#the other one (senei)
senei · 3 months
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started a new sketchbook because once i get to the last 6 or so pages of one i just. never fill them
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mixelation · 9 months
reborn au notes to self on minato's thought process for team 4
so, i'm thinking that minato has been working on the chunin exam mission for like. years. he doesn't super care about the show of unity a joint chunin exam would signal, but his public image is very "nice young guy with progressive ideas" so it seems in character. ibiki is the biggest asset he never got out of iwa in post-war negotiations, both in terms of value and because he's like. a whole ass human. he even offered to let iwa send a team to konoha's exams but they didn't bite.
so when iwa relents and says he can send a team to their exams, minato is pretty sure this is the one chance they're going to get for access to iwa for a very long time. itachi is technically a genin and also within the age range iwa gave him (they gave an age-cap SPECIFICALLY to reduce the chance of minato sending highly experienced genin who could cause shit) (hilarious), so itachi is picked first.
the problem is..... itachi's, like.......... personality??? no one likes working with him. within anbu the biggest appeal of having him as your captain is his insane mission completion ratio, but he's known to push people and then be mean about it and then also, he's 13 so you just end up humiliated. he makes insane calls and is then bad at receiving feedback about it because, very unfortunately, he's almost always right.
minato doesn't care about the suffering itachi will inflict on a jounin senei. but he does care about not royally fucking over the other two genin, so he needs genin that can handle itachi's personality and a jounin with a strong enough personality to not let him get under their skin/walk all over them (because itachi is significantly better than 99% of jounin and knows it), because the jounin still needs to be able competently teach the other two students. oh, also it needs to be someone who can work a multi-person transportation seal, because even itachi is like "yeah i could MAYBE solo this mission by just walking in and out with Ibiki under a genjutsu, but also there's so many variables that the chances of getting caught are higher than i'd like." minato is confident there's enough time itachi could be taught to help with the seal, but it's pretty complex and it needs to working exactly right the first time, so the other person needs to be someone who already knows it or has a solid background in fuinjutsu.....
.....and that basically leaves ONLY KUSHINA* even though he doesn't want to send her (one part she's his beloved wife and one part she's the JINCHURIKI) and he's not sure iwa would even let her in
*there's probably a handful of others, like kakashi, but we'll say they're either doing important other things or he doesn't think they can do the part where they have to competently teach two genin AND coral itachi (kakashi could probably coral itachi but maybe not then ALSO deal with teaching random other children). kushina could coral a rampaging tailed beast AND she's been pestering him for a team
on the flip side, kushina has a hiraishin seal incorporated into her bijuu seal, which is designed to be hidden so it'll pass any tests iwa does to prevent them from brining in a hiraishin (because this is every village's biggest fear and why minato is never getting invited to anyone's chunin exams). if shit REALLY goes down she can just summon him
i think the most elegant approach is planting a hiraishin seal and then minato doing the extraction himself, but that's not the best move for PLOT so i think i'll have him decide that this is also too risky... like the team getting caught risks war, but minato getting caught in iwa or even anyone just getting caught with/making a hiraishin seal basically guarantees war*
*no one told tori this
anyway his initial plan is kushina + itachi + two random genin who don't even get told there's an underlying mission and that itachi is ex-anbu. and then tori and deidara fall into his lap, and itachi himself is like "what about them"
I'm not sure how much time they get together as a team before the chunin exam. originally i was thinking six months to a year but now i'm leaning towards more like three. i like cutting the time down because i think completing this mission sort.... solidifies tori and deidara as konoha, both in their eyes and everyone else's.
this also means minato doesn't quite comprehend how insane both of them are until AFTER he's mentally sorted them into "konoha's precious genin." would he have recruited them if he'd KNOWN deidara might blow up a city block out of boredom or tori would would churn out forbidden jutsu at a rate that could rival tobirama? no he fucking wouldn't have. but now he's stuck with them. his wife keeps having them over for dinner. "i think you're favoring your wife's team by all this one-on-one attention you give them, and it's not fair to--" YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND
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shy-blue-blossom · 2 months
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The word that came to mind as Karma watched his sister kiss someone. Not just anyone. He would have preferred her to have kissed Nagisa or even Maehara. Why did it have to be his rival of all people?
Asano Gakushu.
He knew his sister and knew what Asano could be like. Karma let Asono walk away leaving y/n standing there waiting for him. The anger bubbled in him as he got closer to her.
"Since when have you and Asano been seeing each other?" The first thing that came out as Karma grabbed y/n's arm standing in front of her. "Has he asked you about E-class? Seeing if he can get anything out of you?" She knew about Koro-sensei as he barged into her room looking for Karma. That was a lot of explaining and Mr Karsuma was not happy with Koro-sensi.
"Why would he ask me about E-class?" Y/n questioned him with confusion. "He does not care that you are my brother." She pulled her arm free as she walked away from him and started the walk back home. Karma found this hard to believe but let it go.
This did not stop him from pestering Asano every time he saw him. Always asks about what they have been doing and tries to get out what he has been asking her. If he has been treating her correctly and respectfully. Y/n wasn't safe from the questions either. She was asked just as many if not more questions. At one point she hid at their grandparent's house until he realised where she was.
There was only so much an individual could take before they exploded. Y/n lasted longer than Karma thought she would. However, he was not expecting her to get Koro-sensei involved. To be fair it did nothing to stop Karma as he grabbed an anti-Koro-sensei blade and attacked. She hoped Karma would do this and smiled as she walked away to join Asano who was waiting for her at the bottom of the mountain.
Karma did not catch on until he turned to where she was standing to start their way back home. He huffed as he left campus and walked by himself. Credit was given as he realised that y/n was playing with him and winning more than he thought she would. He was more impressed when Asano told him she was outsmarting him by herself as he had no clue she was doing anything to him.
His respect for her grew. Karma only started to lay off once he saw how Asano respected and took care of his sister. This did not stop him from competing against Asano for the top spot in the school. Neither of them was expecting to find another competitor. Karma only smirked when he saw who it was and was surprised that Asano was smiling proudly at the name but was happy Asano supported them. Sitting in joint second place with Karma was y/n.
Karma could not wait to go against y/n and Asano in the next test to see who would come out on top. He had doubts that Asano was not asking about E-class but would let it go for y/n. For now, he would enjoy his time trying to assassinate Koro-senei with E-class and the academic rivalry with y/n and Asano.
The end.
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nagisa-666 · 10 months
《Itadori! F! Reader x Tokyo Revengers》
《WARNINGS!: copied some things from the manga, slight fluff, humorous behavior, Mikey kind of being creepy, curse words, mentions of violence, slight mention of death, crossover jjk x tr.》
"(Name)! Guess what? You'll be going to Shibuya! There's a curse in Mizu middle school, so you're gonna have to pretend to be a third-year, lol!" Gojo said enthusiastically, throwing up a peace sign as (Name) stood up quickly in shock, face pale and mouth opened to let out a surprised yell.
"Ehh?! Gojo-senei, what?!" (Name) sputtered, waving her arms around frantically while Gojo laughed wildly, throwing his head back before taking in a deep breath and grinning.
"Yup! Those oldies let me finally give you your own mission! Since it's supposed to be just a small curse, I just packed your bag for a few days and deposited ¥200,000 (€1,282.00, $1,441.85) into your bank account! I already rented an apartment for the month too! Just call me when you're done and I'll come to get you when I can!" Gojo chuckled wildly, throwing luggage at the strong girl before grabbing her and teleporting to a car with a driver, throwing her in and waving goodbye as (Name) put her hands on the winds, getting handprints everywhere as she stared at him with disbelief before cryimg out in disbelief.
"GOJO-SENSEIIIIII!" Was heard, slowly fading out with the distance of the car.
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"YO! My name is Itadori (Name)! I like girls like Jennifer Lawrence! Nice ta meetcha all! Hope we all get along!" (Name) grinned, her sentence shocking her temporary classmates before some laughed.
"Alright, class, settle down. Today, we'll be learning about..." The unimportant teacher said, before beginning to talk about some history and shit.
'Coming back to a normal school... It feels so weird...'
'Pink hair?'
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"Yo! You're Hanagaki, right? I need to talk to you for a few minutes, kay?" (Name) grinned, putting her hand in the blonds shoulder, ignoring how he noticeably jumped, slowly turning his head to look at her with a pale face.
"H-huh..? Oh, yeah... Okay..." He said hesitantly, nodding his head as (Name) grinned bigger.
"Great! It won't take long at all!" She said, putting her hand down before getting a blank face and looking to the side of him.
'For a curse to be this big made by one person... How depressed is this guy?' (Name) thought, putting her hands into the sweater she had on. Typically, when a curse is made by just one person, it's tiny, practically fitting into the palm of your hand, but this guy had a curse the size of a growing Saint Bernard. She had seen it a few days ago, following the blond and sometimes even hanging off his shoulders, muttering something about saving 'Hina', and while she tried to talk to him, someone was always pulling either him or her away. She had already got the other small curses in the school, having stayed behind once with the excuse of waiting to know the school better.
"So, Hanagaki. Have you or your girlfriend been feeling stressed or terrified by something? I can recommend a doctor, she'll help you out. You seem very tense." (Name) started lightly, eyes crinkling as she grinned happily, though the marks under her eyes caught the males eyes.
"H-huh?! Uh, no! Not at all! Tests have just made me jumpy, haha!" Hanagaki attempted to say, though once (Name) lost her smile, he quickly stopped.
"... Hanagaki, do you know anyone that can see 'ghosts'?" She said blandly, eyes basically looking into his soul while he shit himself.
"U-uhm... Not that I know of..." He stuttered, acting like a fucking weirdo in front of an upperclassman.
"Mhm... Well. Do you want a message, Hanagaki? Your shoulders are the worst." (Name) said, eyeing something on his shoulder closely, which made the blond look too.
'That curse... I need to get it!'
"Uh... I have a girlfriend." The blonde said blankly, making the girl tilt her head curiously.
"..? What about it? You need a message, it's like you're just dragging your head around. It's kinda sad." She said blandly, lowkey making the blond sad with an arrow through his heart, labeled 'sad'.
"... Sure. My neck hurts anyway." He said, both sitting on the stairs, though (Name) sat behind him, beginning to knead his shoulders while keeping a close eye on the curse, slowly inching closer and coating her hand in cursed energy.
Hitting a pressure point in his neck, (Name) knocked the blond out quickly and grabbed the small curse, exorcising it swiftly before she sighed, grabbing her phone out and pulling up Gojo's number to call him.
"Yo, Gojo! Got all the curses! I'm able to go back now, right?" She said, voice bland before she paled.
"Huh? Huh?! Wait, what do you mean I gotta stay for a month?!"
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'Oh man... My shoulders feel so much better... Itadori-san works miracles... Wait... ITADORI-SAN-'
"Oh, you're finally awake! Thought you were gonna be asleep forever! Y'know, your phones' been buzzing for a couple minutes now. Think you should answer." She said, smiling as though she wasn't just losing her mind.
Turns out, due to recent spikes in gang activity, curses were beginning to spawn rapidly. So, until someone else (like Megumi, her best friend, or Nobara, her other best friend who would just make fun of her,) could come.
"H-huh? Oh! Thanks Itadori-san! See ya later!" Hanagaki said, getting up quickly and grabbing his phone from his pocket, bringing it up to answer the call.
Forgetting his schoolbag.
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"Hanagaki! Yo! Hanagaki?! Your schoolbag! Where are you?! Your girl said you hang out around here!.. HANAGAKI!!! COME GET YOUR SCHOOLBAG!!" (Name) shouted around, hoping that the blond would hear and pop up in a hurry. Hey, there's a sale at her favorite supermarket! She just wants to get ingredients for dinner tonight!
"Hey! Whatchu doing around these parts, girly?! Doncha know that this is Tokyo Manji territory?!" Three random ass delinquents popped up, one blond, one with brown hair, and one with black.
Toasty ass motherfuckers.
"I'm looking for a schoolmate! He left his bag behind and I wanna give it back to him!" She pouted aggressively, before the black haired delinquent paused and just told her a really smart idea.
"... Why don't you just wait for tomorrow? I mean, you'll give it back in time for classes, right?"
You can tell that (Name) didn't really think about it.
"Oh yeah! Sorry. Seeya!" She said, dots for eyes as she turned around and began to walk away, before the piss haired blond finally came, running down stairs with another light haired blond following him.
"Wait! Itadori-san, wait! You got my schoolbag?!" He said, panting heavily while the other blond just watched.
"Well, yea. I mean, when you woke up you kinda just left. I think you left your girlfriend behind too. That's fucked up man. Do better. Be better." She said, still having dots for eyes as she stared at the blond with heavy judgement. Well, before she looked at the other blond briefly and widened her eyes.
'How can a person have a curse that big?! What kinda fucked up childhood did he have?!'
'... I want to kill him.'
'Yeah, yeah, shut up Sukuna.'
"Hanagaki, can I get your number? To be honest, I kinda need help with homework and my classmates are douches. Or, if you have someone that could tutor me, can you give me their number?" (Name) stalled, eyes finally normal as she sweat dropped, looking away nervously as the other blond gazed at her with intense eyes. Fucking weirdo.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I can give you my girlfriends number. She's the smart one, so she'll probably be able to help. Wait. Aren't you a third-year though?" Hanagaki said, pulling out his phone before he questioned her, an eyebrow raising at the pink haired girl as he paused.
"Yeah... Well to be honest, my grandpa died a few months ago so I wasn't able to actually go to school. Cuz of that, now I don't know what I'm studying. Plus, I'm kinda dumb." She said, nervously smiling as the blonds stared heavily, one's eyes were intense and the others had pity. Dammit. One reason she didn't want to tell anyone.
"What about your parents?" The other blond finally spoke up, deciding not to be quiet anymore.
"Oh, they died a long time ago. It was just me and my pops for a couple of years." She replied blankly, lips pursed and looking away uncomfortably. The other delinquents were still there. Just. Standing there. Being fucking weirdos.
"... I like you. How about you be my girl?" Intense eyes finally spoke, smiling now as his eyes became crescents.
"..? No? Hanagaki, can you show me the number?" (Name) said blankly before she looked at Hanagaki, bringing her phone out to copy the number which he gave to her with shock.
"Alright. Welp, see ya tomorrow! Tell your girlfriend I'll text her!" She shouted as she walked off, waving her hand with a wide grin before bringing it down.
"Neh, Takemitchy... Your friend is funny."
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'I should message Itadori-san when we should meet up. She's probably sitting around watching TV or reading manga again...' Hina thought, bringing out her phone and clicking on (Name)'s icon.
"Uhm... Excuse me... Do you... Know Itadori?"
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"Wait! So this was you just half a year ago?! Incredible! How'd you do it?" Hina asked, stars in her eye as she stared at an old photo of (Name) and Yoko standing together, as if it was a graduation photo. (Name) was standing a few feet away from Yoko, who looked visibly different from the current her.
We love Yoko in this house.
"Oh, well, you know, I grew a bit, and because of the stress of moving and a new environment, I just... Lost weight..." Yoko said, trailing off sheepishly while she rubbed the back of her head with one hand, eyes closed as Hina smiled happily.
"Actually, that day was the only day I managed to gather the courage to ask her for a photo... I actually wanted to ask for her number and stuff too... But since I was moving to Tokyo, I didn't think it mattered in the end..." Toko blushed, clasping her hands together as she averted her eyes to look at them.
"When I saw her earlier, I thought that maybe since I changed... I could muster the courage to..." She trailed off again, though this time Hina had a shocked face.
"Oh. So it's like that?" Hina said, in a serious tone as she looked at Yoko with intense eyes.
"Mm. It's like that." Yoko repeated, eyebrows furrowing as she nodded.
The two girls sat across from each other in a cafe, faces deadly serious as they looked at each other. Before Yoko laughed, the two of them easing up as they ordered some desserts.
"To be honest, I don't know her all that well. But I can call my boyfriend, I think he knows her better than me, to be honest." Hina said sheepishly, pulling out her phone to call Takemichi while Yoko blushed.
"Okay... Um, you wouldn't know if anyone likes-" Yoko began, before getting cut off by Hina laughing.
"Sorry, sorry! Yeah, there is someone who likes her, but she doesn't like him in the slightest. In fact, I think she just thinks of him as a sibling." Hina chuckled, waiting until Takemichi answered while Yoko blushed again, looking down sheepishly in embarrassment.
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"Wait, so she likes Itadori-san?" Takemichi asked, pointed at a sheepish Yoko while Hina grinned, nodding happily.
"Yep! Do you know what kind of people she likes?" Hina asked, making Takemichi think hard about what he heard about the older girl.
"Hm... I think I heard her say she likes tall girls..." Takemichi said, lost in thought while Yoko and Hina looked at each other with serious faces, high fiving each other before taking a quick drink of their beverages, acting as though they were out drinking.
"I'll tell her to come here now!" Hina said, taking her phone out quickly and messaging (Name).
"Alright!" Yoko shouted, nodding swiftly with a serious face.
(Shared Location)
"So, why did you want me?" (Name) asked, suddenly popping up out of nowhere while Hina and Takemichi jumped, before she glanced at Yoko.
'Wait! I haven't told her about Yoko! She doesn't know that she looks different!-' Hina thought, making up a scenario where Itadori looks at Yoko, asking who she was before Yoko runs off crying.
"ITADORI! THIS IS-" Hina shouted, looking panicked before (Name) interrupted her.
"Hm? Oh, hey Yoko. Haven't seen ya in a while... What a big world..." (Name) murmured, holding a bag of toys and random fidgets, Hina and Takemichi holding up papers with a huge 10 on them, before Yoko looked at her with teary eyes.
'That's right... It wasn't ever about my weight...'
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"Hey, Itadori! If you had to like someone, who would it be?"
"Hm... Ozawa."
"Huh? Why her? She's fat."
"Huh? But y'know, the way she eats and writes and stuff..."
"It's really elegant."
"I thought you like tall girls with big butts! Haha!"
"That's different! It's hard to eat fish properly! It's super impressive to do that!"
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Quirk-Swapping Soulmate AU Writer here. Remember the Halloween event I mentioned a while back?
Class 1-A was trying their best to tune out the chatter of the school as they made their way to their homeroom. They knew what the others were talking about and they wanted to avoid the topic as best they could. The moment they reached the safety of their homeroom, they let out a breath of relief.
Todoroki: “Should we be glad that no one has figured out that…”
Katsuki: “Icyhot, if you know what’s good for you. Don’t finish that sentence!”
Jiro: *fiddling with her jacks* “I think the fact that… A lot of ppl don’t know how… Good Yagi-Sensei is at hand-to-hand…”
Shinsou: “Good enough to fight off all those villains w/o getting so much as a scratch and impressed Endever enough to want to recruit him despite not being a Fire Quirk user?”
Everyone was quiet at this as they glanced at one another.
Denki: “But in all seriousness, how is the guy THAT good at hand-to-hand and NOT have any experience as a Hero!” 
Izuku glanced to the side at this.
Mina: “What surprised me is how Yagi-Sensei was able to do all those moves w/o getting his costume torn or destroyed!”
Himeko: “Is that the only thing that surprised you?”
Toshinori had his face on his desk as he begged someone to turn off the news in embarrassment. Aizawa and Preset Mic were doing their best to comfort their Soulmate.
Vlad couldn’t help but wearily watched the coverage when he got out, “Well… You must admit, you did a pretty good job despite wearing a Princess Peach costume the whole time.”
Midnight: “Which paired nicely with the Mario and Bowser costumes Mic and Aizawa wore.”
The two in question glared at her.
Extoplasm: “I’m kind of surprised no one realised that, well, you know.”
Snipe: “You’d be surprised what ya’ll can do with a wig, the right make-up, and contact lends. Gotta say, Yagi-san, ya did a great job with those.”
13: “Riiight, you would know all about that.”
Snipe: “*Snickering*.”
Power Loader: *Turning off the news* “Uhh, pushing That stuff aside… You sure you want to… Tell people that you missed the event?”
Hound Dog: “I’m pretty sure Aizawa’s class know…”
Aizawa: “I already have that covered.”
Tenya: “Aizawa-Senei! We as a class agreed that we shall not breath a word about who you and your Soulmate dressed up as for the Halloween event!”
Aizawa: “... Uhh, how about all of you just not tell anyone that we went, okay.”
Class 1-A agreed. 
Aizawa: *Thinking* ‘Huh, guess I didn’t have to use my plan after all.’
Bakugo: "But in all seriousness, how the hell does Yagi-Sensei have that level of fighting skills and NOT be a Hero?"
Aizawa: "Personal choice."
Izuku: *Thinking* 'Well, Sensei isn't wrong...'
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lynnslight · 8 months
Part of @ladyramora's FFXIV Prompt List pt 5
It was fortunate for the so-called Crystal Exarch that Lynn was more preoccupied with reuniting with her comrades than she was angry with him for teleporting them all to the first without their physical bodies. Forbidden magic should not be used so lightly. Still, Ramora seemed to know him, believing him to be a person worthy of their trust. So for now…. For now she would focus on reuniting their group. The twins were on opposite sides of the landmass not taken over by the Flood of Light. She could feel them now that she resided on the same reflection they did, Alisaie seemed to be under a little more stress, so she decided to look for her first. Ramora could take care of Alphinaud. They had a better relationship than Lynn and he did anyhow. They had adventured through Dravania, The Sea of Clouds, and Azyz La after the events of the Vault.
The Amaro had scarcely landed upon the Sands of Ahm Areng before Lynn could pinpoint where her Elezen companion had been. She would give chase immediately. She had been robbed from Lynn on the battlefield. After Lynn had promised they’d be together, that Lynn would protect her. She did not like being made a liar by the actions of others. She could feel her, by a monument further south. The sand could dull her vision, but not her hoarding sense. She was engaged in hunting, or perhaps combat. It seemed she was stalking some kind of prey. If the dragoness hurried, she could be helpful.
She ran, the levin of her storm starting to flow across her horns and back towards her scales as she raced forth. Sand was made of fine particulates and could be charged in such a way that it would not linger in her face. She’d still need to polish her scales after her next bath. 
Soon enough she raced past a small town, Mord Souq it was called. It seemed decently populated for a smaller settlement. A place of trade based on the myriad voices that carried upon the wind. Still, Alisaie was further south. Naught else mattered until she took care of her. She was a skilled fighter, Lynn knew, and still currently safe, but things could change in short order on a battlefield. This whole world was a battlefield. 
Lynn could hear the wingbeats of an approaching monster, and without any further warning did she cut the foul creature in half with iaijutsu.There were many such creatures approaching. A flock? Did Sin Eaters flock together? That did not bode well. Better for this dragoness to chase the entire pack of them away. The common man could be turned into a Sin Eater, and that was not a risk worth taking. 
She continued ahead, following the sound of the pack, they seemed to be headed in the direction of her companion. There was a larger one, further ahead. She needed to hurry. The winds pushed away from her as she focused her aether ahead and above. The lightning would strike those flying before those on the ground. Sure enough, a crack of thunder after a brilliant flash, and several more of those abominations would fall to the ground dead. 
Was Alisaie coming her way? Did her instinct let her know help had arrived? Yes, it seemed that she was coming closer, carrying a child, and chased by something that looked like an angel, or perhaps like the Guardians of Amdapor. A larger Sin Eater, more powerful. She could feel the focused light. Like looking upon a fire. There was a mix of feelings, panic, worry, sudden loss, pain, relief? There was too much in a moment. There would be time enough to speak soon. So she drew her second blade in tandem with her first. “Inazuma Ryu, Nitoryu Iai, Hissastsu: Senei!” Lynn calls upon the technique to cut the still flying creature and its weapon in one fell swoop.” Upon re-sheathing her blades she stops, turning back to face the Elezen woman she had passed. She was safe, unharmed in body, if hurting in spirit. 
It took only a few more minutes before the pair made it back to the Inn at Journey’s Head. Lynn sat herself upon a far bench, for reaching for a flash of water, to help calm and cool herself from the desert heat. Soon enough her companion found her again. Lynn offered her a soft smile, and the pair shared a hug. It was something warm for Lynn’s favorite Scion, not that she’d ever tell the others. Even if they all likely knew. 
Lynn would sit, and hear Alisaie’s story, the story of Tesleen, who Lynn never got to meet. Lynn was too late to meet her. Only a few minutes difference. But it's different enough. Enough to save Alisaie, and the boy Halric she protected. Still, not enough to save Alisaie’s friend, the one she had told so much about Lynn to. 
Alisaie would ask of Ramora, and Lynn could only smile and tell her that her beloved was now seeking out her brother. They had decided to divide and conquer, to ensure the best chance for safety for everyone. So for now, it was just them. Lynn was here now, and she would be damned if she did not keep the promise she made. She would not let her be alone any longer.
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Images made with the following Picrews: Here and Here. Also here.
Tagging: @oblivionmobile, @wittythreads, @shylittlemayfly, @possiblythreefourthspeahen
Annabelle Nishimura
Also Known as: Belle (preferred nickname), Emi (Alias she goes by in Kamakura Era Tsushima/the Ghost of Tsushima Setting), Emi Sakai (alternative of Alias, after being wed to Jin Sakai)
Age: Late 20′s/Early 30′sish
Gender: Cis Female (She/Her pronouns)
Sexuality: Gray-Bisexual (has very rarely experienced sexual attraction, she was originally thinking she might be demi but the few times she’s experienced attraction weren’t always people she had a close bond/connection to.)
Neurotype: Autistic
Ethnicity: Japanese on her Father’s side, Dutch/French on her mother’s side
Nationality: American
Languages Spoken: English, Japanese, A Smattering of French (learned in K-12 but never really used)
Height: 5′8.5″ (~174 cm)
Build: Notably Tall, Kind of average in terms of not being especially skinny or fat, has some muscle/strength to begin with but gains more when she starts going back into the past.
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Medium Brown in Shade, curly, medium length - will usually wear it loose or ties it back into a low ponytail
Complexion: Fair (with lots of Freckles)
Other Physical Characteristics: Left-Handed (for writing), but can use her right hand for most other tasks if need be, Prominent scar on right hip and a small, barely visible one near her right ear (both from a car accident)
Hobbies: Art, Poetry, Literature, History, Hiking, Camping, Nature Photography
Likes: Nature, Animals, Beauty in Everyday Things, Learning New Things, Appreciating Art, Good Food (especially spicy food), Painting, Swimming, Hearing and Telling Stories/Folklore (especially ghost stories), Parallel Play, Discussions on Philosophy/Ethics, Visual Novels and Puzzle Games (and puzzles in general)
Dislikes: Inflexibility, Masking (especially feeling like she has to in order to navigate the world while being autistic) and generally feeling unable to be genuine in a given situation, Lacking Knowledge/Experience, Being Caught Off Guard, People Who Are Elitist About Things, Feeling/Being Powerless
Relatives (non-canon characters): Yuta Nishimura (Father),  Susan ‘Suzie’ Nishimura (Mother), Rin Nishimura (Paternal Grandmother), Kosuke Nishimura (Paternal Grandfather), Kei Nishimura (Paternal Cousin - child of Yuta’s younger sister, also Annabelle’s coworker in her current job), Maryanne Peters (Maternal Grandmother), Bram Peters (Maternal Grandfather), Damian Peters (Maternal Uncle), David Peters (Maternal Uncle)
Friends/Associates ((non-canon characters):
Modern Side: Joey Andrews (Childhood friend recently reconnected with, is currently engaged to a guy named ‘Lu’), Dante Iwai (Mutual Friend of Annabelle and Joey, reconnected the two of them), Claire Larson (Work Friend - works at the museum gift shop),  Logan Holt (Friend/Apartment Building Neighbor)
Other Coworkers: Vanessa Parker (museum Janitor), Sangha Kim (fellow tour guide, specializes in school field trip tours)
Ghost of Tsushima Side: Miyako, Miki (Ghost- Deceased sister of Miyako, Emi Adachi and Aunt of Sho Adachi, also deceased), Tatsuya, Chihiro and Suzu (Fisherman family, took Annabelle in when she first arrived), Nozawa-senei
Personality: Annabelle is a quiet, gentle, and compassionate individual. Her quiet nature is often mistaken for shyness. But she’s actually not shy at all (typically) and has no qualms about initiating interactions. She actually likes being in the company of other people quite a bit, but doesn’t have a large social battery for spending time with more than one person. (So breaks, especially in her line of work, are a must!) She has a pretty significant fear of having to heavily rely on others/not being able to do things by herself. She feels an intense need to prove she is capable on her own merits. She does experience generalized anxiety, and while it does cover certain social situations for her (particularly matters of romance and sex, and her lack of experience with the latter), it doesn’t encompass social situations in general.
Pre-Canon Backstory:
More of a pre-pre canon backstory. (Because her story with the Ghost of Tsushima characters starts prior to the canon events of the game.) This is also a lot more quick and dirty than the last OC post I did so apologies if its choppy and very bare bones.
Annabelle was born to Yuta Nishimura and his wife Susan in the 1990s. Originally, she spent much of her childhood/teens in the American midwest before her family moved to California around the time she was high school. She always had an interest in art, and her parents were very encouraging of her interests. They tried to be supportive of her needs as an autistic person, particularly as both her parents were autistic themselves. While she got along with her parents most of the time, they had a tendency to be a bit overprotective and even smothering at times, which heavily contributed to Annabelle’s desire for self-sufficiency and a need to prove herself.
During high school, Annabelle developed a close relationship with her paternal cousin, Kei. They were practically like siblings, and trusted each other almost completely. She also spend some time trying to get to know her paternal grandparents, but found herself standoffish with them. Still, she tried, and by the end of it found some kinship with her paternal grandmother, Rin.
Eventually, Annabelle returned to the midwest for college, attending college in the same town where her maternal grandmother and maternal uncles lived. She was close to all of them growing up, and it helped her transition into college life to have trusted relatives living in the same town.
She returned from school her sophomore year of college to visit her parents for the holidays. On the way to the airport  in the wee hours of the morning to send her back to college at the end of the break, Annabelle and her parents ended up in a terrible car accident, where Annabelle was the only survivor.
Annabelle was devastated by the loss of her parents, to the point she dropped out of college for a couple of years (during which time she stayed with Kei, who had moved out to the midwest by that point after accepting a job at an art museum as an administrator - the same museum at which she would later come to have her current job).
Annabelle eventually returned to college and finished her studies, at which point she worked odd jobs here and there while living with her maternal grandmother and maternal uncles. After three years or so of this, she moved back in with her cousin Kei, and looked for work for a bit until Kei told her there was an opening at the museum they worked at for a tour guide.
She applied and was accepted, and to this day the museum is where she currently works.
Her story begins when the Museum is set to put on a special exhibit on ‘The Art and Folktales of Tsushima’ (an exhibit on, well, art and folktales from Tsushima, an island of the coast of mainland Japan that in the current day is part of Japan’s Nagasaki prefecture). 
On the night before the exhibition is set to open to the general public, Annabelle attends a party with her cousin Kei that celebrates the opening of the exhibit. After passing by a display of a beautiful comb, she has a strange waking dream about a woman in traditional Japanese shrine maiden garb beckoning her towards a door that appears to open to somewhere underwater... a shinto temple submerged under the sea.
She’s snapped out of it by Kei, who gives her a worried look when she comes to.
Unfortunately when she goes to bed that night, she wakes up to find herself underwater again, this time with nothing in sight by light filtering from above. After floating for a bit, and seeing a brief vision of the shrine maiden, she suddenly has the awareness of holding her breath and frantically swims to the surface.
She reaches it in a state of panic and shock, looking around but everything’s a blur. She can hear voices however. Shouts and exclamations of alarm in Japanese. She feels hands attempting to pull her out of the water, and before she knows it, she’s pulled onto what appears to be a fishing boat. This, unbeknowst to her, is the start of her alternating between two different times and places - between her modern day life and Kamakura Era Tsushima, first arriving about fifteen months before the Mongols would set foot on Tsushima and attempt their invasion, kicking off the events of Ghost of Tsushima.
In that fifteen months, a lot would happen to her. She’d be taken in by a fisherman’s family and cause controversy among the the residence of a humble fishing village. A controversy to be settled by the local Jito, Lord Shimura, who decides to go about doing so by taking her into his household as a ‘guest’ until he can determine her trustworthiness. She is confined to his castle for a matter of several months, and appointed a ‘guardian’ of sorts to keep an eye on her and report back to the Jito on observations made about her, her characters, and whatever other information can be gleaned about her.
And who does Lord Shimura appoint to the position but his own nephew, Lord Jin Sakai, a dutiful, skilled, and scarily perceptive samurai who appears to give his uncle the highest reverence. But in spite of every reason to be wary of him, Annabelle finds herself disarmed and at ease in his presence. His gentle voice and forthright, high-minded nature draw her in, and she finds herself trusting him perhaps more easily than she should, given the circumstances.
But it seems he is equally drawn to her in kind, and the two of them develop a strong bond to one another. Little does she know how close the two of them will become, eventually falling into bed together and later bound to each other not as minder and charge, but as husband and wife.
And that’s all before the Khotun Khan shows up with his army to invade Tsushima.
All the while, Annabelle struggles to unravel the mystery of how her split reality came to be in the first place and the identity of the Shrine Maiden. She grapples with what the consequences of finding out might entail. She feels she must, that of course things must go back to the way they were. Right?
But she struggles with allowing her life in the past to unfold, and trying the minimize the heartache that will come eventually when she must cut herself off from it. But try as she might, she increasingly has much to leave behind when that days comes. Chiefly among them, a man she’s come to love madly, a man who slowly comes to be remade by the radically perspective redefining experiences thrust upon him.
And whose very much in love with her in kind and will be absolutely devastated to lose her.
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justplainsimon · 2 years
the girl from the other side manga: these two don't belong inside with the religious zealots or outside with the dark children circling them, in the end shiva actually was the source of the one who cursed humanity and sensei was going to die eventually, so after accidently cursing the ones around them to eventually turn into trees, and having a weird soul back and forth, they basically agree to a suicide pact
the girl from the other side (2022): they both know that making contact with other humans won't be possible or at the least easy, but they both agree to keep on living, sure senei may never be cured of his curse; being unable to feel tired, hungry, warmth or pain, but the world is more beautiful when they're both in each other's lives. Also surprisingly enough, the dark children act more as a neutral party who somewhat help sensei and shiva. Well, maybe not help, so much as try to answer their questions
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tekutiger · 11 months
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Leveling my SAM on Mari, finally 🙃. Am I one of the rare few who levels a class to 87 and then uses Duty Support strictly to see those three? If you know, you know.
Endwalker spoilers under the cut, and by that I mean EW Zone 5 Dungeon. Endwalker has been out for how long now? I probably don't need to do this, but I know sprouts are still out there 💖
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At first I only had the intention to get Mari one class to 90 in each role. But somewhere along the way plans changed. I blame Emet (and partly glamour, and housing).
My mindset literally goes 'Oh if I get to level 87 I can go bug Emet' 😇
I was taking so many screenies of SAM skills while leveling, simply out of boredom. I'll be adding those momentarily 🙃, but I'm convinced there's no way I could play, or be, a 'damsel in distress'-type if I were thrown into some 'story' or 'world', (isekai~).
(I'm truly telling you I was bored. Leaving me alone with my thoughts running rampant is a bad thing haha. Perhaps next time I should turn on an Audible.)
I'd be the type that'd constantly want to 'catch up' to the person I want to be side-by-side with. It's fine if I'm 'weaker' but there's no way in holy heck I could settle with being left behind. It'd drive me bonkers. To be useless? To not be able to protect someone you care about? I feel like that's the sort of dynamic Emet and Azem potentially had. Those feelings and those thoughts. I don't want to ramble on about it (I'll end up with a novel that no one asked for), but that's both crushing and sinking.
Maybe I'm overthinking it, or putting my own HC on it. But it's pointed out in story that they (Emet and Azem) spend a lot of time together. And Emet spends so much time searching for hints or fragments of Azem after the sundering. That emotionally stabs me in the heart. So, yes. I will level my classes to 87 just to see him, and the other ancients.
I really need to stop rambling but what even got me on this train of thought to begin with was; First of all leveling my SAM and going to see Emet- and the fact that Bleach TYBW is coming out in less than 2 weeks~! I've had massive brainrot for literal months now 🫠
Why do I feel like my favorites always get kind of... brutally hurt? For no reason? 😞 (more so than other characters, I mean.) I want to protecc, but I can't 😖
I'll post my SAM screenies now~ and save my QQ'ing for another day 🙃. (I have several, but I recommend looking up GIFs or vids of these if you're interested cause screens can only show so much. BUT! I think the screenies are cool because they capture a literal moment in time that's hard to see in GIFs/vids)
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Gekko & Yukikaze. I feel like the Gekko graphic could use an update. It's a bit uh... saturated. I realize that's because I'm hecka zoomed in and SE probably doesn't expect people to be playing that way but 🤐
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Hissatsu: Senei & Hissatsu: Kyuten.
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Shoha & Shoha II.
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Hissatsu: Guren. Both screenies - I just love that I got one with Emet snapping his fingers 😊
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Midare Setsugekka.
These are from me just removing the HUD (i.e. Scroll Lock) and hitting Print Screen.
Okay, time to go get 89 -> 90 now 🙂.
I should probably also do the role quests so I can dye that Artifact gear set. Red is my favorite color but I'm not sure it goes well with Mari's purple hair... 🤔. Ehhh, maybe.
Also, sorry Hermes~ ♥ you.
0 notes
hyenadriver1 · 2 years
6 Legit Ways to Get Out of a Timeshare Fundamentals Explained
3 Proven Ways to Obtain Out of a Timeshare First, call your getaway residential or commercial property, at that point make an effort these departure methods The Problem En español | "My moms and dads purchased a timeshare additional than 30 years ago,” began the email coming from Kim Seney, a current senior citizen from Northern California. I'm currently working at a small gasoline terminal in San Diego along with my best pal, who resides in the area, as I take a trip to Hawaii every day when the brand-new year kicks off. Over the years, I've obtained thus many questions like this that I knew what was happening next off. What would it be like to become a super star? Were you pleased along with your condition, or could possibly you live happily ever after? On a private amount, I knew that perhaps there would be some backlash. There are actually therefore a lot of people that I appreciate and marvel at that you are a champion. But I never assumed I would claim they were all lifeless. I consistently thought of myself as such. Seney was wishing to assist her widowed mom unload the timeshare and the $1,200 in yearly expenses that happened along with it. The residence would at that point be sold for one-half of what she been obligated to repay. After that, he was gotten in touch with on the location and spent her back. She never ever saw him once more.". Gardner after that had an additional work that eventually led to him acquiring a second chance. He is presently residing in Colorado along with his other half, a brand-new guy and an much older child. The family hadn't utilized the timeshare, outside of Reno, Nevada, in years. But right now that it has been used again for the first time by a parent, I'm glad it has actually. Therefore listed below's what's been missing out on from my day. I certainly never expected it. I understand currently I was going to overlook it, that it's the final opportunity I saw it outside of Reno. It looks like the outdated, tidy environment-friendly one. She'd looked right into offering it on eBay and contributing it to charitable organization, to no avail. It's like my life transformed: I'd been left behind in left field. The time just before she and I completed the sales in a car playground just down the road, it was overdue, and the outlet was all shut off. They'd gotten in touch with the police and provided the dealer one of their four times in cost. Their brand-new house was being occupied through a pair who required brand-new motor vehicles. The following measure looked to be a timeshare leave company, but the cost was high. The main economic adviser wanted to acquire a single construction, but this was also costly to obtain them all up and running. I saw many business that possessed an strategy that I believe didn't function. They can have simply acquired one of the five floorings, simply to always keep building money. This was yet another method to obtain the company up and functioning. “I'm awkward paying for $10,000 to obtain out of this trait,” she stated. "And being able to possess a second chance.". Harrison likewise went through some individual tales — like an early breakup — after working as an unsettled intern at a federal government organization, and was attracted to a collection of emails he saw when asked concerning his experiences. Almost 10 million homes possess some sort of timeshare, according to the American Resort Development Association. A lot of possess to rent or buy an above-market rate residence, and tenants possess to authorize a lease, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. There's no guarantee that the rental market will rise in the upcoming five years, claims Kevin D. Brown of the Santa Monica-based International Hotel & Resorts Agency. "I'm timeshare debt cancellation will," he claims. Around 850,000 of them (based on a pre-pandemic estimation) would like to market within two years. The government would at that point invest the resources to open 10 divisions, which would aid to extend the function, claimed a ministry official who declined to be pinpointed to be candid. The authorities would at that point spend at least half the funding and other projects right into infrastructure.
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Some, like Seney's mama, Joann Johnson, 85, can't travel any longer. She's keeping at an assisted living location in a small town gotten in touch with West Virginia. With no condition cash, Johnson made a decision to donate her son to a charitable organization he wishes to support so that she would acquire to the end of her days. "She loves him that a lot," Johnson claimed. She wishes to become an starlet in about five years. Others can easilyn't afford the control expenses that proceed for as long as you possess the residential property, whether you utilize it or not. The building managers may have to take action to deal with the problem. Building proprietor need to take the ideal activity if renters help make illegal requirements. For instance, property owners may ask tenants to provide up the residential or commercial property at any time. This is gotten in touch with a "hold" activity. Some property owners are merely attempting to stay clear of paying out rent through filing a claim against landlords.
0 notes
smarterwint · 2 years
Hemingway editor german
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505 Gibbs a very large caliber hunting rifle. The Ebro a river in northeastern Spain the second longest river in Spain.Įye teeth the canine, or pointed and conical, teeth located in the upper jaw. The Dark Forest a novel by the British author Horace Walpole.ĭaughter's debut a monied coming-out party for a young lady, to formally introduce her to high society. Hemingway is referring to the descendants of these people.Ĭoncierge the manager of an apartment house in Europe.Ĭonstantine officers At the time, these royal officers bore the name of the king of Greece, King Constantine.Ĭonstantinople the former name for what is now Istanbul.Ĭonvex having a surface that bulges outward.Ĭord wood a pile of logs that will be used for burning in a fireplace.Ĭourt games squash, handball, and other games played in exclusive men's clubs.Ĭrillon a well-known Paris hotel, used frequently in Hemingway's works.Ĭross-cut saw a saw for cutting wood against the grain. There followed a brief civil war afterward, 17,000 Parisian followers of the Communards were executed, including women and children. Chesterton, a British novelist and poet.Ĭhristian Scientist a follower of Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910), an American religious leader.Ĭommunards After the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (1871), a communal government, in opposition to the national one, was set up in Paris. The car-tracks The reference is to electric streetcar tracks.Ĭesarean a surgical incision made through the abdomen and uterus to deliver a baby when vaginal delivery is dangerous to both mother and baby.Ĭheesecloth coarsely, loosely woven gauze.Ĭhesterton G. It is mean and cunning and extremely strong, invulnerable to all but the best-placed shots.īurnt timber The reference is to the forest fire that destroyed vast acres of woodland, as well as the town of Seney, Michigan.īwana "Mister" or "Master" a term of respect.īwana Mister, or master a term of respect.Ĭant-hooks wooden levers with movable metal hooks near one end that are used for handling logs. The Cape Buffalo is a large, horned creature that is considered by hunters to be the most dangerous of all African big game. The attack The setting of this story is northern Italy during World War I an Italian town has been attacked by an Austrian military offensive.īallet skirts During the time that Hemingway wrote the story, Greek troops in the mountains wore uniforms exactly like Hemingway describes.īeggar the word Hemingway originally used was "bugger," a derogatory British term for someone or something disagreeable however, the term is also synonymous with a sodomite, which was distasteful to Hemingway's editor - thus his substitution of "beggar." Remember that this story was originally published in 1936 today, in the United States, we casually use the term "bastard" with the same non-literal frequency.īig birds here, vultures, carrion eaters attracted to Harry's rotting flesh.īig log booms a chain of floating logs making a barrier to enclose other free-floating logs.Ī black band the black cloth band that the major wears around the upper part of his arm of his uniform, signifying that he is in mourning.īodegas cafes serving alcoholic beverages.īosphorus the strait that separates Asia from Europe, made famous by Romantic poets who would try to swim across.īoucherie chevaline a horse butcher in many parts of Europe, horse meat is eaten quite commonly.īuffalo the buffalo mentioned in this story is nothing like the American buffalo, or bison. Anatolia the great plains area of Turkey.
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0 notes
mixelation · 1 year
okay i wrote a scene from the reborn au. here's team disaster
Tori sat in the grass, her water canteen propped up between her knees. A stack of mismatched bento boxes Kushina-senei had “lovingly” filled with food sat next to her. Kushina-sensei herself paced the grass in front of Tori, occasionally blocking her view of Deidara and Itachi beating the snot out of each other.  
Tori had been aware, in her previous life, that Itachi and Deidara were simply on a different level from other ninja. Now this knowledge was even more acute. Itachi’s form was perfect and deadly. Deidara’s style was more lax but just as quick and lethal. They frequently blurred in front of her, moving too fast for her eyes to track, and she knew this is just them fucking around because Kusina-sensei told them to spar. She couldn’t imagine a world someone like her could keep up. 
Kushina pouted as she paced, occasionally shooting Tori a look like she expected Tori to do or say something. Maybe she wanted Tori to ask questions, or to demand to be taught the crazy spinning kick Itachi just used to knock Deidara over. 
Tori smiled back at Kushina. It didn’t bother her too much that she wasn’t some sort of genetic freak like Itachi and Deidara. Sure, she’d like to be able to keep her own in a fight if one happened to happen to her, and using ninjutsu would be cool, but her motives for becoming a shinobi of Konoha had very little to do with wanting to kick ass and a lot more to do with wanting a soft, safe bed at night and a whole research department to exploit during the day. 
(Also, Kushina’s cooking was pretty good. The free lunch was a nice bonus.) 
Besides, if Tori decided she wanted to kill some ninja that was out of her league, she’d figure out her own way to make it happen. She’d done it before with less. 
Itachi finally cracked a tree trunk with Deidara’s head, and Kushina-sensei paused her pacing, propping a hand on her hip. Her brows furrowed minutely, but it wasn’t out of concern for Deidara. No, Tori was positive that Kushina-sensei was frustrated because Itachi and Deidara needed no coaching or teaching from her whatsoever. 
Tori felt a little bad for her. Kushina-sensei was kind of pushy and loud, but she enthusiastically presented them with a homemade lunch everyday, and she’d seemed so excited to teach them that first day. It wasn’t fair that she got handed a team with two ninja that were secretly S-ranked missing-nin instead of cute genin who actually needed her guidance. That was why, when Kushina-sensei shot Tori another look, Tori hopped to her feet and clapped her hands together in the world’s worst applause. 
“Nice hustle, Itachi!” she called. 
Itachi turned to stare at her over his shoulder, like she’d said something a little bit stupid. If she didn’t already know him, Tori thought this expression would be a bit intimidating. Unfortunately for Itachi, she’d met infinitely scarier people. She clapped harder. 
Deidara was mostly unharmed, except for maybe his ego. He shoved Itachi as they walked up the hill to meet Kushina-sensei and Tori. 
“Next time we use jutsu, yeah!” Deidara declared. “Then you’ll be eating bark.”
“Uh-uh, not unless we get a higher clearance training ground, you know,” Kushina-sensei chided, now with both hands on her hips. “Okay, since Itachi won, he spars Tori next.”
There was a long, awkward pause.
“I’d rather not,” Tori said. 
Kushina-sensei just raised her eyebrows at her. “Well, you’re gonna,” she replied. 
“I won’t break anything,” Itachi added solemnly. 
“I don’t want to,” Tori insisted. “I don’t see what the point would be.”
She was just going to make a fool of herself. She’d be okay with a proper teaching spar– the kind where the more experienced shinobi carefully guided the spar. She didn’t trust Itachi or Deidara to have the slightest idea how to do this. Kushina-sensei was ordering her to go let Itachi kick her ribs in for no reason. 
“Kid, I am your Jounin sensei, you know,” Kushina-sensei told her, eyes just a little incredulous. “You have to do what I say, no matter what.”
Deidara was looking at her the way he would right before she did any sort of fuinjutsu, like he expected her to accidentally set the grassy field on fire or something. Was talking back to a teacher really so scandalous? 
“Do you need a pep talk, girl to girl?” Kushina-sensei pressed, eyes lighting up in a way that Tori did not want to deal with. 
“Fine, fine,” Tori grumbled. Meeting Itachi’s eyes, she said, “If you do break something, you owe me dinner for a week.”
Itachi faced her the way Deidara had looked at her sometimes, when they’d been renegade ninja buddies for a month. It wasn’t that he thought she was weak or delicate, or even that Tori couldn’t be incredibly dangerous under the right circumstances, but more that he’d already sorted her into a category of non-combatant. There was an uneasiness in his body language, imperceptible to anyone who wasn’t used to reading him. Itachi still thought of her as a civilian, and one he theoretically liked. Fighting her hand-to-hand was as inconceivable to him as it was to her.  
He did proceed to fight her with kiddy gloves on, she thought, because she saw every hit coming even as she failed to dodge. The fight ended with her limping back to the pile of bento, sweaty and bruised all over and slightly embarrassed. This would have almost been better in her old life, where expectations for her taijutsu were in the negatives. 
“Okay!” Kushina-sensei cried, sounding more excited than she should be. “Let’s analyze what happened!”
The analysis was basically just Kushina waving her arms and listing things Tori needed to improve, because Itachi’s taijustu was borderline perfect. Tori opened her canteen and took a long chug of water while Kushina-sensei babbled. A couple of insights were useful, but most of it boiled down to “Itachi is just better than you in every way.” It would be humiliating, Tori thought, if she were actually twelve or if she didn’t already have a history with both Itachi and Deidara. 
It wasn’t completely not embarrassing, though! For once maybe they could do an exercise Tori would excel at, like having a pleasant conversation with a stranger, or what to do if the scroll you stole was sealed up tight. 
Deidara turned his head to hide a smirk at her expense. Tori considered chucking her canteen at him. 
“Oh,” Itachi suddenly said, head whipping round from where he’d gotten bored and turned to watch a dragonfly. “Tori, I’ve been meaning to tell you. Your tree-walking is all wrong.”
Tori stared back at him. “What?”
Kushina-sensei practically exploded with joy at the chance at a teaching moment. They were all ushered down the hill and over to the tree line to watch the incredibly mundane sight of Tori walking up a tree. 
“What, because she’s slow?” Deidara asked, watching as Tori flipped herself over to stand on the bottom side of a branch. The long braid she’s tied up her hair in dangled centimeters from brushing the grass below.
“I think I’m doing fine,” Tori sniffed. Kushina-sensei too seemed confused about what the problem was. Sure, Tori slipped or mistimed the jutsu sometimes, but it wasn’t like she wasn’t getting better and better with practice. 
“No, you’re…” Itachi trailed off, staring at her. Unlike for their spar, he’d activated the sharingan. “You might be doing that in the least efficient way possible. Who taught you?”
Tori glared back at him. She was barely using any chakra to stick herself to trees and buildings nowadays, thank you very much. If she was expected to be even more efficient then she might as well just quit being a ninja now. 
“No one taught me,” Tori replied. “It’s just the leaf exercise but on your feet, isn’t it?”
Kushina-sensei’s eyes widened in horror, and Deidara burst into hysterical laughter. 
“What?” Tori demanded. She was standing on a tree, wasn’t she?!
“Oh, Tori….” Kushina-sensei said. 
As it turned out, tree walking wasn’t just activating and deactivating the leaf exercise to stick plant matter to yourself as you hopped around in a tree canopy, carefully timing sticking and unsticking yourself to the tree with every step. Apparently that was an insane way to do it, and Deidara kept spontaneously choking on his own laughter over how insane a thing to do it was. No, tree-walking only required a thin layer of chakra on the bottom of your shoes, and you could easily stick and unstick yourself without having to constantly adjust it. 
It was a team effort to explain this to her, everyone talking at once. Apparently if you’d already solved a problem in the most cursed way possible, everyone wanted to correct you. Still, she managed to parse what she should have been doing from the cacophony of noise. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Tori demanded of her feet, glaring down at her sandals as she walked up a second tree, this time with about a million times the ease. 
“Wait,” Deidara wheezed, straightening up from where he’d had to lean against another tree he was laughing so hard. “Tori, how have you been water-walking?”
Tori stared back at him, expression dead. “You don’t want to know.”
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
So... what's his deal?
Nothing. He had a very average life before becomimg a ninja, though he and his family were also religious, saying their thank yous for each meal, praying before bed, and even going to church, or whatever the substitute would be in Japanese culture; please pardon my ignorance, I'm trying my best.
He didn't get praying or worship, because he was a kid, but his mother always tried to explain it in a way he'd understand, especially when she prayed for her husband before any of his live shows and for Cole whenever he went outside to play or argued with his dad, because Cole learned he didn't want to sing and dance while his father chastised him for being reckless and ignorant of the beliefs he'd been brought up with.
This average family life was SHATTERED when his mother was caught in a collision between two cars that met head on because of bad driving.
After this point, his father put more effort into his performances while Cole partook in two hobbies: physical activity and praying for his mother back; he was 10 and didn't know what else he could do.
He and his father don't fight as much, thankfully, though Cole was still adamant about not being a performer, even though he's one hell of a break dancer.
Cue his meeting with Wu, at maybe 13, and Wu noticing that Cole prays after he's done climbing.
Cole explains it's something he's still not sure of, but it's better tham what he was doing before, aka nothing.
Wu asks Cole if he's familiar with a monastery a top a hill and offers to help Cole better his physical activity, and even his praying.
Cole accepts, three years later, and runs away before arriving at the monastery by climbing, though thi time he almost falls and Wu catches him, noting that the stairs would've been better since it was raining a lot that day.
He joins in and trains to be a ninja, being the example for the rest.
He becomes stronger and is the certified leader, but he practices praying with Wu.
Zane actually finds him praying one day; the three had finished training and Jay was busy inventing and suggested Zane find something to do because he got freaked out by the staring while he worked.
Cole finished praying and saw Zane watching.
"I'm guessing you don't know what worship of a higher power looks liked?"
Zane gives him a look that says, "Hey, asshole, I do know what religion is." and Cole backs off, turning back to the wall he was facing.
"I lost someone," he explains as Zane joins his side. "A long time ago. My dad and I fought a lot and she... she had my back. She got me when my dad didn't. It was a really bad accident. A kid in school wasn't paying attention and caused a crash in the city, and... my mom was there."
Zane puts a hand on Cole's shoulder and Cole looks to see Zane with a really strained look on his face.
"I... lost someone as well. I don't exactly know who, but I know I lost him all the same." Zane meets Cole's eyes and takes his hand back. "The praying you do? Does it help you talk to her?"
Cole is taken aback by Zane talking to him, but continues the conversation, regardless.
"Well, it's pretty one sided. I don't know, I just do it because it makes me feel better about what happened."
"An accident caused by a reckless teenager was not your fault."
Cole thanks him for that and Zane, done with talking simply smiles back.
Yeah. Cole feels responsible for his mother's death. He and his father had a really bad fight, as in Cole said something he shouldn't have and his father slapped him for it, which led to Cole running out of the house. His mother caught up to him and calmed him down and the two started walking home.
Then the crash happened.
I should probably mention that Cole sometimes talks in his sleep and wakes up screaming.
Still can't cook, but he has been taking lessons from Zane, who also reccomended he read from a cook book.
Still scared of dragons, but warmed up to them when the others adopted them. And when Zane smiled and pet his dragon Shard.
Yeah, glaciershipping is a thing here. It just works to me. Calm, silent, logical Zane with the more emotional, talkative leader Cole. And I love the contrast of their hair and gis.
Cole is more than the leader; he's the big brother. He checks in on the other ninja and keeps them in shape. He's somewhat of a more active leader.
He's also the eldest, being two years older than Kai and Jay, even though Zane is technically older than him.
His nain goal as a ninja is to keep accidents from happening, ones like his mother's death.
Originally, he hated Kai; one loudmouth was already enough. That changed when he saw Kai's dedication to saving Nya, and he slowly grew to respect his brother. Key word: slowly. He still isn't over how brash Kai is.
Jay and Zane keep him from pummeling Kai, though Zane does it more effectively.
There was an instance Kai and Cole got into an argument and Jay and Zane had to hold them back until Kai said something very insensitive and both Cole and Zane's jaws dropped. With a quick glance and a "fuck you/eat shit and live, loser" smile, Zane let go of Cole and watched the two fight.
So, for TLDR: Cole joined Senei Wu to make up what he felt he did and to prevent anything like his mother's death from happening to anyone else. He's close with all the ninja, but is especially close with Zane, Cole being the first ninja to hear Zane talk. He has a rocky atart with Kai, but they eventually become good friends. He prays in his spare time to try talking to his mother, and to say thanks for everything he still has.
Sorry for the religious mention, I just imagined Cole kind of being like that. Not like crazy religious, but enough to make it count, you know?
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kmcriously · 4 years
Naruto Short stories
Neji HyugaxOC - How they met
The wind blew softly against her hair as sweat trickled down her tanned face, eyes glaring daggers at her smirking brother. " You cheated!" She growled through the pain on her right hip. The Inuzuka twins were currently training for the upcoming chunnin exams. Except this time, there wouldn't be a war nor will there be a jinchuriki off to destroy her village.
" Well maybe if you didn't suck so much you wouldn't get hit in the first place, Kira," he wolfishly grinned.
With an eye roll, she gets back up, not even bothering to argue with him since arguing with her idiot twin would be like arguing with a slab of concrete. She felt something wet on her hand and she looked down to see Akamaru licking her fingers as a sign of truce. She chuckled softly before petting him, " What did you say, Akamaru? Kiba is being an idiot again? I guess you're right," she joked, liking the way her brother gaped at both of them in betrayal.
" That's not what he said!" Kiba argued as an irk mark appeared on his forehead.
" Well how would you know, Baka?! You're all the way over there!" The female Inuzuka countered. The twins got up on each other's faces while a trail of lightning targeted each other's eyes in anger.
" How youthful! Look Gai-sensei, Kiba and Akira-chan are having a staring contest!"
Akira stopped glaring at her idiot twin brother and turned to look at Konoha's handsome green devil...or at least that's what he calls himself. Kiro, her nin-dog yipped happily at the newcomers and went to lick both Lee and Gai-sensei's faces in delight.
Tenten waves at her and giggled at the sight of her sensei and teammate covered in dog slobber—not that they cared, in fact all Gai-senei did was yell out how youthful Kiro was.
"Tenten, Neji, Lee, Gai-sensei!" Kira greets with a small wave, her cheeks tinting red as her eyes swept across the male Hyuga.
" Akira-chan! You look beautiful as ever! Just like a newly bloomed flower in spring," Lee yells enthusiastically with heart eyes. Kira sweat drops as she gives him a small weirded out smile.
" Ah...it's nice to see you too, Lee-kun," she replies with less enthusiasm. She liked Lee, he was a great friend and a wonderful shinobi. The only downside was that he could be a little—no—really hyper sometimes.
" Hey, Akira isn't the only one here you know!" her brother crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance.
Akira rolls her eyes at her brother and proceeded to walk towards Tenten and Neji while Lee talks to Kiba and Akamaru. " Hey, Tenten! You guys here to train too?"
Tenten nods with a smile, " Hai! I'm gonna train hard and make sure I pass the chunnin exams this time."
Kiro barks happily at her reply and Akira pats him in the head before replying, " Kiba, Akamaru, Kiro and I are training for the exam as well," an idea suddenly crossed her mind and she grinned widely before saying, " Wanna spar? I need a training buddy who doesn't cheat every time we fight—"
" I didn't cheat!" Kiba argued, an irk mark appearing on his forehead once again. Akira ignores her brother and looks at Tenten with hopeful eyes.
The girl smiled sadly at the female Inuzuka and replied, " I wish I could, Kira. But Gai-sensei is making me train with Lee today."
Akira's smile dropped at the news and sighed, " Oh...well it's okay, Tenten. I'll just train with my idiotic brother again," she states just as Kiba growls, " Stop with the name calling already, Kira!"
" I'll stop calling you names if you stop cheating whenever we spar!" She countered once again.
" I wasn't cheating!"
An irk mark appeared on her forehead as she glared at her brother, " Yes you did! You—"
" I'll train with you, Kira-san."
Akira froze, her cheeks started to warm as she slowly turned around to meet the person's cool lavender eyes. " I...huh?" she says stupidly as she blinked in surprise.
Neji raised his brow at the blushing girl as he repeated, " I said I'll train with you. Gai-sensei is gonna be busy with Tenten and Lee and your brother is probably gonna go train with Akamaru. So that leaves you and me...and Kiro."
Kiro barks happily at the acknowledgement and licks his hand, to which he smiles at before petting him. Akira's heart started to beat erratically as she stares at his perfectly sculpted face. It wasn't everyday her crush would volunteer to be her training partner.
Tenten watches the blushing girl in amusement. She knew about the female Inuzuka's liking to the Hyuga boy, it reminded her of Hinata whenever she was near Naruto, and Neji...well, he was just as oblivious as Konoha's hyper-active ninja.
She was definitely going to tease her about this during their sleepover with the girls tonight.
" You...I...o-okay," Akira stutters in embarrassment, internally cursing at herself for being so obvious. She could see Tenten's smirking face and she knew the female weapons master was gonna tease her about it during their all-girls sleepover tonight. But she couldn't help it, his soft lavender eyes seemed like it was staring right into her soul.
" Yosh! Now that everything's settled, let's get on with the youthful training!" Gai-sensei yells before giving his students a thumbs up along with a grin.
" Hai, Gai-sensei!" Lee replies with just as much enthusiasm...maybe even more.
Akira chuckles at the duo before looking back at the male Hyuga. Her awkwardness quickly washed away and was replaced with determination and excitement." Well then...let's get started shall we?"
Neji smirked as he watches the fire light up in her eyes. Destiny definitely chose a perfect opponent for him. " We shall."
" Byakugan!"
" Inuzuka-style: Fang tornado!"
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saikagerights · 4 years
A New Possession- Entry #10
Hello once again Saiino nation!
I'm back again after a few days with my next entry, this one being a whopping 1k words. It's been a while since I wrote an entry of this magnitude. It also covers a personal hc that I have a large connection to.
I had the weekend off of work, but this upcoming week is going to be rather busy, so I am not sure how that will affect my entries. There has also been a plot bunny that has cropped up in my mind. The catch is that it really doesn't have a plot, only small drabbles that revolve around one concept that I might put together into a small fic if I have enough inspiration, so be on the lookout for that.
Anyway I hope you enjoy this one!
Also available on AO3
February 8th
Sakura enjoys talking about her work overseeing the therapy center. It’s been the main focus of some of our most recent conversations. She had explained in enormous detail about the amount of work her and Ino had done to establish the center, and it shocked me that it was accomplished by only two people with very little assistance. Their personal mission to rehabilitate struggling youth had been a commendable one, as well as being something I personally connected to.
As someone who’s youth was affected by the hands of shinobi, I naturally empathize with many children who find themselves patients in the therapy center, and identify with their paths towards healing.
Especially now
Sakura had soon approached me regarding the treatment of 37 children that were once a part of ROOT’s training program, lamenting over their progress.
“We haven’t made any progress. The specialists are at their wits end.”
Sakura looked completely drained. Between lending her services at the hospital and opening the therapy center, Sakura had been difficult to reach. Ino had mentioned how much she had been working recently and how she constantly tried to “drag her ass out of her office just for a few minutes”. I couldn’t help but sympathize with her
“Well, it’s very hard to trust others when you were trained to trust no one to begin with. It will take time for them to open up, but they will eventually.” I tried to give her my most endearing smile to encourage her. She didn’t meet my eyes, but I watched a sad smile grace her face “Sai, that’s some really good advice.” Suddenly her head raised, a wild grin spread wide across her face. “Sai! You should speak to these kids! You know how to connect to their struggle, this could help them!”
The thought of counseling set panic into my mind. I’m far from being a professional. I hardly know how to speak casually with friends, how would I be able to give advice to a group of children?
How could I help these kids when I have hardly helped myself?
I tried to convey this to Sakura, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. “You would be fine. You would be accompanied by a specialist of course, so it’s not as if you’d be alone.” I wouldn’t be able to change her mind when she was so convinced.
“Please just consider it, Sai. You could really change the lives of these children.”
I couldn’t help but assume that Sakura had specifically fabricated that conversation to try and persuade me to lend my services. It’s not as if I didn’t want to help them. I am just not sure I am the right person to help them. Although I understand their pain, I don’t think it is my place to tell them how to use their newfound freedom. Sakura had also suggested that my Choujuu Giga could assist me, but I waved that idea off. I have used my ninjutsu to entertain children before, but ROOT children are not raised to be enthused by some drawings.
This afternoon, I visited the center to gauge the situation for myself. I was informed by one of the center’s hired professionals that the children were separated into two groups for their treatment. The group of children still paired with their siblings, and the group of children that had been admitted alone. They received different forms of treatment, but were kept on the same floor together. Siblings roomed together while those isolated were paired off to try and stimulate a new bond for them. I was told of one older boy that had refused this arrangement and roomed alone.
The specialist that showed me around handed me a clip board with the roster of children. It listed their approximate age, blood type, and chosen name. When they had first arrived, they were given the option to select a name for them to be addressed as. I was told that many of them selected previous code names they had once been given by Danzo-sama.
During the day, all of the children were coaxed into a large room with various amenities for them to pass the time as they awaited individual talk therapy sessions. Supposedly they were anti-social, never speaking a word to any of the therapists.  
“We aren’t even sure if they speak to each other”. The specialist guided me down the hall. I had hardly spoken a word to her, part of me wanting to listen, but another part of me trying to get a hold of my thoughts as my mind drifted in and out of focus. -but from what Haruno-senei has told me about you, it seems that there may be hope for them.”
Grabbing my attention with her words, I couldn’t contain the smile I gave her. “I hope that’s true.”
Entering the room, I suddenly felt 37 pairs of eyes trained on me as if I were a target. The gazes were intense regardless of how empty they looked. I couldn’t help but wonder if this is how I appeared to others when my allegiance was still with ROOT.
Do I still look like that?
Observing the room, the children were scattered, keeping a safe distance from each other. This of course excluded the sibling groups that were compacted together. I suddenly remembered hearing that when they had learned of ROOT’s barbaric trial, those who had nearly lost their close comrade had experienced issues with separation. They rarely were seen apart from one another.
My eyes then drifted to the children who sat alone, lost and empty without the one they knew more than anyone, even themselves. The one they once devoted their life to, but in an act of survival, had to give up that very life to appease the command of their master. Similar to me in most ways.
“Children, there is someone here who wishes to meet you.”
The voice of the specialist was gentle, but it was sharp enough to pierce the silent air. It seems my research of vocal inflection has paid off, because I had noticed how the word “children” was stressed more than the others for the benefit of reminding them that they were indeed still children.
She received no verbal response from them, but I had figured they were well aware of my presence as they were still glaring straight at me.
“This is Sai.” She gestured to me. “He was also once from ROOT like you.”
Now that more attention was brought to me, I raised my hand in greeting, cocking my head to one side and trying to smile as genuinely as possible.
Though it doesn’t really matter how convincing it was, I seriously doubted they would be capable of distinguishing it. I felt the need to swallow when I allowed my eyes to slip open and realized that there had been no noticeable reaction.
I spent the rest of my time at the center in a quiet conversation with the specialist regarding future visitation. She also apologized to me about the atmosphere, saying that it has frightened a few of the other therapists.
I’m not going to say that I was afraid of a group of children, but a certain feeling set into me then that I believed to be nervousness. Yes, the therapists and staff at the center wanted this group of children to remember how old they really are, but from experience that is very difficult to remember who you once were when it is drilled into your mind that your existence is meant for the will of another.
I lag behind my own peers in “life experience”, since most of my life was spent existing through the control of Danzo-sama rather than living. But now I can say with certainty that I have the potential to live like any other man from this point onward. And these children have a better chance than me of achieving that. They just need the proper guidance and a few good friends to help them along.
As I read this back to myself, it seems like perhaps I could be cut out for this sort of thing, but I might need a little more “life experience” before I can be more successful.
Thanks for reading! I hope you want more from this, because I will follow this up for sure. I just need some fluff in between before I can add onto it.
I personally enjoy getting to talk about ROOT because I feel like I can really get into Sai's head because of it. Alas, it is very difficult to provide information for a group that was hardly elaborated on within the source material, so all I can do is provide little bits and pieces. I think this storyline will be able to satisfy this for me. Another thing I like about this hc is that we do see Sai in Boruto successfully lending guidance to people like Sumire, that had their lives controlled by the will of ROOT. It also shows off Sai's development as a character perfectly, effectively being the reason why I like the first arc of Boruto so much.
Anyway, I hope you guys are looking forward for more, because I will give you more. I don't know what is coming up next, but I do have a bit of an idea. And as always, comments and criticism are appreciated
Until next time -Saikage
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dimigex · 5 years
Drabbles - Day 12 - NejiTen
Pairing: Neji/Tenten, implied (post war) Rating: T Prompt: “How many miles are we running? (frost) Author’s Note: I’m not happy with this one at all, but I’m tired of looking at it lol and it’s been holding up all the other things I’ve written because I’m a stickler for posting in order. 
Tenten paused long enough to drag in a single, burning breath. Sweat froze on her skin as she took in the surroundings. Lazy, white flakes drifted between the trees, blanketing them in pale coats, and golden tendrils of light sparkled through the semi-darkness. Dawn couldn’t be more than a few minutes away. 
“Come on, Tenten,” Lee encouraged, jogging in place to keep his heart rate steady. “Let us finish strong!” 
“How many miles are we running?” Tenten groused, pushing her exhausted muscles back into a jog. “I didn’t sign up for a marathon.” 
If Lee heard the words, he chose to ignore them. Frosted grass crunched beneath their feet as they ran, undisturbed until their predawn passage. Tenten almost called out for a reprieve when she noticed Lee slowing down. The trail they’d been following became steep enough to climb, and he scrambled up like a goat. Tenten clambered up less gracefully.
“Look, we are just in time.” Lee enthused, eyes on the horizon. 
“In time for wh–” The sun peeked over the mountains, bathing the valley in a million shades of gold. Tenten momentarily forgot the soreness twisting through her body. “Wow,” she breathed.
Lee didn’t speak as the rich hue faded toward blue, pink, and purple. Tenten cut her eyes toward her teammate, wondering why he’d brought her here. Then, he sighed. “You have not been keeping up with your training regimen.” 
“I– what?” Tenten cast an incredulous stare at her teammate. “We just got back from war. I think we deserve a little break.” 
The mention of the war brought with it a flood of memories that Tenten shoved away. Wasn’t it enough that they’d nearly lost Gai-sensei? They’d come home with Neji’s body. Whatever they had been before leaving Konoha had died on the battlefield. She gulped a lungful of icy air to numb the surge of panic rising in her chest. 
“I’ve spoken to Sakura,” Lee said, continuing to look over the village. “She said that grief is different for each person.” Shock prevented Tenten from responding so Lee continued. “You haven’t been by the hospital to see Gai-senei. You haven’t been training. You haven’t–”
“We almost died,” Tenten interrupted. “And we lost Neji, in case you’d forgotten.”
Tenten turned away. She’d managed five steps when Lee spoke again. “Do you think this is what Neji would have wanted? You, refusing to live because he’s gone?”  
Voices from the waking village drifted upward, and Tenten focused on that. She couldn’t find the words to argue with Lee. So much had changed in such a short time. If she could have gone back to the weeks leading up to the war and made certain–
“If you loved Neji, you should honor his memory by becoming the best shinobi you can be,” Lee said, filling Tenten’s silence. When she swiveled toward him in shock, the boy shrugged. “You two obviously cared for one another as more than friends.” 
The observation drove the air from Tenten’s lungs. She and Neji had been so careful to hide their relationship because they feared that it would damage their team dynamic. Then, Neji died, and no one knew what Tenten lost. Lee’s words lessened the crushing weight enough for Tenten to draw a breath. Her next words came out as a sob. “I miss him.”  
Saying the words aloud should have made Tenten feel better. They didn’t. Nothing would change the fact that Neji wasn’t coming back. She still looked for him, half expecting him to climb over the hill, complaining about Lee’s pace. Or sidle up behind her, arms tight like nothing in the world could ever hurt her. 
Lee caught Tenten when her knees gave way, pulling her into a bone crushing hug that kept her on her feet. He didn’t speak or try to comfort her, he simply held her there until the sudden sobs spent themselves. Then, she pushed away with a frown. “Did you really know, or were you just guessing?” 
“I knew,” Lee admitted with a sad smile. “I promised him that I would look after you, in the event–”
“Thanks,” Tenten said before Lee could finish. She didn’t want to know the rest of it, not yet. “For caring, and for making me run with you today.” 
Lee’s face brightened at the words. “Does that mean I can count you in for tomorrow as well?” 
“Don’t push your luck,” Tenten laughed, wiping at her cheeks. Darkness lay ahead, but maybe there was just enough light to keep going. 
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