s4moongiuk · 7 months
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lucas had a difficult life growing up, jumping from house to house in the foster care system, not actually knowing what it was like to have a loving family. but that didn't stop him to long for it. so it became his dream (and goal).
after working his ass off in tons of odd jobs and no sleep, he managed to buy his dream house and finish his college degree. now he's apt to have a stable (and definitely healthier) life, to be able to build his family with love and care, making sure his future kids never feel like he did in the past.
he's ready for the next (big) step… find his forever love!
(in the meantime, he's trying not to poison himself with his own bad cooking… i guess we should trust the process)
good luck, lucas!
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cha-lii · 5 months
can we
have a sequel now?
tiny little gay sequel?
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beksboys · 9 months
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how to talk to short people
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silverliing · 10 months
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yes! also loving the idea of butch willow/femme lucille/lucy(???)
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natjennie · 1 year
the way the starblaster is literally powered by bonds.. the way the only reason they make it out of the final hunger fight is by summoning spirits of people that want to help them... the way magnus learns the ultimate lesson from the power bear is to know when to ask for help.. the way merle stayed with the people of fungston to pray with them while their world was ending.. the way that I may not be your pan but you will always be my merle... the way the entire stolen century mechanic was built around saving people so that they can help you later.. the way june forgave jack... the way taako's destiny was based on a food truck chef overwatch player named joaquin who taught him how to make a taco... the way lucretia did what she did because she couldn't bear that the weight of their choice was hurting her family... the fact that completely cutting off the plane from the system wasn't the answer.. the way that you are going to be faced with a terrible decision but remember there is always a third option.. the way that they always joke about not being capable enough, that a competent woman has to come do it for them like... the way that the answer the whole time was to ask for help. to reach out to other people. that there is strength in numbers. that the only thing that works to combat the emptiness of oblivion is love. is each other. do you get it..
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pinkeoni · 1 year
So I’m gonna say something crazy… but have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe… and hear me out… the core four group in the show about “outcasts and wierdos” ISN’T supposed to have a straight-white-able-bodied-all-american male that people from that group can easily project on to? That maybe the straight-white-male audience might have to contend with the fact that they find relatability in characters who are black, disabled, or gay? That MAYBE there isn’t supposed to be this pov character that easily fits into these conventions that they’ve been so used to seeing in popular media but that’s also kind of the point?
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wine-wrtj · 3 months
The party at the Prom
But soberness turns out to be the friends we made along the way
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I literally just got possessed and woke up with my this piece finished two weeks later
Mind you as much as deranged teenager I am, for everything to be ✨legal✨ you could tell this is my self-indulgent polish Byler au. Because I was inspired to draw this after my school’s prom and I know NOTHING about American proms lmao. Anyway here’s some more context:
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And yeah Will is totally the person to run the fuck away randomly and Elmax would probably be on the side quest. Somewhere outside of the state. Most likely.
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tricoufamily · 1 year
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THE BITCH IS BACK (jacques, not me fuck you)
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shieldofiron · 10 months
Nancy and Lucas: My weapon of choice? Something long range for sure, I don’t want to be too close to danger
Steve and Max: Midrange is fine, something sharp too, a knife will work in a pinch.
Jonathan, El and Billy: My weapon of choice against Inter-dimensional beings and humans alike? Oh, I don’t know… these fuckin hands.
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fishgills · 2 months
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some silly pokemon character blinkies i’ve made for myself & some friends :3 feel free to use/edit. no credit or link-back necessary
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konako · 4 months
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Dorothy is working through some stuff...
And in the DRK AU version....
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moonshynecybin · 1 month
in ten years when david fincher directs the rosquez biopic movie and trent reznor lays down the world’s most insane shit on the soundtrack for the climax of the movie (sepang 2015 OBVIOUSLYYY) as the camera follows marc dive bombing valentino for the entire race until the kick happens (left gloriously ambiguous in the frame) and all you can hear is the ringing in marc’s ears as he watches vale zoom away. bike in his lap heart in his stomach. ooh girl.
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blupengu · 5 months
Felt obligated to share my favorite sketch from the Virche fan book!
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Sweeties 😭
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demobatman · 2 years
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caleb 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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dinitride-art · 1 year
Lucas Sinclair wearing a t-shirt that says “I <3 my gay best friends” that’s it. That’s the post
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topnotchquark · 5 months
I'm just having some thoughts about Pecco/Luca in the wonderful Royalty au by @baking-soda and @xoxogossipzoe which has completely held my mind hostage. The drama, the stakes, the characters!
In my head this one is mediaeval era because my thoughts revolve around Pecco's poisoning and the aftermath:
Luca walking out on to the balcony in the balmy summer heat, wanting to confront Pecco. How Pecco had finally snapped for a moment after months of burying his worry under the surface. How Luca knew that this moment was coming and he was almost hoping for some sort of catharsis because he was sick of Pecco slowly turning into a ghost of himself. The moment Luca realised something was wrong, Pecco's eyes rolling back into his head. Watching Pecco's body crumple when he always took a great effort to make himself look graceful and still. Luca remembers how Pecco slumped forward into his arm. He remembers the blinding moment of sheer panic as he called for help and was breathing in the smell of citrus trees in the air along with the perfume of Pecco's soft hair. The castle and everything else completely torn asunder. Coronation ceremony suddenly on halt. Immediate preparation for war. Vale sent Cele away to a trusted friend, Bezz not made aware of where Cele was or when he would be back, which drove him mad. Luca would spend most of the day in Vale's chambers.
All of Vale's advisors bringing him information that could point to the mysterious enemy. The prevailing belief was of course, an older enemy, a Catalan family. Luca carefully watching the lines on Vale's face deepen as he was confronted with more fringe proof of the Marquez family's preparation for eventual war. Inconsequential things such as an uptick in winter clothing manufacturing or change in ration of grains in their storehouses being twisted into insubstantial claims of a grave transgression against Pecco's life. The rest of the day Luca would devote to his work at the ministry of finance. At night however, he could only be found at one place. Inside Pecco's chambers. Vale had unsuccessfully tried to send Luca away with Cele. Luca didn't say a word but the grave look on his face had been enough of an answer for vale. If amongst the chaos of the day there was a single moment of peace Luca would make his way to Pecco. Whatever little sleep he managed would be had sitting next to Pecco's bed, holding his pale hand. The healers had done what they could, draining some blood, trying to use the antidotes and herbs they knew of. The efforts were what was keeping Pecco alive, although in a vegetative state.
Luca helps the healers in taking care of Pecco. One of these days, gently wiping him and changing him, Luca notices a blue bruise on Pecco's throat. He also notices the moles and marks and scars. Trying to commit all these to memory and at once feeling nauseous that Pecco is already becoming a distant memory to him.
The next day, as he's sitting next to Vale listening to some advisor drone for the umpteenth time on the best probable date to go to war Luca decides he's had enough. He tells only Vale that he will try to look for an antidote because that's the only viable solution he can see to his own grief, to hell with the war and to hell with his duties. Vale doesn't stop him, he embraces him and tells him plainly that he scared for him and to understand what he feels like as his older brother. Luca promises to come back at any cost and leaves in the night.
He's finally able to think clearly away from all that din and decides to travel to every renowned healer to find the name of the poison. Luca is battered and tired after some days of nearly non stop traveling, trying to figure out the name of this elusive drug when he decides to stop near a river. He notices and small group of traveling men. Luca watches as they take a dip in the cool clear water. He almost misses the fact that two of the travelers bear the same blue-ish bruise as Pecco on their throats but he quickly snaps himself into action. Gently blending into the men, hedging his bets carefully, asking them questions as a fellow traveller. Carefully enquiring after the strange bruise. One of the older travelers tell Pecco that they collectively take a special drug brewed from the mucin of a particular snail found for a very brief time in a village a little way from here. That the drug was potent and could be fatal if an overdose were to happen. And that the bruises on the throats were the result of near brushes with death using the drug. Luca immediately goes looking for the village and the antidote. On the way the only thing he can think of is how it's a rather clever way to kill someone with an drug that people take for recreation.
None of the healers could recognise Pecco hadn't exactly consumed a poison and hence didn't respond to a standard antidote. He thinks of the fact that this has to be done by someone who was intimately aware of the region, someone who knew to time the coronation with the brewing of the drug to cause maximum chaos in the kingdom. How disturbing the public morale was a part of the plan. Luca knows exactly who's collecting the taxes in the region thanks to him spending time at the ministry. Knows who's likely responsible for this and that it is the same person currently telling Vale to double down on war efforts.
Anyway, Luca is able to secure the antidote. Makes his way back to the castle and immediately goes to Vale's chambers to find him talking to the last person Luca wants to see. It makes Luca's blood boil to see uccio planning out some proxy war where the entire aim is to destroy Vale and take charge himself but he has to be cautious that Uccio doesn't read his face. Luca solemnly embraces Vale and lies in front of both of them that he's failed in his efforts and that it likely means they will have to bury Pecco. Luca forces himself to cry in front of Vale that he can't just do it and can they make one final visit to Rome and pray and hope for a miracle and while pretend crying Luca is really just having a cathartic little cry because God it feels terrible to have someone you love be taken from you and he isn't even fully sure the antidote will work.
Of course Uccio immediately is like, we will make that visit and let's leave tomorrow so that we can be back soon. Luca hands the antidote to Bezz and tells him to have it administered right after they leave and make sure Pecco's recovery is kept a secret.
While on the trip to Rome Luca has the real challenge of actually convincing Vale that something is gravely wrong and he can't trust his advisor anymore and that he has to plan accordingly and not make war arrangements but go after Uccio's supporters that are fully trying to usurp Vale by forcing this war from which no victor can really emerge.
To be continued in some way I suppose but that's all I have rn :(
Send asks and thoughts
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