#because I felt like it was at odds with the premise of the show being a prequel
sporkandpringles · 4 months
Been thinking a lot lately about how Voyager could have used more recurring characters, but how difficult that is with the fact that Voyager does not stay in the same place for very long, and it's making me think that the Temporal Cold War might have made a better Voyager plot than an ENT one.
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cloud-somersault · 27 days
Something that absolutely destroys me about shadowpeach is just the fact that they weren't "good" to each other. They loved each other, sure, but sometimes love just isn't enough.
They are "right person wrong time." They helped each other unintentionally go into a self-destructive paths, and the worst part is that only Wukong managed to get out of it before it ruined him.
Its just so fucked up, imagine you love someone and they love you but they are undeniably going into a path with no return but they do change and they become better, but only after you're gone.
Yeah, I think shadowpeach is compelling and interesting for the layers of tragedy it has. I really do think they're the "right person, wrong time" type of dynamic. If they met each other later on, there wouldn't have been any major problems; just ones they could address as they come up.
But I think...it's a great showing of how people can change each other. A chance interaction can change a person for life. We, as people, are made up of those interactions, the pain, the hurt, the love, the joy we've been shown and what we've given to others.
Wukong and Macaque were doing what they felt was right. In the way they felt was right. And they didn't know how to address it or be better, because confronting the communication issues and lack of respect and value means admitting there's a problem, and neither of them wanted to do that.
I don't think Macaque wanted to, he just wanted to put up with it and stay on Wukong's good side. He disregarded his own hesitations and doubts and believed in this person wholeheartedly instead of making his own decisions and choosing to go against the grain. It's hard to say "no" to the Monkey King, admittedly, but Macaque, probably, felt as if he couldn't.
In s4, he subtly tried to remove himself from the uprising against Heaven, but Wukong dragged him back in on the premise that they're "bros" and it'll be a fun "whatever" kind of time and not a life or death situation. Macaque saw that truth; Wukong refused to.
And that's a lot of Wukong's whole story - thinking he's invincible, that he's above everyone, that he's the handsomest and strongest and best ever. he was entitled and didn't like being told no. Very haughty and spoiled. A brat. He had sense and was funny and showed kindness when he needed to, but he was selfish, also.
Against all that, Macaque's in an odd position. They're friends, but Macaque is quiet. He's subtle. A shadow. Introverted and observant, he probably never felt as if his voice mattered or would change anything. But getting the attention of the Monkey King is a high honor!
And Wukong just thought Macaque was cool, another strong guy with shadow magic that he could get into mischief with. Someone like him!!
It reminds me of a dynamic you see a lot in media. The adventurous main character paired with a more shy and scared secondary character. The main character drags them around unwillingly into situations, assuring the secondary character everything will be fine. And, eventually, it takes the secondary character standing up for themselves for a change to occur.
And that's what happened in that cave.
There is tragedy...in someone you love changing after you're no longer in their life. But...it's more important that they changed at all. A lot of people don't. It's difficult to change. And Wukong was traveling (and was trapped) in this journey with people, learning and humbling himself along the way, learning friendship and love. It took that specific environment and discipline to change him, because changing the Monkey King?? Is a huge task, something that Macaque by himself couldn't do.
And that's said around this fandom like it's a bad thing. I know Macaque would see it as one, because that's his character, but...I don't know. I don't see it as one. Maybe you're not what that person needs, not at that moment, not at that time. And that's..okay. I think that's something we gotta accept.
Because we can't fix everyone. We can't hold ourselves to that standard. Just as I said before, people are collections of their interactions with others, and maybe those other people...are what Wukong needed at that moment. Maybe Macaque wasn't at a point in his life, maturity wise or life experience wise, to direct Wukong on the path to change. Maybe that wasn't his burden to bear.
Sometimes it takes a specific person to say something. With how people weave in and out of each others lives, I think the takeaway should be more "I'm glad you changed. I'm proud of you. You did it!" Like, let's focus on the end result, because...if people change for the better, than they can help others change, and maybe Wukong is the right person at this right time to help Macaque change.
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
Remembering how Futa said in one timeline that there’s no way a woman could beat a man in a fight and got his ass beat. Can you do a crackfic of the girls beating him up for that?
Ahahaha thank you for the request!! This was really fun to write omg -- and well deserved, there was no need for all that in the timeline convo 😤 He was too busy thinking of leverages and forms he failed to consider the fury of a woman scorned..... may he rest in peace......
Fuuta didn’t even know what he did to earn himself an ass-beating.
“Oh, you know what you did,” Yuno said. She closed the cell door behind her. 
Whatever it was, it had managed to anger every woman on the premises. He thought it took a lot to get girls riled up this much – something like cheating on them or calling them names, you know? But without a single action on his part, he found himself facing Yuno, Muu, and Amane. All three had a fire in their eyes that Fuuta was not liking the look of. 
Mahiru had pointed him to his cell, saying Es was looking for him there. She spoke strangely as she did it, and waited awkwardly outside as he went in, but everyone around here was a little odd. How was he supposed to distinguish when people were being murderer-in-a-supernatural-prison weird from setting-a-trap-to-corner-him-in-his-cell weird?
He waved his palms in front of him. “Listen, listen! Let’s just talk, okay? Let’s slow down.”
Muu cracked her knuckles.
Amane began rolling up her sleeves in perfect creases. “You have doubted our abilities. We will make you a believer.”
Fuuta took a few steps back. His voice came out loud and frantic. “What are you talking about? If you’re looking to pick a fight, you better think twice, because I’m not gonna hit a girl or anything.”
“Oh, good!” Yuno’s voice was as bubbly as always as the three closed in. “That will make our job a lot easier.”
He felt his back hit the wall. “I mean it, let’s just talk about this for a sec! Hey!”
Mikoto’s voice came from outside the cell. 
“Mappi? What’s going on in there?”
“Yes!” Fuuta called, “Mikoto! Help! They’re gonna kill me in here!”
“Oh, no need to worry~ The girls are just teaching him a little lesson about not saying awful things.”
“Isn’t this going a bit too far…? What did he even say?”
“Nothing! Come on, get me the fuck outta here!”
“I believe his exact words were, ‘there’s no way a girl could win in a fight against a man.’”
Fuuta paled. He did say that, didn't he...
“Oh crap. Yeah, that’d do it. Carry on.”
“Wha–? Mikoto!” 
He gaped at the three in front of him. 
He remembered a hero in a video game who had faced off against an unbeatable foe; a glorious knight who came to understand that he could never conquer the world-razing dragon before him. After giving his all, and seeing his fate was sealed, the hero had no choice. In a manly show of valor, he’d lifted his chin, closed his eyes, and accepted his impending, gory death.  
Yuno's gaze was cold as she raised her arms. Muu had a hungry look in her eyes. Amane clenched her fists, her posture perfect.
It wasn’t a dragon, but Fuuta would argue this was a good deal more dangerous. He lifted his chin and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Get ‘em, girls!”
Kotoko approached just as the other girls filed out of Fuuta’s cell. They had giddy looks on their faces. They giggled and whispered in a huddle as they walked around the panopticon. 
“Wow, Muu!”
“Haha, I didn’t know you had it in you!”
“That felt amazing…”
Kotoko didn’t know what kind of game they were all playing in there, but Fuuta was in for a big surprise now. The fun was over. Today was the day she acted out her responsibilities as Es’ fang. Today was the day she delivered justice. 
She swung the cell door open. Her eyebrows shot up. 
Her head whipped around to take a look at the girls, still complementing one another and laughing lightly.
Hell, her work here was already done.
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lbcreations-blog · 11 months
Hi, I got a request for welcome home. The basic premise is that sense the show was an educational program, I wanted to see how y/n would react to the neighbors doing the thing like dora does, i.e talking to y/n and pausing for a response.
so I wasn't sure if you wanted it, where the reader actually watch past eps like that or somehow interact with the chareters on the site.... Soooooo here's my inturpertation on what you mean... (and im sorry for any lore or grammer mistakes) (use of Y/N)
You. Y/n as a teen loved horror. analog horror being your fav. it was now 2024 and your now 21 and a junier detective for your smarts. and you were looking for a case to do since there wern't anything happing in your small town. you were searching on the internet for days until one day you heard of a site, that was showing things about a show in the 70's.
Apparently the site was up in 2021 but was taken down for some... odd problems. So you being interested in such because most 70's kids shows were always creepy in some way, so you took a look. while looking at the site you thought nothing of it since it looked like some random costamised wiki page of sorts with a bunch of weirdo-thingy-mahbobs
"my EYES hate this bright screen when will this get intersesting- Wha!" you said while looking at the screen. "oh its just a youtube link -_-" you said with a blank face "but wait!... it could help" you said the end of the scentince slowly in a mischeeeeeeeeevisly way.
You then click the link. "hmm its just some of the old eps some one found on vhs oh well im'a watch it anyway" you said "but first POP! CORN!" you then scurry away to get some popcorn, snacks, and a few sodas.
*skip a few mins*
you press play on the 2nd ep on the youtube channel ep 4 s1 Wally's way to apple heaven (you skipped the pilet) "hi there neighbor! today i felt hungry and it seemed i had no apples so we're going to Howdys shop to get some apples. now come along!" Wally inturduced "so neighbor do you see howdys store?" Wally asked
"w-weird i dont remember them mentiong they had a Dora michanic in the show" you said a tad bit confused. "why an't he saying anything.." you then pointed to howdys store on the sreen. "over there, wally" "oh thank you so much neighbor!" wally responded "what the-... uhm ok"
*another time skip*
"thank you so much howdy! now neighbor can you show me where the door is" wally asked "..." this time you didnt respond just to see what happens since youve been asked questions like 4 times now. *40 seconds later* "neighbor~" "ah crap over there!" you panicked and pointed then very quickly turned off your pc "never. again... i need sleep anyways its 1am"
you turend on your lamp and off your light and went to bed.
but... when doing so... you felt a pair of eyes on you....
i hope ya liked it i tried my best. good day/night
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ereana · 3 months
Wriothesley X Lyney - Take my coat
Lyney bit back a curse as another cold gust of air made his legs tremble from the chill. The outfit he wore for performances was gorgeous, Chiori had truly outdone herself, but it was not what he would have chosen to wear for a lengthy evening mission. Especially a mission that involved sitting in the middle of the ass end of nowhere staking out a rundown old farmhouse.
But he hadn’t had the luxury of choice. Father’s message to him after the show had been clear; the target was moving tonight and she wanted this situation dealt with before the morning. Lyney wasn’t stupid. 
In his haste to leave he had remembered to grab his cloak off the hook, admittedly after Lynette had told him to take it as he was about to jump out a window, but even that was inadequate for the conditions he now found himself in. It was meant for short walks through the city at night not to shield him from the sharpness of the wind’s bite as he huddled against a ruined section of stone wall.
It had been two hours and the only movement had been from a lost sheep who had wandered onto the premises and started eating the overgrown grass. The urge to use his vision is growing harder to ignore but he can’t risk the light revealing his position.
He pushes down his rising irritation as best he can and tries not to think of the hot meal that his siblings would be enjoying back home without him. All of this he could have born with only the most minor grumbling if it hadn’t been for-
“What did that sheep ever do to you? Is there some sordid personal history that I should be aware of?” 
For his temporary — the word felt like a prayer for salvation — partner. 
Duke Wriothesley. Lord of the Fortress of Meropide. Prison warden. And the most insufferable man that Lyney had ever had the displeasure of meeting.
He sat near the edge of the wall, occasionally peeking his head around the side to check the scene, wrapped in his usual coat that was undoubtedly better at keeping him warm than any piece of clothing that Lyney was currently wearing.
Lyney scowls at him. Because he can. Because there’s no-one here he needs to pretend for. Because all that donning his usual mask would do was make Wriothesley try to rip it off his face. The man had an odd obsession with denying Lyney the familiarity of the persona he’d spent years cultivating; provoking and prodding him until the anger that simmered underneath erupted in full force.
“You may not be familiar with the concept of a stake out, Your Grace, but a key element is remaining quiet and undetected.” Lyney says tightly, turning his eyes back to the farmhouse even as his focus remains locked on the predator beside him.
Wriothesley looks unimpressed. “Don’t give me that. We’re far enough away that whispering isn’t going to be overheard and there isn’t anyone the bastard could be working with that could escape the pair of us.” Another breeze of night air makes Lyney’s hands shake. “So what’s the story between you and the sheep.”
“Just because you have the attention span of a toddler doesn’t mean it’s my job to entertain you.” Lyney flexes his fingers and winces at the stiffness. 
“Funny, isn’t that exactly your job.” Wriothesley shuffles closer until Lyney can feel the warmth radiating from his body. “Or is the Great Magician too proud to extend his services to an ex-criminal like myself?” 
Every word is drawled out in that deep voice that sets Lyney’s teeth on edge like nothing else. The same voice that had once mocked him in the depths of that metal tomb under the waves and held his siblings’ lives over his head as a bargaining chip.
It was just his luck that the fucker they were after had to involve the Fortress; a merchant who had attempted to cheat both organisations and run away with a tidy sum. With Wriothesley’s boat being the only back-up plan that Fontaine currently had for dealing with the prophecy, Father was keen to keep things civil for the time being. When Wriothesley had demanded a joint endeavor to deal with the scammer she had acquiesced gracefully.
Lyney had bristled at his explanation where he outright stated he didn’t trust the Fatui not to take all the money for themselves but all that had earned him was an amused smirk curling across Wriothesley’s face.
I look forward to working with you Mr Lyney.
“Why are you even here? Surely there are hundreds of other guards you could have asked to do this.” He snaps, pressing back harder against the wall in a vain attempt to shelter from the wind.
Wriothesley chuckles and leans in until their shoulders brush against each other. He’s so stupidly big that he looms over Lyney even when they’re both sitting on the cold ground.
“Oh please, we both know if I’d done that you’d have the fool wrapped around your finger in five minutes flat. No, you’re too dangerous for me to give this anything less than my personal attention.” The way Wriothesley says dangerous sounds like a compliment, it feels like one with the way it warms Lyney’s cheeks.
He huffs and looks down at his hands, itching to summon a few sparks or a few cards to keep his fingers busy. The next gust of wind makes him shiver, the cold fully setting into his bones. If he gets sick he’s going to—
A heavy, warm familiar coat drops over his body. Instinctively he clutches at it, pulling it tight to his chest before reality reasserts itself and he looks over disbelievingly at Wriothesley. Who looks remarkably unbothered in only his shirt and black bandages over his forearms.
“What are you—”
“This is going to end in fighting no matter what happens. You know that. I know that. I’d rather not have to check that my partner can take care of himself or if he’s too busy shaking to properly shoot an arrow.” Wriothesley answers with a careless shug,
It’s a weak explanation and Lyney doesn’t miss the way gray eyes glint with satisfaction when he curls his fingers in the fur before twisting to put the garment on properly.
“Whatever.” He grumbles sourly, which does nothing to hide the way he wraps himself in Wriothesley’s coat, sinking into the blessed heat with a tiny sigh.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so terrible to keep waiting a little longer.
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jbuffyangel · 2 months
Hi this may be an odd question but reading your blog (and other Olicity blogs) it strikes me that while you provide insightful in depth analysis of the show at large you proudly admit that Oliver and Felicity’s relationship is paramount to your overall enjoyment and investment in the show. I personally possess a lot of internal shame stemming from my primary focus on the ship and will feel the need to justify my interest in the other aspects of the show (which I do love but I also love Olicity). I struggle with this with not just Arrow but any tv show where the romantic relationship isn’t intended to be the main premise of a show. I know I am allowing myself to be impacted by the views of comic book (and mostly male) fans and I can acknowledge that many of their views on Olicity fans and the show at large when it comes to the ship are at least somewhat if not primarily misogynistic. Despite knowing it comes from a sexist place which loves to shame women for enjoying romance and reduce our enjoyment to a surface level guilty pleasure unaware of the ways a romantic relationship can add major depth and development to a story as is the case with Arrow (although even if it didn’t add that it would still be valid to like the romance aspects), I still internalize those sexist sentiments and feel ashamed and like I cannot fully enjoy those things are I have to add caveats of my enjoyment. I was just wondering if you ever struggled with this or if you have always felt confident in proudly proclaiming your interest and investment in ships or if it was something that evolved over time. I’m sorry if this is a weird question I just witnessed your confidence in the validity of your passion and I wish I could have that conviction and not feel the shame that misogynistic society has given me in regards to shipping and enjoying romance. It’s definitely much harder in a fandom like Arrow where antis will openly voice their disdain for shippers and make extremely disparaging remarks and assumptions about Olicity shippers but I have felt this way in other fandoms too even when non shippers aren’t this aggressive or sexist.
Hello Nonnie!!!! I am so happy you reached out :) Apologies for the delay. I haven't checked my inbox for about a week. You write so beautifully!
To be honest, I've always marched to the beat of my own drum. I was a sick kid and had difficulty making friends because of it. I was teased in school a lot because of my health issues. Elementary school was not fun. I liked my mom and I liked being home. (These things really haven't changed). The Lord blessed me with a great imagination and a love for stories. I would just play by myself because the world I invented was so much cooler than reality.
It did give me a very strong independent streak, which my parents encouraged. The world had been very cruel to them as well. I was highly encouraged to stand up for myself, tell people where to stick it, and not care what other people think.
I was much healthier in high school and made a bunch of friends. But even my friends, who I know love me to this day, thought it was weird how obsessed I was with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. My family thought I joined a cult lol. I just like what I like. It never mattered to me if anyone else liked it.
I find it absolutely insane that anyone looks down on love stories. Love stories have been around for as long as there's been human beings on this planet. Every culture has love stories. Why? Love is central to being human. Love is what MAKES us human. We are here on this planet to be loved and to love in return. It's the whole damn point. And I'm not speaking just about romance. We build our lives around all kinds of different relationships. It is not exclusive to romantic love.
But let's address romantic stories, since that seems to be the genre asshats have a problem with. The question is why? Probably because it's popular with women and God forbid we'd be supportive of women and things they like. The horror. I think you absolutely nailed it here:
Despite knowing it comes from a sexist place which loves to shame women for enjoying romance and reduce our enjoyment to a surface level guilty pleasure...
But sometimes I think there are more personal reasons people have such vile reactions to it. Maybe they don't have romantic love in their own life. Maybe they've been hurt by partners. Maybe they've been rejected and are lonely. Maybe romance stories are a painful reminder of what they don't have. I'm not sure. What I do know is that hurt people hurt people. So, more often than not, what I feel is not shame, but pity.
We're clearly on the right track since every television show, movie, book and comic book has some romantic element to it. Romance sells. So, feel confident because you are in the majority.
I don't give the comic book crowd too much thought. My attitude when it came to Arrow was there's plenty of room for everyone to love what they love, hate what they hate, and go about their merry way. Don't like my blog? Cool. There's the door. Plenty of fish in the sea friends. Seek out other bloggers. Start your own blog! The internet is a vast place. Go with God.
But there is an element of ownership within that community that makes them think they can dictate who can watch a show/movie, what we can like or dislike, who can portray the characters on screen, what stories should be told and how they should be told. It's not just romance. Comic book fans are LOUD about basically everything.
To a certain extent, I get it. You love a character and their stories for a long time. It's very exciting when those stories which only existed on paper are going to be brought to life onscreen. Comic books are a refuge for many people, no different than books or movies. So, it can be very upsetting when you don't feel the tv show or movie has met your expectations. I've been bummed out on more than one occasion with books being made into a movie or television show. We've all been there.
But that doesn't mean they get to be the bouncers at the door. They don't get to gatekeep. They don't get to be racists assholes when an actor or actress doesn't look exactly like the character on the page. They are entitled to their opinion, and their opinion only, but it does not give them a free pass to be hateful towards others who may disagree.
I don't want to single out comic book fans out - this is a general internet problem. People just become assholes behind a keyboard. They say things they would never have the guts to say in person. And clearly this is not ALL comic book fans. I have met many wonderful comic book fans who are welcoming and kind. They love Olicity just as much as I do. Even if they didn't, they respect differing opinions. They are just good human beings overall.
In the beginning of my blog, I debated with antis a lot because I thought we were all just having fun. But when the death threats started because I like Olicity and believed Arrow was going to kill off Laurel Lance, then I reached a point where maybe I was dealing with people who were a few paper plates short of a picnic, if ya know what I'm mean. It's a TELEVISION SHOW. These characters are NOT REAL. But there's no reasoning with crazy.
Do you know who are huge comic book fans? Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim. We're talking HARD CORE. And who created Olicity? Greg and Marc. Don't even get me started on the hate they receive.
I know there were entire Reddit threads devoted to trashing me and my blog. Did I read it? No. Did I engage with those people? No. When Stephen Amell's Facebook became a cesspool of terrible antis going after Olicity fans - I left. Did I read the messages in my inbox that were nasty? Nope. DELETED. Did I read the Lauriver tag on tumblr? Nope. We were North and South. The Red Sox and the Yankees. We were never going to agree, so you stay on your side and I'll stay on mine. And when some in the Olicity fandom turned on me because I was still enjoying the show in later seasons, I unfollowed and blocked if necessary. It really boils down to this - can you disagree with someone and remain a polite and kind person? Many folks do not have this skill.
The key to mental health on the internet is control your environment. Do not engage with people who are mean. It's really that simple. Because no matter how "strong" you are mentally, over time, nasty and demeaning comments have a way of sinking in and taking root inside your mind. It's completely understandable that your feelings get hurt because that's the intention! They are trying to hurt you. They are trying to shame you. So don't give them the opportunity.
Does that mean there will be some websites, blogs, social media sites that you don't go to anymore? Yes. Does that mean there will be some fans you don't engage with? Yes. But you know what? The internet is a vast place and there are plenty of people out there who share your opinions. Who love what you love and want nothing more than to chat with you about it until 4 am in the morning. Those are your people. That's your community.
And just for the record, romance loving shippers can be terrible too. I've seen awful behavior from our side of the fence so we're certainly not exempt from the behavior we receive from antis. And loving romance is no guarantee people will be nice either. My shipper flag was forged in the fiery pits of shipper hell - The Vampire Diaries fandom. Nasty doesn't even come close to what I experienced in the great Stelena vs. Delena wars. Arrow is child's play in comparison.
Here's the thing. Arrow is about one man's evolution to a superhero. He could not become that superhero without the love of one woman. LOVE is central to Oliver Queen's development and if you don't understand that part of the story then you really don't understand Arrow.
I think you'll find when it comes to Arrow that it's not romance antis have a problem with. It's who Oliver's romantic partner is. If it was Laurel Lance they would've been happier than clams. But Arrow deviated from "comic book canon" and developed an organic character with an actress Stephen Amell actually had chemistry with. And they CANNOT get over it. But thems the breaks.
I think my perspective on humanity has not really evolved past age six in kindergarten. If you make fun of me or are cruel then you're not a nice person and I will have nothing to do with you going forward. I've approached life like this and overall I have come out the other side a healthier person because of it. The beauty of the internet is there's always another playground to find friends.
I've always been a shipper since I was a little kid. I could never understand why Bobby & Pam couldn't work it out on Dallas. Loved every single husband Erica Kane had on All My Children. (My mother let me watch some wildly inappropriate tv as a kid). I was really torn between Prince Lotor and Keith for Princess Allura on Voltron. I really didn't understand why He-Man and She-Ra couldn't date. I was obsessed with Jerrica and Rio on Jem. And on and on it goes.
In the immortal words of our Queen, Taylor Swift, "The worst kind of person is someone who makes someone feel bad, dumb or stupid for being excited about something.” She's bang on. Always trust in TSwizzle. I'm a 42 year old woman with a full life who wears her shipper flag proudly. Love what you love my friend. Screw the haters.
And feel free to message me whenever you want to talk shipping. This is a shipper safe zone and always will be. You have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of.
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mirai-desu · 3 months
I agree with this article 💯, as Rachael New et al. are now undermining the entire premise of the show, and I want to highlight and comment on a few parts of this excellent take:
We're losing a central character whose emotional journey we were invested in and a vital piece of the primary reason we were told to watch Miss Scarlet & The Duke in the first place. Whether you want William and Eliza together romantically or not, the show was always predicated on and grounded in their relationship, and to pretend otherwise is to deny the original premise behind its very existence.
Exactly this. "Miss Scarlet" might be considered more lead than him, but he was still a titular character, and we were invested in his journey as well as hers. Their bond is the foundation of the show. The teenage flashback episode in particular proves this to us--and proves William’s importance to the greater story. But even before that, it's been there all along:
And, honestly, the official description of Season 1 is blunt about what’s happening: “Eliza and The Duke strike up a mismatched, fiery relationship that will crackle and smolder with sexual tension as they team up to solve crime in the murkiest depths of 1880’s London.” So let’s say it as plainly as possible: No one planned to tune in to this new program simply because it promised a crime drama in period dress. The series’ hook, apparent from its first marketing materials, was this unique relationship at the show’s center. The real story of Miss Scarlet and the Duke has always been just that: Miss Scarlet and the Duke. 
While RN et al. can dig in their heels and claim that the story has always just been Eliza's, but we know better than that. Since Day 1, the promotion and the interviews all catered towards the UST. As time wore on, Stuart really began championing the romance in earnest, and it was a logical next step. He was not wrong to do so. What was actually happening on screen was heading that way, as part of a beautiful slow burn.
After literally years of dancing around the rarely mentioned but blatantly obvious feelings between them, this season finally pushed their relationship forward. We got a whole flashback episode dedicated to how they first met! There was a kiss! William said the L-word! The genuine forward relationship progress that so many fans had been waiting for was finally happening! [...] What makes this even more painful is that Season 4 finally felt like the show was moving forward, at last, at least where its central relationship was concerned. Yes, William left, but it was for a good reason: to give Eliza the space and opportunity to decide what she wanted from their relationship on her own terms. (That, as the kids say, is growth.) But if he was never coming back, why bother with most of Season 4?
While we know that in part we got some of the romantic moments in S4 due to Stuart's requests, but I think ultimately, RN's reluctance to move things forward with Wiliza is what put Stuart at odds with her, as she likely did not take too kindly to him suggesting his own input (even when he became an EP) and perhaps felt like he was telling her what to do with her own show. And her goal is to keep it stuck in a cynical pattern; one that William wanted to resolve, and one that Stuart had to remove himself from, because RN favors rinsing and repeating, versus actually diving deep into longer character arcs. That's how she think she can keep the "longevity" of her show, or so she thinks.
Because look, I love Eliza. But I realize it's really because of the potential of who she could be. William never returning prolongs her characterization being stuck. She was supposed to spend the year thinking about what changes she needs to make so they could be together. If he never returns, then what's the point? The catalyst for change is gone. William staying on the show should have actually forced her to grow, not kept her stuck. Removing William entirely reinforces the patterns versus ending the cycle. Especially if he is just replaced with a new love interest, who just flirts with Eliza to keep a "will they / won't they angle" that's never moved forward.
Any writer worth their salt would have Eliza grow in interim and have major development upon William return. But that would end the "put them together / pull them apart." Which is not what RN wants, hence why she refused to put them together. She thinks these patterns are what maintains the show vs spending time on actual storytelling. And this is also why I cannot believe the party line, and truly feel that we haven't gotten the whole truth on why Stuart's exiting.
Thinking about the scenes in the flashback episode of William and Henry, and how important they were, it makes me sad that apparently in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter to RN. And it's sad they keep trying to paint it that the two most important people to Eliza were “overshadowing” her all the time.
I fear is that this new retooled version will just ignore and erase the importance that William has had on her life. At least in the S4 finale we saw how his words still affected her, even when he wasn’t there, encouraging to reopen her own agency. But I can’t see them continuing that, when clearly they want to reboot the show without him.
I had been working on my post S4 fanfic before the news of Stuart's departure hit, and I looked back on how I was developing Eliza from where we left off and how I wrote William's return. When I was outlining it, I was thinking about how RN only just barely has touched the surface of Eliza's psyche. I wrote her as torn up about William leaving--and how he left not long after he almost died. Eliza should have grown from the trauma of almost losing him and we seemed to be on that path in the show, with her at his bedside, and having him recover in her home. We could have dived into how the lost of her mother at a young age affected her, and how Henry's death still was painful. At her father's funeral (which mind you, is in the very first episode) she talked about being alone, and William wiped her tears away. And now... Eliza has lost another person close to her. Literally, it's not William's existence stopping Eliza's development--it's RN's lack of talent, I'm afraid. And who knows, maybe that statement that she cannot be developed while he is around is just a cover to explain his exit, as it's clearly not an actual reason.
Likewise with William, in addition to dealing with his feelings for Eliza, there's so much they could done with him leaving Scotland Yard and the trauma he survived. He didn't have to have PTSD, but he's already had a pretty traumatic life and survived so much (which again… why show all that in the flashback if they were ditching his character - Ben, not RN, wrote that episode so maybe that was a sign). But he held onto the identity of being part of the police, because of how he came get that job (i.e. Henry) and get off the street, and they could have explored what would it be like to shift away from that identity. There just was so much potential and so much richness that could have been written, for a man who came from nothing, but wanted to belong, and wanted to be loved. And maybe Stuart was just so very aware that the show was refusing it take it there. He took William as far he was allowed to, but not as far as the character could have gone, if written by the right people.
Frankly, both William and Eliza deserve better. Stuart deserves better, and we the Wiliza fans do as well. Ultimately, regardless of what (and at what point in time it) really went down between Stuart and RN, the series should have ended with S4, but with a happy conclusion. All signs pointed to William joining Eliza at her detective agency, but now we just have to imagine them there, working together as equals and in love.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 6 months
So this is mostly a Choices blog but some of you know that I've recently started playing Romance Club as well because 1) there are some really good books on RC, 2) the art, and 3) to compare both apps. I could probably make this a series(?) to compare and contrast the two but here's one of the main things I've noticed playing both apps:
The Difference in Pacing
Background: The clear reason for this is because of how the books are set up. On Choices, each completed book is approx. 16 chapters (like a movie) while on RC, the book is typically 3 seasons with around 10-12 episodes (like a tv show). So a book like Open Heart, for instance, would be 3 seasons under one title instead of 3 separate books since they occur within a close period. This is different from a series like Heaven's Secret, which has two separate books that span ten years apart.
I bring this up because I assume this difference explains why the pacing in both apps is so different. I can use Blades II, Kindred, Theodora, and DALS as an example.
I've brought this up already, but one of my biggest gripes with Blades II was the very odd pacing. The beginning of the book (in my opinion) took longer than necessary to start the plot and there was a little too much filler with less time to focus on new lore the themes ate tho and I'm grateful we got another book.
Kindred has a similar issue. The concept of a witch book was cool and they had a good plot, but 16 chapters weren't enough to explore everything they wanted to with the book. The ending was rushed and it felt way too easy to defeat the Wraith King. Do I still love this book? Yes. Do I think the authors did well with the amount of time they were given? Also yes. But the rushed plot does make it hard to recommend it since PB is capable of handling a lot of plot (RE: Blades I).
On the other hand, Theodora has 3 seasons and the whole immortality arc (the premise of the book) wasn't explained until near the end of S2. We had an entire season to explore the character and at least half of a second season to explore her life after she realized she was immortal but without knowing why (human -> immortal -> realizing how she became immortal and starts controlling her power). As a result, it becomes easier to get attached to her since we spent more time getting to know her still one of my favorite MCs.
Dracula: A Love Story still can't believe it has 4 seasons spent an entire season before revealing Vlad's identity even though it's in the title. In comparison, PB would have done three chapters of leaving MC in the dark before revealing who Vlad is with the rest of the book being allotted to helping him. I get that we needed to see all the visions and stuff but personally, I feel like I was more invested in Lale and would have read an entire book about her, Aslan, and Vlad. I swear I don't hate DALS please don't be offended lol.
Am I saying I prefer RC to Choices? Not necessarily, I have problems with RC too mostly regarding representation, and I also know it wouldn't be fair to compare the apps since they are set up differently. I just thought this was something interesting to point out.
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reviewinghiccup · 1 year
Blog Post Series: Breaking Down Hiccup
Title: Breakneck Bog
Ep/Season: Episode 17, Season 1 (Riders of Berk)
Hiccup and gang set out to the mysterious, maybe even dangerous Breakneck Bog in search for something once lost.
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Stoick, Gobber, Hiccup, Thornado and Toothless go on a journey to find Trader Johann who is late and carrying a parcel on his ship Stoick really wants. When the mission fails, Hiccup decides to venture out on his own, to retrieve the lost treasure for his father.
Stoick didn't tell Hiccup that the treasure was actually a gift from his mother, knowing that if Hiccup knew that, he would've gone out of his way to get it back. However, what Stoick probably didn't bank on was the fact that Hiccup would do anything for him, regardless.
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note: I need to get me one of those Berk crested satchels. Looks like it can carry a lot.
Of course, Astrid will come to find out about it and because our boy here cannot lie to the girl he likes, he told her everything. Well, that and more because, Astrid reads him like a book.
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It felt like the running theme of the episode was unheeded warnings. Hiccup decided to find Trader Johann, even though it wasn't his father's wish for him to handle the operation on his own.
Snotlout got everyone to join the expedition despite being warned to keep the scout-group small.
And the decision to go into Breakneck Bog itself was stubbornness disguised as adventure.
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It's so funny how Hiccup has no control over his group sometimes. No, sorry, its hilarious.
I open this question to the floor, do you think this incident was planned by Johann or did he really suffer an accident?
I mean, what are the odds that a valuable item to Stoick and Hiccup would be found on his ship the day he just had to pass Breakneck Bog. Do you think Johann planted it? I mean, it's not uncharacteristic of an evil mastermind to do so.
But that would mean, he knows them scarily well and planned to get rid of the riders this way.
Why I ask this question is because he was found on a plank, stranded in the middle of the ocean. We don't see any other ships or people nearby to help him. Did he really go that far to disguise his disloyalty?
Again, it wouldn't be uncharacteristic of him to do so. But still, no one can fault the dude for his dedication. Or acting.
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"Most people are afraid of things because they don't understand them. For me, it was dragons. Then one day that changed, and my greatest fear became my best friend." - Hiccup
Just like Breakneck Bog and the elusive Fog Monster, there was great fear in the unexplainable. However, when the "cover" is blown and what was suppose to be scary ended up being nothing but a facade, we truly see where fears lie, in ignorance of truth.
A fear of dragons was the downfall of the village, until they started understanding them. Then they realised, like Hiccup did, that dragons were just like them. Scared, nervous, strong, independent.
That was also Valka's message which we learn in HTTYD 2. I liked this episode because it combined all my favourite bits of the show. The heartwarming family values, the bond of friendship, adventure and their overarching lesson, that you don't have to be afraid of the things you can't yet understand.
The episode is shrouded in mystery, i.e., Breakneck Bog, the Lost Treasure, the Fog Monsters. But the best part about it is how it is uncovered. And what "treasure" means to someone, is completely how we attach value to it.
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Further, inasmuch as you can hate on Snotlout or be annoyed with the twins, you can't help but know that as a group they work well together and they will be there for each other.
In terms of comedic timing and pacing, this show definitely hits as one of the better ones. It's a mix of adventure, humour, family - in essence, what the entire franchise is about, but as a series it was a lovely bite size piece to enjoy.
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Given Snotlout's distrust, he is actually someone who calls Johann out constantly. One thing Hiccup does fail to discern is the true nature of people. Which is a flaw that leads him to most of his problems.
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ryttu3k · 16 days
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Boom! Some negativity ahead, maybe a 6/10 overall.
Well that was about as subtle as a sledgehammer XD Yes yes the algorithm is bad, yes yes capitalism is bad, yes yes war industry is bad, yes yes religious extremism is bad. I agree with all that! And tbh there are people who do need that message to be about as subtle as a sledgehammer because they Do Not Get It!
But holy shit, this one made Orphan-55 look subtle XD
(That said, kind of adore the chutzpah of doing the Capitalism Is Bad story in the first season of the show as owned by fucking Disney.)
A… weird aesop at the end. "Blind faith is bad. Also, just because I don't like it, doesn't mean I don't need it, because apparently I need religious people to tell me what to do."
Splice was… odd. Grew up in a warzone, also launches herself into said warzone because Dad sent a weird message. Seems singularly unable to recognise what had happened despite, y'know, growing up in a warzone, but that's okay because Holodaddy mentioned seeing antelopes. I feel she was written to be much younger (like, five-ish), which is an issue with the casting, actually, because as it is she just kind of came across as dense as a sack of bricks. No, stupid child, you do not run into the minefield! I did see commentary about how chilling it was for her to be so easily placated by the AI, though, so that could be a deliberate choice, I guess?
Mundy is okay. Didn't make me go, "Yes, she absolutely needs to be the new companion!", which is a pity, and the whole romantic tension between her and the other dude felt whoppingly out of place. Yes, half the planet is going to blow up but that's okay, her crush likes her back! Hoping that either she's playing someone totally different as companion (like Freema Agyeman and Karen Gillan having smaller roles before being cast as companions, to say nothing of some of the actual Doctors!), or that Mundy actually develops some personality beyond 'romantic yearning', 'Christianity', and 'portents of doom'. That said, if she is playing Mundy again, I do enjoy the idea of Mundy Sunday XD
Last annoyance, promise - lmao god if Moffat's head was any further up his arse he'd be a mobius strip. Villengard (although setting the episode in the 51st century is at least consistent with its destruction), the Anglican Marines, preservation of dead people in incomplete digital formats, the president's wife poem/song thing, even fish fingers and custard. Dude. I know. You're still salty about being replaced as showrunner. Doesn't mean you have to yell about how great your era was by throwing in every single self-congratulatory reference you could think of XD
(That said: I much prefer him writing standalone/double episodes. Do Not let him write arcs or be showrunners, but he certainly can work a single narrative.)
Positive notes: Even if it was as subtle as a sledgehammer, I did enjoy the reveal - that there wasn't actually any war, and it was entirely a self-perpetuated conflict based on algorithm and profit. Like the writing could have handled it better, but the premise was really cool.
Ncuti Gatwa's acting was fantastic. Beautiful tension and stress. Loved him monologuing to Ruby's dead body because if he doesn't talk, he can't think right.
"I'm more explosive than I look - and honey, I know how I look."
"Ruby, I forbid this." "Yeah, good luck with that :)"
"- and frankly, your lifespan sucks." (Just wanted Ruby to go, "Dude. I've been dead for the last ten minutes.")
Enjoying the continuation of Ruby's snow.
Susan Twist has appeared again, although I still have no idea what this could be building up to. Much bigger role than some of the earlier ones.
This is Ruby's first alien planet, but The Devil's Chord implies she's been travelling with the Doctor for six months? So this would have to be set before Devil's Chord, or else they've just spent six months in space stations and time travelling on Earth alone.
A lot of emphasis on the Doctor as a father, tying in with his mention of Susan last episode, which also dealt with the familial connection between the Toymaker and Maestro and the whole Pantheon thing, and brought up the stuff with Ruby and her lineage again (the AI glitching out when trying to work out her next of kin, although I feel Moffat forgot that… next of kin doesn't mean 'blood relative'… she has a Mum!). I feel there's definitely going to be something about the Doctor's family in this season as well as Ruby's. The TARDIS identified her as human, but could there be a connection?
Season ranking
As of s40e03:
The Devil's Chord
The Church on Ruby Road
Space Babies
And on a deeply silly note: I initially heard 'Kastarion' as 'Karstarion' and went :D because BG3 ship mentioned <3
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innocentimouto · 8 months
I really like Zuko but i agree with so much you say about his character and the way the fandom treats it.
Like, despite Zuko being one of a favourites, i really didnt like his redemption arc. It felt, too quick? Inorganic? im not sure the word, but it felt like it was not fully expanded enough.
I feel like the issue that comes to me is that is his redemption is centered around Iroh oddly enough and ends up stripping Zuko of the opportunity of any self-reflection of who he currently is.
What i mean is, season 1 set up Zuko's Agni Kai to be around the saftey of his people and soldiers, showing that you know, he has some base level of kindness thats could be reached out and expanded again. But that part of the Agni Kai never comes up again and Zuko's relationship with the fire nation military or tactics is never addressed beyond Zhao having more resources and being a weirdo.
I get why initially, he's trying to supress that part of himself to appease his father, but the fact that entire premise of the Agni Kai never comes up again and instead focuses on the rest of it ends up minimising Zuko's journey. I mean, its incredibly important for him to know he didn't deserve to be burned, but they could have easily used that to also have him confront the fact the Fire Nations imperialism isnt helping their people would have Zuko question the war sooner.
In fact, now that im thinking about it, Zuko never interacts with Fire Nation soldiers or army in any way after the first season. He doesn't even interact with the average fire nation citizens either so we dont really know his opinion on his own people, which you know, is pretty important regarding the future leader of the country. And even more odd considering he was there for the conquest of the north pole and should have had an opinion regarding the way Zhao led their people into combat.
Zuko's journey, despite leading him to be the fire lord, doesn't allow him to interact with his own nation beyond his direct family or the prison break with sokka. Like, Zuko's betrayal against Iroh makes a shit ton of sense considering the fact he hasnt even questioned the war yet, so why would he turn against his sister and not help defeat the avatar. Like, Iroh made a ton of shit arguements at that moment considering he was content on playing tea shop and pretending the war didnt exsist (until the white lotus we learn but what was his plan?). It then focusing on Zuko realising betraying Iroh was wrong and then switch sides because he hurt his uncle? They do include a scene thats clearly referring to the war meeting that set off the Agni Kai but because they never expand on the soldier situatiation it feels flat to me.
Im sorry if im not communicating this well, but despite Zuko's arc being directly tied to the war and showing us the earth kingdom affects regarding that, it rarely shows us what Zuko thinks of his own people and their actions and fate. Hell, the Gaang interact more with the average fire nation citizen or soldier than we see with Zuko. We never see Zuko's opinion of the siege on the north pole or any of that sort. Instead we see Zuko pick Iroh over Ozai and we need to pretend that sufficient character development, Zuko picking a different adult to appease and obey.
(i also have a rant about bloodbending, specifically how they did katara and the water tribe so dirty by doing it the way the did, and the fact Aang is the only airbender we ever see in the show and they don't let him interact with anyform of decendants of the air nomads. Like, there is no way they got all the airbenders in one full swoop and air nomads dont stay in one place. But thats a whole different rant.)
I have to admit I don't like Zuko that much. I can recognize he is just a teenager who was abused but also his redemption arc is severely lacking.
Book 1 Zuko and Iroh are the best versions in my opinion! I really like your point about Zuko never interacting with any of his people beyond Book 1. I never considered that to be honest. My focus has always been on how he viewed people from other nations, but if he were to ever lead his people, then he should have shown more care to them. Or something for them. Book 1 set that up. There should have been more.
What's left is a selfish teenager, always focusing on himself. Which is a neat flaw to explore in a character, if it was actually treated as one.
Zuko's "betrayal" to Iroh doesn't even feel like a betrayal because Iroh never said anything against the Fire Nation. He says, 'It's time to choose good' except Iroh never stopped him when he attacked the Southern Water Tribe or when he captured Aang in the North. Iroh never did anything except try to get Zuko to understand what he really wanted.
Which...how would that translate to the Fire Nation is bad? If propaganda could be broken down that easily, most adults within the Fire Nation would have stopped years ago.
Also Zuko only ever wanted his father's love! And that's what his entire arc ends with! Getting real love from his uncle! So in fact, maybe it's just our fault for labeling it a redemption arc when in fact it's just a character arc.
Nah, you should have made this your own post. Your points are really clear and make a lot of sense.
The Water Tribes were such an afterthought. I get how they could justify not developing the Air Nomads, but there's no excuse for the Water Tribes.
If they wanted us to believe all Air Nomads were wiped out, they should have delved more into how horrible the Fire Nation was for doing that. Show families on the run, barely able to rest, and soldiers burning any town down at the slightest rumor. Show other nations turning their backs on the Air Nomads because they know the Fire Nation will kill all of them if they stay.
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doctorhouse5343 · 4 months
Let me rabble about my WIP. Precisely the Writer! Dream x Professor! Hob x Librarian! Hobo Heart WIP (that's the blorbo I was referencing to)
Now to explain the premise : Dream and Hob are happily married and disgustingly into eachother : every second is a good make-out opportunity and Desire...well they are sick of it. Catching them making-out behind the shower curtain scarred them so much, they escaped to a club. When they saw a white haired young man with a skull tattooed on his face, they hatched up a plan : pretend that the odd looking librarian is their boyfriend in front of their brother to make them stop once and for all. Hobo Heart, being nice and all, agreed : it wasn't like he had much to do and his heart was still fragile so it was all good. The next they acted like lovers, kissing and holding hands a few times and when the couple showed up, Desire had to make Hobo Heart face them to make-out...because the couple got his full attention. But his heart was no longer into it, for it was ensnared by the two hot older men who soon talked to them. Hob found the boy quite charming, too charming for someone as fickle as Desire and Dream felt like stirring up trouble so the pair made up their mind to try to win the librarian over despite not knowing they already got his heart.
chaos, pinning, tooth rotting fluff and steamy smut ensues
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evren-sadwrn · 3 months
Finding your blog was like finding a ruby in the middle of a desert of sand, because the John Wick fandom seems so small, thank you for existing and being active lmao, I'm loving the posts :3
What did you think of The Continental? I had an ambiguous opinion, it could have been infinitely better in fact but the Twins stole the whole scene for me, and I was very curious about them, do you have any headcanon about them? Nobody talks about them, the work of Mark Musashi and Marina Mazepa were incredible, great on paper. I spent days thinking about the characters and interesting facts about them lol
Thank you in advance for your attention ✨
(The Continental Spoilers)
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I feel like in terms of the entire thing, the Continental felt like average to me. It wasn’t outstanding nor was it bad— it just felt lackluster and unfulfilling in comparison to the four main movies that they have. Now while I do like the premise(Winston’s backstory) I think they should have put some more thought into the writing and pacing of the show.
I liked Katie McGrath’s character(The Adjudicator) in particular probably my favorite one out of the ensemble of the Continental because of the subtle world building it meant for the High Table’s world. I did like the twins they were very nice every time they were on screen lol
Anyways; it wasn’t that outstanding to me but when it comes to adding lore to the John Wick/High Table world it really does add some more information but it creates questions. At times I felt like the series was rushed or like it was written in like a hazardous way which is my major complaint(like what the hell was the coin press? I know what it is, but considering that the High Table is confirmed to predate the Roman Empire it just felt odd. The coin press being used as the main source of conflict was good, a really great idea in comparison to use some other stuff as the conflict like John being hunted down.)
I don’t have much headcanons about them but I do headcanon that they’re both not from New York but rather from Washington. Don’t ask why, my brother made a joke that they “looked” like they were from Washington and I just ran with it lmao
ps: young winston is really hot
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dude1818 · 5 months
Anime Year in Review
Last year I made a silly post ranking the three shows I happened to watch. This year, I got way more into anime (and manga), so let's do it properly this time
Revue Starlight* - Easy top star spot. This anime was flawless. I watched it twice this year and will be watching it again. The story, the animation, the music were all impeccable. The music, oh my god; I listen to the soundtrack every day. Some of my other favorites on this list I'd only recommend based on your personal tastes, but this show should be watched by everyone. (The sequel and spin-offs, not so much. They all use the revues in a way that completely undermines the premise of the main series)
Heavenly Delusion - So fucking good. Second on this list, but I think it's the best show that came out this year. Deeply traumatic, but in such a satisfying way. The horror elements were so brutal and so well done, and I love that the man-eating monsters were the least gruesome part of the show. If it wasn't for the stinker of the ice monster episode, I think this could've been my favorite anime
Call of the Night* - Adored this show. Yes it's a celebration of the hedonism of vampires, but it's so earnest and down-to-earth with it that it feels so good to watch that I did it twice (sub and dub). I also got into the manga, which is sadly wrapping up next month, but hopefully that prompts an announcement about season 2
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End - Super chill show, which is a great way to wind down the week. It's such a cool concept too, following the adventurer after the adventure is over. It's just a reflection on life and I love it
The Witch from Mercury (cour 2) - Given that I run a sideblog just for this show, it might be surprising that it's so low on my list, but the second cour was a lot weaker than the first. Not nearly enough of Suletta and Miorine interacting, and way too much chaff following Guel's B-plot. I've said it before, but I think the worst part of this Gundam show is that it's a Gundam show. A+ epilogue though, and Suletta is still my favorite character this year
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off - I enjoyed the original comic and the live action movie. I didn't realize this new adaption was really a sequel, but it ended up being a great way to bring the old story to the modern decade. (Two decades later isn't much, but it was very of-its-time)
Spy x Family (cour 2) - Very fun show. Following several viewpoint characters means the individual episodes might be hit-or-miss (as much as I love Anya, the episodes at the school are relatively bland), but the overall package was sweet and enjoyable
Nimona - Another comic I really enjoyed. The movie was strong, although it cut a lot of parts out that I thought were important to the original story
The Orbital Children - Directed by the same person who directed one of my long-time favorites (Dennou Coil), the first two acts of this really felt like a modern update. Stunning visuals, great sci-fi, thrilling adventure. Went totally off the deep in the third act, though
Joshiraku* - As the characters pointed out, adapting a manga that takes entirely inside the green room of a stand-up comedy club is an odd choice. It was off-the-charts hilarious, though. Considering some of the scripts were entirely pun-based, it must've been an immense amount of work to translate, but they absolutely pulled it off
Oshi no Ko - The only reason I watched this show was because the OP was such a banger. (Several fantastic anime songs by YOASOBI this year, and Idol is easily my favorite.) The first, feature-length episode was incredible and I literally cried at the end. If it was a stand-alone movie, it would be a couple of spots higher on this list. The rest of the show was fine, but not really what I was here for. I'll probably still watch season 2 though
Arknights: Prelude to Dawn* - I bounced off the gacha game immediately, but the worldbuilding and character designs seemed cool, so I wanted to give the anime adaptation a chance. The plot was very thin but serviceable enough. At least it looked nice to watch.
The Magical Revolution of ... - Not typing that whole thing out. It was a cute show. The yuri stuff was nice, but I wish for a show about a magical inventor, there was a non-zero amount of magical inventing shown on screen
* indicates the show aired prior to 2023
A lot of shows I really loved this year. Looking forward to next year, the anime I'm most hyped for is obviously Dungeon Meshi. It looks like it's going to be incredible. The second season of Arcane is also scheduled to come out late next year, which is also very exciting. Technically Frieren has a second cour in January, but they're airing both cours as basically a single 24-episode season, so that doesn't really count
For older shows I mean to catch up on, YouTube has recced me clips of probably every single joke from K-On!, and it's really grown on me. Definitely going to watch that soon. I'm also in the mood to watch Bocchi the Rock! again. I should also make myself watch the first couple episodes of PMMM. Nothing I've seen on Tumblr has grabbed me for that one, but it's right in the middle of some of the other shows I was gushing about here and it would be dumb not to try it
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dreamcaught · 5 months
When I see people trying to explain that the Doctor was more in love with River and open with her than any of his other romantic interests, especially Rose, I want to laugh. Eleven didn't go easy on her at first and was very careful because she was a mystery. He didn't want to marry her in the first place either. It is suggested that he slept with her, but sex does not equal the wildest love in the world. It's likely he indulged in this (if it happened) because she wasn't a companion he was traveling with, unlike Rose or Clara, and he had already dealt with her future death at this point, implying that his future loss would not destroy him after experiencing this. After all, there's a difference between imagining someone's death (Rose & Clara) and having already seen it (River). Beyond that... River wasn't at all sure of the Doctor's feelings towards her, despite the improvement in their relationship. This is quite telling of the level of openness the Doctor had with her. And precisely, despite the improvement in their relationship, the Doctor still had to hide his future death from River. He always had to be careful about what he said with their meetings perpetually out of order. There is no real letting go and openings. None of the Doctor's romances aside from Rose were sure how much the Doctor actually loved them. It's literally the premise that he was as transparent as he could be about his feelings for Rose without ever saying the words. They bonded from their first meeting. From their 2nd episode he entrusted her with the destruction of his planet. Even stronger is that the Doctor literally almost said I love you twice, and finally said it to him as Tentoo. Brief. The Doctor and River fans infuriate me. All the romances in Doctor Who are different, but the fact is that it's pretty obvious that none of them are as deep and cult as the one with Rose.
Well said!
River is an odd duck to me, because while she started cool, her story got worse with each episode she was in. Honestly, River would have been a much stronger character had she not been a romantic interest. Instead, it became her core identity.
Also, good points you've made there: Yes, the Doctor did tell Rose he loved her - once as Tentoo, and many almost-times as Ten! While he says "Oh, she knows," for the audience to see how close they've become - one of River's final lines is: "If you ever loved me..." which means that nope, he never told her. And from her perspective, that's after the 24 year final-night, because it's while she's data-ghost River in the library. Both of these lines are "audience clues" to show the Doctor's feelings, but the Doctor says that his love for Rose is known, shared, while River is saying that hers is not.
River became ensnared to a weird degree with the Doctor - but more specifically as the Doctor's wife, which I find misogynistic and limited as a character. I didn't like their interactions because I felt out of the loop - like I was being forced to stand witness to their marriage much like the Doctor was forced to go through with it.
I have a very mixed feelings about Clara and the Doctor's relationship. Their romance was more toxic in a dependency sort of way that doesn't appeal to me, it felt weird that Danny was just sort of there, and Clara herself was difficult for me to like because she felt like a melting pot of whatever the writer wanted her to be for the episode.
And then there was Yaz, I guess.
So yeah, I agree. No romance has ever been as open, deep or authentic as the Doctor and Rose, even if he's had other romantic interests since. I like to think that that's part of the reason why RTD is letting them just be happy and together in their own universe. They're safe there.
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egg-emperor · 8 months
it's awful liking eggman and self inserting bc i know he's toxic, but part of that feels like the reason i stay in the first place. i've been in relationships where it was hard to win their affection, and i feel like i'm just trying to replicate that with him and other villains i like. it's like, yeah i know i'll never "fix them" but it's fun (and self destructive probably lmao)
I can completely relate and I always wonder how or if I should say it because I thought people would think I was weird for portraying it that way, (years ago I actually got concerned asks about it 👉👈) even though it is the only way it'd be accurate after all and I care a lot about having him accurate as the same exact guy I fell in love with in the games. And I already think it shows a lot in the ways I write him acting in all kinds of relationships.
The way it's... familiar territory to me for various reasons, is strangely comforting to me to explore through fictional self insert shipping and I'm most attracted to characters where I can replicate it. That's part of why most of my favorite things about Eggman are the bad toxic parts and why I always keep them as part of the shipping stuff besides caring for character accuracy and finding it interesting and entertaining.
And all those reasons combined is why it's more than fine to me that he's irredeemable and I don't see the appeal in writing him becoming a better person when he has a partner because I don't want to fix him anyway. Him being a bad guy and a real villain is perfect to me and I don't see appeal in losing those things that pulled me in in the first place. His nasty angry selfish egotistical asshole side is alluring to me dhskgjkgjskg
I just like to think I could make him happy through stroking his ego and serving him and the empire well and getting to be with him as part of it, it would be rewarding enough because his happiness is what I'd like to try to earn and enjoy and it would make me feel useful. The idea of running away with him with the premise of him saying it can give me purpose and make me good for something makes me swoon XD
And yeah it may be a bit self destructive but I'm just masochistic and into degradation as a result and exploring the dynamic through him serves it and is better than being in that kind of situation again for real beyond just roleplay irl. And this time I get some power in from a writer perspective at least by deciding the events I imagine and right, it's the same dynamic but it makes that tiny difference ya know
So hey you're not alone. I feel like most cases it's the opposite with people, so I felt like the odd one out. It's just comforting and fun to love a horrible guy and know he is but still showing passionate devotion and it feeling familiar, and I find him so loveable and it's a lot more exciting and entertaining this time. It's a positive helpful experience that lets me honestly explore and express myself in a pleasant way 💜
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