#the simms family
x3nshit · 1 year
i dont want a love like the movies. i want a love like they have in sitcoms. playfully roasting each other. every one teasing us when we're together. slowly becoming best friends. like Jake and Amy from Brooklyn Nine-Nine, or Jonah and Amy from Superstore, or Phil and Claire from Modern Family, or Ben and Leslie from Parks and Recreation. Movies say 'happily ever after' but sitcoms show you the after. I want a love like the sitcoms
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thekingofspin · 1 month
When the found family is 2 psychopaths who are actually one psychopath and their tragic lover who is also their enemy and his grandchild who is also his student and the babysitter who trys to stop them from getting into trouble but sucks at his job.
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42strange · 6 months
Regarding the difference between tenth doctor and fourteenth doctor, I never read the line that fourteen is more loving than ten as ten being unable to love. It’s quite clear that ten loves his friends and companions, like, a lot. The only difference is that fourteen is better at vocalizing his love than ten due to their personality differences.
Ten is hold back by his trauma and regrets from the time war, so much so that the idea of being the last of his kind is so ingrained in his psyche, that he cannot process the thought that it is entirely possible to have a happy life just as the humans. You could say that ten, whose biggest enemy is none other than he himself, is doomed to end his life in a tragedy from the very beginning. In contrast, fourteen has three regeneration to heal and grow from his own trauma, thus gradually loses the “lonely god” aspect of ten and becomes much more affectionate.
It is not that fourteen loves others more than ten; it is that fourteen is finally capable of saying those lovingly confession that ten never had the chance to say in his life time. In other words, fourteen is actually “helping” ten to say what he would actually think, rather than bottling them up and suffering from the consequences afterwards.
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khruschevshoe · 5 months
The Doctor screaming crying throwing up about the Master dying because he's the last of his kind and the only immortal left to watch the stars...SIR. MY GUY. JACK HARKNESS IS RIGHT. FUCKING. THERE. Don't you remember? The immortal guy who is ALSO in love with you and that you loved in a previous life? The guy who spent the last year being tortured by the guy you're cradling in your arms? The guy who would love to travel the stars with you? The guy who can and will and did die for you? THAT GUY?
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daughter-of-the-clayr · 2 months
spymaster could handle ten but saxon couldn't handle thirteen
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owen-writes · 6 months
Owen Writes
Male Reader Or Gender Neutral Or FTM Reader Only
Fem aligned people may interact and read but do not fetishize. No Fem Reader requests.
Main Masterpost
Doctor Who Masterpost
Nameless Series Masterpost (needs a name)
ATM, I write for:
The Doctor (9,10,11,12,14,15) - Doctor Who
Rory Williams - Doctor Who
Captain Jack Harkness - Doctor Who
Alec Hardy - Broadchurch
Cale Erendreich - Bad Samaritan
Campbell Bain - Takin' Over The Asylum
Crowley - Good Omens (Will Do Poly Ineffable Husbands)
Saul Silva (Platonic) - Fate, The Winx Saga
Cullen Family (Platonic) - Twilight
Sierra Six - The Grey Man
Jonah Simms - Super Store
James Marriott
Lucifer Morningstar - Netflix Lucifer
No smut! I may write smut if I want to but will not write requests that are smut. (Basically if I get horny and want to indulge, I will.)
All smut I do write is for 18+ only. You're reading my work at your own discretion and I am not responsible for what you read on the Internet.
Gore wise - no explicit descriptions but cannon typical stuff I'm okay with.
I can delete any request if it makes me uncomfortable
I'm not really a fan of AUs or anything that strays too far from cannon.
Can be a platonic or romantic relationship. Aka dad or husband? (Basically I have some deep daddy issues)
I like to have dialogue prompts to start off. But it's okay if not. (I lack the creative fuse to make up a story but can sure as hell write em.)
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nancyrs · 1 year
the tenth doctor loved rose, jackie, donna, the master and wilf so fucking much… i’m in pain.
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pinazee · 2 years
My fave trope is:
Pacifist character with a calm demeanor- could never harm a fly.
But if you come after, or god forbid harm someone they love, you will be slowly cut to ribbons and buried in pieces around the world.
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iamthemaster · 6 months
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He had spotted the familiar faces of the Doctor and one of his companions, capturing his curiosity, only to find out a new development. He couldn't help but step out and present himself. "Ah, Donna Noble. The temp. The so called 'best friend.' I am the Master...it's time we properly met."
@anoblewomxn liked for a starter!
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gold-onthe-inside · 8 months
it is criminal that we didn't get a single scene of the suspect behaviour team playing laser tag. you just know the whole team would gang-up on mick
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some of the girlies posted some #moods this halloweekend 🩸
Lauren LaVera, Terrifier 2 / Weyes Blood for FANGORIA / Jenna Ortega, Wednesday / Lilith Czar (fka Juliet Simms)
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
the doctor siblings running into the master siblings and going spiderman_pointing.gif
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grimbunnies · 9 months
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Kayla: "I really enjoyed talking about the book with you. My friends aren't really into the idea of a book club. I haven't been able to read something like that with anyone since mom died."
Bonnie: "Well, I'm happy to spend that time with you. You and Brooke are my priorities, and nothing's going to change that."
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gallifriendly · 2 years
missy literally killing her past because she wants to stand with the doctor vs simm!master literally killing his future because he literally would rather die than be “kept” by the doctor
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the-axolotl-god · 1 year
Made a gifset for this Morticia line I enjoy. Bonus low effort shitposts (plus a blank twirl gif) below the keep reading line.
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The original The Addams Family series is a ton of fun! Honestly thinking about making a gifset of all the doorbell scenes once I finish it. The show in general has a lot of very fun sight gags. It's very amusing and makes me feel nice inside. Super great to end my days with.
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absuuuurdstarkid · 1 year
It’s missing Superstore hours
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