#they're always about the same size though the adults who get one it's no bigger than about a hankie
If Jenny makes little toys for every new kitten born or brought into the tribe, then Jelly knits each of them their very own little receiving blanket. The colours vary on her mood and whatever she's able to find, so each of them are unique.
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Hello!! I wrote you a really long ask and then accidentally deleted it, so I'll ask you the...not much shorter tl;dr version 😅
I really want to get a ball python (probably male) at some point in the future (once I've done a lot more research, set aside a budget for it, and prepared better), and my extended family seems absolutely convinced that this will be a problem because I have two cats (they think the snake would pose a danger to the cats). Considering ball pythons' everything, I would assume this would be relatively safe for all involved, provided I'm careful that they don't interact (closed door if I'm handling the snake, etc), but also having never in fact owned a snake before, and the fact that ball pythons do get to be pretty large snakes, I wanted to ask what you thought. I feel like I always hear about snakes managing to escape their enclosures somehow, and I guess that's more what I'd be worried about (if you have any tips about that also I'm all ears).
I also wanted to ask what size enclosure you'd recommend for a ball python. My gut says bigger is better (at least to a point--and obviously with a number of appropriate hides) but my research has largely been telling me the opposite, at least until I found your blog. Should I get a smaller enclosure if I get the snake youngish and then move it up to bigger when it grows? Can I just fill a really big one with a lot of enrichment-type things so it's not a big empty space? Is this more of a "keeping the humidity appropriate" problem?
And also I think you'll simply enjoy knowing that a few years ago there was a garter snake hibernaculum near the plant nursery where I work. We never did figure out exactly where they were overwintering but we were kind of working in a river of garter snakes there for a bit, which was honestly pretty delightful. Some of them really didn't want to go around us and just kind of scooted past underfoot instead. We also have a huge and rather cranky black racer that's basically a coworker at this point, she lays eggs in the mulch pile nearly every year and last year I spotted her finishing her shed so I kept the shed skin and it's nearly four feet long. She's about the same color as the hose we use for watering so at least once per year we startle the crap out of each other because she's easy to overlook when she's sunning, but it's fun to have her around. Just keeps us sort of on our toes.
Hello hello!
Re: ball pythons and cats - if anyone's in danger there, it's the snake. Ball pythons don't get anywhere near big enough to hurt even small cats, but a cat could easily seriously injure a snake even if they're just trying to play, so cats and snakes should never interact. It's possible to have cats and snakes in the same house (I have a cat!), but it's important to make sure the cat never has access to the snake. Most of preventing snake escapes comes down to prevention - it's crucial to take time when you're setting up your enclosure to make sure there's no openings big enough for the snake's nose, and invest in a good pair of screen clips if your enclosure has a screen lid.
My minimum recommended enclosure size for adult ball pythons is a 4x2x2 enclosure (120 gallon equivalent), and bigger is always better. It's easier to start baby snakes in smaller enclosures - it'll be much easier to clutter it up so the snake feels safer. I usually start my bps in a 20 gallon, upgrade to a 40 gallon at a year old, and then move to their adult enclosure once they've outgrown that. You could absolutely jump right in with the 4x2x2, though - you'd just have to be very intentional about adding lots of clutter and hiding places! I also find it's generally much easier to keep humidity levels right in bigger enclosures because your heat element doesn't dry out the entire enclosure when it's bigger.
I love the black racer who lives near your work! She sounds like a delight.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
...okay now I'm haunted by "what if the planet in Subnautica is in the process of developing its own indigenous sapient life after the Sea Emperors' deaths... and it's the reaper leviathans"
like the scanner calls them basically all brawn no brains but the fate of the Degasi suggests they recognize 'one of their own' and react to avenge/defend it, and their circling behavior means they're basically taking their sweet time sizing you up before they attack. They have dexterous appendages that could be easily adapted to tool use.
...And now I have a stray plot bunny because this thought is running into "if the warpers talk to each other using sophisticated protocols the radios can pick up, they're undeniably sapient themselves and their behavior patterns attacking you reflect this" and just imagining like. a reaper leviathan beginning to develop telepathic communication, trying to eat a disoriented warper who's lost their connection to the others, warper cuts reaper's mouth to get it to back off, and they end up in a standoff that ends up a conversation.
I mean just imagining a reaper leviathan as an early-sapience protagonist is very funny to me. My mental image constructs a teenager who lucked out genetically and got big faster than her neighbors so she thinks she's hot shit but is understimulated due to lack of a challenge, but whose primary emotional cope for basically anything she can't rip to pieces is to just Yell At It until it realizes how big and scary she is and backs down.
Oh my god you have no idea how much I'd adore an au like this. While I love the Architects as dearly as anyone, one of my biggest disappointments with Subnautica was that the intelligent species native to the planet got kind of left to the endgame/shuttled to the side, and then cut from the sequel when the main writer for Below Zero left. Like, I kind of get it, they wanted to have it be a big lead up in the og story and they had troubles in the next, but I want!!! More intelligent fish aliens!!! ESPECIALLY since the Sea Emperor has a concept of reincarnation, implying a philosophy and belief system that is unique to their species and doesn't require hands to maintain.
Though honestly, I think there's a solid enough baseline for that plotbunny already- Planet 4546B has recently undergone/was in the grips of a mass extinction event due to the bacteria plague, which means that there is not only a good deal of resource scarcity compared to the bountiful sea life that the ancestors of the current-day Reapers experience. Paired with that, the Sea Dragon Leviathans- known predators of the Reaper- have dwindled in number to only about three active individuals, which means that there's a lot more Reapers around to compete with. Assuming that intelligence is tied to adaptability, and that the Sea Emperors and Reapers share a common ancestor with the trait that formed into telepathy in the Emperor species, and you have a setup where natural selection is prioritizing Reaper leviathans who are not only mature strong enough and fast enough to outclass the other Reapers, but are also intelligent enough to outwit them. Size and quick maturity might have been a confounding factor in human evolution, but in terms of an egg-laying species, we can perhaps have them experience a longer incubation time, which results in a bigger hatchling. The increased size allows the baby to outcompete other juveniles, which in turn gives it the calories needed to help build that big brain that becomes a necessary tool once it becomes large enough to be seen as competition by adult Reapers. And as for the telepathy, being able to potentially settle territorial disputes and gather huntsmates, leading to less energy and risk wasted on members of the same species, and more being aimed at taking down more prey. It's a totally feasible fictitious evolution path, especially since the leviathans themselves are so mysterious
(Also, animals always tend to be more intelligent than people expect them to be. If the PDA was scanning for brain size in relation to muscle mass for the Reapers, its very well likely that it assumed intelligence based off of that, which we know from birds is not an accurate judgement.)
BUT ANYWAYS I'm also incredibly fond of this concept because ngl it also reminds me of how I write young dragons (especially from a specific tribe) where young female adolescents go through this big period of teenage badasseryhood where they essentially try to act like they're hot shit to try to intimidate potential rivals and test the waters to see which of the older females are starting to go soft so that they can go on ahead with their territory-claiming. For this specific Reaper, I can easily imagine a scenario where she's got an advantageous new mutation that lead to her outclassing her peers, but being in that awkward spot where she's just not quite big enough yet to challenge any of the older reapers, so she instead spends a good deal of time mucking about trying to work on looking Big and Scary, which involves a lot of tearing shit apart with her mandibles, roaring, and trying to stun prey into silence with her telepathy, which makes her Very Loud but also Very Good at Being Loud with her thoughts.
It would also be interesting to delve a little into Warper telepathy- the Architects bioengineered them into what they are now out of a probably-extinct species, and are thus likely responsible for giving them the ability to interact with computers and teleport, but since telepathy already existed in at least the Sea Emperors, the ability to communicate could either be natural to the species they modified, or implemented because they themselves did not think that they would be capable without being networked. What makes this so interesting, however, is that the Sea Emperor mentions that the Architects were incapable of hearing her (most likely because they were all networked; Al-an makes a very big deal about that, so they were probably closed off to outsiders and attuned only to other Architects), so it could be that the Warpers were ignoring this very loud new baby up until one got disconnected from the rest (perhaps due to mechanical failure?) and thus ONLY has Large Screaming Teenager to talk to. Which sets up a very interesting potential partnership between a very old, very exasperated, and very aware-of-vulnerability-Warper, and a very bored teenage Reaper who only knows violence and yelling, but is letting this particular Warper live because she's so bored out of her skull that the intrigue of helping them is better than tearing up the reef and getting tail-smacked by her elders for the nth time. Maybe the Warper can teach her how to use her telepathy better, and talk to her about the Architects and their purpose while they travel to find new parts to fix them with.
Fuck, that's a really good story prompt actually. I'm weak for accidental mentorship or adoption stories, doubly weak for inhuman apex predators being dumbass teenagers, and the potential language differences between two types of telepathy could be really fun to play with. Plus there's the advantage of getting to write about intelligent aliens that don't craft like us or built societies like we do, which is something that I personally think is severely underrated in sci-fi
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squirmysyrup · 23 days
Obligatory About Post
Hey all, thanks for stopping by~! Before I get to the, mmm, tasty, juicy parts of what these are usually for, I'd like to set some ground rules. First and foremost being:
If you're a minor, do not follow me. Vore is a sexual thing for me and I enjoy it in that context, my hangups around kink content being considered sfw at all aside. If you don't have your age in your bio you will catch a block faster than you can blink.
Secondly, my askbox is open! Teasing and flirting with me is fine, I only ask that you keep my preferences in mind if you do!
So with that out of the way,
Who Am I?
It's rude to ask a gal her age, you know~? That being said, I'm in my 20s! Legal adult and everything.
I go by She/Her pronouns exclusively!
I'm kinky as hell and have a whole panoply of interests besides vore. Sometimes I'll even mix them together! Non-vore stuff will be tagged appropriately!
Mostly prey-brained, but I do have the occasional predatory impulses~ I like my preds fem or enby!
What Do I Like?
I'm a soft vore enthusiast at heart. Blood and gore and graphic digestion are touchy for me and only hit the right notes on rare occasions. A little strange, coming from a vampire lover, but the brain works in mysterious ways.
I adore digestion, with a strong preference for painless and melty kinds.
I also do enjoy "sticking around" on my preds after they're done with me, especially on curves~
Burps/belches are great!
I do enjoy being a willing meal, though unwilling/non-consensual scenarios are the ones that really take my fancy!
I much prefer fatal scenarios! Reformation optional but by no means required~
Playful and/or cruel preds get me very worked up, though casual preds are always a delight!
Preds are best at same-size, though a little bigger is always fun!
(Avatar was drawn by HornedHotcakes on Aryion!)
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moonfromearth · 11 months
thank you so much @minty-plumbob and @seokolat for the tag!! 🤩
What's your favorite sims death? Hmm I don't really know... I guess death by cowplant just because it's a classic.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Match!
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No I don't really like to but I will confess that I have used the weight loss potion a grand total of twice a long time ago, once to see what it did and another time because I'd made it in the science career, however I hat using it and always regret it. So, yeah, I leave their weight alone unless they're like sims that would be really into staying fit or something.
Do you use move objects? All of the time. I wouldn't survive without it 😆
Favorite mod? UI cheats!
First Expansion/Game/Stuff Pack? Seasons! By the time I got the game I think they were up to Island Living in releases so I decided that seasons were highest on the priority list. I have no idea what my first game and stuff packs were 😅
Do you pronounce "live mode" like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE mode because I always thought of it like a camera being live, like live recording, if that makes sense.
Who's your favorite sim that you've made? Corey! I love him so much and had such a great time playing as him! 😄
Have you made a sim self? Yeah! I make one about the same time every year or so (it's not really consistent 😅). I'm about due for a new one now...
What sim traits do you give yourself? I'd give myself socially awkward, creative, and clumsy. And the Bestselling Author aspiration 😉
Which is your favorite EA hair color? I think the newest black swatch because I use it all of the time. But I really like the darkest brown swatch too I think it's really pretty.
Favorite EA hair? The one male hair from Discover University (I gave it to Corey for the Strangerville round of the Globetrotter Challenge) because I love the texture of it so it's only gone to my two favorite sims pretty much. I also love the one Dream Home Decorator hair, the side parted one with the really defined part I don't know why I just love that one!
Favorite life stage? Young Adult! There's a lot to do during that life stage and it's fun to start over and stuff. I've really enjoyed doing Adult makeovers though since I've been working on realism so there's that.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Gameplay! I'll build things when the inspiration strikes or I want something to be my own that I built but otherwise I stick to gameplay and CAS and enjoy everyone else's beautiful builds.
Are you a CC creator? No but if I had the time I wouldn't mind dabbling in some pose making... I'm just not sure what poses I'd make 😅
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Yeah I've definitely made friends on here and I have so many lovely mutuals that have made it awesome to be here 🥰
What's your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) Unfortunately I've only gotten to play 4 so I'll say 4 but I wiiish I could buy 3 or 2 because they look so fun but I'm happy with playing 4 for now.
Do you have any sims merch? Nope.
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Okay... It's really old and only has a few very embarrassing videos on it but yes I do. I kind of want to start making videos again but first I have to get OBS to work with me. If anyone's curious it's my same name, MoonFromEarth (but the old name was RandomYT).
How has your "sim style" changed throughout your years of playing? Wow it has changed so much since I started they used to look terrible I feel so bad for them 😭 They didn't look too bad but compared to how I make sims now it's pretty different. I used to lean a lot more into a cartoony style with bigger eyes and stuff, but honestly since my drawing style has changed I think my sims style changed to reflect that new style, going to more realistic eye sizes and experimenting with different body types, noses, etc. so I'd like to think it's a lot better now.
Who's your favorite CC creator? RatBoySims and Rebouks for poses and sforzinda and laeska for CAS (that's a lot of favorites but they're all so good!)
How long have you had a simblr? Since October of 2021!
How do you edit your pictures? I use Krita for most of my editing like adding text and other fancy things.
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I want bands so bad! Only because it would just be so cool! I feel like they even have the perfect base with the club system because I imagine it working in a similar way. Also, I feel like a pack with bands could also include some bonus additions for music in the game like maybe some new instruments?
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Okay favorite expansion is probably City Living I looove San Myshuno so much and all of the festivals! Game Pack is probably Vampires or Werewolves and my favorite Stuff Pack is Nifty Knitting!
I feel like I've seen pretty much everyone do this by now so if you haven't yet feel free to say that I tagged you! 😊
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buckyjamess-archive · 3 years
𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓲 ❁ 𝓫𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂 𝓫𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓼
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chapter eighteen • a/n: last chapter folks- wanna thank all those who interacted/read it, I hope you enjoyed it! ♡ gonna miss these fools, ngl • wordcount: 2k • warnings: nothing but fluff. Parenthood. Babies. Kids.
going through  rough years after losing your husband, you try to raise your daughter the best you can. With the help from the wilson's you make the best of it but the road is bumpy when sam introduces you to his friend.
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His hands are warmer and maybe even bigger as his fingers are intertwined with yours, gently swaying back and forth, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand or a light squeeze to remind you he's still there. 
a few steps ahead, rosie groans, huffs and puffs as she pushes the stroller the best she can. Talking to her little brother who gurgles back just as much. 
"You're really heavy!" 
a soft pink, round handbag with minnie mouse printed on the front hangs loosely in Steve's other hand. Handed to him seconds after leaving the restaurant by Rosie herself as she offered to push her little brother back home. A heavy diaper bag he'd taken off the stroller to take away some weight, hangs of his shoulder– you told him you could carry one of the two but Steve being Steve, refused your offer and instead clamped his hand in yours.
A day out planned by the man walking next to you. A day with the four of you, letting Rosie and JJ get used to Steve being around for more than the two hours every night before getting tucked in. That Steve wasn't just a friend anymore– though Rosie 'just knew' when you told her Steve was more than a friend, a special friend. 
'I don't kiss my friends like that' 
Rosie didn't mind, or at least you think. She was good with everyone, stranger or not. Opening up to Steve wasn't a problem, becoming friends with Steve came easy for the girl. 
And bucky, bucky would always be dad.
'Now I have three daddies. My real daddy, my normal daddy and steve.' 
And though you never intended to let Steve in your life so quickly, it became serious pretty fast. 
Delicately glueing back each other's pieces left of a broken heart; giving solace, a shoulder to cry on and someone to hold. Steve and you never intended to become this, you were just friends, used-to-be-coworkers. It happened. Bucky no longer floating through your head every other minute or feeling that ache in your chest– just you and Steve and for now after the heartbreak Bucky caused you could in all honesty say that Steve Rogers treated you better than anyone ever did.
The stroller comes to a halt when Rosie stills in front of the apartment block. She let's go of the stroller and places both hands on her sides, bright yellow sunglasses resting on the bridge of her nose, she sighs heavily. 
"That was heavy." 
You and Steve chuckle at Rosie her stance as if an old man admiring his self-built furniture, sarcasm dripping from her body yet as innocent as can be. 
"I bet it was, kid." 
"Yes, JJ eats too much." 
"Says the girl who ate all my fries." 
Letting go of your hand, Steve hands Rosie back her own bag which she happily takes– slipping the diaper bag from his shoulder, you wrap your hand around it and carefully toss it over your own. Hand digging in to find your keys. Taking the few steps up the building, you push open the door and watch how Steve casually carries the stroller and JJ up the steps and follows Rosie in the building.
The walk to the elevator is short, the three of you and the stroller packed tight in the small space– you stay quiet, watching the interaction between Rosie and Steve, your heart grows ten times its size. You thank the gods above for giving you all these amazing men in your life, even if they broke your heart in different ways- teaching you the ways of life, giving the best things to ever exist, trusting you, caring about you..loving you.
Riley, your first real love. The one that changed your life forever. Teaching the ropes of this crazy thing called adult life. Be the calm to your chaos. Showed you love like you'd never had before– sure enough about it all to put a ring around your finger and giving you the most important job of them all; be a mother to a beautiful, funny and feisty daughter. Riley who gave you real heartbreak, leaving an empty hole in your heart and took a piece of your soul with him
Sam who stood by your side through it all. Going through the process together of losing a spouse and partner on the field. Your shoulder to lean on when things got rough, a friend of your man turned into your best friend– showing you the meaning of family by letting you into his own.
Bucky who stole your heart so fast, you never had a chance to let it settle– a wild man willing to wait. A wild man who showed you that life after Riley could be something beautiful; taught you how to love again, brought you back to life and gave you the gift you call your son, gave Rosie a father figure. Bucky the best mistake you'd ever made in your life.
And maybe all these men were needed to get you with the one. Without Riley no Sam and without Sam no Bucky, and you'd never have met Steve if you didn't move to Brooklyn. All these men lead you to him.
Steve. The man who picked up the pieces and put them back together– the man you so desperately needed in your life. The calm that Riley once gave you and the wild and silly bucky once showed. The one for real this time.
Even if things didn't go your way, men changing every chapter of your book– life was pretty amazing. 
Steve must've seen the slight wobble of your chin and your eyes filling with tears. His firm hand back into yours, you look up to meet his blues, you shoot him a tight lipped smile.
"Mommy, why are you crying?" 
You inhale deeply, quickly wiping away the tears that have made their way down your cheeks and not trusting your own voice, you smile at your daughter but shrug. 
"You know what I think?" Steve quips, the hand that's intertwined with yours now snaking around your waist to pull you ever closer into his side "I think mom's just really happy." 
Rosie nods unsure but gives a toothy grin "then I'm happy too, then we're all happy." 
"Then we're all happy." 
He reads you like an open book, something you got to love and hate over the last few weeks. Nitpicking little flaws to get under your skin or be the biggest sap whenever you're feeling down; he knows you like the back of his hand. 
"This is so stupid," you breath out a shaky chuckle "Jesus, I'm crying in an elevator–" 
"It's not stupid," Steve reassures "we're all just very happy, right?" 
"Yeah." You nod. 
Squeezing your side, Steve let's you know he's there and plants a kiss to your temple before resting his chin upon your head.
"I love you, sweetheart." 
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Bucky can't quite believe it himself; just a month ago he labeled Steve Rogers as his arch enemy and wish bad things upon the blonde and now, now bucky hopes and wishes the blonde would treat you better than anyone else– welcomed Steve into the mess. 
At ease, okay, alright but above all grateful. You didn't kick him out of your life or that of his kids– you wouldn't be the first mother to do such a thing, he's seen it on TV multiple times. Bucky's grateful that you and him still were a thing just not the same. Parents of your kids, friends.
Though jealousy would strike once in a while and he reminded himself of the mistake he'd made, It was good this way.
Big helium balloons in the shape of letters and numbers float above the table shoved against the wall, reading 'JJ 1 YEAR'. Silver birthday garlands hanging from ceilings along the baby blue and white balloons– table filled with snacks, gifts and drinks. Cramped in your apartment but done together– texting back and forth, nights of planning brought you all here, JJ his first birthday.
Friends and family here to celebrate something the two of you made from love.
Bucky leans against the kitchen bar, one hand tucked deep into the pocket of his jeans and the other wrapped around a bottle of beer. Eyes upon the small crowd gathered and lands on Steve, barely on his knees next to a side table, small plastic tiara on his head as Rosie applies makeup on the guy's face from the set she'd just got as a gift from uncle Sam.
Bucky smiles, at least you picked a child magnet, a guy who'll love his kids as much as the two of you do. 
Bucky scans the crowd again and spots you without any problem, another smile on his face at the sight of his godchild hailey holding JJ, probably gossiping around with you.
It's good this way.
"Hey man." 
Snapping out of his own world, Bucky meets the eyes of a man he hasn't spoken to in months; sam. Not since he got to learn about Bucky's mistake.
"Hey." Bucky shoots him a tight lipped smile.
Standing still next to Bucky, Sam leans against the bar in the same stance and follows Bucky's gaze to the crowd to you, his son and hailey.
"He looks like you." Sam confesses "scary." 
Letting his head fall, Bucky chuckles and nods "at least we know it's mine." 
Sam chuckles along till it dies down, silence falling over both men as they keep watching the scene in front of them. How you leave Hailey with her nephew and mingle with some friends– bucky can feel Sam's eyes burning on his face. 
"Told you so, didn't I?" 
Bucky snorts "Let's not go there, I've learned my lesson." 
"Do you?" Sam quips with a grin on his face "No new love on the horizon?" 
Bucky nods, he has learned his lesson and he knows he'll never find someone like you again– he has definitely learned his lesson and definitely not ready for something new.
"No man, I'm going to focus on my kids." Bucky breathes out a soft chuckle "apparently I still have two." 
"Rosie loves you– I have to thank you for that, giving Rosie a father figure." 
"Wouldn't trade it for anything else." 
"I know." 
Another, comfortable silence falls like a thick blanket. Knowing each other well enough to know what they're thinking– a smile creeping on both men's faces at the sight of you pushing yourself past some people and beelining towards the duo.
"Mind If I join?" 
Scooting aside, both Sam and bucky make space for you in between and your arm that snakes around Bucky's back gives him a warm and fuzzy feeling– he pulls you closer into his side with his arm dropped over your shoulder 
"A year ago you nearly passed out." You mumble softly 
"I didn't pass out." Bucky scoffs 
"I said nearly–" 
"Not even nearly." 
"The nurses had to sit you down." 
"They never–" 
"They did!" 
It's a game of back and forth, getting underneath each other's skin and Bucky hopes things like this will never change even if you decided to spend the rest of your life with steve. The silly arguments, the silly fights and the lame jokes– bucky would be alright as long as that stayed. 
The squeeze around his side makes Bucky aware you're still there. Locking eyes with yours, one's he's found himself lost in many times before, he copies your smile. 
"Nothing– we did good." You state.
Though things didn't go the way it was supposed to, the two of you did good indeed, more than good even. 
"I think we did amazing." Bucky smiles back.
Wrapping his arm around your shoulder a bit tighter, he places a quick kiss on your forehead before following your gaze into the crowd, his daughter, his son, his family and steve.
It's good this way.
"So, guys," Sam clears his throat from beside you "really gotta know what happened on hailey her birthday party that day." 
"No, you don't." You and Bucky chuckle in unison "you really don't."
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Taglist: @farfromshawn @Nicollettemarie @wooya1224 @felicityofbakerstreet @agentmstark @sierrax023 @lilyevanswhore @qhbr2013 @buckybarnesobsessed @themaddies-obx @aloserwithoutacause @aanngie @sebby-staan @sweetth1ng @starrystarkey93 @libidinexx @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @gasly-kvyat @brown-bi-beautiful @peter-laufeyson @im-squished @meshlababy @lindseyrae20 @cb97skies @qwccrr @ssprayberrythings @yougottalovefandoms @jbcalway @realgaytrash @natyvwe @poetryazenth @winterberryfox @ahahafudge @okiegirl24 @0moondoodler0 @why-wait-4-eventually @abzidabzy
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mellometal · 3 years
Before I get started, here's an obligatory trigger warning: This post will be talking about fatphobia, bullying, homelessness, mentioned ED, fat shaming, shaming a person FOR EATING, and the abused thanking his abuser AS AN ADULT for tormenting him as a young, impressionable teenage boy.
If any of that is triggering, upsetting, or makes you uncomfortable in any way, you don't have to read this post. Please consume media that sparks joy for you.
This time, there won't be a response from me about this video, like I usually do with all my Dhar Mann posts. If you want to see my response, refer to my first post about fatphobia (the one about the plus-size woman being fat shamed). It does tie in with this post, as my thoughts on this video are the exact same here. Yes, even though this is about a (at the time) plus-size black teenage boy being targeted. Search for the "dhar mann talk" tag and it's one of the most recent posts. I don't believe anyone should be shamed for their weight. Your weight doesn't hold any significance to your worth as a person. Don't let anything or anyone tell you otherwise.
With all of that out of the way, let's get to the video!
To sum up the video, it starts out with a plus-size black teenage boy (Kurt or "Big Boy", as he's called almost throughout the entire video) who's on a basketball court at school with his friend (Mike), a few other teenage boys, and Mike's uncle (Frank) is their coach. Mike is the captain on one team, Frank is the captain on the other team. They're picking teammates, and everyone is on a team except for Kurt and another boy. Frank says to his nephew to not pick Kurt (he called him "Big Boy" instead) because "he'd never win with him". LIKE THEY WERE PLAYING FOR THE NBA. CALM YOUR DICK. HOLY FUCKING HELL. THEY'RE KIDS.
Mike, not listening to his uncle (good for him), picks Kurt anyway. Kurt is happy and thanks his friend for picking him. Mike gives Kurt a shirt that looks at least a couple sizes too small for him and would be pretty uncomfortable to wear. This isn't Mike's fault, obviously. Kurt politely asks if they had a bigger shirt. Obviously not an unreasonable request. They're playing a sport that requires lots of movement (honestly, pretty much any sport would apply here, except for maybe golf or cricket) so it's understandable to want to at least be comfortable and have room to move around. Frank mocks A LITERAL TEENAGER with the whole "You think you're shopping at Big&Tall?" line and then says that's the only size they had (why couldn't they supply inclusive sizes in the first place, or at least ASK Kurt what his size was IN ADVANCE?), which....umm, I'm actually GLAD plus-size clothing for men (Big&Tall, in this case) is more readily available and accessible now. I'm happy plus-size clothing in GENERAL is like that now.
Mike comforts Kurt and says the shirt might fit. The shirt does KIND OF fit Kurt, but it's obvious he's uncomfortable. Look at this screenshot here:
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Frank laughs at Kurt, says he looks like Barney The Dinosaur, and the other kids laugh along with their coach. This is NOT setting a good example for children, Frank. You're a fucking teacher. You're a COACH. You're supposed to be teaching these kids about sports and shit. You're supposed to be setting a good example for these kids about teamwork and sportsmanship. WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO A TEENAGE BOY, WHO IS MOST LIKELY ONE OF YOUR STUDENTS, IS TEACHING NONE OF THOSE THINGS. You're teaching these kids that bullying their peers for things they can't help having is okay. Do better. (I'd say that he's an adult and should act like one, but I'm an adult and I barely act like one a lot of the time, so that'd make me a hypocrite.)
While I may be fortunate to have had a physical education teacher who never bashed on me or shamed me for my weight and she would cheer me on for whatever amount of effort I made the first and only year I had actual P.E., I know that many other kids who are plus-size most likely has/had horrible P.E. teachers or coaches like Frank.
To anyone who has/had a teacher or coach like Frank, I'm so sorry, kiddos. You don't deserve to be bullied by your own teachers. I wish I could give all of you a hug, but I can give y'all virtual hugs instead! *virtual hugs* /p
So they play a game of basketball, and Kurt is struggling to fully play because the shirt he was given was probably cutting off some circulation, especially in his arms (again, do I need to reiterate that this was NOT Mike's fault and is FRANK'S fault for his ignorance and negligence). Frank mocks his nephew Mike by saying that he told him not to pick Kurt. Why? Because according to him, Kurt will never make anything of himself in life due to him being fat. (AGAIN, THIS IS NOT TRUE.)
Then it cuts to Kurt sitting with Mike, who's working on his car and Kurt's working on his own thing. Mike says he believes one day he'll own a nice, brand new Cadillac. Kurt is very supportive and cheers his friend on. He says that he believes he'll be one of the biggest radio show hosts and has a title for it called "Big Boy's Neighborhood". Both of them are hyping each other up. Love to see men supporting men. Mike pulls out his Walkman (they were HUGE back in the 80s and 90s because you could listen to the radio from anywhere, I have a Sony Walkman mp3 player, but it's a newer model), and Kurt says that he's always wanted one but couldn't afford it. (I'll go into why in a second.)
Frank comes over to reprimand Mike, who has done NOTHING WRONG, for talking to Kurt. Instead of working, which Mike WAS actually doing. He tries to tell his uncle this, but he wasn't having it. Frank then reprimands Kurt, who also has done NOTHING WRONG, for just sitting and apparently "distracting Mike" (he wasn't). He asks if there's any work he was supposed to do. Kurt FINALLY stands up to Frank in a polite, mature manner. He says that just because he wasn't working with his hands, it didn't mean he wasn't working. Frank ridicules Kurt some more, Mike tells his uncle to leave his friend alone, and Kurt stands up to Frank AGAIN, still being polite and mature. UNLIKE THE ACTUAL ADULT ACTING LIKE A CLICHÉ MIDDLE SCHOOL BULLY WHO PROBABLY PEAKED IN HIGH SCHOOL. How fucking ironic.
What does Frank do in response to Kurt standing up to him? INSULTS THE KID SOME MORE. He tells Kurt that he must have "pig fat for brains" (which is not only insulting to Kurt, but also insulting to pigs, because pigs are intelligent animals), takes his small bag of Doritos, and says that he "doesn't need to be eating anything." He eats Kurt's Doritos IN FRONT OF HIM, tells Mike to quit letting his friend make him lazy (he wasn't doing that at all), and to get back to work.
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THAT line made me livid. I've actually thought that I didn't deserve to eat anything because I'm plus-size as a teenager, and into my adulthood at a few points in my life. NEVER say that someone doesn't need to be eating anything. (Obviously except for poisonous things, inedible objects, and things that could and will kill them.) You could cause them to develop an ED, or trigger an ED if they already have one. THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING. EDs are no joke. Whether it be starving, purging, or binge eating, none of them are fun to have and/or to deal with. Even if they DON'T develop an ED, their relationship with food will be all sorts of fucky-wucky. Some even for the rest of their lives. Unless you get proper treatment, of course.
When Frank leaves, Kurt is obviously upset. Rightfully so. How he's feeling is justified. Mike comforts him and says to not let Frank get to him. Mike offers to take Kurt home, but then realizes that his friend and his mom got evicted and are homeless. (This is why Kurt couldn't afford to buy a Walkman.) Kurt, still distraught, says that he'll just walk. Mike invites him over for dinner and that he'd drop him off after, which Kurt agrees to.
They're at Mike's house, having dinner, and Mike's parents are talking to Kurt. They're being supportive. Frank walks in to have his sister's cooking. He sees that Kurt's there. Mike's parents introduce Frank to Kurt, tells him Kurt's gonna be on the radio one day, Frank laughs and says Kurt's not gonna be anything. Kurt brushes it off. He says that his mom says that he can achieve whatever he wants (which is true, to a reasonable extent), Frank cuts him off and says his mom was lying to him, and that his mom knows he's gonna be a big loser.
Mike's dad tells Frank to leave Kurt alone. Mike's mom also says the same thing. Frank asks Kurt if his mom doesn't feed him at home, and what he was doing "eating up all their food" (he wasn't; he just had a singular plate). Mike and his mom tell Frank to stop. His mom explains that they invited Kurt over for dinner, and she tells her brother to sit down and eat. Frank then asks Kurt again if his mom doesn't feed him at home. Mike tells Frank that Kurt and his mom don't have a home because they just got evicted, which is a shock to the parents. Instead of having sympathy for a teenage boy who was on the streets with his mom, HE MOCKS HIM. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT? Especially to a teenage boy who didn't do anything whatsoever to deserve being evicted from his home and be out on the streets with his mom. I've dealt with being evicted. I've dealt with homelessness. Out of no fault of my own. It's not funny, cool, glamorous, or anything like that. It's terrifying. I'm still traumatized by that experience and it happened four years ago. Sometimes I have nightmares about that kind of thing. The very possibility of becoming homeless and going through that again scares the shit out of me. The thought of it is so triggering for me that I will resort to reverting back to things I used to do when I was a kid. It also doesn't help that I will NEVER be able to afford an apartment on my own where I live now and will probably have to rely on at least two or three roommates and/or family to get by. Thanks a lot, Boomers.
I would never wish what I went through on anyone. Anyways, back to the whole summary of the video.
Kurt gets up and leaves the table. Mike tries to go after his friend to make sure he was okay, but Frank stops his nephew. ONLY WHEN KURT LEAVES DOES FRANK ALL NONCHALANTLY SAY THAT HE'S STARVING AND THAT THEY SHOULD ALL EAT. Despite Frank making Kurt as well as his (Frank's) own family upset.
Kurt walks to where his mom is. His mom notices that he's upset. Kurt tells his mom that it's because of Frank. His mom comforts him and gives him the advice that she gave him before. Kurt is still obviously too upset to take anything she's telling him, bringing up that they're homeless and broke, and his mom is desperate to help comfort her son. She gives him his birthday present early, which happens to be a Walkman. Kurt is shocked. He thought they didn't have that kind of money. His mom says not to worry about that. She pokes some lighthearted fun at her son, he thanks her, and he asks her a question. He asks if she believes he'll be successful or if she's saying that to make him feel better. She asks if he believes he'll be successful (yep), and he tells her that when he succeeds, he'll buy them a house so they don't have to be homeless anymore or worry about getting evicted.
Fast forward to adulthood, Kurt becomes a bouncer, meets someone who works at a radio station, and he goes there. Just to have people laughing at him. He's distraught again and leaves the station, thinking that he made a bad decision. Frank happens to come by, see that Kurt was upset, and asks what's wrong. Kurt tells him what happened, and Frank mocks him AGAIN with the same shit he told him when he was a TEENAGE BOY, now as a YOUNG ADULT. He walks off, laughing.
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Nice going! /s Kicking Kurt while he's down JUST LIKE OLD TIMES, RIGHT? FUCK YOU.
Kurt then decides that he's gonna lose weight and be the best radio show host. (Toxic much? Why would you try to preach that your weight = your worth as a person? If you're losing weight for yourself, great! I'm happy for you! If you don't want to lose weight, you don't give a fuck about what people say, and you're happy in your own skin, that's awesome too! Do it for yourself, not for anyone's approval. Try to love yourself and accept yourself in any form you're in. Don't fall for the bullshit that you have to be a certain size or look a certain way for you to love and accept yourself. The weight may be gone, but the rest of your issues will still be there. I have to clarify that I meant this in GENERAL, not necessarily for extremities on either side of the spectrum of weight...because there are things you MUST follow.)
Kurt gets back to the station, ignores all the people being assholes, he's doing his thing, and he's climbing up.
Fast forward to when Kurt is middle-aged. He has his own radio show, and he's one of the biggest names in the radio industry. After he finishes up his show, he goes outside to see a couple of young fans. A young black girl with her brother, a plus-size boy. They say how much they love his show, they got his merch, and the boy tells Kurt that he wants to be just like him. The boy doubts himself though because of people abusing him JUST LIKE what Kurt went through. Kurt empathizes with the boy and tells him a little bit about his own experience. Following them is Frank as an old man. They're his grandkids.
Frank recognizes Kurt, and actually apologizes to him for the torment he put him through as a teenager. WHAT A SHOCK. /srs
Kurt takes it with grace, but says that he should be thanking Frank for all the torment. Why? Because it "motivated him". The girl says that she loves that. (Okay, since she's a kid and there's still time for her to change her mind about certain things, I'm not going to be as harsh here. I don't bash on the kids unless they're doing or saying extremely fucked up things willingly. She didn't say this with bad intentions. I understand you're coming from a good place, and I appreciate that, but please hear me out. This wasn't at all like dealing with edgy thirteen year olds on the internet. This man you look up to was abused by your grandfather in his youth. Your brother is experiencing that same torment your idol went through...at a younger age too, it seems like. The kid looks no older than middle school age [ten or eleven at the YOUNGEST to maybe thirteen or fourteen at the OLDEST]. That's a huge problem. Kurt may have "toughed it out", but that might not be the case for your brother. Please don't excuse that kind of behavior.)
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Dude...what the actual fuck? I can understand not being bothered by the hate, but this grown ass man literally VERBALLY AND EMOTIONALLY ABUSED YOU AS A YOUNG, IMPRESSIONABLE TEENAGE BOY, CONTINUING INTO ADULTHOOD, and you're THANKING Frank for all of that? Why should you thank your abuser for what he put you through? He didn't contribute ANYTHING to your success. So I guess abuse is a GREAT contribution to people's success now, right? /s It doesn't contribute to anything, in my opinion. Yes, what doesn't kill you can make you stronger, but can we normalize people becoming weaker to a point due to traumatic events? Because they exist. Demonizing survivors who have become weaker to some degree or just flat-out ignoring them isn't helping. You did the thing you wanted to do, Kurt. Frank didn't help you. The person who really helped you was YOU and your mom.
The boy asks Kurt if he thinks he'll ever be able to make it as a radio show host. Kurt asks if HE believes that. The boy says he does. Kurt gives him some advice and gives the boy his Walkman. The boy's ecstatic, they leave, and Kurt goes to meet up with his mom.
Keeping to his promise, Kurt bought his mom a house so she'd never be homeless again and never have to worry about being evicted. (HOW LONG WAS SHE HOMELESS FOR? OH MY GOD. THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW. I hope you at least let her stay with you or something. They never went into that, unfortunately.) She's very grateful. The video ends there.
My personal thoughts on the video: Another piss poor video....but worse! Because it was a COLLAB. And based on a true story. Good going with taking this man's story of being abused by a grown adult to exploit for your personal gain, Dhar Mann! WOW. LOVE THAT! Totally a good look. /s
What I took from this video is that if you're plus-size, according to Dhar Mann, you'll apparently NEVER be successful, let alone be taken seriously...which is an absolute lie. There are many plus-size people who are very successful. Another thing I took from the video is that apparently according to Dhar Mann, being verbally and emotionally abused as a teenager by a grown adult all the way into adulthood is "motivation" for you to work harder to reach your goals. (Nice going, Dhar Mann. Justifying grown adults abusing children. Who would've thought? /s)
Oh, and it's like MANDATORY to thank your abusers for tormenting you when you become successful! (Obviously this is an exaggeration. This is me using Dhar Mann's logic against him.) You want to thank them for making you stronger? Fine. You want to spit in their face and say, "Fuck you." to them? Also fine. You want to just never acknowledge them ever again? Totally fine. Whatever you want to do, that's fine by me, but can you not imply that "thanking" your abusers is mandatory in some way?
If you made it this far, thank you! I hope you're having a good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night. Stay safe, y'all. Love you. /p
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
imagine being Jotaro's twin, and you wake up one morning. You look in the bathroom mirror, only to realize you have fangs, claws, & slit pupils. You scream for Jotaro, who is groggy from the lack of sleep. He glares at you, "wait that's it? For fuck's sake, i thought it was a spider or something." Then he yells for your dear mother. "It's y/n, they're finally going through their transformation." Holly squeals before rushing over to you. (It turns out the Joestar family is a werewolf clan!)
I loved this idea so much that I kinda got carried away writing for it! I definitely would like to turn this into a two parter, so keep an eye out for the AO3 link! Until then, hope you enjoy!
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Werewolf!Joestars and Werewolf!Reader
Big brother instincts activated, Jotaro slammed the door to his room wide open, nearly putting a hole in the wall and causing the door to dangle haphazardly off its hinges. His footfall was heavy, bounding through the hallway and nearly knocking down the decorative plants. In the back of his mind, whatever wasn’t preoccupied with getting to you was worrying about his mother’s nagging about the second door he would have to break to find you. But door be damned, he had to get to you. You never screamed this loud unless something was terribly wrong...
He skidded to a halt in front of the open bathroom, thankful for once in his life that you had the nasty habit of leaving it open, and saw you curled into a ball on the floor. Jotaro wasted no time in dragging you up to sit on your knees and asking where it hurt, only to stop dead in his tracks when he got a good look at you.
“B-Bubba!” You whined, an unmistakable edge to it as you clutched your face. “I’m ugly!”
“You’ve always been ugly.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them, and you only cried harder and more violently, a little blood dribbling out of your mouth where extra canines had been growing over your normal set.
“What’s happening to me?!” You wailed. “Everything hurts, my mouth is bleeding, my hands are furry, there’s a fuzzy thing on my butt and when I tried to pull it off I scratched myself with my nails-...”
“Good God, just shut your yap already!” Jotaro snapped. “You’re alright, stand up by yourself!”
“Jotaro! What’s wrong?! What’s happened??”
The pattering of your mother’s slippers echoed throughout the hallway, she nearly slid on the wood floors when she came to an abrupt halt, watching in horror as Jotaro yanked you up violently by the arm and tried to get you to stop screaming and wailing. Evidently it wasn’t working, because the louder he barked orders at you to shut up the harder you cried, yelping every time he yanked you the wrong way.
“Fuckhead over here is going through the change!” He answered back, as though you’d merely gotten a zit. Jotaro was dangling you by your arm painfully, and you tried clawing at him to make him put you down.
Nothing bullied him into letting go until a dark look crossed your mother’s face.
“Let go Jojo.”
She used a voice you never heard before, and even more shocking was the fact that Jojo finally listened for once instead of bullying her and calling her horrible names. He immediately dropped you into her care, feigning disinterest like a scolded pet.
“Oh, my baby!” She cooed, a huge smile coming over her face as she took over trying to get you to stand on your own. “It’s going to be all ok now, sweet baby. Nothings wrong, and you’re not ugly. You’re growing up!”
“H-hwat???” You blubbered, acting like a child as your mother mopped up your face with her apron, not caring that your bloody mouth was staining the white fabric.
“Look baby! Look how pretty your fur is, oh... how cute, I hope you have the same pattern as your grandpa. Even your little tail... we need to get you all nice and brushed.”
“But I... I don’t understand!” You couldn’t wrap your head around it, your mother was more concerned with gushing over you and reassuring you about how cute you were, and all you could do was babble questions until your brother put it bluntly for you:
“You’re turning into a wolf stupid.”
“Jojo, we need to be encouraging.”
Your mother’s voice had a certain conviction to it, another mystery wrapped in an enigma as she glanced disapprovingly at her son. She began to tell you all about the changes that would take place over the next few months, asking if you remembered those puberty videos they showed you in school when you were eleven, and you did, quite vividly if you were being honest. Every month during the full moon you’d just go through the motions of transforming, until your body got used to it and the process became as natural to you as breathing. She assuaged your fears: no you weren’t going to become a bloodthirsty animal. No you weren’t a danger to your family. No you weren’t going to suddenly find other wolves attractive or any other silly fear you had. All it was she said was an extra step in growing up you had to take, kind of like puberty 2.0. Well, it was sort of like that for the Joestars anyway, going back as far as your great great grandfather’s parents, the mythological monster part coming from his mother Mary who was one of the last of the werewolves. The lineage was diluted, hence the pain at the beginning that was inevitable, because in order to be with her beloved for all eternity she had to bite him to turn him, thus every Joestar since had to experience a rather horrific baptism by blood when they came of age. It could have been avoided if the lineage had been kept human free, and you would have been born a fluffy puppy instead of a baby, but then where would we be if we couldn’t choose the ones we loved your mother reasoned.
“The only tricky little detail is keeping the secret of our immortality. Usually when we’ve felt enough is enough here among humans, we just pop off into the woods and enjoy our nice long life with our loved ones. You’ll even age differently, your face will stay wrinkle free, and the only difference is your hair will turn grey!”
“Wait a minute... you mean we can’t die and we just leave society to live in the woods?”
“Uh huh!”
“Like, the actual woods around our house?”
“Of course baby. Everyone lives in the woods, who do you think you hear howling every now and again when the moon is full? If you’d like, you can spend your moon time with your Grandpa and Granny, or Papa Jonathan and Momma Erina will be there to take care of you too!”
The way your mother put it, it was like being a werewolf was as simple as going on a fucking family vacation every month.
When the pain came back you didn’t care to even acknowledge the insanity of your mother’s nonchalance. All you knew was that it felt as though somebody was taking you by the arms and legs trying to yank them out of the sockets.
“It hurts...” you cried, “Can I please have something for the pain?”
“No honey... Now that it’s taking over, we can’t give you any anti inflammatories for the pain, it’s too dangerous. We have to be very careful with certain foods too, no chocolates or onions, no coffee, no more cooked bones, no nuts, no avocado. You’ll have to be very careful with your diet from now on, those things can make you very sick. But I have an idea, maybe it will help if you shift completely and we get some food in you.”
“How do I do that?”
“Just relax, don’t tense up because of the pain, it just has to happen. Breathing helps as well, if you want, mommy can shift with you and I’ll show you how to breathe.”
She shooed Jotaro out of the bathroom, giving him some sort of a nonverbal signal that made him snap to attention, for obvious reasons she explained that it would be best to do it in private. You could hear Jotaro on the phone with someone, informing them of your latest development with the Joestar gene and instructing them to bring lots of something, whatever it was you didn’t catch it because your mother closed the door behind her. She helped you change and folded your clothes painstakingly, holding your hands in hers as she instructed you to keep your eyes trained on hers.
“In and out sweetheart.” She told you, inhaling through the nose and exhaling out through the mouth. “In... and out...”
She made a soft sound with her pursed lips, and you mimicked her even though your body was in excruciating pain. Eventually you could actually feel the smoothness of the transition, once the tension left your body you noticed the pain had disappeared and your bones just simply shifted out of place and wherever they needed to go. When you finally came to, you noticed that the world was a whole hell of a lot bigger, a fact that made you completely terrified. Your whole body was seized by shaking and it only made your fear worse, but when you looked at the mass of cream colored fur in front of you, you actually voiced your fear with a loud yelp.
“Baby, shhh, it’s mama.”
A large wet nose pressed against your soft cheeks, a large warm wet tongue lathed at your face, so familiar... you felt like you remembered something like this, maybe when you were a baby, a memory of you cold and wriggling against the same warm cream colored fur surfaced and soothed you somewhat. When you finally looked up, you immediately recognized the warm green eyes staring lovingly back at you.
“Mama...” your voice was startling, almost high pitched. When you looked down at yourself, you noticed little beany paws where your feet and hands should have been, completely covered head to toe in fuzz the color of your hair.
Making yourself go cross eyed revealed a soft muzzle and little black nose, but it hurt to focus too much and you had to stop, turning to the side and noticing a soft rotund puppy body where your own used to be. You were still the same size, but when compared to the adult body of your mother, you felt incredibly small. She was gigantic, rear end pressing against the door as she struggled to stoop in the bathroom, a huge bushy tail nearly the size of your body thumping against the sink and displacing a couple of toothbrushes.
“It’s okay baby. There’s a lot of changes happening, and when you’re born into it you’re luckier than if you’d been bitten like your Granny Suzie or your great Granny Lisa Lisa. Everything is gradual, and you’re not going to burn so much energy. It’s so much easier going through this, you will be smaller than the rest of us for a while until you’re out of high school, but that’s ok. It’s just like growing up all over again, except this goes much faster, isn’t that exciting?”
You couldn’t help the whine that escaped as she mouthed your neck and picked you up. Being dangled from this height didn’t exactly help you when you were already a fearful person to begin with, and it certainly didn’t help that your mother was now the size of the mega fauna they had at the museums. But it was all a matter of perspective. You’d never seen a wolf this close before, only from far away at the zoo on rare occasions, and certainly not from the perspective of being small enough that her mouth almost dwarfed your body, her hot breath steaming on your pelt as she scratched at the closed door with a large paw.
When it opened, Jotaro was there, looking far too annoyed at the fact that you made such a fuss about your changes. He raised an eyebrow as your mother tried to wriggle out of the narrow door frame into the hall with you still in her mouth, and even more shocking was the fact that after she’d placed you delicately on her oversized bed to snuggle with you, you saw Jotaro just close his eyes and lose himself into his own impossibly large wolf form, not caring that his clothes ripped. He laid his head next to you, nosing you as your mother’s bushy tail encircled you protectively, and she began to clean you in a similar manner to a cat cleaning a kitten. Was it the same for canids? Probably. You’d never owned a dog before and suddenly you were very aware of why this was. Especially the way your brother acted, he was a grumpy asshole as a person, you could only imagine what he was like as a monster.
Curiosity compelled you to look around the room, everything so different from a wolfy perspective. Your perception of colors was vastly different, as was the way you perceived the room itself. Often you’d find yourself staring at things that seemed to mystify the primal part of your brain. You were compelled to gnaw at the tassels on your mother’s bedspread, but her gentle nip on your ear discouraged you. Things you knew to be red and green were nearly invisible, fading to grey or an interesting shade of yellow that you didn’t think could exist. Her dresser table interested you the most, as you could see your little ears in the reflection. Lifting your head up a little bit more however, that was a different story as the human reasoning part of your brain suddenly seemed to shut down.
“MAMA!” Your voice was a shrill scream!
You stood on your hind legs and began screaming, hackles raised and your poor little tail between your legs. The sounds you made were so loud and scared that it made your brother flinch.
“Oh that’s adorable Jonathan! Where’d you find that?”
“It was mine when I was a pup!” Jonathan Joestar said, a look of pride on his face as Suzie examined the tiny blue collar with a brass bell he had in his hands. “My mother got it for me because I had a tendency to wander, this way Holly can use it on the little one. Jotaro was too big for it, but I figure it’s just the size for my little bundle of joy!”
“I figured it would be best to just bring meat, and lots of it considering how ravenous of an appetite Jotaro had when he turned.” Joseph Joestar insisted, he and his wife carrying two large fresh kills apiece.
“We can’t feed the baby that!” Jonathan’s wife Erina looked scandalized, holding far too many sweaters that looked similar to the ones pet owners got for their spoiled dogs. “We’re just going to get the little one dirty, and then Holly’s going to have to clean up the mess later on after we make sure the little one is asleep.”
“Once we get the little one fed, then we can give out presents, matter of fact it was very smart of Joseph to bring so much. Whatever the little one doesn’t eat, Holly and Jotaro can have.” reasoned Jonathan’s son, a hulking creature named George who was every bit the spitting image of his father, and the only one of the bunch comfortable enough in the open to remain in wolf form. “Better to be full of food than stressing about the new changes on an empty stomach. Especially if the two of them had to waste energy and shift from the sound of Jotaro’s phone call. It wouldn’t hurt to be fully shifted when we see them either. After all, Holly is the alpha, it would be helpful for her to be surrounded by familiar faces instead of a bunch of humans.”
They all agreed, stopping short of the little cabin in the woods where Holly lived with her two children, helping each other to change out of clothes and stashing them in strategic places on the porch before transforming into creatures so large some of them had to hang back, unable to fit on the small space of the porch. Jonathan took the lead, a smile on his canine face as he politely scratched at the door.
“Jojo!” He barked, tail thumping wildly against the wall as he scratched the door again. “Jojo it’s us! Please let us in!”
He was interrupted by the shrill sound of a puppy’s yelping, the door flying open only for the mega wolf to be nearly bowled over by a very frightened young werewolf being chased by an alpha female.
“HELP! HELP! MONSTER!” You cried, taking off into the woods as your mother chased at your heels.
“Baby! Baby please come back! It was only your reflection! There’s no monster in the house!” Your mother barked after you.
A very irritated and nearly naked Jotaro appeared at the door much to everyone’s shock, scratching his rear through the leftover shreds of his pants.
“Good grief, at least you brought me something to eat...”
There wasn’t even time to scold him for taking a large portion of the kill, he simply took it and went back indoors, dragging it off into a corner to gorge while Jonathan tried to help your mother chase you down.
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Sally Maryam Dawn commonly known as Sally Williams, Sal, Lil Ghoul, or Ghost Girl
Sally Maryam Williams, more commonly known as Sally, is the main protagonist of the Creepypasta story "Play With Me". She is a young female spirit who was killed by her uncle. Ever since her unfortunate death, Sally continues to haunt her old house scaring the living daylights out of its current residents and happily playing with it's younger ones.
Sally was a young happy 12-year-old girl living with her parents in a small town. One day, Sally's uncle, Johnny, came to her home and befriended Sally at first. After tucking Sally in bed, Johnny raped Sally and told her not to tell anyone what he did since it was only a "game".
Sally stayed quiet about this as this sexual abuse went on, and one day, when Sally's mother and Sally were alone, Sally bursts into tears and tries to tell her mother what happened by saying, "I didn't want to play his game." Her mother didn't understand and just excused her crying as a bad dream
Johnny then overheard Sally's mother telling Sally's father about what Sally had just told her. Burning with rage, Johnny then told Sally's mother that he was heading to the store and was taking Sally with him, since she allegedly wanted to go too.
Johnny with Sally in his car then traveled to the park instead of the market. He pinned Sally to the ground, beat her up, and raped her again before smashing her head with a rock killing her and leaving her dead on the grass. Sally came back as a poltergeist, and after scaring her uncle to death in his jail cell, she stays back in her old house, playing with the kids and scaring the older people.
Sally normally appears as a young girl with a pink, dirty and blood-stained dress and white socks. Her eyes are bright green, her hair is curly and brown, and her skin is normally seen as dirty, with cuts and bruises all over her body
Sally is kind, silly, playful, and somewhat of a trickster. She can get jealous over small things, such as 'new people' getting to know her playmates, believing they're trying to take them away from her. She likes having most of the attention, usually trying to outdo someone for it, which comes down to her being a trickster. Despite being wary around most adults, loving to scare/prank people and throwing the occasional ghostly destructive temper tantrum, she's mostly neutral towards everyone. But, who can really blame her? She is a kid after all. 
Sally can float a few feet off the ground, phase through solid objects, lift certain sized objects (it varies on how 'angry' she is at the time though. Angrier she is, the bigger the object. This has the effect of draining a lot of energy out of her though, so she usually is less active until she can gather enough energy to repeat) and shape-shift between an 8-year-old and a 12-year-old.
Mr. D/Mr. Death (her teddy bear)
Typical girlish things (i.e. dresses, makeup, and anything that's pink)
Playing any kind of games
Scaring people
Watching cartoons
Pranking people
Mentions of her uncle Johnny
Getting in trouble
Getting in the way of anyone
The forest at night
Dismissive parents
Being abandoned
· Sally was created by La-Mishi-Mishi
· She was originally 8 in the original story but has now been revamped to be 12.
· Sally is one of the only few youngest and famous Creepypasta characters.
· Sally's birthday is April 5th, 1958 and she died on the same day in 1970. She measures in at 4'8" when 12 and 4'0" when 8.
· She doesn't kill any more people and hates seeing innocent people get hurt. All she does is scare people. The only person she has ever killed is her uncle, whom she scared to death in his jail cell.
· Sally always carries her teddy bear Mr. D/Mr. Death, and due to her strong attachment with it Sally has never been seen without it.
· Sally is not related to Ben Drowned. Sally died long before Ben Drowned was even born.
· Sally's full name is "Sally Maryam Dawn". She didn't like her original last name of Williams due to her past trauma, so she decided to change it to "Dawn".
Her theme song is Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez
For more information go here:
"Play with me" Sally says, a large grin on her face as she clutches Mr. Death in her arms
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fantasysamsclub · 6 years
Thought: Krav and Taako are on one of their many post story vacays and since they're actually quite relaxed, Taako has been burning spell slots like it's nothing. As a result, when the two get hassled by some baddies, he's defenseless for like the first time ever except for some shitty cantrips. This is how Taako gets to see Kravitz in full, pissed off, bard-turned-reaper mode for the second time ever and it's both hot and a little intimidating.
hey, anon? i accidentally wrote 2400 words of this. it went off the rails wildly. you know what you’ve done. this is going up on ao3 in a little bit, but first let’s just put this here
careful everyone, this one’s a bit mature. nothing adult happens, but there’s a lot of jokes about it!
So, here’s the thing. Taako?Not the type of guy to save his spell slots.
That would make him a Jenkins, andwho wants to be a Jenkins? No sir, no thank you. Taako’s the type of guy tothrow crab monsters via levitation at the Jenkins of the world. He’s not aboutto save his spell slots like they’re precious gems. Also? He’s level who the fuck cares after the apocalypseis all said and done, he’s got spell slots fordays. Which means he gets to take advantage of all the hella cool wizard powers twenty-four seven. Levitating groceries intohis house. Riding a magical binicorn to work every day. Using all manner ofdivination spells to magically telegraph dick pics into his boyfriend’s brainat work (he hadn’t had to do that in a while–photographs and texting were broughtover pretty shortly after he saved the world and opened communication betweentheir plane and the plane of Thought).
It’s not like he runs out of spell slots every day. Hekeeps a couple close to him just in case he gets the drop on him. But thatdoesn’t make him a Jenkins. It just makes him smart. The only time he runs hisspell slots dry is when he’s on vacation, because he knows impressive magicalfeats get Kravitz (you know, his boyfriend of ten years, the one he’s thinkingabout putting a ring on one of these days?)  hot under the collar, and of course he’s going to utilize that to its full potential onholidays.
They try to take a vacation once a year. They wrangle catsittersand clear out each other’s schedules for a week and a half. The Raven Queenmore than allows it. She loves that Kravitz has a social life now. Says hiswork is better now that he has something to fight for other than faith. Thisyear, they’re wandering all around, finding interesting geographical areas.It’s mostly an excuse to walk and have a good chat, something he actuallyenjoys with the guy. Crazy, right?
Kravitz deposits the two of them smack dab in the middleof a salt flat for a picnic. He’s been teasing at a surprise for a week and a half now, holding Taako’s hand just a bittighter every day. If he was going to spring some kind of surprise on Taako, hebetter do it here. Because, this place? Beautiful. Outstanding. Breathtaking. Theground reflects the sky, and it’s like walking on a big ass mirror. Or a hugegemstone. They’re both suddenly reminded that it’s been ten years since theyconfessed their love on a giant sapphire and saved the world, and Taako uses aspell slot to levitate the two of them while they’re kissing, and it’s just. Sogood.
He’s very liberal with his spell slots today.
‘Cause who’s going to attack them in the middle ofnowhere like this? Who even knows about this place? Taako sure didn’t. Kravitzjust whisked them both away with his goddess magic and for all Taako knew (orcared about) this was the (real) moon. So he uses magic to uncork the wine hebrought, and he uses magic to make shapes in the salt, and he definitely uses a spell slot or two tohop on Garyl with his man and ride off into the horizon.
And then they saw adragon.
A dragon made ofbones and brimstone.
He’s out of spell slots when this giant fuck-off dragoncomes along and ruins the oh-so perfect picnic spot with his hot-ass arm candy.Said arm candy presses two palms to his face, heaving out a groan. Of course work followed him here. He grumbles about plans andsurprises, kicks the salt at his feet like a child coming off of a tantrum. Taako’snot so sure why he’s this miffed, but, whatever. Dude always had a bit of atemper.
His attention was more on the dragon for now.
It hits him, as he watches the animated mass of bones andfire, that he miiiight have just usedhis last spell slot to conjure up that prismatic light show that reflected amoving scene from Paul Blart 3 into the salt flats.
And. Here’s the thing. Taako’s not defenseless, that would be silly. He’s an arcane engineer and onehell of an improviser, he can get him and his boyfriend out of this mess withhis god-awful cantrips and a little bit of elbow grease, right? He’s not a hugefan of hard work, but he’d rather do heavy lifting than dying, so. Elbow grease it is.
So he steps forward, places a hand on Kravitz’ shoulderand tells him to step back. Kravitz excitedly steps behind him, ready for ashow. The whole foundation of their relationship is built on the fact thatTaako bails Kravitz out when he’s in trouble. That’s how they met. He knows Kravitz thinks it’s hot,he’s taking advantage of that whenever he can. Taako has saved Kravitz’ niceass plenty of times, seen the stars in his eyes after executing a wellchanneled spell, reaped the many benefitsof showing off his power in front of his easily impressed man. It’speacocking, he knows, except a hell of a lot less creepy since he’s not a pickupartist and only doing it for his boyfriend’s benefit.
Also, the way Kravitz relaxes and shoots him a smile ashe watches Taako prepare his first spell takes away any concern Taako wouldhave about looking like an asshole.
But, as he goes over the list of cantrips he knows in hishead, and looks at the vast amount of nothingsurrounding him, no environment to manipulate with his shitty spells, Taakorealizes he’s in over his head. He could try blasting Ray of Frost at it abunch of times, but even though cantrips didn’t expend any slots, he couldstill get exhausted using them over and over again.
It takes one hit from the dragon for Taako to finally understandthe impossibility of the situation.
It also takes one hit from the dragon for Kravitz to launchhimself out of the spectator seat and into the action. This time, he’s the oneto place a hand on Taako, the one to tell him to step backwards with a cockywink and an overconfident smile. That dragon took about half of Taako’s hitpoints away in one swipe, so, yeah, he’sgonna step back, thank you very much.
Kravitz walks towards the dragon, sputtering insults upto its face. The dragon reels back with each one, and Taako remembers: right, he was a bard. Vicious mockery.He’s got about twenty different insults for this motherfucker and all of themare hand-tailored to the dragon like a fine suit. Kravitz is making these up onthe fly.
The closer he gets, the more magic Taako can see aroundhim. Magic distorts reality in a way that is visible to people who have a goodenough hold on it. Kravitz is bends the air around him and sends it flying inall directions, catching the dragon off guard and sending a gale of wind intoTaako. Blown away metaphorically and physically. Nice.
And then he gets out his scythe, and Taako can’t even process a nice dick joke to go alongwith that before he starts carving into this dragon. He knocks bones off thestructure in wide arcs. Taako would notice that the bones kept magicallyreforming onto the dragon if he wasn’t so enthralledby the performance. Kravitz wasn’t in his formal wear, just a nice tunic heput on for vacations like these, so there weren’t many layers in the way ofgiving Taako a show. His work uniformnever showed his arms exposed, and fuck, seeinghim work like that did things toTaako. That image would be appearing in his dreams and a few fantasies formonths. It didn’t look like Kravitz was winning, but he offered enough cockyjabs and overdramatic slices that Taako didn’t care.
But, eventually, even Kravitz could tell he was beat. He dispelledhis scythe and looked at the salt flats around him, taking a moment to think.Taako rose to the balls of his feet, worried. He didn’t have a moment to think, he needed to end this or call for help.
Kravitz’ body disappeared in a puff of black smoke,replaced by a softball-sized ball of white light. His soul. It pulsated in theair for a few moments before lowering down into the salt flats.
The rumbling beneath Taako’s feet made him grin from earto ear.
The salt on the ground moved upwards in a mass thatlooked vaguely humanoid. Just as big as the dragon. Bigger, even. Taako has abouta split second to admire the majesty of it all before it swings down on the dragonin one swift motion. The dragon and his boyfriend the salt monster duke it outfor an amount of time that feels too fast and too slow at the same time. Taakocould watch this forever. Sure, he’s usually the one doing the protecting outof the two of them. He’s the wizard that saved the world. But, damn, is it nice to get the same treatmentevery once in a while.
It takes a bit, but Kravitz manages to get the dragon’ssoul isolated. The bones fall to the ground and disintegrate into thin air. The sand shifts itself back into place and Kravitz’ souljumps out of it. He turns into a skeleton (also hot) and takes the dragon’ssoul in his hands.
Kravitz turns around and shouts off in Taako’s direction.“Is it okay if I go put this back real quick, babe?”
Taako grabs for the basket. “Yeah, I’ll set usup!”
“Don’t open the basket!” Kravitz stomps hisfoot into the sand and shrieks. “It’s a surprise!”
Taako rolls his eyes and sits his ass down in the salt.Realizes it’s probably a good thing Kravitz had to cut out and leave for aminute. He really enjoyed watching the show. Probably too much? Taako was aboutthis close to having to readjust hispants, 'cause that whole scene? That whole situation? The hottest hisboyfriend’s ever been, probably. Nice that hadn’t faded away after ten years ofdating the guy.
He thinks about it. Ten years. Eleven, if you count thechunk of time they dated before theapocalypse. They’ve been living together for nine of those years. Taako’s beenthinking about marriage for seven of those years, but just hasn’t–there wasn’ta good time to say it. Words are hard for him, okay? Cut him some slack.
Kravitz comes back, throwing Taako out of his thoughts,puts all his skin back on with his vacation wear. Taako launches himself ontothe dude, 'cause, again, that wasnice. Hot. A little intimidating? But in a hot way. Damn.
Taako says all that to Kravitz and he laughs, nuzzles hisnose into Taako’s hair. How can this asshole afford to be so cute when he justspent the better part of an hour taking down a fucking dragon?
“Now you know why I like watching you do it.” Hetakes Taako’s face in his hands and watches him with a look so sweet that it shouldbe banned by the Fantasy FDA for too much sugar content.
And. Okay. Listen. Listen.Taako might have had to hold himself back from pinning Kravitz up againstthe salt a couple seconds ago, but this? The way Kravitz is looking at him? Thelandscape around them? Fuck it. He’s ready to stop thinking about marrying Kravitz and actually do the damn thing. Hecan’t not marry him at this point.
Kravitz coughs, hands still on Taako’s face. “Hey,I–”
“Let’s get married.”
His boyfriend (hopefully fiancé, in a couple seconds, ifTaako didn’t royally screw this up) sputters out a barrage of laughter, botharms hugging Taako tight. Taako would be offended if he didn’t recognize thisas Kravitz’ fond laugh, but you spend ten years with a guy and you instantlyknow the difference between a malicious laugh and a loving one. It’s thatrecognition that forces Taako to do the same, giggling and tackling him in ahug, bringing him up close.
“I can’t believe you beat me to it,” Kravitzsays, eyes sparkling.
Taako sticks out his tongue teasingly. “Is that whatyou took me here for?”
“Yes.” Kravitz kisses him. “There’s a ringin the basket.”
“We can get to that in a minute.” Taakostraightens his back, pins his shoulders behind him, and frowns.“You,” he says, pointing an accusing finger at Kravitz, “did notanswer my question.”
“I thought it was obvious.” 
"I want to hear it.” 
"I would love to marry you,” he says, and itfills Taako’s heart so full it feels like it should burst. “If you’ll haveme.”
“If I’ll haveyou?” Taako snorts and blows a raspberry into Kravitz’ cheek.“Babe, you just–fuckin–that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.You–cocky motherfucker, just–going at that dragon. As a salt man.”
“It really should have seen that coming.”Kravitz gestures around the flats. “Go to a place like this and you’reguaranteed to be as-salt-ed.”
“Engagement redacted,” Taako says, unable tohide his smile, “stop that.”
Kravitz grins and leans in closer. “If you dislikethem so much, you can somersalt away.”
“Dumb! Horrible! Not even relevant!” Taakolaughs harder than he’d thought was possible, and then the hit from the dragonechoes in his torso. He starts coughing, and Kravitz fusses over him, handsgently roving over his abdomen, fingers finding the sharp marks from the dragon’sclaws.
“…Do you need to go regain your health?”
“Uh, probably.” He hangs onto Kravitz’shoulders for support. “Just, uh, a little woozy.”
“We’ll finish this picnic later. We need to get youhome.” Kravitz picks up the basket and summons his scythe. “I wouldn’twant to rub salt in the wound.”
Taako does kickhim in the shin for that one. “God, I can’t believe I’m engaged to you.”
“You asked for it,” he says, and takes themhome.
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forestwater87 · 5 years
Odd question. If you were doing a wing fic (shorthand: everyone has some kind of wings on their back; up to you if they're always out or if they can be banished and summoned at will) for Camp Camp, what kind of wings would the cast have?
Oooh I love wing fics! Hmmm, let’s see . . . 
David’s would be a little small for his age/size, and he’d probably be kind of embarrassed about that. He can still fly just fine with them -- which he’d say, defensively, if anyone pointed them out -- and they’re very fluffy, white, with little speckles of green flecked throughout.
Now I know most wing fics stick with feathered wings, but it did occur to me that some sort of insectlike wings -- all delicate-looking and iridescent like the surface of a bubble -- would also suit him very well. They’d be a bit more natural and forest-y, but would still have that element of embarrassment and shyness (he was probably called “fairy” a lot growing up, and it’d be a sore spot for him).
That being said, the idea of David having massive wings was suggested by @ciphernetics​, and I must admit that the idea of him either wrapping them around people to protect or comfort them is super cute. Also in a protective moment he could like fwoosh, out they come to shield the campers and it’d be badass. It’s not my preferred hc for him, but there are some lovely ways to play with it.
Gwen’s would be . . . serviceable. Dull, easily overlooked, probably some shade of gray or that kind of dun mousy brown that looks greyish in the right light, bigger than David’s but neither unusually large or small, not especially fluffy but not kind of molted the way some sick people’s are . . . they’re just sort of there. (She was probably nicknamed Pigeon by a lot of people, both as an affectionate term and a derogatory one. And like pigeons’ wings, there are little patches of color among her wings that are hard to see unless you’re looking for them it’s a metaphor get it? aren’t I clever ohoho)
Campbell’s are humongous. The biggest wings ever. He is a mountain of a man, with massive pure-white wings. Some people are convinced he genetically modified them somehow, and they do have this uncanny radioactive glow in the dark but don’t worry about that, it’s perfectly natural and not at all suspicious!
The fun thing about this is that they can get increasingly bedraggled as Season 3 progresses, until they’re drooping and muddy.
Quartermaster has bat wings. I don’t give a fuck if literally every other character has angel wings, QM’s are bats and that’s just the way it has to be.
I like the idea of the campers having small wings that can fit under their clothes, because they haven’t really grown in yet. I imagine maybe Nurf might be an exception, since he seems to be either older or just bigger than the other campers, but for the most part those kiddos look just like their normal selves. That being said, a few ideas of what they might look like grown up:
Max -- black, maybe a little big for his age, like a crow or raven’s wings. When he gets annoyed they puff up and slip out of his hoodie, and it’s a pain to put them back in which annoys him even more and gets them more puffy and hard to stuff back . . . it’s a constant struggle. Pity the poor kid.
Neil -- I’m torn between going with his hair color and giving him some hawklike brown-and-white wings, which I think would look nice with his coloring, and just going hog-wild and giving him wings like a bluebird because of his eyes. I think the latter would be too showy and embarrass him, but there’s something kinda cute about that too. His wings would be like his dad: impossible to ignore and much louder and more obnoxious (in his POV) than they need to be.
Nikki -- big and flecked with golden-orange. Of all the characters I think hers would have the most modifications, because as a kid/young adult she wasn’t careful with them and got them all torn up -- maybe to the point where she can’t even fly with them. But she has Neil and he’s a smart cookie, so I like to think of her wings having a vaguely-steampunk element of mechanisms and patches keeping them together.
Harrison -- white or a very light gray, like a dove’s. He paints the tips gold when he’s older as part of his illusionist costume.
Nerris -- I’m just thinking pure eastern bluebird, orange at the base and then exploding into brilliant blue. I think she’d love how flashy they are.
Ered -- Somehow I want her to have dragon wings. I have no idea why, or how, but I think it’d be extremely cool, and Ered is nothing if not cool. Especially if they’re really rare, almost unheard of, and she’s put a lot of work into transforming herself from the tomboyish freak with the demon wings and gay dads into something to be envious of. Besides, it’s easier to do sick stunts without having to worry about your feathers getting caught on stuff.
Nurf -- All right, I wanna get emo for a moment and say that his wings have been hacked either partly or entirely off by the time he’s an adult. We know he’s been abused in canon, and I think that people like that would go for the easiest target to hurt you, and that target is probably the delicate feathered things sticking out of your back. Bonus points if they’re somehow kind of girly, which coincides with his more sensitive nature and how he initially wanted to do ballet as a kid (especially since I don’t think that was well-received by his family). So, like . . . what remains are very fluffy and sweet-looking, maybe pink or pale yellow and orange or something, but they’re either little stubs he covers up all the time or they’ve got big chunks missing out of them but who’s gonna point that out to the huge guy with a pissed-off expression?
Preston -- Rainbow, like the most extravagant bird of paradise. Does he paint them himself, or are they as natural as he claims? 
Dolph -- Probably something very average and serviceable, in the brown/gray/white family, but they’re always speckled with paint because he’s not very careful with them and especially the long feathers at the bottom trail along the ground while he’s painting, or get stuck to his art if he turns around too suddenly.
Space Kid -- I’m thinking of a duck, for some reason. Partly because they’re aquatic and I just connect the ocean and space for some reason, partly because they’re very ordinary and that’s kind of how SK rolls, and partly because ducks can just flap for insane distances without getting tired (thank you Animorphs!). Space Kid is like that, I think -- very diligent, keeps his head down and gets things done, not very bright but he works so hard it makes up for a lot, and that’s why he’s going to be an astronaut someday. Mallards have those pretty green feathers, too, and I think those would look nice with Space Kid’s eyes.
Jasper -- Peacock. Obviously. He is the most garishly-dressed person in the show and his wings would match. Not that you’ll ever know, because he never gets to grow up and have real wings :( 
So those are the mains! As for some of the less-important characters, I don’t really have too many interesting ideas, but a few throwaway ones:
The Flower Scouts all have pink wings, either feathers or bug/fairy ones. I think maybe Tabii has a chunk missing from one of hers, from a fight or something, and the other girls made a patch so no one can tell and she can fly properly. Erin’s might be just slightly different colors -- one with an orangey tint, one with a blue.
A fun thing about bug wings is they could buzz when the girls are angry. So Sasha’s are basically always going, poor thing.
The Woodscouts probably have their wings bound, clipped, and constantly ready for combat flying. I’m thinking, like, the military-haircut version of wings.
Daniel’s . . . I mean, I don’t care about Daniel because he’s trash, but I do love the idea that they’re not naturally white and he dyes them. It’s my favorite Daniel hc and I need it to appear in every AU.
So that about covers it!
Then I was talking with Ciphernetics about wing AUs, and I mentioned that in some wing fics (namely the awesome one by setepenre-set, though there are probably others) the wings’ size are based on how loved someone is. Which led to the below cuteness. Warning: shameless Gwenvid and Makkiel ahead, along with me insisting that Cameron Campbell isn’t the worst person in the entire world because I’m love him
Ciphernetics: Max’s wings growing during camp!Max voice: who the FUCK is loving me I specifically requested the opposite of thisDavid: You can even fit them in your hoodie anymore awwwwMax, struggling to pull it on over his wings: the hell I can't
Forestwater:(what if they come in the color of the person who loves you's hair)(so at first it's just this line of red that he knows is fucking David, goddamnit and then all of a sudden start sprouting these mint green and brown ones and my ship takes off)
Ciphernetics: Max, disgusted, throwing an auburn feather at David: get LOSTMax, looking over his shoulder in the mirror at the brown ones gathering at the tips and the mint ones scattered chaotically throughout: huh
Forestwater:Oh no what about when Nikki and Neil's start getting flecked with black, small and easily tugged out like they're ashamed of being there
Ciphernetics: The small really curly little feathery down that like to hide under other feathers(Gwen's had auburn in her wings since almost the first summer but lately it's started to overpower the rest of the colours. Not completely, it's just... Noticeable how much of it is the same colour now.)(She knew David loved people quickly and easily, it's just suddenly a lot more)(or she just wasn't paying attention)
Forestwater:What on earth would David's reaction be to suddenly finding some of Gwen's?I like the idea of her feathers being two-toned
Ciphernetics: I'd love if he's had a very small, slowly growing patch since they met (just a handful more each summer) but some event happens and suddenly there's a lotOh absolutely two tonedHey how about some angst;David's been waiting his whole life for Campbell's hair colourToday at 9:32 AMHe'd never say it but Campbell makes so many throwaway jokes about David being the son he never wanted but it rings a little hollow when there's not when one little brown/grey feather
Forestwater:until the end of season 3 when there's like . . . twoLISTEN I NEED MY TRASH GRANDPA
So that’s just a little bit of extra silliness for added angst/romance/fluff.
Hope this answer isn’t too long, but I was having fun.
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What's the best first snake?
I wanted to make a more comprehensive guide for determining which beginner snake species might be best for your first! If you're Australian, check out this post for the Australian version.
The best starter snakes:
Cornsnakes! These are probably the all-around best first snake. Corns stay a manageable size (3-4.5 feet on average), are good eaters, have docile personalities, and have very easy care. Corns are my top pick for anyone who's nervous about their first snake.
Corns might be the right first snake for you if: you want a snake that has very easy care, want a diurnal snake, want a very active and curious snake, and want a snake that's easy to handle, especially as an adult.
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Kingsnakes! Kings are amazing eaters, pretty smart, and are a delight to handle. They can be a bit nippy, especially as babies, and most bites are mistaken feeding bites (once again, amazing eaters), so if you're nervous about being bitten, they might not be the best choice. They're very active, curious, and fun to watch. Take care with subspecies; most kingsnake subspecies are amazing starter snakes, but do research on the species before buying. Cali kings, Mexican black kings, and most milksnakes are great choices.
Kings might be the right first snake for you if: you want an active, intelligent, and inquisitive diurnal snake, want a snake that will probably always eat well, and don't mind a snake that might bite you from time to time.
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Sand boas! Kenyan sand boas are awesome little snakes, and stay quite small, around 2 feet long tops. They're easy to handle and have pretty low-key personalities. The biggest con with sand boas is that they often prefer to spend a lot of their time hiding in their burrows, which can be disappointing for some owners, and it's important to buy a baby that's already eating well because they can be a bit picky.
Sand boas might be right for you if: you want a smaller snake, want a snake with very lenient humidity requirements (perfect if you live in a dry area and are worried about keeping humidity up), and don't mind a snake that might spend a lot of time hiding.
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Rosy boas! Same deal as sand boas, but rosies get a bit bigger (max out around 4 feet). They're very tolerant of husbandry mistakes.
Rosy boas might be right for you if: you want a small boa that's a better eater on average than a sand boa, want a snake that's very easy to handle, and want a snake that has super forgiving care requirements.
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Ratsnakes! Specifically Japanese, Russian, Baird's, and Dione's ratsnakes (avoid most other species without doing careful research). These species of ratsnakes are known for their easy care and sweet personalities. The biggest issue with rats is they'll need a bigger enclosure compared to their size - rats are super active and love to climb and explore, so if you have limited space, they're not the best choice. They can be a bit nippy, especially as babies, but usually grow out of it very well and quite fast compared to other defensive snake species. They're incredibly hardy, though, possibly even more than cornsnakes - rats are practically bulletproof.
Ratsnakes might be right for you if: you want a very active and curious snake, are prepared to provide lots of enrichment and climbing opportunities, and want a snake with a bit more 'oomph' (they're definitely the ones most prone to acting defensive on this list).
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Some great options for more experienced keepers: these don't make the best starter snakes for most people, but they're awesome when you have some experience under your belt! These make great second snakes.
Ball pythons: shy, sensitive, and docile, ball pythons are a delight but don't make the best first snake for most people. They're very sensitive to husbandry errors and need high humidity, making them challenging for many new keepers.
Boa constrictors: their size is the only reason boa constrictors didn't make the best first snake list! BCs are a delight, with awesome personalities, pretty easy care, and great feeding responses. I recommend the smaller Boa constrictor imperator species, which maxes out around 8 feet long. Just be sure you're prepared to provide an enclosure for a large snake!
Pituophis snakes (bullsnakes, gopher snakes, pine snakes): these were also very close to making the best first snake list, but their personalities can make them a challenge for new keepers. They're often little firecrackers when young, and often do best with a keeper who knows how to handle a very nippy and defensive baby snake.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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My stomach hurts really bad right now. So I am going to lay down soon. But today's been a pretty nice day. Did not feel like a day off though.
I hate that my stomach hurts again. My stomach hurt really bad last night and after James friends left it didn't really stop. I washed my face and that helped cool me down at least. But it took like 2 hours before I was comfortable enough to actually sleep. So that sucked. It actually hurts worse tonight but at least I'm in my own bed and can try to deal with pain alone and not bothering James with my whining. Not that he would think that it was annoying but still.
We woke up this morning at 7 and I made him stay in bed until 7:30 because I was exhausted and I didn't want him to get up yet. I actually slept pretty well. And once I was dress I basically just left. I wanted to keep my momentum going because I really wanted to clean the apartment and finish my heart. It was cool out. But I was fine I had a sweater. And biking back to my house is easier because it's a one way that direction.
I got back to my place and unpacked. Laid out my dress for tonight. And then I cleaned. I vacuumed and I Swiffered. I cleaned out the fridge. I Cloroxed the inside of the fridge. I try to just get rid of all the Crows Nest that I've been feeling in the apartment. That took a while and then I worked on my diorama. I hadn't finished something and I didn't realize it. I went to photograph it and realized I had forgotten to make the whole Lantern section. So I quickly did that. I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out even though I made in about 2 minutes. The rest of it took me a really long time so I'm glad I'm happy with it.
At noon I was ready for my interview. And then 1215 came. And I was like oh maybe she forgot. Which is fine it happens. I sent an email asking if she wanted to reschedule for later this week or meet in person since I live in the neighborhood. And then I actually headed over to the Walters. I wanted to drop off my ID card since I'm not volunteering anymore. And while I was getting ready for that I checked my email and I actually had an email from the teaching position. It looks like they're going to offer me the job but they can't actually do that until they have funding from the city approved. And they're not going to know about that until mid this week. But if all goes well I can be starting on the 22nd. Terrifying but I'm very excited. I am trying not to be too excited because funding could not come through but we got to stay positive.
When I was at the Walter's I left a note for the woman who I was having interview with there as well. And I got complimented on the embroidery I done on my volunteer bag. It was nice talkin to Laurel and then I headed down to Fleet Week.
It was wickedly busy down there. Like not as bad as I guess like City from what I saw but still very bad. I had wanted to go on some of the larger ships that the lines were incredibly long. So I just ended up walking around the outside. I whenever to the city of bismuth which is the Pontoon ship. Honestly the only one I care about. But the line was like 2 hours long. So I decided to just go up to the fence and talk to the guy with big gun. I asked him what the crew size was and we ended up talking for 10 minutes. He kept adjusting his gun and getting the same goofy smile on his face that James does when I talk and get too excited about something. All smiling and blushing. That was my one big flirting moment of the day but I like to tell people that I was flirting with all the sailors. But really I mostly just walked around and people watched. I ran into Chris and said hi. But the girls are just too crazy down there so I headed over to Fell's point.
Still crowded but much less lines. I got to see the Coast Guard Eagle tall ship. And that was cool because I didn't even know that the coaster had a tall ship. I did flirt with the sailors there as well. But mostly I was just fascinated cuz I had no idea that the Coast Guard had sale powered ships still. I mean that has an engine but that's really cool that the Coast Guard has a sail ship. And it was nice to walk around the back. I decided after I saw that one that I didn't even see any of the other ships. I'll probably try to see the godspeed tomorrow since it's right next to Constellation but not ships are letting us go below deck to my knowledge. And really all I care about is what the living spaces look like anyway. So I'm not that torn up about it.
Since I was down at fellas I walked around a little bit. Wanting a couple of the stores. I found a new store that just open today that is all Baltimore theme stuff that I think James would love. It's all novelty shirts and stuff. I like the aesthetic though. And I walked around the Goodwill for a bit too. I didn't have any luck there finding stuff for James apartment or the things I needed. I decided that I really should just go get lunch.
I went down to the harbor again and I had pizza. Listen to a podcast. And then I went to Marshalls to get winter lotion. I decided I want to switch over from Citra sense since its fall now. And had really good luck. I got a philosophy brand in the clearance section that's cream and mint. And I love it. And that's a really expensive Brands usually so it was nice to get it for under $10.
It stopped at constellation and talk to Frank for a while. Dropped off the half of my pizza to have lunch for tomorrow. And after a little bit of wandering around. I went and Build-A-Bear and found a life jacket that I return to the dragon boats. I had it home. I had seen some of the Thunderbirds going over. And that was interesting. But really I was tired. And I need to be in the house for a while just by myself.
I got back here and I took a very long shower. That made me feel a lot better. I basically spent the next two hours lounging in a robe watching TV. Playing with sweet pea. I wasn't exactly sure what time James was coming so I wasn't sure when to start getting ready. But ended up all working out just fine.
He got here about 6. And I had finished putting on my makeup and my dress a few minutes before that. I felt like I look really good tonight. My makeup was just on point and the dress look great and it was pink for the event was perfect. So I felt really good. And James looks super cute too. He always does. He let me do his hair.
We went and grabbed the bus to go to his parents house. I didn't have my charm card because I didn't know that we are going to be taking a paid bus. So he paid for me which was nice of him. We got up to his parents house and his mom had some of her friends there. And she had put out snacks. So we had snacks and talked. I got to talk about art for a while. And his mom had gotten the catalogs are ready for the show so I read through them which was good because I was not going to have a lot of time to read tonight while we were there. It was nice being able to talk about my art for a little bit too. I feel no more confident than when I'm talking about my art.
Me and James walked over to the BMA first. Because the adults were going to be driving. But just down the street we found a box of free stuff and there was a gold-framed mirror. Which if you know anything about me that is one of my favorite things. So he carried it back to his parents house for me. The adults all got a big kick out of that when we walk back in the door. But then we were back to the museum. We sat outside on the bench while we waited for them since they were the ones with the tickets. Or at least the information on how to get in. We watched a bunch of old people coming in and just talk. It was nice. I like to watching all the different people dressed up. A lot of people with John Waters mustaches drawn on or styled. So much pink so much gaudy. It was a blast. My dress was very very low cut so knowing that I was not going to be sticking out because of that was a little bit of a comfort.
They don't got there and we went inside. The line to get into the actual exam it was wicked long. So we all decided since it would have been wait anyway to just go up to the reception part and have snacks. Which worked out really well for me because I was starving and my stomach hurt. We had a bunch of snacks. And then me and James went and got a photo booth photo. He was so awkward looking in the top two photos it basically looked like a high school prom picture. So when the third one I made him dance a second just to get him to smile bigger. And in the last one I kissed him. It was just very sweet. After that we decided to go to the actual exhibit. It was a little bit of wait in line but not a big deal. We ended up being the first ones in in our group going up to the actual line. And then the last ones in when the door is opened. At least for our group. I asked the guy at the front and he said over 700 people to come in already that night. That's wild.
The show itself was fabulous. I would have probably changed the wall color. From the white Cube. But honestly I think for the commentary he was trying to make it worked well. There was one piece that is just a black curtain with sound coming out. It's a fake video installation. And I fucking love that piece. It was probably my favorite piece of the night. But honestly some of the pieces were so good and so instagrammable. I am glad that we're going to be able to go back. And spend more time. And read everything. Because there was just a lot of stuff that I would have liked to spend more time with. I am really glad that we got a picture in front of the have sex in the voting booth button. I apparently caught James off-guard when I kissed him. He was nervous enough about asking someone else. But it was very cute. And honestly the show is great and I can't wait to go back.
We headed out and went and found his parents again. And while we were standing there with his mom John Waters walked right past us. And I kicked my PO up and looked over my shoulder and told him great show. And he said hi to me. And it was just such a surreal moment. He's much shorter than I imagined. I don't know why but I always imagined to be 8 feet tall. And just lanky as all hell. Definitely a highlight of my night.
My stomach still hurt pretty bad though and we had seen the show and had the snacks. I wasn't really interested in choosing too much more than that. So we went to go get the bus. It was a nice ride back even though I was still feeling like complaining. We got back to my apartment and James made me a drink. I mean it's just Crystal Light. But there's something comforting about that because that's something I always drink when I don't feel very good. I jokingly told him I was going to make a handbook for the care and keeping of Jesse. And he said yes please make that. So I might jokingly make that. We'll see.
Sweet P just came over and wormed his way onto my lap. So he is all curled up on me now. Which is nice but I also would really like to go lay down. So I'll give him a couple minutes and then get to bed. I'm working all day tomorrow with Frank. I think I'm going to be doing the firing again and Frank said that he would spot me if I need help. I think it's going to be a fairly busy day. But we'll see what happens. I don't know if consolation itself is being busy or just the pier. We're still caustic money so I don't know if people are actually coming in that much. We'll see. I think it'll still be a pretty good day. Sleep well everyone.
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