#they did a little bit of that with Braxton
sporkandpringles · 4 months
Been thinking a lot lately about how Voyager could have used more recurring characters, but how difficult that is with the fact that Voyager does not stay in the same place for very long, and it's making me think that the Temporal Cold War might have made a better Voyager plot than an ENT one.
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
I have it all right here (Lando Norris)
Matilda Norris makes her way earthside
Note: english is not my first language. It's dad!Lando, so you know I shrieked as soon as I saw this request ✨️
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy, labour/birth, hospitals
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Lando", you called, shaking your husband as he slept peacefully next to you. For the past 24 hours, more than the rest of the pregnancy, he had been by your side since you kept feeling Braxton-Hicks contractions, doting on you as much as he could so you could be a little bit more comfortable.
He held you in his embrace as he whispered sweet things as you cried, feeling all of the emotions as you whispered "I feel like I've been pregnant for decades, Lando! And I can't do anything on my own", you hiccuped as he rubbed your back sweetly, "you're growing our babygirl until she's ready to come and meet us, that's not nothing, my love", he would soothe, kissing your head multiple times as the pressure on your lower belly increased.
"Are you having Braxton-Hicks again?", he mumbled groggily, rolling over to face you after turning his bedside lamp on.
"I think these are real contractions, like, the ones I actually have when I'm in labour", you smiled.
"How are you feeling? Do they hurt a lot?", he wondered. It was amazing how his brain could switch on like that, going from sleepy to fully aware in seconds.
"It feels like really bad period cramps, but they're definitely worse than what I've felt these past couple of days", you reasoned, cuddling into his open arms, "you know this means we're that little bit closer to meeting her, right?", you tried to shift his attention, failing miserably as he grabbed his phone, "we should track them, so we know when to go to the hospital", he opened the app and propped the phone by your face so you could tap the screen.
"I'm good, love", you tranquilized, touching his temple lovingly, "I'm actually excited! We're going to meet our babygirl soon!".
Sure, there had been moments where you didn't feel amazing, morning sickness that lasted all day, tears that came out of nowhere when you felt like you had been pregnant for the longest time ever, pain in you back and hips and not being able to do things like you used to. But it was so worth it. You had created a new life with the love of your life and although she wasn't planned, it didn't mean that she wasn't wanted or loved. Much to the contrary, you and Lando loved that little girl so much already, as well as everyone else around you, falling in love the minute they saw your ultrasound.
When they started feeling too much for you, Lando moved you both to the shower, supporting your hips as you swayed from side to side, the warm water from the shower practically erasing the pressure for now, "this probably will be the last time in a while that I'll be naked with you and you won't find me weird", you blushed.
Your husband quickly tutted, "no way I'll find you weird, you're so beautiful, Y/N. You're my wife, the mother of my babygirl, you're making me a father, and I will never look at you and think anything less that you're gorgeous, amazing and unstoppable", he added, looking for your eyes and ensuring the message got through to you, "you're the best, Lando", you smiled, kissing his lips before wiping your hands on the towell, tapping the screen to stop the count for the contraction as a message popped up, "it says it is a good time to follow up with the midwife as they're coming closer together", you showed him.
Helping you out and getting dressed in a comfy dress, the sun was rising outside as you bounced on your ball while Lando called the midwife, "Hi, Amelia! It's Lando, did you see our texts? Y/N seems to be in labour", you heard him say on the phone, fingers close to his mouth as he bit his nails nervously while giving her as much information as he knew.
"She says she will be waiting for us at the hospital", Lando informed as he stored his phone in his pocket, "what is missing from the bags?".
"Hmm, phone chargers for both of our phones, the pregnancy pillow - I think it's in our bed -, and I think that's it, the rest has already been packed", you smiled, rubbing your bump, "we need to bring the ball but I'll only let you take this away from me when we go to the car.
"C'mon, my love, easy easy", Lando guided you, hand on the small of your back as you walked to the car, "I can do this on my own, you know that, right?", you giggled, "holding his hand as he opened the door for you, "I know you can, doesn't mean that I don't want to help you or be here in case something happens", he charmed, making sure you were sitting as comfortably as you could.
Running back inside, Lando got all the bags and brought them to the car, closing the trunk and meeting you in the front, "Let's go have a baby", he said, kissing your cheek before switching the car into gear.
Driving to the hospital was fine, making you think that if you could, you should give birth while Lando drove you around as it was the calmest you had seen him since your contractions started.
"Let's not worry until, and if, we have to, okay?", Lando nudged at you, driving into the parking lot and seeing Amelia waving at you.
Taking a deep breath, you took off your seatbelt once the car was parked and opened the door, "Good morning! Y/N, how are we doing this morning?", she smiled, helping you get out as Lando thanked the nurse that had joined you to carry the bags.
"I'm good, although these are getting serious now", you breathed through, accepting Amelia's hand.
"I'm going to park the car and then I'll join you upstairs, okay?", Lando said, kissing your forehead sweetly, "I'll be quick, baby, you won't even notice I'm gone", he smiled.
After checking you in and going up to your room, Amelia helped you into the hospital gown as she introduced the rest of the team you hadn't met yet, "my husband should be here any mi- oh, there he is!", you pointed to the curly haired man asking one of the nurses for you.
"I'm here, I'm here!", he said, breathing in, "I'm Lando, the husband, and father to the little one", he introduced himself, greeting everyone in the room before coming to sit next to you, "need help with anything?", he noticed you fumbling with the sleeves, folding them as Amelia explained what they were expecting to happen and what they would do.
As everyone else left the room, Lando helped you go back to bounce on the ball, grabbing a stool with wheels so he could be at the same level, "are they getting bad?", he questioned. Your eyebrows furrowed more than they relaxed and your eyes were shut most of the time.
Smiling at his voice, you opened your eyes, "they're getting closer now, stronger too. Bouncing isn't as effective as it was when we were home, so we either move to the big drugs or we have to find something else to help", you wiggled your eyebrows.
"We still have all of those stretches to go through, I also remember that one article about how touches just out-", you were quick to slap his arm, "your hands are not going anywhere near the downstairs region, oh, no no no, mister. As much as I believe your fingers could work their magic, I don't want you to be around the area that's going to stretch and push a human out. Not today, baby, not today", you threatened lightly, joking with him despite knowing he genuinely had the best intentions.
"Mum sends her well wishes and a bunch of pink ballons", Lando showed you the text message in the family group chat, seeing your face contort in pain, "hey, do you want to move to the bed or walk around a little bit?", he suggested.
"I want up", you said, holding your arms out so he could support you as someone knocked on the door, "hello Y/N, we came in here to check your dilation. Is that okay?", Amelia asked, putting on gloves.
"I just got up", you sighed, not wanting to sit or lie down again, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude", you looked up, "where do you need me?".
"Standing up is fine, dear", Amelia crouched down, "I'm just going to touch you", she informed, doing so before coming back up, "you're at 7 cm, dear! You're progressing very well. And, Y/N, we're here to make this as comfortable as possible for you, you don't have to apologise for voicing your needs".
Your husband crouched down, searching for your eyes and hoping to see what you needed through them when you bent, "Here, lean on me, gorgeous", Lando urged, standing straight and grabbing your arms and lacing them around his neck, hands joint on the nape of his neck as you allowed your hips to loosen and allow your abdomen to rest a little too, gravity doing its thing. For anyone else, you included, this would've been a band-aid fix until you fell down, your legs not taking in the force and collapsing soon, but luckily for you, your husband was an athlete with unusually good neck strength so, for a good while, this would work.
"Is that nice?", he wondered, checking in if this position wasn't at the very least hurting and causing you even more pain.
"It's good, yes", you breathed out, syncing with him as you looked up him, your chin resting just below his sternum, "hey there", he whispered as his soft tone brought a smile to your face, almost numbing all the pressure you felt.
"Hey", you blushed as you felt his gaze on you even though he was not looking or concerned about anyone else in that room other than you and his little girl, "I don't know why we've never done this before, I'm actually comfortable", you joked, "glad we found out sooner than later, we can adopt this greeting from here on", he joked back, a little relieved that you were feeling a little bit better.
"I want up, again", you groaned, "I feel like pushing, and I don't know if I can, call someone, please", you asked Lando as you walked about the room once he helped you to stand, ringing the bell, "you're doing so well, love, so so so well", he whispered, holding you as you swayed from side to side.
"Y/N! Do you think it's time?", the OB asked, "I feel like I have to push, but I'm afraid of doing something wrong, so I need someone to check and make sure I'm not doing something bad for me or for my baby", you explained, humming as she approached you.
"It's time to push, Y/N!", the OB winked at you as she put her gloves on, "do you know how you want to do this?", she questioned.
"Can I have him behind me? My back is killing me but I don't want to sit", you tried your best to explain the vision you had in your head.
Lando was quick to push your back gently against his chest as the nurses and Amelia covered the floor around you with disposable covers, "you can hold her by placing your arms under hers - yes, like that -, that way Y/N can let her body do what it needs to do", she guided as Lando held you under your armpits, hands lacing on your chest, "you've got this, my love", he whispered.
"When you feel the contraction, just push and go along with it!", she urged as she sat in position to catch your baby. You allowed your body to fall against your husband, hoping his strength wouldn't fail you now.
Your body urged you to push and you did what it told you, faintly feeling Lando's lips on your sweaty forehead as he whispered words of encouragement while you pushed, "just a little more, I promise, gorgeous, you're doing so well bringing Tilly to us", he said.
Five big pushes and your baby girl was earthside in Amelia's arms, and with a few wiggles, baby Matilda let out her first cry.
"Should we lay Iin the bed now, mummy?", one of the nurses asked as she helped Lando move you to the bed right next to you as they cut the chord.
"Here's your babygirl, congratulations!", she said, putting the little human on your chest after you let one of the sleeves drop so her skin touched yours, "hello, my love, we're your mummy and daddy", you cooed, tears falling from your eyes as you touched her cheeks, kissing her fingers as she seemed to noticed her movements had a little bit more freedom now.
"Hey, beautiful girl", Lando hiccuped, not having two cares in the world that he was crying in a room full of people. He only cared about you, rubbing your shoulder, and the little baby on your chest. His daughter.
"Now we're gonna need to take this little girl to check everything while you deliver the placenta alright?", one of the nurses said and you extended your arms so she could grab him, "I'll stay her with her, if that's okay", Lando checked.
"We'll do it here, you'll still be in the same room", she smiled as she moved to the counter on the side of the room, pulling out the materials she needed like the measuring tape, a scale and such.
"I'll just be in the way there", he said with loving (and still a bit teary) eyes, "I love you so much, baby. Thank you for this, thank you, thank you", Lando said, brushing the hair away from your eyes.
"Thank you for not letting me give up, and for letting me use you like monkey bars in the playground", you smiled, puckering your lips so he would take the hint and kiss them.
The moment Matilda was placed back in her daddy's arms and chest, Lando was sure he would do anything in the world that he needed to do to make sure his family was safe and happy. He vowed to always be there whenever you and his daughter needed, to support you everytime even if he wasn't physically close and to always love you both, no matter what.
"You look so much like mummy, gorgeous girl", he whispered, "you have her chubby cheeks, her nose, although hers is not as button like as yours, but the resemblance is there. You're so loved, babygirl. You have so many uncles waiting to shower you with kisses and presents, grandparents that can't wait to meet you. And me and mummy have wanted you for so long. It wasn't, maybe, in a timing we figured would be best, but the more we thought about it, the more we figured that maybe there wouldn't have been a great timing ever, so your surprise was the best one, ever. I met your mummy because of our work, or part of what I do as well, you'll soon find out. She's so strong, just like you, eh?", he chuckled as she held his finger in her fist with the reflexive tight grip, "and she's kind, persistent, so intelligent, and I hope you get all of those traits, too. You're our dreams come true, Matilda", he said as he kissed her forehead, making her scrunch deliciously against his naked chest.
"How's everyone in here?", Amelia asked after she knocked on the door, to which you replied after the noise woke you up, "we're doing good, the food helped a lot, thank you", referring to the tray of food they brought you as you had barely gotten any sleep since the day before and did not have much of an appetite during labour.
"Now we should see this little one's tummy, if that's okay. Because any minute now I think she'll be hungry", she asked as Lando put on a shirt after placing your daughter on your chest.
Uncovering your chest after joking about everyone in the room having been all in the up in there and how it wasn't a boob flashing that was going to compromise you further, you urged your babygirl to latch on your nipple.
"Alright, let's get this baby to latch, shall we? I'm probably going to have to touch you if that's okay", the nurse said while you nodded, "C'mon, little one, you can't be too lazy about this, it's right there ready for you!", she smiled as she touched her cheek, the reflex immediate as she suckled, "Good job, Matilda", she whispered, looking at your vitals.
"And you, Y/N? How are you feeling?", she questioned as she registered the numbers on her iPad, "I'm good, a little tired, but otherwise fine and very much in love", you blushed, touching Matilda's cheek.
"Lando?", Amelia finally asked, bringing Lando out of his focus as he watched you and your daughter.
Sighing, Lando had the look of love, as Max would often tell him whenever his eyes glossed over and he had the biggest smile on his face, "I'm on cloud nine. I have both of my girls finally with me, they're well and they're healthy. I'm on cloud nine, indeed, I don't need anything else. I have it all right here".
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loveharlow · 2 months
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PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚[3k] Two weeks since John B and Sarah have been gone and the pogues decide it's time for a proper memorial to say goodbye, but an impulsive gesture leaves two of the four remaining pogues heads spinning.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mentions of death, unestablished relationship/unrequited love (Pope x Kiara), mentions of child abuse/neglect, general angst
A/N‧₊˚ This is where things get a little tricky. Also, tumblr decided to kick me out of my mf account so thats why this is like 2 days late instead of one, I DID NOT LIE TO YALL😭 and sorry if this chapter moves a little fast
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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“RISE AND SHINE, BLONDIE.” You whispered in the sleeping boy’s ear. JJ immediately slapped a harsh palm over his ear, effectively slapping himself and waking himself up, groaning in pain as you stood by giggling. 
“Fuck you.” He mumbled, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he sat up, Marley emerging next to him from under the covers. You tilted your head at the dog, scoffing.
“You do know that is my dog, right?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at a sleepy-eyed JJ who simply looked at the animal over his shoulder before turning back to you and shrugging with a sly smile on his face.
“Not anymore. Her real owner gives her bacon and she loves it.” He retorted, throwing an arm over Marley and pulling her into his side as he rubbed the top of her head. “Ain’t that right, girl?”
You rolled your eyes, your bare feet patting against the hardwood floors of The Chateau as you left the room, calling over your shoulder. “Then her real owner can clean up the aftermath when she vomits it out because she refuses to chew.” You reprimanded playfully, sliding your slippers onto your feet that were sat by the front door. “I’m gonna clean up a bit. Pope and Kie should be here soon. And I bought more cereal, it’s above the fridge.” You called out before going out onto the porch, letting the door shut behind you, the screen rattling. 
Today marked two weeks since John B and Sarah disappeared.
Pope and Kiara had finally made time in their schedules to do a proper send off. Not that you blamed them — Kiara’s parents wanted her as far away from the pogues as possible, with you being a semi-exception. They’d swamped her with work after school at The Wreck, working from the time school ended until the street lights came on. The weekends were no different, with the addition of taking the car away, only allowing her to drive it on the weekdays to and from school.
Heyward had Pope doing grocery run after grocery run, as well catching some of the seafood supply himself. Pope didn’t mind though, he was working on repairing his relationship with his parents after everything that happened. Things seemed to be looking up, Heyward didn’t scowl when you all came around anymore and his mother started to greet you all again. They were easing up on the restrictions, too — allowing Pope to drive the car again and be out past ten.
You and JJ had been managing — he was taking small, odd jobs here and there. Mowing lawns, fixing cars just to keep the lights on and the water running. You did what you could — sneaking into your house, only once or twice, to take some necessities and things to sell. You’d managed to pawn off a good chunk of your mother’s jewelry and some things you didn’t need anymore. It was enough to keep you both fed and clean.
Life was starting to seem okay again. It didn’t seem like there was such a large storm cloud over you and your friends anymore. Now, you just all felt an emptiness when you were together, which was probably why you weren’t together as much anymore.
School was…well, school. You and JJ hadn’t been since it happened. No adults to force you to go, right? Pope and Kie had been a few times, but their parents allowed them some time to themselves occasionally. 
Despite everything, today was the first day you all would be hanging out as a full group again. The Chateau always looked a mess but admittedly, you and JJ hadn’t been helping the place to look any better. The porch was littered with beer bottles, soda cans, snack wrappers. Things that had been piling up from your late night talks. 
Grabbing a plastic bag, you started gathering all of the trash and throwing it inside, the space already looking better.
“SO, HOW ARE WE DOING THIS EXACTLY?” Kiara asked, hands in her pockets as she stood in front of the big tree, next to Pope. The sun was starting to set, casting a low, orange hue over the backyard.
She and Pope had arrived not too long ago, the gathering not being as lively as it used to be. Less smiles, less laughs. There was small talk and a few jokes here and there but it just seemed so forced, as if no one wanted to say “let’s just get this over with”.
The group had been divided, although none of you would admit it aloud. It seemed as if Pope and Kiara did their thing, while you and JJ did yours. 
“We could just carve it. Might take a while, though…” Pope pitched, rubbing his hands over the top of his head and shifting his weight. 
“I mean, we got all day.” JJ shrugged simply, adjusting the baseball cap on his head. “I say we carve this baby up.” He shrugged, hiking up the toolbox in his hand, the metal objects inside rattling, and walking to the forefront of the group. You walked up beside him, looking up with your hands in your back pockets. “Care to do the honors?” He smiled down at you, flicking out a pocket knife in your direction.
Taking the object from his hand, you faced the large, loud live oak tree and began carving the initials of your fallen friend into the wood.
THREE HOURS AND TWO BEERS LATER AND THE TREE WAS CARVED AND BRANDED. A tan-colored, heart-shaped splotch in the center.
2003   2020
After you’d finished carving, JJ had done the honors of engraving the words with a heated piece of metal, burning the words forever into the oak. The four of you raised a beer to John B, hoping that he could feel you wherever he was.
You’d branched off afterwards, something that never happened before but you’d grown accustomed to the odd dynamic between the group now. You all tried your hardest to ignore it or remedy it but it was useless. 
Pope was sitting on a log, staring at the fire JJ had started. JJ was swinging in the hammock as you made your way over to Kiara, who was sitting on the steps of The Chateau.
“Hey. You alright?” You asked, sitting down next to the girl as she took a sip of her beer, humming in response.
“As alright as I can be, I guess.” She replied almost despondently. You were all grieving in your own ways but something about Kiara’s grief didn’t seem like grief. It was like she was dealing with some other conflicting emotions on top of it all. “You and JJ have been keeping this place up, huh? I can actually see wood on the floor.” She joked lightly.
You chuckled in response. “Yeah... yeah, we’re trying. The place is one kick away from collapsing but it’s a home, nonetheless.”
“Have you been home? Since…” You nodded your head at the girl’s question, staring down at your sneakers.
“...Once or twice just to steal some shit to pawn off. I don’t really care for anything in that house anymore. Or anyone…” Kiara simply drew her lips into a thin line, nodding silently with no clue as to how to continue the conversation. So, you took the initiative for her. “How’ve you been? With your parents? Pope?”
She just grimaced and shrugged, playing with the rim of the open beer bottle. “They’re... going, I suppose. My parents don’t even know I’m here right now. If they did…” She trailed off, scoffing. “And Pope, I don’t know. He’s sweet, he’s just not…” She trailed off once again, but this time it was like she knew what she wanted to say but it was almost as if she couldn’t. Wouldn’t. She seemed weary, hesitant — eyes fleeting between your own and the blades of grass beneath her feet. “Whatever. Forget it. Me and Pope are figuring it out, I guess. I’m trying to give it a chance.”
“That’s good.” You smiled smally, nodding absentmindedly. “If it helps, he really does like you. So, even if you two don’t work out, just let him down easy. He’s our friend and a really good guy.” She simply nodded, taking another swig of her beverage and looking out into the distance. Suddenly, she was standing from the steps, hands on her knees.
“I’m gonna go get another beer...” She sighed before walking back inside.
Maybe you were reading too much into it but Kiara’s grief was seeming more like a cold shoulder...
“YOU WARM ENOUGH, POPE?” You inquired, sitting next to the boy on the log, him shooting you a small smile before returning his gaze to the flames in front of him. The fire casting an amber glow over his skin, making his eyes seem browner, almost softer. 
“Yeah, a little too hot.” He chuckled lightly, leaning back further onto the wooden seat, placing his hands behind him for support. “...I meant to ask, is JJ okay? Like, actually?” He asked with a bit of hesitance, eyeing the blonde swaying calmly on the hammock. You followed his sights, spotting JJ swaying lowly before turning back to Pope.
“He’s…doing better than I expected. But that goes for all of us, I suppose.” You offered honestly. “Why’d you ask?” You questioned, to which Pope shrugged one shoulder before replying.
“I know John B was a really big part of his life. If I was as close as those two, I don’t know how I’d feel. I know we haven’t been around much, Kie and I, but he just seems…too calm.” You didn’t know how to tell Pope that JJ was far from fine. That you’d hear him crying at night, muffled as he tried to wake you not knowing that you couldn’t sleep knowing he was outside the door crying and you couldn’t do anything to comfort him.
You’d tried asking him about it yourself. He simply acted like he didn’t know what you were talking about and you weren't one to push him. Not now, at least.
“He’s handling it all in his own way.” You reassured with mild uncertainty. “But I’ll keep an eye on him. How are you, though?”
The boy drew his lips into a thin line, tilting his head to the side in thought before shrugging and looking out at the fire in front of him. “I…don’t know.” He struggled out, almost as if he wasn’t completely sure of the words but also unsure if he was truly unsure. His brown eyes met yours, slightly glassed over with frustrated tears. “I really just don’t know.”
You gave him a pitiful smile before scooting closer and throwing your arm over his shoulders. The two of you sat in warm, content silence. In all your time of knowing Pope, he was never either fully closed off or openly emotional. He was the definition of a ticking time bomb — bottling everything up until he reached a certain breaking point. But this time, you’d figured he’d had all the meltdowns he could. 
AS YOU APPROACHED THE HAMMOCK, another figure became clear next to JJ’s — Marley curled up in a sleeping ball of fur next to the blonde. You chuckled under your breath at the sight, nudging the swing with your knee to prompt JJ to open his eyes. The boy peeked one eye open before the other, eyes fleeting the yard at Pope and Kiara’s frames talking at the bonfire before returning to yours. 
You took a seat on the grass in front of the hammock, looking up at JJ as he made the small effort to turn on his side to look down at you without disturbing the peaceful animal beside him. 
“Done being the group therapist?” He yawned, pushing the blonde locs of hair out of his face. You simply shrugged, rubbing a hand across your forehead. 
“Yeah, my office is closed.” You sighed, leaning back on your palms — small pebbles and mulch chips digging into them but you were too tired to care. “But you know I’m always willing to listen for you.” You said playfully, shooting the blonde a wink. He giggled in response, leaning forward in the hammock with one hand clutching it for support.
“You promised no pushing.” He mumbled sleepily.
“I’m not pushing.” You assured, throwing your hands up in surrender. “I’m just... politely suggesting that you open up to your best friend, is all.” You shrugged nonchalantly, pretending to pick at your nails. 
“Right...how about we do a little switch-a-roo then, hm?” He threw out, shifting around once more in the hammock, eyes piercing yours. “How have you been? With everything. Bree, your mom…” He trailed off, eyes never leaving yours even though you avoided eye contact the moment he started listing issues. “I mean, The Chateau is nothing compared to your beachfront palace in Kooklandia. You gotta miss it sometimes. You’re telling me you never think about goin' home?”
You snarled, shrugging off his statement. “This is my home.” You declared, drifting your eyes upwards to connect with his, the amber glow of the bonfire making his eyes appear more green-toned than blue. “I never wanted to move to Figure Eight in the first place. I didn’t care about the ocean view or the fact that our living room and kitchen didn’t have to be one room anymore.” You explained, drawing shapes into the dirt. “I feel safe here.” You muttered. “I feel safer with you guys...”
He simply hummed and nodded in agreement. “I get that.” He sighed. “I feel the same about my house. I don’t really care that all my shit is there and that I have to sneak back and forth to get what I need. My dad… he makes me hate that house. And I hate myself for being able to hate the house because of him but not being able to hate him.”
“He’s your dad, though. It’s understandable. You feel like you should love him no matter what.”
“...Do you hate your mom?” You paused your drawing in the dirt to peer up at JJ through your lashes, his eyes wide and wondering. The question caused you to feel a way you’d never felt before. It was such a loaded question and even with everything that happened, you figured the answer should be easy but...it wasn’t. Saying that you hated your mother felt like venom on your tongue. Even if you knew you had every right to say that you did.
“No.” You sighed, tucking your hair behind your ears. “But, it’s like, I don’t love her either. I just…don’t recognize her anymore. In my eyes, she’s not my mother. But in my heart, she is and always will be. And I hate that.”
The two of you fell into silence after that, the only sound being cicadas and crickets. You directed your gaze up to the sky, counting the stars and silently acknowledging constellations while JJ kicked one leg out to swing the hammock gently as he stared up as well.
You figured the conversation ended there. It was getting late and you’d scored a babysitting gig for tomorrow that was paying good money. So, you figured heading to bed now was ideal because being late wasn't. You sighed, hands slapping your knees as you stood up with a groan, stretching as JJ’s eyes drifted to your frame.
“Well, I think my social battery has officially died.” You yawned, stepping closer to the blonde to ruffle his fluffy head of hair. “Night, blond-” You didn’t get the chance to finish your sentence before JJ’s hand was wrapping itself around your wrist, pulling you down until your faces were just centimeters apart, him taking the opportunity to connect your lips with his, placing his free hand on the nape of your neck.
Your eyes went impossibly wide as the blonde pressed his lips to yours firmly, his eyes closed blissfully. A normal, friendly reaction would be to push him away, to say that you shouldn’t be doing this. But the way he was kissing you..
It was like he’d been waiting his whole life to do it.
From the way his fingers dug into your skin to the amount of force he was using to hold you in place.
Something in you suddenly relaxed, allowing you to close your own eyes and move your lips to kiss him back. Your lips moved in perfect sync with his for the moment. But you figured it would be nothing but. This was JJ, your best friend. He knew you like the back of his-
Oh. Oh, God. You were kissing your best friend. You were kissing JJ. 
You pulled back so fast you nearly stumbled over your own feet, head whipping around in panic to find Kie and Pope still engulfed in their own conversation before turning back to the starstruck blonde in front you. His hair was messy and his lips were swollen with a deep shade of red blooming within the lower one. His own blue eyes were wide but you didn’t know for what reason. 
You just looked at each other with an unknown expression. Terror? Confusion?
Neither of you said anything, just stared at each other, panting in panic. Your heart was beating wildly out of your chest prompting you to adjust the neckline of your top away from your throat, the material suddenly feeling constricting.
You didn’t know what else to do so you did the only thing you could do.
Swallowing harshly and touching your aching, wet lips, you swiftly walked off in the direction of The Chateau. The last thing you heard was JJ call out your name one, heart aching time before the door of The Chateau closed behind you.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
SVN Taglist; (let me know if you'd like to be added!) @esquivelbianca @fallingwallsh @calmoistorm @i-love-ptv @liability28 @rivaiken @sophiahristov @rafxcameronss @ldrvinyl @purplerose291 @boo22sstuff @heartsforandrewgarfield @coolgirl458 @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account @jujubeaz @ellobruv @yourmumstoy (striked means i'm unable to tag you!)
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marleyybluu · 8 months
husband!Rio x f!black!OC ( Toni - no relation to Miss Braxton.)
Word count: 3.2k
Content warning: 18+, smut out the ass, riding, fingering, p in v, creampie, use of the word cock sorry oops, baby-making boogie, doubts about marriage, doubts about kids, fluff, Rio being in love, lot of switching between his names, allusion to food play if you squint hard enough (?). lmk if I missed any.
A/N: this was orginally for... someone else iykyk mind your business, but I switched last minute. Also I gave Rio a middle name lol
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(Not my gif, found off Pinterest. but FUCK ME he looks good)
They'd been married for four years. They enjoyed their marital life, going on various trips, spending their money all willy-nilly since it was just the two of them, having parties at their house every holiday but something was missing. At least for Toni. She always wanted to be a mother, children invaded her heart and soul her whole life. Her sisters had children that she loved to babysit, she was even in the delivery room a few times. She'd become a teacher for the sole purpose of spending her days with young ones, making a difference in their lives and loving them wholeheartedly as much as she could.
But it seemed like Rio wasn't in the same boat. Which was stupid because they made sure to have this discussion before they got married and he was on board one hundred percent, Toni wanted to make her husband a father, she wanted to see him cradle a little blanket in his arms, she wanted to see him snuggling next to the chubbiest cheeks and she wanted to see his face light up at their first word but, again, he seemed to not want it for himself.
It was frustrating.
She'd let the four years pass, it was a good time window, they had time to get their lives together and buy a house, fully furnish it, settle into a decent neighbourhood and buy an SUV to fit the little family they dreamed of.
Toni even made sure to let him know when she was ovulating, the perfect opportunity to try and make a child, but he'd shrivel up and disappear when she brought it up. Then she'd spend her nights quietly doubting his interest in kids, his interest in her.
They hadn't spoken in four days, the aftermath of their first real argument, the vibes in the house were heavy and sometimes a bit awkward. She even started staying late at work to avoid him even longer.
They weren't all that selfish, they still said good morning and good night but that was about it. Little to her knowledge it was killing Rio. He hated the silent treatment from her, she was his girl they talked all the time, this had been the best relationship he'd ever been in, he didn't want to fuck it up but it felt like he already did.
He tried sneaking his way back into her heart by leaving little love notes, cooking her favourite meals and turning on her favourite shows in hopes she'd join him on the couch but all he got was the cold shoulder and he understood. He fucked up big time.
"I'm ovulating." She stated plainly. Rio just blinked and shrugged. She groaned. "Christopher, I can't do this anymore, I'm dropping hints that I want to start trying and you... you ignore me."
"I'm not ready."
"When will you be? Because I am."
He chuckled nervously. "Come on, Toni, we cannot be parents. We'll fuck it up."
The look on her face sent his heart into the pit of his stomach, her eyes glossy with tears coming in, and a harsh; "Fuck you, Christopher!"  To follow suit. It stung hearing those words, if she ever said them it was more so in a playful manner but this time she had rage, anger behind her words and rightfully so. But tonight he was determined to make amends, he could not keep living like this.
It was Friday, and Toni decided she'd come home a little earlier. Rio sat up quickly at the sound of her car door slamming and the keys on her keychain jingling as she sifted for the house key. The door opened and he tried his best to keep his cool. "Hi, darlin." He greeted.
"Hey." She said in the most monotone voice he'd ever heard. "Hungry?" He asked. "Nah, I'm cool."
Toni slipped off her shoes and crept up the stairs to their room, she placed her purse on a chair nearby and sighed, just ready to shower and lay down for the rest of the weekend. She walked past their bathroom intending to head to her Vanity but a red spot on the floor caught her eye, and then another... and another. But they weren't spots, they were rose petals, a trail of them leading up to the tub that was already filled with water, the smell of her lavender bath bomb invading her senses. On the counter were a few lit candles and her little speaker so she could play music.
She swallowed her smile and headed back to the room to collect her clothes for the night. Meanwhile, Rio was finishing the final touches on his persuasive dinner downstairs. He made Macaroni just the way she taught him, some rice and chicken, even topped it off with a red velvet cake... okay so he bought the cake but it was the thought that counted right?
He set up the table for both of them to eat together, he set up the forks and knives on the table with a small vase of her favourite flower, pink Dahlia's. His palms were suddenly sweaty, tonight was make or break. If he didn't fix things tonight he had no idea where they would stand after.
Almost an hour later, Toni decided she'd close the distance between them only because she was hungry. Her feet pressed against the carpeted stairs as she descended onto the main floor, the living room was empty, Rio left whatever he was watching on pause. Her head whipped over to the kitchen smelling a lovely fragrance, she followed the trail and stopped in her tracks at the opening to the kitchen. She watched as Rio scrambled to plate their food, she tilted her head and smiled lightly, her eyes slowly forming into hearts. Oh, how she loved him.
"Do you want help?" She asked making her presence known, Rio shook his head. "Just sit and be pretty." She giggled. "I have no problem doing that."
She sat around the table, her eyes landing on the Dahlia's, her smile widened. "You got these for me?"
"Of course," He replied walking with two plates in his hand like a waiter, he put hers down first and then his. "Any drink requests?" He asked. She motioned her finger in a 'come here' motion, his eyebrows knitting with confusion but following her non-verbal instruction, she cupped his face pulling him even closer until their lips, moulding into one. She'd been wanting to kiss him for days, she didn't know if she could ever hold a grudge this long again.
The kiss was quick, just a little show of appreciation. She could see a light shade of pink take over his cheekbones. "Do we have any wine?"
"Went and got two new bottles." He says matter of factly. Toni pecked his lips again before sending him off for her drink. He grabbed two wine glasses and the bottle. "You're going to drink wine?" She asked in utter confusion. He couldn't stand wine, his famous line was 'I don't know how you drink this shit.'
He shrugged sitting down. "I can drink wine."
"Christopher... baby you hate wine."
"I can learn to like it."
She knew he was doing everything to soften her up, but the look on his face when he took a first sip was priceless. "Go and get a beer, leave me and my wine alone." He chuckled and quickly grabbed a bottle from the fridge.
The two sat and actually conversed for the first time in four days. It was nice. They talked without missing a beat, he was making her smile and laugh, she told him about the kids at work and the twinkle in her eye at the smallest mention of them was beautiful. She truly loved her students, they made her day every day with the silly stuff they'd say to her. He was in love with how motherly she could be toward everyone, how forgiving she was of anyone and especially of him. He didn't deserve her and he'd made it known numerous times and in the same amount she'd reassured him that he was just for her.
In the middle of her ramble, she noticed the way he was staring at her and suddenly she became shy. "What?" She asked. "I love you, mama."
"I love you too, Christopher."
He shook his head vigorously. "No, I love you more than you could ever imagine, Toni. And I am so so sorry for what I said."
She sighed. "It's okay."
"No, it's not okay. You will be an amazing mom to our kids and I couldn't picture anyone else having them, shit I couldn't even picture having a family until you came, it wasn't in the cards for me." He confessed. "My whole life has changed and I'm forever grateful for it. I want it to keep changing."
She tugged on her bottom lip, trying her best to swallow her tears. "When I saw how my words affected you, baby, my heart broke. I never want to be the reason you're sad. Never. I've missed you these few days. I need you back. I'm sorry."
Toni was speechless, her lips parted to say something but how do you respond to the sweetest apology ever?
Her eyes darted between his pretty brown ones, she stood up and walked over to him, swinging her leg over his she planted herself comfortably on his lap. His hands instantly rested on her hips. She didn't say anything, just leaned down and kissed him and he could swear that on her lips he could taste his past, his present and his future and she was there for every step, for every second. He wouldn't dare say such foolishness to her again.
Toni could feel a little poke through his sweats, she quietly moaned into his mouth, his hands exploring her warm chestnut skin under her shirt, his fingers trickling down her back. His lips moved to her chin and down to her neck to the spot he knew oh so well, his facial hair tickling her skin only adding to the sensation and a ray of goosebumps formed on her skin. "Christopher...mmm." Was all she could mutter, her hips involuntarily moving back and forth desperately searching for friction to soothe the aching of her clit. He got the message though, firmly splaying his hands under her ample ass, he stood up and she wrapped her legs around him.
He was halfway out of the kitchen when he realized; "Wait, I got you a red velvet cake."
Toni laughed, and she kissed his forehead, god he was so cute. "Boy, forget the cake. Take me upstairs and you can eat a different cake."
Rio raised his eyebrows, didn't have to tell him twice. "That's why I married yo ass girl."
She gladly hung off of him while he carried her up the stairs and once they made it to the room he dropped her on the bed, her sweet laughter filled the room. He settled between her legs, peppering her with kisses and affection. "I can't wait to see you, walking around here with a little belly, carrying around our love." He twitched at the thought and she noticed. A small surprised look on her face. "Is the thought of me pregnant... turning you on?"
"No." He quickly denied it. "Christopher Javier Martínez, yes it does." She teased reaching in between them to cup his hardening erection. "Mm, so you want to fill me up? Hm?" Her voice was so smooth and silky yet seductive, her lips pressing against his only for a moment. "You want to see me carrying your baby around? How swollen and plump my breasts are gonna get? Practically spilling over my tops."
"Toni." He groaned. She giggled but her taunting was cut short when he reached into her (well, his) boxers, his fingers teasing her slit, her wetness coating him. Her back arched as he quickly dipped his fingers inside her heat and back out. "Stop playin' with me." She moaned. "Why?"
Her shirt slid up her torso and past her breasts exposing her erect nipples, his mouth quickly latching onto one, his tongue swirling around her pretty brown areolas, so delicious. His free hand massaged her other one, his thumb and index fingers playing with her nipple. Her back arched and her legs squirm under him.
"Christopher, baby, please." She whined. He chuckled and something about was kind of sinister like his intent was to tease her all night until she begged for what she wanted. He popped her nipple out of his mouth, planting a kiss on it before moving on to the next, his hips grinding into hers pressing his clothed cock on her needy clit. "Yes... oh, I need more, please." She gasped.
He kissed between the valley of her breasts, down her torso and finally reaching his destination above the band of her underwear, he tugs them off in almost a hungry manner, his mouth attaching to her pussy like a magnet. His tongue going to work on her clit, his thumb caressing the rest of her slit. Toni's entire body shivered, her legs slowly closing around his head, he used his free hand to smack her inner thigh, she squealed and spread them out, holding the under of her thighs for support.
Her eyes glided to the back of her head, she squirmed, her back arching just a little bit. "Oh... y-yeah." Her toes cracked while pleasure coursed through her veins. Rio hummed against her sensitive nub, his own hips losing themselves as he hunched against the mattress with neediness. Her thighs trembled as they partially rested on his shoulders. She moaned and whined, whimpered and croaked as he devoured her existence.
"fuck, baby, I'm so close." She warned with her jaw slacked as the hairs on her arm stood, her body stiffened, her nails scratched at his scalp with appreciation and love as he carried her through the tantalizing loops of her orgasm.
She was dripping down his beard and he smiled against her thigh, his teeth gently biting on the flesh. "Oh!... Mr. Martinez." She giggled. He kissed his way back up her body, his lips landing on her chin. "I'm so glad I married you." She hummed running her nails over his skin. "Hm, I love you, ma." He cooed pressing a kiss to her nose. Rio slid off his sweats and boxers, dick sliding between her soaking folds. Her hand reached between them wrapping her fingers around his well-sized shaft.
Their lips connect as she guides him inside her soft walls. She gasped and softly moaned as he eased his way in until she was stuffed. Toni wrapped her legs around his waist. "You good?" Just checking. She nodded, too full to speak. His lips occupied her neck, her mind in the clouds as he fucked her stupid. Mutters and mumbles of "fuck me! Yes!" Or "right there!" As he skillfully worked his hips. He held her close, his face buried in the curve of her neck. His thrusts were hard and slow, he was making her feel every inch, every bit of stretch he provided.
Her high creeping its way into her bones, her moans became louder as he consistently tapped against her g-spot. There was no way he was about to make her nut again in such a short amount of time. He could feel her juicy walls contracting around him, hugging him so tight. "You're so wet for me, huh, my pretty baby?" 
Toni's jaw slacked while he talked to her, nibbling on her ear. "So fucking wet, can feel it dripping down my balls, fuck." 
She whined. "I can't- shit! shit! ooooh!" 
He chuckles as he pulls out, regrettably at that. Toni cried out, her climax so close yet so far. Rio fell onto the bed, slapping her thigh he said, "Get on top." 
She sucked her teeth, in no mood to be on top, still irritated from being denied her needs. Rio pinched her and she yelped. "Ow! You dick!" She laughed slapping his arm. "Hurry up and get on this dick." He urged pulling her arm to help her over. She swung her leg across his body, perching herself on his lap like earlier. His dick resting perfectly against one of her cheeks. She looked down at him and he was so fucking pretty. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly, her eyes landing on that notorious Eagle tattoo on his throat then down over the rest that he had scattered on his body, she moaned at that alone. 
She leaned forward, raising her hips and skillfully lining him up with her entrance, no hands needed. She watched as his rosy lips parted slightly and a small crease in between his eyebrows formed when they came together. "Fuuuuck." He dragged out feeling his dick be re-enveloped in her velvety walls. Toni moved her hips back and forth with one goal in mind, to get herself off. She used her knees as leverage to lift her hips up and back down, her ass jiggling when colliding with his thighs. With her lip between her teeth, her head tossed back she got to work on him. 
Rio's hands gladly squeezed at her sides, her moans filling the room once again. "You're so fucking pretty on top of me, mama." He encouraged, but he truly meant it, she looked like a fucking angel. "Oh god, oh god... fuck yes, Rio!" He felt himself twitch, his wife rarely called him by his street name, she only did it when she wanted to tease him, loved to do it when they were around others. 
He groaned spanking her. She smiled, a hazy look in her eyes. "What's my name, mama?" 
Toni cried out, her head falling forward as she bounced out her orgasm. "Fu-fuuuck, Rio!" 
"Squeezing this dick so fuckin' tight, come on..." He sat up hooking his arm around her waist, his tongue darting out to the underside of her breast, tasting the saltiness of her sweat. Toni sang out his name, her back arched and her eyes rolled. He grabbed her hips and guided her up and down, her body going limp. "Shit! Oh... Toni, I'm comin' baby." He growled through gritted teeth, he pressed his forehead against her sternum and she softly smiled feeling his warm seed spread inside her. "Fuck... that feels so good." She giggled, she was cock drunk. He kissed her glistening skin. 
They stayed like that for a moment, she kissed the top of his head, her hands on his shoulders as she slowly pushed him onto his back again, she climbed off of him and sighed in satisfaction. "You want something to drink?" He asked, she shook her head. "Nah, you gotta hydrate ma. I'm making sure I put a baby in you tonight." He laughed lightly smacking her thigh. Her cheeks warmed as a smile fell onto her face. 
She watched as Rio, naked and all, left the room to go downstairs. "Bring the cake too!"Toni shouted, he could just hear the smirk in her voice.
"You are so nasty!" He yelled back.
 "You love it though!" 
If you liked this fic free to like this fic, likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated. peace and love, see you in the next one 🤙🏾 If you're interested in reading other fics based on songs just like this one you can find them here in 'The Mixtapes.' playlist.
tags: @darqchilddaydreamz @rio-reid-whoreee @skyesthebomb tags that might be interested: @bigenergy777 @realhotgurlshit @lovedlover
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bigassmoonchild · 8 months
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: When did things ever go your way? First, you nearly lost Simon. And now? You were so close to losing your family because of one stupid fucking thing. You remembered why you kept your distance.
Content Tags: Fluff, Simon being nervous, Simon being Good With Kids, Bits of Intimacy, Violence, Attacks, Fights, Braxton Hicks, Slight Awkwardness, Crying, Comfort, Kind of Hurt/Comfort, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha! Ghost, No Use of Y/N
A/N: I'm entirely unsure of when this series will be ended. It should be soon, unfortunately, but I would love to be able to write for more things (especially the Nine series, I've really been lacking on that). Either way, here she is! Little bit shorter, but it's okay (you'll love it).
Part 1 | Previous, Next | Headcannons, Masterlist
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Simon was absolutely terrified. He wasn't entirely sure what to bring to meet your family, but you'd been antagonizing him about trying to bring a suit. 'Just be yourself,' you'd told him. And so he'd packed up a small amount of his wardrobe, some sweats and jeans, a few of his nicer shirts and pants, and a few hoodies and regular shirts.
He still wanted to bring a suit, or something similar, just in case they wanted to go out somewhere nice. He knew only what you told him about your family, about your parents. Truth be told, he wasn't sure what he'd do if your father did anything to your or his now almost-pack.
If he was truly scared, he would never tell you. The flight went alright, slight hiccups of turbulence here and there. "Let me drive us there, lovie," he whispered as you waited for your luggage. His hand was resting on the nape of your neck, rubbing against the mating gland softly.
You shook your head. "From what I've heard, you are a horrid driver. I also know how to get home, so I'll have the pleasure of driving us. Carefully," and he gave a short laugh.
Even under his balaclava, he felt rather exposed. Not knowing exactly where he was wasn't something he entirely enjoyed. He was unsure, on alert and rather nervous. He never came around this way, and it had been a long travel for the two of you. A layover or two, you'd ended up stealing his hoodie for comfort at one point (definitely not because you threw up and it got on your shirt).
That was something that helped him, though. Seeing you clearly claimed as his, scent marked and all. It was calming, made him focus on something as the two of you waded through the crowds in the airport and on your way out.
His hand rested on your leg the entire drive to the hotel, just so you could drop everything off and get fully ready for the day ahead of you. He watched, carefully, as you got dressed in a pretty little sundress and make yourself look 'nicer'.
On the ride there, you seemed antsy. Your fingers tapped quickly on the steering wheel, the foot not on the gas was tapping quickly. Your scent was mildly stressed, shifting from your normal, sweet scent to something spicier. His Alpha was bugging him, snarling some things about omega stressed and fix it.
For some time, he allowed his eyes to drift shut. You'd bugged him into wearing just a normal balaclava for this, after some discussions about whether or not he really needed to wear it in front of your family (the answer was yes, obviously).
And as the car slowed to a stop, rocking just slightly with the shift in gears to par, he opened his eyes and breathed deeply. It was a nice little house, not too big but just big enough for a family. No picket fence, he humored himself.
Opening his door, he stepped out and gave a little stretch before coming onto your side and helping you out. You pressed a little kiss against his cheek, letting him drape the jacket he was wearing around your shoulders. You gave him a little smile, and it warmed his heart just enough to shake most of the nerves away.
The front yard was filled with pups of all ages, a few of the older ones sitting on the stoop to watch them. You greeted each one, ruffling some hair and pulling them into side hugs. Simon followed quietly behind, waving a little to the older ones who gave him a strange look.
As you opened the door, a waft of slightly warm air came out. It smelled of apple pie, some stronger spices following closely. The inside looked warm, soft lights turned on in the inner most rooms, pictures hung on the walls of all different people.
Sliding his boots off, he watched as you greeted a few people looking around your age. "Simon, these are my siblings," and you smiled, eyebrows raising in a gesture to make him smile. He gave a short one, just enough for his eyes to squint. Pointing to each one, you gave him a name "Clint, Clair and Arthur," he gave a little wave.
Clair pulled you to the side, whispering quickly into your ear and glancing at Simon every few words. Clint and Arthur dragged him off to the living area, settling him down and tossing a beer into his hands.
"How d'you know her?" Clint gestured to you, walking into the kitchen with Clair and hearing a short squeal.
"Work," he answered easily. "You know what she does?" Clint shrugged and Arthur looked away.
"Just know she's doing some doctor shit," Arthur said, jaw clenching. "Didn't think it'd be military," his eyes found Simons and held the stare.
Simon looked down, not wanting to start a fight the first time he met your family. You'd kill him before any of them got to him. "She's safe," he told them. "Doesn't go on missions or anything, mostly works on the medical bay on base," he told them. Simon would never tell them exactly what happened that day, what felt like centuries ago.
He watched as the heli went down. He heard the shouts, watched as a figure struggled out of the debris and heaved a sigh of relief when your voice called over the coms.
You returned, not too much later, with what appeared to be your mother, sister and possibly father in tow. You sat between Arthur and Simon, looking over to him and giving him a soft smile.
"What is it you brought us all together for," your father huffed deeply. Your mother, in turn, smacked at his arm and threatened him to be nice. He scoffed and looked away, coughing deeply.
You glanced up at Simon one more time. "I wanted to introduce you all to Simon. We're," you paused and breathed deeply. Simons hand found your shoulder, squeezing softly.
"We're mated," he finished your sentence and everyone stared. Hard.
Clint was the first to shoot up, taking a step towards Simon before you jumped between them. Christ, if your brother tried to beat his ass you would kill him. Clint snarled at you, causing Simon to stand. He was tall, you suddenly realized. Much, much taller than Clint.
Your father finally spoke up. "Sit down, Clint," he snarled and the two men sat. "How'd this happen, girl?" You shook your head.
"Just happened," you whispered.
"And we weren't told anything? How long has this been for?"
"I don't know, maybe a year? I've been busy with work," you huffed. You could feel your heartrate rising, heart pounding in your ears before Simon chuffed against your back. You heaved a deep sigh, closing your eyes as his fingers found your wrist gland.
No one spoke for some time, you finally sat next to Simon once more.
"Well I'm happy for you," Clair spoke up. "He seems like a good, strong Alpha. As long as he makes you happy, I'm all good," and you smiled at her. Your mother, off to the side, was nodding with her. With everyone, mostly calmed, small talk began.
A few of your nieces and nephews had piled in after hearing the commotion, piled in the entryway. A few had gone up to Simon, smelling him and he allowed it. Quietly sitting there, letting the pups even climb on him to get a better scent.
"That's not all I wanted to tell you," you whispered, playing with your fingers while watching Simon carefully lower down the little one who'd climbed on him. Your father closed his eyes, leaning back. He breathed deeply, holding his breath for a few moments.
"You're pregnant," he said. "Can smell it, not too different from Arthur," and once again, Clint blew up. He leaped for Simon, snarling hard. Simon didn't move, grabbing the pup in front of him and moving the little one out of the way before Clint landed on him.
Simon didn't respond to the punches battering against him, and Arthur tugged you out of the way. He was the only other Omega, other than your mother. Your father stood, growling loudly before launching into a fit of coughs.
Clint paused, staring down at Simon. "Fucking monster, getting my sister all caught in your messy ass military shit," and you stood. Shoving Clint hard, baring your own teeth. Clint turned on you, eyes wild. He stood over you and snarled, hands moving to reach for you. Simon, at that, finally jumped.
His hands caught Clints, grasping tightly and snarling harshly at him. It quieted everyone, Clint tugging to get his hands out of Simons grasp. "Touch her and I'll break every damned bone in that hand," and Clint finally bared his neck. Submitting.
Clint had always been the big bad Alpha, taking after your father. He'd gotten into so many fights in school, you'd never even had any form of a partner. If he smelled an Alpha on you, even if it had been an accidental brush, they'd be beaten.
A cramp pulled you away from everything, your hand finding your now swelling belly as pains wracked it. A warbled groan fell from your mouth and you felt hands gently wrap around you. They lowered you onto the couch, and when you opened your eyes Simon was crouched just between your legs.
You could smell the fear in his scent, changed from the anger that had just been surrounding it. "'s nothing, Si, probably just some braxton hicks. I'll be okay," and he shook his head.
"Pain isn't normal, lovie," he whispered. "Especially not after some severe stress," he added carefully.
No one moved, just watching the two of you. You smiled carefully, pressing your hands against his cheeks. "I promise," you told him.
He nodded slowly, finally giving in. "He's a good Alpha," your mother spoke up. "I don't care if anyone else here doesn't agree," she added. Your father nodded with her statement, sitting back down and closing his eyes once more.
"Clint can leave," he said and said man scoffed. He grabbed his coat and left, slamming the door shut behind him. You looked to your father, eyes wide. "He protects you. Any good Alpha would do that, packmate or not. I am," he paused. "Accepting of this," he finally finished.
Dinner was a quiet affair. Simon kept something of his touching you the entire time, finally pulling the balaclava off of him to eat. He complimented your mothers cooking, who pushed some of it to Arthur. Simon complimented him, alongside the few pups he could recognize as his.
And as you bid your goodbyes, promising to come back tomorrow for some more talking and celebrating, you watched your father shake Simons hand. There were some whispered words between them, and when Simon came back he once more slid the jacket around your shoulders.
He opened the passenger door for you, closing it carefully and climbing into the drivers seat. The ride back was quiet, and you watched as the lights and houses passed by you. His hand rested on your thigh, your fingers wrapped around a few of his own. His thumb drummed on the steering wheel to the beat of the song, and your head rested against the window.
"That went better than I was expecting," he suddenly spoke up. You gave a wet laugh, tears suddenly brimming your eyes. His head turned to look at you quickly before going back to the road. You could feel the hot tears running down your cheeks, the car slowing to a stop as you opened your eyes.
He pulled the passenger door open, tugging you out and pulling you into his arms. Your nose pressed into his chest, sobs finally spilling out of your chest.
"I just wanted them to love you like I do," you sobbed and he hummed against you, rocking the two of you slightly. Simon pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, chuffing gently against you.
"They just need to warm up to it," he whispered. "Once they actually know me, I'm sure they'll begin to accept it more. At least your father accepted me," he added. You nodded against his chest, propping your chin against it and looking up at him. His balaclava was still off, and he gave you a little smile of his own.
His fingers wiped away your tears, allowing you to press back against his chest and breathe deeply. Your tears had stopped, but you still felt so hurt. Your own flesh and blood, and they didn't like him. Clint was supposed to be your older brother, the Alpha who protected you. Not hurt the people you loved.
Your hurt turned to anger, pulling away from Simon. "If that motherfucker touches you again, I swear to god," and he shook his head. In the dark, you couldn't see much of his face. You hoped to god that Clint hadn't left any marks, you weren't sure what you'd do if you found out he had.
"Weren't the best punches I've ever had," he told you. "I've had worse, lovie. I promise you that nothings hurt," and you nodded carefully. His hands cupped your cheeks, pressing a gentle kiss against your lips.
When he pulled back, you whined and he gave a chuckle. "I'll give you more when we get back to the hotel," he told you. You nodded, letting him slide your arms through his jacket and zip it up.
"I love you," you whispered as he opened the passenger door. He pressed another kiss against your lips, squeezing your hand.
"And I love you," he responded. Closing the door, he went around the car and got back in. You watched as the lights flashed across his face, allowing yourself to soak in how he looked.
When you got to the hotel, he opened your door for you and offered a hand. Holding it tightly, he led you to the room. When he slid the key against the door, he opened it for you and led you in by the small of your back.
Kicking the door shut, he pulled you in and kissed you once more. "Bravest little Omega I've ever met," he whispered against your lips and you laughed. "Going to protect me from all the Alphas?" And you nodded, tears of laughter brimming your eyes.
With one more kiss to your lips, he tugged you against his chest. Gently rocking you once more, your arms wrapped around him as much as they could.
"Love you so damn much, Doc," he whispered against your hair.
"'n I love you, Si,"
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spectres-n-soap · 5 months
The Clouds remind Me of You - Soap x reader x Ghost
Content Warnings - Pregnancy, afab body, grief, MW3 is canon, arguing, minor physical altercation?, so much angst guys.
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Ghost knows he shouldn't be pushing you, pushing this boundary but as the days pass you seem to be getting bigger. At least, that's what you complain about each and every time you have to go up the stairs to your flat. It was raining again in the evening but the day with partial sunlight seemed to lift your spirits at least, or rather, you weren't lying on the couch and basically snarling at him whenever he tried to approach. You reminded Ghost of a pregnant homeless dog, snarling at anyone who tries to touch you for good or for worse. "C'mon." He pleads, "You have to eat something."
"No I don't Ghost."
"It's Simon." He reminds you. Ghost had insisted you call him Simon because the two of you weren't on base. You hadn't accepted that idea and still called him Ghost. Whether it was out of habit or just to piss him off, he didn't know and both were very possible. Although at this point, he was leaning towards 'just to piss him off' territory. "Just eat a little bit?" He holds the warm chicken noodle soup towards you.
"Fuck off, I don't need babied." You grumble and manage to somehow move even further from him despite your prone position on the couch. "I'll eat when I feel like it." You state, trying to leave zero room for argument from his side. You hadn't been feeling well all day and the moment it had started raining, you just collapsed onto the couch. The entire day felt like the worst one since Soap had passed. Morning sickness all day along with sporadic Braxton Hicks left you with zero appetite. At this point, you could not tell if you felt sick because of this damn pregnancy or if you hadn't eaten. It didn't really matter because every time you looked at the soup, you felt like throwing up. Or maybe it was because it was Ghost who held it out to you.
"I'm not babying you." Ghost argues, "I'm just taking care of you."
"Oh would you fuck off with that sentence!" You snap, suddenly finding the energy to sit up and glare at Ghost. "I get it alright? You loved Soap-"
"You loved Johnny." You take a deep breath to try and keep the tears at bay, "So did I! I can't fucking stand you being here." You yell and smack the bowl from his hands and onto the wooden floor. "Bloody Christ! Can you not get that through your stupid fucking mask?" You stand up, a bit wobbly on your feet but you back up when Ghost tries to come to your aid. "He's supposed to be here!"
"Don't what Ghost? Don't speak the fucking truth of it all?" You ask as you storm up to him and wipe away the few tears running down your cheeks. "Are you scared of the truth?"
"Don't say it." Ghost snaps as he looks down at you. His breathing is becoming uneven as rage flares up in his brown eyes. What you wouldn't do for it be Johnny's blue eyes looking at you.
"If you had been there," You push an accusatory finger into his chest, "he would still be here. Johnny would be here instead of you."
He grabs your wrist and yanks it away from his chest. "You don't get to say that. You weren't there either! You were back at base from a broken arm!" You stumble backwards as he pushes forward, fury in his eyes as he speaks and his grip on your wrist grows tighter. "I had to watch him die! A bullet right through the fucking skull."
"Shut up!" You screech and try to pull your wrist from his grip but he yanks you forward.
"Now I'm trying to do the right fucking thing! I'm trying to help out the woman he got pregnant because he would fucking put a bullet in me if he was still alive and I didn't." Ghost pushes you back onto the couch. "I'm not going away. Get that through your thick fucking skull."
"I want you to go away! Just leave me alone, I didn't need your help during the first 29 weeks of this pregnancy and I don't need it now." Ghost storms over to the pot of still warm soup and pours another bowl of it. "Fine, you don't need me. But I don't care. You're gonna eat this fucking soup and then I'll leave." He pushes the bowl of soup into your hands. "Fucking eat."
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You looked at the two bags of ash in your hands as the tears run down your face. A fat sob left you leaning against your steering wheel as you sobbed. You were meant to deliver one of the bags of ash to his family after Ghost had poured out the 141's portion over the highlands. It was a nice day too. Far too nice for a moment like this, for you to cry so hard you felt sick. You had just gotten your arm out of the cast, excited to see Soap return with the rest of the 141 from the mission to stop Makarov. It had been a wild goose chase, the first mission had left you falling out of a four story window to escape some gas.
It had been raining when they got off the jet, the rain obscured everything but you knew something was wrong when you only saw three figures. Price had approached you first with Gaz and Ghost behind him. You scrunched your brows together, confusion must've been all over your face because Price spoke first before you could even get the question out. "Soap is KIA."
The sound of the rain cut out, the words that came from Price had no sound as your eyes focused on the jet behind them as a stretcher with a bag over it was pulled out. You didn't even notice that your fingers had started to dig into the skin of your throat as the ability to breathe was stolen from you. Gaz pulled your hands away from your throat and everything crashed down. The rain deafened you as the first few tears ran down your face. "Captain." You choked out as you looked into his blue eyes. Fuck, had they always looked so much like Soaps? "Captain please."
Gaz had to hold you up as your knees gave out. You covered your mouth with your hand and just cried because the scream caught in your throat. The next week went by in a blur and now you were here. Parked a block away from Soap's parents house. It was a nice neighborhood, you could hear kids playing in the distance while you broke down and cried again. You had barely held yourself together at the ash spreading and it was all just coming apart now. You looked at the baggie filled with ash that was meant for you. This is all you had left of Soap, not even his dog tags. Price had given the MacTavish's his dog tags the day after they arrived back on base.
Slowly, you lifted your head up and wiped away the tears. You straightened your uniform and got out of your car. The walk wasn't long but the bag filled with his ash felt like it weighed a million pounds. You stood at the front door of the MacTavish's for a long moment before you finally rang the doorbell. A woman with graying brown hair opened the door, her eyes red like you were sure yours were. She didn't look old but you supposed that was because Soap had joined the military early. Where would he be now if he had been caught?
"Mrs. MacTavish, I'm from the 141 and I'm here to give you this." You muttered and handed his mother the bag.
"Oh." She put a hand to her mouth as she began to cry again. "Hello John." She whispered and held the bag gently, "My baby boy."
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You lay in your bed, tears rolling down your cheeks as you get up. It was dark outside and the clock on the oven read 1:28 am. You navigate your flat with ease until you open a closet and pull a box from a shelf. Opening it, the bag of his ashes sit along with a few keepsakes that remind you of him. Remind you of times where you two laugh in pubs and drink your favorite beverages. That reminds you of his touch and shoulder touches, the sneaky kisses the two of had shared after that night. You look at your home phone and reach out to it. Slowly, you input the number Ghost gave you and you look at the numbers on screen. You press the call button.
It rings once, twice, thrice and just when you are about to hang up, he picks up. Ghost's voice comes through the phone, "What is it?"
"Can you come over?" You ask as you wipe your eyes and sniffle.
"I'm coming." He mutters before hanging up.
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v3nusxsky · 2 months
Hi Mars! I hope your well!<3 I have a request, it's a larissa weems x fem reader where r and larissa do the nasty then r finds out she's pregnant and after r gives birth she struggles with postpartum depression and one day when larissa comes home from work she finds r holding the baby close to her chest and crying so r tells larissa everything and larissa comforts r and then like maybe years later r and larissa has the most stubborn but cute little girl who loves ice cream and teddy bears?. This might be a bit much but I hope you can do it❤️ thank you Mars!🙏I love your fics🙌
Breaking through the darkness
*Authors note~ another instalment of YAMW and the last in the series but honestly I’d love to write one shots for this universe so if you have any ideas on what you’d like to see hit my asks up. And I’ll see y’all in Sinful Souls*
Trigger warnings~ pregnancy giving birth mentions breast feeding an infant postpartum depression hurt and comfort etc Larissa being the most wonderfully loving wife possible
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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Larissa had a few more nightmares at the beginning of your pregnancy, most about failing you and your unborn child. Yet one thing that didn’t change was her insistence that the baby would be a girl. There is absolutely no doubt in the blondes mind on the child’s gender yet you were adamant that you should decide on a name for both genders. Just in case. Your stubborn nature got you to convince, so boy or girl you’d both decided on their name.
Alongside the debate over names and the insane cravings that often found Larissa fluttering from store to store, in and around Jericho, pregnancy only heightened your stubbornness and insistence that you were simply pregnant not disabled and Larissa’s dedication and truthfulness. However, despite all the new hormones and adjustments to your daily lives you were both committed to each other and overcoming every challenge as a pair.
Anticipation grew as you reached six months pregnant, your ability becoming hyper sensitive and uncontrollable. Deciding to wait to find out if you’d have a son or a daughter is what got you through the changes to your body. Nevermore’s students were abuzz with theories and suggestions about the child. A few of the staff members had thrown you and Larissa a baby shower that was modest and gender neutral but beautiful, the gifts being thoughtful and generous mixed with your new levels of hormones had you in tears at the love and care for your unborn child.
Around the last month of your pregnancy you began to fear you’d fail the baby. You obviously want the best for them, but your parents weren’t exactly the best role models and that led to your mind concocting the most distressing nightmares that often woke Larissa by your screams and sobs, to which Larissa would spend hours consoling you despite her long work hours.
By the end of your pregnancy, you were totally over the whole situation. Not only were you carrying the weight of a whole other human but your back hurt all the time, your ankles were the size of beach balls and the Braxton and Hicks contractions were borderline torture. Sleep being hard to come by all contributed to you wanting your baby earth side now. Larissa liked to suggest that perhaps the child was a perfect mix of your stubbornness and her determination was why your due date came and went with no signs of labour. No. In fact it was 8 days later that things got real, just in time for the end of semester holidays.
After twelve hours of relentless contractions, broken sobs and curses to your lover and little sleep did you bring your child into the world with a massive gasp of relief. Hearing their cry of protest brought tears to both of your eyes as the nurses took the child away to clean them off before bringing them back and placing them on your bare chest without revealing. The doctors and nurses fluttering round the room to ensure you and the baby got the best postpartum treatment before coming to congratulate both of the new mothers.
“You did so well sweet girl, so proud of my girl” Larissa murmured pressing sweet kisses to your forehead as you both gazed down lovingly at the content newborn. “Georgina Faye Weems” you murmured happily as your index finger came to trace her little cheek.
“I thought we decided on Ophelia darling” Larissa murmured just basking in her beauty and the knowledge that she was right all along, now she’d be able to hold her girls. “Georgina for your aunt Isa.”
“That’s beautiful sweetheart, Georgina Faye Weems, you are one beautiful little angel, your momma and mommy love you so much. Everyone at Nevermore is going to love her” Larissa pondered choking back the emotion of her daughters name honouring her long lost aunt.
Adjusting to motherhood isn’t as easy as everyone else makes it look, thankfully Larissa could take the time in the holidays to spend time with her perfect little family as you healed from the birth. Larissa happily woke up to settle Georgina using the milk you’d expressed to allow you some sleep. Being in your blissful bubble of love with her and Georgina was utterly perfect, until the start of school popped that bubble. Larissa had your cover arranged, you’d gone over and over the work they’d be teaching and ensured the teacher would have access to all the materials. What you weren’t expecting was for how hard you’d find the day with your newborn alone.
Larissa couldn’t help but notice how irritated you’d become with her when she’d leave her office for the day. The irritation could rival your stubbornness at the earlier days in your relationship with ease. The poor blonde didn’t know what to do to help you through this time. You were taking on the night shifts now but Larissa had no idea how much sleep you were losing just unable to sleep. Then you noticed that you’d lose concentration for simple tasks, household tasks piling up, being unable to calm your fussy daughter and a huge lack of appetite. You’d make something to eat only to feel physically sick when you managed to sit down to eat.
You were crouched down against the wall, your daughter clutched to your chest as she wailed alongside your sobs and pleas for her to quieten. At this point, you were almost ready to tear your hair out, she is a beautiful girl and there’s no denying that but it seems your brain could only convince you that you’d fail her. That you are failing her. She deserved more than you for a mother. If Larissa was here she’d know how to soothe the baby. Despite being the one to carry her for nine months, birth her and being with her all day every day for at least two weeks without the tall shifter, it was like you were a stranger to her.
Georgina’s little cheeks were bright red now as she wailed unhappily, little fists balled up, the louder her cries were the more tears you shed as you absentmindedly rocked back and forth at a loss for what would help. You’d fed changed and cuddled Georgina, yet nothing seemed to settle her. Until Larissa came in to save the day.
“Oh my little flower, what’s wrong sweet girl? What’s the tears for Gina?” Larissa murmured softly coming to take the baby from you, allowing you the chance to stand up and breathe. Only, you couldn’t. Georgina settled down as she snuggled into the blondes chest, seemingly tired herself out from all the crying. Meanwhile you only seemed to curl into a ball and sob harder. “I failed her” and “she hates me” were mumbled over and over again. Only then did all the symptoms make sense to the principal. Postpartum depression. She’d read about it in all the books but seemingly missed all the signs in you. Her lover.
Placing the now sleeping baby into her bassinet Larissa immediately came to wrap you in her arms like you are a precious china doll. “Oh my darling girl, I’m so sorry I failed you my love, how long has it been this way?” She whispered as her hand rubbed soothing circles on your back. “I’m a terrible mom, she hates me. She loves you, what do I do wrong?” You sobbed your heart out on her shoulder, now the feelings started to flow there was absolutely no stopping the flow. And Larissa, being your stable shoulder to cry on, she held you through it all, promising to take some more time off Nevermore, to help you through this every step of the way. With her love and support you managed to heal and feel more like yourself again.
As your daughter grew, her own little personality began to shine through, it is apparent that she is as stubborn as you yet as truthful and gentle as the Principal of Nevermore. Students of Nevermore adored little Gina more than life itself, Enid particularly loved to gift her soft plushy’s and even Wednesday gifted her a small black swan plush teddy to go alongside the white dove Enid had crocheted.
However, Georgina’s favoured teddy happened to be a soft blush pink bear that you had gifted her for her first birthday. That bear never left her side, a special connection for you and your daughter. At a year and a half Georgina discovered Ice cream for the first time. Smearing it all around her face as you giggled with your daughter, Larissa walking unsuspectingly into the ice cream covered one year old. Now covering the bottoms of her mamas work skirt in vanilla ice cream.
Her little aura seemed to grow daily, beautiful twists and twirls of orange, green, lavender and light blue seemed to brighten with every day of her life, a perfect little blend of you and Larissa Weems, who would’ve knew that Larissa had unknowingly grown your family on your anniversary night. Your daughter being three and incredibly beautiful and brilliant would be a brilliant big sister.
Word count ~ 1718
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oleksiak-pettersson · 5 months
Pick Me - Elias Pettersson
howdy hey everybody! It's been a hot minute... sorry not sorry.
this is the first part of a three part series i've been cooking up in my head for a few years now. I want to emphasize that this is set in a completely fictional world and is complete AU. The Canucks featured in this fic don't play hockey in the story. The timeline is also not accurate to real life.
warnings: angst, a certain celebrity featured as the villain, pregnancy, labour, swearing, this is an AU, only Quinn still plays hockey, almost cheating, emotional cheating in a way (will be expanded on more in the next parts)
word count: 4.5k
Pick Me | Choose Me | Love Me
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There’s nothing better than the warmth of a comforter wrapped around your body. You pull it closer around your body, not caring if it leaves your lover without.
Your eyes blink open slowly, arms clutching the pregnancy pillow to your chest, comforter wrapped around the pillow and over your body.
As your eyes blink open, once, twice, a third time, you notice that at some point in your restful slumber, you’d stolen the comforter completely from your husband. Never one to complain, Elias must’ve grabbed the second duvet from the hall closet.
Your husband is lingering in the bathroom, you can hear the sink running as he goes about his morning routine.
He must notice you moving, as he approaches softly. He’s freshly showered and the smile on his face is soft and mellow in the morning light.
“Hi,” you murmur, taking in his beauty as it’s illuminated by the golden sun. His blue eyes twinkle with fondness as they take in your sleepy form.
You stretch a little, turning over to the side of the bed he sits on. His hand comes up and brushes a stray eyelash from your cheek. He holds it up to show you and let you make a wish, a simple gesture you taught him in your early stages of dating. There’s a kind of tenderness to his touch that no one else could quite possess.
“Hi.” Elias smiles back, hand falling from your face to hold yours. “How did you sleep?”
“So good, these two didn’t move a bit.” You prop yourself up against the headboard, free hand coming to rest on your belly.
“Probably too exhausted from kicking you all day yesterday,” Elias jokes, his smile causing his eyes to crinkle. He leans forward and presses his lips against yours. It’s a soft and sweet kiss. His mouth is minty fresh from brushing his teeth and it makes you smile.
He’s slow to pull away and you chase his mouth as he goes. He chuckles softly, hand caressing your cheek. 
“I’ve got to go meet Brock and Quinn soon for golf, I made you breakfast, it’s on the counter,” he announces, standing back up and stretching.
“What no in bed delivery? The service here sucks,” you lilt, the teasing evident in your voice. Ever the drama Queen, Elias rolls his eyes leaning down to press a kiss on your forehead.
“I’ll be back this afternoon, call or text if you need anything.” And with that he’s out the door.
You stretch as you get up, your back cracks and your belly feels heavier than normal. You feel like you’re resting lower than yesterday and there’s a weird feeling settling in your gut. You shake it off though, pulling on your lounging outfit. Your doctor had warned you about Braxton hicks contractions and you were sure that this feeling in your belly had to be that.
Your due date was fast approaching and you couldn’t wait. Pregnancy is hard enough but when you’re carrying twins it’s a whole other beast. You’re incredibly lucky to have such a kind partner who has taken such good care of you. Elias’ job as a content creator allows him to control his hours, unlike his good friend Quinn who captains the local Vancouver NHL team and whose schedule is rigid with intense travel.
It’s a slow waddle to the kitchen and you take it slow. One of your cats lounges in the middle of the hallway and you have to gently nudge her from your path with your foot. She mewls in uproar but does nothing to stop her movement. You have to lean against the wall in support to move her and your stomach twists once again. You take a breather against the wall, staring up at the popcorn ceiling.
Upon finally reaching the kitchen, you feel the need to sit down. The kitchen island chairs look incredibly unsupportive and the kitchen table has the worst chairs for relaxing. You let out a huff at the idea of having to move into the living room.
Your breakfast is still warm and you bring it into the living room to relax on the couch. The pain isn’t slowing down but instead seems to be moving up your back.
It’s just Braxton Hicks, you think. There’s no way I’m going into labour.
You find a comfortable position on the couch and rest your plate on your belly. Your feet come up to rest on the coffee table and you flick through the channels. 
The scrambled eggs and toast is just what you needed. The pain in your gut quells a little and you find the perfect spot on the couch to rest. There’s a throw blanket hanging on the back of the couch and you pull it over yourself.
Both cats follow your lead and curl up near you on the couch. You hold your hand out trying to call either into your lap, but neither take the bait. You sigh, moving slightly in an attempt to tuck the blanket under yourself but giving up quickly as you tire.
The curtains that cover the living room windows are wide open and the light from the mild spring day is bright but you can’t find it in yourself to get up. The simplest of actions, getting up and getting food, have exhausted you and your eyelids begin to feel heavy.
You wake up with a jolt of pain that causes your whole body to cease. The groan that leaves your mouth causes both cats to jump up from the couch and disappear down the hall.
The pain is intense and you briefly can’t move. It’s over as quick as it came on. You sit up on the couch trying to regulate your breathing. Your heart is racing as you throw the blanket off of your body and stand up. 
There’s no more denying it. You’re in labour. You need to find your phone and get a hold of your husband. It’s time.
The waddle down the hallway back to your bedroom feels like an eternity, you know there’s time before your next contraction will ripple through your body but you still feel a bit panicked. You twist your wedding ring around your finger as you go, trying anything to calm the fog of anxiety that’s beginning to descend around you.
Your phone is where you left it the night before, on the nightstand still plugged in to the charger. You’ve got a single notification, a text from Elias’ coworker Natasha Dion, inviting you out for brunch next week.
But there’s no time to respond to her. You need Elias. You perch yourself on the bed, legs holding you up as you focus on your phone.
You quickly unlock the phone, your face ID failing you - forcing a password attempt that you’re not too sure how you even managed to get the numbers correct. You close the instagram app sloppily, a leftover from last night's pre-bed scrolling session, and open your phone app.
Elias’ contact is the most recent number you’ve called and you waste no time clicking on it.
The phone dials up and the line begins to ring. You stifle a sob and try to take a deep breath as the line continues to ring. Your free hand cradles your belly. One of the twins moves beneath your hand, causing a little chuckle to leave your mouth.
“Mama will see you soon,” you murmur, the line continuing to ring in your ear.
Suddenly there’s a beep and Elias’ voice comes through. “Hey, you’ve reached Petey. Can’t get to the phone right now but leave a message and I’ll get back to you.”
“Shit,” you curse and then the beep sounds through. “Hi babe, it's me. Um, I think I’m in labour and I need you to get home uh, right away? Call me back please.”
You take another breath, trying to remember what they taught you in Lamaze class. You flick through your brain trying to recall the class you practised breathing. You can see the teacher saying something in your mind but you can’t hear it, you were too focussed on the feeling of your husband's rock hard abs against your back. It certainly hadn’t helped your breathing, to the point that the teacher had come over and corrected your breathing. Again though, Elias’ breath on your shoulder had distracted you.
Goddamn your sexy husband and his too-hot-to-handle existence. 
You decide to send him a text too.
To Hubby: Hi babe, can you call when you can? I’m pretty sure I’m in labour…
Another contraction convulses through your body. Your spine feels like it’s on fire and your belly tightens. You cry out vocally, trying to breathe rhythmically. You let yourself fall back against the pillows, just trying to get through the pain. You dig your fingers into the comforter, eyes screwing shut. It’s way worse than any period cramp you’ve ever had and you find yourself cursing your husband under your breath. Of course he can’t fucking be reached right now. Asshat.
Once the pain eases, you force yourself back up and grab your phone. There’s no new notifications and you resist the urge to cry. Then it hits you, Elias is golfing with Brock and Quinn. Brock’s phone is always on, something about never wanting to miss a call from his agent for the next big Hollywood hit or whatever, you don’t care about his reasoning right now but you’re thankful for him.
The phone starts to ring and you click the speaker phone option. It rings once before there's an answer. God bless Brock.
“Hello gorgeous mother of my future godchildren, how are you?” He answers, charming as always. 
“Hey Brock,” You chuckle at his greeting, trying to hide the tinge of pain behind your voice. “Can you give the phone to Elias? He’s not picking up and I think I’m in labour.”
There’s a pause on the other end and some shuffling. You think you can hear Bella in the background asking what's going on, that causes you to furrow your eyebrows. Why would Bella be golfing with them? She hates it as much as you do. Then you hear the phone being grabbed from Brock’s grip as he cries out a loud “hey!’.
“Babes, Petey isn’t here with us?” Bella states, sounding equally as confused as you.
“Put it on speaker,” Brock demands in the background, not as loud as Bella. The sound of the phone shifts slightly as she switches it.
“He said he was golfing with you and Quinn today.” You reply, groaning as another shockwave of pain runs over you. You groan loudly into the phone. The pain causes you to drop the phone on the bed and forget the phone call as you try to breathe it out.
“That’s impossible because Quinn is in-” Brock counters, slightly oblivious to your pain. You love him to death but he can be such a blonde sometimes.
“Brock, it doesn’t matter right now,” You can hear the annoyance in his girlfriend’s voice as she interrupts his thoughts. Her focus is quickly back on you. “Y/N, are you in labour?”
The cry of anguish you respond with clues her in immediately. She springs into action on the other side of the phone. “Brock, get the keys. We have to get her to the hospital.”
“No.” You cry out, pain subsiding slightly. 
“Y/N, babes, you’re in labour,” Bella levels, her calmest and most rational voice on full display. It’s what you need right not but the irrational part of your brain doesn’t want to leave without your husband. “Brock will keep calling Elias but we need to get you to the hospital.”
“Okay,” you relent, getting up from the bed slowly, you pick your phone up and head for the nursery.
“Do you need me to stay on the phone with you?” She asks, Brock is in the background stomping around the apartment. Anyone unfamiliar with the actor would think he’s mad, but knowing him, you know that’s just simply the way he moves. A lot less elegance than he looks like he may possess. 
“Yes please.”
In the time it takes Brock and Bella to get to your apartment, you manage to change and grab your go-bag before letting yourself relax on the couch. You achieved all of this between crippling contractions. 
Your favourite two people in the world let themselves in with the key they have to your apartment. They have sympathetic looks on their faces as they take in the sight of you on the couch. 
You must look like a mess, you’re sweaty and stressed. “Hi,” is all you manage from your spot.
“Hi gorgeous, ready to go become a mama?” Bella coos, squatting down in front of you. There’s a glimmer of excitement in her eyes and you can feel it now too. It’s slowly becoming real. You nod, holding out your arms so she can help you up. You brace against her arms as you get up, smiling gratefully.
Brock stands behind her sheepishly, flitting with his phone. His thumbs are moving a mile a minute and you hope to god that he’s talking to Elias and Elias is on the way.
“Is Elias going to meet us there?” There’s hope in your eyes that slightly breaks Brock’s heart.
In a split second decision, he lies. “Of course, so we should get going.”
Truth is, Brock has no fucking clue where his best friend is. He has no fucking clue why Elias lied about being with him. He sure as hell knows he’s going to chew out Elias’s ass the moment he tracks the Swede down.
The lie does seem to pacify you and Brock is quick to be at your side and help you to the car, Bella follows along behind, having grabbed the go bag. Brock leads you down the hallway as his girlfriend locks the apartment. 
Brock has never been more stressed in his life. He was once looking forward to having children of his own with his beautiful girlfriend but after driving you to the hospital in the state you were in, he’s not so sure. You cried out in pain nearly every 8 minutes on the way, Vancouver traffic never one to be considerate of a crisis.
The screaming from the back of his car had Brock white-knuckling the steering wheel and peaking sheepishly in the rearview mirror at Bella holding your hand. The pale look on his face nearly caused Bella to laugh, until you gripped her hand harder, head thrown back against the seat headrest. 
Between glancing back to make sure you’re okay and glancing at his Apple CarPlay in hopes of a response from your husband, Brock was struggling to pay attention to the road. 
Not the best attitude to take when driving a pregnant woman to the hospital. It caused your anxiety to skyrocket and Bella to yell at Brock which certainly did not help the situation.
Upon arriving at the hospital, Brock is quick to let you and Bella out at the emergency entrance, before circling around to go find a parking spot.
Bella has your elbow in her arm, supporting you as she guides you to the entrance. Your go-bag is over her shoulder.
“Thank you,” You murmur between breaths. The gratitude is quickly overtaken by a contraction though and you stop dead in the middle of the entryway, paralyzed with pain. Bella is quick to hold you up.
“Breathe, just like this,” her lips purse and she blows out her breath in a weird pattern. You copy along as a nurse approaches you. You recognize her as the nurse who does your check-ups.
“Hi Mrs. Pettersson, looks like we’re having these babies,” She smiles, coming to your other side and helping Bella guide you to the wheelchair an orderly brought over. You just nod your head, trying to follow along with Bella’s breathing technique. 
The orderly begins pushing you along to a room, the nurse lags behind with Bella. The nurse has a look of concern on her face as she turns to Bella.
“Where is Elias?” She inquires, she’d always admired how dedicated your partner was during check-ups. He always had questions and a detailed list of what you’d been experiencing since the last check-up. It had taken her by surprise when he wasn’t there but ever the professional, she’d schooled her shock.
“I don’t know, he should be arriving soon.” Bella supplies, speeding up to keep up with you.
The nurse nods her head and heads back to her station to grab her gear. Brock comes rushing through the door, spotting his girlfriend lingering outside of your room. 
The nurse slides between them to get into your room, the door is cracked as she begins to get you ready. Bella brings your go-bag in as you get changed into an IV-compatible gown. She plugs in your phone charger and checks to see if there’s an update from Elias. Your phone only shows a text from your mom. 
“Y/N, your mom texted, should I let her know?” She calls out to you.
Your reply comes muffled through the bathroom door. “Yes please.”
Both Bella and the nurse chuckle at your response. Bella is quick to shoot off the text, eyes lingering on where Brock is pacing outside the room. His phone is in one hand and the other is pulling at his gorgeous blonde locks in what can only be described as one of the most stressed actions she’s ever seen.
As you settle in the hospital bed and the nurse begins to fasten different machines to you. You’re oblivious to the stress emanating off of the actor outside of your room as you relax between contractions.
“Is it too late for an epidural?” You inquire sheepishly. Your nurse laughs.
Bella excuses herself and slips outside. She swears she shuts the door as she joins Brock outside. They can still see into your room, you’re chatting politely with your nurse as she fixes the blood pressure cuff around your bicep.
“Do you know when Elias will be here?” She asks softly.
Brock’s face drops as he turns away from the window. He’s seen your lipreading skills before and even though you’re distracted, he’s not taking the risk. “No.”
“Well what did he say when you talked to him?” Bella inquires, eyebrow peaked in interest. She also turns away from the window.
“I didn’t.” Brock says, eyes dropping to the floor. “I don’t know where Elias is.”
“But you said-”
“I needed to keep her calm,” Brock makes eye contact with Bella, the love for you is clear behind his eyes and she softens at the admission. “She can’t know that he’s not coming.”
“He’s not coming,” Bella repeats, trying to wrap her head around the fact.
“What do you mean he’s not coming?” Your voice sounds from behind them; you’re standing in the doorway, gown-clad and attached to a mobile IV unit. The look of shock on your face breaks both Brock and Bella’s hearts. Your voice grows quieter. “You said he was coming”.
Brock reaches out to comfort you but you’re now freaking out like he’s never seen before. The heart rate monitor spikes and the nurse in the room rushes to get you into bed.
There’s so much emotion flowing through your body. You’re hyperventilating and want to scream. No one is prepared for the way you pass out. Brock and your nurse lunge to catch you, struggling to get you into the hospital bed.
“Shit, shit, shit.” Brock is also freaking out now.
The nurse has no time for him though as she reaches for a large red button on the wall. Bella stands idly in the doorway watching the chaos unfold. She’s frozen in shock, unsure what just happened and what she needs to do.
The nurse is quick to spring into action, and she peers over her shoulder at your two companions. “You both need to get out of here. We have to take her to the operating room.”
Elias’ phone is on the counter in the other room. He’d placed it on the kitchen counter as soon as he’d entered Vanessa’s luxury penthouse. He’d had to dance around baby toys sprawled around the floor but it made him chuckle thinking about how your apartment would soon look like that.
Elias had met Vanessa Morgan a year and a half ago when he and Natasha had helped with creating some ads for Riverdale’s production team. He kept his friendship with the actress on the lowdown from you. You’d been suspicious of her since you’d met her. She seemed weirdly obsessed with your husband, but Petey thought of her as a friend.
He’d offered to help her set up some of the baby furniture she hadn’t had the chance to before she’d had her baby three months ago. 
He’d already finished the changing table and the glider chair. Elias was working on the crib, the instructions almost confusing to him. He’d had no trouble putting the twin’s cribs together. To Elias, it was something a father-to-be should take pride in. 
It’s why Elias stepped up for Vanessa. Her baseball player husband had left her early in her pregnancy. He couldn’t comprehend how a man could up and abandon his family with no hesitation.
“How’s it going in here?” The short actress asks from the doorway. She’d just finished putting her little guy down for a nap, thankful she’d been wise enough to buy a bassinet for her bedroom for her baby’s first few months.
“I think you may have bought the most complicated crib in the world,” Elias laughs, looking up at his friend with a playful smile. “Did he go down for his nap easily?”
Vanessa nods, strutting into the room, she admires the other pieces of furniture he’s built in his couple of hours helping her. “I’m surprised you’re not with your wife today.”
Elias hums, his focus back on trying to fit the pieces together. “What do you mean?”
“She’s getting close to her due date, isn’t she?” She inquires, there’s a tone to her voice that Elias can’t quite place. The tone he can't quite place? Smugness. The kind of hubris possessed by a woman with ill-intentions.
“Yeah but all the boys in my family have arrived late,” Elias insists, twisting the screw driver. “She’ll be fine.”
Vanessa could point out that his wife is carrying twins and therefore more likely to have her babies early but why would she force Elias back into his wife’s arms? No, she’d much rather keep him to herself for as long as possible.
While Elias might think of Vanessa as his friend, Vanessa thinks of Elias in a less pg way. She’d been wanting to get into his pants since the first time they met. Of course she was married at the time, but it had never stopped her before. 
“You know, that looks like hard work,” She starts, adopting her most sensual voice. She’s determined to reel him in. “Why don’t I make you a snack?”
Elias is quick to agree and they both proceed to the kitchen. He leans against the kitchen counter as she scuttles around the kitchen. Vanessa hands him a glass of water that he accepts happily and sips slowly as he watches her.
“How’s the show going?” He asks, as she gathers condiments from the fridge.
She smiles at him, placing her ingredients down on the counter beside him. “It’s good, they’ve been really good about me staying back with River.”
Elias nods, thinking about how easy it’ll be for him to help out with the twins with his job that he can work from home. “That’s awesome. You’ve got a good support system, hey?”
“Yeah, I’m extremely grateful for everyone in my life,” Vanessa puts her butter knife down on the counter, turning to Elias and moving closer to him. She places a hand on his chest and begins to trail her fingers along the ridges of his body. “Especially you, you’ve been so good to me.”
Elias freezes, this must be what you meant when you said Vanessa had a weird energy to her when it came to him. She leans in close, and he can feel her breath on his face. He’s briefly amazed that such a short person can reach him so easily but then she closes her eyes and leans in.
He’s saved by the bell. Okay, maybe not quite a bell but the loud, shrill ringing of his phone is a close enough substitute. He dodges out of her reach to grasp his phone. Brock’s profile picture is on display and once he’s certain she’s not following him, he clicks the green connect button before retreating into the living room with his phone pressed against his ear.
“Hello?” Elias says into the phone, silently thanking whatever deity he can that Brock saved him.
“Dude where the fuck are you?” Brock starts, he sounds panicked and Elias is instantly worried. “Actually, I don’t fucking care. You need to get down to Vancouver General now.”
“Why? Brock, what’s going on?” Elias demands, pacing around the living room.
“Your wife went into labour. After finding out you weren’t coming, she passed out and had to be rushed into an emergency c-section to save the babies.” Brock recites robotically. Elias has never heard his best friend so angry at him. 
Then Brock’s words hit him. His heart stops, and he jolts to. “I’ll be right there.”
Elias is quiet as Brock and Bella lead him to your room. Neither of them could truly look at him after he’d told them where he was. He couldn’t blame them.
He was a bit of a wreck. He’d driven over the speed limit to get to you. He hadn’t been there when you needed him and something could’ve happened to you or your babies.
Your room is also quiet. There’s a small whimper coming from one of the bundles in your arms. He stops dead in his tracks, seeing you holding your twins is everything he’s ever wanted. You, the love of his life, with his children. And he missed their arrival.
“Hi,” He says, finally. He’d stood in the doorway somberly long after Brock and Bella had headed home. He’s sure Brock has already informed Quinn of what happened, that’s why his phone is blowing up in his pocket.
“Hello,” you reply coldly, without even looking up at him. Your eyes remain on your sweet boys the entire time. You’d known he was standing there since the moment Brock and Bella led him there.
Your reply is a sharp contrast to the way you’d been with him this morning. It’s shocking to Elias how a single day can change everything in a mere matter of hours.
“So, we’ve got sons.” He starts, dragging his feet on the floor as he walks over to occupy the seat beside your bed.
“Well, we knew that already.” You deadpan, finally looking up at him. There’s pure hurt behind your eyes and Elias wants to reach out and hold you but he knows better.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. 
You scoff. “Whatever.” 
Elias reaches for a baby and you hand him one.
“I’m here now and I’m not leaving.” He says, sure of himself. It’s too bad you don’t believe him.
Next Part
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powerofelvis · 1 year
The Act of Love
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x f!reader
Word Count: 5K
Summary: Elvis surprises you with some gifts and even with his presence. Although it’s the middle of the night when he returns, you want to show him your appreciation but with urgent secrecy. Shhh, it’s the act of love.
Warnings: Big Daddy!Elvis,SMUT, oral (f. and m. receiving), nipple play, slight analingus, unprotected sex, FLUFF, reader gets embarrassed a bit
A/N: This was something random that I have written based off of Toni Braxton’s The Art of Love. If you would be so kind, check this song out! It’s literal sex in a song, I’m so serious. I think music definitely helps with ideas, every time I listen to music, I just think about Elvis. Anywho, I hope you babies enjoy this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! ;)
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It was an uneventful day at Graceland, at least for you. You had spent the entire day making sure that the house remained intact as Elvis was away for a show. You had grown used to him being gone, but it didn’t take away from the thought of missing his presence. He was your husband after all, you always would miss him being around you. His smile was contagious, his laugh was infectious, and he would always spend time with you; doting on your every whim. You had married him a year after his divorce from Priscilla, but he had never made you feel as if you were a replacement for her. She never did either, you and her were extremely close; her encouragement and love had gotten you through the long weeks of Elvis being away on the road. You were truly blessed to have a support system; not only from your family, but from his as well. 
You were speaking with his grandmother, Minnie Mae in the kitchen about the local boutique in town when the front door barrelled open. You turned around to face whoever was entering your home, a smile gracing your face as you noticed Jerry holding some wrapped boxes in his hand. “Oh! Jerry, what are you doing here?” You walked over to him, helping him with some of the boxes as they seemed to be giving him a little trouble. “Elvis wanted me to come home for a bit, give you these presents. I have no idea what they are, but he said that you had to get them.” Jerry responds to you with a little roll of his eyes. You giggled, sitting the boxes on the table as you noticed a little card that was wrapped around one of them. 
“Tell him that he didn’t have to get me anything, he’s always spoiling me when all I’ve ever needed was him.” Minnie Mae tapped your shoulder as she shook her head at her grandson’s need to spoil his wife. You were never the type to want gifts, always telling Elvis that the only gift that you ever needed was him and his love. “It’s better to accept them than to complain, baby.” She reminded you, leaving you alone to return to her room. Jerry had also gone to his room, no doubt to catch up on much needed sleep before he had to return to Elvis the prior day. You took the presents up to your shared room with Elvis, eyes lingering to the unopened note that sat prettily on top. You sat on the bed, unwrapping the ribbon on the top of the first gift, taking the note that clearly had Elvis’ handwriting on it. 
I know that you’ve been missin’ me lately. I’ve been missin’ ya too, but until I’m home, I want you to enjoy these gifts. I hope these gifts remind ya of how much I love you and the beautiful life that we have together. Until I’m back in your arms, I love you. 
Your smile spread across your lips as you opened the first box, revealing a satin blue nightgown. You knew that he loved you in nightgowns, especially when they were as revealing on your body. “Elvis, I have enough nightgowns, but another wouldn’t hurt.” It was good for you, you didn’t have to wear the same ones repeatedly while he was home. You laid the nightgown on the bed, going over to the second box that had another note on top. Had he written these notes for each individual package? You giggled at his chivalry, opening the next letter, this time, it was written differently than the first, but it had his handwriting that had always made you swoon with love as it always had. You opened the box, noticing that whatever was inside was hidden by gift papers. Inside of the box was a red laced lingerie set that came with a matching red corset. Your eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets, looking around the doorway for anyone who may be lurking.
It’s me again. I hope you know that I couldn’t only bring one gift home to ya. I want ya to know that I will be home soon, so I want to see my bestest girl dressed in this to welcome me home. I can only think about how you will look when I see you waiting for me in this lingerie set. I can’t wait to watch it fall off of your body, while I watch and wait patiently. Go on, put the lingerie on before you open the final gift. I love ya, my little dove.
You were filled with thrill at this point, taking the lingerie out of the box before you shed your dress from your body. You pulled off your bra and panties that were also a gift from Elvis off of your body before running off to the bathroom. If everything that he said was true, he would be home soon. You weren’t prepared for his arrival, hopping into the shower to wash yourself clean. After your steamy shower, you stood in the mirror of the bathroom as you applied a little makeup forgoing the heavy eyeliner that he had always loved around your eyes. You curled your hair, pinning it up so that it wouldn’t get in your eyes as you slid the red panties on your body. You weren’t sure how you would get the corset on, but you did the best that you could. Your breasts were sitting prettily on your chest as you stared at yourself in the mirror. 
The garter snapped around your right thigh as you pulled on the fishnet stocking that came with it. You slid in your red heels, posing in the mirror as you took in your appearance. Your calves were tight, the curves on your body standing out as you caressed your body. You walked out of the bathroom, eyeing the last gift that was sitting on the bed. You walked over slowly towards the gift, seeing one last note but it wasn’t wrapped in the ribbons. It had seemed to be sitting nicely on the bed as it taunted you to open it. You had your back turned to the door as you reached down to open the note, your eyes widening as you read over the words. 
Turn around. You’ll see your final gift waiting for ya.
You turned around immediately, almost tripping over your heels as you took in your husband standing in the doorway. He was holding a rose in his hands, a smile gracing his lips as he took in your body. “Elvis! You weren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow!” You raced over to the door, wrapping your arms around his neck as you hugged him tightly. “I wanted to surprise ya, baby. Aren’t ya happy to see me?” You nodded, sniffling in his neck as he held onto you. “Come on, mama. Let me get a real good look at ya.” You unwrapped your arms around his neck as you stepped back, his hands holding on to yours as his eyes scanned your body, his teeth tugging at his bottom lip. “Mm, if I knew how sexy you would look in this, I would have delivered it personally.” You blushed, looking up at him as his eyes continued lingering over your body. 
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At this point, all of the lights of Graceland were turned off. You assumed that everyone had gone to sleep, so it was only you and him that were still awake. You knew that you were in for a long night, but you were electrified that he was here and that he thought you looked sexy in his gift. The goosebumps that were showing all over your skin vilified that thought as his hands ran along every part of your body. He led you into the room, shutting the door behind him as he turned out all of the lights. The room glowed with candles that were sitting all around the room, not even noticing that they were there. Your eyes roamed around the room as you gasped at the flower petals that were strewn around the room before turning back to face your husband. He had a smirk on his face, his electric blues watching you as you took in the final surprise that he had for you. “When did you do all of this? And how come I didn’t hear you come in?”
Elvis took you by the hand as he twirled you around so that he could see you covered entirely in the lingerie set that he had gotten you. “I knew that by tellin’ ya that I wanted to see ya like this, you would be stuck in the bathroom for almost an hour. I was right.” He smirked, wiggling his brow as he took in your scent, the cherry blossom shampoo wafted into his nostrils as he could get the familiar scent of lavender that resonated with him. You knew that he loved the smell, so you made sure that you used it. You chuckled under your breath as you watched him pull you closer, the rose dropping out of his hands as he pressed his lips to yours in a heated kiss. You hummed against his lips, placing your hands on his shoulders as you returned his kiss. “Now, everyone has gone to bed. Are ya sure you are able to keep quiet?” Elvis teased, his hands resting on the swell of your ass as you nodded your head slightly. You knew that by the end of the night, you weren’t going to be the one who was loud. Elvis was always the one who would tease you about being quiet when you would have sex around others, but he couldn’t help himself by being loud. 
“I should ask you that question, Elvis. We know you have the track record of being loud when we are sneaking around.” You teased, gaining a deep growl on his part as he pinned you down on the bed. You giggled softly, running your manicured red nails up his chest; the hairs that littered his chest feeling soft under your fingertips. Elvis looked down at you, his blue eyes which hid behind his yellow tinted glasses which gave him a dimmer tint to his hues. You reached up, taking his glasses off of his face before tossing them on the bed behind you. “I wanna see your eyes when you make me cum.” You spoke with a sultry tone, a shiver overcame your body. The heat between the two of you was overwhelming, but it felt so good. 
Elvis shimmered his white mink coat off of his shoulders, the material pooling on the floor as he leaned down to press his lips to yours as his hands moved up your thighs. With every move of his hands, goosebumps would appear as the heat from his fingers made your body ache with need. “There’s nothin’ I want more than to have ya writhing underneath me, baby. But, I wanna take my time with ya. It’s been so long.” He whispered, his lips moving from your jaw before kissing along your neck. Your soul was elevating from your body at that point, his words sounding like honey being spread on toast. That wasn’t the only thing that made you feel that way, your panties were sopping wet and he hadn’t even done anything yet. 
“You’re already wet, lil’ mama. Don’t tell me you came already from my voice.” You shook your head, moving your fingers that were resting on his chest hairs, hurriedly unbuttoning his shirt before pushing it off of his shoulders. He was sunkissed, the tanned skin sent chills through your body as you took in the darkened chest hairs that sat prettily on his chest. He went to pull off his cross necklace, your hand stopping him. “Leave it on, Daddy. I want it to slap against your chin as you fuck me.” Elvis groaned, moving his hands up to your now destroyed red laced panties, the sound of stickiness sounding off around the room as he rubbed you through them. “God, ya soppin’ for me, mama.” You whimpered, grinding your hips up against his fingers. 
The stimulation that you could feel made your toes curl in your heels, your legs shaking as you softly panted from only his touch. “Shh, baby. Nobody is supposed to know I’m makin’ ya feel good.” You bit down on your bottom lip, glaring up at Elvis as he continued to tease you. He shook his head, his lips curling up into a smirk as he slipped his hands under your panties; his thumb rubbing circles on your clit while he palmed your pussy. His hands were so big, covering your pussy in its entirety. You could make out the veins in his hands flexing as he continued softly moving his thumb around your clit. Your feet balled up in your heels, your mouth making a hissing sound at the feeling of his hand and the tightening of your feet in your shoes. 
Elvis being the tease that he was, he would continue with rubbing your clit slowly but he didn’t show any signs of wanting to do more. “Elvis, please. I need something.” Elvis tsked, his tongue pressing into his cheek as he pulled his hand from your panties. He pulled his hand up to his mouth, his tongue dancing out of his mouth as he licked his palm and thumb sensually, his eyes not leaving yours. “You taste like sugar, baby. I can’t get enough.” He muttered from behind his hand before he unsnapped your garter from around your thigh, pulling your stocking off of your legs. The stockings and the garter belt pooled underneath his knees, leaving your skin bare for him. “Spread those legs, mama. It’s time for my dinner.” 
You nearly choked on air as you slowly spread your legs, revealing your wet panties to him. The coolness from the air sent a shiver up your body as your panties were sticking to your vulva, the color of your panties now darkened as your juices stained the material. His fingers ran across the lace, hooking them underneath the panty line before pulling them swiftly off of your body. He threw them on the floor with the other discarded clothing before his lips—beginning at the knee, kissing up your legs as his eyes remained on yours. You whimpered softly, reminding yourself to remain quiet as his soft lips kissed every inch of your skin. His hands pressed down on your hips, keeping them ajar as his breath blew on your pussy. 
Your eyes rolled into your head as you gasped, your fingers gripping the sheets as you waited for him to get to where you wanted him to be. “Eyes on me, mama. If ya take your eyes off of me, I’ll stop and you’ll be disappointed.” You nodded, opening your eyes again before looking down at him. He looked so seductive, his long eyelashes covering his eyes but not enough for you to not see his now darkened eyes staring back at you. He pressed a heated kiss to your core, pulling your legs over his shoulders as he slowly kissed your velvet lips. You weren’t sure if you would be able to continue to handle his teasing, but you were trapped. He had you right where he wanted you, unable to run away as his tongue passed his lips before licking a stripe up your pussy. 
You hissed out once more, letting out a quiet whine as his tongue danced around your vibrating bud, the burning sensation from his tongue was enough to knock your heels off of your feet. He laughed, hearing the muffled clattering of your heels falling on the floor beside his body as he moved his hands that were once holding your thighs apart to spread your pussy lips apart. He licked between them, the juices pouring out of you as it coated his tongue. He hummed into you while he was licking like a starved man, groaning at how sweet you tasted. “You taste better than any meal I’ve ever had. I could eat only you forever and be a satisfied man.” The coil in your stomach was so tight that it became hard for you to breathe, resulting in you panting for breath as Elvis continued eating you. 
“Baby, please. I’m not gonna make it if you keep doing this.” You begged, wanting to move your hands from the sheets to find their new home in his hair. “Go on, baby. Let yourself go.” You didn’t need to be told twice before you came, the white lights covering your vision as you came hard from his mouth. You gasped, moving your hands from the sheets to cover your mouth as moans passed your lips. Elvis lapped up everything that you could give to him, humming against you before he pulled his mouth away from you. His lips glistened under the dim lightning from the candles, his tongue lapping up the remnants of your juices that covered his mouth. “That’s my good girl, ya follow Daddy’s directions well.” You sat up on the bed, your arms shaking from the feeling of your orgasm before you pulled him up by his arms.
“It’s my turn, Daddy. You like to tease, huh?” Elvis smirked as he stood before you, your fingers reaching to pull his belt off from his trousers. The clanking noises made you rub your thighs together as you pulled the belt from the loops of his pants before discarding it with the rest of your clothes. You unzipped his pants, not even realizing that he had already unbuttoned them before pulling them down his legs. As usual, Elvis had forgone the underwear, revealing his hardened cock to you. You moaned, mouth watering with need as you wrapped your hands around his cock. Elvis was long, which was something that you had always loved about him. He also knew what to do with it, hitting each spot inside of you with ease. 
You pressed an open kiss to his tip, tongue swirling around the foreskin that graced his perfect length before wrapping your lips around the red tip. “Fuck, mama. Your mouth is so warm.” He hummed, taking his bottom lip between his teeth as he watched you intensely. You moved your mouth from his cock slightly, earning a whine on his part before you stood to your feet. You grabbed him by the hand, pushing him down on the bed before you before taking your stockings from the bundle of clothes that were piling on the floor. “Give me your hands, baby. No complaints.” Elvis raised his brow, but complied as he put his hands out for you to wrap the stockings around his wrists. You tied it as tightly as you could, making sure that he wasn’t losing any type of circulation. 
You pushed his arms above his head as you sank to your knees, pushing his legs up so that you had a full view of his uncut cock and ball sack. Your mouth watered at the very sight, flatting your tongue against his sack as your eyes lingered on the man before you. He let out a deep growl, his hands struggling against the restraints as he stared down at you; his eyes filled with excitement. You wrapped your hand around his cock, lifting it up as your tongue moved dangerously to his taint. “Baby, oh god. Don’t-don’t do that, I ain’t-.” You lifted your head as you placed your finger against your lip, shushing him as his voice grew dangerously loud. “Shhh baby, let me please you.” 
Elvis shut his mouth immediately as he laid his head back on the mattress, his body shivering with anxiety as he waited for what you would do to him. You moved your head back between his legs, licking his ball sack once again as you slowly stroked his cock. His scent of musk mixed with sweat drove you crazy with need, your thighs rubbing together as you sought after some type of friction. He grunted softly, still fighting against the tie of your stockings but it was no use for him; he was stuck. Your tongue moved from his balls at that point, licking a stripe from his sack down to his taint. At that moment, his mouth made a loud growling noise, nearly making you jump out of your skin as you were sure that the people in the house could hear how you were making him feel. 
“Elvis. I thought I told you to be quiet.” Your head popped up, a look of disappointment across your features. “I-I’m sorry, mama. Shit, that feels good. D-do it again.” He was biting down on his lip so hard that you thought he would gnaw it off. You shook your head at his childish look that he gave you before moving back down to lick around his balls and taint, whimpers passing his lips as he continued to fight against the restraints. “P-please baby, I ain’t gonna last if I can’t—if I can’t feel ya.” You shushed him one last time before your tongue moved back up to his balls, wrapping your mouth around the sack as you gently sucked on it. 
You moved up to his neglected cock, the tip as red as his face, wrapping your lips around it as you began slowly sucking him. You could tell that he was trying to hold his composure, whimpers falling from his lips like a song. You loved seeing him almost falling apart at the seams just by your mouth alone. You had never had Elvis whimpering like he was before, but it did something to you. You felt empowered, more than you thought you should have been at that moment. His moans and whimpers passed his lips softly, only remaining in the room as you continued sucking his cock. He was so engorged in your mouth that the saliva pooled on your tongue, threatening to spill for your lips. 
Your eyes never left Elvis, becoming turned on more than you could ever imagine as tears pricked his eyes and his head thrown back in pleasure as you continued paying attention to his hard cock. You smirked, taking all of him to hilt as your nose buried into his bushy pelvis. He tasted so good to you, only wanting to have him on your tongue as long as you lived. You decided that he had enough at that moment as you pulled your mouth off of his cock, a gasp leaving his lips at the sound of your lips popping off of him. You stood to your feet, kissing up his stomach, licking at his happy trail before you stopped at his nipples. A wild idea popped into your head as you ran your tongue around his pink nub, causing his body to arch off of the bed. 
“Nuh uh, Daddy. Be a good boy for me.” You whispered, licking across his chest before licking around his left nipple, biting on it softly. A long whimper passed his lips as his hands ripped the stockings apart, his hands finally becoming free as he ripped the corset off of your breasts. You gasped softly, feeling the wind around you as he flipped you over on the bed. “You’ve teased Daddy long enough, mama. I’ve let ya have your little fun, but I’m not some toy for ya to play with.” You moaned out at his words as his lips made contact with your skin. You moaned softly, running your fingers down his arms as he kissed your breasts. 
His lips wrapped around your right nipple, nipping and sucking as he lifted your legs to wrap around his waist. He was like a ravaging beast, growls and mewls passing his lips as he attacked your breasts with his tongue and teeth. “Grab on me.” You whispered into his ear as he groped your thighs, spreading them apart as his cock lined up with your entrance. Elvis wasn’t letting up on his attack on your breasts as he pushed inside of you swiftly. You let out a sigh, your eyes shutting slightly before snapping back open as he lingered on top of you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your fingers rubbing at the nape of his neck. 
“Baby, you’re so sexy.” You whispered into his ear as he plowed into you, the headboard knocking against the wall. You gasped out at the sound, the confirmation that the people that slept in their rooms could hear. “Ya like that, mama?” Elvis growled into your ear as his fingers dug into your thighs, the painful feeling sending shivers down your body. You giggled as your fingers moved into his raven colored locks, slightly pulling at the strands. You nodded your head, soft moans passing your lips as he threw his head back at the tug of his hair. “I’m gonna make the entire house hear how good I’m fucking ya. You’re not gonna be able to show your face without thinking about how they heard ya moaning for me.” 
Your face burned with desire as you thought about how his mafia would stare at you the following day. His hips pounded into you faster, his balls slapping against your ass as he pressed his lips to yours, silencing your growing moans. “Shhhh, I thought I told ya to be quiet.” Elvis shot your earlier statement back to you, a smirk crossing his lips as he let go of your thighs before pulling out of you. He turned you over on your stomach, lifting your ass in the air before slamming back into you. You screamed into the sheets, muffling yourself as he held onto your hips tightly. You held on tightly to the sheets, your eyes rolling into your head as you chanted his name over and over again. 
His hand slapped across your ass repeatedly until it turned bright red, hissing noises passing your lips as you gritted your teeth together. “Be quiet, mama. Better yet, let them hear ya. Let them hear how naughty you’ve been to your Daddy.” You moaned out, trying to keep yourself up as you white knuckled the sheets. Elvis wore a shit eating grin on his face, watching you trying to keep your composure as he fucked into you. The coil in your stomach tightened once again as your breath caught into your throat. You whined out loudly, earning another smack on your ass as tears streamed down your cheeks. “I’m-I’m gonna fucking cum, Daddy. Please don’t stop.” You moaned out in tune with his thrusts.
“Cum for Daddy. Show him how good you are, little girl.” He leaned down, whispering in your ear before tugging on it with his teeth. You moaned out loudly, your juices squirting out of you, covering the sheets and your thighs as he continued fucking into you. He roared softly, gripping your ass cheeks in his hands as he sped up his thrusts, hitting each spot within you along with your cervix. You felt as if you would break apart if he kept fucking into you at the speed that he was using. “Oh shit, Elvis.” You whimpered out as he didn’t let up, your cheeks burning from the spanking and the groping. Elvis moaned repeatedly, incoherently pouring words out of his mouth as he was close. 
“Fuck, I’m cumming, mama. Ya ready? Take all of me.” Elvis roared as he spilled his seed into you, his hips sloppily thrusting into you slowly before he ceased his movements. At that moment, your fingers released the sheets as you sank down to the bed, whimpering from him filling you to the brim with his cum. “Fuck baby, that was-.” Elvis chuckled as he pulled out of you, replacing the loss of his cock with his fingers. He scooped up some of his cum, pulling you up by your waist before placing the digit in your mouth. You moaned around his finger, licking him clean before turning around to face him. “Magical, huh?” Elvis replied, pressing his lips to yours in a heated kiss before climbing into the bed with you. You couldn’t fight your exhaustion much longer as he pulled you into his arms, falling asleep as he rubbed his fingers up your arm. 
The following morning, you woke up to Elvis snoring beside you. You watched his chest rise and fall, smiling as you took in his beautiful features. You never realized how lucky you were to have such a loving man as Elvis, but you were starting to realize it at that moment. You slid out of the bed, careful not to wake him as you decided that you would shower before preparing for the day. After your shower and you getting dressed, you slipped out of the room, making your way down to the kitchen. Jerry was sitting at the dining room table, sipping at his morning coffee as his head snapped to see you walk in. 
Jerry smirked, placing the cup down on the table before crossing his arms. “I see you’re happy after last night.” You stopped dead in your tracks, tilting your head before opening your mouth to speak. He placed his hand up to stop you, before continuing with what he was saying. “The entire house heard ya, Y/N. If that’s what you’re asking, yes. We heard ya.” Your face heated up as you covered your mouth. Damn him. Damn him for not keeping you restrained. Elvis entered not long after, stretching his arms over his head as he patted your ass as he grabbed a cup of coffee from one of his chefs. “Had a fun night, E?” Jerry teased, earning a chuckle from Elvis. “What can I say? That’s the art of love.” You were definitely not gonna be able to show your face for a while. 
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Taglist: @lindszeppelin @thatbanditqueen @ab4eva @samfangirls @flwrs4aust @flowersofcement @austinbutler-91 @woundmetender @mad-over-elvis @rosaminny @austinsmutler @isthlsfate @iloveaustinelvis @loving-elvis @oh-my-front-door @rainydayz101 @plasticfantasticl0ver @feverkitten @elvisabutler @elvis-lil-sugarpie @troubleinapinksuit @missmaywemeetagain @vintageshanny @presleysdarling @el-velvis @marriedtopresley @kendralavon7 @prayerstopresley @literally-just-elvis-fics @crash-and-cure @venus-haze @foreverdolly @dre6ming @dkayfixates @infatuatedharleys @cryingabtab @burninlovebutler @peaceloveelvis @polksalademma @p-oolshark @wonka-gifs @lovininapinkcadillac @ophelia-writes-stuff @ep-supremacy @epforeverohyes @stitchattacks @lilacprincessofrecovery
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a-anglwilson · 1 year
Don't Worry | Carina Deluca x Pregnant!Teen!Reader
Requested by anonymous
"You paged me, Dr. Robbins." Carina grabbed Arizona's attention as she walked into the ER.
"Yes, there's a patient who has requested you. She won't let anyone else treat her." Arizona told her.
"Who is it?" Carina asked adjusting the stethoscope around her neck.
"Pregnant teenager over there." Arizona nodded over to the bed in the middle of the rest where a young girl sat clutching her pregnant belly.
"I got her. Thank you, Arizona." Carina gave her a quick smile before walking away. "y/n, sweetheart, what's wrong?" She asked grabbing a pair of gloves.
"It hurts." y/n groaned her body scrunching in pain.
"Where?" Carina asked placing a hand on her back and gently getting her to lay back in the bed. "Right here?" She placed her hand on abdomen lightly pushing on the area.
"Yes." y/n bit her lip holding back a cry of pain.
"When did they start?" Carina asked.
"I think like half an hour ago." y/n answered taking deep breaths. "I'm not going into labor, am I?"
"No, you're not, sweetheart." Carina shook her head with a gently smile. "You're nearing the end of your second trimester, so I'm thinking it's just Braxton Hicks, but I'm gonna do a small check up and an ultrasound just to be sure, okay?"
"Okay." y/n gave her a small smile.
Carina gave the young girl a quick check up making sure the young girl and her baby looked good and well before bringing an ultrasound machine to the bed.
"It's a little cold." Carina reminded her as she squeezed the bottle of gel onto her belly. She grabbed the wand and moved it slowly across her stomach. "You're baby is looking good, y/n." Carina smiled. She moved the screen to face her. "There is your beautiful baby." She said tracing the outline of the small fetus on the screen.
"They're okay?" y/n asked letting out a small sigh.
"They're more than okay." Carina told her. "You're pain was just a case of Braxton Hicks which is normal. Most women don't even feel them."
"So I'm a wimp?" y/n joked making Carina chuckle.
"No, you're a worried mother." Carina rubbed her shoulder. "But you're both well. Braxton Hicks are usually caused by you or the baby being very active or possible dehydration. I want you to make sure you stay hydrated, and maybe take a nice warm bath if you want help with the pain, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am." y/n nodded. "Thank you, Dr. Deluca."
"I'm always here, sweetheart." Carina smiled.
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russellsppttemplates · 9 months
I'm with you all the way (Mick Schumacher)
Baby Aurora is ready to make her entrance to the world
Note: english is not my first language. this is another long piece that I hope you enjoy (I've had this one planned for a bit and I'm so happy I'm finally publishing it)! Also, of you're looking for more pieces of dad!Mick, I also have some pieces on my masterlist where they become a family of four and some other moments too! (You can read the latest one here!)
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy and childbirth
Your night routine, especially when Mick was home, had turned into a ritual that he would not do without. Like so, you were laying on the bed already, having done your skincare and brushed your teeth, your loose pyjama top resting just under your boobs while Mick also got ready.
Grabbing the bottle of bump oil, he dosed the right amount on this hands and spread the product on your skin, "you know, today was the last day at the factory before winter break, and everyone was hoping you'd pay them a visit as soon as it was possible. And you got some gifts too, we now have a few team onesies for you, and they also said they would get a pair of headphones ready for when you attend your first race", he smiled kissing the skin above your belly button, "I'm sure that's going to be an eventful day", you chipped in. This routine had been pretty early on and it always allowed Mick to feel closer to his babygirl. He would usually tell her all about his day, random thoughts he had and discussions you would have about certain topics, "did you feel okay today?", he asked, laying his head near your bump but looking up at you, "yes, I mean, at this stage there's always a degree of discomfort, but I've been okay. Spent most of the day changing a few things around and I also cooked a big batch of food to put in the freezer", you added, brushing his blond hairs with your fingers.
You think you managed to sleep about four hours until you were woken up from the pain on your hips and your lower back. They were once than cramps but still tolerable, yet they were keeping you from sleeping all way through the night. They became a lot more frequent, around forty minutes between each of them, leaving you like you were standing on a tightrope: you'd be woken up from the pressure, it would relieve and you'd do your best to fall asleep, only to be woken up by the pressure again and repeat the cycle.
By the time morning rolled around, Mick woke up at his regular hour, turning to face you, "good morning, liebling", he croaked out, his hand landing on your bump with soft strokes, "morning, my love", you yawned, "I did not sleep all that well, I think I might cut out of watching you work out today", you apologised, "it's okay. Take sometime to rest, yeah?", he cuddled you for a little, "but what happened?".
Appreciating the way his body heat was feeling against your skin, you snuggled further into him, fingers tracing shapes on his chest, "I have this pressure on my hips and lower back, I don't even know if they're contractions. In my head, it makes sense that I would feel those in my belly, right? Because of how the baby is coming out? I don't know, I just know I barely slept", you pouted, feeling Mick's lips on your forehead, "maybe it's just some Braxton-Hick contractions", he mumbled, moving his hand to soothe the areas you had complained about.
When you got up to use the toilet in hopes of going back to bed when you noticed some blood, making you finish your business and meet Mick in the home gym, "I thought you were going to sleep? Are you alright?", he wondered, not expecting to see you there, "I had a tiny bit of blood on my underwear and I have just texted my OB about it, maybe it is my mucous plug? And those were in fact real contractions, so maybe there's that", you told him, "but I feel fine, like any other day, Rora has kicked and everything, no now we just wait", you finished, grabbing a comfy chair you had in the gym for the purpose of sitting while your husband worked out. A lovely view, one might had.
"What did she say?", Mick questioned as he set the weight back on the stand, having heard the notification on your phone going off, "she is advising that we go to the hospital to get checked out, and that she'll call me later", you read, setting your phone down, "so maybe after this, we have breakfast and then you pack the rest of your things?", you suggested, earning a nod from Mick, "I can finish now, there's no need to-", your husband began tidying up, "no need for that. I'm feeling fine, genuinely. And, besides, you were just going to do some squats, right? Mama wants to see that", you giggled, tapping his butt when he walked past you, shaking his head from side to side at your comment.
Despite the initial hurry Mick felt, you were able to do things like you normally would, commenting many times how you actually felt pretty okay and if you should really go to the emergency room, "better be safe than sorry, liebling", Mick offered as he finished putting the last things on his hospital bag, "I'm packed, do you need me to get you anything from upstairs?", he asked one last time before he went upstairs to get the phone chargers.
When you go the hospital, you went straight to the CTG room where they would monitor the contractions and the baby's heartrate, talking to Mick and every healthcare professional that walked in time to time just to check that everything was okay, "is it painful?", your husband asked, "a little bit of pain comes whenever I feel the pressure, but other than that, it's the same as any day", you explained, squeezing his hand that was holding yours.
When the doctor on call looked at the paper that was coming out of the machine, she decided to do an observational exam, "your cervix is still in a posterior position, and it's closed still. You are in early labour, yes, and you did very well in coming here today, but this is going to take a few days. You've only had two contractions while you were here as well. So maybe next week something should occur", she smiled.
"Is there anything we can do now?", Mick asked, a little bit more relieved that everything was fine, "just take this time to rest", she offered, bidding you goodbye as you, too, made your way back home.
Back home, you and Mick spent the afternoon in the sofa, only getting up when you needed the bathroom or when you wanted to eat or drink water, Angie cuddled up next to you. While the pain remained at the same tolerable level, it was around dinner time that you began to feel it around every 20 minutes.
The night had proven to be even harder. If you had only slept a little bit the previous night, tonight you couldn't sleep at all. The contractions were coming along every four to ten minutes, and the pain had increased significantly. You went to sleep at ten at night, given your tiredness, and now three hours later, you were past the point of not wanting to bother Mick, "Mick, my love, wake up please", you called, shaking his body softly and firmly at the same time, seeing him open his eyes, "what's wrong?", he croaked out, "I can't sleep because the pain just got a lot lot worse, and I don't think I can be here. And I'm probably in labour", you muttered between another contraction, "let's go then", he said, getting up and helping you up too, putting on something a little more decent other than pyjama shorts and a sleeping gown for you.
The bags had ready been in the car from your trip this morning, making Mick only grab the chargers and head out with you, "Angie, mama is going to the hospital, and by the looks of it, your sister will be home soon", you held the dog's snout on your hands before kissing her, almost noticing weariness in her eyes, after all, her humans were not usually up at this time of the day. "Shall we go then?", Mick asked, guiding you to the car after petting the dog's head.
Driving to the hospital was fine, your body recoiling a little bit whenever you felt another contraction, "we're nearly there, liebling", your husband conforted, his hand squeezing yours on top of your thigh. Sensing his worry, you looked to calm him down a little, "Hey,", you squeezed him hand back , "So far everything is good, and we're finally gonna meet this little lady. So until we have to, let's not worry, okay?", you finished as he parked near the entrance of the hospital, "I can walk from here".
Mick flashed you his dashing smile, leaving his side and going around the car to help you out once he put on the backpack and slung the other bag over his shoulder, "Let's go then", he said, somehow managing to lock the car and support your lower back, along with the bags, along to the door.
Your midwife, Caroline, was already waiting for you at the entrance, "I was just going to ask if you needed help, but you look like you're just fine!", the older women exclaimed once she saw Mick, "perks of being an athete, I guess", he chuckled nervously, "where do we sign in?", he asked once he sat you in one of the wheelchairs as comfortable as you could be.
"Hi liebling, how are you handling it?", he asked as soon as he walked inside the room after filling in all the paperwork, seeing you already in a hospital gown and your OB typing things on her iPad, "I'm good, they're getting stronger, but I'm handling it, I think", you smiled, happy to have him back with you. "Hi, everyone. Sorry, I just came in and didn't even greet everyone", he blushed, "That's okay, don't worry. Like I said to Y/N, she is 4 fingers dilated, so this little one is coming out today", she smiled, "if you need anything, please call someone, okay?", she said before herself and the rest of the team eventually left you two in the room.
"I hate seeing you like this", Mick mumbled against your skin, kissing your sweaty forehead, "it's part of the job, but yes, if there was a way I could give you some of this discomfort, I would give you since you're offering", you said back, chuckling a little before groaning at another contraction, opening your eyes when it finished when you noticed two yoga balls, "I want to go on the ball, I want to try it", you pointed, your husband promptly helping you to do so and grabbing the second one so he could sit and be at your eye level, "I love you, Y/N", he said once he got comfortable, holding your hands in his as you rocked your hips from side to side, "I love you too, so much, Mick. We're finally going to meet our babygirl", you said, "we are, my love. And it's all because of you", he recognised, gulping when he saw you bracing yourself for another contraction, "it took the two of us to do the deed", you attempted to pull a smile out of him, failing by a small margin as only the corners of his lips lifted up and smiled a tight lipped one, "yet you're the one-", he attempted but you shushed him, "None of that. You're being amazing, and I would like some kisses and I don't fancy them if they're not from you", you smirked, seeing him smile a genuine one this time.
Later, you wanted to move to the bed as the tiredness began washing over your body. If this was what happened after two sleepless night, the newborn phase was going to be interesting to go through.
"Here, careful, I'll call someone, yes?", Mick said, the crease between his eyebrows back on his handsome face. The room door opened and Caroline walked in, "how are we doing, Y/N?", she asked softly, approaching you, "I'm okay-ish, they're picking up now, like a lot", you mentioned, "Mick was just about to call someone", you yelped.
"It's 5 am, so you could be going along well. Let me check you, please", she urged, helping you scoot down down on the bed, "okay, you're about 8 to 9 fingers dilated, good job Y/N!".
"You're doing so well, liebling", he mumbled against your skin, "I'm going to check with the OB, but looking how this is going, you should expect to be wheeled into the birthing room in an hour or so", she smiled, typing the new informations on her iPad before leaving you two.
You opened your arms, your husband taking the hint immediately and sitting on the edge of the be, one leg next to your while the other supported him on the floor, his hands soothing your pains around your hips and back area, "does your bump hurt?", he asked as he scattered a few kissed everywhere he could reach, "I don't think I can tell apart the areas where it hurts, it's just my whole torso", you said and immediately regretted it, sensing his tension grow at his helplessness, "but your hands are doing a good job at distracting me, and I appreciate that a lot", you soothed him, hopefully, the feel of his fingers and his scent calming your own body despite everything that was going on.
Between shared affections, words of encouragement and even a video call from Corinna, the time came for you to be wheeled into the birthing room, doctors and nurses ready to.
Your body was urging you to push and you complied. Holding Mick's hand, he helped your support your torso when your strenght was giving out, "C'mon, Y/N, you're doing an incredible job!", Caroline urged you while Mick mumbled into your ear, "a few more pushes and Aurora will be here with us", he encouraged, "you're doing so well, my love, I'm amazed at you".
It took you three big pushes until your baby girl was out in the world. Leaning back against the pillow, you felt Mick kiss the side of your head until your senses focused on the new noise, a high pitch scream from your daughter, "she's here, Y/N, congratulations mama and papa", Caroline said as she placed the baby on your chest.
A head full of blond hair, the softest of chubby cheeks ever and eyes wide open just taking in the world around her, quietly calming down as soon as she felt your skin on her. You briefly looked at Mick and, like you, tears were running down his face as he kept caressing your shoulders and whispering praises and "thank you"s on your ear, his finger coming up to touch his daughter's soft cheek.
"Look at her, she's so tiny", you whispered, kissing the top of her head and looking at your husband again, kissing his lips chastely while the medical team waited for you to deliver the placenta, checking if everything was going like it was supposed to.
After a few minutes of admiring her, Caroline approached you, "you're all set, Y/N, everything looks good and it should heal nicely. Now, we need to take this little lady to check everything with her, okay?", she asked as one of the nurses held out her arms, making your extend your own so she could grab her.
Mick looked at you like you hung the moon and the stars just for him on a regular basis, but at that moment, it was more than that. You gave him the start of his own family, a little girl who had captured his heart the moment you told him you were expecting and new opportunities to form memories.
"I love you so much. Thank you for not letting me give up", you whispered and you kissed his hand that was caressing your cheek and brushing the hairs out of your eyes, "You've made me a father, there's, again, no words to thank you for that".
Seeing your husband holding the baby your love created really was a whole thing. Hormones were flying around since you had given birth, and now back in the room, watchinh your husband being the most attentive ever to your little girl was the last drop. While Caroline checked your vitals and made sure everything was healing nicely, you couldn't stop looking at Mick walking around with Aurora tucked into his chest, his hands holding her against him while he spoke soflty, "and after Opa Michael, there's Oma Corinna, she has been so excited since she knew you were coming, she's going to be enamoured of you, I just know it. I think she's making her way here, actually", he smiled as he turned to you, seeinh you nod, "they're going to spoil you so much, little one", he said before placing a kiss on top of his daughter's head.
"Do you want to do some skin to skin with her? Babies enjoy it a lot, especially when they're this young", Caroline pointed out.
There, that was the last straw, "sure!", Mick said enthusiastically, settling the baby on your chest so he could take his shirt off, "there we go", Caroline helped him place his hands around her small body. And that was a sight you would happily watch all day, every single day, making you grab your phone so you could save the moment forever, "you're both very enamoured with your little one, as expected, so I'm going to leave you. Call if you need anything", Caroline excused herself.
"You know, I'm very happy that she's here safe and sound, but I'm also very happy that my body is preventing me from having another kid right away because right now it sounds great, even though my rational self also knows it would be crazy, doable, but crazy", you mused, looking at Mick and seeing him watch you, "and as I was saying, because mama seems to have forgotten that there are little ears in the room, me and mama are sure to love on you any moment of your life, that is a promise we've made long ago and that we intend to keep forever", he gulped, looking back at you to kiss your forehead, "rest up a little bit, liebling, me and Rora are going to catch up".
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sequinsmile-x · 6 months
Wrapped Up in Love
Three Christmases in the life of the Hotchner family.
Hi friends!
This is a little gift from me to you on Christmas Eve!
Happy Holidays for whatever you do, or don't, celebrate, and I wish you all the love and happiness in the world <3
Love you all very much!
Warnings: pregnancy, so fluffy you'll need to floss afterwards.
Words: 3.1k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily adjusts her hold on the bundle in her arms. She smiles down at her daughter, looking intently at her face, eager to memorise every tiny feature. She hums softly as the baby shifts in her embrace and whimpers.
“Oh Evie, Mommy’s got you,” she says, lifting Evelyn to press a kiss to her forehead, “It’s hard work being born, huh?” She grimaces as she shifts in the bed, her lower body hurting in ways she didn’t know was possible, “Mommy didn’t have an easy time of it either,” she gently strokes Evelyn’s cheek and then her nose, the slope of it more beautiful than it had ever seemed on her own face, “You’re the best Christmas present ever though, even if you did give me and Daddy a bit of a shock this morning.” 
She wasn’t due for another three weeks. 
Emily’s plan for Christmas Day had been to sit on the couch, eat more cookies than any one person feasibly should, and let Jack talk at her about all of his new toys. Evelyn, it seemed, had other plans. Emily had woken up very early in the morning to a pain in her belly that she initially wrote off as Braxton Hicks contractions, an idea she quickly dismissed when her water broke as she stood up. Aaron had woken up to her shaking him, her voice tight, strangled by fear that her baby wasn’t supposed to be coming yet, as she told him she was in labour. 
It was only when they made it to the hospital, Jack safely with Jessica, that she really thought about the fact it was Christmas, that she was having a baby on Christmas Day of all days. She had spent the time in between contractions worrying about the fact her little girl’s birthday was on a major holiday, that she’d never quite get the attention she deserved. Aaron had tried to calm her down, her physical and emotional support as he sat behind her for hours, never once complaining when she was sure she almost broke his hand. 
She looks up as she hears a knock on the door, “Come in,” she says quietly, smiling as her husband pops his head into the room, his smile wide and full of adoration as their eyes meet, “Hi honey,” she looks down at Evelyn, “Look sweet girl, Daddy is back.” 
Aaron’s smile gets impossibly wider at the sight of his girls together, “Are you two ready for a visitor?”
She nods, well aware that there was only one person that Aaron would have with him. He’d only been out of the room for a matter of minutes, his only goal to meet Jack and Jessica in the waiting room so the young boy could meet his little sister, and she’d missed him. Emily had been clear from the very start that she didn’t want visitors in the hospital, and that Jack was her only exception. 
It ended up being one of the benefits of going into labour when she had. She’d sent a text to the BAU team group chat, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, but hadn’t hinted that she was in labour. 
She could surprise them all tomorrow, send a picture of Evelyn and Jack together and announce she’d unexpectedly given birth earlier than expected, but for now, she wanted to live in this little bubble with her children and her husband. 
“Of course,” she replies, winking at her husband before the door opens, revealing Jack standing next to him, his eyes wide in wonder as he walks into the room, “Hi Jack.” 
“Hi,” he says, stepping closer to the bed, staring at the bundle in Emily’s arms. “Is that baby sister?” 
“Yeah, buddy, that’s your sister” Aaron says, picking Jack up and placing him carefully on the bed so he doesn’t jostle Emily too much, “Now be careful, remember-”
“The baby is small and Mom might be sore,” Jack says, his eyes still fixed on the baby, his fascination so intense he misses how Emily rolls her eyes at Aaron over his head. 
“I’m fine, sweetie,” Emily says, encouraging him to sit next to her, rearranging the blankets around her daughter's face, “This is Evelyn, but we’re going to call her Evie most of the time.” 
Jack gasps and leans in closer, stamping a kiss on Evelyn’s forehead before he sits back up, looking back and forth between his parents, “She’s so pretty, Mom,” Jack says, his smile wide as he leans into Emily’s side, “Just like you.” 
Emily chuckles and shakes her head, turning to kiss his temple, “You’re a charmer,” she says, looking at her husband and raising her eyebrow, “Just like your dad.” 
“Can I hold her?” Jack asks enthusiastically and Emily nods.
“Of course, put your arms like mine,” she says, nodding encouragingly as he does so, “Be careful with her head,” she adds as she hands over Evelyn, shushing her as she whines a little bit, making sure she keeps a hand under her head for extra support, “There you go.” 
The family of four falls into a contented silence as Jack looks down at his younger sister, his smile wide. 
“What do you think, Jack?” Aaron asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. He places his hand on Emily’s leg and squeezes, exchanging a small smile with her. 
“I think she’s the best Christmas present ever.” 
Emily was losing her mind. 
She was surrounded by wrapping paper, ‘Happy Birthday’ to her right and ‘Merry Christmas to her left. 
She hated wrapping presents. She wasn’t good at it, didn’t have the patience for it, but it was a necessary evil - especially this time of year. She groans as she looks at the pile of toys in front of her, gifts for Evelyn and Jack mixed in together, and she rests her elbows on the table and her face in her hands. 
“You okay sweetheart?” 
She turns her head just enough to look at her husband, offering him a half smile as he walks over, “I hate wrapping.” 
He chuckles as he sits next to her and places a hot chocolate on the table in front of her, “I know you do,” he says, stamping a kiss against her temple as he reaches out and places his hand on her stomach, rubbing a circle on her bump, “How are you two doing?” 
She smiles as she rests her hand over his, “We’re okay,” she says, scrunching her nose up as she looks at the pile of still unwrapped gifts on the table, “He hates wrapping too.”
Aaron raises his eyebrow at her, “He told you that did he?” 
She shrugs, “He lives inside of me, I just know.” 
He smiles and leans in, stamping a kiss against her lips, “Why don’t you sit there and enjoy your hot chocolate,” he says, sliding it closer to her, “And I’ll take over wrapping.” 
She beams at him, both of them aware that this was the inevitable outcome anyway, and she nods, reaching out for her drink and leaning back in her chair, “The giant stuffed dog is for Evie’s birthday, the PlayDoh Kitchen is for Christmas.” 
“I know, Em,” he says, winking at her as he starts to measure out paper, doing it much more meticulously than she would, “I went to the toy store with you,” he smiles wryly, “And last year she was more interested in the wrapping paper than the toy we actually bought her.”  
She nods, sipping her hot chocolate, “Sorry, honey,” she says, watching him as he works, “I think I’m just…overthinking it. She’s turning 3 and it’s the first birthday and Christmas she’s going to really understand.” 
He puts down the scissors and reaches over to squeeze her knee, “I know, baby,” he assures her, “And you’re five months pregnant, so everything feels a little sharper.” 
She presses her lips together, one of her hands drifting down to her bump, smiling at the sensation of her son moving, “That too,” she sighs, looking over the pile of gifts, “I…I feel bad sometimes. I worry she’s going to grow up and feel bad because her brothers have separate days and she has to share her day with everyone.” 
Aaron shifts closer, wrapping his arm around her as he pulls her into his side, “Em, she’s the happiest little girl,” he says, “And we’ve always made a point that the morning is her birthday, the afternoon is Christmas, and we’ll keep on doing that,” he places his hand on her bump, “And her little brother will understand it all too.” 
She hums, “I hope so,” she says, resting her head on his shoulder, “Speaking of the kids, where are they?” She asks as she looks around, “It’s too quiet.” 
He chuckles, “Last time I checked Jack was showing Evie how to play a game in the living room.”
She smiles and she nods, placing her hot chocolate down and kissing his cheek before she stands, “Well, your youngest son is bouncing on my bladder, so I’ll check on them on the way to the bathroom.” 
He grabs her hand as she walks past and presses a kiss to her knuckles, “Love you.” 
“Love you too,” she replies, squeezing his hand before she leaves the room, suppressing a yawn as she looks at her watch and rolls her eyes, “It’s only 6 pm,” she grumbles to herself, “You’re zapping all my energy sweet boy.” 
She stops outside of the living room when she hears her children’s hushed voices, pausing just out of sight so she can hear them. 
“I’ll write your name for you, Evie,” Jack says, “And you put on the glitter.” 
“Momma loves glitter.” 
Emily chuckles at the delight in her daughter’s voice, and she covers her mouth to stop herself from disturbing them. She absolutely did not love glitter, especially in what she was sure in large amounts on her hardwood floor, but she loved her children, so she’d put up with finding glitter on the floor for the rest of her life if it made them happy. 
“Exactly. That’s why we’ve got to make her the best card, because she’s the best Mom,” Jack says, and Emily blows out a steady breath, tears already pressing at the back of her eyes. 
“The best Momma!” 
She presses her lips together to stop them from trembling, but tears slip past her lashline, splashing onto her cheeks at the sound of her daughter’s sweet voice. 
“They’re right you know,” Aaron says softly, appearing behind her so quietly that she jumps, her hand on her chest as she turns to look at him, “You are the best.” 
She smiles as he pulls her into a hug, his arms tight around her, and she presses her cheek to his shoulder. Sometimes it was still hard to believe that this was her life, that she had a family of her own. A husband she loved beyond measure and children that were the centre of her world. 
“Aaron?” She says softly, and she feels the way he hums in response, feels it rumble from his chest to hers, “I still really need to go pee so you need to stop squeezing me.” 
He lets go of her, a smile on his face as he steps back, “You go to the bathroom, I’ll go make sure the monsters aren’t entirely covering the living room with glitter as they make our cards.”
On Christmas morning, the presents for everyone still tucked away under the tree as Evie excitedly unwraps her birthday presents, Emily sits on the couch, a cup of tea in hand, and revels in her ordinary, extraordinary life. 
She yawns as she picks up balled-up wrapping paper, unceremoniously dumping them into the recycling bin she’d pulled into the living room. She smiles at the mix of Christmas and Birthday paper, something that had been normal in their house for 15 years now. 
“Mom, do you want some help?” 
Emily turns and smiles at Evelyn, the teenager standing with her arms crossed in the doorway, “If don’t mind, honey,” Emily says, and Evelyn walks in, leaning down to start picking up paper too, “Where’s everyone else?”
“Jack is FaceTiming his girlfriend,” Evelyn says, rolling her eyes when she thinks of her older brother, “Apparently a whole week away from college might be the end of them both.”
Emily smiles as she watches her daughter clean up. Everyone had always said Evelyn was the double of her, in looks and attitude, and she knew it was true. It had been strange at first, raising someone who was exactly like her and struggling to see the faults her mother had always pointed out to her. All the parts of her own personality that people told her she’d struggle with when she was on the receiving end of them nothing short of amazing to her, each of them contributing to the beautiful person her daughter was turning into.
“Be nice,” Emily says, smiling wryly as Evelyn looks up at her with a raised eyebrow, “One day you’ll meet someone and fall in love and be just as disgusting about it,” she chuckles, “But don’t do it too soon, you might give Dad a heart attack and I quite like having him around,” she adds and Evelyn laughs too, the sound matching Aaron’s perfectly, the one thing she’d seemingly picked up from her father, “What about everyone else?”
“Ollie is reading his new book in bed,” she explains, and Emily thinks of her 12-year-old son, his love of learning and reading something that she treasured and would protect forever, even if it meant she had to go to the school and talk to the kids who called him a nerd, “And Dad is reading Willa a story because she insisted and we all know he’s wrapped around her finger.” 
Willa had been a surprise, an addition to their family they weren’t expecting a few years after they’d agreed Oliver would be their last. Emily had assumed her mood swings and exhaustion were perimenopause, the start of the next stage of her life. The sadness, the pull of regret in her belly, felt strange, misplaced even, until her doctor told her she was pregnant, the final piece of the puzzle they hadn’t known was missing. Willa was funny, her sense of humour sharp for a 9-year-old, and she lived to make the people around her laugh. 
“You say that like he isn’t wrapped around yours,” Emily quips, her smile getting wider as Evelyn jokingly sticks her tongue out at her. She smiles as she dumps the last of the wrapping paper into the recycling and she sighs, “Want to pick a movie whilst we wait for your dad?” 
Evelyn’s eyes light up, “I get to pick?” 
Emily smiles, “It’s your birthday honey, of course you get to pick,” she squeezes her daughter’s shoulder as she passes her, “I’ll get the hot chocolate.” 
She makes quick work of making the drinks, making sure she puts extra marshmallows in Evelyn’s, and she walks back to the living room. Evelyn was on the couch now, a blanket over her lap. Emily walks over and puts the hot chocolates down on the coffee table and sits next to Evelyn, she smiles when the teenager puts the other half of the blanket over Emily’s lap. She then rests her head on her mother’s shoulder, sighing contently as Emily lifts her arm and lets her snuggle closer. 
“Did you have a nice birthday?” Emily asks, running her fingers through her daughter’s long dark hair.
Evelyn nods against her, “I did, thank you for all my gifts,” she tilts her head to look up at her, “Can I ask you something?”
Emily nods, “Of course you can.”
“Where do you even find birthday wrapping paper this time of year?” She asks, her brow furrowed, “When I was picking out stuff to wrap my gifts for everyone I couldn’t see it anywhere.” 
Emily chuckles, “I buy it when I buy stuff for Jack’s,” she says, “Just to make sure I have it.” 
Evelyn smiles at her, “Why? I mean, I love it, but you don’t have to worry. I know you’re busy.” 
She shrugs at her daughter's question, “Ever since you were born, and you were that tiny little baby in that hospital room, I promised you that I’d always make sure you felt special on your birthday,” she says, still playing with Evelyn’s hair. 
Evelyn smiles at her, “You’ve always done that, Mom,” she says, “You’re the best.” 
Emily presses her lips together to stop her daughter from seeing them tremble, her children and their open affection for her something that had always been her Achilles’ heel. It was something she treasured, a sign that she’d done what her mother had never done for her - raised them in a way that let them know they were loved. 
“I remember on your second birthday you were more interested in the wrapping paper,” Emily says, changing the subject just enough so she could get her emotions under control. She smiles wistfully as she thinks about when Evie was a tiny little thing, not the gangly teenager who was leaning against her, “You didn’t look at your actual present for days.” 
Evelyn chuckles, “I have always liked shiny things.” 
“You get that from your Dad,” Emily jokes and they both laugh, sinking further into each other, both of them enjoying some rare alone time together. 
“What are you two laughing at?” Aaron says as he walks into the room, his eyebrow raised as they both turn to look at him and start laughing even harder. He shakes his head and walks over, dropping a kiss on his wife’s lips before he rounds the couch and sits on Emily’s other side, sandwiching her between him and their eldest daughter. 
“Nothing, honey,” Emily says, her hand on his cheek as she pulls him in for a quick kiss, making a point of doing it again when Evelyn groans in disgust next to him, “Evie picked the movie.” 
“Well of course,” he says, leaning back to look at his daughter over his wife’s head, “She’s the birthday girl.” 
Evelyn smiles widely, “I’m the best Christmas present ever,” she says. It was something she’d repeated every year ever since Emily had told her that’s what Jack had called her when he met her, something that embarrassed the now 22-year-old. 
Emily smiles and squeezes her daughter against her, “You really are.” 
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callsign-dexter · 5 months
My Daughter, My Heart Pt. 3
Summary: Now that she has met Grant, everything seems right. Elizabeth gets to call Javy and she tells him the news. Javy is now free to tell Jake but will he after what he did to Elizabeth?
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, OC!Grant Braxton x OC!Elizabeth Taylor
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing
My Daughter, My Heart
Prolog Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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It had been a week since Elizabeth met Grant and they had been on numerous dates and they had really hit it off. She told him all about what happened and he actually listened and didn't get mad when she made it all about her and Jake. She told him all about Javy and he supported her that she had a strong friendship with someone. They had just gotten back from a date and he had dropped her off at her home and walked her to the front porch and kissed her cheek. They said their goodbyes and then she watched him walk to his car and drive off through the window. She turned away and made busy getting ready to relax for the night when she got a FaceTime notification from a restricted number and instantly knew what it was, Jake had called her that way many of times. She answered it expecting Jake but it was Javy instead and she instantly smiles.
"Javy!" She exclaimed
"Well you look happy." He said "I'm glad to see you happy." He added and she couldn't stop smiling. "What's up? How have you been?" He asked and she moved to a more comfortable place.
"I'm good! I actually moved to San Diego and got a teaching job on Miramar Navy base. I also met a really nice guy that bumped into me at the grocery store." She said.
"That's great! Tell me about this guy." He said and she actually blushed and that made him smile.
"He's great! He's a doctor and I just got back from a date with him. He listens to me. His name is Grant Braxton. He's so nice, Javy. He is such a gentleman." Elizabeth gushed on and he Javy listened and smiled.
"How's the pregnancy going?" He asked and she nodded her head.
"It's going really great! I'm 2 months along now." She said "I was thinking..." She begin to add and he interrupted her.
"Uh oh, thats dangerous." He said with a smirk and that made her chuckle.
"Oh hush. Anyways, I think I'm ok with you telling Jake." She said and he was silent about it.
"Are you sure? I mean he did leave you." He said and she nodded again.
"Yes, I know but I don't think it is right to keep a secret like this from the father. I want to give him a chance to be in this child's life even if I moved on." She explained and he nodded understanding where she was coming from.
"I understand but I think I'm going to make him suffer for a little bit but now that I know that I have your permission to tell him makes it easier. I'm still incredibly pissed at him." Javy said and she nodded and then she heard a beeping. "Listen, I gotta go but I promise when I get a chance to call again I will and when we get back I will." He said and she nodded smiling.
"I'll definitely keep you updated especially when you get back. Be safe Javy and tell Jake I said be safe even though he broke my heart, I still care about him." She said and nodded.
"Will do, Liz. Have a nice night and I'll talk to you later." He said
"You got it." She said back and then she ended the call and then got ready for bed.
When Javy hung up the phone he set it down in its spot and walked back to his best friend. "Who did you get to talk to?" Jake asked and Javy looked over at him.
"I talked to Elizabeth." He said and he saw Jake tense and what looked like sadness wash over his eyes. He knew he fucked up and it hurt him so much.
"How is she doing?" Jake asked
"She's doing good. She's met someone and is really happy about it." Javy said and Jake nodded. Javy thought about telling him about her pregnancy but decided against it.
"There probably isn't any chance that I would be able to win her back is there?" Jake asked and Javy shook his head.
"After the shit you pulled not a chance in hell. You would be lucky if she talks to you or looks your way." Javy said and Jake hung his head in shame feeling the guilt.
"I shouldn't have done it." Jake said and Javy nodded in agreement.
"No you really shouldn't have done it but you did it and now you have to face the consequences." Javy said and they left it at that.
4 months have passed of Elizabeth being pregnant and the baby was growing bigger and stronger every day. Grant and Elizabeth got together soon after the 5th date, she wanted to take it slow and Grant was respectful of that. Their relationship was like a dream come true and he had gone to every doctor's appointment with her and was absolutely supportive of her wanting to wait to see what the baby was going to be. She and Javy talked whenever they could and Jake had stopped asking who he talked to already knowing who it was. Grant was the absolute best he never overstepped and was just there for her, he went to all of the appointments and held her when she was able to hear the baby's heartbeat.
Shortly after they had started dating Grant's lease was up and they talked and they decided to that he would move into Elizabeth's place. Plus it was closer to the hospital that he worked at which just happened to be the hospital closest to the base and the school. Every now and then the thought of Jake not being there hit her hard but she blamed it on the hormones but Grant knew otherwise. Jake and Javy have been gone for 4 months. Grant and Elizabeth started dating since she was 3 months pregnant meaning that they had been together for 2 month since she was 4 months along now. Each day the love for each other had grown stronger.
She had just gotten home from work and sat down on the couch, turned on the TV and then somehow fell asleep. A few hours later Grant had came home from the hospital still in his scrubs and was confused when he didn't hear her padding around the house doing who knows what. "Baby?" Grant asked as he went looking for her and then heard the TV and walked into the living room and smiled when she found her asleep laying on the couch hugging her swollen stomach. He walked over to her and bent down running a hand through her hair and that woke her up.
"Babe?" She asked and he smiled and nodded "When did you get home?' She asked.
"Just now. Have you eaten?" He asked and she shook her head.
"No, I came home and sat down because my feet and back were killing me. I turned on the TV and fell asleep." She said and he smiled.
"Let's get you something to eat and I'll run you a bath." He said helping her sit up and she nodded and smiled. He kissed her forehead and got to work on supper. It was quickly done and they ate and then he was running her a bath and helped her down into the tub.
"Join me." She said and he smiled.
"Always." He said and stripped out of his scrubs and stepped in behind her when she leaned up and slowly sank down. Elizabeth leaned back into him and he wrapped his arms around her stomach gently stroking it as he kissed her shoulder. "Long day?" He asked when she sighed.
"Very. Standing all day doesn't help." She said
"Have you thought about taking maternity leave?" He asked
"I have but I want to wait as long as I can." She said and he nodded never pressuring her into making decisions she didn't want. Jake never did that either but he had hurt so bad that Grant was helping her heal.
"I'm here no matter what decision you make." He said and she smiled "I love you." He said
"I love you too." Elizabeth said back and then they fell into a comfortable silence.
Elizabeth wondered if Javy every told Jake but right now she couldn’t care less. She was finally happy with someone that made her feel like Jake made her feel, maybe made her a little bit happier than Jake ever did.
4 months on an aircraft carrier was a lot of time for Jake to think about what he had done and he was really kicking himself. Javy saw him kicking himself over and over again and he was feeling guilty for not telling him but he deserved it. Javy almost broke down several times to tell Jake about the baby but he kept thinking how Elizabeth was the night Jake left. “Are you ok, Jake?” Javy asked one night while they were getting ready to go to bed.
“No and yes. Do you think if I called her, she would answer and let me explain?” He asked and Javy knew who he was talking about.
“I wouldn’t man. She’s happy with Grant and finally moving on after you broke her heart. I don’t think it would be a good idea honestly. It would just put stress on her and the baby.” Javy said and then realized what he said as soon as he saw Jake’s face.
“Baby?” Jake asked and Javy stayed silent “Javy is she pregnant?” Jake asked again and he nodded.
“Yes.” Javy said “She would be 4 months along now.” He said and Jake stayed quiet.
“That means that she was pregnant when I left. That’s what she wanted to tell me.” Jake said the realization just now dawning on him.
“She told me when I went over there after she called me crying.” Javy said
“You mean to tell me that you knew and you kept it from me?” Jake asked in anger.
“Yes.” Javy said and Jake saw red.
“You should’ve told me!” Jake yelled
“She told me not to tell you. She gave me permission on the last call.” Javy said trying to keep calm.
“Well, you should’ve told me then! What the hell, Coyote!” Jake yelled
“I didn’t think you deserved to know after what you did to her.” Javy said
“She’s pregnant with my child! That’s something I should know! You know what? Fuck you.” Jake said as he turned and stormed out of the room.
“Where are you going?” Javy asked
“To the gym.” Jake said, he was already in gym shorts and a Navy t-shirt, as he stormed out slamming the door.
“Fuck. What did I just do?” Javy asked himself. Elizabeth did give him permission but he was going to wait until they were back on land. This was not part of the plan.
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imaginecolby · 4 months
Friends with Benefits || Part Six - The Scare
"y/n, i cannot believe you are still coming to work." your friend said to you as you were returning to your office after your lunch break.
"i used up so much of my PTO at christmas, i'm trying to accumulate some more so i can have some extra time for my maternity leave." you laughed as you sat back down at your desk.
"you're better than me. i would've been out of here as soon i could." they laughed. they returned to their desk, and you got back to work.
a few hours passed, and you were making your way through the day like normal. returning emails, making phone calls to clients, putting out fires in the department you oversaw. everything was going as well as you would've expected. until it wasn't.
all of a sudden, you felt the beginning of a contraction.
"oh no, mister man. it is too early for you to be coming." you groaned through gritted teeth. you coaxed yourself through the contraction, and is passed after about a minute. you went on about your day for another few hours, before you felt the pain return. you paced your office, which seemed to help contraction go away. after about the third or fourth occurrence, you figured you needed to call your doctor.
"i'd recommend you come in and be seen. i have an open appointment in twenty that you can take." your doctor said to you over the phone.
"perfect. i will be there." you said to them. you luckily were able to get a ride from a friend, and your doctor's office was only a few blocks from your job. you text colby while you were on your way, and let him know what was going on.
"i'm sure they're just braxton hicks, but my doctor just wants me to come in for some monitoring for a little bit. i'm on my way to the hospital now." your message read.
"i will be there as soon as i can." he replied. you pulled into the hospital parking lot, thanking your friend for the ride. you checked in and were immediately taken to a room. you waited just a few minutes before your doctor came in, explaining that they wanted to monitor your vitals, as well as your baby's.
after about twenty minutes, there was a knock on the door. you called for them to come in, and colby fell through the door.
"y/n! is everything okay?" he sighed, falling to the floor next to your bed.
"yes. everything is okay." you said, brushing his hair back from his forehead. "geez, did you run over here?" you teased, wiping his sweat from your hand.
"practically." he laughed awkwardly. just then, your doctor came back into the room.
"alright you two, or should i say three," they paused to take a seat. "everything is still as great as your last check up. baby boy is just getting a little impatient in there."
"are we at the point of bed rest yet?” you asked.
"not quite. i do recommend taking it easy, so you're not overly stressed. but not complete bed rest." they advised.
"okay. i can do that. work isn't too busy at the moment, so fingers crossed it stays that way." you said, rubbing your belly.
"perfect. let's get you set up to head home." your doctor said to you. you collected all of your things, got your discharge paperwork, and headed home. fortunately, your work day was almost done, so you didn't miss to much of your day.
you were in contact with your boss as soon as you got home to work out a plan for a lighter work load, and potentially starting your maternity leave sooner. they were fortunately very accommodating for your needs, it was lucky that you had such a good relationship with them.
once you got back to work, you were mainly working half days for the last month and a half leading up to your maternity leave. on your last day of work, your coworkers threw you a small baby shower for your last day. 
“i cannot believe you all did this for me. this is all too much.” you said through tears, as you continued opening your gifts. 
“you deserve it! we love you and we cant wait to meet your little one. we wish you and colby luck, and are sending you all the congratulations in the world.” one of them said to you.
“did i hear my name?” you heard a familiar voice ask. you turned and saw colby walking into the conference room where your festivities were being held. 
“what are you doing here!?” you asked gleefully, getting up to walk greet him. you gave him a hug and pressed a quick to his lips.
“oh, you know i never miss a good party.” he teased. “no, f/n text me and told me you were gonna need some help carrying things to the car.” he said.
as the shower was winding down, colby began taking things to the car, meticulously packing everything as to not damage any of the gifts. you thanked your friends again, gathering up the leftover food to take home. you made your way out to the parking garage to meet colby, walking with a few of your friends, the ones that actually planned the event. you thanked them profusely again for the shower, and for all the gifts. 
once you got home, you helped colby as much as you could with helping bringing in the gifts. once they were all inside, you began to unpack and clean up, placing them around your home in the places where they would be most used. you had so many blankets, clothes, toys and bottles. your baby was going to be well outfitted for his best life.
you stood in his nursery, which was finally all put together. colby had spent numerous hours in this room, putting together the crib, the dresser, and all the other furniture. he’d arranged it wonderfully, and you couldn’t believe how much this room had changed from your boring guest room. you stood there lost in thought for a while, before they were interrupted by colby’s voice.
“hey, there you are. you okay?” he asked, wiping away a stray tear from your cheek.
“yeah,” you said softly. “now that im out of work, it’s really starting to set in. in a few weeks, we’re gonna have a baby.” you said, rubbing your belly.
“i still can’t wrap my mind around it. seeing you grow every day has been so mind blowing, and seeing how big he’s gotten on his ultrasounds. it’s been kinda crazy.” colby laughed, placing his hand on yours on your belly. “but im excited.”
“me too.” you said, smiling up at him. he kissed you softly before leaning down to press a kiss to your belly. you couldn’t believe you were coming up on the end of your pregnancy, but you really were excited. especially knowing that you had colby on your side. you made a great team, and you knew you were gonna raise a wonderful kid.
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heyidkyay · 9 months
Oh my god now you’ve got the image of G and Birdie with a little baby girl into my head… you can’t not write it now! I’d love to see maybe them introducing their baby girl to the rest of the band… or anything else you can come up with 🤣
I guess I'll take this pain, instead of your name | The aftermath
A little snippet:)
My due date was March 23rd. Which meant that George would be getting quite the birthday present (if the baby had perfect timing) and that they’d most definitely be an Aries, which were two things I couldn’t quite get behind, but something G was ecstatic over. 
Matty had been hoping the little one would arrive a little late, two weeks late to be precise, just so that he could get one over on George and have the baby share something in common with him instead. He really had been an absolute sweetheart throughout the entire pregnancy, but my God was he pushing it trying to get me to extend the absolute hell I’d endured. 
I’d gone through almost every symptom pregnancy had to offer, from day one I’d felt absolutely vile and then when my second trimester had rolled round I’d had to deal with Braxton Hicks, an undeniable appetite (I’d felt like an actual monster), and dizziness that rivalled anything I’d ever felt before. Including the time when I’d been hit by a fucking car. 
Still, all of Matty’s efforts appeared in vain now seeing as though I went into labour on February 13th, five whole weeks before I was even due. 
To say I’d shit myself would have been an absolute understatement. I was fucking terrified to give birth, let alone that early, and to make matters worse, George had been set to play a show, which meant that he’d had no idea my water had broken until I was high as a kite on fucking gas and air, and he was finally off stage. But thankfully, I’d also been at work and Delia had been the one to walk me through the whole process, we’d headed straight to hospital, due to the fact that I should not have been going into labour this prematurely, but also because she was afraid I was going to give myself a sodding aneurysm simply down to the amount I was panicking. 
But who could blame me?
Anywho, the whole thing seemed a bit small in comparison to when I finally did give birth. We’d been blessed with a tiny, little baby girl- 7 lbs 4 ounces and with a head of thick unruly hair. But before George and I could even get a look in the doctor had told me to start pushing- again.
“They’re coming along quite quickly now, just a few more deep breaths.” 
“You what?” I ask the man in scrubs settled between my legs. Baffled wasn’t even a word I’d begin to use to describe the emotions that hit me right then, having thought I’d heard him wrong until I saw the alarming look on George’s face.
“We need you to push, you can already see baby’s head.” A midwife informs me, ushering George to once again take my hand, to comfort me. He does but he’s caught in a daze. 
“But, but I just did that bit.” I say, mostly stunned, delirious almost for a moment. 
“I know, and you did wonderfully. But baby two isn’t too far behind.” She replies, smiling down at me sincerely even as her attention diverts between a handful of other people stood in the delivery room. 
Her words seem to startle G back into reality, “Baby two? As in twins?”
“Twins! What the hell do you mean, twins?” I feel dizzy once more, head darting between the nurse beside me, G, and the doctor who’s seen a little too much of my insides for my liking. I think I start mumbling then, rambling off a ton of questions, a mile a minute, to anyone and everyone who will listen. Twins. “Are you sure? Twins?”
The nurse laughs, not unkindly, then nods, “Definitely sure, even saw it for myself.”
I’m still not really pushing, too confused, too stunned to really do much, in truth. “Are you having me on? Is this a prank?”
She appears to realise G and I aren’t messing about here and I watch on, frozen, as her whole demeanour shifts before my eyes, “Yes, sweetheart, twins. You really didn’t know?”
I shake my head and am just beyond grateful that George is here with me, holding my hand so tightly that I can truly feel it start to numb- because, what?
Things seem to take a turn then, the entire atmosphere in the room drops when beeping starts up and lights start flashing worryingly. The doctor at the other end of my bed is coaching me through it again, his voice high and harried almost, and I know then that something’s wrong and that it’s all my fault.
“What’s going on?” I ask, eyes immediately snapping over towards the nurse standing beside me but she’s gone, fiddling with the oxygen machine behind my head and then the heart monitor. “G, what- what’s happening? Are they okay? The baby. Are they?”
“You need to push. The baby is losing oxygen, we need to get them out as quickly as possible.”
My heart plummets. I start to panic. It’s my fault. My fault. I’m doing it wrong. I’m to blame. It’s all my fault. I’m messing up and they’re not even really here yet. I’m doing it all wrong.
“We need you to push harder.”
“Come on, mum. We need you to really push now.”
“That’s it.”
“Birdie, it’s alright. You’re okay, love. The baby is okay. You just need to push a bit more. Just a little longer, okay?”
I feel my head move- nod?- but the room is spinning, I reckon I’m screaming too. Sobbing, even. My mind so focused on the baby I hadn’t even known I’d been housing, let alone created. My baby. 
Two babies! Two.
I let out a loud groan. Barely even aware of the careful fingers on my temple. 
“Good girl, B.” George whispers to me, lips pressed against my cheek as he brushes hair from out of my face. “You’re doing so well. So good.”
I cry harder, I push harder.
Time seems to have stilled in its entirety, the minutes won’t move, the seconds don’t count. I am lost in this moment, my mind screaming at me to just try harder. 
“And it’s a boy!” I finally hear and then I’m weeping again, crying and clinging to George before he too is dragged away from me by nurses to cut the umbilical cords. I stare up at the ceiling, unable to do much else, chest heaving, thick tears streaming down my cheeks, and all I hear is an overwhelming buzz. The kind I’d grown so used to, starting in my left ear before it soon echos in my right. Jumping, back and forth.
“A boy, Birdie. A boy and a girl.”
I blink and George is there again, hovering over me. He takes my face in his careful hands and holds me so close that we are nose to nose. I realise then he’s crying too.
“Twins.” I whisper breathlessly, every inch of me burns, but I itch to get up, to move and see them.
“Twins.” George repeats with just as much disbelief. “Twins, B. Ours.”
A baby boy, he’d told me. A tiny thing, so full of surprises. He was born smaller than his sister, an even 6 lbs and only ten minutes behind, but his eyes are unlike anything I’ve ever seen, huge and so very innocent, placed between a scattering constellation of tawny freckles that dot his cheeks and kiss his lids. 
A girl and a boy. All ours. 
I’d been taken with them both the moment I’d set my sights on them, ‘the twins' people had dubbed them. ‘Let’s go see the twins!’ ‘The twins are finally crawling!’ ‘Somebody grab a camera, the twins are being cute again!’
Never did I ever believe I’d have a family of my own, let alone a husband or these two beautiful beings that always seemed to stare back up at me with an incredible amount of innocence. It stirs something deep within me each time they do, both the thought and the very sight of them, and when their tiny little hands wrap their way around my fingers I know that I’ll never feel this type of love again. I don’t think I could even begin to describe it.
They are beautiful and they are ours, and I know from the very bottom of my heart that I will protect them until the day that I die. Because, how could I not?
How could anyone not?
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tbmunson · 2 years
Little Harrington; So Not Labor? - Steve Harrington x Pregnant!Reader
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Summary: You're 40 weeks pregnant with your first child and Steve freaks out when you have a braxton hicks contraction
Warnings: fluff
WC: 770ish
Check out the Little Harrington Masterlist for more from this series!
Check out my Masterlist for more from me!
"Ow, shit." You groaned, placing a hand on the underside of your belly.
"Oh my god, it's time." Steve's eyes widened and he slowly and wobbly rose from his seat.
You furrowed your brow, looking over at him. "What?"
He motioned to you dramatically. "Labor! You said 'ow' and grabbed your belly! We gotta go to the hospital!" He urged, making a step towards the hall to grab your bags, which he insisted on packing well over a month ago. He had been on edge for the last two weeks and you had your 40 week appoint today.
The doctor explained how it was normal for first time mothers to carry over the due date by a week or two and you should go into labor on your own soon. That only made Steve more on edge, as if soon meant at the drop of a hat.
"Steve, it was a braxton hicks contraction." You said, making no effort to stand.
"Exactly!" He pointed at you, flailing about as he ran down the hall to the nursery to grab your hospital bags.
You stood, deciding you'd let him get some of the energy out before explaining further.
A moment later he returned with your bag resting on one elbow, his on the other, and the baby's around his neck. "I needed my hands to help you to the car. Come on." He grabbed your hand and tugged you gently out of the front door.
"Steve." You said flatly as your bare feet touched the grass.
"Can you walk? Should I carry you? Tell me what you need, baby." He stopped walking and looked directly into your eyes. He had love and adoration mixed with the puest panic you've ever seen.
"I can walk just fine honey. I don't have any shoes on and-"
"Goddamn it I forgot your shoes!" He released you and ran back into the house.
You looked around and waved at the neighbor. "Hey, Phyllis. How are you?" You asked, ignoring the small bangs coming from your front door.
"I'm good dear. Is it time? Are you going to the hospital?" She tilted her head slightly as she sprinkled the water over her grass.
"No Ma'am. Just have to let him calm down a bit." You nodded your head towards the door where Steve came running out seconds later.
"Okay. I got you you flip flops so you can take them on and off easy. I got tennis shoes for comfort. Then I got slippers for both functionality and comfort." He stated, clutching the shoes against the diaper bag on his chest.
You nodded, pulling the slippers out and stepping into them since the early spring air was still very chilly. "Are you done, Steve?" You asked, reaching out to grab his arm.
"Huh?" He quirked a brow and tilted his head slightly.
"I'm not in labor, honey." You said, squeezing his arm gently.
His eyebrows knitted together. "You said contractions." He pointed out.
"Braxton hicks contractions are not labor contractions. They get you ready for actual labor. She's still headbutting my lungs and the doctor said earlier today I wasn't dilated at all. We have just a little while left to go." You walked him back towards the house as you explained, watching him nod like he understood.
"So you're not in labor?" He asked, just to clarify.
You shook your head and laughed. "Not even a little." You answered, taking a step through the door which had been left wide open.
"False alarm Phyllis! She's alright!" He called to her.
Her eyes hadn't left the scene since it came out of the front door and landed on the lawn. "Alright, kiddo! I'll make sure your doors closed when it really does happen though!" She called back, making you laugh harder.
Just at the time, The baby decided to stomp right on your bladder. "Oh shit!" You gasped as you felt wetness spreading from between your legs.
"Did your water break?" Steve's voice was panicked again but you couldn't stop laughing.
"No." You gasped, gripping the wall and looking back at him. "Your daughter just made me piss myself."
Steve started laughing as he unloaded everything off of him by the front door. "Let's get you in the shower. I'll get this cleaned up." He chuckled, helping you towards the stairs as you continued to giggle about the whole thing.
"Just think. After a pop this one out I'll be pissing myself regularly." You joked as you stripped down to get in the shower.
"I'll always be there to clean you afterwards." Steve smiled, attempting to sound loving and endearing but you just laughed again as you stepped into the shower.
"I love you to the ends of this earth, Steve Harrington." You reached out and pulled him close, kissing him.
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