#the sacred cards
thewittyphantom · 2 years
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This is giving me Forbidden Memories, Sacred Cards, and Nightmare Troubadour flashbacks XD At least this time he’s on our side.
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ploppymeep · 2 years
everyday i log onto tumblr and instagram and i’m like “they don’t know i run a ryou quote bot on twitter”
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thesirencult · 5 months
Pick A Card : Your Inner Goddess
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"How would you behave if you knew you were a God or Goddess? How would you treat yourself, how would you treat others? What kind of consciousness would you hold about your smallest actions if you knew their effects influenced the rest of creation? If your awakenings could bring joy to the multitudes? What kind of mindfulness would that inspire?"
- Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self
Within each woman there lies a Goddess. Within you there lies a force to be reckoned with.
She awaits the moment you find her and she awakes.
Take the messages with a grain of salt. First and foremost trust your intuition and your inner Goddess...
Within each pile you will find what your inner goddess craves, how you can service her and what's holding her back.
Pile 1
The Hierophant, The Sun, The Empress
Your inner Goddess is craving warmth and care. A daring little lady she is. She reminds me of P!nk in the music video of U+Ur Hand.
She is sitting pretty with her book and she is not easily impressed. Maybe because she can do EVERYTHING she puts her heart and soul into. Very wise and commanding, yet feminine and seductive.
Your inner Goddess wants you to realize that you deserve abundance and happiness. You need to work on your Solar Plexus. I get that I should also talk to you about your adrenals. You have been hustling for a long time and the Goddess wants you to sit your pretty booty down and take a moment to breathe and realize that you are right on time. Go get it panther!
Pile 2
The Fool, The Star
Wow. This is a very airy energy. Your inner Goddess is here to see and experience everything. She loves being vulnerable and wants to push you out of your comfort zone.
She dares to dream about a better future and she wants to tell you that if you don't dream it and belive it you mights as well not even try.
Just do it, she says, and dives straight out the cliff. She always manages to survive and those negative voices feel jealous that the "naive" Goddess makes the best decisions right on the spot. Trust your intuition and inner Wisdom.
Pile 3
3 Of Cups, The Star, 10 Of Swords, Queen Of Wands
I don't know why, but your inner Goddess gives me "black cat energy" or Scorpio energy. She is that seductive voice that whispers "do it now, analyze it later".
She is affectionate and loves a good foot rub. Your inner Goddess has been through it. She has been accompanying you for SEVERAL lifetimes and she could have been the black cat to your Cleopatra back in ancient Egypt.
I feel like we should not play around with this one cause she might whip us up. Lol. Your inner Goddess comes out during "playtime" if you know what I mean. Look at your Lilith cause she is a lot like that placement in your chart. Alien yet homely. She can be either a storm or a beautiful river. Beware, she scratches anyone that dares hurt you. Payback's a bitch, so is Mrs. Catwoman here.
P.S. Get that sexy leather bra and that rose tattoo. Tie up your man/woman and have fun ! xoxo.
Pile 4
4 Of Cups, The Chariot
Hello brat! No worries, we can all be brats sometimes *wink,wink*.
Little lady, your inner Goddess is FED UP. She is a go getter and she is done watching you be a pessimist. She wants you to get some fuel into this fire.
Your Venus sign can be indicative of what your inner Goddess is like. She is pretty private and this can indicate issues with how you express her energy. All in all, she comes up when you think of what makes you grateful ! Feed her!
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littleflowerfaith · 1 year
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Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 months
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🪷Sacred Lotus Within You ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than what you are now.’
‘I don’t wanna be more! I like who I am.’
‘You don’t even know who you are.’
‘What do you— Of course I do; I’m the Dragon Warrior!’
‘And what exactly does that mean—Dragon Warrior?’
—  Po and Shifu’s conversation from Kung Fu Panda 3
SONG: Pure Imagination by Gene Wilder
MOVIE: Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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A hard Life is not always a divine punishment of sort⛈More often than not, the Universe’s most advanced Souls choose to be born—as Humans—into much sorrow and a perceived sense of limitation just for the joy of experiencing a personal breakthrough out of a cycle of—both—good and bad Karma🍄
Seen from a Soul’s perspective, all events in this mortal world are just drama. drama. drama~🎭It’s so exciting to co-Create massive stories with other Souls in this theatre of the Universe🎪This Play in itself, a spiritual evolution of sort for all beings of Love and Light🩰
This world is at best the dream of a Butterfly🦋Have fun; and have faith that in time all things bloom magnificently like a Sacred Lotus emerging from the mud🪷Ultimately, all of us, we bring with us only memories of our lifetimes when we are done playing our roles in this Grand Experiment of a Cosmic Drama💫
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Pile 1 – Peace Maker
VIBE: Master Shifu asking Po to teach him inner peace
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seeds of beauty in you – 10 of Pentacles Rx
Encoded in your DNA is the very gift of healing itself. You were born into this world of stupid carrying seeds of peace-making. Yup, you were the kid who was always able to tell when a grownup was lying. Like, OMG, so disrespectful…they think I can’t see through such obvious lies? In fact, too many things were obvious to you because you are gifted with a keen ability of observation. We’re talking superhuman-level observation, baby~
With that, the world around you was often terribly dull. You’re definitely the type that wants to travel and see the world for yourself. Wanting to see what other people of different nations and races, customs and cultures, even religions, have to share about what this Life is all about~ You had A LOT of questions!
Alas… You soon realised that most people’s perceptions, priorities, and overall ways of life are low-quality at best. Your interactions with people, your observations of them, gave you almost nothing but disdain. People…are not intelligent enough. But more disturbing still…people are not noble enough in their pursuits of a good Life.
In your eye, most of the time, people don’t have enough integrity, character, or personality🤷🏻‍♀️
blooming in spite of muddy water – 7 of Pentacles Rx
If you’re often distressed by the state of Humanity, it is because you possess this divine ability to pierce through bullshit and reveal the true essence of all things. You’re a deep diver. You truly are a scholar. You’re the type that seeks to bridge between differences and clashes, so that people find a common ground upon which they could build a harmonious society. You most likely have a significant placement in the 7th House or blessed with a strong Libra/Venus aenergy~⚖️
Essentially, you’ve come into this world with an almost specific purpose of bridging differences between generations. All because your Oversoul was sick of watching Humans being fools amongst themselves. So you plunged into this world of illusions in the hopes of elevating people’s spiritual intelligence. Your unique gift of observation is piercing and high-vibrational and the reason it can bridge generations is that the wisdom you will develop as a person is both universal and timeless💎
You are an Ascended Master, you know. Like Po returning to the mortal world after defeating Kai. Like Gandalf the Grey returning as Gandalf the White after defeating the Balrog. All because you’ve got shit to do in this world of stupid—your wisdom is gravely needed! I’m not teaching you to be conceited or anything, but by means of technicality, you’re not here to learn anymore; you’re here to…teach🤣
tulips of happiness – Knight of Cups
No matter your age or their age, you’re here to teach the infantile Humans about inner peace and true, everlasting, sustainable, manageable, actually reasonable sense of Harmony🌷You do that by setting an example; by first bridging confusions and calming down chaos within yourself; then you talk about the walk to anybody interested enough to listen to you🌾
In this lifetime, as an Ascended Master playing Human, there’s probably a lot of heartache you’ve needed to learn to forgive. If you’re in your early or mid-20s when reading this, you’re most likely just beginning to learn it. You don’t have to act perfectly though. Healing and forgiveness are not about being or doing perfect. It’s perfectly OK, too, not to forgive—certain cruelties in this world are simply beyond absolution, ya know?🤬
What does truly matter is that you forgive yourself. Just yourself. You can forgive the situation. You can forgive the fact you fucked your way into this or that mess. Where applicable, you can give thanks to the experience and then move on to the next thing. Be glad about the fact that you’re still alive after all of the fuckery, and that you’ve enough self-awareness, and how that self-awareness has grown you as a person. It is such a beautiful thing to have grown up in the mental and spiritual~🦉
the script you chose – Silver Alchemist (Ramon Llull)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Healing
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Pile 2 – Pink Radiance
VIBE: Master Oogway sending universe mail to Li Shan
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seeds of beauty in you – III The Empress Rx
Oooh~ You’re pretty~ That much I can tell🙊You probably are blessed with some significant Aries, Aquarius, or any Cardinal aenergy in your birth chart; could also have Venus/Moon in the 1st or 11th House~ And do you know why you’re bestowed with an outer appearance that’s easily considered attractive in this realm? Because you’re meant to have an audience🎙
You’re meant to be heard; to have a platform and be some sort of a leader. And since being pretty in this world brings a lot of privileges, your Soul chose to be born with this specific setting in your birth chart wHoA~ A pretty face gets attention more effortlessly and that’s just how it is with this world~🙈
So, you see that there’s meaning in having some forms of privilege whether it’s your face or your family/economic background, or even heritage or some special lineage thing going on in your Life🎰And yet, it seems you could’ve been blind to all this ‘upper hand’ and not see much value in your existence.
None of this has felt all that special…well, because you were born with it. It’s not special; it’s normal to you; and you definitely want to feel special…not really grasping others would kill to have what you were born with…🐞
blooming in spite of muddy water – XVI The Tower
In spite of all of the privileges that seem obvious and enviable to others, you yourself have not felt all that blessed most of your Life. There is this thing that people don’t understand about you: EXPECTAFUCKINTION. Expectation could kill, depending on situation, and depending on where you are in Life. In many ways, you haven’t really ever felt FREE in your beingness. You don’t really know how FREE truly would feel like. You can imagine it, but you don’t really know if that’s even real🤷🏻‍♀️
Whether it’s status, prestige, or simply beauty, sometimes you’ve felt victimised by the very things other people wish they had. They literally don’t know how suffocating it is to be wearing your crown~ You often feel like you don’t have autonomy over your own Life. In some instances, you may even have experienced your autonomy getting violated. And it’s so heartbreaking.
At some point in Life, you will suddenly and gradually lose access to all of these beauties and privileges, maybe even some of your talents, babe. All these things that came ever so naturally to you, once you’ve lost ‘em, you will die in spirit, and be reborn with a renewed sense of appreciation for the fact you have always, ALWAYS, been extraordinary👿
tulips of happiness – King of Swords
Whether you are a girl or a boy or straight or gay or whatever, you are an ally of the world’s Divine Feminine aenergy. Do not worry about losing your glory; it will aaalll come back stronger and sparklier once you’ve graduated the University of Hell a.k.a Saturn Return🪐
It is part of your Soul’s Blueprint to experience losing privileges, perhaps money, talents, friends, freedom, hair, weight, and everything else, momentarily. This period of your Life—whether it’s your first or second Saturn Return—can be likened to a pregnant woman who’s now restricted from drinking, eating, doing, or even being near certain things. She’s not so free, but for all the right reasons; she’s protecting her foetus.
This Saturn Return period of your Life where you’re experiencing losing yourself is like a pregnancy where you’re gestating a newer, stronger, clearer, more confident version of yourself. The restrictions put around you are meant to suffocate you further, enough for you to want a breakthrough. All so you can become a pure Pink Radiance of a miracle this miserable world needs, for that is your purpose for being born🌷
Shine on, Pink Diamond~
the script you chose – Green Historian (Herodotus)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Prosperity
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 3 – Magic Worker
VIBE: Po teaching the tribe to be THEMSELVES
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seeds of beauty in you – 9 of Cups Rx
Within you are seeds of a luxurious lifestyle that you ought to nurture slowly throughout the course of your Life. You may have come from a background of lack just to make this whole scenario more exciting (to us as Souls contrasts are exceedingly attractive when thinking of a spiritual breakthrough). With that, you could’ve grown up with lots of daydreaming about feeling fulfilled—emotionally fulfilled.
Though you may have daydreamed about luxurious environments and things and situations, at the core of everything, all you yearn for is a feeling of safety; stability; of having just enough…of being enough, in fact…all because you weren’t emotionally nurtured as a child. You were the kid who were neglected by everybody, both the adults and your peers.
You felt unseen most of your Life. But even those who acted like they saw you, somehow the view was inaccurate. You felt this way because you didn’t understand yourself either. Children learn about themselves through the feedback of their environment; so the ones who were mostly neglected…how could such children even begin to learn to comprehend their identity?
Because you didn’t really understand yourself, it was difficult to manifest properly. In your psyche, there are way too many threads of wishes that are tangled up, causing you to manifest clashing Realities…and then disappoint you…
blooming in spite of muddy water – XXI The World
The reason for this difficulty is that you needed to learn and discover for yourself the true Essence of being alive. You are essentially God’s messenger to help Humans overcome their addiction to material possessions. Omaigosh if you know how TikTok shopping culture is making people poorer and more miserable in the emotional, I’m sure this will ring a bell in your Soul Memory.
People who grew up poor are the main target of evil marketing because they crave that feeling of ‘having’. Sometimes, it’s a feeling of having things—trendy things; some other times, it’s a feeling of having friends—cool friends; and some tragical times, of having someone to love—which usually only translates to ONS or casual hookups without any real emotional connection.
Anyway, back to talking about material possessions though, there’s this:
‘Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body.’ – George Carlin
This, is a concept, a Reality, you’ve needed to learn and fully comprehend, and then unravel by means of your personal spiritual transformation. That way you can be an example and a guide to others. Reminiscent of Uncle George himself, you’re somebody who holds an Elder Archetype aenergy about you. You’re ‘worldly’ in the sense that you’re based, well-thinking, and most of all, you can embrace perspectives that are UNIQUE. You’re able to hold a knowledge that encompasses the whole of the Universe itself.
tulips of happiness – 4 of Pentacles
In a sense, know that you are a born leader. Though I sense, you may be more interested in being a thought leader🧠You don’t seem that interested in leading an envoy or a movement of any sort hahaha You’re a loner; you like being in your own company. After all, people are stupid and it’s exhausting to have to interact with them. And that’s all fine~
In the future, when everything’s said and done, you’ll meet your Soul Tribe—people who are just as weird, misunderstood, deep, sombre (probably), wholesome, complex, and loyal such as yourself🫀Your Spirit Guides are really saying: it’s perfectly fine for you not to extend too much compassion for those who aren’t worth your while; hoping you’d calm down some clashing ideas about your personality.
It sounds cruel? No, really; not everybody is worth paying attention to or share affection with. If you do that you’re only going to be sucked dry of Life Force. It’s a similar principal with money spending. Just because you see a lot of items being displayed with attractive, persuasive DISCOUNT signs, doesn’t mean you have to give your attention, or money least of all, to ALL of that. Got it?🤪
‘Even if something is on discount, if you don’t need it, it’s too expensive.’ – Love Marie Escudero’s husband, Govt. Chiz
the script you chose – Green Physician (Paracelsus)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Intuition
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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findzandstuff · 2 years
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19th Century Sacred Heart holy card
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vgadvisor · 9 months
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andy-clutterbuck · 7 months
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𝟺𝚡𝟶𝟻 | 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝
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catilinas · 7 months
the purpose of a ship’s captain is to be sacrificed OR to obtain a perfect substitute to be sacrificed instead. btw.
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dramoor · 5 months
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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart "She is the Hope of the Desperate" ~St. Ephrem
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pokemon-cards-hourly · 2 months
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hecho-a-mano · 3 months
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he's just soooo fucked up its hilarious
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spiralhouseshop · 1 year
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New in the Portland Button Works and Spiral House Shop Catalog- December 21, 2022!
Hellebore #8: The Unveiling Issue
Labyrinth Tarot Deck and Guidebook Movie Tarot Deck
The Magical Card Battle of Britain
Star Trek: The Next Generation Tarot Deck and Guidebook
And these are back in stock:
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Sacred Gender: Create Trans and Nonbinary Spiritual Connections by Ariana Serpentine
The Hellebore Guide to Occult Britain Book
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tarot-and-stuff · 3 months
Pick A Card Reading - The Rest Of January 2024
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Pick based on number or animal or however you want to. Pile 1 is Cat, Pile 2 is Bear, Pile 3 is Bunny, and Pile 4 is Dog.
There is also a video uploaded on youtube for this reading - support on there is supported.
Readings are under the read more.
Pile 1/Cat
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This was a bit of a confusing pile, since it seemed like there were multiple messages in it that didn't seem to go together.
The first tarot card for this pile was the Knight of Pentacles. This card is often associated with slow progress. A lot of focusing on details with this card.
The second tarot card for this pile was the Page of Pentacles. This card is associated with learning new skills, likely something that you can use to earn money/further your career in some way with this card being a Pentacle.
The third tarot card for this pile was The Emperor. This card is often associated with taking charge and being a leader. I feel like this is what you're working towards and/or trying to behave like.
The kipper cards for this pile were House and Thoughts. This suggests some thoughts about the house occurring for you. This can be thinking about some changes to the home or the dynamic in the home.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Heart and Child. This can be associated with a first love/past sweetheart. I also feel like this can be connected to caring for a child (likely yours if you have one) - with that aspect, I think that some of the thoughts related to the house may be connected to changes associated with the child's growth/desire for more independence.
The affirmation card for this pile was I Am At Ease And Happy When I Am On My Own. Basically, about not relying on others for your happiness.
The love oracle card for this pile was 32. Undeniable Evidence. This is associated with some kind of physical evidence of a relationship (like how rings are associated with engagement and marriage). This does suggest that a relationship (if you are in one) may get a bit more serious, as someone gives some kind of token to show commitment to the connection.
The oracle cards for this pile were Choosing Your Path - All Is Possible and Horse - Care For Others And Let Them Be Free. I feel like the choosing your path is something that many of you have been in the process of doing with the tarot cards that had came out. I feel like the path many of you are choosing/have chosen/are being encouraged to choose is one that has you in more of a leadership role, whether that is even simply you being in more control of your life. The horse card I feel like relates to those of you that having a child/the changes involving a child dynamic since it's you trying to find a balance on showing your care but also not controlling them too much. Even for those of you without the child dynamic, it can be about examining your behavior in relationships if there is a tendency to wish to control/change others.
The runes for this pile were Hagalaz and The Rings. Hagalaz can be rather destructive and testing. This does suggest that you're going through some testing times. The Rings are associated with commitments and partnerships. I do like that rings with that Undeniable Evidence card for those of you that are in a serious relationship.
Pile 2/Bear
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The first tarot card for this pile was the 9 of Pentacles. This is associated with independence and having worked hard to get to where you are at.
The second tarot card for this pile was the 6 of Cups reversed. This card is often associated with the past. With it coming out reversed, it suggests that there may be a bit of living in the past or dwelling on the past quite a bit.
The third tarot card for this pile was the Ace of Cups. This suggests a new emotional opportunity or outlet is in store for you.
The kipper cards for this pile were Pathway and Child. I feel like this can be interpreted a few ways. The main one that I feel is that you are being encouraged to make a choice with an innocent, unbiased perspective. Another is that you are having to make a choice related to a child, whether it is related to a child that you have or if you are considering having children.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Garden and Book. This has to with secrecy and groups. This could be connected to a meeting of some sorts that you're keeping a secret. It could also represent a meeting/gathering/etc where you learn some kind of secret or information that you hadn't known prior.
The affirmation card for this pile was I Have The Courage To Be The Happiest Healthiest Version Of Myself. This is encouragement to focus on yourself and being your best self.
The love oracle card for this pile was 30. Futile Waiting. This card suggests that you may be holding onto someone who isn't sincere or going to return. Like you're taking a vow much more seriously than they are. That could be connected to that 6 of Cups reversed that came out in the tarot.
The oracle cards for this pile were Wondrous Universe - Walk In Beauty and Deer - Trust In The Support Of The Universe. Basically, I feel like both of these are encouraging you to trust that the universe has your back and you aren't taking everything on by yourself.
The runes for this pile were Othala and the Moon. Othala is connected to values and other things that you inherited from ancestors. I feel like this goes along with trusting that the universe has your back, as well as your ancestors. The Moon is associated with mystery, transitions, and feminine energy. Basically, you're experiencing changes and it can feel like there's more going on than you can see.
Pile 3/Bunny
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The first tarot card for this pile was Temperance. This is connected to patience and remaining calm. Basically, I feel like you're trying to remain level-headed despite the challenges that are getting thrown at you.
The second tarot card for this pile was the 9 of Wands. This is connected with standing your ground despite the challenges that are coming at you, many of which are often repetitive issues. These challenges can be rather tiring and are likely wearing you out.
The third tarot card for this pile was the King of Pentacles. This is someone who is very practical and good with the finances. This again suggests to me that you are trying to be practical with how you're handling situations.
The kipper cards for this pile were Main Female and Family Room. The main female card often represents you (or a significant female in your life, likely a family member in this case with the Family Room card). I feel like you're likely focusing on your family at this time, possibly taking on more responsibility for some reason as that King of Pentacles.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Fox and Mice. This can suggest some issues at work, involving deception or other issues. There can also be gaslighting or suspicions involved here.
The affirmation card for this pile was Whatever I Choose To Believe Comes True For Me.
The love oracle card for this pile was 2. Unrequited Love. This can involve unrequited love as it is usually thought of. It can also involve someone being oblivious to someone else's crush/feelings for them.
The oracle cards for this pile were Staying Focused - Hold The Course and Badger - Bring Your Life Into Balance. I feel like these are all things that you're working on doing and are being encouraged to keep doing.
The runes for this pile were Tiwaz and The Crossroads. Tiwaz is associated with leadership and authority. It is also connected with knowing your own strengths and a willingness to self-sacrifice. The Crossroads is associated with making changes and/or having choices to make.
Pile 4/Dog
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The first tarot card for this pile was the 8 of Pentacles. This is associated with working on things and getting them done. It can also be associated with working on mastering a skill.
The second tarot card for this pile was the 2 of Swords. This is associated with having to make a difficult choice. Sometimes this choice is difficult because you don't want to make it. I feel like this choice is connected to having to choose to pursue your dreams or stick with something that you've been working on for awhile.
The third tarot card for this pile was The Star. This is associated with hopes and healing.
The kipper cards for this pile were Unexpected Income and Lovers. This does kinda give me sugar daddy vibes. It could also be like a relationship comes in unexpectedly. Possibly learning that a partner has more money/financial security than they previously let on.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Key and Whip. Together these cards can suggest an angry/aggressive response. I also feel like it could also be an aggressive realization/secret coming out.
The affirmation card for this pile was Every Experience In My Life Helps Me To Grow. Basically, trying to look at even the unpleasant situations as a stepping stone that helped you grow, whether it was simply learning that you didn't want to be in that type of situation again.
The love oracle card for this pile was 43. Object Of Ridicule. This card is associated with someone coming at you with the intent to mock you or trying to make a fool out of you. I feel like you don't let it get to you too much and are able to see how it simply makes that person out to be a creep for having those intentions.
The oracle cards for this pile were Overcoming Obstacles - You Can Overcome Anything and Cow - Give With Unconditional Love And Grace. Basically, you're more capable than you may realize and not blocking yourself off from giving/showing love.
The runes for this pile were Kenaz and the Woman. Kenaz is connected to passion, creativity, and revelations. The Woman is associated with feminine energy, possibly literally representing a woman. It can also be associated with a healing and nurturing energy, like The Empress.
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tinyshe · 3 months
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
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Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree
"1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Your opponent cannot target this card with card effects, except during your Main Phase 2."
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