How do you feel about the cRPG revival and its potential impact on the future of AAA RPGs like Dragon Age?" A. "I think that what we're actually seeing is the AAs moving into the space that's been vacated by the AAAs. I suspect it's not going to have a ton of impact on AAA RPGs to be honest."
Q. "What influence do you think D&D has on Dragon Age?" A. "Bioware is a D&D studio back in its past, that's what Baldur's Gate is. Dragon Age: Origins was definitely trying to feel like Baldur's Gate, so I definitely think it has had an influence in it from its conception. Now I think it isn't actually as influential as it once was. BioWare used to be made entirely of people who play D&D, now it's made entirely of people who play RPGs, so it's not as influential as it once was but it's definitely in there."
Q. "Is it true that some game studio companies that are due to release games only to the new platforms are delaying their games on purpose, basically because of lack of hardware and stuff?" A. "I have not heard this. That's not what's happening with Dragon Age, I guarantee that, so. Could it be happening? Maybe. But big public companies like money now, 'even less money now better than more money later', so I doubt this is true."
Mark: "I know that EA, I don't know if they've changed this but, EA six months ago was saying 'we're all gonna go back to the office and you're gonna have to go back to the office and that's gonna be the goal, and we're going to support semi-remote work, but most people have got to go back to the office.'"
Mark: "BioWare has had people working remotely with great success for a long time, but, so here's what I've seen. 'Person' can work remotely, because that person is largely responsible for them remaining integrated in the team. The expectation is that they are largely a self-starter, you can largely leave them to their own devices, they will get the information on their own that they need to work. Groups work very successfully remotely because then it's a big group, the communication channel is relatively small, there's a producer on both sides that talk to each other, and this group is self-contained. You can give them a self-contained thing. The hangar in Anthem was built in Montreal, and they basically built it almost completely on their own with only a few touch points between Edmonton and Montreal. The place where I've seen it fail really bad is people working remotely, which is a bunch of individuals all over the place, the expectation is that it's unclear where the communication responsibility lies. It's not to say that this is unsolvable, it's just that one person works great, a complete cohesive team that's all together can work great. A bunch of people scattered to the winds maybe can work great but the strategies aren't always mature to handle that."
Q. "What is your opinion on canon endings? For example, how do you think BioWare would have to solve the problem with multiple endings in Mass Effect 3 if they decided to bring back Shepard in Mass Effect 4?" A. "I feel like, yes. That being said, Dragon Age is kind of been a little, loosey-goosey, especially in the linear stuff, you know, Alistair, who could be dead, is in some of the linear stuff, I don't love that. But I guess you kind of have to decide how close to the center you want everything to set, and the farther away you get I think the looser you can be, but I think you have to kind of at least care."
Mark: "So BioWare has teased games [early] for a couple of reasons. One, EA feels like their press conference is too light and they need something to throw in there that makes it look like they're not just making sports games. So therefore you get an early, early tease of Anthem, I think there was Anthem in 2014 E3 for example. Or the team feels like they're gonna get cancelled, so by making an announcement they make the game more real and make it much harder for the publisher to cancel them. That's the primary reason why Dragon Age: Dreadwolf was at The Game Awards in 2017. Or because they feel like there is some damage that needs to be fixed or some sort of conversation that's going to take a lot longer with the core [fans], that they need to talk to the core and have it out there floating around for a while to kind of let the bad stuff settle. That happened to some degree with Dragon Age: Inquisition, where it was out, announced for a while, just to kind've let all the bad gas around Dragon Age II dissipate."
Q. "Is it true that EA didn't know BioWare was going to drop the Dragon Age: Dreadwolf trailer then?" A: "Not exactly, because we were working with internal groups within EA to get that thing done, so, no, it's not really true, but the push was coming from BioWare more than it was coming from EA."
Mark: "[on video game journalism & Jason Schreier] "I would argue that, other than Jason Schreier, most of the industry doesn't contain very many journalists. Most of them are more like people who are reporting what the companies want them to report, which is great, it's actually what exists mostly in movies as well, there's not a lot of investigative journalism happening in video games. So for the most part, if what they're doing is reporting what the company is doing, they're not influencing the industry positively or negatively really. Jason Schreier, as annoying as some of it can be, is probably influencing the industry positively, he's forcing some of these conversations into the light, which is probably what we need." 
Mark: "I think Dragon Age, I think Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will be at The Game Awards. I don't know what you [the questioner] mean by 'announcement'. I'm kind of feeling like they might date at The Game Awards, because they're gonna wanna open up the pre-orders. But maybe it's still too early."
Q. "Do you think the backlash to Mass Effect: Andromeda and Anthem has negatively or positively affected BioWare?" A. "A bit of both. I think that someone once told me that everyone loves a fall from grace story, but the only story they love better than  a fall from grace story is a redemption story. BioWare has fallen from grace, so hopefully the next story is a redemption story."
Q. "Do you think if EA managed more RPGs instead of sports competitive games it would've been easier for BioWare to make more RPG quality of life features?" A. "Yeah for sure. Inherently, EA doesn't understand RPGs, same as they don't understand The Sims, and so it's always been a struggle to get them to understand why things take the amount of time they are, why certain features matter, why other features don't really matter, there's been a disconnect all along for sure."
Q. "Do the developers of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf request your opinions on some aspects of the game?" A. "No, they haven't been. I think that's smart on their part because they need to be careful, it needs to be their game, not my game. I hope they'll let me play it at some point but I have not played it as of yet."
Q. "Will we get Dragon Age: Dreadwolf streams [from Mark's YouTube channel] when it comes out?" A. "Yeah, probably, I'll probably stream it, we'll see how weird that is [for Mark to stream]."
Mark: "Dragon Age: Origins wasn't intended to have sequels, but now it's a franchise built to have sequels. The Mass Effect Trilogy definitely was an end, but we've already made one more Mass Effect so at the moment I don't think they should be ending it. There are places where that could've been a 'yes' but those places have already passed. I think there is a time at which you probably should let an IP rest at least for a while, but I don't think either of those franchises are there."
Q. "Have you ever been reached out to by the folks at BioWare to be more shush about their process? I can't imagine your crunch/BioWare Magic video went over too well with management." A. "Some people told me that there were people mad about the BioWare Magic video, but I think for the most part that it was received okay. I think there are people within EA that wish I would shut up but, you know, they had ways they could've made that happen, they did not do that. I have not been reached out to to be quiet. EA's general thinking makes it very unlikely that they would do so, and I think the average BioWare dev is at worst ambivalent, at best supportive of it over all."
Q. "How do you think the events at the Winter Palace will influence the next game? A. "So I suspect that the Orlesian throne will be reflected in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, but I don't know how much it will actually impact because it has to be manageable."
Q. "Do you think the Well of Sorrows choice will return?" A. "I do not know."
Q. "Do you feel like BioWare/EA left Anthem behind too soon?" A. "Yeah so, I've been thinking about this, and like why did Battlefield 4 and The Sims 4 get so much time to kind've fix everything, and Anthem and Mass Effect: Andromeda didn't. I think the answer to that question is actually because of BioWare's structure, because there are people, there are teams that needed those resources, and so there was pressure. If you're at DICE, and Battlefield 4 is floundering, there's pressure coming from EA central to stop working on it and just leave it alone, but the studio is like, 'but if we do that, we have to fire a whole bunch of people', so the pressure balances them working on it. In the case of BioWare, same pressure comes in, but then the studio is like, 'ohh yeah, maybe you're right, we can put those people on Dragon Age, or we can put those people on Anthem', and so I think that's probably part of why it's happened. So EA wants people to move off, but then the studio isn't resisting as hard."
Q. "Do you think that the final decision with Solas, Redeem or not, will have consequences on in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf?" A. "I would be amazed if it didn't, given that it's called Dreadwolf." 
Mark: "[on the idea of removing classes in Dragon Age] I go back and forth on this because classes help onboard players and they make, they give some ability to do more strong things. I don't really like usage-based levelling up like Elder Scrolls has because I feel like it kind of heads me down a narrower and narrower path as I play the game, but flattening it out and letting me level up in a more traditional way, maybe, but I wouldn't do it in Dragon Age because I think it's too integral to the game itself."
Q. "Do you think we'll see the Warden from Dragon Age: Origins in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf?" A. "I don't know. There's a huge question that would need to be answered to bring them back which is, do you give them a voice, do you keep them silent, do you explain why they don't have a voice? I don't know if we'll see them or not because of that."
Q. "If BioWare does another open world, what should they do different? I always thought a big hub area would work well or just a large level?" A. "I don't think BioWare is equipped to do a really large level and I kind've don't think, for what BioWare is trying to do, it's the right approach because I think you want to have that big epic story. But a hub area is interesting becaise then you could have smaller things, smaller open world areas more like the bog or the Storm Coast and then have a central hub, so maybe."
Q. "Do you know to what extent 'project Joplin' factored into the development of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf?" A. "Definitely stuff from Joplin is still in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf for sure."
Q. "Where do you see BioWare heading at present, do you think BioWare is best when creating new worlds?" A. "I actually don't think thats been my experience, I actually think that on average BioWare's second entry has typically been its best, not the case in Dragon Age II but for externality reasons, so I think that usually it needs one to kind've shake the things loose. But some people just like world-building and the first one is definitely where you do all the world-building."
Q. "Is Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's combat going to be a big departure from Dragon Age: Inquisition?" A. "Don't know, guess we'll see."
Mark: "[on Dragon Age: Absolution] I haven't seen any of it yet, but it was in development when I was still at BioWare. I think most of the Dragon Age media has been pretty good, with a few exceptions, but I think usually the team uses it as bridges between new concepts or new things that they're gonna talk about in future games, which I think is exactly how you should use this kind of stuff."
Q. "What were you most excited about on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf when you were there? Gameplay and story?" A. "For me it's always characters, characters are what drive BioWare games and I think that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is the one that's finally admitting that, so hopefully they can lean into that hard."
Q. "Will you go to the Dragon Age: Dreadwolf launch party?" A. "Guess we'll see if I'm invited."
Q. "Do you think that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will have more accessibility options?" A. "Yeah I think so, they are becoming more and more common and there are now good AAA games that are providing a pretty good template of something that at least brings the conversation forward quite a bit, so I think that we should see more, I would think."
Mark: "[on modding] There's been no attempt to ever prevent modding [in BioWare games]. We did, on Joplin, talk about actually making the toolset accessible to the public, but there wasn't really an appetite within the Frostbite development community to do that at the time, though interestingly enough I don't think that's actually the case any longer, but it wasn't at the time, so it got abandoned along the way."
Mark: "[on Sandal] That's true, I did basically say to cut, specifically Sandal, from Dragon Age: Inquisition because my feeling was that if you put Sandal into Dragon Age: Inquisition you had to put Sandal in every single game for the rest of time, he then became a concrete part of the lore and he became something more and that's fine, basically what I said to the writers was, you can put Sandal into Dragon Age: Inquisition but know that if you put Sandal into Dragon Age: Inquisition you're going to be putting Sandal into every single Dragon Age game for the rest of time. [...] Sandal isn't done, so Sandal's [story's] not necessarily done, but I think by taking a break in Dragon Age: Inquisition now you're able to kind've pop him in and out, but if you had him in all three games in a row he became too central, so that's what I mean by, so it's not that Sandal can never be back, he needed to not be in Dragon Age: Inquisition if you wanted to have control of that situation."
Mark: "[on new IPs and different genres] I know that there's this feeling like, stick to your lane [BioWare]. I don't feel this. If you just keep making the same thing, eventually, like, BioWare has changed genres several times over its history. Baldur's Gate 1 and Dragon Age are not the same genre so I think you have to keep evolving. there's always a risk but I think you have to keep going."
Mark: "[on tactical camera] I feel like it's not actually really part of the Dragon Age DNA. It's part of the Dragon Age: Origins DNA, and we decided it was important to put back in Dragon Age: Inquisition. It was kind've a partial implementation, and as a result, I actually kind've feel like it's not part of the franchise any longer."
Mark: "[on recasting problematic voice actors] We have recast people before, there's nothing stopping BioWare from doing it again, though maybe it's a bit more of a hot button issue these days than it was before."
Q. "Has fan criticism negatively affected BioWare, like with Dragon Age II to Dragon Age: Inquisition?" A. "I mean, Dragon Age: Inquisition is in part in response to the negative feedback on Dragon Age II. It hurts peoples' feelings for sure, like it can be hard to work on something that people didn't like, absolutely."
Q. "Do you think Broodmothers will ever make a return, given some of the social commentary around them?" A. "I don't think so. I think they will be in the background and largely ignored. If they ever had to return for some reason I think they would get a massive visual redesign. I don't think so."
Other topics -
Q. "How often is the expectation [within BioWare] of which NPC would be liked best met with reality?" A. "The first three characters you meet in a Dragon Age, the first three that fill out your party, are the ones that are going to be most engaged with."
Mark: "The project that I'm most proud of is probably Dragon Age II because it was essentially an impossible game done in an impossible timeline. It was such a sprint. The game I'm most happy with is Dragon Age: Inquisition. I'm most proud of Dragon Age: Inquisition because it's the one that's closest to what we were trying to do."
Q. "With the revival of Paragon after its cancellation, does this open the door for games like Anthem to return?" A. "EA is a risk-averse company. They would never, well okay, maybe never say never, but I would be very surprised if they were to ever allow something that they made to be controlled outside of their walls, because the worry that the executive who agreed to that would be is that they give it to someone else, it turns into a massive success, and then people are asked, they're gonna ask him why he let that go. So rather than let that happen even though EA would make money in such an occurrence, often what happens is things just don't get approved, because no one will question why the thing died as opposed to question why the thing succeeded outside of their watch, so, probably not." Q. "Should games be bolder in addressing controversial topics?" A. "I think if you include gaming as an entirety, I don't think it's shying away, I think in much the same way that movies in the, indie movies tackle topics that mainstream aren't willing to do. I think it's actually the same with gaming as well. But I do think that, for example, Mass Effect: Andromeda tells the least interesting of the possible versions of that story of a bunch of people fleeing the Milky Way Galaxy from an invasion of people, so."
Mark: "[on whether he'd go back to BioWare] I would consult with them same as I consult with other people, but that doesn't seem to be likely to happen any time soon."
Q. "What do you think of the likelihood that you could revive the Anthem project if you worked your way up the BioWare career ladder?" A. "I don't think it's very likely. Once EA distances itself from something it's very unlikely to want to spend money on it again. Anthem is in its current state right now because there's just not money for it, so unless you could figure out a way to make Anthem be in a studio by itself I think it would be very difficult to figure out how to actually bring it back to life."
Mark: "When BioWare first got bought by EA, I can't remember the exact number, but I feel like it is releasing 46 games a year, and now that number is like, 12. So similarly like the consolidation, I think it results in less risk-taking, probably not a good thing but you also are seeing more people chewing at the edges of AAA I feel, surprisingly right now I feel like AA is quite vibrant."
Mark: "Dragon Age: Origins had about under 200 [devs working on it]. Dragon Age: Inquisition crested 600 when you put everyone in there including the outsourcers. I feel like Baldur's Gate 1 was 65, back in the late 90s."
Q. "Can't you just say all three endings are canon but the next game will continue with this ending?" A. "But then by saying that, I mean you could say that, but then if you say 'it will continue with this ending', aren't you also then saying that's the one that's canon? I mean, you can say whatever you want, but it doesn't mean it's true."
Mark: "Some of the higher-ups at EA have played BioWare games in their spare time. On average, if I take the C-suite as a whole, no."
Q. "Throughout all the Dragon Age series have there been any missed secrets or Easter eggs?" A. "Yes, I couldn't think of any, but the answer is yes."
Q. "Do you think EA is really as evil as gamers depict?" A. "I think EA is a public company and public companies have a very specific goal and they've gotten very short-sighted."
Q. "Do you think BioWare has been bad at setting expectations?" A. "Yes. Yes. Quite bad, quite bad at that."
Q. "Do you think evolving story-type, game as service Anthem would have had will ever happen or be successful?" A. "I mean arguably, Destiny is kind've doing that so, kind've, but long-term storytelling in a live service hasn't really been done that successfully. I mean I guess arguably the MMOs do it, like the Final Fantasy MMO does tons of storytelling so, maybe."
Q. "Do you think Mass Effect: Andromeda could have been saved, a No Man's Sky comeback, if given more time?" A. "I don't know, because it's not how EA thinks, well it kind of is how EA thinks, [but] it's not how EA has thought about BioWare. Battlefield 2 had a really rough launch, The Sims 4 had a very rough launch, both of those went on to be very successful, so I mean, I guess my short answer is yes."
Mark: "I don't think Alec Ryder being the protagonist of Mass Effect: Andromeda would be better [than Ryder Junior]. I did provide feedback on Mass Effect: Andromeda that I felt like, that I said 'this feels like a CW show', and was told that's on purpose. I've actually thought about this more since then and actually I think it's this: Shepard is the protagonist of an action movie from the 80s and 90s. Ryder is the protagonist from an action movie from the 2000s, so there's essentially an intentional moving with the audience to some degree. I don't think this is the biggest problem with the story in Mass Effect: Andromeda. My concern, my feeling on Mass Effect: Andromeda's biggest problem is that it could've told a refugee story, it could've told a story about colonialism, but instead it tells the story in the middle of that that isn't the interesting version of the story. But yeah, I gave this exact feedback, that it felt like the protagonist of Mass Effect: Andromeda was very young and was very like 'I don't wanna do this', but that was on purpose. I don't think Alec would have been a better choice."
Q. "Is it true that EA can send devs from one studio to help those from another?" A. "Sort've. So not exactly, the studios are largely, they largely have control of their people, but a lot of influence can be put on the studio leadership to provide those people to the other studio. So kind've, but maybe not exactly what you're thinking. They can't just come in with the burlap sack and like scoop them up, there's some sort of negotiation happening. The bigger the project - so FIFA - the more ability you have to suck people in."
Mark: "[on remakes and their likelihood] You're not selling the same number of copies of Mass Effect Legendary Edition as you will of the next Mass Effect, so it's made way cheaper, but it makes way less money. EA has actually been very resistant to remakes as a general rule. Which is why you can literally think of two for EA, Mass Effect Legendary Edition and Dead Space. And I think in the case of Dead Space they're really looking to revive that IP potentially, as part of it. But yes, it's probably a market safety thing to some degree."
Q. "Is there a specific time or game development period you miss from when you were working at BioWare?" A. "The day you go gold is, you don't get to, that's a pretty powerful thing, but of course it was preceded by some pretty awful things, so."
Q. "Did you see a lot of pain from Frostbite having to be used on Dragon Age: Inquisition directly?" A. "My feeling is that Dragon Age: Inquisition approached Frostbite exactly right, which was meeting the engine where it was, putting lots of time into tooling and respecting the engine, trying to do things the Frostbite way as much as possible. I could not say that about either Mass Effect: Andromeda or Anthem however."
Q. "How much input, control does EA as a publisher have on the direction of the games they publish? Do we as gamers know when the issues a game has are due to the studio itself or the publisher?" A. "No you don't know, absolutely not, but the answer is as much or as little as they want. Sometimes they are suggesting direct features, usually not though."
Mark: "Games got really big because they could be really big, and then, yeah, the other content got spread really thin across all of that. I do think we're moving away from this, I think we're moving back to more focused experiences. I think they need to be balanced based upon the different game. I think Bethesda is very good at a lot of content with stuff all around, their narrative is usually a very thin thing that kind of knits it all together. BioWare is gonna be going the other direction, moving back towards a stronger center to allow that narrative to be stronger. I think it really depends on the game itself."
Mark: "[on the possibility of BioWare revisiting Anthem in any way] I think the franchise is probably not going to be revisited, because I think, just the way that EA thinks of itself, the way that it thinks about things that didn't succeed, I don't think it's going to be revisited. I think that's a shame because I think that there's a lot of good world-building in there, in fact I think there might even be an argument to be made to take Anthem largely as it is, change the architecture so it was entirely singleplayer, add in a couple of followers to be your party and release it as a singleplayer game. I think you could probably do that for under 50 million dollars, and it probably would change the perception of the franchise quite a bit, but I don't think that that's going to happen."
Mark: "I don't think BioWare is going to be allowed to make a new IP for quite a long time because I think EA will take, interpret Anthem problems as a problem, so I think it's gonna be a while, for sure."
Q. "Is Ferelden based off of England?" A. "Originally it is, certainly visually it is, you can see that in Dragon Age: Origins, it's like Tudor-land."
Mark: "So BioWare got bought by EA because BioWare at that point in time was owned by VG Partners, which was VC Investment Capital Group that had bought BioWare and Pandemic a few years before, so they bought it because they flipped us, they flipped us for money. Why did BioWare get bought in the first place? The short answer is BioWare didn't have any money left." 
Q. "Do you think Mass Effect: Andromeda or Anthem will be looked at fondly over time, similar to how Dragon Age II has become many peoples' favorite?" A. "It looks like this happening with Mass Effect: Andromeda already. I think people are actually a lot more positive towards that than they were at launch. I don't know in the case of Anthem. I'll be curious, I think what might happen is if EA's Iron Man uses a lot of the same mechanics and then makes them into a more cohesive game that works better, then that might be Redemption for Anthem to some degree."
Mark: "I do believe that if Dragon Age II had been Dragon Age: Exodus and it had been made more clear that it wasn't Dragon Age: Origins again it would've been better received, so yes, expectations can make or break the game, absolutely true."
Q. "Were there any new IPs made after Mass Effect 3, after Anthem?" A. "So there was Javelin, which was Trent Oster's game, but that was actually, there was Javelin and there was Revolver, but those were back in the sort've Mass Effect 1 time period, so no. There aren't that many teams at BioWare. In Austin there was the 4v1 game that was being developed, so there was that as well that was being developed out of Austin."
Q. "Was Dragon Age originally meant to always have blank slate protagonists like the Warden? Did the success of Mass Effect influence making Hawke voiced and more filled in?" A. "Yeah, it was always meant to be blank slate. The effect that, so this is sort've a thing that Casey Hudson caused, Hawke is probably voiced because Mass Effect 1 has a voiced protagonist and Dragon Age: Origins is probably not voiced except for the protagonist because KOTOR had voiced everyone but the protagonist. So within a studio, essentially those features became tablestakes because of that. I wouldn't say that Hawke being as strong of a character was influenced by Mass Effect, that was more just, we need something fast and quick, so the branching needed to be dropped down, but yeah, the fact that Hawke is voiced, definitely Mass Effect having a voiced protagonist is part of that."
Mark: "The KOTOR remake was offered to BioWare and the reality is, is that BioWare had what it considered better things to do with its time, so I know that Disney wants it, it's the one game that is most requested when it comes to Star Wars stuff, so Disney wants it to exist. EA said 'we don't wanna do it', so they found someone."
Mark: "[on Dragon Age character redesigns and why they happen] Depends. Sometimes it's just artists, because the artists just wanna make them look like something more. Sometimes it's for story or plot reasons."
Mark: "This is my feeling on the art direction for Dragon Age. Dragon Age: Origins looks like basically all the fantasy games at the time looked like, which is they looked like kind've Tudor Europe, little bit of art direction by video card there. Dragon Age II is definitely trying to look like something, so it's very pointy, it's very monochromatic, and then Dragon Age: Inquisition is putting new better technology on top of that to try to find a balance. So that's, that's the evolution there, there's an intentionality that's starting with Dragon Age II and continuing through Dragon Age: Inquisition."
Mark: "Cynical of me here, CEOs have less power than people might think. There's a board. Sometimes it feels like EA is run by its CFO and its board more than by its CEO. Not to insult Andrew Wilson, but I do feel that, on occasion, that he sets direction but then there are a lot of parts of the organization that are capable of undermining his direction if they so choose, and they tend to undermine in the direction of the status quo. So a BioWare executive in charge of the company, [they] could say a lot of things, I just don't know how much difference it would make."
Mark: "[on Easter eggs] Usually it works this way - Easter eggs aren't approved, they are allowed. So sometimes Easter eggs go in and they are not reported which can be a big problem, because if they get caught by the ratings board, that can be a big problem to your rating. So what's supposed to happen is, Easter eggs go in, and they're supposed to be reported, and then sometimes you go through and strip some out because they're just not acceptable, but if you force them to be approved before they went in probably none would go in, so you kind've let them happen and then you hope these people report them and then you're like 'no no no, you can't do that, take that out'."
Mark: "Yeah, I think the Architect was probably supposed to be in Dragon Age: Inquisition at some point, I don't know how far along that conversation got but it would make sense right, like, the Architect and Corypheus are kind've the same thing, so it made sense as something to be in there. I don't really remember how far that conversation went though."
[source and watchlink]
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supermarioterrarium · 6 months
I don't actively engage in UT/DR fandom but i adore the games and have Thoughts about them that usually don't escape the walls of my own head. And they're thoughts that I really haven't found echoed anywhere, at least not all in one place or fully formed. so have some stray thoughts and half-theories, some of which pertain to spoilers:
i don't think i've played any work or series of works that's more tuned into what's special about games as a medium. it's very intimately familiar and in love with genre conventions and contrivances, and uses that to tell a story that's about games and is meta, but not-actually-meta, in a way that avoids the hangups of stories that are overly aware of themselves. it's very much aware of itself but it doesn't fall into autofellatio, the awareness is always in service to telling an interesting story. suspension of disbelief isn't sacrificed for a gimmick or gag. it's all very contained and very consistent with itself even when it's also self-aware. the consistency of every element and how they mesh with every other element and how nothing breaks in spite of that metanarrative also existing is a big part of why i admire it so much i guess. everything feels natural at a glance but if you look at the whole it's obvious that it must've been very difficult to construct. it's meticulous like a watch's insides. everything seems to be in the place it's in for a good reason. even if after the fact toby says that such and such was spontaneous, a good job was done to make sure it didn't feel that way. it's all integrated cleanly.
more specifically:
some disparate ideas and theories that i feel somewhat strongly about but wouldn't be, say, super prepared to like argue or write an essay on:
I think that anyone leaning too heavily on the fact that Toby said DR is its own game is probably going to be blindsided. it's pretty obvious to anyone who's media-literate that the two games are, and are going to continue to be, very important to each other.
I think that UT and DR are going to be, in one way or another, cyclical. and I mean that literally -- i think that they will somehow "cause" each other's narratives to "exist". Neither is a sequel or a prequel, because they're both sort of.. both.
Connected to that thought, I don't think it will be possible to tell where Sans and Papyrus "originally" came from. Everything I've seen makes me think that their existence, at least at the point we're allowed to interact with them, is a bootstrap paradox. They came from the DR world to the UT world, and that's because they came from the UT world to the DR world. and so on and so forth, with no discernible origin point anymore.
I think Gaster is actually two monsters. or people. or darkners. whatever he is, he's two things. The motif of "one monster being two monsters" in UT feels like one of very few complete loose ends. You've got froggit, you've got shyren, you've got mysteryman himself.. and it's a theme that's never really brought up in the narrative proper. but shyren's case is alluded to in sprite names and in extracanonical material (sans' tumblr post), and the concept is implied in the latter to be connected to gaster in some way. I don't know why it's important, but it definitely seems like he's actually two things.
I think 1997 is definitely the in-universe year that Dess went missing, and also the year that Asgore did whatever he did to get kicked off of the police force. And that those two events are probably connected, but that's a pretty popular idea already. It also seems likely that it happened during a blizzard. I don't see the year being discussed as often as the other elements, though. I don't know if it being that particular year really even means anything outside of it being that year, but it wouldn't feel right in a storytelling sense if the year wasn't tied to things in that way.
I think Kris is gradually learning how to manipulate the "anomaly" (the player) via narration. Or to put it another way, I think the narration is one of the primary ways they can interact with us, and that this also means that they can limit our interaction with the world using the narration. The example at the tail-end of CH2 is the most obvious example -- Kris actively manipulates the narration in order to make sure we make the choice that allows them to take us out of the equation. They obey our command (use a sink), but in a way that's more favorable to them (use the bathroom sink). This also happens when we ask them to enter Asriel's room in Queen's mansion: They do so, but close their eyes. To put it another another way: Kris has to follow our commands to the letter, but not necessarily to the spirit. This is also how/why they say what we choose them to say, but very clearly disagree with certain choices and are able to express that to some degree with tone and face/body language. Is this something they came to understand naturally? Or is it something Ralsei informed them of during one of their offscreen conversations? Who knows at this point, but I think it's definitely going to lead to some interesting twists. It already has! Other examples include not reading the entirety of the human adoption book in the library, or the entire newspaper report in the police station. It could also be the case with the piano in the hospital -- Kris frowns and plays a sour note because they have to do something but they don't really want to play for an audience (reinforced by one of the hidden blog entries from the spamton fundraiser)
The knight could be Alvin. or Papyrus. or Ice-E (only half-joking). I'm really not sure. It could be more than one person! It's definitely not Kris and anyone who thinks it is needs to.. read more or get their brain re-wrinkled or something. Kris making the fountain at the end of CH2 is a really obvious red herring. If you got any read on them as a character at all, and paid attention to the stuff going on around them, there are plenty of justifications for what they did without them having to be the knight.
Something that popped into my head more recently that I have less of a concrete foothold on: perhaps Noelle was, or thinks she was, at least somewhat responsible for what happened to Dess, and was able to either 1) claim she knew nothing about it or 2) somehow lay the blame on Asgore. Based on how she and Rudy talk about Asgore and the Dreemurs in the present day, I definitely lean way more toward the former, with him getting taken off the force by the mayor because he wasn't able to solve the disappearance rather than because he was directly responsible. The trauma and *denial* Noelle seems to feel about everything surrounding that situation makes me think she knows more about it than she lets on.
The item descriptions of the shadow crystals seem to depict a universe where Kris never existed (which significantly ties into the UT goner kid's dialogue!). Susie never becomes a decent friend, and, more surprisingly, dark worlds don't seem to exist. Like I said before, I really don't think Kris is the knight, but this and that are two different things. The dark worlds' existence being tied to Kris' isn't the same thing as Kris creating the dark worlds. It having something to do with them is still really significant, though.
I think i have more thoughts than that but i'm struggling to think of them so that's all for now
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partrin · 6 months
Hey! For the love your fandom ask game: 3, 7, & 20?
hey there!!!!!! thanks for asking (i'll send some your way too). questions are from this post!
#3: a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
the first person that comes to mind is nagisa. in the series, he's portrayed as someone very cheeky, friendly and ambitious—he's always very spontaneous and quietly observant of everything, and i love that he doesn't think too deep about certain things, e.g., haru's quiet, seemingly non-emotional character (which he chalks down to haru being someone who is always "smiling inside"—such a cute, non-judgmental way to acknowledge that just because haru isn't as expressive as the others or doesn't smile often, it doesn't necessarily mean he isn't happy or doesn't care).
mischievous as he is, he's always well-intentioned (but whether or not his motives are misunderstood is a whole other box to unpack). i think i value people like nagisa in my real life, and i love seeing how the fandom portrays him in their work.
#7: your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
i love writing and reading works that come from a place of pain. it's not that i'm sadistic; it just feels more raw, relatable, validating and hopeful reading such content because all of us as people have gone through varying degrees of tough times and it's nice to know we're not alone in our suffering. solidarity in its many forms is something i will always appreciate, especially as someone who works in social services.
reading/writing about it and learning how everything is resolved through the art of storytelling (regardless of whether it has a sad, bittersweet or happy ending) helps me to reflect on my own life and that of others. it creates some sort of self-awareness that's important for my own personal growth, and it's a healthy outlet for me to express myself.
reading about your favourite characters going through problems/challenges similar to your own can be so, so empowering. as long as you tread carefully, i don't think it's unhealthy or bad to enjoy tropes revolving around angst, hurt/comfort, and other similar tropes.
#20: your very first fandom!
my first fandom wasn't even an anime-centered one—i'm no longer active in the fandom (there were some things that felt toxic and exhausting) but i used to avidly listen to 2nd gen k-pop! i was a blackjack (woooo 2ne1), vip (big bang), elf (super junior) and shawol (shinee!!!!!!!) i haven't actively been in any fandoms other than free! since like, 2018. too busy adulting, so right now, the free! fandom is my only place of solace.
thanks for asking!!! i'll send some your way as well. :-) and thank you @museaway for creating the fandom ask game. ❤️
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Honestly I'm honest to god bored rn so I'm just gonna like write random shit about genshin/hsr/zenless guys that are either self aware or not (idk I'm typing this as I go)
Fair warning some might end up as smut thoughts since I have no filter while waiting for 2.2 to come for star rail
Okay but like- Wrio is a beastman right? We're all in agreement about this aren't we? Like I know he doesn't have ears or a tail but if Lyney is blood twins with Lynette then that mean beastmen genes don't always show!! I know we classify beastmen as characters with those traits but realistically wouldn't any children with their blood be classified as that race? Since it's not a transformation thing within Hoyo then you can have the blood of one and not have the more showy traits. With these points in my I will always assume Wrio is a beastman YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND I REFUSE TO DEBATE ON THIS
That said....does this mean Lyney has barbs-
Actually speaking of cat like men, Jing Yuan really like sets me off. Idk how but I just see his face and I wanna punch it. He just very much gives me the vibes of liking tsuns and I hate that the dynamic in my head makes me go insane. LIKE THEY COULD BE THE MEANEST BITCH AND HE WOULD JUST BE HAPPILY SMILING CHEEKILY WHILE CUDDLING THEM AS THEY CHEW OUT SOMEONE. It sounds so cute.
Also like Ratio very much fascinates me, like Alhaitham. I just really wanna pick the brains of those that are super smart, probably cause it could lead me to somehow becoming more "normal" and smart dhskdhf. Though I don't with how abnormal they are, but still I would love to talk with them about how the difference in emotional and logical responses have their importance in certain situations and also how idiocy is more so curable if you can get past the human ego.
I honestly have no idea how the dynamic between me and them would be like. Alhaitham I feel like it would be a mix of how he is with Kaveh but also mixed with a dumber version of him.
Ratio....honestly I think he would just see me as an idiot and not want to be around me LMAO. Like I can be smart...in certain topics dhskdj. But that's mainly only in art, video games, and tons of random trivia for various things. If he asked me to solve something like in math, if it's isn't a simple equation (like middle school x=y bullshit easy) I got no fucking clue. I can do simple math fast (Fast Math my saving grace, where are my fellow Fast Math champions!), not human calculator fast but fast enough to be the first one to answer most of the time.
Though maybe talking about art could be my slight savior? Since while I don't know specifically physical art techniques (besides for maybe watercolor, but it's been years since I transitioned to digital), I do love the process of art very much. Not so much art history but more so just the passion into it it takes (it's why ai art pisses me off but I'd rather not get into that). Like the meaning or reason as to why someone created something. Why would someone create an image in one way? To experiment? Because why not?
I'm not smart enough to really get philosophical or anything, but I do enjoy talking about such things with others. Though even I need to get over my ego since sometimes I know I'll shut down conversations if I realize I'm sounding like an ignorant idiot (a real big problem I have. I just hate feeling like one so much because then I have a harder time expressing myself or I think the person looks down on me somehow).
Oh god I rambled a lot about these two and myself dhskfjfk. Either way, I think I could at least be able to converse with them. But who knows if they would have positive feelings with me.
Moving topics LYCAON BEING FERAL- cough. Okay but come on!!! Like even his introduction gave hints of him being less refined as he shows himself. I WANNA SEE IT. While I love characters that are like this I just also want to know what makes them tick I WANNA BE THE ONE TO FIND AND PUSH THOSE BUTTONS. Like I don't want them to hate me oh no, but I just wanna see them snarl and rage in combat. WHAT REALLY MAKES ME CRAZY IS WHEN THEY DO GO BATSHIT ITS TO PROTECT THEIR LOVED ONES GOD AAAA
Ahem, anyway-
Honestly if in a self aware au I wonder how Lyney and Arlecchino would feel about the player simping over them both. Like how awkward would that be???? Idk if I could face them if I was isekaied into genshin because of this.
Actually I wouldn't be able to face anyone in genshin or Star Rail cause I've said SO MUCH DIRT ABOUT MYSELF AS I PLAYED, EVERYONE WOULD JUST KNOW ABOUT WHO ID WANT TO FUCK AND WHAT MY HC OF THEM WERE GOD. I would permanently live in the isolation just so I could avoid any possible looks of disgust or curiosity because I REFUSE TO TALK ABOUT IT.
It would really be hard with the characters I like because I'm already running away from them on sight, I don't need that to make me even more embarrassed.
Actually now thinking about it....I wanna know how certain characters would react if someone was running away from them on sight because they're too scared to interact because of their crush on the characters. That sounded really weird but hopefully someone gets what I mean. Cause this is me with like....almost all the guy characters in both games lmao. And some girl characters too.
I just have this thought process of like "Oh there's no way someone likes me like that, I'm too weird and loud for most." Which causes me to avoid them because if I have a crush then that means it's gonna be obvious and everyone will know, so I have to prevent that by not being around them at all!
This is mainly for fictional characters and scenarios btw, not real life. In real life I still think this way but I don't avoid people, that's rude.
I've actually had this scenario talk with my friend and it's really funny just how much I would think about avoiding the characters I love.
Like going around the chasm just to avoid having to go to Gandharva Ville to avoid Tighnari LOL. Even thought of a plan of, since that first plan of avoiding the place would fail after testing, us going there at night hoping he's not on night watch and getting a night watch ranger to escort us to the main city.
Or that fact that I would sit at the very back of the theater just so Lyney wouldn't see me in the crowd (would most likely fail) and also happily knowing I got no shot going on stage since it's a 1/168 chance (yes I counted the seats, this excludes the balcony section).
I could probably write a whole self indulgent series of how the reader would avoid certain characters and most likely fail at it. I would want to make it romantic since while I think realistically I don't think the characters would like me back, I am unfortunately a simp so I have this pesky hope of maybe.
Anyway there's your idea dump
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ymmv obviously this is just a take and half hc but i have to think abt how the wol fights or more specifically, who they fight with.
it always seems to transpire that for one reason or another, the wol fights a lot of their battles alone (in terms of npcs, obviously. you have other players but they're nebulously extant ingame). arr is a whole "throw the wol at the problem"-fest, it kind of doesn't even start to occur to people that "hey maybe sending them to fight this big bad alone isn't always a great idea" until like, stormblood. but even then, the scions and any other allies that are around are very often outright prevented from helping you for one reason or another.
frequently you're fighting a battle on multiple fronts, and there's no real option for them except to focus on their own fight and put their faith in the wol elsewhere. or they get taken away or left behind while you press on. then there's the fact that you're frequently fighting primals, which the majority of characters literally can't help you with for most of the game without jeopardizing their sanity. like, you have other people in the room with you when you fight a primal once, and it's actually a huge problem bc you and arenvald can't really focus on fighting when you're running back and forth trying to shield people from tempering. combined with the limited pool of people who are even on level with a primal in combat to start with, people who can actually assist you with those fights are few and far between.
but even beyond the material reasons! if there's a "canon" wol they're obviously someone who's almost comically obedient, but they do silently exercise agency on occasion... and it is almost exclusively to pick fights, usually alone. like, fucking zodiark. you get sent up to the moon, expecting to maybe fight, like, zenos, fandaniel, nope! the big guy himself. and the wol makes the active decision to not even phone home and say "hey, just so you know, i'm fighting the father of all primals, idk if there's time for you to get up here but. just so you're aware. just in case i cannot kill zodiark by my fucking self. that's what's going on on the moon right now." nah you just jump in there, no need to bother your friends, they're busy, you can take care of this one.
and then this obviously comes to a blatant head in ultima thule, where your friends all but say "we're prepared to sacrifice ourselves along with you if it means the world is safe" and the wol literally denies them that right. they pull the scions back from death and then send them away, and remain behind alone, fully aware they were facing a probably-unwinnable fight. (and i have a whole other fucking essay about the narrative ramifications of zenos' arrival in this context and others but. another time. this post is too long anyway) my point being that's one of the most blatant moments of pc agency and it's to remove others from a battle and stay behind alone.
idk i think a canon wol trait is a fixation on their own sacrifice, a desire to put themself in harm's way because otherwise someone else might do it and that's intolerable. and the narrative often conspires to validate them on this. and it's. interesting? i'm rotating it.
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allqrcoded · 2 months
Devlog 8: The thing they say about being slow and steady
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And so, we're getting there: asset hell part 2, CGs edition. This March a LOT has been accomplished. As of recently, I feel like I've taken care most of the bugs regarding variable counts and while more manwork is still needed within the game (ie. asset/CG work, etc.), I'm glad to say that the game is functional -- no softlocks and all. As always, more detail below the cut. Surprisingly, this devlog was longer than I anticipated. This time, with more screenshots because I was too lazy to do so last month.
Bug fixing 2/3/playtesters
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Around the midway point of March, I've finally done my second round of bug fixing for any loose strands I didn't notice the first time around after getting enough free time to do so. Unlike angel care, I wasn't dealing with fixing past me's code because I had more experience on my belt and thankfully, it went smoother than last time. While there were some variable issues I (and my playtesters) ran into, those were easily taken care of. Luckily, it was just one instance and the bug wasn't that far into the game, so less text skipping for them! It also gives them the assurance that the latter portions of the game will go much more smoothly because those portions don't have as much problems with them. Albeit, I wasn't that aware of how long I take to gamedev in the weekends, but recently, I found out that I roughly take around 5 hours per session just bug fixing. Suffice to say, maybe I should be scared of myself.
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Regarding the 3rd bug testing label -- yes you're not seeing things. That was done recently, actually. By recently I mean this afternoon, so I assure you that I'm not bluffing on how bug-free the late game section is for Dt-z. With this game, I've gotten more friends to playtest so there's this sort of pressure imposed on myself, by myself, to give them the best experience of the game (even though that at its state, it isn't quite polished in my mind to call it finished; placeholders and all).
Though, other than that self-imposed standard after releasing Dt-z's build to them, it's honestly pretty rewarding to see their reactions to Rexosh's shenanigans and to the game currently despite it not reaching my standard set for it. Quite a refresher. When you work on a game too hard and look at it too much, you start to see it from a lens that's too critical of its flaws and slowly forget of the things you are proud of. Makes me think about the things I feel about gamedevving as a whole; it's hard as hell and you *will* lose your mind a bit, but it's worth it in the end.
All things asset (UI, BGM, etc.)
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With the implication of me sending out Dt-z's build to people other than me comes with the information that, indeed, I've finished making most (as in, the ones that the player will stumble onto without collecting certain items, etc.) of the maps' overlay lighting! It was tedious, a bit boring, but it was done; currently sitting at 98 files in the graphic's folder itself. And yes, that also includes the fancy sprites. While I did have to wrestle a bit with VX Ace's placement of them on the map itself (since on the editor itself, the event placement lies to you), I imported them on the editor and got most of the basic and fancy cutscene directing checked off my list. Got to say, me not using any overlay plugins for angel care's lighting made that part easier because with pictures, they do not go under the filter and stick out like a sore thumb. While it's the easier method, the visual dissonance doesn't stick to me.
Speaking of, the CGs are also on their way being polished. While I focused a lot this month on the core gameplay itself, this part will probably take up most of my time in April. Despite having one CG I liked in game, I have a feeling I'd have to resize the canvas a bit because I don't like how the other CG looks in-game. Anyway, here are previews of some of them in the early game:
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Very small, but rest assured, they'll be resized once everything's set with them. I also realized along the way that VX Ace's screen size was just not compatible with how I tend to do my CG work now (small canvas, then resize) because the resizing percent isn't a whole number, so I've started to come up with a compromise to not ruin the pixels I placed down. A couple of special face portraits/in-world sprites have also been completed this month.
Thankfully, I figured out how to remove the status bars along with the face portrait elements whenever you pull up the menu to save/what have you this month, so the save screen looks less ugly than it was months ago. UI sounds have also been implemented within the game.
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Anyway, suffice to say, I think this month marks the end of my BGM hunt. Now the game has a whole lot of atmosphere to it. Got to say, I really love Japanese sites for getting creative commons music. While Dt-z doesn't really have that much original tracks like angel care, I'll still upload them on here for the sake of archiving things.
I think I forgot to say this last devlog because I was too focused on documenting my asset making, but, yes, there were some lore changes for the story to have more impact + the element of parallelism to be more evident. Thanks to talking through with this with my friend in vague terms (a very useful tactic), we figured out a way to deal with something that was bugging me in the story itself. Puzzles to get certain items for endings have been adjusted and coded in too.
For the old lore, I was thinking of including it in an artbook or a retrospective blog entry on here because I love talking about drafts + to compromise with making Dt-z free to play w/o any donations due to the license of some tracks used there.
What now?
Okay, so. From what we have here, these are the tell-tale signs of us reaching the latter half of asset making hell -- just a couple more fancy sprites and the rest of the CGs to go. April will be a veeery busy month for me both IRL and regarding this project. It'll be difficult because I have (of course) my wrist to worry about and my mental state regarding dealing with a handful people (lol). But, yes. At the latest, I could see May being the month where this releases, but realistically speaking, it could be June instead. I am... Both very excited and scared of those months for completely different reasons; I'd be closing a chapter in my life and beginning a new one. Looking back at where I was during AC/Dt-z now, it's kinda jarring and makes me feel sentimental in an odd way. But, for now, I'll be beating the heat and resting for a bit.
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fagtainsparklez · 11 months
since your playing p5 whats your thoughts on the team members so far? :D
okay so! as a heads up i have already Experienced p5r so these r not initial thoughts necessarily. but i still want to rant about my favoritest kids <3 this got long so i'm putting it below the cut whoops ladkjf
ryuji! i fucking love ryuji man. i think a lot of people write him off as just the goofy sidekick character but he is SO much more to me. a lot of ryuji's trauma gets so overlooked due to the fact of him largely being comic relief, but like. that kid has gone through SO much!!!! between his father and kamoshida and his peers like. he is SO strong. i love his characterization of "people are treating me like a punk, i may as well act like it" bc it's not even him necessarily playing a role he isn't. he is a punk! he's disruptive and counter-cultural and has issues with authority. and that's punk, but also like, those are the parts of punk that society sees and demonizes. ryuji is punk not just because of that, but because he cares about others before all else and stands up for what's right no matter what, even if it means being punished for it, because he has a super strong sense of justice and is super protective over those he loves!! i feel like a lot of ryuji's character gets kind of. skipped over by a large majority of players. because his actions and presentation is very specific to fighting against japanese culture, meaning it gets lost in translation unless you're aware of japanese culture and norms. i love this boy so much <3
i have. a lot of thoughts on ann. largely her meta-treatment by the writers as opposed to her in-game self. you can find some ramblings if u scroll down my p5lb tag, bc i have. a Lot of thoughts on that aspect of her. on a lighter note, though, i fucking love ann. i think she also kind of falls into the mischaracterization of being ditzy at times. not as badly as ryuji, but ann is a very open character. she's extremely compassionate and wants to help everyone she possibly can, even at her own detriment at times, but as we're shown this sometimes leads her to being used by others. which i think leads to people making her just. overly trusting to a blind degree. or stupid. but ann is super smart! she immediately clocked that the painting was yusuke's, not madarame's, and is shown time and time again to be able to understand others' true feelings, even if they're trying to keep them hidden. i really like how she's blunt and honest, even if it comes off as harsh or insensitive. she speaks her mind! she's not going to hesitate and risk not being heard to understood! i really love that for her
i haven't gotten him yet BUT i am on madarame so. i will sneak in yusuke. because i love him. he is truly one of the characters ever. obviously he is one of The most autistic-coded characters in the game (alongside futaba). which is detrimental to an extent. bc people often just fully mischaracterize him due to his eccentricity. for me i just really love how unapologetic he is with it. that kid has never heard of masking in his life (/pos). he's one of the characters i feel for the most because like. god. he had his whole fucking world twisted. haru and makoto had similar experiences of people they'd known all their lives becoming corrupt, but like. haru's dad wasn't always like that. and neither was makoto's sister. they HAD good intentions. madarame never did. he's the closest to mirroring akechi in that sense, except akechi knew all along. yusuke didn't have that privilege. that sense of revenge. i think his story is so delicate and difficult because how do you even go about knowing your entire life was a lie? and not even in a way you can step away from. art was still his world. it's not just something he did for madarame. the knowledge of carrying that burden. of those memories that shaped you being corrupted in such a way.
morgana is there. i guess. wish he wasn't.
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bleakbluejay · 5 months
i would really love to see more people like me in the media i consume, and i really would've loved to see people like me in the media that i consumed as a kid.
like. i'm lifelong disabled, i've always been disabled, i've only gotten worse. but when i see disabled kid characters, they have helicopter parents (like Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle). i didn't. i was largely neglected beyond my basic needs because i was a "good kid, just lazy". so i wasn't taught how to do basic things, and i was very socially stunted. i got my socialization through video games, books, and cartoons. and i'm forever weird because of it (not that it's the worst, i like having a unique personality for sure. but i'd like to see more weird poorly socialized kids, too, that aren't like... bullies or something -- and the fact poorly socialized or socially disabled characters are often coded as bullies or creeps of some kind could be a rant in itself).
when i see disabled characters in general, especially ones in wheelchairs like me, they're all skinny. i'm not. i'm fat. like very fat. muscular, sure, i could punch like a kangaroo i bet, but i'm 300+ lbs. because it's hard to exercise when your walking/standing are so limited. and it's hard to cook healthy food, too, leading to eating shit microwavable junk. but all the wheelchair-using characters i know, minus Franklin from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, are skinny. in general, there's too many skinny people in media, and we need more variation in body types and builds, but focusing on disabled characters for this one.
when i see amputee characters get a prosthetic, they have no issues. they don't ever deal with poorly fit prosthetics, or blisters, or pain. if they deal with anything at all, it's usually a sight gag (which could be done well, it IS funny when i get my fake foot caught under stuff sometimes, but it often isn't done well at all). they don't deal with any internalized ableism, and i think the only times i saw a disabled character deal with outright malicious ableism was Walt Jr. in Breaking Bad season 1 (who was genuinely an amazing disabled character imo, one of the best I've ever seen) and Patty in Dinner in America. I understand the argument that nobody wants to witness ableism... and self-hating disabled characters also suck... but I feel like we're being so dishonest when we write things to be perfect and always work out and there's never any problems, and it leads to non-disabled people not being aware of the problematic things they do or say or think. i remember as a disabled kid being really frustrated when shown disabled characters that were so well-off in terms of how other people treated them and how easy it was to "fix" their disabilities... it made me feel broken or wrong that I WAS so frustrated and confused and in pain and mistreated. It's why characters like Lt. Dan from Forrest Gump, and John Locke from LOST, and Bran Stark + Tyrion Lannister + Jaime Lannister from A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones meant so much to me and were so magnetic. (I could write a whole different rant about disabled rep in ASOIAF/GOT btw... I love you Davos Seaworth) ... Being disabled can suck. People can mistreat you. You sometimes have to be forced to adapt when you shouldn't have to. You have to, at times, confront that some of your dreams are impossible to achieve, or that you can no longer do something that you love, and learn to accept it (but there's often a lot of bitterness and rage before you get to the point of that acceptance).
What about how PTSD and depression are shown? See, I don't relate to the wilting flower brooding archetype that feels so common. If I spend all day in bed, it's usually more for pain than it is because of mental health. What about psychotics shown in a positive light? I'm not a threat to you because of my paranoia or hallucinations, and neither are my psychotic friends. What about OCD, shown in ways other than counting and germaphobia? What about autism, shown in ways other than robotic apaths? What about BPD, shown in a way other than abuse?
Let's move away from disabled characters into queer ones. Because I don't see a lot of queer characters like me, either. I am transmasc nonbinary, and I identify as a lesbian, and also on the ace spectrum (demi or grey, idk, shit's hard). Where are my fat dykes? Transmascs in general, but also transmascs that still enjoy makeup? I love makeup... I love the pageantry of it -- esp tradgoth or punk makeup or corpse paint. It's amazing how many transmasc nonbinary people I know in real life that engage with femininity compared to how nonexistent they are in any media. God forbid you have a character that takes testosterone but still calls themself a lesbian. God forbid you have a lesbian that leans more butch that ISN'T a sex-hound or a villain or a joke character. God forbid you have an ace character that isn't treated like a robot. Authentic queerness feels incredibly rare. I know it's because they're going for either sanitized queerness that is accessible for straight people, or for softcore porn also for straight people, but fuck, man. It sucks. The closest thing to representation I've ever seen in regards to my queerness was Al from Little Evil -- a masc person of indeterminate gender identity with a wife. And Al rocked. Even if that character was largely a comedic relief, their identity itself didn't feel like the joke, just a point of mild confusion for the main character. The next best representation I've seen was Aziraphale and Crowley from the Good Omens show, which are good and feel very authentic and real. Next best after that is probably the entire cast of the What We Do in the Shadows show... I know so many Laszlos and Nandors and Guillermos and Nadjas in real life, they feel like pretty authentic queer characters actually. None that I, in particular, relate to, other than maybe Guillermo at best, but it's nice to see my friends on TV, too.
I know that a character exactly like me is a bit too much to wish for. But I just want something. I like to feel seen. I like to feel present. I like to feel like people like me are worth having on TV and in movies and in video games. I would've really liked to see any of that as a really confused, lonely kid that was trapped inside because of my health and sentenced to read/watch/play hours and hours and hours and hours of media that did not contain any piece of me within them. It worsened my loneliness more than ever needed.
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