#the restriction of 2 sets of 30 minutes of music was helpful for me
asiminthering · 10 months
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You know who has never made a fanmix and doesn't know how they work? Me. You know who made one? Also me.
Imagined as a C60 cassette tape, A side 30 minutes/12 songs, B side 30 minutes/11 songs Because. A side is more solidly just punk music (esp older stuff), B side has some more alternative rock-ish stuff, newer stuff, etc Because.
Listen here on Spotify, OR if you are into the old-fashioned fanmix things, you can download it here (mostly with shitty 192 bitrates but whatever) with the album art, divided into 2 "discs" (A side/B side), etc. There was also one specific version of one song Spotify didn't have so the uploaded version has the correct one but the version Spotify does have is. Fine.
Disclaimer: I haven't been really into punk music for 15 years or so, aside from a few favorites that are in the regular rotation, but it was a chance to listen to a lot of different stuff incl new stuff and pick some songs so uh anyway I had fun.
Tracklist & album art credits below the cut (warning for uh. language in band names and track titles? It's punk music.)
A side:
Punk Is Dead - Crass
C.I.D. - UK Subs
Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill
Should I Stay Or Should I Go - The Clash
Attitude - Bad Brains
International News - National Wake
17 Years Of Hell - The Partisans
Gimme Gimme Gimme - Black Flag
Shitlist - L7
Wankers - The Exploited
Rancid - Roots Radical
Hard Action - Pure Hell
B side:
Don't Follow Me - Rebelmatic
Coming Down to Beijing - Brain Failure
Criminal - Generacion Suicida
Black Union Jack - Half/Time
Uraraka - Amano Tsukiko
Provoke You - Sihasin
Crudo Soy - Los Crudos
Voice of Memphis - Negro Terror
Fly - Cherry Filter
Rock-N-Roll Victim - Death
Fuck These Fucking Fascists - The Muslims
Album Art Credits:
Expose42 "Checkers" Textures (I cannot find these specific textures anymore - they were apparently downloaded in 2011 - but my credit file says they're by Expose42)
Miss Minn - Bleeding Love Tutorial Textures (I apparently downloaded these in 2007 and can't seem to find this person anymore, if anyone has a current link for them, let me know)
Official Hobie Brown/Spider Art
Kyle's Brushes
Sony Cassette Tape (product image from yahoo search)
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You gotta share your writing process, you get things out so quick, I have a hard time just with the first draft
I never leave my apartment and I write all day without eating or drinking or doing anything else, so that's how it goes so quick.
Haha jk (kind of). The only upside of chronic illness is lots of free time. That's probably why writing goes so fast for me. There's nothing else for me to do all day.
Uhhhhhhmmmm but on a serious note, do you want a long and detailed explanation? Let's go with that (idk how to he concise)
So, for a fic like the one I'm working on right now, my first step is to make an outline. Generally speaking, this can be as vague or detailed as you prefer. And there's a few different ways to do it.
Outline option 1: use a poster board (or just a sheet of paper) and make a bunch of bubbles, write the main goal of each chapter in the bubbles
(Visual aid :D)
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Outline option 2: make a numerical list with what you want to happen in each chapter (just the "main thing" is fine, or you can add more detail. But leaving it vague makes it easier to adjust as needed when writing the first draft. Trying to follow the outline too closely can feel restrictive for me at times. Its good to have a plan, but it's also good to let the story flow naturally while drafting it. Don't be afraid to veer off course)
(Visual aid :D)
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After the outline is done, it's time to move on to characterization! I will show two examples (one that is the template I now use, and one example from my 20k word outline I wrote last summer for a jurassic park au that I may never get around to writing, because its going to take a very long time to do it, maybe an entire year. And ugh to that.). Ideally, characterization should be done for each character, even the minor ones. Just helps visualize the world and all that.
(Here is the general template, I usually put name and age above appearance)
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(Here is an example from my jurassic park au outline, though it's not quite consistent with how I do it now, and it needs to be revised anyway)
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Once the characterization is done for each character, I like to break the outline down into bite-sized pieces. What I mean by that is I copy whatever I've written for each chapter and paste it into a word document. One chapter per document. I really candle handle having an entire work in one document—that overwhelms me (the only exception is when the work is just one chapter. One doc per chapter is how I like to write). If I break it into chapters, and just focus on one chapter at a time, it feels much more manageable. I keep all of the word docs open in one window, going in order. Make sure to put the chapter number and whatever you're referring to the fic as in the title.
(Visual aid :D)
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Now, if you appreciate having visual aids and have an idea of what settings you'll be using, that will be the next step. You can draw the layout of buildings, you can make maps of a town, etc.
(Here are some examples from my current project. Please ignore my messy handwriting. I was planning in making it easier to read if I was going to share it, but oh well)
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(Examples from past project)
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(The draft world map for my jurassic park au. Some of my siblings were staying at my apartment when I was working on this last summer, and they gave me so much shit for it haha) (and yes this is a huge presentation board lmfao the folding cardboard kind)
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Now, you may find that you don't know the setting that well yet before you start writing. And that's totally fine. If you are drafting and find you need a visual aid to keep track of the scene, you can always stop to make one at that time.
I'm losing track of stuff here, and I've got an appointment with my new cardiologist in 30 minutes, so I need to wrap this up.
Let's see.... make the outline, characterization, visual aids... ah, right!
Okay, so next you should make a playlist (that is, if you like to listen to music for inspiration in between or during your drafting process). For me, I like to find at least 10 songs to start with for a fic that's as long as the one I'm currently doing (35 chapters). But right now, my playlist is at 64 songs for this fic. Not all of them actually fit the vibe, so I'd say I am only listening to about 30 of them. (Generally speaking, I listen to songs while driving, or while cleaning etc. That's when I find it easiest to imagine scenes while listening to music).
Outline, characterization, visual aids, music.
At this point, the drafting process can begin! I find it's best to write as much as possible in one sitting and really go with the flow. And if possible, don't go back over the chapters you've already drafted unless you get completely stuck. (I do find that it's best to go back over them every 8-10 chapters, but that's only cause I have a bad memory. I need to remind myself of what I've already written).
If you get stuck while drafting, another thing you can do is leave your missing parts in brackets. For example:
[More dialogue here]
[Change X to Y]
[Somehow, they get from that place to this place]
Doing that let's you keep going with the flow of writing without stopping to worry about details. Something that's important to remember: the first draft should be vague and messy. It's just for getting the idea out.
If you're too caught up on the first draft being "readable" or "good", then it'll really slow you down. There may be awkward dialogue, almost no setting or body language, plot holes, etc. That's fine. You can fix all of that during later drafts.
If you want to know more about drafting, I can explain it in another ask. Just let me know.
After the first draft is done, there's a couple different options.
Option 1: finish each chapter one by one, posting each as you finish. This can be a bit easier (especially with adhd) because you get dopamine from any comments and you have that weight of the expectations of others to make you keep writing. For me, these are motivational factors. For others, it might be stressful.
Option 2: do an entire second draft (and third and even fourth), where you're adding more setting and details etc. Then start posting it when you're done. I'd prefer to do it this way, but it can be hard to do so much of a project without posting any of it. I do think that doing this helps catch plot holes though.
For each chapter, whether posting one at a time or finishing the whole fic first, I generally do first draft (very vague), second draft (add setting, details), third draft (more setting, body language, inner dialogue for the character etc), fourth draft (mainly focusing on dialogue to make it more natural).
Then, before posting each one, I try to read the dialogue out loud, and I also like to listen to the whole thing with text-to-speech while doing a final read through. This helps me catch minor mistakes (my brain fixes many typos automatically, so hearing everything out loud helps me catch what I would have otherwise missed. Also I tend to skim when reading, even when I'm trying to focus really hard. So listening to it while I read helps with that)
Shiiiiiiit I've only got 15 minutes until my appointment. Uh, sorry about any typos or things that don't make sense in this reply, there's no time to go back through it. Please feel free to ask for more details about any of the things I mentioned, or about anything I didn't mention that you're curious about.
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25 more things I learned during a global pandemic from your Local Teenage Train wreck :) (Pt. 2)
1. Gaining weight is okay. Losing weight is okay. Bodies fluctuate and are inconsistent. Just make sure that you’re trying your best to be healthy, whatever that means for you. 
2. School is hard, especially during a global. freaking. pandemic. Don’t beat yourself up if it’s harder to get up in the morning or your grades aren’t as high as they usually are. It’s hard right now. 
3. You’re mental health comes above all. School, responsibilities, and personal projects are not worth your time if it’s affecting your mental health. If your gut is telling you to take a break, take a break!
4. If you feel lonely, get a plant to keep in your room. Do some research as to that plants do best with the type of lighting in your room, and figure out some basic care instructions. Have someone to take care of besides yourself. Name your plants, and take care of them. 
5. Even if you’re not good at writing, I suggest you keep a journal during this time. It kept me sane over the summer, and even though I eventually stopped because of limited time with school starting back up, it helped to keep me sane in the worst of the pandemic. 
6. If you’re spiritual (or even if you’re not) learn how to do shadow work. This isn’t anything that has to be spiritual or done in just one religion. It’s basically giving yourself a chance and a space to be open and honest with yourself and to learn what you might need to work on through writing. If you google it, you can find a more in depth explanation, and prompts to start doing it. You basically give yourself a prompt. They can be questions like “What’s the biggest lie you’ve told someone else or yourself?” or they can be a little less heavy like “What are five non physical things that you genuinely like about yourself?”. This can be pretty heavy, and can dig up some unwanted emotions, but that’s the whole point; to deal with the emotions you may have been repressing and letting fester inside of you. 
7. On days when you’re not feeling well mentally, take a break. It’s okay to drop everything and get an extra hour of sleep, read, or do something else to make yourself feel better.
8. After hard days, I know the last thing you want to do is get up and continue on, but here are some ways to do it:
- lay out an outfit that’s put together, but not as over the top. No sweat pants or crappy clothes, but it doesn’t have to be your usual put together outfits with a full face of makeup. A nice crewneck and a nice pair of black athletic leggings can go a long way. 
-wear your comfort jewelry. I wear my beaded necklace that I bought for myself,  the silver ring my grandma gave me and the gold cross ring that my mom gave to me when I got confirmed. 
-eat breakfast. A handful of cereal will do. Anything. But eat something. I like to make oatmeal. It sounds boring but if you make it right, it tastes just perfect for mornings when you don’t feel hungry but know inside that you are. Recipe is next on the list :)
-go to school. I know you want to lay in bed. I know the last place you want to be is a crowded building full of pubescent teens that aren’t nice, but go. Go to learn. Go to absorb knowledge like a sponge, and don’t worry if you fail and lose some of the water, because you can always soak it up later. 
-if you have practice, rehearsal, a game, whatever, be gentle on yourself. Today might not be your best day physically, because the brain controls everything. Forgive yourself if you can’t land that double pirouette, get to the high note, or make that assist. You’re abilities are stagnant, and they’re going to change depending on how you feel
-When you get home, turn off your phone. Friends, social media, etc. can wait. Set a timer for one hour. Do work for just that hour. When the timer rings, finish what you were doing and then stop. Now have a 20 minute break and do something that’s not screen related. Read a book, draw something; heck, stare at the wall for 20 minutes and space out. When the timer rings, do another hour and repeat the same process until it’s all done. 
-have a playlist you listen to to heal you. Sad boi hours are ok, just make sure to have a playlist of songs that get you moving again. 
-Sleep. Even if that means putting off work for tomorrow. It’s ok. You really need it. 
9. Oatmeal seems gross until you know how to prepare it. When you do, it’s revolutionary. It’s a high volume, low calorie food, so you’ll stay full for a while without overeating, all while consuming less calories than you would with a traditional breakfast cereal. 
The right way to make it: 
-measure out half a cup of old fashioned oats. Not steel cut. Those aren’t as good. 
-MOST IMPORTANT STEP: add half a cup of water and half a cup of milk of your choice. I personally like almond milk because it’s kind of sweet already even when it’s unsweetened. 
-SECOND MOST IMPORTANT STEP: add a pinch of salt, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and allspice, and a teaspoon or two of maple syrup. This is what makes it taste palatable. It’s less sugar than store-bought, and tastes amazing. 
-Microwave that shit for one minute and stir. It should look kind of lumpy, but not a ton. Then, put another minute on. Stir at every half increment. (After 30 seconds, every 15 seconds, and then every 7) This is so it doesn’t boil over. Then, take it out, stir it one last time, and let it sit for a second. 
-Wash up some berries to put in it. I love blueberries and or blackberries. 
perfect oatmeal every. single. time. Feel free to add more toppings like nuts or if you wanna treat yourself chocolate or substitute the spices, but this is honestly one of my favorite breakfasts that keeps me full throughout the day. 
10. Learn a new language. Yes, Duolingo is annoying, but do it. Find one that you’ll like to learn and that’s easy for you. Try them on like old clothes and find one that fits just right. For me, it’s French. Expose yourself to that language. Listen to music, read books (or try to) and watch movies with subtitles. Soon enough, you’ll be eager to learn more. 
11. Learn how to use notion.com. It’s super amazing. You can literally keep track of your entire life there. It’s pretty fun to use as well. I made schedules for each day after school, a reading log, a want to read list, a personal habit tracker, etc, and they’re all extremely helpful. 
12. Make a list of things you weren’t allowed to do as a kid and do one every day. Heal your inner child by finally itching the spot that may not have been scratched for years. 
13. Learn how to make origami stars. They’re really easy, and I can’t recommend Maqaroon’s (Joanna’s) video on how to make them enough. Once you’ve got it down, get yourself a nice big jar and write down things you’re grateful for on the slips of paper you’re going to fold. Fill up your gratitude jar and make a wish once it’s full. It will come true. 
14. Have 30 minutes a day to put your phone down and read. Yes. You will have to sacrifice something to do this, but it’s so important and good for not only information retention and learning, but for mental health as well. Even if you have to get up half an hour earlier to do it, it’s worth it. 
15. It’s okay to be alone, but learn to recognize the difference between alone and lonely. If you’re lonely, here are some things to do:
-write a letter to a friend. It’s something nice you can do for yourself and others, and it’s not feeding into the toxic instant reply culture that we live in
-read a book or watch a show that gets you to connect with the characters, even if that means (I've said it before and I’ll say it again) rereading a favorite ya series or binging atla for the fiftieth time. It’s good for the soul.
-take a walk and smile at the people you see coming past. Again, it’s good for the soul. 
-go to the coffee shop and ask the barista to make you a drink that tastes like “_____” (insert whatever you want there. It could be a color, song, feeling, etc.) It’s weird and uncomfortable, but it gives you a conversation starter and 9.9 times out of 10 a really good drink. (Also helpful for when you think the barrista’s cute)
-Reading in general. It opens up so many new worlds with the turn of a page. 
16. Monitor your food intake. No, don’t restrict your food intake, monitor it. This means first seeing exactly what your putting in your body and altering it to gradually improve to a clean diet. Humans weren’t built to process all the preservatives, additives and sugars found in most processed food (cereals, chips, anything in a foil bag that’s either really sweet or really salty) and it’s important to cut down and if possible eliminate as much as you can of it out of your diet. Food is fuel, and you truly are what you eat. You’ll notice that by increasing your vegetable intake, reducing white processed sugars and carbs*, and cutting out sodas/extra sugars, that you’ll feel better. This isn’t a weight loss thing, but you may start to trim down a little bit once you go more intense with it. You don’t have to eliminate anything fully, and please enjoy your favorite “bad” foods! Everything in moderation is perfect! Just make sure that you’re getting the good stuff in there too! *Side note, do NOT cut out carbs! See my post on how I’m losing weight to get more into depth on this. 
17. Buy fresh flowers for yourself. Who says that you have to wait for someone else? That’s completely false, and you should totally treat yourself to a nice bouquet on occasion, especially in the dead of winter. 
18. The whole idea of self love is flawed. Loving yourself has nothing to do with the way you look. Loving yourself comes with genuinely loving your life. If you don't love the way you’re living, change it. Make and set goals. Fail at achieving those goals. Get back up and try again until you finally get it, but make sure that whatever you’re doing, you’re doing to love the life you live. Life doesn’t live you. You live life.
19. Have candles and incense. (Or a diffuser if you’re not allowed to burn stuff) Making your environment smell good makes a huge difference
20. Once you turn 18, get a tattoo. It doesn’t have to mean anything. Pick something small and get it behind your ear, on your ankle, wrist, fingers, whatever. You’ll love having the memory when your old. 
21. Realize your worth. We often put ourselves down because we think that valuing ourselves is equivalent to selfishness. It’s not. At all. You are just as important as everyone else. Your voice matters too. 
22. Go to art museums
23. Go to free concerts in the park
24. Expose yourself to new art, ideas, and literature
25. Life is gonna suck sometimes. It’s just how it is. That doesn’t mean a bad day’s gonna last forever. As cheesy as it is, keep your head up :)
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nxxxon · 4 years
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hello,                            ----- LONG POST BTW
i’ve been staying up late these past couple of days just thinking of new ways to go about my weight loss journey. i feel like going back to my old ways, counting calories, excessive restricting, self hatred, constantly looking & comparing my body to someone else’s etc, is not a good way to go about this. so i’m going to attempt to lose the weight in a more healthier way but at the same time fast. or faster. so here are some of my ideas: 
1: only cut out junk foods / fast food , especially things with a lot of processed sugar. everything else is okay, i think stressing over everything i “can’t” eat is not the way to go. i really want to keep my mental this time around & constantly making rules about what i can and cannot do does not help, when i restrict too much i feel like the walls are closing in on me, like when i diet, it’s like nothing else matters, the only thing that matters is losing all this weight and that’s just not true. i have more important things to spend my time and energy on so i don’t want to obsess over this, just keep a level head & don’t be so hard on myself & things will just run a lot smoother. the more you think how hard it is, well, the more hard it is! so just think, this is easy, i got this, i don’t even have to stress over this.
2: move. keep moving, constantly, when i’m just chillin listening to lo-fi music i should be walking around, i already do this subconsciously anyways but i thought i should write it down cause i don’t always do it. 
3: go outside, i think this will really help me stay positive, staying inside all the time really distorts your view of things. when things get really hard, i like to go outside, day or night & just walk or ride my bike. when i’m inside all day, i tend to get into my head a lot & i might stress over something and then take a short walk outside, enjoying nature, and come back inside and realize that thing i was so worried about was really nothing. everything’s not black & white, good or bad, so don’t stress so much just chill, the bad feelings won’t last forever. 
4: don’t diet, change your lifestyle. i feel when i diet it sets me up for failure, because it’s a diet, meaning it’s not long term. it promises you happiness in the short term but can leave you depressed in the long term if things don’t go as planned, if you “slip up” or “eat too much” or “didn’t work out hard enough” like you we’re “supposed to”. no fuck that. i’m really done hating myself for just eating like a normal human being. i don’t diet anymore, instead i build healthy habits everyday, and that may sound like oh it’ll take so long, but it doesn’t have to. the more you keep thinking about something a certain way the more it’ll be that way. so just keep positive thoughts, sounds easier than it looks, maybe.
5: fruits-veggies-water, & maybe some grains too. these are the thing’s i’ll mainly focus on eating & drinking. it’s not that i can’t eat anything else but that these are more healthier options. plus they taste rlly good :) just keepin things simple. 
6: aim to actually work out 2-3 times a week, i said a lot previously like walking & bike riding is what i’ll be doing a lot of, but i also thinking on top of that adding in a 10-15-30 minute workout every other day is reasonable. it could be an actual workout video i watch or maybe just taking 20 minutes to practice a k-pop dance i like, i feel like dancing would be my preferred method. 
7: focus on other things, losing weight isn’t everything. i want to be healthy & i will be healthy, spiritually, mentally & physically. so i’ll continue working on my current hobbies & finding new ones as well, and i’ll try to make friends from that too. just don’t make weight loss & your body your whole life. there’s so much more to me & you than just what our bodies look like. 
8: surround myself with positivity, that means stop looking at proana tumblr all the freaking time. i haven’t been back in so long & i looked at #proana for like 5 minutes and i just was going through a whirlwind of emotions. it starts with thinspo, ok simple enough, then tips on safe foods, ok ok, then ed memes haha funny, then meanspo, really really mean meanspo, then to people ranting about things that literally don’t matter at all but they hate themselves so much that they make it matter for them, then people calling for groupchats only for you to find out you don’t fit the “weight requirement” to join their group, to suicidal quotes that for some reason you start to resonate with, then so on and so on. it’s just a toxic mess. so you have to take yourself out of that toxic mess, and stop asking to be saved cause the only person who can save you is you! i mean maybe your friends or family try to help but at the end of the day it’s up to you. so chose to love yourself. because i love myself, and i love you too. <3 
p.s. sorry i write so much i’m really passionate about this stuff because it used to take over my life, and the only reason i’m on here is because i had a slip up & started to have these dark thoughts again & i’m writing positive tips to cope and convince myself that i deserve to be happy & healthy, because i do and you do too. 
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A Review of three works from the ‘Shape and Form’ Exhibition at @heartofthetribe Gallery, Glastonbury
As our final assignment for our Art History module for @strodefad​ we were required to write an essay discussing eithere an art history movement or a recent exhibition visited. Always up for a challenge i chose to write about the brief opportunity I got to see an art gallery between lockdowns in the new gallery that i am fortunate to have just a few minutes walk from my home here in Glastonbury.
What made it a really special experience was that i managed to contact two of the three artist I chose to include in the essay and they very generously answered my questions about their exhibit pieces to give me some context and process insights as first-hand accounts and it was wonderful to be able to ask the creators quesitons about their work and how they made it. The exhibition had high quality contributions from over 30 Somerset artists, so it was hard to select just 3 works, but  I managed and got the essay completed in time.
This is an analysis of three selected works from the ‘Shape and Form’ exhibition at the Heart of the Tribe Gallery in Glastonbury. The gallery only opened in September 2020 and despite the restrictions caused by the COVID pandemic, this was the third exhibition that the gallery has managed to stage since then.
Following a core artist group launch exhibition ‘Diversity’, and solo exhibition ‘Beauty and Truth’ by John Minshull, this exhibition was a collation of works submitted by 30 Somerset artists following an open call for contributions from the gallery core artists and online directory members.
Curated by gallery manager Kim von Coels (aka artist ‘The Krumble Empire’), the aim of the exhibition was ‘to explore the fundamental building blocks of visual art, both geometric and organic’. The exhibition was open from 3rd December -26th January and I managed to see it twice before lockdown restrictions came into force. A virtual tour (1) is also available here
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1. Millie Gleeson: ‘All We’ll Know’
The Painting was displayed in a prominent position on the last wall as you exit the exhibition, directly opposite a canvas featuring an abstract female form in greyscale graphite, and the scale of this canvas (60 x 48 inches) made it really stand out.
I saw Millie’s solo show also entitled ‘All We’ll Know’ at the Red Brick Building in June 2019. She uses reference photographs to help with composition and is heavily influenced by her time in Berlin and Mexico.
Many of her works feature masks painted on the (mostly nude) female subjects, so what I found fascinating about this piece was that the face was illuminated and prominent and she is swathed in billowing robes.
I contacted the artist for more information on the context and process of the painting.
She told me this is a self-portrait, painted from a 'still' of the artist performing in a music video her friends (the Hics) produced, also called "All We'll Know"( 2 )
Gleeson started began painting this in 2014, but it was put into storage until she revisited to complete it in 2019.
She commented ‘it was a huge time of transformation and the end of an era and perhaps I had to return to the painting when I felt I'd fully transformed.’
The Painting has lots of movement, which is representative of the video it is sourced from, the performers are in an industrial setting and are either submerged under water, or as captured in this image, rising up and breaking free. The robes are flowing and there is a sense of movement in the arms and legs. Her website (3) describes how the work was developed as part of a series developed during an Artist Residency at Arquetopia in Mexico.“The residency applied Levanasian ethics to the artistic process, teaching to respect the integrity of differences and question the desire for totalisation. Questioning whether you can truly know the other and if you only know the self, how can you respect the space between?” “Any creative project I have embarked on at the core has revolved around the topic of identity or identification. Following the residency lectures my project became entirely introspective, leading me on a journey of self-discovery. I began to look at my own shadow, distortions, fractions, mirror images, deep and dark aspects of myself. Using the vibrant colours that surrounded me I began to explore my own conflicts and duality through a series of self-portraits, in an exploration to “All we’ll know.”I really resonated with this piece as it reminded me of the Salvador Dali painting ' Christ of St John of the Cross’ I saw at the Glasgow Kelvingrove museum. Light comes from above and the arms are widely placed. The pale blue colour palette and rich drapery in the dress against the dark background is similar to that shown in ‘The Countess of Southampton’ ( 4) (Anthony Van Dyck 1599-1641), seen at the Cambridge Fitzwilliam museum.
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Ruary is an Edinburgh-born artist who has lived and worked all over the world and is a gallery core artist working in an attic studio above.
He is inspired by nature and psychedelic culture (6) and another of his works ‘Sacred Chaos’ was chosen as the exhibition feature image.
I interviewed the artist to learn more about the context and process behind these works. Ruary explained that “Trap Dance was a process-oriented piece, created as an experiment using masking tape to create random abstract geometric forms”.
The piece depicts two females and a male dancing, with Cubist and Italian futurists-influenced segmentation and distortion of the figures. The artist noted that the title ‘Trap Dance’ is a pun, as the two female figures appear to be being pressed together by the male dancer (Allen quipped it should have been called ‘Tape Dance’). The experimental process with repeated randomly placed masking tape and paint until the forms emerged, resulted in an abstract image.
The artist saw the forms of the dancers appearing and added them at late stages of development. It is more narrative in comparison with the cover piece ‘Sacred Chaos’; which was another process oriented, straight-edged construction using platonic forms, mathematical constructions, intersecting circles and combining them to make a striking abstract image. The artist has a lifelong interest in Alchemy in art and alchemical symbolism, and this is evident in the works presented here (7).
The colour palette is cooler at top and has more vibrant and darker tones at bottom, with a spotlight in the top left corner, which the artist suggests is reminiscent of a stage or nightclub scene. There is lots of movement as the figures are interweaved amongst the abstract shapes.  
This painting is hung in a long narrow corridoor directly opposite the toilets (another ‘trap’ reference?) and adjacent to the exit door to the garden space. The works surrounding the piece are smaller in scale and have less visual impact, and I think that having to stand so close to it makes it more of an experience as the viewer is drawn into the movement and abstract forms on the canvas. There is no opportunity to stand back and see the work in a wider context so one is trapped like the dancers in the image.
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3. ‘Lost Toys’ by Julie Ackerman .
This is an installation assemblage sculpture piece selected from a collection of 10 museum themed boxes. (8). The work is inspired by the ‘cabinets of curiosities’ or ‘Wunderkammer’ (as described by Anastasiya Gutnic from the Metropolitan museum of art here with an example from the German artist Nicolaus I Kolb) (9).
The cabinet is displayed with a second piece called and ‘Science Lab’ and both are relatively small in scale requiring the viewer to lean in close to see the details.
Key elements of a Wunderkammer are:
·       Naturalia (natural, found objects),
·       Artificialia/Artifacta (mand-made, abstract objects), and
·       Scientifica (scientific instruments and technological items)
The cabinet contents are carefully considered to reflect the message that the artist is trying to express, and fits the categories described above.
I chose this piece as the lockdown period has made many of us question what is important to us and question our consumerism and its’ environmental impact.Using upcycled packaging and materials has been a theme of my own creative practice this year.
The artist states on her biography (8)
“I was compelled to take on the challenge of using unwanted objects and materials as an art medium. Raising awareness of a world in crisis through art is paramount in my work. By transforming waste into beautiful works of art, I hope to inspire and encourage the 'Art of Recycling' turning a negative situation into a positive one.”
The artist goes on to state “The impact of overpopulation means greater demand on natural resources and an escalating waste problem. We need nature to thrive by reducing our demand for new materials, leaving nature intact.”
In the ‘Lost Toys’ cabinet a collection of sticks and a pine-cone (Naturalia) are surrounded by a plastic ‘monster’ (Artificialia) and assorted toy animals. A green butterfly rests on a branch with a wooden ’tribal style’ peg and a ‘protective’ dragon flying overhead and a lurking toy hairbrush in the background.
The second cabinet has scientific paraphernalia (Scientifica) and a skull with glasses, references to the impact of sanitary waste and plastic pollution on marine life. There are also humorous touches, like the small creature and drawing pin on top of the skull.
This fits with the exhibition theme as it invites the viewer to examine how the items relate to each other and to our own experiences. Viewers will respond to the individual elements and interpret their relationships differently.
The placing of the cabinets in a transition space between two rooms containing large paintings is also an interesting variation in form and requires a different type of interaction by the viewer.
The aim of the exhibition was to explore the fundamental building blocks of visual art, both geometric and organic, and the curator has selected a broad range of 2D, and 3D exhibits to really allow this theme to be represented. I found it quite difficult to select only three works for this essay as there was such a high quality to choose from.
These three selected artists have interpreted the theme in quite different ways, but one gets a sense of shape and form from all of their works shown.
1.       Shape and Form Exhibition Virtual tour: https://www.infohost360.com/heart12/
2.       Millie Gleeson – The Hics reference video "All We'll Know" https://youtu.be/RB2MweTwfQY.
3.       Millie Gleeson website: https://milliegleeson.co.uk/all-well-know
4.       Van Dyck Image reference found in Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge guide, p37. 2016 ISBN: 978-0-9574434-9-5
5.       Image sourced from https://artuk.org/discover/artworks/rachel-de-ruvigny-countess-of-southampton-as-fortune-5613
6.       Ruary Allen Artist Bio:  https://heartofthetribe.com/portfolio_page/ruary-allan/
7.       Ruary Allen Artist website:  https://artalchemist.com/
8.       Julie Ackerman Artist Bio: https://heartofthetribe.com/artist-directory-view-by-artist/user/77/
9.       Cabinet of Curiosities reference video: https://youtu.be/j6q10euArks Nicolaus I Kolb (German, 1582–1621). Apothecary Cart, 1617–18. Veneer: ebonized pearwood (Pyrus communis), ebony, partially gilded silver; carcass: conifer; interior: protective quilted cushion covered in red silk, drawers and chest lined with red silk velvet; gold, trimming; mounts and fittings: brass, partially gilded; thirty-two (32) vessels and utensils: glass, partially gilded silver, low carbon steel, leather, 11 x 11 x 9 1/16 in. (28 x 28 x 23 cm). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Purchase, Anna-Maria, and Stephen Kellen Acquisitions Fund, 2019 (2019.229.1a–c–.32a, b)
10.  Cabinet of Curiosities reference description: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabinet_of_curiosities
11.   Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker, "How to do visual (formal) analysis," in Smarthistory, September 18, 2017, accessed January 28, 2021, https://smarthistory.org/visual-analysis/.
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boazpriestly · 4 years
Today, for our summer program, I began a very simple rpg with my preschoolers. I had them draw their own characters, without restrictions, and them choose if their characters were better with strength, imagination, or teamwork (everyone either chose strength or teamwork). Then I redrew their characters and colored them to make individual cards so that everyone can know what the characters look like when we play (but mostly so the kids can take them home later and keep them). Earlier in the week, I had them choose a starter setting and a general goal of the game and they decided that they were beginning the story on our school playground and that the goal was to get to the zoo.
To make the game as simple as I could, so our focus would be on storytelling and problem solving, I chose to use a D12 dice with numbers 1-5 being a fail, and numbers 6-12 being a success. Our rules were simple too. 1) We had to take turns and share the decision making. 2) We had to listen to each other, especially the GM (teacher) so we know what’s happening in the story. 3) We have to be encouraging with each other. 4) We have to roll the dice for actions that will help us advance the story and reach our goal. Beyond that there weren’t many restrictions and I welcomed whatever their imaginations could come up with.
Let me tell you right now, preschoolers are amazing to play table top rpgs with! These 4 and 5 year old got so into the game and pretending to be their characters. They were using different voices and acting out their character’s abilities, and coming up with the craziest solutions to the obstacles they were facing. In a 30 minute game, they escaped from the playground, defeated a camouflaged giant in rock, paper, scissors, found a magic fairy box at a max station that allowed them to shrink the T-Rex character so she could fit on the Max Train, and tricked a friendly shadow man to tell them a secret by playing music and getting him to dance.
We stopped when I could tell their attention was waning, but they asked to play again tomorrow so they can do more. They also did not want to stop holding their character cards. It was easily one of the funnest things I’ve ever done as a teacher. And I kind of really want to do this again with more preschoolers.
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isolaween · 5 years
At 7 PM, all guests are waiting anxiously. Some are excited, others are nervous, but everyone wonders what will happen now. It's only been a few minutes since the lights went off, but it feels like an eternity.
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And then... Golden butterflies, just like those idly flying around, begin to amass at the top of the staircase leading to the second floor. They form a true cloud, which dissolves to reveal none other than the silhouettes of tonight's noble hosts. They wear costumes inspired by 1980's fashion, just fitting for their own temporal origin. And as expected, they start the festivities with the most iconic sentence:
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The lights turn on once again in a burst, as several magical figures, servants of the Ushiromiya family, pop into existence either on the staircase or floating above it, as they bright forth a wave of applause. The spotlights highlight the Golden Witch and the Endless Sorcerer the most, as the latter grabs a microphone to start their presentation.
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"Good evening, Spirale City! I hope you folks are ready for a truly spooooky night, where the world of humans and the world of witches comes into contact with each other!"
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Then, Beato took the microphone. "There is no need to be afraid, however. This is an once-a-year moment, where the grotesque, the weird, the supernatural, can exist freely, without being afraid of the limitations humans bring to them. This is a night of joy, after all."
"And speaking of limitations, that includes the temporal restrictions fashion imposes to us on a daily basis. This year's theme for our guests' costumes is a Chrono Celebration! No matter whether you came from ancient times or the most distant future, show off your time period's culture and style with pride! I hope to see many people joining this fun. Ihihi!"
"Of course, we wouldn't be so cruel to expel you if you choose to go for another path in your fun. But if you have even the tiiiiniest change of heart about it, check the rooms to the hall's right, where a costume room can be found. Alternatively, you could ask the makeup crew's assistance to make you look like a monstrous being straight from Hell! *Cackle**cackle**cackle*!!"
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“Beato, please, we have children here.” He whispers to her ear, before coughing and returning his attention to the audience. “A-Anyway, that is not our only attraction! To your left, you’ll find the parlor, where a karaoke system is set up on the TV. Just ask Hieda no Akyuu (@ninthmiare), who is overseeing it, to help set you up and go have fun singing your lungs out with friends!”
A spotlight shone upon Akyuu over this mention of her, as it would do for any other person mentioned during their speech. “Of course, if you feel like that is too cheerful for a Halloween Party, you can just wait a bit later. Once we hit 11 PM, Akyuu will move to the dinner room, where a ghost story sharing session will start! Bring on your scariest tales, or read some of the material provided to us by a partner of ours-” Beatrice summons business cards for Owl’s Books to everyone’s hands, much like the cards present at the gift baskets, with info about all the partner businesses that collaborated with the party. “-for maximum fright!”
“Those who’d rather partake in a more physical activity can go up the second floor, where Emma (@gracefieldorphan) and Jon K. are responsible for carrying out a hide-and-seek game! It’s open for all ages, so don’t be afraid to join!”
“And for people who’d rather enjoy tonight in a more intellectual manner, we’ll ask you to go all the way up to the third floor. A escape room game shall await those who dare take the challenge. I hope none of you will bore our dear Piper Elenmin (@shadowedstep) with boring reasonings!”
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“Lastly, we shall have an ample selection of musical attractions throughout the whole party! Starting at 19:20, we have Ultimate Pianist Kaede Akamatsu (@pureryudo) and famous idol Rise Kujiwawa (@wavesang)! Next, at 20:10, we have the idol duo of Sayo Hikawa (@heroicadvents) and Aya Maruyama (@ayasashi)!!”
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“Check in at 21:00 for the spetacular presentation of fellow cute blondes, Rin Kagamine (@rightreflection) and Klavier Gavin (@rockstarprosecutor)! By 21:50, it’ll be time for yet another idol to join us, the versatile GUMI (@mozeik)!!”
“If you’d rather listen to other sorts of music besides singing, just wait until 22:40. First, we’ll have Ecaterina Ciobanu (@unulales) bringing some creepy tunes with her violin! Next, it’ll be the time for Midvalley (@midvalley-the-hornfreak) to captivate us with a saxophone show at 23:30!”
“Music shall accompany us until the end of this magical night. After the stroke of midnight, Dorothea Arnault (@chanteuser) will bring us to a night in the opera, exactly at 00:20! And to end the service, we shall have I-no (@sinfoniette) going feral with her guitar! Huh huh, I can’t wait to have all of you relieving my boredom with your sweet tunes!!”
“Ihihihihi! I think we all will, dear!” Battler says amused, before pulling a more serious face. “....Before we end it for tonight, though, I need to give you folks a general warning. This is meant to be a funny evening, with nothing but positive vibes here. Light hearted pranks are fine, but violence of any sort will not be tolerated. See these?” He points to a golden butterfly flying around. “They’re directly linked to Beato and I’s minds. If any of you try pulling anything ‘funny’ that would disrupt the party, we will know.”
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“And the consequences for such violations of our hospitality will be dire.” Beato adds. “We have a strong security team. We trust them to be able of handling most rumbuctious folks. If you insist on offering resistance, however, goat butlers will appear around you and immobilize you. If that doesn’t suffice, we have our higher ranked furniture, such as the Seven Stakes of Purgatory or the Chiester Sisters, to deal with such elements.”
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“And if even after all that, you insist on spoiling people’s fun...” Battler raises his hand, where a small glass-like Fragment appears. “You will be sent to this Time-Out Fragment until the end of the party. It’s pretty much a pocket dimension, so don’t think you can escape if it gets to this.”
As soon as he finished that, Battler broke into a happy smile and clapped his hands. “So, I hope everyone enjoys the party! Thank you to everyone who came, and to everyone that helped and is helping us right now! Oh, and a last thing. If any of you gets hurt or feels ill, check the medical room, where you’ll receive due treatment. That is it for now!”
With that, Battler and Beatrice teleported away from the staircase, freeing the way up. They must be somewhere in the crowd now, as they wish to enjoy the party as everyone else...
(Hello, everybody! This is Battler-mun talking. Welcome to the first edition of Isolaween! Following the tradition of C*ttaween, this party will last ICly from October 4h, 7 PM, to October 5th, 2 AM. These are very special dates for the Umineko fandom, which is why the party happens this early.
OOCly, the party will last from this post’s bublishing time, which should be midnight of October 4th (Isola time) to midnight of October 11th (Isola time), unless the mods request us to end it earlier. You can obviously continue threads related to the party until then, but make sure to publish your starters and opens before end time! And remember: use the tag #isolaween2k19 so we and everyone else can see your interactions at the party!
Below are maps of the mansion, so you folks have an spacial reference on where each room is in relation to the others:
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As mentioned in the text, there will be musical presentations during this period, which will consist of drabbles written by the collaborative muns. The OOC dates for each presentation is below, so keep a look at these blogs at the corresponding day:
- Kaede and Rise: 10/4
- Sayo and Aya: 10/5
- Rin and Klavier: 10/6
- GUMI: 10/7
- Ecaterina: 10/8
- Midvalley: 10/9
- Dorothea: 10/10 (Around midday)
- I-no: 10/10 (Evening)
The rules of the festivities have already been well laid ICly, so I won’t repeat myself here. Just let’s try keeping things positive during the party, ok? Any doubt just ask either me (@ingoldentent) or Beato-mun (@goldenless) And above all, let’s have fun! Now excuse me while I go download Ciconia…)
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Rekindle Chapter 25: Puss in Boots
Adrien and Marinette discuss the Mayor’s celebration over breakfast.
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“A party, huh? About time we got some recognition.” Plagg swallowed the cheese wedge he had been working on whole, then floated towards the refrigerator.
“For once, I’m with Plagg on this,” Adrien said as he sat at the kitchen table. They hadn’t been awake for very long, but Marinette had already brought up Mayor Andre’s upcoming banquet at the city hall. “It’s nice to be rewarded for our good deeds, even if it is just an event in our honor.”
Marinette finished the eggs and toast she had made them for breakfast, sitting across from Adrien as they dug in. She gestured at him with a fork. “You make it sound like we’ve gone unappreciated all this time. We were barely a year into this when we got the first statue built for us, remember?” He conceded the point with a nod and they ate in silence for a few moments. “So… do you want to go?”
Adrien smirked. “Why, my lady, are you asking me to be your partner at the ball?”
“Not if you’re going to be weird about it,” she said with a teasing lilt to her voice. “Besides, it won’t be like a super fancy ball… right?” She’d done some sketches last night while waiting to become tired and none of them would work for a high class function.
Unfortunately, Adrien shook his head. “No, Andre has really gone all out for bigger, fancier parties in the last few years. I guess his businesses are doing pretty good or something? At least he has more money to flaunt. Anyway, he tends to prefer more high class gatherings these days. My…” He cleared his throat. “Gabriel and I were always invited.”
“But… everyone is invited to this one!” Even as she said that, her mind was thinking of new designs, the old ones effectively dead to her now.
“I’m sure he said that, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned away anyone not in a decent suit.” He took another bite and added without looking up. “It used to be that you had to have an Agreste wardrobe to enter, but something tells me that particular restriction isn’t going to be present this time around.”
Marinette absently stirred her coffee with a frown as she considered what Adrien had said. “So Gabriel and Andre were… friends then?”
To her surprise, he scoffed. “I don’t think he had friends, exactly. But they certainly had connections with each other.” He stared into his coffee, both hands wrapped around his cup as he set it on the table. “Maybe that’s why Andre is making this such a public event. Trying to distance himself from Gabriel as much as possible.”
“Maybe.” She smiled brightly, prying one of his hands off the cup and to hold it. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time. Assuming you still want to go?”
In an instant, the gloom that had started to surround him vanished. He returned her smile. “If you’re there, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“There’s my sweet kitty,” she whispered while gently running a hand along his cheek. More loudly, she asked, “Do you need me to design your outfit? I’ll be making mine, so it might be nice to be matching.”
He shook his head. “You’re amazing, but I don’t think there is enough time for you to make us both something. Besides, I think I’ve already got an idea.” He leaned back in his chair and looked towards the refrigerator. “Right, Plagg?”
Annoyed, the black kwami floated out of the appliance. “What are you on about, kid?”
“We can make modifications to our suits, right?”
“Yeah, I guess…” Plagg replied grudgingly.
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem for me to look like a musketeer?”
“Ughhh, that sounds like a lot of work.” Not for the first time, Marinette wondered how diligent, efficient Tikki had managed to put up with Plagg for this long. Or how Adrien had, for that matter.
“There’s camembert in it for you.”
“What do you think I’m eating now?” Plagg waved a wedge of cheese about as large as he was in front of Adrien.
“About as much camembert as you’ll be getting for the next month if you don’t help me.”
With a dramatic gasp, Plagg replied, “You wouldn’t.”
“You’d be surprised how far I’d be willing to go for love.”
As Plagg floated away, grumbling, Marinette asked, “Musketeer?”
“Yeah! That way I can be my lady’s dashing knight.”
She put her dishes away and returned to kiss Adrien’s cheek. “Aw, kitty. You’ll always be my dashing knight, no matter what you’re wearing.” As he beamed under her compliment she grinned and added, “My own little puss in boots. You’ll be so cute!”
“...I think I’ll stick with dashing knight, if it’s all the same to you.”
He stood up to take his own dishes to the sink, only to have Marinette hug him around the waist and obnoxiously yell into his chest, “PUSS. IN. BOOTS.”
Chuckling, he tried to shove her off, but failed to shift her. She assumed because he didn’t want to hurt her. “You're a ridiculous woman!”
Chin on his chest and looking up into his eyes, she murmured, “I am your ridiculous woman.”
He returned the hug after setting down his plate. “And I’m grateful for you always.”
“There’s my dashing knight.” Leaning forward on her toes, she caught his lips with hers. The day had officially begun.
The two weeks passed uneventfully as the two of them made their preparations for the party. It had taken some negotiating and fine tuning, but he had managed to get the suit done in just the way he had been envisioning it. His wide brimmed hat had a light green feather tucked inside it, to match his full black musketeer uniform. The only part of his suit he’d been unable to alter were his ears, mask, and baton. At least Marinette hadn’t seemed to mind.
Now it was the night of the party and Adrien found himself pacing nervously in their living room. It was the first time in months that he’d be out in public and expected to be social. While it would be as Chat Noir rather than Adrien, he was still worried. Even if he knew he had no reason to be afraid. For now, he stuffed those thoughts aside as he waited for Marinette to emerge in her dress. Despite his curiosity, he’d deliberately avoided watching Marinette work on her gown specifically to give this reveal all the more impact. And as she stepped out of their shared bedroom, he was glad that he did.
She’d really outdone herself this time, the pinnacle of class with her strapless, sweetheart neckline dress. The bodice of her dress was black, but with red Swarovski Crystals scattered across it. As his eyes floated downward, he noted the many layered chiffon ball gown and saw her genius unfold. While the first layer was black, it was semi-transparent, showing off the red with black polka dots of the lower layers. It was subtle and refined, but gorgeous. His eyes snapped to hers as she giggled. He caught a glimpse of a familiar ruby necklace that had caught his attention during a patrol a few days ago, and a less familiar bejeweled ladybug clip in her hair.
“See something you like, minou?” She gave him a smirk and she stopped in front of him, her red strappy pumps clicking against the wood floor.
“Only everything,” he said as he kissed her hand. He held out his arm for her. Once she had taken it, they made their way out of the apartment. “Are you ready to arrive at this party in style?”
“If by ‘style’ you mean, ‘the arms of a superhero,’ then yes. Though you might have to give me a couple minutes after we land to fix anything.”
He chuckled as they stepped onto the streets and he scooped her into his arms and pulled out his baton. “As you wish, my lady.”
To Marinette’s immense relief, they managed to get in without any trouble and were having a good time in the middle of their fifth song of the night. And despite her fears of being overdressed, they weren’t too out of place. Honestly, the only thing that set them apart from the crowd was-
“Gaudy stuff here tonight, isn’t it?” Chat whispered into her ear as they slow danced on the open floor, his hands on her hips and her arms around his neck. She had her head against his chest, quietly enjoying the fact that despite the modifications, his suit still smelled like leather and Adrien. “Not at all like what you made.”
“That’s… Well...” She bit her lip, trying to be tactful. But he was right, most of the outfits were a spectacle, sure, but they weren’t good quality. Already the floor was starting to get a fine layer of red and black dust from what was flaking off the worst outfits present. She shook her head, lips curling slightly in disgust at the poor craftsmanship. “I get the feeling some shops made a killing these last couple weeks.”
Chat snorted. “No wonder. The mayor kinda threw that theme out at the last minute, didn’t he? And not everyone has a master seamstress on hand to custom make dresses at the drop of a hat.”
“I’m not a master yet, but… thanks. And you’ve got a fair point. It all seems kinda last minute, doesn’t it?”
She was about to comment on a lack of Mayor Andre, but then the lights cut out except for a spotlight on the stage. The slow dance music was swapped out for something generic yet vaguely patriotic. Stepping into the light was the mayor himself. She didn’t feel like it had been that long since she had seen him in person last - as Ladybug, she often bumped shoulders with the man, whether she wanted to or not. Something about him always felt a little sleazy, even if he covered it up with his wealth and prestige.
The man now on the stage, however, felt like someone else entirely. He seemed to have aged twenty years in the span of a couple months and despite his wide smile, she could see the panic in his eyes, and the fear that he was barely able to conceal under a layer of false confidence, proved by the sweat dripping down his face.
Mayor Andre began his speech - something about rallying together and putting the past behind them. It quickly became clear that Marinette wasn’t alone in her observations. She picked up the words, ‘scandal’ and ‘corruption’ in the whispering around her. Maybe Adrien wasn’t too far off in his guess about why the festivities were being held in the first place.
A slight murmur washed across the room and Marinette pulled away from Chat, suddenly on alert as her eyes snapped back to the stage. Her eyes widened as she saw the mayor clutch at his chest and fall to his knees. Before anyone could do anything, the doors to the outside burst open, letting in five men covered head to toe in jagged, black plate armor, brandishing two handed swords. The crowd panicked as four of them began charging towards them, leaving the fifth to approach the mayor.
She glanced over at Chat Noir, who was watching her in turn. She nodded to him and a spark passed between them, a moment of perfect understanding.
They were still heroes, and these people needed their help.
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nyruratchet · 5 years
“...Why you punish me?”
So, I explained last time the situation regarding the creation of my music...monetarily. But let me explain and expand on how my time is utilized on a monthly basis.
If I haven’t made it clear, I hate my job. But here’s the thing, it’s flexible (for the most part), has benefits: (insurance, free-ish air travel, scheduled pay increases). Cons: passengers are allowed to treat crew like shit, always working with new people (that you may not mesh well with), anyone you try establishing a relationship with has pre-conceived notions/little to no faith you will ever be around, pay SUCKS until you get REALLY senior (7+), and...more, but I digress. But that flexible schedule, albeit limited, has afforded me the ability to work on music; until it doesn't. 
See, I was getting “comfortable” in my work situation a few years ago until certain a situation beyond my control forced me into deep debt, bad credit, and deeper depression. In order to fix all of this, money is needed. How do u get money? Work more. More work leads to more depression and sometimes health issues. So, I’ve been stuck in this seamlessly endless cycle of paycheck to paycheck living. And my desire and NEED to work on my music has not helped it (as explained in the previous blog post). Every time I get a bit more money, it goes to my craft. 
See, after you put all that money into creating art, you have to then put it OUT there. And in the case of a performer, you need to do live performances. That is a whole other situation in itself. There are lots avenues to get live performance experience. Open mics, concert showcases, live cabaret/karaoke bars, etc. Guess what THEY ALL COST MONEY. But not only money, LOTS of excess time is involved. 
This past spring, I was dragged into a showcase by my producer friend (who I’m partially in love with but he’s straight...but that’s another story). In order to do a showcase, you have to apply for acceptance. Applications involve you submitting current work and having a worthy social media following (which you have had to spend constant time building). Once you fill out the application, send the files and info, PAY your entry fee ($25) and receive your acceptance, you then have to sell tickets. Yes, how do they get people to come to the showcase? By having YOU bring them. And if you cannot find people to buy your tickets, all of those tickets come out of YOUR pocket. So, I was given 25 tickets to sell (last minute mind you); 25 tickets to sell at $20 bucks each. So, if I don't sell them, I owe the company $500 dollars. Yup, that’s correct. In order for me to perform my original content on their stage, I needed to make sure they got their $525 and help them get people in the venue so that they buy drinks at the bar (which we were given ZERO drink tickets for). Now before stepping on stage, you don’t get a sound check. So, you show up early before everyone to check in and simply check they have your correct music file(s) then wait...and wait...and wait. But your music has to be edited within their restrictions (this means more studio time. Remember, studio time =more $$...just making sure ur following me. Too many times you’ll hear big recording artists talking about how they have just sat in studios for hours creating a song from scratch. Yeah, only if you are signed to major label is this a thing! But anyway...back to the showcase.) 
Needless to say, I did everything I needed to. But I had some help since I asked to do this last minute and told them UP FRONT they would have had to get that unsold ticket money from me in blood. I landed from working a redeye the day before, got a nap in, did my vocal exercises in my car on my way to New Jersey, checked in and sat there. Since some people didn't show up on TIME, I was abruptly grabbed from drinking my whiskey at the bar and told “YOU’RE ON NEXT!”  Being the seasoned professional that I am, took that shot to the head, said “Actually, that’s not my slot...but ok, I’m ready.” NO SOUND CHECK, NEVER given TIME on the stage beforehand...I went on. Sung my ass off with a standing ovation from the judges. Then, went back to drinking with my friends who were in shock because they had never heard me really sing live. Then I had sit for HOURS while mediocre “rappers” and “singers” rapped over pre-recordings of their own vocals. Finally, they were ready to announce the winners. I won that sucker.
But what did I win? ...A promise to be put into another show... *DICK FACE*  No money to recoup what I just spent getting to this moment. No free promotion on social media to help me and my art. NO, some bullshit. So, I took the experience fore what it was and cut my losses. I got some exposure and was able to test out an unreleased song...but besides that. Nothing but wasted time and effort. I left there feeling somewhere between elation and disappointment. Not to mention, I was exhausted; I had done all this after working my full time job, and had to work again the next day. So all I had time to do was drive home and sleep. 
“Like a wave bashing into the shore...
Since this, I have had some money issues and mental health issues, so I have just barely been able to work on music. On my days off, I have to sleep and get back in the groove of being a real person instead of a redeye zombie. Then when I’m feeling slightly normal, I’m back to work...it is a vicious, irritating, restraining cycle. I’ve tried working shorter flights so I’m home more; nope, the pairings (schedules) for those flights work you in a way that leaves you feeling raped. My company will build a pairing with a duty time of 27hrs and only pay you for 15-17 of those hours. DOESN’T MAKE SENSE. Then on top of that, your rest time at the hotel is set to 11hrs...WTF?? 
Let me explain this for those of you with normal jobs. On these pairings, you are schedule to work a number of flights each day. So, 3 day pairing means you work 3-4 flights each day and have 2 layovers. Now lets say FLIGHT time is 1.5-2.5 hrs each (8-12hrs). Then you land from your final flight for day one. We’re usually delayed at our carrier...honestly, rarely on time. So, you have minimum rest at 11hrs. BUT, before you can leave the aircraft we have to get all passengers off the plane, CLEAN the seats, wait on our shuttle which is probably late if your pilots are sucky human beings and haven’t called ahead to make sure they’re there (Pilots aren’t required to clean; just us lowly peasants). So, by the time you get to the hotel, down to 10hrs. If you get there and rooms are ready, great. IF NOT, another 20-30 min or longer. But, lets say you’re down to 9.5hrs now. Get to your room. Hopefully your key works, air/heat works, no one is already in you room (yes...it happens all the time), room already cleaned, no bed bugs, and you aren’t by a noisy ice machine/elevator. You then have to shower and eat. Let’s say you get all that done in an hour. You now have 8.5 hrs to sleep...BUT WAIT, the van is scheduled to pick you up from the hotel 45 min to an hour before you are supposed to report at the airport and you need to be dressed and ready to make that van. So instead of 8.5hrs, you actually have 7hrs at best to sleep and pop outta bed, get dressed and properly ready to do the shit show all over again; all the while, knowing they are really only paying you for the time you spend on the aircraft, AFTER THE DOOR IS CLOSED AND THE BRAKE IS RELEASED. Time before like boarding, checks, delays? nope...no pay. Just us waisting our fucking time. Literally.
Why, is this? cuz everyone does it is the answer. That is how all airlines do it, so you have no leg to stand on. Got a union, the company retaliates like a reprimanded toddler. Now as I said before, once you get to be a super senior in your company and can choose what you want to work, when you want to work, in the position you want to work, getting $40/hr at base hours and a crazy amount for premium (overtime) hour, etc. the job is GOLDEN. (Unless that company gets purchased/merged.) But for a young person/flight attendant in debt, living in NYC, with a high cost of living, life ain’t fun. I tried living in New Jersey for a lower cost; that came with its own issues. I’ve taken out loans, became a hermit to save money, worked holidays, etc. Dug my hole deeper is what I did. And I’m pretty good at setting goals and managing my time and getting things DONE. But for some fucking reason, life is not working in my favor. This job is not working for me. I see younger people coming up behind me doing LITTLE to no work, getting musical accolades with trash “music” (I know, matter of opinion...but really. C’mon now), young white/latino/asian twinks shaking their ass for anything that breathes and getting rich men to pay their bills or marry them, all the while telling me they just want my BBC or other racist BS like that (Yes, I have receipts) and I’m just like WTF AM I DOING WRONG?! Have I spent my time stupidly? 
And the most recent shit that really hurt my feelings: If any of you remember (to the three of you reading this lol), a few months ago I posted about help getting into bartending. Well, I had actually asked a friend in person before that about bartending and if he knew any directors who could do a music video. This “friend” told me “no, not really”. Didn’t know anything about that, he just does movies and short films (which I’ve donated to his kickstarters for btw...) but no one who he thinks does music videos. THEN, I asked this same “FRIEND” how much he would charge to be IN a music video, as I had a song (the one I won the showcase with) that he would be perfect for as it deals with subject matter he rallies for. I wanted to help his career out in turn by help my video out, because I’m ugly and having beautiful actors in my video would be a better sell (as again, I need this song to make money. He then tells me me, he’s not sure how much he would charge for that. SEVERAL MONTHS LATER...this bitch releases a music VIDEO to his NEW SINGLE about a SIMILAR SUBJECT!! Without promotion, he gets instant 2.2k hits on the video on youtube. MIND YOU, he would always be shy to sing around me and I told him, “you need to give yourself more credit. You have a beautiful voice.” Meanwhile, I’m asking for some knowledge from him, and he wouldn’t help me with ANYTHING. I have NEVER asked for a hand out. Just tell me where the door is, I will get in even if I have to pick the lock. But he not only pretended he didn’t know where the door was, he was holding the keys, had lock picks on the side and duplicates to share; But, for whatever reason...didn’t want to share that with me. Even though, I was going to include him in MY art without any thought and was willing to pay. Now, I have some thoughts on why he did this. But seeing as I’m on the verge of tears, I’ll end on that note.
...You wash away my dreams.”
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freshbleats-blog · 5 years
How to do Fresh Bleats
Hey Booked Comics, 
Here are a few things to keep in mind for the show.
1. Perform 5 minutes of brand new material.
-This show is for generating new material that has never been performed before so take advantage of it.
2. Participate in the “tag in” after a comic performs their new 5.
-Kate is on the overhead mic and will ask the seated comics if anyone wants to tag in and will gently nudge someone to go up first. Only one person on stage at a time so the first comic sits and the tagged in comic gets up. The tag in part lasts for 2 minutes total but you don’t have to fill up the entire time by yourself. if you tag in and run out of things to say after 30 seconds, ask someone else to tag in to take your place. Most shows people keep tagging in to fill the time.
Here is an example of the Show Structure:
Devohn/Kate 5-10 minutes
Comic 5 minutes
tag in 2 minutes
Comic 5 minutes
tag in 2 minutes
Devon announce winner(s)/close show 5 minutes
That’s it! That’s the gist of the show and everything else is gravy. Feel free to read further if you want or need to waste time while trying to write a new 5.
What is Tagging In?
You know when you are sitting at an open mic and you watch someone who you enjoy and you start to think about other jokes or tags that would work well in their new bit? And then when you go over to tell them it sounds stupid or they cut you off with a “Don’t tell me what to do!” in a Jan Brady voice? The tag in lets you go up and perform what you think “would be funny if they said this here like this”. The best tags literally reference the 1st comic’s set and are written or performed FOR the first comic. If it helps to try and sound and act like the first comic, do what you have to do.
Don’t avoid letting people tag in after you perform your 5 minutes because there is no reason to be on this show for points.
During the show, the comics are sitting in the show room with the audience. The MCs and comics are usually bantering with each other between sets and are very supportive of each other because it can be kind of nerve wracking to just blurt out an untested 5 minutes. During the tags, comics build on a set to make it funnier or more complex. While it seems chaotic to us, the audience sees comics “writing sets live” and helping each other.  (HINT: The less comics care about points and want to write for each other, the more points are awarded to more people (not that it matters)).
Q. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What’s all this shit about scoring points?
A. Oh yeah, we keep score so that everyone stays alert and invested and so we can make fun of you for not following our rules. Don’t worry about it, dummy, but here’s a breakout of points:
Finish your 5 minutes = 1 point
Comic(s) tag in on your set and successfully perform 2 minutes = 5 points
Participating in a tag in = 5 points
Tagging in with material not related to 1st comic’s set = -5 points
Q. What happens if I do not finish my 5 minutes?
A. The hosts will make fun of you kind of. If you finish under 5 minutes, the time is added on to the tag in portion and more time is given to comics who want to jump and perform until the full 7 minutes are completed.
Q. Wait, points though?
A. We keep track of them on a wall in a cave somewhere in the Badlands. You can also get points from audience members who tweet at @fbleats. We use the tracker when promoting the show and it gives us something to talk about on stage throughout the show.
Q. So, I could lose points if someone tags in and they suck?
A. *sigh*…no.
Q. What if I go over my time (either my fine minutes or go over the 2 minutes during a tag in)?
A. There will be a light or sound effect thing if the clock doesn’t work.
Q. What if an audience member wants to tag in?
A. Not allowed and the hosts will tell them that.
Q. Can a comic who is not booked on the show tag in?
A. Generally, no. We can take this on a case by case if we are short a performer but it has not worked well in the past.
Q. Is one of those social justice warrior cry baby safe space shows?
A. Yes. That’s who seems to like and support our show so don’t fuck it up.
Q. But how do I lose points?
A. The most common way to lose points is if you tag in and do not do material based on the first comic’s set. Another is to do old material. Sometimes comics get nervous and a little mouthy which is understandable but points will be deducted if you are a douche or turn into a one-man-bachelorette-party.
Q. Can I write about more than one thing for my 5 minutes? What are the restrictions?
A. Your 5 minutes are your 5 minutes so don’t feel restricted to one topic. No restrictions on format if they can be accommodated (like music cues, lighting etc. - just let us know in advance.)
Q. What if my new stuff sucks?
A. Do what you would do at any show and get through it. The good news is that the other comics will help turn the ship around with their tags.
Q. What if the same stage hog keeps jumping up to tag in/ What if I am the only person tagging in?
A. Devohn and Kate (especially Kate) are freakishly empathic and adept at directing energy flow in closed socially engineered environments. It will be fine.
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writingdeskstories · 5 years
The Ballad of Fern Faster
Setting - Organ
Tone: Surreal
Place: Town
Population: Hostile
In a remote town, Organ despises noise. It's not fixated on silence and can enjoy a harmonious melody. But discordant notes and disruption to the rhythm infuriate it. The people of the town have long since learned to fall in line with what Organ enforces, and they abhor outsiders especially when they resist adapting to Organ's needs. Outsiders are often confused because though the town is severe, its response to disruption is long and slow. Unable to move swiftly, it warps the world over time, upending reality itself bit by bit for everyone around.
Establishing Shot
The streets of Organ's town are not quiet, but rhythmic. People going about their routines step in time with each other, making the streets hum with the beat as it echoes all around, ingrained in people's heads.
Though everyone is carrying out all their separate daily routines, every single one of them matches the timings together as the step, stand, wave, turn, laugh, cry or breathe.
It all goes.
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
Antagonist - Choreographer Flik - Power 3
Flaw: Overzealous
Strength: Agile
Type: Weapon
Choreographer Flik has been conducting Organ's dance for a long time. Early on she recognised that it was far easier and safer to give into the harmony and believe in it. There WAS a pleasure to falling in line with the rhythm, and she makes sure everyone understands that lest some dissident undermines life for the rest with careless action. After all, she wants the people of the town kept safe from the outbursts of Organ itself. And she's well practiced in teaching people the movements they need to fall in line.
Antagonist Operating
Most people in town follow the rhythm, but Flik leads it. Everyone knows that Organ itself dictates what the rhythm is, but that doesn't stop Choreographer Flik being the leader that pulls ahead of them all, setting the example and ensuring everyone stays in line. Everyone in town can hear her coming at any point because her movements are so perfectly tuned in that they stand out amongst the chorus. Even her echoes match the rhythm.
On a small street just a few people are moving about their business, however one man named Pete moves awkwardly with a cane he's not used to. Pete had resisted accepting one for years but it became untenable, and adjusting is proving even harder than he expected as he stumbles along, stepping outside the proper rhythm. No-one else in the street will make eye contact with Pete, but then they hear the click of Flik's shoes approaching, and they strain even harder to divert their attention away.
Flik walks down the street, adjusting the arm movements, posture and gait of people she passes without a second thought. She can clearly see Pete struggling and strides right up to him.
"Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete," each word hits a beat and is punctuated by it as she also shakes her head in long slow rhythmic timing, "Ask for some help, if you need it. We will provide."
Flik smiles, taking his cane and sliding in under his arm as she lets him rest his weight on her. Pete holds his tongue, too nervous to speak to the beat, and nods his head as they start to walk briskly. He fails to hide his winces as they move, and Flik quickly notices.
"Sorry Petey. We just have to. Keep up keep up. You know the way. Try wince in time. Wince two three four, wince two three four," She says with sincere intent to encourage him as they head down the street.
Hero - Fern Faster - Power 3
Flaw: Lazy
Motivation: Justice
Strength: Intuition
Preferring to go with the flow and take it easy, Fern goes on gut feeling rather than thinking through their actions and following the context they're in. This is largely due to laziness, but they do have an undeniably good instinct for knowing what's best even in ways they themself don't even recognise until much later. What truly gets Fern to take action is when people are being marginalised or unfairly restricted. They cannot abide oppressive rules and love to shatter them for all.
Introduction: Socialising
Fern lies stretched out in an uncomfortable trailer, looking up at the sky above. Their foot bobs slowly to a rhythm that can't be followed. But it gets interrupted as the trailer starts vibrating because the tractor it's attached to starts up, spluttering.
The old farmer in the tractor looks back at Fern and laughs, "You really waited, huh? I told ya I'd be gone for hours."
Fern does a slight shrug, "I'm in no rush Judith."
Judith looks back at her odd new friend, "You'd rather wait than be there by now?"
"I'd rather wait than walk," Fern replies, still lying out flat as the trailer jostles them.
"Suit yerself, no skin off my back," Judith beams as she turns to focus on the road ahead.
It's 30 minutes later before Fern speaks up, "Have you been to Organ yourself?" they ask, lifting themself up to sit and face her.
Judith just shakes her head, "I'm too slow for that place. Can't keep up with it. I don't think the place would suit me."
"I don't like that," Fern says frowning, "Everyone should be allowed come and go as they please."
Judith cocks a grin, "Well we're getting pretty close if you want to take that up with the town."
Fern just nods silently as they rumble along the road.
Objective: Defeat [person/creature]
Quest Giver: Prophet
Potential doom: Death
The Prophet Owenly Drummond has sent Fern to defeat Organ itself, lest the people of the town be slowly crushed under the weight if its stubborn rule. Though the people are not likely to be directly murdered, their lives are slowly eaten by the arbitrary harmony they cannot escape.
Quest Given: Advice
Owenly Drummond sits smiling at his marble desk as Fern looks back sceptical and quiet. Owenly is content because he already knows that Fern will go on the quest he set for them.
Fern clears their throat, "And why me?"
Owenly nods, accepting the question as valid, "Because I don't know what needs to be done, but I can tell you'll know. Follow your instincts Fern, and those will lead to freeing the people of Organ. I don't know what that means, I expect you don't either yet. But you will learn."
Fern sighs, knowing when their buttons are being pushed, "Well I don't want to leave a town full of people trapped."
Owenly stands up from their marble desk and walks over to the huge windows, edged with stained glass embellishments, looking out on the bustle of people going to and fro, to prayers, field work and to the music halls.
"The Chorus thanks you Fern, we can also reward you of course."
"I don't need much," they reply shrugging.
"We know," says Owenly as he reaches out to shake Fern's limp hand, "But we can supply what you want."
Fern stands up as they shake hands, and pauses before leaving, "I don't have any time limit, do I?"
Training: Cause
Fern lay still and close their eyes. Focusing would be the wrong word for what they're doing, because it's a lot more natural and uninvolved. But Fern's thoughts are wholly subsumed into the environment around them.
They'd been staying so long with the Chorus in their home that Fern had actually become comfortable and familiar with it. Before that, Fern constantly moved and they could feel the subtle changes in each place she went even when it was just a dirt road.
Bumping along in the truck, Fern mentally stretches themself out, touching the ground, the sky and the horizon. It feels good, they forgot how much it did. And it's a lot easier to get back into it using a calm and empty road like this.
However, something new starts creeping in when approaching Organ. It's not something they can get a clear read on, but Fern's sure it's the entity of Organ itself. Sprawled out across the land, worming itself everywhere in reach.
Fern sits up slowly and calmly, cracking their back. Getting that early peek at Organ helped but a scope on what they're coming to face, and it won't be hard at all.
Preparation Choice
Ally - Memento of Victor - Power 1
Strength: Unyielding
Type: Instrument
Source: Lover
A violin Fern was given by a man they loved long ago, it's all they have to remember him by. It bellows out notes as Fern plays it. Technically it isn't actually loud, it merely undermines other sound to attract all attention to itself. And despite years of rough travel and bouncing from place to place, it remains pristine and potent as ever.
Recruit Ally: Quest Relationship
Fern picks up the cloth bag next to them, and looks at the beautiful violin and bow sitting inside. They hadn't had much cause to use the violin while with the Choir, so they'd just left it to the side. It was a lot easier not having to think about it too.
However, before leaving to travel here, something pulled at Fern and compelled them to bring it. They were never one to ignore their instincts, even when they pushed Fern to do something they didn't want to. So along the violin came.
Now Fern takes it out of the bag and runs the bow along its strings, which let out a low hum. Evoking memories both good and regrettable, they put the violin back away again. Whatever Fern needs to bring it for, they can use it then and not dwell on the violin itself too much.
Antagonist Planning: Retribution
Flik arrives at Peter's office, with him breathing hard and leaning against her. As she stops short at the top of the steps.
"There we are now," she smiles at him, "Right on time too. Ready for work? I'm sure you are."
Pete only manages a strained nod as he slides off her shoulder to try stand on his own weight with the cane again.
"I understand. This must be tough," she nods along with her words, "So it's ok. But get in line," her voice never strays from pleasant, but Pete can feel the weight behind her words, "Just one chance each. That's all we get. Harsh but needed. No expections. You understand."
She pats his shoulder with each syllable of understand, and turns to leave without waiting on a response.
Opponent New Power: Source
Pete stumbles away as Flik leaves. Even less sure on his feet, Pete does force himself to match his feet to the rhythm as he trips on himself and falls to the ground perfectly in time. He carefully lifts himself in discrete careful motions so he can move slowly but still at Organ's pace. As he gets to his feet, his co worker Karen is already there handing him his cane.
He looks up to thank her, but he can see her attention is focused instead on the disappearing Choreographer. Karen scowls at her back, comfortable in the knowledge that Flik won't turn and see. Pete cannot blame her, so many of them share this hidden distaste for Flik, even if what she does truly is "necessary".
Karen remembers herself and turns her attention back to Pete, helping him in and trying their best to follow the rhythm inside.
Quest Departure: Leaving home
No-one saw Fern off from the temple, they hadn't made close friends or strong connections there. But they did feel something, stepping out through the Stave Arches that marked the edge of their home.
Fern had settled in so gradually, they only realised it was home when they were leaving it. It was oddly comforting to remind themself that they were coming back.
They hitched up their lightly packed bag and started their slow walk north. Their thoughts often drifted back. To the view from the Re Tower, the way the sun warmed the grass in the garden, and the booming song that burst out of the assemblies that Fern never attended but always heard.
Fern remembers all of this as they regard the gates of Organ. Perfectly fine gates. They step through. But certainly not the arches of their home.
Obstacle - Overture Oswald - Power 1
Cause: Need
Strength: Elemental
Type: Mage
Guarding the gates into Organ as an Overture, Oswald stops people as they enter to ensure that they understand the rules of the town, for the safety of them and the townspeople. It's normally a peaceful affair, and most are intimidated by his magical uniform. A sharp tailored suit that catches the rhythm of Organ and sparkles with it. And when it comes down to violence, Oswald has the earth magic to back up his demeanor.
Opponent Conversation: Understanding Motivations
Oswald sees Fern sauntering through the gate and immediately he can they'll be trouble. He still tries to catch their attention politely first.
"A-hem, hello. Your first time miss?" he forces a polite smile on his face.
Fern looks nonplussed and let's the moment hang for a while, "Ah, yes."
The incomplete rhythm eats at Oswald and he replies almost to demonstrate, "Ah yes ah yes. Well miss-"
"Not miss," they shake their head, "Call me Fern. Or Faster. 'You' can work too but I won't respond to miss next time you say it," Fern steps forward, satisfied they're done talking.
"Now just hold ON," Oswald grabs their arm, "I am Oswald, the Overture. I guard this town, relay the rules and halt trouble," he growls, "Everyone here, we match a rhythm. 1234. Harmonious. Perfect tempo. All in concert. It keeps us safe, pleases the town. Prevents trouble."
Fern looks back at his serious eyes, "Yeah. I know. That's bullshit. I'm here to free you all, so you're not locked into this cycle just to appease some powerful thing."
Oswald's eyes widen and Fern jerks themself free, "So good day Oswald."
Conflict between Fern Faster and Overture Oswald
Fern Faster won!
Overture Oswald loses power and has been retired!
+1 coins: For winning a conflict encounter with an Obstacle.
+2 coins: For retiring an Obstacle.
Reluctant Participation
Stamp stamp clap click. Oswald reacts quickly, realising that Fern isn't messing around. With the click of his fingers the spell completes, and ice builds up from the ground around Fern's legs hold them in place.
"Look right here, Fern," he steps forward, confident for exactly one moment before he sees Fern start to sag on the spot and he rushes forward to catch them, "Woah woah, are you ok?"
He crouches to read her face, tilted to the ground, and he can see they're completely conscious and responsive. If anything they just look bored.
"You wanted me to stop, so I did."
Oswald hesitates, letting go of Fern and stepping back, "So uh, could you stand up?"
"I mean, I could yeah. No reason I couldn't, but it wouldn't make much difference would it?"
Oswald frowns, "Uhm," and he doesn't know where to go from there as he stares blankly.
However Fern does raise their head to look now, "Aren't you meant to be matching a rhythm? I thought it was extremely important?"
Oswald almost yelps with the realisation, he'd been out of lockstep for so many beats at this point. He concentrates and starts stamping and humming to find the rhythm, and get himself back into it.
Fern slips her feet free from the melting ice, losing its strength as Oswald becomes unfocused. They wriggle their toes to get feeling back and walk on ahead, amused as the Overture tries too hard to find his natural flow.
Find Ally: Missing Skill
Fern strolls into town, seeing the quiet empty streets that twist and turn all around them. Surprisingly few people seem to be present, which feels like a good thing at first as they wander through alone.
But the streets become oppressive, threatening. They lean forward over Fern and the hard pavement shifts underfoot like sand.
Partly because they're distracted, it's a while before Fern notices they're walking the same road they were already on. But going the wrong way this time, somehow. They rub their temples. This whole place gives Fern a headache, and just following their feet usually works fine. But apparently not today. They need someone or something that can help them get around.
Ally - The Way Forward - Power 1
Type: Map
Strength: Subtle
Source: From family
Weakness: Soft
An old family heirloom, all that Fern ever got from their parents. It's like a compass but always points in 3 directions. Where you want to go, where you need to go and where someone else is trying to send you, sometimes they overlap and sometimes they're pointing in opposite directions. The distinction between the arms is unclear to others, but Fern can read the slight differences between each and know what each one means. It is unfortunately sensitive to disturbances in the environment that can entirely break its magic.
Recruit Ally: Drafted
Fern takes out a battered device, flat and round. They pop it open to see the three arms of the Way Forward. It was rare to see all three point the same direction, and it always made them suspicious but Fern nodded and put the Way back in their pocket.
The Way Forward had never steered them wrong, they'd had it as long as they could remember and always trusted it. Besides the direct way to go, it taught them how to approach life on the road. There's always multiple ways to go, you can feel it in your gut. Just pick the best one and head onwards.
Fern always assumed that's what their family would've thought too, had they ever been around. The Way was the only reminder of their family they had, so it was all they could do to extrapolate.
Antagonist Encounter
Flik bounds through the streets. Her beatkeepers were just now realising that something was upsetting Organ, but she could feel it becoming uneasy underfoot. Things started small, some colours shifting, the texture of some materials would feel off or the air would be oddly lighter.
But she knew they'd swell soon if the problem wasn't dealt with. The Choreographer prided herself on the limited number of incidents, but of course they weren't perfect. A whole town staying in rhythm required constantly vigilance. Especially when it had been so long since there'd been a public demonstration of the consequences.
She frowns as she jogs with a large stride. You can't run in Organ, it messes with the rhythm. But if you're practiced, you can make leaping strides in perfect time and move just as fast.
Flik frowns because even though the effects are slow, they had been escalating fast this morning. Too fast for someone being careless, could someone really be intentionally rebelling? Her head swings side to side at the thought. She can feel Organ pulling her to the problem, so she'll soon see who the trouble maker is.
Surprise Meeting
Fern strolls down the road, regularly looking down at the Way Forward to check that they're still on the path. They suddenly notice one arm wildly swing to point the opposite way to the rest of them. Fern stares at it.
"Hmm, someone REALLY wants me to go the other way, h-"
It happens in a flash, as Fern turns a corner without looking. Flik almost bounds right into them, but Flik has spent a long time moving quick and precisely. Midair, she pushes herself at an angle to step right around Fern. But she immediately stops and pivots back to face her. Even in a single moment, Flik can easily identify that this is the source of the disturbance.
Fern is still catching up to what happened, looking up and turning to face an animated Flik.
"You, it's all you." each word was spat out with force, "You're doing this. Hurting our town. Hurting Organ. And knowingly," Flik's eyes narrow, certain that no-one could get into town without being informed. And Fern's demeanour remains completely nonplussed.
"Yeah," Fern replies, leaving an agonising pause for Flik, "Honestly lady this place is kinda fucked up."
Conflict between Fern Faster and Choreographer Flik
Fern Faster lost!
Fern Faster loses power.
-2 coins: For losing a conflict encounter with the Antagonist.
Trying to Flee: Desperate
"So I just wanna do what I need to and leave," is what Fern intended to finish with, but Flik was on top of them fast. Flik wouldn't really be described as strong, but she was fast and she was forceful.
She stepped right in close and grabbed Fern's shoulders, digging her nails in tight and she swung Fern around. She was controlling Fern's movement, forcibly matching the rhythm that Fern had been flaunting up until now.
And it worked.
Fern tried to twist free, but Flik's hands always shot out to catch them and redirect their movements, puppeteering them.
"Let me go-ooo!" Fern tried to say, but Flik squeezed their chest like a vice, forcing an extra syllable out of them. Fern stopped resisting briefly, trying to centre themself on how to move forward.
Conflict between Fern Faster and Choreographer Flik
Fern Faster lost!
Fern Faster loses power.
-2 coins: For losing a conflict encounter with the Antagonist.
Reluctant Participation
Realising this won't just go away, Fern sighs and starts to lean away to begin dodging. But Flik shows surprising speed, jabbing at Fern's stomach to wind them. She follows it up by sweeping Fern's leg out from under them and pushing them to the ground, immobilised.
It all happens in moments, before Fern can really make their first move. Lying on the ground, they're held in place by Flik as she presses her weight down and then lifts Fern's arm to force it to move to Organ's rhythm.
"Why so stubborn?" she grunts rhythmically, "We follow it, all of us do. Can't you join too?"
As angry as she is at this disruptor, Flik still wants to convert them to be a welcome visitor or even resident perhaps. All Flik needs is to see their guest fall in line.
Recovery: Stranger's Assistance
There's a regular thumping sound, but it's the movement that wakes Fern. They're strapped down onto a table, completely immobilised. However the table itself continues jostling Fern in order to satisfy Organ's need for rhythm. The movement is slight, like being shaken politely. But the regularity and insistence is what makes it so grating.
There's a knock on the wall. Fern can't turn and look or even call out because their whole head is strapped in place on the table. Nevertheless, there's a scraping sound that must be the cell door opening and footsteps of someone approaching. Each step lines up with the jostling Fern is getting, making it even more unpleasant.
"Good, you're awake," the figure approaches and leans over Fern. He's scrawny and disheveled, with a loose jumper hanging down and a face that looks permanently apologetic. He's also trying his hardest to smile reassuringly, "Sorry for this."
Fern looks back blankly. There's not much more they could do, but they still opt for this inactive protest.
"Miss Flik's orders, please could you stop? Deviations. Just bring trouble," he sighs, "Worry not though. I brought some food. You seem hungry. When did you eat?"
He busies himself with one sided conversation as he mills about with a tray of food, placing it by Fern, who can't even turn to look at it.
"I'll loosen it, the head restraint. So you can eat. Is that ok?" he asks as Fern gives another blank stare and he frees their jaw. Fern, though able to talk, stays quiet as the awkward man continues making idle chat, and feeding Fern some bread to chew on.
Fern had enough, and now was time for real action.
Obstacle - The Humming Room - Power 1
Cause: Sent by antagonist
Type: Magical event
Strength: Elemental
A special cell Choreographer Flik made for Organ's needs. It magically seals in people and the earth forces their movements to match the beat that soothes Organ. This prevents troublemakers from doing damage after imprisonment.
Tackling Obstacle: Targeting a Weakness
Fern is left alone as the room continues to hum. Slipping out of their bonds, they stand up and stretch. As they move out of rhythm, the room shunts violently. Fern is immediately floored, but grins as they form a plan.
The room was made to react to arrhythmic motion. To try and course correct for someone stepping out of line. But Fern can use that. They get back to their feet and brace themselves, before jogging rapidly on the spot. The room lurches up and down to try keep up. It's been a while since they've moved so much but Fern keeps taking deep breaths as they go faster and faster.
The room strains with the motion becoming untethered as it shakes more and more.
Conflict between Fern Faster and The Humming Room
The Humming Room
Fern Faster won!
The Humming Room loses power and has been retired!
+1 coins: For winning a conflict encounter with an Obstacle.
+2 coins: For retiring an Obstacle.
Overcome Obstacle: Broken
The walls crumble, breaking apart into chunks as they can't maintain their speed. Fern keeps pace with their rapid jogging until an opening appears that they can leap through into the next room.
A pile of rubble is left behind, still with a slight hum as it tries to maintain the rhythm. Fern dusts themself off looking around the sparse jail they seem to be in. It seems dusty even, not often used. They stretch out their limbs, not having been so active in a while. But it seems like that's what they'll need to get through this. Fern pops out the Way Forward and heads out the door to the street.
Find Ally: Missing Skill
Fern hurries out of the jail and can feel the chaos. Organ itself isn't happy. As Fern moves, they feel the concrete pavement give and snap back. Like it's turning into porridge and suddenly remembers what shape it should be.
"It feels like throbbing," Fern thinks, immediately shuddering at the thought as they climb out the back window of the jail to hide in a dark alley and plan the next move. They don't know this town, and that just makes trying to get around undetected fraught. They're right in the centre, but everyone's rushing right to this spot. They need something to help avoid standing out.
Ally - Dr. Herbert Golem - Power 1
Type: Construct
Strength: Restoration
Source: Recently acquired
A young medical golem, Herbert was made in Organ and has never known a life outside of the rhythm. He's fascinated by Fern's offbeat movements and finds himself drawn to them, and wrapped up in the idea that everyone could live like this.
Recruit Ally: Drafted
Herbert watches Fern's movements on the streets in awe. They're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, and maybe would ever see? This second thought grabbed hold of Herbert, and he immediately wanted to ensure it wouldn't become true.
"Uhm, excuse me," he whisper yells to Fern, trying to slip along the alley undetected, "I know the way." he says trying to smile at them. His stiff stone face creaks but Fern can see the genuine smile there, and nods.
"Show me the way then...?" they approach the stone man.
"My name's Herbert, I'm a doctor," he explains but Fern interrupts as they slip down alleyways.
"Forget that silly rhythm talk kid, just let the words flow."
Herbert is taken aback, pausing to think before answering, "It's nice to meet... you." he finishes apprehensiveluly.
"Nice to meet you too Dr. Herbert," they laugh, "Today you'll be my guide instead of a doctor. Take me to the heart of Organ."
Swaying Hero: Lies
Herbert leads Fern on a twisting winding route, showing them the way into the erratic underground tunnels of the town. The walls are damp and sticky, and as they both continue they can feel the walls quietly throbbing around them. Fern shudders. As if that weren't bad enough, the ground itself undulates as they approach the heart.
"Organ's uncomfortable," says Herbert, seeing Fern's face.
"No, Organ pains. Dieing maybe?" the voice of Flik booms down the hall from ahead of them, "You stab it's heart."
"Well not quite yet," shrugs Fern. Herbert shrinks back a little, nervous as he gets called out.
"How dare you both," Flik seethes, "Organ provides. Sustains this town. It only exists, due to Organ. And it's support."
Fern keeps walking as they talk, finally turning a corner to see Flik blocking their way into the heart chamber.
Fern narrows their eyes, "Ahuh, it provides? What does it provide exactly? Far as I can tell it's just a leech that likes playing with people as it feeds off their energy."
Flik doesn't wait a beat longer before charging.
Showdown Start
Flik bounds directly towards Fern, but this time they move faster. Sidestepping deftly by as Flik misses, spinning around on the spot to try sweep Fern's legs from under them. But as she turns, Fern is not where she expected.
Instead they slipped around to her other side to tap her shoulder and jab her swiftly in the ribs before backing off as she reels briefly.
"I was trying to pay you back for winding me, but I guess I need to work on my aim."
Conflict between Fern Faster and Choreographer Flik
Fern Faster and Choreographer Flik tied! 
Fern Faster loses power.
Choreographer Flik loses power.
Fencing: Harmless Contest
Flik steps back from the punch, caught off guard, "Alright, well then. Guess you are good. More skill than I estimated," she says, sizing Fern up again.
Fern shrugs, "More just, I wasn't trying all that hard last time. I didn't want to hurt you."
Choreographer Flik winces at the offbeat talking, "That is too bad, you still hurt me," she lunges forward to grab at Fern, who slips out of reach, "Arrhythmic speech, erratic moves, offbeat actions," she continues swinging for Fern and they deflect most blows. But there are too many fists coming and some start to connect to Fern, "It all hurts me, and hurts Organ."
Fern sighs, "Well alright, guess I gotta hurt you regardless then, huh?" they smile, straightening up and readying themself.
Conflict between Fern Faster and Choreographer Flik
Fern Faster lost!
Fern Faster loses power.
Personal Connection
The two of them wheel around the room, dodging, swinging legs and fists but always shifting out of each other's way before a blow can connect.
"I know what it's like, I used to live like all of you," Fern says sizing up a silent focusing Flik, "Follow the patterns, slot into place and then be happy and comfortable. Right?"
A hit connects, as Fern sweeps Flik's legs out from under her and drops her to the ground, "Except I realised that I was trying so hard to make other people happy, and it was doing nothing for me. So I stopped."
Fern stands over Flik as she looks up with pity in her eyes, "Oh honey, no. It was too hard? Couldn't manage? Apply yourself, you'll see it works. Worked for me."
Flik smiles and Fern hears Victor's voice saying the same thing. They get stuck in a memory of that moment, the huge fight, the break up, the fall out.
Flik seizes her moment and launches into Fern, tackling them to the ground.
"It's ok, we'll help. There are supports, systems in place."
Showdown Start
Fern looks up at Flik and narrows their eyes, headbutting Flik on top of them. They slip out of her grip and up to their feet, breathing hard.
"I've escaped from a place like this once already," they grab their bag discarded on the floor and fish out Victor's violin, "I'm not about to trade it in for a new prison."
The violin is miraculously unharmed by being dropped on the floor and skidding around, Fern lifts it up high.
Flik looks at it cautiously amused, "Huh, just a violin? What'll that do?"
Fern just grins in response.
Conflict between Fern Faster and Choreographer Flik With Memento of Victor assisting.
[Memento of Victor] HEADS
Fern Faster won!
Choreographer Flik loses power.
Memento of Victor loses power and has been retired!
+2 coins: For winning a showdown conflict against the Antagonist.
-1 coins: For having an Ally retired.
Losing Ally: Satisfied
Flik eyes the violin and smirks, "What, to soothe me? Break the rhythm? Neither helps you."
As Fern shakes their head, Flik dashes forward. Right into the violin that Fern swings down on her head with a splintering crack as Flik drops. The violin holds together surprisingly well, but has huge cracks running through it.
"Fuuuck me, what was-," Flik stops herself.
"A dear old friend gave me this. An ex, actually," as Flik tries to get up Fern smashes the violin on the ground by her head and she freezes, "Try as I might, I couldn't bring myself to throw it away. I hoped that it would just fall apart from my travels, I'm not exactly careful."
Fern lifts up the violin to examine the once perfect wood. Flik very slowly starts getting up, and Fern doesn't stop her.
"I guess sometimes you have to actually break things," Fern sighs. They can see Flik lining up for a desperate attack. So they turn away for a moment only to swing back with their full force, shattering the violin against Flik's side, mid dash as she crumples to the ground.
Fern drops the remains of the Violin still in their grip.
Now to determine if Fern Faster can complete their goal...
Coin Pool Modifiers:
+1 coins: Starting pool equal to Fern Faster's Power.
+1 coins: For winning a conflict encounter with an Obstacle.
+2 coins: For retiring an Obstacle.
-2 coins: For losing a conflict encounter with the Antagonist.
-2 coins: For losing a conflict encounter with the Antagonist.
+1 coins: For winning a conflict encounter with an Obstacle.
+2 coins: For retiring an Obstacle.
+2 coins: For winning a showdown conflict against the Antagonist.
-1 coins: For having an Ally retired.
Resolution Flips
Fern Faster has accomplished their goal, though it almost went poorly.
Quest Complete
Fern steps past Flik, lying on the floor breathing hard. Herbert hurries forward to help her as Fern enters the chamber of Organ's heart.
The beat pulses erratically through the air as they enter. It seems panicked to Fern, until they realise that it's responding to their movements. Fern's influence on the rhythm quickens as they approach. The ground rises and swells, light bends and the air steams. It's unclear to them whether this is a decision Organ has made in self defence or if its a mindless impulse of a vast unthinking system.
But Fern doesn't care either way as they approach the huge red pulsing stone in the centre of the circular room. Their footing slips and slides as they put a hand on the heart, surprised to find it cool to the touch.
"This can't go on," they say in a measured tone as their hand presses against the wall. They slide their hand around until part of the stone gives way under their touch and the hand slips inside the stone.
This is when Flik jumps at Fern, one last desperate move to stop them. She drags Fern away from the heart, and they fall to the ground tired, scratched and bruised. Flik lifts herself up as quick as she can manage, but already feels something wrong. The room has no pulse, and the ground settles.
Fern sits up holding a round red ruby the size of their palm. The heart in the centre of the room is still, as Fern inspects the ruby heart of Organ.
"What did you do? It is dead now, the town will too!" Flik says exasperated and exhausted as she looks horrified.
Fern feels a slight rhythmic vibration in their palm as they shake their head and put the ruby away, "Maybe the town will but the people will live. Give it time, maybe you'll feel better about it."
Herbert helps Fern to their feet, and offers his hand to Flik but she slaps his hand away watching them leave. As Herbert walks, Flik sees Fern nudge him and then he walks with a jaunty pace.
It sickens her.
Conclusion: The future of the setting
It's only when they reach the surface and shield their eyes that Fern realises how dark the tunnels had been. Herbert mutters to himself quietly, and Fern's eyes adjust to see the people of the town standing around with subdued nervous energy. People make very slow deliberate movements, feeling the old restriction lifted.
Whispers ripple through them as all attention turns to Fern, who coughs awkwardly, "What're you looking at me for? My part's done."
"What do we do... now?" one person calls out nervously, feeling out the timing of their question.
Fern shrugs, then deciding that's not a full answer adds, "Live? It's up to you folk. I was just here to stop the beast, and now I'm off home," only later would Fern realise they called it home so casually.
"Do we, go with you?" asked a lost looking young man.
"There's... Room if you want I guess. But I reckon this is your town and you'll still want to keep it that way. I don't know what Organ actually did for you, but I'm sure you won't have trouble making up for it yourselves."
A lot of separate, anxious conversations spark out of this, but Fern's done. They move to head out towards the gates again. Down the road, they hear heavy footprints behind.
"Herbert," Fern says without stopping, "Sure you can come with-"
"Oh sorry no, it's not that," Herbert says, getting Fern to stop and turn, "I just wanted to say thank you. Um, thank you. It means a lot, and uh, what is your full name?"
Fern grins sidelong at him, "Fern Faster, why?"
Herbert grinds his fingers against one another under their gaze, "Well I like music and I might try writing something about what you did, so..." if golems could blush he'd be all red.
Fern just laughs and turns to go, calling back, "I'll be sure to visit and hear how it comes out."
The End
Epilogue for Quest
Owenly Drummond smiled to himself, penning a report on the strange tale of Organ. An odd situation with an unusual solution. Owenly knew Fern could handle it, so it was vindicating to be proven wholly correct. They'd returned with the very essence of Organ, and despite Owenly's expectation, Fern was pleased with the job they'd done.
Owenly signs the report and rolls it up. He looks once more at the ruby orb curiously before placing them both in a plain wooden box and moving on to more paperwork.
Epilogue for Setting: Organ
The town around Organ wavered afterwards, but the people there were determined to keep their community going. After all, they had wanted to stay home even under the oppressive rule of Organ. It made no sense to give up now.
People found their own footing again and adjusted to a more chaotic way of life. It brought more challenges than people expected, but the town lives on and grows under its new name of Orchestra.
Epilogue for Antagonist: Choreographer Flik
Flik lost all power. None would listen. They adapted. But she did not. So then she went. No-one knows where.
There are stories. Of far off lands, other "Organ"s for her to serve. Though some stories go differently. Say she learned eventually. And understood what Fern had done and why she had to.
All just stories. Who knows the truth?
Epilogue for Hero: Fern Faster 
Organ was calm, bumping along. Right to the beat we sang its song. But then one day, They walk right on in.
Ferrrrrrn Faster. They move How they want When they want Where they want.
Ferrrrrrn Faster. Folloooowiing wherever they will. At what-e-ver pace they want.
Stroll past the guard Then they bump into Flik. Choreograph -er Flik, that's right. She beat Fern down. She lock'd em up. And forced the beat Right into them.
Ferrrrrrn Faster. They move How they want When they want Where they want. Ferrrrrrn Faster. Folloooowiing wherever they will.
At what-e-ver pace they want. Fern bust right out And moved on down. Deep under town To Organ's heart. Now Flik was there, She tried her best, She threw her punches And pleaded too. But there ain't no stopping Fern from what they wanna do.
Ferrrrrrn Faster. They move How they want When they want Where they want. Ferrrrrrn Faster. Folloooowiing wherever they will. At what-e-ver pace they want.
Fern took down Organ and now we flourish. But they moved on all in a hurry. And still they roam, as free as they care. Making sure others can live the same. If you're feeling trapped and need room to breathe, Well it's only a matter of time, Before they come to you.
Ferrrrrrn Faster. Ferrrrrrn Faster. Folloooowiing wherever they will.
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corystssides · 6 years
Roommates, Part 6
Words: 2885
Summary: “I thought you guys were trying to like each other now?”
“We are trying, it’s just...things don’t change overnight, you know?”
Warnings: Swearing, arguments, family troubles, OCs, mildly inappropriate jokes, I think that’s it but lmk as usual.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Logan walked into Astronomy on Wednesday already tired. He wouldn’t have thought that 8 am classes would be so exhausting, especially since his high school had always started at seven, but with calculus as the very first class of the day, it was miserable. And he still had chemistry to go. And, since he wasn’t seeing a sudden increase in his bank account that would cover the amount of his tuition this month, probably a call to his family later today as well.
“Gurl, you wouldn’t even believe--Logan, what’s up? You look like hell.”
“Good morning, Remanuel,” Logan said. He was surprised his lab partner was already here. Usually the guy showed up 30 seconds before class started.
“Listen, dude, I’m gonna have to get you to start calling me Remy, kay? I tried the full name gig for a few weeks, but I have to say, I’m not digging it.”
“Certainly, Remy,” Logan said, dropping his backpack and pulling out his notebook.
“Anyway, Char, I was at lab yesterday with Logan and we’re trying to position the scope but it’s being old and stupid, so James the TA came over to help, and afterwards we were talking about stars and shit, and he pointed at a plane, and he tried to convince me they were shooting stars! He’s like ‘oh yeah, you see those lights? Those two white ones moving together? Those are double shooting stars. Really rare. They always travel together at that same distance.’”
“You looked like you believed him for a second there,” Logan said, grinning.
“I almost did, for a second! I was like, ‘no, surely James is not trying to pull something that obvious over on me!’ But he was, and it was really funny after about two seconds of total confusion.”
“So what did you observe?” Charlotte, one of Logan’s other lab partners asked.
“We observed some cluster thing, y’know, one of the letter-number combination things. And we also observed Vega. That’s all we got though, because the lab got mobbed by a bunch of 101 students who needed moon observations, so we left.”
“Wait, what did you observe?” And there was Alex, their final lab partner.
Remy repeated what he’d just said, then added, “Logan’s got the papers. He seems less likely to lose them than me.”
“Sounds good,” Alex said. “Charlotte and I can start on the report then, since you guys did observations.”
“Do you want the papers?” Logan asked him, pulling the sheets out of his backpack.
“Sure. I’ll scan them and make a group folder on Google for them, sound good? That way we can all access them, and if we lose them we can just print another.”
“That is a genius idea, Alex,” Remy said. “Oh, and, off-topic, but do you pals wanna hang out on Friday? I’m going to a little music show downtown with my partner and some other friends, super cheap, like ten bucks, it’s this local band called The Cosmic Brownies.”
“I’m working, sorry,” Alex said.
“You’re always working,” Remy said. “It’s at eight.”
Alex shrugged. “I’m working until eleven.”
“I’m going home this weekend,” Charlotte said.
“To see your lizard?” Remy asked.
“Hell yes,” Charlotte said.
“What about you, Logan? You gonna join my squad on Friday?”
“Sure,” Logan said. “Where’s it at?”
“Easier question: where do you live? I’ll just pick you up on Friday.”
“Sanders Hall.”
“Great,” Remy said, pulling out his phone. “Wear like, casual clothes, like t-shirt and jeans probably. And contacts if you have them. And earplugs.”
“Why would I need contacts and earplugs?”
“It’s gonna be loud. Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to hear the music. And you might wanna mosh, I dunno, so bring contacts if you have them so you don’t have to worry about getting your glasses knocked off.”
“Okay, class, good morning!” the professor said, walking in. And on that note, Astronomy began.
After Astronomy, Logan headed over to the dining hall on that side of campus. It’s full name was Home Cook’t, but everyone just called it Homes. He got in line after putting his backpack in one of the storage cubbies, and saw that Virgil was already way up in front. He glanced over the rest of the line. No sign of Patton yet, which meant that he’d probably gone back to the dorms after his 8 am instead of the library today.
Patton, Virgil, and Logan had all started eating lunch together on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays about a week ago, once they finally compared schedules and realized they all had an hour of free time from 11-12 on those days. Virgil and Logan were already on that side of campus at 11, while Patton had class at 12:20, so he came over for lunch and then went to class. Roman joined them once, but since all his MWF classes were in Stoker--on the same side of campus as Sanders--he usually didn’t feel like walking all the way across campus to Homes, and instead ate at Talon Hall with theatre friends and then did homework at the dorms for a bit before returning to Stoker.
Once Logan had gone through the food lines and gotten a hamburger, some salad, a soda, and some cookies, he scanned the dining hall for Virgil. He spotted him at one of the tables by the windows, and walked over. Virgil barely glanced up and said hello. His focus was on his phone and whatever he was furiously typing at.
“What’re you doing?” Logan asked.
“Chem quiz.”
“You haven’t done that yet?” Logan asked.
Virgil flipped him off without taking his eyes off the screen. Logan rolled his eyes but stayed quiet, letting Virgil concentrate. While he waited, he tried to plan what, exactly, he’d say to his parents when the phone call inevitably came. And what he’d say if they told him that they weren’t going to pay their agreed part of the tuition anymore. And what he’d say if they told him that he was a miserable excuse for a son and they never wanted to see him again.
Then he realized he was catastrophizing, and tried to quit that line of thinking. It was illogical to be thinking like that. No doubt Dad had just forgotten that it was Wednesday and he had to transfer the money to Logan’s account today. Nothing to worry about at all.
Virgil finished his quiz about five minutes later, less than 30 seconds before Patton showed up.
“Hey guys!” Patton said, plopping down with some pizza and french fries.
“Hey Pat,” Virgil said, slipping his phone into his pocket. Logan waved, not wanting to talk with food in his mouth.
“So Makayla just texted me, and she and Jenny aren’t going to make it,” Patton said. It’s just going to be the four of us tonight.”
“Whose dorm, then?” Logan asked.
“Depends. How clean is your guys’ dorm?” Patton asked.
“Spotless,” Virgil said. “Logan can’t stand anything less.”
“I’m not the one who was sweeping at two a.m. this morning,” Logan said.
“Yeah, but you would be the one who complained after stepping on popcorn when you got up.”
“Let’s do your guys’ dorm then,” Patton said. “Roman’s working on a project right now that’s kind of taken over the dorm, and it would be a project in itself just to clean it up.”
“Sounds good,” Virgil said. “I have Risk, so we could play that.”
“I brought Monopoly from home,” Patton said, grinning. “We can switch games then, if one gets too heated.”
Logan nodded. That would be a better idea than trying to stick to one game or calling the night off.
“My moms also sent over some tofu loaf, so as long as neither of you are allergic to soy, you guys get to experience my mother’s cooking, which, by the way, is the bomb!”
“Neither of us are allergic to soy,” Logan said. “Virgil’s lactose intolerant, though.”
“It’s not super severe, but straight-up milk will mess me up. Cheese is usually okay as long as I don’t have too much. So like, I can still eat a slice of pizza usually,” Virgil said. “How do you even know that? I don’t think I’ve ever told you that.”
“You told me in one of the first few emails we sent each other, after I asked if there were any dietary restrictions I should be aware of,” Logan said.
“I don’t remember that at all,” Virgil said, pulling out his phone to see if he really had emailed that at one point.
“It was one of the emails that had fifty or so questions in it, so it’s unlikely you would remember everything I asked,” Logan said.
“I’ll be sure to remember that, Virgil,” Patton said. “I’d feel terrible if I got you sick. On that note, though, are you allergic to anything Logan?”
“I have seasonal allergies, but I don’t have any food allergies, no.”
“I remember this email now,” Virgil muttered. “I forgot about the food question because the most memorable part of this email was me freaking out because I misinterpreted the question where you asked if I wanted the top bunk or the bottom bunk.”
Logan made a noise of amusement into his soda. Patton looked confused. “How do you misinterpret a question like that?” he asked.
“Uh, don’t worry about it, Pat,” Virgil said, as Logan actually started cracking up.
“No, I want to understand the joke! Tell me!” Patton said
“Don’t think about it as asking about bunks,” Virgil said.
“Top or bottom...not bunks? I don’t under--ooohhh,” Patton said, earning a fresh set of snickers from Logan. “Okay. I get it now.”
“Immature humor at its finest,” Virgil said drily. “Hey, what are you guys doing on Friday night?”
“I’m going on a date, why?” Patton asked.
“I’m looking for an excuse to get out of going home this weekend,” Virgil said. “Dad doesn’t work Saturday, so if I can’t go home Friday I’m set.”
“Just tell them you have too much homework,” Logan said.
“That doesn’t work on them. They just tell me to bring it with me.”
“Why don’t you want to go home?” Patton asked.
“I just want to relax on the weekend, you know? But since I’m not at home during the week, everyone in the house wants to hang out to an excessive degree and then I come back even more tired than I was.”
“Have you actually had a relaxing weekend at the dorm yet?” Logan asked.
“Shut up Logan,” Virgil said, with almost no bite to it. “What are you doing Friday?”
“Do you want me to shut up or do you want me to answer the question?”
“You know, actually I changed my mind. I think I’ll just go home instead,” Virgil said.
“I’m going to a concert with a lab partner and some of his friends,” Logan said, deciding that Virgil wanted him to answer the question instead of shut up. “It’s the, uh, Cosmic Brownies?”
Virgil gave him a look of disbelief. “Why?” he asked.
“Because I was invited?” Logan said, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, but Cosmic Brownies is like, the least ‘Logan Pensive’ style of music on this earth. Why would you even want to go?”
“So you’ve heard their music before? What style is it?”
“It’s shitty, tuneless, loud, punk rock kinda stuff. I had an ex who really liked it, trust me, it’s not your style of music.”
Logan shrugged. “I may not enjoy the music, but usually outings with friends are more about the friends than the outing.”
“You have friends? Wild,” Virgil said.
“I’m just as surprised that you’ve managed to have an ex,” Logan said.
“Wow,” Patton said. “You guys are mean today.”
Both Logan and Virgil paused for a moment. “You’re right, Patton, my apologies,” Logan said.
“We’re just tired, and that makes us both bitchy,” Virgil said.
“We shouldn’t let that affect our interactions though,” Logan said. “Maybe we should move to a different topic. Uhh, your date on Friday, maybe?”
Patton laughed. “That’s a very smooth transition, Logan.”
Logan scowled, feeling that he was being made fun of. “So who is this date of yours?” he asked.
“Tinder date. Hopefully not an axe murderer or something. We’ve been talking for about a week now.”
“You’re using a dating app?” Virgil asked.
“Yeah? How else would I be looking for love?”
“Join a club and pine hopelessly after someone nice looking until they notice?”
Patton laughed again. “Oh come on Virgil, this isn’t fanfiction. If you want love, you have to seek it out yourself.”
“Hm, have to agree with Patton on that,” Logan said. “It’s unreasonable to put the responsibility for noticing attraction on the other person. Best to be upfront about it.”
“Have you ever actually dated someone, Logan?” Virgil asked disbelievingly.
“Yes, I have!” Logan snapped. Then he sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m not really in a good mood for socializing. I think I’m going to go back to the dorm and take a nap or something until we have to go to chemistry.” He pushed back his chair and grabbed his tray.
“Are you going to be alright for game night?” Patton asked.
“I don’t know. We’ll see. I’ll see you later.” And with that, Logan left.
There were a few moments of silence where Virgil and Patton just ate their lunch. Finally, Patton asked, “So what’s going on with Logan?”
“He’s just bitchy,” Virgil said, rolling his eyes. “He needs like a billion hours of sleep and to be in bed by 10 pm and total darkness and no roommates trying to do their homework.”
“I thought you guys were trying to like each other now?”
“We are trying, it’s just...things don’t change overnight, you know?”
Patton frowned. “Well, I suppose so,” he said. Then, he thought of something. “Maybe you should get him one of those mask things for sleeping. That way he can have his total darkness and you can do your homework.”
“Ha!” Virgil said. “He’d probably take that as some kind of insult.”
“Maybe I’ll buy him one of those mask things for sleeping,” Patton said, grinning. “Then he’ll see it as just a gift.”
“I don’t know about that,” Virgil said. Patton was already pulling out his phone and looking up different masks. Virgil made a note of amusement. Patton was just so determined to make them get along.
“Do you think we should play Risk or Monopoly first?” Patton asked, scrolling.
“Probably Monopoly. We don’t want to end the night by ruining friendships.”
Patton laughed at that, and Virgil grinned.
When Roman got to the dorm, he thought Chemistry must have been cancelled, because he could hear Logan arguing, and who else would he be arguing with besides Virgil? Not wanting to miss this newest development in Roommates-not-Friends-ville, Roman quickly unlocked his door and slid into his dorm.
Logan was loud enough that Roman could hear his exact tone, but not quite loud enough to be clear. What was clear, though, is that he couldn’t hear anything from Virgil, and he doubted that Virgil would just stand pretty and let Logan yell at him. Roman really shouldn’t eavesdrop, but he was so darn curious. If it wasn’t Virgil that Logan was mad at, who could it possibly be? Logan always seemed pretty calm when it came to anyone else. Shoot, he was even pretty calm around Virgil. Roman didn’t think he’d ever heard Logan sound this angry.
He grabbed the plastic cup that was holding his pencils, shook the pencils out, and put it up to the wall to listen.
“--so was there an actual reason you called, or do you just want to complain about me?”
Muffled voice from the phone.
“Yeah, I figured. Somehow money’s always tight when it comes to the things I want to do, isn’t it? By the way, did you get that new Smith and Remington or whatever that you were talking about this weekend?”
Logan’s voice was very bitter, and very cold. The voice on the other end was outraged, but Roman still couldn’t make out what it was saying.
“I’m literally in training to be a scientist, and that’s still not enough for you! That’s what! God damn, a little support would be nice once in a while! But no, you and Mom are so miserable that you can’t see anyone else being happy or successful, and you have to ruin it for the rest of us!”
Oh shit, this was family issues. Yikes.
“Well maybe I don’t want to go to Thanksgiving either! Jesus Christ!”
Definite anger on the other side, though this time much quieter.
“Yeah yeah, I’m the family disappointment, absolutely shameful that we actually get a Pensive with thoughts of his own. Whatever. I have class. Say hi to Mom. Or don’t. I don’t care.”
There was silence for a moment, and then a quiet “Fuck.” Then it was followed by several more strings of swears that were angry and regretful all at once. Then there was some shuffling and a door shutting, which was presumably Logan getting on his not-so-merry way to class.
Something told Roman that game night was going to be a stressful event.
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Predominant Elements For Selecting Your Racing Simulator Cockpit Games
Essential Components For Choosing Your Racing Simulator Cockpit Games
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thejourneytomyheart · 3 years
May 7th, 2021- My Surgery Info
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I’m back!  It has been a little while since I have written.  Mostly because, well, life.  Life is busy and chaotic.  Also, it’s been mostly uneventful the past year with COVID.  However, the positive of that is that I have just been able to be spending time with Scarlett. And my blog was mostly about my journey to getting Scarlett.  So I haven’t posted much else because we got her and that is the end (or new beginning) of that chapter.  This post sort of goes with that theme.
I am going to apologise in advance if something doesn’t make sense.  I am trying to watch as I go.  I am on high pain meds as I type this.  Why?  That is why I am updating.
***The short version- I had surgery today, May 7th, to remove my left ovary and tube.  When they got in there they were actually able to save the ovary and only took the tube.  They did send something to pathology, but he said it didn’t look “too bad”.  It was laparoscopic and I am home now recovering.  If you want to know more and what led to this, keep reading.
Full backstory:
I had been having pain.  Pain in my pelvic area since after Scarlett was born.  Obviously that is normal after growing a human and pushing it out down there.  SO I didn’t think anything of it.  6 months past, still had it, one year came so I mentioned it to my OB.  She said it really shouldve went away but since it’s getting better (and it was and less often) then it’s possible to just be leftover from that.
Well, it got less and less.  But, I would have flare ups.  And when it hurt, it hurt.  It was not just my pelvis, but my lower back, hips, groin, buttocks, etc.  So this didn’t seem like an OB issue.  I just let it go.  Until I randomly had a could of days that it flared up and I literally could not walk.  It was awful.  I thought maybe it was something I needed to see a chiropractor for.  BUT, I still believe whatever it was stemmed from giving birth.  So, FINALLY, I decided to call my OB.  Got the pap smear.  Came back normal.  But she ordered an ultrasound.  
So, on April 9, I went for the ultrasound.  Then I was supposed to discuss the results with my doctor in an hour.  Well, she got called away for a delivery.  So they set me up with a virtual consult with her the following Wednesday, April 14th.  
April 14th- Consult with my doctor.  She said there was “a lot going on in there”.  Some fibroids and small cysts that can be normal, blah blah, but she wasn't worried about them.  BUT, on the other side there was a huge cyst.  About 5-6 cm, so 2.5 inches.  She was a little concerned about the size, but what most concerned her was that it had “several small nodules with vascularity”.  So normally cysts are fluid filled.  Women have them all the time and don’t know.  The body normally absorbs them.  But they can get big, they can rupture or burst.  I have had one burt before (multiple times) and that is THE WORST pain I have had in my life.  It landed me in the ER three times.  AWFUL.  If you know you know.  Then came the words… I am referring you to a gynecological oncologist/surgeon.  We need this out and it will need to be tested.  Beyond that, it is his expertise.  The Cancer Center will be calling you to set up an appointment.  That word is scary.  Cancer.  You hear it all the time, but it sounds different when it’s about you.  
I get home and I am still shocked, numb, but still not sure about anything.  Then I have to tell justin and of course he is very concerned.  And doing things he shouldn’t do (googling).
They call me the next day.  And set up an appointment April 27th.  That seemed so far away, but apparently we were expedited and that was quick.  The next two weeks were filled with so much mental exhaustion.  (Also, dealing with a TWO year old, and end of the year school stuff).  It was two weeks and thinking, and reading, and googling, and talking about the WHAT IFS.  You can’t help but let your mind wander.
Finally the consult came.  It didn’t give much more information.  Basically you can’t know anything until they go in and look.  Based on age, bloodwork, family history…. The textbook answer is that it is nothing.  Of course, we all know there are exceptions.  So it needed to come out.  They decided they needed to take the left ovary and tube.  Obviously the cyst would come out as well to be tested.  The more scary part is when he mentioned that once he gets in there, if it has spread then we may need to take more...the uterus, the other tube, and ovary, etc…  I want another baby, so this hit hard.  We left, still in shock and waiting for a call to schedule the surgery.  Went for ice cream, because…..ice cream.  While there we got the call.  May 7th.  
So the next two weeks were a lot of thinking and planning.  WHat do I do with and how will this affect taking care of Scarlett? How long can’t I work?  What if…? SO many thoughts.  Decided to take a full week off work.  I know it is laparoscopic but I still feel like I might need a week.  Writing 6 days of sub plans was the worst. And then lining up things with Scarlett.  Then Justin has to make some sacrifices with soccer to be home more and help with babysitter drop off and pick up.  I like to be in control of all of that.
  Then I asked about weight restrictions (in my mind it will be like 20 lbs for like a week or 2.  Imagine my shock when they tell me that recovery time is 2-6 weeks.  And lifting restrictions at 10 lbs for 6 weeks.  I immediately panicked.  FIrst , I had to run down to my boss and tell her.  Luckily she was really nice about it. Then, I was freaking out because I have a two year old that is 22 lbs.
So here we are, May 7th.  Had to get up at 4 am to drink some gatorade by 5.  We had to get to the hospital by 6.  My mom stayed the night to stay with Scarlett in the morning because the sitter doesn’t open til 7.  We get there, get registered and I go back for pre op.  Pretty uneventful.  I have never had surgery before so I was so scared.  Had to wash up, get undressed, get the IV started.  The anesthesiologist came in to talk.  The surgeon came in to talk. Then they whisked me back to the operating room around 7:45.
Being wheeled into the operating room was THE SCARIEST.  I started crying.  In my head I was like, why didn’t they put me to sleep before bringing me in there.  It was just a huge white, cold room, like you see on tv.  Just one little skinny metal table in the middle with the big metal lights and people rushing around to get ready.  The nurses were super nice and walked me through everything they were doing.  They had country music on.  This is how fast I was out...I have 2.5 songs that I remember.  They put me on the metal table then had to strap me down because it was so small.  Both arms were out and strapped and over my torso.  They told me they were gonna take good care of me and I was going to fall asleep and wake up in no time. BOOM
My surgery was scheduled to be from 8:00-10:00.
Next thing I am “waking up”  really just opening my eyes for a minute at I see a clock.  I was in recovery and it was only 9:00.  Nurse came in, said they actually only had to take the tube because the ovary was fine.  Since I want more kids, he left it.  And nothing else.  They did send the solid mass to pathology to be tested. We will know those results in two weeks.  I just have 3 small incisions.  One is a little bigger to get it out.  Then I fell back asleep until they brought Justin back at 9:30.  He said I was actually done at 8:35.  Then I was in and out 9:30-10:30.  At 10:30 they said I could get dressed whenever I felt like it and recover at home.  I literally thought I was going to be there til late afternoon/evening.  Also, because it ended up being less than they thought, they think they may be able to back my restrictions to only 2-3 weeks instead of 6. (driving, working, lifting), which is a relief.  I have to call him next week to ask.  And then he will have to evaluate me before he releases me to do that.  So, honestly, best case scenario.  I do feel a little guilty because I am so lucky when I know others aren’t.  But that just humbles me and makes me so very thankful.
Getting up was rough, dizziness, nausea, pain…..  So it took a while.  But by 11:40 we were on the road home.  The ride home was AWFUL.  I was sooo dizzy and thought I was going to vomit (but I didn’t).  Got home and ate because i was starving.  Then went to sleep (painful, but manageable).  Just woke up.  It is 4:30 ish.  Wanted to write this and then I can take pain meds again.
Justin went to get Scarlett.  I am worried about her wanting me to hold her.  But, it is only temporary.
*No idea if this was due to Ivf, but very possible. Still worth it. Even if they would’ve had to take everything, I’d do it all again to get Scarlett.
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wandabherrera · 3 years
Exercises to Stop Back Pain Now
Your back harms. It harms a ton. You ask, "What are the activities to stop the back torment now?" or you argue, "Give me data on back torment work out!"
fit4motherhood.com Shockingly, an excess of rest during an experience of back torment will regularly exacerbate the condition. A little while of rest ought to be trailed by explicit back torment practice for complete recuperation.
How Might Exercise Stop Back Pain?
Cautious, smart back torment exercise will help convey supplements all over your spinal segment, taking care of your muscles, tendons, nerves, and joints. Explicit back torment exercise will extend you back, making it flexible. Other back torment exercise will fortify your back, and make it solid. Shortcoming and firmness, expanded by rest, can be overwhelmed by back torment work out.
Activities to stop the back torment presently will likewise forestall future back torment, since you will be expanding your back's capacity to deal with additional pressure or injury.
Before you start back torment work out, check with your medical services supplier. Few out of every odd back torment exercise will be appropriate for you. On the off chance that your physical issue is cut off, a spine care expert will prescribe explicit exercise methods to address your issue. Your back torment practice program should work the whole body, despite the fact that your essential objective is the back.
What Are the Exercises to Stop Back Pain Now?
When you conclude that back torment practice is fundamental, you will need to pick proper activities. We suggest a specialist's recommendation, and propose that you show your PCP these prospects.
1. Back Pain Exercises - Stretching
Extending muscles, tendons and ligaments is fundamental for back wellbeing. Regardless of whether you are right now encountering back torment, customary extending of the back will invigorate survive or forestall injury and injury to the back. In the event that yours is ongoing back torment, plan on customary, day by day extending for as much as a half year to give your back the adaptability and strength it needs. You might need to plan more than one extending meeting each day, however work cautiously. At last, you will track down that back torment practice holds back torment from repeating.
Set objctives (assumptions with due dates) for each muscle bunch. Choose a date by which you need every one of these muscle gatherings to be solid. Record each date, and decide to meet it.
Warm Up First for Safe, Efficient Back Pain Exercise!!
In the event that there is any torment, stop or take it all the more gradually.
Cool down after your back torment work out.
* Gluteus muscles. The muscles in your rump support adaptability in your hips just as your pelvis. Back torment exercise ought to incorporate these muscles day by day.
The gluteus stretch. Sit in a straight back or collapsing seat. Move your base just forward a few crawls from the seat back. Around there, gently press your feet against the floor. Presently crush your gluteus muscles together, and hold for 5 minutes. This stretch permits you to get back torment practice while staring at the TV.
* Hamstrings. Situated in the rear of every leg, your hamstrings help give you right stance.
The hamstring stretch. Spot one foot on a seat, keeping the other leg straight. Twist around until your chest contacts the knee of the foot on the seat. Keep your chest on the raised leg as you gradually back the other leg away from the seat. Hold your stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. This stretch gives great back torment practice without gear.
* Piriformis. The piriformis condition is brought about by the piriformis muscle aggravating the sciatic nerve. You feel torment in the posterior, and alluded torment from the rear of your thigh to the base of the spine. Numerous individuals get back to this lower torment "sciatica".
The piriformis stretch. Lie on your back, right hip and knee flexed. Handle your correct knee with your left hand, and pull the knee towards your left shoulder. In this position, handle simply over the correct lower leg with the correct hand, and turn the lower leg outwards. Rehash with your left side. You should do this back torment practice with delicate music.
* Psoas Major. Lower back portability can be significantly restricted by a tight Psoas Major. This muscle regularly causes back torment that makes it hard to stoop on the two knees, or to represent expanded periods.
The Psoas Major stretch. Stoop on your correct knee, left foot level on the floor, left knee twisted. Pivot the correct leg outward. Spot your hand on the correct gluteus muscle and fix the muscle. Lean forward through your hip, cautious not to twist the lower spine. You should feel the stretch in the front of your correct hip. Hold for around 30 seconds. Rehash with your left leg. On the off chance that you have small kids, remember them for your back torment work out.
2. Back Pain Exercises - Strengthening
Back agony can be halted now, and significantly stayed away from later on, by diminishing lower back pressure. These activities create basic muscles in the mid-region, lower back, and gluteus. Both of these back torment practices are learned better when working with a prepared actual specialist, yet on the off chance that you are cautious, you can learn them alone. Despite the fact that you may do every day extending back torment works out, it is critical to take a couple of vacation days every week from reinforcing back torment works out.
Lower Back reinforcing. Start by lying level on your back on the floor. Try not to push your back down on the floor. Twist the two knees. Pull your navel (gut button) in toward your back while keeping your back loose. As you inhale out, stretch your arms upward like you are going after an overhead light fixture. Continuously raise head and shoulders from the floor until your shoulder bones are scarcely contacting the floor. Stand firm on the footing one to two seconds. Rehash 8 to multiple times. On the off chance that you feel torment with this back torment exercise, stop or attempt to do it all the more delicately and gradually.
3. Back and Leg reinforcing. This is one of the McKenzie Exercises, named after a New Zealand actual advisor. Lie on your stomach, and push up off the floor with two hands, raising just your chest. Keep your pelvis level on the floor. Raise your back to an agreeable stretch and hold for 8 to 10 seconds. Rehash 8 to multiple times. You should feel no agony with this back torment work out, just a pulling up of the spine.
It is firmly recommended that any back torment practice be done solely after looking for proficient clinical exhortation.
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droneseco · 3 years
Does the Sensate 2 Do Anything Apart From Vibrate Your Ribcage?
Sensate 2
8.00 / 10
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The Sensate 2 is a smart wearable that claims to aid relaxation. It does this via a combination of vibration, sound, and visual deprivation. This helps you to focus on just being, rather than doing, which ultimately allows you to clear your mind quickly, achieving relaxation. It may seem to cost a little more than you would expect to spend on a relaxation device but, having tested it, we can tell you that it worked for this reviewer... that doesn't necessarily mean it will work for everyone, though.
Key Features
Vibrating smart wearable
Integrated app for smartphones and tablets
Accessory kit
Brand: BioSelf Technology
Dimensions: 3.5 x 2.5 x 1 inch
Weight: 2.7 ounces (79 grams)
Connectivity: Micro-USB (charging only), Bluetooth
Battery Life: 2-3 hours (depends on vibration intensity); 2 hours to fully recharge
Well produced soundtracks
Intuitive app
Helps you to focus on relaxation
Excellent three-in-one sensory package
Smart vibration is excellent
Battery lasts a week of use
High initial financial outlay, especially for a beginner
There could be more soundtracks
Not guaranteed to work for everyone
Buy This Product
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Sensate 2 other
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Despite an active interest in audio therapy and alternative relaxation, I always err on the side of caution when a new product arrives on the market. I exercised this same level of caution when the Sensate 2 arrived for review; a smart wearable that claims to have relaxation benefits and, by proxy, ease anxiety.
But can it actually help with the act of just "being"? Is $249 too much to pay for such a simple device? Let's take a look at what this vibrating power-pebble is all about.
What's in the Box?
Here's what you'll see when you open the Sensate 2 box for the first time:
Sensate 2 vibrating smart wearable
Adjustable lanyard
Cushioned Sensate slipcase
Beanbag eye mask
USB charging cable
Guidance literature
There is also an associated Sensate app that works via your smartphone or tablet. The wearable won't actually work without the app, so you need to ensure you have installed this.
Also, dig out a pair of noise-canceling headphones; the Kokoon Sleep Headphones would do the job here (or something like them) as they work for contemplative activities, too. You'll need these for the soundtracks on the app.
What Is the Sensate 2 Vibrating Wearable Actually For?
If you are the kind of person who, like this writer, struggles to relax without help, then Sensate 2 could be the answer you're looking for.
It is a smart wearable which, when placed upon the sternum (your chest bone), vibrates in time with music, provided by a dedicated Sensate app. This, according to its creators, will tone your vagus nerve and help you relax in, quote, "as little as ten minutes".
We'll cover the "science" behind it in more detail later but, despite it sounding like another fad product, the Sensate 2 actually works, albeit with a caveat or two. At least, it worked for this reviewer.
Form Factor and Feel
To look at, the Sensate 2 presents as a smooth, black, plastic pebble. It has a brushed feel to it, meaning it is pleasant to have it next to your skin when in use.
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It doesn't weigh very much at all, which is good as this ensures its 2.7 ounces (79 grams) won't feel restrictive or overbearing as the device lies on your chest. Given that the chassis is plastic, it is the vibrating motor inside the Sensate that will contribute the most to the weight.
The front of the pebble has a small power button, surrounded by an illuminating ring that glows electric blue when you switch the Sensate on. The top of the device has a metal hoop for the provided lanyard to attach.
The bottom has the charging port with an LED indicator surround. Somewhat disappointingly, this is micro-USB and not USB-C, but that isn't exactly the end of the world. It would just be nice to see all new products embracing the latest technology.
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And that is it! A very simple piece of unfussy tech. So simple, in fact, that we could forgive you for wondering what your $249 is actually paying for.
However, if you look beyond the characteristics and internal machinations of the device itself, you'll see that it is the package and the results you are paying for, and not just the lump of plastic and electronics sat on your chest. You can't really put a price on proper relaxation.
How Does the Sensate 2 Work?
As mentioned, in simple terms, the Sensate 2 puts sound and vibration together to encourage the user to relax. The device isn't as simple as it makes out, though, as there are several extra factors in play, here.
We'll deal with the physical aspect of the device, first. Obviously, it vibrates. These vibrations can range in intensity, thanks to the Sensate app.
You can toggle the strength of the vibrations in there, and the vibration will max out when it reaches the intensity limit you set. The Sensate will vary the intensity of its vibrations up to this limit, without your input.
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During the session, the smart element of the Sensate device means it can vary the intensity of the vibrations, and the time it vibrates for, of its own accord. It will do so based on the soundtrack you are listening to, syncing its vibrations up with the music and sound effects.
Placing the Sensate on your chest bone causes it to send vibrations to your vagus nerve, which runs the entire length of your body, pretty much, passing through your right lung on its way.
The vagus nerve is a part of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which medical professionals refer to, colloquially, as the "rest and digest" nervous system. In fact, the vagus nerve is the "rest" part in that nomenclature. This part of our PNS is all about conserving energy, which the Sensate helps you do, through relaxation.
The vibrations travel from your sternum, where you have placed the Sensate, through your ribcage and into your lungs, where they resonate in much the same way that you can feel the bass from a festival speaker, internally.
This, in turn, stimulates the vagus nerve which then triggers your body to relax, promoting rest in this way. If you place the Sensate in the correct place, you will actually feel a sensation in your lung which, I assume, is the vagus nerve responding to the vibrations.
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Sound also plays a big part in how Sensate works, as it unifies the vibration with the sound you hear via your headphones.
So, if you hear a deep, loud, bassy throb on the soundtrack, the Sensate replicates this with a long, drawn-out vibration at maximum intensity. Likewise, the pebble will interpret any top-end, treble chirrups as small, staccato vibrations.
Currently, because you have to use the Sensate app, you also have to use a soundtrack from the app library. There are 13 to choose from, and the app separates these into several categories; Nature, Space & Time, Sacred Spaces, and Breathe.
Each soundtrack uses a combination of relaxing sound effects, music, various forms of noise (i.e. white noise or pink noise), and binaural beats/isochronic tones, as a method of providing audio therapy.
Related: The Best Calming Apps to Relax, Destress, and Clear Your Mind
We'll take my favorite of the bunch and the soundtrack I used most during testing; Sound of Silence from the "Breathe" collection. I chose this one as concentrating on breathing helps me to empty my mind and relax.
Plus, Sound of Silence is 30 minutes long; I prefer a longer meditative experience than 10 minutes, as it can take me that long to just clear my thoughts. However, there are plenty of quicker ten-minute options if you want to just empty your mind and refocus.
As mentioned, this is from the "Breathe" selection. Placing the Sensate on my chest, I could see how the audio works in harmony with the vibration.
I can align my breathing with the long pulses of the bass in the music and the extended vibration from the Sensate.
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This allows for roughly six breaths per minute (or one every ten seconds); a rate of respiration that experts across a range of disciplines, from medical science to yoga, argue is optimum for relaxation. You can read expert literature about slow breathing, and respiratory vagal stimulation, from a range of online scientific sources.
Anecdotally, six breaths per minute is also reportedly beneficial for cardiovascular health, as slow breathing means a slower, relaxed heart rate and it works to manage pain.
The Breathe soundtrack features a lot of white noise, which sounds like static. This helps to eliminate external sounds from your perception. There are also tonal drones known as isochronic tones and binaural beats. These often crop up in use during audio therapy as part of a meditative routine.
Related: How to Use Audio Therapy as Part of Your Meditation Routine
Binaural beats and isochronic tones, to explain briefly, work by manipulating your brainwaves to induce certain mental states. So, some believe that, when played at certain frequencies, these sound signals can help you focus or, as is probably the case with the Breathe collection of soundtracks, breathe more easily/optimally for relaxation, for example.
Sensate tells me it has specially tailored the soundtracks along with a sound therapy expert to ensure they work on several levels, as described above.
Visual Deprivation
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Using the provided eye beanbag, you can block out all external light, meaning bright daylight won't interrupt your relaxation session.
You can experiment with this element of the session a bit, too. Try warming your eye beanbag on a radiator for five minutes to give you relaxation a cozy feel. I like to feel anything cold on my eyes and eye area, so I go in the other direction and cool my eye beanbag in the refrigerator.
Does the Sensate 2 Make You Feel More Relaxed?
In a word, yes. In this reviewer's own experience of the Sensate 2 device, combined with the app, it assists with relaxation.
I have tested the Sensate, daily, over a couple of weeks and I noticed the difference immediately. The first time I used the pebble, I observed that the time it took me to relax was significantly less, almost instant in fact, compared to when I had only previously used audio meditation.
The Sensate's vibration also enhances the physical feeling of relaxation. This meaning that limbs feel looser, and places that you might struggle to disperse tension relax a lot quicker. This, presumably, is down to the stimulation of the vagus nerve and its effect on our rest response.
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It is the entire package, ultimately, that ensures you can enter a completely relaxed state. The eye beanbag blocks out visual disruption, so you can relax at any time. The music follows suit, negating aural disruption, while at the same time offering additional cues such as the binaural beats mentioned earlier.
It is this combination of device and bespoke content that, on the face of it, you are paying for. If this is your only consideration, then the Sensate will certainly look too expensive for what it is.
Admittedly, that was this reviewer's first thought; I couldn't see myself paying $250 for the package in its current form. I also feel it needs more content within the app to provide more tangible value. There is more than one way of looking at that initial investment, though.
Related: The Best Gadgets to Aid Relaxation
The Sensate 2 helps you relax. Yes, there are lots of devices that can also do this. But, in a world where we seem to put more value on the "doing" rather than the "being" of our human nature, the time and ability to relax are becoming rarer commodities. Should we really be putting a price on our wellbeing?
The short answer is no, we shouldn't. I would advise you to try some less expensive variations on this theme first, before you go gung-ho and invest $250 on your relaxation whim. This kind of alternative self-therapy doesn't work for everyone, so start small, preferably with something that is free, and see if it is for you.
My advice would be the same for any device purporting to aid relaxation or offer an alternative method of relaxing, though; that isn't specific to the Sensate. If you are finding that less expensive methods prove beneficial, then you should really consider the Sensate 2 as an option; it is an excellent all-in-one relaxation package.
A Vibrating Chest Pebble CAN Help You Relax
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So, it would seem that the Sensate does actually work, albeit with a fairly substantial, initial, financial outlay. That said, if you are desperately trying to find a way to relax, then this will be invaluable.
It certainly helped this reviewer to achieve relaxation goals, and I think my wallet's wincing would subside quickly when I relaxed more as a result of the pebble and its ecosystem, had I paid for the Sensate 2 and not reviewed a loan device. It has value beyond the tangible product, is the message here.
As mentioned, we suggest you try a more pared-down solution to aid relaxation, especially if you have no experience with these sorts of alternative methods. That way, when you invest in the Sensate 2, you're doing so with some prior knowledge of how it works and if it will be the right device for you.
Does the Sensate 2 Do Anything Apart From Vibrate Your Ribcage? published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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