#the legacy of wonders challenge
lunarpxels · 9 months
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Audrey had her babies! Meet Emilie and Eliza
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duusheen · 26 days
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hope: 🤪
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plumbob-pudding · 2 months
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Dearest brother,
You must forgive me for such a late response, I have read and treasured your letters, of course, but I have been rather occupied with preparations and I haven't quite had the time to write up a reply. Fear not though, Oliver, for I have fantastic news: Alina and I would soon be joining you all in America! I know you must be quite shocked. Truth be it although it has been great getting to know your not so little family through correspondence, my yearning for home is now overwhelming and I find that I want my darling Alina to get to know the cousins she so often reads about (she swears she and your Willa will be the greatest of friends age notwithstanding). I also can’t deny the fact that I am getting on in years and I want Alina to have a family even when I’m gone. She is quite excited as am I. We will be sailing on the RMS Titanic, I'm quite sure you would have heard of it- it's all over the papers here. They say it's perfectly safe despite it's vastness though that hasn't been enough to calm my nerves. Nevertheless, I'm sure we're in for a smooth journey and us Mosley siblings shall be together once more.
Send Bertie and Nell my wishes,
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peanutty · 2 months
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master the cross-stitching skill ✓
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gourmetsimmer · 1 year
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Hi everyone! It’s been so long since I’ve been able to be active on here and it feels so great to be back!! I thought I would share something I’ve been working on for the last couple of days with you all- my very own legacy challenge :)
I’ve been wanting something fresh for a long time, and this felt like the perfect opportunity. I was intrigued to start a new challenge and thought: why not make my own? I will also continue to post my postcard legacy, that is not going anywhere, I will now just keep up with two gameplays :)
If anyone wants to take a look at it, or even give it a go yourself, the document can be found HERE. I hope you all enjoy <3
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aheathen-conceivably · 7 months
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And if I go, can I be like her? Like the ballerina in the box?
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s4moongiuk · 7 months
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lucas had a difficult life growing up, jumping from house to house in the foster care system, not actually knowing what it was like to have a loving family. but that didn't stop him to long for it. so it became his dream (and goal).
after working his ass off in tons of odd jobs and no sleep, he managed to buy his dream house and finish his college degree. now he's apt to have a stable (and definitely healthier) life, to be able to build his family with love and care, making sure his future kids never feel like he did in the past.
he's ready for the next (big) step… find his forever love!
(in the meantime, he's trying not to poison himself with his own bad cooking… i guess we should trust the process)
good luck, lucas!
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lilithmeadow · 1 month
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a MASSIVE photo dump of some of my favorite screenshots from my store world legacy family! just wanted to give some context because i'm about to move on to gen 2 very soon and i plan on posting them here.
also thank you so much to @florydaax for coming up with this challenge! i'm having a great time so far.
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rainymoodlet · 7 months
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in view: a kid who never watched a single episode of goosebumps, and it shows
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matchalovertrait · 3 months
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Another good thing about Tartosa? It's perfectly safe for children to go out to the town by themselves! Dulce likes to feel the ocean breeze and spy on the tourists who come from all over the world.
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blueshistorysims · 2 months
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February 13th, 1924, London, England
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Multiple friends had wanted to throw a large birthday party, but Byron had refused. 29 wasn’t a special age, and in truth, he did not want another reminder that he was entering the last of his twenties. Instead, he selected a restaurant he knew Montgomery would complain about and invited the Misses Balass and Patel for additional company.
“I am unsure if Samira will come,” Byron mused over a glass of wine. “When I telegrammed her last, she was still in India and said she would not return until the middle of the month.”
Montgomery frowned. “I hope yer wrong.”
“You like her then?”
He nodded. 
Eleroa sighed. “Well, I hate to break it to you, but she won’t be in England until the end of the month. She wants to spend some time with a cousin in Hungary.”
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As they ate, a new dilemma reached the back of Byron’s mind: Who was he going home with? Perhaps it was a selfish desire, but he thought he was allowed to feel as such. It was his birthday, after all. 
“Does yer father know that ya eat pork?” Montgomery asked Eleora, eyeing the Beef Wellington on her plate. 
“Do your socialist and communist friends know you spend most of your free time with a duke?”
Byron snorted. 
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The Scot pushed up his glasses and stood. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to clean me glasses.”
“Is that just a polite way to say you need to use the loo?”
He blushed but did not answer, walking away.
Eleora shook her head, turning her head back to Byron. “I’ve been trying to get into that doctor’s trousers ever since my family began to see him.”
If he had been drinking, he was sure he would have choked. “Eleora!”
“What? Don’t tell me you don’t think him handsome. At first, I thought he was still in mourning over his wife, but now, I think he unfortunately must have some moral qualms about sleeping with patients. Or he’s fearful of my father. Likely both.”
“He is you and your father’s doctor. It’s a place of power that can be abused easily.”
“That makes it more fun,” She laughed, leaning forward. “You’re much closer than widowed in-laws I think would be. Is there something else? I certainly wouldn’t blame you.”
If it were anyone else, Byron would have froze with fear and adamantly denied it. “I can never understand how you read me so well.”
She shrugged. “I have intuition. …Actually, I saw you two kissing rather passionately at the last party we went to.”
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“I see. Perhaps I should have said something prior.”
“It’s alright. You’re the not only one who enjoys the company of the same sex.” Eleora lowered her voice. “Samira and I sometimes lay together. She prefers women, so her current infatuation with Montgomery has been most amusing to me. And makes me rather jaundiced and want to fuck him more.”
Byron smirked. “Well, he’s very talented with his hands,” he whispered, leaning forward so only she would hear his words, “and his tongue.”
Eleora laughed and playfully pushed him away. “You shouldn’t make me think of that in a public place, Byron.”
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“Think of what?” Montgomery asked, returning to the table.
Eleora suddenly sighed and held her hand to her head. “Oh, doctor, I do think I coming down with a most tremendous headache. It is much too loud here.”
The amused look on his face turned into one of concern and professionalism. Gone was Montgomery, and here was Dr. MacGregor. “Yer apartment is not far from here, aye? I’ll make ya specific tea and see what else ya’ve got.”
“I’ll foot the bill,” Byron muttered, wondering what the woman had planned. 
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lunarpxels · 9 months
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duusheen · 7 months
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the twins aged up!
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plumbob-pudding · 1 month
A month passed with Willa and Felix at odds with each other. They squabbled over just about everything from breakfast to the weather outside. It was a small mercy that Felix was away at work most days.
One morning, however, he was off sick and Aunt Nellie came round for breakfast brandishing a newspaper. It wasn't one Willa nor Felix had ever heard of and the front page seemed to be reporting on some poor woman who had been trampled by a horse.
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Aunt Nell, however, didn't seem saddened by this, in fact, she wore a grin that stretched from ear to ear. "Don't you see!" she nearly shouted, " this is what we ought to be doing, we should be more like the Brits if we really want the vote."
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Willa secretly thought she sounded a bit mad- dying just so women could vote seemed ridiculous, but she could tell Felix thought the whole thing was silly. So she nodded along to aunt Willa's ramblings, argued with Mama that having Alina didn't mean that aunt Nell had to stop her activism and smiled boastfully at Felix when Aunt Nell proclaimed her the cleverest of Dad's children.Soon, she found herself agreeing to come along to a protest.
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The protest started off alright. It wasn't too difficult to hold a sign and yell "Votes for Women!" even though some people on the street shouted abuse at them. But within a few minutes, everything descended into chaos.
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Men she hadn't even noticed before seemed to appear from nowhere, they overwhelmed the crowd of women and things began to grow scary. Willa dropped her sign and tried to find Aunt Nell but try as she might she couldn't. A fire began blaring nearby and all around her, people were throwing punches and exchanging insults, she had to get out of there. She ran as fast as she could, crashing into someone amidst all the mayhem.
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The stranger was nice enough to help her up and once they were at eye level, Willa noticed it wasn't a stranger after all, it was Abe! She smiled at him relieved, Felix had been so sure Abe was not a good'un but here he was at a suffragette protest. Willa buried her face deep into his shoulder, she knew that he would keep her safe.
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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morning routine
while rua was holding captain, i got the option to "ask to hold the baby" well...
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there's the baby
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estah · 11 months
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prom day was supposed to be wonderful for emika except…her date (dakota) didn't show up :(
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