#then hired at McDonalds
marvel-lous-guy · 1 year
Tony: What do you do for a living?
Peter: he's unemployed
Harley: actually, I prefer the term 'work single'
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lynnbutlertron · 2 months
^^ might be getting a job at a cute little ice cream shop on the beach in my town GRAGGHHH. i have a trial shift tomorrow i hope i dont cock it up
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bits-of-wit · 11 months
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ferretteeth · 10 days
Tumblr polls asking me if I’ve had sex/smoked/made out/gone clubbing
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gregsnero · 9 months
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me and who on date night? 🤤
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stardustera · 11 months
i think mcdonalds should have a branded fob meal bc here is my pitch for the commercial:
this is not a fake out; the road to this mcdonalds is paved with good intentions! hum hallelujah because the fall out boy meal is here! get it now, it won't be around for centuries!
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meirimerens · 1 year
i know the Willow Mellow lore gets worse the longer you dig inside of it + it reflects even Worse on the writers when you put the actual words on her situation but let's not forget Darlings she is a child. she is 15 to 17yo depending on what piece of documentation we refer to, too young to consent to sex and therefore does not fit the category of "sex worker", and instead falls under the definitions of "sexually exploited youth", more specifically "sexually exploited child", as UNICEF, UNESCO, Convention for the Rights of the Child, [...] and general common sense all define "child" as "person under the age of 18".
she is the victim of kidnapping by her """adoptive father""" and of sexual exploitation by her (presumably adult) "clients" (as she does not appear to have a pimp, and is instead written saying she loves what she does and such giddy teehee fun. [powerful side-eye through someone in the writing team.] [she's not a Real Person I have to stress, so someone wrote her like this, wrote this kid like this.] [it is all part of a narrative in which she is struggling to shake off her "father's" exploitation, an inherently tragic one, but she still was written that way, and could have been written any other way, with any other "rebellious" act]). calling her a sex worker as a child who is basically the same age as P2 Capella or Grace is putting her in a Grown-Up category especially harmful considering we are supposed to read her as an indigenous girl, member of the Kin (even if her lore is Mysterious and Hazy) and indigenous women and girls are sexualized in racialized ways which often paint them as more ~~~naturally~~~ sexually liberated, or docile, or submissive, or [insert racist x sexist stereotype promoted by colonizers to excuse the mistreatment of indigenous women and girls].
tldr yes it's worse when you actually call her what she actually is, and worse tenfold when you read what the writers make her say about it [even as an inherently tragic situation that we can recognize and put words on (hence this post), she could have been written any other way, with any other rebellious act, but you know.] but you know x2 (SIDE-EYES SOMEONE ON THE WRITING TEAM VERY HARD TIL ME EYES POP OUT ME SKULL)
#/!\ POST ABOUT SEMANTICS. POST ABOUT SEMANTICS ALERT. /!\#this is not pointed or written with wicked intents btw ^ i've seen it a few times from different people and it's just that if we want to be#able to talk about these things within the narrative and how the depictions of the Kin impact the around-game/critique this game in general#game (esp. p1 which is very much about. words and wording and navigating webs of words among so many other things)#we have to be able to name these things. especially in relation to. d*bowski do you mind coming to the mic and telling us#what was behind your head. no pressure sir#protecting this kid from the writing with my entire body like that one soldier meme#ooh d*bowski you are not making it out alive i'll tell you that much.#in the same way you wouldn't call mcdonalds hiring 14yo ''employment'' you'd call it. exploitative child labor.#but it's even worse because <3 aw the misogyny oozing through the pores of a lot of the patho narrative#because of maybe perhaps allegedly the head writer. allegedly!#how the fuck am i supposed to tag any of this#csa /#willow mellow#willow pathologic#pathologic#it'd be Less Worse if she was an adult bc at least she could consent [in a vacuum; if we ignore the fact that she's a kidnapping victim;#if we ignore the fact that the Kin who she merges with sees its women be sexualized and its ways of life crushed by the colonizers#and assimilated in ways they might not like; etc] but yknow. detailed herb brides bodies and whatnot.
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mothusband · 10 days
everywhere i try to apply, even the most basic jobs are like. MUST have high school diploma or GED MUST have prior work experience MUST have a resume MUST have references. please i want to work so bad why don't you want me 😭😭
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detentiontrack · 9 months
Does anyone have any tips for job interviews
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merofthefae · 7 months
WTF I WORK AT MCDONALD'S 😮‍💨 I've always hated my job and now this. I wanna leave ASAP. Fuck McDonald's.
And unfortunately, no one is going to stop going to McDonald's. They eat that shit like crack. Mfers will have $30+ orders. Like it's insane.
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layzeal · 2 years
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The Gay and Wondrous Life of Wei Ying
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...Kyle might've gotten into the ice cream machine...again...and we have to tell you this time.
- @burger-king-unofficial
hey why hasn't anyone like... "taken care of" kyle-
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luckydiorxoxo · 1 year
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fleshdyke · 1 year
aaugshauuhghhhjh well i guess i have to start looking for a job
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nonhumen · 1 year
Dazai. Dazai why did McDonalds Yokohama ban you from its premises? Dazai what did you DO in that McDonalds?
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" nothing! honestly, they were just overreacting. " he only tried to kill himself in their freezer once.
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jadedrrose · 1 year
Losing my fucking mind rn because I SWEAR crunchyroll charged me the day I preordered the Law figure, bc I remember being disappointed about that. But now I can’t find the bank statement AND I was about to go order another rare Law figure I really want but it’s looking like I’m gonna get a surprise $200 charge on my account any day now 😐 and im not joking when I say NOBODY in my area is hiring, so I can’t even just get a job for this lol
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