#the owl house perry
inconspicouslurker · 8 months
I'm going to start this blog with a small head canon theory. The Hagsquad ages . Whos the oldest to the youngest. A small description what they may been like when they were younger.
Ill start by saying Eda when she met Luz is the youngest 44 but realistically 46ish. In the flashback episode I would *Like* to say they were mimicking Luz age of 14 but evidence seem to show they were 2 years older than that. We know that Edric and Emira were older and to be around 16 and still attending school. So school last at least minimum of 16 years. They did not seem like they ready to graduate so I think school days end at 18 possibly 17 if you eligible to join the emperor coven.
So going with that assumption, and in the flash back Eda was either 16 going on 17 and lilith 17 very close to 18 at this point. For Lilith to be concern with tryouts in "7 months"
Lilith is without a doubt the oldest of them all. Being the older sister of Eda. The impression I received from the show, was the Hagsquad was Edas peers of her class/grade. They were primarily her friends that was extended to Lilith, who usually at Eda side when not forced to be seperated.
One would think the younger sibling be the one that follows the older. But it was the opposite for these pair of siblings. Before Eda attended school and met her friends, Lilith and Eda were each others only friends. They were so close in age and lived very rural. As they got older, Lilith was more of introvert type while Eda was not, and marched to her own beat of the drum and would often go out and adventure. Lilith follows Eda around if not out of her own interest, then it was to make sure Eda is safe.
Lilith stuck to Eda side when they got older and Eda gained friends, which also became Lilith friends. After Eda, Lilith is closest to Darius as the usually hang back and watch the 'kids" and make comments to each other about them. Lilith Keeping a closer eye on Eda and Raine, while Darius watches Alador and Perry.
Lilith often sits nearby reading a book and listen in. But contribute her thoughts and join the conversation regularly before returning back to her book.
Next oldest, I believe is Darius. He seems to be the most mature and have caretaking tendency. Not that those traits 100% mean anything with age but they generally do. He and Lilith are the "mom and dad" of the group. The ones that feel and are responsible of the group. That make sure that needs are met and everyone safe and tend to wounds.
He and Lilith get dragged into Eda shenanigans. Often willing, because it would be harmless fun. But Darius and Lilith are the ones that usually chime in that "Its a bad idea" because its dangerous. Darius more likely fall prey then Lilith when Eda convince them why they should do it. The times they dont want follow along because it was a terrible idea, they still follow just to make sure no one dies, or worse get caught and be in trouble. Him and Lilith are the most levelheaded of the group, Darius more so than Lilith as she sometimes panics when things go awry. Darius takes control of the situation when things go wrong as he generally keeps his cool most of the time. (side note depending in the situations -Eda also takes control of situations she charismatic in her own way and very clever and quick thinking)
He and Eda are the 'leaders' of the group. Everyone look to them to make decisions and take control. The cause may be because those two may have the most confidence in themselves that the others just respond to. Eda usually in charge as she the loudest to make her opinions heard. But mainly Darius just hangs back and go along for the ride and only step in when necessary. Eda comes up with the best activities anyways.
His natural need to take care of people and natural leadership what made him strive to become coven head. He was idealistic and wants to help people, and covenhead will give him the influence to help more people. It help he was charismatic to achieve this. Covenhead also help him achieve the high class he desired to be part in.
A popular headcanon is Darius mother is a seamstress and I agree with that. It's how he became adept in sewing and stitching. It sparked his interest in fashion. Fashion in general that's usually worn by high society and his mothers high end clientele made him interested in socialite circle. The high class and elegance! He started to learn the etiquette to fit in one day which rubs off as snobbish and standoffish when he practice it at a young age.
The current Darius will still claim he 35 to his friends despite they are the same age. When they point that out he dare a challenge them by saying "Do I look a day over 35?" Regularly call Alador an old man every time his back or joints creak and crack or makes small groaning and grunting noises when he has to kneel or bent over to pick something up despite Alador being slightly younger (Alador would point this every time Darius calls Alador old).
Next in line is Odalia. She not a core member in the group. I love the idea of her being besties with Darius. They seem they would get along with talk about fashion and gossip as they both dream and strive for a high society life. But with the very limited about of flashbacks we seen that' not the case. Every younger version of them appear, Odalia was with Alador. Alador seemed a little reluctant about this to me which suggest he was forced to be married to her and I will detail why in another post.
In Eda memory of the younger version of her friends on the Day of Unity, Odalia was shown. But Odalia was the only one standing with her back facing her and standing apart from the group. The closest she stood was to Alador who still was some distance away. So I believe she not true member of the group, and is only part of it because of an association with Alador.
Odalia is the least likely to get sucked into any adventure and only tagged along because she somehow can benefit from it or something with Alador, or just to prove she was right after trying to discourage them from doing whatever they did.
She very intuitive which is why she a great oracle. She acts like a know it all because of it, but within reason, she is usually right about things. Because of this, she thinks her opinion is the only right opinion and there's very little variety from that. If something goes wrong she thinks its because no one listened to her.
Often looking and planning ahead and often not seeing how things are being affected in the moment. Contrary to Alador, focusing on the moment but not having much foresight.
Raine may next in line. But I think them and Odalia can be switched out, but overall I think those two are in the middle of ages of the group but less on the younger side.
They were the last one to join the group. Only joining in the last year or two of school. I only concluded this because Lilith in that episode said coven tryouts are 7 months away! So they were reaching the end of the school days that end of year, or at least Lilith. with Eda being younger, she most likely have an addition year. So Raine was only at Hexside for a year or two.
Raine was a bit reserved and shy at first but they usually match the energy of the group, particularly Edas near feralness. Raine on their own is very much 'the good kid'. They occasionally joke but overall are a goody two shoes. But since they generally match the vibe of their friends their own mischievous nature surface. They love partaking with Eda pranks and done some of their own. They are just less showy and don't typically get caught. Usually people peg them as the sweet and innocent one that worked in Raine favor with their hidden mischievous nature. Eda often get scolded for being a bad influence on them, but in reality a third of the pranks was Raine own doing.
Raine the type who could murder someone and be witnessed to it but somehow gotten away with it.
After Eda, they is closest to Darius.
Next is Eda. I don't think I need to describe Eda.
Next is Alador. The Alador we see may look one of the oldest but thats was just caused by his harsh work treatment and not being taken care of properly. He in fact one of the youngest if not the youngest.
As intelligent he can be he rather naive on many things. He very go with the flow and roll with the punches. Even on things he hesitant, has reservation about or know its a terrible idea. He'll just go along with it if not because it sounded fun or to fill his curiosity then he just plain impassive, indifferent or has little strong opinions.
The group has to stop people from taking advantage of Alador passive and naive nature. Alador likes to help people, (I know the adult Alador we see doesn't seem it but I'll explain why he likes to help in another post) especially if it fills his curious mind to do so, such as trying to experimentally build something.
He the klutzy quiet kid that observed what's going or his off doing his own thing while being within the group such as building something intently but still listening in with little contribution to the conversersation on his end. But when a topic of interest comes up he will talk endlessly and through about it that sometimes make you regret bringing it up.
He the messy kid with Eda. He has no reservation of dipping a finger in a questionable substance and lick it to to puzzle out what it could be. If not Eda, curiosity is what usually get him into trouble. Trying to solve things in the now or in the moment with little forsight how it take effect in the future. Typically has good intentions, things just usually backfire on him.
Eda often goes to him to make a device to help pull of a prank which often get him in trouble despite not having an active role when it happens when she leave the evidence behind. The contraption clearly Aladors doing. He keeps making things for Eda even if he knows it will get him in trouble because the pranks would be funny.
Darius is Alador best friend which makes Eda his closest friend after him. Eda occasionally sees Alador as a little brother, even if hes only younger by a couple of months, and Eda would blush when she realizes she acting big sisterly.
He also gets along well with Lilith as they both just excitedly nerd out together, or share the same space and read quietly while enjoying each other presence for company while the rest of the group is being rambunctious. Lilith also act a smidge sisterly to him but not compare to Eda who is greatly more so then Lilith.
Him and Perry also get excited trying to theorize reasons for whatever adventure they are on for Perry to get the full scoop of a mystery.
His go with the flow nature makes him adaptable to the things around him. He may be slow to catch on particular things but able to adept or improvise easily. His adaptability and improvise proved useful as he can pretty much build anything with less than desirable materials and endure any environment. His general quiet and passive nature makes people listen and consider what he say when he does speak up and give an strong opinion. As it something he more likely very knowledge about and confident about to speak up about it that people would accept as fact.
Last is Perry. It's really between Alador and Perry for youngest. I only place Perry as youngest to parallel Gus. The show loves to do parallels. While Gus skipped two grades, Perry skipped ahead one.
He the excitable and curious kid. Alador is inquisitive because he HAS to know how things work and the reason behind it. Perry inquisitive is he has to know the full story of things. Particularly, people and places. When, how, who, where! Which came in handy when he became a reporter. He will spit questions rapidly in his hunt for information that its hard to keep up with. The more interested and invested he is in the subject, the faster he'll talk. He has all the gossip. He's the kid who can befriend any kid at school and often bounce to different cliques and groups. He has gathered many stories from other people and entertained people with the funny anecdote. He can read people and their emotions easily and can get people to open up to him.
Despite being the youngest he has some maturity. He uses his oracle magic to foresee something happening. The visions are not clear but he can gather a location and time and head over to be the first reporter on the scene with the breaking news. He probably closest to Eda, followed by Darius and Raine.
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 2 years
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If we don't get to see their reunion, I'll riot
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samcat0925 · 1 year
What about the ones who would play the younger versions on the adult characters? Are they related to them or know them?
The younger version of Eda and Lilith are Eda and Raine's adopted granddaughters while the younger version of Raine is a kid from next door that hangs out with them.
The younger version of Darius is Darius's nephew and younger versions of Odalia and Alador are kids that (in this au) had acted with Amity in a different film and are friends with Darius's nephew.
The younger version of Perry is Gus's older brother and side note younger version of Gus is Gus's younger brother. (Mom is still alive but wished to not be a part of the show due to having bad anxiety when being in front of a camera but is always there to support her family from the sidelines)
Younger versions of Bosha's moms are two girls that Bosha knows from school.
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h4lcyonism · 2 years
new art by dana at gallery nucleus of the current hexside crew and the old hexside crew 🥹
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panicawa · 1 year
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"Hey, kid! Nice jacket!" Redraw of @danaterrace expo pieces
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mistbix · 11 months
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(makes baby hagside play table rpg)
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probablyhuntersmom · 6 months
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but then you have
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Hunter and Vee who we have seen flinching a number of times onscreen, who still need time to get used to receiving affection
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notllorstel · 1 year
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baby’s first magic.
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waywardsunlight · 5 months
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Tag yourself I'm undiagnosed theatre kid
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bizarre-blues · 1 year
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Who let him get away with it
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floralcavern · 1 month
Aromantic and/or asexual characters
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New addition!
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shrugsinchinese · 1 year
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Reunion Comic (unfinished, ran out of steam), I hope we see the parents next episode :’))))
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turquoisespace35 · 9 months
LOVING the Dennis content!! obviously no pressure at all, but I’d love to see either more Gus & Matt + Dennis or Dennis and their grandpa Perry ❤️
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Grandpa Perry, Grandpa Perry
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samcat0925 · 1 year
In that Human x Monster AU, does Perry ever find out what Matt really is?
I like to think that Perry would be smart enough to know when his son is lying to him and figures out that Matt is a little different than Gus says he is all on his own the first day that they met. So, yeah. Perry was able to figure out about Matt's appearance being real on the first day all by himself.
However, He knows that Matt means a lot to Gus and that Matt probably asked Gus to not tell him about the reason for his strange appearance, so he keeps his realization to himself.
He does eventually ask Gus about Matt's appearance and talks to him about his realization which causes the two to have a conversation about what Gus learned about Matt's parents from Matt. Let's just say that afterwards Perry joined Camila in wanting to find Matt's parents so he can lecture that about getting rid of their kid because of something that they couldn't control.
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mocatbj4 · 1 year
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Son and Dad
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panicawa · 1 year
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I really wanted to see it in colour... redraw of Dana’s expo art!
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