#the remlits face.
"...'ncle..?" Legend muttered, shifting his face to bury it in the soft fat of Sky's stomach. Even through layers of fabric, the heat radiating off the teen's forehead was enough to make Sky wince.
That, however, was nothing but a passing thought.
"Mhm, that's right. I'm right here, Link, it's okay..." Sky assured, threading his fingers into Legend's hair without hesitation.
Was it a mistake? Sky hopes not, but hearing the small noise the Veteran hero makes...
"I missed you..." Sky's doubts die with those three muttered words, uttered with such raw vulnerability it almost makes him cry.
"Awe, it's okay buddy. I'm here now, alright? It's all okay..." Sky cooed, knowing damn well that once this sickness passes Legend will remember none of this, but his heart breaking nonetheless.
"Mmkay..." Legend shifted slightly, resting his full weight on the older hero's legs and nestling into his arms. "...'ncle? I don'... feel so good.."
"Yeah I bet, you're pretty sick..." Sky said softly, his fingers absentmindedly carding through the delirious veteran's hair and voice rumbling slightly.
'Pretty sick' was an understatement. Legend had forgotten about a stab wound and left it for weeks to get infected, then proceeded to collapse with a fever. He'd been delirious for the past two days, barely waking up enough to sip water and broth. To make matters worse, the group was stranded out in the woodlands of some random Hyrule with no towns in sight. Thankfully the lands seemed healthy enough for Wild to forage and cook hearty dishes... but still.
"..'m I gonna die?" Legend whispered, looking up at Sky without a trace of recognition but a world of vulnerability and fear. Small tears started to form in those glassy eyes.
"No, no, you're gonna be all okay. I won't let anything bad happen to you, alright? It's okay, it's okay..." Sky gently uttered, leaning over and planting a soft kiss on his hairline.
"Mmn... promise..?" Legend's eyelids drooped, his battle to stay conscious slipping with every passing second.
Quietly settling beside the Skyloftian, Warriors gently handed him a mug. He wore a firm, yet worried expression on his face.
"I promise. But first, you have to drink this, okay? It'll make you feel better. You can go back to sleep then." Sky gently nudged Legend's lips with the brim of the mug.
Too sleepy to object, Legend obliged and started taking small, slow sips until the mug was fully emptied. In Sky's words, Legend resembled a sleepy remlit; cuddling up to the older hero in a way he'd never dare to if fully conscious. Nobody would dare take advantage of that vulnerability; not even Warriors, for all the two teased eachother.
Now, though, Sky slowly laid himself down on his bedroll, keeping an arm securely holding Legend close. With his prickly barriers down, Legend let himself melt into the warm embrace, feeling so safe and secure that in his last seconds of awareness he started crying.
"I love you..." Three words muttered with sincerity, and the sickly hero passed out once again.
(I'm not sure how this happened, but it did. I think maybe it's the idea that Legend's subconscious recognises Sky as a similar presence to his uncle that when he's caught in such delirium he mistakes them? Idk, but yeah, I hope you liked reading this !!)
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rrinku98illusts · 3 months
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Well, their cuteness are worth dying for at very least... also I really like how even Link still smiles when holding the evil Remlit in game, like his face is like one inch away of being shredded, it's just so goofy 😂
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kokiriofthevalley · 2 months
Link's search histories
no totk spoilers pls also sorry obscure link fans and TP fans
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Side note: oui oui baguette
Skyward Sword
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unexpectedstormy · 2 months
Skyward Sword Skyloft Aesthetic
I love the aesthetic of Skyloft so let's analyze it and see what makes it tick. This will be a long post with lots and lots of photos.
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First of all, In Skyloft there are two very different styles of architecture:
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Ancient architecture, which are the stately grey stone structures like the light tower in the plaza and around the Statue of the Goddess (as well as various locations on the surface)
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And the Skyloftian architecture, which is much more round, colorful and whimsical than the ancient architecture. I will be focusing on the Skyloftian architecture.
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Skyloftian houses are built underground with one exposed side facing out. The roofs are flat and often have paths or grass growing on them in order to maximize surface area and places to walk. Each house is unique and is personalized to the occupant.
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Non-house buildings like the bazaar, knight academy, and the Lumpy Pumpkin are built above-ground and have varying kinds of roofs, from wood to bamboo, to tented rugs.
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Interior walls generally follow this pattern: the walls are painted (or possibly frescoed) with a primary color--it's not a solid color, but with a dappled 'paintbrush-stroke' pattern. Decorative stones or tiles of a contrasting color are placed in a horizontal wavy line in the bottom half of the wall and in another line near the ceiling.
At the base, is a layer of stones of a different color. Structurally, this is likely a foundational base on which the walls are constructed to protect them from groundwater damage, like in cob (a certain kind of mud-cement) house construction.
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Buildings and rooms tend to be curvy or round and often have whimsical features built in, like the oven in the kitchen and the bird faucet and tiled round bathing pool in the bathroom of the Knight Academy. In houses, sinks and counters are sometimes built into the wall. This is another feature you see frequently in cob house construction.
In fact, the Skyloftian style of architecture seems to have taken heavy inspiration from cob house construction. Cob is a building material that is made of local mud with additives to turn it into cement with hay or grass mixed in. The cob is mounded up into the shape of the walls and sealed with sealant and plaster. It is very quick to construct cob buildings and they are highly customizable. Building made of cob tend to be whimsical--look up images and see for yourself.
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Furniture is made with wood and often has decorative tiling, painting, or carvings in them.
In terms of decorations, the most common motifs are geometric designs, floral and plant designs, and bird-themed designs. Bright colors are preferred, and almost everything in the whole game, but especially in Skyloft, has a pink or purple tinge/undertone to it.
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One thing Skyloftians love are ornate rugs. Every room and every house has a rug, usually multiple rugs. Each rug is unique, brightly colored, and usually geometric in design.
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There is even an entire (unmanned) shop in the bazaar full of rugs and other textiles.
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Other decorations you might find in homes and buildings are pots, vases, bottles, and plates with colorful designs
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Lace, stuffed animals, decorative pillows
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Turkish lamps, wall hangings, table placemats or a table runner
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Mobiles and decorative ceiling hangings
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Remlit tree
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And some rooms/houses are themed, for example, Fledge's room has a tropical island theme.
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Outdoors, the village is decorated with multi-colored banners, buntings, pinwheels, flags, and flowers.
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Together all these things construct the aesthetic and style of Skyloft: rounded and curvy buildings, cob-style construction, geometric, floral and bird designs, bright colors, ornate rugs, pots, Turkish lamps, stained glass, wood carvings, and lots and lots of whimsy.
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maple-the-awesome · 11 months
When Another Finds Out About His Crush Part 2/3
Part 1 || Part 3
Pairings: Sky, Time, Twilight x GN Reader
Overview: What happens when someone else in the Chain finds out about his feelings towards you?
Zelda Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist
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Sky is arguably one of the most passive Links in the chain. Laid back, often tired, and a ‘dripping optimistic’ (as Legend once complained), it would be easy to forget that he's the one who had gone face-to-face with a demon god before. His ability to be cheerful and kind is not something he takes lightly, though, so with that in mind, he's reeeally trying to bite back his irritation right now and keep smiling.
Sky was in such a good mood earlier today - better than usual - because yesterday afternoon, the group had found themselves in his Hyrule - Skyloft, to be exact. That means that he's not only been temporarily reunited with his friends and the world he knows best, but that he also gets to show it all off to his new companions as well. Stretching the meaning even further, this translates to him finally getting to show you around his home!
He was overjoyed when you agreed to a personal tour of Skyloft. You'd get to see where he's grown up, meet his people, and (hopefully) fall just as in love with this little island as he is until you (maybe) decide you might actually like to move here yourself. That's why he promised to show you everything and to have a wonderful afternoon together. Just him, you...and Wind.
Oh, Wind...Why couldn't he be more like the others, so worn and drained of energy that the very last thing they wanted was to be dragged around an entire island all day with an unusually (and scarily) vibrant Sky who woke up before noon for once? Why couldn't Wind have just taken the hint when Sky tried to divert his attention, doing his best to turn down the young pirate's requests to tag along without downright saying 'no' because at that point, it would've gained suspicion from everyone else, tempting them to ask why you, out of all of them, get a private tour of Skyloft?
Don't get him wrong: Sky is by no means ashamed of his feelings. They're only natural especially when faced with such beauty. He just wants his confession to be on his own terms, not due to some likely inappropriate jokes that would come from some of the other boys' teasing (particularly from the likes of Legend or Warrior). In his mind, he's decided that you deserve something romantic and sweet - a tender moment shared between only the two of you so that you may understand his affections without any pressure to agree to them. It just...takes a bit of courage to finally plan that moment out is all, but he'll be sure to tell you some day...Someday when Wind isn't around to play the role of an awkward third wheel…
Wind clearly means well. He’s still young - a child even, some would say despite his objections. It isn't necessarily his fault that he's running around asking question after question about Skyloft or that he likes to call your attention to anything he's found that can be deemed 'cool'. It isn't your fault either that you answer to his beckoning, simply being the caring person that you are. Now, Sky would also argue that it isn't his fault for being so jealous right now, but if he truly believed that, there probably wouldn't be even a hint of shame in his heart like there currently is.
He's reeeally doing his best to keep positive. You look so adorable playing with a litter of remlit kittens. His only critique is that he wishes to be the one sitting next to you in the place of that pirate. Instead, he sits a few feet away, his chin against his palm as he huffs bitterly for what feels like the hundredth time, the childish side of him hoping you'll hear and inquire about what's on his mind, yet once again, you don't. You're too busy squealing over the fluffy little creatures who curl up on top of your lap for a nice nap. For Hylia's Sake! Even those little gremlins are luckier than him!
As a more rational person would point out, there's nothing actually preventing Sky from sitting next to you, after all, Wind is to your right and there's plenty of room to your left if he just moves the remlit mother laying there. A few scratches would be worth your company surely, but no, Sky would rather mope here alone, waiting rather (extremely) impatiently for the moment you stand to dust yourself off.
"Alright! I think the longer I sit here, the less strength I'll have to leave and I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of Skyloft while we're here, so what's next, knight?" At long last, your glowing eyes finally bless Sky with your attention, your joyful smile almost instantly making him forget about his previous dread.
"We haven't seen my loftwing yet. Wanna meet him?"
He didn't think it was possible for your eyes to get any brighter, however he stands corrected, "Do I!"
There's no way Sky could ever let you down, so he wastes no time leading you to the edge of the island where he calls his loftwing. Perhaps due to the surprise of not having seen his master in months, the large bird appears swiftly, announcing his arrival with a loud 'squawk' before gracefully landing on the platform in front of you.
You're in awe, as Sky had hoped, unable to tear your eyes away from the shimmer of the loftwing's crimson feathers which are just as impressive as your friend has described to you. Unfortunately, before he can comment on your amazement, he’s reminded once again that the two of you aren't the only ones here. In seconds of the loftwing landing, Wind's presence is once again made apparent, "WOAH! He's so cool! This is how you get around these islands? I wish I had a bird to explore the sky with - I mean, I prefer keeping to the sea with the company of a good ship - but just to see what's above the clouds or to go over large mountains instead of around would be awesome!"
"Wind's right! To be among the clouds and see the world from a bird's eye view...What I wouldn't give to see that - Although, I'm sure you're pretty accustomed to flying yourself, huh Sky -?" Your smile disappears when you look back to your friend only to finally notice his pout. You don't think you've ever seen him look so upset aside from whenever he's 'woken up too early', "...Hey, are you alright? What's wrong?"
"Nothing..." He grumbles, however the worry never leaves you nor does the frown. It feels like a stab to his heart, reminding him of how unfair he's truly being today. Wind is his friend who’s merely expressing interest in his home and culture. It isn't like he's purposely trying to step on Sky's toes or be an annoyance, he's just having fun during one of their rare days off. As for you, you've been looking forward to seeing Skyloft ever since you first learned of it. You deserve to have a nice day to relax and fulfill your wish, not have it bittered because of Sky's selfish mood. He should be ashamed of himself for not valuing his time with you as it is, alone or not.
"...I can always take you flying, you know?"
He nods, giving a more genuine smile than the forced ones he's worn previously today, "It sounds like we'll be staying here for the rest of the day. I'm sure we could squeeze in some time later -"
"- Why don't you just go now?" Wind quizzes with a perked eyebrow, making Sky flinch.
Despite deciding that he'll no longer be jealous or annoyed with the younger boy, he finds himself fearful over the idea of being stuck in the sky for hours with him. Yes, his loftwing can technically carry the weight of all three of you, but how awkward would that be? He'd much rather wait and find a moment to sneak off with you later than somehow become the third wheel on his own non-official date, "Uh, n-no. Not right now. I'm sure you two want to keep going with the tour, so -"
"- Actually I was gonna head back anyway," Wind mentions with a casual shrug, surprising Sky, "It's almost lunch and last time I was late, Wild gave me cold soup. Good soup isn't meant to be cold! Never again!"
Sky hesitates, perhaps expecting Wind to actually change his mind once he agrees to take you on a flight, however to his continued surprise, the Sailor doesn't.
"As much as I've been loving the tour, I wouldn't mind cutting some time off of it for a tour of the sky instead," You add, innocently fluttering your eyelashes in hopes that it will be a good enough argument.
“O-Oh? Then I’m sure going now would be fine. If Wind could update the others so that they don’t get worried looking for us?” A blushing Sky glances to the boy in question who eagerly nods and, for a second, the knight almost sighs aloud in relief.
Pleased with this, you happily turn your attention away from the two to pet the loftwing who leans into your touch, “You wouldn’t mind giving us a ride, right buddy? It would be greatly appreciated.”
Sky’s smile is hardly hidden as he lovingly watches you interact with his beloved loftwing, although he is quickly torn away from the moment by Wind’s sudden voice. He didn’t even realize the boy hadn’t left yet, "You know, just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I'm blind, right? If you wanted to take them on a date, you should've just said something back at the Academy."
Sky stammers in response, whipping his head around to face the boy as he finally runs off while waving back at you both. Of course, Sky doesn't miss the mischievous smirk he wears, "Have fun you two!"
"’you sure you’re alright, knight?" You ask once finally joined by your friend, noticing the slight red to his cheeks as he wobbles on over, "If you aren't feeling well, we don't have to go today."
"No, I'm fine…'just not the biggest fan of pirates sometimes."
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Time has encountered his fair share of mountains - both literally and figuratively, although the former applies here. He's hiked up the steepest of trails where his knees nearly touch the ground and has traced enough cliff edges for the fear to feel numb. Now, that doesn't mean he doesn't get tired or has ever stopped grumbling inside at the sight of such challenges, but he's learned to keep all complaints internal, after all whining has never fixed a problem...If only these boys would learn the same lesson.
There is no silence between the howls of the wind and the dramatic moaning that follows behind him. It's become apparent that not all heroes are as accustomed to trekking over slopes as he is, although that doesn't earn them much sympathy. They're all capable young men who have held their own against even the most fearsome of monsters, so he expects they won't be waving any white flags in defeat to mother nature.
Some are clearly doing better than others in the sense of swallowing their own misery. Wild leads a few yards ahead of the group, arguably faring the best even in comparison to Time which can be blamed on his adaptability gained from his own travels (or the climbing armor he currently wears; a mix of both?).
Warrior and Twilight follow closest behind Time. Every once in a while Warrior will mumble something about being hot to which Twilight will grumble for him to take off his scarf then. Sometimes they bicker beyond that, sometimes Warrior merely huffs and wordlessly adjusts his scarf to be looser around his neck. Although he doesn't spare the Rancher much concern, he seems to find joy in picking on the poor trio who heave behind them - Legend, Hyrule, and four - once making a smug comment about their 'short legs'. Legend would've no doubt whacked or thrown something at him if he wasn't so worn out at the moment.
Sky and Wind follow the three, seeming to lean on each other for support as they whine of burning lungs. While not fully out of their realm, the poor Hylians aren't as used to traveling in the same way as the others, often having the luxury of a loftwing or boat to carry them across the furthest of distances.
Then there's you...At the very back of the line, silent aside from your huffs and puffs, but struggling nevertheless. You’re completely out of your realm here, not having a background comparable to any of the boys, really. You've done hikes, you've walked around town, and maybe you've taken part in some races before, however none of those compare to the exact workout you're currently being subjected to.
You're tired, sweaty, and your legs shake with every step, threatening to collapse at any moment as they curse you for your resistance, but you say nothing of it aloud nor do you complain whenever looking up to see this damn mountain just keeps going and going...Truthfully, you're not sure how much longer you'll be able to drag yourself forward, however you refuse to admit defeat in fear of being thought any less of by the heroes you travel with. You refuse to be their burden and you refuse to act as any kind of annoyance to Time who's obviously wanting to reach the other side sooner than later.
Words can say a lot, but appearances can sometimes say more. It only takes one look at you to see your distress as you stray further and further behind the others, none of whom notice except for Sky who offers aid you brush off and Time who stops at the top of a slope to watch you sympathetically. He may hold the boys to high standards given their titles as heroes, however he understands that doing so to you, at least to the exact extent, would be unfair if not plain cruel.
“Let’s take a break here.”
A chorus of relieved sighs and praises to Hylia follow save for Wild who keeps marching onward until looking back in confusion once he finally notices the group is no longer following his example.
You’re particularly happy to be presented with the gift of rest. Unlike the others who at least have the decency to walk off trail and step into some shade, you collapse to your knees right where you formerly stood, taking a few heavy breathes there before shamelessly crawling under a nearby tree yourself.
“...How much further do we have?” You manage to ask Sky at last after regaining some of your breath. His hesitance is answer enough, causing you to groan.
“The trip down will be much easier than going up,” Time approaches, speaking before the knight can. You notice that he eyes you specifically, “...But we can take another break at the peak once we get there.”
“Thank you Goddesses!” Wind cries - literally, you think there might be tears in his eyes - and it seems that everyone else in the group shares similar thoughts as they relax a bit more, however to Time’s surprise, you no longer share their cheer.
You look down at your sprawled out legs and narrow your eyes as if they’ve done something terrible to you, “...We don’t need to take another break after this one. If we keep stopping, we’ll never reach the base before sundown.”
“Then we make camp on the mountain after going as far as we can in daylight. The terrain might be different than what we’re used to, but we’ll get by.”
“That wasn’t in the original plan.”
“I underestimated the distance we’d be covering. It’s not a massive overwrite -”
“- And it’s one you don’t have to make for my sake,” You click your tongue in annoyance when Time merely blinks at you in wide eyes; the face of mocked innocence that displays his surprise over you having discovered his true motives…as if they were ever that well hidden, “I’m not blind, you know? I can see what you’re doing - you all do the same. I’m not a seasoned traveler like the rest of you, I get it, but that doesn’t mean you have to treat me as such. I can keep up without anyone babying me or, Hylia forbid, thinking any less of me.”
Your last words are mumbled bitterly under your breath, yet Time picks up on the slight sorrow behind them which goes straight to his heart and softens it greatly.
"I don't think any less of you?”
"Clearly you do," You huff, although your eyes focus on the ground sadly as you complain quietly, "You ignored everyone else except for me. When they fall behind, you tell them to keep up. When I fall behind, you stop the world to wait. It’s ‘cause you think I can’t possibly keep up, isn’t it? …You pity me..."
Time frowns deeply at this, wanting so desperately for you to understand that isn't the case. It pains him greatly to hear you believe he looks down upon you. If anything, it's the opposite. Everyone else here has had life experience to train them. You haven’t. So what? That isn’t a bad thing, in fact he thinks it’s wonderful that you haven’t been subjected to the same horrors that he had grown up with. You are a kind and strong soul who deserves nothing but the best in life instead of being beaten down. The very last thing Time would want would be to cause you suffering of any form even if it’s just a bit of exhaustion on a simple hike.
"You weren't able to get up the mountain in one go. So what?" Warrior invites himself into the conversation with a roll of his eyes, his arms crossed over his chest as he makes his way over, “That doesn't mean anyone here is ‘pitying’ you. Failure is just a part of life as is struggle. We've all encountered it. Hell, you think I would've been able to go up this mountain before I joined the military? The first time I trekked up Death Mountain, I was just as worn out as you. I've had practice since then, and one day you will, too. The important thing is that you've pressed on without arguing, complaining, or giving up. You took on this challenge bravely despite knowing it would be difficult. Getting as far as you have is crazy impressive for someone who's never done it before.”
All of the boys are quick to nod along, some adding their own compliments towards your endurance which leaves you blushing in embarrassment yet feeling touched nevertheless. The only one not to respond immediately is Time. He finds himself jealous of this, wishing he could voice his inner thoughts and admiration towards you as easily as the others do, however when you glance at him - almost as if you’re waiting expectantly for him to add a comment of his own - he loses all courage which is replaced by a heavy thumping in his heart. And here he was starting to think he had outgrown this teenage awkwardness.
“You, uh…If anything, your strength is inspiring. Try not to underestimate it. I assure you, we haven’t.”
You hum with a nod, a bit of cheer returning through your smile; a glowing look Time definitely prefers on you compared to any gloom, “Thanks…Really. It means a lot.”
Soon, the group begins their journey again and like the others, Time is ready to move onwards without anything else said, however his attention is drawn to Warrior when he could’ve sworn he heard the Captain suddenly scoff from his side. The smirk playing on the blond’s face only proves that Time’s ears are still working just fine despite their age.
“That was a good save. I think you owe me.”
“Excuse me?”
“I must say, lifting (Y/n)’s spirits by complementing their skill provided a far less awkward outcome for everyone compared to having to listen to you deny and eventually stumble over a confession - despite how long one is overdue.”
“...What are you trying to imply?” Time narrows his eye at the Captain who is hardly fazed, in fact he fights the urge to roll his eyes when looking back over his shoulder at the older hero. He can try being as intimidating as he wants, but one look at the man’s dusted red cheeks is all it takes to have Warrior smirking again.
“Ooh, I think you know, Old Man - we all do. I mean, it’s not exactly science to find out why you’re so lenient on (Y/n) and only (Y/n). ‘can’t say favoritism is the most professional for leadership to take part in, buuut it’s nice to see you lighten up a bit and actually act human for once. ‘keep scowling all the damn time and your face will get stuck like that.”
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"What are you doing?"
"You keep fidgeting with your tunic. I swear, you're worse than Wars."
Twilight huffs at your comment, although that doesn't stop him from slapping more dust off of himself despite how doing so wordlessly proves your point, "That's a mighty hard bar to pass, wouldn't you say?"
"Yeah, you're probably right...But seriously though, what's got you so worried all of the sudden? You act like we're about to walk into Hyrule Castle. You're a ranchhand, for crying out loud! This is where you should feel most comfortable, is it not?" While others might think you're teasing him, he knows you well enough to catch that genuine concern held within your voice. He also knows you well enough to understand that you won't be as willing to drop this topic until it's resolved.
"This isn't just any farm we're headin' to. This is the farm."
"I don't follow," but then you give it some thought, skillfully connecting the dots between Twilight's behavior and the particular home your group approaches, "...Oh...'cause it's Time's place?"
He hums in confirmation as he fights back the urge to ask you about the status of his hair, although if he does that, you'll surely roll over laughing and never let him criticize Warrior's daily 'beauty routine' again.
"Twi, it's Time! Sure, he can come across as a little...stern sometimes, but he isn't Princess Zelda! Just don't kick your muddy boots up on his table or anything like that. Follow those small town manners I know you live by and you'll be fine."
"But -"
"- Besides, I'm like, ninety-seven percent certain that Time favors you out of everyone, so you have nothing to worry about -"
"- It's not that simple!" Twilight pouts, stopping dead in his tracks which consequently causes you to do the same, "...I wanna make a good impression here. It...means a lot to me that I do…”
You sigh before stepping closer to him. There, you take his hand gently and give him an encouraging smile, "And you will. Just be yourself, Twi. There's no shame in that. You're already a great guy, after all - a model, country gentleman, if I've ever met one."
Twilight ducks his head, his cheeks burning due to your words, although luckily for his sake, if you've noticed, you don't comment on it. Instead, your attention is stolen away by the others as the group finally arrives at your long awaited destination: Lon Lon Ranch.
Normally, it would make him beyond nervous (a rambling mess, at best) to have your hand intertwined so tightly in his as you excitedly drag him along, however today can be an expectation. To feel your support quite literally in his grasp means the world to Twilight and does wonders to calm him when it comes to enter the threshold of Time’s cozy little home.
Much to Twilight’s relief, you seem to hold some type of power when it comes to predicting the future. All he had to do was simply stumble out a greeting and Time’s lovely wife, Malon, was already overjoyed to accept him, especially impressed to realize he shares a similar farming background as herself. From there, the day continues at a relaxed pace that calms Twilight’s internal worries, although the passage of time nor the many chores the boys are offered to keep busy can’t be given too much credit for that.
While it’s nice to see his brothers let loose for a day and enjoy themselves in a more domestic atmosphere than some of them have ever had the delight of knowing, Twilight finds himself glued to your side the most, particularly keen on sharing this moment with you for embarrassing reasons he’d rather keep to secret for now. As far as you should be aware, he’s excited to be meeting the closest blood relatives he’ll ever know (at least for many years to come), not that he’s also giddy that you get to meet them as well.
Twilight’s here to make a good impression with his mentor, although he finds himself inclined to soak up all your reactions to Lon Lon Ranch, in fact, he’s a bit desperate to decipher just how you’d possibly feel about one day living at a place like this yourself. You seemed unfazed by the farm chores and you’ve openly expressed to Malon your jealousy of her peaceful home which is a far cry from life in the city. Perhaps you’re only being a kind guest, although Twilight won’t let go of the idea that you might just be honest with those words, truly desiring a more easy going atmosphere he’ll happily help you build if you’ll allow him.
Although the work has been simple and laidback, you aren’t alone in your tiredness by the time day turns into night. You had been yawning already after dinner, so Twilight’s rather surprised to see you still awake when he returns from his talk with Time, your sudden whispered voice amongst the darkness actually managing to startle him slightly, “You’re back. How’d it go? Was it all you hoped for?”
Tiptoeing around those who have already fallen asleep, Twilight finds his own sleeping back while only sparing a quick, awkward glance in your direction, “Yeah…”
“Oh, come on. What did you guys talk about? Don’t leave me in suspense.”
“Nothin’...Nothin’ important.”
Although tucked into his sleeping bag with his back turned towards you, he can hear you sit up straighter and can use his imagination to see your pout, “You seriously think I’d believe that? I’ll find out one way or another, you know. In fact, I’ll start bugging you about it again first thing in the morning, so don’t sleep too comfortably, you hear?”
“Goodnight,” Thank Hylia you have no way of seeing his boyish grin or burning blush given his position and the lack of light. When you huff and lay back down to finally sleep, you allow him to drift back into his thoughts, his mind too awake for rest as he reviews his previous conversation with Time and Malon.
It went well, officially extinguishing his prior worries once and for all. The feeling in Twilight’s chest was indescribable as he listened to their pride in him, something that hit much deeper than any other direct compliments he’s received. 
As the conversation reached its end, he was sure there could be nothing else said to add fuel to those feelings, already feeling light as a feather when Malon awed with a slight giggle, “Oh, and your partner was beautiful. (Y/n), right? I’m afraid we didn’t get too much of a chance to talk today with all the excitement, but we’ll have to sit down for a private chat tomorrow. You know, in-law to in-law?”
“H-Huh? Ah, I-I’m afraid we’re not actually…together like that.”
"You're not? I could've sworn..." Malon had looked to her husband in disbelief, a point where Twilight would’ve expected his mentor to confirm his statement, after all, Time’s been journeying with you both for the last few months, so he should’ve known the truth, however he had instead shrugged with a hand placed on Malon’s shoulder.
"They're in denial still, dear."
"I suppose it runs in the family then for you boys to be easily intimidated,” Malon placed a hand on her hip with a slight shake of her head, “Link - My Link was the same way. Took it him ages to ask me to be his own -"
"- Hey now -"
"- In fact, it was me who had to take that first step,” She then stepped over to take Twilight’s hands, ignoring how bright red and caught off guard he was. Her smile - innocent yet holding a hint of mischief to it - is one he won’t forget anytime soon nor will he forget Time’s smirk in the background, “The way you look at each other doesn’t leave much to question, hon. Clearly you care for (Y/n) and it seems to me the feeling must be very much mutual given how you’ve been trailing each other all day, so try not to concern yourself too much with all those ‘if’s and ‘but’s. The sooner you leap over your nerves, the more time you’ll have to spend together. Hylia knows after everything you boys have been put through, you deserve all the happiness you can soak in.”
“It’s something you’ll regret if you let it slip through your fingers,” Time had added, pulling his wife to his side as they both smiled at each other lovingly.
Even now, their words echo in Twilight’s head and he finds it impossible to close his eyes without seeing you both in a similar position, you pulled to his side with the overwhelming feeling that everything is just right with the world so long as you’re together….‘wouldn’t be a bad thing at all…
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aurathian · 5 months
Prompt: Zelda befuddles Link
Link drops the bundle of wood in his arms in shock, ignoring how it clatters to the floor and almost hits one of the animals--a Remlit--that have now taken over their small cottage on the surface.
"They need a home," Zelda whimpers knowing the expression on his face, shock and exasperation and confusion, calls for an explanation, "and we have plenty of space!"
No they don't, and they both know it--but Link also knows Zelda's heart is too big to abandon such poor, scared animals in the dark or the rain, the same poor and scared animals that jumped him in gangs at night on Skyloft; as he maneuvers around the room, he swears one of the Remlits smirks at him with a horrible glint in its eye.
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breannasfluff · 11 months
Puppy Surprise - P 1
“Sky.” Warriors voice is sharp and he stiffens, spinning to look for an enemy. “What is that.” It’s less a question and more of a statement.
Hiding behind their packs, looking truly confused, is a puppy. It’s pure white and fluffy. Sky makes a choked sound and steps toward it. The puppy whimpers and presses closer to their packs.
“Hey there, it’s okay little guy.” Sky crouches and coos, holding out his hand to tempt the dog over. “How’d you get out here little buddy? Are you lost?”
Warriors finally takes his hand off his sword and crouches next to Sky. The puppy, sensing they don’t mean harm, trots out of its hiding spot.
“Aww, what a cutie!” Sky scoops up the unresisting body, turning it to look at Warriors. “Look at his little face!”
The Captain grimaces but reaches out and lets the dog lick his hand. “We can’t keep it.”
Sky clutches the dog to his chest, giggling when a warm tongue licks his neck. “I’m not leaving him out here alone. It can stay with us until we find someone to take care of it.”
The puppy wiggles until it’s put down, then scampers over to Wild’s bags and paws at them.
“C’mon, don’t get into the Champion’s stuff.” Sky follows and pulls him away, but the dog squirms free and paws at the bags again with a whine. “Nope, no snacks in there for you!”
The puppy gives him a supremely unimpressed look. It’s expressive for an animal, but Sky isn’t too familiar with dogs. Remlits are easy enough to read, though.
“What are we going to call it? Her?” Sky holds the puppy up to Warriors again, its back feet flopping. “What is it?”
Now it’s Warriors turn to give him the unimpressed look. “It’s a boy, as far as I can tell, and I’m not digging through fur to check further.”
“Let’s see…” Sky adjusts the puppy, who’s whining at the indignity of being carted around, and pets his head. “We need to give him a nickname.”
“Naming him is the first step in keeping him, Sky. It’s a slippery slope.”
He snorts and bounces the puppy as he squirms again. “I’m not going to keep calling him Puppy!”
Shaking his head, Sky keeps up the petting. “Softy?”
“Really? Softy?” Warriors goes to check on Twilight, frowning and tucking a blanket up to his chin.
“Fine!” Sky stares across the empty camp, running through adjectives and white-colored things. “Fluffy!”
The Captain raises his eyebrows and purses his lips like he might laugh, but then he nods. “Fluffy it is.”
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(Wind, Legend & Wild Scheming) 
Legend: Okay for this plan to work we need rupee’s, I don’t really want to pay for it, Champion? 
Wild: Rancher took away mine after I bought all those bomb arrows. 
Legend: Sailor? 
Wind: No
Legend: Fair, hmmmmmm (Looks over at Sky, Twilight, and Warrior) Bingo, okay sailor, go over there and ask them for rupees! 
Wind: What! Why me? 
Legend: Because you got those big adorable eyes, and the baby brother privileges. Now go over there and cuteify our companions for Rupees. 
Wind: Ughhhhhhhhh 
(Wind walking nervously over to the group) 
Sky: Hi Sailor is there something you need? 
Wind fidgeting with his hands: Oh um well, (Flashes them over the top anime sparkling eyes) Big brothers can I have some rupee’s please. 
Twilight’s vision: Wind + Baby Ordon goat. 
Sky’s vision: Wind + Remlit
Warrior’s Vision: Wind but now he’s 6 
(All pass out) 
Legend taking Warrior’s wallet: Oh noooo....Anyways.  (Draws a mustache on Warriors Face) 
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solargeist · 6 months
his face when he picks up the nice remlit is pure joy. they made skyward link so expressive. also his room is full of hobbies he does things! he has a life outside of knight school. he loves his bird so much. he’s a good link fr. he really is just a teen with the weight of the world in his shoulders and it shows. unrelated i miss the robots. the mining and sea faring robots i miss them.
YES, hes such a good Link
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undertheopensky · 8 months
We Are But Children 1
Whumptober Day 12: Insomnia
Characters: Four, Sky, lil bit of Hyrule and Legend
Trigger warnings: Past Violence to a Child
Read on Ao3!
Tiny!Four sniffles.
Sky looks up sharply. Tiny!Four is curled in his older counterpart’s bedroll, and until now he’d thought he was sound asleep. Another shuddery breath shakes his small frame. Nightmare or homesick, Sky guesses, and sets aside the half-finished spoon to head over.
Laying a hand on the boy’s shoulder gets a flinch – definitely not asleep, then. “Hey, buddy,” Sky murmurs, “what’s wrong?”
The boy rolls over. Under the tear tracks, he’s tense and wary. Tiny!Four hadn’t taken to their explanations as well as Tiny!Legend, probably because he’s only eight and remembers being halfway into his first (and as far as Tiny!Four is concerned, only) adventure. He’d spent the first couple of hours calling for his grandfather and someone named ‘Ezlo’, and crying over the bird-shaped charm on the hood of his overtunic. He doesn’t know where he is or what’s happening. He doesn’t trust them.
But he’s still just eight years old and alone and scared in the dark. And Sky is warm enough and safe enough that when he draws close Tiny!Four reaches out, and lets himself be bundled up into Sky’s side.
“I’ve got you,” Sky says softly. “You’re alright. You wanna tell me what’s wrong?”
“I c-can’t sleep,” Tiny!Four wails, blessedly muffled in Sky’s shoulder. “Is cold and too dark and I heard a wolfos an’ I’m scared –”
“Shhhh,” Sky murmurs, rocking him gently. “I know. I heard the wolfos too, but I’m not scared. Any wolfos that’s out tonight will steer clear of us. Do you know why?”
Tiny!Four’s tear stained face peers up at him.
“We have a fire, and lots of people, and we don’t have any food out for them to smell. We’re scary, to them, and we don’t have anything they want. So if they find us, they’ll smell the smoke, and see all of us with our weapons, and not find anything to eat, and go off and hunt deer instead. We’ll be okay.”
“But what if they don’t? What if they think we’re food?”
“That’s why I’m awake,” Sky explains. It’s a bit awkward – Tiny!Four is tiny, but he’s still eight – but he manages to pick the boy up with minimal fumbling and balance him on his hip so that he can walk the perimeter. It’s not a real patrol, though Tiny!Four won’t know that. Sky walks slow and swaying, and talks in a low voice. “I’m watching for monsters, and listening for anything close by that might attack us. If I notice anything, I can wake everyone up so we can fight back.”
Tiny!Four clings to his collar for balance. “But won’t you get tired, staying awake all night? I’m never ‘llowed to do that, ‘cos Grandpa says I’ll be too sleepy t’ work in the forge.”
“Well, I won’t be staying up all night.” Tiny!Four stiffens. “We take turns, see? I have the early part of the night, Legend will take the middle, and Hyrule takes the last part, until dawn comes and everything is light again. That way, someone’s always on guard.”
Relaxing, Tiny!Four nods thoughtfully. “That’s smart. But how do you know when your turn is over?”
Sky can’t resist booping him lightly on the nose. “How do you know what time it is in the daytime?”
Tiny!Four stops staring cross-eyed at his own nose to say, “The sun! When it’s in the east, it’s morning time, an’ when it gets high overhead, it’s noon, an’ then it goes down towards the west in the after-noon. But there’s no sun at night, so how do you tell?”
“We read the stars,” Sky says. He’s getting tired, so he sits on one of the logs near the fire and moves Tiny!Four to his lap, then points up at the glittering trails of silver through midnight blue overhead. “The stars make shapes, and those shapes move through the sky, just like the sun does. So because the Great Loftwing is right overhead -” Sky sketches out the two long trails of stars that make up its wings, the fan of its tail and the curve of its beak - “I know it’s not quite time to wake Legend yet. When the Remlit rises to chase it - he points to the horizon where the constellation has yet to appear - and I can see the ears, I know it’s Legend’s turn. Pretty cool, huh?”
Tiny!Four nods, then startles when Hyrule hums agreement.
“Oh, sh-shoot, sorry, Hyrule. Did we wake you?”
“No,” Hyrule lies, “I was just listening to your star stories. They’re different to the ones I know.” He sits up and wriggles free of his bedroll.
Because loftwings were extinct in every other time, Sky supposes, though the knowledge makes his heart try to wring itself dry.
Hyrule must see the pain in his face because he doesn’t pursue the topic. He sits on the next log over, far enough away that Tiny!Four doesn’t go tense, and says to Sky, “Most of ours are monster-related, though I think The Lovers is a holdover from Time’s era.”
“Did Time really fight the moon?” Tiny!Four asks. “I wouldn’t wanna fight the moon. ‘S too big.”
“Oh?” says Sky. “So if the moon is too big, what’s the biggest thing you’ve ever fought?”
Tiny!Four snuggles back against Sky. “A gleerok.”
Hyrule goes white. “A gleeok?” he squeaks, at a volume that makes Sky wince.
Tiny!Four blinks. “No, the Minish called it a gleerok. I remember because it had a rock on its back.”
“What did it look like?” Sky prompts, since Hyrule appears to be having some kind of silent breakdown.
“Like a lava dragon,” says Tiny!Four. “I dunno if it had legs, it just swam around in in the lava and spat fireballs at me, and sometimes it would dive down an’ do something to flood the whole room with lava! A couple times I had to climb the walls so it wouldn’t burn my feet. The rocks were really hot though.” He pouts at his hands, clearly remembering burns.
Sky runs a hand through his hair, soothing. “That sounds pretty scary.”
“…it was.” Tiny!Four thumps his head down on Sky’s shoulder and sighs. “My eyes hurt.”
“You can close them if you like.”
“No. Then the bad things will get me.”
“Bad things?”
“…monsters. I see them all the time. Sometimes when I’m tired they hide in the shadows to scare me. ‘N when I close my eyes I know they’re there. He trembles in Sky’s arms.”
Sky’s heart breaks. This is why he feels so uncomfortable when Legend or Time talks about their early adventures. About being a small child in a world that’s determined to kill them. For every laughingly told story, there are just as many nightmares waiting in the dark.
And Sky has nightmares too, but he’d been a fully trained knight before even starting. He’d been seventeen, not eight.
At least he’d known what he was getting into.
Tiny!Four clings to the front of Sky’s tunic, shoving his face uncomfortably hard into his collarbone.
“Why does it still hurt, Sky?” he says, muffled. “Why won’t it stop?”
“Why won’t what stop, Four?” Sky asks. Tiny!Four doesn’t answer, maybe doesn’t hear him; he just cries into Sky’s collar.
“He’s overtired,” Legend says from right behind him, scaring the absolute shit out of Sky. Legend steadies him when he nearly falls off the log. “Sorry, thought you knew I was there.”
“Why would I know you were there?” Sky hisses at him. Legend rolls his eyes and steps over the log to sit next to him.
“I dunno, because you’re a battlefield master and have great awareness of your surroundings?” he says sarcastically. Sky swats at him, blushing.
Propping his chin on Sky’s shoulder, Tiny!Four looks at Legend with wet blue eyes. “What does that mean?”
“Sky is our best fighter when he doesn’t have his head in the clouds,” Legend tells him.
Sky is stuck between two different flavours of embarrassment and doesn’t know what to do with it. “Legend, don’t exaggerate! I’m not that bad.”
Legend stares at him. “Last week you fell in a ditch because you were walking with your eyes closed.”
Sky flushes. “That was -”
“When me and Warriors were arguing about which way to go you fell asleep standing up and fell on Wild.”
“Hey, we’d just been switched from the middle of the night to mid-morning, we were all exhausted -”
“When we were last signing into an inn you forgot how to spell your own name.”
Finally, Tiny!Four giggles. “You grumble like Ezlo does.”
Fortunately all Legend does is raise an eyebrow. “Oh do I? Does Ezlo have a lot to grumble about, then?”
“I think he’s just grumpy. He complains when I don’t do what he says, and he complains when I do do what he says. An’ he doesn’t like waiting for me to do stuff, like when I can’t reach a switch and haveta find somethin’ to hit it with, or a box to stand on.”
“And he can’t just flip those switches himself?”
“No. Ezlo doesn’t have any hands.”
“Why’s that?”
“B’cause he’s a hat.” Tiny!Four yawns, wide and unselfconscious. He lays his head back down on Sky’s shoulder, while his blinks get slower and sleepier. “A really cranky hat.”
Tiny!Four’s clearly still young enough that falling asleep on a caregiver’s shoulder is a comfort. Sky’s glad he still has that, in the face of nightmares and monsters. It doesn’t take much more - a little rocking, more head strokes - before he’s finally out, loose in Sky’s arms and breathing softly.
Hyrule sits back with an exaggeratedly soft sigh. “Phew. Thank goodness.”
Sky nods, exhausted.
“He’s cute, but I hope he’s not this hard to put to bed every night,” says Legend, leaning forward the tuck a bit of loose hair behind Tiny!Four’s ear.
“What was he saying about Ezlo being a hat?” Hyrule says.
“I have no idea. We can try asking him in the morning, if he’s feeling more comfortable - or we can ask when he turns back.” Legend stretches his arms over his head. “Anyway, Sky, Hyrule, you two should go to bed - it’s my turn now. Take the kid with you, though, I am not babysitting.”
Sky rolls his eyes - like they were supposed to not notice how soft and gentle Legend had been with a miserable child? - but he’s careful as he stands with Tiny!Four still curled against him. There’s a moment where he’s afraid he’ll wake up again, as he set him down in Four’s bedroll, but the boy just snuffles and rolls himself up in the blankets.
Sky tucks the edges around him and spends a moment looking at his face, soft and lax in sleep. He looks so young.
The thing is. Despite the name, Tiny!Four is the exact same size as Normal!Four. He’s clearly younger, but it’s all in the lines of his face, the way he stands and talks and holds himself. Four’s frame hadn’t been changed by the wizzrobe. His mind, yes, and he’s missing some scars, but Four’s body is eerily unchanged.
It makes Sky uneasy, to be honest.
At the very least, Sky thinks, they know there’s a time limit. Legend took just three days to shift back – three strained, nerve-wracking days – and Hyrule is pretty sure Four will be the same.
Maybe after, they’ll get some answers.
Read Part 2 here!
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needfantasticstories · 4 months
Day 1: Helpless
TW: divine possession, slight body horror, traumatic flashbacks
Characters: Sun (Linked Universe), Hylia (The Legend of Zelda)
Divine Disturbance
(Connects to Hidden Heroes)
Zelda lay in bed in her Knight’s Academy dorm, her eyes refusing to stay closed. She stroked the remlit curled at her side and stared at the rafters obscured in shadows above. Only a patch of waning moonlight from the window, pale and ghostly, outlined her room. 
She scratched gently behind the remlit’s floppy ear, smiling despite a twinge of jealousy at its easy rest. She knew, from seventeen years of existing as a mortal girl, that she needed sleep. It would heal her body from the day spent sparring, studying, and running around the islands as a representative of the village council. She needed the rest, but the divine within her resented it.
Not again… Hylia, we’re mortal now. We need to rest. Like in the crystal, Zelda thought to her former self, to the enormous ghost that lingered within her. The goddess seemed to grow more persistent every day. She dragged Zelda’s thoughts and emotions into another life at the smallest hints of her old one. A breath of mint or rosemary might send her dancing as she had in courts of old before her feet realized they were moving. It was rather embarrassing during lunch in the dining hall, but luckily Link and Groose began to clap along, causing Pipit and Karane and Fletch to tap their feet somewhat hesitantly too, and by the time Zelda became fully aware of her presence at breakfast and not the leading a Royal Ball, her friends had appeased the questioning stares with generous laughter, as if it was all a joke they had planned. Link bowed and led her to her history tutor before anyone could ask for an explanation,  so it faded into another silly story the others would sometimes joke about at gatherings. Silly, spontaneous Zelda. She did not appreciate the changes in her reputation. She’d rather remain known as “level-headed” and “determined,” especially as an aspiring member of the Council.
She didn’t mind the changes brought on by the goddess’ knowledge when she finally beat both Link and Captain Eagus at sparring, to everyone’s surprise. Link guessed rightly that the goddess had something to do with it, and he’d beamed at her when she’d confirmed his theory in private. His eyes, so proud and trusting and full of admiration, made her heart ache. Who did he love, really? 
More recently, a simple tune hummed by Peatrice as she passed on the road had sent Zelda’s mind into a panic, racing to the edge to leap after her hero. The Song of Mourning, she knew all of the sudden, the last she’d sung after… he’s struggling down there all alone and DEAD DEAD DEAD! She’d raced to the skydock and leapt, desperate to find him in the clouds, ready to soar on her own wings, blade at the ready to face Demise and stop him but knowing it was already too late. 
Luckily, she’d come to herself as the wind whipped her shawl over her eyes. She’d resheathed her sword and called her loftwing, Indigo, to catch her before plunging into the cloud barrier where no loftwing could follow. 
She grew afraid of the goddess, for the first time, and prayed to her past self that it would not happen again. The power had hummed like an earthquake inside her, and she hoped it understood.
Most of the time, if she could manage to close herself from the tides of emotions, she could get by. She could act normal. After all, how could she explain?
Gondo would present the council with the newest set of repaired robots and explain about the wonder of wires and circuits, and she could pretend she didn’t remember how to infuse a consciousness within a machine with just the right spell, if only she could access Hylia’s magic at will. It would mean nothing to them. 
When Link would wonder about his predecessor, how could she spoil his day by expressing the overwhelming love she felt for a man a thousand years in his grave, a stranger to them both, while feeling that same love for the young man at her side, as if they were the same? How could she explain that she would always see their faces overlapping? 
When she’d burst into tears of joy at finding a large seed on the Surface, how could she explain the faint memories of Deku trees planted and nurtured in places she knew by heart but would never find again? She wasn’t even sure if they came before her era, or after. How could she explain so much with so little?   
She couldn't, so she didn’t. 
Instead, she found ways to explain away the strange, divine impulses as excitement, silly curiosity, a flight of fancy, or beginner’s luck. 
Link. Groose. Father. They knew she was the goddess’s mortal form, but they would never understand. So she bore the goddess alone.  
Fear swelled in deep corners of her mind. Trapped. Small. Constricted. Her head stung from the pressure of condensed sunlight burning, burning, burning within it. The Sacred Springs had been excruciating but short-lived, and the Goddess had settled quickly after each cleansing,  even if the goddess’s commands frustrated Zelda long after. Now, she was a mouse that had swallowed a dragon, a divine beast of dazzling power, perpetually in motion and raging, and Zelda was about to crack at any moment. Her heart beat like a drum against her ribs. Delicate webs of nerves danced and screamed at every turn of the divine mind as it struggled to comprehend this new world through the bars of a tiny mortal prison. 
Sensing the danger, the power began to ease: hot but no longer blazing; pounding, but no longer bursting. 
Zelda gasped, able to move on her own once more. She rolled out of her smothering, feather-filled blanket and settled flat on her back, letting the night air cool her. One hand buried in the fur of the fluffy animal still sleeping beside her and another hand pressed against her own chest, as the thud thud thud of two mismatched hearts reverberated in her palms. At last, her own thundering cacophony began to steady and slow. She breathed in and out, measuring each breath evenly. 
I am still me. I am the same Zelda. Just…changed…  
She addressed her thoughts to the divine ghost within. I need to sleep, Dear Hylia.
The declaration wrenched her eyes open. She startled so sharply that her little remlit companions yowled, shot out of the nest of blankets, then scrambled under the bed. 
Zelda sighed, and wiped sweat from her brow as her heartbeat picked up again. She longed to agree with the goddess. So often, sleep brought breathtaking, confusing, or nightmarish memories that left her heart longing or broken, her eyes red and swollen from weeping from the memory of loss and failure and a world nearly destroyed. Beneath it all an ocean of rage and regret: THEY ARE DEAD! THEY ARE HURTING! THEY ARE LOST! HE IS DEAD, HE IS DEAD, HE IS DEAD! HOW CAN A GODDESS OF TIME BE LATE? CELESTIAL MOTHERS, HOW DID I FAIL HIM?  
The goddess supplied herself a furious answer, the waves of rage swelling, and it set Zelda’s heart racing again. I TOLERATED AND IGNORED DEMISE FOR TOO LONG. I COMMANDED THE HERO TO FIGHT BEFORE HE WAS READY. I FEARED MY SHADOW, AND MADE HIM FACE IT IN MY STEAD. 
Please, stop! Quiet quiet quiet! Zelda begged the divine as it threatened to drown her. What mortal could bear such rage? Such despair? Such love? Such hatred, all at once? There was nowhere for it to go, and she could not contain it.
She tried to turn aside, to cry into her pillow, but she couldn’t move. Helpless, she realized tonight was far different than other memories.  Vivid to the point of blindness, she saw a flash of light as the might of Fi’s power shot up to the sky, but her wielder needed her! NOW! Zelda…no, Hylia was falling, not soaring and barely controlled, yet still so far away from him, too weak to simply appear at his side. Tears streamed  NO! TOO LATE! This despair was no longer a swell, but an electric shock. Zelda seized up at the sight of those dead-white eyes on the hero’s beautiful, serene face, and when the vision closed at last she gasped and curled tightly on herself. She had sensed every vein and sinew in the man’s body, and in what order they stopped functioning. No one should know so much about the death of another, nor should she so love a stranger, no matter how like her own Link he appeared. 
The self-loathing of a goddess was more than she could bear.
Zelda squeezed her eyes shut, and they shot open again. And again. And again. The visions crowded her room. She cried for the goddess’s hurt, for her frustration at mortal limits, for memories she did not want to see, for the goddess’s anger at being trapped as a mortal, and her own anger at being swallowed by the divine. But she could not move, her body completely in the hands of the goddess, and her grief was still rising higher. If she could, she’d have screamed in agony. 
 Link is not dead! Her usual first line of defense from these divine, dark thoughts seemed so small tonight, and made no difference. She tried again. He’s alive! Let me rest!  
Link is alright. He’s safe. You saved him! 
Zelda’s assurances pushed back as weak as a breath compared to the goddess’s tempest. Usually, it was enough to redirect the momentum toward happier thoughts, and then the goddess would grace her with more pleasant or helpful memories.  
Not tonight. Her assurances only seemed to exacerbate the goddess’s fury and terror.  More memories flooded her, new and unfamiliar. Knights swiping blades to cut her down, giant spiders crawling closer, pale dead hands reaching from the floor, and the silhouette of a man, his laughter cruel and grating, as he stood victorious over a dark shape on the floor. A crown glistened in the space between them, and— 
Please, let me sleep! she begged as another swell of jumbled images and sensations and feelings too complex to parse threatened to crash over her and sweep her away into oblivion. Her head throbbed and grew feverishly hot with the effort to keep herself in one piece as her mind pulled a thousand directions at once. Excruciating pain and exhaustion and the fierce will to live and the threat of death all wrapped in one overwhelming feeling. She was being consumed. 
WE ARE SAFE! She barely kept from screaming her thoughts out loud. THE WORLD IS SAFE! 
HE IS NOT SAFE! the storm shrieked back at her. THE WORLD IS NOT SAFE!
She knew that Link slept in the room almost below hers, just one off, and by this hour he would be snoring by now, safe and sound. Demise and his blade were dead. 
He’s here! It’s over! It’s done! There’s nothing more you can do! Haven't you done enough?  
The goddess’s wrath slowed, and the storm became a whispered song of hope at the thought Zelda had conjured of Link, safe and asleep. 
And then, nothing. The storm dissolved. She’d finally shut up. 
Only whisper’s of Indigo’s dreams remained, chasing skytails, mercifully free of the Goddess’s storms.  
Zelda drew a slow, deep breath as her palms lifted off her sweaty hair. Has it truly stopped? Her hands lingered by her ears, ready to resume the desperate hold on her aching head. But nothing disturbed her thoughts now, and her room was starkly quiet in the pallid moonlight. 
Zelda sighed in relief. At last, she could rest.  
She retrieved the down-filled blanket she’d kicked onto the floor. Autumn air chilled the night, and she tucked the blanket close around her, and wiped her brow with her sleeve. Ignoring the sweat drying on her skin, she basked in the quiet and calm. Her body relaxed, at its limit. Each night, for three nights, she’d wrestled with the Goddess, and she was done. 
Hylia, please be at peace, she prayed, hoping to keep the goddess appeased. It is over. Demise is gone. You saved everyone. Your hero is alive. 
Even without the goddess’s urging, she would always watch over Link. Not that many threats remained: a few monsters on the Surface they’d face together, nosy questions about their time on the surface, rude comments about his lightning scars. Not that he couldn’t deal with them on his own, but his state had been fragile the first month, and she still struggled not to hover. 
She owed him that much: from her failure as the goddess to her failure as a friend he’d trusted. At Hylia’s bidding, she’d thrown him into danger. The goddess had been only a blessing back then, and who was she to question divinity? She would not make that mistake again.
But Link had volunteered after he knew the truth, and he’d faced the demon that had hunted her and her people thousands of years ago. He was just a boy, barely seventeen, and he’d saved her and the world from the jaws of Demise. 
She owed him the world. And all he asked for was her friendship. Not her love, or her favor, but her company.  
Her mind grew heavy and thick, full of pleasant dreams: playing in a fairy fountain with tiny sisters, taking in the healing magic and soft glowing light.
Do not sleep, daughter of my soul. Take up my blade. Tear the monster asunder. Break him across the ages. More must be done. Finish it. 
The new thought jostled her awake. Zelda groaned, but paused. Something was different. The goddess felt calm and aware, like a remlit ready to pounce rather than a storm. Why had the idea come after she’d already felt her mind close to the deity only moments ago? 
Zelda sat up and moved to the window. Above Skyloft floated the silhouette of Sir Hawke, and she knew whoever had nightwatch with him flew below the islands, ready to catch anyone Sir Hawke might have missed.  
Nothing else stirred. Her head swam as she stood, protesting at being awake for two days and counting. Her joints felt like chu jelly, weakening while she stood. Is this long enough? Are you finally resting? 
Stillness followed. Optimistic, she returned to bed. 
Silence. Blessed silence.
Quietness settled over Zelda’s body again as she burrowed in downy covers. At last, she sighed in relief. Within seconds she lay on the brink of sleep.
A yell from downstairs shocked her upright. She recognized the tenor of that voice. 
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gamercats-fight · 4 months
Welcome everyone to the Gamer Cats Tournament!!!
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Under the cut is a list of all the participants in alphabetical order!
I will come up with the bracket hopefully in a couple of days, and I'm aiming for the voting to start AT THE LATEST on Feb. 4th, but I'll keep you all posted!!
707's Robot cat from Mystic Messenger
Alexander the Great from Identity V
Ankha from Animal Crossing
Ann's cat from Identity V
Ashes from Fallout 4
Astrid from Spiritfarer
Big the Cat from Sonic the Hedgehog
Blaze the Cat from Sonic the Hedgehog
Bloodfang Sabertooth from Far Cry Primal
Bob from Animal Crossing
Bongo from Life is Strange
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
Castle Town cats from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Cheka Kingscholar from Disney Twisted-Wonderland
Cheshire Cat from Alice: Madness Returns
Chilly from Soul Knight
Cisco from Gotham Knights
Coco from Cattails: Wildwood Story
Daffodil from Spiritfarer
Ebony from Marve's Midnight Suns
Eevee from Pokemon
Elizabeth the 3rd from Mystic Messenger
Espurr from Pokemon
Eve from Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Evil the Cat from Earthworm Jim
Frou-Frou from Scarlet Hollow
Fat Cat from Final Fantasy XIV
Giovanni from Spiritfarer
Giovanni's Persian from Pokemon
Gizmo from Sally Face
Goomba Cat from Super Mario 3D World
Gouto-Douji from Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army
Grim from Disney Twisted-Wonderland
His Majesty from Baldur's Gate 3
Hunter Slime from Slime Rancher
Jean from Stardew Valley: Jorts and Jean the Helper Cats mod
Jibanyan from Yo-kai Watch
Jorts from Stardew Valley: Jorts and Jean the Helper Cats mod
Judd from Splatoon
Judge from Off
Kabegami from Ōkami
Keats from Professor Layton and the Last Specter
Kiki from Animal Crossing
King Tom from Ni no Kuni
King from Tekken
Kitties! from Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Kittyball from Chuzzle 2
Krampy from Cattails: Wildwood Story
Léon from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Leona Kingscholar from Disney Twisted-Wonderland
Leopard from Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Lucius from Disney Twisted-Wonderland
Lumi from Cats are Liquid
Mae Borowski from Night in the Woods
M'aiq the Liar from The Elder Scrolls III
Meowth from Pokemon
Minecraft cats from Minecraft
Mitzi from Overwatch
Momo from Love Nikki
Morgana from Persona 5
Mr. Mew from The World Ends with You
Mr. Midnight from Fran Bow
Mr. Whiskers from Identity V
Ms. Fortune from Skullgirls
Neko from Genshin Impact
Nintendogs + Cats's cats from Nintendogs + Cats
Nyan Cat from Nyan Cat: Lost in Space
Orchynx from Pokemon: Uranium
Pepi from The Arcana
Pete from Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Pixel from Scarlet Hollow
Pocket from Boyfriend Dungeon
Raymond from Animal Crossing
[REDACTED] from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Remlits from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Rover from Animal Crossing
Saber-toothed Tiger from Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
Stardew Valley cats from Stardew Valley
Shoe from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Simba from The Lion King (video game)
Sims Urbz cat from The Urbz: Sims in the City
Slip from Cattails: Wildwood Story
Spider-Man/Bodega Cat from Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Spring from Lies of P
Steelclaw from Baldur's Gate 3
Stray cat from Stray
Super Mario 3D cats from Super Mario 3D World's + Bowser's Fury
Sushi Cat from Sushi Cat
Tabby Bee from Bee Swarm Simulator ROBLOX
Tabby Slime from Slime Rancher
Talking Tom from My Talking Tom
Tally from American Acardia
Tango from Mega Man V
Tara from Baldur's Gate 3
Temmie from Undertale
The Beast from Slay the Princess
The Empress from A Hat in Time - Nyakuza Metro
The Star from The Arcana
The Tiger from Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist
Tiger from Tomb Raider 2
Toro Inoue from Doko Demo Issyo
Vivi from Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku
Wagahai from The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
Yuumi from League of Legends
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ageless-soul-au · 1 year
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Sky's ref sheet!!! Lines are by Mizu and colors are by Kio! We might finally be settled on a design for him lmao
The hood that's pinned on and the piece of sailcloth attached to his belt are both parts of his original one! He has a plain one now that he uses for its actual purpose. The fur that lines his boots is shed remit fur (no remlits were harmed in the making of these boots). His boots have a gap in the tread for his loftwing stirrups. They are also steel toed for safety bc if a loftwing steps on your foot, you will have a bad time. The feathers behind his ear are both from his loftwing, Flower. His turtleneck is long enough to be pulled up over his face when flying to cover his mouth and nose. Those lightning scars have fried the nerves in his hand and arm (they travel up from his hand to his face), so while the only sword he can use truly reliably is the Master Sword, the sword on his back is something he forged himself! (With help ofc.) It's a much larger replica of the Goddess Sword’s second phase. His sword scabbard snaps into a leather pad on his back that is connected to the rest of his leather armor.
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telemna-hyelle · 1 year
Take This Happy Birthday to the Legend of Zelda!
It's still Februrary 21st somewhere in the world, so I'm gonna say that I made it *nods solemnly*
Happy Birthday, Legend of Zelda! You've come to mean so much to me, and i couldn't let you birthday pass by without doing something. So here, a little fic that I hope expresses how much this franchise means to me.
There was a little boy kneeling besides an old woman. The scattered smoke of dying monsters filled the air here and there, evidence of a victorious skirmish.
The old woman was weak and faint, her hands shaking with weariness. The little boy pulled her arm over his shoulder and fumbled for his canteen, helping her drink. After several careful gulps, the woman pushed the canteen away, despite the shivering in her hand.
“Are you sure, mother?” the boy said, a little doubtfully, hesitating to put the canteen away. “You don’t look so good.”
“It’s not me who needs help,” the woman gasped out. “It’s—it’s the princess who needs help. Please, I have to be on my way.”
“The princess needs help?” the boy frowned. “Why? What’s wrong?”
The story tumbled out of the old woman—of an evil beast named Ganon, who had attacked the country, ravaged the land, and stolen one of it’s greatest treasures. “And the princess—she sent me away to find help, and sacrificed herself to cover my escape!” Tears slipped through the furrows on her aged face. “A nursemaid is supposed to protect her charge, not—not—”
The boy’s frown grew sharper. “What happened to the princess?”
“I’ve heard rumors that he’s imprisoned her in his fortress on Death Mountain.” The old woman tried to push herself to her feet, but the boy held her still, eyeing the shake in her limbs with worry.
“Please, young lad, I have to go—the princess told me I had to find a man of great courage; someone who can defeat Ganon!” She clutched at his hand imploringly. “You see why I cannot delay?”
The boy nodded. “This Ganon… he wants to hurt everything, right? The land, and the people, and the princess?”
The old woman nodded solemnly, tears squeezing out below her closed lids.
The boy carefully stood, helping the old woman to her feet, and took her hands in his. The woman opened her eyes in confusion, and stared in astonishment when the boy smiled at her. “You don’t have to worry anymore, mother! Ganon sounds like a bully, and I don’t like bullies.” He nodded firmly, and gave her hands a squeeze. “So I’ll beat him! I promise!”
The old woman stared at him. “But you’re just a child! Are you sure—”
“I’m twelve!” The boy said proudly. “That’s old enough to start an apprenticeship. Don’t worry, mother, I can do this!”
“But…” the woman blinked in astonishment. “Your accent—it’s from Calatia. You’re not from here. …why?”
The boy shook his head, and gave her hands another squeeze. “Because you need help.” He said simply, and shrugged his shoulders. “And I can help you. That’s all the reason I need!”
The woman burst into tears again. “I have heard tell of heroes of old, but I never truly believed I’d see one like them. Tell me, child, what’s your name?”
The boy grinned, and opened his mouth—
And Link woke up in his bedroom on Skyloft, clutching his loftwing stuffie and staring at the ceiling.
Link spent the next day moping around Skyloft thinking about his dream. He had strange dreams sometimes—and by strange he meant not normal-strange, like the one where the loftwings wore clothes, or the remlits picked up Master Gaepora and flew him in circles around Skyloft.
No, this was a strange-strange dream. The kind that some part of Link’s heart said was super important and really true.
So Link spent his day with his head in the clouds, thinking about his dream. Nobody noticed anything particularly, as little Link spent most of his days with his head in the clouds anyway—nobody, that is, except for his best friend.
“What’cha thinkin about?” She asked, and plopped down beside him.
Link propped his chin on his hands. “I had a dream about someone. He was really brave, and when there was a big bad monster threatening people, he went to fight it just cause they needed help. I was just thinking… that’s what knights are supposed be like, right?”
Zelda screwed up her face as she thought about this. “I think so.”  
Link laid on his back, staring at the loftwings circling in the skies above. “…I think that’s the sort of knight I want to be one day. Someone who helps cause they can.”
Zelda flopped on her back next to him, reaching out and nudging his elbow with her own. “I bet that’s just the sort of knight you’ll make!” She scowled suddenly, and gave him a harder nudge. “But if you want that, you need to stop slacking so much!”
Link ignored this. He was pretty great at the basic knight skill stuff, so why waste his time studying when he could be napping. Still, something was bothering him. Zelda noticed the odd tone to his silence and sat up, cocking her head to one side as she looked down at him.
“What is it?”
“I just…” Link pouted slightly. “The boy in my dream—he was gonna face a big nasty monster, but he didn’t even have a sword.”
Zelda crossed her arms, furrowing her brow in thought. “That’s not good. Every good hero needs a sword.”
Zelda frowned at the ground, and Link frowned up at the sky, when sudden Zelda’s head shot up. She grabbed Link’s arm and pulled his torso up, a bright grin on her face. “Remember, you carved a wooden practice sword for fun last year! Why don’t you make him one like that!”
Link blinked, and then a grin of his own spread across his face. “I could do that!!!” He scrambled to his feet, yanking Zelda along with him. “How’d you come up with it first?”
He started sprinting in the direction of Jakamar’s house to beg for the best quality wood he could get, Zelda clinging onto his hand, giggling like the waterfall at the far end of the pool.
“Cause I’m the smartest, that’s why!”
Link grew older, and the dream faded into the background—though the feeling Link got from that dream remained. The idea of a knight who helped cause he could, who faced a monster to save people in need—somehow, they sunk deep down inside him, coiling about his very core, and gave him strength when his greatest trial came.
But that was over, and Demise was sealed, and now the time had come for Link and Zelda to settle on the Surface.
They were sorting through boxes stuffed in the bottom of Link’s wardrobe when he found it—a strange bundle wrapped in an old, musty blanket.
He pulled back the folds, stared down at the wooden sword, which had been laying forgotten for over half a decade—and suddenly he remembered the dream.
“Hey, Zelda, look what I found!”
Zelda turned from where she was packing his hoard of items from the surface into boxes, took one look at the sword, and smiled.
“I forgot all about that!” She quickly set the amber artefact she was holding down, and scrambled over to kneel at his side, holding her hands out. “Can I hold it?”
“Of course, my lady,” Link said, and handed the blade over with an overdramatic flourish. Zelda giggled as she took it, but the moment it was in her hands her giggles died down.
Link glanced up, even more attuned to her and her moods now, after all they had been through, and saw her staring down at the sword with a strange expression.
“Link… that dream you had, all those years ago…” She bit her lip, struggling to give voice to her thought.  
Like a bolt of lightning streaking across the sky, Link realized where her thoughts were headed, and swallowed hard. “You’re think about the curse.”
Zelda’s fingers tightened on the sword, her knuckles yellowing under her grip. “…if it is true, and the spirit of the hero is reborn again and again… that boy you dreamt of may be real.”
For a moment, neither of them spoke, struggling to come to terms with… with everything that possibility meant.
Finally, Link reached out, laying a hand on the sword. “If… if it is, then I want the boy to have this sword, more than ever.” He grinned at Zelda, though the smile was edged with sorrow. “After all… I know how valuable having a sword by your side can be during an adventure.”
Zelda laid her free hand over his, her heart aching. Link took the chance to entwine their fingers, and they clung to each other’s strength for a long moment.
Finally, Zelda stirred. “Well…” She said slowly, straightening. “I am the reincarnation of a goddess. I’m sure I can pull some strings to make sure this sword is in the right place at the right time.”
Link’s eyes widened, and then he flung his arms about her shoulders, tugging her close and pressing a kiss against her cheek. Zelda squeaked in surprise, blushing pink, as kisses were still rather new territory for them, but she quite happily wrapped her free arm around him as he murmured praises and gratitude in her ear.
“Of course I’m happy to do it,” she finally giggled the first chance she got, which happened to be when Link had to finally pause to take a breath. “I’d do anything for you, you know?”
“I know,” Link said, but he didn’t let go yet. There was a brief pause, and Zelda grinned as she waited for what she strongly suspected was coming.
“…do you think you could use your goddess powers to, yknow, upgrade it a little?”
Yup. Zelda stifled a laugh. “What kind of upgrades are you thinking, Link?”
“Well…” Link said, and drew back far enough to aim her with his most adorable cuddly-remlit expression. “If you could give it the power to do something like the skyward strike, that would be really really cool.”
Zelda laughed, and pressed a kiss to his own cheek, grinning triumphantly at his own flush. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Link eyed the old man and the object in his hand excitedly. Was that a sword? And was it for him? He didn’t want to assume, but the old man had said that he had a special gift for him, and then he turned back around holding the sword.
Link hoped it wasn’t too selfish to really, really hope he could get to keep it. He’d never had a sword before! He had to beat monsters to death with his trusty stick instead.
“It’s dangerous to go alone,” the man said, with a twinkle in his eye that was mostly kind and a little sad. “Take this.”
Link wasn’t quite sure how having a sword meant you weren’t alone any more, but he also wasn’t gonna look a gift mouth in the horse—or however that saying Mama liked went.
He reached out and laid his hand on the wooden handle—and all of a sudden he thought he understood what the old man meant.
The moment his hand touched the wood, a warmth filled him, as if there was someone standing there at his side, shoulder to shoulder, back to back. Moving on instinct he didn’t know he possessed, Link lifted the sword and stabbed skyward.
He stared up at his blade, at how the flames gleamed on the varnished veneer of the wood, and wondered why he felt so strange.
Like how he’d done this before, and yet also he was the very first one to do it.
“Very good.” The old man smiled. “The blade will serve you well, I think.”
“I think so, too,” Link said, his voice full of wonder, and he slowly lowered the blade to his side, giving it a couple practice swings and swooshes on the way down. He grinned up at the old man. “Did you make this?”
The old man laughed. “Oh, no. It’s far, far older than even I. I trust you’ll take care of it?”
“Of course!” Link said, and bowed gratefully, feet itching to rush out into the wild and try his new sword on some tektites or something.
“Thank you very much! I don’t know how I can pay you back—”
“No need,” the man chuckled, and waved a wrinkled hand. “I think the sword was waiting for a hero such as you.”
Link blinked. He didn’t know what that meant, but it somehow sounded right all the same.
“Now get going, lad,” the old man said kindly. “Don’t you have a princess to save?”
“Oh yeah!” The boy grinned, and turned to the cave door. “Thanks again! See you later!”
The man bowed his head with a smile. “Until next time, then, young hero.”
And Link ran out of the cave into the sunlight, his new sword bouncing against his leg, he lifted his face to the wind and grinned.
“Just wait, Ganon!” He said, and drew his sword with a flourish, stabbing it in the direction that he guessed (or hoped) was Death Mountain. “I’m coming to get you!”
And somewhere, deep inside him, a very old piece of his spirit sighed with contentment. Something long-prepared-for had meant it’s fruition at last… and yet…
The piece of his spirit smiled.
The adventure, after all…
....was just beginning.
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aikoiya · 4 months
LoZ: TotK - The Zonai Are Remlits
The more I think about it, the more positive I become.
The Zonai are totally evolved from Remlits.
Now, I know that there likely hadn't been enough time between Skyward Sword & Tears of the Kingdom. However, at the same time, from a secular perspective, it isn't like monkeys stopped existing just because a few evolved into humans.
It is entirely possible that the Zonai were simply living on some other Sky Islands far away from Skyloft.
I mean, think about it. Lived in the sky, has white hair, dark grey faces, big ears, cat-like.
Certainly seems to fit more than being goats.
LoZ Wild Masterlist
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tortilla-of-courage · 10 months
I need you to know that THIS ⬇️
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Is my favorite thing ever. This is genuinely my favorite post on tumblr. My favorite post on anything. My favorite art. Really. It’s just so magnificent. Words fail me when I try to describe eloquently how much I love this thing. I want it tattooed on my face. Maybe not my face… I want it tattooed on me somewhere more tasteful than my face.
omg im so glad you enjoy the little loaf remlit as much as i do??? i love the little guys soooo much glad to see someone else is as enthusiast (or more, considering the face tattoo comment... maybe not on your face) than me ehehe
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