#there are probably so many more characters i've forgotten to tag but i don't care leave me be
softpine · 3 months
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@bb-enablefreebuild it's true, but asa says it himself, "I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I have everything a person could want and a better family than some could ever imagine - but it’s not enough for me. I don’t know why. I want to be happy, but I don’t know how." it was important for me to include that part in there, because that has nothing to do with finn – well, only a little bit in that he knows he can come across as ungrateful given that his family is incredibly supportive and some people's families, like finn's, are the opposite. otherwise, this is entirely centered around asa's internal feelings. he's had depression nearly his entire life, it's just that when finn is around he's able to find reasons to take care of himself (going outside for long walks, sleeping regularly, paying attention in class because finn tells him to, taking his meds, etc.) and without finn there to ground him, asa is falling apart for more reasons than one. so yes it's the heartbreak of losing your first love, but it's more than that for him. it's losing the primary reason for living in the moment and looking forward to the future :(
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he will be soooooooo pissed :( we'll have to wait and see if asa tells him the truth (or the full truth) about how he got to this point... especially after everything asa said in this post; he KNOWS finn wouldn't approve of any of his actions thus far, but he keeps digging his grave deeper and deeper because he's already gone too far, he's already broken finn's trust and he can't leave things like this now :(
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that tag is so funny, i wasn't even referring to myself in Sim God terms i was just mad at him as if i'm a powerless reader like the rest of you jfkjsds and YEAH poor casper :( he'll come up in one of the next posts so i don't want to say too much, but the fact that his worst fear is missing out on something important while he's away, to the extent that he's calling constantly to check on his family is so..... :(
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bro yes 🤭
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thank you for sharing!! that makes complete sense to me and that's a really sweet way to incorporate your mom in that decision 🥺
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RIGHT he needs the sense knocked into him fr
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@forgotten-pixels ahhhh i love this question, i was JUST thinking about mac while i was making vegan chili mac the other day fjkjsds i'm actually going to save this in my inbox and take some pictures for you when i have the energy because i miss mac and honey too :') they're always hanging out in the same room while i'm taking screenshots, they just NEVER make it into any good pics. it's actually a curse i swear
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i honestly have no idea, i'm sorry 😭 it'll probably be awhile though, i haven't been doing great tbh but i want the next post to look as good as it does in my head so i don't want to half ass it!!
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@itsalwaysgonnabeher oh you caught that huh sjfkjsds don't worry (yet) 💖
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@little-orphan-ant I'M SORRY 😭 i'm thinking brandi wtf at all times too lmao
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omg okay so i'm saving this message in my inbox for later because i KNOW for a FACT that i listed everyone's favorite candy many years ago but tumblr's search function is so incredibly ass and i don't have the energy to keep searching for it right now but i will find it eventually i promise 🥺 and if not i'll just rewrite it and then when i inevitably find the original post we can compare my answers and see how well i know my characters' tastes fjksjds
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absolutely yes i'm afraid 😌
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in my head i still have to sound it out sometimes if it's been forever since i've typed her name fjksjds
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@rebouks thank you so much 🥺🥺 the same goes to you!!! 💖
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@moonfromearth thank you!! it's so sweet you thought of me ;-; 💗
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nakitengoku · 5 months
oc interview: 💙Vex💙
Shoutout to @mail-me-a-snail for tagging me in this post and also egging me along with getting into Cyberpunk 2077 and subsequently creating Vex 💫
(I don't have a single good photo of Vex so you instead get the Compilation of sillies I've drawn, many featuring Snail's Vance!)
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💙 Name?
"Name's Vex, but call me anything you like."
💙 Nickname?
"Some people used to call me V, but that was a while ago."
He used to be called Ghost when he was younger, being able to slip into the background unnoticed at any moment, but he later grew out of that. When he eventually adopted the name V, it was less of a nickname and more of a stage name. It's mostly forgotten now, but some hardcore fans will still recognize and call him V.
💙 Gender?
"Prettyboy 💖"
💙 Star sign?
"Oh, I used to be really into these! If I remember right, My sun and moon are both Libra. Missy could probably tell you more about what that means though."
I decided to take one out of Max's book and use the first time i drew him as his birthday, which if we're going by the absolute first concept, was September 26, 2022. He's changed a Lot since then. Also, reading up on libras with Vex in mind is just 💥
💙 Height?
He's actually 5'7 and a half.
💙 Orientation?
"Anyone able and willing. Why, you interested?"
If he cared enough about labels, it'd probably be pansexual. But by the end of the day, he doesn't really care what he gets called. As long as he gets what he wants out of it, anything's fine.
💙 Nationality/Ethnicity?
💙Favorite Fruit?
"Oh man, okay so I've only had it once at an after party forever ago, but it was this round, redish purple thing. When I bit into it, it was a little tart at first, but the inside was such a sweet taste that I was in heaven. By the time I finished and threw the pit away, there were no more left and I nearly cried. I haven't seen it since and I can't remember the name but man. Best organic thing I've ever tasted."
If you give this man a plum, he'd kill someone for you. Which isn't a lot given that that's his job, but still. He'd do it without expecting to be paid in money.
💙 Favorite season?
"Fall, for sure. While I was in Atlanta, they had these parks with trees that would change their colours to these gorgeous shades of reds and oranges. God, kinda makes me wish I could grow something like that here."
I don't actually know the plant life in Nevada or how much the temperature differentiates between the seasons in Night City, but I imagine that what shrubbery they do have there have leaves that are always green or simply non-existent. Vex saw a plant change colour outside of blooming and immediately fell in love with it.
💙 Favorite flower?
"Officially, Lilacs. But between you and me, I'm very partial to forget-me-nots."
He used to be gifted Lilacs all the time during his first career by Jonathan, his producer, but Vex always found himself enjoying the little forget-me-nots that acted as accent flowers than the actual lilacs themselves.
💙 Coffee, tea or Hot chocolate?
"Hot chocolate. Although, I will drink coffee in a pinch."
This man has the biggest sweet tooth. The amount of sugar he puts in his coffee before he chugs it down for the caffeine should be illegal. [I cannot judge bc I am the same way <3]
💙 Average hours of sleep?
'We talking Mean, Median or Mode?"
It varies so much that the actual average ends up being about 6, but um. Do not be fooled into thinking he's actually sleeping 6 hours every night. Think more along the lines of several all-nighters followed by crashing super hard for a day or two.
💙 Dog or cat person?
"Oh, a cat person. I'm just not home enough for a dog."
💙 Dream trip?
"I saw a pamplet once of Crater Lake in Oregon. It was something about the ten deadliest lakes in the world or something, but I'm just into how Blue it is. If I could, I'd visit the rest of those lakes too, but. Eh, I doubt it."
💙 Favorite Fictional Character?
"Hmm, it's a toss up between a side from this really long and old comic from the 2010's and the protagonist from a just as long manga from the 2000's. I think their names were Kanya and Ruffy? It's been 15 years though so don't quote me on that."
It's Kanaya from homestuck and Luffy from One Piece. He likes Kanaya because of her fashion sense and her dealing with the responsibility of her entire species on her shoulders. And he likes Luffy for his optimism and stubbornness. At one point, he imagined finding friends like Luffy did, being surrounded by so much devotion. The reasoning has since faded and he just barely remembers much about them now.
💙 Number of Blankets you sleep with?
"Eight. I like the weight and warmth."
His AC bill is through the fucking roof but he refuses to take a single blanket off, instead insisting on just making the rest of the room freezing. Giving him a weighted blanket wouldn't fix it, but he'd probably go down to five instead of eight.
💙 Random fact?
"When i was really little, my mom used to take me to a church. Don't think it exists any more, but I remember the Stain glass windows, how the light shone through and fell onto her. In normal lighting, I remember her looking pale a sickly, but once a week, with a statue of a half-god watching over us, my mother glowed. She was gorgeous.
"Anyway, I stopped going after she died. For a while it was because I never remembered what day it was, but later it was because I realized I only ever went to see my mom glow."
Thank you for tagging me, Max! This was much longer than what i thought when i was getting into it but I'm still glad I did it.
I can't think of anyone specific who'd want to do this, so if you see this and want to give it a try, please do and tag me! I'd love to see your little blorbos :)
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sproutwings · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
The lovely @crestfallercanyon tagged me for this weeks ago, and I haven't been ignoring it - I just didn't get around to it sooner. Sorry!
How many works do you have on AO3? 380 (382, technically, because two are still anon/unrevealed exchange works.)
What’s your total A03 word count? 1,123,214
What fandoms do you write for? Currently, mostly DCU, The Flash and a bunch of tiny fandoms, but I've been writing fanfic for ages, so I went through quite a few fandoms.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
a) cut me open, take my heart (DCU, JayTim, 1744 kudos) b) A Bird in the Hand (DCU, Dickstroke, 1694 kudos) c) Hook(er), Line and Sinker (The Flash, Coldflash, 1586 kudos) d) No Shortage of Blood (Original Works, Starving Vampire/Vampire Hunter Having A Moral Crisis, 1453 kudos) e) Portrait of the Artist as a Middle-Aged Man (Gossip Girl, Dan/Blair/Chuck, 1149 kudos)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I always try to, but sometimes it takes a while to get around to it. /o\
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have no idea. I used to write a lot of angsty stuff back when I was younger but the older I get the more I gravitate towards fics that leave the characters in a... well, maybe not necessarily in a good place exactly, because I tend to ship a lot of dysfunctional ships and write unhealthy relationship dynamics, but I don't want the characters to feel hopeless and unhappy in the end, so even when they're in a bad situation, they're making the best out of it.
A very old, very angsty fic of mine is Too Close To Touch (Harry Potter, various permutations of Draco, Harry and Hermione). I don't know if it's the angstiest overall, but it occasionally still gets comments so it's fresh in my mind despite having been written almost two decades ago.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh no, this is similarly hard to answer. Maybe Throw Away the Plan (The Flash, Coldwestallen)? Most of my endings seem to be "the main conflict of the story is dealt with, the ship kisses and things are okay-ish for now". 🙃
Do you get hate on your fic? Maybe once or twice, but nothing dramatic or memorable, luckily enough.
Do you write smut? Sometimes.
Do you write crossovers? No.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes! Someone copied a few of my fics word by word, replaced the names and posted them as Kpop RPS. D: D: D: I got the author to take them down, but they did it with a lot of people's fics and eventually AO3 banned them.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a few! I blanket allow translations, as long as they're credited properly and not posted anywhere but AO3.
Have you ever co-written a fic? Yes, but it was a really long time ago, and coordinating was pretty stressful. I prefer to work on my own schedule.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? Noooo, don't make me choose. I love so many ships! If I absolutely had to pick one, it would be Tommy/Bubonic from Eye Candy, but it mostly depends on what I'm in the mood for right in that moment.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? There's Coldflash BDSM fic based on a long-forgotten Tumblr prompt I would have loved to write one day, but it would be far longer than anything I'm comfortable writing and it's only 'in progress' in so far that I have a few dialogue snippets from it written down yet.
What’s your writing strengths? Character voices and snappy banter, probably.
What’s your writing weaknesses? Plot!!!! As you can see by every fic I've written where the characters get captured or attacked by some nameless villain for nebulous reasons. I always handwave stuff like that because I simply can't bring myself to care about it or put any thought into it. 😅 Sorry!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? As a reader, It always throws me out of the story. :(
First fandom you wrote for? The X-Files! Mulder/Krycek was teenage Sandrine's first fanfic obsession. (Though technically, I wrote terrible Star Wars and The Three Musketeers fic long before I knew what fanfic was! But I've decided that doesn't count. 😅)
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
(never been) so much at stake (OW, Vampire Moonlighting As A Barista/Exhausted Vampire Hunter In Search Of Caffeine) is probably the best, but The Biggest Score of All (The Flash, Coldflash) has my heart!
I'm supposed to tag people here, and I'm terrible at this, so @waysheswings, @sunherirai, @moriavis, @zeroducks-2, @hithelleth, @elasticella - if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged and if you want to ignore it, pretend I never mentioned your name. And anyone else who sees this and wants to answer, you're also tagged! Yes, I mean YOU. :D
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maranull · 9 months
I needed someone to ramble about Marika for so long. Bruh she's like one of the best female characters I've seen in a while
But when I first got into the fandom, it's like people are VERY bad towards Marika and what they said about her is how she's *insert a crazy amount of slurs offensive towards a woman*
She's very prominent to the story and they thought she was responsible for everything, stay with me on this. I understand she's responsible MAJORLY, but not ENTIRELY
They have a whole cast of characters and they decided to hate on one woman for idk all the bad things? It's like blaming the rock because someone throws it at you
Hello, hello!
She is! I didn't like her that much at first, but then I looked a bit more into her lore and later actions and she got me. Very complex and honestly just a really fun character to think about! And write! Oh, I love writing her.
I think I missed the blatant hate, but it doesn't surprise me. Those folks are just an insta block for me anyway, so even if I saw them, I have forgotten them :P. I did got the one dimensional takes on her though, but those are generally chill or used to make jokes.
She is basically fully responsible for like 70-80% of the story before the Shattering, but yeah, after (and sometime before) it you have so many other forces making plays while she's straight up crucified.
But I do get the hate, tbh? What I don't get is why folks needed/need to vocalise it. Basic fandom etiquette, we don't tag hate on character's tags. Back on the hate, she did conquered half a continent and put in power an bigoted theocracy, she did enslave a whole species (trolls) and she did commit genocide fucking twice (fire giants & ancient dragons). Like, I get why folks might hate her, especially with the whole genocide thing. She's undeniable a villain in this story.
I just think she's more than that. Cause she did all that, right? She destroyed so much and build as much. But when Godwyn and Ranni "die", she goes and tears it all down. Like, can you imagine? Literal eons upon eons of killing, burning and then building and creating over the ashes and corpses. And she throws literally everything away in grief. This is the main thing that I love about her. She is this cruel and ruthless Goddess, but she gradually loves her kids. I honestly think that the beginning of her plotting against the Greater Will was when she was forced to toss her Omen kids in the sewers. Is she hard on them? Yeah. They are demigods and they have so much shit to deal with just by being that. But she loves them in her own way.
Am I mixing headcanon with canon? Probably, yeah. But I don't care. I don't generally like villains, Imma keep the one I do close and if I have to ignore canon to do so, I will.
Also I'm sorry, I'm very tired (it's long past this "old" hag's bedtime :P). I hope this is understandable in some way. But yay! Marika love! &lt;3
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yorshie · 1 month
Me skipping unto your inbox for the ask game thing ⛷️
Stuck it under a read more line cuz it got LONG lol. thank you for asking, nonnie!
B- hmm... while none of my fics are directly inspired by personal experiences, the emotions behind a few of them are. I like using writing as therapy sometimes, a safe place to get out an emotion so i can process it appropriately
H- i would call it just shy of a run on sentence lol, with a lot of emphasis on using faces and hands as vehicles to cue the correct emotions in readers. I know i was really inspired by ET Hoffman's short stories when i got into college and really started to play with writing stories. I wanted something that flowed like water, something close to emotional poetry. Every now and then i have a fic that i tilt my head at and go "oooo yea i barfed all over that" lol, but i do enjoy the process of seeing how much scenery or description i can shove into a scene before it gets tedious to read.
I - Me? A guilty pleasure in fic? hahahaha noooooooo. *sweats* ....... i mean, the list is a little long.... but if i was going to admit to anything in a general sense, I might admit to a fondness for soulmate fics.....
N - hm.... no? I mean, i'm comfortable with my current wips and my plans for them, and i know exactly how i want them handled. As for fics I wish other's would write, I don't think it's an exaggeration to say i start vibrating with excitement anytime my friends float a new fic (or art)idea. They are all so talented, and while there is a list I'm eyeing at the dinner table like a starving raccoon, i know how much work going into creating a fic. I am patient lol, but I'm always ready to pounce on new story or cheer them on.
R - Oh gosh.... hm.... shootybangbang (not tagging because i technically don't talk to them) really inspired me in my red dead time because we were covering some similar subject matter at the same time. @desceros infected me with hand appreciation and I've noticed sometimes i word things in a manner they might, definitely feel a little more prone to poetry after i read their work. ET Hoffman for sure, his short stories were a big influence, probably because i read The Golden Pot while having the Flu. If we go back to my werewolf boyfriend days probably Lora Leigh. And just general inspiration and influence that helps me get my stories out i have to add the whole turtle fam. Best people to have in your corner.
T - Hm.... one sided fights. I don't really like it when one character does Everything wrong and the "reader" just sits there and takes it or cries. I think everyone has a natural breaking point, where you turn around and bite back, and sense i have a pretty big bite back tendency, lol, i end up doing that meme 'when Y/N does something i would never do'. Cuz I'd even take Big Blue down a peg or two if he decided to be a little shit. And I don't really like the connotation that someone might actually "care" for someone and do that, yell at them while they cry. I don't like yelling, i don't like fighting really, but I really don't like just taking it. So that bleeds over i guess.
U - 3? Just 3??? I am sorry nonnie but there are so many. I cannot play favorites and risk leaving someone out. just to name a few of tmnt writers whose stories i read: @desceros @gbao3 @justalotoffanfiction @fuckedupcleric @friggysblog @thejudiciousneurotic @luckycharms1701 @tmnt-tychou @oozedninjas @tinkabelle24 @damniteggs @avery73 and so much more but I feel strange tagging them because i don't technically speak to them. As to why I like them so much, it's because they're telling stories! that in itself is wonderful! I can't stress how much I just love wonderful storytelling! Adding @khayalli and @hitwiththetmnt because even though they are artists primarily, they are telling stories with their art! *looking around* gosh there's so many people. And I'm sure I've forgotten someone. I'm gonna feel horrible about that. Just know if I've ever commented/kudos/reblogged, etc, I loved your stories and art.
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tongue---tied · 1 year
HI!!! Red Dwarf or the ask meme please! I'd much like to know your interpretations and thoughts! <3
Im throwing this under a cut because, boy, this is gonna be a long one
❤️Favorite character
This won't come as a surprise to many of any of you but, yeah, it's rimmer. I want to put him in situations, I want to take him out of situations, there's the full duality there. I relate to him a lot (which probably isn't a good sign lol) and I strongly believe you cannot have red dwarf without him (i mean, look at the ratings for season 7 even with the girlboss that is kochanski). His character itself has such good potential, the angst that comes with being a hologram, the touch-starved-ness (?), his entire childhood, his need for academic validation even 3 million years into the future when all who would care anyway are dead, I could go on forever.
👿Least favorite character
Don't do this to me man 😭 I don't even know if I have one?? At least not out of the main crew. There's no character that actually makes me vibrate with rage in a bad way... If I did really have a think it would probably be a one-off character that was only in one episode and never mentioned again. Oh! I've just remembered, some fanon interpretations of Toddhunter honestly made my skin crawl with how horrible he is, but obviously that's just fanon, and some fanon interpretations have him as honestly a really good meaning guy- looking at you, Work Thing ;)
💐Comfort character
If you can't guess at this point I honestly don't know what to say. It's rimmer, look I know I know, the comfort character who has had no comfort in his entire life/death but *slaps roof of car* this baby can fit so much projection! He's so varied, he's gay to me, he's bi to me, he's autistic to me, he has ptsd to me, he's yearning, he's in denial, he's just- HE *I am dragged away by a lone hand through the doorframe before I can continue*
😍Character you have the biggest crush on
Are you sensing a theme yet 😐 I'd say I don't wish to be perceived for this but let's be honest, my tags reveal all, and the majority of the fandom agrees. It's Rimmer. Again. Slightly outing myself as an x reader enjoyer here. *shaking him* I could fix him I really believe I could. (I'm glad you're the one who sent the ask, Lexie, we can both bond over being self shippers lol)
🤝Character you relate to the most
WHY IS IT ALWAYS RIMMER ON THIS ASK GAME PLEASE HELP😭😭😭 Hes a stickler for the rules (as long as they benefit him), he's probably autistic, he loves hammond organ music (very disappointed that he hates my main man Glenn Miller though 😔), he was an outcast for most of his childhood, he was bullied, he spirals at the slightest bad thing. I'm starting to really sense this isnt a good thing 😭 (I swear I'm doing okay I've got a good support system please don't worry)
🔥Character you think is overrated
I don't know?? 😭😭 I think all of red dwarf's characters really add to the material as a whole, and hey, it's not like this fandom is really big enough for overrating anything. I might say Duane Dibley, because yeah he's funny, Danny really performs well as that character but I don't really understand as to why he was so much of a fan favourite that they brought him back (for season 6 I think it was?) So if I had to say one character it would be Duane.
🧨Character you love to hate
*smacking my face against the doorframe* its rimmer again 😭😭😭 he's such a prick, especially in the early seasons man, I simultaneously want to look after him and throw him against a wall. I contain multitudes, it's okay
🙈Character you always forget exists
I guess I'd have to say Holly? He's got brilliant comedic timing and delivery (as Lovett and Hayridge) but the fact she was cut out in the later seasons and then brought back in season 8 and then gone again in the more recent ones just feels disjointed so she's easily forgotten sadly. (Yes I use she/he pronouns for Holly, she's genderfluid to me <3)
🐰Favorite non-human character
I'm gonna be honest, it would really have to be Holly. (I'm discounting Hologram Rimmer because he still sees himself as human in some way and he's had far too much screentime in this post). The comedic timing, the deadpan delivery, that amazing scene where she counts by smacking her head against the screen always makes me howl.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
All of them. All of them. Rimmer, for reasons we've already gone into. Lister, the survivors guilt, he was SA'd at 12?!!, his entire relationship with Kochanski, his alcoholism, crushing loneliness, I could go on. The Cat, his entire species left him and his family because they were old and/or disabled, again loneliness. Kryten, literally in denial about his crew being dead, left alone for over 3 million years and still somehow hanging onto his sanity through episodes of androids, the need to do anything, literally anything to make sure he doesn't think to hard about anything other than laundry, honestly people need to talk about him more. Kochanski, losing her dave, stuck with this dave who looks exactly like hers but is so different, watching him destroy himself, having nothing in common with any of the crew, LONELINESS MAN.
Thank you so much for the ask! This was a long one phew
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appleciderp · 1 year
Hold onto your hats, because I want to rant about how Blizzard fucking sucks with women or any minority rep. And why it'll suck for your fav in whatever MW is coming up.
Fully inspired by this post, I'll be referencing to a few points that @spookykittenwrites made
As I said in those tags, I've been playing WoW since Burning Crusade, so I've known about the company since about 2007. I've not touched overwatch, but according to emp, their rep there is surface-level as well.
It's half me yelling about MW and half me yelling about how WoW fails in representation.
I have 0 faith in them with any sort of proper representation. I'll mostly be sticking to queers and women. I do have a small section about Gaz, but I'm white and keep that in mind.
Onto the bullshit
They're not gonna make any main character queer. This means Soap, Gaz, Price, and Ghost. Farah and Alex by extension. Most likely not Alejandro and Rudy. They won't risk the repercussions.
Hell, Alejandro is implied to have a family, but we skimmed over that part as a fandom.
What they will do, like Laswell, mention that a side/secondary/tertiary character has a partner, but won't put ANY thought into it. Laswell's wife could SHOULD have been talked about by name.
They don't CARE enough about their characters to even solidify her over a facade of rep that will make the queer people happy. It did in a sense, I am happy that she has a wife. But if you're bothering to have a line about her, just add a second. Like Price could ask "Oh, how's Madeline doing anyways?" or "Yea, you've told Jenny you'd stop smoking how many times already?"
WoW-wise, their queer characters are mostly surface-level. Which isn't bad in a world full of queer stories that are queer-centric. The problem is they don't have the balls to upset any fan by making a popular character explicitly queer in their portrayal. Hell it wasn't even THEM who made Matthias and Flynn queer, it was originally put into the novels (I believe Chrissy Golden?)
Here's a quote from an executive producer: "We don't try to put a big focus on it and make it a big deal, we just try to make the game feel comfortable, friendly and approachable for everybody"
I don't know about you, but using "comfortable, friendly, and approachable for everybody" as an excuse for why you don't have more outwardly queer rep (versus "hint around it") leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Because my sexuality or gender identity is uncomfortable for people? My existance is uncomfortable for people, so you don't want to explicitly say it???
but he implied that the devs don't think Pelagos is the first trans character. Fuck you. It's giving JKR saying that Dumbledore is gay, but it wasn't important to Harry's story. What isn't explicitly said in the source material is not canon.
They had, HAVE, the chance to make major players into canonically queer characters, but they're afraid of backlash. Vol'jin would have been so easily bi in canon, especially with his whole thing with Tyranthan in the fucking novel. And that Tyranthan went to his funeral??? even though they're on opposite sides????
Onto the next point, they don't and won't give a shit about the female characters. All I'm thinking about is the disappointing outcome of Tyrande's revenge after the burning of Teldrassil, hell even the whole Azshara thing. I'm not gonna go into detail about how it, just know it led to nothing. She didn't get revenge. She didn't have a satisfying end. Why? Probably because Sylvanas and Azshara are both more popular than Tyrande. Sylvanas probably being the WoW character with the most merch (not to mention the whole thing about a dev loving her).
Farah is gonna be brought up minimally, much like she was in MW II. Valeria/El Sin Nombre and most likely the Vaqueros will be completely forgotten. Maybe brought back (again like Farah was in MW II)
They're not consistent with their characters in the first place, why give a shit about a promise they made. It'll most likely be implied between games that some shit will be solved, or a line or two in the next game. Just so people get closure.
The surface level rep keeps going throughout. We have a bunch of diversity in the operators, but significantly less in the campaign, where the characters need to be fleshed out more than a written backstory and voiced lines.
How often have they shown Alex properly since he lost his leg?
The dudebro's are pissed that they changed Gaz, a mostly 1-dimensional character that died within the first Modern Warfare. Gaz is a good character, there's no reason that they're pissed about him vs them being pissed about any other member of the task force. But I've seen more hate on Gaz than any other 141. Which sadly leads me to conclude that they probably only dislike him due to his race.
But the aspect that isn't giving me much hope is the phasing out of Gaz in additional content. You're telling me the only POC in the 141 is not included in the red team? Out of all the dudes you could have removed?? Like I'm all for including Farah into the red team; but removing the only person of color on the team, one who was canonically in the Ghost Team mission, isn't the win they think it is.
Not to mention the numerous merch of the 141 that have Ghost, Price, and Soap; but not Gaz. With only 1 design containing Gaz.
And don't come at me that "those are the old designs though!" It's in their current website for sale. The 8-bit design is fairly recent within the last few weeks or so. Gaz is a main character in MW 2019 AND 2022. He deserves more than 1 solo shirt that is just the repurpose of the 141 shirt.
Onto the points brought up by @spookykittenwrites
Either won't be mentioned at all or will be excessively "haha we're just pals" kinda vibes.
They WILL play up the dynamic in trailers and such, as it did bring a new group of people to the games, and it seemed to make the dudebro's happy with their bromance.
None of the main characters will be killed off. There's too much opportunity to make money off of their survival. So far the new games have been very light with the major character deaths. In the original games Soap and Price are the only 2 that survive past 1 game.
They're not gonna make him mute or selectively mute.
I do think they might bring back Roach to kill him off within the same Game though.
Hell, they might not even bring him back.
Farah and Alex
I honestly hope that we see them together, it might not happen. I think they're gonna keep the Farah/Alex line as the raid focus.
As for the no chemistry thing. Depends. If they're seen for 3.5 seconds they definitely won't. Hell, they aren't technically ever stated to be dating in canon AND the dudebro's get pissed that people are shipping them. Again with the not saying anything that'll upset the target audience.
For the Muslim aspect; not sure they even think about their own characters enough to have her religion mentioned in game. (They can't even get the bios straight when they update the game, I'm not gonna complain about this here)
Laswell's Wife
Important thing to remember, the line about her wife isn't even in every playthrough. It's a hidden one.
No doubt about her never being mentioned in my head. It only got past the dudebros because it's a lesbian couple. If it was a dude talking about his husband I doubt it would have gotten into the game.
US can do no Wrong
Definitely, the entirety of the blame will be on Russians. They did in fact blame a real US warcrime on Russians in the past.
Interestingly enough, the most recent info I can find is that the Military took out their funding post-sexual harassment allegations from Activision-Blizzard in December 2022.
Military Propaganda is still Military Propaganda even if the Military isn't funding it.
Moral of the story? The comfort of the dudebros, the target demographic for the game, will always be priority. They won't risk hurting their profits by claiming a character is queer or putting too much importance on a woman. Whatever their comfort level is, is what that we'll be getting.
I'm gonna stop my rant here... Don't go into the next game hoping to get some good rep.
On a slightly positive note: they are getting better. Farah was genuinely a good character in MW 2019. The fact that there's a mention of a same-sex partner, even in passing, is pretty good.
Also, enjoy the Christmas merch shirts that I found of Price and Ghost.
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proshippresentmic · 9 months
Pinned info time
Call me Mic I guess, about 30 years old, he/they or similar.
I have a deep resentment for the terms profic and proship, but it scares kidders and sensitive catholic guilters away, so it's in my url.
I don't care what someone writes in fiction so long as they're a decent person to the real world. If you disagree then politely go back to your cesspit, I have no time for radfems and protofascist babies.
This account is for seeking/responding to RP ads, because I realized a lot of the seeking blogs here required an account for "liking to reach out", rather than just dropping a discord.
I use my discord account tag presentationmicheal for RP purposes, for the time being I'm ok with random friend requests, but I'm also a grouchy old man and if your vibes are rancid you're gone.
Goes without saying but 18+ partners only. Honestly preferably 21+
Under the cut is my general RP info!
Extremely very horrendously gay so I won't be interested in MxF, also extremely very horrendously trans so expect most if not all of my muses to come with pussy DLC.
Currently I'm only super into writing My Hero Academia (manga reader!).
Dabi / Touya Todoroki - primary muse, snarkastic piece of shit, I do not pull punches with him nor will I write him being a doting husband, or other out of character extremes.
Even in AUs where, somehow, Enji was an alright father, my Touya ends up a serial killer.
That said I can reel him in a little, but he will come with "canon typical asshole" warning either way.
No hard pref on whether he's got a cock or cunt.
Katsuki Bakugou - not 100% confident with him, but getting there. Always written at least 20 years old, UA was a college to me, what of it.
Again, canon typical asshole.
Primarily play him trans, but I can be convinced to play him otherwise.
Present Mic - Pretty sure I could write this cringelord in my sleep at this point. Nothing special about him, he's chillin'.
Slight preference for him having cock n balls, but I'll write him otherwise more than happily.
Currently on track learning Hawks, Aizawa, Enji and Natsuo. Unsure when I'll be confident enough.
Kinks, Limits n Shippy shite
Shit that I love: Omegaverse, hybrid AUs, height differences, enemies to lovers, biting/scratching, piss, petplay, dom/sub, ponyplay, bondage, muzzles. interrogations/captured be heroes or villains, male pregnancy (pussy preferable, but can deal with otherwise), public sex, heat/rut, aphrodisiacs, intercrural, mirrors... honestly most kinks not listed in limits/meh do something for me.
Dead dove edition: Incest, noncon, abduction, torture, guro/snuff, fuck-or-die, fuck-AND-die, human pet, meditorture, more I've probably forgotten.
Hard limits: Characters under 18, feet, scat/gas in general, mental institutions, ABDL/Ageplay, raceplay. I may have forgotten something, so this will probably update later.
Honorable mention: 'daddy' kink makes my skin crawl, but if your pitch is interesting I can tolerate it.
Meh: Vore, hyper, inflation. I hate calling them "Deviantart Kinks" but that does end up a good descriptor. I am into a couple of these but not for canons, can't explain it just don't like it.
Ships I'm primarily interested in:
Dabihawks, Dabiskep, Todocest of many flavors, Dabizawa, Dabibaku, Bakudeku, Kiribaku, Todobaku, Endhawks, Erasermic, Mightmic, Erasermight, Dabishigs.
Open to others (and I love a good crackship).
(I'm willing to break out my not-quite-confident guys for some of these, just forgive any fumbles.)
Misc shit
I'm of the opinion the characters would have fouler language were this manga higher rated, so expect my guys to drop a couple harsh words here and there. If you're offended by the word 'fuck', we won't get along.
I've got no hard pref for positions, I'll write them all.
Response times vary from "100 responses a minute" and "once every couple days" depending on how much work I have on. If I'm slacking and not responding every three days though, time to whallop me with the cartoon mallet.
I'm a grown ass man with an honesty clause. I will be upfront if I've fallen out of love with a thread, and if I feel up for coming back to it later. I expect the same of you, please.
My active hours are somewhat random and work dependent, and can sometimes be entirely flipped in a couple days.
RP through Discord only. We can make a server!
Third person paralit, 2 paragraphs minimum, no need to match my length if I go off the rails!
I really, really, really love headcanoning/"what-if"s/spitballing. This doesn't always have to become a thread, I really dig discussing what could have happened with current threads if XYZ was different, this isn't a wistful sigh wishing things were different. I'm going to be talkative OOC, you will get memes if they're relavant to what we're doing - or if I figure you'd just like em, I am not going to treat you like an RP token machine.
I don't expect that much legwork in return, but please at least be willing to do dumb spitballing OOC a little.
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I posted 14,154 times in 2022
That's 14,154 more posts than 2021!
788 posts created (6%)
13,366 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,290 of my posts in 2022
#asks - 228 posts
#ask game - 113 posts
#important - 65 posts
#rae's random rants - 64 posts
#marvel - 62 posts
#mcu - 60 posts
#anon - 57 posts
#aos - 55 posts
#siya - 53 posts
#agents of shield - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#probably some cliche breakup song like abcdefu or that one that’s like ‘10 you’re selfish 9 you’re jaded 8 the dumbest guy i dated’
My Top Posts in 2022:
you know a show is good when every single character gives you extreme gender envy
200 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
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Picrew tag game thing cause I love this picrew!!! (yes this is my pfp) here it is
@/starsarovndscars, @/homoromoacecase, @/on-the-outside, @/erica-writes-things, @/hmmyescrimejuice, @/princesscat01, @/wholesome-dragon-lady, @/chaotic-lesbian-but-also-a-treeic-lesbian-but-also-a-tree, @/cheeselovinpuffin, and @/bigbendyhorns and anyone else who wants to do it!
again, the link is right here
218 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
This quote thread was a collaboration with @bitrashteddy (we each wrote about half). The first three lines were from @incorectmarvelquotes. (oh and I don't know what happened on April Fools, Valentines Day or the Kitchen Incident unfortunately. that's still under investigation.)
Wade: I wish i had acid
Peter: Wade you shouldn't do drugs :(
Wade: not that kind of acid, i really need to get rid of a body
Peter: oh well in that case, I know where to get some
Natasha: if you raid Tony's stash again I'm telling him.
Peter: again? What do you-
Natasha: Don't think i've forgotten about April Fools'.
Wade, Peter’s #1 fan: What happened april fools?
Peter: I vowed to never speak of it
Wade: wait... how many of the pranks that were blamed on me were actually you?
Peter: 😈
Natasha: I personally lost count after 20... last year
Morgan: fifty thwee.
Peter: where did you come from?
Peter: firstly: traitor, secondly: very bold coming from someone who blamed Wade for the kitchen incident
Natasha: the kitchen- wait. Peter, that was YOU?
Peter: Hey- I was simply an accomplice, it was all Morgans idea
Morgan, putting on her I'm an innocent five year old face: auntie Nat, do you weally think I'd be smart enough to pull something that genius off?
Natasha: At this point I'm ready to believe anything.
Wade, losing his mind: Can we go back to the part where you framed me for the incident AND stole acid?
Peter: Morgan is the one who showed me where the acid was!
Wade: so you're blaming everything on Morgan now?
Peter: ...yes. yes, I am.
Morgan: B- but I didn't do anything!
Peter: Morgan we all know you're not as innocent as you claim to be
Morgan: But- in my defense he asked weally nicely
Natasha: *sighs* Morgan do you want me to teach you karate?
Tony: Nat, I have no context at all for this but you're not teaching my daughter martial arts.
Peter: Is now a good time to confess Wade and I have been teaching her Kickboxing?
See the full post
218 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ben, Marcus, Fei, Jayme, Alphonso, Sloane, and Christopher: Fuck you, Vanya, you destroyed the world twice and nobody loves you. Viktor: :( Viktor: oh also my name’s Viktor. Everybody: Well. Fuck you Viktor.
281 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Yelena: Hey Kate, are you there?
Clint, Mr. Hearing Problems: Did you just say 'are you gay?'
Yelena: I said are you there
Kate, emerging from the shadows: Well, I am gay...
based on a real conversation
344 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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skygemspeaks · 7 years
~Submitted by @rosejen8675​~
So, I saw your idea of the AtLA crossover, with Shouto and Zuko being twins a while ago (the referenced post). I very much agree with the idea of Zuko getting a sibling he can actually get along with and Shouto getting the guidance of Uncle Iroh. Recently I got some ideas for how other AtLA characters could fit in.
Katara is the same age as Izuku, and becomes his classmate when her family moves during the first year of middle school. All of Katara's immediate family are quirkless and she's gotten used to defending them from prejudiced people. So when she witnesses the one quirkless kid in class being bullied by Katsuki she naturally steps up to defend Izuku. This results in the two becoming friends, and to Izuku meeting Sokka. The two boys get on like a house on fire because of their love of strategy and planning. It becomes common for the three of them to hang out at each other's homes.
Inko becomes a mother figure to Sokka and Katara and Hakoda becomes a father figure to Izuku. Gran gran starts to think of him as a third grandchild. Katara doesn't have her heart set on being a pro hero, but applies to UA anyway to keep an eye on Izuku, and eventually Sokka since he wants to join too. 
When Izuku inherits All Might's quirk the two siblings question it a lot more than Inko does, and eventually get the story out of him. Katara worries greatly for Izuku, but promises to keep the secret, as does Sokka. 
Hakoda is a police officer, and they moved to the area because he was transferred. Kya is somehow related to Shouto's mother, but was disowned by the family when she ran from a quirk marriage to wed the quirkless Hakoda. 
Azula is still Zuko's little sister. She was an unexpected pregnancy, and Endeavor didn't bother with her because he was obsessed with the idea of the twins being the ones to defeat All Might. Even though she was a natural at using her fire quirk, nothing she did seemed to matter to her father. This drives her to run away from home, and she later shows up with the League of Villains.
That's all I have right now. Not sure how to bring in Aang or Toph since they are a couple years younger than Class 1A would be. Again, sorry for the message dump. I was super excited to share this with and wasn't sure how else to do it. Thank you so much for sharing this AU/crossover idea! 
I love ALL OF THIS so much!!!! But you know what this means? With Zuko and Katara both being added to 1A, we need to balance it out with two new additions to class 1B.
Haru and Shiozaki friendship anyone?
Sokka, being quirkless, would unfortunately have a pretty difficult time getting into the hero course, but. Take a minute to imagine Sokka applying and getting accepted into the support course? He’s actually a year older than Katara, so he’d be in the year above them at UA. Imagine him taking Hatsume under his wing and the two of them coming up with all sorts of crazy stuff together! Sokka ends up becoming one of the support staff at Katara and Izuku’s joint agency when they graduate. And maybe he’s, like kidnapped by someone one day because they think he’d be an easy way to get to the top hero, Izuku. The villains are completely caught off guard though when they find out he’s not just any other support staff. Izuku and Katara have been training against him. He can fight more than well enough to defend himself. He could probably get his hero license tbh, he’s just more interested in the support items side of things.
Suki would also be in Sokka’s year, but she’d be in the hero course. Yue, in Izuku and the others’ year and therefore a year below Suki and Sokka, wants to  become a healer like Recovery Girl. She’s friends with Katara and the rest, and ends up meeting Suki and Sokka when Katara has her friends over at their house for a study group. She really hits it off with them, and eventually ends up entering into a triad relationship with the two of them.
Hakoda would totally be friends with Tsukauchi!!! Hakoda, seeing how close Izuku has become to All Might, gives All Might the shovel talk, because he loves Izuku like a son, and while he’s tried his hardest to be there for Izuku as a father figure, he knows he’s not what Izuku needs. Tsukauchi vouches for Hakoda being trustworthy, so All Might extends a peace offering by telling him his secret - he swears to Hakoda that he will try his utmost to do right by Izuku as the father figure he so desperately needs. All Might and Hakoda end up becoming super close friends.
Toph is Haru’s younger sister, and Aang is Tsuburaba’s (the guy with the Solid Air quirk from the sports festival) younger brother who is something of a prodigy. They’re both childhood friends, and through Toph’s older brother Haru, they somehow find themselves joining the dekusquad. When they come to UA as first years, Izuku and the others are third years, and Sokka and Suki have already graduated. The teachers are all super wary of the two of them because while the dekusquad are all super awesome heroes, they’re also really mischievous and always getting into trouble, so as junior members, Toph and Aang are under intense scrutiny.
Also, from now on, this au will be called the bnhatla au (courtesy of @realisticallycynical​) Ask me more about it! I have. So much angst in store for the twins!!!
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mossybank · 3 years
500 followers! fuck yeah!
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Eek, tysm for 500 followers! It always shocks me so much when I reach a follower goal, it just doesn't click in my brain how so many of you can perceive and enjoy my content lmao
As a thanks I've decided to open up match ups for both ahs and marvel, basically I'll match you up with a character and give you a few bullet points elaborating on why I've chose them/some personalised relationship headcanons based on what you've told me!
Whenever I open match ups I tend to get quite a lot, so I'd just like you warn you in advance that I may not get around to all of them! Please include in your match up ask;
Information about yourself, appearance stuff is great but isn't necessary if you're uncomfortable talking about that, when writing these match ups I usually don't consider these factors unless it's something like dyed hair and the character maybe loving the colour or helping you redo it as in my mind, when writing fanfic, it's for fun and the characters don't care for appearance
Please please don't forget to add the fandom you want the ship for in your ask, if you ask off anon I can shoot you a message to double check but if you're on anon I won't be able to answer.. In the same vein, if you specifically want a ship for a certain gender, please add that in too!
Any hobbies and interested are a great one to include! It can help me decide what dates you may go on with the characters or if you have anything in common
Of course a bit on your personality and main attributes is amazing, it's a very important part as to whether or not you get along with someone
This last one isn't necessary, but I absolutely love it, love languages! Basically how do you show love to your partner and how to you like to have love shown back to you. Some examples of love languages would be physical touch, gift giving, words of affirmation, acts of service ect
And of course, last but not least, a big thanks to all my mutuals of whom without I wouldn't be here!
@undeadcortez @darlingkitt @thatspookyagent @spidergirlmcu @tatesimper @sapphimoff @whiiiiplaaaaash @divineruler @adminjames @americxn @tatestripedsweater @mrs-march-ahs @nerdydosethings @no-mercy-bby @kitwalker64 @peterskindacool @kitwalker02 @kaisadmin @quicksilverownsmysoul plus more I've probably forgotten to tag bc im no good with usernames 😔😔 of course there's all the rp accounts too, honestly yall light up my day, but I wish not to burden more people with tags lmao,,, besides, a few of their admins are here anyway 👀
Aaa but yes! 500!!! Thank you so much!
Not to like toot my own horn, but here to 500 more? 😉 👀👀 jkjk... Unless—
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ald-fan-girl · 6 years
Talk about yourself meme
I got tagged by @wittynamehere1443 so I guess I better do it lol
Fictional character I relate to the most:
Oh man. That I relate to? Tiana from Princess and the Frog? But that's mostly because of the baking and the dreaming of having their own place. Cinderella because Have Courage and Be Kind has basically been my mantra for the last 3 years of my life. Derek from Teen Wolf because I can be broody and grumpy as fuck but also give waaay too many shits about people who don't deserve them. Or appreciate them.
Book you can read over and over without getting tired of it:
I can ALWAYS read LOTR. Always. I'll never get tired of it. Or The Rising by Brian Keene. It's my favorite zombie book hands down and I desperately need someone to make it into a movie please. I'll write the script for it. I love it so much.
What’s your favorite comfort show/movie:
I have so many. Shows are; Parks and Recreation, Adventure Time, Chopped, Good Eats (love me some Alton Brown. I could listen to him talk about anything all day). Movies are; Singing in the Rain, Hello Dolly, The King and I (if any of these are on the TV and you walk in, tread carefully. I've had a very bad day. Make me tea and give me a blanket)
Fictional Character you are most defensive over:
Just because I've seen him get ignored or hated on by certain parts of the fandom but I'll always take care of Sam Winchester. Always. People like to blame him for the apocalypse? Like he managed to do it ALL BY HIMSELF? Sorry... who broke the first seal? And then the other 64? Who let him out of the panic room because they were "following orders"? Yeah... go f yourself. Also Rey. Stay away from my roudy sand lesbian.
Show you fell out of love with:
It's gotta be Supernatural. I've had a weird hate love hate relationship about this show. At first I hated it. Because I think I saw a trailer for it (that was somehow the Canadian trailer? I live in California!), the one where Sam gets molested by the ghost and I was like 😐😐😐😒😒😒😒😒 because how stupid is that. And it took the place of Angel. And I liked Angel so how dare they replace my vampire with these pretty boys. Stupid. Then my now best friend kept showing up at my apartment and I somehow ended up watching the episode Monster Movie and I LOVED it. But then through the years the show just kept getting more stupid and even more stupid... like... Lucifer and Castiel are driving a bus and Lucifer's antichrist baby somehow grew up IMMEDIATELY after birth, like wtf is happening in that show anyway? I still love Sam and Dean. I always will. But that show needs to stop please. We've jumped the shark about 20 times and we gotta stop it. I want off the bus...
Show you're most excited for:
Alton Brown is bringing back Good Eats and I'm gonna cry with excitement. I would say Teen Titans but I'm more cautiously aware of it than excited.
What's your aesthetic:
I have so many and they'll probably clash. I'll try to make it seem like one though. I wish I had the ability to make a aesthetic board for me or something lol I'm probably 1950s dresses with aprons covered in flour, the oven at 375°, smelly old books, herbal tea steeping away in a forgotten mug, Food Network playing away in the background, lots of pillows and soft warm light, my friends enjoying drinks and laughing in my living room. Yeah... that's probably me.
Favorite fanfic tropes:
Forced bed sharing. Fake relationships that turn into mutual pining. Friends to lovers. Oh man. I can get weirdly in love with the ABO/heats/knotting fics as well. That's my jam.
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