#there's a picnic place on the side of the mountain right outside of town that i love
squirrelsqwirow · 6 months
HC: mountaineer!reiner x fem!reader
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a/n: I've seen a lot of farmer!reiner and cowboy!reiner, which I love, but never a mountaineer!reiner and I just can't stop thinking about it cw: Light smut below, mentions of death, modern au, sub!reiner
mountaineer!reiner who was born and grew up within a small German village within the Bavarian Alps - a tourist town it was, attracting thousands of hikers world-wide, and hundreds of influencers for it's quaint cafes and inns.
mountaineer!reiner who knows the vast region around his village like the back of his hand - he doesn't need a map, (however he continues to take one), as he has memorised every hike, trail and worn-down path.
mountaineer!reiner who owns a moderately-sized wooden cabin just outside of the village with his lovely wife
mountaineer!reiner who's cabin sits on a grassy hillside walled by the forest, the only access being the dirt driveway that weaves through the woods - a delicate creek slices through the hillside and runs next to the cobble patio outback
mountaineer!reiner who awakens every morning with you in his arms, face dug into the crook of your neck, the newly grown scruff on his chin and cheeks scratching your skin as he shifts to hold you closer - you groan as he does, being pushed from side-to-side as he wiggles down to rest on your chest, arms secured around your waist
"what'ya doing?" you had said the first time. "sorry," he mumbled and place a sleepy kiss to the fat of your right breast. "you're warm." reiner hummed with a smile as you ran your fingers through his hair and caressed his face. "and comfortable."
mountaineer!reiner who loves slow mornings, basking in the yellow light that seeps through the curtains as you both struggle to pull back the covers - who loves mornings where you lay together as entangled limbs; pants; whines; soft moans filling the room - who loves productive mornings where you both separately get ready for the day, sharing quick kisses as you pass each other in the hallway, kitchen and bedroom
mountaineer!reiner who always brings you in for a deep kiss as he leaves for the day, and as he pulls away he gives you the warmest, sweetest smile filled with love and adoration, caressing your cheek before whispering 'I love you'
mountaineer!reiner who works as a local guide for hikers, leading groups of people on hikes that can range from 40 minutes to the lookout on the mountain, or 6 hour hikes into the mountains and forest
mountaineer!reiner who loves his job and wishes to leave Germany for a little while to hike some of the most famous trails in the world
mountaineer!reiner who wants to bring you on these dream journeys, your hands linked together as you scale the flat or rough terrain - bodies pressed together under the sleeping bag as the tent pitter-patters with light rain - the taste of coffee on your tongues as you share kisses against the great view of the rising sun
mountaineer!reiner who always wants to match his wife's hiking clothes
"love, which ones should we wear?" reiner turned around and held up two different sets of hiking clothes. he lifted the first pair: "the blue and black?" he lifted the second: "or the red, orange and yellow?" you had little time to think as reiner sheepishly held out the first pair. "I like this one." you smiled, "I like that one too."
mountaineer!reiner who loves taking you on hikes, whether they be days long or 30 minutes into the forest for a picnic
mountaineer!reiner who's favourite spot for a picnic is a grassy hillside behind the cabin that's peppered with flowers, over-looking the village - a basket, a red-white checkered blanket and you lying next to him - he's in heaven
mountaineer!reiner who cannot stop sneezing as he collects a bouquet for you from the field - who almost cries when you continue to preserve the bouquets he gives you and place them in vases around the house - he'll stare lovingly at them when you're away
mountaineer!reiner who will lick excess whipped cream from the corner of your mouth, his face the shade of the strawberry jam in the pastries he and you baked for the picnic date
he pulls away with his heart thumping against his ribs, the taste of whipped cream heavy on his tongue. you gently reached out for his chin and bring him in for a soft kiss, one that leaves a shy smile on his face. reiner leans his head into the crook of your neck and looks down at the bustling village below, feeling happy and loved.
mountaineer!reiner who's job isn't always great, as within the wilderness and long hiking trails people can go missing
mountaineer!reiner is one of the first to be called when a hiker disappears - works himself to the bone trying to find them, narrowing down their last known location and following tracks, exploring every possible structure in the area that the hiker could have taken refuge in, working alongside a large team that scales mountains and dips into valley's
mountaineer!reiner who can almost cry with joy as he finds them curled away to escape the dropping temperatures, and sometimes mountaineer!reiner who sobs into your lap as the search is called off after a number of weeks
mountaineer!reiner who, under the covers in your shared bed, will confess his feelings of failure and guilt for never finding this hiker - he'll confess the pure terror of being lost in the wilderness, one of his greatest fears
"I feel like I could've done more," reiner said with half his face dug into the pillow. "maybe if I looked harder or-or tried harder we would've found them..." his voice cracks, "but I-I just..." you don't say anything as he sobs, only pulling him closer and running your fingers through his hair.
mountaineer!reiner who is a kind, empathetic and compassionate man that never forgets the people never found, and tried his best to bring some sort of closure to the families
mountaineer!reiner who often retreats to the hot-spring behind the cabin to relax and clear his mind - his favourite time to jump in is during winter, when the snow is heavy and thick, but most importantly with you curled up by his side
mountaineer!reiner who pants into your shoulder and clings to your waist as you sit on his lap, the steaming water sloshing against your sides as you slide up and down
his face is red from the heat, and you can see how he is close from the way he bites his lip and his eyes roll back into his head. reiner's hips stutter as you whisper sweet nothings into his ear, his legs tremble beneath the water and as you bring his head to rest on your shoulder, his mouth falls open as the tight pressure between his legs finally bursts.
mountaineer!reiner who loves when you make love to him slow and sensual, but isn't against being roughed up every now and then - he will pay back the favour with his head between your thighs for as long as you want, drunk of the sound of your moans and the gentle whisper of the forest outside the open window
mountaineer!reiner who's lean and sharply toned in the summer, muscles rippling under his skin as he carries out his chores, but is softer and squishy during the colder months, his strong muscles coated in a thin layer of fat
mountaineer!reiner who always asks if you can help him shave even though he is perfectly capable of doing it himself - he just loves the feeling of you softly angling his head to where you want, and brushing your fingers down his soft cheeks
mountaineer!reiner who pretends to not notice you eyeing him as he chops wood outside, and who always 'accidentally' forgets to put on a shirt as he does - he'll have a lopsided grin and a deep blush, but doesn't fail to give you a show as he casually stretches to flex his large biceps and back muscles
mountaineer!reiner who loves the domestic life he lives - chopping wood out back, cooking meals, cleaning the house, fixing the sink in the kitchen and frequent trips into the village where he takes his wife to brunch
mountaineer!reiner who has been cleaning out a spare room little by little for months, almost bouncing in excitement at the possibility that it might be a nursery one day
"hey, sweetheart?" reiner beckoned you to the doorway of the spare room and pointed to the far right corner. "what'ya think about... I dunno, a crib in here soon?"
mountaineer!reiner who loves his life, wife and little slice of paradise and wouldn't trade it for all the riches in the world
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michixoxo · 1 month
"𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙤𝙣?"
you and main cast, where yall going?
put on your sunscreen! cuz you're going the fuck outside
takes you to a carnival in town for your first date.
he instantly wants to get you every single prize there is, doing multiple games, all rigged against him, and his frustration gets progressively higher.
until, the fated claw machine.
it was your mistake to mention that you'd love the cute pig plushie, because he spends quarter after quarter determined to get you it.
it gets to the point that you end up leaving to go get you both a soda, seeing how he won't even move from the machine.
with his last failed attempt, he slams his fist against the side of the machine, impossibly frustrated and out of quarters.
but, fate seems to be on his side, as the metal panel guarding the inside of the machine falls as a result of his punch.
can you really blame him for reaching his arm inside and taking a plush or two? or three? or... all of them?
he carries as much as he can, excited to show you. he can see you in the distance, only a little bit more, just a little—
"freeze! you're under arrest!", aw shit.
"you are being charged with destruction of property and theft. anything you say can be used against you in court.", he feels shame and embarrassment pool in his stomach as the altercation draws your attention, your hands covering your mouth in shock as he's cuffed.
as he is put into the carnival police car, he hangs his head low. i'm such a screw up. how could i be so fucking idiotic? they hate me, don't they? i fucking hate mysel—
"john!", your voice rings out even in the police car. he sees you, standing in the middle of the mountain of plushies. he sees as you pick up the prized pig plush, holding it in your arms.
"thank you!", you shout, smiling at him and waving. he tries to wave back, but resorts to shaking his head left and right, indulging in the laugh it pried from you.
even as the police car starts to move, his feelings are replaced with more welcomed ones: feelings for you.
he would take you mostly on casual dates when you start dating. you would go to places like arcades, fairs, and the like. cute picnic dates with each other, just talking and loving each other's company.
cute couple that ends up getting kicked out of every establishment they go to.
takes you to woaba boba for your first date.
what? it's not romantic? welp, that's rough buddy.
honestly, she doesn't feel the need to overly impress you. of course, she wants you to have a good time and have a good impression of her, but she isn't gonna stress herself out.
also uses it as a sort of test. she's had people, if they're brave enough, try to befriend her in order to benefit off her family's wealth, connections, and power.
so, if you don't like it, then you can happily take your business elsewher—? oh? you love boba? you always wanted to go here? you're thanking her?
hm. well, she may have been a bit rash. maybe you aren't like other people...
you blink slightly as she sips her boba, looking strangely pleased. did something happen..?
takes you to different hang out spots.
you'd go shopping together at the mall or spend time at a skating ring, whether or not either of you can skate is entirely irrelevant.
similar to john, you both get into a lot of trouble on your dates, though your chances of being caught are now halved 👍
badass couple that get progressively dumber the longer they are around each other.
first date on the moon
okay not actually but its still exuberantly fancy
french restaurant in the heart of Wellston that has three michilen stars and a price range that would make the average man cry.
you're not surprised when you show up and he's wearing a suit that's the cost of the same man's salary.
classic candlelit dinner, the chef personally comes to serve you both. you pray that he doesn't believe in 50/50
not nervous at all. in fact, bro thinks he's the shit. (and he is but don't tell him that)
he knows he outdid himself with this one, and he knows that it's gonna impress you. still... you look sort of... bored—? well, no matter. he didn't pay the chef just for them not to have any tricks up their sleeve.
date goes well, because of course it did. still, as he walks you to your home, you look... less impressed than he hoped for.
did he do something wrong? did you not like the food? did you hate the restaurant—?,
"arlo!", huh? "there's a cat in the tree!", what did you want him to do about it? you stare at him with those pretty eyes, looking up at him. don't you remember that this suit costs a fortune? why not just call the fire department— "please, arlo..?"
...so what? he got a few twigs caught in his hair. and sure, maybe his suit is completely stained and torn from kitten claws and branches. but that sweet smile of yours, the impossibly bright light in that dim alley, is more than enough to make up for it.
takes you to expensive, classic dates. dinner dates are always a favorite, but you also go to nice lounges and country clubs to play golf or drink champagne.
elitist couple that thinks they are better than everyone and technically is.
first date is bowling, 90s style
she's very excited for the date, isen and blyke? not so much.
she had to practically chain them to a street lamp to be able to go with you on the date, and still, two guys in employee uniforms seem to be glaring at you an awful lot huh...
but anyways! the date is great! you both spend time with each other and take turns bowling. a fun sort of competition evolves from every passing round. she's... happy. she's really, really happy with you. and it's like she never wants it to end.
alas, a rumble of her stomach catches you both off-guard, resulting in a light chuckle from you and an embarrassed blush from her.
enjoying a burger, fries, and coke, you both sit together playing footsies in the food court. except, no good thing lasts for long.
a stray fry passes by your table, hitting someone behind you on the head. yet, despite doing something about it, the person simply cowers further in fear.
then, another fry. and another. and then a soda cup splatters hard and fast against them, covering them in a sticky, brown liquid. it's disgusting. it's revolting. and remi can barely stand to see it.
yet, for some reason, you grip tightly onto your own soda cup and stand up, your face obscured by the overhead light.
there's no way. no way you're gonna join in this, right? you were better than this, right? you wouldn't stoop to their level. no. no, how could you—?
your own soda cup slams against the face of the perpetrator, a sticky, orange fluid plastered all over them.
after the shock, remi's face almost shines. maybe, maybe you aren't like everyone else. she was right about you. and she's so happy she was.
takes you on classic dates. sharing a milkshake or pasta in a small diner is only one of her many ideas for you both. also likes going to fairs and carnivals, she'll win you so many plushies.
sweet couple that gives everyone diabetes with how cute you are.
tries to do something similar to arlo and fails miserably.
first date at a fancy restaurant but he shows up 15 minutes late covered in dirt and mud on his suit.
ask him what happened and he'll brush off the fact that he lost his phone in the sewer drain and bought a fishing rod to get it out and it worked until he accidentally flung both fishing rod and phone into a tree that he had to climb but didn't realize was being actively cut down and got stuck on a semi-truck as he fell and terrifyingly slid off until he bounced and bumped and conveniently landed right in front of the restaurant.
but don't worry! just a few scratches and stains and oh, is there a bird in his hair?
sits down and— "pfft, do you see them?", huh?
"please, what an embarrassment. people like that shouldn't be here, they ruin it for everyone."
...y'know what? fuck them. it doesn't matter. he's here with you, and he won't ruin it by getting angry. he shouldn't be mad. don't get mad—
and suddenly, a cup of water is thrown at the talking man.
"hey! keep your ass out of our business! what makes you think you can talk about us when you're balding at, what, 30?"
after a few more comments comparing the man to mr. clean and a couple profanities later, you're both thrown out of the restaurant with nothing but the clothes on your back.
"psh, assholes. let's go, blyke.", "go? what do you mean?", you smile at him, standing up and offering your hand. "our date isn't over just yet."
he might just love you.
takes you on gym dates. just gym dates. only gym dates. and maybe a few coffee dates or dates at the beach.
superhero couple with all the energy of a shonen anime and the bad decisions to show for it.
first date at the mall
think about it, it's casual enough to not be taken too seriously but also enough activities to make it seem like he's putting in more effort than he really is.
he's a genius, isn't he?
sometime during the date, you both go inside a stationary store. there, he might've just met the love of his life.
a pen, no, the pen. everything from the smell, to the sleek style, to the vibrant red and black accents. it's beautiful. but he'll be damned if he's spending $300 on a singular pen, even he has his limits.
so, after staring longingly at it, he leaves along with you to the next place. it's fine, surely nothing wrong could happen now—
"hey! you there with the bad haircut!", huh? first of all, rude—
the security guard yells at him, telling him that he apparently stole the valued pen at the stationary store. that the cameras saw him looking at it and they know it was him.
not only is the dude embarrassing him in front of you, but his integrity is being called into question.
why is it always him? can't he have a simple day without things going wrong? he didn't even do anything! why is it always his fault—?
you step in front of isen, almost to protect him. "he wouldn't do that, he isn't like that. just because he was looking at it doesn't mean he did it. you don't even know him, not like how i do."
..? you're taking his side? even after what the security guard said?
his thoughts are stopped as the store owner comes up to the security guard, saying that after checking the cameras, someone with invisibility probably took it.
the security guard stops, looking rightfully embarrassed. "s-sorry, then. my mistake." what an—
"asshole. you think we're forgiving you that easily. you better start groveling right now, you pig."
... you're worse than him... which is kinda hot.
instead of taking you on dates, you both just do everything together. if he needs help with the press team, then you're the first person he's going to. if he needs to share a secret that's been weighing him down, then you're always there to lend an ear.
annoying couple that pisses everyone off in 0.420 seconds.
based on the values i think the main cast would appreciate/need in a partner:
john: forgiveness
sera: authenticity
arlo: kindness
remi: righteousness
blyke: courage
isen: loyalty
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June 19: Jasper/Monty, 16th Summer
Jasper/Monty in the Southern Gothic AU for @backpacktheory. Thanks for the request Tried my best with this one, though I kind of struggled with it.
~980 words, written in about 40 minutes
Their sixteenth summer, Raven teaches them how to drive, using her pickup truck and the flat, pale grassland in front of her house. Monty gets behind the wheel first. Raven rides shotgun, and Jasper stretches out in the bed in back, staring up at the sky sketched over with thin, pearly wisps of clouds across a shimmering blue, feeling the truck describe circles and awkward, bumpy squares as Monty practices shifting gears and making turns. He takes them up and down the rutted dirt driveway and then onto the paved road that leads eventually all the way back into town, and Jasper holds on tight to the edge of the truck bed, only the white grip of his pale fingers visible like a creature crawling itself free, when they take the first wide turn too wide. "What are you doing?" he yells. "Trying to throw me out? It's like I'm riding a bucking bronco here!"
He can make out the sound of Monty laughing through the glass of the back window, and Raven's hard-edged, clipped voice giving another command. The truck dips briefly off the shoulder, and then rights itself again.
The next day, they switch positions, and Jasper fumbles with the clutch as Monty sits in the back, yelling alternating jokes and encouragement, clapping and whooping when the old truck finally bumps forward. Its wheels crunch over the dead and flattened grass.
The seasons stretches still long and dry ahead of them, threatening fire in the underbrush.
Some days they spend right up through the late guttering of the evening at Raven's place, helping tend to her lawn, cooking dinner with her, for her, in the kitchen in the back of her house, the first of the slow-rising old mountains looking over them through the window above the sink. Bits of colored glass hanging there catch the hot and shimmering light. The air grows warmer and heavier still with the heat from the oven and the stove.
They get their licenses just in time for one summer road trip: a ritual to end the season, a pushing at the boundaries of things. Monty drives because he likes it more. Jasper sits next to him in the passenger's seat, cranks the window down and sings along to the radio, lets his hand ride along the waves of the cool breeze they create. Oh it's still devilish hot in late August, and barely any rain still for weeks. The stillness that everyone is trying to break, with their sprinklers, the hiss and click of them, and their standing fans whirring, and music through the open windows of their houses, the stillness comes with a sort of language of its own. Monty isn't bothered. When Jasper can't stand it, he comes over and lies on Monty's floor and picks up every quiet sound he can discern, bug noises in the garden, the creaking wooden frame of the old house.
They drive out to the next town over, which is bigger than Arkadia, and noisier, dusty gray sidewalks and sizzling pavement beneath their feet, wander into record stores and book shops and spend an hour in an antique store with a host of strange and byzantine, crowded rooms. In the narrow aisle between some creepy porcelain dolls and half-complete sets of old dishware, Jasper crowds against him, and Monty wraps an arm around him, and he thinks about the dishes they'll put in their kitchen when they're older and how far away and how close older seems, all at once.
On their way home, they pick up sandwiches, and picnic on the side of the road, just outside of town. The twin billboards loom large over them. Monty tips his head all the way back to stare at the closer one, how it intones to him The Devil Is Real in faded old text. A distant warning echoing through time. Jasper's hand is holding his, half-hidden in the grass.
Almost no breeze and almost no rain, but sometimes the air seems to ripple and breathe around them, and the grass bends lazily over itself, and the long highway stretches without a curve in sight. Only one car has passed them, this whole time. The sun shines unclouded and bright, skimming over the tops of the tallest trees, and the heat presses in, and he breathes deep and feels it heavy in his lungs.
The Devil.
He'd give everything to know what is real.
"It feels like you can see forever," Jasper says, all of a sudden, and Monty follow his gaze and sees that he is staring down the long road home. His eyes flicker then to the trees, and to the rounded mountain peaks, and then into the tall grass that whispers and rustle at the highway's edge. He can't see the billboards, because his back is to them. But Monty can feel, as if it were in his own chest, every hitch in Jasper's breath.
Sometimes they just feel it, like a pressure or another sense. The sense that they are not alone. If it's the Earth itself or another presence, if it's just the growing pains of learning and understanding, of feeling out the edges of this knowledge that, sometimes, it feels like only they in the whole history of the world have ever found, he doesn't know. It's a whisper on the skin. It's a dread feeling in the pit of his stomach, a sickness, a craving.
He holds on tighter to Jasper's hand.
Where Will You Be When He Comes Again? the other billboard asks, a warning, a taunt; the edge of it is ripped, where half a cross still stands, and through a hole in the corner, Monty can see straight through to the blazing hint of sunset on the other side. Where Will You Be?
Where is he now?
They pack up their stuff and head on home.
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soupsspoons · 1 year
2. Welcome to Alexandria
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"Who are those people," Hannah asked. As soon as she had seen the new group enter her home, she ran down the block to find Aaron.
"I found them over by the abandoned shed. They're a little on edge but I promise they won't hurt us." He tells her.
"Did they really have a baby? I don't think I've seen one since Ellie." Ellie was Mrs. Thompson's baby. She had arrived about 3 years ago and everyone immediately fell in love with the little girl. Hannah had offered to babysit her on the days when Mrs. Thompson grew too tired. She would run around the center of town with the girl, teaching her all sorts of games she had grown up with. By the time she was 4, it was apparent that Ellie was sick. She couldn't run for more than 10 minutes without needing a break, and she would wheeze with each breath she took. It wasn't the worst thing the Alexandrians had seen, especially compared to the monsters outside, so no one thought to worry. That is until Ellie found herself on the other side of the gates. No one really knows how she got out there, but most likely she had slipped through a gap in the fence, at least that's what Hannah thought. She couldn't have been gone longer than an hour before a horde of roamers found her. Hannah was only 12 when she heard Mrs. Thompson's screams, shrill and terrified, as she carried the body of her only daughter. They held a service that afternoon, clad with pink balloons someone had found at an old grocery store. Pink was Ellie's favorite color.
"Yeah, actually," Aaron responded, "She's a sweet little thing. They also came in with a boy about your age, Rick's son."
"Hmm," Hannah hummed. She could tell the boy was her age, maybe a little younger, "Which one was Rick?" She asked.
"Tall, scruffy beard, kinda scary." The Mountain Man. "Actually, I was wondering if, maybe tomorrow, you would think about giving them a tour. They might not even want it, but I figured seeing someone other than me or Eric could be nice for them. Just to help them feel a little more at home." Hannah knew Aaron's request was harmless, but after seeing how already uncomfortable the group was, she wondered if it was a good idea. She didn't want to be the one to ruin their first impressions of Alexandria. Hannah looked at the house that the group had filed into, watching wide shadows move behind the white-curtained windows. Maybe Aaron was right. Maybe seeing someone new, especially a kid, could be nice for them. Maybe she could show them that there truly is more to life than surviving.
Hannah could feel the splinters of the wooden basket digging into her palms. After talking to Aaron yesterday, she had gone home to find the welcome basket Deanna had given her when she first arrived. She had opened her front door, all those years ago, to find a small, picnic-type basket sitting on her porch. She looked around to see who dropped it off but was only met with Sam, who was playing with his red toy truck in the garden. When she opened the basket, there was a card laying on the top of a gray wool blanket. In the corner of the basket was a journal, two pencils-- only one of which had an eraser-- a can of sweet corn, and a can of tomato soup. Underneath the blanket, there was also a porcelain bowl and plate, along with a set of utensils. This, Hannah decided, was going to be what she based the new group's basket on.
It took her all that night to find the basket. Hannah had looked throughout the entire house, only to find it hidden at the top of the shelf in her closet. When she pulled it down, a piece of wooden weaving popped out of its place and scraped her palm, leaving a little stain of red along the basket. She quickly wiped it off and placed the basket on her dining table. First, she put in a woolen blanket, just like the one she was given. Though, it was blue, unlike hers, and somewhat softer. When Jessie, Ron's mom, heard she was planning on giving the new group a tour, she offered one of Sam's old blankets for the baby. Next, she put in some loose paper. She wanted to give them a journal but she wasn't sure how a group that big would use just one book. She had also gone to the pantry to ask Olivia if there was anything she could give to the group. She came back home with three jars of apple sauce and two cans of vegetable soup. Hannah then put in a couple of utensils and dishes from the community kitchen. Finally, on top of the pile, she placed a folded piece of paper. Across the front, it read, Welcome to Alexandria.
Now, though, as Hannah stood in front of the group's door, she felt frozen. Stupid. She wanted the group to feel at home here, she really did, but something about them was so new, so foreign to her. She breathed in the cool, Fall air and knocked on the red door. Hannah waited a moment, moving the basket from her left hand to her right, avoiding the scratch she had given herself. When no answer came, she knocked again. Hannah was sure she would know if the group had left the house, yet still, no one answered. Finally, a rattle came from the doorknob and revealed the man who had been carrying the possum. It was odd to see him without a weapon in his hand, though she had only seen him the one time. He seemed to fit better with it than without it.
Hannah stepped back when the man opened the door.
"Hm?" he grunted, looking down at her.
"Um, hi," Hannah greeted him, "I heard you guys just came in. It's, um, nice to meet you." She smiled and the man didn't answer. He continued to look at her until another person came from behind him. It was a woman this time, with short gray hair and a brown button-up. Behind her, Hannah could see other members of the group. Her eyes fell on the Mountain Man (Rick, she learned) and the cowboy, before hearing the woman speak.
"Hi, dear," she said kindly "Don't mind him. Are those for us?" Hannah liked this woman.
"Yes," she said, handing the basket to the woman, "I live just a couple houses down and I thought I'd bring some stuff over."
"That's very kind of you." The woman said, walking the basket over to a nearby table and placing it next to another, much larger, basket. She knew it didn't make sense, but Hannah felt a sort of jealousy that someone had gotten to the group before she did.
When the woman came back to the door, Hannah said, "Actually, um, Aaron, the man who brought you in, asked if I would give you guys a tour. Just to, you know, show you around a bit, tell you what the best places are," she chuckled to herself, trying to lighten the tension, "Only if you want, of course. I just thought it might be nice."
"Nah, we're good." The man said quickly, his voice thick with an accent, readying to close the door.
"Actually," The woman interrupted, looking at the man, "I think that's a good idea. I would love to get to know our new home." She grinned at Hannah, who couldn't help but smile back. "Would anyone like to go on a tour with me?" The woman called to the people behind her. A boy she hadn't seen yet, likely older than the cowboy, looked up and offered his hand. There was also a couple who stood and came up behind Carol, followed by a younger woman. "Carl, why don't you join them." The Mountain Man said. The cowboy moved from his place in the corner, his face still unamused with the situation. She could tell he didn't want to go, and still, after looking at his dad, he made his way beside the woman
Carl; a very fitting name for a cowboy
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taxiyatritempo · 1 year
 Places to visit in Dehradun with Tempo Traveller
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One of India's oldest cities, Dehradun is set in the Uttarakhand Himalayan Mountain range and is decorated like a sparkling jewel.
 Mussoorie, India's most well-known hill station, is accessible from Dehradun. Being close to Haridwar and Rishikesh, two popular pilgrimage destinations, bears in the city, and great weather, Also home to some of India's best schools
Dehradun can be visited for summer excursion to appreciate quality time with your children. If you're tired of working in the same place every day, look into working in Dehradun for a peaceful stay and a clean environment.
If the number of passengers on a tour is greater than 26 or greater than 8, renting a "tempo traveler in Dehradun"is the best option. With luxury modified features, make your vacation one to remember. Choose the most cost-effective Delhi to Haridwar "tempo traveler rental service" for a fun trip that meets all of your requirements.
We generally remember vacationers' solace and moderateness and at main concern. It is a great option for planning an out-of-town excursion or family get-togethers because it offers an unparalleled selection of AC and non-AC vehicles with ample legroom.
In Dehradun, a "Tempo Traveler with 16 seats" makes it possible to travel together without having to worry about coordination or traveling in separate cars. Hire a "tempo traveler with 12 seats" for a trip with a small group, whether it's a school trip or a business trip.
 In addition to offering low prices, we make certain that the tempo traveler booking in Dehradun has access to verified chauffeurs, custom tour packages, tour experts, and, most importantly, an advanced fleet of vehicles in addition to clear billing and no additional fees.for more information call this number:9818022467
Dehradun Zoo
Dehradun, formerly Malsi deer park, is a well-kept zoological garden close to Dehradun's downtown area. This zoo highlights different imperiled creatures like the Nilgai, two-horned deers, tigers, and peacocks. You can enjoy a leisurely day out with the zoo's animals and even have a picnic there. Keep this beautiful zoo on your list of places to see in Dehradun because it has so many amazing things to offer. The Dehradun city center is just nine kilometers away from the zoo.
Ghanta Ghar
This clock tower in the center of Dehradun is a remarkable historical landmark in the city. Even though it doesn't work right now, it was said that the click was planned so that anyone on the other side of the city could hear its bell. Due to its central location in the city, this is one of the most easily accessible landmarks that you can visit. So make certain to see it when you are nonchalantly walking around a beautiful night or morning walk. Dehradun's Ghanta Ghar is a famous landmark that is less than one kilometer from the city center.
Shikhar Falls
One of Dehradun's most stunning waterfalls is the Shikhar Falls. However, due to the 1 km of strenuous hiking required to reach these waterfalls, not everyone is able to appreciate their beauty. The trip improves seeing the cascades even as you gain a pride in having the option to see these heavenly falls after your troublesome journey. This is one of the best places to visit in Dehradun if you enjoy adventure. Dehradun's Shikhar Falls are just 12 kilometers away from the city center. They are stunning.
Tiger View Jungle Camp
In keeping with the adventurous things to do in Dehradun, how would you like to camp among tigers in the wild? However, this is a fantastic opportunity to get up close and personal with tigers. You can even go on a jungle safari to get away from the outside world and spend time with tigers. This is the best place to visit in Dehradun for wildlife lovers. If you want to see tigers in Dehradun, all you have to do is travel ten kilometers from the city center to this jungle camp. There, you can get up close and personal with these enormous cats.
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theblondegoesabroad · 2 years
Day 55
Saturday 25th June 2022
This morning we got up and packed up the tent just before it started to rain. Only lightly but at least we managed to keep the tent dry. We waited out the rain for a bit and then made our tea and coffee before heading into fort Augustus to check out the Caledonian canal and Loch Ness. Probably the most famous loch in Scotland. It was another warm day today so we put on our shorts and walking shoes. Luckily our legs aren’t too sore today but it was nice to walk along the flat of the canal. The canal was pretty and the sun was supposed to be out today so a good day for a rest day. We checked out the town a bit and got to watch a boat coming into the canal with all the rising of waters and opening and closing of gates. Then on to our next stop invermoriston falls. A nice little walk from the car park to check out some lovely slow falls in the river that leads into Loch Ness. We also found a tap to fill up our water bottles which is always handy. We then hit the road towards skye. We stopped at Eilean donan castle, one of the most photographed UK castles apparently. It was a stunning rock castle on a little outcropped island on the loch. Pretty but very touristy today so we only checked it out from the car park. Not to far from there we found a hilltop look out and picnic area. We decided to make the most of the picnic tables and cooked our next big meal for the next few days. A bolognaise. It was fun. We lugged all our cooking supplies to the picnic table and spent the afternoon relaxing in the sun (and the sun showers) and slowly cooking our sauce. A nice way to spend the day off. This afternoon we arrived in Skye. I have been really looking forward to this part of the trip and it has so far been living up to the expectations. We found and incredible place to camp in the southern part of the island. Tokavaig to be exact ish. We had an incredible beach from spot with views right over to the mountains on the other side. It was magic. When we arrived we went for a swim and then dried off in the sunshine. There was just enough wind to ward of the midges. We laid out the crash pad and read our books in the sun until we started getting a bit hungry. We had toasties for dinner as we finished off the risotto for lunch and for dessert we had a big portion of carrot cake. Not bad. Actually it was bliss. I love it here. The view was stunning, we had sunshine, no midges, we could stay outside most of the evening and we got the sunset. Bliss. I was a bit worried that my high expectations of Skye would make it a bit disappointing especially after all the other stunning areas we have seen but so far it has exceeded and then some. We went to an old castle ruins just across the bay to drink our tea and look out over the sea and mountains. Dunscaith castle ruins were lovely and a great spot to enjoy our evening tea. We got back to our camping spot to watch the sun set below the hills spouting colours into the colours. I wish you could all be here to see it, minus the midges which did eventually come. But incredible though, we are so high up on the world that the sun doesn’t just set in a straight line down towards the horizon, but in a slow parabolic motion which is only down for a few hours before it comes back up again. It’s crazy. So as soon as I could I escaped into bed with my book! Love Kate xxxx
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jarofstyles · 3 years
let's take a fluff break 😌 we know what y/n did for nerd!harrys birthday, but what would he do for hers? <3
So for Nerdy H, he would do something sentimental.
“Can I take this off yet?” She giggled, feeling that it was warm outside. It was nearly night time but Harry had coaxed her out of the house in a blindfold, not allowing it off until they got to their destination.
“Almost. Just… stand there and don’t move.” He laughed at the vision of Y/N in her blindfold. He was working on the finishing touches of the birthday surprise he had made for her. He was a bit of a perfectionist, and when it came to her…. It was even worse. All he wanted was to make her happy. And while she always said that anything he did would mean the most because it was from him, he wasn’t satisfied with that. He wanted her to have the best she ever possibly could. As soon as he was satisfied, he turned around.
“Okay.” His nerves could be heard in his voice as he gently untied the blindfold with his nimble fingers, letting out a shaky sigh as she opened her eyes and began to look around.
Harry had set up movie night for them at the lookout. A place he brought her when he was feeling specially romantic, overlooking the lake and the foothills of the mountains of their town, the beautiful view was nearly uninterrupted at night and the best view of the stars. He had come before and set up some balloons, and he had a large projector screen off to the side. The car was parked with the trunk open and blankets and pillows lining the back, his Range Rover coming in handy for it. The small picnic table was lined with a soft yellow tablecloth, her favorite snacks and a cooler to the side with fancy bottled lemonade she liked.
“I hope you like it… I know that you really wanted to have a movie night under the stars again, and I was hoping to go to a drive in up I know you like privacy so I-“ Harry’s explanation was cut off by a pair of lips and warm hands cupping his cheeks. A squeak of shock was given against them before he realized what was happening, calming slightly. His hands went to her waist and he let out a laugh before returning the kiss, pulling her into him.
He barely was able to pull away, as soon as he was apart, being attacked with kisses all over his face which had him laughing. Her kisses had his face flushing and nerves unbundling from his stomach. It had to be a good sign.
“Oi! I hope… this means you like it?” He laughed, looking at her face as he caught it in his large hands.
She was over the moon.
Everything was just further proof that Harry listens. No one knew how rare it was until they found someone who did. Harry, her sweet, nerdy and thoughtful boyfriend was the epitome of perfection to her. He was soft spoken and calm, and he was goofy in his own right. People may not understand the appeal, bur she knew him. And she did.
“I love it. I love it so much, Harry.” She whispered, flinging herself into his chest, snuggling in to hug him. All of Y/N’s favorite things. Her food. Her boyfriend. His car (she had a weird attachment to it). “You did this by yourself?”
“Erm… yeah. Mostly. I had my dad help me figure out which projector and screen would be good because I har to get one of those portable generators to get it to work. But everything else… yeah. You said nothing big, no big dinner out.” She hated getting too dressed up and going to snooty places where the food portion was too small anyways. “So… I got us pizza from Frankies… the fried dough stuff. Popcorn, the white cheddar kind, and some candy. And I have presents. The cake is in the display thing.” He blushed as he followed her to go look at it.
It was a Grey and blue cake with Totoro on it, one of her favorites. Some stars were on it and it had her tearing up. He had put so much effort into making this personal for her. It was incredible. How he spent his own money and time putting all of this together for her birthday.
“I can’t believe…. You’re not real.” She said in disbelief before her eyes caught something at the end of the table. It was two canvases and paint. Two easels folded at the end. Offhand, she had mentioned she would love to do one of those painting dates when she saw it on Pinterest while she was laying in bed with him. He remembered it too.
“You aren’t fucking real, Harry Edward. You aren’t. What movie is this?” She whimpered before grabbing him again for another kiss and hug, knocking the air out of him slightly.
Yeah. She was in love with him.
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theflashdriver · 2 years
Missteps & Mistakes
A blurry, unfamiliar, ceiling hung above, tinted a familiar cyan hue. Blaze felt awful, she had no idea how long she'd slept but it hadn't been enough. Her mouth was dry, her head rang and her eyes felt crusty. Beyond those sensations was a throbbing pain in her right shoulder. An attempt to move it forced a hiss from her, brows knitted as the pain coursed all the way to the tip of her elbow. Awful as it was, the pain had more fully awakened her and made her much more aware of her surroundings...
Blaze didn't recognise the room she was in, but she only had to identify a few minor details to understand where she was. The strong smell of alcohol hand sanitiser crinkled her nose and, from what little she could see, the room was rather barren. Her covers felt thin and papery, cheap yet unused, and her bedclothes had a similar consistency. Everything was spotless and fresh but not in the typical sense, it was all just so clinically clean.
The cat was somewhere in Southern Island's hospital, in a solo room that had plainly been breached by a certain someone. A soft breeze kept parting drawn white blinds, pushing them out from the windowsill in waves. Despite the brightness nearby, what view she managed to snatch informed Blaze that night had arrived outside. The cat had no idea how long she'd been unconscious, and she couldn't even lift her duvet to check her injuries. Someone was in the way.
She'd been trying to ignore the weight of his head on her gut; the figure it was attached to wasn't laid in bed with her as he so often was. Instead, he was sat, slouched forward with his quills obscuring his face. Never before had Blaze seen Silver the hedgehog so uncomfortably sleeping, his eyelids clamped tightly shut and his body rigid even while he was unconscious. Despite that, her one free hand above the covers was currently captured by his one of his.
The prior day's events seemed to blur in her mind, falling out of sequence and fading like dreams. She could recall a fight, some ludicrous Eggman machine, but beyond a certain point her mind was blank. Well, it didn't take a genius to understand she'd been seriously injured.
Cold rationality flooded Blaze, pushing out her tiredness and easing her worry. They wouldn't be here if her kingdom had fallen, this hospital wouldn't have stood. Silver would still be out there fighting if the doctor was there to fight. If the odds had become insurmountable, she'd have awoken next to him on some mountain or far off island he'd rushed them to. Certainly not a place like this.
Still, the state of her people was in question. What had happened, just how had she ended up here? The pain still creaking in her shoulder, owing to damage significant enough to put her here, served as a frequent reminder that things had gone poorly.
It'd been a little after noon, that much Blaze recalled for certain, they'd heard the commotion from their picnic spot on the far side of the town. They'd made it to the beach just as the machine had fully made land, citizens dashing for their lives up the beachfront and for the cover of nearby buildings. It'd been an enormous robotic crab, modified to have four giant claws rather than five with each housing a different weapon. At the centre of its flat top sat the stereotypical glass cockpit used by the mad doctor, an almost too obvious weak point.
From there things became blurred, fire and psychokinesis had torn at steel in rapid succession. Fights were a mess of primal reflexes, it was rare that every blow could be recalled, but in this case so few came to mind. Things had started well enough, a thrown fireball had got the doctor's attention and left him open to a surprise attack. With little raw material to work with, Silver had opted to use swing one of the machine's massive arms, one with claws like serrated blades, toward its own source.
It was then that things became unclear, a flurry of attacks came to mind but none of them stood out. She'd pointed Silver forward, instructed him to do something specific, but, as he'd obeyed, Blaze had noticed someone else, still on the sands. That child's face was burned the brightest into Blaze's memory, a little boy no older than five sat crying on the beach. He'd been in the path of the crab's inevitable assault.
The last thing she could remember was sidestepping in front of the child but still running along the beach, directly toward a canon housed within a giant crab claw. She couldn't remember the flash of a muzzle, nor any immediate pain. Not even the dark of what had inevitably come after.
She'd overextended, gone on offence while simultaneously trying to defend. The result hadn't been some inevitability, it wasn't as though her loss was destined the moment she saw the child in danger, but it suggested she had underestimated their opponent. She should have grabbed the child and rushed out of the way, got him to safety before returning to the fray.
Blaze's stomach lurched as her eyes settled back on the hedgehog's sleeping form. Not only had she worried him, but all her people. She attempted to roll her shoulder, but the pain was too great, and the extent of her other injuries was still such an unknown. Still, it wasn't as though she was screaming or crying. She would heal, things would be okay eventually.
Her eyes flickered to a clock, ticking as it hung on the far wall. It read three but it could only be the morning, visiting hours were long over and yet here he was. The window had undoubtedly been opened by him; he'd surely snuck his way inside. As touching as it all was, she couldn't have him getting himself in trouble. Soon nurses would resume their routes, it was likely they'd check on her early in the morning.
She gently squeezed his hand, finally returning the hedgehog's grasp. "Silver…"
A low groan sounded from his form; behind fallen quills she watched a yellow eye half open. His breath hitched as he caught sight of her, he quickly sat up, "B-Blaze, did I wake you? I-I'm sorry, I just-
She squeezed his hand again, cutting off his rambling, "I don't think you did, my shoulder started to ache. I assume whatever pain killers they gave me just wore off."
It was only now, with his body fully in view, that Blaze could see his damages. There was a small laceration across the hedgehog's muzzle, cutting just shy of his mouth; it had plainly gone untended, but it wasn't especially deep. What worried the cat more was the staining across his body, blotches of dark spattered across his white fur. At first she'd worried that it was his blood, that there were greater wounds untended beneath his fur, but the colouration was too spread and thin. It was her blood, he had carried her here, of course.
"Why are you here? You should at least be resting," The cat calmly asked, already knowing the answer.
"Well it sort of looks like I was doing that," He croaked, straightening himself further.
"Not nearly enough, and certainly not properly," Blaze tutted, trying to inject some levity into the situation, knowing things were set to get more difficult, "You need to get cleaned off and some proper bed rest, I'll still be here in the morning."
"I know, a-and they told me that much," He confessed, still grimacing, "I just didn't want to leave you alone here."
Blaze attempted to match his posture, pushing herself more upright, but the pain at her shoulder kept her lying and made her time traveling companion wince. It was difficult to see in the lowlight, his powers were all that was lighting the room, but there was a redness beneath Silver's eyes. He'd cried himself to sleep, of that much Blaze was certain, but she had to understand what had happened.
Silver was an emotional person, she didn't want him to relive those fresh memories, but Blaze had to know, "Well, since you've been by my side this whole time, I suppose you know all that happened to me. My memory of those last moments is rather foggy…"
"You reached one of the crab's claws, a cannon. You managed to destroy it, but an engine or something inside it must have exploded," He recalled, filling the gaps in her memory, "That was enough to turn the tide, the pieces of the broken claw gave me enough to work with and I managed to quickly see him off, but…" Regret marred his muzzle, "I'm sorry. I couldn't catch him as he fled. I was too worried about you. He got out to sea, using a pod ejected from the crab, and then vanished in a flash of light."
After parsing his words for a moment, another question needed answering, "Was anyone else hurt?"
"No, no one," He quickly promised, eyes full and honest, "There was a kid crying next to you, I brought him here too, but he was untouched. Just scared," Silver quickly explained, alleviating the bulk of Blaze's concern, but then his eyes flickered from her, "I'm sorry."
"You should have gone after him yes, but what's done is done. Besides, the sooner I heal the sooner our defences will be shored. If I'd just been left there, things might have got more dire," She shook her head, "If anything, I should be thanking you."
"N-No. I'm not just sorry for that, I know I should have done that but," He winced, his eyelids clamped shut, but he continued to elaborate, "There are other things. For one, I should have been ready to save you."
"Silver…" She rubbed her thumb against his, "I sent you away, getting hit like that was my own fault. I saw the child and I panicked."
"I should have been ready for something to go wrong though. You sent me after the machine's legs, I reached them just as the claw exploded," He continued, his voice growing horse as he stared into the bedsheets, "I didn't realise anything had gone wrong until I'd knocked it down, I glanced back and saw you on the ground," She felt his grasp tighten, "Then, when I got you here, I messed things up even more."
"Like I said, I made a misjudgement, my injuries are not your fault. I should have planned ahead, I'm the one who sent you away. This is my responsibility, and I won't let you blame yourself, He seemed to struggle to accept those words, despite her serious tone, but Blaze was ready to hammer them in. However, his last raised point had concerned her, "What happened here, at the hospital?"
"They didn't want me to be in the room when they were treating you. They kept trying to shut me out," Words started to fail him, "I sort of… it wasn't really a fight but…"
He hadn't given the full picture, but Blaze could immediately imagine the scene. She'd probably needed stitches, perhaps more thorough work even to mend what had been done. They'd have wanted to move her to a sterilised room, tried to take her from his arms. When they'd finally managed to wrangle her away, he'd surely followed behind only to be blocked off before the surgery room.
Across their past life, no matter the extreme of their injuries, they'd always doctored each other rather than risk relying on others. Whenever he had got burned, she had been the one to bandage him, practically pinning him down so as to keep him from doing anything rash. He had done the same for Blaze of course, often having to barter with her to convince the cat to stay put and fully heal. With time though, as they'd aged toward maturity, those healing phases had become less fraught with debate and insistence. They'd simply looked after each other, cared for each other as only they could.
"I knew the doctors here could help you better than I could, you brought me to them before and showed me that," He explained, "But I didn't realise they'd take you away from me. After seeing you all bloody and hurt, it just made me panic. I started to push and shout and," He swallowed, "I-I didn't hurt anyone, I just sort of," Again, he floundered for words, "I didn't want to leave you."
It was true that he'd only visited a doctor a handful of times. Having grown up in destroyed worlds, healthcare had been so alien to him up until recently. Convincing him to sit in a dental chair had been the first of many great modernising tasks Blaze had saddled herself with, let alone having him endure the gruelling work that had come after.
Then had come a full health evaluation, vaccinations and other such treatments. The hedgehog had been quick to accept that it was all for the best, but it had all been so new and confusing to him. He'd never had a significant surgery; despite the injuries he'd endured across his lifetimes.
"I'm not supposed to be here," He glumly admitted, "Even if I was, it's after hours now, isn't it? People aren't allowed to stay overnight," He gestured to the window, "I'm just so used to us looking after each other and you being taken away, in that state," He finally looked her in the eye again, though his vision was surely blurred by tears, "I just couldn't handle it."
Blaze could tell her silence was weighing on him, but she wasn't sure what to say. Wincing more, she pushed herself to fully sit up and took in both him and the wider room. It was only now, newly positioned, that she was able to see the door. He'd set a chair under the handle and pushed a closet behind it, plainly attempting to bar other's entry in case they came to force him out again.
"Silver…" She sighed, again squeezing his hand, he was lucky no one had tried to check on her in the night, "You're so naïve."
He seemed to follow her eyeline and quickly identify what she'd seen, as evidenced by him turning away and scratching the back of his head, "I was still sort of panicking when I did that, sorry."
Blaze tried to shift closer to the hedgehog, but her shoulder wouldn't allow it. Instead, she finally slipped her hand from his, beckoning him in, "Come closer."
Rather than scoot his chair up the bed, the hedgehog rose and stepped in close before leaning down. All of a sudden, he'd gone from just a little too far away to hold to directly in her face. Snorting slightly at his over-effort, she reached up with her left hand to rub the uninjured side of his muzzle.
"Despite your panicking, not to mention your breaking and entering, I am happy you're here," It stung a little more, but she managed to lean in and push her forehead against that of the hedgehog, "There's no one I'd rather have watching over me."
"I'm just," She felt him lean into her, so very gently, trying not to cause her any pain, "I'm still not used to this, all of this. They didn't want me coming in here, not after I freaked out about them taking you away."
"I know, I know," She hummed, now moving her hand to caress the back of his quills, "I got too comfortable, relaxing at our picnic and then in battle. I need to be more attentive, no more slipping up. This whole situation is my fault, not yours."
"How can you be responsible for me tussling with the folks here?" He questioned, pulling back ever so slightly.
"It's new to you, and it's my job to teach you how to function in this world. You just weren't used to what is truly common procedure," She explained, pulling him back in.
He was quiet for a moment, considering her words, "I'll get better at it. I'll get more used to living here, so I can stay with you properly," Intensity had returned to his tone, "I promise."
"It'll all come with time, I promise too," She relaxed for a moment, simply enjoying his touch, before leaning became too uncomfortable to bear. That did though spark a new idea, "Help me up to a mirror, I need to see the damage."
"Okay, how do you want to do this?" He rose to stand again, taking her in, "Will I use my powers to…"
"I think that would be what's safest, you know what parts of me are injured don't you?" She asked, only to be met with a confirming nod, "Try to brace my right side and just help me walk,"
He did wince at her suggestion, but Blaze was certain he knew what to do. They'd done it before in their last life, whenever they'd had to hurry away and injuries had still been lingering. She trusted him now, as she always had.
With one wave of his hands the covers were removed, folding neatly at the foot of her bed. That change alone gave Blaze some perspective on her current state, revealing a long gown that could be unbuttoned at several sites for easy access. There was no sign of a cast at least, or significant damage on her right arm.
Cyan light came to coalesce around her form, seeking out specific locations to properly manifest. It wasn't like a simple cast of psychic energy, it was more akin to a harness used to redistribute weight across her body and reduce pressure on more pained locations. He seemed to work around her wound, gently drawing across the fur and skin, while spreading a psychic support across her back and down her legs. By the time it was done, she was glowing more than him.
Finally, the cat fully sat up, finding the movement entirely painless. He reached out a hand and she took it, standing was slightly more painful but his brace was doing its job. Soon she was, albeit stiffly, being led across the room.
He waved his free hand toward another door in the room, pushing it open and clicking on the light. While she'd have preferred a full body mirror, something that would let her fully check herself, the en suite he'd revealed would suffice. She shuffled inside, catching herself in the mirror.
It was fortunate that her fur didn't burn, most of her injuries had assumedly been caused by the force of the explosion or maybe thrown shrapnel rather than anything else. There were a few cuts on her face, predominantly on the right of her muzzle, but nothing that looked too permeant. She knew where the true injury resided.
A glance was thrown out the door and in his direction, it took a moment for him to realise her intent and turn away, "A metal plate got stuck in your clavicle, I'm not sure how deep it actually went," The hedgehog relayed.
Using her good arm, she unbuttoned the right side of the long shirt. The injury was as he'd described and as she'd expected. A series of stitches marked the wound's seam, reaching just slightly lower than her armpit but arching some distance up her shoulder. There were other injuries yes, what felt like a nasty bruise near the centre of her chest and another stitched wound near her middle ribs, but nothing too grievous.
"Well," Blaze started to rebutton her gown, "We've seen our way through worse."
"It was pretty bad…" She heard him cringe, "Looked like the sort of thing that would leave you stuck in bed for half a month."
"Modern medicine makes such injuries far more treatable than we're used to," Blaze attempted to relax him, taking on a lecturing tone, "I might even be out of here and walking on my on in a couple of days, as long as my actual bones are okay."
"If you're sure," He said, not sounding at all sure.
She made it back out of the room, still wrapped in her partial psychic exoskeleton, but he hadn't turned back around. Perhaps it was the adrenaline of the whole situation finally wearing off, that or maybe knowledge of her body's state had calmed the cat, but she was only now noticing the position they were in.
He'd spent a fair amount of time in her bedchamber, a few nights sleeping by her, but it was rare that they'd be like this in a different setting. Her heels were gone, she had no idea where they were, and so his relative tallness was now emphasised. Her hair was down, and she wasn't in her long coat. He'd even slipped through her window.
It was a shame about the dry blood staining his front and her present injuries, this would otherwise be an ideal night to slip away and enjoy the serene quiet of the beach at night. Not quite gently, and less than elegantly, she used her left arm to spin the hedgehog to face her. From there, she quickly took hold of his hands.
Suddenly, her confidence faded, "You know, I meant what I said."
He blinked, looking so plainly baffled, "What you said?"
"Don't make me spell it out again," The cat tutted, but his confusion remained. Her gaze dropped to his booted feet, "There's no one I'd rather have watching over me, not one-
A knock at the door halted her momentum, her last word wouldn't have the opportunity to pass through her lips, "Your highness, are you awake?"
She pushed past him and, after raising the curtains and opening the window wider, suddenly understood that they were on the fourth floor, "You need to go. Quickly," She loudly whispered.
Hoisting himself into the air, he caught up with her and set his boot on the open window frame, "But you were just sayin-
"There's no time, I need to get back into bed so you can-
Another knock resounded on the door, "Your highness? Hello?"
"Lights out, tuck me in, get out, close the window and then move everything at the door back where it belongs," Blaze quietly instructed, quickly hobbling her way across the room.
He did as commanded, the bathroom light flickered out just as the door shut. The moment she was lying in bed the duvet flipped up to cover her and her own psychic coating vanished. In a single, slightly awkward, movement he managed to slip through the open window to float just outside her room.
"Do you need anything? I can bring some stuff when I come back later?" He called in, scarcely audible as he flew various objects across the room and back into their proper places, "I could even sneak things in, if I'm not allowed to bring you stuff?"
"Is everything okay in there? What's that noise?" The voice from the door questioned.
"Surprise me," Blaze mouthed out the window, waving her hand in a now painful gesture to indicate he should leave, "Yes, everything's okay! I've only just woken up!"
Realising there'd have to be some source for the noise, wincing, she rose to sit on the edge of her bed. By the time she'd done so the curtains were closed, and he was out of view. Just in time for the door to open.
As the door swung open the light was almost immediately flicked on, an elderly koala nurse was revealed in the doorway, "Oh dearie, sorry to cause a fuss, that door was giving me a bit of bother," The elderly woman turned to the door testing the handle, "You should really lie down, that's quite the nasty cut you arrived with, you're lucky it wasn't any worse. Do you need anything?"
The cat did hesitate, almost throwing another half glance in the window's direction, "No thank you," She responded, knowing all she could ever want was but a call away.
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star-lemonade · 3 years
The Altar
Ateez San x Reader
Genre: smut, candy shop au
Cw: smut, San likes it when you say his name
Rating: R
Word count: 5 k
Thanks to @yutasgalaxy​ for giving feedback. I changed a lot since you read it xD
“You should really go there.”
Your friend’s voice still rang in your ears. These words had been said to you so often lately. Your friend had heard good things about it, although you suspected it was first-hand experience. You felt frustrated about the lack of men in your life. It was hard to meet someone new and the few times you had actually met a nice guy, they had not been interested in you. Afterwards you felt the drought in your bed even more than usual. Maybe it was time. Time to go there. The Candy Shop.
You went to the address your friend provided. That was the first unusual thing. When you had looked for it online, you had not been able to find an address. How could there be a place that can not be found on the internet? The building was as mundane as a grey house between other grey houses could be. The entrance did not look like a shop either. The window next to the door was small and drapes obscured the view inside. Only the “open” sign at the door indicated that this was the right place.
You opened the door, and a bell announced your entrance to the empty room. It was a small space for a store, and it was filled to the brim with boxes. Boxes on shelves, boxes on the floor, in giant box towers, boxes hanging in nets from the ceiling. The oddest thing was their color; all of the boxes were the same warm grey. No writing. No pictures. How did anyone know what was inside the boxes? Maybe I’m wrong here? You turned to leave.
“Oh, there you are.”
The voice came from behind you and it sounded familiar. The woman looked exactly how you remembered her, Ms Lee, who had been your homeroom teacher in middle school. She wore a tie-dye tank top that showed off her wrinkly arms.
“Ms Lee?”
She smiled like a proud mother, not something you wanted to see in a sex toy shop. Her smile had always been an attractive feature of her. You could see why she had been the most popular widow at the school.
“No, dear. I’m the Owner.”
Even her voice sounded the same. At least you thought she sounded like Ms Lee. On the other hand it had been years since you had see her.
“Oh, excuse me.”
You could have sworn that she was your old teacher, but she was not. Good. Imagine running into your old teacher in a shop like this. Awkward.
“Ehm, I’m looking for something.”
There was no point in feeling embarrassed now. You had already entered the sex shop, but you still felt your face burn. If you act awkward, it will just be more embarrassing. Get it together! You were about to elaborate further when she said:
“Of course. I think I have just the thing. Follow me.”
How could the owner sound so confident, when you had not given her any information? She turned around and walked to the counter in the back of the shop, and you followed. Surprisingly the counter was not made out of boxes stacked on top of each other but from wood.
“Wait here, please.”
The Owner went behind the counter and left through a door. The side room too seemed to be filled with boxes, as much as you could see of it. You still wondered how she knew what was in each box. Did they all have the same things inside? Maybe there had been a shipment of something, and now it clogged up the place? She returned with a smile on her face.
She held the thing out for you, and without thinking, you took it from her. Why did you do that?
“A walking stick?”
The long wooden stick was knobbly and looked like it had been a small tree that someone debarked. It was not carved but it had grown relatively straight. The surface was polished and waxed, shining in the dim light of the shop.
“Yes. You should go and have a picnic.”
You stared at the stick and back to her incredulously. This must be a joke.
“No problem,” The Owner waved you off. “That’s on the house. Have fun.”
She smiled before leaving through the door behind the counter. The lock clicked into place you were alone with your stick.
“...should I stick this in my butt or what?”
You shouted after her but the Owner did not return. Reluctantly, you left and went home.
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That night you had a dream about your childhood house where your parents used to live. It was small and cozy in a tiny town near the mountains.
The mountains.
Yes, you missed going up the hidden paths to the tops of the small mountains. The forest that covered them had been your place to play when you had lived there. You had spent the years of your childhood running around in the undergrowth. In your dream the sun was shining from a bright blue sky that only came in autumn. You walked up the mountain as you had done many times. It was not clear to you if this was a memory or not but you almost felt the sun burn on your face. You reached the top of the mountain in what felt like a record time. Here stood a bench that overlooked the valley and your hometown. It was beautiful.
When you woke up, the dream had left a hole in you. You yarned for the home, that was not your home any more. You decided that you would go there.
Today. Now.
You got dressed, packed an overnight bag and ate a big breakfast. The ride to the town would take two hours, but you did not know if you would be able to return to your apartment in time. Hiking was exhausting and maybe you would be too tired to drive back to the city.
You grabbed the walking stick and went to your car. The drive was familiar. You had done it lots of times. Today the time flew and you found yourself pulling into the parking lot of the only supermarket of your hometown.
Maybe I should get some food? I will be hungry when I’m up there. You looked at the mountain that barely classified as one. Today the air was humid and mist hung over the forest beyond the town limits. Thegrey sky looked about ready to release more on the land. You did not really pay attention to what you bought. The old man at the counter looked up and smiled. You paid and left the store.
The parking lot where the hiking paths started was empty. It had just rained and most people had stayed at home. You packed the food and drinks into your backpack.
The path was slippery and your shoes sank a few centimeters with every step. This made the hike much harder and slower than you had expected. You knew the path well, even after all this time, your body moved on its own now. Pulling one foot out of the mud and planting it further up the path. Repeat with the other foot. In the forest you saw some trees that had fallen over. This was always the case of course but they were different from last time you had been here.
Some time later you found yourself at a bench, and stopped there to drink something. The next part would be a bit steeper so you pulled out the walking stick.
The ground was wet and the path was getting muddier the higher up you went. Maybe I should take a short cut to the top? If you went straight through the trees here, you would be there faster than following the path. You were impatient today and turned left into the forest.
The ground here was less muddy but you had to step more carefully. Holes in the ground could be hidden by dead leaves and small plants. Breaking your ankle in the middle of the forest did not sound like a good idea. The forest smelled of the herbs that grew all over the place. You considered picking some of them, but you were not sure which ones were really eatable. Ahead the trees grew less dense.
In the glade you saw something and walked closer to check it out. It was a slab of stone that was overgrown by moss and vines. You examined the stone closer and you noticed the top was smooth and the sides were covered in patterns. It was not an ordinary stone; It was an altar.
The altar of a forgotten deity. Lost in the forest and being consumed by nature without the care of the believers.
I don’t believe in gods, but it feels like I should pay my respects. You never know.
You set your backpack down next to the altar and picked up a stick that was lying on the ground. The moss grew mostly on the sides which would not be easy to clean but the top should be easier. You used the stick to scrape off the vines and grime that had accumulated there. It did not come off well but at least the altar looked a bit better than before. You drank some water from your bottle and looked into your backpack.
Maybe I should leave some offerings too?
You picked up a leaf and used it as a makeshift plate for the rice. The red apple and one of the little desserts would have to do.
“Have a good day.”
You returned to the car without having been to the top. It was still light outside so you decided to drive back to your apartment. You felt exhausted but you really wanted to sleep in your own bed.
When you arrived the sun had set and you were about to fall asleep. You fell into your bed and passed out, sleeping like the proverbial stone.
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The next day was Sunday which was good. No work. No need to get out of bed either.
You showered, made yourself a quick breakfast and got back under your warm blanket. Sunday morning was the perfect time to do nothing. You turned on the tv and continued to watch the drama you had started the prior week.
The couple got together in this episode and it made you feel so single. Seeing them kiss on screen made you miss kissing. Yeah, just kissing. What a lie. You paused the video. Maybe I should watch some porn instead? It still bugged you that your trip to the Candy Shop had been so fruitless. Why did you get a walking stick? The stick. You had not taken it with you. It was probably still next to the altar in the forest. Ah, well, my dildo will have to do. Getting off with it was nice, but it was not the same as having sex with a guy. For a moment you thought about the pretty male lead in the drama. How nice it would be to run your hands over his face and body. Sadly, this was not very realistic. I will go on tinder on Monday.
“Is it too much to ask for a cute, caring boyfriend to have hot sex with?”
You groaned and looked at the ceiling as if that was where your fate would be decided. It did not answer.
“That’s your wish‽”
You almost jumped out of bed. The voice came from your right, the side of the bed that had just been empty. It was not anymore. The man blended into the white sheets with his white clothing. Your heart hammered in your chest.
“What the fuck?!” You shouted. “How did you get in here? Who are you? Get out!”
You backed away. There was no bed left behind you. You fell over backwards but did not hit the ground. Your hand was caught in an iron grip.
“Don’t hurt yourself.”
The man pulled you back into the bed. It brought you close to him. He had long hair that was tied at the top of his head. Something you expected to see in a historical drama not in your bedroom. He had a stunningly beautiful face. Intense eyes, full lips and a sharp jawline.
Why are all hot guys psychos?
“Let go!”
“You will fall again.”
His voice was so gentle it made your heart skip a beat. It was familiar, like a deja vu. This was not someone you had met before, but it still seemed like you knew him. Get it together, the guy broke into your house, don’t be lulled in by his looks.
“How did you get in here?”
You did not know what to do. He held your wrists in his hands, but you backed away as far as possible. Was he going to do something to you?
“I followed you. Yesterday.”
He said it as if it was the normal thing in the world. You stared at him, open mouthed. He had been here since yesterday? Your blood turned to ice. His grip was still holding your wrists. If he had not you would have fallen out of bed now.
“You cleaned the altar so nicely it woke me up from my sleep. It’s been ages since anyone left an offering there.”
The altar. How did he know about that? There had been no one there aside from you.
“Let me go and leave.”
He stared into your eyes. Nothing was hidden from that stare. You wanted to look away but could not. As if hypnotized you stared into his eyes. They were not brown as you had assumed, but a very dark green, like the pine trees at night.
“That’s not what you wished for.”
He kissed one of your hands. His lips were soft but the gesture sent a shiver down your spine. Some part of you was responding to his touch while your higher reasoning was screaming to get away.
“Who are you?”
Your voice was only a whisper, but in the quiet room it was as loud as a scream. He looked at you, reading your face like a book. You did not know if it would be better to show your fear or hide it. What would make him leave?
“I am the mountain.”
He puffed out his chest a bit as he said that. The mountain. What kind of name was that? You had known everyone who had lived in your hometown and no one was called San. Maybe he was a tourist who happened to be in the forest? Then it struck you. The altar. The mountain, San. This man was not a man at all. He was the god of the mountain and you had brought him to your home. That’s what you get from being nice, an uninvited guest. Great.
“And I decided to grant your wish.”
You were not ready to process any new information, but here he was, talking. Was it even possible that this man was the god of the mountain? No one had seen you in the forest. You had been alone yesterday evening and just now when you had made breakfast, the door had still been locked. So unless he broke into your apartment just now… no, you had not heard or seen anything out of the ordinary.
“You doubt me.”
San was clearly disappointed in your lack of faith. He stared at you, waiting for you to explain yourself. You had every right to be suspicious of some random dude who claimed to be a god.
He nodded slowly and looked around your bedroom. The little pout on his face made him look cuter and less scary, but he was still plenty scary. He let go of your hands and left the room. Maybe I should run for it. You sprang from the bed and in a few steps you were at the bedroom door. Where you almost ran into San. He was both taller and shorter than you had expected. Just like the mountain. His legs were longer than usual for someone his height.
In his hand was the basil plant you had bought a few days ago. It did not look too hot. The leaves had started to hang down and some were already crumpeling.
“Yeah, I should throw it out...”
San was appalled.
“But it’s still alive!! Look!”
He stared at the plant and it became healthy again. With your mouth open you stared at the plant. Its leaves were full and beautifully green again. The smell of basil filled the room.
“So you believe me now?”
The smug smile on his face was almost too much. You nodded reluctantly. San brought the plant back to the kitchen, while you sank down on the bed. There is a deity in my apartment. San sat down on the bed next to you.
“So, what was my wish?”
What dumb shit have I wished for? A smile so mischievous it made the hairs in your neck stand appeared on his face. He leaned closer and whispered in your ear:
“Hot sex.”
Oh fuck. The reason why you had gone to the Candy Shop had been to get something nice for you. It had been so long since you had been with someone. Sex with a good looking guy sounded so good. San was here and he was offering to give you what you wanted. But wait.
“Didn’t I say “a cute boyfriend”?”
San pursed his lips. “Technically, you did. ‘Cute and caring’”
“So, then where is my boyfriend?”
You pushed your jaw forward in a defiant manner. If you were going to get your wish, it had to be the right one. There was no way he could just make a guy appear out of thin air, could he?
“Am I not cute?”
The fake outrage in his voice was indeed cute, but hell would freeze over before you would admit that.
“What? Are you saying you will be my boyfriend?”
He stared at you and you stared back. It was totally absurd. San could not seriously mean he would be your boyfriend, right?
You honestly did not have a comeback to that. San had said it like he meant it. I guess he didn’t have to make someone appear out of thin air after all. He is already here.
“Can I change my wish?”
You did not look at him, but you could feel his eyes on you. It had been a mistake, actually several mistakes. You should not have gone to the mountain, or cleaned the altar.
“Do you dislike me this much?”
San sounded almost hurt. What had he expected? That you would just lay down and spread your legs?
“You just showed up here, unannounced. What am I supposed to-“
You stopped yourself. Maybe it was not a good idea to yell a god. It was unclear what he could do besides making plants grow and looking good. San shifted beside you and when you looked at him, he lay on your bed.
“What can I do to make you more comfortable?”
He looked up at you. In that position, one arm probed up holding his head, he reminded you of the old timey rich people lounging on chairs.
“Why do you want to grant me a wish anyways?”
He hesitated. You had asked a sensitive question.
“I am in your debt.”
“Then make me rich and rest peacefully that you have settled your debt.”
You turned more towards him. He pressed his lips together into a thin line. You had to be careful now with your tone. One wrong word now could have bad consequences, so you just looked at him.
“I can’t do that.”
He pressed the words out and avoided your eyes. The fabric of the sheets was suddenly much more interesting. You wondered if he was telling the truth. Why was he insisting on this stupid wish you had made.
“What is in it for you? If you tell me honestly, I will consider it.”
His eyes flickered to your face before studying the sheets again.
“I can leave the mountain.”
He told the bed. “No one believes in me anymore...”
You wondered what the consequences of that were, but now was not the time to ask. So if he played house with you he could stay out here, instead of being alone in the forest. You were sick of being alone too. All the times you had felt lonely, may come to an end now, if you just said yes to San.
“If I said yes, what would happen?”
He tried to hide his relief, his hope, but failed. A smile appeared on his face. San sat up and his eyes sparkeled with delight and mischief.
“I would grant the more pressing part of your wish first.”
You wrinkled your brows. The more pressing part? He leaned closer and whispered in a velvety voice.
“You want to be licked, to ride on a big cock and be pounded until you come. That's the pressing part.”
Your breath caught in your throat. Yes, that was exactly what you wanted. In that order. He looked into your eyes. The more you looked at him the more beautiful he became. Just this once you did not want to overthink everything.
“So, what do you say?”
“What will happen after that?” You could feel his breath on your neck. His lips brushed over your skin. You swallowed audibly.
“I will do anything you want me to do.”
To make his point he kissed your neck. Gently sucking on the sensitive skin there. You move your head to grant him better access. His lips on you made your head spin already. Who would it be if they were somewhere else?
You sighed and bit your lips. It was time to embrace this weird situation and be bold.
“Eat me out, San.”
He groaned against your skin, when you said his name. His lips landed on yours and he wasted no time. His tongue begged for entrance, sliding over your lips. You were not sure what you had expected, but you were surprised by how normal his mouth felt. San was warm and smelled of the forest after rain.
Your hands buried themselves in his long hair. You thought about untying it but it would be better to wait a bit longer. His Hands slipped under the hem of your pajama pants and between your legs. You gasped as his fingers touched your clit and slipped into you briefly.
“Apparently I will have to do a bit more to get you riled up, my love.”
San smirked at you and positioned himself between your legs. He made sure that he had your attention before he untied the fastings of his jacket. He did not wear anything under it so you had an unobscured view of his body; and what a nice body it was. The way his upper body tempered towards his waist was breathtaking. You wanted to touch him, ran your hands over his body. Right now was not the time though.
He pulled down your pants and kissed your thighs. San did not waste time and went straight to the point. He sucked and licked your clit, slowly circling it before flicking it with his tongue. You grabbed his hair and he smirked against your skin. His tongue moved down, ran around your entrance and dipped in briefly before moving up again. When he sucked your clit into his mouth, your moan quietly. You wanted to close your eyes and concentrate on the feeling of tongue flicking against you, but you also wanted to see him. He slowed the pace down and licked your clit. You felt his fingers circling your entrance before pushing in. The two fingers barely met any resistance and after a few more slow movements he pulled out.
He kissed the inside of your thighs and you groaned. That was not where you wanted his mouth to be.
“How about you ride me now?”
He looked up at you expectantly. If you did not know better, you would have thought he was giving you puppy eyes.
“You’re pretty eager.”
It was only half a joke. You raised an eyebrow.
“Yes. I am.”
Damn. I guess the immortal god of the mountain is not so selfless after all.
“Lie down.”
He was about to take off the jacket but you stopped him.
“Keep it.”
The way it revealed his chest and abs without being completely shirtless looked very sexy. San lay down on his back and you straddled his hips. The tent in his pants made it very evident how much he wanted this. You ran your hands over his chest and loved how his skin felt. It still seemed surreal that he was there, in your bed. Like a dream. But it was not a dream. He felt as solid and real as one could get. You leaned down to kiss his neck. It was so graceful. This close to him you could see the faint freckles on neck, that made him even prettier. You lightly sucked on the spot midway down his neck. He sighed and goosebumps appeared on his soft skin. You looked at his face to see him looking back at you.
“You’re very pretty.”
There was a part you wanted to make a joke out of it a la “you need to get your eyes checked” but you didn’t. It did not sound like a joke.
“You too, Mr Mountain.”
He smiled at the nickname. His hair was not as neat as earlier. You had tucked on it, while he had eaten you out and now some parts of the hair stood out more. Not many hairs had come loose completely though.
“Can I untie your hair?”
He reached for the tie and released it. How could he look any more stunning? With his long hair spilling over the pillow. He smirked up at you. It was very annoying that San knew how much he affected you.
“Are you motivated enough to ride me now?”
Yes, you were very motivated now. You pulled down his pants. It was going to be very fast, judging by his girth. You aligned yourself above him and let yourself sink down on him. The stretch made you gasp. His hands came to rest on your hips. You could still move freely, so it felt like he needed something to hold on to. You gingerly rocked your hips and heard San sigh beneath you. His fingers pressed into your hips. Moving your hips was the only thing you wanted to do now. You felt so full and so close already. Maybe him between your legs earlier was the cause of that. You leaned back and the changed angle made him press against your g spot. Every move sent waves of pleasure through your body.
San sat up and looked into your eyes. A light blush had appeared on his face. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he closed the distance. The kiss made your heart flutter and clench around him. He kissed down your neck to your chest. Your hand flew to his hair when he took one nipple in his mouth. He sucked and circled it with his tongue.
“Say my name.”
It sounded like a plea. His mouth was on the other nipple now while his hand came up to continue. You moved your hips as much as possible with him sitting up. The light biting and twisting of the nipples send electric shocks to your core.
“Oh, San.”
It felt a bit odd to say that but San hummed against your chest, doubling his efforts. Your hand grabbed his hair tighter and you rock your hips fast. So close. He bit down a bit harder at just the right moment to make the wave of pleasure came crashing down. Without realizing it you muttered his name over and over.
A few more movements and your hips came to a hold. San wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. You sank against him and he held you. Your breathing calmed down as you enjoyed being held. He was still inside you and it felt so intimate that you wanted to lighten the mood with humor.
“So, am I going to birth a tree now?”
San chuckled and kissed your shoulder.
“That’s not how that works.”
You smiled against his shoulder as his hands rubbed your back.
After a quick shower, you and San returned to your bedroom. You put on a t-shirt and sweatpants. San lay on the bed waiting for you. When you looked he spread his arms, waiting for you to fall into his arms. You could not help yourself but smile. He really was cute. You sank into his arms and he kissed the top of your head.
“What you wanna do now?”
You asked his chest. It was nice and warm in his arms. Would it be rude to fall asleep now? Your eyelids felt so heavy, it was hard to keep them open. You were not sure if he ever answered because you drifted off to sleep so fast.
And that is how you got yourself a boyfriend that had been a minor god for some time. The plants in your house never withered and from time to time you would visit your town. The altar was still there, in the middle of the forest, slowly being assimilated by nature, but San always went back to the city with you.
For that one person who forgot, 'San' literally means mountain in Korean XD
I'm willing to write some more episodes in this universe, so if you have a request (idk San meeting your friends for the first time or something like this), send me an ask :))
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lapinmiel · 3 years
[Backstory] Felix, the Volturi Guard.
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Felix was always a background character. We know his name, his power, how Jane uses her power on him and his position in the Guard.
Have you ever wondered what more he had to offer? Because I did, and here is how Felix’s life was like before becoming a Volturi Guard. 
Note: This post is long.
• Felix was born in the Byzantine Empire under Heraclian Dynasty. The year was 674 and the whole Empire was being succumbed to war. His native town, a little place called Gerolimenas, was in the south of what is now known as Greece. It was a stormy day outside and his older sisters were helping their mother give birth. It was such a hard birth that his mother couldn’t even get up for six days, his father thought that she would die — for this hard birth, he started to detest his son.
• He wasn’t given a name until his mother completely recovered. For the reasons that he “almost killed” his mother, his father left him with his sister for the days when his mother was recovering. After she, named Argentea, held him in her arms for the first, she whispered his name with a melancholic smile on her lips: Felix. For he was the lucky one to be born after seven miscarriages.
• Argentea tried to get his husband, Castinus, to get used to Felix and love him as a son. But Castinus was resistant, he didn’t even want another baby anyway. He was already happy with his three daughters. Even though townsfolk considered their seeds damned for not being able to conceive a boy, he loved his daughters more than his own self.
• Due to his relationship being broken with his father even before he was the age to realize it, Felix never felt at ease when his father was around. He learned walking when he was around nine months old and he would avoid walking to his father. His sisters and mother were so broken by their baby’s behaviour, how could a father be so cruel that his son, who didn’t even know his name, wouldn’t walk to him with excitement and a smile?
• His oldest sister Dominica was really stressed about the whole situation because she felt like if Felix didn’t have a good relationship with their father, he was up to bad luck. So she, the daughter who Castinus admittedly adored the most, started trying to get him and Felix close. She started by putting him into his father’s arms with a lie that she had to get work done. Castinus tried to repel her but Felix was already in his arms. This made him realize that the child, Felix, was just a human baby like they all once were and not a baby-shaped devil. Of course, baby Felix started crying but Castinus managed to calm him down. Still, when Donica came into the room again, he put on a frown and gave Felix away to her. But he wanted to hold him in his arms again so badly.
• Slowly, the sisters started to co-operate and create bonding time for Felix and their father. Dominica would leave Felix with him when she had to go and wash the clothes, Eulali, the middle sister, would ask her father to hold Felix while she cleaned the floors and Marcia would ask her father to help out when she washed Felix. The three worked so hard for them to bond, and their effort materialized when one night Castinus asked Argentea to give Felix to him, he wanted to hug him while they slept together. In the morning, when the sisters found out what happened, Eulali shed a couple of tears as the most emotional one. Finally, their family was free of unnecessary tension.
• Deep down Castinus knew that Felix wasn’t the cause of his wife’s hard labour. But he felt bad for trying six times to conceive a boy only for him to almost kill his mother. Castinus felt responsible for it didn’t know how to deal with the agony. As a result, he directed his anger to Felix. Fortunately, their relationship normalized before Felix was two.
• Their family was a warm and intimate one. They would often go on picnics. Castinus always made sure to make flower crowns for his gorgeous wife and beautiful girls when he returned home from work. They weren’t low class either, as a result, they could spend a lot of time together. Felix learned how to identify certain herbs and flowers, fish, cook and sing from his family. His oldest sister Dominica was particularly fond of her little brother and she would always try and steal others’ times with Felix. She would try and teach him how to talk and make people laugh.
• Felix was already by the time he was one, he was a very energetic child. He would run around the house for the whole day. Eulalia liked to play games with him but would get exhausted quickly. She would sit in the middle of the wheat fields they had in the back garden of their house and watch Felix rum through the wheat. Every few minutes, Felix would smile widely and kiss his sister on her cheeks. He loved his family dearly. Even as a child, he was genuinely good at showing his emotions.
• While his energy was never-ending, he had trouble talking. He didn’t say a single word until he was seven. The family thought that something was wrong with him. Castinus even had a couple of physicians check if something was going on but everything was alright. Five days after turning seven, he said his first words in a more than perfect way: he wanted his family to make him a flower crown.
• Somehow, Castinus never made him a crown and he was more than sad about it. Right after his words, Castinus went out, picked the flowers and placed a pink and blue flower crown on his little head. Felix, of course, started to run around happily.
• Even as a human child, Felix was extraordinarily strong and big. Other children who were around his age were more than seven inches shorter than him. He could pick up a large sack of wheat from their little barn and bring them to their kitchen. The first time he did it, Argantea was in the garden with her friend Cervella. The women’s eyes sparkled so brightly that Argantea knew someone was coming. Shortly after while she was leaving, Cervella suggested her to send Felix to Antiocheia so that he could become a noble fighter. Argantea kindly smiled and thanked her for finding her son so strong to advise her on such a matter like this, and said that she would think about it.
• She never did. She wasn’t sending her son over the sea to become a warrior. A gladiator. But Felix had already heard what Argantea was talking about and that night, demanded his father to make a sword for him so that he could be like noble warriors. Castinus couldn’t understand where that sudden request came from, but after Argantea told her about what happened with Cervella, and unexpectedly he thought that it was a good idea.
Cervella’s words made little Felix dream about going overseas and having adventures. This dream eventually died when his mother had an argument with his father about his education but Felix never stopped dreaming.
• It took an excessive amount of using persıave skills for Argantea to dissuade her husband of the idea of sending their son to Antiocheia. He seemed to drop the matter since he didn’t want to make his beloved wife sad but had another plan.
• A month later, a relative arrived from the other side of the sea. He was a strong, mountain-like man with muscles so big that Felix’s eyes almost came out of their sockets out of astonishment with them when he first saw him. He was the self-claimed mighty Theophanes, a gladiator and a distant relative of Castinus.
• The family didn’t know but Castinus had bribed him to come to Gerolimenas and teach the young and eager Felix the art of fighting. He, being a failed warrior who was seen as inferior by his peers, gladly accepted the offer and made his way to the town quickly. Castinus thought that he was a good warrior that took down hundreds but in reality, Theophanes was nothing more than a low-middle class warrior who was despised.
• Argantea was more than relieved to welcome Theophanes into their home. She was happy that her son wasn’t going away. At the same time, Felix’s wish was coming true. He was going to learn how to fight and be liked by the big guys. His frame and physical abilities were already superior to other children, it was just a matter of time before he was scouted by palace guards and taken away to get educated. Argantea knew it already.
• They started training right away. Felix was, as expected, unusually talented with anything that required physical force. He would handle the sword Theophanes gave to him so strongly that it wouldn’t even move a half an inch without his will. He would yield the shield he was given so well that Theophanes’s sword strikes couldn’t stand a chance. He wouldn’t even slip. It was when Castinus and the whole family realized that Felix was born to be a warrior. How he moved, how he held the sword, how he threw spears and how self-confident he was while doing all these things mesmerized everyone. Slowly, Argantea warmed against the idea of him going away.
• There was no need. It hadn’t even been a year before Felix started to out-performance Theophanes. He wouldn’t lose, he wouldn’t fall. Theophanes was more than angry about this. He hadn’t thought about teaching a child only for him to be better than him. He was irritated but as he was being paid, he stayed silent.
• People would see Felix and his teacher practicing in the fields. Townsfolk slowly started to show interest in them. They were a big, muscular man and a little child who won against him, the situation created a natural attraction. Day after day, more people would come and watch them. Naturally, Theophanes started being harsher on Felix to prove that he was still the better one. It was a childish fight and he couldn’t even dominate over Felix.
• Until the day when he abruptly unshielded him, kicking him and making him fall to the ground. He drew his swords to the air as if he was going to strike Felix, who was more than scared about what was happening. It was only when Theophanes realized how pitiful of him to kill a child. He stopped. Felix got off the ground. He didn’t run away but he had fury in his eyes.
• That night, Castinus forbid Felix to ever combat with Theophanes ever again when he heard the news. He was quick to tell Theophanes to leave the city too but of course, he didn’t leave.
• After that night, he started practicing alone in their garden. His father would allow him to use sacks of wheat or sand as targets. Regardless of having a real competitor or not, he was still showing progress.
• So much that when he reached age twelve, his fame had reached the other towns around his own and warriors come to offer fights. He would never accept because his mother didn’t allow him to fight. He was already a known warrior by then but never did anything that her mother said no to. He was still a child anyway.
• Up until seventeen, his days revolved around practicing, reading, helping his mother and sisters. Knowing that one day he would become a soldier or something similar, his father didn’t allow him to find a job so that he could spend more time with his family before going away. Felix was growing up rather peaceful beside his hobby. He and his sisters were still helping squirrels that fell from the trees, they would still feed stray cats. Felix was taking care of a stray cat that he named Magnilis, which was a mixture of words “big” and “eyes”. The cat would sleep under the tree where Felix would practice with a wheat sack. Unbothered, she would only wake up when she smelled food.
Growing up with four women, he wasn’t the typical “manly man” of his time. The men were expected to be tough, agressive and leading during his human life. Of course, he had those qualities and would easily show how he had all the qualities of a future warrior but regardless, he preferred to be as calm as his sisters. He was aware that even as a child, he had ambitions, but at the same time, liked spending time in the nature and living smoothly.
• He was good at singing too. He was so good that when Dominica married, he sang a song for her when she was leaving the house. She would never return to her home again, but they weren’t aware of that yet.
• Dominica got pregnant right after her wedding. It was good news, a two-day celebration took place in the household. Six months later, Dominica died during birth. The child, who was a little baby girl, was early and took her mom with her to the other side. It wasn’t an uncommon thing to happen during that time but even though they were ready for bad things, they couldn’t handle it well. It took months for the remaining sisters and Felix to stop sleeping in her old bed in their house. The sound of cries echoed through their home and no one would say a thing about anything.
• Months later, something got revealed that made the whole family furious. As confessed by the maid in Dominica’s home, a lover of her husband had poisoned her, resulting in her death. The family was quicky to find the lover and made her confess. Later, without giving her away to the local judge, they got rid of her. It was the first time Felix had ever shown serious rage. If he wasn’t holding himself, he would’ve ripped the woman’s head off with his bare hands. It was the price she would pay for murdering an innocent woman.
• He didn't realize what he had done was a horrible act. He didn't even feel pity for the maid, he felt absolutely nothing while killing her except the sweet sense of revenge. His mother, however, felt scared. The acts of her son scared him for the first time. 
That was when she realized that Felix was more than just a calm, light-hearted, witty, energetic child of hers — he had wrath in him that waited to combust at any given time. 
• Weeks later, two soldiers came to their house. Argantea realized what was about to happen, but it was his fate anyway and no effort could stop it. The soldiers announced that Felix was to come with them to Constantinople, to be trained as a royal guard for his Majesty.
• It wasn’t what Argantea sensed at all. As a result, she got honestly happy for her son because they weren’t taking him away to punish him but to reward him as a royal guard. He was already eighteen and it was unusual to be taken into the palace that old but Felix was exceptional, and the royal guards had no reason to not recruit such a talented warrior.
• As it was the lesser good, but good anyway. He joined the soldier right away, leaving his family with tears and long hugs. It wasn’t the last time he would see them, but the last time he would see them alive.
• Felix joined the royal guard after being examined. As expected, he was exceptional: he performed so well that the juries didn’t even put him in education for a day. The night before he was a boy, and in the morning, he was a guard, protecting his Majesty. Felix had never seen a royal before, he had a lot of reasons to be excited. He couldn’t sleep the night before being officially recruited. He kept turning in his bed to the point that the men with who he shared the room woke up. He pretended to be asleep, and it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep due to staying as still as a stone. That night, he saw a glorious armour being made, with golden and silver, it had blood on it.
He got used to the guard life easily. Unbeknownst to him, he had a talent for blending in co-operating. He started to rise ranks quickly, most of the guard admired and envied him at the same time.
• Years passed by like a flooded river. He couldn’t catch up with days, and eventually, he started to miss home. How his life contrasted the one he lived now, how he spent time with his sisters, his mother would cook for them and how they would go on hunting with his dad. Those days seemed so old. Even though he loved performing his abilities as a job, he missed living in silence. The feelings and thoughts kept haunting him for months. However, these feelings weren’t coming out of nowhere. He missed his family, yes, but the feelings were enhanced.
• One day, bad news arrived. His hometown had been attacked by foreign raiders. When he heard the news, he prepared for the night and ran away with a horse. He had to kill two other guards to get out. The act of killing would’ve been a night are for him if he was a child but he was grown now and he would kill anybody who messed with anything regarding his family.
• The journey home took weeks. He wouldn’t stop even for a single minute if the horse didn’t need to rest. He was restless. Bad ideas wouldn’t leave his mind. What if his father was killed? What if his sisters were taken away? What about his mother? He couldn’t sleep. He could only believe and those breaths were fueled by pure rage. The rage he would carry to his other life.
• When he arrived at his home’s doorstep, what happened was already obvious: the door was broken and the walls were covered with black soot.
• For one time in his life, he didn’t cry even though his whole body shook with anguish: he directed it outside as an embodiment of another feeling that he was already familiar with — wrath. He drove his sword and stroke anywhere he could see. The walls, torn pillows, vases, glasses... He couldn’t see. He couldn’t feel. His heart was beating to burn his body from inside to outside, to kill the feeling of being lost and having lost everything. No one was left now. No one was breathing. They couldn’t see happy days anymore, they couldn’t go out to pick flowers anymore. They couldn’t live anymore.
• He found their burnt bodies in their little barb. Without understanding why he sensed that they’d tried to hide in there hoping that they wouldn’t be found. But now they were there’ burned to death.
• He laid on the entrance of the barn for two days. He cried, screamed, punched the ground. No one would answer. Almost everyone in the city was dead anyway. Then he got angry with the king for not protecting the city. He hated that he was serving him. He hated that he’d willingly went to protect the king. He hated that he’d started as a child which eventually led him to go away from his family.
• When he got up to leave, without having a route to follow, a man approached him. It was a chilly evening when Felix saw the man, he felt a nervous feeling go down his spine.
• The man had an indulgent expression on his face. Wearing a light grey cloak, he seemed like he knew what he was doing.
• He asked Felix how he was doing. When he tried to answer that he was leaving, he asked again, what he was doing.
• Then it dawned on Felix. He wasn’t doing anything anymore. He wouldn’t return to the palace. He didn’t have a home. He didn’t know anyone. He didn’t have a job to do. He was lost and alone in the whole world.
��� Right then, the man asked him to join him. He didn’t say much but made it obvious that he was a powerful man with a large following and an established system of community.
• Felix’s thought about it for a couple of minutes. Then he realized that if his family weren’t alive, there was no point in living a happy life. He was just so, so badly loved his family that his whole will to live disappeared. His breaths felt as if he was inhaling fire. Indeed, he was breathing the smell of his burnt family and home.
• He declined the offer. But the man, determined to persuade him into joining his family, asked him again. This time, demanding him to think thoroughly.
• With a sudden but deep change in his feeling that felt like rising of the seas and swallowing the coasts, he felt his feelings of refusal changed slowly, but irreversibly. Suddenly, the feeling of living for a cause filled him.
• He looked at the face of the man. With eyes black as the night, the man had a sly smile on his face. The answer of acceptance came out of Felix’s mouth with a raucous tone.
It was Charmion, but yet to know about the realities of a world existing without regular people knowing, he couldn’t question his feelings. The change seemed natural to him.
• Then, without being able to tell what’d happened, he felt a burning sensation in his neck. Then, he felt it on his wrist. Suddenly he felt like his eyes went blind and he couldn’t feel anything other than the horrible, horrid feeling of being burned alive. He lost all his senses except pain.
• After the days that felt like an eternity to him, he woke up. He didn’t rise up from his bed with a peaceful mind, he went feral. He literally jumped out of his bed and as he didn’t know how to control his newly gained powers, he accidentally slammed himself to the wall beside the bed he was laying on. Suddenly, he felt like his body was chained onto the wall. It was the power of another guard, Malte, that paralyzed him right there and then to stop him from damaging himself or the things around him.
• He was then taken to the presence of three men. They introduced themselves as Aro, Marcus and Caius. Informing Felix of what he was now and what he was assigned to do, they dismissed him to be taught of the history and laws of Volturi and vampires, the species that he now belonged to.
They’d chosen him for the strength they’ve never seen in anyone before that he possessed.
• He had never seen, heard or imagined such a thing before. The things he was told sounded like fairy tales. Somehow, he couldn’t believe that he now had the eternity to live. He couldn’t understand how he stayed calm and content either because the last emotion he experienced as a human was grief. He was confused. Nevertheless, he felt happiness. Because at least, he was assigned to do what he loved doing and he wouldn’t have to worry about dying or losing anyone anymore. He was staying for the eternity.
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shbubble · 4 years
Harvest Town Easter Eggs
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Deserted Factory
At Midnight on a Sunday, you’re able to see Foxy outside the Deserted Factory. Little did you know, you can actually enter the factory through the little door on the right. Head to the door under the ‘_art’ sign.
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Entering in the Deserted Factory
You cannot go far in the deserted factory but you are able to access 2 fishing spots. In this fishing spots, you are able to catch piranhas and oysters in your fishing traps. I suggest you put 2 traps here and check back every few days. 
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North Mount
At the top of the ranch, you’ll see this wall connecting to the other side of this mountain. If you run towards it, you’ll be teleported to the south mount where the huge rats are. 
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South Mount
There’s not particular reason why they put this shortcut since the long road to this side is not exactly long. Maybe to let you have a sense of what it feels like to go through platform 9 3/4 ? 
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Teleporting Well- Front of  Residence
This is a useful teleportation Easter egg. Right below the residence, you’ll see an abandoned well. Click on it to be teleported to the back of the Taoist Temple.
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Teleporting Well - Back of Taoist Temple
When you are at the back of the taoist temple, you’ll be caught between 2 trees. Go right, down till you hit the temple and finally left till you come out from the side. You can also cut down those trees if you need more wood.
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The Ring reference near the RV
Aside from the huge bumble bee from Transformer, you are able to see a reference to The Ring if you click on the abandoned televisions beside the transformer.
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Unseen headstone at the cemetery
Next to the river at the cemetery, you’ll interact with an invisible icon. 
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If you interact with it, it seems that it is an invisible tombstone. 
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Shabby Hot Spring - Abu and Barl Apperances
Abu and Barl will only appear in the winter on fridays between 22:00 - 0:00. As they will overlap each other in the hot spring, it is recommended that you camp at the closed off area and interact with them as soon as the clock turns 22:00.
Since they only show up at such a limited time period it is advice that you give them courtesy letters to speed up the friendship level. The courtesy letters can only be used if your friendship with the NPC have not reached level 3. 
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Barl likes Ornament so get any and give it to him.. I give him the blue necklace in a box.
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Abu likes insects. I give him the brown beetle. 
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Picnic in front of Cottage
Sometimes you see Jessie and Lulu having a picnic with the teddy bear in front of Jessie’s house. It is sweet for Lulu seems defensive and kind of embarrassed by it but she will do it week after week for Jessie’s happiness.
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Every clear morning next to the wishing tree, you’ll see the female town folks dancing while the male and children stand around to watch. In a way, it’s a bit creepy that the male town folks are staring at the females dancing but it makes completing the quest so much easier since almost everyone is in the same area.
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Hotpot Party near Smithy
Every clear Saturday night 18:00 - 22:00,you are able to enjoy a hotpot party at the pond near the smithy. This party is filled with young towns folk from children to young adults. The older folks will be at the bar. You can click on the huge pot and eat until you are full. Food helps with your health and vitality. 
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Beach Party - Hidden Story 
Every year on the 7th during Summer, you will be invited to a Beach Party by the Mayor. You are required to bring a gift for the gift exchange. If you click on this sign next to the water, you will unlock a hidden story about Barton the town fool.
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Gary Cruz and David Hanks in front of Bar
At the bottom of the main town area, in front of the bar you are able to overhear various conversations by various townsman. From Adam trying to convince John to sell the town to him to Gary and David’s high school reunion. Gary and David’s discussion seemed normal enough since they were childhood friends and were often seen together as a trio with Steve at the bar. However, what’s suspicious is Gary’s wife standing a fair distance away observing them.
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Elaine Terry next to Resort Villa
Elaine seem like a loving wife in a happy marriage with Gary but is she really? Her staring at her husband suspiciously from a distance makes one thinks otherwise. Maybe she is jealous about her husband spending more time with his friends than with her? What is she staring at them for?
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Elaine Terry beside Fishing Shop
Another area that Elaine stands in a suspicious manner is on the beach. If you talk to her, her dialogue make her seemed like she is stressed or spaced out. What is she thinking about and why is she staring straight to the left?
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Lulu Lopez flirting
Lulu Lopez is a typical tsundere where she seemed like she hate everyone but Jessi. Her conversations with you seemed mean at first but the more you talk to her, the less sarcastic she becomes or at least sarcastic in a different manner.
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Lulu and Jessie trying to find the butterfly in the forest
One of Jessi’s friend is a huge butterfly where only Jessi can see and talk to her. Lulu being Jessi’s loyal friend will accompany Jessi in the forest at a certain time of the day for her to find the butterfly. Even if the forest became a field.
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Allen family at the Horse Farm 
Have you ever wonder why is the mother of the Allen’s family close to her family? Aside from her blaming the father for not giving her the life she wants, she do not attempt to socialize with her children too, staying in the room watching television while the father and the kids stayed outside around the chess set.
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John Gray at the Bulletin Board at 7am
At 7am, you can see John Gray checking or putting notices at the Bulletin Board. 
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Chris Trump at the Resort Villa
Sometimes Chris Trump think of unusual things that sets him apart from his father.
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May bringing the kids to the Horse Farm
At certain time of the day, you can see May and the kids outside the fence of the horse farm. If you are lucky, she will warn you not to touch the horse butts.
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Lee Yeung and Lee Yau talking at Vine Cottage
Although the two brothers do not live together, the mother and Lee Yau will visit the secluded Lee Yeung to check in on him or bring him food.
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Foxy in the Forest
At the same area of where fisher was, you can find Foxy in the forest. Foxy appears at mysterious places without much explanation as to why she was there.
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David Hanks and Gary Cruz at my farm
At one of the cut scene of David Hanks/Gary Cruz quest, you can see these characters at your customized farms. This was an interesting inculcation in the game for your farm always seemed secluded from the NPCs and town.
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Adam Ford fainted in Occult Cave
Lastly, at one of the quest, you will find Adam Ford fainted in Occult Cave. Rumours are he was finding things he should not be finding (money, diamonds, mermadid) that lead him to that state. You’ll activate a quest after you see that cut scene. But do note that you will still see the regular Adam Ford with his usual normal dialogue as if nothing of such had ever happened at his scheduled places so that will bring some confusion.
If you like this list of Easter Eggs, check out my other Harvest Town posts: 
Fisher’s location
Jim & Justin Oritz Easter Egg
Harvest Town Easter Egg
What will happen if you wake the residences up in Harvest Town?
Mythical Creatures in Harvest Town
If you prefer videos, watch my Harvest Town gameplays here:
Beach Party, Dance Festival + Hotpot Party
Hunting for Christmas Gifts at the Christmas Event
Harvest Town Full Gameplay (Whale Island)
Is Harvest Town merely a Chinese Stardew Valley?
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Che “Taza” Romero x Reader
Word count: 3.1k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: Another crazy idea. I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @arveeee ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Adjusting the green shirt to your chest, you go out of the clubhouse followed by Creeper drinking a coffee on a cardboard cup. You’re walking faster with your gaze on the front, directly to the car scrapping. It supposed that you should start in one hour, but if you arrive earlier, you can also leave earlier. You don’t want to see Taza after what happened last day, when his ex-wife came to the workshop because her car was having problems with the engine. She talked you as if you were a servant, or something like that, so you couldn't shut up and spoke to her in a sarcastic tone that she didn't like. Of course, she told Taza. At first, you didn’t care, until you saw how they said goodbye, with so much love and affection. Gilly told you that they have been married for almost fifteen years and that she was back to town indefinitely. It was like a shoot straight to your heart.
You aren’t nothing, but for the last months there has been a flirt environment installed between both, always pulling and loosening. But with his ex-wife in Santo Padre and by the way she had of touching him constantly, you know that what you wanted so bad it’s not going to happen. So you’re trying to not match with him. And that hurts. The only thing you can do it’s work and go home. No Mayans parties, no more nights at the clubhouse and no more rides back home on Taza’s bike. You can’t fight with a woman who knows him since ever and who was married with him for too many years. You didn’t know that something like that could happen, he didn’t talk you about her and it seems like it was a surprise for him too.
“Dammit, mama, you look like shet’”. Angel’s confused voice pushes you back to reality, making you shake your head for an instant.
“I didn’t sleep last night”. You shrug your shoulders and arms.
Messed bump, eye bags, no makeup and the shoelaces untied. You sigh after having a look of yourself, leaning down to tie them. The sun seems to disappear, raising your gaze surprised till you find your boss’ eyes, crossing his arms over his chest covered by leather. You swallow quietly, licking your inner lip before continuing with your task. 
“Everything ok?” You ask playing fool, hiding your nervous voice for a while.
“I don’ know, everything ok?”
“Yea’, I just… start earlier ‘cause I need to go to Santa Madre”.
“Sure. Why you didn’t come to the ranch last night?”
“Last night? What hap— Oh! Oh!”
Taza raises both eyebrows, while you still playing the innocent one palming your forehead.
“Shit, I forgot the Mayan dinner...” Clicking your tongue, you snort heavy.
“Let me tell you something, (Y/N)”. Facing you with hardly two inches between both, he leans above your ear provoking you some chills. “Soy un perro muy viejo, para que un cachorro me intente engañar”. (I'm a very old dog, and a puppy can't lie to me”.
“I forgot it”. You insist. “I was tired and I fell asleep on the sofa”.
“Look at your face”. The man says without changing his position. “Not everything is what it seems”.
“Ok, boss. I get it”. 
Taza doesn't say anything else, hitting his shoulder against yours to pass you away. Rubbing it you turn to the oldest rolling your eyes. Creeper and Angel are staring at you, trying to understand what is happening, but you don't wanna talk about it. Work and go home, that's all you want. The Reyes, putting an arm on your shoulders, shake his head disappointed 'cause he's starting to know what's going on having all the clues on the table.
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Going upstairs to the office, you hug Chuckie as soon as you see him, asking for the hours signature quadrant. Your turn is already finished and completed and you also have the afternoon free, so you could rest the time you didn't last night thinking about the things that it's not going to happen, driving you crazy. Leaving the car scrapping' shirt in your hanger, you grab the helmet next to your bag, ready to leave. 
And she's there again. You can see her from the top of the stairs, hugging your boss and kissing his cheek as you used to do it. You're going downstairs slow, concentrated on not looking like you're jealous. Yes, you two were nothing, but you feel some kind of things that you would like not to feel right now. Taking off your phone of the pocket, you dissemble when he catches you looking at them, walking towards your motorbike to put the helmet on. 
“Wait a second”. You hear some meters away, while your sitting on your bike. “Eh, (Y/N)!”
You want to make that you didn't listen his call, but it would be too evident, so Taza waits for you to reversing and stop again. 
“I'm sorry for the hit”.
“Yeah, it was rude”.
“Are you hurry?”
“Yeah, a little”.
“When will you back at home, ah?”
“I don't kn... Why it feels like I'm talking to my father?”
“Because you're so fuckin' annoyin'”.
“Great, thanks. Another bullshit, Taza?”
“You know what? Fuck off”.
“Yeah, pretty one”. Rolling your eyes, containing the tears in them, you turn the engine to run away from the front yard.
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Bishop texted you about four pm to tell you that Yuma and Stockton charters were coming to Santo Padre by night, so they're having a party and he needs you along with EZ to attend the bar. That's precisely what you were avoiding to do, be at the clubhouse more time than necessary. But guessing that you should work just for two or three hours accompanied doesn't seems a big trouble to deal with. So you're in.
Driving you car, 'cause it's gonna be easy to come back home after the party, you reach the car scrapping parking there so your Camaro will be safe in case that anyone decided to start a friendly fight. They usually do, for no reason. Last time, your motorbike suffered the consequences, even if they took care of the fixed. Walking betwixt a lot of crap mountains, your steps go straight to the green main door with mayans symbols finding the crowded yard. Stockton are already there, mixed with the Santo Padre' ones. EZ whistles you, claiming for your attention with that charming smile he always have on his face. You greet the guys raising your chin for a second, whilst going close to the prospect.
“Take the Jose Cuervo in the warehouse, I'm on my way for beers”.
“Okay”. You nod then, turning to the right and guiding your legs to the huge metallic structure by a side of the clubhouse. 
Grabbing the trolley at the entrance, you walk towards the end of the warehouse to leave it there, so you can place five boxes on it. Bishop calls to the door, even if it's opened asking you for come in without words. He walks in, closing it and resting his body against a shelving.
“You ok, kid?”
“Yea', just a bad night, prez”. You nod showing a soft and fleeting smile, presing the low rod of the trolley leaning to you and putting im by the two wheels.
“You didn' came to the dinner”.
“I'm sorry, I forgot it”.
“Did you?”
Leaving a sigh on air, you don't know what to say, pursing your lips as you place your gaze in nowhere.
“I saw you… kinda arguing with Taza this morning. Twice”.
“You know you can talk to me, rai'?” He sounds serious, crossing his arms.
“I just… made some illusions. The kind that fuck you down, when you realize that they're… just that. Illusions”.
“I know what you're talkin'bout. Play smart, kid. You're not stupid”.
Might be the best advice someone could give you, and you know you should. But sometimes, you can't simply do it. After leaving you there, you continue your walk to the clubhouse, going upstairs carefully with the tequila boxes. Opening the door with a push of your back, EZ notices you ready to help you. When everything is placed, the prospect offers you a shirt with the Mayans logo to change it for yours. Like somekind of uniform.
Once you're wearing it, you walk outside to receive the Yuma charter, hugging Canche as soon as he sees you.
“What's up, chamaca?”
“Not much, just another party working, not enjoying”.
“When you finish, make a place fo' me in your busy schedule. I need some help with my bike”. He says placing a hand on your shoulders, so you can follow him to his men to greet them too.
“Sure! I'll let you know when I'm done”.
A car coming calls your attention, turning under Canche's grip, to find the owner.
“What the hell…? Isn't that Taza's ex-wife?”
“What she doin'ere?” The president asks you confused.
“Don' know. Ask her ex-husband”. You answer with a singing voice and both eyebrows raised.
“That bitch fucked him up”.
“Did she…?”
“Yea', I heard something 'bout a one-night-stand with a Vato. Oscar told us”.
“But they seems so close”.
“Taza is a good man, you know him”.
Pursing your lips at the man, you shrugs before start with your tasks of serve beers and tequila shot for everyone there, with EZ help. You can't help but thinking about that woman who came from nowhere with some kind of clear intentions, and now you're understanding was what Bishop trying to tell you. “Play smart”. So you will. Grabbing the coldest beers and putting them on a tray, you carry them to the first picnic table outside, where the main members of your charter are sitting. Leaving there, one for each one, you sit close to the Padrino who puts an arm around your waist.
“You look good in that shirt, kid”. He says proud, having a look from top to down. Since you started to work there, he has been the most gentle man on earth with you and it's something to be thankful for. “How's your week goin'? Didn' see you last night”.
“Tired week, need to rest, padrino”.
“You look like. Are they treating you good, or taking advantage that you're so helpful, ah?”
“To be that ‘helpful’ you have to show some respect first”. You hear that irritating feminine voice behind your back, before she appears in front of your eyes with a hand on Taza's left shoulder.
“Take off that Vato's dick of your mouth, before talking about my kid”. Padrino's voice is calm and peaceful, surprising you about it, and creating an uncomfortable silence on the table. 
You're fucking done. Done in a good mood, 'cause well, no one piss off padrino's kid. Palming his back, you get up of your seat to grab the tray and go back to work, as soon as Oscar claims your attention to ask for some beers. At least, now you know what happened, even if you're trying to figure what's she doing here. Not for you, but for Taza. Because she doesn't deserve someone like him, not after what she did. Double disloyalty. And that's screwing you more than you thought.
Even if it's something that it's in your head all the time, you make sure that doesn't influence in your work, letting it for later. And when you're already finished with it, leaving EZ with the rest, you go straight to Canche. As soon as you're done with him too, you can be close to Taza to make it up to him because of your paranoia. And so you do, sharing the same table with a beer in your hand. You don't know why his ex-wife continue there, but you don't care. Not anymore. Sitting in front of him, again by padrino's side and Bishop at the other, you try to get in the conversation. Easy task 'cause they're talking about a travel coming soon, and they need your help to check the motorcycles before leaving.
“Okay, I can do it tomorrow evening. Just leave me the keys at the office”. You say then supporting both forearms on the table, nodding for a while. “So, gas, oil and pressure… Yeah, it's fast to do'et”.
“Can you check my bike's direction? I think it's a little bit turned to the left”. Taza says then, and you know that's only a excuse to talk with you. Like, right now.
“Is it?” You hesitate, raising an eyebrow before having a sip of your drink, getting up of your bench.
“Yea', and the brake is a little hard. I think EZ squeezed too much”. He's getting up too, letting go the uncomfortable grip of his ex-wife.
“Okay, let's see”.
He walks next to you, offering you the keys so you can turn on his bike. Pressing softly the gas, to do the same with the brake. It's not. But seems like he wants to leave the yard, at least, for some minutes.
“I have the tools in my car”. You say then, turning of the engine to push the handlebar so you can make it moves. 
Going down the alley, with the Vicepresidente behind your back smoking a cigar, you reach the Camaro. You don't have any tools on it, but you really want to hear what he wants to tell you. So you simply leave the motorbike parked, next to your car, and resting your body sitting on it giving him the keys.
“She asked me to stay at the ranch”. He says then, keeping them inside one of his pockets. Sounds like you should reply something, but you'll not. It's his house, not yours. “I don' know what she doin'ere. But I don' even care”.
“Good for you, Taza”. You shrug with pursed lips.
“Let's be clear, kid. We're nothing”.
“Okay, I'm done with this bullshit”. You laugh loud getting up from his bike, and shaking your hands, trying to hide the bitterness and looking for the control remote of your car.
“Listen, listen”. Catching you by your left wrist, he stops your moves.
“It's fuckin' okay, Taza. You don' have to give me any explanation. I'm not your... fuckin' wife, nor your fuckin' girl. I get it. But let me tell you something. It's fucking grievous seeing a woman how fucked you up with a fuckin' Vato, trying to get back what she lost. And you, let her doin'et. You deserve good things, and you should love and respect yourself a little more”.
“Well, than'ya' for your kindly words. But I'm not letting her doin' nothen'. And I also talk her 'bout you”.
“Seems like she doesn' give a f— You did what?” Narrowing your eyes and letting you go, you cross your arms on the chest.
“We're nothing, but I would like to be something”. He clarifies you. “I asked her to leave and just came to pay what we fixed in her car. She stayed for a beer”.
“Yes, close of his ex-husband”.
“Focus on the fact I wan'to be with you, and not with her. Think about'e”.
Taza leaves you there, alone, carrying his bike when seems like you don't know what to reply at this words. Sitting on the hood of your car and lighting a cigar between your lips, you have a long smoke that rips your throat and also your tongue. You're somewhat jealous, you can't help but trying to see the point of playing smart to mark somekind of territory without looking like he's a piece of meat. But with that kind of women, it's all you can do. 
Putting well your shirt on, after throwing away the cigar, you walk towards the front yard with hands in your pockets. Some ideas are dancing in your head, trying to choose the best way to deal with it. But when you see her, sitting again by his side, and trying to hug him… Good lord, you can't help but losing your modals and your gentle mood. 
“Che, take me home”. You just say, stopping in front of the crew.
“Haven't you a car, ah?” She asks raising her chin somewhat proudly, grabbing the Vice's arm between hers.
“Haven't you a Vato's dick to suck, instead of annoying everyone around you?”
God, those words come from the depths of your soul. Making the guys chuckle as she gets up full of rage.
“Watch your mouth, niña. You don' know who I am”. Pointing your chest with a finger once and again.
“Yea', looks like I don' give a shit that I don' even know your name”. You face her, not afraid. “Southern border is close, come back to your hole, whore. You don' have anything to do here”.
“Did you ju—”.
“Shit, yes, I did”. You roll your eyes, being fast enough to avoid the slap straight to your face.
El padrino takes you back, as Bishop and Angel go to her before she can try it again.
“You heard her, go back to southern border”. Taza says placing himself between both, turning then to hold your forearm and leave the front yard.
You don't say anything into your way to his motorbike, putting on the helmet as he turns it on. Grabbing his waist with your hands, he runs out of the clubhouse. You know he's mad. You can feel the tension on his body, driving the road he knows by heart to your house, taking his time as he looks like he's thoughtful.
When he stations the bike in front of your house, so you can jump off of it, you keep his gaze.
“'You gonna leave?” You ask him a little bit nervous, taking off the helmet to supporting it against your abdomen.
“'Don' know. What you want?”
Hesitating for a second, you take a step closer placing a hand on his nape, to press your lips on his. It's the first time you two kiss, after some weeks wanting it. He pulls you away, thinking that you screwed it up, until you see him getting up to leave behind his back the motorbike. Cupping your cheeks on his huge hands, Taza kisses you again. Tangling your fingers in the flannel shirt to push him closer, your lips move alone on his. It's better than you could imagine, tasting the tequila in his saliva and beer in yours. A perfect mix. 
“So, are you gonna stay?” You almost beg between short and dearly kisses, finding yourself walking to your house, giving your back at it.
“Fuck, yes, baby”. He nods lifting you up, so you can surround his body with your legs.
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leiascully · 4 years
Fic: You Are Here
1700 words; gentle; season 6 on the road fic for @suitablyaggrieved who wanted a rest stop
Another month off the X-Files, another whistle-stop tour of the Midwest.  It was August and the heat was miserable, pressing down like a cupped hand.  They'd had to fly into Des Moines and drive south and the air conditioning in the rental car couldn't keep up.   It had only been an hour.  The sky blazed white and the glare set Scully's teeth on edge.  She squinted behind her sunglasses and shook the fabric of her blouse surreptitiously.  The silk was sticking to her skin.  Mulder had rolled up his sleeves one at a time as he drove and undone all the buttons of his shirt.  They'd tried opening the windows, but immediately rolled them up again as hot, humid air blasted in.  Outside it was all hills and trees and the occasional town that seemed too far from the highway to stop in.  
They drove, saying nothing.  The highway spun away under the wheels.  Country music whispered from the radio until Scully turned it off.  The air conditioning whirred and burbled.  There was a death rattle from the vents.  Scully held her hand up.  There was barely a breath of air coming out.  The mechanism coughed again and cool air puffed over her fingers.  She could already tell it wasn't going to be enough.  
"There's a rest stop," Mulder said.  His words sounded heavy.  "I'm going to pull over.  Maybe we can get something cold to drink."  
"Fine," Scully said from a distance.  The car already felt stuffy.  He signaled and pulled onto the long ramp, which wound under the highway and up the gentle curve of a hill.  
"I always thought the Midwest was supposed to be flat," Mulder said.
"Maybe there will be a breeze at the top," Scully said wistfully.  
They parked in front of a big building built out of pale cement bricks.  Mulder abandoned propriety and shed his button-up, standing in his white undershirt.  Scully wished she could strip down any further.  At least she'd worn a skirt instead of pants.  Large trees provided some shade to the sidewalk as they walked up the slant of it.  Big polished bronze plaques gleamed in the sun.  Even Mulder was too wilted to examine them.  The glass doors of the welcome center slid open automatically.  They took their sunglasses off in unwitting unison.  To the right there was a large room, a desk and a bunch of racks of maps behind another glass door.  To the left, there was a tiled hall with restrooms and vending machines with a huge map on the wall.  "You are here," it declared with certainty.  A star obscured their position.  She could know her position or his velocity, never both.
Scully ducked into the restroom and dampened a paper towel in the long plastic trough of a sink.  She dabbed her face and laid the paper towel on the back of her neck.  It was cooler in here.  Thick walls and small windows kept the heat out.  They probably kept the tornadoes out too, she thought, as much as that was possible.  There'd been a storm shelter sign above the restroom door.  She stuck her wrists under the flow of water until it shut off automatically.  At least she was a little cooler.
She emerged into the hall, her heels echoing on the concrete floor.  Mulder was standing with his hands behind his back.  
"Pick one," he said.  
She reached out and tapped his right arm.  He handed her a diet soda and produced an identical one from the other hand with a grin.  
"A little something to enjoy," he said.  "The attendant said there's a scenic overlook.  I'm not ready to get back in that car."  
"No," Scully agreed.  She slipped her sunglasses back on.  They walked across the parking lot through the rippling heat and down another sidewalk, following the signs.  All she could see were trees and grass, nothing particularly scenic.  Then they crested a little swell and a valley spread out below them.  The fields were green and lush.  It wasn't a remarkable view, nothing once-in-a-lifetime, but it was lovely all the same.  There was a peace in it that Scully hadn't found in the jagged mountains of Montana or the stark light of the desert.  She could hear a distant rustle of corn and the hum of a tractor engine.  There was a breeze on this side of the hill, some trick of the local geography.  It tugged at the silk of her shirt.  She sighed in relief.  Mulder ruffled his hair and tipped his face into the current of air.  Scully pressed her sweating soda can against her throat.  A drop or two trickled into her shirt, tracing an unerring path between her breasts.
There was a picnic table, its surface and attached benches made of a plastic-coated metal honeycomb grid.  It was half in the shade.  Scully pressed her fingers to it and shook her head.  "Too hot," she said.  "We'd get grilled."
"We can sit in the grass," Mulder said, venturing deeper into the shade of an enormous cottonwood tree.  He scuffed through it with his shoe.  "No rocks."  
Bugs, Scully thought, stains, twigs.  But she eased herself down into the soft grass and leaned against the trunk of the tree. Mulder sat next to her and clinked his unopened can against hers.  
"Cheers," he said.
They popped the tabs of their sodas in unison.  A cloud of carbon dioxide fogged out and the crackle of bubbles sounded like ice.  Scully sipped at her soda.  It was ambrosial, the most refreshing thing she'd ever tasted.  The breeze wafted over them, brisk enough to dry the sweat on her forehead.  She and Mulder sat quietly, enjoying the view, enjoying the moment.  Scully kicked her heels off and wiggled her bare toes in the grass.  
"Summer should involve a beach," he said.
"I agree."  She thought of sand between her toes, ice cream that always tasted faintly of salt, the cool rush of waves.  She thought of submerging herself and opening her eyes, weighing the sting against the magical stained-glass underwater world.  This was a very different landscape, but there was some link between them: the blank sky a bell jar balanced over the peaceful slopes of the valley.  
"I saw a sign for an Amish bakery," Mulder said.  "Think they're farming some of that land down there?"
"Look for a horse and buggy," she murmured, as if it weren't too hot for anyone to be out in the fields.  As if she wanted to encounter the Amish again.   
"No field of dreams out here either," Mulder said, taking another swallow of her soda.  She watched his adam's apple bobble in the long line of his neck.  He seemed shockingly undressed in his undershirt, as if she hadn't seen him in less.  The bright white cotton made his skin looked bronzed.  There was a haze of dirt on his polished shoes.  
"It's too hot for baseball," Scully said.  "It's too hot for anything."  
"Nice right here, though," Mulder said, his eyes sliding sideways to her.
"Very nice," she agreed.  "Could use a crop circle or two."
"Ah, Scully," he said, grinning.  "If you kept up with the current research, you'd know crop circles are much more prevalent in the fall in this region."
"Oh, of course," she said gravely.  She sipped at her soda again.  
"My theory is that the dried stalks look better than the green ones," Mulder said.  
"The aesthetics of the inexplicable," she murmured.  "Mulder, I think you're onto something."  
They sat companionably, finishing their sodas.  Scully's was lukewarm by the time she got to the bottom, but that felt like summer too, like the rare nights her family went out for hamburgers and all the Scully kids got root beer floats.  Some memories lingered, she thought, stuffed into forgotten corners of her brain until a summer breeze brushed the dust off.  It was nice to remember something that didn't make her spine stiffen and her heart race.  Mulder probably didn't have the same luxury: his memories of idyllic summers with Samantha were all bleached at the edges by the shock of bright lights.  But this would be something they could both recall with pleasure.  A moment of respite and companionship.  They were exiled, but they walked into the wilderness together.  Or to the scenic outlook, depending on the day.  
Scully checked her watch.  They had spent fifteen minutes or so sitting in the grass.  They needed to get going — they had another two hours or so of driving ahead of them, no doubt bumping down gravel roads to find the latest farm on the FBI's watchlist and then back through their own cloud of dust to the motel.  
"Time to head out," Mulder agreed.  He pushed himself up and offered her a hand.  Scully let him brace his weight against hers and haul her to her feet.  They were ballast enough to keep each other flying level, she thought, at least most of the time.  The grass was already springing back where they had sat.  She tucked her feet back into her shoes, steadying herself with her palm flattened against his arm.  
They trekked back into the welcome center for bottles of water, refreshed enough to read the brass plaques about settlers who had tried to establish utopian societies in the hills of Iowa.  There were worse places, Scully thought.  She and Mulder had made their own small efforts, in a way, carving out a quarter of an hour of perfect contentment.  Mulder fed change into the other vending machine until it yielded a pack of cheese crackers and a candy bar stiff from cold.  It would be half-melted soon enough, Scully knew, in the heat of the car.  They'd pass it back and forth, sticky fingers brushing.  
She followed Mulder's bright shoulders back to the car with its uncertain systems.  They'd try to trade it in when they got to town, or they'd spend the week sweating together.  Either way, she'd remember this place.  On the way out, she traced the line of the highway with her fingertips across the map.  "You are here," it assured her, an anchor in a strange land.
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Have any headcanons on Sonic and the wild? Like during his survival in the woods, did he communicate or befriend other animals if he can understand Ozzie? Raccoons... ducks... turtles maybe?
Hmm, you would like to see some Feral Space Hog headcanons? Aww! I love it! Yes, I think that I can arrange something like that for you all for today/tonight...
Sonic is a top-notch forager. He is excellent in knowing  what roots, tree nuts, herbs, berries, and insects are good to eat. Once collected, he would sort his items out and keep them stored in various containers and other shelves in his cave. He didn’t discover human food until a family left their picnic basket unattended at their camping site and ate all the contents inside. Since then, he would rise early, or leave in the middle of the night, and rummage through alleyways and corner stores at top speeds to take food.
Our lovable Space Hog learned how to communicate with the Animals in the forest way before he learned how to speak English and communicate with the humans.
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Thanks to Longclaw’s teachings, Sonic was able to recall and categorize all the natural herbs, roots, and other essentials needed in case he came down with any sort of illnesses and injuries. He used to doubt himself for thinking that he would never use them, but Longclaw’s voice always nagged him in the back of the head to collect them just in case. Sonic was always quick to thank his lucky stars for having them on hand during harsh winters--especially cold and flu seasons.
Sonic Wachowski also loved to collect comic books from store fronts when no one was watching--he relates to The Flash and Captain America to most. Comic books are one of two main sources of how he learned to read and write, the other was eavesdropping on an elementary school where some classroom windows were opened. He frequented them every day for a couple of years and learned some basic human history.
Before discovering his cave, Sonic would build small shrubbery caves and dig holes to sleep in them for the night. He didn’t discover his cave until falling into it taking a late morning stroll in search of food.
The forest that surrounds the town of Green Hills is called The Great Forest, Knothole Village is a national park’s name that preserved chunk of land to honor the first settlers of the town while migrating up the state’s borders.
All of the items that he has in his cave were found along sides of streets, abandoned buildings, dumpsters, store fronts, stolen from Crazy Carl, or he was able to take a thing or two from the Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady when they weren’t looking.
Sonic is best friends with Harry T. Bigfoot. Harry is a chill hippie that always greets Sonic with a smile and makes him flower crowns. No one in town believes Sonic when he says that he knows Harry... not even Crazy Carl!
Sonic still has an enemy on Earth--those stupid squirrels. Evil squirrels. Never trust them.
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Sonic did not sleep much while living in the cave. He had spent lots of hours trying to disguise it with moss, leaves, vines, and anything that he could find to make sure that it didn’t look like a cave. but he’s had many nights where he did not sleep. On average, he would sleep every other day and sleep a total of six hours... just enough to help him feel like he was secure in his cave.
He does contain many Earth hedgehog traits, such as a strong sense of smell and hearing. While tracking animals and humans, he often relies on his hearing and sense of smell to help him pinpoint if and where danger is around him. Sonic was trained how to do this by Longclaw--just a safety precaution she advised him to learn to help him track a certain clan if they’re near.
Growing up, Sonic had a rock pet named “Rocky.” Rocky went everywhere with Sonic, he still does. Sonic keeps Rocky in his backpack and takes him out to engage with Fred.
He does has a second cave that he’ prepared for himself in case he chose not to warp to the Mushroom Planet. He’s got a second one prepped with canned foods, some basic entertainment, and other essentials there to hide out in until he felt like it was safe for him to return to his true cave.
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The hole above his cave is a newer edition. He added that feature himself one night hoping to see if he could spot his planet in the sky. The stars appeared the same, so did the sky and the moon... he does wonder just how far his planet was from Earth if Longclaw claimed that it was on the farthest side of the universe.
He loved the Summer and Fall months of the year. Those were the easiest seasons to live in as he stayed isolated in the forest. Sonic loves snow and rain, he loves the cooler air and the sun’s rays on his fur, but the changes of the seasons always caused problems for him living in his cave. Some days there would always be rain puddles in it, others snow or fallen leaves.Sometimes there were days where he couldn’t leave his cave due to the weather’s conditions outside. Fall and Summer were much easier to manage due to the weather patterns being predictable.
Sonic has no idea where Toby the Turtle is. Last when he saw Tony was when the USA Military apprehended him in the forest and Dr. Robotnik wanted to take him in for questioning.
Sonic has made friends with the animals in the forest, such as the birds and the bears, they all taught him at a young age how to find food in every nook and cranny, as well as let him stay in their burrows to keep him warm at night. Many animals also taught him what the humans were and told them to stay away due to them fearing that they’ll lose their homes from deforestation. Sonic vowed to each animal present that they wouldn’t lose their homes from the humans wanting to expand their town. He often tells Tom of the forest critters concerns and they’ve arranged something with the Mayor of Green Hills to keep the land sacred and replenished with new trees.
Sonic loves to take the time to explore the forest. He’s got a name for every tree, flower, rock, and mountain he sees. He’ll also mark off each familiar site with a piece of cloth he ties to the trunk of a tree... or he’ll put a sticker on it. Sonic will also make maps of the forest as well and likes to mark off what each section has the best food, herbs, and springs to lounge in.
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His daily routine—if he slept that day—was wake up, do his morning stretches, take a quick jog around the state of Montana, bathe in the crystal waters of the lake nearby the entrance of town, quickly enter Jellee’s Donut Shoppe to snag a baked good, eat his breakfast on the rooftop of city hall to observe his favorite person work. Sometimes, if he caught Tom at a good time, he’d follow his police cruiser to the speed pit and play a quick game of “why-is-the-speedometer-going-bonkers-today?” with him before the end of his shift. He’s trend quietly to the Wachowski home just in time for movie night and return to his cave in the forest. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are reserved for his afternoon yoga session with Pretzel Lady.
Slugs, worms, flowers, bugs, fruits and veggies? Those are all things that Sonic loves to eat! On some occasion he’ll eat dried cat food, but it always tastes like there’s cat in it. Do not give Sonic catnip.
Although a very rare thing to see in the State of Montana, as well as the western part of the United States, Sonic loves to catch fireflies and play tag with them. He loves how gentle and warm they appear to be when they glow in the night’s sky and he loves how the glow from their body radiates a soft halo. He would never catch them in a Mason jar; he loves to cup them in his paws, make a wish, and set them free.So far, he can confirm that his wish came true...
Flower crowns. Love them. He makes them all the time in the forest and collects them. Give him one of the flowers in the forest and he’ll name every one and wear them in his spines.
Sonic mesures his growth by painting his paws and leaving the prints on the walls. He has no idea of how old he is, but he knows by the paw sizes that he is getting older and loves to see how much he’s grown.
The raccoons by the garage? Yeah, he’s the king of the trash pandas. Each one has a name: Joey, Monica, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, and Phoebe. They all obey Sonic when he asks them not to dig in the trash, they don’t with Tom. Joey likes to break into the house and steal Tom’s cake and watch TV.
Sonic has a soft spot for ducks. He built a small pond in the backyard of the house—with the help of Maddie—and he plays with them daily. They’re not allowed in the house, but he will sneak them in on occasion if it’s a rainy day and let them stay in his room.
Dequilling is a natural thing that Sonic will do. He does lose some of his spines, but he does manage to have them groomed when they start to fall. There is a catch to this, due to cultural beliefs of his species, the right to groom and style his spines must be done by a motherly figure, he always asks Maddie to brush his spines and help him style them up into a ‘do. This is how they’ve started to bond in the past.
Sonic does squeak when he’s excited, he’ll often squeak like an Earth hedgehog when he’s excited, happy, and annoyed. His squeaks and chirps are ways that he used to communicate on his home planet and will frequently use them around Tom and Maddie. Sometimes he forgets that they won’t always understand the exact words that he says, but the two of them know that their son is happy and they’re happy that he’s apart of their lives.
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And finally, Sonic likes to take Tom and Maddie to tour the place where he once lived. When they camp out in the mountains, Sonic took it upon himself to fix up his owns cave and catered it to the three of them to spend the nights in. It’s small, but comforting. He figured that since Tom and Maddie made it a point to welcome him into their home and their family, he thought that he would try to do the same by fixing up the cave as a “vacation home” of sorts for them all. He has never been happier.
I’d like to thank @movie-robotnik-positivity for helping me out with some of these for the headcanons. Thank you so, so much! You‘re a very wonderful person and I love you! I love and appreciate you very much, Matt. I think that it would be very cool to see a bit more of Sonic’s past in the second film, don’t you? I would love to see what his life was like growing up in the forest and what he did before meeting Tom and Maddie. Mainly I’d like to see the growth of the character. Sonic’s a special bean and he needs love. Thank you for suggesting it!
Stay safe for me, okay?
You matter❤️
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Mountain Man: Part 2
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Part 1 | PART 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Swearing, Mention of death, Mourning
Summary: You never thought you’d love again. Then Arthur Morgan came into town. Fate continuously has you meeting each other in odd ways, and a troubled past is something you are both familiar with. Perhaps that’s what will make this time different.
Notes: A MASSIVE THANK YOU to @morgans-whore for helping me out with this!!! If you haven’t read their work, please do so immediately.
Worth’s General store was a large building at the end of the Main Street. Although obviously aging, Jacob Worth did his best to maintain the store as much as possible, and keep it as well stocked as he could for the citizens of Valentine. The store was small and dark, despite the bright day outside, but stocked to the brim with goods both local and exotic. 
You stepped over the familiar threshold, and were immediately greeted by the friendly voice of Jacob, “Good morning!” You greeted him with a nod and a smile, moving to the left so that the excited child behind you could dart inside. 
Ben immediately dashed to the small candy display near the register, bouncing up and down in excitement. His curls bounced with him while he looked at the selection with a grin that reminded you so much of his father. Small, dirty hands grabbed for a bar of chocolate and a bag of hard candies, holding them up to his face for closer examination.
 “Are you looking for anything in particular today? We just got in some more of that coffee from Guarma that I know you’re fond of,” Jacob continued, standing behind the counter and keeping his eyes on your son. He indicated to a shelf behind him, with a sign bosting “Fresh Guarman Coffee! $1 per pound!”.
You smiled at him. “Thank you, Jacob, but we’re only here for picnic supplies today. I’ll come back later in the week to pick up more coffee and dry goods, if you could please hold some for me?” Jacob was a nice man, if a bit lonely of late. He had been very close to your husband, and made sure to take good care of you and Ben in recent years.
He nodded, grabbing one of the heavy bags off the shelf and putting it to the side behind the counter. “Of course, happy to,” he wrote your name on a slip of paper and put it on top of the bag. When he stood up, he brushed his fingers off on his apron, and then rose his hands to comb through his unkempt beard. “You going over to see Andrew today?”
With a bittersweet smile, you nodded in affirmation. “Yes, it’s been a while since we’ve gone over there. And since the weather is nice today, we thought we would have a picnic,” you explained, walking over to your son and ruffling his curly hair.  “Isn’t that right, Ben?”
“Yep!” he exclaimed, still mostly focused on the candy in his hands. “And Mama said I could pick out a candy for today, right Mama?” He looked up at you, eyes wide with excitement, reminding you all the more of Andrew. 
You couldn’t hold back the loving smile that lit up your face when he looked at you. The five years since Ben had been born had been tough, no doubt, but seeing the boy grow up was worth more than the world. He was becoming more and more like his pa as he got older, earning you a small, bittersweet ache in your heart every time you noticed the similarity. 
Raising Ben together with Andrew on the little ranch outside of town had been your plan. The two of you had looked so forward to teaching him to care for animals, to giving him more siblings to play with, to raising him into the brilliant young man that he was indeed becoming. Unfortunately, fate had had other ideas. Only one of those wishes was coming to fruition, and you were forced to watch him grow up alone. 
You had grown up in a small town on the eastern edge of New Austin, helping your parents in the saloon and restaurant they had owned, and sadly knew next to nothing about ranching. Andrew, on the other hand, was born on a small ranch just outside of town, and had practically been taking care of animals since he could walk. Sadly, Andrew had passed only a few months after Ben was born, and never got a chance to teach him anything or give him any siblings. 
Ben’s determined decision brought you out of your bittersweet reverie. “I think I want chocolate today,” he said, before placing the small bag of hard candies back on the counter. “I like when it gets all melty when it’s hot. Then I can just lick it off the package and I don’t even gotta chew.” His rambling made both you and Jacob chuckle.
You went back to browsing the shelves, picking up a few apples and peaches, and asking Jacob for loaf of bread, dried beef, and some cheese. As a special treat for you and your son later, you picked up some assorted biscuits as well. The last things on your list were a small bottle of wine for yourself and a bottle of milk for Ben… who was now hiding something behind his back.
He had a shameful smile on his face, and was rocking back and forth from his heels to his tippy-toes. Behind him was an obviously empty space on the shelf where peppermint candies usually sat. He could have only been more obvious if he were whistling. The boy really was a horrible thief.
“Ben, sweetheart, put that down please,” you lightly scolded, getting ready to bring out your stern mother voice if need be. “You’ve got a chocolate bar for later, you don’t need more candy.”
Then again, there is no reasoning with a child. “But Papa’s favorite is peppermints. I wanna get some candy for him,” he says, eyes going wide and shining with definitely-fake tears. He brought the red and white striped package out from behind his back and showed it to you, eyes as wide and innocent as a puppy.
“Honey…” you rubbed the bridge of your nose as you spoke, and closed your eyes, torn between holding your ground and giving into the puppy-dog eyes.
“Please mama?” There it was, the lip tremble. This kid had you wrapped around his tiny little finger. “Please? They’re his favorite. I’ll leave the chocolate if I gotta.” And the cincher. He had to have known what he was doing, offering to put back his own treat to get peppermints for someone who couldn’t even enjoy them? He was a literal angel.
An angel you could simply not say no to.
“Oh, alright, you. Those puppy dog eyes are merciless, you know?” you concede, not hearing the door open behind you and the heavy footsteps coming your way.
The boy jumped in excitement, his curly hair bouncing with him, and ran up to the register to show his purchase to Jacob. You follow suit, pulling a few bills out from under the blanket in the basket and handing it to your friend across the counter.
“Peppermints AND chocolate?” came a husky voice from behind you. “You really must be worth more than I could afford.” You recognised the sound almost immediately, and turned to face the man from the night before. He was again standing casually, observing the scene before him with his fingers looped in his belt, and smiling softly at your son.
Seeing him again so soon made you smile. Last night may have been short, and may have amounted to nothing in the end, but flirting with him had certainly been fun. “Well, hello again Mountain Man,” you responded, teasing him with the nickname Anastasia had unintentionally bestowed on him the previous evening and making no pretense of hiding the fact that you were running your gaze up his body. Although he was wearing the same clothes as the evening before, and was significantly dirtier than you remembered him being before you left, he looked even more handsome in the light of day. “That’s certainly true, but maybe we can negotiate the price over a drink sometime?”
His soft smile that had been reserved for your son turned into an impressed smirk as his gaze drifted to you. “‘d be happy to,” he responded. 
You glanced down at your son, who was still pre-occupied with the peppermints, and decided to forgo any further suggestive talk while he was with you. Which, unfortunately, meant that you weren’t entirely sure what to say next. “Well,” you managed, clearing your throat and turning to pick up the full picnic basket from the counter. “I certainly didn’t think I’d see you in the general store. Don’t you mountain men hunt all of your own food?”
Arthur barked out a laugh, throwing his head back with it. You were surprised about how attractive it was. “Shoa, if I weren’t such a bad shot, maybe,” he retorted, looking back at you. “‘m headin’ out for a bounty. Just need t’ stock up on some supplies before I leave.”
“Bounty?” That certainly surprised you. Though, now that you’ve had a better look at him, you supposed that he could be a bounty hunter. He did have multiple pistols in holsters at his hips and a couple of repeaters strapped to his back. Not to mention the fact that he could probably wrestle anyone to the ground with his bare hands alone.
“Yeah, some snake-oil salesman been pawning off poison to women with sick husbands,” he explained nonchalantly, pulling his hands from his belt and walking in your direction.
“Ah…” you drew in a sharp breath as he came closer to you, backing you up until you were nearly touching the shelves against the wall. Your heart was pounding in your ears, what was he playing at? He kept his eyes on yours the whole time, the same predatory look in them that you noticed last night, and you would have panicked if it weren’t for the mirth in them as well. Somehow, you could tell he wouldn’t hurt you. This was just a part of the game. 
Without a word, and keeping his eyes locked with yours, he reached behind you and pulled a box of shotgun shells off the shelf.
When he had what he wanted, that stupid attractive smirk returned to his face and he stepped back, giving you room to breathe. “S’posed to be camped out by Cumberland Falls. Shouldn’t take long, if ya’d want to join me for that drink afterwards,” he explained, finally breaking his gaze from you and heading to the other side of the room to the display housing basic tonics.
Now that he wasn’t so close, now that he wasn’t looking at you like he wanted to eat you alive, you could finally let out the breath that you had apparently been holding. “I… I’m a bit busy today, I’m afraid,” you managed, holding up the basket full of picnic foods for him to see. Your heart was pounding, and it was certainly not from fear. You only hoped he wasn’t able to tell.
Completely oblivious to the situation before him, Ben strolled over to you from the cash register, where he had been chattering on to Jacob. “Yeah, we are going to see Papa!” he told Arthur excitedly. “We even got him candies!”
Your eyes snapped to your son at the sound of his voice, only to see him standing beside you with an opened bag of peppermints, one already in his mouth. Faking offense, you bent down to your son’s height and took the peppermint bag from him. “You said those were for papa, you little thief,” you teased, slipping the bag into your basket before reaching out to Ben’s sides.
The boy knew what was coming, and was preemptively laughing and trying to escape you. “He doesn’t mind sharing!” he giggled, backing away from you with a grin.
You narrowed your eyes playfully at the child. “Oh, sure he doesn’t,” you taunted before going in for the kill, “you sneak!” With that, you drew Ben toward you and began attacking him with tickles. Ben’s shrieks of laughter filled the room as the two men watched on with smiles on their faces.
“Mama, no!” shrieked Ben through his laughter. “No tickling! No tickling! Let’s go see Papa!” His laughter died down as you stopped tickling him and released him from your hold. He was breathless and grinning from ear to ear, eyes shining with glee. You simply adored him.
“Alright alright, let’s go, my little thief,” you said, giving him a purposefully loud, wet kiss on his cheek, which he proceeded to wipe off dramatically. He then dashed to the door, careful to keep out of arms’ reach, lest you try to catch him again. You followed him with a smile, stopping briefly at the door to say goodbye.
“Anyway, it was nice seeing you again, Mountain Man,” you said, turning to Arthur with a small wave of your left hand, the light glinting off your worn wedding ring.
He cleared his throat and tipped his hat as you turned back around to follow Ben. “Ma’am,” was his simple farewell, and if you had glanced back, you would have seen his eyes, focused on the ring on your finger in disappointment.
The cemetery, much like everything else in the small town, was just down the street from the general store. Ben ran slightly ahead of you, still within eyesight, the bag of peppermints once again held tightly in his tiny hand. You waved and said hello to the few people that you passed as you walked the short street, but all-in-all it took no time to get to where you needed to go.
Andrew was buried next to his parents, and you knew the space like the back of your hand. The grave was starting to age, but was generally well kept by both the town minister and yourself. It was situated toward the back of the cemetery, under a tree and away from the road - an ironically beautiful spot for a picnic. Andrew would have loved it. 
Just an hour after leaving the general store, you sat atop your picnic blanket, a worn blue and white quilt sewn by yourself and your late mother-in-law during the early days of your marriage, under the shade of the large tree with a book in hand. The half-eaten loaf of bread, leftover cheese, and beef were packed neatly back into the picnic basket, leaving you and Ben plenty of space to lounge.
Peppermints had been scattered over the blanket and beside the grave itself, as Ben played with a wooden horse on top of the weathered stone. He spoke quietly, voice still full of excitement, to his father’s and grandparents’ graves as he played. The book you were holding, a cheap romance novel that you had borrowed from Margaret a few weeks prior, didn’t manage to hold your interest, and you were lost in thought.
About Andrew. About the past. About what could have been. 
Andrew had been beyond excited for your pregnancy, even going as far as building a small nursery onto the small house once he had inherited it from his parents. It had been a hard time for him, torn between the sadness of losing his parents to cholera not a year prior and the excitement of bringing a child into the world with the woman he loved. Thankfully, the entire town had been there to support him: his friends stopped by whenever they could, the Downes next door helped out on the ranch when they got a chance, Ms. Chadwick had even taken to stopping by on a weekly basis to help you during the pregnancy.
It had all gone surprisingly smoothly, and a little over a year after his grandparents’ passing, little Ben was safely brought into the world. The first few months were an exhausted dream, taking care of a child, your child, together. Waking up at dawn to feed Ben and make coffee for Andrew before he went out to take care of the animals. Days spent feeding and playing with your son, working as much as you could, and waiting for Andrew to take a break so you could coo over the little one together. Nights spent cuddled together, looking adoringly at the face of the perfect child that the two of you had brought into this world.
It was so wonderful, and so tragically short-lived, that you sometimes weren’t sure if it hadn’t all been a dream.
But then you remember Ben, so much like his father in so many ways, and the bittersweet memory of that time solidifies in your mind. It was no dream. It was short-lived, exhausting, and too perfect to last. Andrew was gone, but he still lived on in your son, and you wouldn’t trade him for the world.
An excited squeal from the boy brought you back to the present, and you turned to watch him race his wooden horse across the headstones decorated with your family’s names. Not far away, Arthur was also alerted by the sudden shrill noise. Watching the two of you, as he stood by his horse and covered with grime, sweat, and dirt, he smiled.
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imaginepirates · 4 years
Modern! Beckett
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Alrighty, so I know these were requested forever ago (sorry, fml) but here you are with another modern au setting in which Beckett is plunged into today’s world. You live on a peaceful vineyard, so if you need something aesthetically pleasing rn, this is it. 
@fablelady @kay-maybe​ @panagiasikelia​ 
~3200 words
          Something had gone horribly wrong with the food. Some sort of toxin had made its way into your body. It had to have. Otherwise, you wouldn't be seeing a man standing in your vineyard, wearing an embroidered waistcoat, looking completely and utterly lost.
          You'd been walking barefoot through the rows of vines after breakfast, letting your toes curl against the earth. It was a pleasant sensation. A light breeze tugged at your loose hair, and the morning sun warmed your arms and back. Ripe grapes hung from the vineyard’s vines, purplish blue, ready to be harvested and sold to the nearby winery. You looked up, gazing over the endless rows of green and out to the golden fields beyond. Even further was the shimmering lake, the morning sun dappling across its surface, vast and blue and ending hazily at the mountainous opposite shore.
         You wandered aimlessly, with no goal in mind, just looking out over the vast stretches of empty land. There was another vineyard in the distance, much the same as yours, and a small road interrupted the natural beauty, but there was little else around. A small city sat beyond the crest of a far off hill. You couldn’t see it from where you lived, but you drove in to get groceries and anything else you needed.
         It was as you walked that you found yourself face to face with a small man who had somehow made his way deep within your vineyard. He stared at you with wide eyes and a perplexed expression, and you stared back, equally surprised.
         It took a few moments to even comprehend the idea of someone ending up on your property. The section of vines you were in was far from the road, and you likely would have noticed someone coming from the road in any case. He didn’t really look like he’d walked a long way; there was none of the thin layer of dust that a person accumulated while walking long distances. You had no idea where he could have possibly come from.
         The second thing that you noticed about the stranger was his manner of dress. A pale blue embroidered waistcoat, breaches, and strange heeled shoes were hardly the normal manner of dress. Not to mention the wig.
          It took you another instant to realize that you recognized the man. Which means I must be dreaming, or I must be crazy. He bared an uncanny resemblance to a character from one of your favorite movies. There’s no way this could possibly be him. Lord Cutler Beckett, in my yard.
         You must have been staring at him for an uncomfortable amount of time, as he cleared his throat.
         You had a hard time forcing words out of your mouth. “Oh,” was all you could manage at first. Then, “Any idea how you got here?”
         The man had the decency to look embarrassed. “No, I’m afraid.” He fidgeted with the hem of his loose white shirt. “Where am I, exactly?”
         “In the middle of my vineyard, actually.”
         “Ah. And that is?”
         “A ways from wherever you come from, I think.”
         He seemed to agree, assessing your clothes and the area around him.
         “Would you like to come inside? We might be able to figure things out better.”
         “Thank you.”
         You walked back between the rows of grapevines, much more quickly than your earlier aimless meandering. The house was just ahead, a red roof against sandy walls. Cypress trees stood, lining the gravel driveway, at the front of the house. Beckett didn’t seem phased in the least by the outside appearance; you were sure he’d seen things like it before. It was old-fashioned, if not truly that old, in the style of Tuscan vineyards.
         Beckett got a shock upon seeing the inside of the house, though. You led him up the stairs to your back porch and through the double doors at the back of the house. If the porch a story off the ground didn’t seem strange enough to him, the modern furniture, lights, decor, and appliances shocked him. You could hear him gasp a little behind you as he entered the house.
         You entered into the kitchen. It was a large, open space connected to your living room. Bar seating separated the two spaces. “Water?” You asked. “I know it can get hot out there.”
         “Hm? Oh, yes, please.” Somehow, he still managed to keep his manners.
         You pulled a glass from the cupboard of the kitchen, filling it with water from the refrigerator. You looked back at Beckett, who stared on quizzically with his mouth slightly open. When you gave him the glass, he eyed it suspiciously before drinking.
         “Perhaps ‘where’ am I wasn’t the right question,” he murmured. He drank slowly, eyeing everything around him. You were half tempted to turn on the TV, just to give him a start, but you decided against it.
         “I think you’re going to find that everything is different around here. It might take some getting used to.” That was an understatement and you knew it.
         “Ah.” He continued to stare. Finally, his eyes snapped back into focus and he looked at you. “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to play the part of the host?”
         “I have plenty of room.”
         He raised his eyebrows. “You live here alone?” “Not anymore, it seems, though I might like to know the name of my guest.” You gave him a smile, and he tentatively smiled back.
         “Beckett. Cutler Beckett.” It was your turn to be dazed. “Thank you. I’d rather not make myself more lost by trying to find somewhere else to stay.”
         “I understand.” Huh. Cutler Beckett. Right in my kitchen.
         You showed him to a guest room. It was fairly minimal, and the decorations were sparse. The room had been painted an ivory color, and you’d complimented it with pale blue decorations. The curtains sported flowering shapes in both colors, whereas the bedspread was slightly patterned in varying shades of blue. An ovular mirror stood to one side of the room. It was charming, in its own way, though you were sure Beckett was used to more lavish accommodations.
         He, for his part, didn’t seem to mind. He tapped the bed absentmindedly with a hand, looking around. He furrowed his brows, looking at the nightstand with its lamp. “What’s this?”
         “A lamp. It’s a light that you can control from next to your bed.” You then proceeded to show him the lightswitch.
         He stared, bewitched. “How does it work?”
         “I’m…. not completely sure. It’s so common, I don’t really think about that. I know that it’s a complicated mess of wires, though.”
         He continued to stare at the switch. As you left the room, you heard him give it a few experimental clicks. You smiled. It was sort of adorable, the way he was enchanted with everything. Much different from the man from the story. Softer. More human.
         “Are you hungry?” You asked. It was getting on towards midday, and you found the idea of lunch to be appealing.
         “The thought of food tempts me, I will admit.”
         “It’s decided, then. Perhaps we’ll make it a picnic.” You busied yourself in the kitchen, pulling out meats, cheeses, fruits, nuts, and crackers. Snacky foods, but delicious when combined, and perfectly filling.
         Beckett seemed a little dubious at the idea of eating outside, but you assured him that he wouldn’t get dirty, nor would he have trouble with bugs.
         “And the heat?” he asked.
         “Firstly, you can lose the waistcoat. And the wig. They won’t do you any favors. Secondly,” you snatched a floppy sun hat from a peg on the wall, “I have two.”
         You might have considered getting him different clothes if you’d been worried about someone seeing you, but you weren’t, so you didn’t bother. You instead put the large sun hat on his now bare head, the hat clashing horribly with everything else.
         You put yours firmly in place, picked up the basket in which you’d put your food, and strolled out the back door. Beckett followed right behind you, staring out at everything he could see. “It feels like Greece,” he said, “or Italy.”
         “Thank you. I try to keep that feeling, actually.”
         “You’re doing beautifully.”
         The words took you aback. You could see that he was perfectly serious, but you hadn’t expected such a compliment from him. You’d hardly expected him to say anything nice at all. The story didn’t do him justice, then. You’d always expected him to be a bit of an ass. You supposed he still had the chance, but he’d been nothing but the picture of polite company, if not massively confused polite company.
         You walked him down a winding path through the golden fields surrounding the vineyard. It trailed down to the shore of the lake, whose deep blue waters stretched out to a hazy horizon. Mountains rose up far beyond, too far away to see clearly, barely standing out against the sky. A small boat sat on the beach there, on your side,  and you had a mind to row it a ways down the bank.
         You pushed off from the bank, peacefully rowing through the serene waters. Few boats used the lake, making it ideally scenic. You would have hated for the lake to be crowded. More urban areas got choked with tourists during the summer, but you were far enough away from any big cities that it wasn’t a problem. Besides, the nearest town didn’t have major hotels.
         You rowed along, Beckett sitting opposite you in the little boat. He seemed to be enjoying himself, looking out over the scenery. The tension had left his shoulders. He seemed almost peaceful this way, staring out at the hazy mountains, looking over the golden fields and banks of trees.
         You arrived at a flat, grassy area shaded by trees. The two of you got out and sat beside the lake, shielded from the blistering sun. You unpacked the basket you’d brought with you. You and Beckett sat in companionable silence, enjoying the meal, enjoying a slight breeze. Beckett looked ridiculous in the sun hat. It seemed too big on him, somehow, and it made him look much less threatening than you were used to his being. Meeting him in person had been a lot different than how he was portrayed, you reflected.
         “It’s wonderful here. Much more peaceful than home,” he said. His expression changed when he spoke of his home, like he’d tasted something sour. “I do wonder what’s going on. And how I’m supposed to get back. If I’m supposed to get back. It’s a rather terrifying thought, that I might never go home.” By the look on his face, the thought was just now occurring to him.
         “I’m sure we’ll find a way to get you home.”
         “Are you sure? I don’t know how I ended up here in the first place. It seems rather like a dream, though I can say with confidence that it isn’t.”
         “You had to get here somehow. I don’t think you’re meant to stay here forever.”
         He looked out over the lake. “Things are such a mess there, the idea of staying here isn’t so awful, actually.”
         “Maybe you just needed time away.”
         “I doubt the world would be so kind.”
         You steered away from the subject, and the two of you ended up talking about the vineyard. He knew more about viniculture than you might have guessed.
         “It really does take me back to some of my lessons in school,” he said. “They had pictures of the Italian countryside in some of my books. It was much like this, though I don’t remember any lakes.”
         You smiled. “It’s one of my favorite places. Too many methods of production have taken on more modern approaches; the massive farms growing wheat, or the rows upon rows of corn, interrupted only by giant sprinklers and massive tractors. I like keeping things small. It’s so much more peaceful than those unnerving monocultures.”
         “I always wanted to go. To Greece, or Italy, I mean. I loved all the stories, all the history. I wanted to experience it for myself.”
         “Never got to go?”
         “No. My travels took me elsewhere. Africa, China, India, the New World. I always told myself that I’d make time for it later.”
         “Surely the places you did go to proved to be interesting.”
         “Very. The cultures of those places were foreign to me; lord knows they weren’t part my education. I found them fascinating. Tell me, have the American colonies expanded? I’m sure they’d have had to, by now.”
         “Well, yes.” You didn’t think he’d like where this was going.
         Something in your expression must have tipped Beckett off. “They are still under the control of the British?”
         “The Spanish? God forbid, don’t tell me the French got control. I can’t imagine those frogs doing anything good with the land.”
         “Actually, the colonies had a revolution and became their own country.”
         “Ah,” he said. “I suppose that’s wont to happen sometimes.”
         “Yes, yes it is.” You thought of all the other countries that had broken away from Britain, too.
         You packed up, stepping back into the boat. This time, you drifted out towards the center of the lake. “Did you spend much time at sea?” you asked. “You did seem to travel a lot.” You didn’t want to make it look like you knew too much about him, even though you did.
         “I spent a fare amount of time at sea, yes, though I typically settled down once I got somewhere.” He let his hand skim the top of the water. “The sea is much different from a lake, though. Calmer.”
         You were out on the lake until dusk, talking about this and that; the places you’d been and the things you’d seen, all the questions Beckett had for you about modern technology and travel, and a hundred other things. You figured it was the most relaxed Becektt had ever been. He even laughed from time to time at your jokes. How strange it is, to see him like this. I think he’s growing on me.
         You seemed to be growing on him, too. “You’re very easy to get along with, you know that? I haven’t just sat and talked with someone in ages. At least, not without wanting to get something from them.”
         “Is there nothing you want to get from me?” you asked innocently.
         Beckett looked at you, surprised. A slight blush dusted his features. Then he smiled, a little wickedly, and raised an eyebrow. “Was that flirting?”
         It was your turn to blush. “Perhaps a little.”
         “Just know that it can go both ways.” A smug look crossed his face as you blushed deeper. “Although I have to admit, I’m rather out of practice. It’s been a long time since anyone’s flirted with me.”
         “I can’t see why. You’re such a charming man.”
         “Am I? I rather think that my good attitude has everything to do with my company, and nothing to do with my charm.”
         You rolled your eyes, rowing back to shore. By the time you got back to the house, it was time for dinner, and you coerced Beckett into helping you make it. He had little idea what he was doing, but managed not to make a complete mess with any of his tasks. It’s cute, you thought, to watch him try doing domestic things.
         The two of you enjoyed a pasta dish with chicken and tomatoes, fresh basil and olive oil drizzled over the top. You had an assortment of fruits to enjoy, too. You plucked a pomegranate from the mix.
         Beckett eyed you. “I suppose you know the story of Hades and Persephone?”
         “I do. How Hades fell in love with Persephone, kidnapped her, and tricked her into eating seeds from the fruit of the underworld. She had to return to him, then, and spend half of each year with him.”
         “A man from another world, falling for a goddess of vegetation.” Beckett’s eyes focused on the pomegranate. “Sometimes, mythology is unbelievable. Sometimes, it isn’t.”
         You cut the fruit, taking out a large spoonful of the burgundy seeds and eating them. “I like the version where Persephone knows exactly what she’s doing.”
         Beckett watched you, eyes never leaving yours. “I don’t think I’ve heard that one before.”
         “It’s a little wicked, I must confess. The thought that she was no innocent victim, but a wholly conscious decider of her fate. Perhaps not all women want to pick flowers all day. Some of us might like a taste of power, of having men fear our names.”
         “And would you have me fear yours?” He arched a brow. You laughed. “No, no.”
         “Would you rather me kidnap you, then?” He didn’t give you time to answer, instead pulling you out of your seat to be flush against him. “Tell me, do you dance?”
         “Does the Macarena count?” He gave you a questioning look. “Nevermind,” you said. “The answer is no.”
         “Shame. Looks like you need a teacher.” He smirked. “It might be a little hard without music, though.”
         “What song?” Beckett looked confused. “Can you get any waltzes?”
         “Alexa,” you turned your head towards the small device sitting on your counter. “Play the Second Waltz.” You turned back to Beckett. “It’s a bit more contemporary, but I trust you’ll know how to dace to it.”
         The tune, familiar to you, at least, began. Beckett put a hand on your waist and took one of your hands with the other. Your free hand floated just above his shoulder, where you assumed it was supposed to go.
         “Don’t be shy,” he urged.
         The moment your hand came to rest on his shoulder, he took a step forward, forcing you to step back. He guided you to one side, then forward, and again to the other side. Your movements were clumsy, but you began to get the hang of it as he repeated the steps.
         “Not so hard, see?”
         You smiled shyly, aware of just how close the two of you were.
         “Blushing already?” he teased. He suddenly pulled you flush against his chest. “And to think I hadn’t even given you anything to blush about.”
         “You’re cheeky, aren’t you?” You barely managed to get the words out through your embarrassment.
         “Perhaps. Though I’m sure I can make you blush harder if I try.”
         “Is that a promise?”
         Beckett laughed. “You’re not so bad at this yourself, you know. But if I must…” The hand on your waist took a firmer grip, while the one holding yours came to rest on your cheek. His thumb grazed over your lower lip. Softly, he planted a kiss to your lips, staying close even after it was finished. “Perhaps staying here forever isn’t such a bad thought after all,” he whispered. He stepped back. “Though I suppose I have to find a way back at some point.”
         “We will,” you said, still a little dizzy from the kiss.
If anyone was wondering about the song:
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