#these characters are new to me; this was just a lil scene that popped up in my head while playing. please be gentle aughghg <3
myers-meadow · 4 months
Hellish beginnings
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Pairing: Haarlep x Raphael, budding Raphael x Tav and Haarlep x Tav
Summary: After you paid the House of Hope a visit, you were gone before the master of the house even knew you were there. Yet, you left his personal incubus Haarlep with a delightful present that they just can't wait to share with their master. Perhaps this is not the last time you entered the House of Hope.
Warnings: none. Teen and up rating. They/them used for Tav, no appearance mentioned.
Wordcount: 578
beautiful divider by @cafekitsune. If you enjoyed, please reblog or comment! It is fuel to the fire that is my love for these characters <3.
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"Oh, Raphael," Said Haarlep, in sing-song tone, as soon as their master entered his boudoir. "You'd never guess which of your clients paid me a visit today."
Raphael shed his mortal disguise as he walked over to the bed. By his walk, Haarlep could tell how their master's day had been. Not that good. Not that it mattered much to them, but it was good to know.
"I'm not in the mood to guess," Raphael answered, voice thick with displeasure.
"Only your most cherished one..." They said, and their form shifted. Raphael's little mouse laid on his bed then, draped casually, erotically over the ruby sheets. Raphael, who only barely paid attention to his personal incubus, did a double take. His eyes widened. For one joyful moment, he didn't know what to say. Haarlep's grin widened.
"Really?" He then asked, with one eyebrow raised. "Tav." His tone darkened. It was difficult to tell whether he was angry, or intrigued. You very well know that entering the House was forbidden as per your contract, the consequences could be devastating. He'd so hate to have to hurt you, just as you show such promise. "That is quite the surprise."
Haarlep adjusted their position, showing off your features in a different way this time. Giddy, they tugged alluringly at the straps of their underwear. Raphael, drawn in by the sight of you, climbed onto the bed. Haarlep was quick to make room for him.
"You like it?" They asked, rolling over and showing off your backside, curving your back like a cat doing a big lazy stretch. Raphael only hummed, but watched with eager eyes.
"I cant say I haven't thought about them..."
"They were so fun," Haarlep drawled. "Desperate and mewling after just a few kisses. Too bad you weren't there."
"I wonder why they came. If they thought they could break the contract-" Raphael clenched his fists.
"Oh, not to worry, they left without even getting that far. They just had a little gander at your archive, a little poke around the place. I'm sure this is their favourite room of the house. They spent the most time here, after all."
Haarlep changed shape again, into Raphael's glamour, determined to smooth over their master's anger. They laid a warm hand on his hip, trailing fingers up and down the formal doublet. With a flick of the hand, the doublet was gone. Hunger shone in Raphael's eyes, and Haarlep knew just a little convincing would be enough. It would be fun, to have a play with someone else for a bit. To have a third in the bedroom. They were curious to see what would happen. It was one of Raphael's known weaknesses that he got too involved in mortal lives, but this one seemed special.
"Surely it doesn't have to be such a big deal... They didn't do anything bad, after all."
Raphael tutted, finding comfort in the familiar touch. He played with the chains on Haarlep's outfit, tugging the incubus closer. "Perhaps we should invite them for a formal visit. Let us see if we can't talk this over."
Haarlep answered with a wicked grin. "They admitted they have thought of you too. I'm sure they'd be willing to... negotiate."
With his head falling back on the pillow as Haarlep pushed him on his back, Raphael laughed. "Oh, the plot thickens... Why don't you show me what it was about you that had our little mouse mewling, hm?"
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atiyasnake · 9 months
Broskies, my homies, my guys, fellas, pals, besties, brother in christ, my ride and die, strangers, peeps, my lovelies, ya'll. . . I write fanfic for the fun of it.
For the lil bit that my brain gets hooked on and what's to check out, twist around, make into something a lil different and new. For the source material that just Ahhh I want to enjoy more in dif ways. For the story ideas and tropes and scene ideas that pop up in my head at times where I'm in a rush to write it down or type it out. For the love I have of fanfic written by others.
I'm not a professional, I'm not a genius with words, grammar, rules on how to write stories, and characters, but I try.
I'm just a regular human being who decided to write for fun and share it with other people for the small chance that 'hey maybe someone would enjoy this'
I've got my own problems in life. My own faults and insecurities. I'm not perfect.
So like maybe. . . just be kind.
If you enjoy what I've written, I am super duper to the max ecstatic that you did. Like smiling like a fool and in awe that another person likes something I've made. And if you didn't, then I hope you can find something you do enjoy.
Like I said, I'm not perfect. I have different tastes and a different way of thinking about how I want to handle something in a story or event that happened in the show, etc. I might have made something full of what would be considered mistakes. (You'll probably find a few in this very post)
You might not like it. You might not even understand why I wrote it. You might think it's the stupidest thing someone could have written and that I need to fix it or even just delete it.
You have a right to your opinion.
I know there's fics and prompts and stuff I don't like. But I just keep on looking for something I will like, because I know that a human being made it. Another person out there wanted to write it, and they did and then decided 'hey maybe someone might want to see it' and other people do. Might not have been me, but it was for someone else, so I'll let them enjoy it.
But I didn't go out of my way to tell them I didn't like it. To tell them all the things I thought were wrong or didn't understand. I didn't tell them how I thought they should 'fix it'. I didn't go out of my way to make another person feel bad about something they created for fun and freely shared with others.
I didn't do that because that is not kind and is not the type of person I want to be. Because again, I am a human being.
So look for things you enjoy and make you happy. Be kind to the people who are sharing these things with you. Don't discourage and insult them. Only give criticism if they explicitly asked you to.
You don't know these people. You don't know what going on in their lives. Your words can have huge effects on a person. So make sure that it's a positive one.
Yes, some writing is bad. Yes, some may seem cringy, stupid, nonsensical. But there is no law in the universe that says everything must be perfect. It's OKAY if things are bad, cringy, stupid, nonsensical. Some people are just beginning in writing, some are very young, some may struggle with writing, some may just want to write a dumb fun crazy story. LET THEM.
Let them grow and enjoy what they are doing.
Let them be human!
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lanaevyssmoved · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion!Tav Ask List
What if your Tav was a recruitable companion, instead of the main character? (contains major spoilers for the game, and for some dark urge runs as well)
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
afhiri would be recruited in the crashed nautiloid near the dying mindflayer!! you'd find her looking around at the floor for her flute, they'd be rushing about back and fourth but not actually grabbing at or moving things around to see if it's under anything - just lots of staring and hoping it'll suddenly pop out, they'd also be yelling out "where are you? where did you go?!" "pspspspsp come out!!!" and other various things fdlfdkgdg yes yes there's a mindflayer about but there's more IMPORTANT THINGS .. when recruiting them you can be like "so that mindflayer over there" and afhiri will let you know they hadn't even noticed it <3
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
scene.. afhiri is still obsessively looking for her flute. its almost like u didnt just recruit them
gale: "well they're certainly.. enthusiastic. we best keep an eye on them else we may lose them... hm." accepting he's about to become a babysitter
shadowheart: "are you sure it's wise to bring them along? they'll be more of a hinderance than a help." literally does not want afhiri here
astarion: "wonderful, you've recruited an actual clown! at least we'll have some on road entertainment." completely sarcastic btw... also doesn't want afhiri here
lae'zel: "chk, if nothing else they will be decent cannon fodder in the battles to come." ALSO doesn't want afhiri here.. fuck man
wyll: "what a delight afhiri is, it's good to have someone around who can find the joy in things despite our predicament." happie :)
karlach: also looking around for the flute now. been dragged into it
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
@ gale: "oh my god he came out of a rock!!!!!!!" eyeing him up intensely.. "A CLOWN!!!!!!!!!!" proceeds to lose her shit
@ shadowheart: "she's quite pretty, isn't she? i like her toy! i wonder if she'll let me play with it too" ^_^
@ astarion: eyes him up and down "i think i've seen him before...." never mentions this again and if u ask them about it they're like huh??
@ lae'zel: doesn't really have anything to say.. "lae'zel looks pretty cool" with a big smile :D
@ karlach: "it would have been a crime to kill someone so hot..." nods sagely. misses the literal irony in her statement
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
in general afhiri is super easy-going and befriends people who don't even like them.. ^_^ so losing approval will be harder but that doesn't mean raising is super easy! afhiri is just very nice to people in general!
helping tieflings
helping the poor, the downtrodden and lower class
being disrespectful to authority figures!
making jokes and doing silly things (includes lying)
performing! (you gain a lil bit of approval on performing even if you're bad)
siding with the goblins (this is the largest approval hit)
hurting + killing animals
not taking new opportunities (refusing to do quests, attacking enemies before letting them talk, etc)
being a stick in the mud with a pole up ur ass!! have some fun!!
scolding her for her antics or otherwise talking down to her
you can honestly view afhiri's approval as similiar to sera from dai if you're aware of her general likes and dislikes !!!
Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
no, but afhiri really won't like you killing the tieflings. they don't really give a shit about the druids but heavily empathises with the tieflings and this is the literal only time you can make afhiri genuinely angry at you. it's super easy to convince afhiri to calm down and stay however, and you can even gain the lost approval again depending on how you approach her at the party!!! (manipulation goes a long way <3)
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
afhiri doesn't necessarily have secrets, but you CAN learn that the afhiri you know is essentially a persona. it requires maximum approval and very specific dialogue choices - afhiri will reveal to you that they're running from themselves and they don't plan on stopping. if you try to encourage afhiri to accept who they are and stop running, you'll take a large approval hit and afhiri will cut the conversation short and you'll take small approval hits if you ever try to bring it up again ^_^
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
they do but not in a typical sense.
act 1: getting afhiri a flute, once you do this you'll unlock new bardic abilities for gameplay and combat! afhiri will also be seen playing the flute in camp ^_^ you can only pursue afhiri's romance once a flute has been gotten.. other instruments don't work !
act 2: you will get a sweet scene where afhiri tells you she's written a song about you and wants to perform !! afhiri will sing and dance and play their flute for you and the song will be from a selection of pre-made ones based on various decisions made in act 1! at the end of the performance you'll be given options that allow you to continue or end the romance ^_^
act 3: you've forced afhiri to return to where she's running from :) afhiri will, if your approval is high enough, mention her family. you Cannot visit, but if you encourage afhiri to pop in to see them they will Without you. if you ask afhiri how it went they'll be super dismissive and just say it was fine with a smile, afhiri won't say more even if you press the issue. it won't be satisfying and will likely get "i wish they did more with this" "did they cut visiting her family?" "that was pretty shit"
though there is some stuff that kind of counts if you keep reading ^_^
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
stay: the biggest wet eyes and pout you have ever seen. you are going to make the clown cry. their bottom lip is wobbling. oh my god. if you confirm they are indeed staying they snap out of it immediately revealing it was a manipulation and just sulks like FINE
come: THIS PROVOKES PURE JOY!!!! afhiri is bouncing and resisting grabbing you (where their hands instinctively go to grab changes if ur romancing!) biggest smile ever. gonna play their absolute best for you u will NOT regret this!!!!!
Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
no but afhiri will have escalating flirts :).....
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
hehe.. yeah <3 candor
candor will appear and if you agree, will join as a camp companion! (ideally they'd both be companions but that isn't what this is ABOUT) you get a scene in each act where afhiri and candor interact with each other and you can chime in with your thoughts!!
act 1: they meet again for the first time since tadpole, afhiri jumps into candors arms and they have .. a moment. that feels invasive to watch. this is a scene that makes you think afhiri is Not available for romance ^_^ afhiri asks you to allow candor to come with you!
act 2: you accidentally walk in on them talking quietly by themselves. afhiri is resting her head on candors arm and it has its hand on her leg... another moment where you think afhiri isn't actually available.. extra drama if you're romancing afhiri !! this is the moment where you can ask about them, you learn about afhiri being poly, you're given the option to end the romance if you're not comfortable.
act 3: takes place after afhiri's act 3 quest, meaning you need that approval to see this! afhiri and candor are having a heart to heart about being back in the city and about afhiri's wild magic!! this is when candor confesses to afhiri that it's been protecting afhiri from wild magic for longer than originally thought. you can chime in, side with afhiri, who is upset specifically because she believes candor could have done more, befriended her sooner, helped her with her loneliness and troubled childhood, or side with candor, who believes it wasn't its place to interfere and only chose to eventually interfere because it felt it had to for afhiri's continued survival - it wasn't required sooner because afhiri wasn't in danger despite the hard life they were living. you also have the opportunity to not get involved, either by not taking a side and seeing BOTH their points, or by walking away.
in order to see afhiri's TRUE FULL QUEST!! u need to bring candor as a camp companion :) fuck everyone who refused candor to join. especially if they did it out of possessive jealousy of afhiri!!!!!!! PUNISHMENT!!!!!!! (yeah. gamers wouldn't like me)
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner) 
the first time you perform ^_^ so it requires you to either be a bard, get the instrument proficiency feat, or just play a random instrument you find very badly! so it's pretty missable!
no matter what, even if you're bad, afhiri gets excited and wants to play with you!! you also gain approval ^_^
Story Specific
How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor?
afhiri has no advice :) it was just a dream man idk. did you eat something funky
How do they advise the player character on Raphael?
raphael looks like a rich snob with too much money so afhiri DOES NOT LIKE. so afhiri will, not really getting what's going on, not want you to take the deal on the fact that he looks like a prick they should rob instead
How do they react to Astarion biting the Player Character?
afhiri, not knowing or understanding what a vampire is, "did you at least ask for consent"
How do they react to the Player Character letting Abdirak whip them?
head tilt of curiousity and naivity until there's blood and you're screaming and then they're looking around like what the fu
How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power?
afhiri will think it's kinda icky but won't comment beyond that!
Will they stay with the Player Character regardless of siding with the goblins or the tieflings, or is it possible for them to leave the party permanently?
they'll stay!
What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
performing! afhiri will be playing her flute in her idle animation ^_^
Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with? 
i'm gonna say no because i highly doubt afhiri fucking noticed or fucking cares. like if you approach afhiri and you're like HEY.... DID SMTH NASTY LAST NIGHT WITH WHATS ER FACE. yeah afhiri's interested now... but in general afhiri is not shoving nose where nose is not wanted. act 1 too early for afhiri to be a prying bitch
Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander?
probably smth really dumb like. "well that was bright!!!! anyway hi :D"
How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
"did it taste good? can i lick it?" you're both dead on the ground
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
this is the best moment of afhiri's life. feels kinda nervous because oh my god, oh my god, it's DRIBBLES!!! this is their moment. their moment to prove themselves. FINALLY! FINALLY THEY CAN SHOW DRIBBLES THEY ARE THE BEST CLOWN!!!!! afhiri is PUMPED. this moment is EVERYTHING. this is the afhiri's nightsong moment, afhiri's ritual.. you get the point
Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
afhiri cannot be kidnapped because afhiri would simply dodge orin. u cannot kidnap a circus weirdo. however i could have some insane thoughts about orin ATTEMPTING it and giving up with frustration :)
How do they react to the PC either allowing Astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn?
afhiri does not grasp what this means. afhiri cannot visualise 7000 souls as 7000 living breathing people - except they're not they're uh. dead. anyway. afhiri can't do it. so will afhiri react? no. very like "huh?" and no one will take the time to explain . gale might explain later at camp. then its "huh..." and u got nothing else cuz THEY CANNOT VISUALISE IT ......
How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer?  Can they offer to become one themselves?  Does their reaction change if they’re romanced? 
afhiri would give a very chill oh that's cool!! that's pretty sick!!! ohhhhhh !!!! awesome !!!!!! type of reaction. would not offer however because afhiri don't understand what the fuck goin on thinks ur doing it just for funsies. cuz u wanna. ^_^ romance would get no other reaction beyond maybe a line about being curious how u kiss each other now and also what those tentacles do
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
afhiri don't rly know what amnesia is. once u explain its very oh..... okay..... F. reaction. emotionally stunted and unavoidable gamer reaction. murderous thoughts? very haha and then what. afhiri doesn't take this Seriously.
How do they react to the Dark Urge killing Alfira?
see this will make afhiri very sad because ALFIRA BARD FRIEND. WEARING A FUNNY JESTER OUTFIT. ALFIRA :HANDSHAKE: AFHIRI!!!!!! so afhiri would be sad to find out alfira is dead but likely would not believe the durge did it because durge is friend :)
If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
i basically just answered this huh. haha and then what :) its so funny how i keep saying afhiri don't take shit srsly. like afhiri would not believe ur actually gonna try and kill them. they're just vibing and think ur being a bit kinky
Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
afhiri is romanceable and without the flute from her act 1 quest the romance is locked out entirely. if you enter act 2 without giving the flute, romance is locked for good!
Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough?
afhiri needs to be flirted with at least once for her to see you in that light. if you don't keep flirting, afhiri will approach you!
Are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
poly!!! if you ask afhiri to be mono it will ONLY work if you didn't recruit candor or you sought to drive a wedge between them, so they never reached a romantic point, however they will STILL be very close and intimate, otherwise afhiri will say no because candor is too important to them.
afhiri will accept poly with every single companion no questions asked ^_^
Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party?
afhiri does!! you approach them and they're all exhausted and tired but immensely happy and in their element because they've been playing and performing the entire party, and you talking to them is giving them a short break. if you ask, afhiri will come to you after the party when they've finished performing and everyone's going to bed!
the scene will be you and afhiri by the water. u sit down and afhiri gives u a private session thats a much more delicate and gentle song just for u . she doesnt sing its just a tune. (note: if u romance her in act 2 she will play this same tune but this time will start singing a song she wrote for u) u then talk a lil bit about the party and everything uve been thru so far. afhiri is pretty useless during it but its used as a way to show the player how disconnected afhiri is. afhiri acts as escapism for the player from the story!
Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
it'll have just one path, but micro changes (like small dialogues) based on candor things!
How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
hmm.. afhiri would ultimately be very chill about it. theyd be sad about the fact you cant hold hands and cuddle at night and kiss and stuff anymore. and theyd ask if you CAN still do that stuff but as friends (offering a fwb alternative!!!!) if you say no theyll be fine but a tiny bit moopy because they had fun with you and liked being close to u. but ur not gonna get no grand statements or tears from afhiri! and would be happy for you if u found love with someone else c:
What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test? 
question one: what kind of performer has afhiri always dreamt of being?
available answers: a bard, a clown, something unique and different
something unique and different is the correct answer! no approval changes.
question two: afhiri has left their life behind on nothing but a whim, what is afhiri running from?
available answers: responsibility, their family, dribbles
dribbles is the correct answer and gains approval! if you select responsibility or their family it will also be considered correct but will gain disapproval.
question three: what does afhiri need the most?
available answers: to grow up and act like an adult, freedom, to become the best clown in the world
to become the best clown in the world and freedom are both correct. no approval changes!
If they’re poly, do they have a reaction to the PC engaging in a relationship with Halsin?
down for it. down to be a polycule. down to also date halsin. down for threesomes. down for it all!!!!!!!! afhiri a free spirit baby.
How do they react if the PC has sex with Mizora? The Emperor?  Haarlep?
GET IT!!!!! GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! afhiri doesn't really have any concept of like. sleeping with a devil or an incubus is like, realistically a bad idea, so its just. DAMN YOU FUCKED THAT HOT PERSON?? NIIIICEEEE!!!! high fives!!!!! with the emperor its just the same thing. you got laid? fuck yeah. high fives!
Will they join in with the PC and the Drow Twins, or no?
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFHIRI IS DOWN!!!!!!!!!! u have got the most giddy tiefling right behind you, going 'eeeeee' with excitement, bouncing up and down looking at you with large pleady eyes CAN WE PLEASE? CAN WE PLEEASSE??? I REALLY WANT TO!!!!!!! if tav says no you bet ur ass afhiri is hanging around there like hehe can i anyway
What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
afhiri is an independent soul .. doesn't wanna get married ... doesnt rlly wanna move in either.. being with afhiri longterm is accepting uve got a partner whos adventurous and wants to explore and see the world and meet new people!!! now afhiri WILL settle down after years together because afhiri will lowkey become commited with you without labels - if YOU involve labels thats just gonna push afhiri away. so just be patient with her.. like a stray cat who sleeps in ur house and eats ur food. one day they'll just stay if you're patient with them!!!!!! also being with afhiri is accepting her free spirited nature... afhiri is gonna date and sleep with other people, AND YOURE ALLOWED TOO!!, so afhiri long term is not for anyone who wants the domestic monogamous life
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 6 months
What You Need
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A/N: too many au fantasy fics where Jordan is the fine ass neighborhood weedman consume me lately. Someone help! 😭 Also, I hope its clear when I refer to J as they or he and she. They when I or a character is vaguely talking about them in general; he or she to help differentiate between their ability to transition or whoever your being intimate with at the time. I hope that makes sense. Just wanted to put my own flavor on my stories but still respect the proper pronouns. I'd love feedback on my Jordan li fics. And please remember, these fics can take a long time to write so pretty please don't flag them as your content consumption is your responsibility. Anyway enjoy!
I step out my brand new stark white BMW, rolling my narrowed eyes as I scan the immediate vicinity. Not payin no mind to the group of dudes starin my way a few cars down, I realize Jordans ass aint nowhere to be found. Too many times over the years of em bein my connect, this mf done made me walk up them damn rickety stairs to grab my sack when they lyin ass specifically promised to be in the lot.
I'm already inna rush to get to my date with Dre. That's why was tryna get a little relaxation; I really didn't wanna show up all tense and hit him with all this attitude at once. A little me time to calm my nerves would do my ass some good after this nightmarish day. And maybe if the date goes well enough, Andre could gimme a hand with that too. Though its impossible to deny if the plug wasn't such a fuck boy, I'd be tryin to give them this work instead. But in no way am I finna compete with any of the hoes on their team.
Bending to reach into my ride, I snatch my cell from the cup holder and slam my car door. My nails click clack across the screen as I text Jordan. I'm already teetering on the edge of insanity so I'm not in the mood to be late or deal with their cocky ass attitude. This was so not supposed to be one of my usual pick ups that lasted over half an hour cause of their antics.
Me: you told me you'd be in the lot when I pulled up.
Not more than 10 seconds go by before I get a response.
This Fuckin Guy: my bad cutie, jus cum up here.
Me: i already let you know I had plans and to be down here this time.
This Fuckin Guy: ik but I had to serve last min. damn.
I roll my eyes as I read the word 'serve'. Yeah, they probably up there servin some lil bitch on her back. For some reason that thought got me on 10.
Me: cus you always wastin my time boy. but fine, i'm comin up.
Me: and my shit better be ready too.
This Fuckin Guy: whatchu need again?
This Fuckin Guy: nvm, Daddy knows exactly what you need..
This Fuckin Guy:
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Nibbling my bottom lip softly, I stare at the pic of they fine ass way longer than I'd ever admit to em. Fuck, they just don't realize how many times I've woken up from random scenes of them starin at me like that before diggin me out. Panties and sheets be so fuckin drenched with my juices when I slid my fingers between my lower lips and replayed em back in my mind over and over.
It's so fuckin Jordan to be on standby waitin for some snarky ass remark back, I'm sure of it. But I dont give them the satisfaction, continuing to climb the stairs carefully in my dainty heels.
And I'm absolutely proud of the way I ignore the pounding and slick building between my thighs as I head up the last step and briskly walk to Jordan's apt. Damn I feel a bit pathetic from gettin so horny from a photo that wasn't even a shirtless, nude or dick pic.
I don't even get a chance to knock on the door as an attractive slim blonde with a messy bun and black skin tight leggings opens it. Her expression a bit shocked at first as we briefly stare at each other before she gives me a small smile and quickly walks towards the staircase. Of fuckin course they have some damn bimbo on her way out as I'm coming up. Typical fuckin Jordan. Can't even deny the girl was kinda bad though; that lil fact gone get Jordan popped fa sho.
"Really? Tryna fuck me right after you jus slid in sumn? Nasty ass.." I throw insults at them as soon as I step inside, slamming the door in hopes the lil hoe hears.
"Fuck you on about now?" Jordan's voice is bored from her spot on the couch as she rolls up, not even bothering to look my way.
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"I'm speakin on the fact that you tryna hit right now but you got some broad leavin as I'm comin up. Like, the fuck?"
These hands rated E for everyone and they know that. I put a hand on my curvy hip and stare em down. Smoke is finna start steamin out my ears at Jordan's nonchalant behavior. Walkin up to the couch I flop down on the opposite side, full lips pressed into a thin line. Unfortunately my gaze melts more into eye fucking than the daggers I was jus hittin em with as I notice how attractive they are, so damn focused rollin the perfect blunt.
"I ain't fuck her." Tone of voice resembling one to use with a child; clearly she think I'm playin.
I follow the line the tip of her tongue makes as she finishes rolling the blunt. Damn, how I need to feel them doing that allover my fuckin body. I pray Jo ain't got super senses too, like I would just die inside if she could actually smell how wet I was for them right now.
"That right? Then why shawty hair was messy? And why you lookin relaxed as fuck, like you just took a load off? Talkin bout literally.."
"Ion know.. Why you ain't ask her? Told you, I had a order. And maybe I'm calm cause I'm always chill. You needa relax too, princess. Let's smoke."
Always tryna smoke ass; not sure how there's ever any left for them to sell. I roll my eyes at her slick ass, leaning back and folding my arms. Jordan finally looks up at me, dark brown eyes trailin down my frame slowly as she openly ogles my fit.
"Spark it then. But I can't stay long. I told you: I got plans tonight."
"Yeah, you said that. But you ain't say what you got planned the night."
"Cause that's nun ya concern-" my mouth is quick to slam shut at the penetrating stare I get before I can finish my thought.
I've seen that look before; would kill for a view of it while Jordan digs me out actually. (I almost whimper out loud as I envision just that. ) My attitude is immediately extinguished as she checks me without a sayin a fuckin word. She holds my gaze for a few seconds before casting her gaze back down, givin the blunt one last light lick. Clearly amused and feelin triumphant with how I'm put in my place, she openly grins. The silence only lasts half a minute be I speak again.
"Gotta date tonight." I say quietly, absolutely hating myself for how weak my voice comes out.
I expect another death stare but only receive a frown and flared nostrils as Jordan continues to look down. And then more silence. So I speak up again.
"You mad?" Tone a bit stronger this time.
That gets me someneye contact.
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"The fuck you think?"
"Well, you shouldn't be since you just-"
"Why you so worried if I'm fuckin when you clearly tryna get ran through tonight?"
The question is like a whip across the face. My cheeks heat as shame flushes through me. My mouth open and closes a few times, struggling to respond. Jordan waits for my response with a confident smirk, transitioning before pulling in a big hit.
"I'm not- I.. That's not why-"
I'm interrupted as he leans over to my side of the couch, grabbing my neck and pulling me in. Sexy ass taking advantage of my lips parting in shock at his grip to blow smoke into my mouth. I take it in without a thought, immediately becoming pliant for him as I inhale. It feels so fucking intimate I want more in an instant.
"Who's the date with?" His fine ass asks me softly, hand still lightly grasping my throat. His thumb rubs my skin there lightly as he takes this moment to assess my fit again.
"Andre." I answer on an exhale, mesmerized by the way he licks at his pretty pink bottom lip.
That makes him pop his gaze back to me, his hold a bit firmer as he reconnects with my y/e/c eyes.
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"You not fuckin goin, ma. We clear."
"We're clear."
My response is instantaneous and I have no idea who've I've become in this moment. What I am painfully aware is that he's gettin hard, silver basketball shorts doin nothing to hide his yummy fuckin girth.
Clearly my pussy is way more interested in gettin piped by Jordan than Dre; our close proximity has my desperate empty cunt clenching nonstop. I feel like I'll combust if they don't touch me soon.
"What a good fuckin girl you can be. Who knew?"
The praise has the softest of sounds bubbling from my lips as he takes a longer drag, leanin forward to give me another hit. Since this one's bigger, it has my mind a bit hazy as I exhale. I close my eyes, arms droppin to my lap as I enjoy the high and his big palms wrapped around my neck. A shiver of arousal runs through my frame as he moves to whisper at my ear.
"You like when I tell you how good you are for me? Cause you are honey." I moan an affirming 'mm hm' as Jordan licks and kisses at the sensitive spot behind my lobe. "In fact, can fuck my good girl like she need. Is that what you want? Huh? Itchin for Daddy to slide in them guts? I can.. And I will princess. Gonna get that lil pussy creamin round my cock in no time."
I should be shamed in how my head nods rapidly without my permission, mouth opening to say yes but moaning like a whore instead. I'm completely in shambles, loving the way my welcoming high enhances my craving for his cock.
"Lay back then. Show me how pretty that pussy is." He demands, releasing me and gesturing to the carpet with one hand as he takes a hit and sets the blunt down in the ashtray with the other.
Normally I would at least try to be sensual, make a show of it but I'm too tense right now. I don't even bother to undress as I lay on my back as quick as I can manage, swiftly slippin of my heels and throwing them aside. I'm so thankful for the access the deep slits my fit provides. I only need to spread my thighs and pull my salmon colored thong to the side.
"Damn that lil kitty.. So beautiful, look how she flutters at me baby. Think she want Daddy to come play in it."
Those dirty words make me hungry; fuckin pulsating at how he talks to me. I watch lustfully at the way Jordan stands and strips to his snug black boxer briefs. He smiles at me like he knows something I don't. Get goosebumps from how he stares down at me like he wants to wreck me.
I'm salivating when he pulls his long cock out through the opening and starts shows off. He strokes from tip to the base slowly, starin between my legs like hes inna trance. Dark brown eyes intently focused on the way wetness starts to stream from my slit to my juicy brown ass. I'm so jealous of the way he milks drops of precum on every upward stroke, consistent little grunts of pleasure spilling from him; I want that pleasure.
"Come on Daddy, I'm so ready for it." I goad him.
"Mmm. Fuckin lil slut for me know that?" He groans as he gets on his knees between my legs.
"Yeeees, I knooow." I moan out to his fine ass. "Wish you'd do somethin bout it already."
Grippin the base of his dick, he swipes back and forth through the excess moisture leakin from my slit while grabbing the blunt to take another hit.
"Aight, bet. Legs: shoulders."
I stall for just a moment at his simple request before obeying, setting an ankle at each of his shoulders slowly. My tummy clenches at the thought of the deep fuck I'm about to receive.
Jordan grunts lowly, slidin through once more before slappin my clit thrice with his twitching length. My wails are fuckin thunderous, dramatic ass fuck as an intense sensation swirls in my pulsing cunt. Too damn sensitive, soggy little button throbbing ferociously, I miss the descent of his cock to my drenched hole as the sensations flow throughout my overwhelmed frame.
"Damn you so noisy, baby. Ooooh fuck, Daddy gone enjoy this shit."
He moves forward, tip of his dick pushing at my opening as I groan in absolute peril at his thickness. Gripping and yanking at the plush carpet, breath punching out as his mean ass pulls back and thrusts into me sharply. The deep rumbling moan in his chest has a warmth lickin up my spine as my lil puss struggles to strangle the first few inches of his fat cock.
"Waitwaitwait. Pleeease Jo, please! Sobig, too much. Juswait, juswait.." I whine, releasing the carpet to slap and push at his toned chest and abs.
"No." Jordan snaps, snatching my wrists together and bringing the blunt back to his lips with his free hand.
"Do what you need to take this dick cept that. Do that shit again and it's up." He says, thick smoke billowing from his nose as he gazes at me ferally.
His pace to start is fuckin lethal. I'm already cock drunk when he pulls out and stabs in half way repeatedly, hastily dropping the blunt back in the ashtray. My toes curl at the feeling of him fucking me so roughly. Each thrust gives way for the next, helps make me even slicker so he can slide in further. It's happening too quick, he's digging me out faster than I can breathe. My freshly waxed eyebrows pull together as I yank at his grip on my wrists.
"Oooh shit, that feels sooo good. Yeeees, y/n. Can't believe I'm in these guts. Mmmmfuck, don't fight it. You wanted this shit, right?" He asks, serving me powerful precise jabs.
I realize now that my lids are shut tight, eyes rolled back; my mouth open wide as I sob at the intense fucking I'm receiving. For the sake of satisfying him I offer two jerky nods to his question, pussy walls fluctuating sporadically around his prick.
"Not even in all th-the way. Gone let me all the way inside ma?"
I wish I could've stopped the involuntary 'nooooo' that I moan but at this point my brain is becoming mush. It should be illegal for how fast Jordans reduced me to an incoherent mess.
"Ahhhhh y/n, thas not nice. Why you so mean to me all the time?"
Jordan's teasing damn near falls on deaf ears as he takes my right ankle and adds it with the other. Freeing my wrists he places a thumb on my clit and rubs quickly, holding both legs over his left shoulder. My hands quickly find their place back into the carpet, yanking handfuls as he sadistically unravels me with pure amusement on his face.
It's a surprise I don't deafen us both with the shrieks being forced from me. His frenzied pace increases as he spears me over and over, staring intently at the way I take his cock. My orgasm is so dangerously fuckin close to the surface and I hope he's ready.
"Oooh my go- shit! Ain't neva had a pussy so tight, so fuckin weeeet round my shit. Gone let me keep her all to myself? Huh ma?"
My crazed chants is the best I can do at this moment as he molds the shape of his dick to my walls. Overwhelmed and overstimulated would be an understatement; finna have me gushin his dick in under 5 and that's a fuckin record for me.
"Good giirrrl, pretty. Ah, ah, this- aahhh God.. This my pussy now y/n. You mine now. Got it?"
Fuck me all these questions don't help my scrambled mind. This a fuckin quiz or something? My response is a garbled jumbled mess of high pitched keens.
"I said do you fuckin understand?" He growls out with one brow raised, passionately drilling my pussy faster.
"YesJo, yeeees! 'M sorry, 'm sorry. SosorryDaddy- please!" I keen in hopes of some type of mercy.
But I get none. Tears track done my cheeks like a heavy rain on a stormy night from being subjugated to this all-consuming pleasure.
"Awww, you look so cute when you cry on my dick baby. Thas it, take it just like that for me. Uhhhfuck, gonna give my perfect princess a big ass nut. Know you want it too y/n; gonna make you leak wit it."
Thanks to his persistence he actually slides into the hilt. I wonder if he can see his long fat cock in my tummy. He's so fuckin big that I wouldn't be surprised. A chuckle reaches my ears as I feel the dam about to burst.
"Mmmm.. Naw ma, wish I could see my fuckin dick in ya tummy-"
Christ, I didn't even know I was voicing my fried ass thoughts. Such a fuckin shame it's at that moment I come and unfortunately miss the rest of his sentence. My cunt compresses the dick that's hell bent on unraveling me from the inside out. The pleasure spikes and my back arches as I fight to accept it. I shake like a leaf as he fucks me fiercely, fingers speeding on my beating little button. A clear stream splatters against his lower body as he praises my efforts.
"Did so good for meeeee, ah ah ah fuck! Mmm, hell yeah y/n! Pleeease gimme my reward! Earned it didn't I? Need it so bad, so fuckin bad! Cuuum baby! Good girl, good girl! GOOD. FUCKIN GIRL!"
I give him two more squirts as he punctuates his words with searingly deep stabs before a heavy warmth blooms in my achy abused little puss. Fuck me, the sensation of Jordan filling my cunt like he owns me is addicting; so damn soothing to the battering I just received. Almost feels like a soothing balm applied to a sore limb. And God damn if he ain't so damn loud as he comes to his end, complementing my poor over used lil puss over and over.
He ceases rubbing my clit to grip both of my legs in a bear hug and creampie me till his nut begins to leak out generously from around his dick. Daddy leaves kisses up and down my calves and legs as he roars out the last of his pleasure. Wish I could snap a pic of the way he tosses his head back before dropping it forward, puffing out heavy grunts of my name; his hips giving stuttering circles as he drains the last bit of his cream into me.
Finally, I'm able to gulp in some air as he hips halt their sweet torture, both of us huffing like we just finished a marathon. Jordan sits back on his haunches, palms sliding down to pull my ass into his lap with both hands. He stays just like that, big dick slowly beginning to soften within me. Daddy looks so fuckin handsome: so damn flushed and sweaty, long damp strands of hair fall into his face; pretty eyes low from smoking and all the work he just put in as he gazes at me with a endearing expression. I press a shaky hand to his chest, feeling his heart race just as fast as mine.
"Get what you need, ma?" He asks, smile dazzling the fuck outta me.
"Yes Daddy."
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galedekarios · 7 months
Do you think it's foolish to think that in the "and more!" we get a Gale fix for his kiss too? Or idk maybe a fix for Wyll's Act 3 romance scene not even popping up? Been wanting to finish the game, my 1st character romanced Gale and I am dead afraid to finish Act 3 with her in case the ending could be bugged with him too... and it makes me miss something.
Then I made a cleric to romace Wyll and he is bugged in Act 3 too...
I feel so let down by Larian at this point... I had a completely new window open with guides (so I won’t miss anything, and as a first time d&d type of gamer, I seriously still need the help with spells n such) and just closed all of them at this point today... I am so mad at them for treating every other companion so much worse than their lil babygirl Astarion (derogatory)...
i don't want to be a downer, anon. i really don't. but honestly? at this point, i'd just not expect much - or anything at all. and if i'm wrong, this way, we all can be pleasantly surprised. i know i would be.
but to be frank... i have been trying to give larian the benefit of the doubt for three years now. the entirety of ea my thought process had been that they need the feedback they asked for and time to refine the game after they take in the prob endless amounts of ideas and critiques that people had, that they have learned a lot of things from their mistakes of dos2 and strive to not repeat them, that they have their own statistics and numbers, which they must be using...
...only for the game to turn out the way it is now.
(and i do want to stress that despite it all - despite many, many, many criticism - i do adore aspects of it over any other game. i feel like i'm obligated to point that out whenever i'm being negative or critical.
it's my favourite game because it has my favourite ocs, my friends' ocs, and gale, who has become my favourite character across media, and some of the stories / arcs contained within it are beautifully done.)
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radioiaci · 2 months
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Wanted to answer all the nice things I was given in one post, so find them under the read-more cuz it's long. <3
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@radiiosugars ⧐ you are a wonderful writer and i enjoy seeing your portrayal! I smile when you're on my dash <3 the little details you include with his perspective really do paint a picture! (and i hope your day gets better! )
WEH THANK YOU SO MUCH SALT, you're a blessing and I wholeheartedly appreciate whenever you spam me on Discord with SILLIES even though I don't always have the capacity to respond right away fjkdjgjdg I LOVE YOUR PORTRAYAL AND YOUR ART TOO and thank you for the kindness 😭
@copaceticjillybean ⧐ You are…soooo good at stuff! Your Alastor portrayal, your art, it’s all just really really cool! I’m always so excited, when I see you post your animatics, or a new drawing, or a reply, because I know it’s gonna brighten up my day a bit! ; I know you’re having a hard time today, but I just wanted you to know that I think you’re really neat and good at what you do. ^w^ ; Oh, and I almost forgot- you’re also just FUN. Like, your ooc posts are just cute and funny, and I like seeing you pop on and tell us what you’re thinking. You’re easy to talk to, and that means a lot, especially for someone like me who can get nervous talking with people >u<;
AAAA THANK YOU, I really do try to be as approachable as possible given the type of person that I am, so I really don't want anyone to feel like they CAN'T talk to me. sometimes the RPC can feel really limited and exclusive and I like to change that in whatever way I can. you are always very kind and fun to write with as well AND I CAN'T WAIT to see what sort of sillies Alastor and Jillian can get up to
@helluvaflames ⧐ I love the way you write Alastor and I'm still loving writing Fizzarolli and him in these scenes. You write Alastor so well and its been so fun to get to know him through our threads!
YES THANK YOU YOU GET ME, I love writin' with your lil Fizzy too! I'm also excited for Alastor and Angel's "date" LOL I'm sure there will be RIDICULOUSNESS there, just knowing how they generally interact. Thank you for putting up with me and my silly deer boy!!
@tinyfieryghost ⧐ YOUR ART IS SIMPLY INCREDIBLE. I love how you draw Alastor and writing with you is always a pleasure! I also love how you write Alastor! Silly guy who can and will murder and maim!!! Also you're great to talk to in general!
LISTEN YOU, YOUR ART IS ALSO PHENOMENAL and I didn't think I genuinely would get as invested into Alastor/Ghost's relationship but him in my brain was just like? ? ? ? "this one is mine? ? ?? actually???" so I MEAN IT JUST HAPPENED THAT WAY and I'm not mad about it. I'M EXCITED for Al's encounter with Reaper fr fr and I love writing with you!!!
@visage-of-hell ⧐ *violently kicks in the door* DID SOMEONE SAY POSITIVITY???? ; Bitch, you're one of the most TALENTED fuckers I know on this site. Amazing writing style? Check. Brilliant character portrayal? Check. AND knock-your-socks-off gorgeous artistic skills to boot???? Dude, you are a triple threat of sheer creative genius--don't you DARE be doubting that for even a second!
WUH HUH BUH LISTEN you are ALSO very talented and I VERY MUCH love writing with Al and Vis together because they're a real ENEMY TO LOVER ARC MAYBE? AND I KNOW IT'S SLOW MOVING BECAUSE ALASTOR IS STUPID but I LOVE IT ALSO??? Thank you my friend, I love to talk with you too and share funny sillies and fawn over them being so STUPID
@damnedrainbows ⧐ //you’re one of my favorite alastors and truthfully I admired from the sidelines for a while because I felt inadequate hehehehe I can!t wait to interact with our muses more and see where it go for him and lucifer ; also forgot to tack on, amazing artist ; like seriously I link my friends your art all the time on discord lol
WHAT???? ONE OF UR FAVS???? STOPPIT. That always means a ton to me, especially because I know how many TALENTED and wonderful writers there are playing Alastor out there so that RLY MAKES ME FEEL GOOD AND VALUED and YOUR writing is also fantastic! Al/Lucifer's first thread is so weirdly deep after starting off as like almost a meme and I'm LIVING for it LOL. AND I'M GLAD YOU LIKE MY ART LMAO maybe some day I'll draw something like actual serious for people to share jgdljgd but I enjoy drawing shitpost Al too much BUT THANK YOU this means a lot.
@lilitophidian ⧐ HEEEEY YOU, I LOVE YOUR LITTLE DEER, AND WE GOT SOME DOPE ASS SHIT GOING ON LIKE??? your writing is so fucking good I wanna do more threads with you at some point even though I have verbal diarrhea ; BUT YOU DESERVE THE BEST LIKE I TAKE TIME ON MY REPLIES TO YOU SO THEY ARE GOOD EATS??? Like, let me love on ya!!! ; Also your art ; I'd tattoo the pink dress wearing Alastor on my body fr
MY LIL DEER BOY YES I'M SO EXCITED for him to be.... tortured... mercilessly (that sounds bad LMAO) but LISTEN we are both wordy and I do NOT hate that one bit, I EAT IT UP YUMYUM gimmi all that good good exposition and artsy prose I LOVE that shit and you do it SO WELL. Also thank you for recommending frilly pink dress Alastor, I think he will never live that one down LMAO.
@ducktastic-dad ⧐ you are SO funny and sweet pascall, i love writing with you ( and your writing is amazing obviously i cannot live without it ) but even just our conversations ooc bring me lots of joy !! you have fantastic art and i am FLOORED by how creative you are ! thank you for making me funny shitposts and indulging my horrible brainrot 😭💜
I'M GRABBING YOU AND SHAKING YOU BY THE SHOULDERS listen the fact that you have put up with my dumbass over the last few weeks just constantly spamming you with radioapple shit means that you should get some type of AWARD HONESTLY. every IC interaction we have is so good and whenever you reply I'm like *VACCUUM NOISES* as i ABSORB IT. YOU're the one indulging MY horrible brainrot and u know what there's something beautiful about that. THANK YOU ily ily
Thank you all for such kind words, it really did make me feel better about my poopy day. <3
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(Not) small ramble.
This is why I love Tumblr, I can make text posts that aren’t on Twitter.
This whole situation with the Talbert files and the Pinkypills thing made me realize how immature the fnaf fandom has become. Like I thought I felt something change by the time Security Breach came out, but it became glaringly obvious when the Scott Doxx happened a while ago.
As soon as that happened, people were more quick to be angry at Scott's decisions that should not be public in the first place, than at the person who leaked that info "for the lolz." Like okay I understand if you're concerned where your money's going after knowing that, but then that should be the case for all transactions ever.
Then, the "in regards to whether the books are canon or not, yes." And then people got mad at him for not answering directly, or it just went over their heads and now they think the books are canon. Like guys, he's a troll, that's how he always is.
And in 2023, we had all the Fanverse drama, and people getting way too heated over different theories.
The Movie hate I have a theory for.
If you were in the fandom around 2015/2016, you might remember how often fnaf got generalized 'for kids' online, or that a large portion of the fandom were kids, so therefore it was cringe. (This is at cringe culture's peak btw.) Years later, the "fnaf vhs horror" videos introduced a more mature portrayal than the source material. I don't have tiktok, but I imagine clips of these got reposted like crazy. This lead to fans that left a while ago and 'cringe haters' to be like "oOOh what did I miss?👀" They are now in a state of "SEE, FNAF ISNT FOR KIDS, SEE?? SEE???" Cringe denial. Then, when the movie came out, they had their expectations ramped up for a gore fest in a similar style, but failed to realize Fnaf was always campy with little to no gore. This is why the table fort scene is "so controversial." Then, some other people who liked the movie, just not that scene, were coping with, "THEYRE JUST KIDS" or "THEY TRYING TO TRICK ABBY INTO TRUSTING HER." The former is more believable, but you can easily just chalk it up to, "They're entertainer robots. They're built to have fun. The murdery is the twist."
Then VR2 happened, which like a bottle of soda pop, went flat really fast. We were still doing things in VR1 longer when that came out.
And now we're at our second drought. The first one was in 2017 before fnaf 6. And again, people are throwing a fit about Scott "defending" pinkypills, and not at the person pretending to be Scott. It's not as bad as the first time, but it's notable. Which by the way, the way he handles these types of situations is very serious and mature from any other content creator. However, I feel like he just doesn't know where to draw the "okay what in tarnation??" line, because he fired the other artist for doing the same things.
Overall, the fandom has become really whiney about every little thing recently. I think it's because from 2014-2016, we were very centered with fan-creativity, and now, since there is too much content to digest at once for newcomers, we have become very centered with theories and lil blues clues. It also doesn't help that there isn't any new content to dwell on, so we're all stuck with eachother.
Twice in Dawkos interview, Scott says something along the lines of no matter the lore, all he cares about is that is characters are enjoyed.
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clandestinegardenias · 4 months
okay so i just invented a new game, you take your 3 most recently liked songs on Spotify (or the first 3 that pop up on shuffle, whichever you want) and you have to 1) choose a line from each song to be a fic title and 2) tell me the genre of fic it would be and any other fic description you feel inspired to include.
I'll go first.
HISS by Megan Thee Stallion
Fic title: Bodies on Bodies on Bodies on Bodies
Genre: this is a horror/pwp fic, somehow, like there's an orgy going on but also angsty sickening flashbacks to scenes of gore and death
2. Uproar by Lil' Wayne & Swizz Beatz
Fic title: Then the Sun Died (The Night is Young Though)
Genre: Okay this one is definitely a The Terror fic set in Arctic winter when the sun never rises. A collection of perspective shifts, slice-of-life-style, following various crew members as they go about their business over the period of a single night
3. Lovin' on Me by Jack Harlow
Fic title: If You Came With a Man, Let Go of His Hand
Genre: Jealousy and misunderstanding, attending a formal event and one of them comes with an unexpected date. There is absolutely a scene where a character says "May I cut in?" and replaces the other character's date in a dance with them.
Tag folks if you want!
I'm tagging @anthonymire @l-tyrell @plutoshark @sunlaire @jkrockin @rcmclachlan @atkeks @yeetlegay @emilianadarling
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eddieschains · 1 year
Totally self-indulgent request of Joe crushing on his photographer on a shoot or photographer's assistant, lil fluffy, lil bit flirty, lil bit sexy...I don't mind it's up to you!! Poor baby is getting all distracted and reader is smitten with him too!!
No pressure to write this babe 🖤
Kat 😘
anything for you my love @choke-me-eddie 🤍
hopefully i did this justice
TW: 18+, rpf (don’t like it don’t read it), p in v sex, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), mutual masturbation, quick consent checks, brief mentions of plan b and birth control
Being a photographer always had it’s ups and downs. You loved what you did and the creative initiative you had with it, but it wasn’t the most stable job in the world. Most of the time you had to work part time in cafes, restaurants or supermarkets to help keep up with the bills.
You were mainly shooting weddings, graduation photos, and the occasional concert. You had a decent following on your instagram, but the jobs just weren’t flowing in like you’d expect. Until one day, you got an email from a London acting agency. They said they had seen your work, and were looking for a photographer for a magazine shoot for one of their clients.
To say you were excited would be an understatement, even saying you were over the moon would’ve been. The clients name was Joseph Quinn. You heard his name flying around social media lately, knowing he was up and coming in the acting scene based on his work on the latest season of Stranger Things.
You packed your equipment and a few days worth of clothes. The shoot was only for a couple hours, but you lived a few hours away from London so you decided to make a small trip out of it and maybe go visit some old friends who had moved down there.
You check into your hotel, and pull out your laptop, going over all the details for tomorrow in your email. The excitement was definitely there, but the closer tomorrow got, the more anxious you became. You thought it might just be best for you to make some tea, pop on some netflix, and try to go to sleep.
The morning greeted you with a soft whisper of light through the window as you get ready, trying to look as professional as possible without looking like you’re trying too hard. You hop on the train, camera bag in hand, leg shaking involuntarily. You know that if this goes well it could be really big for you, and that’s the main source of your anxiety.
You watched Stranger Things, but didn’t know a ton about Joseph. Just that he was the hot new piece of meat in hollywood right now. You didn’t google him, not wanting to have any pre-conceived notions. You were just hoping and praying that he wasn’t going to be an asshat diva of a person to work with.
Walking into the set, you were immediately greeted by who you understood to be his assistant or his manager, your brain was a bit foggy at the moment and wasn’t really paying attention to the fine details.
“Hello! Welcome! You must be y/n?” The older woman smiles, reaching her arms out for a hug.
“Hi, yeah that’s me. Thank you so much for reaching out to me for this project, im beyond thrilled.” You send a soft smile her way.
“Of course! The team loved your work, we’re so glad to have you here. Let me show you where we’ll be shooting and you can get set up!” She leads you down the corridor into a large room, already set up with lights and props and a rack of clothes. She leaves you to get set up while she runs off to check on Joe.
His team provided you with a lot, so your set up didn’t take too long. About 20 minutes later you hear some chattering voices walking on to the set. Feeling a hand taking place in the middle of your back, you turn around.
“Hi, nice to meet you, i’m Joe.” Oh.My.Fucking.God. Was this man crafted by God himself? He looked different from his character on Stranger Things. Older. Bigger. Stronger. You could feel the heat rushing in your cheeks, and knew it was visible to anyone with a pair of eyeballs.
“Hi, im y/n. I’ll be shooting you today.” Stay professional.
“Yeah, i actually looked at some of your work. Very talented. Shall we get started?” He claps his hands together, rubbing them in a circular motion.
The shoot was going so well. You weren’t quite sure what you were expecting, but it was definitely better than what you had in mind. He was so fun, so charismatic, and open to any ideas you had.
It was nearing the end of the shoot, you had gotten a lot of great pictures but wanted one last pose from him. You were trying to get him to cross his foot over the other, with his knee bent out but it just was not working for him.
“Here, let me-“ You walked over to him, physically moving his legs around, and molding them to your liking. You felt a rush of heat move down his legs at your touch, but tried to push it to the back of your head.
You took your place back behind your camera, and noticed there was a bulge peeking through his trousers. A bigger bulge than what had already been there. He had a fucking boner.
“All right, i think we got some great pics. Why don’t we call it there?” You decide to end it, not wanting him to feel embarrassed. Plus, in your experience, editing boners out of pictures could be a bit of a bitch.
He scatters off to his dressing room quickly, as you start to pack up all of your equipment. The woman that greeted you earlier comes up behind you to say a few words before also packing up and leaving.
“Thank you so much for doing this, i think we got some really great shots. I’ve got a meeting i have to attend so i’m going to head out, but you can leave whenever you want to. Tony at the front desk will lock up behind you.“ She turns to walk away, “Oh! Also, Joe wanted to see you. His room is the second to the right.” She smiles before jogging out the door.
You walk up to his room, wondering what on earth he would want to see you for, thinking about everything that you could’ve possibly done wrong. You knock before opening the door slightly, “Hey Joe, Melissa told me you want to see me?”
“Yeah yeah, come in love.” You feel a throbbing in your pants at his words. “I just wanted to say thank you, and i had a lot of fun today. Uhm and,” He grabs your face and kisses you passionately. You haven’t been kissed like this in months. The throbbing grows more intense, before he quickly pulls away. “God, im so sorry. I don’t usually do this i swear. I just,” You take the initiative in grabbing his face, pulling him in for another passionate kiss.
Your lips are dancing with each other, and you can feel the hardening tent in his pants pushing against your thigh. You walk him over to the chair he was sitting in, lips never leaving each other’s, before he’s pushed back into it. You climb on top, straddling him before pulling your mouth off of his.
“Is this okay?” You ask before going any further.
“Baby, you can do anything you want to me right now. Just please touch me.” You slide off his lap, and place your knees on the floor. Your hand makes its way up from his ankle, until it reaches the bulge you were staring at all session.
He lets out a soft whimper as your hand ghosts over his crotch. You press your palm firmly into his lap, grabbing and rubbing his already hard dick through his pants.
You look up at him, asking for permission to continue, as he nods. You unbutton his jeans and slowly pull them down his legs, taking his boxers with them. His cock springs out the top, and you swear you’ve never seen a more beautiful sight. It’s big, bigger than you thought it would be, and thick. If someone asked you what the perfect cock looked like, you would point them in this man’s direction.
You don’t waste any time teasing him, sinking your mouth down fully, taking his entire length into your mouth until it hits the back of your throat.
“Holy fuck- yeah suck my cock baby. Just like that.” He moans, as his hands take place in your hair. You’re bobbing your head up and down, keeping just the right pace. He pulls your hair harder every time he hits the back of your throat, and you can feel your panties getting soaked through.
“Can i- can i fuck you baby? I’m gonna cum soon and i’d love it to be in your cunt.” You don’t respond. Instead, you stand up from your place on the floor, sliding your underwear off underneath your dress, keeping eye contact with him the entire time.
He’s sitting back, hand rubbing up and down his own member while he watched you. You lift the bottom of your dress, giving him access to your dripping pussy, and do the same. Rubbing your own fingers up and down in between your folds. You’re both staring at each other, watch the other get themselves off, as the room turns into nothing but a mixture of moaning and wet sounds filling the space.
Once you’ve worked yourself up enough, you climb back on top of him, slowly guiding his cock inside of you. It takes a second to adjust to his size, but once you do start moving, it’s as if you died and went to heaven.
Throwing your head back in pleasure, Joe attaches his lips to your neck. He immediately finds your sweet spot, and starts sucking.
“Oh my fucking god, Joe. You feel so fucking good.” You’re moving your hips in circles as he grabs two fistfuls of your ass, rubbing your cheeks as you continue to ride him. “My god im gonna cum already, can i come for you Joe?”
He lifts his head from his spot on your neck, “Yeah, come for me baby. Wanna feel your juices on my fat cock.” That was enough for you to explode. Your nails dig into the back of his shoulders, as your walls are clenching around him.
“Shit shit shit.” He groans into your ear, as you feel his hot load shooting up inside of you.
You rest your head on his shoulder, as your breathing starts to calm down. He places his arms around you, holding you in place as you try to come down.
Once you’re able to breathe normally again, you lift yourself off of him, putting your underwear back on as he does the same.
“I’m sorry i came inside you. i can give you money for plan b if you need it.” He says, as he buttons his pants back up.
“Don’t worry, im on birth control. Should be fine.” You smile back at him.
He stands up, gathering his things before walking you out the door.
“Hey do you wanna go get a drink?” He asks, jingling his car keys in front of you.
You smile, “Sure, i’d love that.”
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allys-diary · 2 months
stories i om-nom-nom'd :: april 2024 (week 1)
Considering that this is my first week of full on unemployment since 2016, this is also probably the first time I've purely had time just to myself. So you bet ur souls I nom'd a whole lot of media this week.
As usual, expect spoilers, you've been warned. Everything below the cut:
Mulan (1998)
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This was a rewatch and I honestly just had it on because I wanted something in the background while I was cleaning, but also I was having such a blast singing and dancing along to the soundtrack. And also I just wanna take this moment to say that Yao, Ling, and Chien Po were the realest ones in this movie because they were so unfazed by the reveal that their new friend Ping was actually a woman and all they cared about was trying to stop Shang because they thought he was gonna execute her. And then when she popped up at the palace going "Hey guys! I have an idea" they just dropped everything and didn't even hesitate to put on a dress and makeup.
Like I need friends like that, their loyalty is unmatched 👏👏👏
Also the Emperor becoming Mulan's wingman at the end was something I forgot and I cackled so loud watching that scene over 😂
Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
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I'll be so real and tell y'all that I put off watching this movie for the longest time because I've seen so much hype around it, and when I see smth like that I have one of two possible responses. I either immediately jump on it the second it releases…or I procrastinate. But watching this was honestly so much fun and even though I didn't watch the first movie, I could still feel Winnie's devastation when she watched her sisters fall victim into a yassified Thanos snap. Although honestly I do feel like this was just natural consequence doing its thing, like Book really tried to warn her so many times, so really this is just "Fuck around and find out (Winnifred's Version)".
I will say though, that something I felt was lacking was the building of the characters of the new witches. It feels like the movie was made with the hopes that people would go in this with so much nostalgia for the first movie and that would be enough to carry the entire project without having to do much on actually telling us who these new witches are, and why we should root for them. The dynamic between the three girls felt very much like it was telling rather than showing that Becca would be the leader but she's going to put in the work to make them all have equal footing, while in contrast, the Sanderson sisters had a dynamic that drew you in and showed you from even the first scene that Sarah and Mary were treated by Winnie as subordinates rather than sisters.
There was just enough hints at the end that there's a movement for a third Hocus Pocus movie to be greenlit because there's still one more black flame candle, and that was more than enough for me to blurt out the words "Gilbert, you lil bitch".
On a lighter note tho…the flying roombas and the performance number were a few of the highlights of the movie that kinda make me wanna watch it again…Ohh and Hannah Waddingham as Witch Mother 100% had me going "this better not awaken anything in me"
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nvm…too late
tv shows
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
I can't watch the shows in order because my streaming services really said "fuck your binging rights", so I have 0 context on overarching series arcs, but I watch what I can.
Season 21, Episode 1: They created a whole ass MeToo episode and it was so well-written I actually had to take a second to remind myself that this was acting and to hold off on hating Ian McShane because he portrayed his whole "sleazy media mogul with a whole ass casting couch" persona eerily well. One of the things I'm steadily coming to appreciate with the series is that they're not shying away from touching on current issues, and I personally cannot wait for the incoming seasons and they start taking jabs at Sickelodeon--I mean Nickelodeon.
Also Hadid deserves jail time she needs to be taken down ALL the pegs. If Hadid has 0 haters, I am dead.
Season 21, Episode 2: Speaking of not shying away from sensitive issues, this was a doozy and a half because it was really subliminally heavy on the victim blaming. Reagan's "friends" for one are some insane pieces of work just damn near scoffing when they were told "your friend might have been assaulted" and going "yeah probably not she has a whole bunch of crazy antics". And that utterly disheartening moment when the team realizes that if this actually does go to trial, that she might not win because the defense could spin a story about "her wanting it" because of her history and her sexcapades with a bunch of other guys.
In the name of fully supporting women's wrongs, I fully support Reagan going full "I Spit on Your Grave" on these bastards 😤 That and I'd fully be on board with a movie where Ariel Winter goes the vigilante & revenge route.
Sidenote: This is why I hate that I can't stream all the seasons because I have no idea what happened to Olivia in the previous season that was called back to in the final scene with Reagan where she said she knows that Reagan will survive because she survived.
Season 10, Episode 22: Okay so I knew from the jump when Stuckey was introduced that either he wouldn't be around for long because he was gonna screw something up which would result in him getting fired (or at the very least transferred to another department far away from interacting with people), or he'd get an improvement arc where he suddenly became an invaluable asset to the team. What I didn't think was gonna happen was that he was going to go on a murder spree in an attempt to manipulate events so he could overcorrect on a mistake that he made from being way too lax and honestly kind of arrogant.
I just know that Benson went like this the second they had him in custody:
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Undercover: Blood Bonds
Chapter 3: We get introduced to Vera's former coworker (and possibly ex) Gabe, revealing that before she became a journalist, she was a detective, and he's not too happy about her career shift. In the chapter outro, we get a flashback of Lilly looking like she's going through it and has been keeping a diary to write her feelings down. This flashback might be of the night that Lilly disappeared, maybe the last time Vera saw her sister alive.
Chapter 4: Jericho's a mysterious new figure that makes his entrance by walking into Club (no really, the club's name is "Club") without being carded by Hank, the bouncer. Also he has red eyes. Vera managed to swipe Lilly's journal from the crime scene and she finds out that the last time her sister wrote in there was the night that Vera left the city to go back home.
Chapter 5: Vera's in a competition with Crystal over who gets to keep the job at Club because only one of them can stay after the week's over, and knowing she doesn't have a shot, Crystal sabotages Vera by "accidentally" dropping her lipstick on the floor so that Vera slips and falls and breaks a tray full of glasses. Hank mentions that the previous barmaid Daisy would've been useful to know what happened to Lilly, and the very end shows a flashback that Jericho met Lilly the last time she went to Club and bought her a drink.
Chapter 6: Jericho buys a drink for the new DJ, Bluejay, but doesn't score with her because she has a gig and she's determined to stick to schedule (which is finish her shift at 4am). Hank tells Vera that Daisy was head over heels for Jericho when she used to work at Club, and a flashback reveals Daisy trying to discourage him from chatting up Lilly because she's "just a kid". He's unfazed by that (red flag alert red flag alert woop woop das da sound of da police)
Chapter 7: Vera turns down Jericho's sleazy attempts to buy her a drink and invite her back to his place after shift, and he denies ever having seen Lilly when he's shown a picture of her, claiming that "she's not his type". Then he immediately rebounds in a record 0.5 seconds with the next girl that shows up (and serving her orders becomes our side quest for this level). Outro showcases Hank's green flag status offering his coworkers to drive them home since it's so late, and ends with him driving Vera to the police station so she can check on the status of the investigation.
Chapter 8: We play as Crystal in this level and let me tell you now, I hate it here. She goads on Vera for being "sluggish" and having a bad day and sucks up big time to the boss Mr Smirnov with "grand plans" to improve clientele, which of course gets him going and has him leaning towards granting her the permanent staff position. Then Gabe calls Vera with disappointing news and tells her he'll just give her the apartment keys after work.
Chapter 9: Gabe goes to Club to hand over Vera's apartment keys, which gives us our side quest for this level where we serve Gabe his orders for the night. When he releases the apartment back to Vera, he reveals that Lilly's ex-boyfriend Sam is the prime suspect. He also lets slip that their chief's trying to prioritize the case of a missing barmaid (most likely Daisy). We also get a flashback of what is probably the night Lilly disappeared, where she comes home to find Sam waiting in the dark, angry over her coming in late.
Delicious: True Love
Stage 3, Day 8: Philippe, a horny mustachio'd guy that made the moves on Emily back in Stage 2 and ends up having to share a passenger cart with her on the train, asks Emily about why she's so attached to Jean-Paul's letter. She tells him that she and JP had a summer thing when they were 16, and she wrote him a letter and thought he'd never replied. Turns out he did and the letter arrived a little late…like 16 years late. She says it's fate, but Philippe drops hints that maybe what fate was really trying to do was to make her cross paths with him along the way. He's really down bad for her and it's getting a bit painful to witness, tbh.
Stage 3, Day 9: Philippe writes a review for Fresco's Diner Express (the train restaurant…ohh also, Philippe's a renowned food critic), which he tears into pieces when Emily tells him "you're sweet but my heart's with someone else" and calls her a silly naive American girl whose head's filled with frilly "plastic" Hollywood love stories. Typical "I'm a nice guy" behavior, part of him still thinking that Emily "owes" him after he voluntarily bought her a ticket so she won't be kicked out the train. He tries to make amends when she goes back and gives him his torn up review that she taped back together, and says he's happy to stay friends.
Now see here I wanna believe that he means that, but I've seen "nice guy" behavior. They're never happy staying friends. They're like not-so-silent red flags 😤😤
Stage 3, Day 10: It's Emily's final day on the train and Fresco's a bit emotional because she's helped him so much (he's precious we must protect him at all costs). Philippe shows up at the end to wish Emily goodbye and good luck, finding her suitcase at the station that's now filled with a whole bunch of notes from her mother (she's another thing I don't even wanna touch on right now), and gives her the details of a restaurant where he believes she'll find Jean-Paul.
I'm now looking at the chapter titles for Stage 4, which takes place at a restaurant called "Chez Jean-Paul", and ngl y'all I'm scared. There's one here that says "A Bitter Blow" and something tells me Emily's not actually ending up with JP at the end of this story. Lemme just…preemptively sharped a pitchfork real quick…
Stage 4, Day 1: Emily's arrived at Jean-Paul's restaurant but he's not around, and she offers her assistance to the sole employee manning the place. Said sole employee then takes off to go to an appointment. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The day ends, still no JP, so she goes off to explore Paris and becomes so enamored with the place seeing all these couples so madly in love. Even the birds have their own love stories going on.
Imma tell y'all right now I have so many fears--
Stage 4, Day 2: Emily sees some flowers that remind her of Patrick (the boy next door who delivers flowers to her restaurant back home in Snuggford) and she has a moment where she's just happily remembering him before she up and decides to get some flowers for Jean-Paul. The day ends with her running into JP and him needing to jog his memory (it's been 16 years, so I can kinda understand), which really only kicks into gear when Emily starts reciting lines from his letter. They share a hug and they seem happy but…that chapter title from earlier is still giving me fears--
Stage 4, Day 3: Emily and Jean-Paul are catching up with each other, and that's really what the whole day revolves around. There was a side quest in this level where you'd have to tap on JP when he shows up because he's having a food fight with Emily while serving customers. He says a bit about her being worth waiting for, and they share a kiss. And here's where I have some critique for the story writers and game developers…
If y'all didn't want us to anticipate the twists, the chapter titles should have been hidden until the player reaches said level. Now I know that Emily's bound for heartbreak at JP's hands which makes it easy not to root for this relationship. Y'all should've pulled out the rug from under our feet without the early warning device. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Stage 4, Day 4: Ohh no. Ohh fuckque no I hate it here. Emily's over the moon and tells her new florist friend Amelie that she's reunited with her first love, and Amelie's equally excited because she thinks her boyfriend's about to propose after she's been dropping hints for the last six months. The chapter ends with Jean-Paul in a hurry and promising to see Emily later, but in his rushing he didn't see that a goddamn ring box fell out his pocket.
To quote Dr Swift herself, "I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending" 😖😖
Stage 4, Day 5: Jean-Paul's clearly in a bit of distress because he can't find something, which opens up our side quest for this level, putting the ring back in his coat pocket. There's also an inscription on the ring about "love being a flower" which makes me even more convinced that this ring isn't for Emily, but rather someone else whose name sounds like "Emily". JP then asks Emily to go away with him and see the countryside, to which she says "Yes" because now she's convinced he's gonna propose to her there.
Stage 4, Day 6: Emily and Amelie make promises to each other to attend each other's weddings, both clearly excited about where their relationships are headed (meanwhile I'm here fully convinced that they're seeing the same man). At the end of the day, Emily asks Jean-Paul if they're going to see each other later that night but he says that he has "a prior engagement", but that he intends to whisk her away to the countryside the next night. So lemme just get this straight…he's gonna propose and get engaged to his long-time girlfriend (most likely Amelie), and he's turning Emily into an unwitting other woman by starting something with her without ever even once thinking that "Ohh oopsies I probably should've told her I have a whole ass relationship and I'm already in the proposal stage".
If OG story Jean-Paul has 0 haters, I am dead 😤
Stage 4, Day 7: The day starts off with Jean-Paul starting to wave his red flag loud and proud by showing annoyance at the sound of a child crying because he got a splinter, which has Emily side-eyeing him while she tended to the kid to get the splinter out. There's no side quest in this level, and the day ends with JP postponing their getaway because a friend of his is in town and "he hasn't seen him in so long and he wants to catch up".
Yeah no…I'm sharpening a pitchfork…
Stage 4, Day 8: Aaaaaand here it is. Big confirmations that this story's Jean-Paul is a piece of work that deserves to have da pipi chopped off. The day starts with Emily not having heard from him, the guy not even bothering to check on his restaurant that he claims he gave his entire life to just to earn his star rating, mind you. And it ends with Emily going to spend some time with Amelie, who reveals that she's engaged. They're planning a double date, when they see JP with another woman and kissing her ("haven't seen him in a long time" my ass). The two women reveal to each other in their shock that they've been seeing the same man, and Amelie's immediately on whack-a-cheater mode, while Emily breaks down in tears.
Stage 4, Day 9: We love Amelie in this household, she's a complete girl's girl, not even spending a single second even remotely annoyed at Emily and immediately goes in to hug her when they see each other again. She just hates that she wasted her time and moved to Paris for trash bag Jean-Paul. She walks off before the level starts, vowing to have her revenge. Then Philippe arrives excited to see Emily again and telling her he's had Chez Jean-Paul on his schedule to review, which kicks off this level's side quest of bringing him his orders. Amelie shows up at the end of the level, dousing the final dish that Emily serves Philippe with a heaping dose of hot sauce (high key hoping it's some Carolina Reaper levels of burn).
Philippe writes a review that will take away the restaurant's star rating, and JP goes rabid telling the two women that they ruined his life and "all because he couldn't help that he loved women", to which Emily pushes him into the fountain and Amelie delivers this absolute banger of a line:
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Stage 4, Day 10: There isn't much to this day other than Emily saying goodbye to her new friends, and Amelie reminding her that one day they'll attend each other's weddings. We also have Nadia finally getting the quote right. "Love is the flower that grows in front of you." That sends Emily into another round of tears, and giving us as the viewer the glaring red neon sign that's been there since Stage 1, Day 1.
Delicious World
Season 2, Episode 3, Part 7: This bit focuses more on Frank and Monet's side story, where Monet's cooking his boyfriend a simple risotto and Frank's trying to be reassuring that people would still love his recipes even if he pivots and tries to make simpler dishes, because what would matter is the taste. They have a discussion about what the people would think if he changed up his cooking style, and it led to how his reputation would be "ruined" if he comes out and reveals Frank to be his boyfriend, and sweet little pretend-Health Inspector boi says he's fine with staying private.
Sweet babey noooooo…you deserve better than to be hidden away in a corner 😤
Season 2, Episode 3, Part 8: Speaking of keeping relationships hidden…Jean-Paul's doing the exact opposite, constantly risking it all just to kiss his bb on the cheek out in public where anyone can see. And he shoots down the rumor about him and Shuvani. This is where it's giving me so much whiplash to play both this and True Love at the same time because while the original story's JP is a walking talking red flag, this one's steadily looking more and more like a green flag that I'm almost sad for him that he won't end up with Emily in the end. 😩
Gallery Coloring
If you're familiar with those games where you have to decorate your house/garden/cafe after completing enough levels or earning enough stars from completing levels, that's essentially the whole concept of Gallery. Except the levels are color by number that have varying difficulties.
The story I'm at right now is Leo and Mia (our main characters) are trying to get their friends Paul and Vivian, who've been crushing on each other, to make up and try their hand at a first date again, since the first one didn't go through because of Paul's outstanding levels of misfortune. Vivian's pissed and doesn't even want to look at Paul, let alone hear him out, and instead talks out what she wants to tell him by telling Leo what she appreciates about his and Mia's relationship in a way that's not so subtly criticizing and reading Paul for filth.
Meanwhile these four are all working together trying to get the cafe they've been renovating into a presentable enough state before an art critic named DeWitt comes in to meet with Mia and discuss her works.
There's also a Festival Season event that I'm trying to work through, which is just a mini story of Leo teaching his wife the ways of partying in a music festival.
Hello Kitty Island Adventure
A new update released this week, and gave us a few new morsels of lore. We go on a quest that spans 4 days to bring together Hapidanbui for a performance in hopes of reminding the Island Spirit that old long-running friendships are something to be cherished and hopefully heal her heart a little bit more and get her to open up a bit more to the idea of seeing her old friends again.
There was also a shorter quest that involved us bringing back weather into the island and getting it to rain with the restoration of the Aquafaller, so now it can rain throughout the biomes of the island, revealing blue flowers to water that will reward you with raindrops that can be traded for new furnitures and clothing items.
youtube & tiktok channels that got my watch minutes
India Rose Crawford
If y'all haven't seen the knitted frog stop motion animation videos yet, let me put you on because the way she has gotten to make these motions so smooth, it's like she's breathed life into this cute lil knitted frog?? Like, da fuckque??
SWOOP is one of those creators where when I see that she's posted something new, I wanna drop everything and watch through the entire video no matter how long it is. The new video she dropped this week was an hour and a half long, and she talks about Amanda Bynes and the devastating downfall of her career. If my heart wasn't breaking enough for her, it's just shattered now, and I just hope that whatever she's doing, that she's genuinely happy and giving herself the room and the patience to heal at her own pace.
Also, if Dan "The Foot Man" Schneider has zero haters, I am dead. Jail. Electric chair. 😤😤
Alexa Nikolas
While I can't find it in me to recommend a Trisha Paytas video, that's shockingly what's gonna happen right now, because Alexa made an appearance on Trisha's podcast "Just Trish" this week, talking about her experience in the set of Zoey 101, the abusive chapter of her life where she was a victim of child SA by her ex-husband and the cover up made by parties in the music industry that ultimately led her to starting Eat Predators. And while I do have my opinions on Trisha, I do have to give credit where credit is due and give them my respect for giving Alexa the time and space to share her story and let the emotions flow and not butting in with any potentially disruptive questions and adjusting accordingly when the mood shifts.
Also every single part of me itches so bad whenever I get reminded that she and most likely the rest of the cast don't actually get any residuals from Nickelodeon. Like excuse you?? After all those reruns that are still going to this day, and none of the child talents that helped y'all make those shows happen see a single cent of it?? What the whole grain full fat buttery fuckery is this??
ASMeRi Eats
On a lighter note, lemme share with y'all a mukbang video that had me going full on out of character and craving shrimp
Quinton Reviews
Quinton's become quite notorious for releasing videos that do deep dives of series that span anywhere from 2 to 21 hours. No, really…his Sam & Cat videos are a total of 21 hours spread across 3 videos.
Well this week a new video dropped on the Beverly Hillbillies, this time hosted by his father because Quinton's off hard at work on another project. And this video from his dad has a runtime of 38.5 hours. My eye's twitching just thinking about it, but for some reason I've started to watch it and I'm nowhere near even the 25% mark, but I'll ease my way through in multiple sessions.
stories to om-nom-nom next
Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Imagination Celebration Event
Not quite sure how much story they're gonna put into this event, but I hope that there's a good bit in it because there's castles and cute lil medieval fairy tale vibe type costumes involved, and also they're calling Kuromi "Spooky Queen Kuromi" so there's gotta be something there, right?
The Bricklayer
Honestly I just wanna watch this because Nina Dobrev's in it. I barely even remember what was in the trailer.
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That's all for this week. Considering that I'm on vacation mode, chances are next week's post is gonna be even longer than this. I apologize in advance 🫡
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dandywonderous · 1 year
ROTTMNT Bad Things Happen Bingo #1: Crush Injury
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Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Characters: Donnie, Leo (Raph a lil bit)
Square: Crush Injury
Warnings: Serious Injury, Vomiting
Notes: HELLO I started a new thing... I’ve been wanting to do a BTHB forever and decided to crush (heh) my current brainrot up against it. I may break and do other fandoms if I get an idea but right now my main thing I wanna do is hurt the Disaster Twins a lot (I’m sorry) (they’re very punchable). 
I really intended for this to be just a drabble thing where I wrote like 500-1000 words as a break from my long fic but uhhhhhh that ended up not happening LMAO THIS FIC IS 3K WORDS WHY... 
I’m not taking requests for this challenge, sorry unless you’re a moot and then maybe if you really wanna see something specific let me know.
I’m posting these on tumblr first and then they’ll hit AO3 later that day/the next day/whenever I feel like it sometimes I forget okay
Crush Injury
Donnie is shoulder deep in one of his machines when the power goes out with a loud pop.
He grumbles to himself, pulling back a bit, as the emergency lights come on, casting everything in an eerie red. If he’s lucky, this is just a temporary blackout, and he can get back to work soon enough.
Several seconds pass, and the power doesn’t show any sign of coming back on. Donnie mutters a quiet, “Sigh,” into the room; he’ll have to stop for now. If this continues past a few minutes he’ll fire up the backup generator.
He starts to pull his arm back, pushing out of the stool he was sitting on to stand, except he isn’t paying enough attention in the dark - he accidentally shoves the stool into his jack, and it shakes and then falls back with a clatter.
The heavy metal it was holding up crashes down on his arm with a sickening crunch.
The air is punched out of Donnie, leaving him breathless and wheezing. There’s a ringing in his ears, a rising taste of bile in his mouth, and then the pain catches up to him - searing, throbbing waves of heat that wash over his whole body at a fast tempo.
His immediate instinct is to jerk away from the thing hurting him, but the violent wrenching on his shoulder reminds him that he can’t do that, because his arm, his arm is stuck, his arm is-
He vomits, bile and mostly digested bits of his lunch pooling at his feet. He would be more disgusted by it if conscious thoughts were registering, but his brain is quickly overwhelmed with panic.
He’s going to lose his arm. And he’ll be lucky if it’s just that, if he’s not trapped here forever, if he doesn’t die of blood loss before anyone finds him, if-
He sucks a breath through his teeth, desperately trying to think. He has to think, if he panics, he’ll die.
The power is still off, red light all that illuminates the grizzly scene. His phone is on a table just out of reach, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N powered down.
“H-help…” His voice trembles and barely carries through the empty room. He sucks in air again, desperately, wincing against the overwhelming pain, and tries again, harder. “Help…! Help!”
It doesn’t matter, because he soundproofed the lab. Even if he could yell louder than he is, they wouldn’t hear him.
Despairing, Donnie slumps against the machine. He knows he should be taking stock of the injury, trying to determine how much of his arm is actually still in there, how much is damaged, but he can’t bring himself to look at it. The fear clouding his mind is in some ways worse than the pain slogging against his body.
He has no idea how long he stays where he is; all he knows is that time drags on agonizingly slowly. The power still isn’t back, and the lab is uncharacteristically silent, absent the normal hums of machinery and cooling fans. The only thing he can hear is the sound of his own ragged breathing. His vision tunnels in on a spot in front of him as his heart rate speeds up, his skin grows clammy - signs of shock, he vaguely registers.
He’s going to die here. He’s going to die, he’s going to die, he’s going to-
Suddenly, in the midst of the red light, a flash of blue.
“So looks like the power’s out for us and the next five blocks. It’s probably not coming back anytime soon, but Mikey’s pitching a fit because he had dinner in the oven. Do you think you can- Donnie!”
Rapid footsteps approach him, but Donnie can’t see who it is, his vision is too dark and clouded with pain. On instinct he pulls himself back, hissing out a warning, teeth bared and muscles taut. He’s hurt, he’s trapped, he’s easy pickings, he has to startle, he has to intimidate, he’ll go down fighting-
“Whoa, whoa, hey! Easy, Donnie, easy!” The intruder puts up their hands and takes a small step back, halting their approach. “It’s just me, it’s just me.”
The voice penetrates through the primal parts of his brain, and his subconscious registers family, help, safety before his consciousness catches up.
The will to fight leaves him in a rush, and Donnie sags forward, grateful when Leo moves to catch him. A whine leaves his throat, and he doesn’t have the energy to feel embarrassed about it.
“I know,” Leo says softly, his thumb moving in gentle circles on his shoulder. “That has to hurt… Aaand it looks like you’re going into shock.”
Donnie gives a clumsy nod, desperately wishing he could just check out and let Leo deal with it now that he’s here. But even as the shock moves him closer to unconsciousness, the pain keeps jerking him back.
Leo is still holding his shoulder, but now he looks around and spots the traitorous stool that started this whole mess. “Were you sitting on that stool?” he asks, and Donnie gives the faintest nod. Leo steps forward to grab for it, and Donnie gives another whine, in warning this time.
“Threw up,” he mumbles, and Leo looks down between their feet. Once he spots it he grimaces.
“Yeah, you sure did,” he says, but his voice is light, and not judgemental. He sidesteps it, still with his hand on Donnie’s shoulder, and reaches behind him to pull the stool back to where it had been before. “Alright, buddy, sit down - slowly now, okay?”
He holds on to Donnie’s arm and guides him down to the stool. Once he’s on it he sags bonelessly against the machine again, feeling exhausted down to his core.
“Okay… good.” Leo lets out a breath, straightening up and letting go of Donnie. Without thinking about it Donnie lifts his undamaged hand and grabs for Leo’s, clinging on tight. He should definitely be embarrassed by that, but he isn’t. He’s scared, and Leo is safe.
Leo gives his hand a squeeze back. He squats so he’s at Donnie’s height, speaking softly like he can tell that loud noises just add to the pounding in his head. “I’m going to go get Raph, alright?”
A spike of fear causes Donnie to grip Leo’s hand tighter, desperate. “No.” He tugs on him with what strength he has. “Don’t leave me.”
“I’ll be right back,” Leo promises. “But I have to-”
“No, please, Leo, don’t leave me-”
“Donnie, I can’t get that off your arm by myself, I need Raph’s help.”
Logically, he knows the words Leo is saying make perfect sense. Logically, he knows that Leo isn’t lying when he says he’ll be right back.
None of it matters. What matters is that Donnie is terrified of being left alone.
He grips Leo’s hand tighter, and can feel tears in his eyes. Another whine escapes his throat.
Leo sighs, squeezing his hand again. “Okay, okay. I’m not going anywhere. But we need Raph. Do you have a way to get that fancy door open when the power’s out?”
“Emergency unlock,” he grits out. “Th-third panel… just pull the release.”
“Okay. No worries, Leon’s got it.”
He gives Donnie a wink, and somewhere in him Donnie finds the strength to be annoyed. He rolls his eyes, and Leo actually laughs.
Leo uses his free hand to unsheath a katana, then draw a small portal right in front of them. Dimly, Donnie can see another one open up near his lab door across the room. It’s just large enough for Leo’s arm.
He reaches through and knocks open the panel, biting his tongue in concentration. After a second of squinting and fumbling, he gets the release and yanks on it. There’s a soft pop, and then a creak as the door comes unlocked from the floor but doesn’t budge.
“Now what?” Leo asks.
“Raph can… push it up… from outside,” Donnie explains through wheezing breaths. 
“Alright.” Leo pulls his hand back, the portals dissipating. “I’m going to call him.”
He doesn’t let go of Donnie’s hand as he does so. Donnie is grateful; he’s vaguely aware that he’s gripping tight, likely hard enough to hurt, but Leo doesn’t make any move to pull away from him.
“Donnie’s hurt,” he hears Leo say, cutting through whatever greeting Raph tries to give him. “I need your help- his lab, yeah. The door’s unlocked, he said to just push it up. …I don’t know yet, but hurry.”
Leo ends the call, putting his phone away. “Don’t worry, Donton, the calvary’s comin’.” He squats down so they’re at eye level again. “We’ll have you out of there in a jiffy.”
Donnie nods in acknowledgement. Talking is hard when his mouth feels full of cotton, but he tries. “‘M I gonna lose m’arm?”
He sees Leo’s eyes go a little wider. The hand holding his squeezes tight. “Not if I can help it.”
They don’t talk much after that. Leo says, “Keep breathing for me, Dee, that’s it.” Donnie shuts his eyes to help his growing headache, slumping forward. “You with me, Donnie?” Leo asks, and he gives a grunt of assent.
Then they hear a screech of metal as the door to Donnie’s lab is forced up, Raph rushing inside moments later.
“...Oh geez, Donnie,” he says when he sees what’s happened. “How did you manage this?”
“Save your lectures for later, Raph,” says Leo, standing up but not dropping Donnie’s hand. “He’s in shock right now.”
“Okay… okay.” Raph gets close to them, then reaches out and lays his big, cool hand on Donnie’s back. For once the touch is welcome, grounding, and Donnie leans back into it. “Don’t worry, big bro’s here to help.”
He would normally make some smart remark at that, but he’s so tired and, though he’d never admit it, so relieved that Raph is here now, so any words he had die unspoken on his tongue.
His eyes are still closed so he doesn’t know what they’re doing, but after a second Raph pulls his hand away, and he hears him say, “I think I can lift it enough.”
“Okay, you lift and I’ll pull his arm out. …Careful, he threw up there.”
“S’not like it’d be the first time I’ve ever had puke on me.”
“Fine, but if you slip in it I’ll laugh at you.”
He feels a slight jostle to his arm, and then Leo is pulling his hand away. He whines, uncharacteristically needy, and Leo gives his shoulder a quick squeeze.
“Sorry, Donnie, but this will just take a second.”
“Count of three,” says Raph, sounding a little strained already. “One… two… three!”
There’s a screech, and the weight is miraculously off his arm. He feels hands grab at it and winces in pain as his arm is moved away from the machine and into his lap, followed immediately after by a heavy thunk as Raph lays the metal down again.
“You’re out,” Leo tells him, his hand coming back to hold Donnie’s and giving it a squeeze. “You’re free.”
Donnie drags his eyelids open and starts to look down at his arm. He sees blood and he sees odd angles but before he can see more a hand is cupping his chin and pulling his face up.
“Yeah, you just went five shades paler,” says Leo, meeting his eyes. “Let’s not look at that anymore, okay? I don’t need you losing more fluids.”
Donnie grumbles, but assents.
There’s a bit of jostling, and he realizes something is being tied around his neck, fabric. Then his arm is nestled in it, supported so it doesn’t hang limply off his side.
“Okay, that’s not the best, but it’ll do for the walk to the medbay,” says Leo. Donnie notes dimly that he’s not wearing his bandanna anymore.
“Should I carry him?” asks Raph.
“Maybe… Donnie, do you feel like you can walk, or do you need Raph to get you?”
“Can walk,” he mumbles. He isn’t sure, really, but his pride pushes him to agree.
“Okay, I don’t really trust that, but we’ll let you try. Raph, stay close.”
He gets to his feet; they feel shaky and unsteady, but he doesn’t collapse. Leo ducks under his good arm, pulling it over his shoulders so he has support without asking. Donnie goes ahead and huffs about it, but he knows if Leo hadn’t done that he would fall over.
They take their first step and Donnie groans when his arm bounces lightly off his plastron. Leo grips his good hand, giving it a squeeze.
“I know, bud, but focus on the big shot of painkillers you’re about to get. We just gotta get there.”
The walk to the medbay is torturously slow, made worse when they attract the attention of Splinter and Mikey, both of whom unleash a torrent of questions that doesn’t help the pounding in his head. “Hey, settle down,” says Raph, silencing them. “He’ll be okay, we just gotta patch up his arm.”
They get there, eventually. The lights are still out, the medbay bathed in the same red as everything else. Leo lowers him to the bed and helps him get laid out, a pillow under his feet propping them up for the shock.
He hears Leo and Raph talking in low voices above him about the backup generator, and he tries to give them instructions, though it comes out slurred and mumbled. He grimaces in frustration.
“We’ve got it, Donnie, we can figure it out,” Leo says when he leans over him.
“Don’t know… dumb dumbs.”
“Okay, good to see your sass wasn’t damaged.” Leo grins.
“Sigh,” he says, and Leo chuckles.
There’s a moment of silence as Leo goes to fetch whatever he’ll need to work; Donnie knows the basics, but all his medical knowledge slips through his fingers when he tries to access it. His brain is too foggy right now, and biology is Leo’s thing, anyway.
He does have a pressing question, though, once Leo comes back - he reaches up with his good hand, and immediately Leo puts down what he’s holding to grab it.
“Am I going to lose it?” he asks, voice trembling.
Leo’s thumb strokes on the back of his hand, and it calms him down. “I don’t think so. It’s not as bad as it feels like.”
Donnie sighs, leaning his head back. His hand goes limp in Leo’s grasp, and Leo gently lowers it back to the bed.
“Go ahead and check out. Things’ll be better when you’re awake.”
Donnie trusts him enough to listen.
He wakes up to light, the smell of antiseptic, and a dull throbbing in his arm. He groans at all of these sensations and closes his eyes again.
“Hey sleepyhead!” His brother’s voice is entirely too cheery, and Donnie hisses in response. “Okay, Grumpatello, you can go back to sleep if you want, but I thought you might like some pain meds.”
That gets his attention; he opens his eyes again, and finds that the lights have been dimmed - no red emergency light, but nothing blaring in his eyes either. Leo is next to him, holding a cup and the plastic lid from a pill bottle.
“Do you feel up to taking these orally, or do I need to start another IV?” he asks.
Donnie mumbles something that doesn’t feel like words, then holds out his hand. Leo propped the bed up at some point so he’s already sitting.
The water is handed to him first, then Leo takes the cup and dumps the pills in his hand. Donnie appreciates that he remembers his preferred way to take pills (even if he has told him it’s wrong on more than one occasion).
Once he’s swallowed them he holds out his hand for the cup again, downing all the water in three quick gulps. 
“Okay, maybe try sips next time?” Leo takes the cup back.
“Unnecessary,” he says, pleased that talking feels a little less painful. “What happened?”
Leo sits down on a stool next to his bed. “Okay, so do you remember your arm getting crushed by that… whatever it was you were working on?”
Donnie shoves down his immediate desire to explain the machine in favor of nodding. “Yes, I remember. And I remember you and Raph bringing me here. What happened…”
He can’t finish the sentence. He knows, logically, that he could just look at his arm (he can feel it, it hurts, that means it’s still there, right?), but for some stupid reason he’s too scared to.
“It’s still there,” Leo answers anyway, because apparently he’s a mind reader now (Donnie refuses to think he’s that easy to read). “Two arms and all six fingers.” He wiggles his own in demonstration.
That, finally, gets Donnie to look down. His arm is indeed there, packed tight in a cast that already has multiple purple doodles on it, courtesy of Mikey. He tries to wiggle his own fingers, but it hurts so he stops.
Still, the sigh he gives as he sinks back against his pillows is one of relief.
“Don’t get me wrong, you’ve bashed it all to pieces,” Leo continues. “Don’t even think about trying to use it for at least eight weeks. We can decide then if you need longer.” Leo is giving him his best stern look, which in reality just makes Donnie want to laugh. “You got lucky thanks to our mutant durability, but I’m serious about giving it time to heal.”
“Yeah, sure, Dr. Dumb Dumb,” says Donnie dismissively, and Leo reaches up and gives him a light but still annoying flick on the forehead.
“Worst patient ever. I’d rather have Mikey with the flu, and he gives me shit about how I make soup.” Leo leans back, looking him over. “How are you feeling, though? Woozy at all? Any pain other than the arm?”
Donnie gives a shake of his head. “I feel as well as can be expected.”
“Okay, cool.” Leo lifts his own arms over his head, stretching them out with an audible pop. “Well, you can hang out here or go back to your room. You’re stable enough.”
Donnie nods and then doesn’t make a move to go anywhere. He’d rather go to his room than stay here, with all the sterile smells and medical equipment, but he still feels wobbly. Vulnerable.
Leo, perhaps still able to read him too well, doesn’t leave either.
“...I’m glad I didn’t lose it,” he says after a moment. He can see Leo opening his mouth to say something, so he continues quickly. “I mean, I have, of course, trained myself to be ambidextrous in case such a situation arose-”
“A totally normal thing to do.”
“-but it’s more… <i>efficient</i> to have both arms.”
“You’re allowed to be happy you didn’t lose an arm, weirdo,” Leo says, reaching over and giving Donnie’s unharmed hand a squeeze that sucks any bite out of his words. “You’re allowed to be frustrated that you’re stuck like this for eight weeks. And you’re definitely allowed to be grateful to the best brother in the world for saving your life.”
“Okay, well.” Donnie pulls his hand away, swiveling to get his legs off the bed and trying not to grin too obviously at Leo’s pout. “I’m going back to my room.”
“You sure you don’t need help from your most beloved and favorite brother to get there?”
“Sure; Mikey isn’t here, though, so I guess you’ll have to do.”
“Ouch! So cold, Dee, so cold.” 
Leo loops an arm around him and pulls him into a hug, one Donnie lets him have, failing to fight his smile. He doesn’t really need the support, but he leans on Leo anyway.
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osakafromazumangadaioh · 11 months
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(This is a post I made on my cohost a lil while ago, I lightly edited it for clarity)
You've seen this post about Hidamari Sketch right? It's kind of famous, at least it is to me. If you can't click through to see the link text here it is.
Remember how Hidamari Sketch aired during the DTV transition, and SHAFT knew exactly what to do with the new real estate for the widescreen version?
This was a fact that bounces around in my brain like a DVD screensaver. Hidamari Sketch aired in Japan between January and March 2007 during the DTV transition and they prepared two versions for broadcast, one that was HD 16:9 and one that was SD 4:3. I've heard of things going wrong during this transition like the shot of Mugi getting cropped out in the 4:3 broadcast version of K-On but this time period isn't super well researched in the admittedly small digging I did.
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So it makes sense that a studio during this time would make these changes right? Your show is going to appear in two very different formats, you're going to want to make sure it looks fine in both. Anyway I was reading the replies of this post one morning and I read one that gave me pause.
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This started me researching the analog to digital transition in Japan which I won't get into here but long story short, yes it did air during the analog to digital transition. There was an analog digital simulcast of both signals in Japan that started in about 2003 and ended in 2012 when all analog transmissions were shut down. So there was a period where broadcasters were putting out both HD 16:9 and SD 4:3 to serve people/areas who had not made the jump to the digital signal.
But it got me thinking, some people in the replies were talking about not being able to find proof that it aired in 4:3. Chances are they just didn't know where to look. Anyway I just looked on nyaa and lo and behold.
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So I had the original broadcast versions of season 1 and 2 in 4:3. (i was unsure what the second torrent would be, it didn't have any information in the description and "TV broadcast" could have been the 16:9 broadcast bc there was a simulcast but it was the 4:3 version).
Anyway I was curious if there were any other changes, I kind of doubted that there were since it's already a lot of effort to produce two different versions of scenes but maybe there was something that the person that put together the original comparison missed.
If you, like me, believed the truth of that original post I'm about to tell you Santa Claus is not real. I compared these with the BD and found 2 of the frames from the original post. (the other I presume is from the first episode of season one also). And, they're,,, cropped from the 16:9 version.
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In hindsight this makes perfect sense, I know sometimes they will redraw or reanimate certain scenes for the blurays because production is sometimes very fucked and they don't have the time to make things to their usual standards but if you're working for TV schedules why would you give yourself more work to do?
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I'm sorry im sure this is interesting only to me but "Shaft redrew the wide character shots for HD during the DTV transition" is something that had the same veracity in my brain as, water is wet and i thought about it about as often. Two things make this very funny.
The image is cropped from what I assume is the original which makes it more obvious that it was a joke.*
the person that made that edit (presumably on 2ch or a/ on 4ch) didn't like, make the entire image 4:3 they popped the background out so it wouldn't appear squished. Which is such an insane effort post that you still see people go, oh yeah no it has to be real no one would go to the effort to do that. (read this post, people go to insane lengths for zero reward all the time)
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I cooked up a very quick comparison in photopea to show what I mean. At this point it's trivial to remake the background, it's just a repeating pattern anyway.
*I would love to tell which is older but google recently changed how reverse image search works and it doesn't show you pages with the list of dates of when that page was last crawled so it's a little hard to figure out and I don't want to spend a bunch of time figuring out an alternative. So whoever cropped out the obvious joke part is one of histories greatest pranksters in the relatively small pond of people that give a shit about slice of life anime. tl/dr two people, the person that made the original image and the person that cropped off the obvious joke part have combined their efforts to fully prank me 10 years later and I don't think anyone else I've told about this has felt owned or surprised to the same extent as me so I feel like histories greatest fool here
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You know what drive me insane everytime I watch Peaky besides my dislike and second hand embarrassment of any scene with Grace. Her hair does not match the time period AT ALL. It grinds my gears so much. That lil bit about historical inaccuracy makes me crazy
Anon, YESSSSS!!!!! 😩😩😩😩 (placing my response below the cut cuz it got long)…
before you go into reading, I’d like to thank you for sending this in……I don’t get very many anon messages wanting to chat (or at all, really) so this seriously made my day 🥰
First off with the embarrassment, I felt the exact same way whenever she was on screen watching the show the second time around with my mom….I didn’t really feel it the first because it was new to me, but it became pretty apparent how poorly written her storyline was in the first season. The second season was eh….I don’t think it surprised me when she popped up and sucked Tommy under her trance, and then season 3 really didn’t sway me either way because you only see their wedding and then she dies. There are some instances in there though where she does get on my nerves, but not nearly as much as that first season!!
And her hair!!!!! 😑😑😑😑 oh my goodness did it stick out like a sore thumb!!! I’m not 100% up to par on my knowledge of fashion in the early 1900s, but I’m pretty sure that women did not just wear their hair wavy down their back like she did. She could have passed for a character in one of those time travel shows if she wanted to! Smh …. It was slightly better in the second and third seasons but that first season really casts a huge shadow over the other appearances.
So I guess I’m right there with ya, anon….it really grinds my gears as well 😅😅
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Notes on SP eps
SP eps I forgot to take notes on the first 3 I do it later lmao fell free to use these stamps for edits or anything
S4. ep16 6:11 Cartman s l i d e s s4 ep17 1:55 Ike and Kyle wholesome s4 ep17 8:03 Mr.Hanky and his wife need to s4 ep17 16:07 KYLE EHAT THE HECK???? s5 ep1 17:54 Uncle Jimbo is a homo (WHAT s5 ep4 11:38 DON'T THINK I DON'T SEE YA s5 ep6 14:39 "Sit down Kyle" Can't ">:("
s5 ep7 00:30 "Scream for me btch" "AAAA" s5 ep7 15:12 "We gotta get rid of the gorls"
s5 ep8 21:01 Highly streaches s5 ep9 14:52 "We're speaking English rn does that make sense???" s5 ep9 21:58 "?!??!?!?" (Idk tbh s5 ep10 12:50 *Background shinanigans the boys and res to town laughing lmao) + Sometime later in ep Style moment lol s5 ep12 I just really like Tolkien's voice s5 ep13 21:00 FCK HIM UP KYLE! (Also dude Kenny really is cared for) s5 ep14 (Entire ep) Butters dude. That is messed uuuupp. s6 ep2 17:00 A SIMPLE LIL MOTAGGGE s6 ep3 4:30 "Star trek dude has an axe in bg) STAN KYLE AND CARTMAN I WILL PUNCH YOU STOP GASLIGHTING MY SON + 16:02 I love robbary and fraud I'm a shoplisting
s6 ep4 3:30 THE WAY THEY ROLL 3:58 STAN BE COMMITING CRIMES 4:30 "W h a t??" Bebe has some other ideas 6:32 THEY GOT CAUGHT 10:47 Kyle take off your hat what the hell 15:25 "Don't have a dad Mike not gonna work" 16:00 FIghting in background 16:40 Stanley :((( Has sores Stan is one big pussy
s6 ep5 6:55 STAN's NOSE PINCH LMAO I low-key really like this ep the subplot of Cheif tryna contorl his TV is gold lmao 14:13 They're excited 18:40 "We'll kill butter's later!" 20:05 "WHOOOO YEAHHHHH!!!"
s6 ep6 5:30 REALITY TV (reanimated THIS) 9:19 are they breaking the 4th wall???
s6 ep8 4:20 The boys chillin (Where's Ken?) 5:15 Tweek: "I'M A WHAT?!" 7:08 Craig: Walks away 7:42 Kyle: "Get the **** of here." Pure disgust
s6 ep9 4:20 Kyle is confusion It looks really funky witht the art style 14:35 SP creators :DDD 16:28 TWEEK HAS A MISSUL LAUNCHER
s6 ep10 4:50 WHA ape grunts 5:20 I feel you Wendy 7:17 Girls no :( 10:04 "Bebe you're still cool" 13:15 "HAOHAOHA" 16:00 Jeez fanon bebe is insanely inaccurate 17:25 Cute Parent Marshes moment 19:00 HOW WENDY 21:04 THE BOYS ARE HUGGINH
s6 ep11 6:34 Craig deffo got them tall genes 8:58 "I didn't mean to! (be abducted)" 11:40 "Im nugh dune wiuth mgh pizza…" 19:57 "Oh god our parents are so stupid dude." + cute moments 21:20 HELP STAN-
S6 ep12 1:45 "Mrky" Ok Current realization "KENNY!" 8:11 "Maybe you got brain cancer" "YOU THINK!?" "Cartman don't get brain cancer." 20:11 I'm scared for new Randy
s6 ep13 11:59 "I'm not playing anymore." s6 ep15 7:40 DAMN STAN. 9:25 LET KENNY WATCH FATSO 11:00 Psychic Stan ("No I'm not!") 13:47 Stan pinching his nose 16:30 Stan you're still in the school why are you slaming the door 17:53 Kyle: :o
s6 ep16 4:10 Stan nose pinch again :D 7:10 Stutters duo on an adventure (entire ep) 8:40 "They're lying" 11:40 "how many parents have you enacted revenge on??" 12:21 "18,000$" - "How bout 5 bucks." 13:18 this entire scene is geuninlly interesting to see knowing Eric's character It showcases his COMPLEXITY WHEN DEALING WITH PEOPLE 15:55 POP OFF STAN 16:30 Cartman can speak spanish?? Dude he's dedicated. 17:50 Stan is smart
s6 ep17 (Throughout the ep Jimmy sings <3) 6:16 TWEEK YOU'RE NOT CRAZY 11:50 Kyle and Cartman interaction lmao 14:21 the way Jesus specifies "Eric" Cartman lmao 14:30 JESUS HAS A GUN 15:40 I'm packing 17:40 "Dude this is pretty fcked up." 19:22 Idk who these kids are they're in a different style and its a little odd. 21:10 NVM THIS IS THE SAME 21:20 KENNY! KENNY'S BACK! DUDE WHERE THE HEEL WERE YOU????
S7 ep1 0:50 IKE IS NOT A WEPON KYLE Cartman??? Dude you good?????? I HATE HOW CALLED OUT I FEEL BY THE SCIENCTIST IN THIS EP HE THINKS EXACTLY LIKE ME There is a scene somewhere where Kenny pulls his Parka "Oh shit did we do that??" 20:00 KENNY NO
s7 ep2 1:30 "Oh I'm a dork huh :(" 2:45 Stan and Kyle dealing with Cartman's bs 7:45 Epic scene with Jimmy and Timmy 12:10 An attempt was made to sit 14:40 "Holy guacomole!" 23:30 "Me too-"
s7 ep3 3:50 "Lets go Kyle!" 11:27 "We're not Killing kyle" "Mrph!"[Yeah!] 14:40 "Whoa-o-ok thank you." 16:15 "A present from jesus himself!" Looks up 16:18 TButters? 18:59 Roblox coil sound
s7 ep4 3:34 "SHUT UP AND STUDY." 6:30 Why is he puttign so mcuh effort into the walk 7:47 Uhhh pop off Gerald?? 7:57 STAN NOSE PINCH 8:25 Kenny fucking leaves 13:55 Randy has talent 21:22 Kyle nose pich + "I- I don't know"
s7 ep5 (didn'r take anything ig"
s7 ep6 2:12 "Why won't she let me eat the piee." 3:40 Kenny is an artist (for twitter.) 4:13 WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS CONCLUSION 4:26 TUCKER??? CRAIG'S LONG LOST SIBLING? 5:05 Cartman has no right to be this detailed for a fatass 5:15 Kenny :((( 7:17 Sign languages Kyle: "What?????" 8:34 "hehehe thats gay" "hehehe we're gay" 9:16 "GRRRRR!" 10:27 The girl is so cute though 17:48 WDYM THE MCCORMICKS??? 18:20 "Kenny it doesn't go pekwwww it goes BANG BANG BANG"
s7 ep7 2:44 "26,000 DOLLARS?!?!" 5:30 CHEF!! 5:45 "We've had such great times here" CHAOS WHEN??? 6:51 Kennys cute here 9:17 Sharon and Randy moment 12:57 THOMAS TUCKER'S HEIGHT HELP
s7 ep8 00:55 KENNNYYY'S DESIGN 1:20 We're you guys waiting for the bus how tf are your switching to machovers 1:45 3:55 "OH MY GOD WHERE IS MY HOMEWORK I AM FREAKING OUU~U~UT!!" 4:45 YES CHEF 5:15 Well. Uh. I guess dreams come true. 11:12 KYLE WHERE TF DID YOU KEEP THAT 12:22 why is Liane there she's a whor-
s7 ep9 1:00 The kid's music tastes 2:10 Cartman being an ENTJ 2:54 Tolkien looked really epic 4:40 KYLE WHAT DID YOU DO? "I DON'T KNOW D:'" 8:45 "Why would I be looking way over there??" 10:30 Cartman tugging at Kyle's hat 16:56 Uh- 21:00 HELL YEAH TOLKIEN BEAT HIS ASS 21:25 YES BUTTERS YESSSS
s7 ep10 6:54 "GARALD WHERE ARE THE BOYS??" 8:00 SWEEP THE KIDS 9:26 HELP THE LINE MOVING LIKE A WORM 11:04 "I love youh guys, except for you kyel" 11:15 KENNY HOODIE PULL 13:00 Idk i just love this scene with all the kids :DD 18:17 Stan's Gang devising a plan
s7 ep11 CASA BONITA 1:30 "I have never been a dck to you!" 10:32 CARTAMAN? 11:20 I swear to- 12:00 cartman's little dancin 12:30 Butters singin 14:00 this entire scene with Eric. 17:00 why is Kenny wearing a tuxido over his parka. 19:31 ERIC SPEEDRUN GO
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himebushou · 10 months
I've basically been doing very little with my time besides watching Shaman King 2021 so phew, here are some thoughts on Episodes 10-32!
Episode 10
The bit with everybody hanging out at the inn was adorable, hee.
It's odd that Yoh is already paying that much attention to "Hao" considering the name has come up once? But yeah...
Ryu comes back!! And damn, he already qualified for the main tournament?
Bason and Ren are too cute. Also, it's interesting to watch Ren's mindset change and hee, we get the showdown against Tao En!
Episode 11
Phew — Ren gets captured by his Pops and the Zoldyck vibes INTENSIFY.
I don't remember the Tao family having their own Super Sentai Squad, but hey, it tracks!
It's a bit of a shame that these battles were concluded so quickly, but it was cool to see Horohoro and Ryu's upgrades!
Can't believe Tao Rn squeezed that poor baby panda to death only for it to be resurrected as a zombie in the next scene! SHEESH!
Episode 12
This episode also went at THE SPEED OF LIGHT! I cant believe we got Jun's dramatic rescue and the whole Tao En reveal and fight in the same episode! I mean, at this speed, Ren's deep loyalty to the gang does seem a bit goofy, but hey, I'll deal!
Ryu saying, "Just what exactly do you think wavering is?" had me laughing so much, oh man.
Episode 13
How is SO MUCH happeningin EVERY EPISODE?
Yoh and the crew leave home!
They meet Hao!
They get dropped out of a plane!
They meet Lilirara, who's really cool! There's sone backstory!
They go on their way — AND THEN LILIRARA DIES???
Horohoro continues to be adorable and guh, I'm really enjoying watching the episodes dubbed... honestly, the dub iis really, really good!
Episode 14
WHEEE LYSERG THE DOOFUS IS HERE... to be honest he's a lil green Sherlock. Isn't it nice that everyone has a colour-coded Oracle Bell lol Yoh's is orange and Lyserg's is green... it's been like 15 years but I still don't know if I've forgiven him for what comes later. Whoops.
Anna is such a great character and I love how much bearing she has on the story.
New ending! And it's Iron Maiden Jeanne!!
Also, the goof with 6 years versus 8 years... Lyserg's parents definitely weren't killed 6 years ago, sheesh.
Episode 15
Okay, so this was one of the eps where the pacing was definitely painful. Anna got a (hodgepodge) version of Hao's backstory — honestly, why didn't Yohmei just tell her the whole deal if he was going to reveal so much? And then, she dealt with Hao's familiars SO QUICKLY that there was like. No threat to them at all. I was expecting more boom bang...
But she did use the 1080 beads! We love the 1080 beads!
Horohoro is just one of the best characters and I loved his upgrade, gosh. Again, we could have had a whole episode dedicated to his time with Apollo, rather than 10 mins. I also don't know HOW Ranger Bluebell knew bout him wanting to become the Shaman King since that wasn't discussed
For obvious reasons, Morphin is renamed Morphia in the dub, hue.
Episode 16
Not much that I can say about this episode (I was a bit sleepy when I watched it). Ryu is getting an upgrade — at lastl! And this episode had some of the humour I love from Shaman King: the whole bit with the vampiric guys was SO funny. "If there are only 5 in the group, why do two of them look the same?!" Yoh/Ren/Horohoro are such a darling trio.
Episode 17
And man I hate Marco (thought ťhe X-Laws are great villains who basically permanently impacted mine and my friends' psyches; they're a specific type of evil) but boy oh boy, it is sooo good to hear Seto Kaiba in an anime again, sobs.
Lyserg... tbh, I don't think I ever forgave his betrayal back from 2001; THERE'S STILL A PART OF ME THAT'S MAD. I wonder if I might feel differently this time around but I half-expected the little green bean to run off with the X-Laws in this very episode so I was a bit surprised when he didn't.
And then a surprise! Hao chatted to Anna and Manta and Tamao! Anna looks so cool with the sunglasses, lol. Though... I feel like Manta's being from money is largely a plot device (because how else would everyone get to the States)... but I often find this with rich/wealthy characters. sighs!
Oh, also! The Shaman King timeline is SO WHACK. Like, Ryu says to Yoh: "You forgot about me in Izumo which is when I trained to be a shaman." But here's the problem. I think Ryu only went to Izumo in the he first place to take Manta there and THEN he trained with Yohmei — but the flashback reveals that Ryu had to wait for a week to get Yohmei to train him (why is Mikihisa Like That btw) which means that. Yoh would have already been back and fighting and drawing against Ren and therefore concluding prelims in the same time that Ryu was supposedly waiting for Yohemi to train him? And yet Ryu somehow had an Oracle Bell AND qualified for the main tournament? While Ren had only completed two battles?
Episode 18
Anna slapping Hao with her free hand!
Mihihisa being revealed to be Yoh's dad!!
And the whole bit with Ren deciding the teams fhdjd man I am CRACKING UP!
(I rewatched some scenes in English and Japanese and wow, some of the changes are completely unnecessary fjdjd)
Episode 19
I... finally caught the Mic the Jaguar / Mic Jagger joke.
After almost 20 years.
(I love Boz they're so funny fjljjd)
Episode 20
I never knew that Joco's backstory was so sad... my poor little guy...
I love how Ren pointed out that Horohoro did nothing, zero and zilch in the match dhdjd
Episode 21
Phew... to say that the X-Laws are brutal is putting it lightly... and looking at Jeanne and the way she was in this episode and knowing that she ends up with Ren is very. HUH?
I kind of can't believe just how laidback Yoh is sometimes. It kinda irritates me a tiny bit? Back in the day, I couldn't choose between Yoh, Ren and Horohoro for the Favourite Character Spot, but I'm not firmly Team Horohoro, ehe.
Poor Team Niles. Gosh.
Episode 22
Crying and sobbing... why won't Shaman King just give me. A TIMELINE? So now I discover that it's been TWO MONTHS since they were in the Patch village (???) and it's already the last battle of the first round of the tournament (???) and that Anna already taught Team Funbari Hot Springs EVERYTHING in Hao's big bad book (???) and? We didn't get to see any of that? Like I understand this decision if that's how it went down in the manga and the double OS was a major, unprecedented reveal, but if not... I LOVE A TRAINING MONTAGE. Give me these arcs...
Also, the dub's choices for which terms to leave in Japanese are messy. They use words like Onmyoji and Ultra Senji Ryakketsu, but 'Mana' replaces 'furyoku'... like I'm pretty sure the 4Kids dub used furyoku because it was a term I was v. familiar with.
Anyway, its nice to see a battle span two eps!
Episode 23
Wowee... this episode got me teary. Ryu's upgrade is NICE and Anna talking about the flexibility of Yoh's furyoku was so sweet. I also love the Icemen and their design — and it was particularly cute to see Pino and Horohoro chatting together at the end.
And then Hao's whole convo with Ren (the 4Kids dub called him Len and Yoh nicknamed him Lenny which was the cutest; gah, things I miss!) was really interesting
Episode 24
Okay, so it turns out that I was wrong about all the matches being over because this ep was HAO VS THE X-LAWS and damn, Hao using OXYGEN as his medium? That's bloody cool!!!
The OST in this ep was top tiiieeer and freaking — the X-Laws being humanised? A bit? I am SHOCKED.
Episode 25
Revelations galore... and Yohmei Tries to Commit Infanticide: Extended Edition.
Blimey. This anime is getting me so emotional.
(I love Horohoro I love what a good friend he is he is my FAVOURITE.)
Episode 26
The senior Asakura and Tao folks coming together to discuss Hao's bigtime book and the gang finally finding out about Yoh's origins! I got to see TAO RAN again (I love her) and freaking heck, Mikihisa is so cool? I guess jury has to be out with him a liiiittle bit because I've seen people commenting that he sucks. But. I have a major soft-spot for shounen dads (Goku, Echizen Nanjiroh, Van Hohenheim, Kurosaki Isshin...) and I reckon Mikihisa ticks cool points.
And freaking Ren! Why is everyone so cool??
Episode 27
Team Flower vs Jun / Anna / Tamao yeah!!
Episode 28
The Iron Maiden will save Ren (oh my GOSH — NOW, CERTAIN THINGS make more sense) and Yoh will be withdrawing from the tournament (?) and we got a new opening AND a new ending and Horohoro had that whole speech and buuu MY TEARS!
Episode 29
Mikihisa appears and just adopts everyone on sight and oh my gosh, the babies? Forget everyone else I want THEIR happiness and dhdhd what is this stuff about a golem?
Episode 30
Ahhh we're entering a flashback! So this is what people were talking about when they kept bringing up "Osorezan Arc", huh?? YOH AND ANNA'S FIRST MEETING!
Once again, the timeline is WHACK because there's really no way it can be the year 2000 at the time of the Shaman Fight unless I'm missing something huuuge... Yoh and Anna really should've been 8 when they met, not 10?
And I'm finally meeting Matamune!
But he was in the last Shaman Fight dhdhd i guess Hao couldn't have participated since he was a Patch that time but what happened at the fight 1000 years ago?
Episode 31
Oh man, I can see why people were so obsessed with this arc... there is just so much emotion here from all sides: Matamune (having to defeat Hao!!), Yoh and Anna, Kino — everything.
You can see why Yoh and Anna are the dream team, wow.
Also, I looked up a timeline and I think I can make my peace with it being the year 2000 in canon... but the anime did not explain it AT ALL, which is pretty poor.
Episode 32
Yoh and Anna are very, very special.
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emotionalcadaver · 4 months
Hello! I hope you're having a lovely day/night! 😊 Just had to pop in to show some love for your writing. I stumbled upon your fic, Love Me Where I'm Most Ruined, a lil while back and I'm obsessed??? I flew through it so quickly, I just couldn't stop reading! I apologize for not leaving comments as I went, it's like I was in a trance, just had to keep reading 😭😂😂 I'm also somewhat new-ish to the fandom and interacting kinda gives me anxiety, but I'm working on it lol. I'm gonna do a re read sometime soon and I'll let you know my thoughts, gonna spam you with love probably, your story certainly deserves all the love. 🥰❤️❤️ I also see that you've recently rewritten/edited some parts? As if I needed another excuse to re read this whole fic 🤭 Truly, one of my absolute favorite fics I've read. I love the story you've built and I adore your characters so much. I'm in love with Lucy, for real. Obsessed with her. I also haven't read many fics (if any) that are pro Grace. I think that can be a bit controversial in the peaky fandom?(sadly) But holy shit!! I LOVE how you wrote her whole storyline. You broke my heart tho, but I still loved it! 😂 I didn't intend this ask to be so long, please forgive my rambling! You posted your latest chapter on my birthday and girl. Birthdays aren't always the easiest for me and this one was kinda rough. Honestly, reading your fic was kinda the highlight of my day. An unexpected delight! A little gift you didn't even know you were giving me! I literally squealed in excitement lol! Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your stories. Your writing is so, so beautiful and I can't believe your fic doesn't have more notes. Honestly, it's criminal! I'm seeing it pop up on my dash again and I just had to show you some love!! 🥰❤️❤️ Also, it's still Valentine's Day where I am, so I felt all the love was a little fitting. ❤️ I hope this novel of an ask finds you well. 😘❤️
Oh my goodness, anon, thank you so, so much! Seriously, my heart is practically bursting right now I just wanna reach through the screen and give you biggest hug! 🥰
It means SO MUCH to me that you've loved Lucy and my fic so much 😭 I have quite a few OCs, but Lucy in particular is very near and dear to my heart, so to hear that you love her so much just makes me so happy.
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts if you do a reread! I don't like to pressure people too much to comment because I understand it can be nerve-wracking, but I promise I am literally the least intimidating person in the world and will be absolutely thrilled to hear what you think!
I did recently do a bit of a rewrite/edit, specifically of Red Right Hand. Nothing too crazy, but I did add a few more scenes with Grace and a few more smut scenes.
Grace is certainly a controversial figure in the fandom. I understand why people dislike her, and I never want to make people feel like they have to like her to read or even enjoy my fics, but at the same time I have a soft spot for her, and my vision for the series always included Grace and polyamory elements, despite it still being primarily Tommy x Lucy focused. I was quite nervous including the poly aspects of the story, and I know it turned a lot of people off to my fics, so I really appreciate your support for that particular part of the story! 🖤
And Happy Birthday! I'm so glad to hear that my fic made your day a little brighter! And Happy Valentine's Day as well! This really is the best gift anyone could have given me today!
I'm so sorry that it's been taking me longer to get updates out! I recently started an internship in January that's taking up more of my time, plus just dealing with a general lack of motivation lately. But I am hoping now that I'm more settled into my internship that I will have more time to write and will be able to get onto a more consistent posting schedule. I have SO MANY things planned for Lucy and Tommy and I hope that you enjoy them!
Again, thank you so, so much for this ask, 🦋! You've absolutely made my day! I am sending all of my love your way! 🖤🖤🖤
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