#there's pancakes involved
euphreana · 10 months
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Whew! I've been reminded why I switched to making black and white comics for the past few years.
Anyway, have a Nimona comic inspired by @tristenthekitty!
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canisalbus · 5 months
Back in kindergarten when I thought I was a girl, my hair was so long that kids accidentally stepped on it when I was sitting on the floor. Has Vasco dealt with people stepping on his ears before?
For sure. That's the price you pay for having impressive ears.
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wraenata · 1 year
Pancake Donnie Part 2
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Listen, I bet warm pancakes would be really comfortable to sleep under. I mean Donnie really liked that Joey pouch, for some reason. But add the syrup? Ehhhh
The second part of my pancake Donnie brainrot, featuring actual pancakes, thanks to @somerandomdudelmao for shrinking her Uncletello for all our enjoyment!
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bibliosims · 4 months
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thatonebirdwrites · 3 months
Kara follows through on her promise to ask Lena out once they were back from Ireland. Of course, she has to wait until Lena recovers after a very long rest. Plot things happen too. EXCERPT:
Lena wakes to the smell of something burning. 
At first, she labels it a dream, one of many she’s had from the past day of her mostly sleeping. Her time in Ireland had exhausted her far more than she realized as her eyes open to a new day, the morning light flushing away the night. 
But then her rational brain kicks in, and she jolts upright. She’s alone, Kara’s side of the bed empty, and all the blankets tucked around herself. She untangles herself and stumbles out of the bedroom and into the main loft area. 
Kara stands in front of the stove, her hands on her hips, while smoke rises from a pan. No fire just a black pan.
“Kara?” Lena rubs her eyes blearily. Okay, so not a crisis. Good. That’s good. She steps into the kitchen and sees a tea pot, freshly brewed, and the coffee machine plugging away for coffee. 
“Oh!” Kara turns. “Lena! Sorry to wake you. I — uh, was trying to make breakfast.” She smiles sheepishly. “Apparently using heat vision to speed up pancakes doesn’t work.” 
Lena blinks. “Heat vision.” She’s not awake enough to parse that sentence.
Kara looks embarrassed now. “I mean, the pan was taking forever to warm up!” 
To troubleshoot, Lena needs caffeine pronto.  She opens a cabinet and pulls down one of her favorites of Kara’s mugs — the one with a rocketship from some old science fiction comic. She pours the tea and sniffs it. 
Ah. Black tea with a hint of bergamont. Earl Grey. Excellent. After one cup, she pours another, and her brain slowly becomes more cognizant. Glancing over the stove again, she realizes what’s wrong. “Burner isn’t on, my love.” 
She takes another sip and blushes when she realizes what pet name she'd used unconsciously. 
Well that’s… 
Whatever. She’s going to just own it. Her feelings for Kara should be obvious by now, and if it’s not, they’ll talk about it soon enough. Once Lena has her caffeine and washes up for the day.
“Oh, right. Uh. Well, that’s just embarrassing.” Kara sighs heavily, which sends a spike of ice over the pan. “Whoops.” She flicks off a piece of ice and it skitters across the stovetop to land on the floor.
Lena can’t help it. She bursts into laughter. Kara smiles and starts to laugh with her. Lena leans her head against Kara’s shoulder. “You loveable dork,” she whispers. She lifts her head and kisses Kara on the cheek. “Let me get ready, and I’ll help you, okay? Then we can discuss our plans for today.”
Kara licks her lips, her eyes more focused on Lena’s lips or chest. Lena’s not entirely sure, but it does warm her to see. “Uh, sure. Yeah. We can do that. I do have to go back to the office, um, to finish that article on Ireland. Did you know you slept a whole day? But you look so much better — not that you don’t look amazing all the time!” The pink blush returns to Lena’s delight and amusement. “And yes, definitely get ready. I’ll try cleaning this mess—”
Lena gently runs her thumb over Kara’s bottom lip, which freezes the super and ceases her rambling. Despite her skin’s invulnerability, Kara’s lips still feel soft to Lena’s touch. 
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shadydirt · 1 year
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My work schedule got rearranged so take this WIP, full page should be done by Tuesday.
Day 6 - Choice / Admire
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marisatomay · 2 years
highly recommend not making any concrete plans on your birthday so you can do whatever you want as the mood strikes and not be disappointed if your plans don’t live up to your expectations
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nightjarring · 16 days
God it's refreshing to be out of KS even if it's just for the summer
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pixlokita · 2 years
So in-comic, how long has it been since Mike has eaten anything? Because I'm just imagining him getting hungry, but forgetting that actual food is a thing and assuming that he just needs to recharge his battery and then staring at some random outlet in Henry's house and trying to figure out to plug himself in. Especially because I don't think wireless chargers were a thing yet in this time period.
Michael: -looks at power outlet in consideration-
Henry: -entering the room with a soup- hey, Mike- -GASP IN HORROR-
Michael: -about to stick his tongue into the outlet-
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simplysummers · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day! Here's your valentine:
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(yes I know it's from Monster Trucks lol I couldn't find any Alex gifs with him smiling lmao)
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Awww this is so sweet! Thank you Pax 💛 Happy Valentine’s Day to you too. seeing him always makes me happy 💛
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guiltburdened · 10 months
I will always lament that Natasha Romanoff didn't have a better ending, or a riding off into the sunset, and retiring (something I hope that Bucky gets in the end with MCU, and not dying, because his past now is gone and not having purpose). But yeah, Scarlett wanted to leave the role, and I respect her decision, and I don't want her to just hang around doing movies, when she is unhappy just to entertain me. It's her life. And she did not have a good experience, and probably fought alot about her character direction.
Give me a like though, if you're a bit excited to see Yelena Belova to take over the Black Widow mantle, and franchise, with her own story, and maybe fight some of her comic villains.
Perhaps Val becoming MCU's version of Madame Hydra.
Maybe a returning Bridgette Regan, as Dottie Underwood from Agent Carter, finally linking Agent Carter, and the MCU proper together.
Wanting to do a little survey.
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autistichwsamerica · 2 years
HWS Canada: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos.
HWS Ukraine: Was that place out of chocolate chip pancakes again?
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oathwilled · 7 months
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@thelyss inquired: “I promise you, nothing will happen to you.” / in love and war
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" You can't promise that. Bloody planet could open up and swallow us whole. Seen it happen, " he adds, swiftly, with a rapid look over as though trying to ensure that yes, it's absolute fact, " whole big thing. Out of bloody nowhere, started shaking and then —— " He makes a cracking motion with hands, and he's —— gods, he's stalling. He's stalling, desperately trying to pretend this shaky, decrepit, hanging-on-by-a-thread bridge across the underdark chasm doesn't make his stomach sink into his knees.
( What, the wartorn bold crusader, afraid of heights ? Never. Impossible. )
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" Couldn't ye just —— " He waves a hand, vaguely, a little helplessly —— he's not desperate. He'll do it. He just. Needs a minute. Really. " Wizard us across? "
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cal-is-a-cryptid · 7 months
Something that makes me happy #16:
A perfectly moist cake, muffin or other baked good.
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lunarlegend · 1 year
no but seriously though, i'm so obsessed with the idea of Ignis becoming a real parent
not a kid who was forcibly trained to be a caretaker to someone his whole life, but an actual parent
an Older Ignis, in his 30s, existing in a world where the Dawn has come, and there are no more daemons to fight, and Noctis is all grown up and has his own life
an Ignis who finally gets to relax and wake up a little later in the morning and lounge around in sweatpants while he makes breakfast, and then contently sit at the table with his daughter while he sips his coffee
an Ignis who gets to enjoy each day as it comes and melt into the peaceful sort of life he never got to have when he was a child, and was never supposed to have at all
with a family who loves him and a toddler who adores him and all the time in the world to spend with them
that's the life i want for Ignis
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yoon-kooks · 11 months
it's canon that all the ocs in my jjk fics love pancakes
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