#the old dream of symmetry
I miss him so so much.
Can you gush about Jimin ?
Love how you wrote about him.
Thank you so so much in advance.
Whenever you are free. No pressure.
Hi @misslauwie
When your ask came in weeks ago, something in my chest squeezed a little. Because god yes I miss him too. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is kinda 'off', like everything is 'wrong', like we're all stuck in a holding pattern of sorts... And for anyone who thinks that's too dramatic, no it's not. Look around you. The world is kinda fucked, and the reason is because Jimin isn't on stage right now seducing the crowd performing like rent is past due, dancing his heart out, and singing like the fallen angel he is.
It's hard for me to talk about him these days though... I mean, there's always so much to say when it comes to Jimin, but the words don't form quite right for me these days.
Is it alright for me to simply post some pictures I come back to when I miss him and jikook?
Assuming I have your permission, that's what this post is going to be about.
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(they cuddle)
There's this one from his last live before enlisting. Bare-faced, in an all black hoodie and beanie outfit looking hot as hell. It's the way he's giving 'Korean skaterboy who moonlights as a hacker', but at the same time he comes across as responsible, capable, and real. Cute too.
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But lol, maybe that's just what I see when I'm biased.
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Who else gets stuck looking at his eyes?
There's always so much to say about Jimin because literally everything about him could yield its own thesis. From the range and depth in his stage personas; to how pretty his body features are, before they morph into something more... deviant; to his voice that polarizes and entraps every audience. There's so much to talk about when it comes to Jimin, but I keep coming back to his eyes...
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(This gave you whiplash didn't it :))
He's always known exactly what to do and how to do it.
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Jimin is giving 70s cult leader in this shot and it's a fave. He's too modest to ever ask, but we all know we'd join a commune for him if he pulled that zipper down a little lower.
Anyway. Does anybody know why he likes this pair of shoes so much? I've always found them a bit ugly, but somehow, he makes it work. And it's clear he likes them a lot since he wears them all the time. But like... why?
Another picture I stare at on days when I miss jikook jikooking, is this one.
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It's the moon in the shot that does it. The lines and symmetry, the afterglow of the sunset, Jimin's wide curved back, Jungkook focused on him, Jimin focused on him too, the fact someone else saw them like this and took this picture. They could've been chatting about what they'd like to eat for dinner or some other mundane thing, but it's the care and focus they show for each other that comes through so clearly for me in this shot.
This one has a place in my gallery because it's peak jikook.
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As is this one:
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Down bad for Baby G.
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Imagine if PJM2 has a track like Set Me Free Pt 2 + Tony Montana... imagine the cataclysm it will cause in k-pop, imagine the havoc this cutie patootie pie will cause.
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One day, when I find the words, I'll try to write about all the ways he charms. I owe a kind person from Tumblr (KPFT) a post about him.
In 2025, he'll be a 30 year old man desperate to get back on stage. And lord, I just hope everyone is ready.
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This is the last one.
I come back to this picture sometimes because back then, they really did just have eyeliner and a dream. He gave his all right from the start and has created life-changing art. It's endearing to know he's both a bit of a workaholic and can be lazy too... and to know he still sleeps the exact way - like this:
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...and this:
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..and this:
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@misslauwie I miss him too. Also miss Jungkook and the rest of the tannies. For Jimin, it makes me very happy that at least, Jungkook is with him.
He'll be back soon. 💜
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Consider, monsterfucker!Dream (from the Endless viewpoint)
The Endless do not truly have form at all. The first shapes they took were small and simple, like the earliest lifeforms. Over the eons, they've all experimented with many shapes, and physical pleasure and pain, but they are not beings of flesh. And they are simple. At their core, they are one aspect of existence. Dream even says they are mortals' toys and meant to be manipulated by them.
They've all fallen in love at least once. Dream, though, Dream keeps doing it. His siblings are baffled. He has a weird fondness for bipeds (there are so many beautiful creatures with radial symmetry!). One day he shows up moaning he was prepared to make a mortal his queen for all eternity; another day he shows up with a baby! He's cooing over the squirming thing while the Endless are gaping. "You gave yourself DNA?" Most of the time, they don't bother with all the internal organs or fluids, and Dream's giving himself a fully functioning reproductive system. He loves mortals, he wants a life with a mortal, he wants to engage in all aspects of physical intimacy with a mortal, he's sad when mortals--which are meant to form relationships with other mortals, creatures that can understand them, not anthropomorphic personifications, Dream!--leave him.
Dream shows up with Hob, and the other Endless just glare at Death, who insists she had no idea this would happen, when has Dream ever needed more than 5 minutes to fall in love? Besides, he usually chooses females. Desire sniffs and Despair points out they are all far more familiar than they like with Dream's kinks, and Destiny mutters something about humans barely having any sexual dimorphism.
Hob, of course, has no idea that Dream's family consider him far too vast for them to understand and also a being they were created to serve.
Oh I do love this way of looking at things. Dream’s weird biped fetish <333
Of course humans are fascinating but they really are quite... limited. Only 4 limbs, and such basic sexual organs. Of course they are sentient, which gives them a certain kudos in the universe, but they're not particularly advanced. Desire could list of a dozen creatures which are far more interesting in less than a minute. They've given up trying to understand Dream’s romantic inclinations. Even when he went for a more interesting biped form (Calliope would resent being addressed as that but its basically true), Dream chose a goddess associated with poetry. He could have fucked the SUN GOD! Or the goddess of agriculture, something interesting and all-encompassing like that! But no, he went for a muse of poetry. What a bloody weirdo.
And then there's Hob Gadling. Hoooooly shit. He's an actual human, less than 1000 years old, he's completely mundane, he has absolutely no extraordinary skills and he's so... just. Eww. The sweat and the dirt under the fingernails and breathing. He's a perfectly nice guy, Death is very fond of him, but she can't imagine taking him to bed. What would she do with him?! He can't even transcend the planes of reality!!
Well, Dream does at least seem happy. Perhaps he's exploring his submissive side in more detail by learning to serve a human on an individual basis? None of his siblings want to know, actually. Maybe it's time to give Dream up as a lost cause :')
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Beckie had never felt so fucking turned on and powerful as she did right now. Her perfect new body felt so horny - she was impossibly beautiful, she looked more like some dream Goddess than a real woman and she loved it.
The equation had helped turn her from dweeby Rebecca into her new and more powerful form. Now she was perfect and she had diminished anyone else who could get in her way, all thanks to her skill at using the equation.
Not that she had invented the equation... the all powerful equation had been created by her best-friend Laura. It was just a shame that Laura had not been strong enough to realise the full potential of what she had discovered.
It was Laura who had translated the mathematical formulae from the old text book they'd found in the library. It was Laura who had discovered the pleasing symmetry of the equation, how it was possible to move reality about with the precision of a few well placed mathematical operators.
Beckie still remembered how turned on she had felt when she had grabbed the pen from Laura and having been taught the equation herself made use of it for the first time.
"Hey what are you doing?" gasped Laura in alarm as Beckie had written, Rebecca Jones boobs > Emily Grey's boobs.
"Relax," grinned Beckie. "We can use this equation to finally have our revenge on our bullies. It's just an added bonus that to make the equation balance out, we get to keep whatever we take from them."
Emily had the biggest tits at school, but she would no longer as the equation began rebalancing. It reduced Emily's tits and made Rebecca's bigger - ensuring that she was greater in tit-mass than her victim.
Beckie groaned as her flat chest began to swell and grow with Emily's stolen breast flesh. Her buttons popped and her bra ripped as her tits swelled up, bigger and bigger. She now had cleavage for the first time in her life and she liked how it felt. She giggled pushing her tits out proudly. "Oh fuck yeah, that feels great."
"No Rebecca," gasped Laura in shock. "I don't think we should use this equation to try and get our own back on people... it seems like a bad idea. Please don't do that again. It could be dangerous."
Beckie had just laughed and advanced on her friend, using her massive new tits to passively intimidate her. "Of course babe - I'll be careful, but there are a few more attributes that should be redistributed. If you don't want them - I'll take them instead."
Slipping the book into her satchel she had turned and headed home, her head spinning with the possibilities.
The next day at school Laura had gasped as the clip-clop of high heels had rung through the halls and the bitchiest, sluttiest, most beautiful girl she had ever seen strode confidently down the corridors.
Beckie had taken it all. She'd drained every bully - not just of their physical beauty, but their personalities and confidence as well. Beckie was now a Goddess - the combined power of every bitch from school flowed through her body. She was now the perfect expression of every spoiled girl, every bully. She had become truly evil and hot.
"Oh hey loser," Beckie had purred as she'd seen her former friend. "Maybe you were right about the equation - perhaps it is dangerous to take so much, I think I ended up as a bit of a bitch. The good news is though that soon you'll be too dumb to care. I'm going to use the equation to suck out all your intelligence and leave you as my dumb little slave."
Laura had just grinned.
"I knew you'd be too eager to use the equation and end up corrupting yourself," she smirked. "You always did lack self-control Beckie. Which is why I prepared this little trap. If you look at the equation you have used, it only balances out one way. Everything has to transfer over to me. I get to become Beckie - queen of the school and you end up as a nobody loser with no memory of these events."
The satisfied grin fell off Beckie's face as she looked down at her pages of equations and realised Laura was not lying. With a laugh of triumph, Laura spread her arms wide and moaned as she took everything from Beckie - including her identity.
Laura gasped as she grew taller, her tits swelled out and her features became Beckie's. Her tight new pussy tingled as her designer dress formed around her and the new Queen wiggled her pedicured toes inside their high heels.
The dumb and amnesiac Laura had staggered away with no memory of who she really was and what had just happened whilst Beckie strode away to begin her life as a bully and a bitch.
"Sorry loser," purred the new Beckie, "But you're not part of this equation after all..."
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kendrixtermina · 4 months
Most of Clara's echoes die young while pulling some heroic feat not because they're all intended to save the Doctor, but because they're all her & contain the same traits that led the original kick the bucket trying to ensure that Rigsy gets back to his family. (or indeed jump in the Timestream when she didn't have reason to think there'd be any comming back from that)
Of course even if she'd lived to an old age (like in illusion the dream crabs showed her) she would've spent her life adventuring, it's just a question of how long it would take her to get unlucky.
The Doctor, too, mostly survives his recklessness 'cause his friends bail him out. Not just Clara, all of them. Regeneration or no he would have been toast a hundred times over without Rose going Bad Wolf, Martha figuring out how to CPR aliens, Amy remembering him back into reality, and so on. So there's a nice symmetry in Clara getting to spend a bunch of extra time in the diner TARDIS before eventually meeting her end (Just as he presumably would eventually end up on Trenzalore)
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riacte · 6 months
Hermitgals Pretty Cure AU transformation phrases + items
Tentatively drafted these up today! I am having so much fun with this AU :D
˖⁺‧₊˚​​  ✿ ♦︎ 𖦹 ☾ ☘︎ ˚₊‧⁺˖
Stress: "The joy of creation and the love for our everyday life! Cure Allium!"
Transformation item: Perfume bottle. Self explanatory (she loves flowers). Heartcatch style, she sprays it over herself and she transforms.
Weapon item: Her gloves with like knuckle protectors? Her bare fists? She sprays her perfume over her gloves and they become big and shiny and she basically punches her way through her troubles <3
˖⁺‧₊˚​​  ✿ ♦︎ 𖦹 ☾ ☘︎ ˚₊‧⁺˖
False: "The flexibility of creation and the ever-changing flow of ideas! Cure Diamond!"
Transformation item: A mirror. It shatters and the pieces become like, intangible and she's able to pass through them like she's becoming her stronger reflection. And yes this is a reference to symmetry, or more accurately, asymmetry.
Weapon item: Bow and arrows. Her mirror shatters - the handle of it turns into her bow, the shattered pieces become the arrows. She's also able to shift her arrows into other forms, specifically water and ice.
˖⁺‧₊˚​​  ✿ ♦︎ 𖦹 ☾ ☘︎ ˚₊‧⁺˖
Cleo: "The connectivity of creation and the diverse threads of our lives! Cure Blaze!"
Transformation item: A watch. Joe made it <3 and it broke and froze at the time when Joe died </3 but it got fixed with Jhost's lime green magic filling in the cracks <3 It's like Yes 5's transformation.
Weapon item: Ribbons! They burst out from her watch, something about turning back time, something about the hands of her watch extending to form multiple ribbons.
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Pearl: "The chaos of creation and the clash between shadow and colour! Cure Moon!"
Transformation item: A camera. It takes different snapshots of her, and every time it takes a photo, that part of her transforms. Something about Pearl wanting to capture the joy of creation but was unable to do so in her villain era. Something about becoming her new self with flashes of light. The camera doesn't record her old life, it creates her new life.
Weapon item: A paintbrush and a palette! Colours get extracted from the iridescent lens. She's able to create illusions and attacks.
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Gem: "The bravery of creation and the delight of dreaming! Cure Birch!"
Transformation item: A charm bracelet. It represents the wishes of all the people from the Hermit Kingdom. Some charms on the bracelet are wooden (representing home and nature), some are gemstones (representing Gem herself), some are metal (representing strength and battle), etc etc.
Weapon item: A sword! One of the gemstone charms in her bracelet becomes the gem embedded in her big sword. She also has the cool effect of stretching out her hand and letting the sword materialise from her bracelet.
˖⁺‧₊˚​​  ✿ ♦︎ 𖦹 ☾ ☘︎ ˚₊‧⁺˖
If you're interested, you can read more on the #precure au tag on my blog :) there's a whole outline and lore and everything
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mahikamihan · 1 year
everyone's squidcraft death has such a narrative symmetry or juxtaposition to them
Tina died in Crazy tails, a game that's possibly the most contradictory to her gentle and kind nature having to steal tails from a different person by hand
Karl died with only Spreen by his side despite befriending multiple people in the spanish community before the games begin, and dtqk+ couldn't even find his body afterwards (or were too late to try)
Dream didn't die by the game's hands, but by the hands of the competitors, his own history as a very well-known, well-respected, skilled player, protecting his brother Sapnap
Foolish, Tubbo and Sylvee died in a game of teamwork, while having some of the most independent spirits and personalities in the game
Quackity...... I don't want to even mention his whole arc, everyone else has done it way better than I did (go read @tinynap and @sapybara's posts they explain it so much better than I)
Hannah was in a constant push and pull between being survivalist, being 'play to win' attitude in the game, but died surrounded by friends both new and old.
And George... he died with Sapnap by his side, between all the animosity he's made since Dream's death and accusing people they want to target him, pushing away Quackity, calling out Hannah, etc., he receives everyone's blessing and words of good luck
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daisychainsandbowties · 11 months
Mrs. Villaumbrosia cleaning out the beach house and just sending all Lilith’s notebooks to her professional address which Lilith is used to and not bothered by except there’s a graduate assistant who goes through all of it and digitizes all the data Lilith has kept since she was, what, 7? when she started really overcoming her writing difficulties. The GA compiles everything Lilith has; esp. roughly two decades of lumpfish data and emails Lilith a copy to approve for publication. Lilith’s only edit is to add Michael as a coauthor.
It starts with dozens of emails from her overeager grad student, taglines full of exclamation points, all caps, conga lines of commas ,,,,,,,LUMPFISH!!!!
Her mother sends it over in an old orange crate she found in the basement, and Lilith would have felt her hands shake if it had been her - and not Michael - who cracked the lid. If she saw how neatly her mother packed each notebook, adding wads of fabric to stop them from falling over.
Inside, also, are her father’s binoculars in their green leather case; old film and videotapes; an adult’s snorkeling mask that’s been cannibalized to fit a child’s head.
One of her old hoodies for stuffing, with a picture of a cartoon crab on the front. Tourist rubbish, given to her by a stall owner who saw her walking up off the beach in a t-shirt and shorts at the advent of a storm, shuddering from the chill and drenched in saltwater. He handed it to her, along with a can of Coca Cola he’d been saving to have with a cigarette after closing up the stall.
The notebooks are held shut with rubber bands so none of the loose pages escape. Her mother would have done this by hand.
But it’s not Lilith who finds this silent “i love you” hidden in an old crate, specially couriered from their old beach house. It’s her grad student, but the sight does at least arrest him.
(and Lilith won’t know this for another decade, but her mother was cleaning up the house to sell it. instead she puts it in Lilith's name. just… gives it to her, slots the keys into an envelope: to be delivered upon my death)
Michael describes how he shook sand out of some of the notebooks, the smell of the ocean dried into the pages when he cracked the spines again to sift through a summertime of drawings.
They’re precise, for the most part. Practical, with neatly described dimensions, notation in a scrunched-up hand because writing hurt, but even then it was impossible not to do it. She had to record what she saw underneath the water.
Sea urchins chewing through the holdfasts at the bottom of kelp, their bodies so bright with the water fleshing down past the moving canopy. Lilith, diving to the seafloor to watch them, armed with the ruler from her father’s old geometry set. Lilith, finding their fivefold symmetry, noting the length of each spine and gently prizing their tube feet from the rocks to carry one of them ashore.
And Michael is like her so he doesn’t balk when she describes slotting her penknife into its shell, little notes on how the spines still moved, and for how long. Observing them down on the sea bed and noting in a scrawl surrounded by water droplets “spines used for locomotion?”
There are drawings of her octopus friend. One, from memory, of her wrapped around Lilith’s arm, trailing her suckers up towards the elbow joint. She finds, scrunched in against this drawing, an almost indecipherable note that Michael mistook for a child’s attempt at an artist’s signature. But it’s not that - when she was eight she never dreamed that anyone would read her notes, or care as much as she did about the ocean. There, in tiny writing, she finds a note (to herself, perhaps?) that reads “me and Octi in july. it was warm.”
It’s a charter of one small stretch of coastline, every species hunted down and documented. She only dissected a few of them, just crabs and sea urchins, comb jellies and sea sponges and, once, a dead pyjama shark.
The others she only observed, diving until she was dizzy and only for as long as a breath could hold her.
Michael sends her the proof, and it’s beautiful. her coloured sketches and her simpler ones arrayed around the sections of commentary she sent him in return emails, over months and months and months. Next to that, her childish observations - crude science, but some of it astounds her. It’s almost poetry, or maybe it only seems like it, to her.
Because she lived it, lungs aching in the aching depth, watching the kelp sway and cast shadows. An octopus wrapped around her arm, following the span and clench of her fist with its little arms, watching the waves crash overhead but sitting calm in the drag of the undertow. It was the only peaceful place in the entire world, back then.
Lilith has found another one since then.
The proof copy of the book arrives festooned in bright customs stamps, stickers haphazard on the cardboard. Lilith scatters packing peanuts across her office floor when she opens it, makes a mental note to pick them up before paprika tries to eat them. The cover is what she expects, but it steals her breath. It’s the drawing of her octopus, tangled around the thinness of Lilith’s seven-year old arm. She can almost feel the water moving around her, the pressure of the suckers on her skin.
Camila finds her staring at it, coming gently into the room with a thermos of soup and half a plastic-wrapped loaf of bread under one arm. Hearing her, Lilith looks up, and there are tears in her eyes.
She blinks, slow, and Camila is there, leaning down to take Lilith's jaw in her hands, thumb swooping over her cheeks.
“It's here,” Lilith mumbles, inarticulate in the presence of her own tears.
And she can’t explain it, really.
Only that she was happy, back then. Curled up in her crab hoodie with her notebook, sketching the sea stacks that you can spot from on top of the cliffs. Her coloured pencils scattered in the sand as she switched between them, trying to capture the deep green of the kelp suffused in sunlight, the red trail of innards from the pyjama shark she hauled up onto the sand. Sea urchins and the quiet rustling of their spines. Jellyfish in their medusa-phase trailing their tentacles.
The peace of floating with them, of following fish and watching sessile creatures creep over the seabed. It was her home, her safest and most sacred place.
But she was also alone, and it was also lonely. Walking home to her unlatched window, she’d sneak down to steal crackers and cheese from the pantry, or cold cuts of ham from the refrigerator - bathed in that cold glow in her bare feet, hands covered in tiny punctures from handling sea urchins without care. She used to pour alcohol-based hand sanitizer over them in the kitchen sink, wincing, and then find the aftertaste of it on the crackers and the cheese.
“I just…” she leans into Camila's touch. “I miss being there, and I don't.”
Camila nods - and Lilith thinks she does understand, growing up poor, hungry, looking after her little brother when the money ran out mid-week.
She leans down, and Lilith rises to meet her, feeling for an instant like she’s back home, surging up towards the air and the light.
Cam kisses her, and Lilith lets her eyes flutter closed because this is it. Her second, sacred, peaceful place. And maybe she’s a fool for finding it in Camila's mouth, but Lilith is a lover of short-lived creatures.
And this one, at least, can also love her back.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. Hi! Do you know any Lan Sizhui/ A’yuan POV fics??
black irises in the sunshine by doodlebutt (G, 2k, LSZ & LWJ, angst, grief/mourning)
❤️ nevermore, nevermore by agloeian (T, 120k, lan sizhui & everyone, wangxian, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst w/ happy ending)
as i stumble homewards by the_pretzel (T, 27k, wangxian, canonical character death, found family, food issues, trauma, LSZ pov, angst w/ happy ending, fluff)
Not Yet (There As Needed) by sunrise_and_death (T, 13k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ, LSZ & JL, post-canon, family bonding, dramatic revelations)  
to make an arbitrary wager by moonsteps (G, 9k, Junior Quartet, JL & LSZ, WangXian, Post Canon, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Friendship, sizhui and the mortifying ordeal of being the gusu lan heir)
to the act of making noise by words-writ-in-starlight (Gunmetal_Crown) (G, 19k, LSZ & WWX & LWJ, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Father-Son Relationship, inquiry, Music, Angst, Fluff, Found Family, mostly CQL verse)
remember the moments when we were together by RoseThorne (T, 2k, LSZ & WWX, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Memories, Depressio, nImplied/Referenced Suicide, wwx needs a hug, Regret, Self-Esteem Issues, Loneliness, Crying, Hugs, Truth, Post-Canon, PTSD, Father-Son Relationship, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, CQL-centric, POV LSZ)
Would You Come Home? by s6115 (Not rated, 46k, WangXian, Junior Quartet Centric, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
🧡the stone-filled sea by yukla (T, 9k, WangXian, LSZ & WWX, Post-Canon, senior wei defense squad, a study of the way prejudice and injustice and anger trickle down from generation to generation)
❤️Symmetry by Vir_Abelasan (M, 13k, LSZ & WWX, wangxian, mind the tags just in case)
keeping score by hauntedotamatone (T, 6k, LSZ & WWX, Background WangXian, the opposite of reconciliation, Protective WWX, Duelling Grief/Mourning, not for jc fans, Swordfighting, Resentment, LSZ centric, No JC & WWX Reconciliation) 
coming of age, coming alive by narie (T, 25k, LSZ & LWJ, LSZ & WWX, wangxian, LSZ & WQ, canon compliant, found family, coming of age)
Path by Jengabears (G, 4k, grief/mourning, soul-searching, repressed memories, burial mounds, good uncle WN, LSZ centric, dead WWX, angst, sad w/ happy ending, comfort)
In all these shades of blue (I think we found you) by Fleetling (T, 5k, wangxian, LWJ & LSZ & WWX, 5+1, LSZ pov, childhood, growing up)
although my mind is young, it is not gentle by everythingispoetry ( T, 27k, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Disability, Parenthood, Growing Up, Family Dynamics, Character Study, Self-Discovery) 
The Sound of Love by  mondengel (Not rated, <1k, wangxian, LWJ & LSZ & WWX, fluff, everyone lives au)
Decorating by Quiet_crash (G, 1k, LSZ & LWJ, LSZ & LXC, LSZ & LJY, Rabbits, Fluff) A-Yuan decides that the bunnies need Lan ribbons
A-Yuan in Bunnyland by Aki_no_hikari (G, 3k, LSZ & LWJ, Fluff, Action/Adventure) A-Yuan dreams—or does he?—of falling down a rabbit hole and stumbling upon a whole parallel Sect of Gusu Buns
Crayon Time with Sizhui Series by treemaidengeek (G, 272, LSZ & LWJ, Fluff, Angst, Family Feels, Canon Compliant, Grief/Mourning, Actual Child Narrator, Actual Crayon Drawings, Bunnies) crayon cartoons by 7½-year-old LSZ 
Anticipation by Quiet_crash (G, 2k, LSZ & WWX, LSZ & LWJ, WangXian) Chenqing and LSZ’s recovery of his Burial Mounds memories, from his POV
history by tongzhi (T, 15k, Background WangXian, LSZ-Centric, Post-Canon, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Hopeful Ending, Character Study)
2. Hi! For the next fic-mood: I just saw on Twitter a very beautiful WangXian fanart in RomeoJuliet AU, and thought there must be someone already wrote a fic for this trope right?? Right?? 😁 Thank you all in advance 🙂🙏🏻 ❤️ Have a nice day! @yellowridge
Star crossed by ToeGod (T, 5k, WIP, WangXian, Romance, Star-crossed, Romeo and Juliet Fusion, Angst, Fluff)
3. Haii! Im in the mood for some MXY with WX fics. Not romantically. I recently read one where they adopted him. Any amount of words and only restriction is not to have MXY romantically involved with WX. Thank you!
Dream a little dream of me by Moominmammashandbag (M, 60k, wangxian, dream cultivation)
💖 Mo XuanYu’s Bewildering Re-Start by MarbleGlove (T, 9k, MXY & WWX, WQ & WWX, wangxian, time travel fix-it, suicide attempt, unreliable narrator)
Moonlit by Aki_no_hikari (T, 8k, wangxian, yiling wei sect au, fluff, battle couple, teacher WWX, canon typical violence)
4. Hi 👋 for the next im in the mood for post, can you please recommend some good possessive wwx fics.
Barefoot Runaway by Itszero (E, 18k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Sex Pollen, No Sunshot Campaign, Mpreg, Possessive WWX, Protective WWX, No War AU, Bottom LWJ)
Strange Magic by Sabinasan (T, 18k, WangXian, Cursed WWX, Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, Cuddling & Snuggling, Possessive WWX, Protective WWX, Sharing a Bed, Sharing Clothes, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Hair Brushing)
5. Hello mods! Can you reccomend me some good wangxian celebrity au s for the next in the mood for post? Thank you😊
always on my mind series by sami (E, 37k, wangxian, LWJ/others, LWJ & JYL, modern, family, sexual tension, grief, superstar musician LWJ, fluff, children, pregnancy, parenthood)
💖Pop and Prejudice by flowerofgusu (E, 25k, wangxian, modern, famous popstar WWX, music critic LWJ, misunderstandings, pining, falling in love, slow burn, fluff & angst, smut, hurt/comfort)
🧡I Don’t Want to Debut! by countingcr0ws (G, 56k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reality show, Idols, Actor LWJ, Forced Contestant WWX) 
Some of You by tangerinechar (M, 60k, wangxian, JC/LXC, JYL/JZX, modern, social media, actor au, pining, fluff, love confessions, matchmaking, light angst)
how to put the entire world in complete chaos, a guide by lan wangji by lanergeges (G, <1k, wangxian, modern, outsider pov, actors, tabloid, fluff, established relationship)
He is Wei Wuxian’s by devinokaze (T, 41k, wangxian, modern, celebrity au, actor WWX, singer/dancer LWJ, social media, entertainment industry, outsider pov, fluff & humor)
life, drama and action by Akai__hana (G; 13k, wangxian, modern, actor au, singer LWJ, actor WWX, social media, fluff & crack, established relationship)
Firework by Aki_no_hikari (G, 4k, wangxian, modern, idols au, bookstore, meet-cute)
live from new york by varnes (E, 87k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, This is a SNL AU, however the juniors are featured and there are lots of shenanigans!, slow burn, friends to lovers, pining, getting together, happy ending)
6. Can I get some Recs for fics that A) have someone bringing up Lan Qiren’s hypocrisy for the rules? holding grudges, judging someone…etc.. B) Also fics where wangxian get together as teens? Either canon era or modern is fine.
save a sword, ride a socialist by sysrae (E, 33k, WangXian, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Single Parent WWX, Homophobia, LQR's A+ Parenting, Angst with a Happy Endin, gidiots to lovers, car seats as an expression of love, literal plot bunnies, Fluff)
found in translation by sysrae (E, 12k, NieLan, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivators, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, my extremely justified hatred of LQR, Meddling brothers, Coming Out, Loss of Virginity, Under-negotiated Kink, slight breathplay, Light Dom/sub, Aftercare, Angst with a Happy Ending) These are modern AUs. For canon, just a heads up there is a Lan Qiren Bashing tag/Bad Parent Lan Qiren tag and Lan Sect Bashing tag that the requestor may want to check?
Straight at the Sun by diamondbruise (E, 33k, WangXian, Canon Universe, no war though, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, Misunderstandings, First Time, Anal Sex, Miscommunication, Jealousy, Happy Ending)
Three changes. by orange_crushed (M, 18k, WangXian, Fluff, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Cloud Recesses Study days, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Comedy, Kissing, Fade to Black, Mild Sexual Content, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot No War AU, Falling In Love, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Blood, First Time)
Epistolary by beeswaxing (T, 7k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Different First Meeting, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Epistolary, Pre-Canon)
7. yo know any good crack treated seriously fics
(All previous recs for this ask have been moved to the Crack Treated Seriously Compilation post, all future recs will be moved there too ^^ - Mod C)
8. hi! first i just wanna say thank yall so much for running this, ive found so many great fics bc of yall!
A) ive been trying to find fics where wwx tells others not to use resentful energy and kinda accidentally snitches on himself in the process? or where hes just like "resentful energy is bad for you. not me tho im lacking a golden core built different"
B) also any fics where resentful energy actually makes wwx stronger (or where it can heal and that kinda thing) or where hes a ghost/undead and just passing as human are appreciated lol (ive read through most of the ghost!wwx tag on ao3, but i know not everything gets tagged so i figured it was worth asking?)
any ideas? and again, tysm and have a nice day!
Fated Series by LtLJ (G, 31k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Post-Apocalypse, Magical Apocalypse, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Canon Diverted via Volcano, YL WWX, Badass LWJ)
death either way by thelastdboy (E, 22k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, POV Alternating, Fix-It of Sorts, Burial Mounds Ensemble as Family, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Grief/Mourning, Not Really Character Death, But it's presumed, Protective Siblings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Blood and Injury, Injury Recovery, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Survivor Guilt, Scheming, Rumors, Cultivation Sect Politics, demonic cultivator WQ, Revenge, Found Family)
9. Would love recs of any fics where the Jiang shidi that got kidnapped by the Wen while practicing archery before the fall of Lotus Pier, lives. Maybe Lotus Pier falls, maybe it doesn't. Maybe he escapes, or is ransomed, or rescued. Maybe they find him during Sunshot forced to act as a servant in a Wen war camp. Maybe they find him in a Wen prison after the war. Maybe a kind Wen smuggles him out. Etc. But the littlest Jiang shidi lives.
Sun Stained Lotus by MidnightLightHowlite (T, 70k, wangxian, YZY&WWX, good parent YZY, angst w/ happy ending, fluff, miscommunication) It's not a main focus of the fic, but for 9 the littlest shidi does survive
10. Hi. Any recs on Mo Xuanyu-centric or Nie brothers-centric. I am on a kick on these side characters lately @umefurikake
The Quiet Room by nirejseki (T, 38k, NMJ/LXC, JGY/LXC, NHS & NJM, LWJ & NMJ, sensory deprivation, partner betrayal, consent issues, manipulation, medical trauma, not LXC friendly, infidelity, gaslighting, mental health issues, willful blindness)
Emotional Support by nirejseki (G, 2k, NMJ & NHS, fix-it)
Once Upon A Time in Qinghe by paranoid_fridge (T, 22k, NMJ & NHS, NMJ & LXC, wangxian, post-canon fix-it, angst, humor)
falling like feathers and cherry blossoms by silversshadow (T, 10k, MXY/XY, WWX & XY, WWX & MXY, canon divergence, reincarnation au)
Check #3 of this same post also
Pocketful of Soul by Jenrose (T, 87k, WIP, WangXian, Travel Fix-It, Time Loop, Canon Divergence, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, eventually, Bamf MXY, MXY Lives, Genderfluid MXY, MXY Backstory, POV MXY, Canon-Typical Self-Sacrificial Behavior, Found Family, ace MXY, Aegosexual NHS, Genius MXY Genius WWX, Not particularly JGY friendly CQL-based)
born under unlucky stars by RoseThorne (M, 1k, JZX & MXY, JZX & QS, WN & WQ, WWX & WQ, WangXian, Canonical Character Death, Ghosts, Souls, Implied/Referenced Sex, Brotherly Love, Anger, Spells & Enchantments, MXY Deserves Better, Revenge, POV MXY)
11. Thank you so much for all your hard work!! I'm in the mood for a fic where WWX fully uses his demonic cultivation where the juniors can see. He never really shows them how destructive he can be and I bet at least part of him doesn't want to Bonus points for angst. Thank you!! @kirk-spock-in-the-impala​
green flame, black flute, red ribbon by Fleetling (T, 3k, pre-wangxian, LJY pov, BAMF WWX, people will die violently for kidnapping the babies, hurt/comfort)
Talismans by brooklinegirl (E, 10k, WangXian)
12. hiiii! for the next in the mood for, does anyone have fics where LXC goes to LQR for advice after Guanyin temple? either as an uncle or as a teacher, or both? thanks!
13. I'm in the mood for a fic where WWX is shy or ashamed about his body or desires for whatever reason.
14. Hi! For the next iitmf can i get A) some good Lan Wangji/Wen Ning/ Wei WuXian fics and/or B) fics where Lan WangJi was really mean to Wei WuXian before they got together 14B fics will be added to #15 ~Mod L
Three Men and a Radish by nirejseki (G, 3k, WangXianNing, Canon Divergence, Oblivious WWX, Mutual Pining)
heartstone by deadbeatrefrain (T, 13k, WangXianNing, Post-Canon, Character Study, Pining, Developing Relationship, Anxiety, Unreliable Narrator, Physical Intimacy, acts of service, Junior Quartet, Lán Zhàn's Rabbits, Past Ningxian, Family, gift giving as a love language, Fluff, Angst, implied depression, Hurt/Comfort)
but the spring will come by ectocosme (E, 7k, WangXianNing, Post-Canon, OT3, Fluff, Smut, Threesome, Double penetration)
It's Soft by Petits Pois (letsgogetlost) (G, 1k, wangxianning, pre-poly, established wangxian, quarantine fic, autistic LWJ, anxious WN, adhd WWX)
i didn’t think it could be true (let alone that it would be you) by ryneisaterriblefan (T, 11k, NingWangXian, Mutual Pining, Cuddling & Snuggling, Texting, Drunk LWJ, drunk WN, Pining, Cafes) 
The Boat Scene in Yunmeng Definitely Counts as a Date by ChaSeuBao (T, 2k, wangxianning, canon divergence, confessions, polyamory, first date)
15. hello ♥️ for the next in the mood for post can you give me fic recs where lwj is kinda mean to wwx at first but then he regrets it?? sorry if this is kinda weird and thank you !! 14B fics will be added on this part, too ~Mod L
Say my name and his in the same breath by ataratah (M, 38k, WangXian, Soulmates AU, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Rejection, Mutual Pining, Found Family Feels, Temporary Character Death, magical baby aquisition, Angst with a Happy Ending, No Golden Core Transfer, Somebody Lives/Not everyone dies, Every woman lives/No woman dies)
the earthquake in the room by phnelt (E, 39k, WangXian, Modern AU, College AU, Canada, Getting Together, Mentions of lwj/others background NieLan, background WQ/MM, inter-faculty romance, Strangers to lovers to frenemies to lovers)
Honesty is the Best Policy (Except if You're an Asshole) by piecrust (E, 22k, WangXian, Modern AU, College AU, Porn with Feelings)
🧡Life as a House  by Terri Botta (Isilwath) (T, 55k, WangXian, Modern AU, Post-Divorce, Father-Son Relationship, Reconciliation, Therapy, Angst with a happy ending)
Regret Blossoms by piecrust (G, 7k, wangxian, hanahaki disease)
16. hi!! do you know any fics with CEO! lwj and secretary wwx (or even just employee wwx) thank you !! <3
Beautiful mess, a colourful wreck by covalentbonds (Not rated, 12k, wangxian, rule 63, fluff & humor, mild smut, childhood friends, first meetings, evil vending machines)
Work-Life Balance is Not A Thing by catbrainedschemes (E, 17k, wangxian, modern, romantic comedy, oblivious wangxian, eventual smut)
Special Delivery by agustdreams (T, 8k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Rich LWJ, Office AU, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Bickering, Family Drama, Dysfunctional Family, Awkward Flirting, WWX is a little shit, Mail delivery clerk WWX)
Wangxian Corporation by Galexyi (M, 91k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Office AU, Fluff, Romance, Domestic Fluff, Mutual Pining, Getting Together)
Hello, IT. Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again? by overmountainandmeadow (T, 65k, wangxian, modern, office au, mutual pining, slow burn, mistaken identity)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
Thank you everyone for all the recs!
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cupofadonis · 4 months
Interesting facts about Codex!
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1. Dex is absolutely dependent on mathematics. She loves counting even the dust that flies past her. She counts out loud, which can be very annoying.
2. Dex can't fantasize if asked to do so. However, she can have dreams. For some reason, Dex doesn't understand how to imagine anything other than numbers in her head.
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3. In an old book, Dex read a myth that frogs cause warts on the skin. Since Dex's lips are green, like frogs, she sincerely believes that her kiss can cause warts. Therefore, she kisses the cheeks of those she dislikes.
4. Dex sees no problem with the complete extinction of beings; she believes that stability is better than its absence.
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5. If the positions of the items are changed, Dex won't be able to find them :(
6. Dex doesn't know how to throw tantrums or get scared; she has to mimic these emotions to show that something has happened. But she does it very strangely.
7. Dex believes that the most attractive thing in a person is their symmetry. Even if the most horrible creature on the planet were perfectly symmetrical, Dex would love that "bad boy".
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vgperson · 1 year
Vocaloid Highlights: December 2022
If it's dull... dash outta there!! Highlights Archive
========== Stand-Outs ========== Eat Sleep Play-Oink Poison Apple Imaginary Citizen CAT HOOD Cafe JazzySnow Spectrum Dull!! Nekommunication Orbit Lily Alert TWILIGHT OATH Dream in Darkness Fall with U Pinched BlackFlagBreaker!! Dash Outta There! Color Matching SnowMix♪ It's Not Christmas Clay Snow Neon Such a Fantasy Deception Unavoidable Cheese Each Time Beautiful Peacock
========== Worth Your Time ========== Out of Sight Tiger Girl Ceiling Observation Journal Love Song temp. Limit Mandala From Unending Winter With Love Aquatic Innocent Veil LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL Pipopuppet Orion Flame Light Veil Lily Aflame Mystery Highway Hypnosist Boule de Neige Venomous Snake Seaside Memory Zunda Will Be An Idol! You Won't Listen To This Song Anyway December Icy girl, love comes water Returning From the Witching Hour Anonymous Undead White crow Duo's Symmetry Strange Love Happy Wedding Tower Towabanaya Jesus Be My Guest Imitation Sermon Fragrantly-Blooming Water's Surface Education Theory CUGE!! Cliff Merry-Go-Round Soap Missing Star Parallel Highway Breathing at Planet's End Masterpiece Doesn't Matter Night Token Miniature Melt Into Mercuy Knight of Kairos Trade-Off Eternity E na Doctor White Night Irony Resilience Pathological Jealousy Interglacial Old-Folks Town Mind Numbing Legs For Whom Aten Pluto Nursery Etude Daedalus Won't Drop It For Me Hallelujah to the Night Sky ember Sweet Fish Living in Hell Canopus At Night Sweet Winter Polka-Dot Castanet Yet Resume Self Antithesis Seconds-Hand Strike Permafrost Research: 13th Month Wandering Log Now It's Fine. GOAT Silky Kashika illuminate (everyday) Update Present BRIGHT FUTURE Happy Merry Dress Blooming Bells 120 Misfortune Overflow Rust White (No Title) Star Field Dead Stock Science Pavlovian Love Ghost Romance Ever Green Gestalt Skyscraper Melantrick Hyperinflation Mercenary Scrapper Slumber Indeed Sinks Goodbye, Shoegazer Please Instruct Me? Earth Snake Good Kid and Kitsune
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writingpuddle · 11 months
re: ask game - perspective flip for broken symmetries?
thank you! end of chapter four, from andrew 175's POV. neil baits ichirou and andrew...has a moment ;)
Unusual Fic-Specific Asks for Authors
Nathan was doomed.
Andrew wasn’t happy with it, but he also wasn’t surprised. Everything that made him a boss Andrew was willing to run for also made him a boss destined for disaster. Andrew had just meant to be well clear when the detonation actually happened.
Andrew’s hands were cuffed rudely behind his back. The shoulder he’d wrenched as a teen burned from the awkward angle. In the centre of the room, a gun rose to sight into Nathan’s upturned face.
No, Andrew hadn’t expected Nathan to last much longer. But he also hadn’t anticipated Neil.
Focus. He’d gotten the errant multiverse traveller his magic necklace or whatever it was. If he’d been telling the truth, he’d be out of the picture any second now, and one less body for Andrew to worry about. Aaron knelt beside Andrew, seeping blood from the corner of his mouth. One of his eyes was bruised to a slit. The anger that stirred in Andrew’s gut was swiftly stifled.
Focus. Aaron’s hands were bound in front of him, so maybe he could use that. Natalie had gone down in a pile-up trying to cover a couple of the rookies. Andrew craned his neck and—yes, there she was—
Neil's voice murmured his name. He glanced back, but Neil's mouth was hovering an inch from the collar, eyes fixed on Nathan. Andrew dragged his head back around, gritting his teeth. His temples throbbed. Ichirou’s guards had given him a couple of good thumps when they’d dragged him off. Compensating for their ludicrous failure to stop him, he assumed. His thoughts wobbled.
Focus! He’d failed Nicky. He wouldn’t fail Aaron.
Moriyama runners on every door. His battle vest was reinforced, nearly bulletproof. If Aaron could take out one guard, Andrew could use his body to shield him from the rest of the hall—
Neil stepped in front of Andrew.
“What are you doing?” Andrew hissed. Idiot! He was going to ruin everything. “Don’t—”
Neil ignored him. His voice boomed across the room. “Ichirou!”
A chill went down Andrew’s spine. Nights above, he sounded like Nathan. Andrew could just see a sliver of his face in profile, the inhuman bruises running up his cheek like snakes.
“No,” Nathan whispered.
Runners charged forward, but Neil raised a chiding finger. “I wouldn’t do that,” he said. “Touch me, and I’ll be gone before you can say another word.”
Ichirou stopped them. Why—
Oh. Neil held the collar a little higher. The lunatic was going to try and negotiate. The bloody Wileyite fool had no idea what a Moriyama boss did in the face of that kind of naïveté—
“You can do no such thing,” Ichirou said. “This is a bluff.”
Andrew let his gaze slip from the confrontation. The runners who had been watching him and Aaron had moved at Neil's challenge. He could use this.
“You know it’s not,” Neil said. “But then, you’ve always known it was possible. You’ve always seen farther than the others. You dreamed of the stars since you were old enough to know what they were. You lined up stones on the ground in the shape of solar systems and imagined what it would take to walk among them.”
Andrew’s eyes snapped back to him.
Ichirou Moriyama, heir to the Blood Emperor, Prince of Ashtown, reeled back like he’d been slapped. “How do you know that?”
Andrew might have actually stopped breathing.
A vicious smile stretched across Neil's face. Blood seeped down from a wound on his cheek like a single crimson tear.
“Because on the world I come from, you succeeded.”
The hairs rose on the back of Andrew’s arms. This was no negotiation. This was a trap. The glint of light in Neil's eye burned like the crack of a spark. Like the glow of a will-o-wisp in the swamp. It could only lead to disaster, but nights, for a moment Andrew watched that hypnotizing smile stretch and understood why the moth immolates itself on the flame.
“Do you want to see it?” Neil asked, and a thrill of understanding went through Andrew’s body. What had Neil said again? The universe rejects you. He remembered the crushed and bleeding body they’d found in the desert just days ago.
If Ichirou had indeed invented multiverse travel—and it made sense, didn’t it? Nathaniel served Ichirou. Of course Neil would do the same, elsewhere.
 Aaron’s soft curse broke Andrew’s reverie. He missed the next exchange as he followed Aaron’s gaze past the glittering trap being laid in the centre of the room to where Riko still held Nathaniel hostage.
It was like a bolt of cold water. Riko’s arm had slipped a little, his knife no longer secure against Nathaniel’s jugular.
And that face—almost the same as the one currently baiting Ichirou. Almost the same, but contorted in desperate rage. Nathaniel’s chest heaved as air hissed through his clenched teeth. His eyes flashed.
Firelight glinted off steel, and Andrew reacted before he fully understood.
Nathaniel’s knife plunged into Riko’s gut. Andrew was already running.
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legobiwan · 31 minutes
More thoughts because I apparently need to draft an entire backstory before I can write a "drabble" (which will definitely not be a drabble), aka, more lore ideas for a show that's already been picked over with a fine-tooth comb a million times, but here we are, years late, Starbucks in hand, as the old meme goes.
At the end of the whole Weirdmaggedon fiasco, Ford makes his hilariously inept proposition for him and Stan to go sailing the Arctic (Ford's heart was in the right place, but this is not how you want to introduce the possibility of fulfilling your childhood dream to your estranged and traumatized brother of 30+ years).
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Anyway, Ford's lack of social skills aside, we know the general location of where they're heading from Ford's fancy-pants watch.
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Now, they have a few options to get to the Spooky in the Arctic.
Take the Panama Canal
Take the Northwest Passage
Start their trip from the East Coast
Option 1: The Panama Canal, aka, a legitimate, if unlikely idea
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While private vessels can cross the canal, it looks like the cost of doing so runs about $2500, maybe not an issue for the Pines twins by the end of the show, but in addition to this, crossing the Canal requires 4 linemen, who Stan and Ford would have to hire. My instinct says they wouldn't be so interested in this, at first. Maybe Ford's fixation on the Arctic was just an excuse, but given his canonical enthusiasm, I doubt he would want to deviate too far from that course. Likely the Stan twins come back later do the Canal, on their way back to Oregon. Maybe.
Option 2: The Northwest Passage, aka Death
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A route through the Arctic has been the dream of many an explorer for centuries. In recent times, mostly due to global warming, the Northwest Passage has become a sliver of a option to get from West to East. Territorial and political disputes aside, it's still a wildly unsafe option, and one I imagine Ford would love to give a go at, considering all the lore surrounding the Franklin Expedition. Stan, however, would vote this down immediately. He'd like for him and his brother to live to see sixty. And not resort to cannibalism. At least not immediately.
Option 3: Setting Off From Jersey, aka, You Can Go Home Again (But Not For Too Long)
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Our final option is for the Pines twins to set off on their adventure from the good old East Coast. Aside from the narrative symmetry, it's also the most practical option. This leaves us with some tantalizing loose ends. Do Stan and Ford build their boat in Oregon and then haul it cross-country? (And what a trip that would be). Or would they have it shipped and meet it later? (Realistic, but boring). Or maybe they go back East and build/order/buy the boat there. And by there, I do feel like there's no other place they could go through with this idea than Jersey. Now, they can't go from the major ports (the Port Authority Ports of New York and New Jersey, which are mainly located in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Newark, and...Bayonne). But! There are a bevy of slips and marinas up and down the Jersey coastline, perfect places to build/buy/refurbish a vessel (and a relationship). A place to leave a lifetime of ill-will behind and start anew.
This makes me think about Stan and Ford, back in Jersey after all that time, probably not too far from where they grew up. It would be a wonderful setting to explore some kind of character piece (especially if they go on some of bonkers road trip to get there) and narratively, it just fits too well.
There's no real thesis to this analysis, aside from the idea that Stan and Ford likely began their journey in the exact place they ended it so long ago. As I said, narrative symmetry and all that jazz.
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windsweptinred · 8 months
Still thinking about your last corithiel hc with Ruin as special guest! Can I ask for more details about it? <3
Ahhhhh Ruin and Corinthiel. 😅 You know, this started off as such a crack headcanon... But actually going back and viewing Ruin with a Corinthiel magnifying glass makes him SO much more interesting.
Like most I think the first time I read The Dreaming: The Waking Hours, I viewed Ruin as a hopeless disaster. And not in a sexy Constantine type way... In a, oh Ruin.. Deep deep sigh... type way. But that kind of does make sense. As far as we're aware Ruin is Daniel's first independent creation as Dream. He's hopeless, insecure and desperately wants to escape his role in the Dreaming. Which makes sense, because he's a perfect reflection of his creator, who is suffering from a cosmic case of imposter syndrome. Is also full of doubt about filling Morpheus's shoes and possibly in the darkest reccess of his mind wishes he was elsewhere.
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(Also Daniel, Babygirl... Sweetcheeks. We love you, we feel your suffering. But Ruin's right there. Greet your creation first, wallow in self pity later. )
And there my assessment of Ruin would end. A young nightmare created by a young creator who inherited all this masters insecurities. Yet forged a path for himself despite it all....But (snaps on the shipping goggles) revisiting the comic, I did start to notice some similarities...
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Ruin is no Corinthian, no masterpiece of an artistic maestro. He's raw art created by unpractised hands. But when you line them up side by side, there's an interesting correlation. Ruin is rebellious to fault if he feels his rebellion is justifiable. Will not bend to his Creators will, no matter what that may cost him. And has a deep, intsense, almost blinding passion to the point of fixation. He'll do anything to find Ben, anything to be with Ben. Anything so he's the centre of Ben's world. And has a tendency to turn self destructive if something impedes that. Sound familiar?
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Was Daniel's aim to create the Corinthian 3.0...absolutely not. I doubt he'd have the want or the confidence to try. But did he indirectly pour into Ruin a part of him, but also what his experience of what a preeminent nightmare is, what the nightmare closet to him is?
I think Morpheus's last creation, the second iteration of the Corinthian, and Daniel's first, Ruin, have a strange poetic symmetry to them. Similar in temperament and how they both stand apart from the rest of the Dreamings nightmares. (One could argue a case for Gault ofcourse. But the Corinthian and Ruin share a self centeredness in their desires Gault doesn't. Gault wanted to inspire to change, Ruin and the Corinthian want what they class as theirs and WILL get it) Daniel crafted Ruin, no matter how subconsciously to be different, to be a nightmare who can love. And well, if he's a reflection of the second Corinthian, who was molded a little different to the first, with something that makes him the same, but different... Well. 😏
So Ruin, still a hopeless little nightmare. But an interesting part of the Corinthian 2.0 and Daniel's cycle of rebirth of the new, yet a reflection of the old. A restart to Daniel's reign reflecting the conclusion of Morpheus's.
Now leaving attempts at reason behind and falling arse over tit into full on Corinthiel goodness, when a dark mirror of humanity and an anthropomorphic personification of Dreams love each other very much... Said Dream Lord can accidently make a sentient manifestation of that love. Cori, you may as well call Ruin, 'Junior' cause you ARE the Co parent. 🤣
Ruin is such a little Corinthiel scrapbook made flesh... Dreamstuff. A Nightmare born with one goal, one he feels destined to fullfill, to find his beloved and be by their side always. That's it. When we talk about Morpheus crafting Cori for Daniel, well..Did Daniel stand on the beach of creation thinking, Oh how I love you, let me create a tiny terror tot to show you the ways. 😆 Seriously, part of me needs a fic where Cori and Dani are oblivious idiots who slowly realise they're in love through Ruin. Who is literally a walking, talking flashcard there for all to see, saying, Yes, you're in love, just kiss each other!!! The Corinthian being lumped with abysmal baby nightmare as a student and lamenting every second. Daniel slumping dramatically about the Dreaming in woe over his failure as a creator. Meanwhile Matthew is desperately trying to point out.. "Guys, I think blue's existence is trying to tell you something important." 😆
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open-hearth-rpg · 2 months
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Open Hearth Video Roundup - April 12, 2024
Welcome to the weekly Open Hearth Gaming video roundup!
These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the games we play every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play in games like these, join our Playabl community and click on the "Calendar" tab to sign up for upcoming games. To browse our entire library of session videos, please visit our YouTube Playlists page.
Open Hearth Gaming Calendar
Orbital (Session 3 of 3) Donogh runs for Mark and Puckett Cash Only rushes to get those star-crossed lovers out of their hunter's crosshairs. Rye calls up one of her regulars to spirit them away, thanks to the best smuggler in the sector! Meanwhile Hemlock sits down with Calla to come to an arrangement. But every scheme is sidelined by the awakening in the depths of the station, something in motion thanks to that surprise nuke...
Eotenweard: The Old North (Session 4) Alun R. runs for Dom, Dominik M., and Pawel S. Amid the smoking aftermath of the Ogre's rampage our Heroes agree the solution to the ills that beset Stenholm (and a missing hawk) must lie within the nearby Treacherous Forest. There's evidence that someone got there before them, a grisly dismemberment, and a revelation of who is to blame. Then...the Heroes discover they have been misled; must identify the real villain; and confront that embodiment of the Darkness...
Trail of Cthulhu: Fearful Symmetries: Arc Two (Session 6) Lowell Francis runs for Alun R., Paul Rivers, Sherri, and Will H The characters arrive at Mathers Hall in Norfolk and Willford discovers the geography has changed in the two weeks since he last visited. They meet some of the guests-- a strange mix of folks deep in the secrets of magic, as well as staff who may be invested as well. The doctor receives a ride from Verity Dyse and becomes wary. Dinner and after reveals more secrets...and then a missing guest!
Trail of Cthulhu: Fearful Symmetries: Arc Two (Session 7) Lowell Francis runs for Alun R., Paul Rivers, Sherri, and Will H The morning of the shoot at Mathers Hall opens with a missing guest that few comment on. Paired up with fellow guests, the magicians learn more about their personalities and agendas. Richard skips the hunt, instead learning more about the origin of the mysterious Pascale Dumont. The investigation continues, with the good Doctor turning the tables on their host by admitting in private to the murder of Lord Bradbury. But then Lord Portmore's associate vanishes and there's an attempt on Verity Dyce's life which goes awry.
Dreams and Machines: Red King's Slumbers (Session 1) Lowell Francis runs for Eliot, José Feito, Kevin M, and Vince Session Zero and inciting incident for a short series of Dreams and Machines, a new setting inspired by Horizon: Zero Dawn and other sci-fi post-apocalyptic games. We create our characters, build bonds, and start things out so the players can begin to get used to the mechanics of this version of 2d20.
Dreams and Machines: Red King's Slumbers (Session 2) Lowell Francis runs for Eliot, José Feito, Kevin M, and Vince In the wake of their battle against the Thralls, our heroes discover an ancient cache containing a potentially dangerous technology, but decide to bring them along. They reach New Mossgrove and find out that recent attacks have changed the balance of power within the town...
Girl by Moonlight: On a Sea of Stars (Session 1 of 5) Donogh runs for Ian, Matthew Doughty, and Sabine V. Having awoken vengeful Gods with their meddling in time travel - a last branch of humanity hurtles through space in an interstellar ziggurat, hunted by the Leviathans. Our group of Pilots, chosen by their congregation to be doomed martyrs, is the only thing that can protect them - but it it only out there on a sea of stars that the pilots and their Engines feel whole, with an intimate bond and control over their own fate that the rest of humanity can barely imagine...
Girl by Moonlight: On a Sea of Stars (Session 2 of 5) Donogh runs for Ian and Sabine V. We are introduced to two of our pilots: Jet/Apogee the Outsider goes outside the Ziggurat to do some post asteroid-strike repairs, but returns to polish the Engine Shamash to its full glory. Cordelia the Enigma, living a double life as a maintenance worker who as Red Shift sneaks into the hangar bay to take the Engine Tezcatlipoca out on an unscheduled foray.
Godbound: Sundered Cycles (Session 32 of 33) Lowell Francis runs for Dan Brown, Ethan Harvey, Patrick Knowles, Sherri, and Tyler Lominack Interacting with the new pantheon our gods joined to their own, they work to learn more about the looming Draconic and Elemental Evil threats. Threadless builds her dragon, though there remains a flaw at the heart of it. Random speaks with his bride about their future. Tasos considers expanding his nightmare realm. Darius finds both a kindred spirit and a solution. And Ordevi takes his leave from the pantheon, heading out to spread word of the new gods via a knowledge aqueduct.
Godbound: Sundered Cycles (Session 33 of 33) Lowell Francis runs for Ethan Harvey, Patrick Knowles, Sherri, and Tyler Lominack The final session of the campaign.
Damn the Man, Save the Music! Donogh runs for Casey T, David Adrian Randall, and Thomas Manuel The employees of Revolution Records are (not) prepping for the imminent arrival of Mr Maestro! Jake J the local rockstar is desperately seeking a band, Brags the space case is trying to find the lost cat, Apple the overachieving temp is looking to reconnect with a cute skater boy! And they're wondering what Yu's beef is with the big shot and what exactly Purple means on the DEFCON scale...
Star Wars Saturday
Fellowship Rich Rogers runs for Cody Eastlick, Greg G., Kae, Steven Watkins, and Tyler Lominack The Fellowship of the Dilligent Spark travel to Dathomir to discover the sinister plot of Taron Malicos, then rush to face him and his Nightbrother band.
Stars in the Dark: Stars in the Dark II (Session 6) Anders runs for Marc Majcher, Mark (they/them), Rich Rogers, and Steven Watkins KABOOOM!
Off-Calendar Highlights
The Between: Stars and Suns, Season Two (Session 9) Madelancholy runs for Jack, Mike, Sarah W., and Steph "Coming and Going" - In an attempt to find out more about the Slugger, Ernest gets more involved in Bout Club, to his dismay. Sir Atticus listens to La Hortencia's story after fending off interference from a familiar acquaintance. Dame Georgie allows himself to be a temporary vessel to the Abbey's demonic presence, only to be betrayed more than once. Liat makes several tempting offers.
Trophy Gold: Hissing Darkness: In the Wake of Secrets (Session 1) Madelancholy runs for Dom, James, Jazy, and Mike Ferdinando The first of two concurrent series of this Rooted in Trophy (Gold) incursion, the characters wake too early in a Ship warped by perfect darkness…survival a priority.
Trophy Gold: Hissing Darkness: Whispers in Exile (Session 1) Madelancholy runs for Amanda/iamatrex, B, Jonn, and Marc Majcher The second group to find themselves in the strange eerie darkness of the Ship, the survivors make their way out of Cold-Sleep, finding terrible things in the next Set...
Trophy Gold: Hissing Darkness: In the Wake of Secrets (Session 2) Madelancholy runs for Dom, James, Jazy, and Mike Ferdinando The survivors manage to battle their way out of the Cold-Sleep Warrens...but now they find themselves in the twisted, warped halls and vents of The Maze, stalked by something deadly, even as the Dark calls out to them: Reunion. Rebirth. Remake. And one of their number does, succumbing to their urge to consume and be consumed...
Trophy Gold: Hissing Darkness: Whispers in Exile (Session 2) Madelancholy runs for Amanda/iamatrex, B, Jonn, and Marc Majcher Deep within The Maze, the survivors encounter the strange warping of the Ship and more signs of that which hunts them. Memories come unbidden and are made real, and calls from the Dark tempt further connection...
Paranormal Inc (Session 9) Madelancholy runs for Brent and Michael D. Down by the Haunted Riverside - What could go wrong on a day-long cruise of teambuilding/employee party fun-time? Rumours abound as strange occurrences plague their trip - is it the boat, the river, or the Very Good Boat Cruise Company themselves?
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fuckinuhhh · 1 year
Architectural Finds, 06/25/2023
Today's walk was short, I was just going in to DoBro to get some things from target but of course I had to stop and take some pictures along the way. Here are some architectural highlights from the walk there.
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First were these row-houses along Fulton St, and this cool corner window aspect that the end house had.
Built 1882.
Located at 664-674 Fulton St these seemed like they were all the same architect save for the third house in at 668 that looked like it been rebuilt at some point or maybe covered with a brick facade.
You can see some of the rusting from the old Cast-Iron facade that was cutting edge technology in the day in the second picture.
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Another row of houses that caught my eye were this row of brownstones with their beautiful ornamentation around the door frames. This is right around the corner at 109-117 S Elliot Pl.
I have no way of knowing if they were all built by the same owners originally as I cant seem to find any records for them online :/, but they were likely built around the turn of the last century 1890-1910 when this style of building was commonly constructed. It was likely that they were built by separate owners/architects, as their ornamental stone decorations aren't all exactly the same.
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Moving on, A CHURCH! That's right I love a good ornate church and this one surely delivered. Just look at that gothic stone articulation above the entrance! Its so organic looking, it sends shivers down my spine just looking at it and I want to sink my teeth into it all in one.
Built in 1931 to the tune of the Hanson Place Central United Methodist Church, and today it sits abandoned, boarded up, and full of black mold.
The overall shape of the building is so interesting it has so much going on with its MASSIVE brick pillar motifs, likely intended to vertically gesture up toward the creator.
One source describes it as "Gothic restyled in modern dress, an exercise in massing brick and tan terracotta that might be called cubistic Art Moderne."
Someone with more theological architectural background could go further in depth than I can on it I'm sure, but it's always exciting to see the passionate attention to detail that a good cathedral has in it's architecture.
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Next I don't know if I love this one but I just wanted to shout it out as having a BIG clock face! Like that thing is so high upppp it must be 100 feet in diameter!
Without even looking it up I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say this is maybe Brooklyn City Hall, or another government building??? It resembles the thing they're doing in all of the governing buildings I've seen up in Albany.
I don't particularly like this architectural style its boring and chunky in my opinion, but I have to say its not the ugliest thing I've seen. I respect the sense of radial symmetry its upper terraces and flanks suggest, and cmon you cant knock that clock.
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Second to last, we have this red & black beauty. Love the Greek-Revival pediments on each wing of the building as well as the renaissance revival inclusions in the carved cords/ribbons hanging in between the pilasters.
After some research, this seems to be an old Schoolhouse built in 1892 that has unfortunately since been absorbed by the ultra-modern townhouse on the end of the street at 81 Hanson Pl and transformed into a massive painting studio/home by painter David Salle. Wish I could find more info on the original schoolhouse tho :/
(Second photo ripped from google images)
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HONORABLE MENTION: Caught this Mansard Roof moment on my way into the subway station and oof, tug at my heartstrings this is cute.
Across the street from the dream studio/abomination this guy sits pretty at 83 Hanson Pl and is the only brownstone on the block with a cute hat (mansard roof).
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alrikhart · 10 days
@fharzai location: dreamscape notes: his leg isn't fucked up here :)
When Alrik closed his eyes, the druid was always there. Even without Fharzai's influence, Alrik thought he could conjure him now when he wanted to. When he needed him; lately, that had been more often than not.
There was a lightness that came in the waking hours when Alrik was liberated from his dreams, but the darkness remained, giving contrast to the scape that spread out from the hill in all directions. Clouds of pink and lavender, permeated by shallow rivets of a darker emerald and deep violet. In the distance a storm rumbled, flickers or thunder that sparked and flourished, a shadow stretched from their hill to the horizon - but it was a distant thought. One that Fharzai helped stave from Alrik's mind while he slept.
Idle, calloused fingers trailed against Fharzai's side as Alrik kept his cheek pressed to the top of the druid's head. Eyes fixed on the horizon as he ruminated over what was awaiting him in Lysara. What sort of life he'd have, and what he and Alessia would do when they were reunited. She'd spoken so often of the tower, but now when Alrik thought of his place in the world he thought of so many things; The Old Woman in the Mountains, the Legion of the Dead, and the Tower of Olympia. It wasn't possible to have everything, but now and again obscurity had its own appeal too.
Would that he could just dream forever.
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"Will you show me something?" Alrik's head tilted from the horizon toward the man on his chest, unbroken legs stretched in front of him as the pain he felt in the waking world was a thing of the past. There was such an odd symmetry between not knowing the man at all, and feeling as though he had always known him. Fate was fickle in its machinations and, this feeling wasn't enough, he found he wanted to know him for real. All of him. "Anything, your past, your present - what you want for your future." Alrik thought briefly of his own story, "I'll share after."
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