#the weird route existing
cosmicrzy · 1 year
krusielle would be so fun if i could ever truly ship kris but. there is too much Fucked Up stuff going on that prevents me from really liking any kris ships
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rist-ix · 28 days
https://www.tumblr.com/rist-ix/749015401700229120 not you reblogging this when you ship bloom with the man who murdered her family 😭
Bloom's into ppl who slay! Hope this helps :3
#alright snark and ship wars aside i get where you’re coming from tho#if you're genuinely interested in my thought process here i would love to elaborate#which is exactly what I’ll do!#first of all! the post you linked is about headcanons#which my brain kinda wants to put into a whole different category than ships — fandom ships in particular! — but i can leave that aside#because there IS an argument to be made that relationships are an extension of characterization and personality traits#if you wanna go that route i would wanna explain that Bloom's and/or Valtor's interest in the other is in fact based on canon#(even though I don’t really think ships need to be established in the source material. make shit up that’s what fandom is for#1) the Andros episode speaks for itself. Valtor specifically tells the Trix to back off because HE wants to be the one to fight bloom#2) the episode before that he asks questions about her (and only her; even though he has more powerful enemies to worry about)#demonstrating curiosity about and interest in her#3) that same episode (or the one before; can’t remember) is their infamous first meeting#where time LITERALLY slows down as the pass each other on the stairs#they get IMPACT FRAMES#the whole color palette changes!!!#idk about u but I eat that shit up. love the drama of it all no one does it like them#I’m gonna skip all the instances where Valtor is spying on Bloom through his little scrying spell because oh god who has the time#let’s go straight to Bloom#if I had a week I would not be able to collect all the moments where she growls his name in pure fury and single-minded determination#she gets a little bit obsessed with him over the course of the season and I personally think that’s very sexy of her#Bloom is known for her tunnel vision when it comes to her past and origins and Valtor's existence fits PERFECTLY into that#it ties in neatly with her overarching story of the past 2 seasons#literally PERFECT foils#which always makes for the juiciest stories#4) she singles him out for a duel in the museum episode#5) she can literally feel his presence#6) the mere mention of his name sends her into her weird faux enchantix#of course there’s no romance in canon but there’s TENSION AND CHEMISTRY which is all u really need for a ship#all their animosity and bad blood is what makes it so INTERESTING to wonder how they COULD work. it’s the spice that makes for good fanfic!
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itsamenickname · 1 year
To make up for the lack of Bowser Jr. in the To Break The Bonds Within Two Kingdoms timeline, here is a mostly wholesome Bowuigi idea that centers around the cute and chaotic little Koopa.
Okay, so imagine with me a time in the Mushroom Kingdom where Bowser and Luigi are a couple. Now whether they're married or not, I'll leave that up in the air, but the thing that really matters here is that Luigi and Bowser have been dating long enough to where they are sleeping together.
And since Luigi and Bowser are getting pretty serious in their relationship, I am almost positive that there would be at least one instance where Bowser Jr. would have a nightmare while Luigi was in Bowser's Castle.
But here is where things start to get interesting.
So after doing some random research, I've discovered that some kittens like to sleep under the covers. Now there are a few different reasons on why kittens do this, but the main reason I'll point out is because it helps them feel safe and secure.
And you might be wondering, "Well that's cool info Nickname, but what does that have to do with Bowser Jr?"
Well my fellow readers, that is where the wholesome part of the idea comes into play.
So when Bowser Jr. wakes up from a nightmare, I can definitely see him going to Luigi and Bowser's room to see if he can sleep with them for the night. However, when Bowser Jr. opens the bedroom door and realizes that Luigi and Bowser are asleep, I can see him do one of these two options:
Bowser Jr. wakes up Luigi and Bowser with tears in his eyes and asks if he can sleep with them tonight because of the nightmare he had (which Luigi and Bowser would 100% be okay with).
We can go into the kitten approach I talked about earlier in the post and have Bowser Jr. go up to the side/foot of the bed, get himself under the covers, climb up the bed and crawl up beside Luigi and Bowser and slowly go back to sleep knowing that his Papa and Mama can and will protect him from any nightmares or dangers (and he does this all without waking Luigi and Bowser up).
Now from the hundreds of Bowuigi & Bowser Jr. artwork & fanfics that I've seen, Jr. would most likely do option #1, but don't you think that it would also be really adorable if Jr. had some kitten traits in him as well (especially since we're making it kind of canon that Bowser purrs whenever he's happy)?
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randomnameless · 9 months
I like Hubert in part because he's one of the simpler examples of a FE trope that 3H often tries to subvert or play with in it's cast, and also one of the most well-executed; his subversion is just “sadistic and unapologetically evil dark mage counselor Gharnef archetype, but he's a fully-realized playable character”, which makes for unique dynamics and conversations between him and the rest of the cast in his supports that aren't often seen in other FEs and, when coupled with him being the only BESF member with any amount of self-awareness as to how shitty of a person he is, makes him one of the only tolerable parts of CF and SB.
I was joking with a friend, but Hubert feels like the Gharnef-Brunya/Ishtar perfect crossover.
He is the brains behind Supreme Leader's conquest and will follow his plans no matter what, is the one who bribes/blackmails/does all kinds of unsavory things for his plans/is the canon dark magic user lol...
and yet, he will never aspire to become the head honcho of some group or to resurrect an eldritch abomination, no, Hubert's main goal is to support Supreme Leader, because it's heavily implied he loves her - no matter what that costs him or if he has to close his eyes to reality (Hanneman support!).
That's what I liked with FE16, the new take on existing archetypes, and the role reversal - Red Emperor is female, so Brunya/Ishtar will be male, but he will also be a Gharnef!
Naïve Princess who hates the war and senseless fights and puts the wellbeing of her people above everything, especially themselves (even if those people are long dead!) is now a male prince who becomes king!
Hell, the genocide survivor from a tribe of beings who have to hide else they'll be killed by humans, who is known for their singing, who thinks only the Goddess can set things to right in the world and tries to have them return to the land and the head of what would become an empire is now a woman!
Too bad everything was drowned under gallons of Hresvelg Grey :(
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tiredfoxtf · 7 months
I don't want to discuss if machine generated pictures are art or not. Machine learning stole so much art from artists around the world, that is the important part.
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toaster-hair · 1 year
was looking through the puppychan tumblr tag bc. lol. and i cant believe antoons is on tumblr... how are you gonna be anti-sjw and then be on the sjw site man.
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thosemintcookies · 2 years
I'm also really just obsessed with the idea that you're given the option to hit on women harry finds attractive despite astronomically low odds of success (as its something harry even thinks to do) and it takes him like 4 hours to come up with feminism and even then it's performative and imperfect like obviously he's weird about women
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pochapal · 1 month
is pickle route also a junefic :?
"is pickle route junefic" is actually a pretty multilayered question depending on your position and which definition of junefic you're using and is in fact something i have been consciously thinking about when writing it.
the short spoiler-free answer is: if "junefic" is defined by "john egbert comes out as a trans woman" then that is categorically happening. june egbert is a character tag in the story and there's been a lot of groundwork seeding inevitable gender happenings for candy john, some of which stretches as far back as omelette route itself:
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so yeah! candy john will eventually have a culminating gender arc happen because from at least one perspective this has already canonically happened. and without giving away too much detail this is all heading to a chapter that almost exactly mirrors the conversation june and roxy have in omelette route where june finally admits it to herself, this time consciously exploring the difference between getting there at age 23 and getting there at age 40. it's not the exact same shape and trajectory as omelette route since the meat and candy egberts are different people shaped by differing material circumstances, but at the core of it they do both undergo the same gender revelation.
for the longer answer: pickle route is both way more and way less of a junefic than omelette route. it's less of a junefic in that whereas omelette route was entirely centered around june and her self-actualization, pickle route isn't just "what if omelette route also happened in the candy timeline". egbert here is one of many moving parts in the story - a deeply essential one, yes, but not the core protagonist. in the wider sense, the core protagonist remains meatside june, but within pickle route explicitly the center stage is taken up by vriska and the candy kids to a lesser extent. egbert's gender arc was important for the emergence of june in omelette route, and is important for [SPOILERS TACTICALLY REDACTED]. however, pickle route is not solely a vehicle to deliver transfeminine egbert in the way that omelette route was. there are a lot more things we're aiming for here!
however, if you think about "junefic" in a way beyond the literal, then pickle route extremely remains in the junefic tradition. other than, like, june herself, junefic has a bunch of other i guess philosophical and thematic features that pickle route does pursue. ideas of characters redefining themselves against their canon/fanon molds, the nature of what it means to go against and change/disrupt an established narrative, and deeply queer interpersonal dynamics between the gods of earth c are all there in pickle route as much as they are omelette route. "junefic" stands as both an extension and interrogation of the ethos of postcanon - something which i go into more detail on in this post - and by that yardstick pickle route is very much carrying the torch.
omelette route used june egbert as a vehicle to make a very specific transformative response to postcanon, where june herself was in many ways the message via a metaphor triple reacharound. pickle route is using similar methods to make a complementary transformative response to postcanon. or to be much more blunt about it, pickle route is both explicitly and metaphorically the candy to omelette route's meat.
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bumpscosity · 5 months
starting an origins server with some of my siblings friends and i just found out everyone's making characters up for it i feel like the combo i picked has so many possible outcomes
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#i'm thinking of going a grimwalker route where they like a memoryless clone of someone they never knew#my spawn is in the nether and i def wanna make it my home base. i don't think anyone else is spawning in the nether so that'll be fun#interesting for me bc i'm usually the one leeching off others recourses to build stuff but ALSO story wise very isolating#you wake up in hell and it's gross and weird but something about it is familiar.#not in memories per se but muscle memory. not things you did but knowing what not to eat#what's friendly. what hurts. maybe they know their a reincarnation of someone else deep down.#but that person was a blip in time. discipated into the endless seas of molten lava a long time ago.#their soul and magic just now mustering up the strength to become whole again. to become SOMETHING.#it was many eons ago that that person existed. their belongings and home have long since decayed and become one with the hellish landscape#there is no time to think of who you once were. there is only survival.#but the moment you have a home and supplies and are truly safe. you feel a deep fear.#a fear of who you once were long ago. who they could've been. what you should be. momories you no longer possess.#a longing to understand and go back to being a self you never were.#a person who's existence has been lost to time.#you shake off these feelings as best you can#but every time you find yourself in the overworld looking out at the vast ocean#you can't help but wonder wether they hated the deep blue sea as much as you do.#sassy speaks#mc#WHY DID I WRITE SO MUCH HELP I DIDNT MEAN TO DO THAT-
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llithiumstars · 3 months
I wont put the entire concept down because I did rework some of it (similar paths) but there was in fact a third 'Polly' for the series poll, if we'd gone that route.
That Pollrunner is 'Canary', with green eyes and see through wings like a dragonfly. I have drawn them and will probs draw her some more bc heehee clones
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kuzunoha-xiv · 1 year
toki smt iva really is the epitome of the “i have the potential to be a cool interesting character but i’m a woman in an atlus game” problem. poor girl
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bloggirl8842 · 8 months
I feel like one of my friends is being weird with me but I’ve got no proof all I know is I asked her for another friend’s number (someone I haven’t spoken to in 4 yrs 😟) and she stopped texting me back and liking my posts. Which could be entirely incidental like it should just be entirely incidental but I am getting a weird vibe
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dbphantom · 1 year
Hey What The Fuck
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eggmeralda · 8 months
listening to my february-june 2022 playlist which led to ⬇️
#oh my god it was sooooo gooooooood#what do you mean there were 12 months. no there weren't. 2022 ended in mid august. perfect year with no bad months at all#anyway i'm thinking about the 2022 that exists in my mind (january-mid august) it was so good#i listened to. so many albums. and got introduced to so much music#specifically down the route of electronic stuff like eurodance and techno and happy hardcore and that#and also down the route of i guess more atmospheric stuff? like shoegaze and dream pop and droney noisy stuff#and then there was. The Hyperfixation. call me bitter bc i was experiencing extreme truffula flu brainrot aHAHAH- *is shot*#one of the hyperfixations of all time. it was so intense it gave me agoraphobia#okay i had agoraphobia anyway but my camp entre obsession did contribute to it a bit#bc it released so many chemicals in my brain it would just give me anxiety#okay but the actual agoraphobia was so weird like what was going on there#i was so scared of eating food that might annihilate my digestive system i just wouldn't eat. and wouldn't leave the house#i mean i did leave the house but only if i had to and i DID NOT enjoy it and i would start zoning out if i was out for too long#and i did eat but it was limited to like. porridge and bread and for some reason sushi. like they were the only foods i didn't fear#what was wrong with me#then i got over it by the summer. like the slight fear comes back sometimes for a few weeks but it'll never be as bad as it was then#my god the summer though. unreal time#july we have such a complicated history but you did a great job in 2022#the swag archive..........the career awakening...........(don't tell my 22yo self trying to apply for archiving jobs is the absolute worst)#(let her have her dream)#omg speaking of the dream. and also swag. the night i found out swag was asexual. wtf. great night#i guess it was a mixture of always being in search of a canonically asexual character that i was interested in since i was 18#like there was todd chavez but i wasn't like Obsessed with him or anything. and i can't think of any other character i knew#and then i find out just as I'm going to bed that the character that has been absolutely obliterating my soul for the past 6 months#is canonically asexual?? so then i didn't sleep for another 2 hours#unreal night#I'm running out of tags but anyway i love you first 8.5 months of 2022 i love you 2nd year of uni i love you camp entre truffula flu#i love you every album i listened to then i love you job i had at that sweet shop i even love you agoraphobia no i don't you were awful#but you were part of the vibe. anyway 2022 jan-aug my beloved#ramble
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dollhousemary · 9 months
do people actually hate amara? in my mind i feel like people are either completely neutral on her or like her/find her really interesting, but maybe not??
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kallowrites · 2 years
hello, this is just some raw dialogue (as in, this is how I draft fics - no 'character tags' or much description in-between) for an idea I've thought about ever since I met Vengarl in-game -- I just wanna take him with me to go see how pretty parts of Drangleic are and let him talk a bunch more jhgdj
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Did you ever have family, Vengarl? Forgive me if that’s a sensitive subject - I’m only curious. I can’t imagine the life of a sellsword is very… settled.”
“None that I can recall, no.”
“None at all? Did you not keep… company?”
“You ask dangerous questions, my friend. Ah- Do not look so distressed. I don’t mind much. Thinking back on it… In those days, I likely did. Though it’d be temporary at best. An… exchange, more than anything. With Forossa gone and divided, travelling as I did, doing what I did… I had no desire for such trivial things. I had no friends. No family. My fellow mercenaries did not even dare to bother me for any such thing, unless it was to announce a departure for more killing. The only persistent company was my blade, and my lust for violence.”
“That sounds… rather lonely.”
“I do not feel the same towards it. I think it was only fitting that others kept their distance as they did. Perhaps I was too frightening for most – I do not recall anyone daring to ask for more than a night’s companionship. And even then… I don’t recall it ending well.”
“...I’ve never done anything like that before. Perhaps I’m too much of a romantic, in that regard.”
(chuckles) “The body has its urges, whether you’re a dreamer, a loner, or any mix of all else between the two. You do what you must, at times. Though I suppose… it depends on the person in question.”
“Then how do you- Oh, forgive me,” (she blushes) “I’m growing far too comfortable, I shouldn’t be so rude…”
“Saying such things only piques curiosity. You may speak freely with me as you please. I will let you know if you offend - I will not hold it against you.”
“...It’s just… About urges. You’ve certainly been undead for far longer than I have, yes? I cannot imagine that… bodes well for them. Or you.”
“Ah, well… I cannot fault such a query. It’s not an issue for me, anymore. Though I could feel my body’s presence and existence prior to you killing it, it was… a distant connection. Perhaps more comparable to an instinct - a hunch, more than a feeling. If it still had urges from when it was human - from when I was human… I never realized it. All I could feel emanating from it was hate and violence. Being so disconnected from it for so long only served to make that obvious to me. Its only desire was to destroy and ruin all it came across, in its blind, mad journey.”
“...I cannot imagine what that’s like.”
“Do not trouble yourself with attempting to understand it. I doubt I would have understood it myself, had it not been my fate.”
“...What about you, wanderer?”
“Family. Friends. Companions. Or are you, perhaps, as lonely on your journey as I have been on mine?”
(she shakes her head, looking thoughtful if a bit sad) “No. I don’t have a family, I think. I didn’t really have much in the way of friends either until coming to Drangleic, in truth. I always liked to wander, but… When the curse found its way to me, my wandering suddenly had direction. Before, I just wanted to explore the world. Now… I suppose I have a goal in mind. Though perhaps not one of my own choosing.”
“You did not choose this path you’ve set out on?”
“Not exactly. According to the Herald in Majula, many have walked the same path as I am. Some go further than others. Some don’t go that far at all before losing hope. All I know is that I arrived in Drangleic, and have been… nudged, I suppose… in one direction. ‘Seek souls. Larger, more powerful souls. Seek the King, lest this land swallow you whole, as it has so many others.’ That is my sole guidance. Though… That’s not to say I have not still retained my old ways. I still find great joy in wandering… Enjoying the journey itself. Anticipating the destination, but not rushing towards it.” “I believe that is a very reasonable way to live. Taking time to appreciate the journey for what it is, I mean. I know in the days where I still lived - not branded as Undead - I didn’t do such a thing. I didn't care. It didn’t matter where I went or who I fought for or against… All that mattered was the destination: Spilling the blood of all those who were not the ones who hired me. I may have seen a great many things… travelled to many places… But I cannot remember it all. I didn’t pay attention to it. I didn’t need to, I didn’t have to unless it could prove a useful thing to know in a battle. And even then… I was reckless. Too confident in my strength, despite that confidence not being misplaced. A disadvantage in battle only meant more death and destruction before it was through. Perhaps… That is how I was severed apart like this in the first place.”
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