#they pick up on a lot of the logical inconsistencies
scuffedcd · 1 month
do I feel childish watching an animated show for children? Absolutely.
Did seeing the heavily implied rarijack heal my inner pre-teen? Yes and it was worth it.
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queer-ragnelle · 6 months
Feel like malory choose which characters he didnt like and which he did and then went through the motions of doing his retelling but that means stuff like Arthur doing the Mayday Massacre gets like a paragraph and has no influence on the narrative. Malory put a biblical exodus king/herod the great moment in there and then said “dont worry about it :]” meanwhile I literally cannot stop thinking about The Implications
he really did. the largest downside is malory was simplifying the post vulgate, which was already a simplification of the vulgate. so it’s like a horrendous game of telephone & all the depth & nuance is lost.
for example, in the post vulgate, arthur sleeps with morgause when he’s young, before he’s married, & she didn’t realize it was him (it was dark?? medieval logic.) point being that the adultery double standard isn’t a factor, she did not mean to cheat on lot, & arthur was single. that’s a narrative hiccup on malory’s part. furthermore the prophecy of a child born on may day come to destroy the kingdom was vague, so arthur’s intention was to round up the children born around that time, & raise them, until they were old enough to distinguish who was who. lot & morgause were sending baby mordred willingly, thinking this was a good opportunity for their son to be tutored in the high king’s household, only for the ship to crash, & for them to believe their son had died as a result of this summons. but he didn’t, & was raised alongside sagramore, eventually coming to court & learning of his real brothers, the other sons of morgause, that way.
i think the original stories & spins malory included were the best of it, especially gareth beaumains & his adventures with the damosel savage. but much of what he adapted he fumbled, all the motifs are forgotten, characters are inconsistent or hold beliefs which aren’t supported by the narrative itself (ie, mark sucks we hate him! what has he done? shhh don’t worry about that just hate him! team tristan!). kind of a mess!
i recommend the vulgate instead. it’s long. but skipping the history of the grail starting from the story of merlin it gives an in depth explanation of everything at play, all the characters rise to power, & their motivations. then the vulgate proper picks up with baby lancelot. norris j. lacy’s translation is a dream to read with really thorough footnotes to explain any references made or translation nuances.
the PDFs can be read here if you’re so inclined.
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nuri148 · 17 days
My Take on Levi's Age
I originally wrote this as a rb addition to another post. I've been meaning to make it a stand alone post since then, and with all the talk about Levi's age since the publication of bad boy, here it is, finally.
If you ask me, Levi could not have been more that 4-5 years old at the time Kenny found him around 829.
He's severely malnourished, probably spent several days cloistered in the room with Kuchel with nothing to eat. So my guess is that, though he was old enough to speak and understand Kuchel was dead (even if he could not quite grasp the bigger concept of Death), he was too young to go out and procure himself and his mum some food, be it by stealing or begging. And for that, he's need to be very young.
I lived in Greater Buenos Aires more than half of my life (the infamous "conurbano"), and I've seen lots of very small kids, 4-5 years old, begging like pros for either change or food. It's unfortunately very common in impoverished areas. And I wasn't even in the bad ones. So, in that aspect, the Underground wouldn't be different from our villas or Brazil's favelas.
Kuchel was a prostitute. She wouldn't want Levi to witness her at work. It is fair to think that as soon as he was old enough to cross the street she'd let him roam and go play with other kids while mummy's busy. There, he'd quickly learn how to come by a piece of moldy bread to stave hunger.
So in order to just sit starving by his mother instead of going out looking for help, Levi must have been young enough that his mum could still keep him under wraps; too young to know his way about the Underground's streets, too much of a rookie in terms of using his charm or his cunning to get a bit of food.
Uri Reiss inherited the Founding Titan in 829. BUT, nowhere does it say that Kenny's encounter with Uri happens right after the latter became a titan. So Kenny might have joined Uri up to a couple of years after 829 (not many, as Rod Reiss still looks young in that flashback).
So Kenny finds Levi between 829 and 831; And Levi is 4-5 then, meaning he was born, at earliest, in 823 (considering his b-day is only one week before the year's end, that'd make him 5 in for most of 829) and latest in 825 (same if Kenny found him in 831). That makes him 10-12 years older than Eren and company. , ~20 when he joins the SC, ~26 during seasons 1-3, ~30 after the time skip, and ~33 in the epilogue.
"But Yams said he was thirty-somethiiiing!"
TLDR: I wouldn't consider canon some spur-of-the-moment answer given by Yams in a panel where he's probably tired, nervous, and doesn't have his timeline handy.
Allow me to speak here as a writer: the whims of your imagination often don't align with the logic of what needs to go on the page. So it is perfectly possible to imagine your character in a way that is inconsistent with your timeline. You see them with short hair and summer clothes fixing lunch in their sunny kitchen in a scene and, when they move to the dining room you see them with hair 4 inches longer and serving supper as a snowstorm rages outside. When you write it, you're going to have to pick up one, and go back to your notes often for continuity after, bc your brain keeps forever placing the kitchen in sunny summer and the living room in a winter night. Oh, and they're both simultaneously on the ground and the second floor. Escher pictures make more sense.
The story of AoT spans many years, so we don't know which year Levi is the default Levi in Yams' brain. It could even be the Levi from the time skip, or from a future after the last chapter that only exists in his imagination. Also, Yams has bungled up numbers before so, personally, I don't trust him much in that department.
In any case, Math is a hard science, so if Kenny found Levi with 4-5 years in 829, he can't be 30+ in 850. 5+21=26. No matter what Yams says.
Additional notes:
The original post. With additions. I recommend reading the quoted twitter thread.
Another, recent twitter thread on Levi's age
A lengthy post by an actual psychologist providing scientific foundation for Levi's age when Kenny finds him.
I saw yet another post on Levi's age recently, but I can't find the link rn and I have to make lunch. if/when I find it, I'll add it (and others I may come across)
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trekkiedean · 5 months
while I'm being earnest: the thing is, this show is not consistent about most things. I've talked in the past about how, for instance, there are arcs that just don't make sense when viewed through a purely watsonian lens, or episodes that are a lot more effective out of context. the writers' room was not particularly cohesive. continuity is a joke. characterization changes from one episode to the next. (I've heard that they didn't have a writers' bible, and I have no idea whether that's true, but frankly I think I'd be more surprised if it wasn't true.) and that's before we get into how actors' and directors' choices can bring new layers to the episodes as written, or even seem to say something completely different from the episodes as written!
I think that's a big reason why this fandom is so huge and rich and has lasted so long: there's room for so many interpretations. not only is it possible to pick and choose which parts of canon to keep, I'd argue that to some extent it's actually necessary to do so; there are so many inconsistencies and continuity errors and internal contradictions that you'll just never be able to come up with a grand unified theory of supernatural. fandom lives in the inconsistencies and the continuity errors and the internal contradictions! and with spn, there are so many of them, and so much of the show, that there are very few theories and headcanons and interpretations that can't be justified in some way. yes, there are some I like more than others, and yes, there are some I think are better justified than others! but in general, even if I completely disagree with someone's take, I can also see where they're getting it from. I may think, and point out, that there are things that contradict their take, but they'll have some examples of things that support it. which one of us is right? both of us! neither of us! two supernatural fans, three opinions, baby!
but the downside of the fact that there are very few interpretations that can't be justified is that…there are very few interpretations that can't be justified. like, I'm sorry to break this to everyone, but no voice is ever going to ring out from the heavens and declare conclusively that one of us is the winner of fandom. (and even if it did, my people don't generally put much stock in that kind of thing.) someone's interpretation being different from yours, even wildly different, even different in a way you don't like, is not necessarily a sign that they haven't watched the show, or that they don't enjoy it, or that they're stupid, or that you're coming from a place of cool logic and rationality and they're just making shit up and projecting, or that they want to spite you personally. I think all of us (and I totally include myself in this) could stand to get a little more comfortable with that. because at the end of the day what matters a lot more than whether you think someone is right or not is how the two of you treat each other. publicly mocking and belittling someone because you don't like their take on a fictional character is just not the way to keep a fandom going.
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essayofthoughts · 2 months
If you're still interested in taking asks for the games you reblogged how about 4, 21, 22 and 🔥 for Percy?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Book. Book. Give me a book. I want to know Percy's internal monologue if possible, or at least how he was with his family prior to the Briarwoods, and I think a book would be a great way of showing the fun nuances of that given we won't get anything like that on stream.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I mean I think the obvious choice is that I love to poke at his trauma but also like...
I like to provide a small change and try to figure out how it'd affect him? Partly because small points of divergence are fun for me, but also partly because Percy is an overthinker and also someone who comes to conclusions and then rationalises them to himself, not always realising the inconsistency between his emotional conclusion and the actual facts. Percy loves to portray himself as rational and reasonable and he almost never is! He has reasons for what he does and what he thinks is best, but he's also a lot more emotional than he wants to think he is, and I think that's interesting. Percy's brain is a big old thorny mess and I like to really get into the weeds with that, to pick apart how he thinks and why he thinks it, where his logical errors are and where he remains consistent.
I don't think there's anything in particularly I dislike? I mean, I don't tend to write crack, but that's more because crack isn't where my skills lie, it's not to do with Percy. When it's to do with Percy... I mean my goal is to write a good story and sometimes that means geode method-ing it - to find out what a character is made of, first you must break them. Which I think leads on to the next question-
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Because something I don't like is stories which deny Percy's capacity for awful. I dislike the fandom propensity for woobiefication and how many fics just have him simp for Vex and ignore the ways he can be kind of awful, and neglectful of his sister and just generally kind of a mess. I also hate just...
Okay this is layered but, there's this habit in fandom, largely by people who I think are either inexperienced writers or just inexperienced with trauma to... flatten it. To make the ability to relay a narrative easy, to make triggers simple and obvious and the reactions similarly clear cut.
But the thing is... it isn't? It's way more fucked up and messy? We see Percy in canon try to relay events and it's choppy and erratic and disordered - trauma messes with your memory! And yet I see fics which have Percy just blandly exposit his trauma to Vex, no ums or ahs, no pauses, no hesitation, no chewing over his words or trailing off to silence as the memories overtake the present. There's ones where they have Percy perform anxiety and trauma when encountering people a part of things, and yet it's nothing like what we see in canon - his seething anger with Stonefell, his razor's edge calm at Ripley (that's barely concealing screaming terror within). There's none of his capacity for total irrationality (again, Ripley) and it's...
I don't think it's intentional on the part of these authors. I don't think they realise just how much of a shit job they're doing. But at least to me, with my own trauma - it doesn't feel remotely reflective of 1. My own experiences with trauma and that kind of shit and 2. With what we see in canon.
Instead it feels like someone playacting something they don't remotely understand - like a child. And that's fine for the people learning about it, but for people who've got their own experiences and who like to read about similar experiences for the catharsis of seeing a character overcome it or the relatability factor or anything else - it can feel weirdly mocking? Dismissive? Like the author doesn't care enough to actually think about how those kinds of events affect someone. It's like they think our stories make good stories - but they don't care enough to portray it accurately.
And, again, I don't think most authors do this with malice, I think it's pure ignorance, but that doesn't stop me hating it.
On the flipside, I really love stories which actually tackle Percy's trauma and bullshit well.
I also... and this is much more petty, but I dislike the portions of fandom that like to make Percy some kind of sex god, or even overtly horny. Percy is very restrained and very internal that we see, and he's easily flustered. When Scanlan makes a joke about him having syphilis when he has his cough early in the Briarwood Arc Percy's flustered response is along the lines of once! Vex makes a point that Percy has improved because he's good at learning and knows when to listen. He was a nerd who explicitly had nothing to do with court - he's not the kind of person who was likely to go fucking around before the Briarwoods and after the Briarwoods he had awful, personal, visceral trauma and violation from being tortured, as well as dissociating to shit! I highly doubt he fucked around after! It seems likely to me that he has very limited sexual experience and also was someone who was deeply flustered by a lot of sexuality for some time - he notably relaxes once he's getting some on a regular basis which very much suggests to me that if he had more experience, he'd be less flustered!
There's also that Percy is very much someone who overthinks. Who hates himself for his own terrible thoughts and ideas. I'm sorry, but I can't see him easily fantasising about someone he knows - Percy strikes me as the kind of person who'd think even a wet dream about someone to be terribly rude and an imposition. He hates his reflexive awful bad ideas, the Ripley of his brain, he was raised posh and noble with rigid etiquette expectations - I think Percy's sense of propriety probably extends even that far. Repression is a hell of a thing.
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
Percy's a dick, no not a dick like that, no, not a misunderstood woobie, Percy's kind of an arrogant rich wanker and that's half the fun of his character. As I say above, there's a lot of people in fandom who just want Percy to be cool and kind of ignore his capacity for awfulness or petty bullshit, and also who ignore his capacity to be a dork or a fucked up uni kid! He's a traumatised man in his early 20s, he's basically a fucked up uni student! Percy wants people to think he's cool, but this man is a nerd! He invented guns! Don't make him cool! Make him a dork!
A huge swath of fandom is wrong about Percy and I remain narky about it.
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Hey, sweetie!
How old you think are the sakamaki, mukami and tsukinami? i have seen lots of posts and all says different things from each othe, i'm really confused--
Hi Love,
This is a really good question. Its something I've always wondered and have been struggling to answer but I will do my best. A while ago I did some extreme math to calculate their age which I will say, I do not recommend such torture to anyone. Plus, I completely forgot the logic behind the formulas so whelp to that. And I think I am either correct or Rejet is inconsistent with their ideas. Either case, something is off and I'll do my best to explain what I think their age range is.
Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
Okay so as I'm sure most of us know, we are aware of their physical age but when it comes to their actual age its tough to say but there are some estimates that could pinpoint a rough estimate as to how old they are.
For example. in one of the drama CDs I believe Reiji was the one who explained to Yui that the mansion that we see in the anime was given to them back in the 18th century? or was it 1800s? I can't remember overall it was a long time ago. And whichever it was they were all grown up to live there on their own as a family. This means for over 200+ years they have looked like teenagers!
The Tsukinami's age also helps us determine the Sakamaki's age. In the Young Blood manga, you can notice that Carla looks just as old as he looks now, and this is when the Sakamaki's were only children. So he and Shin are fairly old. Plus it was stated that they were trapped for thousands of years, so they are old considering that they had some business with their father.
If we also look at Beatrix's attire that Rejet gave her, it is a style that leans more toward the 15-1600s and her children where very young at the time. Of course these years are somewhat misleading because if you think of it, that dress is probably from the demon world so their way of doing things hardly changes. So there is a chance that the attire doesn't greatly respect the time.
However! In another drama CD when the boys were asked about their age Shu said he couldn't remember how old he was exactly but that he was roughly in his early 1,000s. Reiji, Laito, and I believe it was also Kanto who admitted that they were several of 100s of years old. (This was all on the CD which of course I don't remember which one.)
So having said this I've dug far deep to give a good estimate on all this so here it is:
Idk why but this exact number is what I always think of when I see him.
Although in terms of range it would be 1,030-1,080.
he's approaching 1,000 real soon.
I know they are triplets and they were born on the same day, but it's hard to picture they're all the same age. So I gave each a different range for each one because I don't know what to pick, but for them I would say the range is roughly : 715-870
I always feel like he was older but it turns out he's younger than Shu?
Now considering that Shu met "young" Yuma or "edgar" in this case, centuries later, it shows how slowly purebloods age and just how fast a turned vampires age, so while the Mukamis look to be the same age as the Sakamakis they're actually younger.
I know the Mukamis are psychically a year apart from each other but you know vampire aging works a little differently. Plus, we don't know how much they really are I'm just going by what age range I see on them.
He is old and was probably born in 1500-1700s, as much as I want to say 1800s but we know it's not accurate.
Now idk why but I feel like he was born in the year 1570. (It just sounds right lol)
So for age wise its 518-640
He's younger than Kou and it's just so hard to believe.
He's probably 460-580
I could see him being in his mid 400s
Oh my, they are very old.
And I'm just going to say it, they do not look like teens. I always felt that they looked like they were in their 20s. Honestly all of them look like their in there 20s.
But anyways, lets keep in mind that Carla looks exactly the same as he does now when the Sakamaks were kids. (This was in the young blood manga btw).
(also please let me know if I'm wrong about my facts so just let me know.)
anyways I feel like they are quite old and over a thousand. they said he was trapped for thousands of years so they are really old.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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you might not be 110% the person to ask since your jam seems to be the vees, but I am a major enjoyer of most of your takes and your writing hugely inspires me to actually practice putting the words in my brain out of my brain.
anyway, rambling, sorry. do you think people that are biologically related *always* look like each other in hell? Like, if their form in hell is created from the life they led, how they died, and interests basically, a person can be insanely different from their relatives in all of that. Does biology,,, matter? I've read a lot of fic centered around a character having a child while alive and they're always the same type of demon as their parent, even if they weren't close to their parent and have fairly different personalities (or at least don't exhibit any of the traits that make sense to that demon form), and the form doesn't really suit them beyond making it clearly visually obvious that they're Val's/Husk's/whoever's child. Like, I understand how genetics would work for hellborn, but sinners change form after their death based on other things completely so I don't know if genetics would be relevant??
again, idk if genetics are your thing at all so feel free to ignore me if this ask sucks, lol. I just really love how realistic and logical you are with Hazbin so I was wondering if you had thoughts?
Are genetics my thing? Well, friend, before I picked up psychology, I actually studied bioengineering sksksks. When it comes to genetics and demon forms... First of ll, with all the love I have for the Hellaverse, I think its worldbuilding is very vague and a little inconsistent and some rules do not translate into designe. But besides that, I do not think that genetics play a role; it wouldn't make sense. I can imagine children being similar to their parents if they were raised by them because the early years of life heavily influence a human's soul. But, for example, I don't believe that any of Valentino's illegitimate children (alleged, obviously) would look anything like him.
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random name thoughts+headcanons
"françois bonnefoy" is something that he came up with when he was the nation equivalent of 10-12, because it really sounds more like a medievalbrained Cool Title than a real name.....hello i am a frenchman of the good faith. d'accord jeunehomme! people might have already been calling him something like The Frank or the frankish child (in their various dialects) so he really just....took this to the logical conclusion. (side note: i like the idea of his roman cognomen having been flavius/flaviulus, "yellow" for his hair)
"veneziano" is pretty self-explanatory, just a place-of-origin name, in fact iirc there were some people historically who having no last name, just used this one, like the painter bartolomeo veneziano. "feliciano" is apparently not a real italian name(?correct me if this is wrong?) but could have come through any number of vulgar latin takes on "felix" ("happy") i'm very attached to feliciano as a name of his even though its linguistically questionable, because i think it makes so much sense for this name to have stuck with him...sometimes it's happily accurate and sometimes its darkly ironic.
"romano" is another one that probably rose from a nickname given to him by others. i'm not sure if the italybros ever even met their "father" and romano's primary childhood memories would probably be of east rome/byzantium (who imo is a separate character from rome) and an aging mama graecia, if she's still around. (southern italy had been greek-influenced for awhile and was controlled by east rome for a time after the fall of west rome) but these older nations would have known who this new nation-child is, and perhaps called him romulus ("little roman" basically) in remembrance of his father.
"antonio" is a pretty obvious descendent of "antonius" or "antoninus" in latin. i hc antonio to be one of the characters who remembers rome the best, so it makes sense his name would be relatively unchanged. ive toyed with the idea that "fernandez" is from one of his kings (there were a LOT of iberian kings called fernando) but its just as likely thats a story he tells to justify the name after picking it up randomly.
for my florence OC i was considering something like simonetta or clarice after famous florentine women, but eventually i was like....why fight it. her name is fiora/flora, depending on inconsistent medieval spelling. fiorella if she's being babied or teased. i think it would have grown naturally out of the name of her city, with people calling her "the florentine girl" or "the little florentine" before it slowly became less of a title and more of a name.
imo rome is lucius (taken from @absolvtely-barbaric who is so so smart) but he could have any number of cognomen (in roman naming conventions, thats the name you're more likely to be identified by) from the ever popular romulus (little roman. little rome man. little guy from rome. lmao) to marius (for mars, his patron god/probably dad) to my favorite, crispinus ("curly-top", basically, which is funny and also connects him to the italies with their special curls)
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nintendowife · 7 months
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I completed Piofiore: Fated Memories on Nintendo Switch about a month ago. Piofiore is a popular otome visual novel about mafia in 1920's Italy. The promise of a mature story paired with beautiful art style enticed me to buy the game. I was also curious to find out why the otome fandom calls a certain love interest in the game a "trashbando".
The protagonist Liliana "Lili" Adornato is an upstanding young woman raised by church and she gets tangled in the world of organized crime. Most of the love interests in the game represent three competing mafia families: Falzone, Visconti and Lao Shu. The mafia setting lends a natural frame for mature themes that include violence, human trafficking, torture and sexual assault.
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Each love interest has a bad ending, good ending and best ending. In addition to this they all have a short after story. Yang's route was easily my favorite - lots of action and fun events. Orlok's bad ending was memorable with its brutality - poor guy. Some of the routes weren't super interesting. Dante's route had the ingredients to grab my attention but the execution wasn't the best. I ended up slightly disappointed with the overall story not completely revealing a certain key factor of the plot. Maybe the rest of the "mystery" is reserved for the sequel, Piofiore: Episodio 1926? I could have done with less romance and more story even though Piofiore apparently isn't that loaded with romance fluff.
I found it interesting how a character could appear wildly different on a different route. Some may claim this is inconsistent writing but I find it logical to incorporate different points of view to characters' personality and have them act differently according to their motives in different situations. Being a loving and caring person towards someone doesn't mean they couldn't have a sadistic tendency towards people who oppose them.
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What comes to favorite characters, at first glance I thought Gilbert would be my top pick - manly man with a badass eye patch. Gilbert had his moments with some funny light-hearted scenes and his gentlemanly ways. Especially the way he spoke to Dante made me chuckle: "Yo Dante! What's with the face? You sick or something?". But I ended up liking Yang the most. Yang was such a peculiar character and his attitude and dialogue made me laugh. I guess I'm part of the trashbando-loving "Yang gang" now. My husband pointed out that it's usually the bald 50+ year-olds or the red-haired ones that strike my fancy and that was true in this case too. The various side characters were a good addition to the cast.
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There's a good amount of high quality CG images to unlock in the game. I was especially impressed with the intricate details in clothing and jewelry. A common occurrence was me commenting "oo wow, look at those amazing details in the dress" during a scene where the protagonist and a love interest kiss.
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The game's user interface is pure eye candy. The usual quality of life features like skipping previously read content, dialogue history, quick save/load and chapter select are present. The music was pretty good too. Voice acting was top notch but I was unhappy the protagonist wasn't voiced (and her portrait wasn't shown during her dialogue). I recall a few typos and grammar mistakes in the game but overall I'd say the localization was done well.
My top complaint is that there was an absurd amount of dialogue about food but they hardly ever showed it in pictures. All kinds of delicious dishes and desserts kept being mentioned but I think they showed food only twice. Show me the food, dammit! Oh, and Nicola's fashion sense irked me. His outfit was so classy and then he had to accessorize with a tie that looks like it was barfed on.
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Finishing all the routes and unlocking all content in the game took me 55 hours. I started playing in February and finally finished in October. I'm not the fastest reader and I have a chronic case of falling asleep when I try to play in bed in the evenings.
I liked the game but at some points I felt like the story was dragging. I didn't enjoy Piofiore quite as much as I did Café Enchanté and Variable Barricade for example. Maybe it's because Piofiore is a lot more serious in tone and doesn't have much in the way of humor. The art and Yang's route were the highlights for me. I'm still keen on playing the sequel at some point.
If you like some darker themes in your visual novels, Piofiore may be worth giving a shot.
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zoyalannister · 5 months
agree also gideon in the end is protrayed just surprised thomas likes alastair and doesn't hate him, i expected him accepting thomas but being wary of alastair as he was one of the people who spread the rumours of him cheating on sophie, but maybe he doesn't care
also in the end grace is pictured close to anna and ari, and then thomas and alastair are also pictured as close to them, is weird since during the series they barely talk
also the grave scene where they bury things, anna does not bury anything, because she says she likes all her choices, wouldn't grief made her blame herself for kit and made her want to bury something?
the point of leaving gabrily alone to grief does not make sense when gideon and sophie are surrounded by people and are also supposedly grieving, is said sona becomes friends with them as well as flora, so is one more thing that does not make sense in the book
there are other inconsistencies like every adult showing when the battle was finished and ari running to flora and anna staying behind, and then scenes later is mentioned gabriel was there, why did she not go to ther father? or had any reaction? maybe cassandra slipped the name later on as she was mentioning many adults but did not care much of it
the india travel is repeated many times and makes me think she will write a small piece of that, probably centered on ari and making he rhave the angst plot as she is meeting her bio family, i doubt she would center on anna's grief as canonically she stated many times during the epilogue she had not been as happy since she was a child. weird considering anna had accepting and good parents and is never mentioned she grew up sad or anything like that.
Gideon canonically doesn’t care about his family and this is another proof, any normal person wouldn’t be super happy immediately that their son is dating the guy who spread rumors about them cheating on their wife. But hey, Gideon is super loved by the fandom because he generated one half of the most popular ship, so why using logic?
To be honest I like the idea of Grace being close to Anna and Ari, probably they bonded over the fact that they’re the only characters grieving Kit for more than 15 minutes, but I find the idea of Thomastair and AriAnna being friends hilarious. It feels like the book is trying to tell you that gay people are automatically friends, it's not like they have a personality besides their sexual orientation, right?
Anna burying nothing is embarrassing, just CC wanting to show her as the edonistic character, but it looks like it comes from an old draft where Kit didn’t die since it doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t make any sense also that she was unhappy after childhood, are you fucking kidding me? Her family was well off, she had friends and a supportive family, everyone accepted she was lesbian and proud, she had a lot of sex, why was she unhappy?? It’s never mentioned, but I guess that in CC's vision having a relationship automatically multiplies your happiness.
Don't get me starte about the stupidest and cringiest """"battle""""" ever, Gabriel is probably mentioned just because CC realized at the last second that she needed someone from the TID gang and probably Gabriel was the random picked name. It doesn’t make any sense that Anna doesn’t run to him since it's the first time she sees him since Kit’s death, but this scene would make sense of Kit wasn’t supposed to die.
(Yes, I'll never believe that Kit’s death was planned since it's treated like shit and has no consequence, and obviously Matt and Sona were set up for dying).
As for the TID gang leaving Gabrily alone, I will be more explicit even if I will attract haters: it makes sense to me that they support each other and not Gabrily because they are shit people. They were shits as teenagers, they are shit as adults and the epilogue confirms so.
Anna and Ari will have their novella so CC can cross out the "WW couple" on the checklist for her short stories collection, and as you said it will probably be either about Ari or AriAnna being tourists and nothing of the grief will be mentioned.
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datmoongamer · 3 months
Some thoughts about my fascist Harry playthrough so far
TL;DR Microdosed fascism, fascist Harry is more interesting than moralist Harry, this is my third playthrough so I built for int/mot and made him more confident, logical, and authoritative.
I am... having a lot of fun on my fascist playthrough, third playthrough overall. First one was moralist, second one was a hardcore communist one that I haven't finished yet.
Playing Harry as someone who believes that a strong leader could return Revachol to its former glory. How the leader would go about doing it, he's not sure, he's just a random guy trying to do some good in the world. He's also not sure who the ex-something is, but he knows she's a she, and that she burned him bad, so he's bitter about women but not stupid enough to voice his thoughts aloud. 'Sides, inceldom seems like the natural course of action for him.
Can't go through with being racist, so I microdosed fascism. Said anti-communist stuff when it seemed acceptable, preached about the glory of Revachol, but I went for the "very cool but I have some questions about the murder case" option whenever race/immigration came up and (so far) dodged all the conversations about sex/gender/women.
High int and mot. I made him calculating, able to pick up on inconsistencies in people's statements. I miss the more esoteric skills and I miss hearing Volition yap at me, but the int and mot skills make up for Volition's silence. He can think his way out of most situations that would otherwise require Volition to wrangle the phy skills.
Superstar for fun but knows when to be the boring, serious cop. The superstar thing is a mindset he adopted to avoid spiraling entirely into despair. If he jazzes himself up this hard, he doesn't feel as bad about himself.
Rene is the only bearable fascist (so far, haven't reached Lena's racism deep lore yet or met Gary and his buddy). Measurehead and the Racist Lorry Driver are just... man. They're pieces of work. Rene says things like "Revachol is a shithole... good ol' days... I fought in the war..." and I can see how someone would get like that. You can't circlejerk with a fellow moralist because you're both apolitical but with Rene you can both be like "you're so fr... make Revachol great again... you... you get it..."
On my first playthrough, I was a moralist. I was so centrist that I didn't do the political vision quest because I thought "hmm that sounds political, not touching that lol." Even if I don't agree with fascism, trying to see how parts of it are feasible and applying them to a legitimate viewpoint I/Harry can push has been much more fun than saying "hmm I don't have an opinion on this."
Not a sorry cop this time. I apologized a lot in my first playthrough because Empathy kept telling me how badly I fucked up and Harry was a brand new fuck up to me. This time, I'm leaning into the superstar and boring cop persona. When I have some leeway to joke around and someone tells me what a piece of shit I am? Haha, that was me. Own up to it. When someone brings up my suicidal, violent tendencies? Acknowledged, let's move along.
Third playthrough Harry feels much less like a spineless, albeit good-hearted loser. This Harry is jaded and takes no shit from anyone. No cooperating with Evrart, it would be unseemly for a cop to do his dirty work. An NPC starts dissing him? He pushes for the information he needs and leaves, not his business. He'll joke around on the job with Kim and the interviewees, but his goal is always to walk out with the information he needs, and he's not afraid to exert his (nearly non-existent as a skill, so he does this through the insane pile of evidence he's building and invoking the title of RCM officer) authority when he needs to.
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dreamtydraw · 27 days
Glub Glub
HAHA I’ve made it back home to my fishbowl!!! And guess what~ I played through all of your games! (I finished at.. 2 AM fishy time… I’m very sleepy lmao) I have oh so many thoughts about them all… >:) Ramble incoming! Apologies for the atrociously long ask and grammatical errors-
I played the games in order of release so first up was Night Shift, which was such a fun and quick play!! I loved how it sorta just throws you into this confusing supernatural world and is just like “You’re stuck in a time loop, good luck!”. I tend to go into video games expecting them to be super difficult for me, especially when they involve choice, so at the start I was listening to Françoise’s instructions like a hawk 👁️👁️, the atmosphere of the game was so cool too, the little inconsistencies in logic was so cool to watch unfold (I vividly remember reading the bit where the MC picks up the axe and flipping out cause “YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE THAT!! THE GAME SAID DON’T DO THAT YOU IDIOT!!”) I forget the actual word for it but the entire setting really gave of the feeling of being in a huge place that’s typically filled with people but is for some reason deserted.. well except for Sam. Speaking of! Sammy’s fun I loved them! I was so intrigued as to what their whole deal was, like how did they get there? Why are they there? Whats up with them and Françoise and the whole “Deary” thing?? Overall it was such a short but sweet experience and a very nice introduction into the Paranormal Club world
Next was Apple Bag! I was actually originally going to play this last cause of its open ending, but I figured since it came out directly after Nightshift, I might as well just play it right then and there. This was also tons of fun! I actually really liked the MC’s personality a lot, I dunno why but their dialogue and thoughts were just fun to read through. I played through the mystery strangers route (I swear to god their name was said somewhere but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was) and it was a good time! I love their design a whole lot and it was funny seeing them get introduced as this terrifying menacing stranger to chill and sleepy customer, funnily enough when the MC kept describing them as really scary I was pretty confused as to why, then I realized that I kinda tend to act a lot like the stranger when I’m going out sooooo.. no wonder I didn’t find them all too spooky. The mystery of the literal apple bag and Sammy’s disappearance was also really fun to see, I wonder if it’s talking about Nightshift? Idk, I’m not a theory making expert so who knows! I’m just eager to watch the story unfold!
Next up Tulipe! The creation of this game was when I really first started seeing your Paranormal Club stuff so needless to say I was really excited to finally play it, and boy was I not disappointed!! Getting to see Achik in action was so so nice considering he’s the one that really got me into Paranormal Club. The game overall just had this constant feeling of fleeting bittersweetness? If that makes sense? And I mean that in a good way, I loved how the story (when doing the good endings) were sweet overall but kind of had this melancholic tint to it that I couldn’t ignore, kinda reminded me of my time playing blooming panic if that makes sense. I played through every single ending cause they were easy and quick enough to get and every single one of them was great! The good ending where you tell Achik the truth about why you approached him was, predictably, my favourite ending, I actually liked how you don’t really become besties by the end of it and remain as friends who are close but ultimately aren’t ever gonna deepen the relationship. The other good ending was also very nice but man did I feel awful telling Achik I only pursued him for his looks, it made me feel so bad I for the poor guy. And getting the bad endings? Man. Being generally mean in games already makes me feel terrible, so in Tulipe where I flat out have to use manipulation and spike someone’s drink???? YIKES. All I have to say to that is thank god I can consider it wildly non canon! (I didn’t know where to say it, but Achik’s sunglasses make me giggle, they look so goofy in a good way!)
And lastly, I played 21 Questions…. *sob* Clem… love of my life… I finally got to be with you like I always dreamt!!!! Yeah, jokes aside as you can probably tell Clem’s become my #1 fav of Paranormal Club. He’s just so cute and lovable and relatable! I could rant about my love for them for hours. I adored how down to earth the story and its characters were, and my heart goes out to everyone on the dev team for breathing so much life into the game. Clem and Aurore are such fun characters to watch interact and I never doubted for a second that they were best friends! The duo also really remind me of myself and people I know irl so I was like “Yeah I’d fit right in with these too if they were real” the whole time. Speaking of relatability, boy did Clem’s vent scene hit so hard- it feels weird to say but I just adored how depressing that scene was, not to get personal but Clem’s entire vent just reminded me exactly of myself, like I’ve had the exact thoughts that they had, so the entire time I was ugly sobbing right there with Clem, it felt nice, cathartic too. I always really appreciate any piece of media that’s able to do that, so Clem’s kinda become pretty special to my heart <3
Every single one of these games was an absolute delight to play through, they’re all filled with so much love and care that I can’t help but admire each and every one of them. I hope you and everyone you’ve worked with on your games are proud of what you’ve made and know that they’re all such amazing experiences :) Whenever you decide to make your next project (after a nice and healthy break), know that your fish anon will be right here in my fishbowl ready to support you!
And with that I must take my leave and turn in for the night, I’m so ready to knock out. Goodnight!
First off… OH MY GOD
Your ask has been screened and sent to the other teams member + added to my personal gallery to remember because oh my 😭😭😭
I can’t put words on how much this ask feels to me, like, this is the reason i want to make art it’s for people to enjoy but i always doubt myself and like having point blank long comments about enjoying the biggest projects i worked on in my life so far is like- so important to me thanks you so much fish anon thank you !!! ( this is all i’ll be seing when i goes to sleep )
I’m really glad you liked the game, even nighshift ! This games is in my standard bad and i aim to remake it one day but i’m glad you add fun.
Answering some of the questions :
Yes Sam from nighshift and Sam from apple bag are the same person ! That why you meet erinna in both game. The events also happen at the same période.
The stranger’s name is Leila and they go by they/them.
The canon ending of tulipe is the first good ending :}
I will be taking a break as a dev yeah disidod need some rest.
Hope you’re also resting well !!!
Tons of love fish anon and again multiples thank you for not only playing my games but taking the time to writte all of this. It warms my heart and i’m grateful for your message. ❤️
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Screw it im making the su post (untagged because I’m not getting into that mess, if you don’t wanna see this stop reading now)
I haven’t watched the show in many years so like take everything I say with a grain of salt, but I’d heard the “space fascists” and “I think we have to kill this guy Steven” kinda criticism a lot before I watched it and it definitely surprised me. I honestly didn’t pick up any of that from the show, and I think the reason is because the show is not actually about Fascism or Murder or even systemic problems in general, it’s about interpersonal harm and it just uses systemic problems as an allegory. Now I’m only talking about the stuff with the diamonds here, there is plenty of commentary on real world systemic issues, but I don’t think the oppressive society of homeworld was intended to be that on any level beyond “persecuting people by putting them into Classes and dehumanizing them is bad” which it is not the first or only media, even children’s media, to say. The diamonds are not ultra efficient dictators with the motives or logic of real fascists, they’re a fucked up family who accidentally made their robots sentient and had a trans kid and have to deal with the consequences. Again, if I rewatched the show I could probably get a better analysis going but the important thing is they are very much not Forgiven at the end; all that happens is that they are convinced to Stop Killing the Protagonists and then do work to undo their fucked up society mostly offscreen. Steven doesn’t like violence because hurting people makes him feel bad, which is fair and true! I think some people don’t understand why anyone would feel bad about hurting someone who’s clearly a Bad Person, but that’s not how it always works in real life. And yeah, it’s a messy show with messy writing and inconsistent metaphors, but I find it really silly to pretend that anyone could actually watch this show and think it’s encouraging genocide. I know this discourse is so beyond irrelevant these days but it just kinda frustrates me because it just makes me feel like I watched the show wrong somehow all those years ago.
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entities-of-posts · 2 years
Hello everyone, as you may have noticed, due to Real Life, I have been very absent from here! I am going to clear all the dirt from the Buried domain my inbox has become and start over fresh, now that I am slightly less busy. Roleplay has been and is ongoing on the discord server as well, and a lot has happened! Feel free to join.
But I would like to start being active on here again as well. Some story threads will be picked back up after a long pause, so kindly ignore the temporal inconsistency and pretend there was never a hiatus:) And as always, if all logical excuses fails, simply blame the Spiral.
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bluest-of-bells · 2 years
@proudfreakmetarusonniku I made this into a post instead of answering in replies because it was getting long. Hope it's okay ^^
I'm not sure I get what you mean, the disc finale went perfectly as far as c!Dream's plan was concerned, stuff only started going wrong in the prison.
c!Dream has this trick he pulls constantly of appearing to lose in order to lull the enemy to a false sense of security (see: the L'manburg independence war and his surrender on nov 16 for the most obvious examples). Whenever he does this, he makes sure to put up a token amount of resistance in order to not make anyone too suspicious. He's pretty good at making this token resistance convincing. The most reliable method for spotting what's token resistance and what's real is looking for logical inconsistencies and/or comparing other instances of Dream's skill and coming up short.
And we see Dream's protests against being killed in the disc finale coming up very short when compared to, say, his arguments against Tommy during the exile negotiation when Tommy tried to blackmail him with Spirit. The latter were substantial arguments, of the kind that would convince someone as logic driven as Dream. The former was a bunch of nonsense soup that barely had an actual argument in it.
I mean, if Dream really didn't want to be killed the first two times he could've just brought up the revive book earlier. At the very least he could've brought it up before Tommy started hitting him when he was on his last life.
But he didn't want to, because when you actually look at the practicalities there's not much difference between having one and three lives. Things only really change when you lose that last life. The first and second are more of a safety net than anything.
A safety net that Dream considered worth trading for two things: 1. really selling his loss (it may seem to be going overboard but it's in character for him to do so) 2. Force everyone else into a corner in terms of options.
Which ties in to the whole "he wasn't killed because of the suggestion of someone uninvolved". Dream set up the disc finale like a riddle for the people who defeated him. What do you do with someone who's so ~evil~ you can't let him loose, too valuable to kill and for whom you don't have that margin error of extra lives to risk picking wrong?
The only answer to that "riddle" is locking him up. Something Dream actually tried to make Tommy figure out with how he set up the disc finale. Sam bringing it up is actually already plan B lol. (And even if Sam didn't figure it out, the right call here wouldn't have been for Punz to outright say "lets lock him up" as that's far too suspicious. The right call would be for him to say something to guide other people to figure it out, like a hint.)
As for exile, frankly if Dream was trying to condition Tommy for "loyalty" there he went about it in the dumbest way possible. He already managed to get Tommy to see him as a friend and ally in the past (during Pogtopia) so he knows how to go about doing it again if he wanted to. Instead he went with this cruel, hot-and-cold method. Which does a hell of a lot to destabilize Tommy's sense of self worth, but doesn't directly help with loyalty to Dream. It indirectly does in the short term, because it wears Tommy down too much for him to fight back against Dream (on an emotional level too), but it starts wearing off as soon as Tommy leaves that constant destabilization and gets his feet under him a bit.
This is something which requires constant maintenance and so goes totally against Dream's style. Dream's planning style is notable for his goals always sharing 3 traits: they're achievable (i.e. he can get them by relying on a minimal amount of luck or other people's decisions), they're decisive (i.e. they always gain him a unique new advantage or something which can't be easily undone) and they're specific (i.e. they fit neatly into a binary of "happened" and "didn't happen". There's no "kinda happened".)
Conditioning Tommy for loyalty is something which fails the "specific" requirement spectaculary.
Just in general it's not how Dream does things. His style of manipulation is more like information warfare than classical manipulation. He doesn't try to change people's minds. Instead he constructs scenarios where just by being themselves people will give him the outcome he want.
If he does need to rely on someone else's decision, the way he goes about it isn't by convincing them to act the way he wants them to, but rather by blocking all their other options so that it's the only reasonable option left for them to take is the one he wants them to take. (It's exactly what we see in the disc finale, where the only reasonable choice left for them is to lock Dream up.)
And of course there's also how Dream was pretty unbothered by letting Tommy chill with Techno in the arctic and only tried to get him back once he started going into L'manburg again.
We know Dream didn't simply let Tommy's stay happen because he feared Techno, he had no problem trying to get Tommy back in front of him. We also know it's not because he needed time to get Skeppy's disc, he didn't actually have that disc during the encounter in front of the portal. So the only logical reason as to why he didn't try to pull off getting Tommy back earlier is because he deemed it an acceptable way for things to go.
Something that lines up with a goal of trying to sabotage Tommy's relationships (especially with Tubbo) but doesn't work at all with a goal of trying to condition Tommy into being loyal.
(There's also how the entire structure of his plan during that time converges on getting the disc from Tubbo during the green festival but that's a whole other tangent and this is getting long enough already).
You're right that there's definitely something more going on with Dream plan for the prison that we don't know about yet, but that's more in the realm of "why" and "what advantage does he get from being in there".
That he wanted to be there is clear, and had been clear from the start. In fact, it's how I've been able to call staged finale from the moment I viewed it, simply because the only way Dream actions made any sort of logical sense (while still being consistent with his previous characterization and tactics) is if he wanted to get locked up.
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4-HO-MET: Ego corrodes
Yesterday I had somewhere between 30 and 37 mg of a tryptamine hallucinogen analogue of psilocybin. I set my intention to be more patient, to reduce “friction” in relationships and to deal with my ego.  I got what I bargained for.
For future reference, I dosed at 4:20 and was certainly coming up by 4:50, entering peak around 5:15, and the peak lasted until just before 7:00. I was down by 10:00 but didn’t sleep well. 
In the come up I was feeling like I was in a humid tropical place and I had to choose to submit to the oncoming wave of dizzying intensity where nothing felt right except lying on the floor. Playing guitar was difficult, holding a pen was difficult, walking or standing was difficult, talking or listening was difficult.
The ceiling erupted into rapidly flowing interlocking patterns that pulsed with subtle color. Shadows crept and the whole world pulsed and stretched. Looking at different objects around the room changed my headspace dramatically enough that I had to just pick something to stare at. I picked the light fixture on the ceiling, which I was communicating with as if it was God.
During the peak I had to deal with the “baggage,” which seemed to be about how many logical inconsistencies that were present in my behavior. I became a spectator of my own neural pathways and assumptions, and felt as though I had been living in and reacting to a delirious environment.
I had been stubborn and closed minded, thinking I was too smart to listen to other people or try something like therapy, which it turns out I could really benefit from. I am too impatient to do things properly the first time. I fail to adequately express my needs clearly and try to simply endure frustration endlessly while projecting this frustration onto other people. 
I want to be free of paranoia and anger and to become more down to earth. I don’t want to feel like I’m living life alone. I wondered if I practice what I preach. If I come across as “cringe.” I had put up so much resistance to gratitude and peaceful coexistence with the bogeyman society and the people around me that represented it. I discovered aspects of myself that puzzled me. Am I a person who compulsively collects seeds? And what’s with this entire department dedicated to marijuana!?  I discovered that I have a lot of shame and shamelessness, flipping between a crassness and secrecy around recreational drug use ( finding out that I was a recreational drug user made no sense to me during the trip). . . always planning when I can use again or where or hoping to buy this or that novel hallucinogen.   I decided marijuana is like some kind of toxic ex-lover that I can’t move on from. It’s not therapeutic like classical psychedelics. I often don’t even enjoy it and just feel compelled to let it send me into a hole on the weekend.  It is a noise that drowns everything else out and can even inflate the ego or entrench habit. It tends towards more abstract esoteric territory as opposed to the healing and emotional experience that I had on 4-HO-MET. So as much as it pains me to say, I may take an extended break on marijuana. 
I was afraid of a serious dose of a classical psychedelic for so long and it was frustrating letting myself pussyfoot around taking a committed dose. I think it is better to have five dried grams on every solstice and equinox than to dabble with 2 grams once a month and have to distract or entertain myself for the majority of the experience... and then to “have to” use marijuana to kick it into interesting territory. I don’t know what I was so afraid of. As some kind of self-proclaimed shaman type I really didn’t have much of any spiritual, transcendent or bizarre otherworldly exploration- marijuana is more likely to produce that kind of self indulgent psychedelia for me- I stayed mostly embodied on the planet while my mind turned inside out. This experience wasn’t exactly recreational. 
It’s really hard to explain how it felt to be exposed to your own mental circuitry in such a way. I wondered how anyone could tolerate me with all this contradictory maladaptive wiring. Having foolish pride challenged was exactly what I needed, and I plan to go forward with these things in mind. And now I have to decide if I am on the right path, or what that looks like.
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