#they're all so mellow and generally mature
away-ward · 8 months
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Oh, baby girl, no. No no no no no.
She does look pretty, though. I'll give her that.
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Huh. now that I think about it, this is not a duo we see very often. I want more of it.
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No, shut up! They're so cute. They look so fond of her. I love this friend trio already.
I also love how they've just... adopted her? Best friend of Gorya is our honorary friend?
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Aw. They're sneaking her in to see Kavin's speech. That's sweet. (I mean sneaking is a loose term since they can basically do whatever they want but still. She's not supposed to be there.)
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explosionshark · 2 months
Thoughts on Faith and Dawn? They’re dynamic is so interesting to me
Talked a little bit about this one time (with input from @coraniaid)
It IS a really potentially interesting dynamic! There's so little of it on screen, which is a shame. What we do know:
-by s7 Dawn still (understandably!) resents Faith for trying to kill Buffy. She makes some protective comments about it. Actually I watched "Dirty Girls" last week and iirc she's the only one to call Faith out directly in that episode over that
-I think it's fair to extrapolate from what Dawn chooses to call out in that moment, that Faith's violence was never turned directly on her
-Despite this, Dawn does seem to warm up to Faith fairly quickly after she's back. They seem to be getting along in "Empty Spaces" and Dawn and the Potentials leap to Faith's defense when those crooked cops go after her at The Bronze. She essentially goes along with overthrowing Buffy and making Faith the leader in the confrontation that ensues (let's put aside the characterization choices for now and just focus on the fact that she is willing to allow Faith that level of authority)
-In early s3, all of Buffy's friends respond really positively to Faith showing up. I'm sure Dawn (young and impressionable) would be no exception. I talk a little about it in the post I link up there but it's really easy to imagine a situation where Dawn is really impressed by Faith in a way that her Baby Sisterness prevents her from manifesting towards Buffy. Especially since part of Faith's narrative role is to threaten Buffy's relationships in some way, I'm sure there was a bit of hero-worship to get Buffy feeling unexpectedly jealous.
So, there's tension between Buffy and Dawn in late season 7. Despite the initial shot Dawn takes at Faith over rejoining the team ("hotels that take Tried-to-kill-your-sister-types") she doesn't put up too much protest. Buffy at this point is being harsh and withdrawn from the team and her friends. Faith, meanwhile, is showing an interest in people, putting an effort into connecting to the girls, and generally being pretty mellow and non-judgemental. Aka, she's doing stuff that's pretty close to the classic big sister shit Dawn is no doubt missing.
Treating the girls (Dawn included) like people, learning things about them, crucially NOT being the woman cracking the whip that they're all pretty sick of, generally being more relaxed and less uptight, taking them to the Bronze and letting them underage drink instead of locking them in her busted ass living room and giving them speeches about how they're gonna die soon - yeah! Okay! You can really see how Faith becomes super popular just by being a little more chilled out and not being Buffy.
Given Dawn's comments earlier in the season (teasing but still) about feeling smothered by Buffy sometimes, I think there's something interesting in how Dawn seems to respond so much from being treated like someone mature, a little more hands off, but still with positive attention - it's easy to work back from there and imagine what kind of relationship she had with Faith in earlier seasons, why it worked, and why it hurt so bad when Faith betrayed them anyway.
Dawn and Faith have an interesting overlap in being used at various times to thematically represent different sides of Buffy. They're almost polar opposites that way - Dawn being Buffy's childhood, her innocence, Faith being her dark side - so to me there's always going to be something inherently interesting in the ways they relate to each other.
In conclusion: damn dude I really wish they had more scenes together idk
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electronickingdomfox · 4 months
"The Prometheus Design" review
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Novel from 1982, by Sondra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath. I didn't like any novel by these authors, and this one is just as bad. The writing seems less messy though, except at the very end, when they start with the philosophical, unintelligible discourses. But otherwise, it's pretty much in line with the old Bantam books. There are also continous references and throwbacks to the old episodes, despite the novel being set post-TMP, which gives the impression of a lack of fresh ideas. The previous Pocket novel ("The Covenant of the Crown") captured much better the feel of the older, more mature characters from the movies.
The plot involves aliens that are experimenting with humans to prove the point of "The Enemy Within": that the strive for greatness in humans comes hand in hand with their most violent impulses. This is what the novel calls "the Prometheus Design". And even if I can see the theme of reaching for greatness and surpassing the gods in the Prometheus myth, I fail to see what it has to do with "aggression" (after all, it's not Prometheus or the humans who are aggressive in the myth; it was the gods who punished the titan). Whatever, guess the authors liked the ring of it.
The main problem is the characterization. Kirk is again this submissive wimp, while Spock is this over-powered, authoritarian (and pretty obnoxious) character. And the plot device by which Kirk is stripped of command, so it's transferred to Spock, is just ludicrous. It's obvious the authors wanted so bad to push a dom/sub dynamic into their relationship, which is, in my opinion, completely antithetical to Kirk and Spock's friendship. Vulcans are again the coolest in the galaxy; humans suck again. In fact, the way Vulcans are portrayed as supremacists that look with such contempt at humans, I don't understand why they joined the Federation in the first place... What happened with IDIC, and Spock's gentle, understanding nature? I don't know. As for McCoy? Well, I guess he trails behind Kirk and Spock...
Spoilers under the cut:
The Enterprise is investigating a series of riots and disappearances in the planet Helvan, when the landing party (Kirk, McCoy and a few others) are approached by a different kind of aliens (named the no-mouths because... they have no mouths). The no-mouths extend their finger-tentacles and probe their victims all over (WHAT!!?). And afterwards, the victims fall unconscious and have lapses of memory, associated with feelings of rage and shame.
Back in the ship, Kirk has a couple of nightmares after the encounter (though in general, he's not any worse than other times when the ship fell under alien influences). Nonetheless, a Vulcan Admiral called Sevaj (who is like the most badass, awesome Vulcan ever) comes onboard and seizes command of the Enterprise and the mission, just like that. Sevaj determines that Kirk is unfit for command, and that all humans who were approached by the aliens are also unfit. But not Vulcans, of course: they're immune to the effect (proof? he gives none, might as well have pulled this out his ass). So the only choice for Kirk is relinquish command to Spock, which he does immediately, since he lacks any backbone in this novel. You may wonder what kind of Captain is Spock. After his encounter with V'Ger, and his understanding of "this simple feeling", and the importance of emotions, and all that, he should have mellowed a little, right? Wrong! As soon as Spock seizes power, he becomes a complete fascist, falls into full "Vulcan command-mode" (WHAT!!?), and starts treating Kirk like crap, suddenly addressing him just as "Mr. Kirk". Okay, let me make an aside: this is NOT how things work. For starters, it should have been McCoy the one who can determine whether the Captain is fit or not for command, not some random dude, awesome Admiral or not. And if unfit, Kirk could have been confined to sickbay, or his quarters, or if truly problematic, to the brig. But that doesn't mean he's suddenly stripped of rank, and can be ordered around, and even punished!, by someone with a lower rank, like Spock.
Nonsense aside, Sevaj explains that the sudden riots, disappearances and accelerated development, that are observed in Helvan and other planets, are all related with some mysterious aliens that are experimenting with aggression in living beings (the so-called "Prometheus Design"). And these experiments will soon destroy the galaxy if they're not stopped. Thus, the Enterprise has to return to Helvan. At this point, the novel spends a good while describing Kirk playing chess with Spock and Sevaj (but he sucks at chess because he's dumb human, and we learn that Spock let him win all those past times). And then Kirk engages in some sort of homoerotic combat/dance with Sevaj (and he also sucks at it, because he's weak human). I don't know, there are lots of invented Vulcan shenanigans and mumbo-jumbo in this part. After one of these training sessions, Spock is changing clothes inside a replicator machine, that creates and destroys clothes around one's body (WHAT!!?), when the machine malfunctions and almost kills him. And Spock is left naked, just so you know. There are several more murder attempts on Spock and Sevaj, and Kirk is the principal suspect, because of the alien influence. Though to be honest, the two Vulcans are so obnoxious, that I'd suspect anyone in the crew as the murderer...
Back in Helvan, Sevaj and Spock beam down alone to learn more about the no-mouths. Despite their superiority, they're captured immediately and strapped to experimental tables to be dissected (and Spock is naked again). So Kirk, McCoy, Uhura and Chekov go to the rescue, and manage to capture one of the no-mouths to interrogate him. Needless to say, Kirk gets zero gratitude from the Vulcans, and instead is threatened with more punishment for not following orders blindly (sigh).
Kirk must be addicted to punishment, though, because he disobeys again when he interrogates the no-mouth. From him, he learns that these creatures are simply following orders from other, higher beings: the true designers of the experiment. Kirk is also shown the path to these new aliens' lair.
In the last part, Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Sevaj go find the designers to make them see reason. They're captured, Kirk has sex with one of the female designers because reasons, and kisses other female designer for reasons too. Also, the designers turn Spock and Sevaj into giants, and force them to fight to the death... while half naked. The aliens explain why their experiment is so important to avoid the destruction of their own race. Well, I say "explain", but in the end I didn't understand much of their reasons. Finally, the heroes convince them to stop their experiments through some "power of friendship" speech, so the aliens leave. The End.
And I'm sorry if this review seems disjointed, but this novel left my brain pretty disjointed too.
Spirk Meter: 9/10*. Kirk and Spock share a permanent mind-bond. At one point, Spock refers to Kirk as t'hy'la (and the novel clarifies that he's using the term with multiple meanings). There are constant comments about how strong and special is Kirk and Spock's "friendship", even suggesting that the aliens chose them as experiment subjects because of their unique link... And I'm probably forgetting some examples; it's more like a continous obsession with each other. I'm not giving it a 10, though, because other novels are more sincere and open, just plainly call love "love", and are not afraid to show it. Here instead, I get an impression of "denying the obvious". Like, there's an effort to hide the homoerotic intent behind Kirk and Spock's strained relationship, and Kirk's sudden womanizer tendencies towards the end.
There's a bit of Spones too, when Spock treats McCoy's wounds while caged, and eases his pain with a mind-link. But let's be honest, McCoy is more like a pet here.
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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jwcc-confessions · 8 months
To be upfront, I like both ships.
Season 4 had a lot of bad takes when it came to romance, from Brooklyn thinking Kenji’s tantrum towards Darius was “kind of adorable” to Yaz telling Sammy that she was the only reason that had any feelings at all.
I also hate how the ships started from a lack of basic respect of personal boundaries on Sammy and Kenji’s end. Like when Yaz told Sammy she wasn’t really a hugger and Sammy told her that she was now. (We can see that Yaz actually appreciates the hug but Sammy can’t.) and when Kenji continued to flirt with Brooklyn after she repeatedly turned him down and was visibly annoyed with him doing it.
Like sure, it all worked out for all of them, they became close friends getting together, and the relationships are healthy, but those takes and starting points still irk me. Especially since this is a kids show.
I have many thoughts about this. You're right about Kenji, he flirts with Brooklynn and Yaz a lot in s1 and is generally a jerk. And the show acknowledges that to an extent, it's played for laughs and then he gets Character Development™️ so the show sort of lumps all his past asshat behaviours together and writes them off in one go, so we're expected to forget about the persistent flirting? Made more annoying by the fact that he does "get the girl" in the end anyway. Yeah it's after he's mellowed out and he's more sincere by then, but still. It's worth pointing out that it feels a bit icky.
Sammy is an interesting case because the show never acknowledges her boundary pushing with Yaz as something that's bad. In fact it's seen more as a good thing because it "pays off" and even Yaz is grateful for it in hindsight. I do hate how Yaz's development is credited all to Sammy. Feels like an unhealthy over reliance on a single friendship turned relationship, which yeah can happen irl but an episode exploring that would've been great. Let Yaz realise she needs more than one solid relationship (platonic included) to be truly emotionally fulfilled.
Fact is they're all teens with shitty teen behaviours made worse by a shitty survival situation. And that's cool, if the show was intended for a slightly older audience then maybe they could've delved way more into that. They can do shitty things and get called out on it and grow from it. But because the target is much younger kids then it's all just brushed off or treated as not so serious.
If they did go for a more mature and realistic representation of teen dynamics then we probably would've got more love triangles and break ups and relationship drama and idk I'd rather just have more dinosaurs
TLDR: you're not wrong
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shipcestuous · 2 months
One thing I used to find kind of funny as a kid just getting into Greek mythology was how Kronos and Rhea had three sons and three daughters... and yet, only two of them got married, rather than everyone pairing up in three divine brother/sister pairs.
I remember I would do little thought experiments to figure out how things might have worked out in an alternate version for the married pairs that could have formed in addition to Zeus/Hera after Kronos' and the Titans' defeat and reached these conclusions about them:
Poseidon/Demeter: this one is kiiiind of canon already, because there is a myth where they have children together, but... Poseidon doesn't exactly care about Demeter's consent there, let's leave it at that. But for the sake of argument, let's just say this wouldn't happen in this AU, and just look at their roles and personality. To oversimplify things a lot, Poseidon is the sea and Demeter is the earth. The sea is often called "barren" in Ancient Greek poetry, while the earth is ideally fertile and generous. These things already make for a potentially fun "uniting the opposites to reach equilibrium" theme. Also, Poseidon is known for causing earthquakes in his wrath as well as punishing mortals who offend him (the Minotaur was born when Minos wouldn't sacrifice his best bull to him so he made Minos' wife go mad...), while Demeter created winter when Persephone got abducted by Hades (creating considerable trouble for the mortals and even the gods themselves) and keeps recreating it whenever her daughter leaves for the Underworld again, which makes me think they're both very emotional and strong-willed. A relationship between them could be as explosive as the one between Zeus and Hera, and while that wouldn't be very healthy, probably, it could be an interesting dynamic!
Hades/Hestia: Hades is the god of the Underworld: people who have done terrible things are punished horribly for eternity in his gloomy realm, he doesn't take people going against him lightly (like when Theseus and Pirithoos tried to kidnap Persephone...), and he usually doesn't allow anyone to come back to the world of the living (though there are a couple of attempted exceptions). However, this doesn't mean he's evil or mindlessly cruel or sadistic, just strict to the point of being ruthless. Hestia is associated with fire, but instead of being a wild, destructive force, she's the patron of hearth and home. They have a similarly "not nearly as bad as they could be considering common views on their domains." And I can also see both of them caring a lot about boundaries and rules, all things considered. But Hestia could have a softness about her that Hades lacks. And Hades, perhaps, could act as a sort of grim protector for her. I also see them both as the quiet, reserved type, personally, which could make them get along pretty great, bonding through the messes of their chaotic family.
Poseidon/Hestia: Water and fire, anyone? It could be a case of "opposites attract" both in terms of elements and personalities... even if in very different ways. Ironically, Hestia, the fire goddess, could calm down Poseidon's wrath and mellow him out, while Poseidon, the sea god, could bring excitement and wildness in Hestia's life.
Hades/Demeter: ... this one always felt so weird to even consider lmao. But they both seem like gods who prefer going off to do their own thing away from the other Olympians, on some level. Plus, they're both connected to earth: Hades is the mysteries hidden under it, while Demeter is the prosperity and beauty that grows out of it. They would inevitably be a little like a variation of Hades/Persephone, I think, but the lack of an age gap would also influence their dynamic and make it a bit different. It wouldn't bea mature man and a young, lively maiden, but two siblings (possibly very close in age) growing together on more or less equal footing. I like to imagine them both as rather indipendent people, but I always end up giving a motherly streak to Demeter and an insecure/withdrawn one to Hades (likely due to my vision of the myth of the abduction of Persephone, I admit) and so I feel that would make for some sweet hurt/comfort.
Now, I'll say that, while I'm a serial multishipper, I don't actually ship these pairings. They're just fun to think about in a "what if" context for this specific AU, but talking more in general, Hades/Persephone is one of my main mythology ships, Poseidon/Demeter has all that canon history I talked about which squicks me out a bit, and I usually see Hestia as someone on the aroace spectrum. Although... that last one doesn't always stop me from shipping her, as sometimes I like to imagine her capable of romantic attraction, so only ace without the aro part.
Actually, I really like shipping her with Hermes, as either a onesided "he has a major crush on her but she's too aromantic to even notice" pairing or something requited depending on the specific types of shenanigans I feel like imagining for them. A lot of it is another "opposites" and "balancing each other out" thing: Hermes is a god of travellers, merchants, and thieves (who presumably also move around quite a bit, lol) as well as one who's able to cross boundaries (he also has a function as a psychopomp, travellling from the world of the living to the Underworld) so I associate him with open spaces and the freedom of going wherever you want to do whatever you want, while Hestia, as I've already said, is home and hearth, so in a way she represents closed, secluded spaces that are also safe and intimate. But there's also the way I see the age difference/generation gap between them. I usually think of Hermes as a sassy, reckless, relatively young god, while I see Hestia as a warm and maternal woman who definitely has a few thousand years on him.
I think Hermes would be attracted to her stability, kindness, and in general just how level-headed and reliable she can be without ever getting boring. (She's still a fire goodess after all, so I do think she has a more "fiery" side, determined and sharp, under the softness. ;)) While Hestia would enjoy (platonically or not) his youthful daring as well as his clever mind, resourcefulness and wit.
Basically, in my head he'd love to be her boytoy and she, his aunt, would occasionally not mind being his mommy, lmao.
This was a really fun post and I love all of the different dynamics that you sent up! They're all intriguing in their own ways but I really like the way you described the potential of Hades and Hestia in particular.
Thanks for sharing your musings with us!
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wolame-o-ccx · 4 months
High&Low character dynamics I greatly enjoy
( but canonically they don't exist/have enough screen time/something along those lines )
Had this in my drafts for a while but took a while in getting around to actually posting it.
1 - Rocky + Hyuga
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I'm throwing out the fact I ship them away from this analysis so it's like a more general thing.
Vague + indifferent is so interesting and not a popular trope but it works, and it works with them. It's also how they're so different and yet so similar at the same time. Had they become friends, I think they'd both try and sort of uncover things about each other, Hyuga because Rocky is mysterious in general and he isn't usually curious, but he is about Rocky and Rocky because Hyuga is just interesting (crazy) to him. They would have this dynamic where they're sort of mature? Around each other? If that makes sense IDK. They're serious, but casual at the same time.
When they're together, here'd be some kind of warm silence and it's quiet but not because they dont know how to talk to each other, but because they're simply comfortable with each other, like they trust each other.
Rocky accepts Hyuga's insanity (or passion, he calls it) and Hyuga enjoys Rocky's mellow sort of demeanor and finds comfort in him that way.
2 - Cobra + Rocky/Hyuga/Murayama
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Cobra has touched all three of their lives some way or another. With Rocky, he was persistent and helped out in fighting against Doubt. Rocky must've gained a large amount of trust in Cobra after that. He even tells Cobra that he appreciated his help, and when does Rocky ever really compliment people, especially men? With Hyuga, I think he would think Cobra is tough and likes how stubborn he is and he respects that. After everything he's seen and experienced, he probably respects Cobra himself on a different level, and maybe even trusts him. And Murayama, we all know the story. Cobra made Murayama question and find himself. In the end, Murayama went to Cobra to talk after deciding that, oh, I'm done with fighting. I'm tired and I need to talk to a friend. I could honestly write a whole novel about them and I can understand why people ship them (though I don't myself). It's also the way all three of these guys were so worried about Cobra when he went missing and how they were looking for him so restlessly. Who needs therapy when you have Cobra?
3 - Hyuga + Murayama
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I'm aware of them being a ship, and I somewhat enjoy it because I can see and understand why although I still prefer them platonically.
They're what you expect would be a loud duo, but they're not (not exactly) and it's interesting. Like, they'd totally bicker with one another and have dumb arguments and call each other stupid like siblings, but I also think they'd have those quiet moments where they're genuinely talking about serious stuff. Cobra had changed their perspectives in things they had problems with, Murayama and his immaturity (?) and Hyuga with his thirst for revenge, both ending up moving on from that and changing their views. I can see them casually hanging out and catching up with each other and giving each other life advice (yes, life advice from Hyuga, believe it or not) while simultaneously berating each other. They have a fun dynamic to think about and honestly wished they explored more on them because they're really interesting and equally complex.
4 - Hyuga + Sakyo + Ukyo + Kato
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God Daruma makes me so UGH. These four are so silly. They're like.. genuinely such great friends I don't know how else to put it. I want them to have more screen time but I know I'll never get it. I can't put into words just how great of friends they are because they're so perfect, like, they're just.. great friends. They are so extremely loyal to each other and dedicated to each other that they make me want to explode into a million pieces. How even after “exacting their revenge on former Mugen members” mission, they stuck together because they found this sort of family with each other.
5 - Koo + SMG
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I've seen the very miniscule part of the fandom somewhere talking about how Koo is like SMG’s mom and I love the idea so much 😭 just Koo taking care of these four guys like they're his kids. I like to think in DTC Rocky and Koo packed the lollipops they ate in the movie as if they were parents packing their kids’ lunch bags. I DONT KNOW ITS SO CUTE. SMG probably causes a lot of trouble for Koo so they'd kill anyone for him and Koo is just naturally protective, but especially for SMG.
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lesbianredpanda · 9 months
Do you have any manga recs? Preferrably yuri but anything you've been reading lately that you've enjoyed?
Definitely! I particularly love Arai Sumiko's work so I'll rec [gush about] some of that first. The big title there is "The guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all" which is fantastic, and they also have an alternate tale with similar/the same characters in the oneshot "Hanabi". For other more mature stuff by Arai I love the oneshot "Makoto no Momoka" and "My female friend comes home to me every now and again" (only two chapters so far TRAGICALLY).
As I've evangelized before I really adore "Hanamonogatari" by Schwinn and I reallllllly hope more of it eventually gets translated to English 🥺
More yuri recs in list form (in no particular order)!
Otherside Picnic (if you've watched the anime DEFINITELY read the manga for a way more coherent and deep telling of the story and characters, the anime made some interesting reordering decisions...)
Our yuri started with me getting rejected in a dream by Hijiki (I adore this fluffy gay manga soooooo much)
Tadokoro-san (webcomic) by Tatsubon
Liberta by Tatsubon (kinda bonkers and scuffed and gory and also NSFW)
Asumi-chan is interested in lesbian brothels! by Itsuki Kuro (erotica! very good and fun story)
Does it count if your first time is with an android? by Yakiniku Teishoku (erotica! cw for some dubious consent and some general weirdness but it's hard to find decent yuri erotica with adults so I'll take it lol)
Non-yuri manga I'm reading!
Call of the Night by Kotoyama (honestly I'd recommend both the manga and the anime, both are spectacular vibes)
Fabiniku/Life with an ordinary guy who reincarnated into a total fantasy knockout (the definition of "they're LGBT? Damn, all at once?" I'm so fucking invested in these idiots)
Captain Momo's Secret Base by Tsuruta Kenji (vibes only, just picked this up from a Tumblr post and it's good and mellow)
Hope this helps!
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otakween · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 Best Partner Series - Part 1
More image songs! This time for Adventure 02, but I'm starting out with the older kids. I had a lot of fun listening to all of these. They really went all out this time. 12 CDs with 3 songs each (solo human, solo digimon & partner duet)!? Madness!
Taichi & Agumon
New Sun - Taichi (listen here - subbed)
Taichi singing to Daisuke (or maybe the whole new squad) about how they're taking over the original kids' legacy. The lyrics make him sound very wise.
Took me a second to adjust and picture Taichi singing this because his VA kinda sounds like a granny lol
This had very "Mufasa talking to Simba" vibes. The chorus was catchy and empowering.
Agumon Ondo - Agumon (listen here - subbed)
Agumon singing about how he needs/wants to eat a bunch to grow big and strong. Also, apparently he dances to help digestion lol.
Agumon talking to random kids during the song and then having them sing along was adorable. Also made me feel old.
Team - Taichi & Agumon duet (listen here + translation here)
A very generic song about how Agumon and Taichi make a great team, but it's always charming to hear digimon/partner duets.
Yamato & Gabumon
The Key to Granting Wishes - Yamato (listen here - subbed)
A cheesy shounen song about following your heart and friendship and what not. Comparing it to Yamato's image song from the first season, you can see he's grown past his emo, lone wolf phase.
Wasn't crazy about the song itself, but the music was great, especially the guitar solo. Had a nice bombastic intro too.
It's Alright - Gabumon (listen here & translation here)
Gabumon singing about his bond with Yamato. They both hide behind facades (Yamato's coolness, Gabumon's fur) and are misunderstood. I feel like this was a lot stronger as a character song than Yamato's solo song.
Gabumon's one of the quieter digimon so hearing him sing is a treat!
Our Melody - Yamato & Gabumon duet (listen here & translation here)
A touching (and CHEESY) ballad between Yamato and Gabumon about all the good times they've had together. It had strong drunken karaoke vibes haha.
Although cheesy, the lyrics did warm my heart a bit :') I think digimon/partner bonds get to me more than human/human bonds.
Koushiro & Tentomon
Open Mind - Koushiro (listen here - subbed)
Meh, not a fan of this one. I felt like the lyrics were clunky and didn't flow well with the song's melody.
The song is about Koushiro learning new things about himself and his emotions through his journey in the digital world. Even though I didn't like it, I'm happy to hear Koushiro's voice again :')
Dengeki Rhapsody - Tentomon (listen here - subbed)
Tentomon 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ I love him so much. This song was really cute and plucky. Basically just Tentomon singing about being a good partner and appreciating Koushiro.
The only thing that bugged me (hehe) about this one is that it implied that Tentomon is always obsessing over food but like...I don't remember that ever happening?
The Scenery of the World! - Koushiro & Tentomon duet (listen here - subbed)
Another banger! Mostly just because I love these two and relate to Koushiro's passion so much. He's singing about how excited he is to absorb all of the world's knowledge and to see the whole world with Tentomon. Koushiro would make a good librarian haha. I too have strong urges to learn everything ever (currently reading every page of Wikipedia).
Tentomon's part of the song is kind of exasperated but in a loving way. He sings about how Koushiro is always staying up late glued to his computer, but that he'll still always stick by his side and pep him up when he gets tired. So wholesome <3
Joe & Gomamon
Towards the Wind - Joe (listen here - subbed)
A lot of these solo songs have the same, general theme about growing as a person. I wonder if the vibe will be different for the younger 02 kids?
I liked the mellow vibe of this song. A nice, easy listen. Joe definitely has the most mature vibes of the gang, despite being dweeby.
Invincible Flutter Kick - Gomamon (listen here - subbed)
Gomamon singing about how helpless Joe is and how he'll always be them to protect him and lighten his load. So cute :3
News to me that Gomamon has an "invincible flutter kick" lol. I mean, I can picture it, but usually he just summoned fish.
Crawl the Sky - Joe & Gomaon duet (listen here - subbed)
Joe and Gomamon singing about their unlikely friendship. They balance each other out. I kind of wish the chorus wasn't the usual, cheesy "we can do anything if we're together!" lines. The first part of the song was a little stronger when they were comparing each other's characters.
These songs are making me wish I had a little buddy to explore the world with :'(
Mimi & Palmon
Super☆Girl - Mimi (Listen here - subbed)
Mimi singing about her personal growth. It was a pretty generic, motivational song about being brave to be yourself and not fear mistakes.
I do really enjoy how unabashedly girly Mimi is and her songs always reflect that.
A Little Pinkie's Fantasy - Palmon (Listen here - subbed)
This one was just weird. The lyrics were super awkward. I think they're alluding to a pinky promise when Palmon talks about a "pinkie's fantasy," but the metaphor doesn't really work. Also the line about glittering lips also seems like a non-sequitur.
I've never been a huge Palmon fan, so I think that's mostly why this one was no good for me. (She's also a little tone deaf lol).
Happy Smile - Mimi & Palmon (Listen here - subbed)
It's nice to hear a song where Mimi and Palmon are talking about their friendship cuz Mimi could honestly be kinda nasty to Palmon in the anime lol.
Some of the lyrics in this were a little clunky (they basically said stuff like "fun things are fun!" "Smiling is nice!" "Pretty things are good!") but I liked the sentiments about distance not weakening their bond. That resonates with me as an adult who doesn't have many opportunities to see my friends in person.
Sora & Piyomon
Shiny Days - Sora (Listen here - subbed)
Uhhh I think mostly this one was just poorly translated because it was literally like a word salad. Like, read the lyrics here (or in the video subs) and you'll see they straight up make no sense --> https://www.animelyrics.com/anime/digi02/shinydays.htm
Sora is my least favorite Adventure character so it checks out that here song kinda sucks lol (sorry).
Wait this song has the same title as the Yuru Camp opening!
My Music Score - Piyomon (Listen here - subbed)
A nice straightforward song about Piyomon's love for Sora. I like how they incorporated her name into the song with all the "pipipi" and "piyo piyo." Very cute.
If We Fly Together - Sora & Piyomon (Listen here - subbed)
I feel like there was some nice harmonizing on this one. I hope the VAs had fun haha
The lyrics in this one were sweet. I especially liked this line about "telling each other secrets we hide from the stars." That really illustrates Sora and Piyomon's close bond.
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just-kit-ink · 10 months
If it's alright, I'd like to send you a little fun imagine of Poppy and Kittty too ^^
On the topic of dating; I'm not sure when Kitty would have met her husband or how, but if she and Poppy were friends then, Poppy would definitely be supportive of the budding romance ^^ and would even be willing to offer her advice from her own past relationships.
Though, because two of her past relationships ended pretty badly, and they were just in general, not great people (I can't remember if I've told you about Poppy's exes. I can if you want to know), I can also see Poppy wanting to meet Kitty's boyfriend as soon as possible. Just to put her own worries to rest and make sure Kitty isn't going to get stuck with a bad guy like she did. Though I'm certain it'd be no time at all before Pops is convinced that he's the one for her friend ^^
Awww this is so sweet, they're like the female version of Eddie and Roger 😊
And Kitty goes through quite the maturity. She overcomes a lot of anger and stress but learns to let go and accept things. Not things like lack of proper justice or the still existing evils of the world but she grows to have more patience that with time and work things will get better. Her adult self is a bit more mellow than her teenage one but she still retains some of her naughty rebellious streak (I suppose you can take the girl out of the punk style but you can't take the punk out of the girl.) She has a turbulent teenhood thinking boys are gross and men are hurtful but around her 30s she probably meets some guy in the animation business and he is so...neither of those things. She maybe gained more confidence in her 20s to date and tried not to let it get to her if it didn't work out. But her new partner is so dedicated and respectful and has a surprising sense of humour for someone so serious looking. Although it would be really funny if he were out of the business like he works as a lawyer and she's the Cartoon MomTM.
He could even be a lawyer who is willing to defend toons!
(Also what of Poppy's exes 👀 because 18, 19 year old Kitty would be like "Where are they I just wanna talk." *holds baseball bat*
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zingaplanet · 2 years
The Big 3 definitely have had their ebbs and flows relationship-wise, more Nole and Rafa actually. Roger and Novak have never really been the best of rivals, (who can forget the whole "The King is dead" debacle )their dynamic has been more testy than not quite frankly, even though it mellowed out in the latter years, when Fed frankly didn't care so much about him and the rivalry anymore.
But Rafa and Nole definitely had a closer relationship once upon a time and though they're still friendly now, it is absolutely is not the same. I'm not ashamed to admit that before I was Fedal fan, I was a Rafaole through and through and oh boy are things different now and I feel that the distance has come more from Rafa's side then Novak's. That's the thing with Fed and Rafa, their relationship has evolved too but into a much deeper, much richer one and they both have taken the time and energy to nurture it and maintain it. Despite like you rightly pointed out, them being from technically different tennis generation.
That being said, I also marvel at the conscious choice Roger and Rafa made to be a tennis UNIT. There was a point in time, maybe when they both decided to rejoin the Council TOGETHER, where they went from kinda just going with the flow of being the two biggest names in tennis promoting their sport and doing sponsorship things together, to repositioning themselves almost like a 2-in-1 package. They very much leaned into their friendship and it's hard to say which came first, the friendship borne out of the professional camaraderie or the professional team-up borne out of the friendship. Whichever way it falls, the rest of the tour really seems to accept recognize that and accept that, which is all kinds of cool and amazing to see.
Hmm interesting take anon. I think you might be right that Federer and Nadal seemed to gradually care less about their rivalries with Novak as the year progressed and somehow very strangely started cherishing more the rivalry between them two, what with both Roger and Rafa repeatedly saying near the end (and that 2017 final + 2019 semifinal) how every encounter now seems like previous opportunities and memories to be cherished. I personally think it's because they know they're close to retirement and their rivalry is the oldest and thus the closest to its end. They've reached this kind of maturity at the end of the line where they can reflect and look back on things neutrally and with fond memories, the way we all do when we get older.
But I also think it's peculiar, as per your last point. Because if you think about it, they're both the ones standing at the furthest end of spectrums in terms of personal similarities. I'd say Rafa and Novak would have much more in common amongst themselves. But Fedal don't really have anything similar in their childhood background, nor in their personal lives (they're the actua cliché of mountain><island boy omg) And this is what I've grown to truly appreciate and love them for, I think, as I feel that their connections are bred through something much deeper, beyond superficial material aspects. For instance through both their inherently strong and embedded family values, respect, sportsmanship, their philantrophy and passion to help children, to help raise the game's profile, etc.
As for Novak, I don't think it's my place to over-presume on what really caused the straining of his relationships with Federer and Nadal. I have to admit I don't really follow his development like others simply because as someone who works in the human rights sectors I have difficulties viewing him in the same regard due to his political stances on the Bosnian massacre. But I also believe he deserves a chance to be viewed at least in his professional sports career, on an objective ground. If I remember correctly both Federer and Nadal have made remarks disagreeing with Djokovic's stance or behaviours on the court. It's not that they don't do this between themselves, but most exchanges are less confrontational, the worst we've seen is in 2012 as you mentioned. What is evidently interesting from this point is that Roger and Rafa are clearly more aligned in their thoughts on how the game should be played out (the politics side of it i guess you can call it) hence their decision to rejoin the council together, and hence Roger admitting that him and Rafa see eye-to-eye most of the times on the game's development, even tactics and strategies (this is from 2019 LC i think).
But this could also be because they have been technically at the forefront of professional tennis' management since 2006ish, being the two most important players of the game on and off courts (the tournament sponsors are technically their sponsors lol). They are undoubtedly the two most politically powerful people in tennis, I'd say even more so than the tournament directors and ATP board sometimes, as their opinions will dictate public's opinion. In this regard, I can kind of sympathise with Novak, and the difficulty of seemingly breaking through this 'duopoly' control of the game.
Luckily though, I think Roger and Rafa are both very conscious of their presence in the game and have yet to do some irrepairable damage nor controversial moves to the tour lol. It'd be interesting to hear what the others in the fandom think!
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ener-chi · 2 years
Hello, it’s been a while I hope you’ve been doing well. Thank you for opening up your free readings again. If the spots are still free I’d like to participate. My name is Aarya K, I have wavy dark brown hair, I’m short and wear glasses. I really like animals especially birds. May I please have a general reading. Thank you 🤍🙏
Hi Aarya!
So nice to see you again! Let's see what happens...
Hmm... As soon as I connect to you... The energy changes dramatically... It's very... Mellow? Soothing... Calming... I feel like... Hm... I'm floating... In a pastel lava lamp maybe?
Okay I see you... There is a lot of energy around you... There is a lot of light... Like... White light... Your aura feels... Really good...
It feels healing... Like you're doing some healing, or perhaps you've just released something... Or, more likely... You are in the middle of releasing something... Perhaps it is something big... You feel like you're undergoing a shift...
Your energy is definitely protected and loved...
Underneath the aura is... Hrmmmmlegh there's a lot of different colors... They're all kind of... Faded, dull, blegh. Definitely going through some kind of healing or change or smthn. Like yellows and greens that look like gross shades.
I feel a wound, that hurt and there is some anger from it. Angry tears. You were perhaps projecting anger as a result of it. This wound is still tender to the touch. This wound will take some time to heal. But every step, no matter how small, still counts as healing
What else... I feel... In general... A relaxed sigh... Like when you are traveling all day and at the end you finally are in your room for the night and you fall into your bed... It's over... Can relax... Finally... Tension melting away... Stress dissolving... Only... Peace... Calm... Letting things fall away...
This is what I feel... What I see...
Your Path... For the next period of time in your life... Perhaps next few weeks... Months maybe... Will be in this phase...
It won't all be smooth sailing... Still have its' bumps and ups and downs... But in general... That is the feeling I have... It is nice...
You are different than the last time I read you... Your energy feels... More mature? More... Jaded? Hmm what's the word I'm looking for... Maybe a bit more mature, experienced. Not in a bad way at all.
Is there anything else...
The vision fades...
I don't think I really have any comments on this... Other than it was a wonderful energy! Thanks for helping me get back into the swing of things, and thanks for stopping by my inbox again, friend 🤗
Thanks for the ask! I hope this resonates! Don't forget to leave feedback, and a tip if you feel so inclined and are able!
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filmdesque · 3 months
in the lists below, select all of the traits that you believe your muse embodies. for each category, bold, italicize, enlarge, & put in all caps (if you'd like) 2-3 of the most prominent characteristics of your muse. OPTIONAL DEEP DIVE STEP: under a cut, describe why you picked the 2-3 terms from each list for your muse.
Tumblr media
positive . active. adaptable. adventurous. agreeable. alert. articulate. athletic. benevolent. calm. capable. caring. charismatic. charming. cheerful. clear-headed. clever. compassionate. confident. conscientious. considerate. contemplative. cooperative. courageous. creative. curious. daring. decisive. dedicated. deep. dignified. disciplined. discreet. dramatic. dutiful. dynamic. educated. efficient. eloquent. empathetic. energetic. enthusiastic. fair. faithful. flexible. focused. forgiving. freethinking. friendly. fun-loving. gallant. generous. gentle. good-natured. gracious. hardworking. helpful. honest. humble. humorous. idealistic. imaginative. INDEPENDENT. intelligent. intuitive. kind. leaderly. logical. loyal. mature. modest. observant. open. optimistic. organized. passionate. patient. perfectionist. persuasive. playful. practical. principled. protective. rational. reflective. resourceful. respectful. responsible. romantic. selfless. SENSITIVE. serious. sociable. spontaneous. stoic. studious. sympathetic. tolerant. trusting. understanding. vivacious. warm. wise. witty.
neutral . aggressive. ambitious. casual. competitive. deceptive. determined. emotional. intense. mellow. moralistic. obedient. outspoken. predictable. preoccupied. PRIVATE. proud. quiet. reserved. sarcastic. self-conscious. SKEPTICAL. strict. stubborn. unpredictable.
negative . ALOOF. angry. anxious. apathetic. argumentative. arrogant. assertive. blunt. boisterous. callous. careless. cautious. childish. clumsy. cold. conceited. conformist. cowardly. crass. crude. cruel. cynical. demanding. dependent. destructive. devious. dirty. dishonest. disloyal. disobedient. disorganized. disrespectful. disruptive. distractible. domineering. egocentric. envious. erratic. excitable. faithless. fearful. fiery. foolish. forgetful. frightening. greedy. gullible. hateful. hedonistic. hesitant. hostile. ignorant. impulsive. inconsiderate. indecisive. insecure. insensitive. intolerant. irrational. irresponsible. irritable. lazy. meddlesome. messy. miserable. moody. naive. narcissistic. neurotic. obnoxious. obsessive. opinionated. passive. pedantic. perverse. petty. power-hungry. presumptuous. pretentious. procrastinating. repressed. resentful. rowdy. sadistic. secretive. selfish. shallow. shy. slow. submissive. superstitious. SUSPICIOUS. tactless. tense. timid. troublesome. uncaring. uncooperative. unreliable. unstable. vindictive.
positive .
independent . call it the result of having to become the man of the house at a young age due to having an abusive father who became divorced from his mother, but jonathan learned how to advocate for himself and the people he loves at a very young age. a peacemaker at heart, he tends to try to deal with things privately, spending so much time in his head that it unfortunately can morph into a force that can weigh down on him and reinforce his depression.
sensitive . if there's one person in st who i think absorbs the energy around them like a sponge, it'd be jonathan. he is hyper-cognizant of the emotions of the people around him, and if they're someone someone he cares about he goes the extra mile, checking on them & asking if they're okay. something else jonathan does is reassure others even when they just appear to be distressed/anxious/etc, even if they aren't talking. he just assumes that they need reassurance - 99% of the time they do - without verbal prompting. he reads people like they're goddamn novels and really learns to understand them and what they need from him.
neutral .
private . call it a result of him being both aloof and independent, but jonathan is incredibly hesitant when it comes to actually sharing things with others. he regards his inner world and the workings of his mind something to be protected with every fiber of his being, and will only let that cage door open during moments of extreme emotional distress or where it's absolutely warranted to protect someone he cares about. it takes a lot of time, patience, and showing jonathan you're someone he can trust before he lets you into that inner world of his. he only has so much time to internally protect the people he already cares about, but if he's willing to put that energy in for you, you've found yourself a very close, very loyal friend with a bond that cannot be easily broken.
skeptical . it's pretty safe to say that jonathan is not an easy believer in things that can't be proven. he didn't believe his mom when she said that will was in the lights, and wasn't willing to extend the benefit of the doubt to nancy when she became curious about the potential connection to the upside down that billy and mrs. driscoll had. if you want to convince jonathan of something, you need to prove it to him, ideally with sensory information that he can directly and objectively experience and measure. in this sense, jonathan is extremely practical, grounded in real-world affairs and how things actually operate around him, instead of engaging in the comfortable imagination of theoretical matters. his skepticism is also very likely the byproduct of his fears of letting new people and new information into what often feels like an incredibly fragile existence, especially given everything he and his family had been through. as we've established, jonathan is extremely protective of his inner world, and he is not very kind to new information that can be a threat to that inner world, especially if that information hasn't directly been proven to him yet.
negative .
aloof . it's no secret that jonathan is incredibly introverted and somewhat awkward when it comes to social interactions, particularly (sudden & unplanned) one-to-one interactions with strangers. he tends to be moody with a lot of newcomers, especially if they've shown they may somehow be a threat to him or the people he cares about, and isn't particularly skilled when it comes to navigating social interactions. he tries to keep a cool head, only resorting to aggression and/or violence when it comes to self-defense and defending the honor of people he cares about or when he's faced with a difficult decision. but overall he's a huge introvert who prefers to indulge in his hobbies rather than become involved with social matters, moving along grumpily and with haste whenever he's forced to.
suspicious . this trait of jonathan's is very much connected to his skepticism; if something can't be empirically proven or demonstrated to him, he immediately regards that something as something to be suspected, never something to be trusted. his lack of trust in others also often manifests as him being suspicious of them and of their motives; he's so used to being seen as a social outcast, withdrawn from the rest of the world, that someone else couldn't possibly want anything to do with him unless if it means getting something out of him. it all stems from his desire to keep himself safe, not wanting to involve himself with something if it can easily turn the hurt around on him. it can take a while to prove to jonathan that you can be trusted with your motives, and that trusting relationship can be sparked if the process works the other way around - specifically, if jonathan finds something in you that he can use to benefit both of you and your relationship. in a sense, he strongly prefers symbiotic relationships than parasitic, or even commensalistic, ones.
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nobodieshero-main · 9 months
right off the bat: her real name is actually Kathia (Cah-tee-yah), but she goes by her mothers name which is why everyone knows her as Cecily.
She's the youngest of three siblings, and when she was very little her parents died of an illness so her older brothers (Sidiro + Nima) worked together to raise her and provide for her the best they could. For this reason, the three of them are very close, and Cecily is very protective of them.
They're from the outer edge of the Capital, which is the poorer area, so when she was old enough she started helping her brothers with their jobs (Nima is a tailor, Sid is a blacksmith) and picked up a lot of random skills and habits.
As a kid she was always using her brain to get into all sorts of mischief and while she eventuallygrew out of sneaking into fancy parties and playing pranks on city guards, she never grew out of her talent for strategy. This, of course, came in handy throughout the multiple times in her life where she got into fights with bullies because she has personal beef with anyone who picks on someone else. (And later, when she joins a quest to slay a dragon.)
This is how she met her bestie and partner in crime Naz!
When they were 8 some noble kids broke Naz's pan flute and Cecily was like "great, now im gonna break your faces" and Naz was like "well i cant let this random girl get hurt for me, i may as well help" and then they both wound up at Naz's house while their mum Pieka washed the blood out of their clothes. It's no surprise they're ride-or-die for each other, Naz even attempted to sneak into PABC once to smuggled Cecily some of Pieka's baking.
(It feels worth mentioning that Naz is usually the one who's saying "Kathia, no" while Cecily grins and says "Kathia, yes.")
When she's 12, Cecily is taken to Prota's Academy for Beginner Casting (the previously mentioned PABC, aka "youth caster training") which is where she meets and befriends Atlas! PABC ends when the caster is 16, hence the "youth" part of the nickname, and instead of going off to become an apprentice, Cecily went back home and started working at Pieka's post office with Naz.
In their spare time they were performers- Naz played music and Cecily would either dance or sing with them.
She meets Ahria when she's about 17, and it's very much a love-at-first sight type of deal, even after Cecily watched Ahria almost brain herself seconds after their eyes met <3
By the time she hit her 20's Cecily had mellowed out a lot and had become much more mature and level-headed, and she'd learned when she needed to use her words and when she needed to use her fists. She was quite content with her life, actually, and then suddenly one day Atlas was at her door asking her about dragons and quests and oh there's the part of her that thrived on using her brain for adventure.
So all of this leads to a person who's calm and collected on the surface, she's a very grounded and somewhat serious person and she can be unbelievably stubborn about some things; but she's also curious about the world and people in a mad-scientist sort of way. She's a trickster and loves the thrill of a plan coming together, especially when if it involves fucking with a bully.
random things about her
her magic is strongest with plants, and some of her more complicated casting allows her to communicate with them
she can sew, but she always stabs herself with the needle at least once
she takes the longest to trust keika, mainly bc she sees how quickly atlas does and she's like "is this how naz feels-"
she has a tiny note book tucked away in one of her packs that's full of recipes she's learned along their journey, that she intends to give to her aunt Pieka when she gets home (it's an extra incentive to make it home)
she's the best at first aid, and general healing, out of all of them
she makes flower crowns for her wife, and uses her magic to make sure they last for ages
enjoys hearty and warm food, hates the fancy shit they serve at noble dinners
she likes things that jingle
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chanburnett40 · 1 year
All You Need To Know About Cat CareProvided you are aware of how to adequately care for them, felines create absolutely delightful pets. Like a cat owner, the idea is critical that a person take the time to help educate yourself on the many best cat care tips to guarantee that your own personal feline friend enjoys a new great lifestyle. The following article is chock full of handy cat health care advice.<br/>Be sure in order to have your canine friend cat spayed or even neutered by typically the time it is 6 several weeks old. A spayed as well as neutered cat can be some sort of more satisfactory canine because it is more mellow, less busy and more very likely to home. Neutered male cats will not spray pee to mark their place. This is definitely a new plus when that relates to cat possession.<br/>Check having your shelter before an individual purchase a cat. Generally there are so many excellent kittens and cats in shelters. Often the charge you will possess to pay typically comes with vet care. Adopting the cat with a shelter allows you to save a cat's living while also encouraging reduce overpopulation.<br/>If your own cat is definitely an patio kitty or a kitten of which has a habit involving getting exterior, they need proper identification. The particular cat should have a new safety collar and a IDENTIFICATION tag. Safety collars who have elastic bands allow cats and kittens to get out involving the collar whenever they find it caught upon something. An ID draw or maybe an implanted microchip can help your cat obtain returned if they're lost.<br/>If you have a good male kitten, it will be important to have the dog neutered before he retreats into heat. When male cats start maturing, they can begin to spray about the house. This smells similar to ammonia and is difficult to remove. Acquiring your natural male cat neutered can help to protect against this via happening.<br/>Keep away from being held awake by your cat romping from the house in night time. When you initially get your current kitten, establish a new addiction of putting the idea for you to bed in a secure crate with the good bed, litter box, as well as water from night. If you start this early, your own personal cat will appreciate acquiring it has the own safe, cozy room.<br/>Protect your feline from choking. Be confident to dump poultry and fish bone fragments safely. Towel wrap them in a paper or plastic bag and put them in your out-of-doors trash can with the lid firmly secured. Also consider, place them within a plastic material bag and frost nova them all until waste grab day time.<br/>Keep an eye with early indicators of overall health issues inside cats. Felines usually show warning symptoms if they are fighting with health problems. Some widespread signs to look out there for consist of eating habit changes, sleeping habit improvements, not being equipped in order to groom properly, changes within eating routine, changes in sleep habits, despression symptoms, sneezing, increased thirst, watery eyes, changes in habits, disappearing, in addition to vomiting. If they screen these symptoms, take these individuals for you to some sort of vet right away. The sooner you take, them the higher quality.<br/> <a href="http://users.atw.hu/jesusdesciples/index.php?mod=users&action=view&id=754797">best kitten toys</a> <br/>A cat's nails can certainly grow seriously quickly. They sharpen their particular nails by scratching in different floors like some sort of scratching post. You can certainly help avoid your kitten destroying your pieces of furniture by means of clipping their fingernails or toenails frequently. This will help to help decrease your cat via scratch at different things around your house.<br/>Occasionally you need to provide a cat a capsule. Some cats are difficult than others, but you have to cut their nails very first. Next hold the scalp, open the mouth, and put the supplement inside. After that blow on the cats and kittens face. This will in all likelihood make the cat riff its nose, plus the supplement will go down obviously.<br/>When getting a modest kitten to consume dry kitten food, to wait. From initial they usually only have fun with with food. It may take a little while, nevertheless they'll at some point learn the fact that they are supposed for you to consume that rather as compared to toy with it. If this meals is moistened primary with milk, a good pussy-cat may take to this faster.<br/>Keep track connected with your cat friend simply by getting the animal microchipped. This small unit is incorporated beneath the body involving your cat's shoulder rotor blades. Microchip implantation might sting for a few secs, but the implant is often unnoticeable and will definitely not cause your pet any pain. This computer chip makes this easier for animal control to track down your kitty if that goes lacking.<br/>Cats' fascination often puts them in risky cases. Something as simple as a diamond necklace, window draw, or telephone cords can easily cause your pet to become injured or even slain. These things should be chained securely so they are definitely not a source of lure for your inquisitive animal. Several childproofing aids job as well for your pussy-cat.<br/>Ensure that your innovative cat is spayed or perhaps neutered. This is critical even if your cat will certainly not be out-of-doors or perhaps around cats of the complete opposite gender. Studies demonstrate that spayed cats will be less vulnerable to uterine, mammary, and ovarian cancer. Neutering your male pet cat decreases his risk connected with developing prostate cancers. Another benefit of neutering is definitely that your cat will never feel motivated to mark his location by spraying.<br/>You cannot keep the cat being a pet when you are not well prepared to effectively care to get it. The best way to discover how to be some sort of great feline owner is usually to read in addition to apply the information provided here. With the proper care, your kitty will get able to live a good longevity in great satisfaction.<br/>
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bighousecats · 2 years
https://www.youtube.com/embed/8vQKdHhRSBk British Shorthair cats are a mellow breed British Shorthair cats are a mellow breed that tends to take instruction very well. However, they can still get into places they shouldn't. Nevertheless, this breed doesn't destroy property and they are non-destructive. They actively want to please their humans. This behavior is strongly supported by modern research. They're a mellow breed While British shorthair cats are a low-maintenance breed, you should have them spayed and neutered at around six months of age. Because of their size, they need larger litter trays than typical cats. The trays should be approximately 1.5 times longer than the cat's body length. Large storage containers with high sides make good litter trays. Among the characteristics that make British shorthairs a mellow breed is their calm disposition. Most of them will rouse themselves from a nap and wait for their family members to return. This calm behavior will encourage people to adopt them. They are also known to be very easygoing, so they are often the perfect pets for children. Although British shorthair cats are mellow and generally friendly towards children, they should be supervised at all times. If they are young, they may be unruly at night. If this is the case, you can play with them before bedtime to help calm them down. When they are mature, British shorthair cats are extremely laid-back and friendly. They love people and form close bonds with their owners. Despite their low energy level, they are also easy to train. They can live with children, dogs of all sizes, and even birds! Although these cats aren't known for being acrobats, they enjoy playing with people and stalking toy mice. As far as color is concerned, British shorthairs come in solid and tabby forms. Solid British shorthairs are very common, but if you prefer a more muted hue, there are also tabby versions available. You can also choose between solid and lilac-coloured British shorthairs. They're intelligent The British Shorthair is an intelligent breed The British Shorthair is an intelligent breed of cat. Like many cats, they have an inquisitive streak and are often quite energetic. Their naughtiness, however, is usually more about their inquisitive nature than their mischief. They love challenges, learning tricks, and playing interactive games. They also understand household routines, such as mealtimes, and when certain activities are required of them. British Shorthairs are descendants of Roman cats and were originally bred as farm cats and working animals. In the nineteenth century, they almost died out as other cats became popular. However, they were reintroduced to the public in the 1870s, thanks to an exceptional cat named Brynbuboo Little Monarch. The breed is now genetically linked to that particular cat, according to some breeders. British Shorthairs are intelligent but do not necessarily seek human attention. They are happy to be petted, but will sometimes turn down attention if they feel that it is too much. However, according to Marilyn Krieger, a certified cat behavior consultant in San Francisco, these cats are remarkably affectionate, loyal, and sweet. British Shorthair cats are large, healthy animals with a life expectancy of up to 20 years. However, they can develop some common health problems. They are susceptible to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which causes thickening of the cat's heart muscle and can lead to difficulty breathing. This condition may also result in lethargy and loss of appetite in older cats. They can also develop urinary tract and kidney problems. Proper diet and exercise is essential in keeping these cats healthy. These cats are also great family cats, especially for busy families. While they are not as affectionate as other cat breeds, they can make great pets. While they are not as affectionate as a Persian or Siamese, they are highly intelligent and extremely playful. They also prefer to play with interactive toys, and enjoy human companionship.
They're affectionate British Shorthair cats are smart, affectionate, and playful. Though not prone to excessive activity, they do need regular exercise. They enjoy exploring their environment and playing with their favorite toys. Cat condos and climbing structures are a good choice for their exercise needs. Scratching is another great form of exercise for British Shorthair cats. Both vertical and horizontal scratchers are great for this purpose. British Shorthairs love to play with toys, such as those with bells or sounds. They are also known to play with catnip. If you have a cat lover in the family, consider getting a British Shorthair for your home. They are highly intelligent and will enjoy a variety of toys, including those with kitty music. British Shorthair cats are smart, affectionate, and not particularly talkative, but they are friendly and tolerant of other animals and children. As a result, they make wonderful pets for families. While they don't necessarily enjoy being carried around, they do tend to be more relaxed than other breeds. British Shorthair cats are medium-to-large cats with thick coats and rounded heads. Their coats can be solid colors or patterned. They are most commonly blue, although there are many other colors as well. They are also known for their distinctive rounded faces and broad chests. They are mellow and calm, and can live comfortably in a small to medium-sized house. British Shorthairs love attention and are affectionate but dislike being picked up or carried around. They will tolerate some petting, but not full attention. If you do try to handle them, they will prefer a scratching post instead. But if you try to be too pushy, they may grow frustrated. They're lazy The British Shorthair cat is a type of domestic cat, but they aren't lazy in the usual sense. Instead, they like to take naps during the day, and they won't resort to destructive behavior if you leave them alone. They're most active in the early morning and evening, and sleep most of the day. They have a polycyclic sleep-wake cycle, which means that they wake up and sleep multiple times throughout the day. The British Shorthair cat has a high level of intelligence, which means they're easy to train. They enjoy playing with toys, and they don't mind learning new tricks. However, they do need to be closely monitored if you want to play with them or allow them to roam freely. The British Shorthair has a round head, wide jowls, and short legs. They're also quite stocky, weighing nine to eighteen pounds. This breed tends to stay indoors and don't like to be carried around. Their ears are large and rounded, and they have a cluster of whiskers at the end of their nose. The British Shorthair is very intelligent, but they're a little lazy. While they don't get much exercise, they're not as sedentary as you might think, and they enjoy spending time with their owners. They also don't have many health problems. However, if you aren't sure what to do with your British Shorthair, consider contacting a veterinarian. While the British Shorthair isn't very active, they're very affectionate and are very affectionate. They're also a good choice for families who want a pet that's a little lazy. However, you'll need to monitor your cat's weight regularly and implement a strict diet if you want to keep them happy. They're curious British shorthair cats are a popular breed of cat British shorthair cats are a popular breed of cat with a long history. They are a relatively healthy breed with no breed-specific diseases. However, they still require regular checkups from a veterinarian. They are also prone to obesity due to their genetic make-up, tendency to be lazy, and love of food. The large size of their bodies can lead to health problems such as joint problems and lack of mobility. The British shorthair cat breed has a long history in England. It is believed to be a descendant of the Egyptian domestic cat.
It is also believed to have accompanied the Roman invasion of Great Britain in 43 AD. During the Victorian era, the breed became more popular. Then, in the early 1900s, it was crossed with Persian breeds, which introduced the longhair gene. As a result, British shorthairs nearly went extinct, but through cross-breeding, the breed has come back. It is now recognized by all cat associations. Curious cats do interesting things. Their natural curiosity keeps them away from destructive behavior. They love to explore, but they can get stuck in trees, trash cans, and hedgehog quills. They are intelligent and are constantly learning. So if you have a cat, it's important to stimulate their natural curiosity with a variety of playthings. The British shorthair is an affectionate cat that loves pet attention. Although they do not like to be carried or cradled in your lap, you can still enjoy cuddle sessions and whispers in their ears. This affectionate cat will follow you wherever you go, and will want you to spoil him. They are friendly and gentle, with bulging jowls.
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swindle-comic · 2 years
Can you elaborate more on how you're aging the triplets up while keeping them close to Ducktales? What seems out of character now that they're young teens?
Side question- In general, how do you build your characters? I always worry about making one-dimensional and flat characters, and I was wondering if you had a specific process to make sure each character feels alive.
PS. You guys are doing an amazing job!
I consider 13-14 to be a strange awkward transitional period between kid and teenager, sorta like when you're losing your baby teeth but your permanent ones haven't grown in yet. As such, the triplets might seem a little off occasionally. This is a really weird time for them.
Louie is already interested in dating in swindle, an idea that would repulse his canon counterpart. Cuz he was a kid back then and dating was something grownups did that was dumb and gross and you made fun of them for it. Well, he doesn't feel that way anymore. But even so, he's still childish enough that even if he'd like a boyfriend, he still freaks out if a cute boy shows him any positive attention. He's never DONE this before!! He's never really a real crush before either. This is weird and new and he's still getting a handle on it.
There's also his anger in chapter 3. He's bitter and snappish and he's taking it out on the people around him. Not that his feelings of insecurity aren't justified and he probably would have still been upset about it if he was younger. He's also old enough now that he can fully understand why he's so mad and upset about it. But this explosive reaction is at least somewhat influenced by puberty. Teen rage at its finest.
Speaking of teen rage, Huey seems to be going through a lot of stuff. When I imagine canon Huey, I would say his default is cheerful. He was known to have a temper but he was happy more often than not. Swindle Huey on the other hand is pretty moody. He's easily irritated and seems stressed a lot of the time. I don't think he's getting a lot of sleep either, during a stage in his life where he needs more sleep than ever.
There's also this spike of....rebellion isn't the right word for it but like. Huey was a huge stickler for the rules in Ducktales. He still is here. To an extent. But the way he dropped all his morals for the sake of some fancy binoculars? That is whatever demon possesses people during their teen years. 14 year olds are on some different shit.
Huey seems to be emotionally maturing in some ways, while remaining childish in others. He knows in his heart of hearts that he doesn't agree with Louie's high school scam operations, he fairly assesses romance as a good thing but recognizes that he doesn't feel old enough for it yet, and he tries to comfort his little brother when he comes home upset. Although, Huey is still enough of a kid that he only sees the surface level reasons why Louie is upset and it doesn't occur to him that this has bruised his brother's self-esteem horribly, so Huey proceeds to mock him over it. So yeah, he's making progress but he hasn't quite got there yet.
Dewey seems to have the least amount of teen rage among the three of them so lucky him. If anything, he's mellowed out a bit from when he was younger. He's still upbeat, dramatic and energetic but not quite bouncing-off-the-wall hyper anymore. His ideas and ambitions are also a little more grounded in reality.
Something to note about Dewey is that he is the most adventurous of the triplets. He loves the thrill of a good ol' Scrooge McDuck escapade so you'd think that he'd be a little bothered that he and his brothers don't get to engage in that stuff as often anymore. (At least for the time being.) But no, here's the thing:
Dewey would like some time to discover himself outside of being a McDuck. He's trying to carve out a version of Dewey who goes to school and participates in clubs and sports teams and has sleepovers on the weekends, somebody who can co-exist with version of Dewey who lives a life of high stakes adventure. Dewey wants to make friends his own age, Dewey wants to make lifelong connections. Dewey has already been an extraordinary child, now he wants to give being an ordinary teen a try. He's not turning his back on the whole McDuck lifestyle obviously. Adventuring was his first love and it will be his last. He's just easing up on it, experimenting with other aspects of life and it will be there waiting for him when he's ready.
I know it's played as sorta silly but being in school, joining the drama club, all that stuff is a lot more personal and important to Dewey than the comic really acknowledges.
I also like to write him as little kinder than he used to be. Canon Dewey had a habit of loudly mocking Huey's nerd-ness. The thought crossed my head to have him make fun of Huey's clipboard in their opening chapter 3 scene but then I was like "nahhh, he's probably matured enough to know that's not cool." And he's being very sweet with Boyd. He also effortlessly realized that Louie had a crush on Ty, something Huey (who's actually interested in this kinda stuff.) was blind to. Like he's mature in ways his brothers aren't, same way they're mature in ways he isn't.
I briefly thought about Dewey maybe outgrowing the Dew puns but I was like "No, absolutely not. That would be like taking away a part of his soul."
Also it's not relevant to their characterization but I like to add in nods to physical development as well. I imagine that the triplets very recently went through a growth spurt and they're still adjusting to the long gangly-ness of their limbs. Makes them a little clumsy. Like that part where Louie lunges at Huey to grab his JWC, only to land flat on his face. And their voices are changing too, or at least Huey's is. You can tell in chapter 1 a part where his voice suffered a puberty crack, something Louie was kind enough not to point out. So yeah very awkward time for these kids.
Now, okay, let's see. Building characters:
I think you would need to start by building their surroundings. Because when it comes to some traits, you're born with them, things like bravery, intelligence, curiosity. But some traits, oftentimes the most significant ones, are learned, like kindness cruelty etc.
Think about their upbringing. Their family and friends or lack thereof. And remember that the exact same experience can affect people differently.
Say you have a pair of twins who were treated terribly when they were young. One becomes jaded and bitter, while the other learns from their treatment how important love is and is kind to everyone they meet. Nothing about their past is different. But they adapted differently because that is who they are as people.
Say a character grew up with a lot of siblings. Maybe because of this they never like being on their own. Or maybe this being surrounded by people so much as a child has made them actively seek out time alone whenever they can.
Did they grow up in the city or the countryside? Wealthy or poor? In a town where a sense of community is everything or in apartment building where they never even spoke to their neighbours? It's amazing how much little stuff this can influence a personality and their values.
Try to figure out their voice. Do they have a large vocabulary? Do they use a lot of slang? If they make an observation would it be a matter-of-fact statement or do they insist on throwing a joke into everything they say? Is their voice clear and distinct or do they mumble? Is their a reason they mumble?
Give them opinions. I would even say make them ridiculously opinionated. While they are absolutely people in the real world who are indifferent to almost everything, they do not translate well to the page. At least not unless you've figured out all the tricks to making them interesting.
But like honestly, even mentioning a character's thoughts on silly stuff like pineapple on pizza and whatnot, even if it has nothing to do with the story, it makes them feel so much more alive. That they live outside of the plot the author has shoehorned them into.
I'll mention something in a book I read recently just as an example. One of the characters was a girl who regularly dressed in rather odd clothes, many of which she made/altered herself. However, the clothes she wore were only described from the POV of other characters, absolutely as a way to make the reader think "omg shes so quirky." But this happened so frequently that you would expect that this character has a lot of passion for this kind of thing. But nope. When it comes to the POV of the girl herself, it's never on her mind. She never mentions enjoying making her own clothes or expresses her annoyance with a faulty sewing machine or whatever. She never gets distracted from the plot to glance at the interesting pattern on a curtain and think to herself "God I'd love to make a dress out of that." The extent of her interest in clothes is never any more than descriptions of what she's wearing. Dressing a character weird and characterizing her as weird are not the same thing. Try not to fall into this kind of thing. Remember your character's personality at all times.
Alright I have no idea what else to tell you. Hope this helps somewhat.
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