#theres no fucking reason they should even be having this conversation
symbioticsimplicity · 3 months
Re-watching Hell's Greatest Dad for rhe millionth time and just-- the audacity on Alastor's part. Literally no one else would ever. Lucifer met this dude for all of two seconds, and got pulled into two fights with him. He doesn't know a goddamn thing about him.
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toastsnaffler · 7 days
ykw actually I am angry + disappointed w them. I've been pushing how I feel aside and trying to make it my own fault so it's all contained but I think theyve just been mean. and they really should know me better ik I try to pretend I don't expect more from them so I feel less hurt when they do things that upset me but we've been friends for years by this point. like come on.
#just got home and went to put my shit away but my flatmate was in the kitchen and i got suddenly so mad i had to walk back out#not going to do or say anything while im this upset. i need to be a lot calmer before i can even be in the same room as her#like okay. so originally it was just the two of them getting drinks and theyd rather it was just them bc i dont drink. thats cool#it wouldve been difficult for me to join them after work bc travel. and ik theyd done this before just the 2 of them and had fun#i can fully respect that its why i said no and stuck by that decision when she asked again#but to not mention she was taking the day off work and btw i just found out that BOTH of our other old flatmates joined in too#to not mention that they were travelling that entire distance and that it wasnt just drinks it was a whole day out together#thats just mean. why wouldnt you tell me that why did none of them say anything.#and the fact they did the exact same fucking thing last weekend too i didnt know about that at all#like i need to stop trying to justify it. im allowed to feel unwanted and excluded bc thats exactly what theyre doing.#im tired of feeling like other people dont want me around. i know i can be difficult and annoying sometimes. but im really not that bad#and we're meant to be friends!!!!!! like youre supposed to like your friends. and want to spend time with them. or at least i do#and yeah everyones annoying sometimes thats just part of being alive ur supposed to tolerate it if ur friends#im allowed to want to feel like im wanted. im allowed to want ppl to care abt me. that shouldnt be too much to ask for#but the overwhelming message im getting at the moment is they dont want me around. and when i am around them i feel like they dont listen#to me and that they dont really care how i feel unless it directly involves them or theyre responsible for it#i feel like they dont see me as a real person that exists. only a version they have in their heads and they base all their assumptions and#decisions off that version instead of directly communicating with me. and constantly avoid me under the guise of 'giving me space'#when im upset or having a difficult time and most need support from other people. i just feel really unseen#and ik that part of how i feel IS exacerbated by insecurity and depression. like they do care to some degree#but also a lot of it is evidenced in the way they act towards me. mainly my roommate bc shes the person i interact with most#and personally i find the most direct ways of showing u care abt someone are showing up for them. and making them feel seen#and maybe not everyone feels the same way. but thats how it works for me anyway#so to repeatedly exclude me and avoid acknowledging that ive been having a difficult time is the opposite of that to me#which is the point im trying to arrive at... sorry ik ive probably said similar things repeatedly the last few weeks but i feel like its#crystallising a bit like this is the core reason why im so sensitive and reactive atm and why i got so upset by it#idk. not tonight bc im still very emotionally raw but maybe tomorrow if im calmer i should explain that i was upset + why to her#i avoid doing that so often when im upset bc i dont think theres much point in having a conversation abt it unless u expect some kind of#resolution from it. or if you want an apology but idrc abt being apologised to the crucial thing is what theyre going to do different#and i love her but shes very resistant to changing her behaviour bc of other ppl being upset by it. and like i said before she has
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corvidexoskeleton · 9 months
Turning into the joker because both of my landlords keep threatening to kick me out every single time i have a slight disagreement with them or dont do exactly what they want
#text post tag#both of them keeo independently threatening me with homelessness for the stupidest fucking reasons#its honestly so fucking irritating and annoying and its pissing me off so much#but i cant even have a simple fucking conversation with either of them because they both think that i should just#roll over and do exactly what they say without protest and im fucking sick of it#reek will actively try to puff himself up and act like a big tough alpha male and tells me to get out if im not gonna ''respect'' him#and my sister will threaten to make me homeless just because i dont want to be the only fucking person the house who does dishes#and because she doesnt like that i have trouble keeping up with the dishes of three adults#two of which dont fucking rinse anything and just pile everything into nasty standing water#and shes mad that i have trouble getting down on my knees to clean the cat boxes out - esp since now theres a bunch bc pf the fosters#when i famously have knee problems and cant be on my knees for very long or often without it causing intense physical pain#and she never even fucking helped me clean any of them out even when it *was* just our own cats#not to mention that she keeps getting pissed off at me because i dont like thay she keeps throwing fits and being out of line with how#she reacts to every single fucking thing that stresses her out#like its my fucking fault that shes hitting her dog with a shoe or its my fault that shes screaming at her baby#reek doesnt even fucking do anything around the house when hes home#and hes almost never home#and he thinks he can lecture me about how i dont do anything and they have to do everything for me?#as if he has any right to think he has any authority over me whatsoever or as if he has any fucking right to treat me like a child#i fucking hate the both of them so goddamn much#im just constantly pissed the fuck off but i cant do a damn thing about it because everything i do is bad or wrong to them#to my sister i cant do anything right because the only thing i know how to do is escalate and make things worse#i am so fucking mad
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cringefail-clown · 3 months
Jakehal is very fun. But why dirkkri? I dont understand what's appealing about it :? confused
theres a lot of things i like about dirkri and honestly i dont even know where to start lmfao
first of all, and its mostly a funny reason - davekat on crack. like some traces of davekat are still there - the arguing about shit, stoic facade vs emotional mess, all the good stuff, but its also so much more exaggerated it makes it this much more ridiculous. gets even better when you consider them under the lense of swap aus like alphaswitch or tbau, where they land on the meteor together. theyre most likely hunting each other for sports by the year two
second of all, the funney. theyd be so fucking funny together. their smallest arguments would take like twenty pages of non-stop flow of red-orange text to resolve, and not because they came to a consensus but because some third party physically dragged them away from their electronics. it doesnt do any good, since it only gives them both time to think over new arguments to use, and theyre back at it as soon as they get their phones back. like if we had a tournament about which ship would do the most collateral damage to the overall group, i think these two would be Up There. karkat would gauge his eyes out from frustration, because now not only does he have to deal with his piece of shit, know-it-all other self, but now theres also Fucking Dirk thrown into the mix. their home life is absolute insanity, a small jab about the other forgetting to buy sugar once again devolves into a screaming match about the merits and flaws of communism or some other inane shit. and theyre doing it for fun, they enjoy debating with each other, because often times they have vastly different opinions, and comparing their beliefs challenges them intelectually and morally. from the outside perspective theyre one of the most dysfunctional pair in the paradox space, when in fact thats simply how they want their relationship to be, and it makes them better people overall.
third reason is that theyre thematically delicious. dirk is a control freak, micromanaging his and his friends constantly. hes terrified of losing control, but hes also desperate for someone to just tell him what the fuck he should do. dirk doesnt think he should be in control of others, because he believes hes a naturally evil person capable of horrible acts, at the same time he doesnt trust anyone else to get things done but himself. hes a whole collection of contradictions.
kankri desperately needs to be in control as well. hes constantly injecting himself into conversations he has no business being in, trying to find someone thatd listen to what he has to say. hes wants to guide others, but his efforts are flawed, because he doesnt listen to other perspectives - hes got tunnel vision, as he thinks hes the one in the right while everyone else is wrong or ignorant (cringefail seer literally). he doesnt trust anyone else to make decisions for him, and becomes defensive when he thinks others are attempting to coddle him. his ass was definitely culled on beforus.
theyre also both so fucking lonely. dirk conciously tries to put difference between himself and his friends, worrying hell "corrupt" them. kankri tries to connect to his friends, but his behavior alienates him from them to the point of no one except maybe porrim want to have anything to do with him.
my point is, kankri wants to guide people but has to learn to listen to others and reflect on his own flawed opinions. dirk has to learn to trust that people closest to him can get shit done on their own and loosen up, as well as realise hes not evil at the core. them helping each other out - dirk teaching kankri about different perspectives, kankri teaching dirk about letting others do their thing - is something i think about a lot.
also i like to think theyd spar for fun a lot as well. its not really a reason and wholly my own personal headcanon but i wanna mention it as well bc its so funny to me. i like the idea of kankris behaviour being a complete reverse of karkat - where karkat is all bark no bite and doesnt like fighting or violence, kankri puts up a front of the beacon of love and peace and tolerance, but in his free time he gets his rifle and goes shooting at the fucking squirrels or some shit. i think he wouldnt have the same qualms about strifing as karkat. like dirk would try to jokingly jab his finger at kankris side and he would just fucking flip him over his shoulder and onto the table breaking it in half, because he doesnt like being touched unexpectedly and by gods dirk when will you fucking learn. he goes from 0 to 100 real fast. its such a hysterical concept for me.
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skelliko · 3 months
Kazutora Hanemiya |°- crushing misunderstanding
|°-context: kazutora is crushing on you but he sees you and akkun walking together and assumes that you're both together making kazutora's heart to break not knowing that you and akkun are simply friends - mainly fluff not angst
final time line: 4th Division Captain: Kazutora Hanemiya Vice-captain: Atsushi Sendo (Akkun)
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kazutora couldn't help but notice the scene that he had accidentally stumbled upon on, before he was gonna ignore it and think nothing much of it until he double looked and his heart managed to stagger in emotions, akkun walking with his school crush. kazutora's school crush.
despite akkun being Vice-captain of the forth division and them being good friends there's still things that kazutora doesn't mention and one of them being is who his heart flutters to.
his mind went to so many scenarios and reasons as to why, out of everyone it'd be you two who walk together and not only that but also holding little brown bakery bags, as if you both had bought a sweet desert together, and are about to enjoy it in each others company.
'no no no no no... their not though? are they?!' his mind was more than a mess
theres no other explanation other than your both either on a date or dating. or even worse, in an actual relationship. kazutora's mind went to so many lengths as he pondered and stalked you both, hiding behind corners, bushes and bus stops to wherever you both are walking to,
he was desperate to find out what was going on even though he knows he needs to let go and back tf up.
'akkun has never mentioned having a girlfriend though, let alone that he's talking to a girl...' that certainly reassured him a little but only for a few seconds when his overthinking took over again
'but maybe that's cause no one asked or mentioned anything! and here he is with the girl that I like, for fucks sake!'
he tried to get close to the both of you to try and hear what you guys were talking about but while doing so self awareness had hit him, he didn't want to get caught lurking around, if a bystander seen what kazutora was doing then a clear title would be placed on him 'stalker'
he kind of just stood there in the middle of the pathway, watching as the both of you walked ahead having your own little moment. it was like kazutora was a small puppy being cast out and away from it's owners. for a short moment he had grown upset, he accepted that him and you were never gonna be because Akkun has already taken your attention.
when he took half a step backwards to turn around and not invade your privacy any longer, it was then that you had turned around making kazutora to be captivated. it wasn't just your beauty that had made him freeze and his heart to grow wings and flutter but it was you smiling and waving at him... him, kazutora, no one else, your eyes were stuck onto kazutora.
his heart was left uncontrolled and skipped all around his body whilst his main focus was to bite down the corner of the inside of his mouth to stop him from smiling like a little kid and getting all giddy for you just simply noticing him. it felt unreal to him in that moment that he had forgotten to wave back, and he was too busy on not smiling like an idiot that he didn't even smile back at all. well now he feels like a complete fool and should be shut out of society forever.
*inserts image of grieving shinji on a chair* -how kazutora feels right now
a whole week went by after that encounter, and since then in school kazu and you haven't had a full conversation, sure you've exchanged a few small words but then he'd cut it off with an excuse to leave all due to wanting to give respect for you and akkun.
before, the both of you would be talking non stop in the middle of lesson, being the teachers most annoying students that can't shut up and are always an nuisance to deal with. it's gotten to the point where after you both stoped talking even the teacher pointed it out Infront of the whole class, "some argument happened between you two?" like c'mon... why is it always those teachers that think they can get involved and think pointing things out to be funny. they get in-between everything.
it left an empty pit in his stomach not being able to talk to you the way he wants to. all because in this setting he chose to put his friends first before himself.
-- some time later ---
"so akkun, you got any plans with y/n?" asking that question hurt him more than it should have, but he needs to get over it soon enough. only after he gets an understanding at what stage the both of you are at. 3 month mark? secretly wishing.
"don't think so, why'd you ask?"
"nothing nothing, just curious. I'm surprised that she'd be with someone like you" it was supposed to come out as regular boy banter and laugh it off but instead he didn't watch his tone and grew blunt about it as if he'd meant it. in which he did.
it took akkun a few silent seconds to process his response and what kazu had just assumed "be with?" purposely ignoring kazutora's sudden burst of agitation and instead focusing on the question itself. "you think me and her are together... as in dating?"
"well you two seem to be quite close, no?"
"kazutora. no. were friends, full heartedly friends" while motioning his hands out to emphasize how baffling and wrong kazutora's question was.
if crickets were around the city they'd be loud, but instead all there could be heard was the click of kazu's tongue before replying "...Oh. shit"
akkun couldn't help but snort out a laugh, whereas kazutora on the other end was looking back and regretting everything which included ignoring you. but he had a good reason to, right? I mean how exactly was he supposed to know that you two were just friends?
many ways actually, sure, but he put his friends first and that's what had mattered, before at least. now, kazutora is trying to figure out ways on how to approach you without seeming like a douche for abruptly leaving and then coming back.
"wait, you like her??" it only then clicked into akkun's head making him perk up about why you even became a conversation topic.
"I bet she hates me" burrowing his face into his hands and feeling all sulky. didn't fully answer akkun's question but that small sentence answered a lot without meaning to.
"you do! you like-like her!" first time hearing about this and he instantly stood up from his seat, oh he was gonna have fun with this information. he can either tease the hell out of kazutora or help him out. but currently he'll torment him first.
"keep it down! dont need anyone hearing" lifting his head up from his hands and looking around the open area
"who's gonna hear? I'm not name dropping, or unless you're embarrassed" tormenting kazutora by making him think of you.
"of course not... maybe. but that's besides the point" kazu ended up explaining things from how he saw you and akkun but left out some details such as him following them to how things went with you and kazu at school.
"dug yourself a hole there I'll be honest, why didn't you ask me first before assuming?" -akkun
"didn't want to draw much attention on the subject"
"oh right right..." not right actually, don't exactly know what that was supposed to mean but didn't want to press on about it. after a short moment of silence it seemed like something was supposed to be done otherwise dragging the gap between you and kazu any further and it might be too much to fix. though luckily a little plan had settled into akkun's mind, after all he was close enough to you to be considered good friends. "I'll help you, don't worry"
a/n: I could have written the plan/aftermath n' that but I got lazy
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lovemyromance · 1 month
idk why but i think itll be forced if gwyn and az get together. Like say elain accepts the bond and gets with lucien and azriel knows he has to step back and then suddenly he likes gwyn and they started to form a bond and get together. like... no. thats not it at all. like at least do some type of slowburn for gwynriel if elain and lucien get together. (Idk why but I keep thinking itll be like a forcing thing if elain and luc get together because they know they are mates. LIKE IT JUST WONT HIT THE SAME) But, I think thats why im so built up on elriel and cant fully ship the other ships because theres nothing for me to fully ship.
My meeting got cancelled just now and I'm in a silly goofy mood so let me just say this: if I were SJM and I for some reason DID intend to write Elucien or Gwynriel, I would not have done it this way. I don't think any writer would've done it this way.
The way the books are currently written, it is a clear setup for Elriel. People who deny that are those who still hold out hopes for their preference of ship, but the writing does not support that. It has not supported that since ACOWAR.
Not that I am in any way SJM equivalent but here's how I would've done it, starting from ACOWAR, which was when she started actively planning Nesta & Elain's spinoffs. (And this is in no way Anti Lucien or Gwyn. But I'm tagging it anti because I don't want them getting any ideas lmaooo)
1. The second they got back to the Spring Court, have Lucien grow a backbone and tell Tamlin he's going after Elain. Not simply "Get her back" but "I'm getting her back." (Ring any bells?)
Not wait for Feyre to leave and tag along to see if Elain was "worth fighting for", not simply think about how Elain had been thrown at him, not even think about Jessiminda. I would've had Lucien take action himself. He would've left to go after Elain immediately, and Feyre would've followed HIM - or waited till she got the spring court fucked up and then followed him.
2. Have Lucien be patient with Elain. Have more than just one awkward conversation with Elain. Have Feyre observe multiple moments between them. Have Elain slowly soften to him or get used to his presence. Have Lucien sit in the garden with Elain. Have him frown at her words and bring them up to Feyre and actually try to help her. But most importantly I would've had Lucien figure out her powers. (Sound familiar? Good. It should.)
3. Have Azriel go volunteer to find Vassa, not Lucien. Perhaps he goes into the library to research (starting the foundation for Gwynriel very subtly). Have Lucien join the IC as they fight at SC, have Lucien join them at the HL meeting. Have Lucien go into an angry rage at seeing Graysen and how that man's words hurt his mate. Have him comfort Elain and say "I'll wait - however long it takes."
4. Have Lucien save Elain from Hybern's camp. Have Lucien go feral and break the wards around the camp - setting up for his parentage plotline - and winnow in and save her. Have Elain kiss his cheek. Have Elain finally see him in a different light. (Wow where have I seen this before?)
5. Have Elain willingly invite him to Velaris at the end of ACOWAR. Have Lucien take her up on that offer.
6. In ACOFAS, have Elain & Lucien get each other presents. Elain does not get Azriel a gift, just Lucien. She appreciates the gardening gloves. Gets Lucien ... a fishing rod or hair tie or something idk "here's a rod: for all the fish that you catch with your hands" 🤣🤣🤣 Lucien laughs and Feyre thinks "wow I've never seen him so happy"
7. Continue to develop their relationship in the background of ACOSF. Lucien offers to help Elain train her powers in the background (idk how he would but still). He is there at solstice and gets her another gift. Cassian thinks Elain is sneaking around with him but won't admit it. Lucien goes with them to Hewn city and gifts Elain a dress that suits her better and is from the Day court or whatever. There's a bonus chapter with LUCIEN's POV where Elain & Lucien are about to kiss but they get interrupted and Lucien feels bad he pushed her too far so he says sorry this was a mistake. Miscommunication trope ensues.
8. After ACOSF, start their book with a major conflict that comes up immediately. For some reason, Lucien & Elain go to Day court to research and train her powers - maybe they have a Seer there idk. make something up, a la CC3 translation bean. Their friendship has been steadily growing since ACOWAR, and now it turns to love.
I would've set Elucien up for a slow burn, friends to lovers romance from the second Elain got chucked out that cauldron.
But again, SJM did not write it that way. She wrote all those key pivotal moments with Elriel, not Elucien. It would've been so easy to do the storyline above. It would've made us root for them more by the time their book came around. Lucien was a main character since book 1 (before he fell off) so their story would've been eagerly anticipated.
And I could do this same thing for Gwynriel, but she didn't exist until ACOSF so it would be much much shorter and basically would be Nesta noticing ACTUAL romantic moments between Gwyn & Azriel (not "bye Shadowsinger" or "you're new ribbon Az" but actual romantic attraction - like Azriel physically helping Gwyn cut the ribbon and touching her - with her consent ofc - and Gwyn blushing at him). Like - do the antis realize how EASY that would've been? I dare say it would've been easier for SJM to write Gwynriel than any moment with Elriel at that point in ACOSF, because Nesta spent more time with Gwyn.
There's absolutely no way SJM wrote the books this way with all this Elriel buildup, just so she could have a shock factor (?) of "Elain & Lucien are mates but she avoids him for 3 books and gets with Azriel but SURPRISE- Elucien is actually endgame! And Az gets with Gwyn!"
That just doesn't make any sense. At all.
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slut4teyam · 1 year
Can I request reader giving Loak head on his bday and it can gradually turn into some sort of p in v? Idk you decide the storyline boss
TYSMM and once again your writing is worth dying for.
-anon :D
Birthday Gift
(Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan x F!Omaticaya Reader)
minors dni!
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Genre: fluff and smut
Warnings: swearing, slight teasing, dom!lo’ak, voyeurism (masturbation), cock riding, missionary, blowjob, tying up, p in v, praising, (please tell me if theres any i've missed!)
Backstory: Y/n and Lo'ak knew each other through their older brothers; Neteyam and Ateyo. Y/n had taken an interest in Lo'ak when she first saw him, which eventually grew into a crush as time passed. They mostly hung out with each other while their brothers did in the Hallelujah mountains, where they lived, but even so they had a close friendship. That all changed four years ago though, when Lo'ak approached y/n at a clan celebration, drunk, and confessed his feelings to her. Ever since then, they have been dating and spending every day together, not to mention they were sexually active with each other, as they were promised mates. It was Lo'aks 21st birthday, and Y/n had the perfect gift for him.
Lo'ak and Reader are aged up to 19+ years old!! (Other characters except for Tuk too! Tuk is 12 here, don't be weird)
Today was your boyfriend, Lo'ak's 21st birthday, and Eywa did you have the perfect gift for him. You and Lo’ak have been dating for four years now, ever since he confessed to you at the clans victory celebration against another one of the sky peoples attacks. You've had an active sexual life ever since, feeling comfortable to try new things, and sometimes you'd even tease Lo'ak in public to the point where he'd have to pull you away and fuck you hard. Your perfect gift revolved around exactly that topic; sexuality.
"What's your gift for Lo'ak, Kiri?" you asked, walking alongside her to the Sully's tent. "I made him an armlet, he's been wanting a new one for so long." Kiri replied to your question before looking at you, "What is your gift? she asks you now. "Hmm," you hum out, looking up to create a 'thinking face', "Probably presenting myself to him naked, if not a blowjob." you laugh out as Kiri scrunches her face at your response. It was true though, that was EXACTLY your birthday gift for your boyfriend.
Kiri ended up chuckling lightly at your response too, as you entered the Sully's tent. You knew Neteyam was gone with your brother Ateyo, and Jake was probably hunting with his friends for tonights feist, like he had mentioned before. Only Neytiri and Lo'ak remained, as Neytiri was painting Lo'ak's body with your traditional paint. "Hi baby, happy birthday!" you say to Lo'ak, giving him a short hug along with a kiss. "Thank you babe," he chuckles after your kiss, as you follow Kiri to sit down next to Neytiri before giving her a soft smile that she always returned.
"Got me any gifts? Come on, spill it!" Lo'ak asks enthusiastically, making you and Kiri look at each other and burst out laughing at your previous conversation. Lo'ak looks at the both of you, confused. "What? Did something happen?" he asks, clueless of your reasons for laughing. You brush it off with your hand, calming down your laughter along with Kiri. "You're ready, Lo'ak." Neytiri speaks, standing to leave the tent as she holds the bowls of natural paint. Lo'ak nods at his mother as he kneels down next to you, immediately grabbing you by the waist and placing a rough kiss on your cheek.
"I should leave soon, the sun is setting and I still need to change." you state while snuggling into Lo'ak's shoulder. "Mind if I come? To help you undress and stuff of course." Lo'ak chuckles as you playfully slap his arm. "Behave, Lo'ak!" you lecture him once again playfully. Kiri chuckles, as Lo'ak gives you one last peck on the lips before you stand up and head towards the door. "See you in an hour, y/n!" Kiri shouts behind you, as you wave your hand back at her.
You leave the Sully's tent, heading over to your own to make preparations for tonight. You had a seductive, revealing outfit planned already. You quickly make it to your tent, as you didn't live far away from the Sully's.
"Hello, y/n." your mother speaks as you step inside of your tent. The whole clan was invited to the celebration of Toruk Makto's youngest sons 21st birthday, therefore your mother was getting ready as well. "Hi mother, you look gorgeous." You told her, as she smiled at you while thanking you. Your mother was a beautiful woman- she looked young even after two children. Most of your people say you got your beauty from your mother, and that was the best compliment you have ever received.
You walked over to your part of the tent as you gathered the pieces of clothing you had planned out, before quickly putting it on your body. You had put on a short loincloth in a dark shade of red, along with a top that covered your neck more than your chest, made of Pandora's most beautiful flowers, in the same shades as your loincloth. You had planned to keep your hair untied, and that was how you left it.
Pleased with your appearance, you grabbed your pocket knife along with one of your old but pretty loincloths, before sitting down on the floor. You cut a rectangle piece from the cloth, smoothening it with your hand before taking your ink and writing the words 'Meet me at your tent in 20 minutes - (y/n's initials)' on the piece of cloth.
slight time skip, at the party
You entered the celebration premises with the rectangle piece of cloth tucked into your current loincloth. The party was immaculate; the area was lit by torches, as your people either danced around a bonfire, or talked with each other while munching on the food. You smiled at your peoples festive spirit while looking around to spot your birthday boy, but instead you see your brother, Ateyo, with Neteyam. You start walking towards them, saying hi to others you know of on the way.
"Hi Neteyam, hi Ateyo" you approach the two males as they direct their attention to you. "What's up little sister," Ateyo asks mockingly, while slapping his tail on your back. He chuckles as you hiss at him, before rolling your eyes and turning your gaze to Neteyam. "Have you seen Lo'ak?" you ask him. He looks over to his left, trying to get a better view before speaking "Yeah, he's somewhere there" he points to the direction he was looking at "he was talking to dad and his friends." Neteyam adds.
You look the same direction as Neteyam pointed, seeing Lo'ak talking to older men with his dad. You turn your attention back to the two males in front of you. "I guess I'll just have to bother you while I wait for him to be free." a cheeky smile plasters on your face. Ateyo rolls his eyes now, huffing as Neteyam chuckles, before his gaze turns to an individual approaching you. "Hey guys!" Kiri exclaims while walking towards you, making you turn around and smile softly at her. "We're gathering to give Lo'ak his gifts, come!" she adds on, before walking back the same direction she came from.
Your smile grows cheeky once again, remembering your gift for the birthday boy. You follow Kiri while making a 'let's go' motion with your hand to the two males behind you, as they start walking too. You make your way to a more isolated place of the celebration area, where the volume of the music is lower, but the view of peoples festivity is still clear. You see some of Lo'ak's friends already there while you, Kiri, Ateyo, and Neteyam sit next to them in a semi circle. "I brought him, dad got so mad!" Tuk exclaims as everyone turns around to look at her, pulling a chuckling Lo'ak by the arm into the middle of the semi circle.
The people around started wishing Lo'ak a happy birthday, as he thanked them while sitting down. Your boyfriend looked at you, his gaze going up and down your partially revealed body, as he gulped before lookin away. "Let's start giving our gifts in order from the left, to the right side of the semi cirlce." Kiri suggested, as everyone nodded. One of Lo'ak's closest friends, Tsanten, was the first to give his gift, which happened to be a knife. Others went after, giving him gifts that varied from armor, to bracelets.
It was your turn to give him your gift now, as Kiri was before you and gave him the armlet she had made. Lo'ak loved it, as he quickly wore it on his arm before thanking Kiri. "Hands are empty, I wonder what you have for me babe." Lo'ak stated, as you smirked at him while pulling out the folded piece of cloth from your current loincloth, handing it to him. He looked at you, sarcastically smiling before unfolding the cloth and reading the note written on it. You tilted your head to the side as he read, your smirk never leaving your face.
He gulped, his eyes never leaving the note as he folded it right back, now tucking it in his loincloth. He looked up at you, smirking, while raising his eyebrows up and down before looking away. Your smirk just grew wider, before your expression became ‘worried’. "Oh how rude of me, I forgot to bring Lo'ak's actual gift!" you make up, "Can I please be excused to go grab it?" you ask while standing up, excusing yourself away from the crowd without anyone actually dismissing you. Your brother eyes you strangely before looking at Neteyam, who seems to understand what's going on with the cheeky smile on his face.
You walk away while swinging your tail, seductively looking back to see Lo'ak's deep gaze on you. You turn back around smirking, as you move faster. You were headed to his tent to make sure everything was in place, and to of course wait for your boyfriends arrival. You reach the Sully's tent, there was no one inside just like you had expected. You walked over to where Neteyam loaded his arrows, you had hidden two pieces of medium length rope when you came by a couple of days ago in preparation for your night with Lo'ak. You took the pieces in your hand and quickly headed over to Lo’ak’s mat, placing them close to it.
"I knew you had something planned," you heard Lo'ak speak as he appeared at the entrance of his family tent. You smirked as you looked over your shoulder, slowly standing up. “Of course, I planned the best of the best.” you stated while Lo’ak walked towards his mat, smirking as he got closer to you to the point where your back was touching his chest. “Mind leading me through this plan?” he asked in a raspy voice while leaning over to your ear.
You smirked, before turning around to face him. Your chests were touching now, as you looked innocently into his eyes, placing your hands on his shoulders. You started to slowly kneel in front of him, sliding your hands down his body while doing so, never breaking eye contact. You felt him tense up at your touch, as you finally got down on your knees and tugged on his loincloth. He licked his lips before smirking, as you directed your gaze from his eyes to his loincloth, slowly untying it. He watched your every move as the hard on he got from your previous touching grew.
You placed down the piece of clothing after untying it completely, coming face to face with his huge, erect cock, that wasn't so unfamiliar to you anymore. You looked back up at him, and saw him staring down right back at you, with deep, lustful eyes. Without breaking eye contact, you took his cock in your hands, giving it a couple of pumps before licking his tip. His breathing hitched, as you wrapped your mouth around his cock, sucking it while taking it in and out of your mouth.
"Fuck baby," he breathed out while biting his lower lip, "that pretty mouth of yours, taking me in so good." he added on, groaning when you twirled your tongue around his tip. He closed his eyes while his mouth opened, as he took his right hand and wrapped it around your hair, bobbing your head deeper onto his cock. You started gagging on him reaching down your throat, which made him throw his head back, continuously moving your head back and forth on himself.
"Mhm just like that baby, you're making me feel so good." Lo'ak praised you in a raspy voice before biting his lower lip. He was so close, and it got him even closer when he looked back down at you; tears were rolling down your face as his cock disappeared and reappeared at the entrance of your mouth, while you sat seductively in front of him, ass poking out. He let out a load groan as he came into your mouth, eyes rolling back into his head while he continued to bob your head, riding out his high.
He took himself out of your mouth as he kneeled down in front of you, staring at your teary face with a smirk, before leaning into your ear "Swallow it baby, make me happy" he whispered before backing away in front of you once again. You swallowed, never breaking eye contact as you opened your mouth wide for him to see his semen gone. His smirk grew wider, "Good girl." he whispered, before you smiled at him and slammed your lips onto his. He quickly complied to your sudden action, as he held you by your waist, pulling you on top of him while he moved himself to lean back on the wall.
With one swift move, you grabbed the pieces of rope you had placed next to his mat, as you lifted his right arm up, tying his wrist to the knitted branch walls. (i literally don't know what their tents are made of and since they don't have a headboard i gotta use my imagination ykyk) Lo'ak looks at you with pure confusion and shock, his eyebrows furrowing. "Really? Tying the birthday boy up? I think my gift should include touching you." he huffed out, as you smiled cheekily at his frowning and worked on tying his other wrist to the wall. "Hmm, maybe I have a show to put on." you grinned, backing away now that you successfully tied both of Lo'ak's hands to the branch wall behind him, over his head.
He stared deep into you as you sat on your spread open knees, moving your hands from your thighs, to your stomach, over your breasts, and to your neck. He watched your hands touch all over the places he couldn’t, as you started to tug on your top clothing. You smirked at him staring at you, while you removed your top, revealing your breasts to him. He licked his lips, not taking his eyes off of them as you took your left hand and drew circles around your left nipple, shortly before taking your hand down and tugging on your loincloth.
"So unfair" Lo'ak said in a deep voice, as you removed your loincloth, fully exposing your body to him. His open and hanging hands turned into fists when you started to roam your hands from your breasts to your soaking cunt. Fuck, he’d do anything to touch you right now. You bit your lower lip as you started rubbing circles around your clit with your right index and middle finger. Lo'ak moved himself to sit up properly as his already hard on grew bigger, his gaze never leaving your hands working their way on your womanhood. You smirked, and slowly put a finger inside, letting out a moan along with it.
"Baby let me make you feel good, not your finger" you heard Lo'ak say through his clenched jaw, moving his wrists harshly, trying to escape from where he was tied at as you kept thrusting your finger in and out of yourself. You grabbed your left breast with your left hand, moaning louder as you inserted another finger in, your speed gradually increasing along with it. Lo'ak tried to set himself free once again, trying to roughly pull his wrists away, but growled as he failed. "I wanna touch you" he spoke in a low tone, which turned you on even more. You kept moaning at every one of your fingers thrusts as Lo'ak growled out "Fuck".
You were so close to your climax but you stopped yourself, as you wanted Lo'ak to be the one to make you cum. You smirked as you took your fingers out of yourself, crawling onto his lap. He smirked at you, leaning his head back, but never breaking eye contact as you placed yourself on top of him. You lightly sat down on his tip before quickly lifting yourself up again, you were teasing him which led him into growling as he tried to get out of the ropes he was tied in.
You finally fully sat yourself on top of him before lifting yourself up, and repeating. He smirked, biting his lower lip and closing his eyes. "I wanna touch you, let me out of these" he whined out. You leaned in, continuously riding him as you started kissing and sucking all over his neck, making him groan at not being able to touch you. "Please baby, let me out of these, I need to touch you" he pleaded, but you just wrapped your arms around his neck as you slammed your lips onto his.
He kissed back, right before biting your lower lip and entering his tongue into your mouth, dominating it over yours. Eywa, he was so dominant even when he was tied up, it was so hot. You moaned into his mouth as he thrusted his hips into you, reaching deeper in. You smirked against the kiss, as you continued riding him-
You were under him. Moments ago you were on top of him, but now- his hands were next to your head, his body was hovering over you, oh Eywa. You turned your head to the side and saw the ropes you had tied him up with ripped apart, he had let himself out and with the swiftest, most quickest move, gotten you under him. He grinned at your shocked and confused face, "You thought Toruk Makto's son wouldn't be able to escape some ropes?" he stated in a mocking tone, taking his left hand to grab your right, and then left wrists, before placing them on top of your head.
He tightly held both of your hands with his left hand, as he moved himself down to face your exposed breasts. Without another word, he started licking all over your right breast, while sucking on your nipple. You whimpered under him, as he spat on the breast he was occupied with before turning his attention to the other one, now licking and sucking all over it. He was still in you, but wasn't fucking you. "Lo'ak" you whined out, as he left your now swollen breast with a string of saliva attached to his mouth, directing his attention to you and bringing his face in line with yours once again. "Yeah baby?" he asked, responding to you calling his name. "I need you to fuck me, having you in me isn't enough." you replied to his question, as he leaned back on his knees before pounding into you. Hard.
His left hand was still holding the two of yours over your head, as his right hand was holding you still by your hip. He threw his head back as you screamed out his name at the unexpected series of movement. "You like how I'm fucking you, hm?" he asked before licking his lips and sliding his right hand onto your left thigh, pushing it down to reach deeper in you. You nodded at his previous question, trying to calm down the fact that you were a moaning mess, but every one of his thrusts hit so deep in it was impossible to. “Come on baby, use your words. You like how I’m fucking you?” Lo’ak asked once again, as you screamed out “Yes!”.
“Good girl,” he replied to your response while endlessly pounding into you. You felt your previous climax approaching, as he hit right on your g-spot, making you clench around him. "I'm so close Lo'ak, right there yes yes yes!" you screamed out as he continued to thrust onto your g-spot.
He loved the pretty moans coming out of your mouth; it was like music to his ears. He loved how you clenched around him and screamed out his name, it got him closer to his own release. "Mhm me too baby, fuck you're so hot." he panted out, his stamina refilling with your moans as he thrusted in and out faster than ever. He looked at your body, fuck, you were perfect. Your curves, your hair, your tiny waist, everything about you was so perfect to him.
"Lo'ak!" you screamed out, releasing on him as his cock twitched inside of you. "Yeah baby me too," he groaned out as he came inside of you, but took his cock out shortly after to paint all over your stomach and breasts. "Mhm, gonna decorate my birthday gift real nice." he said, biting his lip right after. Lo'ak let go of your hands, as you placed them on his neck, pulling him in and kissing him. He kissed back, and this kiss felt nothing sexual, it just felt like pure love.
You were a panting mess when Lo'ak pulled away, smiling, as he plopped himself down next to you. You snuggled into his rising and falling chest, as he wrapped his arms around you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“You are the best birthday gift I could ever receive." he said after some silence, which got you blushing like the first time he ever confessed. “Kiri’s gift was thoughtful too I’d say” you chuckled out, making him chuckle too. “I guess, maybe. You’re more useful though.” he replied to your previous response, making you place a soft kiss on his lips once again.
I dedicate this fic to my bby @henrycavillswifey <33 genuine wifey and I think you deserve good Lo'ak smut 🤭 
Overall I REALLY enjoyed writing this, and I hope you enjoy reading it haha :))
I have some Neteyam requests I'm planning on getting onto soon hehe, and thank you so much on your support on my other fics <33
Until next time,
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imeverywoman420 · 9 months
The hopeful optimism of the 2000s: can men and women be friends? We think so lets try it! Woohoo working parents maybe even try a stay at home dad fuck it why not. Men and women are basically just the same thing just different parts holy shit we just figured it out. Girls are like if a dude was a chick. We just solved gender bros. We’re all gonna hook up and everybody gets laid
in the 2020s: boys are from jupiter girls are from venus if she breathes shes a thot its physically impossible for a man and a woman to have a conversation (bc men are from jupiter and women are from venus you see they have no common interests) unless theres romantic interest bc theres no reason a man and a woman should interact unless its to discuss marriage arrangements. Men and women are different period. The only careers dignified enough for women are sex work and being a house wife bc work is for boys politics is for boys women should just be pretty sprinkle sprinkle women shouldnt work or do math teehee girls are pretty and prissy and clean boys are gross and cool and uhh schizo sigma alpha unabomber 😈
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bingo6776 · 1 year
Amber Freeman x Reader
disgustingly unedited, ive never written for Amber freeman before but shes bae and hot so yk heyo. if theres any feedback or ideas, my asks or dm are open
probs ooc? again idek im just sleep deprived 
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You were tired.
You were completely and totally exhausted.
 You had barely slept last night after you had heard about the murders, another fuck face trying to make a name for themselves whilst hiding under the Ghostface mask. Why did you still live in Woodsboro? Fuck knows.
 You were scared shitless, who knew who the next victim was going to be? Whilst as far as you knew, you had no ties to the original Woodsboro murderers or actual reason to be targeted, that didn’t prevent the anxiety that consumed your entire being, feeling like you were edging closer and closer to a break down as said anxiety played ‘keep aways’ with your sleep.
 So yeah, its suffice to say that 8 hours of the barbaric education system was not good for your health, mental or physical.
 Hence, why you were more so dragging your feet than actually walking through the hallways. You didn’t even have the energy to dodge most of the students that were too caught up in their own worlds to pay attention to the fact that other people actually existed and wouldn’t just part like the red sea for them. Instead, you made a mental list of the all the people that slammed into your shoulder, swearing that one day you’d smite them down – the kind of thoughts only a sleep deprived, and still overly caffeinated person would have.
 All you wanted to do was go home, get into the baggiest, most homeless looking outfit you had and watch movies.
 And at some point spam Amber until she ‘caved’ (jumped in her car the first chance she got) and came over to indulge in your lazy evening.
 Which is why, when your eyes finally laned on your girlfriend, you felt some of your tension leave your body, a warmth filling its place.
 She was leaning up against one of the wall lockers, a scowl on her face as she watched Wes and Mindy argue you with one another, rolling her eyes occasionally as if they were something much more important she should be doing than listen to the childish bickering her friends had daily.
 As you shuffled closer to the group, you let a small smile tug at your tired features as Amber’s gaze landed on you, her bored, aggravated expression softening slightly at the edges as her face relaxed, her lips titling up slightly in a smirk instead of an actual smile.
 Amber Freeman may be soft as fuck for you, but she was very much still the dark, brooding Amber everyone else knew. Just with you, she was slightly warmer, less sharp edged.
 Once you had gotten close enough to the group, she wrapped an arm around your shoulder, the other hand simultaneously pulling your bag from you as she flung the backpack across her own shoulder, ignoring the teasing look from Mindy and the eye roll from Wes as he tried to reegange Mindy in their conversation.
 At seeing the way your body seemingly slumped in on itself, every movement taking more energy than it plausibly should, she placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
 “Is everything okay, my love?” she uttered lowly, looking at you with such an openly worried expression you almost melted on the spot.
 You simply hummed in response as you leant into her body, your face landing in the crook of her neck as your arms encircled her waist, “just tired.”
 “Aww, would you just look at these adorable little love birds we’ve got here?” you heard Mindy tease, no doubt a cocky grin on her face. If you actually cared, you’d pull yourself away from Amber’s grounding embrace to flip her off, but did you care? Honestly, not a single fuck was given.
 You were far too sleepy, and much more comfortable with the warmth Amber exuded to give a fuck about anything, actually.
 One of Ambers arms left you shoulders, probably doing the flipping off for you. “If you don’t shut the fuck up, and fuck off right now, I’m going to kill you,” the sweet voice Amber forced on made the threat seem even more haunting. “Very slowly.”
 You lightly poked at her side, you knew she’d never actually hurt one of her friends, but you’d spoken about the right time and place to threaten people with death. School after an attempted murder was most definitely not one of them.
 “C’mon, Amber, you know I could take your ass,” Mindy quipped, knowing full well that whilst you had wrapped yourself around the taller girl, Amber wouldn’t move a muscle until you let her go.
 “You fucking wish,” you girlfriend practically growled out. “You wouldn’t even last two minutes.”
 “Oh, yeah, wanna bet? Come at me right now then, if you’re so big and bad.”
 Sighing heavily, you placed a soft kiss on Amber’s neck. “I swear to all that is good and holy, if you even think about moving right now, I’m going to be the one killing you, do not test me.”
 Mindy could barely hold back the laugh that overtook her body at the murderous glare Amber shot her way instead of, well, actually shooting her – unbeknownst to Mindy it was a very real, and a rapidly growing, possibility.
 It was honestly comical to see the sarcastic and at times outright scary, Amber Freeman trying to intimidate the other girl, whilst you were clinging to her body like Amber was your saving grace, the only source of warmth in the middle of the Antarctic.
 Yet, as amusing as it was, even Mindy eventually got bored of the banter which eventually simmered to one sided taunts as you silently soothed Amber’s simmering anger. So, being the mature person Mindy believed she was, she wandered away to go see how riled up she could get her twin instead.
 Once you heard Mindy’s steps retreat in the emptying hallway, you pulled away slightly from Ambers body, keeping your arms around her waist.
 “You know, if you keep wishing death on your friends, people might start to think you’re the new Ghostface,” you looked up at her, eyes trailing how her lips drew up in a lazy smile, your eyes eventually locking onto her own, and the all too familiar feeling of falling into the dark orbs encompassed your body.
 “Please. Little old me? I wouldn’t hurt a fly,” her voice was gentle, her gaze soft as she slowly leant down, her lips grazing yours as she whispered the last of her sentence before she finally planted a soft kiss onto your waiting lips.
 it only lasted a few seconds before Amber pulled away, one of her hands running through your hair before landing at your neck. For a few seconds you just stood like that, arms around each other, letting the rare instance of quiet fall over you.
 You knew for sure that if you had walked in on such a seemingly intimate moment between another couple at school, you’d gag and cringe as you poured bleach into your eyes.
 But with Amber it was different, everything was just so overwhelmingly perfect that at times you found yourself wondering when it was all going to go shattering to the ground, leaving you heartbroken. As soon as those thoughts would take hold, Amber would be there. Whispering sweet nothings to you as she held you close.
 Before you fell too deeply into your thoughts, you felt Ambers arms leave your body, her hand clasping onto one of your own as your arms fell to your sides.
 “So, go ahead. Spill, what’s got you so tired today, hm?” she gently ran her thumb up and down your hand as you began walking towards the parking lot, where your friends where waiting before the group eft for the lunch period.
 “After everything that happened with Tara, its been hard to do anything, let alone sleep,” for a second you saw something flash across Amber’s face, but it was gone as quick as it had come, the only sign that anything had changed at all was in the way she pulled you close as she stopped walking.
 Placing a delicate kiss to the back of your hand, Amber tried to keep her voice steady, “as long as you’re with me, I promise you with every ounce of blood in my body that you’ll be safe,” she looked deeply into your eyes, trying to convey that she’d lay her own life down if it meant you could keep yours, “I’ll protect you.”
 Shocked by the sudden deepness to her words, a deepness you didn’t completely grasp, you only blinked up at her.
 After a beat of silence, you smiled up at her. “I know, I know. I trust you,” not liking the heavy silence that weighed on your shoulders, a far cry from the way you could both usually spend hours in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s presence, you smirked up at her, “plus, you know I’d have Ghostface on his ass before the bitch could blink.”
 A mischievous smile crept onto Amber’s face, “oh, really?” she jokingly leant back slight, as if she was assessing how likely that would be – you both knew it was complete bullshit, but hey, you never know right?
 “You best bet, bitch,” you resumed the walk to your friends, tugging your girlfriend behind you as she let out a loud laugh, the sound you rarely ever heard outside of the confines of one of your bedrooms leading you to laugh alongside her as people around you both gave you concerned look as the ever so stoic girl laughed in a way that sounded… free of sadistic intent?
 Yeah, Amber was most definitely a simp.
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
That ask of dream having to work the summer at one of his family's resorts and being perved on by hob is so delicious to me. But consider: hob is very rich and powerful, yes. But nowhere NEAR the level of the Endless family and would probably never have even talked to the cute shy waiter who had no idea what he was doing if he knew who dream was. Dream knows this. He really considers telling his supervisor about hob bc it would be taken care of by dinner but he kinda likes the attention... hes always thought people only talked to him bc his family name but here hob is catcalling him across the pool and laughing at him when it makes dream spill his tray of drinks. Hob has no idea how this kid got THIS particular job but hes very glad he decided on extending his stay and might do so again:) hob is constantly demanding dream as his server and tucks his more than generous tips in the band of dreams tiny shorts before sending him off again with a slap to his ass. Hob is mostly playing chicken when he tells dream change into his swimsuit and let hob teach him to swim but dream AGREES and returns in the rarely chosen uniform one piece suit and hob can finally see his little tits cupped by something tighter than the sadly shapeless uniform polo. Hob "accidentally" sends it off to laundry forcing him to remain shivering in his swimsuit and dream knows thats a lie but hob calls him pretty and offers him a drink in apology. Then another, because dream deserves it for working so hard. He cant say no when hob tells him hes going to a yacht party that evening as hobs guest instead of an employee. The last minute addition means theres not enough chairs at dinner but hob waves his protests away and pulls dream onto his lap, keeping him quiet with a glass of wine to his lips and his other hand up dreams dress. Dream is wasted as he walks back to his room with his shoes in hand, he figured he should leave when hob got pulled into conversation when they got back. Hes frustrated because hob never made him come but theres another waiter dreams age whos hes sure has been giving him looks behind those shades and maybe Corinthian is capable of pleasuring him unlike hob :/ hob is pissed his arm candy left before he could get dream to beg for relief writhing on silk sheets but he does get to break rodrick burgess' nose for touching whats HIS and if his pretty boy thinks this was for moral reasons? Hey, hob is eager to accept dreams gratitude and dream rethinks his opinions about hobs sexual prowess when hes got dream moaning on his dick til sunrise.
I'm sooooo thirsty about this au. I just love the idea of Hob teasing Dream until he's a little riled up mess, bless him. All those touches with those big warm hands have him aching, and maybe he shouldn't want it... but oh, he does. Its the fact that he could stop it at any time, that he technically has the power in the situation... but Hob doesn't know that. So Dream can really lose himself in his helpless slutty waiter fantasy.
When Hob finds Dream after the yacht party, they even have a little "fight" - Dream says that he's sick of Hob being gross, he's going to call Cori to take him to bed and report Hob for harassment tomorrow! And Hob is holding the hand that he used to punch Burgess and he's like "oh :((( OK I guess. You should know that Roderick won't bother you again by the way, I knocked him out." And Dream is like "oh? you defended my honour?"
And they fall into bed immediately. Hob tears Dream’s dress down the side seams and eats him out until he's thrashing and crying, the bedside lamp is on the floor, the sheets are soaked because Dream squirted everywhere. When he finally gets fucked he's just gushing, coming all over Hob’s dick as soon as its inside him, moaning until he's hoarse as Hob lifts him up and down with one hand. He's never had sex like this. Every slap on the arse, every lewd comment, its all worth it. Hob is some kind of sex-god disguised as a rich asshole.
They sleep in late next morning and Hob is like "won't you be in trouble for skipping work?" Dream just smiles and straddles Hob’s thighs for another go... And that's how Hob finds out that he's been perving on the prized third son of the Endless family...
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jeanette-luminia · 1 year
Hey can you do a Larissa x femreader where reader insecurities get the best of her (age gap and how she looks maybe) and Larissa being stressed with work just push her more down to that hole and theres no happy ending...... sorry i just want to have a good cry
𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 || 𝑳𝑨𝑹𝑰𝑺𝑺𝑨 𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑴𝑺
a/n: I didn't expect requests to be quite overwhelming but I love it! I had fun writing this cuz I love angst, thank you anon. &lt;3
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“Doesn’t it feel weird?” your friend, Aera, said out of nowhere. Confused, you stopped drinking your coffee and tilted your head, pushing her to continue.
“I mean, Larissa’s older than you,” she said. You gripped your cup a little too hard as you kept still in your seat.
Don’t start this again.”
“I’m only stating my opinion.”
“Well, some opinions should be kept inside.” your anger was seeping, feeling your head boiling. “Y/N, she’s 43, you’re 24. Shouldn’t you be with someone who’s… I don’t know, a closer to your age?” she tried to reason.
“So what? I love her, and we’re both adults.”
“Jesus Christ, when was the last time she actually paid attention to you?” you stopped. People around you always talk about that feeling when they realize something big. When they froze. When they felt like time suddenly stopped. The feeling of your heart sinking. You were sure yourself you wouldn’t have to feel that. Everything was okay. You and Larissa are okay.
Yet you sit still, feeling your stomach drop, it almost made you sick. Everything around you was a blur. You felt your heartache, reaching your fingertips. Usually, you like the feeling of it while reading a sad book that made you sob. But at this moment, it hurts.
“S—she’s just busy.” You tremble.
“That’s bullshit. You’re forgetting that you’ve complained to me that your girlfriend hasn’t been giving you attention.”
You looked at Aera. “how much?”
“How much what?” she looked puzzled.
“How much have I been complaining?”
“...” she stared at you for a moment, before taking a deep breath. “At least every other day for weeks.” you bring your hand to your face, and you took a shaky breath as you feel an overwhelming emotion take over you. 
“Listen, I’m not saying this just because I want to ruin your relationship, because I know you love her so much and that you are happy with her. But for fuck sake know your worth.” She took your hand.
“You should be with someone who will be there when you need them. I understand that she’s busy but avoiding you isn’t the answer. You should be with someone who will make time for you and is younger than her. ”
You wipe the tear that has slipped, composing yourself. “I’ll talk to her.”
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You walked along the corridor, the sun was setting, and the students has retreated to their own dorm rooms. You were sure Larissa was still on her desk. Seemingly enough, you were right.
You walked in quietly, wanting to get this over with as your heart pound like someone is playing the drums. Larissa didn’t even look up to see who entered, her eyes is glued to her laptop screen.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me, love.”
“How many times will I tell you to knock before coming inside?” she briefly looked in your direction before going back to typing on her laptop. She was annoyed and her patient was running on thin ice.
You thought about backing away, letting this conversation be discussed at another time. But here you are, standing in front of her desk.
“We need to talk.”
She paused, looking up at you. You saw how annoyed she was, being disturbed by her work. It’s just like how your parents look at you.
“We can talk later, dear.” she pushed away.
You shook your head. “No. Let’s talk now.”
She sighed and massage the bridge of your nose. “What?”
You looked down, feeling an overwhelming anticipation rise up from your body. You took a deep breath before saying: “You haven’t paid attention to me.” you felt your anxiety rise, and words end up in a whisper at the end.
You heard her chuckle, and you heard your heart crack.
“Y/N, that's all you want to talk about?”
“Y–yes but-”
“I’ve been busy, my dear. Running an entire school with supernatural teenagers is harder than your job.” she gritted her teeth, holding her anger. She’d been stressed by the recent activities. Wednesday has been causing trouble all over town and Sheriff Galpin has been complaining none stop.
Her anger wasn’t towards you, she just has a lot going on right now.
You felt anger bubbling all over you. “Even so, you should take a break and maybe spend time with me.”
“Not everything is about you.”
“Oh really? Coming from the person who just said that running an entire school with supernatural teenagers is harder than my job.” You retorted. You had enough of her little act.
“You know what I mean.”
“No! I don’t get what you mean! Why is work more important to me? I understand that you are keeping the school working but you need a break as well and I—”
You jumped as she slammed her hand on her desk, flinching away as she rose from her seat. “You’re acting like a child Y/N! You need to grow up and realize that not everything is about you!”
You’re acting like a child Y/N. she thinks you’re just a child. Just like everyone thinks of you being in a relationship with her. 
You’re too young for her.
She’ll think you're a child.
She will have power over you.
She’s too old to be your partner.
Suddenly you feel tears in your eyes, your lips wobble in fear of her hurting you much more than she’s hurting you right now. You felt as if your heart was broken, broken into a million pieces. Maybe she wasn’t for you, you were just forcing it to work out.
Larissa paused, witnessing the damage she just caused. Your figure trembles as she towers over you. Your tears uncontrollably fall. You shield yourself against hers. She realized she became the monster she promised not to.
“Love, I–”
She walked towards you, but you backed away. “You have no idea how much I’ve endured just to keep our relationship,” you said. “You have no idea how much I’ve heard people say how I should date people around my age. People say that I’m way too younger for you or you’re way too old for me. How you’ll think of me as a child.” you let everything out. The anger, the pain, the insecurities.
“I felt insecure about our relationship and you weren’t there for me! For us!” you cried, not caring about how loud you were being. “You’re always at work. I’m busy with work too but I make time for you. I wished that if I make time for you, you’d do the same.” you bring up a hand to cover your face. Your voice became hoarse and trembling.
“I guess I’m just a child.”
Her heart stung from the word she said. “No no no, you’re not a child, I was just stressed and was caught up with work.” she tried to reason out.
“Please love, I’m sorry I– I’ll make time for you. I promise. I’ll clear my schedule—”
“Too late.” she paused.
“... what?”
“Let’s end this Larissa,” you said, as you stared at her. “No please, Y/N. I’d do anything just don’t go—I’ll make time for you. Please love.” tears swell up in the corner of her eye. She wants you to stay. She needs you to stay. You were her home. The sole reason why she comes home.
“Goodbye Larissa.” You whispered, walking away from the distraught figure who is still trying to process everything.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m so sorry.” she cried out. Her knees gave in as she falls to the ground. As she heard the door close, she looked. You weren’t there anymore. You left her.
She cried that night, drinking a whole bottle of champagne. Burring her sorrow as she cried herself to sleep, hoping it was just a bad dream, and that you’d be there to comfort her when she wakes up.
You weren’t there anymore. She patted the empty side of her bed, realizing that you had left her. She cried that day, she couldn’t bring herself to go to work.
You were her last love. While she was just a love passing by, she was your second love. The love that hurts the most.
She watches you from afar. Dancing with your partner, in a beautiful white lacy dress and a veil on your hair. You were with the lover you deserve, the one who won’t be the reason she cries, the person who will make you happy, the person who will be there for you like she wished she was there.
Watches through the shadows. She brings her hand up to her neck, fidgeting with the necklace with a ring on.
It’s a bittersweet feeling, she still loves you. She never stopped loving you. She planned to propose to you after every workload she had. While trying to finish everything as early as possible, she ends up hurting you. Tears fell down her face, laughing at herself.
She would have been the one dancing with you right now.
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© 𝐋𝐔𝐕-𝐀𝐒𝐓��𝐃 - all rights reserved. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate. please ask me first then credit me once you shared my work to other platforms.
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
Not being jealous or mean I'm truly an ot7 army. but i noticed theres a diff in how media treats each member individually. like the amount of media coverage both kmedia and international jimin got from dior and now tiffany&co from the announcement of his new ambassadorship alone is insane 😭 and mind you, theres wasnt that hype with hobi (LV) or yoongi (valentino).I got sad when some armys legit didn't know about yoongis deal.myself knew about taes new ambassadorship after two days when I logged on twitter and it's was until I checked ot7 accs.other platforms were silent about it.so I was asking do you think it's true what some people say about media favoring jimin more?..I'm not a hater but I want to understand how this things work.because some members who I would think would make the noise are not,! jimin is making so much noise and its kinda unfair for my ot7 heart,because this whole solo era just made me think if jimin decides to leave the group his popularity will skyrocket even more cause it's like he has hidden fans not only army fandom and im selfish.
Okay... let me break it down like this
The Hyung line in general don't have as much traction as the Maknae line in BTS. It's not shade that's just the way things work in kpop- save for a few instances.
With Jimin being part of the Maknae line you should understand he is not comparable to anyone in the hyung line. He naturally will garner more attention than anyone in the Hyung line. He is Maknae too.
When it comes to the Maknae line, Jungkook being the youngest gets a lot of traction for the sheer sake of it. He's the Golden Maknae. The youngest in any group tend to get this level of traction and attention naturally- again save for few instances.
Wait. Hold up. Unfair for Jimin to get this attention?
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I'm gonna ignore that and carry on with the post 😒
The media does not favor JM more it's just Jimin treats the media with more grace than the others- Suga calls out the media, Tae claps back at them, Namjoon makes snarky remakes about the media to their face. Jungkook just wants punch them in the face.
The media is not their friend. Do you see the crap they report about BTS? Do you see the headlines? They are assholes. Especially kmedia with their creepy asses.
When you say they are favoring Jimin all I can think about is the hosanna before his crucifixion.
Okay the last part made me smile 😃
The part you said JM has hidden fans made me melt won't lie🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Good good, let's continue this conversation cos I was about to pull your edges off thinking you was an anti in disguise 😆
As I was saying, the hyung line has less social traction compared to the maknae line for a number of reasons beyond their control.
We really shouldn't compare the Hyung line and the maknae line. We really shouldn't. Even before their solos they weren't treated equally by fans. It's why most times we had to work extra hard to push their content and support them because if we left things to chance they would have tanked hard. I call it affirmative action and that's where the strength of OTZ lies. We balance these things out.
And let's not blame Jimin for it. Because truth is had it been Jk or Tae they would have overshadowed the hyung line too. It's rock beats scissors, maknae beats hyung line.
Among the maknaes, I feel Jungkook would have been the most followed out of BTS but his personality tends to be a bit controversial with the tattoos and dating scandals and I don't give a fuck attitude which kinda suits his personna but rubs people off the wrong way. even that he's still the Golden Maknae. Can't take that away from him.
Tae has the oppressed under dog vibe going for him. From day one, he was hidden by the company, he was marginalized as the alien of the group, laughed at by friends, raised on a farm, and his grandma died. Then it turns out not only is he hot and talented, he's goofy, has a heart of gold and has that bit of fire in him you just don't want to mess with him he will cut you
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Yet however they both are missing something that comes naturally for Jimin- mystery and obsession.
I don't know how Jimin is doing it but he is doing it.
He has a shit ton of sex appeal, has a voice so unique it piques your curiosity, looks like nothing you've ever seen, mad mad classy, mature, disciplined, accessible, consumable- he has that level of success that looks attainable if only you follow his blue print.
Having the success of the Golden Maknae is unattainable to most people. Not everyone has youth on their side, not everyone has a perfect pitch to stand out of the lot, not everyone has the natural talent Jungkook has which comes without him even trying.
It's the same with Tae. To get the success he has you would have to be him specifically.
With Jimin it's different. His success does not rest on his looks or voice alone. In fact, I'd argue his success doesn't come from any of that at all and I think it's intentional on his part. He doesn't rely on luck- that doesn't mean he doesn't have it, he do. He just don't make that his whole personality.
And that's what Tae was talking about in I-land. There are very tangible aspects to his success. It's what makes him the rookie Bible. He demystifies success and makes it replicable. It's easy to look at him and feel inspired and assured if you work just as hard as Jimin then you should get the same results- except you can't work just as hard cos what he does is humanly impossible💀
Jungkook named him Tripple A effort guy and he's right.
I feel this is why a company like hybe would love him. He doesn't let his looks do the talking for him. He doesn't rely on his looks or say I have a unique voice and that's it. He leaves nothing to chance.
He is very interesting. And that interest often leads people into obsessing over him. Once you Jim in you can't Jim out.
Tae's haters and detractors don't care enough about him to follow him around and keep tabs on him.
Jk's haters couldn't give a fuck about him too.
However Jimin's haters are so obsessed with him they turn around to be his fans which is crazy🤣🤣🤣
They look at him and just don't understand why he's successful the way he is and I feel that's how the obsession with him begins 😆
They want to know where he's at, who he's with, what he's doing. Yet dude is so mysterious they get nothing out of him which only intensify their obsession😩
They will listen to his music all the way through just so they can come on the internet and say it's shitty- 🤣
Jimin is admirable. Brands admire him, regular folks admire him. People want him to succeed for the same reasons they may want someone like TAE to succeed. They are both a rags to riches story. Except they both have fans who engage in very different fan behaviors.
Which is what it all comes down to. Jimin's fans behave differently from any members' fans. Perhaps people should pay attention to that before acting jealous of him.
It's just as how BTS fans behave and engage in very different fan behaviors to other idols' fans. And don't hurt your head, there a countless experts who have tried to research Army to understand what it is about BTS keeps us tethered to them but haven't a clue.
Also let's not confuse followers for fans. Just because one member has a lot of followers does not mean they have the most fans out of BTS💀
People can fake accounts and follow anyone but not everyone of those accounts may be a true fan.
Jimin knows how to work the public. He knows what we want. He can enchant us and play us like a violin if he so chooses. He's behind a lot of the successes of BTS especially with regards to their public image.
He's a master curator, he's the voice telling them don't get drunk and vlive, move this way on the stage, hold it a big longer, post this, don't post that, why? Because he knows how to work the public. I'd say Tae too to be honest.
I don't think JM has fully stepped into his power. You are right to say his fame will skyrocket if he breaks away. He has the skills and experience, knowledge, creativity and discipline to make him forever relevant.
If anyone is going to become a household name I trust it's jimin because he gets it. He gets that talent alone won't get you anywhere, looks alone won't suffice you gotta be the whole package and HE IS THE WHOLE PACKAGE.
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deltaromeo3 · 11 months
ɴᴏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ #3 - Daniel Ricciardo
pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x childhood!bestfriend reader
summary: Finally returning home after a few years, she reunites with her long time bestfriend; the all too famous Formula 1 driver, Daniel Ricciardo. Will things rehash between them or will it take a turn for the worst?
✮ previous chapters: #1 | #2
✮ my ask box is open!
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“Daniel Joseph Ricciardo! Get up and get dressed!” My mom barges into my room, tossing a towel at me.
“Aunt Mia’s birthday today. Look your best will you?”
Aunt Mia. Oh yeah right… theres gonna be a small gathering between our families. I guess that’s a given since she’s been friends with my mom ever since I was in nappies.
In my groggy state, I got up, showered and got ready. As usual, I put on a party shirt and paired it with denim shorts; my go-to outfit. Everyone was basically ready, they were seated in the living room waiting for me.
“Ready?” My mom asks.
★ ★ ★
After leaving McLaren, Daniel had more than enough time on his hands. So, he decides to come back home to spend more time with his family, why not right? Also he much more prefers the peace and quiet over the hustle and bustle of Monaco so he figured this was a win-win.
But at the back of his mind, Daniel knew he didn’t come back home just for that. He came back home in hopes you would be there too. There would have some sort of gathering and your mother would always invite his family. Deep down, he hoped that he would spot you in the crowd somewhere.
As soon as he enters your house, right after greeting your parents, his eyes immediately scans the living room. You weren’t there. But he was still hopeful that you would be somewhere in the backyard, sitting down laughing about something Ella said.
And like always, his feet brings him to the backyard, and his eyes scans all around for you.
He spots your sister chatting away with Ella but to his dismay, you weren’t there. He sighs to himself and shakes his head thinking “why do I even try? It’s the same every fucking time.”
So off he goes, grabbing himself a beer from the esky and sitting down on the steps of the porch, quietly sipping it just like he does every time there’s a gathering. He spots Caleb from afar, waving at him, making his presence known. Caleb waves back and walks over to him, doing the same thing he does; grabbing a beer and sitting down next to Daniel.
“How ya holding up?” He asks.
“What? In life? In general? But eh, i’m good both ways.“
“That’s good to hear. It’s good you’re taking a break. Good on ya, mate.”
Daniel was someone true to himself, if he wasn’t happy, there wasn’t a reason to stay. And McLaren proved just that, that there was no point putting your all into something that made you unhappy. Don’t get me wrong, racing does make him happy, but this was more like a “if you plant a good seed in bad soil, it will affect how it roots and grows.”
“Yeah… I’m happy with my decision. In a better place now.” He sips his beer.
“Staying for long this time?” Caleb asks.
“Maybe. We’ll see,” He takes another sip of his beer.
Caleb laughs, “Well, if you ever change your mind, come ov-“
“Ma! I’ve got the ice. Where should I put it?!” The familiar voice booms through the whole house.
Is that who I think that is? Is that…? Nah, it can’t be. It’s just my mind playing fucking tricks on me.
“In the esky! Down by the porch!”
Daniel hears a set of footsteps making their way down to the porch. He doesn’t turn his head to look, afraid his suspicions might be right.
What is he gonna say to you after all these years? How should he start a conversation?
Instead, he just keeps sipping on his beer like it’s bottomless, zoned out…more like trying to not pay much attention to the voice he just heard. Her voice. Your voice.
“Goddamn this woman has me doing shit-“
Daniel hears you mutter to yourself. He chuckles, thinking “she hasn’t changed one bit��.
He notices that you were struggling to carry the ice pack when you pass by Caleb and then himself, which you don’t even realise is there, inches away from you.
“Hey, let me help you with that.” Daniel stands up, hands outreached to take the ice pack off of you. You still don’t realise it’s him.
“Are you su-“
You finally look up to the bloke who offered you help. Finally your eyes meet. You knew that voice sounded familiar, even though you hadn’t heard it in a while.
You froze like a deer caught in headlights when you finally face to look up at him.
The ice pack drops to the floor. “Daniel?” Was all you managed to croak out.
Oh how he hated hearing that name.
Daniel? You know how much I hate it when you call me that. So please, it’s Danny… He thought to himself.
For some reason, hearing ‘Daniel’ roll off your tongue hurt way more than McLaren betraying him.
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A/N: oof this took me a whiiileee to publish!! life’s been keeping me busy. thank you for the wait! hope you enjoyed this chapter :) as always, feedback (good/bad) is appreciated! <3
🏷️: @zendayabelova @rizzciardo @charlespear
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p41nkillers · 2 months
marshscott dialogue (1/???)
content: nathans working on trust issues
kate: ive never…like had any… uhh- *clears throat* lets just say…that im 'inexperienced' and youre my ‘first’ guy. ive always been distant myself around boys…my parents... they would be angry and disappointed if they knew about us…because they want me to be doing this sort of stuff when im actually married *small sigh*
nathan: so youve been savin’ yourself for marriage this whole time? yeah, that makes sense.. so why did u agree to stick around with me if you knew that being with me is kinda 'sinful' and it will only make it worse? i dont understan-
kate: w-well...! i believe that...m-maybe we both gonna work this out and we eventually- *stop talking for awhile* nathan...why do u wanna be with me though? im a religious freak, and youre an atheist… is there any reason?
nathan: *shrug* i just think you were fun to hangout with…*chuckle softly* maybe i like to experience myself with someone whos actually different from me. Theres something about you that i really like alright? Wby? What do u even see in me?
kate: mhm... youve got unique personalities... sure you can be a bit freaky sometimes but i tend to be the freakiest too so we're even *giggle* youre also look so gentle and charming when youre not being such a jerk to me... its like im talking to a different person..
nathan: maybe you should get your eyes checked then...still, that doesnt make any fucking sense right? i mean why the hell would u go this far with me? i just wanna make sure that you werent after me for a damn money alright?
kate: good God nathan no! of course not! im not like those gold diggers youve been slept with! i-i swear okay..? believe me.. i-i mean yeah sure youre rich, you have everything but that's not the reason i-
nathan: the only reason you stuck with me cuz' im just a dumb jock whos nothing but a spoiled little rich kid, just like those stupid bimbos who used me for money. youre probably just using me too right?
kate: *sigh* you right, youre such a dumb jock. cant u see that im being genuine this whole time? if you werent rich, id still want to be with u okay?? maybe i'd like you even more, so i wouldnt have to worry about you chasing me like im some kind of prey… treating me like one of your trophy collections...
nathan: you know what? maybe i should just go fuck around with other whore out there who is way more experienced than you tho youre all just the same, just wanting me for cash because thats what girls like you always do; an attention-starved whore who begged herself like a fucking dog in a heat
kate: at least i still have some goddamn self-respect but you know what? maybe you should just be GAY instead because you sound like misogynist at this point. maybe i am clingy; its one of those female traits you just have to deal with it but you cant you know why?? because youre the most sexist guy ive ever met! and goodluck finding another dumb ho who can put up with your bullshit! *walk away*
note: i want them to at least hv a proper conversation afterward but i hv no idea how to make it happen its a bit stretch to do so i just gave up lol
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ilynpilled · 9 months
also, in her converation with Ned, cersei outright TELLS him that Jaime would kill Robert if he knew how Robert abused her (fuck robert i hope he's rotting). and Robert knew it too which is why all his bruises were generally weren't on her face where people, specifically including Jaime, could see.
This is her exact quote: "Jaime would have killed him (Robert), even if it meant his own life"
that's probably one of the reasons why she doesn't tell him. she was in an awful, awful situation and it reflects the situation of so many other abuse victims across the world. it's not fair that she should have to keep this from her own family and worry about what her brother would do, but if he DIDN'T do anything...what kind of a person would he be? just look at Aemon the Dragonknight as a prime example
regarding this post: link
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yeah thats the quote they refused to take at face value when almost everything about his characterization indicates that it would be the case.
i think when it comes to the discussions of much of this the dissonance comes from not confronting that this society refuses to acknowledge marital rape as rape. i do not have the quote at hand (@/georgescitadel might have it) but george himself has expressed that marital rape as a concept doesnt exist in medieval society. that is why it makes sense that while jaime is aware that robert “claimed his rights”, he does not recklessly murder him for it in rage unless cersei gives the word (again, we already know he is ready to do it after he sees that robert is disrespecting her by cheating on her and proceeds to ask her if she wants him dead for it. but like you pointed out, cersei understands that if he saw evidence of physical abuse he likely would not ask for permission and potentially get himself killed.) this is because arranged marriages are treated as a norm in which conjugal rape and a man claiming his rights is not really acknowledged or understood (more like confronted tbh) as rape. this is an integral aspect of the patriarchal domination thats present in westerosi society, its woven into its very fabric. women are placed into a role of subordination, again, it is robert’s “right.” and jaime too is unable to conceptualize it as sexual abuse on the level of rape. hence we get quotes like this:
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like we know and understand that cersei was repeatedly raped by robert. we know she didnt make anyone kill her. we know what jaime is saying and thinking here is inconsistent and makes little sense if he believes that she was raped.
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that other passage suggests that jaime does not fully grasp or know this. and in general society doesn’t for the most part, including most of the victims themselves. “claiming his rights” is not referred to as rape. robert also knows that what he is doing is wrong, especially the part where he is hurting her (theres also the layer of the code of chivalry being completely contradicted), but he refuses to confront it in multiple ways, and i dont think even he fully acknowledges it as rape either even though i refuse to believe that he is not aware of it. cersei’s right to label him a coward. same with ned in that very conversation, he even sees and knows that robert physically hit her, heard her say that she can scarcely bear him touching her, and yet he asks: “a thousand other women might have loved him with all their hearts. what did he do to make you hate him so?”, and cersei also doesn’t give the answer: “he repeatedly raped me.” jaime understands rape as terrible, he shows concern towards brienne, and risks personal harm (and gets it too since he is kicked unconscious because of it) saving her from it, and it is an act driven by empathy, and he even ironically acknowledges that rape can leave someone broken in a way that does not show on the outside. he executes pia’s rapist too, sets a precedent among his father’s men, and recognizes that she’s “scarred” where it does not show: “That’s all she is, a little girl in a woman’s body, scarred and scared.”
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and re the present: while i have a sympathy for jaime in the sense that the betrayal that he was confronted with shatters the delusion that he made immense sacrifices for and defined most of his life atp, and the fact that it makes him feel that he was not actually loved by her as well as recontextualizing his most horrible decisions, he should be showing more consideration and empathy (and i am not saying that he is obligated to die for her either. he isnt) and put in the effort to actually place himself in cersei’s shoes and navigate these blindspots that he has (he has the capacity to, again: “they will leave her a cripple too, but inside, where it does not show”). right now, he is extremely bitter, violently even, and can be selfish and misogynistic as hell about it, and i obviously believe that that is something that has to be recognized by readers for what it is.
but still, regarding the rest, i also think ppl dont acknowledge that because of how medieval society operates there is a very skewed perspective and understanding of certain things and how that affects characters. even with rhaella, jaime is disturbed by the physical abuse:
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like he doesnt use the word rape like he does with brienne and the bloody mummers, but he obviously hears and sees that the abuse thats happening to rhaella is horrid and hurts her, and feels a need/obligation to protect her. this is why it is not inconsistent at all that jaime would recklessly murder robert without “permission” even if it meant his own life if he saw evidence of physical abuse, but does not do the same for the marital rape/him claiming his rights. in this society it is not viewed as a violation of rights because women do not really have these rights in these circumstances. their purpose is to marry and bear children. rape is mostly understood and recognized as “low born criminals violently raping women”, “knights and soldiers violently raping women when their blood is up” etc, not “nobles in marriages raping their wives when they claim their rights”, or “coerced rape occurring every time nobles use brothels” etc.
and, as you may have noticed, there’s a strong “you’re hurting me” motif with all of this, because no matter what westerosi society normalizes to maintain patriarchal hegemony, it is obviously all an utter violation of human rights that deals immense harm and trauma to women.
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imustbenuts · 2 days
my hc about kiran's power level and how magic works in feverse
tl;dr its been growing for a while in the main story now. also: non-consensual breastmead feeding.
my hc about how power and magic works in the FEverse involving kiran is. always whirling. rn its combining a lot of what is found in FFXIV's magic system so if this sounds familiar at all then, yeah i plucked it out from there bc its the easiest to follow
so to start, i assume that magic is everything in the FEverse. its a lot like oxygen and hydrocarbon compounds, except this element as different aspects and can be freely manipulated provided there is the know-how. essentially, magic requires 2 things to work. a fuel source, and a converter.
feverse also has the concept of souls, which are often describe as "quintessence", this vague mass blorb of something related to magic in some way. it can be used for fuel, it has some inherent consciousness or autonomy to it which can be manipulated and corrupted. it is also very very potent, as some fans in the feverse have theroycrafted (shoutout to @felikatze and @ro-botany) exactly how much fuel it provides exactly
and while idk, im just going to assume a metric shitton, which isnt any proper measurement but it'll do for this post.
fuel sources
so magic is literally everywhere. as per reinhardt's quote, magic is everything. but because FE isn't particularly interested in establishing a proper explanation of a magic system and instead opts to tell stories about wars, we're left with scraps to ponder over.
but! we do understand in the FE verse that magic is inherently tied to quintessence, which functions as a life-force. its even stated that this force can be used by magic users upon ones death, so yippee
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in blazing blade, nergal fucked around with this and extended his lifespan and made morhps to further harvest more quintessence by luring more dragons into his world to kill and take theirs.
in awakening, grima was awakened by sacrificing the grimleals. possibly like a lot of grimleals because grima got mega big.
in engage, lumera was able to pour her lifeforce into alear to keep them alive, and to turn them from a fell to a divine dragon.
so all in all, there is a consistency in dragons having the biggest pool of quintessence and humans having significantly lower, possibly.
if we examine the feverse with the lens of shinto buddhism, this further tracks with the order of how the universes should be as dragons are considered more gods than humans.
theres also a decent possibility that souls just dissipate back into aegir or magic after some time bc otherwise the world would be too overpopulated by souls of the dead.
magic is evidently an academic thing in the feverse.
meaning, there are ways to manipulate magic in highly specific ways. i've already mentioned the soul focus aspect of it, which is considered a taboo type of magic so evidently no one really wants to fuck around with that. reasons could be that it's highly unethical, or very easy to corrupt the self, or have the spells backfire in spectacular fashions. (check nyx from fates.)
...unless they're nergal or eitri.
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magic users in fe uses a tool to help with the magic casting and conversion process. due to gameplay reasons, theres 2 main aspects that goes into how effective an offensive magic can be.
1st is the talent of the user. the magic stat.
2nd is the tool of the user. the various tomes found across all fe in all worlds. magic books, basically.
in this verse, not everyone is born with the talent to use magic. some have it better than others; some are pure geniuses at it from birth while others might be outright unable to cast magic.
we have talented cases like soren who is so talented that he successfully was taught magic before he even learned to speak. (granted that sage had... issues but jfc)
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and cases like ike, chrom and alfred who cant for the life of them manipulate magic decently. while ike and chrom cannot be reclassed so they use magic, in alfred's case his magic in engage is so terrible the only reason the players would reclass him would be for the cosplay
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these characters go around smacking their enemies with their physical weapons. they are very good at that too, and can take physical hits like no problem. they're tough as heck too, and so for all intents and purposes are the closest to people like us. people who cant manipulate magic, and which magic doesnt exist for us.
but.... there is one caveat.
the skills, Sol and Aether exists.
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for those who have only ever played FEH, Aether in mainline FE functions very similarly to Aether in the gacha game. when it activates, both skill sucks the lifeforce out of the victim to the user. Aether has the added effect of ignoring physical defense.
in effect, what these skills are would be piercing damage ignoring the laws of physics. basically, physical magic skills.
further, here's a funny thing about fire emblem growth stats: there exists no playable characters with a 0 mag growth in extreme theory. if we assume re-classing to absolutely any classes to being theoretically possible for everyone, then even characters with 0 mag growth gets a mag growth boost past 0. this is the case for certain engage characters such as jade, etie and boucheron.
in FEH, characters often get classed to just about anything that seems fun. if we run with this logic for a sec, it implies strongly that everyone in FEverse are inherently attuned to magic even if they might not be able to manipulate it.
meaning, everyone has the ability to convert magic into something, no matter how small and insignificant.
okay now time to talk about kiran. its fever dream time so if you'd like to hop off at any point going forwards feel free.
kiran's power level
its. 0. at least in the beginning
ive always operated with the idea of kiran being the most average person of 2015s and onward with enough know-how to keep their head down from the context clues of what is given in FEH. they dont complain, follow alfonse and gang everywhere and is said to be super nice from all the lv 40 confessions and look
i dont buy it. i dont buy the idea that kiran is a complete blank slate in part also bc i dont view my silent protags that way. this is true in armored core and ffxiv and a lot more.
what i think is more likely is that we are looking at someone who has been chewed up by the modern day capitalism machine. someone who went through stressful school, possibly cram school and has a knack for surviving highly irrational and stressful situations.
bc the world of FEH as the summoner is highly irrational and stressful. i mean, invasions, a whole country in the middle of lava lakes, big gods, gods coming in to mess with them and their friends, characters turned people, time loops, etc etc. thats highly irrational and stressful. just like the rubrics and stressed professors who makes no fucking sense
the average person, at least in japan, would have little to no reason to be ready at peak combat performance, which means muscles and reflexes are going to be rock bottom. maybe some martial art classes, but i doubt these are truly enough for real combat.
they would have no experience with any weapons too, except for maybe the gun. at bare minimum, gun related games are a thing and can be found in arcades and carnivals. House of the Dead and Time Crisis are very much a thing.
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further to that, our world doesn't have magic. we cant cast it, we dont believe it exists, we cant prove it does. even if we have computers.
we cannot directly covert magic into functions ourselves. the FEverse characters can.
ill also get back into their growth as a fighter in a sec, but gotta segue into....
breidablik's power upping
kiran also doesnt show themself at all to be able to manipulate magic without the aid of breidablik throughout the entirety of feh.
so much so that mage characters dont talk to them about the specifics of academic magic at all, and are instead to be offered physical training by various characters.
which means their magic ability is 0. (again, at least in the beginning)
it is only until book 3 that kiran gets the Dire Breidablik indirectly from a dead kiran of another world that things begin to change.
the reason Dire Breidablik can even cause tangible damage is because *breathes* its being powered by a whole world worth of dead souls to be able to pew pew. (life force again! yippee!)
from this point onwards, breidablik and kiran seem to receive gradual power ups as the game goes on. even their ability to summon stronger heroes and more in the form of pairs clearly increases. the mechanics of this is a big mystery but assuming powercreep is canonical, this is significant.
this can be most easily seen by the first summonable god character in the form of Duma; this doesnt happen until 2019 jan, 2 whole years after FEH's debut. duo heroes 1st came as duo halloween hector in 2019 dec.
and then we have characters commenting on how their getting stronger might be the influence of kiran. see: thor.
and more events happen throughout which seems to power up breidablik so much that now it can straight up obliterate a god responsible for a time loop. geezums.
kiran's growth... or lack thereof
but even then, physically they are still lacking compared to these heroes and soldiers whose job is to literally be physically capable to fight. i mean, to even train up to a point where they might be able to keep up running with them takes time.
in fact, the first time kiran is able to fight toe to toe with anyone is with FEH 4.0, where the uhh 55th Mjölnir's Strike happened, released back in feb of 2021. meaning this was a few chapters into book 5, so much much later after Dire Breidablik was obtained back in book 3.
i also SWEAR there was a part where Thorr appeared and said something about buffing Kiran up so they can actually fight for this game mode, but i cant find any traces of it. hope im not hallucinating it, this was 3 years ago now ugh. alas.
meaning, even with Dire Breidablik, or a Breidablik powerful enough to buff the user, Kiran is still so incapable that canonically the OP weapon cant justify them staying safe enough on the front lines. even as of book 8 kiran is always implied to be hanging behind the front lines somewhere staying as safe as they reasonably can.
evidence for this? book vi's cinematic here. check out how they are strong enough to catch a falling ash but still having their amazing shitty footwork at 0:58. (theres no footwork. kiran cant fight for shit. id like to remind you again that the heroes are very very capable fighters in their own right!)
and all of this while discounting the fact that those in FEverse might be a bit superhuman. check out this cinematic of book vii at 0:42 where alfonse launches himself to a platform behind Gullveig like goddamn spiderman
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and meanwhile kiran at best just pew pews and leaps.
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and with the angle so goddamn low here, that leap looks really, really pathetic. this isnt a superhero leap, its someone so nonathletic attempting to look cool distracting big snake lady but succeeding in sending themself on a trajectory face first to the ground after 1 pew.
all in all, this makes kiran terrible at fighting.
and then theres. book 8 midpoint cutscene.
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with thiiiis scene.
in case you didnt catch whats going on, that lady is heidrun. what does heidrun do? WELL.
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might be non-consensual iunno. ...look i dont fucking write FEH. i just interpret the shit that appears in front of me. i dont know whats going on at intsys either. are they under attack? having a mass fever dream? snorting lines of pulverized yens? desperate to break free from the shackles of nintendo? ran out of milk? dont work for them i dont fucking know.
anyway. back on topic. this means this is yet another +1 to whatever is going on with kiran and breidablik. but to kiran specifically, and this is interesting.
bc so far, all the power they are gaining is from breidablik and breidablik alone. their body as far as i can tell, is not capable to fight or convert magic into functions in any degree on its own.
essentially they're like an alien in a mystery planet. where feverse is made of magic element compounds, they alone are the singular hydrocarbon being.
so if the mead does anything to kiran's body we might be able to see going forwards.
all thanks to breastmead. thank you heidrun. thank you feh writers. wtf am i supposed to feel about this i dont fucking know. ill just curse the person reading this. so i wrote this.
thanks for reading.
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