#the shrines were super fun as well
aleiiii · 2 months
Reborn! Wukong appreciation yesss. No one ever talks about him but that little gremlin deserves more love. Now I’m super curious to know more about that ‘Nà in a different font’ character of yours 👀
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I had to dig these outta my sketchbook, so apologies for the messy format ;; they were very spur of the moment doodles
Since they were very spur of the moment, this character doesn’t have a name! Though, these were made before I had actually drew up Nà, so in a way…. She’s kinda like her predecessor lmao. There are some similarities… if you can spot them hehe
A bit of background for her though, the idea was that she’s a shrine maiden that the group come across in their journey. And of course Wukong being…well… Wukong comes and causes some issues. I WILL PREFACE THAT THIS IS PROBABLY AN ALTERNATE STORY THAT DOES NOT FOLLOW THE CANON OF JTTW, ofc it’s not very monk-like to be running around creating children. I take it as Wukong not really wanting to reach buddahhood by the time they finish their journey. All in good fun.
Conclusion: Reborn Wukong needs more love
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wayfayrr · 6 months
Hello! Congrats on 300 followers!! (your 300 follower event idea is so cute btw omg)
Could i request a soft mulled wine with candy canes to eat in please?
Here's your order - I hope everything is to your tastes <3
it's super fun to see how the same prompt can be done so differently for different characters!!! Wild especially is one of my favourites because he's just soooo - it's hard to put into words but I just love him so much
[Event masterlist]
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“I don't think I've seen those plants before, my slate isn't recognising them either…”
“Must be something unique to legends Hyrule then, they must've just vanished before your time.”
He’s still focused on whatever is growing above us, although I could've sworn we were just standing under pines. Ones that are common in his home, is there something I’m missing here? What is he focusing on so intently? Is there somethin- 
“You’re looking at the mistletoe? Does it really not exist in your hyrule… I guess that means the traditions doesn’t exist either then, does it?”
“So I’m right then? It doesn’t?”
Why does he seem a little ashamed by that, his ears have drooped and he doesn’t want to look at me. Is he that used to always knowing about plants or is it that he’s worried about having lost his memories about it. 
“to be fair wild, I'm not entirely sure it exists in hyrule anyway. might just be something from my world.”
“what kind of tradition is it, do you miss it at all?”
“hmm, well it's mostly just fun… depends on who you're with really. Want me to show you what it is?”
he's perking up a bit now, still a little down but that should change in a moment seeing as he's nodding. 
“You sure? you don't even know what it is and you wanna go through with it?”
“You’re not making it sound like a good thing… Twi isn’t going to lecture us for this is he?”
“No, no of course not. Not unless he’s got a secret crush on me anyway.”
Before he had a chance to respond, I already had a hand on his collar pulling him toward me. If he wants to learn about the mistletoe then what could possibly be better than experience. I’ve been wanting to kiss him for a while now too, so it’s a perfect excuse. His lips are so soft, incredible considering how he lives the shrine must’ve had some permanent effects after it all. Kissing him is awkward to say the least, the mixture of him being caught so off guard and the fact he’s frozen solid leads to a very quick attempt at a quick peck on the lips. 
Until it's over, and I've pulled away from him. It'd be a lie if I said I wasn't mildly disappointed by how little he reacted, maybe I was reading all the signs wrong and he simply didn't care for me like that. I should have given him more of a hint to what I was going to do, if he doesn't like me then it was simply cruel to force him to kiss me.
“I - sorry I didn't - I made you uncomfortable I should've told you what it was. I'm sorry link.”
“That’s the tradition then? Pressing your lips to someone elses?”
“Not quite - it’s to kiss whoever you’re standing under it with but I didn’t want to overwhelm you with...hu-!”
The disappointment must’ve shown on my face, or he just… did he just want to kiss me again? This time he’s the one taking the lead, holding my face so gently in his hands sliding his fingers slowly into my hair. The fact that he’s likely never kissed anyone makes it more clumsy, gently and softly he’s trying to find the best way to do it and I’m loving every second of it. Even despite it being the most uncertain kiss I’ve ever had… it’s taking my breath away simply how much care is going into it. Drawing a soft gasp from me too with how he’s biting faintly on my lips. 
Everything has to come to an end eventually though, as he pulls away with a smirk and the cutest blush I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I’ll have to devote a lot more of my time to flustering him from now on, there’s no possible way that I could go without seeing that at least once more in my life. I would rather the shadow simply kill me than be condemned to that fate. 
“That was -”
“ - It was amazing link. Would you… if I asked would you do it again?” That seemed to be the final thing to fully overwhelm him, with his face going from being softly dusted with blush to being a scorching crimson while he’s trying to shy away in his own hair. If I didn’t think I could go without the one before, then I already know I’ll die if I don’t get to see it more often. It’s a shame he’s trying so hard to hide it, if only I could just…
“[Name]... What are you?”
“Oh! I um… I wasn’t thinking I just. I you look so cute and I just, you don’t need to hide yourself away from me link.”
Just a shaky breath and nuzzling his head on my hand in response. He can’t even look me in the eye. 
“Does this mean that you like the tradition though?”
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this is evolving into a proper taglist now, if you'd like to join feel free to ask! - @sketchyspook, @fanfic-fairy-fountain, @mushroomwoods, @glowyskull
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todoroki-waifu · 11 months
Mitsuya x Reader
Warning: Female reader and cursing.
Scenario: Based on the manga chapter 198.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 901
Just as promised from 12 years ago, everyone met at the Musashi shrine on June 19th to open the time capsules. You couldn't remember exactly what you wrote, but you were excited to see what your past self had to say. After greeting everyone and grabbing your boxes, the old Toman gang began to read their letters out loud.
It felt nostalgic listening to each other's dreams, bringing you back to your younger days. Who would've thought that up to now, all of you remained good friends. There was one person that you did wish you weren't just friends with though.
"Then how about you, Taka-chan!?"
Even hearing his name sent your heart into an irregular beat. You honestly felt like you were back in high school almost every time you were around Mitsuya. If you could write back to your younger self, it would be to encourage yourself to confess to your long time crush. Or at least tell someone trustworthy so they could find out for you.
Because years later, you're still wondering what would have happened if you just told Mitsuya your feelings.
"So, who's next?" asks Mitsuya, his voice refocusing you on the present.
"I'll go." You volunteered, eager to read your letter.
"Dear __(y/n). Hope things are good over there in the future! Any cool new stuff that came out? How about school? Did you make it and end up with the career you wanted? I hope so! Because I'm busting my ass over here. I hope you're still friends with everyone and that we're all still having fun. Also, did you ever end up with-" You stopped yourself before proceeding any further. "Oop, gonna skip that part."
Your audience groans out protests, some encouraging you to read your letter in its entirety. You argue back and stay firm with your decision. "No way! It's super private and kinda embarrassing!" You continue on, making sure to avoid any questions that involve you dating Mitsuya. Gosh, what the hell was your 15 year old self thinking?!
"Boo! You definitely left some parts out." Hakkai points his thumb down.
"Just leave it Hakkai. Let's respect her privacy." Mitsuya saves you from any more teasing. You thank the seamster then give the floor to someone else.
"Holy shit! I didn't know you liked Mitsuya!" You turn your head instantly to the voice behind you.
"Well you and everyone else knows now, you big mouth!" You could feel your face become warmer at the sound of some snickering and others suddenly questioning you. You avoided looking in Mitsuya's direction, afraid to see his reaction.
"My bad! I just happened to take a peek and didn't think about it!" Takemichi hides behind his hands while Draken calms the crowd so they could finish opening the remaining time capsules.
Once everyone had their turn, no one mentioned your crush on Mitsuya and started heading to the designated restaurant for dinner. You stayed behind a bit more, looking up at the tree where you buried your letters.
"Crazy how it doesn't feel that long." You jump at Mitsuya's approaching voice.
"Ye-yeah, guess it's because we still see each other pretty frequently." It was so hard to look at him, but you felt like you owed him an apology. "I'm sorry for what Takemichi said. I'm sure it was embarrassing for you and-"
"Embarrassing? Why do you say that?"
"Because of what I wrote? Don't you feel...weirded out?"
"Of course not. If anything, I wanna kick my younger self in the ass for not asking you out then."
"No way! You liked me back?" Your pulse quickens at the thought of you and your high school crush dating. You then feel your heart sink with sadness, reminding yourself that you're in the present and whatever silly feelings he had for you was probably gone. "But, I guess it's too late, huh?"
"Is it?" Mitsuya turns to face you, lilac meeting __(e/c). "I still like you and if your feelings for me haven’t changed, who’s to say that we can’t start now? Might be bold of me to assume that you still like me, but I've made a promise to not live with regrets."
"I would...really like that." Your face heats up, voice soft with your eyes avoiding his gaze. Mitsuya chuckles at your shy form, but he, too, is also feeling his stomach doing cartwheels.
"There is also another thing that I wish I had done before."
"What's that?" You asked then felt your face being cradled by his hands. You see him draw his face close to yours, sending your heart racing. It pumps faster the closer he gets, your breath stuck in your lungs.
"Oh fuck!" Mitsuya freezes when he's only centimeters away from your lips then gently releases your face. You both see Takemichi trying to quiet Hakkai as the tall male's jaw continues to drop.
"So-sorr-sorry! We just wanted to make sure you guys were coming, but we'll meet you at the restaurant!" Takemichi immediately turns Mitsuya's right hand man towards their respective vehicles.
"Guess we'll just have to wait until our first date." You laugh lightly, the heat slowly leaving your cheeks.
"Who says we can't get a preview?" Mitsuya leans towards you again, gingerly touching his lips with yours.
He probably shouldn't have done that because, now, he can't quell his desire for more.
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p0pcorn-hearts · 26 days
It's Kawaii~Chan time
I am gonna ramble about my rewrite so yknow, enter the theater with caution
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I just wanna start off by saying I renamed her to Hanami, which is the Japanese word for flowers viewing, more specifically viewing cherry blossoms. I figured this fit her more "cutesy" design as well as her usually pink and white color pallette. Also excuse me if they look bad, these were made a bit ago and I, for some reason, decided it'd be best to use the mirror tool the entire time
So, for her Phoenix Drop High uniform I just redesigned the uniform and gave her the same every girl will have. I changed it to have a blazer and a longer skirt like actual school uniforms in America although I kept the socks, loafers, and bow because those all fit, I'm just also giving everyone the same pair of socks.
Her season 1 outfit has been drastically changed. I decided I wanted her to have a more lolita-esque style instead of just vaguely cute, and let's all be real here, her season 1 outfit sucked. So, I gave her a longer, puffier skirt, a shit ton of ruffles, and some cute gloves. I think now is also the time to have a little fun fact section about meif'was. Their nails and hair grow faster than humans, with their nails growing than both humans and werewolves. That's why Hanami has long nails and freakishly long hair
Next up is her adorable Love~Love Paradise outfit. I'm actually super happy with how it turned out and I'm in love with her little buns. Her bathing suit with all its ruffles was made up by me :D
Her Lover's Lane outfit is the one that went the most unchanged because it's honestly my favorite outfit of her's. It just looks the most visually appealing with the addition of dark pink being a primary color. I just changed the dress up a bit with the neckline and added ruffles
Starlight is honestly my favorite. There's just something about color block clothes that itches a scratch in my brain. The giant bow and see-through ruffles also added a lot. You cannot thank me though, I took this design from someone else's swimsuit. Her nails changing for the first time since season 1 and now having blue with the pink is also a nice nod to how she opens up to Zane about not really being herself
When Angels Fall. Oh God, When Angels Fall. I fucking *hate* their "disguises" in When Angels Fall. Buy I'll get into that later, right now, it's just Hanami. I didn't like her outfit much because she had literally never worn pants in the series before and to just suddenly toss her in a pair of jeans and t-shirt? Like it's supposed to show how drap everything is but why would she just have a t-shirt and jeans packed?? Starlight is an island resort and theme park, so most people will be wearing bathing suits, much more breathable fabrics than *jeans* and Starlight merch. That's why I gave her a different bathing suit bottom and a Starlight shirt. It's the least you can do when you're the most visually distinct character. She also is covered in bandages because cats, when stressed, will over groom and can injure themselves. So Hanami picks and scratches at her skin often due to stress so she has very chipped nail polish and is covered in bandages. Also she cut her hair (sad violin noises)
Her final outfit is for my "season 7". Jess hasn't made it but I want to eventually tie up my rewrite, so I'm making one. Me and my girlfriend refer to it as the "epilogue" although it's not really an epilogue, she just called it that once and I can't think of a better name. I gave her essentially a mix of her season 1 and Lover's Lane outfits because why not
Now that her designs are done I get to infodump about her personality (hehe)
She's basically the same as Kawaii~Chan, but I make her a better person. She doesn't manipulate Aphmau into joined her bakesale! She also tones down a lot, so while she still struggles with boundaries, especially when it comes to shipping, she doesn't have a fucking shipping shrine in her basement. She's also autistic in my rewrite, so her not getting boundaries, baking being her special interest, and her masking her behavior to fit what she thinks people want/expect of her all comes from that. Will I maybe end up projecting on her? With the shipping stuff yeah, but only because Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan made me think shipping people together until they stopped being friends with you was normal
So thats it, the exit to the theater is on the right, make sure to throw your trash away on the way out. Have a good day
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A list of predictions I have for the Sonic movie I think are at least likely to happen
- opening shot is with either Stone or Robotnik (or both) breaking into the facility holding shadow
- definitely more homoerotic tension between Sone and Robotnik
- tails has built his own workshop/treehouse he likes hanging out in
- knuckles similarly has built his own shrine for the master emerald (just for fun)
- sibling and family shenanigans
- Sonic gets arrested after Shadow goes around stealing shit, also GUN knows that its Shadow and not him, but they arrest Sonic as a cover up, the public is decided because half of them are like “that’s clearly not Sonic”, but the other half is like “what are the odds of there being two alien hedgehogs that just so happen to be on earth?”
- prison break scene
- flashbacks of shadow and Maria living on the ark
- what exactly happened to Maria isn’t revealed right away, similarly to sa2
- the death scene plays after Shadow remembers the real promise he made to her. His memories were repressed rather than altered, so remembering her death is a big character moment when he realizes he needs to accept her death and honor her memory rather than seek revenge
- Maria’s death definitely won’t be on screen. My guess is they’ll take the Sonic x route (the original, not the dub) and cut away to just show Shadows reaction (pretty much like in project shadow)
- if Amy isn’t in the movie, then Sonic will be the one to give Shadow the big speech to convince him to help save the world
- shadows origins will be a bit different. I think Gerald Robotnik studied and somehow traveled to the gangs home planet, and he found DNA from a creature capable of harnessing the power of the emeralds (the same alien race as sonic, tying into the reason Longclaw was afraid of someone taking Sonic for his power)
- eggman has the broadcasted speech while he shows off the capabilities of the Space Colony Ark (by blowing up the moon) and it shows the residents of green hills all watching and reacting (if it starts with Robotnik saying the words “I’ve come to make an announcement” I will be very happy)
- if Tom and Maddie don’t get to go with them to the Ark, they’re given the sacred task of looking after the master emerald for them. If they do get to go to the Ark, then Knuckles will go to Wade and count on him to protect the Master emerald (Wade will probably become more responsible and aware during the knuckles series, so much so that Knuckles puts his trust in him)
- alternate plot for Tom and Maddie, they investigate the cover up of Project Shadow and discover the truth about what happened (essentially everyone was killed except for Gerald and Shadow). Bonus points if they find out a Wachowski was involved (or even the one responsible for killing Maria, but that’s a stretch)
- also if Tom and Maddie go to Space Colony Ark, emotional moment where they have to see Sonic get ejected via the space capsule (he’s fine, don’t worry)
- Tails, Knuckles, Tom, and Maddie all going absolutely ham on fighting Robotnik afterwards because they think Sonic couldn’t have survived
- Sonic and Shadow team up (potentially a begrudging truce with eggman because he realizes he can’t take over the world if it’s destroyed along with him)
- Knuckles is the least enthusiastic about a team up considering Eggman used him before, and everyone is of course like “we really don’t like it either, but the world is literally going to end if we don’t”
- Super Shadow and Sonic pushing back the Space Colony Ark (I don’t think the prototype will be in the movie just for simplicity sake) while a rendition of Live and Learn plays
- Shadow inevitably sacrifices himself, all while thinking of his promise to Maria
- Sonic trying to save Shadow (and doesn’t)
- Tom and Maddie being so happy to see Sonic alive and well but then their faces drop as they see the distraught look on his face and notice he’s holding Shadows inhibitor
- Group hug where they all comfort him
- Post credit scene hinting Shadow survived
I have many more predictions involving Amy and Rouge, but I don’t know if they’ll for sure be in it. I have a feeling if they do pick at least one character to introduce it will be Amy.
Oh! Oh, these are some very excellent suggestions, my dear! I love them a lot. It looks to be that you and I share some of the same thoughts! Great minds think alike you know😎
I do agree with Shadow losing Maria: we won’t see it on screen, but it could be familiar to how it was done with Sonic X.
I’ve been cackling over the idea of Stone and Robotnik carrying a ragdoll-sized Shadow. He’s quite eepy.
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maskyish · 6 months
Re:vale LIVE 2023 WINTER FESTIVAL!! - 2nd Intermission Talk (Part 2)
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
Momo: That was “t(w)o…”, “Kiseki”, and “Eiensei Riron”! 
Momo: How was it, everyone? 
Audience: Kyaaaaa!
Yuki: Everyone’s excitement also warmed us up. Thank you. 
Momo: Yeah, yeah! It got as piping hot as the ozoni (1) Yuki made for the New Year! 
Yuki: You were even like “It’s hot!” Didn’t your tongue get burnt from it? 
Momo: I was totally fine! It was super delicious! And eating ozoni made by Yuki while getting to stare at his face……… It was the best way I could’ve ever started the New Year! 
Yuki: But wasn’t that the only thing that felt like New Year’s? Personally, I wanted to relish in the New Year feeling a bit more. 
Momo: Ahaha! It really did go by in a flash, huh! 
Momo: Work was fulfilling,  but I still wanted to enjoy even more things with Yuki, like seeing the first sunrise of the new year, going to the first shrine visit, and flying a kite! 
Yuki: So active….. 
Momo: It’s the first events of the New Year! We have to psyche ourselves up!
Yuki: I’d just like to relax under a kotatsu and eat mandarins with you, Momo. 
Yuki: Isn’t it a luxury to be able to spend time together, just the two of us, without worrying about being in the public eye? 
Momo: Uwahh….. W-well, I don’t want to give that up either….
Momo: Then, let’s start thinking now about how we want to spend next year together so we can both enjoy it to the fullest! 
Yuki: To the fullest, huh…… For example? 
Momo: Well, something like the first shrine visit? I haven’t really been able to do it recently. 
Momo: Wouldn’t it be fun to go out and countdown to the New Year, and then head straight over afterwards? 
Momo: Going to a shrine late at night has a unique ambience to it, plus getting to drink amazake (2) and enjoy the food stalls has a special and exciting feeling to it, too! 
Yuki: If only it wasn’t so cold and crowded.
Momo: Hahaha! I figured you’d say that! 
Yuki: Well, seeing you having fun would be cute so I’ll think about it. 
Momo: Yuki……! I’ll be sure to prepare a lot of body warmers and other countermeasures to fight the cold! 
Momo: What’s your ideal New Year’s like, Yuki? 
Yuki: Watch and I’ll recreate it right now.
Yuki: …………
Momo: Is it perhaps…. sleeping? 
Yuki: That’s right. 
Momo: You suddenly closed your eyes and I wondered what happened….?! Before I knew it there was a fan service shot! Let me prepare my heart! 
Momo: Nobody was ready for it, right?! 
Yuki: Then, one more time…. 
Audience: Kyaaaaaa! 
Momo: Haha! I’m ultra lucky to be able to see Yuki’s sleeping face twice!! 
Yuki: ….. When I closed my eyes I actually got a bit sleepy. 
Momo: EHhh?! 
Yuki: Fufu. Kidding. 
Yuki: On that note, it’s about time for our next song. 
Momo: Yeah! There’s still more of the show! We’ll make it so exciting that it will blow away all the sleepiness! 
Momo: “Re-raise”!
~End of Part 2.~
TL Notes: 
Ozoni is also referred to as “New Year mochi soup” and is often made with broth, vegetables, and mochi (rice cakes). 
Amazake is a sweet traditional drink in Japan made from rice. There are both alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions of it.
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ezlo-x · 1 year
hi...cmere if you want to hear my current thoughts of totk... (spoilers ahead ofc)
Hi :] so since everyone is taking a different path on playing this game this is what I have so far
Currently I have completed the tutorial section, have only Dragon Tears #1 and #2, and completed the Wind Temple
I wanted to write down my thoughts after I finished w the tutorial section but I was just so excited to play I just kept going until I finally decided to take a small break from playing the game for almost the entire day lol. ALSO I will include pics...in some parts
ANYWAYZ THE BEGINNING SECTION I NEED TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST CAUSE I WAS LOSING MY MIND ABT IT. So when Zelda explains how the "gloom" works I WAS JSUT "...that sounds like the Malice im my au HMMM NO WAY I PREDICTED THIS MY BRAIN HUGE" JNSDKJFNSD I liked that we get to see a little bit more of Zelda before she disappears but also! I liked how she is still prevalent in the story and aids Link at some point in the tutorial section. Also I just find it funny how she appears to people like ghosts knfgskng I know for sure that would be explained why later on.
Now to the tutorial, I had a lot of fun with the shrines better yet all the shrines in general have been super fun. None of them have been a drag to me I have a lot of fun especially that you have to use your arm abilities and that stuff never gets old to me. TBH THO there were a few moments when traveling around the island where my muscle memory is to press "x" to paraglide when I suddenly remembered I don't have the paraglider JFNGKDNF I was yearning for that paraglider.
Sorta of a side note I am really loving how npcs have more personality, like Purah and Robbie just radiate so much more as characters than in BotW. I am loving so far the new npcs it makes the world feel less empty.
Now...to the moment i've been waiting to talk abt. The Dragon tear memories
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My friends insisted to get the memories in order cause that would make me into an emotional wreck so I can't wait! <3
Now to Rito Village/Wind Temple. First of all, the Rito Theme when its in the blizzard got me a little emotional ngl. It might be cause Wind Waker was one for the first tloz games that i introduced myself to back when I was 14 and hearing it so desolate it almost got me. AND THEN SEEING THE KIDS ALL ON THEIR OWN OUGH (I want to know where's Kass tho...).
TULIN!!! Tulin is adorable idk I enjoyed his character how his stubbornness on doing things on his own was changed to teamwork makes the dream work arc idk it was cute. Teba not being present makes sense to me as he's the new Rito Elder and all. Glad the dude is not dead KJFNGKDJNF
Now the journey to the Wind Temple was so fun it was so fun like idk how to describe it. The ost was amazing especially when finally reaching the temple when you ascend high above the blizzard storm and then you glide down and UGH it was so amazing. The Wind Temple was just as fun it felt like your good old Zelda temple and I love that so much. THE BOSS AS WELL YOUR TYPICAL EVIL CRUSTACEAN WITH WINGS AND UGH!! I Love it I love it sm
NOW AT THE BEGINNING ENTERING THE WIND TEMPLE when the voice appeared, at first I thought it was Rauru. But then I took a second take and he sounded differently than Rauru and I said "oh is this the ancient champion?" AND I WAS RIGHT ITS THE WIND SAGE AND OH OH OH OK
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HONESTLY ok time to put my critical hat here. Im honestly not expecting anything crazy with Ganondorf like idk I am excited but at the same time I do have that worry in the back of my mind that he would be your typical evil villain. ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY HAVE SUCH A SOLID STORY WITH GOOD WORLD BUILD like I hope they don't blow it up. and ngl I kinda forgot abt Ganondor for a moment cause I've been so fixated over Sonia and Rauru KJNGDJKFNGKDFJ I CANT WAIT TO MEET THE FIRE SAGE THOUGH RAAHGHHGGHH AND THE ZONAI NEXT TO RAURU OUGH I FORGOT HER NAME BUT RAURU MENTIONS HER IN THE SECOND DRAGON TEAR MEMORY THATS HIS BIG SIS!!!!
One more thing I forgot to mention (theres so much stuff don't get me started to how much I love the depth) the soundtrack is phenomenal. When diving down from either the sky or to the depth it so pretty. And like I said the ost where thats building up when reaching the Wind Temple *chef's kiss* AND how the Wind Temple's theme mixes both Vah Medoh's theme (attacking and inside) and Rito Village. Reminding you what you're fighting for especially in Tulin's case
I am having a lot of fun with this game I am currently just wandering around in the Hebra region. ALSO NOW THAT I REMEMBER I WAS REALLY THROWN OFF BY THE SUBTLE CHANGES THE MAP HAS I STILL AM AND I GET IT for like ppl who played BotW make it feel completely different/new. Honestly its fun it feels like im exploring Hyrule for the first time again its nice <3
and that is all I have tbh I might disappear and come back w more ramblings. I want to say more but I don't want this post to be super long. The fact that I only got one Temple complete and two memories and I still have a lot more to do is so crazy to me
anywayz have some pitcures of Sonia and Rauru cause I love em very mucho <3
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j0ystix · 7 months
Masc BSD female character HCs!
I know some people don’t like masc version of BSD girls but I think they can be cute T^T
Masc Yosano:
- Has Tattoos but hides it very well. It’ll only be revealed at a beach episode, not even Fukuzawa was aware of it and only Ranpo knew
- Fem Yosano is called the Angel Of Death but Masc Yosano is called the “Unkillable soldier” I think it’s cool. Mori made 12 year old Yosano enter war and heal soldiers spontaneously on battling grounds. Yosano’s first tattoo was when he was 12. The other soldiers gave him a matching Raven tattoo on his collarbone. Hence, the raven symbolises camaraderie. It was also because the war was extremely violent and the soldiers were afraid that their bodies might get mutilated to become beyond unidentifiable after death therefore, the tattoos were identifiers for their families. This tattoo was a reminder to Yosano that he ABSOLUTELY cannot fail to heal his comrades
- He was given a butterfly clip to put over his chest rather than the normal butterfly hair clip
- Yosano was taught that he had to soldier on and stay strong and although he wanted to let his comrades die and stop healing them, he couldn’t bare losing his friends and seeing the tattoo become the only memory he has of them
- The soldiers spoke highly of Yosano because he’s a trained fighter as well hence, unkillable soldier
- Overtime, Yosano just got a bunch of tattoos for fun but it was mostly to cover up his scarring. He healed himself so many times that scars were left behind
- Yosano is handsome. DEFINITELY. Him and Dazai are ADA whores
- In general, Yosano is protective of all the girls in the ADA but he’s fully aware that they could protect themselves
- He respects women incredibly. If there was a crossover between genderbend BSD and normal BSD their interactions would be:
Masc Yosano : don’t worry, my subordinates are going to save us
Kajii: aren’t your agency mostly girls?
Masc Yosano : So? You’ve never met the women in my life. They can kick ass pretty well
- Yosano would bend down on one knee while the ADA girls seat on chairs whenever he talks to them (that one Nanami scene from JJK)
- I know Yosano is probably sadistic but i vision that he’s gentle with the girls. He might tease them a lot with sadistic remarks but he makes sure not to cause them pain. He only ever hurt his patients if they’re men because he finds it fun
(I know what you are Yosano. 👁️ 👁️)
- Yosano and Dazai are definitely fuck buddies. I don’t make the rules
Masc Kyōka:
- Quiet and expressionless like our normal Kyōka
- he has a very soft and feminine face so Mori would usually dress him up in kimonos to seduce the enemies
- likes bunnies and finds them cute, he’s not ashamed of that
- eats two times more than normal Kyōka does LOL rip Atsushi’s wallet
- Fukuzawa teaches him how to fight with a wooden sword in hopes of shaping Kyōka into a swordsmen
- Kyōka use to be scared of older women because of Akutagawa so he got a culture shock when he met Atsushi who’s so sweet and nice
- Kyōka sleeps in the closet while Atsushi sleeps on the futon!
- Kyōka passes by random hello Kitty stores and buy things for Atsushi (yes Fem Atsushi LOVES hello Kitty, she has a shrine of Hello Kitties at home)
- Yosano and Kyōka are very close! Yosano exercises with Kyōka every morning. Yosano was the one who taught Kyōka how to tie his tie, polish his shoe, shave his facial hair, fix a leaking pipe etc. THEY’RE SO CUTE I SWEAR.
- Kyōka learnt knitting for Atsushi
Masc Lucy:
- Definitely made Atsushi cry and regretted it afterwards
- Always screaming at people who block the entrance to the cafe
- The coffee owner loves him because he helps carry the heavy coffee bean bags
- has messy short hair with random short braids. He loves to braid hair
- gets into fights with Kyōka
- not a fighter but still an asset to the agency
- lowkey enemy to all women but not in a playboy manner, he’s just super mean to everyone, even girls
- went on a ‘date’ with Atsushi once and he showed up in T shirt and pants (horrifyingly)
- blushes and stutters lot around Atsushi
- Ever since he joined the coffee shop man and left the guild, he’s been putting more effort into his appearance like keeping his hair neat and trying to smile
- fishlens victim.
Masc Higuchi
- super skilled fighter but he’s actually clumsy. He would definitely pretend to dramatically faint in Gin’s arms
- hopeless romantic
- he dresses really well. Higuchi is actually really good looking at first glance but his obsession with Akutagawa and his clumsiness is a turn off for most women
- Initially, Higuchi was insecure that he was without ability which makes him “weaker” compared to Chuuya and Akutagawa(blah blah masculinity) and he often questions his place in the mafia but he soon accepted his circumstances and was proud to know strong ass women
- Higuchi is blunt but despite that, he’s a really good bodyguard and he has quite high battle iq but it can be overwhelmed by his impulsiveness. Mori offend reprimands him and tells him that he is holding himself back and he should start thinking rationally
- he’s the sweetest around Akutagawa, he would get her flowers, chocolates and everything but Akutagawa rejects his advances and gives the gifts to her brother
- Higuchi frequently has a mental breakdown when he loses in a monopoly game. He’s a tad bit crazy if I gotta be honest with you.
- Tachihara persuaded him to invest in stocks and he’s lowkey rich
- Higuchi is the type of man to wear wrongly paired socks and obliterate people in a dance off. Yes, Higuchi can dance
- Higuchi definitely does amateur Tarot reading HAHA IT’LL BE LIKE:
Higuchi : pick a card, Tachihara
tachihara : mmmkay. I got 7 hearts
Higuchi : this means that you’ll have 7 love interests awaiting you
Tachihara : REALLY
higuchi : either that or I swapped my tarot cards with Hirotsu’s poker cards hm…
Masc Gin:
- HOTTEST MAN YOU’LL EVER MEET. He’s so good looking that he attracts both the she’s he’s and they’s.
- of course he’s a strong fighter and assassin but he absolutely refuses to kill younger girls because they remind him too much of his older sister (Fem Akutagawa is small and scrawny so she looks like the younger sibling) Gin is very protective of his sister. Instead, once, when the city was under attack, Gin found a lost young girl crying for her brother so Gin took care of her until he found her family.
- If male Akutagawa met him, he would adore him
- Gin has a very low deep voice but he rarely talks too
- Gin buys cute things for his sister but Akutagawa never appreciates it. Gin would buy Sanrio keychains, dresses, shoes, jewellery and chocolate but Akutagawa doesn’t like it. Gin feels lost sometimes, he just wanted to buy a gift his sister would like
- Gin would comb his sister’s hair whenever she’s feeling unwell and tell her that she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever met then Akutagawa would roll her eyes in response
- Akutagawa was the one who took care of them when they lived in the slums. Gin always felt indebted to his sister because his sister endured a lot for him
- One time, Akutagawa REALLY wanted this limited edition earrings because she saw Dazai wearing them but they were out of stock in Yokohama. She was upset but she didn’t show it yet Gin knew so Gin travelled to Osaka just to find it for her
- Gin doesn’t entertain girls who have a crush on him. He doesn’t care much for girls but he still blushes when he finds out someone was interested in him
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1hellofacookie · 2 months
I may have said this on here before but
so many issues of Totk would have been fixed had they just sent Link to the past.
It would have given us the chance to experience a Hyrule that is still the same but also very different in certain spots and it would've made sense. It would've been so interesting to explore the old buildings and structures, and see how the land evolved and changed, how the flow of time affected it.
The lack of Sheikah tech would've made sense as well as the abundance of new monsters.
We also could have gotten a story that finally unfolds alongside the player, where your progression actually has an effect on the world.
We could have gotten a variety of new armor/clothing and weapons.
I think instead of the focus on the depths it would have been so much more fun had the world changed more. The depths are too huge, empty and dark to be interesting and to feel rewarding instead of like a chore. Like, keep some caves here and there, put some cool rewards in them, or a side quest/puzzle (and not a fucking shrine, for the love of Hylia, please) to make them worth exploring and maybe keep the "depths" or part of them exclusively for dungeons and similar shit.
For example, the water temple lead up?? That massive cave had so much potential! it would have been so great if something in there had been the water temple.
Also put that shit from the 2019 announcement trailer under Hyrule castle (or whatever would be there), that woulda been sick.
Doing this would help making the depths and caves or any underground location feel special and not overwhelming.
The issue lies heavily in the emptiness of every vast space in Totk. Rewards were scarce in Botw, but in tears they're practically non-existent. In Botw you'd find a chest in the weirdest places and they'd have a weapon or another useful thing in them, but in Tears, if you do find a chest, theres rarely ever something of value in them. It robs you of any patience to explore since it makes you feel like it's pointless, because you either don't find anything at all, or nothing useful.
The sky islands are honestly super pretty, I absolutely love the aesthetics, and I wish we had gotten more of the ones like the Great Sky Island and not just copy pasted shit.
Nevertheless, the story would still need a lot of fixing (I don't particularly like the Zonai as they are in Tears) and also please ffs get rid of the hot glue, I think its an awful game mechanic, giving the player too much freedom for their own good and its honestly just kinda ugly.
anyways, I had a point when I started this post, I may have kinda lost it due to too many tangents, but please take what it is so far and any other additional reblogs
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bionicghost · 9 months
My theory and analysis for simon and his plotline in fionna and cake (under the cut)
Looking at that whole bit at the end of the episode where he’s trying to get Betty back. I mean first of all such a parallel to when Betty had Magic Man’s hat and tried to do some magic summoning bizz on ice king because being with him like this was “living life in a fun house mirror” which incredibly similar to the clips and magic taboo shit simon is doing especially with the encirideon and the fact that he spends the whole episode wanting his old life back and wanting to be with Betty again. They’re doomed lovers!! Constantly trying to find their way back to each other but they can only do so at the cost of themselves.. can never be together.
Evil choose goose from the pep butt special episode was so funny. Simon really went off the rails and just decided to kidnap him for a magical conduit. The freaking shrine with golb lol. Simon and Betty are such mad scientist x mad scientist. I’m wondering if evil choose goose mentioning fiona and cake is what caused that connection, or if it was just echoing what’s been on Simon’s mind this whole time that he’s been “back.” Fionna and cake did mention that statue has been there for 12 years, the amount of time he’s been Simon.
The way he says to golb “find me a path” to Betty and is trying to arrange the pieces - he thinks he’s failed because choose goose interrupted. However, theorizing that the way back to Betty is through his own mindscape. Fionna and cake’s world is clearly a creation of his own headspace. The way Cake pops out of the back of his head like that. The ice symbolism and the ice prince in fiona/cake’s dream. The statue of Betty, the characters we all know put into Fiona and Cake’s world, THE CHEERS THEME, the 20th century, all echoes of Simon’s old life and of the story of Fionna and Cake.
So curious if this series is going to end with him being successful and finding Betty or if its going to be more about getting closure and moving on. Clearly it hasn’t worked in the past when Betty and Simon have tried to manipulate the universe under any means to get to each other. I could see the story with Fionna and Cake being more like a Simon wishing he was in her world, her wishing she was in his, they realize what they’d miss if they were switched, then see they have to move on and make their own reality work. Or maybe they will just work together to change their realities and Simon will get to be with Betty and Fionna will get magic. I feel like it’ll be a tricky thing to pull off though without undoing the narrative adventure time has been working on for a long time.
Honestly so happy that they’re doing this series because the end of adventure time was so open ended. It was clear the story wasn’t over yet, as ice king/simon were never wanting to just be a human again in OOO. Marceline and Bonnie spent all this time being friends with ice king and getting use to where he was in the world. In many ways, Simon was happier that way as well, he mentions that in the second episode. If he was ice king, he’d feel like he was still part of the magical world. As Simon, he only feels like he’ll be happy in his old life (with Betty). Also at the end of adventure time, Betty just being trapped forever felt super unsatisfying, especially with how much her character develops in the search for Simon. I feel like this season will really give some closure there.
And of course just more time to develop and show Bubbline and Gary + Marshall Lee!! The original series was robbed of being able to show full gay content. We’re all living our best lives being able to see them happy! Excited for the potential slow burn Gary/Marshall Lee and seeing that develop, as that’s not something we got with Bubbline.
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peachdues · 4 months
Hi Peach!
I have been trying to spend less time on Tumblr right now but I got some very bad family news and decided to treat myself to your blog and I’m really cheered up!
That teaser you posted and the fact we are getting a super emotional reunion✨second time✨ in TGW as well as a ✨first time✨ before we get to the aftermath of Tengen’s spicy lessons. Thank you for the meal
‘You’ve no idea, while I was gone I thought endlessly of you’ - I’m sorry it’s so emotional I won’t be able to take it I love him so much 😭
This may be spoiler territory (if it is tell me to shooosh) but will we see any of Giyuu’s POV thinking about reader in the infinity castle? 👀👀
AND NETHERWOOD Sanemi j*rking off and you saying we will be mad at him, reader about to leave him to go to a new village my heart is breaking, Peach you are such an awesome write - I’m still having fun trying to decipher your teaser images btw.
I was wondering between Kanae and Reader did Nemi have other girlfriends in between as he is super experienced with women
I know your inbox is sky high and even if you just see this message, I’ve seen that you’re struggling with your depression a lot recently, I hope you’re doing alright and taking time for yourself, doing what makes you happy and what helps clear your mind ❤️
(PS died when you mentioned Seelie Kyojuro as I am from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿)
Hello my love!! I adore seeing you in my inbox, always!
I’m so sorry you’re going through a rough time right now. I really hope you’re able to take some time and get some rest and indulge in a bit of self care. I’m sending you lots of hugs, and since you’re in Scotland, some tea as well. I’m partial to crumpets so if you like them, I how you get to eat them however you like them! (I’m a slather it in butter girl myself)
As for TGW — hehehehehe I’m so glad you enjoyed the teaser!! TGW has been a lot of fun to write (even if I have to stop and research some new historical fact every two seconds). Sam said it reads more like a romance story (a smutty one ofc) and that makes me happy since that’s relatively new territory to me.
As for a Giyuu Infinity Castle POV — as of right now, I don’t have plans for one! There is a brief POV from him in a flashback from the night of his and Reader’s ✨first time✨ that will appear in Part II. The first time scene occurs during the Hashira training arc/right before infinity castle begins, so you will see a certain sun breather trying to get Giyuu to train with him as he makes his way toward the shrine to see his girl and pop her cherry
As for Netherwood…
I will say, I know I have y’all stressed but many of you all commented on the strength of Sanemi and Reader’s love in Part III — just remember that! And remember how hard they both fought to get back to one another. That matters!
Regarding whether Sanemi had any “girlfriends” between Kanae and Reader — I’m not so sure he did. One, because he was pretty isolated in the Wood at his cabin, guiding strangers. Two, I think his “experience” is probably less than you’re thinking — he might not have been a virgin but he also wasn’t a sex god by any means. Reader has no experience prior to Sanemi, so I imagine she’s a bit biased when it comes to him — it probably seems like he’s much more experienced than she is by comparison. I think he knows enough about the mechanics and then just goes by pure instinct.
I’ve joked with a couple of mutuals that were she to talk to Kotoha she’d probably be like “what do you MEAN it’s not normal for your partner to have a knot?? How else does he keep all that cum insane??”
Thank you for the kind message, my friend!! I love when you all pop in and ask questions about the fics or even share your reactions. It truly makes my day. And thank you for checking in! Depression has been a bitch lately but I’m focusing on trying to make it MY bitch.
Please take care of yourself! I’m sending love and light your way.
PS — my head refers to you as my “Bublé” anon — like Michael Bublé.
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theyanderespecialist · 3 months
Yandere Chizuru X Darling Orihime: Roommates~ (Headcanons/Scenario) (Bleach)
And They were Roommates~ 
Sorry this was asked off of Tumblr, and they said that they are college SO YES THEY ARE ADULTS!!! 
This is if they became roommates~ So I had to add the meme XD) 
[HELLO, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with this as I said before and here we are time for some girl-on-girl action with the very at least headcanons and maybe a scenario! Please enjoy this chapter!] 
(Disclaimer: Chizuru is not yandere in canon, and Chizuru and Orihime are not a canon couple. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for and Shipping Characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Headcanons With Yandere Chizuru X Darling Orihime from Bleach-
.Chizuru has been obsessed with Orihime since high school. 
.She knew that Orihime was the one for her, and spent high school flirting with her and hitting on her. 
.She did not care how much Tatsuki beat her up. 
.She was a relentless yandere who never gave up her interest in her. 
.She also is a bit of a stalker. 
.And when she became Orihime's roommate she felt like she was even more in love. 
.She was able to be close to her, Orihime, and have a life with her. 
.When the power goes out able to snuggle with her, resting her face in Orihime's boobs. 
.She would keep an eye on Orihime so she did not end up with anyone else there. 
Is a very super clingy yandere for sure. 
.Will sniff Orihime's panties 
.Will steal stuff from Orihime to put in her shrine. 
.And has a shrine of her obsessive love for Orihime 
.Confesses while they are drunk and makes out with marie if she accepts her love. 
.If Orihime does not accept her love she will play it off as being silly when drunk and continue to want Orihime in silence. 
.If she does accept her love, they will make love all night and all day, cause man oh man she cannot get enough of Orihime once she has a taste. 
.She loves Orihime's boobs. 
.She also probably has a kink if Orihime was actually lactating. 
(Now here is the Scenario) 
(Chizuru) (And They Were Roommates~) 
(Chizuru's POV) 
She is so beautiful, we have moved in together for 6 months now. I fell even more in love with her~ She is so perfect and I want a life with her. We are drinking as we past our mid-term exams. 
"Here is to us!" She gushed holding up her bottle of Saki, her cheeks a bright pink. 
I lift my bottle of Saki to her as well and we cheer. "To us!" I giggle out and we down our drinks. 
"Hey, Chizuru..." She says slowly leaning over next to me. "What do you think of me~" 
I blush as I can see down her shirt and bra and there are her breasts. I blush even more. 
"What do you mean, hime?" I ask her. 
"Well, you always say how attracted you are to me~ Do you mean it or are you just horny~" She presses. 
I put down my drink and take her face in my hands kissing her, chaste at first but then more intense and she kisses back. 
"I am in love with you~ I am obsessed with you~ I know you are mine~," I say confessing my feelings. 
Orihime then yawns and falls face-first in my lap. I tense and see she passed out. She may not remember this, but I will make sure to show her that she is mine, I rather die than let ANYONE steal her away from me~ She belongs to me and me alone. 
"I will tell you I love you later, and then I will chain you to the bed and make you love me~" I promise and stroke her hair~ 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy, All of My Sexy Muffins!] 
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datesinredink · 3 months
Yan valkyrie(ensemble stars) x reader who designs characters. Specifically shu, because they would totally design outfits together.
Not gonna lie when I first read this ask I misread and thought you wanted a darling who designed OUTFITS because I was kinda tired, but upon rereading I quickly became very excited because I’ve actually designed characters for a school play before!!! This was fun to write, thanks for the request!
Yandere Valkyrie x reader who designs characters
He’s really curious! He thinks what you do is super interesting!
Now I think both Shu and Mika would help design characters with you (specifically the outfits), but the kinds of designs they do well with are likely fairly different even with some overlap because of how long they’ve worked together and grown with each other. Mika probably does better with brighter, contrasting colors- his fs1 and 2, both of which I think he designed himself (though I could be wrong about his fs2, I know for a fact he made his fs1) he makes use of bright color combinations that Shu tends not to (though you can correct me if i’m wrong) like the orange/teal combo on his fs1 and the purple/teal combo on his fs2, though admittedly it’s less noticeable there because they’re more evenly blended together. His fs2 also has plenty of brightly colored accessories, like the paperclips, gems and gummy bears. Overall, he seems really good at designing things with lots of colors/patterns that usually come off as strange to most people.
Moving on from the impromptu short outfit analysis, he’s gonna try to use this somewhat shared hobby of yours to try and get closer- what do you expect. He’ll ask a lot of questions about what your thought process was, and probably start incorporating any kind of advice or methods from you into his work.
It’s been mentioned in the enstars stories that Mika likes horror, so he’ll be particularly excited if you usually design horror characters, maybe even a couple of monster designs, and he might even try to help out- both to improve his skill in designing and to spend time with you.
He already would’ve asked for your input whenever he was designing outfits even if you didn’t do character design, because he asks for your input on almost everything he does (almost like an uncannily clingy puppy), but since you DO like costume/character design, he asks for your opinion twice the amount he would’ve- good luck honestly, I think I’d go crazy.
Takes everything you say about his designs to heart and works your advice into the outfit he’s working on to the absolute best of his ability even if it was just an offhanded comment without a lot of thought put into it.
You’re his darling! His inspiration! Of course he takes your opinions seriously!
Design something specifically for him and he’s absolutely over the moon- his darling designed something for him!
Hope you know how to take a compliment… or a tsunami of them.
Goes over every detail in it at least 5 times and probably puts it in a shrine somewhere- and yes I do think he’s the type to keep a shrine of his darling.
Definitely makes a couple of designs for you, and makes a few into actual outfits when he has the time, adding whatever accessories were part of the original sketch as well
His designs tend to be a sort of fusion between yours and his aesthetics- teal butterflies and ragged teddy bears intertwined with whatever you like.
He might try making matching outfits or accessories for you and him! He thinks it makes you two look like a couple, even though you aren’t dating yet.
I don’t think Mika currently makes characters in canon, just outfits, but he’ll probably start coming up with a few so he has more stuff to talk about with you and bond over.
Please, please him for his work! It would mean the world to him! He just wants your attention…
He probably also thinks what you do is interesting, but obsesses over it to a lesser degree than Mika.
He’ll definitely do better helping with any fantasy/royal/generally fancy designs. He uses lots of a red-ish maroon-ish color in the Valkyrie stage outfits and his winter/fall casual outfit, and a general red in his fs1, so it seems like he’s more comfortable using shades of red in outfits. There are also a decent amount of intricate details in what I assume are the stage outfits for Valkyrie, for example the Acanthe outfit alone looks like it would’ve been hell to make (though I don’t have any experience with making outfits right now, check back in a couple years and I’ll probably be able to confirm) due to all the lace and frilly wavy details- I don’t know how he keeps his sanity together at all honestly. Of course, he also does well with steampunk aesthetics, as seen in, once again, the Valkyrie stage outfits as well as the steampunk outfits for Valkyrie that you can buy in game.
Anyway, he’ll ask if he can make some of the outfits you came up with, and if you let him, he’ll spare no effort making sure it’s perfect. After all, it’s for his beloved muse!
I’m sorry if you really hate standing around and being examined for long periods of time, because you’re gonna have to do a LOT of modeling for it- there’s gonna be a lot of adjustments to how it fits you so hopefully you can entertain yourself without losing your mind.
I also hope you don’t have much planned for a while during this process, because he won’t let you leave while he’s working on the outfit and having you model it. Say goodbye to the plans you made with your friends, because Shu expects you to stay with him throughout the whole process of sewing your design, and he isn't willing to let you say no.
That aside, he definitely knows a lot about clothes and fabrics, so he’s really useful for pointing that kind of stuff out. Also since he’s gonna end up making a few of your designs, you’ll be able to take a picture of yourself for reference in whatever pose you’re trying to draw the character in! That’s a pretty good deal if I say so! (then again I’m also terrible at imagining how clothes fold so I might be a little biased)
He’ll also offer plenty of constructive criticism, and it’s nice to have an honest, structured opinion of your work rather than nothing at all, even if he does tend to be a little harsh about it. After all, it is Shu, even if he is obsessed with you- don't expect him to do a full 180 in his treatment of you.
Will probably end up flipping through your sketchbook for inspiration to use in his designs, whether you give him permission or not. He just has to know what aesthetics appeal to you, what colors you prefer, your favorite types of clothing… then a while later he gives you an outfit totally tailored to your tastes and while he talks about his thought process while making it, you have to wonder how he figured out so many of your preferences. oh well, he’s always been observant. Maybe you just mentioned most of it offhandedly at one point at one point and just didn't remember..
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
I am not okay.
Alright. One last ride. How do we do this?
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Information that the Elder Mist probably could have just given us himself. Garl got it from a vision that Elder Mist's spring gave him. But if Elder Mist told us, then there wouldn't be a reason for Garl to use Borrowed Time.
The prophecy isn't for achieving the goal. It's for us. It's using him as a superfluous exposition vessel so that we can have one last ride with our bestie. T-T
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Of course, Serai still has portals galore and we just established that she can use them to cross the globe; Between that and the Torment portal, there doesn't seem to be much limiting her in terms of size, distance, or duration. But we'll ignore that.
Maybe it's personal. For a whatever she is, asking to use her portal could be like asking someone to take their pants off. It might be a more intimate request than it seems. Who knows?
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What, again? We were already so far behind on figuring this shit out that the Oracle of Tides made fun of us for it.
*sigh* We really are the remedial course of legendary super-warriors, aren't we?
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Yeah, the Sky Bridge or Sky Shrine or something. I found it while I was faffing about but there wasn't anything to do there. If up is where we need to go, then that seems like our best ticket to the sky.
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Is there a bridge? Is there a lever on the other side that can send over a bridge? Because one of us can portal and hit the lever, if there is. Or one of us can turn into a huge bird and hit the lever. Either way, we have options to send individual members of the group across; We's just lacking a way to get the whole group over there.
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My prophecy did say I can make paths across water. That's been bugging me, since all I did was take a swing at Fleshy, then turn into a glow-ball and fly. Both satisfying experiences but neither really counts as "making paths across water".
But maybe this is my time.
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The Versus community is going to lose their fucking minds.
Well, actually, they've probably already calc'd me at Solar System level via a disingenuous estimate of me moving the moon around, as if I were doing that with my bare hands.
Point is, I'm really cool and we should all shower me with praise. That's the point. I am ready to accept your praise.
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Yes. Yeees. Feed the ego.
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That is definitely a teleporter. We must be getting close because you don't enter the Kingdom of Zeal until the last third of the game.
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I wonder what keeps these chunks of earth aloft. Is it the spiral pattern? I bet it's the spiral pattern. There's probably some kind of... inherent mysticism in....
That's stupid. I'll just ask Teaks when I get a chance.
In any case, I guess we're here to get somebody's permission to cross the Sea of Stars. Let's get to work.
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I did, yes. I'm not 100% sure that Luana reincarnated into me but I'm willing to create that as dogma. Or, like, maybe I'm a timeline variant of her. I don't know, but I am eager to get that rumor started.
Also, you are way too huge. Could you. Like. Be less huge? These platforms must be tiny for a person of your size. Y'all must have incredible nimbleness to be comfortable walking around on these tiny little stepping stones.
Like mountain goats.
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This inn is like a closet for you. How do you people live like this?
You have a Wheels table. How do you even see the dials? Your ridiculous size is so incongruent to the layout of your city! How did this happen!?
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Alright, team. Here's the plan:
Garl's in charge. He's making the plans. I've got nothing. I barely even know what we're doing here.
The important thing is that we stay on-task so that Garl's enchantment doesn't wear off. But also that we take our sweet time carrying out our task so that we can maximize the amount of time we have left with our dear friend.
Think of this like a contract assignment with an hourly wage. As long as we're working on the job, we keep getting paid until the moment it's done. But there's no clear deadline for when that has to be, so sandbag it.
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italeean · 10 months
Kyaaa! I wanted to join the event! Happy for your milestone! Just use y/n, I'm a male (I'm introverted, passionate with drawing, gaming, traveling, and photography. Tbh I really wanted to have a proper handsome male friend lol (yes I'm gay in a conservative country, so I haven't come out yet and most of my friends are girls, because I'm too shy to make friends with handsome/cool/popular guys (but I really wanted to secretly lol, that's why I used tumblr to "create my fantasy" *sob*)) I'm a lee, prefers platonic (with a hint of romantic), and I wanted to be match with male characters hehe~ The fandom is... Haikyuu!!
Not really into feet/palm tickles :3 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Helloooo 😸 thank you so much for participating in the event! I matched you up with one of my faves, and I hadn't written about him in a long time, so it was really fun for me! I hope you'll enjoy it, too! ❤️🍡 *some dango to eat while enjoying my work*
🔮 For this event, your match-up is... AKAASHI
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
• Did you say "handsome" in your request??? Just... look at him • He's a very caring and nurturing person, so I think he would be the perfect friend for you • I can see you having quiet hangouts... like... you have your fun but without being all over the place • He'd probably bring you along to his volleyball practice at Fukurodani, which means you'd meet Bokuto (WAAAH LUCKY YOU-) • After a while, Bokuto would start messing with you, even by tickling you, but Akaashi would always keep an eye on the situation, ready to rescue you if the need comes • He also watches over you because je enjoys your carefree laughter... he could probably write a collection of poems about it • He would probably have to fight his own shyness to ask you out, and it would probably surprise you how flustered he can get despite his calm and collected behavior • He would be super interested in watching all your photography works and drawings, and he'd probably give you a honest review as well • I see him as a fan of cuddly tickles, bedtime tickles or wake-up tickles... I can honestly picture you and him in any kind of cozy scenario, but that doesn't mean he's against playful tickles • Akaashi probably likes being taken care of. You know, he's the responsible one in the team, so it would be nice for him to have someone to pamper and cuddle him a little sometimes • He'd be into gaming with you, and he probably learned a thing or two from Kenma so you'll have a big challenge if you play against him • As an introvert, he understands how tiring it can be to have interactions sometimes, so he'd be super patient and supportive all the time... he's honestly an angel!
🔮 Tickle scenario
"EEK!! Akaashi nooo yohou meanie..!" You squeaked as two fingers jabbed your sides, making you jump and mess up the photo you were taking. "You should stop being so ticklish if you want me to stop." The setter smirked smugly. "And how am I supposed to do that, huh?" You pouted and crossed your arms.
Akaashi chuckled and kissed your forehead. "You probably can't... and I like it that way." Him and you were very close friends, so him kissing your forehead wasn't something so unusual, although lately you had started feeling some sort of tension whenever you two were being affectionate with each other.
You had to thank Yuki, Fukurodani's volleyball team manager, for introducing him to you. Akaashi was making a presentation for his history class about a nearby shrine and he wanted a nice photo of it for the first slide, so the manager, who was friends with you, immediately thought of you and got you two in touch.
You were immediately amazed by Akaashi demeanor, his quiet personality, his responsible and sensible attitude, his introverted-yet-kind demeanor... and you had to admit, he was pretty handsome. Little did you know that the ravenhead admired you a lot as well... But he was a year older than you, so you would've never met without Yuki.
Thank you, Yuki... and thank you, history class...
That day you wanted to take some pictures just for fun and show them to the next reunion of the photography club, and you invited Akaashi to accompany you... but that day he was clearly feeling mischievous because he randomly attacked you with tickles whenever he had the chance. A jab to your sides, a poke to your ribs, a squeeze to your hips, a scribble under your arms... And all of that while you were trying to take pictures!
Eventually you managed to photograph everything you wanted, so you put your equipment away and spread out a big blanket for you and Akaashi to sit on while munching on some delicious onigiri.
"So... what's up with you today?" You inquired while taking another bite of that tasty treat. "What do you mean?" The ravenhead asked back with an expression that made you sure he knew what you meant. "You've been distracted me the whole time..!" You whined not without a bit of embarrassment.
"Distracted..? Oh, you meant tickled! Was it really so distracting?" He asked again, with the clear intention to tease. "Yes..!" You pulled out your digital camera, "Look at these pics! They're all blurry..!" You scolded him with no genuine anger in your voice.
"But I like this blurry style... maybe you'll create a new trend~" Akaashi suggested, unable to hold back some snickers. "I'll show you a new trend!" You yelled while putting away your camera, and then pounced on him... but alas, he was stronger than you, which you should've known since you were in the photography club and he was in a sports club.
He effortlessly wrapped you up in a hug, with your back touching his chest, and started squeezing you left side while the other hand kept both of your own pinned to your chest. "What where you trying to do, huh?" He teased while attacking your poor side with no mercy. "Ihihi wantehehed toho gehehehet revehehehengeee" You talked back between your giggles. "Getting revenge when you're this ticklish? I thought you knew better..." Your senpai tsk-ed while going to town on your helpless tummy.
"Ihihi dihihidn't thihihink yohou werehehe thihihis strohohong..!" You complained without consideration that your word choice wasn't exactly ideal, consideration your situation.
"Are you calling me weak? Let's see how you like this then!" His hand reached your death spot and tickled it with no mercy, never letting you get used to the sensation. "BAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOOO AKAHAHAASHI STAHAHAHAP!!!" As soon as he heard the word 'stop' coming out of your mouth, he stopped and handed you some water, then you two enjoyed the rest of that relaxing afternoon together.
In the evening, the setter walked you home, and even gave you a forehead kiss as a goodbye, but you didn't expect him stopping you by grabbing the sleeve of your shirt, with a faint blush on his handsome face.
"So... I was wondering... are you free for a coffee tomorrow... not as friends..?"
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desultory-novice · 1 year
what you think about a Kirby game resembling BOTW/TOTK?
A open world Kirby game with inventory (collecting copy ability’s to use later),sides quest,skins (like the masks or armors of the spin-offs) challenges (like the ones in the forgotten land or the shrines of BOTW) and lots of collectibles
I once had a idea for the story of a game like that, the villains are all new species so all the old enemies (waddle dees,Bonkers,chilly,sword knights,etc etc etc) are the npcs you have to help. It would give a chance for the old enemies to regain that status of relevance they have kinda lost through the years and it would also help with how all the games are about dreamland getting invaded but half of the enemies are classic enemies from dreamland so I usually don’t get the “they’re invading dreamland” feeling but more like “they’re invading dreamland but for some reason the habitants of dreamland are stepping in Kirby’s way”
BOTW/TOTK had thousands of NPC’s with fun personality’s, many villages,wandering travelers and many more places so It would help to make dreamland feel more alive (also imagine the fanfic possibilities giving about making villages and city’s for the characters to be in like cappy town but with more species than cappy’s and with more original designs like waddle dee town, because I always felt weird about how all the characters seem to not even have a house and how they are just hanging out in the middle of nowhere), and exploring dreamland in a 3D game sounds like fun
I'm so sorry! I thought I'd already answered this one?!?
...What would I think?
I would LOVE it!
Now, blah blah blah, I don't necessarily think it's healthy for the game industry if everyone just on continues to copy BotW's style, especially if a number of Nintendo franchises start doing that, but TotK was SUCH a great time with the new mechanics and gameplay options! (Well, outside of THOSE certain Korok videos...)
Maybe I'm missing something (I, err, don't play as many games as I used to... Adulting...) but the way building and exploration were threaded into BotW's open world was so imaginative!
Rather than this just being a TotK praise fest though, I want to highlight something in Kirby that doesn't get talked about too. At least, as much as it should, and that's how great the level design/aesthetics are, almost across the board!
I'm sure people have seen their fair share of asset-flip games and in some cases, even the "beautiful (generic) semi-medieval landscape" is starting to feel played out. Whether it's so realistic you can count the blades of grass or totally toon-shaded just like my shows. We've seen them ALL dozens and dozens of times.
But Kirby's art direction... Sometimes, yeah, it's simple checkboard grass and whatever those weird cookies in the ground are, but you can't tell me you haven't you ever wanted to break past the stage boundaries and explore the world beyond at some point! (Literally people did this with FL's hammer exploit before it was patched!) Everywhere from PR's innovative mechanized landscapes to RtDL's storybook locales to Super Star's dreamlike vistas!
The good thing too is that so many of these beautiful scapes are made of very simple building blocks, so the environment-heavy gameplay of TotK would be a great fit! (Not to mention having a few more subsystems worked in naturally the way BotW did it. Fishing in FL was fun, but to see it expanded? To be able to fish wherever?!)
And the colonies of different Popstarians you mentioned would be a great way to naturally expand on the groundwork of Waddle Dee Town and Merry Magoland.  Helping a group of Noddies get some sleep? Working with Bonkers to clear new paths? Settling a dispute between the Fire Leos and Chillies? These kinds of open world subquests would be great for what I was talking about in my un-loved character post. Fleshing out some of Kirby's oldest cast staples! Yes, you nailed it completely!
And oh my gosh, the "Popstar gets invaded by an alien force but for some reason, you're still fighting Popstarians?" So.much.this.
I mean, okay, I think they probably did try to have some implied logic behind that in games like PR (if everyone's been mechanized, who knows how much control they have over their actions. Plus, plenty enemies were just doing things like "going to work") and Star Allies (you can blame a bunch of that on the Jamba Heart making everyone who wasn't already taken in by the Jamba group crazy. I feel like the novel did the same thing?) Same with Elfilis brainwashing people in Forgotten Land. You can read that into a couple of characters, at least. (Wild Edge, Frosty, Bonkers...)
But it does stand out a little with the earlier games like Triple Deluxe and Return to Dream Land, especially when you go back to them.
(Although I get the strange feeling it may have been written (??) somewhere that everyone in Popstar is SO laid back and easy-going, if they see adventure they just sort of... join in on it?? Like they might start climbing the Dreamstalk just because "...it's there" or go after Sphere Parts because "Hey, everyone else is doing it I guess?" and that's how they end up getting in the way/being enemies?)
Dess is someone who sees the "adventure" part of the game as light-hearted enough (because it's not like Kirby hurts anyone) that I don't get too shaken up if Waddle Dees et al remain as stage fodder going forward, but I understand those that want their longtime friends to stay as friends, not baddies!
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