#they act and do stuff I don't really like cus i feel weird
brainpoo · 2 years
Mm didn't miss the feeling of no one actually care about what i say and if they do then right after ignore me and talking with someone else and if i try to join the conversation it's somehow almost always something related to them that i have nothing to add to or if it's a subject i do have something to say then i actually feel like I need to fight to have the ability to talk cus they keep talking and not carrying I'm there but i can't fucking look like I'm feeling sad because then the some times they talk to me they'll just be like heh she's just not in the mood and leave me alone which isn't fucking helping being ignored even more and then we come to situations like now where everyone's talking and I'm in my phone feeling bad inside and kinda wishing it wasn't, simply bad
#aren't friends that do care for u but most of the time you feel like they not are just fun#even more fun after you've randomly found new friends that you've ACTUALLY met liks every two days and they let you talk when you want to#say something#and some times you break in the middle on their sentence because you're so used to if you don't talk now you'll never#and then feel bad cus they actually do let you talk#so you tell them ur sorry and to finish their sentence and all is well#or when they don't let you talk for a sec and you shut up but they REALLY ACTUALLY ASK YOU WHAT YOU WERE TRYING TO SAY?!#how do you get back from that#and school starts soon and I'll see then regular friend probably more often again and the new friends less cus they're in another city next#to mine#and yes I'm kinda less compatible with the new friends#they act and do stuff I don't really like cus i feel weird#but like if they take a photo out of a joke (like i do of them) but then i see it and feel peralized with how ugly i look they'll just#delete it and i won't have to figure to make sure they did#to actually know they won't recycle it later#and when i asj them to blurr me in silly videos we make and post they'll take the time to make sure it's all fine with me#how am i spouse to keep meeting with the other friends when we're all together I'm always left out#for small instenses of time not but i find myself feeling this a lot for few years#i want to tell them but it always feel like it'll be ranting of stupid shit#or they just try too hard everytime and I won't actually feel normal#and I'm always like#smiling when talking with them and when I'm just existing and they don't even look I'm with a dead face overthinking every shit even#i could actually simply don't schedule anything with them and it'll take the feeling of a YEAR for them to maybe? care and ask me if i#wanna meet#so#it sucks#and i know 2/4 of them all my life and the other two for FIVE+ years#it's stupid to cut a friendship like that but it's also a shitty one where i feel shitty and being left out
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jentasticart · 8 months
ok but I'm actually starting to get pissed off and annoyed with this weird family dynamic stuff they're doing in mk1 just to try to stop the gay ships that's been around for a while now.
like subscorp (Kuai x Hanzo), bitomas, subsmoke (Kuai x Tomas. I'm not too much of a fan of this ship but I'll mention it anyway) and shaoko, idk if there's anything else but lmk if I missed anything I guess.
but Imma mainly talk about my main ship here; bitomas.
I would like to add that I'm not a proshipper in any way cus fuck that shit. so don't frame me as one.
this is the only recent game where they're both in it together but they make them step bros yet I've seen people make mk1 subscorp and no one is really complaining about it and it gets a bunch of likes, which is WORSE than mk1 bitomas because it's ACTUAL incest. mk1 bitomas isn't incest, they're not related to each other in any way. they're not even the same race.
this is literally how I'm feeling rn about this
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two people who ARE NOT related to each other in any damn way is NOT incest, doesn't matter if they grew up together or not.
so if two people were dating before and their parents got together and married, then those two people shouldn't be together anymore cus they would be step siblings? that's fucking stupid and you guys know it.
in a way they're doing the stupid thing like how some people think liulao is, yk the whole "they're cousins/brothers" but they're not, it was confirmed they're not but people don't wanna do their damn research.
all nrs cares about is the straight pairings and lesbian ones cus they don't get as much backlash as two men being together.
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so I got a little hc/story for y'all:
sometime after the brothers' dad takes Tomas in, Tomas falls for Bi and his whole idolization for Bi is a coverup to try to hide his crush on him from Bi and Kuai. yes he gets close with Kuai as in best friends but he feels this is something he should keep to himself for now.
Bi wasn't actually always mean to Tomas, at some points he might have been cold to him sometimes but that's just Bi, just cus he was cold to him, doesn't mean he didn't care for him.
but then at some point Bi-Han fell for Tomas, probably starting in his teen years, but since he didn't know how to express it or deal with it, he acts how he acts towards him like how he does in mk1. it's because he never felt this way before towards anyone, let alone a guy. so he pretty much acts kinda like a tsundere in a way. keep in mind, even before this, Bi still didn't see Tomas as his brother and Tomas obviously didn't see him that way either cus of his crush on him.
all those years their feelings for each other got stronger and stronger, which made Bi more cold to Tomas, which was the time he told him that line in that one scene in mk1 about him not being brothers or Lin Kuei.
but after the betrayal of Bi-Han, while Kuai and Tomas were making the Shirai Ryu, Tomas snuck back to the Lin Kuei at night to see Bi-Han.
they fought because Bi started it, he did think Tomas was there to kill him or was there for some revenge but all Tomas wanted to do was talk. after the fight, Tomas managed to get Bi to stop.
they talked for awhile, Tomas asking the question as to why Bi-Han did all of this in the first place, why he was cold to him, why he got so much colder after all the years. Bi was hesitant to tell him, especially now since he thinks its too late to let him know the truth, he probably ruined all chances he had with him now.
but he did tell him anyway, he told him the truth, everything. from the very beginning to now. Tomas wasn't expecting this, he didn't think Bi felt the same way towards him but was he really telling the truth about the other stuff?
Bi-Han backed away after he told him, he understood that he might not believe his words anymore. Tomas stayed silent on Bi's bed, thinking, before he spoke and told him that he should tell Kuai this truth even if Kuai might not believe it.
he paused for a moment before he spoke, agreeing with Tomas. he then called him to Bi's bed, Bi was hesitant because he wasn't sure of it, he didn't know if he should.
after a few minutes, Bi joined him in bed and Tomas held him, confessing his love to him too, even after everything, he still has the same love for him like the first time he fell for him.
they wind up being together in secret for months as Tomas helped Kuai with the clan. during that time, Bi did told the truth to Kuai too and apologized for it. Kuai is a bit hesitant to forgive him right now but he will consider it. he will still work on his own clan as it still feels like the right thing to do.
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so ye if you don't like it, plz just block me, cus Imma ship them since others are shipping mk1 subsmoke with little problems, I'm starting to not care at this point because of it but I will put tags you can block in those posts to not see it
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pooplyface1423 · 4 months
Tsudere /sub Jax that pretends to hate the reader but does things to secretly be with them x a fem happy but smart Uzadere that loves being in the circus.She loves adventures,animals,cute things,fighting,food ect! lots of energy too but can be pretty insensitive and a little selfish with a little crush on jax. I feel like at first jax would completely reject liking her then he would be extra mean,then Maybe subconsciously know he likes her amd hates the feeling lol. cus he copes by trying to not have feelings and tries to act "tough". its pretty obvious that the reader is in love with him but his dumb ass cant catch on . She gives lots of compliments which makes him flustered and mad ( he is mad bc he thinks nobody likes him that much, he is mean to her to make her go away but it doesn't work ) but he pretends not to care. the reader would definitely confesses first tho. Sorry for such a long request its just that not many people write jax in this sorta way so i had to be detailed lol. also if you don't wanna use female pronouns you can make it non gender ofc 😅tysm for even reading such a long thing! and you don't have to do this at all lr you can switch it up. Anything is VERY appreciated tho😊
DUDE this question was long but its a very good one so lemme write it.:]
Warning: Kissing (just like one but still) CRINGEEE and that it.
also Y/N is female just so ya'll know but not a lot is said about her gender here so could be non binary.
Lil backstory : When You first got here it was around 7 months before pomni gets into the circus. your reactions to seeing all the supposed people was terrifying u were laughing your brains of since u thought it was all just a big prank but once u realized it was real u were just stunned. I mean u were still amazed like wow i'm in a virtual reality type of reaction. And about what u look like idk that up to yourself but lets say Ur like a type of animal could be a cat or something else. U were always ecstatic to be in the circus and everybody even Caine were surprised. Like it not everyday in this virtual reality u see a person who is more than happy to be there. (also i'm not really gonna add Kaufmo since their is little to no info bout him)
Okay now to the good stuff
So really your weren't stupid to not notice how Jax would occasionally "look ur way to see something else" nor to notice how differently he treated u compared to the others. Either he would go out of his way to be nice or mean to you.
You were chatting bout random nonsense with zooble when she said
"Hey Y/n do you see how much of a dumb### Jax's looks like just looking at you"Looking at you then at Jax then at you.
"no lemme check"You turned around to see jax looking away from you to above you? yea he was doing the "look ur way to see something else" crap again.
"ugh it starting to annoy me" Says Zooble wanting to stand up and start to beat the crap out of Jax but thankfully u stopped her then said
"hey its okay he may be weird and all but we got to be used to this anyway where stuck here"
"but he does like you Y/n we can all see it in his eyes" Says Ragatha entering the conversation
"yea ragatha is right how bout we make a plan to you know um- make him confess he like you" says zooble looking at you waiting for an answer.
Then u spoke up
"Sure i guess but knowing him he would never confess"
"Ugh lets head to my room to discuss the plan" says ragatha getting up
You three walk all he way to the room corridors and enter Ragatha's Room and discus how you would get Jax to confess his feelings to you.
"Okay so how should we do this" says Ragatha with some confusion in her face
"Well we know that Jax is a very Um- how should I say this es stupid and lets just say hes like a little puppy who follows you around" Says zooble before you with shook face say
"WAIT what is that supposed to mean I never see him trailing behind me"
"He does he always trails behind you buts ur either dumb or blind since u never see him literary behind u. ALL THE TIME" Says Zooble
"Well um- we should get started with the plan and stop taking bout how Jax is a little twerp" Says Ragatha with a bit of an annoyed face splatted in her face
"Okay okay well first of all since we know Jax is like a little dog with nothing else to do than follow Y/n we should..........."Says Zooble spilling out what the plan would be about.
Well basically the plan is make Jax follow u around Y/n complements Jax every time he does something for her even the smallest of things like letting u have the first of anything picking up flowers for u,him pranking u and much more.
Everything was going according to the plan Jax being Jax follows you around and sneaks up on you with a centepied (which ur scared of) and lands it right besides u trying to get a scared yelp from u but instead u just threw it away and said
"Jax u little bad bunny don't do that again" while pinching his cheek just slightly
"~wait you aren't mad?" Says Jax while becoming a blushing mess
"no of course not bunny boy come on lets go outside"
you two go outside and jax keeps trying to make your way there horrible by trying to trip ur feet over and over again but failing miserably.
Once you both are by the lake you start to look around and see Zooble and Ragatha watching impatiently.
"So what are we doing here again?" says Jax
"nothing much just .. Taking in some fresh air i guess"
"Y/n there is no fresh air here u know that right?" says Jax with a serious face
"Oh um i meant like ..... space apart of everyone"
"ok i guess then what should we do?" says Jax with a sly smile appearing in his face
"how about we go on the tea cups?"
"whatever you want toots" says Jax
Both spend 2 hours trying all the rides over and over, Jax never saying crap
As the day ends in the digital realm first comes the digital dinner the classic chicken and veggies.
After that, Caine suggested that you all play a quick game, and with no other option, everybody agrees.
"yay i guess" says zooble clearly annoyed they have to do this activity even tho it is fun she wants her alone
After the game which took around 30 min like damn these dudes have great hiding spots ,Caine gave everybody the green light to finally have there alone time/sleep
"UGH finally" Zooble before walking up to you
"Hey Y/n did Jax say anything to you?" Says Zooble quickly before she forgets about it
"No ... what should we do?"
"Hey idk bout you but i would of totally just make the first move at this point"Says Ragatha walking up to you both of you
"Well she has a point" "bout what?" "bout how you should def make the first move now since his dumb##s won't do S#it"
"okay I'll try but do i have to do it in front of u all or do i wait for everybody to leave?"
"Um okay new plan......." Says zooble making the new plan
Basically make gangle distract Jax long enough for everybody to leave to there rooms then gangle runs away, Then y/n will sneak up on Jax and spill the beans herself.
Everything went accordingly as planed gangle ran away just as she noticed everybody gone. Then Jax shrugs it of and slowly walks up to his room until...
"Hey Jax" "what do you want?" "not much just wanna talk to you...bout something"
"bout what dollfac-"
He says before being interrupted by a kiss
"does that answer ur question?"
"UM what was that?"... bb-but i guess it does"
"that's great! its official were dating"
"Wait WHAT!?" says Jax surprised as hell
"Goodnight Jax!" Says y/n as she gives one last kiss on his cheek
Hello finally finished hope u enjoyed.:]
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molthethratrenerd · 2 months
my gender
This is gonna be a long rant abt my gender so you do have to read it. I just need to say it.
Ok so ive been question my gender/sexuality for like 3-4 years now and i this was kinda it
Oh i'm a bi girl -> im pan girl -> lesbian -> pan she/they still a girl but queerer
Then like i was more worried about trying to figure out my sexuality right cause like i wanted to be kissed before my 16th (that didn't happen) 
Then like maybe mid 2022 i started thinking about gender and i knew 2 trans people but i was kinda like no that can't be me flashforward to march 2023 i got in to will wood and i was like ‘no way i'm in anyway trans but if i could be him i would’ and i like said to myself that i just thought he was attractive?? Then the same thing happened with the character jesse st james from glee which was even weird because there was no way i would want to date him, so thats when she/they pronouns came in i put it in my bio. Then kids from my class found out and made fun of it so i changed em back to she/her. 
Then since like september last year it feels like minimum weekly i’d either not be able to stop thinking abt gender or take way too many ‘what's my gender quizzes’ 
And like i feel its alway been in the day of my head, but its becoming more prevalent since then ive been like could i be non binary, genderfluid pintrest boards. At the beginning of the year i cut my hair again, which felt so good,.
So now somedays im having thoughts like ‘oh my fucking god why cant i drink something and be a guy’ ‘please for fucks sake’ though im nor sure id like to be a man im not 100% sure im a girl (im moving further from that). But like if there was like a magical thing i could drink do idk that would turn every inch into like robert smith between 1983-2004 id do it so quickly omg. 
And like it kinda hurts that i'm not idk (and ive never felt this for any girl celebrities)
And i kinda think they are also there those thoughts but some days theyre less i thinks thats just cus im distracting myself though i dont know i could be fluid. 
But i dont want to be any guy like the men in my family most of them are big i cant think of a better word then buffheads more so my dad but i could just not want to be like them i dont have a good relationship 
I dont think i HATE being a girl- i don't love it i like some parts but i dont think its things exclusive to girls say cause gender norms n stuff. 
I dont know if i have dysphoria because that fluctuates but im vision impaired so if i dont try and look at my body i forget some of it exists i really dont like my boobs or how clothes sit on my body think i like okay with having a cups (that i could easly hide if i wanted to  i dont but that cause also be cause by the pain they cause me.
My waist i like but only because that's the part of my body thats skinnest like my body was less shapely but that skinny id be elated.
But especially o the days i think abt it more but also all the time i do wish for more masc features eg adams apple more angular face bigger hands etc etc.Voices of weird one because my voice is in mezzo soprano range my speaking voice however in chest voice is kinda low  but I was self-conscious about it growing up because it made me stand out in different even though really it wasn't I think I just thought people were staring at me for no reason.  I think I only like my voice when I'm singing when I'm acting because I can imagine myself playing characters who aren't me but idk but if it was lower like high baritone or tenor id be like so fucking happy.
And like i Kind of want to try dressing differently but I can't because a I don't want my family to know certain pieces of clothing would be mens Not that they have a problem with it I'm assuming they could though but they probably just want to talk about it and I would not but also like  I remember one time I was at the shop called Factorie  and I wanted to get the Black Parade t-shirt but it was a mens shirt  and my god the amount of anxiety I had and the amount of people that I felt were staring at me I almost had a panic attack. 
And like I feel like if I ever did do anything about gender irl  I'd run away from everyone I know and cut of connections again not because I feel like they'd be bad about it but just I've built this thing around myself so long and I don't think I could even my queer friends like i dont know  my parents I'd feel like I'd be letting them down, and like 
But also so much for my childhood makes sense
Like when I was about 8 I got eczema for the first time and my first thought was ‘oh im turning into a boy… shit what am I gonna tell my parents’  which I don't even know why my brain made that jump but i hated my boobs sometimes more then others Once they got past a certain size,  when I had a pixie cut and a couple people in the street would mistake me for a boy felt exposed ‘like shh don't tell’ 
But I was also such a girly todder/ child  from like ages four Tube8 I would pride myself on being the girlest girl never wearing pants  because I kind of think it was trying to win that competition but I don't know         
I don't think anybody read this whole thing but if you did help me out or don't I don't care but I just needed to vent this 
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runthepockets · 8 months
My notifications are clogged by that Death Grips post but I think I'm ok with it because that's a feeling I've had for years and I'm glad other people are resonating with it / speaking out about it. Their white fans are obnoxious and racist and have been for pretty much the band's entire conception (and look, I get that they started as a bunch of weird nerds on /mu/, but I still don't think that justifies this level of insanity at live shows and the level of ignorance on display online. Like, if Prurient started on /mu/ and dropped album previews in the form of ARG, we'd never stop hearing about his marketing genius), and instead of reflecting on their shitty behavior they've gone full mask off and just started doing it to clipping., MF Doom, Playboi Carti, and JPEGMAFIA, too, so it's clear to me that white Hip Hop fans are still as obnoxious, immature, and racist as ever, which is really disappointing what with Rap having been solidified in the mainstream for about 20 years now. I guess now that Eminem has bad bars and has a discography that's aged rather poorly, white people now just glom onto the new ~whacky~ thing and act like animals over it.
Someone also brought to my attention that white people are really fond of doing this with Raggaeton too and, yeah that's also always really bothered me. Idk why the likes of Despacito and Gasolina have become memes, they're just catchy club bangers. At first I assumed it was Latino people making inside jokes, maybe cus their moms go crazy for that kinda stuff (as all moms are prone to do) but it was literally just....white people making jokes about songs in different languages? I thought we moved past this. A lot of you really need to grow up.
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loudnoisesthemovie · 8 months
If i had the opportunity for a do-over, the first thing i would have done differently is kept my distance from the start, not paid so much attention to her in general, and played it more cool and collected instead of trying so hard to prove how i felt. I thought giving attention to her was the right thing to do, and it made me happy to talk to her. I like hearing her talk about stuff. Yeah, it would have been nice if she showed interest in things i talked about but... 🤷 and i know she felt suffocated by the end cuz i felt like if i wasnt talking to her shed lose interest in me. But she had lost interest in me long ago. I wouldnt have felt so weird if she wasnt constantly switching up, making me feel special one second and treating me like a bug on her windshield the next. I know i wasn't perfect and i have no problem identifying and owning things i did wrong. But tried to be the best boyfriend i could be. And i would have done anything and made any changes necessary to make her happy. All i wanted was to make her happy. I saw her as the love of my life. Which you can psychoanalyze as much as you want, but it's truly how i felt. All i wanted was to be considered and treated like my feelings mattered. I was constantly jumping when she said jump, but when i needed her, she was rarely there. She often treated me like an inconvenience. And I'm not saying she never did anything for me. But it was rare. And when she did do stuff for me, i treasured those times and made sure she knew how much it meant to me. When i did did stuff for her, she spent all her energy deconstructing my acts to prove they were somehow disingenuous or without actual merit. And i haven't always been the best partner in the past, but I've never treated someone like that. That's next level cruel. To watch someone pour their heart and soul into trying to show you how much they love you only to spit on it, essentially. But no i kept taking it. I tried to be patient. I didn't give up on her, no matter how much she pushed my limits. Cuz i actually loved her unconditionally. I always tried to see the good in her. And she never loved me the same way. She only tried to see me as a monster. That's why I had that psychotic break. She had made me out to be this monster no matter what i did and how much effort I put in. No matter how much money I spent, and how many hours I drove. Nothing I did was ever enough. My words were never true. The only person who knew how I actually felt was her, apparently. It made me feel like I was losing my identity. Like, I wasn't even me. She was so beyond abusive. When I told her she was affecting my mental health, she told me to get over it. When i tried to leave, she screamed at me and got violent. And that's not a narrative. It's literally what happened. She can gaslight and spin things in whatever direction she likes, but the truth is objective. And it's not my job to take her abuse anymore. She can save it for her next victim and her sychophantic friends. She lies and bends reality to her whim so much its no wonder her ex felt the need to install cameras. Cus she was insane and he probably wanted receipts. Why else would he have plainly told her he installed cameras. He was probably hoping she'd stop twisting things if she knew there were cameras keeping record. That's so sad. Idk if it was her mom alone, but someone really fucked that girl up mentally. It might even be partially due to brain damage if the physical abuse was as severe as she claimed it was. But who really knows? I don't know what the truth is with her when it comes to any aspect of her life. I still love her. And i would have loved her and supported her through anything, even if it took everything in me. But the girls needs real help. Shit, i need help, i wouldnt be willing to walk through hell with her if i was completely sane. But that girl is a whole other level of mentally fucked up. At least i don't use people and play games with peoples emotions.
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desushiii · 1 year
Flirting isn't for me
I tried flirting, YES I know it's not a big thing for you but IT IS FOR ME. I am 21 years old now and I admit that I am starting to think that indeed I am antiromantic btch. so here's the story. I am yes a GHORL. I would say I do only crushes in the past years of my life and yes NBSB (No boyfriend since birth) kinda vibes.
The whole fiasco of this pandemic I was living in my small comfortable room and doing online classes and plates and shit, and countless of crying over a spilled coffee blablabla. August came and that is the official face-to-face classes of the year whatever fastforward. 1st term starts and the first major subj was this and that and my friends and I had been simping over this dude (as a joke) cus yes he cute or whatevah and after a weeks or two idk after party happen in our department and ddl are near but we don't care cuz we need to boost ourselves and party. that time at the party coincidentally this dude we're simping now my "crush", Yes I'm sorry I get really attached to people when I find them ok and start fantasizing and the feeling follows. Anyways i don't want to go on the details of what rlly happen at the party but it was fun ANYWAY. My fcollege friends presssured me to chat him in messenger just to ask him whats the name of the guy they introduced to us last night. AND SO THIS FOLLOWS ME trying to flirt text him giving him cheesy lines the obv. not my doing.. MY FRIEND is the one who keeps tally on what I should reply and what i shouldn't do and all that time I was ofc having butterflies but at the same time disgust or whatever OVERALL it was all uncomfortable for me to do because maybe I am not used to talking to guys malice of just being more than friends, OKAY? I am not used to this, so every possible cringe scenario you could think of was not me, I say it was Sharon, the hoe, the alter ego of mine doing all that crazyy stuff.
It was as if I was the guy and he was the girl I was trying to pursue, i felt weird and my pride went oop- so yuh drunk text came and the tipsy was me. I chatted him on msgr and say these very stupid line (trns. eng) "is it okay if I like you and you like me too" and my world started to crumble since then, but he just replied to me "are u drunk?" and so i said no any way he redirected the topic to something else so I was disappointed, and the more I try to cultivate some info abt him the more I realize I don't like him, and we're not a match and we won't click ever. so I stopped. OFC I was sad at the moment because heres the plot twist.
BBtch he like my other friend in shs and now in college likeeeee dude. I was maaaaaaaad like why did he not tell me that he liked someone else whilst I was talking to him nonstop atm. Gurlllll that was the flag I've been looking like I tot he's not some other dude who do shit but HE'S THE DUDE THAT DOES SHIT. WTF. and so I stop, I ranted to my friends and so they did and the end. BTCH u tot that was it??
so here another story.
My other friend saw this flower lying around on the table at school which is a flower that u specifically serve on a death table, you know that white one.
I was typically the crazy hoe who would suggest "oooh let's give this to a random guy and act as if we're flirting" teehee. atm we both didn't wear our glasses on so we can't see shit nor read shit and heres another plot twist, HE WAS THE GUY who received the fuking flowers and i just wanna say i wanna get hit by a bus and truck, a car, a bike anything JUST LET ME GO BYE BYE. That was the most embarrassing thing I've ever did because I ghosted him! and I kno he didn't care that I stop talking to him and then here it is.
The other plot twist! He drunk text me, he apologize for getting my flowers when he is the one who fuckkin get it out of my hands when in fact his bff should be the one to receive it. So anyway I told him the truth abt the flower thing and it's like a reverse uno has been played and I was the one who wasn't interested talking to him blablabla that was the end haha
And this is when I realized flirting isn't for me.
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ssamie · 3 years
ten. love is war!
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry
gen masterlist.                  "snow" masterlist
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oikawa grumbled under his breath as he walked alongside of y/n. normally, he would be more than happy to be hanging with her so casually. but that certainly wasn't the case at the moment, seeing as, not only is iwaizumi with them, but also the five other friends of hers
"hey hey, where are we going exactly?" oikawa whispered to her
y/n peered back at him and smiled "well, we're just going wherever. it's been pretty long since i last saw my friends, after all" she said "but you can stay behind if you don't wanna come with oikawa-san" she said with furrowed brows as she took notice of his grumbling
oikawa took one quick glance at reki and grumbled even more as he shook his head "no, im coming with!" he huffed 
y/n nodded and chuckled sheepishly "okay, oikawa-san.. tell me if you need anything" she said 
"hey, actually.. am i even allowed to be here?" oikawa asked with a look of dread as he looks around them 
joe, cherry, miya, reki, and shadow were casually chatting along and yet he felt a little left out. 
"of course, oikawa-san" y/n reassured him with a smile "why? do you feel awkward?" she asked him. she then averted his eyes towards iwaizumi and mused "even iwaizumi-san is getting along with them quite well" she said 
oikawa sweat dropped and followed her line of sight "that's cus he's bonding with joe over some weird crossfit stuff!" he exclaimed. oikawa sighed and stared longingly at his best friend "even miya likes him" he playfully cried "all that kid does is bully me and call me a slime" he sulked 
y/n sweat dropped and chuckled at his antics. "well then, you can stick with me if you want" she mused. "i won't let you feel left out, oikawa-san" she chuckled "since you did the same for me when i fist joined the team, remember?" she smiled 
oikawa stared up at her with comical tears flowing down his cheeks and beamed "thank you! you're the best, y/n-chan!!" oikawa cheered 
y/n laughed as the brunette hugged her arm and leaned down to rest his head on her shoulder. "you look silly oikawa-san, please stand straight" she sweat dropped as she struggled to walk with his towering form clinging onto her 
oikawa laughed and did as he was told, though still keeping their arms locked together. "dont be like that, y/n-chan~" oikawa cooed "y know you love me" he grinned cockily 
y/n chuckled and sighed "sure, oikawa-san. whatever you say" she said 
from behind them, reki watched with a smile as she and oikawa goofed around. he's always happy to see her so lively and becoming close with new people, after all. 
"well..??" miya mused as he gestured to the two with an expectant look 
"well what?" reki tilted his head in confusion 
miya rolled his eyes and pulled him down to his height to whisper "aren't you gonna do something?" he asked 
reki furrowed his brows and let out a sheepish laugh "what do you mean?" he asked "what do i need to do?" 
miya sighed in exasperation "you're so stupid. no wonder you can't go up from your position as a slime" he said 
reki huffed and ruffled his hair, making miya groan in annoyance "don't call me stupid! also, what're you even on about?" he said
"what're you gonna do if she suddenly gets together with him?" miya asked him 
reki blinked in response and let out a nervous laugh "what..? what kinda question is that?" he mused 
"and what kind of answer is that?" miya spat out in annoyance "you know what? whatever" he said "just don't blame anyone but yourself if y/n suddenly finds a new best friend and gets a boyfriend that isn't you" miya sneered 
reki frowned and hit him in the head, making miya whimper "shut up! she won't do that" reki said with a meek laugh 
reki peered up at her, watching as she listened to oikawa with a weary look on her face as he rants to her about something stupid with his usual charming but cocky grin. 
"she won't do that." he muttered to himself. "she promised."
soon, all of them had arrived at some random restaurant since y/n and reki had been complaining about food for about an hour straight, and frankly, cherry has had enough. 
"y know, you probably should've declined adam's beef" reki mused. y/n raised a brow and looked at him in confusion "what? why?" she asked "i won either way.." 
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reki sighed and turned to look at her "well yeah, but adam's totally nuts! and didn't you promise you won't skate with him anymore?" y/n gulped and looked away from him "i did promise that didn't i.." she mumbled 
"well, it's whatever." she waved it off "it already happened. besides, im totally fine!" she grinned 
reki watched as she went to grab some of the food, only for her to wince as her wounded hand grazed the hot bowl. "ow" she winced under her breath as she cradled her hand 
reki sweat dropped and laughed at her "see? what'd i tell you" he mused as he went to grab her hand "here, let me see—" 
he couldn't seem to finish his sentence since he was beaten to it by oikawa's interjection. "tsk tsk, y/n-chan you gotta be careful you know?" oikawa playfully scolded her as he grabbed her hand and gently massaged her palm to try and ease the pain down 
y/n huffed and nodded along as she let's oikawa hold her hand for a while longer "sorry, oikawa-san" she muttered as oikawa playfully pokes her cheek to annoy her 
"hm." reki pursed his lips as he let out a low hum, watching the scene play out with partial confusion and annoyance 
"haha! be careful next time!" reki exclaimed with a grin as he ruffles her hair and pulled her closer to him, making oikawa loose his grasp on her. "yeah sorry" she grinned sheepishly as she looks up at reki with reddening cheeks 
reki side eyes oikawa and sends him a smile, to which the brunette responded to with an irked and painfully forced smile in return 
"haha, well then.." oikawa mused "here you go, y/n-chan" he said as he held a sushi before her with his chopsticks "you should let me feed you since your hand's pretty messed up" oikawa suggested with a smile 
y/n looked up at the brunette and then down at the sushi and eagerly nodded. "okay!" she said as she went to chomp on the sushi, only to be met with nothing. 
"eh?" she mumbled in confusion as she stares at the chopsticks which were now empty 
"actually, i'll do that!" reki interjected with a sweet smile as he snatches the sushi from his chopsticks with his own "here, y/n! say 'ahh!' " reki cooed as he held it to her with his hand cupping the underside from crumbs 
"oh.. um.. okay?" she muttered in confusion as she turned to face reki with her cheeks slowly heating up "a-ahh" she smiled nervously as she went to eat the sushi, only for it to be snatched away once again 
"my my, reki-kun~" oikawa cooed with an irked smile "you shouldn't pass around people's food" he said "now it's all mushy and gross" oikawa stiffly laughed as he put away the sushi and reached for a new one 
reki took a deep breath and sent him an equally irked smile as well. "ah is that so?" he chuckled "my bad.." 
"have this instead then, y/n" reki said as he reached for a dumpling and held it to her mouth 
"have this instead, y/n-chan~" oikawa cooed as he held the sushi to her mouth as well 
"oh..okay.." y/n sweat dropped as she looked at the two boys beside her with a look of dread. "actually, maybe i'll just finish my drink for now—" 
"ha, see! she didn't want the sushi anyways! haha what a shame!" reki cooed as he taunted oikawa 
"well apparently, she's also not in a dumpling mood, is she, reki-kun?" oikawa cooed back through gritted teeth 
as the two boys telepathically argue, y/n sat quietly as her stomach grumbled, wanting nothing more than to eat at the moment. 
"geez. those two slimes really are a good-for-nothing" miya said with a sigh. he then turned to y/n with a smug cat-like grin and held his chopsticks out for her 
"guess i'll have to feed you instead" he cooed with an evil laugh  
y/n beamed and happily munched on the food, "thank you, miya" she said with a smile as she lets miya feed her the meal 
miya chuckled and sent the two boys a smug smirk. reki and oikawa deadpans at him and huffed. "did he just." oikawa muttered "yeah he did." reki replied
"just how long is this gonna go on for?" shadow sighed as he watched oikawa and reki subtly shove each other by masking it with friendly smiles and conversations
"dunno, but im enjoying this!!" miya exclaimed as he happily let's y/n feed him as well
shadow deadpanned as he watched the boy purr and roll around like an over joyed cat. 
"well of course you are" he sweat dropped
"man, just how long til we get there?" reki groaned out as he shuffles around in his seat
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"but it's so boring! why can't we just skate there" reki huffed as he reluctantly planted himself still in his seat
"you're not a child. stop acting like one or im kicking you out of this car" cherry said in annoyance
"because it's too far and everyone here will pass out from the heat" cherry responded with a sigh "also.. if its so hot.." he trailed off. "then why are you two cuddling as if its the peak of winter?!" he exclaimed as he gestured to y/n and reki, who was pressed against each other as they both practically melt into a puddle
"because reki said he missed me" y/n replied "so i wanted to comfort him"
cherry peered down at her with a grimace as he took note of her sweat drenched face, and her meek smile "you're sweating all over the seats. that's disgusting." cherry deadpanned
"but i don't want reki to be sad" she reasoned
"he looks perfectly fine to me" cherry shook his head in exasperation "and you." he averted his eyes towards miya "what are you doing?"
miya looked back at him and grinned sheepishly "we're bonding, don't you see?" he cooed with a playful scoff
"bonding?! who the hell said that?! get off me!" oikawa exclaimed as he tried to pluck miya off of his lap 
"we're bonding!" miya hissed at him "it just so happened that theres an ac directly above you, so this position is necessary" he said 
"piss off, catboy" oikawa playfully scowled at him "if it's so hot then take off that damn cat hoodie you have on!" 
"no way!" miya exclaimed as he tried to pry away oikawa's hands, thus causing more chaos within the car 
"hey stop moving around!!" shadow scolded them  from the driver's seat "and you two love birds! stop sweating on my seats!" 
"we're not sweating on them!" reki exclaimed 
"its practically river back there, shut up redhead!" 
cherry had a look of dread on his face as he managed to just sit and endure the whole thing. though that was soon ruined as he turned to look at joe and iwaizumi, only to find them arm wrestling like a bunch of crazy gym freaks. 
"arm wrestling? really?" cherry scoffed in disbelief "in the middle of a car ride? in a moving vehicle?" 
"dont worry kaoru!" joe mused "im totally beating this kid" 
"yeah right" iwaizumi grinned as he slammed joe's arm down with a look of triumph 
"what the?!" joe spluttered "no way! kaoru! he cheated i swear!" he exclaimed 
"i don't care" cherry grumbled back "hey, step on the gas and just take us there for christ's sake" he said to shadow with a weary sigh 
"geez, no need to tell me twice" shadow replied 
"WOAH!" reki and y/n cheered as they looked around the empty skatepark "SO COOL!" they exclaimed as they ran around the open space 
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"how'd you find this, oikawa-san?" she asked the brunette with sparkling eyes "i didnt think miyagi even had skateparks!" 
reki perked up and faced him "girls? do you have a girlfriend already or something?" he asked the brunette 
"oh? you like it here huh?" oikawa mused "then let's go again sometime" he suggested "also, one of the girls at school told me about it" he said 
"i don't" oikawa replied with furrowed brows "why?" 
"no reason" reki cooed as he have oikawa a friendly pat on the back "just thought it'd be weird to be so close to y/n if you have a girlfriend" 
"but you don't so it's fine.. totally fine.." 
"oikawa-san is very popular at school so he has a lot of fangirls." y/n explained as she skates past them
"popular?!" reki exclaimed in surprise "you're popular, oikawa-san?!" 
"huh? so what if i am?!" oikawa huffed in response "and why are you so surprised?!" he narrowed his eyes at the redhead. "well i didnt think you would be famous like that" reki said with a laugh "well i guess it makes sense since you're an athlete and all" 
oikawa sweat dropped and peered down at him "i can't tell if you're mocking me or if you're being genuine" he said 
reki smiled at him and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck "im being genuine" he said "its cool that you're a big shot athlete already at your age. you're probably really talented too" reki said "you're pretty admirable, oikawa-san . i can see why y/n enjoys being with you" reki let out a soft chuckle 
oikawa's eyes softened at his words and awkwardly shuffled in his place. "you're pretty cool too, reki-kun" oikawa admitted with a sigh 
"im kinda jealous of you, actually. you don't even have to try and yet.." oikawa trailed off as he watched y/n look at reki with love filled eyes from afar. 
reki looked at him and tilted his head in confusion. "yet what..?" he asked 
oikawa shook his head and waved it off "nothing, nothing. nevermind" he chuckled "just go skate or something" he said "i'm staying here" 
reki grinned and playfully slapped his back. "don't be like that!" he laughed "you're the one who brought us here, so you gotta join in on the fun!" reki beamed as he dragged oikawa over to the rest of the group 
"oh? have you two finally made up?" cherry mused as he watched reki drag oikawa around, while the brunette complains about the wind ruining his hair. 
"made up? but we never fought" reki mused as he got in his skateboard 
"you say that as if we didn't have to sit through your passive aggressive exchange during lunch" shadow sweatdropped 
"eh? what'd you mean?" reki cooed "your memory's going stale, old man shadow!" 
"im only twenty four!" shadow yelled back 
"over already?!" reki whined as they reluctantly followed them to the car 
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"well, its already dark" iwaizumi said as he stretched his arms over his head. "and we've been here for hours"
"hes just sad cus he hasn't skated in forever" miya sneered as he skated past them and placed his board into the trunk 
"fine" reki sighed in reply. "hey, was it fun?" he asked oikawa, making the brunette shrug. "it was fun, yeah.. though falling on my ass wasn't exactly the greatest" oikawa replied 
"exactly! let's just stay here for a while!" reki pouted. "we can skate again tomorrow, reki" y/n said with a smile as she patted his back reassuringly 
"don't worry, oikawa-san! you were actually pretty good!" y/n complimented him with a grin 
"yeah yeah, you flatter me too much!" oikawa chuckled as he nudged her playfully with his shoulder 
"anyways, im pretty tired." she yawned. "i think i'll just sleep on the way home" she said as she entered the car and sat down on the leather seats 
oikawa and reki side eyed each other, shuffling on their spots as they send each other one last 'friendly' smile before sprinting towards the car, trying to claim the seat next to her. 
"what the hell" iwaizumi deadpanned as he watched them push and shove each other as they fought for the seat beside her "i thought they made up already" iwaizumi sighed 
"and are they really that dumb to not realize she's sitting in the middle." miya chimed in as he peered at the two with a grimace 
"you can sit on both sides, slimes!" miya yelled at them 
"oh right" they both muttered in realisation as they quietly take their seat on either side of her. 
"ehem." reki fake coughed. "y/n!!" he cooed at her with a beaming smile 
y/n looked over at him with tired eyes and smiled back "yes reki?" she asked as her cheeks gradually heat up
"if you ever wanna sleep, you can use me as a pillow" reki suggested with a grin as he patted his shoulder 
"me too! but im probably more comfortable since reki-kun here would probably poke your eye out with his spiky ass hair" oikawa cooed with a sweet smile 
y/n spluttered as she looked back at oikawa with a look of disbelief "what? his.. his hair?" she muttered 
"awh! but oikawa-san, you might suffocate her with the amount of hairspray you have on to keep your hair in place!" reki cooed back with a giggle 
y/n sweat dropped and nervously looked at the two boys as they continue to smile and beam at each other despite their awfully insulting words. "i see.." y/n nervously chuckled. "well, i appreciate it" she said 
"no problem!" they beamed at her
"its been half an hour." miya commented 
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"yeah." iwaizumi nodded along "what's gonna happen next? i think i know." 
miya hummed and side eyed them. "y/n's asleep." he muttered in a deeper 'narrator' type voice 
"i see." iwaizumi nodded 
oikawa hummed to himself as he slyly watched her head slowly starting to fall and instinctively lean against somewhere. "wow. this ride's pretty long" oikawa mused 
"her head is falling." miya said. "i see." iwaizumi replied.
"mhm." reki nodded 
a soft sigh could be heard as y/n's head slowly falls towards reki's direction, causing a smug smirk to form on his lips 
"the slime won." miya clapped quietly, with iwaizumi sulking for his friend 
oikawa gritted his teeth as a vein popped out of his temple out of frustration. he swiftly grabbed her head and dropped it down to his own shoulder, waking her in the process from the sudden pull 
"what the..?" y/n mumbled as he looked up at oikawa in confusion 
"nevermind! the other slime won by force!" miya commented as he glared at oikawa while iwaizumi smiled proudly 
"what're you doing?!" reki exclaimed as he grabbed her head and forcefully rested it on his shoulder instead 
"im letting her get comfortable, that's all" oikawa mused as he placed her head back onto him 
"reki?! oikawa-san?! what are you guys doing?! " she frantically asked as she felt her head being shook around, and her neck coming close to snapping 
"shh! sleep!" oikawa shushed her as he held her close and gently ran his fingers through her hair. "i- why are you guys pulling on me?!" she shrieked out 
"okay that's enough." cherry sighed as he turned around to hit both boys on their head with his fan��"let the girl rest. and stop fighting." he sighed "just sleep altogether or something"
in the end, oikawa and reki ended up resting their head on her shoulder while iwaizumi rests peacefully beside them. miya, however, was sprawled out on top of them with his head on y/n's lap and iwaizumi holding his legs down to keep him from slipping 
all in all, it was a cute sight, and whether they admit it or not, joe, cherry, and shadow definitely took loads of pictures. 
"geez." joe sighed 
"these kids are making me feel old" he mused "when was the last time we were like this, kaoru?" he asked as he gestured to their sleeping figures. 
"since never." cherry deadpanned "not once did we ever do that" he said, making joe sweat drop 
"sheesh, atleast play along or something" 
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sorry for the spelling /grammar mistakes if there are any :>
idk if this is good i'm so sorry 💀 
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the-era-of-shadow · 2 years
The Twisted Mystery of Wilma Brevair
Written by Ash Rose Cover Art by Ash Rose
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THIS STORY CONTAINS: Swearing, Violence
(OG ver) Original publish date:
(Amino) September 21st 2020
(Fanfiction.net) February 8th 2021
(Rewrite) Original publish date:
(Amino & AO3) April 24th 2021
After Eclipse was done hugging Relic, they noticed Yuki and Harazuki, and got all emotional yet again.
“Y-You’re alive?!” They started crying happily.
“Yeah! Sorry we couldn’t let you know we made it out of the New Black Comet’s explosion sooner…” Yuki replied calmly. Eclipse wiped their eyes and smiled.
“It’s ok… I’m glad to see you again…” 
“Same here.” 
"Hold on, I'll be right back." Eclipse said, running back to what was left of the clinic. They returned with a cage holding Whisper's wisps. "I bet these sweethearts will become quite lovely new dark arms~!" Eclipse cued.
"Damn, you're good at that…" Shadow said to them.
"Thank you!" Eclipse replied, flattered. "I always love knowing that you all appreciate me!" Eclipse giggled.
Widow had still not let go of Shadow, and that started to make them concerned.
“I get it mom… I saved you… But… I still….” It mumbled out, guilt dragging down their heart.
“You… You don’t feel it, Shadow?” She asked.
“Feel what…? I mean… That blast… Those words… They didn’t feel like they came from me...”
“Yes, exactly…” Shadow’s eyes widened, and them and Widow had a mutual understanding.
“But… Why me? The person who KILLED him??” Shadow asked, tearing up.
“I dunno… But knowing him…. Doom’s certainly done stranger things before…” Widow replied, giggling. Shadow giggled with her.
“Mommy, what are you and big sib talking about?” Garrick asked.
“Don’t worry honey, just go back to what you were doing, ok?” Widow told him.
“Oh, ok!”
Rouge looked back at everyone.
“Hey! Where are we going?” 
“To Station Square. Shadow and I have something there that we need to get.” Eclipse piped up. Shadow turned to them. "You don't mind announcing it early, do you?" 
“Yeah…” Shadow responded. 
“That's good… I know our relationship is a bit rocky still, but I wanna try my best to be a good friend for you.” Eclipse said.
"That's nice of you to say…" Shadow smiled.
“Alright, Station Square it is! Let’s go!” Rouge exclaimed. 
Sonic, Amy, and the Freedom Trainees went to Tails’ sky patrol to rest. Tails, with the help of Cream, had given them all hot chocolates to help them relax. Amy was the first to speak.
“What did Eclipse mean…? Calling me a “half-blood”..?” She asked, troubled.
“Ignore them, Amy. They're just messing with your head.” Tangle replied. 
"That's an odd way to mess with someone." Tails noted.
"Sonic's been acting weird, don't you think..?" Whisper decided to finally say. Everyone looked at Sonic, staring at him.
“Yo, Sonic, ya good man?” Tangle asked.
“Is something wrong?” Lux asked as well.
“.... Yes.” Sonic answered in a monotone voice, feeling defeated.
“What do you mean, Sonic?” Amy asked.
“I only wanted to protect you, Amy… But it looks like I can't hide it from you anymore.” 
“What are you talking about??” Amy started to get really concerned.
“Yeah, Sonic, what the hell are you going on about??” Tangle reiterated.
“I didn't want you to know that you're one of them.” Sonic confessed.
“...Wh-What…?” Amy muttered, scared.
“C’mon Sonic! You can’t be saying stuff like that!” Tails yelled. Sonic refused to explain further, walking off to his room. Tails followed him, and Tangle and Lux went after them, trying to get Sonic to come out, but he didn't say anything.
Meanwhile, Whisper, Jewel and Cream stayed behind with Amy.
"What… what did he mean by that…? That I'm one of them…? Am I… a monster?” Amy mumbled, crying.
“No, of course not!” Jewel assured her.
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better…” 
“No, I’m not! All that time when we were messaging each other… I never thought of you to possibly be a monster…” Jewel told her. Amy had to take a second to fully understand what Jewel said, but she nodded.
“I guess you're right… Even if I'm genetically connected to those guys… I'm not one of them in my heart! My actions make it clear that I'm a true Mobian!" Amy said confidently, but then her face became sullen once again. "Is that why Sonic wanted me to not know? … So I wouldn't have ended up like Shadow…?" 
"It doesn't matter whether or not that was the reason, he should've told you sooner. It wasn't his secret to keep." Whisper said bluntly to Amy.
"You're right… I'm going to go talk to him." Amy responded.
Amy walked to Sonic's room and knocked on the door.
No response. 
"Sonic… I want to talk." Amy said.
"I don’t." Sonic replied, his voice still flat.
"Sonic, that wasn't your secret to keep, you know that. You had plenty of opportunities to tell me, but you never did." Amy explained. 
"You were too young to remember, I was the only one who knew of your heritage-" Sonic began to argue, but Amy stopped him.
"That wasn't your secret to keep, Sonic." Amy said again.
"I was protecting you." Sonic stated.
"Protecting me? You could've protected the entire world if you had done something when you noticed the "voices in my head" went quiet." 
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Sonic asked Amy sharply.
"Back two years when I told you about those "voices"... You knew that was the Black Arms hivemind, didn't you?" Amy explained.
"So maybe I did? What of it?" Sonic argued.
"You knew that when they stopped, that meant something was up about Shadow. I told you the voices were arguing, I told you one of them sounded like them... You know that Shadow could still be on our side today if you had said something sooner." Amy explained further, causing Sonic to lash out.
"Well now what?! They knew its background and they turned its back on all of us! Now that they know that you are similar to them, you're in danger, Amy!" 
"Don't you trust our friends enough to not try to fucking kill me just because I'm part Black Arms or whatever?" Amy asked him.
"Ha." Sonic answered. "I don't trust anyone but myself." 
Amy stood there in shock for a second.
"Dear Solaris, you really are self absorbed, aren't you?" Amy sneered at Sonic. "Shadow was one case. I'm not going to end up like them…. So don't take this as a sign of such a thing happening." Amy added right before kicking the door to Sonic's room down.
"The fuck-?" Sonic reacted, trying to evade Amy’s wrath.
"This is merely some good old fashioned petty revenge." Amy said to him as she grabbed him by the ear and threw him out the window. "That's for being a little bitch, you fucking asshole!" Amy yelled to him with a grin. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some hot cocoa." Amy said as she walked back to the main room.
"I only want to protect you, Amy… You're making a bad look for yourself!" Sonic shouted to her from the ground, but Amy didn't listen.
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leggyre · 2 years
Can I ask for a copy of the tiny dictionary? I'll make do with portoguese sounds. I can pay you two pennies
its oooold like i haven't made any major edits to it since 2014,, there aren't actually many words aside from all the ones used as names and theres a bunch of words that are just there with no meaning because one day i went "ill just fill this up with nonsense and then come up with meaning later"
to be honest its not very important for the words but actually several grammar rules that are, Pretty Good
also its so funny that a lot of stuff has basically a "im still working on this" note but like last time i actually worked on it was years ago JKSDFBGSDGBDF basically the plan was to make a bunch of words and grammar rules and then start trying to make phrases but i never got to that second part so everything is forever under revision but not really
anyway cue readmore
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(that last one is the phonetics part that is kinda weird if you don't have this mix of english and portuguese in your head but uuuh lil tip an "ê" sounds like "eh". also on number 7: the GÜ is pronounced like a GW so güe and güi are normally pronounced 'gwe'' and 'gwi')
now u too can understand why I alternate between hiro and yuhiro :)
and here's a list of the words that are used as names so far, with pronounciation edited for clarity :)
Ae.ru.ii (A-eh-ru-ee) To be united Ce.pu (Say-pu) Everything, everyone Hi.ro (Yuí-roh) Sweet, sugary, pleasant Klu.mn (Clu-min) Kind Na.no (Na-noh) No one, nothing, negation O.a.ri.in (O-á-rin) The act of ending Ri.mn.a (Ree-mi-na) Tired, sleepy Se.a.ru (Say-ah-roo) Never Ta.e (Ta-eh) A plant's roots Te.o (Te-oh) Meaningless* To.mo.ro (To-mô-ro) Heart
*i dont remember the reason why this one is so mean SDKLJFGLKJDFBG this just in teo's parents hated him
and here's a few favorites bc why not
Dan.ts.kva (Dan-tês-que-va) Depressing, sad, lacking energy (i just like saying this one) Fri.at.te (Frí-a-te) A cold herbal drink with a minty taste Is.ghó.ma (Ich-gwo-ma) no meaning i just like saying it Mup (Mu-pe) no meaning just a good word Ne.aro.ho (Ne-a-ro-yon) Pain Ne.ro.hi (Ne-ro-yuí) To feel pain, to be hurt Nea.vo.drii (Ne-a-vo-drí) To hurt someone O.ne.re (On-neh-reh) Flawless, perfection Sen.vro (Sen-veh-roh) A long period of time A.de.ri.mna (A-de-ree-mi-na) this one does have a meaning but it can be deduced by using the rules and words I shared so heres ur homework :)
and theres these three that are a ptbr joke
Pa.ve.tte (Pa-veh-te) Cake Pa.vin.ni (Pa-vee-ne) Cupcake Pa.cu.me (Pa-cu-me) Pavé
im like extremely proud of this stuff. the only thing keeping me from strolling around showing it to everyone is how incomplete it is...... and the phonetic mixup that part is worse actually
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rayegunn · 3 years
Another Loki and Thor mega-ramble (Loki's getting Mjolnir? No, Thor is not unworthy again.)
I know everyone is all about the Loki show right now, and I am loving the show, but an intriguing preview hit a few days ago, that has me excited for the comics. Because some of my old speculation is finally coming to fruition, looks like. I'm feeling quite vindicated right now, cus I know a lot of people thought I was fucking nuts, to think that Loki would be the next 'Thor' and get Mjolnir. It has taken longer than I thought to get here, and I was wrong about a few details along the way, (mainly i somehow didn't click that Blake was the new God of Lies, because i just assumed Cates would go with what Aaron set up in Valkyrie, but he didn't.) but I've been saying this since the end of War of the Realms that I thought Loki was the new 'Thor', because of all this roles stuff, and looks like it is FINALLY happening. But looks like a lot of people are thinking it means something it doesn't, namely that it means Thor is unworthy again, that it's just repeating the Jane-Thor thing, and/or that Mjolnir is broken. But I think it is something different than that, though.
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Now, I do understand that right now, Mjolnir is acting weird, and letting anyone pick it up, but I still think this is more foreshadowing, and the beginning of a full transition to Loki getting it. I will explain. this will get long, I'm sorry, but there's a lot to unpack.
So, This is what I think is going on, this is what's been set up kind of between the lines over the past 10 years or so, (but during Cates run has been made more explicit) for how Asgard works. In-universe, there is a narrative cycle governing the fates of the gods that repeats, with certain roles that must always be filled, and those roles change hands from cycle to cycle. So, first there was Buri, then Bor, then Odin and now Thor in the role of King/All-Father.
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And the same goes for all the roles, of which there are many, though the three most prominent are the King/All-Father, the Champion/Warrior, the Villain/Betrayer. For most of Marvel history, this was Odin, Thor, and Loki. Before Thor there was Sigurd (the ever glorious) in the 'champion' role, before Loki there was Cul in the God of Lies/villain role, and so on. It's just that the gods live a ridiculously long time, so these cycles can last thousands upon thousand of years, so we, and the gods themselves, have come to think of the roles as belonging to one character, specifically. But the roles really are much bigger than that. This aspect kinda got started in Kieron Gillen's Journey Into Mystery, where it was established that the gods ''don't have history. They have story" which allowed Kid Loki to re-write the story of Cul, to kinda retcon his past.
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It also established Sigurd as the predecessor of Thor. (who had since fallen from grace. Sigurd was both the Champion and the Betrayer, after changing roles himself) which was then further developed in Agent of Asgard, which gave Sigurd the sword Gram, not Mjolnir, as the weapon of the Champion. So the role predates Mjolnir let alone Thor by thousands if not millions of years. (this is also where Loki declared himself the God of Stories to try and escape his own role.... it didn't work)
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And then Jason Aaron began playing with all this roles stuff in his run, most notably with Jane, where she took up Thor's role for a time. But he was just building on the stuff from JIM. Though his run was more about a temporary one-off role change, he also began building the cyclical transition as a pantheon, where every so often the entire pantheon would just... swap roles, and a new cycle would begin. It seems to coincide with with a new King. So when Thor was made King, a new cycle began, and a new cast of characters began slotting into roles for the latest incarnation of the story. And that's where we are at with Cates' run. All over Asgard, the gods are taking up new roles, Thor is King of Asgard, Balder is the Norn King, Karnilla is a co-queen of Hel, Jane is a Valkyrie, Sif has taken on Heimdall's role, Donald Blake is the new God of Lies, and so on. But one role remains conspicuously un-filled, Thor's old role, The Champion. Because Thor is stubbornly refusing to let it go. He's trying to keep that in addition to being King.
I've seen a lot of complaining about Cates having Thor be 'unworthy' again, or Mjolnir being 'broken' but I think they are missing the full context of what's going on. The story isn't 'Thor's unworthy/hammer is broken' it's that Thor's insecure about his new position, is afraid he doesn't have anything to offer besides being a 'warrior' in the terminology used in the book, (ie, his old role) and as a result doesn't want to let go of his old role, because it is comforting and familiar to him. He is scared of losing that aspect of himself, and opening a new chapter in his life, but doesn't want to admit it. He is compensating with a tough guy act, cranking the 'warrior' thing up to 11, and trying to show everyone how strong and powerful he still is. Besides conflicting with him being a good king, this results in overly aggressive responses to situations, which have harmed relationships with people around him, such as Bill, Loki, and Sif, and has potentially created a devastating chain reaction that could mean bad things for EVERYONE, judging by the Black Winter's glimpse of the future. Seeing this behaviour reflected back at him in the actions of Donald Blake and Odin is what finally caused him to have a moment of realization, and he took a less aggressive path. His continuing journey will more than likely involve him learning that he is more than he thinks he is, and that it is ok to get some help from others to help him make that transition to his new role, and he doesn't have to prove he's stronger than everyone else.
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But none of this is making him 'unworthy' I think the problem, though I hesitate to call it a problem, even if Thor see it that way right now, is more with the hammer, and that it knows he has to let it go. I think the problems with Mjolnir is less that it's 'broken', or that he is 'unworthy' and more in a period of transition. The hammer is sentient, and it knows that Thor is now in the 'king' role, and it's not supposed to be with the king, but it hasn't quite resolved what the new 'worthy' is, opening it up to everyone, and it may be that only Thor can decide that, by placing a new enchantment on the hammer. The enchantment was placed there by Odin after all, so it makes sense that the new All-Father has to place a new worthiness enchantment for the next Champion. But it does know that it's supposed to go with the new 'champion' figure and not the 'king' and is kinda trying to force the issue by becoming heavier in Thor's hands, to try and force him to give up the role.
A key aspect of the King role is also the sacrifice to gain wisdom. We saw this in the myths (and repeated in the comics) with Odin, sacrificing his eye on the World Tree to gain wisdom. Thor had kinda gone through the motions in War of the Realms, but I think it is being done in a more concrete way right now. Or starting with those preview pages, anyway. He's sacrificing Mjolnir. Odin's sacrifice was physical, but no reason it could not be an emotional/symbolic sacrifice. A sacrifice should be something important, and I think to Thor, giving up Mjolnir, which to him is symbolic of his old role, would be much more of a sacrifice than his arm or eye. And that could take him from simple king to All-Father. We've seen this hinted at in the above preview, and in solicits for future issues, so I think, over the next few issues, we will see him finally relinquish his old role. But he apparently is not quite fully ready to give it to someone else. He's, at least judging by solicits, just going to lave the hammer with the Avengers, so he won't be tempted by it. So the role is still empty, at least officially, but he's at least not trying to fill it himself, which is progress. So we may see this 'lightning that walks' before Loki, but I think Loki will get there eventually. I think people have to get over the idea that Thor giving up the hammer makes him lesser as a character, same as Thor needs to learn that. He is more than just being the guy who gets to use Mjolnir. He is not, or should not, be defined by the hammer. He's not lesser because he has a new job to do, even if the new role isn't something you're used to him doing. He rules Asgard, he has all the power Odin once had, and using all that properly will be different than what he did before. But different is not lesser. But this preview made me realize a particularly odd aspect of that. Sometimes Thor can lift the hammer no problem, other times he struggles a lot. Cates has said this himself, that sometimes the hammer is heavier than other times, so it's intentional. In this preview, it went as far as to fly at him of it's own volition and pin him to the ground when he wouldn't stop trying to lift it. But there is one consistent factor to times Thor has been shown to struggle the most.... Loki's nearby. When Thor is way off across the galaxy fighting Galactus, no troubles with the hammer at all. But just before Galactus crashed in Asgard, he did struggle, and Loki was there. This is the only other time we have explicitly seen him struggle to lift it, and again, Loki is there. He's said it's been getting heavier ever since he took the throne, so i do think it is heavier in general, but it seems to get ESPECIALLY heavy when Loki is there. I think it wants to go to Loki rather than Thor, but apparently can only just kinda get heavier for Thor rather than fully flip things, it probably still needs an explicit change to the enchantment. But we also know Loki's not doing this intentionally, at least not the first time, because of when Sif sent Mjolnir to Jotunheim (and it landed right at his feet... cus it wants to go to Loki) he didn't realize at that time the enchantment was busted, until he picked it up. And no one was around, he was talking to himself, so there was no deception at work there.. I know a lot of readers will think Loki's doing that intentionally, for some nefarious purpose, but I think that's what that scene in issue 4 was meant to address. That was the first time Loki learned that the enchantment was broken, but Thor had struggled to lift it while talking to Loki BEFORE that, in issue 1. So we can be sure Loki wasn't intentionally messing with it in issue 1.
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And I mean... that is blatant foreshadowing right there. 'Alas, this... is a story for another time' like, you mean now? But it's not just that page that makes me think this. Loki escaping his role as the God of Lies/Villain of the story has been his primary motivation for like 10 years now.
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He grew to hate being in the role, and has tried and tried to escape in various different ways, but the roles for the previous cycle were set, and he couldn't escape, not fully. He'd make some progress but it kept trying to pull him back. I think he finally managed it in War of the Realms, though. During WotR, Loki sacrificed himself to save Freyja, and got eaten by Laufey. He died. But because he died a heroic death, he was destined for Valhalla, but the Valkyries had also all been killed, leaving him with no one to guide him. So he was left stuck between life and death, digesting in Laufey's gut, and ended up doing a speed-run of the Hero's Journey in there, in the form of Christmas Carol-esque encounters with different incarnations of himself. the roles aspect was also underlined here, though only touches on his and Thor's time in the roles, not the predecessors.
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When Laufey swallowed the Casket of Ancient Winters and Heimdall's sword (yeah, i know, it's weird, but still) and was about to freeze the earth solid, Loki magicked himself back together, and cut himself free, killing Laufey and saving the planet. At about that same time, Odin made Thor the new King. So I think it was at this moment that Loki escaped his old role, and stepped into a new one of the Champion, or at least set himself up to claim the title. It's just that no one, including Loki, has realized it just yet. I don't think the role strictly requires Mjolnir for someone to be in it, it's just that the hammer has become symbolic of it, due to Thor. We also have to remember that the cycle has been reset back to the beginning, and a key aspect of the Champion's role is addressing a major character flaw to BECOME worthy of the role, and Loki's got character flaws galore that could use some work. The role isn't being some sort of virtuous paragon right from the start. It's knowing you are not worthy, but trying to be. Thor had a rough start, and improved himself over the course of like a thousand years. And Loki has been shown to mimic those early days since WotR ended. There would be no story if everyone who stepped into a new role had no room to grow into it, right?
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And there has been more foreshadowing about him getting Mjolnir. In his all too brief solo series, which followed WotR, the cover for issue 1 had him holding Mjolnir. He asked to join the Avengers and made a deal with Tony Stark that he could join.... he he came to them with the hammer. (Tony of course not thinking Loki could ever lift it but still) I think there is something to that. And of course, just last issue, Loki explicitly renounced his old role, and gave it to Donald Blake. While i did think this was a bit cruel, Blake did earn some punishment (even if it may have been taken a bit far) so not like it was being bestowed on someone who didn't earn it. But because it was Loki that inflicted the punishment, then Blake will take it personally. So when he escapes, he will have a grudge agaisnt Loki, specifically, and come after him, thus completing the link between the two roles. I think this is also the reason Blake was kinda made into Thor and Loki's brother, since it seems to be a tradition that the two roles share a familial link. But also, just, Loki is too important a character to leave without a role, (I don't think king of Jotunheim really counts) but there is only one role left to be filled. It may be a while after Thor gives up the hammer that this happens, we may first get 'the lightning that walks' (Mjolnir acting autonomously maybe?) but I think it is coming, maybe around issue 20 or so.
I also think we are seeing the beginning of another run of the Hero's Journey with Loki. I think the times he has lifted Mjolnir so far and then either given it back or had it taken away were the 'refusing the call' or, in the case when Thor took it back, he had someone else answer it. While i think generally speaking, doing the monomyth too closely is kinda overrated, I think it makes sense here. Given the focus on the whole repeating narrative/mythic aspect of the role changes, doing a TEXTBOOK monomyth story, where it doesn't happen partly off-panel, like happened during WotR, would make good sense. Get into it in detail, adhere to it closely. The first arc was already a dark and twisted version of the monomyth gone wrong. I suspect it went wrong because Thor answered the call not intended for him. So, assuming it follows the pattern, he should be meeting a mentor figure, which is looking to probably be Iron Man, and then enter a 'magical world' (not necessarily literally) to be challenged. I'd love it if they revived Journey Into Mystery to tell this story, leaving the Thor book to Thor's story.
I know people won't buy it, I know characters won't trust him, I know a lot of readers and characters alike just think his face turn is not genuine, but that will just make the story more interesting, imo. Good stories aren't typically taking the safe and predictable path. I also know Loki is not much like Thor, but don't think that is a mark against him. I think part of the reason for having new cycles is to update the roles for a changing world, maybe the 'champion' needs to be different now, same as with the King. The type of hero needed in the Viking Age isn't going to be the kind needed now. Same as how Sif pointed out to Thor in that page above how he should not be trying to be like Odin, he should be making the role his own. And I know the enchantment is allowing anyone to lift the hammer, but I don't think the role is simply being worthy of the enchantment, the role predates that enchantment, and Thor, or Mjolnir, could always make a new one anyway.
Now watch as i post this and the next issue hits tomorrow proving me wrong. :p But I don't think it will.
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schizosupport · 3 years
does it still count as a delusion if I think I'm stupid to believe that and that its obviously its not real but I still have like flight/fight/freeze to the thoughts/wrongly percieved event/things in the corner of my eye, or get really scared? Like I don't think that I'm correct in thinking the thing and I don't think it makes sense/has been proven wrong by the person and by testing it lol but also I have a reasoning behind it and still think it? Esp if some of the specific paranoias are very transient (or don't come back) and sometimes triggered by horror content (damn tma t-t) or v stress related ??? I'm trying to figure out if I'm just prodomal probably (bcus I have like a million environmental and genetic risks and Im 16) or actually having delusions now lol ¡¡p but it might be substance induced so :p this stuff has been going on since like, last june maybe and when I started smoking almost everyday since august
(2) HI IM THE PERSON TALKING ABT THE DELUSIONS AND POSSIBLY BEING SUBSTANCE INDUCED !! I think I've also had an increase in negative symptoms in that approximately 1 year time frame than before, even though I'm autistic so experience a lot of the things they list in that stuff :p but that could be because I went through a traumatic relationship or because I've been unmasking over time since I'm not in public and been trying to acknowledge my needs during quarantine :p (3)  hi sorry for using all caps yesterday :(((( I didn't mean to make anybody distressed in any way. Also is thinking as a kid that people may be controlled by larger beings like sims and whenever we die thats because they got bored with us normal weird kid beleifs or ?? Or like after watching truman show I was always thinking abt if I was like it and I still kinda act like there could possibly always be a camera on me or someones watching me but my dad talked about putting cameras around the house and one time when I was getting on my phone because he had taken it away from me a notification popped up on his computer that I was using my phone and if he wanted to look at my screen so maybe its just me being scared cus of that even tho I dont live with him anymore :p and I have no reason to believe he or anyone else actually has access to my phone but they do and its really scary :'((((
Hi anon!
No need to apologize, you’re good, and you didn’t distress me! 
I am very brain-tired there days which makes it hard for me to respond thoroughly, but I’m going to attempt anyways. 
The exact definition of delusions vs magical thinking, paranoid ideation and anxiety can be hard to figure out, and the professionals may have varying opinions as well. The main question, to me, would be - are you very distressed by these thoughts? Are they hindering your ability to live life to its fullest?
If the answer is yes, then I find it less important what they are, and rather I would urge you to look into getting some help managing these symptoms. At the end of the day, knowing the name of what’s going on with you can feel empowering, but it doesn’t actually help much if it isn’t accompanied by an increase in support, understanding and potentially treatment.
Another thing is, you said you’ve been smoking almost every day - from the context I’m guessing you’re talking about weed? 
I know that a lot of people do feel like weed can alleviate some discomfort, and I’m not the authority on drug-use by any means, but I think that a daily intake of any drug, can be a cause for alarm. - No matter if that’s alcohol, weed or “harder” drugs. Especially in people who are susceptible to psychosis (which you seem to be), weed can have a negative effect, and it can definitely increase some symptoms, or even increase the likelihood of a full-blown episode. 
I know it’s easier said than done, and you probably have your reasons for smoking as much as you do, but from a mental health perspective, it does blur the picture. And it can make it harder to get the help you need, because you risk either professional writing off your symptoms as “purely druginduced” or alternatively, they ignore the smoking, and think that you’re more psychotic than you would normally be, which could also lead to the wrong treatment.
(Say for example, you’re smoking to cope with a certain set of symptoms (eg. adhd)- then that smoking causes psychotic symptoms - they treat that with antipsychotics. Now if your original problem was adhd, you would have been better off with a prescription for that, instead of having to take two mind-altering substances as patches on patchwork solutions)
Honestly I’m not the best to ask about the border between delusion and anxiety - professionals have repeatedly told me I’ve long since crossed the border (hence why I’m diagnosed as schizophrenic) but in my own mind I’m still just “a very anxious person”...
I hope this was at least a bit helpful, my computer is lagging and so is my brain, so I’m going to wrap this up here.
Best of luck anon!
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liathgray · 4 years
Hiiii, so this might be a little uhhhhmm weird, but I think I might be somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum???? You were talking so much about it recently and it got me thinking. I'm pretty sure I'm nb and that I'm probably also a lesbian, but I've never really felt attracted to anyone??? And that might be because I'm still young, but idk I have some really lovely friends, and sometimes I'll ask myself "well I'm friends with this person now, am I attracted to them? Do I have romantic feelings for them?" And the answer is always no, even though theres like. Potential there. If that makes any sense????? Akabskshsv anyway, I don't know where I'd land on the spectrum, or if I'm on there at all and I'm just acting weird, but I wanted to tell you cus you kinda initiated my questioning with your ace/aro ed hcs (which I love btw, it's what he deserves) anyway, I hope you have a lovely day, you deserve it :^)
It’s not weird at all! 
This is very much something that you take at your own pace and honestly if the labeling aspect of it makes you uncomfortable, then you don’t have to do it. Alternatively if the labels make you happy and feel secure, feel free to use them!
I get where you’re coming from and have had the same thing with trying to figure out if the emotions I’m feeling are romantic or platonic. It’s hard! It’s a lot of big emotions in a small amounts of time that gets messy. I get it and really just try to remember there no rush!
If you have people in your life that are accepting, then I think just talking about it would help a bit. Saying stuff out loud can honestly do wonders. Or, hell, if that makes you uncomfortable you’re welcome to just vent about it to me! Whether it be through anon asks or dm, I’m all ears darling.
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lonelyvomit · 2 years
Maybe they talk about "toured in Europe" instead of "the world", so that the answer isn't too obvious? At least, I'm scratching Jonne Aaron from the list, because he doesn't have any platinum, even with Negative. (And he also toured outside Europe.) Btw, Samu "pulled a Jonne" by switching the language for his solo career.
The Rasmus used to play a big part in my life but it was a long time ago. Actually, the idea of them taking part in the competition feels weird to me because they are already known worldwide. So what would be the point? 🤔 (Unless it's for the win.)
Just like you, what I'm truly hoping for is that we will witness again a story à la BC. An upcoming rock band (or artist) who needs more exposure and will also be able to export. 🌷
Jonne does have platinum tho!!!! his first solo album sold platinum in Finland. I do believe that's his only platinum, but there is one, and multiple gold records, both from solo stuff and Negative. which is now making me really nervous, because my personal opinion on Jonne is exactly the same as Samu - I like him, but with his music style changing and switching to singing in finnish, I don't think he's aiming for export anymore nor does he exactly represent the heavier side of our music industry that I'm hoping we keep bringing to ESC. I'd love to see him in UMK tho even if he wouldn't win 🥺🖤
and yeah I don't think The Rasmus really needs the hype but I think some people would hope a previously known band to maybe get us a better result at ESC (I'm too pessimist to believe that lmao there's no way we get 2 successful years in a row). which is exactly the reason why I'm hoping for a new, upcoming act - I think sending a rock act after a long pause helped BC a lot cus it allowed them to bring something fresh, but now people know to expect it again, so I don't think our next participant will do as well no matter how good they are (we all know ESC is partially politics anyway). an upcoming band would benefit a lot from the screentime tho, no matter the results.
ANYWAY there's a new one!! 6th one says "you know this one!", "familiar from reality tv" and "has published an autobiography." I think the main guesses from people here are Samu Haber, Antti Tuisku and Kaija Koo. which. I'm getting really sus about Samu and Antti fitting at least 2 descriptions 😂😂
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cthulhuofficial · 3 years
October 17, 2021
These are some real Asshole™️ thoughts, but I want to vent about this...
There is a couple in my friend group I will refer to here as R&D who are... Pretty self-absorbed in general, and seem to not care that much about me anyway. Not that they don't like me, but they're only hanging out with me because of my husband, not for any compatibility we have. I feel the same way about them tbh, so it mostly works. Sucks that I can't, for instance, invite the couple I'm *closer* to in that friend group (C&T) specifically to certain things without also inviting R&D, but it is what it is 🤷‍♀️
ANYWAY, my husband put together a little get-together last night, and they didn't show up til way late. It was definitely a "come-when-you-can" thing, but aaaalso we just spent hundreds of dollars traveling to Newport Beach for R's birthday, so I feel like they *could've* made an effort? Especially cus they were just, like, hanging out at a bar in Timnath? They also only showed up for the ghost tour, so it was like... Not even hanging out with me necessarily but them doing the ghost tour.
Then they just dropped off my birthday gift, and this is where I'll really start sounding like an asshole, because I should just be grateful to get a gift at all, but it was so... Just cheap and thoughtless, I'd almost rather they didn't, cus it feels like that's how much they value/care about our friendship? They pretty clearly just went to the dollar store or regifted random stuff they had... They got me a wine glass that says "gather" and has some pumpkins on it, and a weird box of clearly cheap Game of Thrones chocolate, and a bottle of Trader Joe's wine (four-buck Chuck). R also said she was gonna send an ebook to my Kindle, but that's clearly an afterthought cus she could've done that yesterday on my actual birthday.
Also D didn't even sign the birthday card. (Small things like this and the gift wouldn't bother me very much on their own if they didn't feel so on-brand with the rest of their behavior.)
Also also, they were on-board when it came to my birthday cabin (they were a maybe because R was gonna get a surgery but then the surgery didn't happen), and again, it feels like they only want to hang out if there is something in it for them, like the ghost tour or a free cabin stay.
ETA: I talked to my husband about this and he confirmed they had gone to see a show and were just eating at a food truck they like and hanging out at a bar until late. The show was at 1pm, so they had pretty ample time to see it and show up before 845. The food truck is local and has a consistent schedule, so they could've gone almost any other time that week. He said they had been silent all day, and he'd given them the itinerary two weeks ago, soooo basically they didn't give a shit
ETA: R has a really difficult life, and I respect that, and that helps me understand why she acts this way... But it also doesn't mean that I can't limit my exposure to her, or not include her in certain things when I don't want to be dealing with The R Show. So that's a pretty mature reasonable place to land with this, I think.
ETA: R actually *has* come through occasionally and been very kind and considerate and generous. My temper was high because my birthday is really important to me and I am very sensitive to it, and I'm not excusing their behavior really, it's just... "Blip" feels like too small a word, but I am just not gonna hold it against them or hold a grudge. I will just adjust my expectations going forward, adjust the amount of time/energy I invest in them, and draw some new boundaries. Sean didn't even disagree with me about any of this, he said it had felt like they were more selfish/self-absorbed/insular than normal. Hopefully things get better for them, and then I can re-evaluate.
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osakaso5 · 7 years
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Iori & Ryunosuke Shuffle Talk Rabbit TV Part 3: What They Like And Treasure
Part 1 | Part 2
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Here we are. This is the place!
Iori Izumi: ...Thank goodness. Luckily, there are few customers.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Yeah. I'll go ask them if we can take our picture inside. Wait here!
Iori Izumi: Huh, I can also-- ...He's gone.
Iori Izumi: Even while accompanied by the staff, standing in front of a place like this by myself is embarrassing...
Iori Izumi: He could've just left getting permission to someone from the crew. Tsunashi-san is such a nice person...
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Sorry to keep you waiting. They said we could shoot inside!
Iori Izumi: Alright. Now, I must brace myself... 
- - - -
Iori Izumi: T-this place is difficult to relax in... There's so many cu... small plushies everywhere...
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: It's my first time here, but there's so many cute things that girls probably like in here!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Could it be that I stick out in here..?
Iori Izumi: Well, it is  a shop aimed at women...
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: That's a problem. I'd like to try and blend in somehow.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: ...Ah, they've got bunny ear hairbands! Let's try putting some on, Iori-kun!
Iori Izumi: Huh!?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: If we put these on, maybe we'll feel less out of place...
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: ...H-how do I look? I'm feeling a little embarrassed...
Iori Izumi: How, you ask...
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I guess this looks weird, after all..?
Iori Izumi: Why do you look so sad all of a sudden!? I-it suits you... I guess...
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Really, that's good..! Hey, you should wear one, too.
Iori Izumi: Bunny ears won't suit me as well as they suit you!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: That's not true! I'm sure they'll look fine. I'll go buy a pair for you, too.
Iori Izumi: F-for me..? What are you planning to do with so many of them?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I'm going to send them to my family back home! They don't sell these over there.
Iori Izumi: I see... In that case, I hope you won't mind sending some of these plushies over here for me, as well.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Oh, that's so nice of you! My family will be so happy. ...Well then, let's finish our job before we start shopping. We're at the part where we ask each other a question, right? It's called, uh..
Iori Izumi: It's "Ask Anything!" I'll start with my question to you.
Iori Izumi: Is there anything in particular that you do when you get into work mode, Tsunashi-san?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Let me think... Put on my costume, I guess? I think that's when I just switch naturally.
Iori Izumi: Your costume?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Yeah. Though I'm still the same Ryunosuke Tsunashi no matter what I do.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: When I see myself wearing the costume in the mirror, I see the me that's a part of TRIGGER.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I go from my usual self to TRIGGER's Ryunosuke Tsunashi. Into the man who can match up to Tenn and Gaku. I don't want to act in a shameful way when I'm with TRIGGER.
Iori Izumi: I think you're just as wonderful as your usual self. You're very friendly and easy to get along with.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Ahaha, thank you. I'm relieved to hear you say that!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Now it's my turn to ask you a question. You're always so talented, but is there anything you're bad with?
Iori Izumi: I suppose... I'm bad with small and cute things... like the ones in here.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: H-huh!? That must mean that I brought you into a place you really don't like..! S-sorry!
Iori Izumi: N-no, it's fine. I don't hate them, by any means.
Iori Izumi: It's just that once a kitten wandered into a shoot I was at, and I couldn't concentrate at all...
Iori Izumi: In any case, they distract me.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I-I see... Do you think we should leave?
Iori Izumi: I'm fine, please don't worry about me! I musn't let my shortcomings get the best of me.
Iori Izumi: I need to get used to these sort of places.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: You really are diligent, Iori-kun. I could learn a lot from you!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I wonder if that's enough for the question segment? If we're going to get our picture taken, then we need the bunny ear hairbands...
Iori Izumi: I-I think it's best if we don't wear them. We must take TRIGGER's image into account...
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: R-right. Well, this place is what it is, but let's at least look appropriate! 
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Tsunashi Ryunosuke: I'm a little nervous to have my picture taken with a "perfect high schooler" like you!
Iori Izumi: That should be my line. Please imagine what it feels like to be standing next to someone like you.  
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: You mean because of my height? ...Should I bend my knees a little?
Iori Izumi: Thank you. I was also talking about your height, but...
Iori Izumi: Mainly the sensuality that you radiate. I have no such thing, so it's especially dazzling.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: T-thank you! I get a little nervous when you praise me like that.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I'm sure you'll change by the time you're around my age.
Iori Izumi: I wonder.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Of course you will! I wasn't born like this, either.
Iori Izumi: I see... I suppose I need to consider both my age and my current state.
Iori Izumi: Today has been very educational, Tsunashi-san.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Really? I didn't do anything, though...
Iori Izumi: If you don't mind my asking this, how could I become an adult like you?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I don't  know if this'll help you at all, but for me, it's about changing my attitude and turning into TRIGGER's  Ryunosuke Tsunashi.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: It starts feeling natural the more you do it. My usual self and my TRIGGER self may be different, but they're both me.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Maybe you could try imagining yourself as the Iori Izumi you want to be for IDOLiSH7.
Iori Izumi: ...I'm glad you were my conversation partner. I learned a lot and had a good time.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I'm glad we  got to talk about all kinds of stuff, and that I got to see a new side of you. Let's go to the sea together sometime! 
End of Part 3.
Translator’s notes..? 
next up: nagi & gaku’s shuffle talk rabbit tvs! 
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