#the nostalgia was good. i miss watching the show with my dad.
desiresign · 8 months
after watching some.videos in defense of it from popular critical (or 'critical' in quotes as they were made by bigots) , I decided to rewatch steven universe at least the bits I missed and cared to watch. I dint think it was so bad as people ragged on it to be, but I do think the redemption of the diamonds was very rushed , at least with white diamond because she was the baddest and worst of them but turns around a little too quick. also I'm still never gonna be impressed with people overlooking racist tropes in the show, even the videos I watched, while avoiding the subject , still had to point out that a black man helped create the show, but that doesn't really matter whennits misogyny against black Women that is the main issue here. but regardless well su is a cartoon and yeah its certainly a cartoon
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autumnsxxangel · 9 months
SandRay are an homage to Wong Kar-Wai's Happy Together and in this essay I will..
...actually explain it because I see people catching his homage's to Western queer media, but not really his shout outs to Eastern queer media.
I assumed there would be allusions to Happy Together when I first saw the trailer, but this last episode centered around Ray really cemented it for me. After all, why would P'Jojo reference all these Western queer shows and not talk about what is probably the most iconic piece of Eastern queer media ever?
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Wong Kar-Wai & Happy Together
For some background information, Wong Kar-Wai is a famous and insanely influential Hong Kong filmmaker. If you're a film nerd, you probably know who he is and recognize his style. If you like film and metas, I would recommend watching some of his stuff because afterwards, you'll realize just how much influence he still has on modern media, especially in Asia. Stylistically, he's known for rich color grading; thematic usage of music; an unending sense of nostalgia, heartbreak, and missed opportunities; and dialogue that mean nothing on the surface because everything meaningful is boiling just under, left unsaid (If you've watched Everything Everywhere, All At Once, the entire actress universe sequence was an homage to Wong Kar-Wai). His actors always do a phenomenal job because so much of what they need to portray can't be communicated through words. It makes sense why SandRay, aka FirstKhao, were chosen to represent Happy Together as they are the strongest actors out of the group.
Happy Together, simply summarized, is about two men, Ho Po-Wing and Lai Yiu-Fai, who are in a very tumultuous relationship. They end up in Argentina because they wanted to visit the waterfall that's on a lamp that they own. They get lost, end up using all their money, and have to figure out a way to get back to Hong Kong. While there, they break up, get back together, and break up again.
The movie was released in 1997 and is still ranked as one of the best queer movies of all time. The two main characters are played by Tony Leung and Leslie Cheung. You might recognize Tony Leung as Simu Liu's dad in Shang-Chi. Leslie Cheung was in Farewell, My Concubine, and was famously a bisexual man with a long term male partner. This is significant because it was virtually unheard of to be out and open at that time (he made his relationship public in 1997 though he had mentioned bisexuality in earlier years), especially in Hong Kong which was, and still is, very homophobic. Leslie received a lot of hate for his sexuality and androgyny. (If you're interested in learning more about Leslie as a queer Asian figure, this is a good video essay that goes over his work and his life).
Sand as Lai Yiu-Fai
Fai's, and in turn Sand's, character can be summed up by one line, "One thing I never told Ho Po-Wing was that I didn't want him to recover so fast. Those were our happiest days."
Both Fai and Sand are very static, straightforward characters. They stay above board for the most part and work a variety of jobs to survive. They have their morals about what is right and wrong, which unfortunately is both of their downfalls.
In Happy Together, Wing breaks up with Fai because he is bored with the relationship. He basically says, "I'm bored being with you. Let's break up. If we happen to meet again, we can try again." Then he leaves Fai stranded on the side of a highway.
Later, he reappears in Fai's life. The first encounter is a fight, much like Sand and Ray's first meeting in the bathroom. The second encounter is because Wing gets beaten up. He goes to Fai because he knows Fai will feel obligated to take care of him and he does. It becomes the beginning of their rekindled relationship.
Similarly, Sand has a strong sense of obligation. There are already metas out there about how Sand has a bit of a hero complex. He sees Ray too drunk to drive and he had to step in. He doesn't just take the keys and order a taxi. No, he takes the keys and drives Ray. Sand sees Ray being all sad and pathetic and he can't stop himself from helping. It makes him feel useful. It makes him feel needed.
Both of these men are caretakers. They show affection by providing care. Sand ends up cooking for Ray just as Fai cooks for Wing even when he's sick. As an added bonus, they both make fried rice.
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Both Sand and Fai are characters that stand completely still. Ray and Wing always know where to find them. Sand can always be found at YOLO and Fai is at his apartment. Because of this, Ray and Wing come and go as they please. They know that Sand and Fai will take them back...until they finally don't.
Ray as Ho Po-Wing
Starting on a base level, both characters are bratty, needy, promiscuous, spoiled, and selfish. But most importantly, they both share a love of fluffy cardigans.
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(I also have a theory they keep putting Ray in wife beaters as an homage to the 90's HK cinema style because otherwise...I just don't understand why, as a rich asshole, he's always in wife beaters. By Thai BL logic, he should be in shirts with too many buttons unbuttoned.)
Wing and Ray are both the ones controlling the pace and direction of the relationship. They come when they need someone to nurture their wounds, both physically and metaphorically. They leave when they're bored or have things they deem more important. They both initiate intimacy and won't take no for an answer.
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Wing does this by first trying to join Fai on the couch and then chasing after him to the bed and begging him to let them sleep together.
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Ray does it by continuously getting Sand to get in the car with him and then using his puppy dog eyes.
They are both also very, very pouty.
Wing's line is "We could start over". He says it every time he comes back after he's the one that ends the relationship. Fai always fights taking him back, but he always does it anyway.
Ray doesn't really have a line yet (unless you count his "na na naa~"s) but he bats his eyelashes and so far Sand has given into him every time. Sand keeps trying to set boundaries, but the moment Ray begs a little bit, Sand crumbles like a house of cards and lets Ray have whatever he wants.
Relationship Parallels
Wong Kar-Wai is known for making movies about star crossed lovers who are meant for each other, but aren't meant to be together.
Like Wing and Fai, Sand and Ray fill in each other's cracks in a way that complements each other. However, because of the nature of the cracks themselves, them complementing each other is exactly what makes the relationship so toxic. One stays and one goes. One takes and one gives. One is steady and one is flighty.
Most of what I wanted to say about the parallels between their relationships is in the character comparison. What I'm more interested in is the future of SandRay's relationship, especially if they continue to parallel Wing and Fai's in Happy Together.
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Obviously, Wing and Fai don't end up together at the end. It wouldn't be a Wong Kar-Wai movie if they did. What is interesting is that Fai's relationship with Wing eventually pushes him into becoming something angry and spiteful. Once Wing heals, Fai knows that he'll become bored and want to leave. In an attempt to get him to stay, he steals and hides Wing's passport which is insane because they are both gay men stuck in a foreign country where they don't speak the language.
Wing, of course, leaves anyway.
There is also a third character, Chang, whom Fai ended up liking. These new feelings are what eventually pushes Fai to leave Argentina and move on from Wing and move on with his life.
The question is, if SandRay follows that same path as Happy Together, what will be the passport that Sand tries to hold over Ray and who will be Sand's Chang?
Stylistic Parallels
Making Ray and Sand smoke is definitely an homage to Happy Together with the added bonus of being a metaphor. For the most part, we rarely see characters, especially main characters, smoke in Asian media because smoking is reserved for 'bad' characters.
Cigarettes in Happy Together represent boredom. Fai and Wing smoke at the beginning before they rekindle their relationship because they are just moving through life. Once Fai and Wing get back together, cigarettes stop making an appearance. It isn't until their relationship started deteriorating that we see the men smoking again.
This can also be said about Sand Ray's relationship. They started their 'involvement' with cigarettes. However, the last time we actually see them smoking is in ep 2 right before they hook-up. Since then, we have not seen either of them smoking. This probably means that we'll see one or both of them smoking again when their relationship starts to break down.
(In the preview for ep 5, there is an ashtray in the background on the balcony so let's see if Boston finding out about them is a catalyst for them to start breaking down.)
And of course, there is the added homoeroticism of asking for a light.
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Ray's Opening and Closing Scenes
Ray's episode is really what made me go "I see you P'Jojo".
Ray's episode starts with a shot of him isolated and in emotional pain. The camera is claustrophobically close and it keeps moving around. He has a little voiceover opening. It's calm, it's contemplative, it's a little existential, and it is irrevocably sad. If that is not a Wong Kar-Wai staple, then idk what is. Even the song that starts playing gives me 80s, 90s Cantopop vibes.
Ray talks about how Mew being his emergency contact and the one he goes to. Fai talks about how Wing always comes back to him and says "Let's start over".
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The movie and the episode ends with both of them once again isolated, alone. They've been through an emotional journey and they've technically moved on. But there's always the idea of not being able to fully let go in Wong Kar-Wai's movie. So just like how Fai has physically removed himself from Wing, but not emotionally, has Ray actually fully removed himself from Mew?
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Then there's just a collection of scenes that reminded me very heavily of Happy Together and Wong Kar-Wai's style. I would have added pictures from his other movies for comparison, but Tumblr only lets me put 30 images in a post and I don't want to make a 2nd post.
This scene is specifically from the 1st trailer so I hope they keep it in the show.
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This one I call the inevitability of falling. Both Sand and Fai realize they're fully committed to their decision to take care of Ray and Wing here.
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The end title card
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Actually, all of the end title cards give very Wong Kar-Wai vibes. Look at that saturated, neon color grading. Look at the elongated shots. The intense feeling of isolation.
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I'm assuming we'll get all the characters at one point, but so far it looks like the end credit cards indicate who the narrator of each episode is.
Anyway, that's it for me! Sorry it was so long and rambling. I tried to organize my thoughts but as I was thinking, more thoughts would pop up and I'd get distracted. If you made it this far, thanks for reading!
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lyrenminth · 8 days
What we could be
Second part of the request about Joe and you getting divorce
Happy ending, second chance
I'm going to send the kids with my mom on Saturday. Would you like to go out and eat something or we stay at the house?"
Truthful to his word, Joe sent you a text. You didn't know what to answer, going out implied many things and you didn't want to be seen with him (harsh but true) but being surrounded by people made you more confident than being alone at his house. You didn't want to think what would happen if you were alone at his house.
"There's a coffee place we could talk privately. Saturday at noon" you answer back.
When Saturday came, you were so nervous you messed up your eyeliner twice. You remembered his words. "I never wanted a divorce" Was that really true? You never thought Joe was putting any effort into your relationship after Mackenzie was born. Everything was football and winning. You really try to talk to him, you really did and he wouldn't clear a damn space in his agenda for you.
You sighed, looking at your reflection in the mirror. You remembered the way Joe look at you when Julian mentioned the date.
Would you go back with Joe if he asked?
You didn't know. You loved him, he was the dad of your children but you were so scared. You didn't wanted to get hurt again.
When you arrived at the coffee, Joe was already there. He smiled fondly and stood up to kiss your cheek. Your hands were sweaty when you took your seat. "Should we order something?" He said looking at the menu. "I'm going to order an iced coffee" he stood up before you to set your order on the counter. You watch him interact with the employee, and you felt a pang in your chest. He was lovely, really polite. He would order your coffee like this many times before. Nostalgia hit you like a truck, but you weren't here to remind the sweet times.
When he came back you said a shy thank you and waited for him to sit down. "Well, thanks for coming" he smiled again. "Julian has the same smile at you" you pointed out. His smile grew bigger. "Yeah, the boys told me"
"Well, yes" you gulped, sipping your coffee.
He ran his hands through his hair, one, two, three times. Good to know you weren't the only nervous.
"I mean it. What I said in the house" he said, his eyes big and honest "I'm sorry I've never considered your feelings. I guess being a father made me realize the big responsibility I was carrying, but I completely forgot to be a husband" when you didn't say a word, he continue "I thought that by working more, earning more money would protect my family" he was sad "I never thought it would be the reason of losing it"
"Joe, this is not about the kids. I think you're a great father, and they loved you. This is about us" you sighed, tired of having this conversation "We forgot about ourselves. I tried to arrange dates you didn't show up. We had conversations like this before, I missed my husband and you weren't there so tell me" you voice filled with emotions made you stop for a second "...tell me why I should believe you"
"I-I still love you, Y/N" he confessed, staring at your soul "I want to share a bed, a house or a damn mug with you. No one else. You are the mother of my children and I still care about you "
"You didn't hook up with that reporter a month after our divorce?" you brought up. He pressed his lips and have the decency to look ashamed. "I was hurt, but yeah"
"Well, it was long ago" you realize after the divorce Joe went blank about his personal life. No one knew if he was having dates. It was hard to believe if he didn't.
"I understand if you're afraid, I'm very honest and very clear right now, I want a second chance" he declared, fully confident.
"Joe..." you pleaded, but looking at him felt so familiar. What would happen if you didn't divorce? Your family would be closer, children wouldn't be stressed but maybe you would be miserable, right? You loved him, you still do. Joe had all the respect and admiration on your side, but again you never felt the same support. "I love you, you're a great father but you haven't show me any different"
"Give me a second chance please" his hand looked for yours over the table, and when you felt it so warm and big around yours, your mind was in completely silence. You haven't touch Joe in three years. He was the love of your life, and yet...you were so scared.
At your hesitation, he confessed "I'm sorry to made you feel lonely, I regret it completely. I'm not going to talk about my wishes anymore. And I understand if you say no" he took a deep breath before saying "I'll retire this year"
The new made you flinch in surprise. "What? No? Are you joking?"
"No, I'm not joking. After the divorce I realize many things" he sounded honest.
"But you loved football!"
"Yes, but my body is asking for a rest. And football is not my family, doesn't make me cookies and hug me tight everytime they see me" you were crying at that point. If that's true, things could be so different. "I want you back. You're my wife, I made those vows for you. I love you"
"Do you give me a second chance?" he was grinning full of hope.
"You won't regret it, I promise"
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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-> -> -> 2AL playlist drop!
Answered all the music related asks under the cut!
Question reference btw!
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4 - a lyric you like
"Triangles are my favorite shape" From Tessellate by Alt-J !! Do I know why? Nah. I just also like triangles :)
11 - a popular song you think is Good, Actually
On Time by The Disco Biscuits !! Its not popular more than it is mainstream? Its one of those songs you swear you have heard everywhere, because its very much played everywhere, but like its actually good! Either its played everywhere or it just gives me loads of nostalgia? Eh whatever, its still good and im bestowing it upon you.
13 - a playlist name without context
"To Enter The Beyond" Past Human City Soundtrack
18 - a song or lyric that reminds you of the asker
Oh this for sure belongs on your AMW playlist!! Gives some absolute Tea vibes!
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5 - ramble about a song
FORGIVENESS BY ALICE GLASS!!!!!!! OUGHOUGHOGH I LOVE THIS SONG WITH ALL MY HEART god something about it just vibrates my insides and tickles my eyes. I dont know how to describe it other than each time I hear this song I feel nothing but pure power and hopelessness at the same time. Drifting along in never ending darkness, and the only thing you have with you are the spirits and memories of those who have passed. The spirits call for freedom. You should listen to them. This song gets real for me alright?
7 - a song for which you like a cover more than the original
Not really a cover moreso than it is a remix!? But im counting it! Silk by Giselle, the original, somber and sweet but just sorta missing something you know? This remix by Favored Nations though? SLAPS. Its so upbeat and I am so here for it!
11 - a popular song you think is Good, Actually
Honestly literally anything by Electric Light Orchestra. Though to be more specific, Evil Woman!! Alright is also a good one, but less popular!
16 - do you sing or play any instruments?
No instruments here! I actually have one really nice/complex song memorized that I can do on the piano but unfortunately thats about it whoops~ As for singing apparently I actually sing good when I try!?
23 - a song you remember liking as a kid
You are going to laugh at this one. Actually. I still like it. But damn was I a weird kid. I once had a solid 150 digits of pi memorized because I would just play this stupid song on loop for like a whole ass hour every now and then???? I think I still have about 50 memorized thanks to this song.. whoopsies
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5 - ramble about a song
YESSSSS YESSSSS I GET TO RAMBLE ABOUT ANOTHER SONG The World Is Ending by Matt and Kim !!!!!!!!!!!!! good GOD this song is so dear to me. Not because of the song really, but because of what the song means to me? The connections I have too it?????? Longish story short, someone made a killer AMV using it? The AMV using clips from the show Final Space! No clue if you have seen the show but no matter. Final Space is definitely up there as one of my favorite shows, not only because its good but because it actually helped me get closer with my dad, we watched it together! In other words I associate this song with just so much joy. The AMV if you were curious btw!
14 - an unpopular music opinion
Glass Animals is overrated <3 <3 Dont get me wrong I love their music! It just gets so tiresome hearing them everywhere!??? Probably just a me problem though
24 - a song people often misinterpret
I dont think I have much an answer for this one, apologies! Mostly because its not too often I pay attention to lyrics, and even then I think its cool that everyone has their own interpretations of someones song!
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17 - a song that has made you cry
... honestly? Any song in a tv show that is played during a sad scene! A REALLY sad scene... one that comes to mind is Enter One by Sol Seppy (would recommend skipping to about 2:30), because it is played in the death scene of one of my all time favorite characters... alright im going to weep about that death scene more now because listening to this again is NOT helping pfft... oughh honestly now im tempted to add it to the 2AL playlist... maybe.
24 - a song people often misinterpret
Answered above!
30 - a song that makes you nostalgic
Divinity by Porter Robinson, listen this used to be my favorite song for the longest time... and it might even still be my favorite song?? Either way, I DARE not listen to it anymore for the sake of I fear for the day where this absolutely nostalgic gem gets tiresome for me...
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17 - a song that has made you cry
Answered this one above! Though for a less serious answer, any of the finale songs in Centaurworld... oops.
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1 - which artist(s) have you listened to the most lately?
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour has been a fav in the past month! Heres a good song by them if you would like~
I am going to use this ask as a chance to also say how much I love Hugo Kant!! He makes great stuff to chill too when working! If I could log hours on youtube, my most listened to videos are so just listening to the guy live!
21 - favourite album
Not to pull out my inner cowboy, but Harlequin Dream by Boy & Bear. I fear for the day I get sick of this album its such a trip for me!
28 - rank the songs in an album
#1 - Celebrate. This is the song that introduced me to the band and gives me SUCH a blast of nostalgia each listen, and it shows. Best song in the album by far. Its so weird though since I knew this song before I knew about the rest of the album, so when I finally discovered the whole album each time this song comes up its so out of place pfft! Still such a bop though!
#2 - Blind Valentine. This is just one of those songs I love singing too whenever it comes on alright!?????
#3 - Lie Lie Lie. This is the first song in the whole album, and honestly? What a knee slapping way to start an album too god damn!!!!
#4 - Cascades. I am begging you to skip to about 3:15 in this song, its a little on the plain end before that end, but THAT ENDING??????? SLAYS.
#6 - For Kicks. The beat is just so unique here!!!!!!???????
#7 - The Face Part |. Just some funky cool down beats at the end of the album that are very enjoyable!
#8 - Fortunes. A decent enough second song in the album, helps sets the tone for whats coming!
#9 - The Shade. Its actually a good song, just nothing special about it you know??
#10 - The Governess. vibes are there, the vibes are sure there
#11 - The Face Part ||. Just more cool off tunes to end the album with
#12 - Other Side. No. Why are you here. your ass does NOT fit with the rest of this god-tier album. goodbye.
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Edit: @kiaxet Thought I should add you to the masterpost here!!
5 - ramble about a song
Ok. Adventure Time by Yoann Turpin. I am usually not too big on 16 bit video game sort of vibes but this??? Is such a MASSIVE exception. Holy????? THE HEART THE GUY PUT INTO THIS SONG MAN. The beat is just so unique, its impossible to try and guess whats going to happen in the song next, you strait up feel like you are on an ADVENTURE. I am so here for this song, god and its so upbeat I am in LOVE.
By the way, I linked the whole ass album because the whole album overall is so nice to listen to to pump you up when doing dishes or something lmaooooo, the first song in the album is also an amazing trip!!
8 - an artist you think underrated
HUGO KANT!!! God!!! mentioned above as well, I love Hugo Kant with a passion! He makes such good stuff just to chill too, and him live is absolutely incredible!
With the ask above I linked a video from him preforming live, so this time around I bring you two favorite albums of mine!! Far From Home and Out Of Time
I get in SUCH a zone listening to his stuff!
9 - a song you think is underrated
Phleps by C418!!! C418, the producer of the original music behind minecraft, but the guy has so much underrated personal music that is SO underrated! This song in particular, is vastly different from his usually stuff and I love it for that. Definitely underrated for being overshadowed by his work on minecraft and his work that isnt minecraft but sounds like minecraft..
29 - what do you look for in a song or artist?
I always look for something where you can tell it has genuine love and heart put into it! That + something that just sounds truly unique in its own right!
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toomanyopinionss · 1 year
i wanna talk abt
the CW DC shows
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man how far they fell…
Of course this list was prompted by the fact that the Flash is coming to an end, signaling the end of an era.
There’s a multitude of reasons why these shows went in flames:
troubling production, some truly awful plot lines, the racism, the queerbaiting…
however, the highs were so HIGH. Every once in a while, i’ll think about the crossovers and get happy nostalgia tingles. they were so iconic.
the penultimate memorable moments in each of the shows.
From the time Barry first broke the sound barrier, to the time Cisco DIED by Dr. Wells but barry ran so fast he went back in time and undid it, to the time Caitlyn’s dead fiancé came back, fused with an old ass professor, just to die again shortly afterwards 😂😂
From the time Oliver’s mom blew up the city with the help of the man she had an affair with (which ended up killing the guys whole son 🤡), to the time Oliver took Felicity to his mansion and told her he loved her as a mIsDiReCt, to the ENTIRE season 5.
From the time Kara came out as supergirl just to save her sister, to the time that same sister actually came out (which, at 14, was so important to me), to the first time Lena Luther is introduced and every time she’s in screen afterwards. (Season 2 was just *chefs kiss*)
and that’s just the main three. don’t tell me that when you think of legends of tomorrow, a good 5 scenes don’t immediately pop into your head. what a batshit crazy piece of media.
Now there’s a lot of discourse as to what started the spark that caught flame and caused this entire franchise to explode as horribly as it did.
some say that Barry going back in time and fucking with the timeline ruined it
some say that the beginning of the end was the batwoman show, one of the hottest messes to come out of the CW’s ass since riverdale’ third season
some even blame the death of captain cold. a very VALID complaint
regardless of what you think, i believe that now that the arrowverse is coming to it’s inevitable end, it’s a good time to look back and reminisce. With the writers strike happening (show your support btw), and the fact that streaming services are unwilling to release seasons with more than 10 episodes, i cherish the time i spent with these shows even more. i grew up with them (for reference, i was born in 2003, so i was 9 when arrow came out for the first time). My dad had the first 3 seasons of Arrow on dvd.
Iris was one of the first black women I saw on screen after transitioning out of my disney channel phase. And she wasn’t a side character or anything, she was a main character and the love interest of the superhero. regardless of what you think abt iris as a character, that shit just wasn’t the norm back in 2015.
When sara lance kissed the daughter of the head of league of assassins in front of her ex-boyfriend, and it was as just another tuesday in star city. such an important scene.
look, all this to say. I will miss this era***. even if I stopped watching the flash during the 8th season. i didn’t realize how comforting it was knowing it was still out there.
***i know the superman and lois hasn’t officially been cancelled yet. but i’m protecting my heart. cuz it’s a really good show.
Goodbye, Arrowverse
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storiesbyrhi · 1 year
The slightest break in our usual Eddie Munson programming for me to scream about Teen Wolf: The Movie.
Spoilers below the cut.
I'm an original Sterek shipper from back in the glory days. I watched the new episode each week. I was queerbaited to death. In the year 2023, why must I continue to suffer like this?
You chose the villain most associated with Stiles, but can't convince Dylan - the heart of the show - to come back? The reason Stiles is M.I.A. is that he has his 'own fires to put out' with the F.B.I. Lazy?! Lazy writing! He would have come A.S.A.P., but especially after Sheriff was taken by the Oni!
"Maybe you should call your son." What the fuck?
You give me this shitty Stiles-free movie, and then make Derek's son Eli a) obsessed with Stiles' Jeep and b) have the personality of Stiles? And have Derek and Sheriff Stilinski buddy up? And have Sheriff kind of go all dad on Eli too?
Don't get me started on Derek's death. I'm very pro-major characters dying but Derek has suffered unbelievable cruelty and yet, he triumphs. He builds a real life. Then you kill him. Not just kill him, but send him to, what, hell?
"Derek had complicated feelings about that Jeep." Give me Sterek or leave it alone.
Also, on the subject of Derek as a hero - @thisdiscontentedwinter made a succinct and absolutely correct post about it here.
AND, you chose a villain heavily reliant on Kira, her culture, and her family but won't pay Arden what she's worth? You use Japanese folklore and Japanese-American history (e.g. internment camps in the U.S.) but can't even begin to service the meaning or legacy of that? Kira isn't even mentioned?
You replace Kira with Hikari, a young Japanese-American woman, and a Kitsune. Don't worry - she's also Liam's love interest! That means she's got character! Right?! RIGHT?! She literally is just there to deliver Japanese lore, be another body in the fight, and make foxfire and ramen. "We're here for our pain," she says. Yeah, Hikari, you sure are. (Hikari is played by Amy Lin Workman, who is not Japanese.)
Nostalgia couldn't even save this. When you bring something so problematic into the current year, all it does is draw attention to how fucking problematic it was to begin with. Jeff Davis' ego is far too big for him to admit mistakes and rectify them here.
The only good things were Jackson being so Jackson, the introduction of more gore and swearing into the Teen Wolf universe (sorry but I love a "fuck" where there were previously no fucks allowed), Peter's entrance (he's even campier now), and Lydia and Allison's friendship being important.
There's already a huge catalogue of posts on Tumblr about why the movie was so fucking shit lmao. I'm going to enjoy reading them. And, oh my god, am I going to start reading Sterek fanfic again?!
Also, why is everyone wearing flannel?
I miss Isaac Lahey.
How'd everyone else feel about it? Are we all crying in Beacon Hills?
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kiddoryder · 2 months
Carny Rangers
A commission for @dustinlaughlin
Hardy Wiley belongs to @dustinlaughlin
Blitz and Sophie McKnight belong to @loli-momo1908
At the hotel, Charlie was setting up some snacks at the table. Vaggie and the others were helping her out as well. After setting them on the table, Charlie left to go get the drinks. But when she came back with the drinks, Charlie saw Angel was about to eat the snacks.
Charlie - “Angel no! Put that down!”
Angel - *whining* “Oh come on! I haven't eaten all day! I had to skip breakfast! Can at least I have one snack, *makes puppy dog eyes* Plleeeeeeaaasssseeeee? *whimpers*”
Charlie - *sighs* “Alright but only one! I gotta save these for Sonya and Liz’s meeting.”
Angel - ”Meeting? What meeting?”
Vaggie - *annoyed* “Their Carny Rangers meeting Angel. Pay attention.”
Charlie - “They are part of the Carny Rangers. It’s like kid scouts but it's a circus theme. I used to be one myself.”
Hardy - “You were a girl scout, Charlie? Did you like to sell cookies and stuff?”
Charlie - *nods proudly* “Yep and we get badges and even did some circus shows too.”
Charlie pulls out an album and opens to show photographs of herself as a little girl wearing a clown-like scout uniform with other kids in matching clown-like scout uniforms.
Charlie - “There's me on my first day as a Carny Ranger.”
Vaggie - *cooing* “Aww you look so adorable!”
Charlie - “And of course my troop leader was my Dad.”
Charlie showed a picture of Lucifer Morningstar in a rather dorky troop leader outfit. The boys were all holding in their laughter from seeing the King of Hell in such an outfit.
Angel - *snickers* “I see he has a sense of style.”
Charlie - “He always made sure we had a lot of fun and earned badges too.”
Charlie turns the page and continues to show some pictures of her days in the Carny Rangers.
Charlie - *points to one picture* “There's us making balloon animals. I made a balloon poodle and named it Fifi.”
Sophie - “Aw, it looks so cool and cute!”
Charlie also turned the page in her book.
Charlie - “And this is where we went to one of Dad’s circus shows as a trip! The best part is he was part of the show!”
The picture showed Charlie and the other rangers watching Lucifer on a unicycle juggling.
Charlie - *points at another photo* “And there's us practicing our pie throwing. I accidently threw a pie at my dad's face, but he gave me a badge for such good aiming.”
The picture showed Charlie holding a badge with Lucifer standing next to her while his face was covered in pie.
Hardy - “Sounds like you had a lot during your scout days huh?”
Charlie - “I sure have, those were good times. *sighs in nostalgia* How I miss them.”
In her nostalgia, she hugs her photo album with a smile. It was one of her favorite childhood memories.
Charlie - “But I am glad my baby cousins can enjoy them too.”
Then there was a knock on the door.
Charlie - “Oh! They are here! Everybody be good to them remember they are only kids”
Charlie opens the door, and there, she sees Sonya in her Carny Ranger outfit accompanied by her fellow Carny Rangers in their matching outfits.
Sonya - “Hey Cousin Charlie!”
Charlie - “Sonya! I'm so glad you could make it! *gushes* Awwww, you look sooooo cute in your outfit.”
Sonya - *chuckles* “Thank you. The other scouts are here too.”
The Carny Rangers all did their signature Carny Ranger salute by pinching their noses and made honking noises. Charlie does the same by pinching her nose and making honking noises.
Charlie - *giggled* “Okay guys there are some snacks for you on the table just help yourself.”
Sonya and the Carny Rangers gathered at the table. The Carny Rangers were hellborn and some of them were young Imps, and hellhounds. Some even look older or younger than Sonya and Liz. They were chatting and eating snacks at the same time. Sophie looked interested in Sonya’s scout group.
Sophie - “So you guys do circus tricks?”
Sonya - “Oh sure, we do loads of circus tricks. We've been taught by the best after all.”
Hardy - “And who would that be?”
Just then, another knock on the door is heard. Charlie opened the door and saw it was Fizzarolli.
Fizzarolli - “Hey hey! It’s me, the fantastic Fizzarolli!”
Liz appears in shadow form and her face blushes from seeing Fizzarolli.
Hardy - *confused* “Who?”
Fizz - *shocked* “Wait, you seriously never heard of me? My face is on everything like cereal, toys, clothes, even people’s cars!”
Hardy shrugs his shoulders with a clueless expression on his face.
Charlie - “Umm he’s new in Hell.”
Fizzarolli - *winks and points at her* “Gotcha.”
Blitz - “Wait, aren't you that clown imp that works in the lust ring?”
Fizzarolli - *proudly* “That I am, my good bat demon. How kind of you to notice. Are you perhaps a fan of me?”
Blitz -*blunt* “No, I actually hate the lust ring because of the hormone overloading. And the kinks there are disgusting.
Fizzarolli - *deflated and deadpanned* “Oh.”
Then Fizz noticed Sophie hiding behind Blitz’s leg. Sophie gets a little shy when meeting new people.
Fizz - *cooing* “And who is this little doll?”
Blitz - “That’s my baby sister Sophie. *threateningly* You better not hurt her.”
Fizzarolli - “Oh relax, I'm great with kids. *to Sophie* Hey little girl, want some *brings out cotton candy like magic* cotton candy?”
Sophie - *eyes sparkle* “Ooh I love candy! *takes some and eat it* It’s so good!”
Fizz - “See? What did I tell ya?”
Blitz - *hummed* “Okay then.”
Angel - “So what made you decide to babysit a bunch of clown wannabes? Aren’t you like a big star or something?”
Fizz - “No, I'm still a big star. It’s just that ever since I stopped working for that fat greedy bastard Mammon I had a lot on my plate. Now I’m free to do what I want.”
Angel - *surprised* “You managed to quit your boss?”
Angel and Husk - *look at each other and simultaneously* “Lucky bastard.”
Charlie - “Yeah Uncle Mammon is not the type of person you would wanna work with.”
Hardy - “So what is your scout troop planning to do today, Ravioli?”
Fizzarolli - *annoyed* “That's Fizzarolli.”
Hardy - *shrugs* “Whatever.”
Fizzarolli - “Well I was planning on taking the kiddies either to a field trip or teaching some new circus tricks to get their next badges. But I figured maybe the teaching of the new circus tricks would be better since there is no interesting place to go to.”
Charlie - “Ooh maybe this can be a good exercise for my guests: learning to help young kids.”
Vaggie - “But that doesn’t mean you can hurt or prank them. I’m looking at you Angel.”
Angel - *groans* “Must you always have to kill my fun?”
Sir Pentious - “I’m sure the little ones will have a grand time with me. I know how to speak their language.”
Niffty - “I would love to clean up the messes after them!”
Husk - “Wait, so we're babysitting a bunch of kids today? I thought this was a rehabilitation hotel, not a babysitting service.”
Charlie - “Oh come on, Husk. It can be fun. You can even show off some of your old magic tricks to the kids.”
Sonya - “Yeah dude. I mean, you even showed your magic tricks to me and Sophie.”
Sophie - “Yeah! They are really cool.”
Husk - *slightly blushes* “I guess that would be okay. I mean it's better than showing it to some drunk motherfuckers.”
Ranger 1 - *scoff* “I bet he’s too old to show any good magic tricks.”
Husk - *cold glare* “I beg your freaking pardon?”
Ranger 1 - “Since you don’t wanna show us your tricks I think you actually don't because you’re just too old. Maybe you’re better off playing bingo.”
Some of the Carney Rangers giggled at this. Husk gets up with a serious face and starts to show them the best magic trick that these kids could ever see. Husk shuffled some cards and then he made them disappear. Then Angel starting coughing and some cards started coming out of his mouth.
Kids - *amazed* “Oooh!”
Angel - *annoyed* “Ya could have at least given me a heads up!”
Husk - *smug* “How's that for an old man?”
Sonya - “Wow Husk that was awesome!!”
Ranger 2 - “How do you do that?”
Husk - “Important rule #1 of magicians: Magicians should never reveal their secrets.”
Angel - “Ooh I got some magic I can teach you kids.”
Vaggie - “Angel no dirty jokes!”
Angel - “What dirty joke? I was going to show them the classic finger removing trick.”
Sophie - *shocked* “Removing your finger?! Won’t there be blood?”
Angel - “Not at all, observe.”
Angel began to do the trick and Sophie along with the Carny Rangers were impressed by the trick. Charlie was happy that Angel was actually spending time with the kids and not actually crude.
Charlie - “See guys? Told you it’s a good thing so they can learn to help others.”
Sir Pentious - “You think my invention can help these children as well?”
Hardy - “Depends, what kind of invention is it?”
Egg Boi - “Laser guns and bombs!”
Charlie - “Sorry Sir Pentious that’s WAY too dangerous for the kids.”
Blitz - “And what does have that to do with circus stuff?”
Vaggie - *glare* “And I thought I told you. No. More. Weapons!”
Sir Pentious - “But you don’t know when they are needed! Besides, it would help the kiddies with new tricks like ummm…dodging!”
Vaggie - *deadlier glare and poking his chest* “No! More! WEAPONS!”
Sir Pentious - *pouting* “Oh fine!”
Hardy - “I think it would be a nice change of pace. I haven't had a client call me for a case in a couple of days.”
Charlie - “Then it's settled, today's rehab activity is helping kids! *to Fizzarolli* So Troop Leader Fizzarolli, what's the first thing we're going to do?”
Fizzarolli - *checks the Carny Ranger merit badge book* “Let me see…”
He took out big goofy glasses and began to flip some pages. Then he stop at the one he thought was perfect.
Fizzarolli - “Ooh! After the meeting of the snacks and shit, we can earn badges that they didn’t get yet. Like there’s the animal tamer badge and people pymarid badge and-“
Sonya - “What about the Mammon badge?”
Fizzarolli - “Oh hold it little lady! That’s for the advance Carny Rangers. You squirts are just the beginners.”
Hardy - “What's the Mammon badge?”
Fizzarolli - “A rare badge that only certain advance Carny Rangers can get. It involves them doing super dangerous stunts like only certain people like moi can do.”
Hardy - *astonished* “Who in their right mind would make a badge like that?! That sounds highly unnecessary, not to mention unsanitary for a merit badge!”
Blitz - “Yeah, who thought of this, anyways?!”
Fizzarolli - *deadpanned* “Take a wild guess.”
Hardy and Blitz - “Mammon?”
Fizzarolli - *makes a bell noise* “Bingo! We have a winner.”
Angel - *disgusted* “Just what the fuck is wrong with this guy?! Is he like a suicidal sadist or something?! Jeez!”
Fizzarolli - “Hey he’s the King of Greed. Not the King of The Charity with Hug and Kisses.”
Hardy - *to Charlie* “Didn't your father have a say in this?! I mean he is The King of Hell.”
Charlie - “It’s not that easy to change Uncle Mammon’s mind. Changing Uncle Mammon’s mind is like trying to give a cat a bath. Plus, my dad tries his best to stay away from Uncle Mammon, not that I blame him since considering how he's always gloating that they're best friends, which they're not. He even got the nerves to say that Dad allowed him to create his own version of LuLu World.”
Fizzarolli - *groans* “Don't remind me. *clears throat* Moving on from that, let's doing something easy and fun to do, like...*looks through the merit badge book and picks one* Oh, like this one here, the Ball Balancing Badge?”
At the hotel’s backyard, all Carny Rangers all balancing on top of giant circus balls, like how circus animals would have done it. Sonya was struggling a bit trying to keep her balance.
Sonya - *struggling* “Man this is tougher than I thought.”
Charlie - “You can do it baby cuz, just keep your balance.”
Curious about the Rangers keeping balance on the ball, and deciding that it looked fun, Sophie got on the ball and tried it out. She managed to keep her balance but began to think.”
Sophie - “Hmm do I go forward or backwards?”
Blitz - *worriedly* “Whoa, be careful sis! You'll hurt yourself if you're not careful!”
Hardy - “Hey dude chill she will be okay.”
Blitz - “I just don’t want her to get hurt.”
Hardy - “I understand but you can’t be too overprotective of her. She need to learn and have fun too.”
Blitz - “Yeah, well, can she at least wear a helmet so she doesn't hurt her head?”
Hardy - *rolls his eyes* “I suppose that's fair.”
Blitz summoned a pink helmet for Sophie. But then he saw Sophie walking forward on the ball.
Sophie - “Look Blitzy! I’m doing it!”
Sophie also started to balance on the ball as well. Blitz was impressed and relief that Sophie can do it he magic the helmet away.
Fizzaroli - *impressed* “Kid's got talent! I sense another future Carny Ranger!”
Sophie - *excited* “Really? I can be a Carny Ranger!”
Fizzarolli - “Of course!”
Sophie - *excited* “Eee! I think this stuff is fun!!”
Blitz - *unsure* “You sure you wanna do it Sophie?”
Sophie - “Can I, big brother? *puppy dog eyes* Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeee?”
Sophie gives Blitz a super innocent smile that Blitz has so much trouble of ignoring.
Blitz - *gives in* “Okay fine you can join the Carney Rangers.”
Sophie - *jumps in the air in happines* Yyyyaaaayyyyy!!!!! *lunges and hugs Blitz* “Oh thank you, Blitzy! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!”
Blitz smiled and hugs her back. One of the things that always make him happy was seeing his baby sister happy.
Now the Carny Rangers were trying to do animal training. One was trying to use the hoop for Fat Nuggets to jump through.
Carny Ranger - “Come on! Jump through the hoop!”
Fat Nuggets just roll around on the ground
Ranger - *frustrated* “Ugh! Why did I get stuck with the pig?”
Ranger 2 - “Because the cat, goats, and egg things were already taken.”
One of the Rangers was training KeeKee to walk on her hind legs. Another was having the Goat Bois balance cupcakes on their noses, but they keep on eating them. The Egg Bois was helping another Ranger jump through hoops, but they keep missing either jumping to short, get cracked after jumping through, or trip after the first step.
Ranger - “Maybe I’m doing something wrong?”
Ranger 2 - “Maybe you gotta throw him?”
Ranger - “Yeah! That way he can see what he gotta do.”
He picked up Fat Nuggets and was about to throw him like a football. But the squeals of getting picked up was loud enough for Angel to hear it.
Angel - *shouts* NO!
Angel Dust races in and swipes Fat Nuggets away from them. He held Fat Nuggets protectally in his arms.
Angel - *angry* “Don't. EVER! throw my baby! *coos towards Fat Nuggets* Oh there, there Nuggy. Daddy won't let them throw you. *smooches*”
Fat nuggets oink and nuzzles on Angel���s chest.
Ranger - “But we need our animal tamer badge!”
Ranger 2 - “And this pig isn’t doing anything we say.”
Angel looked annoyed, but he felt a pat on his leg. He looked down and saw Sophie.
Sophie - “May I try, Angel? I promise I won't throw him.”
Angel - “Well, okay, but only because I trust you with him.”
Angel places Fat Nuggets down and Sophie pulls out a cookie.
Sophie - “Look Nuggy, I got you a cookie. You want it?”
Fat Nuggets oinks happily while wagging his tail like a puppy.
Sophie - “Lie down.”
Fat Nuggets lie on his belly.
Sophie - “Roll over.”
Fat Nugget rolls around in a circle.
Sophie - “Play dead.”
Fat Nuggets gets on his back and makes a fake dying squeal and stuck it's tongue out.
Sophie - “Good boy, Nuggy.”
Sophie gives Fat Nuggets the cookie and rubs his belly as he nums on it.
Sophie - *gushes* “Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? You are, oh yes you are.”
Sonya - *impressed* “Wow! That was amazing Sophie.”
Ranger - “How did you do that?”
Blitz - *smiles* “My baby sister has a way with animals.”
Fizzarolli - “That the thing you gotta learn kiddies; you need to be gentle with animals. Take me for example, *pulls out a long flip photo wallet of pictures and points a picture* I own nine quieves and treat like they were my own babies.”
Charlie - *gushing* “Aww they look so adorable!”
Fizzarolli - “Oh I agree. *points at the albino handicapped queef* Especiall my little precious one, right here. She's the first one I adopted.”
Hardy - “I didn’t know there were fly dogs in Hell.”
Blitz - “They're called Quieves, Hardy. They're one of the most popular pets in Hell. I've seen a few celebrities have one or two.”
Hardy - “Quieves? What a really strange name. They look more like Chupacabras to me?”
Fizzarolli - *confused* “Chew-what now?”
Hardy - “Chupacabras. You know, those mythical blood-sucking creatures from Mexican folklore that eat goats.”
Charlie - “Oh, we have those here in Hell, but they look way different than they do. Our Chupacabras are more lizard-looking.”
As they were talking Sonya noticed Liz was acting a bit weird. Liz is usually more social than her sister but acting shy and quiet.
Sonya - *concered* “Hey are you okay? You usually love to come out and practiced.”
Liz - blushing* “Uh yeah, I'm fine, totally fine.”
Then Sonya notices Liz is staring at Fizzarolli, and she starts to realize what is wrong with her twin sister.
Sonya - *realizes* “Oh, I get it. You have a crush on our troop leader, don't you?”
Liz - *flustered* “What?! No! Of course not!”
Sonya - “Come on I know that look. I get that whenever I’m around Stolas.”
Liz - *flustered* “W-Well, have you ever considered wearing glasses?! C-Cause I do NOT have a crush on him! Nuh-uh! No way! Never in all of my life!”
Sonya - *deadpanned* “Then why are your cheeks blushing?”
Liz - “Uhhh sunburnt?”
Sonya - “Oh come on, sis! It's perfectly fine to have a crush. Unlike you, I won't tease you for it.”
Liz - *embarrassed* “Oooooohhhh, fine! I admit it! I have a crush on Fizz!”
Sonya - “See? Was that so hard to admit?”
Liz - *desprated* “What am I gonna do, sis? I never felt this way before!”
Sonya - “Just be cool about it and act regular around him.”
Liz - *deep breath* “Okay, I can do this. I can do this.... I CANNOT do this!”
Liz hides behind Sonya like a absolute starstruck fan.
Sonya - “Man this is so weird seeing you like this.”
Liz slumps to the floor in embarassment while covering her eyes and moan.
The Carny Rangers are now doing their next activty. Fizz was walking on his hands while on a low tightrope.
Fizzarolli - “Okay kiddies! The next activity is the walk on the tight rope. But since you’re beginniners, we will start on a short height.”
Fizzarolli creates another tight rope that is close to the ground and not way up high in the air like your usual tightropes.
Fizzarolli - “Now who want to go first?”
Sophie - *raises her hand excitedly* “Oh-Oh-Oh! Me, me, me, me!”
Charlie - *giggled* “I can see this little one is excited.”
Fizz - “Okay girly, you’re first!”
Sophie gets on the tightrope. Going nice and slow, she crosses to the other side of the tight rope without losing her balance. Sophie was feeling a little nervous but then heard her brother saying:
Blitz - “I’m right here baby girl.”
This gives Sophie the confident she needs and steadily approaches the other end of the tightrope and made it to the end.
Sophie - *happily* “I did it!”
The Carney Rangers cheered for Sophie. Even Blitz and the others cheered for Sophie.
Fizz - “This kid has natural talent!”
Liz was watching everyone cheering for Sophie and can't help but feel a little jealous for the little girl. Sure, she is innocent and only doing it for fun, but she really wishes that she has some attention from the troop leader.
Sonya - “Sophie is doing awesome!”
Liz - *grumbles* Yeah, I guess. *sighs* I wish I could do something to impress Fizz.”
But then, Liz felt the Carny Rangers book in her pocket and then had an idea.
Liz - “I think I know what to do!”
Sonya - “What are you thinking, sis?”
Liz - “I can do such an amazing trick to impress Fizz!”
Sonya - “And what trick would that be?”
Liz - “The most awesome trick of all time!”
Sonya - *worried* “That's what worries me.”
Liz got out the book and flip through the pages.
Liz - “See? They got some neat tricks that I can do!”
Sonya - “Well yeah, but which exactly are you planning to do?”
Liz - *points to Mammon badge* “This one.”
Sonya - *shocked* “What?! Are you crazy?!”
Liz - *shrugs* “Probably but I know I can do this!”
Sonya - “Fizzarolli specifically told us NOT to do this badge because it was too dangerous! We aren’t advance Rangers yet!”
Liz - *devious smile* “Yet. But once we achieve this badge, Fizzarolli will surely recognize me--I mean, us!”
Sonya - *shakes her head* “Dude this is a bad idea.”
Liz - “Oh come on, Sonya! I will do ANYTHING you ask if help with me this.”
Sonya - “Anything?”
Liz - “Yes, anything.”
Sonya - *reclunet* “Well alright it’s a deal.”
Liz - *pumps fist* “Yes, thank you! *pulls her in and whispers* Now here's the plan…”
Liz whispers her plan to Sonya while the other Carny Rangers are taking turns on the tightrope.
Ranger 1 - “Man this is scary…”
Hardy - “You got this kid, just keep your head up, eyes forward, and don't look down.”
Blitz - “Just remember to keep your balance.”
The Carny Ranger slowly moves across the tightrope to reach the other end, until he finally made it.
Ranger - *happy* “Yay I did it!”
Fizzarolli - “That's the spirit! I knew you could do it!”
Hardy - “You said it, Spaghetti!”
Fizzarolli - *annoyed* “That's Fizzarolli.”
Hardy - *shrugs* “Whatever.”
Sophie - “I wanna do more Carney Rangers stuff!”
Charlie - *looks on a clipboard* “Hold on, Sonya and Liz haven't gone yet. Now where are they?”
Angel - “Haven’t seen those Twuirts”
Vaggie - “Neither have I.”
Hardy, and Blitz shrugged as they haven't seen them either. Even Sophie shook her head since she hasn’t seen them either.
Charlie - “Sonya! Liz! Where are you?”
Charlie looks around to find her cousins, until finally she sees that causes her to gasp in utter shock. She sees Sonya and Liz on top of tall tightrope over a pit of fire.
Charlie - *sternly and loud* “Sonya Josephine and Elizabeth Charlotte Morningstar!! Get down from there right now!!”
Liz - *dismissived* “No worry, Cuz! We got this! This will only take a few minutes!”
Hardy and the others arrive to see what was going on, and have mixed emotions of what they are seeing.
Hardy - *worried* “Girls, what do you think you're doing?! That's dangerous! You both could get hurt!”
Angel - “Ya WAY too young for this shit!”
Vaggie - “Get down here now!”
Liz - “Don't get your knickers in a knot, It's perfectly under control!”
Sonya was in her shadow form and was looking worried on what her sister was planning to do.
Sonya - *scared* “Liz I don’t think we should do this. It’s way too dangerous!”
Liz - “Oh relax, everything is totally under control. Now let’s do this!”
Liz starts walking on the tightrope, slowly reaching to the other side. However, as she half-way there, something bad happens. Liz almost lost her balance but managed to get it back and she began breathing heavily. Liz was looking nervous as this was happening.
Sonya - *worried* “You okay?”
Liz - *nervously* “I’m fine! I’m fine *to herself* I’m gonna die.”
But Liz took a deep breath and kept walking but all a sudden, it started to get too windy, and the fire rises up and began to burn the rope. The rope burnt and Liz began to fall and scream.
Charlie - *shouts* “SONYA! LIZ!”
But then, just when Hardy and the guys were going to rescue them, Fizzrolli leaps into action with his high-tech limbs, catching the twins before they were burnt to a crisp.
Fizz pulled them back toward them and said:
Fizz - “You okay sweetheart?”
Liz was feeling scare and traumatized and just hugged Fizz tightly while crying.
Fizzarolli - *comforting* “There, there. I got ya. You're safe now.”
Vaggie - *relief* “Thank Lucifer they are okay.”
Charlie runs towards them to take Liz out of Fizz's arms as she comforts her.
Charlie - *soothing* “It’s okay sweetie you’re safe.”
Liz continued crying as Sonya tried to comfort her.
Within a while, Liz finally calmed down as everyone gathered around her to hear an explanation.
Hardy - *sternly* “Liz we just want to know why you did what you did. You could of seriously gotten hurt. Or worse.”
Liz - *sighs* “I just wanted to impressed Fizz.”
Fizzarolli - “Impress me? What for?”
Liz - “Because you are so cool and I wanted to show you that I can be cool too.”
Sonya:l - “Also because she has a fan crush on you.”
Liz - *embrassed and blushes* “Sonya!”
Fizz - *chuckles* “Well she’s not the first.”
Liz - *blushes* “Yeah, w-well, not like a lustful crush like those other creeps do and purchase several of your robot duplicates. *sighs* I thought that... if I did something amazing, you would give me praise too, like how you've been giving Sophie today. I thought that if I obtain the Mammon badge, you would be proud of me.”
Fizz - *smiles* “Ah, Lizzie. You don't need to do something huge to impress me.”
Liz - “I don’t?”
Fizz - “Of course not. You just doing the tricks you are able to do is impressive to me. Heck, you managed to impress me with that prank you uploaded the other day.”
Fizz shows a video on his Sinphone, showing Liz committing a prank on Mammon during a meeting with the Seven Deadly Sins. She put a big bottle rocket on Mammon’s chair and ran to the corner. Then just when Mammon sat down, the bottle rocket went off and Mammon litteraly flew off his seat and bang into the celing.
Fizz - *laughs* It was so priceless! One of my top ten favorites!
Charlie - *giggled* “I have to admit that was funny.”
Liz - *chuckles* “Well Uncle Mammon did deserve it for being a total douche. He even ate all the cookies during the meeting and didn’t leave me some!”
Fizz - “That's what I like about you, kid. You being able to stand up to someone by the likes of Mammon. It took me a decade and a half to stand up to him because I felt like that I was indebted to him.”
Hardy - “Really why?”
Fizz - “I thought it was him that made me who I am but thanks to my friends and Ozzie I realize even if I didn’t turn out the way I did I would still be me. So you being you is all you need to do, kid. Just be yourself.”
Liz makes a big smile and gives Fizzarolli a big hug.
Liz - *happy* “Thank you so much.”
Fizzarolli - *hugs back* “You're welcome.”
Liz - “Ummm are you gonna tell my parents about this? I do deserve getting grounded.”
Fizzarolli - “Unfortunately, yes. It's part of the code of being a troop leader.”
Liz - *sighs* “Fair enough. Hopefully it’s only I’m grounded for 2 weeks.”
Sonya - *scoff* “More like 2 months.”
Vaggie - “Or 6 months.”
Charlie - “But we are glad that you are okay.”
Angel - “Yeah, and seriously, next time, try to think twice before planning on something crazy like that. Ya still a little shrimp to do something like that.”
Blitz - “Yeah you could of gotten badly hurt or worst.”
Liz - *smiles* “Okay, guys. I promise to never do something stupid like that again. But there is one thing I want to do.”
In a Carny Ranger-like ceremony, Sophie was standing in the center as Liz approaches her.
Liz - “Sophie McKnight, for showing such great circus skills, I hereby dub thee an honorary Carny Ranger.”
Liz places a Carny Ranger hat on Sophie's head.
Liz - *smiles* “Welcome to the troop Cupcake.”
Fizzarolli, Sonya, Liz, and the Carny Rangers do the honking salute to her. Sophie squeal in happiness that she’s becoming an official Carny Ranger.
Sophie - *excited* “This is so amazing!!”
Fizz - “Also here’s your first badge sweetie: The Animal Tamer badge.”
Fizzarolli places the badge on Sophie, as she, with a smile, does the honking salute back to her fellow troop. She showed the badge to Blitz and he smiled and gave his sister a big hug.
Blitz - “I’m so proud of you Sophie. You really are becoming a big girl.”
Sophie - *hugs back* “Thanks big brother.”
Sonya - “How about we celebrate with some pie?”
Liz - “But let do it carny style!”
Liz took a pie and she smashed one at Sonya’s face. Much to her annoyance.
Fizzarolli - *gleeful* “Ooo, a pie fight! Rangers, pies at the ready!”
The Rangers grabs the pies and began to throw them at each other. Even Sophie was in the pie fight and she began to throw some pies as well. Vaggie had Charlie duck under a table but Charlie was happily watching.
Charlie - *happily sighs* “This brings back a lot of memories. Can’t wait to do this next week!”
The end
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girlreviews · 3 months
Review #162: Different Class, Pulp
I distinctly remember Pulp having their moment in the mid 90s. I was 7 when this record came out, and I burned into my brain is the sound of whatever cool young presenter was rotating in at that moment (I’ll say this was probably peak Zoe Ball/Jamie Theakston era) saying “it’s Friday, it’s seven thirty, it’s TOP OF THE POPS”, and you know, I really absorbed a ton of music being glued to that show so religiously but I particularly remember Pulp’s videos airing because I really felt it and was like, what is this?
That would have been either Disco 2000 or Common People, it doesn’t matter anyway because I love them both. There are a few songs in life that have massive commercial success and infiltrate general popular culture. Sometimes that can really spoil it, because it’s everywhere, it gets overplayed, people aren’t really listening to it, they’re missing the point. To be honest, all of that is probably true for both of these songs, but again it doesn’t matter because I’ve never stopped enjoying them. They’re just as good every time I hear them. Every time. How is that? How?
It’s the subject matter that they’ve chosen to focus on. A particular nostalgia and way of life. It’s the incredible detail that you only know if you know (wood chip on the wall). But mostly it’s the way the emotion seeps out of literally every sound, verbal and non-verbal. Sometimes Jarvis Cocker lets out these little tuts or gasps and you can just feel his disdain and the roll of his eyes. He whispers “Deborah” in such a way. He plays with his delivery and tone so that if you are paying attention you can pinpoint the exact points where he switches from sweet earnestness and sincerity to cutting sarcasm and biting, snarling social commentary that is seething in resentment. There are few artists that can take “ooooohs” and “yeahs” and pack it so full of emotion:
What are you doing Sunday baby?
Would you like to come and meet me maybe?
You can even bring your baby
Ooooooh, ooooh oooh ooooh oooh ooooh ooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh!
On paper, you read that and think, that’s not great. But you hear it, and you think, damn that’s really something. How? HOW?
That’s just Disco 2000. I really am going to have a hard time not writing an entire dissertation on Common People. It’s incredible. The intro is just iconic, and everyone always loses their minds when it starts to play any time, any place. Rightfully so. It’s so clever. It’s so particular. It captures so well this very particular British feeling of hating, loathing, and having such disdain for rich people who cosplay as poor. We all know someone who’s been that person and it just rubs you the wrong way. Musicians and creatives especially who like to play pretend that they are starving artists when really they have a nice little bit of mailbox money and couldn’t even comprehend the reality of struggling with actual poverty. Their romanticization of being “working class” is condescending, insulting and pathetic. Summed up perfectly by this song, and delivered with absolute perfection, as if Jarvis is really trying to hold back losing his shit at someone. There’s a part where he inhales and holds his breath for a second, and it genuinely feels like he is fucking livid. Seething.
“Like a dog lying in a corner
They will bite you and never warn you
Look out, they'll tear your insides out
'Cause everybody hates a tourist
Especially one who thinks it's all such a laugh
Yeah and the chip stains and grease
Will come out in the bath
You will never understand
How it feels to live your life
With no meaning or control
And with nowhere left to go
You are amazed that they exist
And they burn so bright
Whilst you can only wonder why
Rent a flat above a shop
Cut your hair and get a job
Smoke some fags and play some pool
Pretend you never went to school
But still you'll never get it right
'Cause when you're laid in bed at night
Watching roaches climb the wall
If you called your dad he could stop it all
Never live like common people
Never do what common people do
Never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view
And then dance and drink and screw
Because there's nothing else to do”
Fuuuuuuck. You give us all of that, and on top of it, it’s an undeniable banger too. Iconic. I loved it when I was 7. I love it now. I’ll never, ever, be mad to hear this song.
Moving on, which I’m proud of myself for doing because it’s difficult for me to not spend more time picking apart Common People. I could easily go on, but instead I’m going to talk about Something Changed which is quite a different vibe from those two singles. It’s very sweet, and has lovely strings in it, just about how your life changes when you meet someone new and fall in love. Everyone spends time asking questions about how you ended up meeting, what if this, what if that? It’s really lovely. You can meet someone and suddenly everything is different — for better or worse.
Giving a nod to Sorted for E’s & Wizz, which, again, through their talent of perfectly describing specific scenes — I’m taken back to days of frequenting muddy festivals or going to some raggedy show at a pub in Camden that really felt like it wasn’t structurally sound and that if we didn’t stop dancing the top floor might actually fall beneath us. But it was okay you know, because we had our drinks and/or substances. Except, then comes the days following, which aren’t so good:
“In the middle of the night
It feels alright
But then tomorrow morning comes
Ooooh, ooooh and you come down”
Yes. You do.
2020 was the 25th anniversary of Different Class, and on social media it was being posted a lot with the question of what song was the best from the album. Everyone had a lot of opinions, of course, but my correct opinion is that Underwear is the best track. If for no other reason than for this line:
“If fashion is your trade
Then when you’re naked
I guess you must
Be unemployed, yeah”
Don’t go too much longer in your life without hearing this song. It’s classic Pulp, that same thing: earnestness, longing, sincerity, mixed with resentment and bitterness. Delivered perfectly. It’s like hearing someone expressing that they want to save someone that they kind of hate.
Something I think about all the time. And I mean all the time. Is how at the 1996 Brit Awards, Michael Jackson was performing Earth Song. It was this very hammed up thing where essentially he was portrayed as the messiah and it really obnoxious (although I loved this song, but in a comical kind of way, once sang it at karaoke — do not recommend). Anyway, Jarvis Cocker was genuinely appalled at the display and rushes the stage to moon MJ. What should have just been an amusing moment turned into a whole thing. There were children on stage and he was even questioned by police. It was all fine in that there was no serious wrong-doing found to have taken place, but his mental health sure did take a hit after that.
BUT I SWEAR, I swear, and I can’t find it and can’t find any evidence of it, but I swear on my life that in the following few weeks, Pulp were on TOTP again, and they made light of the situation by having Jarvis performing from a set that looked like a jail cell. It’s so specific I don’t feel like my brain could be making it up, but it’s possible I’m wrong.
They had broken up or at least gone on hiatus by the time I was old enough to see them live, which really hurt my heart. Fortunately they would reunite occasionally and I did get to see them at Hyde Park once. Now they actually tour fairly regularly, and are even returning to North America after a long-ass time, who knows. Maybe I’ll see them again. Maybe he’ll cover Earth Song (again, do not recommend).
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fabaceous · 1 year
i was tagged by @thenelse to do 8 shows to get to know me better...ok honestly i dont watch a lot of tv. i mostly watch the same shows over and over so i actually could barely list 8. fyi the first 4 are probs my favorite shows but the rest are just shows that have impacted my life in some way. please dont judge me i swear i have good taste in other things 👍
1. yellowjackets obviously because it has literally everything i could ever ask for in a tv show. it irreparably alters my brain chemistry on a weekly basis
2. always sunny in philly. i can always bond with my girl friends’ boyfriends over this one LOL. ive seen every single episode a truly embarrassing number of times and i dream of being randomly thrust into a trivia situation where there is a question about always sunny because i have an obscene amount of knowledge on always sunny lore and am 100% confident i would nail it.
3. arrested development. second only to always sunny in the making lanie laugh category. tobias funke character of all time
4. haunting of hill house. winner of the making lanie cry category. great autumnal watch, i love rewatching around halloween. bent neck lady reveal had me legitimately in shambles
5. i mean the office i guess. i watched it in high school or maybe college,  mostly because my friends were always referencing it and i wanted to get the jokes...and lol i rly thought jim/pam was peak romance. luckily now im older and wiser and know jackieshauna is peak romance
6. back in college i watched all of friends because of a vaguely homoerotic bestie situation that later imploded and the one perk of losing her was that i was finally free to admit that show fucking sucks especially ross fuck that guy fr. me and my friends would have killed ross with hammers i can tell you that much
7. i used to watch bones with my parents when i was probably a little too young to be watching it. perhaps this is the origin of my fascination with morbid things
8. another childhood nostalgia show is monty python’s flying circus which i always watched with my dad. to this day we are capable of annoying everyone else in the room by having an entire conversation made up of monty python quotes (complete with bad fake accents)
EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT THE MOST OBVIOUS ONE I KNEW I WAS MISSING SOMETHING: DARK (the german time travel one) thats actually a legit favorite of mine, took me on so many emotional journeys and made me laugh and weep and theorize and ponder. and it was good german practice 👍
well now you know, for better or worse...probably worse...anyway i nominate @chel-c-fsea @jamesv-t @movingtoparistoshootheroin @excluded-from-the-narrative ummm ermmm ehhhm... i would also say @teabookgremlin but you already got tagged...but...get double tagged i guess? lol ok i wont be offended if any of you guys dont do this but i didnt want to be boring and not tag anyone hehe <3
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Since I love Robin being the dad so much. Here are more Dad Jokes, this time from @kolimachris again.
Smiling at the ground, Nancy starts talking "You said the happiness of your friends...so.." she nervously look to her left "does that make us friends?" she looks to her right, at Robin. "As in officially..?" hope and some kind of apology is hidden behind her eyes and Robin can't help but get flustered while looking at Nancy's breathtaking grayish-blue eyes, that reminds her of those pretty rocks she always collected when she was younger.
Robin shakes her head at the weird and short nostalgia thought "Uh-Yeah! I-i mean right?" Robin looks to the ground, nervous about the answer even tho Nancy asked first. "Right" Nancy turns to look at Robin, who's walking a bit behind her and then looks of to the side again, smiling with a blush forming. Robin also smiles, happy that they finally are officially friends and also back on good terms.
They walk in comfortable silence for a while until Robin got bored of the silence and she need to fill it in the best way possible. "Hey Wheeler?" she looks to her side and Nancy looks back at her, annoyance very present in her eyes "you know I hate it when you call me that, Buckley" Robin chuckles "Obviously, that's why I say it" Nancy just rolls her eyes "anyway" Robin starts and catches up to Nancy when she started walking faster. She almost trip on a root but catches herself, she hears chuckling and looks up to see Nancy smirking with amusement at her almost falling.
Robin clears her throat and jogs over to where Nancy stopped walking. "You're still a weird runner, Buckley" Nancy turns around and continues walking, this time again with Robin next to her, who was flushing a bit red. "You know what, I shouldn't have tried to break the silence, my joke was stupid anyway" Robin mutters annoyed. "Oh God, not you and jokes. What's up with that anyway" Nancy said chuckling, as if she actually dislikes Robin's jokes, she loves them.
If Nancy weren't looking at Robin right now she would have missed the dark/sad expression on her face, because it was gone the second she blinked. Robin looks down at the ground "I-uh..I already made jokes since I was like 7 or something. A-at least my d-dad said that..." Nancy watches her with curious and gentle eyes, as Robin takes a minute. She chuckles sadly "And I guess I just never grew out of it..." she shrugs, looking up again, meeting Nancy's eyes.
Nancy sees so many emotions going on behind Robin's eyes, that it almost overwhelmed her. Her eyes widen but then turn to an understanding, yet not fully knowing gaze, meaning that she'll be there for Robin but also that now is not the time. Robin thinking she overshared, wants to apologizing but Nancy gave her another look, which stopped her from apologizing, so she nervously played with her Rings and blurts out "W-what's brown and sticky?"
Nancy's stops walking and turns fully turns to Robin, her face showing confusion and mild disgust. Robin also stops walking "A stick" she quickly says to not make the situation more weird. The awkward silence feels like hours, just staring at each other, but just few seconds in and Nancy scoff laughs in disbelief "Seriously, Buckley?" she continues walking. Robin followed her and tried to explain that this was not the joke she originally wanted to say. (it was tho) but Nancy just rolls her eyes and quietly mutters to herself "You're an idiot, Buckley" shaking her head in amusment as she hears something hitting the ground and a quiet groan.
[I confused myself while writing this. Idk what is happening or if there personalities are changing every few lines. But this is the moment that joke was said]
(This is the same party with the mushroom joke, from the dad jokes post before)
After a lot of dad jokes from a drunk Hopper and Robin, the kids decided (well Max wanted to go to the others but was also getting annoyed by the jokes. Lucas would have stayed but he also want to hang out with the others, and El just followed them around, because she still wants to cuddle with Max, and she was also getting annoyed by the jokes) to go join the others, the adults (Murray and Joyce) already left 5 jokes before, so that just left Robin and Hopper drunkly laughing their asses off at their own jokes.
Robin suddenly stopped laughing and gasped "Oh. My. God." she looks around her seat to search for her backpack. She find it on the right side leaning against the seat and picks it up. Hopper just looks at her in confusion. He was going to ask if something was wrong but then Robin pulled something out of her bag with a "Ha haa!" and stands up to sit next to Hopper.
She starts talking before Hopper can ask anything "I found this in my room when I was still living with mom and then I packed it in the bag when she kicked me out, and then I just totally forgot it existed and I was looking for clothes to wear today and then I found it in my closet and then I decided I wanted to show you it because you also like jokes!" she takes a deep breath and continues, finally showing Hopper her item. It was a small stack of papers, which are tinted a bit yellow and also worn out on the edges. It was glued together at the left side and resemble a book. The book cover says 'How to make someone laugh' and each letter is a different color. It has a big smiling in the middle of the cover which looks like it's laughing. He saw that there was more but couldn't identify it because Robin pulled the book away again, talking with her hands as always.
"It's a book full of jokes, I don't remember if I came up with them myself, but I made the book myself when I was like 8? I'm surprised it's still in a good condition. Also-" Robin looks up at Hopper and sees his blank and confused but also impressed and amused expression "Oh wow, sorry. That was a lot of talking." Robin chuckled. Hopper opens his mouth to say something but Robin continues again "so let's just get to the point of. I wanted to show you the jokes I've written on here." Hopper just chuckles and shakes his head at not getting to talk again.
Robin opens the slightly yellow tinted book at a random page, very gently. She holds it close to her face and snorts. She then clears her throat, trying not to laugh and asks "What do you call a cow with no legs?" Hopper just looks confused and thought 'there is a word for that?' he was going to ask out loud when Robin breaks and starts laughing "Ground Beef". Hopper needs a few second to understand but then starts chuckling and quietly mumble "ground beef, heh."
Robin's wipes a tear away and sighs happily "Damn, I really am a comedic genius" she brings the book closer to Hopper again and shows him the next joke. "What do you call a cow with two legs?" she reads out loud and then points at the drawing of what's probably a cow with only hind legs, leaning on the ground with the front. And the words "Lean beef" under the drawing.
Robin chuckles a bit and says "Yeah, I also don't find that one as funny. I honestly only understand it with the drawing. Which is something I actually drew once, because I wanted to draw a cow laying on the grass but added standing legs at the end, because I forgot I wanted to draw the cow laying down. And well that's how I came up with that joke. It's not one of my bests, but I've got some more." Robin's says as she shows Hopper more jokes that she wrote down in her self made small book.
[Honestly, I just didn't know how to describe the book more, but there absolutely were more details, also love how Hopper didn't say anything really only because I didn't know what he would or wouldn't say]
Robin and Murray are sitting on the couch at his place. Robin has been talking about her dad, just about his personality and how he was kind and funny. Like the opposite of her mother. "And-" she sniffs "And he always made those stupid dad jokes" she chuckles sadly. Murray wanted to say something but he just places a hand on her shoulder and gives her a meaningful look. "I know what you want to say. 'but don't you also make stupid dad jokes'. Duh" Robin's says "But his jokes were actually stupid, or made no sense!" she chuckles more happy this time and thinking about a memory. "Like this one time-" she stares up at the ceiling, head falling on the couch "-, he told me this joke 'Where do you find a turtle with no legs?'" she sighs and then snorts "I was just 6 or 7 when he told me that and all I could think about was this poor turtle with no legs and then he continued-" she rolls her eyes "-'Exactly where you left it.'" she turns to look at Murray "First of all, how would he know it'd be exactly where I left it. I mean like, maybe a wild animal could have taken the turtle or smth. And second of all, he told that to a child. And I was already sad that the turtle had no legs, wondering what happened to this poor turtle-" her eyes tear up and she leans her head back again, looking at the ceiling "and then he said that I left it there. Which just made be burst out crying" she laughs with sobs and Murray just squeezes her shoulder in comfort.
After a bit of cry laughing, Robin snuggles up to Murray and he just stays still for a bit, not knowing what to do. But then he just settles one hand on her arm and the other one on the armrest. She sighs. "I mean I get the joke, it has no legs so it can't go anywhere. But I-" Robin's goes on and in about how she would never do that to a turtle, and then starts talking about a turtle she once found last year. But she of course didn't take them back home, because her mother would have killed her if any animal was inside her house.
It was getting late and Robin's is yawning while talking and sleepily gesturing around with her hands. "So we-" she yawns "we-" Murray cuts her off "Maybe you should go to bed, birdie" Robin's snuggles closer to Murray "but! In your own room!.... Please" Murray said and slightly pushing her off. Robin groans but listens and stands up to walk to her room "Goodnight birdie, sleep well" Robin groans in respond. Murray just shakes his head, thinking about Robin's situation and how this sunshine of a person, could ever deserve all those things happing to them. He just shakes his head again, agreeing that he can't change anything from the past, but he'll try to make the future better. Then he yawns and stretches a bit when he stands up from the couch. He walks past Robin's room, that was, well still is, a guestroom, but it'll be Robin's room for now and however longs she decides to stick around.
He sees her sleeping peacefully, which is a relief. These last few days where a horror for Robin, so he's glad she is getting some good sleep tonight. He was about to leave, when Robin's mutters something "I love you, Dad" He stands there shocked, a warm feeling forming inside him with tears in his eyes. But then he thinks that, she's just dreaming something about her dad. But he'll just treasure this moment, even if it wasn't directed at him. So he gently closes the door and sighs "I love you too, little birdie" then he goes to his own room with a sad, yet also happy, smile and tries to decide whether he should mention this tomorrow or not.
[honestly, all those ones were about her Dad lol. Or well, her dad was mentioned. Also no idea what I created here.]
Hope you like it!
And anyone can leave some jokes in the comments!
Lots of love ✨😋😍✨
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So I decided to finally watch 'Willow' the series (I'm generally more into sci fi but everyone here who's been watching it seems to appreciate it and I generally trust y'all) but first I watched 'Willow' the movie which I have no recollection of having watched since I saw it in the theater with my dad when it first came out.
First, a dorky little review of the movie:
I don't' want to spend too much time on this partly because I know people have a nostalgia boner for it whereas I simply do not care about it. Like, I'm sorry, but I don't. Upon rewatching it I remembered some scenes being so disturbing or frightening they elicited a verbal response from me - when Raziel was being changed from a common bush possum into a raven, or the trolls looking like creeping shadows, or when the troll gets turned into that two headed thing - but besides the above and, honestly, the attractiveness of practically everyone involved it just didn't stick with me. High fantasy can require a high buy-in and if it's a one-off movie I just don't return to it often, or at all. That being said, it's not bad! I mean, the fighting sequences feel clunky, the acting is hit or miss (I want to say that Val Kilmer was given some direction that might've run against his instincts from time to time)(but he's still good and fun to watch), and it is literally a movie on the cusp between older special effects and the new CGI movement, so a mixed bag there, but it's also fun! The shield toboggan was thrilling! The cinematography is right where you want it to be! Dogs in costume! (I remember my dad laughing about that; I did the same when I watched it yesterday). So, it's fine. Not a childhood favorite but definitely a 1988 Ron Howard movie...probably a little too much George Lucas in it, but still. You do what you can with what you have.
Now, the series: I love it! There are so many layers.
The prince is a flirt who's kidnapped and the princess has to go rescue him.
Actual queer people portraying queer characters.
Every character is on their own journey, even as they're on the same collective journey, and moving from one to the other from scene to scene feels seamless.
People have conflict and regrets, and that's okay. It sucks to be tortured by your past but what matters is how you move forward.
It's fucking gorgeous.
There's probably more but the reason I'm writing this is because I can NOT stand...the music.
You thought I was going to say dialogue, weren't you? Well, guess what. After five minutes in I realized that the dialogue was modern in nature. I kept noticing it for about another five minutes and then I just stopped noticing it. It's fine. It's a series that's trying to tell a high fantasy story to a modern audience; what matters is what happens, not explicitly how they talk. And this may be a bit crude but if using modern ways of speaking takes you out of a fantasy show and you're missing something written by a literal philologist who created his own languages then go jack off into 'The Silmarillion' and leave us alone (and order a new copy, for god's sake; that thing's getting too crusty).
...but the end music. THAT takes me out of it. Every time. The end of the third episode? Fucking 'Enter Sandman?' No. I'm very emotionally open to what's been happening, receptive to all, and at the climax to the episode I'm immediately jolted into seeing that big rig hit that bed. What? Why? Maybe it's just me but it breaks the entire idea of escapism. So, maybe...you know what? I was going to try to find a similar way to end this paragraph as I did the previous one but I'm just gonna end with this period.
My only other minor gripes are similar to most other modern productions: the scene at the end of episode three was...fighting? Hard to say, it's fucking dark as hell. Yes, I get it, it's night, but also guess what? We can imply night without making it super dark; hell, 'Nope' did night wonderfully (albeit with newer "daytime as nighttime" technology than what's been used before). The other one is with dialogue volume...but more specifically with regards to the fact that most actors now wear lavalier microphones which allows fore more natural speech to come through, so actors can speak more quietly or mumble and it gets picked up. And boy, do they mumble! Maybe it's a generational thing; I feel like the younger actors are more comfortable speaking towards the back of their throats whereas the more experienced actors tend to speak towards their lips and teeth. Literally a difference in elocution. Maybe mumble/whisper core is better for some, but to return slightly to a "Why are they talking that way?" point of view it does take me out of what I'm watching if I have to constantly rewind it before giving up and putting on closed captions.
Otherwise, I love it, and I can't wait to continue it.
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trash-monkey · 1 year
Dog House
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Nothing can stay forever, I learn this important lesson half a year after graduating high school when my beloved grandparents had passed away. I remember always begging my parents to let me stay with them in the country side during the summer when schools out, loved getting away from the city and having fun with nature. Now all I have of them is the old house they left in my name with the property and a ton of money they saved over the years basically leaving me rich, it wasn't hard to decide the move to the familiar small town and into the house. Now a year later of settling in, my parents called asking if I could visit them which I agreed with but not knowing I'll be returning sooner then I thought I would. It takes about two or three hours by drive to arrive at my parents which my mother pulls me into a deadly hug when she sees me after opening the door.
"Honey, let him go before you kill him." Dad jokes only to get a glare in return making him put his hands into the air in a surrender, I laugh at their silliness before they let me go drop off my duffle bag up in my old room which is the exactly way I had left it. The walls still covered in posters I had left behind, my shelves are empty, and a thin layer of dust covering things but I can feel the nostalgia. I drop the duffle bag on the bed for later before walking back to mom and found her in the kitchen.
"I miss having my boy in the kitchen with me." She said after I had offered to help with dinner causing me to smile, to the time I was old enough to walk I would always try to help mom in the kitchen.
"It been a while since I've been to the city so I'm goin out after dinner." I said as I sit the last plate down on the table.
"Ok, just be careful out there." Dad answered as we all take our seats.
"Man, I miss both of your cooking." Dad hummed after taking a bite causing both me and mom to laugh.
"It's good having you visit."
"I know but after settling into the house I realized that it was always meant to be for me to live in the country side, the peace and quiet with the animals talking." I respond to dad which he nods to.
"Yeah, always wanting to visit your grandparents." We continue to eat and talk until dinner is over.
"You can already go out if you want." Mom spoke after we put the dishes into the sink to wash, I thanked them for the meal and got my shoes on. I walked around for a while enjoying the city life and watch as people go about their day until a piece of paper flys into my leg when the wind start to get high, looking at the paper to see that a dog shelter is going out of business and their dogs need immediate homes.
"Hey, what do you think about me getting a dog or two?" I asked my parents after thinking about it before returning home and I hand them the paper.
"I think it's a great idea! We worry when you stay in that house all by yourself in the middle of nowhere, getting a dog would keep you company and protect you." Mom gets excited while dad is just in middle about the subject but not caring if I get one, so feeling happy I pull my shoes back on and get the truck keys.
"Hello, I found this flyer." I greet the employee at the front desk before showing them the flyer.
"Yes, this shelter is going out of business and all the dogs we have need immediate homes but the few dogs we have left can't be separated. They were brought to us as a pack that lived in the streets and when we tried to separate them for adoptions they would get very aggressive to the point of biting anyone." The employees explained about their situation.
"That's ok but I would still like to see them if possible." I take the employee completely off guard since usually the person would immediately walked away at the mention of having to adopt the whole pack, the worker takes me into the back where most of the kennels are empty except the largest one. All of the dogs are huddle up in a corner sleeping but when we appeared a dog's head rises up, watching us and I noticed almost of the dogs are a different breed.
'They're clearly happy together but not in this place.'
"I have decided to adopt them all." With a decision and walked back to the front before telling them, they're eyes widen.
" Your a god send, if they stayed here any longer we would have to put them down."
"Well, I have to go buy them stuff and I'll be back soon. So how many is there? Boys and girls?" I stopped them before they walked to the office.
"There is eighteen in all, four are girls while the rest are dudes but two of girls and one of the boys are pups. We'll have the papers ready for you to sign tomorrow morning ." They said with a smile before I walked out and drive to the nearest pet store, I grabbed the largest shopping cart they had and walk down the first aisle which is the dog bed aisle.
'The girls will have to sleep in my room since I can keep a close eye on them and keep them away from the boys once their heat started.'
I thought to myself before grabbing the five largest beds they had, several mediums and smalls which basically filled up my cart immediately causing me to pay for them and put them into the truck before returning. Dog bowls, treats and toys are in the next aisle which it was easiest to get dog bowls since I decided to get everyone the same bowl so they can't fight over it before choosing random toys but decided to get treats at a later time. The third aisle is filled with collars, harnesses, and clothes which I grab anything that looks cool or cute but left the clothes alone since I have a feeling the pack won't like any of them. Next aisle has shampoos and other dog bath things I just grabbed whatever smelled the best along with a plastic pool. Not having room for food I had to pay for a second time to empty the cart before going down the dog food aisle and praying that they're not picky eaters I grab several large bags of food that looks that best for them before paying for the last time.
"You're buying a lot." The worker behind the counter commented.
"You would have to too if you were adopting eighteen dogs in one day." Their eyes widen as I put the last bag in the cart and walked back to my truck, putting everything in before driving back home.
"What do you get?" Mom immediately asked when she sees me pulling off my shoes at the door, I explained to them what happened.
"So now I have to head home to drop off everything and come back tomorrow morning to pick up the dogs." I ended my explanation which made my parents go silent.
"You're doing a good thing, son. Most people wouldn't think twice even if they had the necessities to take care of them." He nods in approve along with mom.
"I better get my bag and get going since by the time I get to the house it'll be dark, how about you two visiting me next time." They agreed before I get my bag and getting into the truck to head home. As I said by the time I got to the house it's dark, I leave my headlights on since they shine onto the front door and grabbing a few things before getting out. Unlocking the door, turning light on as I go and laying the stuff down. I continue to bring stuff in until I got everything which I turned the truck off on the last way in and locked the doors, the house is one level with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and everything else. One of the three bedrooms is empty of anything while the one that was my grandparents is now mine and the other is a guest room, I take all tags of the dog beds and lay them down on the floor except two the girls will be using since I'll have to put them in my room but leave the rest to fool with tomorrow. After checking to make sure everything is alright I changed in my PJs and fall asleep in my bed.
The next morning I did my usual things when I wake up, once I'm awake and dressed I started taking the tags off the dog toys before putting them into a basket I had but I just left the collars and harnesses in the bags in the living room. I finished my coffee before grabbing my usual things and start my truck to head back to the city.
"Hey! Here's the papers just sign here, here,here, and here. Since you have taken so many here's all their files it has everything you need to know about each dog. Now I'll bring out each dog one by one unless their siblings." The employees disappeared behind the door before reappearing with a large yellow dog with a black dragon pattern in it's long fur close to it's face and down it's neck.
"This is a Borzoi and we named him, Dragen. You can see why." I slowly approached him and let him smell my hand.
"Hello, I'm (Y/N)." I introduced myself to him before taking his leash and lead him to the truck, once I let down the tail gate he jumped into the back and sits to wait for the others.
"The reason why he isn't barking or biting is because I told them all their getting adopted today together, their all smart and can understand somethings. They're the smartest dogs we ever had." This time they return with two small yellow dogs.
"They're both half siblings sharing one parent, this one is a Chion and boy called Crash while the other is the sister that's a Chimeranian named Sun." I introduced myself to them before taking them to the truck putting them with Dragen, the next are three husky looking dogs while two of them are pups and all three are white which seems to turns to a lavender color in the light.
"They all are Siberian Husks, this is the big brother named Bane while his sisters are called Lunar and Eclipse." I introduced myself to the brother first before even trying to approach the pups and once I'm in the clear by letting me give him a pet the employee hands me the wiggling pups to take them to the truck, not really liking to have to put the pups in the back with the rest but I don't really have any other choice.
"He's a corgi and we call him, Hero." The dog is more yellow then other corgis, he's hesitating when I hold my hand out him but smells it which allows me to scratch his head and he melts to the floor causing us to laugh, I carefully pick him up which at first he panicked but quickly settle down once he sees the back of the truck and Crash rush to the gate to meet him.
"These two are siblings and are Schipperkes, the white is the old sister named Lady and the boy pup is called Raven." The girls fur turns peachy pink in the light just like Banes fur and just like him I introduced myself to her before taking the pup, I put them with the rest.
"These two are last pair of siblings and they're Samoyeds as they both are from the same litter, this is Hercules and the other is Hades." Same like Lady and Bane their white fur turns colors, one with peach color is Hercules and the light blue is Hades. Hercules walks straight up to me with a doggy smile which I bend down to let him sniff my hand before Hades strollers up and did the same, after the introduction I lead them to the rest.
"Vlad, he's a Belgian sheepdog." His fur is shiny and slick while his teeth looks like sharp fangs.
"This one is Chief and he's a Bohemian Shepherd." His base fur is black while the rest is yellow.
"Knight and a Belgian Tervuren." His white fur turns pink with two star like marks at the corners of his mouth, another then smelling my hand he doesn't come closer so I just quickly take him to the truck.
"His name is Rogue and he's a Sarabi dog." His coat is mixed of black and yellow fur.
" This buddy is named Beowulf and he's a American bully." He has a scar on the lip.
"This American Pit Bull Terrier is called Cerberus." One small sniff and that's it.
"This is the last one and named Osiris, he's a Dalmatian." His whole coat is white except near his temple where his spots are but their swirls instead.
"Here's my number, if you were find anymore don't hesitate to call." I give them a smile at seeing their shocked face.
"You're willing to take on more?" I nod before leading Osiris to the truck putting the leash on the floorboard of the passenger seat.
"I don't feel comfortable with the pups back here, not wanting them to the slide and get hurt I want to put them in the front with me." I explained before reaching out to grab them but Bane picks up Eclipse handing her over to me along with Lunar and Raven which made me smile.
"Get comfortable! We have a three hour drive to get through!" I said before getting in, I sit the pups in the passenger seat and open the back window where Bane stick his head in, I chuckled as I give him a pet on the head before turning the truck on.
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munadrawson · 1 year
Commentary on the "Pardner" project
Before I mention the musical number project, fair warning that this will get personal. I worked on this project during the month of Ramadan when I could not leave home, which resulted in some mental anguish. But I won't get into details since it is pretty much self-explanatory if you're queer. FYI: This is long af. Lots to say.
I've been drawing fan illustrations/fan comics for 15 years. I never once reference anything from my cultural background. Wild, I know. One of the reasons why I have yet to do so until now was that there wasn't a desi-inspired character that I would enjoy as much as Frye, especially from a franchise that I had adored since day one when I was broke and just started college. There was no way 17 years old me would believe an inkling idol with a Desi background would be a thing and not be offensive. I know some voiced their issues with Frye's design, but after looking through the art book, I am GLAD this was the design they approved. I won't talk about colorism/racism in this post. Don't want to get into the social issues. This is a representation that I'm okay with, and it is a positive one.
So, I grew up watching musicals, whether it is from Disney or Bollywood/other box-office desi movies. Music is a pretty biggie dealie for yours truly. Gosh, I remember in elementary/grade school, I had a classmate who had the same energy as Frye and did the teeth thing as she brought a tape to school. She shared "Lal Dupatta" with the homeroom teacher on the school CRT tv. She was dancing and singing along with the song and tried to have me join in the festivity. But I was and am a shy girl, so I couldn't do it. I did enjoy her enthusiasm and the song. This was something I culturally understood. I felt connected.
Reminiscing that moment, I declared that I should reference one musical number that would fit in the Splatoon universe. For her sake and mine.
Old musical number:
One rule I had while I was searching for a song was that I didn't want the song to be too culturally specific or ignorant of stereotypes. So, no dancing. In the future, I'll draw Deep Cut dancing but nothing culturally significant until I do some well-deserving research before flinging myself into the fiery pits of hell. I learned my lesson internet, lol.
I had one specifically in mind before the partner song. More romantic implications, but it had one person singing. No duet. Sure, BM would appear more, but it would be just him playing an instrument while Shiver singing. Then I would have them crashing together while Frye witnessed this whole shebang at a distance. I also planned to add the Squidbeak Squad be the peanut gallery and have Craig do the "Harold, they're gay" joke. That was the initial idea until I stumbled upon a better one.
New musical number:
After eating my dinner, I passed by my mother while she watched Sholay. During that time, Mom was watching movies from the 60s and 70s on youtube. One was nostalgia, and the other was missing out on some or does not remember some of the stories. Sholay, particularly, caught my attention because the silver fox daddy, Sanjeev Kumar, appeared on the screen. Rood af, bruv. I know, thirst trap.
Seeing him in this movie triggered a memory where Dad showed me a motorcycle scene. I remember Kishore Da was the singer for that song, but that scene was from a different movie. A similar concept of two buddies riding on a motorcycle together, but the energy wasn't there. Out of curiosity, I ended up watching Sholay with Mom.
After viewing the friendship song, I shot up with excitement. "THIS! This one screams them!" As I initially said in the main post, I sought that chaotic energy. Two morally good-leaning thieves sing in a duet about their friendship while being a menace to society. That's THEM!
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I know BM is an essential member of Deep Cut, but I'm not considering the movie but this specific score. If this project was about the movie, I would have DJ Octavio as Silver Fox Daddy, and BM would be Shiver's romantic interest. I did have plans on doing so in a separate post, but I gave up on that thought because I became exhausted after drawing eight pages of Fryver. I thought this would take me at least three weeks to draw. Instead, it was more than a month! I couldn't continue because of the lack of going to the gym, a month's worth of fasting, and in the middle of the holy month, I got sick from a stomach virus. Sorry BM. I want to tackle some other projects right now, and as promised, there will be more of him.
4 became 6, then 7, and finally 8:
Initially, I had the project divided into four pages. These were the four:
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While drawing the four, I debated whether I should add in the coin toss scene. At that time, I could not figure out who could fill the village girl role until I was gobsmacked, realizing how slow and stupid I could be. I thought BM for the longest time, but he's too nice. If the coin rejects the idea of sleeping, he will give them the signature bear hug instead of waddling away. I want these two to be dunked on, especially after stealing his icy pop. "I'm upset that the dastardly duo stole my ice cream, but FRIENDS!!!" That kind of energy is NOT needed for this goof.
Once I figured out that the cousins could fill the Village girl role, the project became six pages long. I left that as a bonus. I acknowledge some people ship each of the cousins with Shiver/Frye. I nodded in some parts, like Callie's blushing. Hopefully, this bonus one was respectful enough. I didn't want to offend anyone.
At this point, I was confident that I was done until I realized there was no introduction to this project. Who the hell would know this 48-year-old movie reference? Very few. Which is fine. I don't know many pop cultural references. If you mention something about star wars, I would go whomst. Not a musical? Disengage, lol. I am not a movie buff to begin with. Music (folk metal plz) and (indie) games I fuck with. Anyway, I drew the introduction to the sketch dump:
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I've laid the chorus across on the top. The background is straight out of the game (you got me bent sideways if you expected me to draw a unique background. Like, I'm insane, but not THAT insane.) I drew the characters that appeared in the sketch dump. These three stealing the show. How the hell did I draw this in one go?:
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Damn, this hand. They're too cute for any school.
After, I've drawn the introduction. Surely, at this point, I'm done with this project. Nope. There is no conclusion. Can't have an introduction without a conclusion. Gotta include an ending. So, I contemplated. While doing that, I cleaned up some of the sketches, and I shared a part of the WIP with my partner, jokingly stating:
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She was right. To close this project, it's literally sealed with a kiss. Why didn't I think of that?! Maybe because I assume they ARE together.
Despite being romantic, I often don't draw two characters kissing. I drew four kisses, including this one, within 15 years of actively drawing. I guess either I'm not confident at drawing that, or it's not a huge part of my love language. Also, it can't help when your girl towers over you. Usually, it's me receiving not giving. I need to carry a ladder around to kiss, lol.
At last, I drew the kiss. And boi, isn't it dramatic, huh? Nonetheless, It's thematic. I can finally close this project for good...? *Nervously laughing* There's more coming.
Additional Thoughts:
Fryver: If they're partners in crime, then they gotta gay equally. I made sure both of them had their moment in the spotlight. For example, in the coin toss scene, I initially had Frye flipping the coins. But, after drawing four pages where Frye leads some parts more than Shiver. Break the role and have Shiver take charge in this scene.
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It works well, especially Shiver using their hand as a fan while simultaneously displaying the coins. This was before the art book! Pure coincidence that a character I finalized happens to like counting money in their pass time. This entire time, I thought BM was the money person. Big Man, big money. Naw, it's your local octoling, Shiver! Also, Frye doing the ;d with a tooth sticking out, giving a thumbs up. Great. Love to see it.
Big Man: Before the introduction page, BM only appeared once in the "MY ICECREAM" scene. This was drawn after the introduction:
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The idea of having BM playing the trumpet while he perches on top of a moving truck, it's fucking hilarious. He rather not risk his life whenever either of the two operates a vehicle, but he's okay with playing incidental music on the roof of a stranger's car. Sure, buddy. You do you, lol. Squid Sisters: I have a project I want to do about the cousins. I am still determining how long that will take, but it's pretty long. I want to start something small.
This was my first time drawing them. I've drawn the other idols. Although chibi Marina should not count as adequately drawn. I do have an Off the Hook comic I want to work on. First, I need to write the script!
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This was the first panel I drew before I worked on the other panels. This is basically my sister and me whenever we encounter someone we don't like or don't have the energy to engage. Lil sis will give her signature fake smile, and I'll give a stank look. No mask, no filter. I'm glad I could capture the dichotomy of the cousins in a single frame.
Final Thoughts:
There were moments when I wanted to give up entirely on this project. Negative thoughts such as, "No one would bat an eye at this," repeatedly. But as a perfectionist, I hate unfinished work. My work specifically. I persevered by telling myself, "Just do it for yourself."
It was a good drawing exercise. I want to get better at drawing these characters. Get to know and understand them better. I've abandoned trying to draw in Splatoon's anatomical proportions. Not my style, lol.
I'm happy that I drew the kiss. After sketching, yes sketching, seven pages, I was exhausted. I got sick in the middle of the fasting, unable to leave home because of fasting. It was too much (it's a good thing, I work remotely from home.) BUT. It's not gay, ya know. I'VE got to draw the SMOOCH. Or else this project will be trapped in the "gal pals" limbo. Also, not me struggling to NOT be wed to a cishet desi man. Anyone that is queer, plz.
Sigh. I had to draw this kiss secretly, away from my parents' prying eyes. I don't want them to question why I'm drawing two bipedal cephalopods kissing, let alone it being gay. And for whatever reason, they keep entering my office and staring at my monitors. I am a professional graphic designer, too. Let me work in peace!
Anyway, the kiss.
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Honestly, talk about a mood. Especially when you're in a long-distance relationship. Five years in a romantic relationship and will be nine years in a platonic relationship with my partner in crime.
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fractallogic · 1 year
Today I cried about my mom for the first time in public so that’s a milestone or whatever
It was my own dumb fault for saying to scone “well we can go to a chain place that won’t have a wait because it’s huge, or we can go to a hole in the wall that looks so good but will also probably make us wait for a while for a table”, because obviously neither of us wanted to wait for dinner, so we go to the old spaghetti factory
Now, the OSF was one of my absolute favorite restaurants when I was little and it has a powerful nostalgia hold on me (and sometimes I fantasize about their browned butter with mizithra cheese). My stepdad and I would go there sometimes when my mom had night classes (alternating with Denny’s, lmfao), I had so many birthday dinners there (including my 6th, which is when my grandparents learned that if you make the waitstaff sing to me, I will be so anxious and embarrassed that I will cry)… like idk, it has a chokehold on my deep childhood memories (but in a good way).
So OBVIOUSLY even at age 32 I am a little sad when we don’t get seated in the trolley car but also very excited when we’re seated right in FRONT of the trolley, and scone perplexedly takes a selfie with me so I can send it to my stepdad, and I think about family things, and old spaghetti factory, and how I have a set of 4 OSF souvenir glasses because my college roommate and I went to the one in riverside twice and both got Italian cream sodas both times, and how the one in Newport Beach was where my dad introduced me to dadwife, and how i always tried to eat around the vanilla in the spumoni ice cream because I’ve never liked vanilla ice cream (but obviously that’s not how ice cream works), etc etc etc
And the other times I was like “oh I should text my mom this photo” plus the realization weren’t quite as strong (except for the pasta e fagiole soup. Christ.), but oh boy, this time, just started weeping and gasping at the table when I realized that my mom was dead and I couldn’t text her the stupid selfie I made scone take with me
All of this is also taking place inside my head, so poor scone just sees me zoning out while he’s on his phone (because the Avs game was also on TV in the bar, so I was also watching that) and then suddenly FUCKING LOSING IT and is like oh my god are you okay what’s wrong what happened
And of course it’s at that exact moment that the waiter shows up with our food, and he’s like “uhhh… who… who had the manager’s favorite?…” clearly thinking that there had just been a breakup that he awkwardly interrupted
It’s been a really rough period of time for me re: mom, and I’m so tired of it. IM BORED, FEELINGS. PLEASE STOP. I GET IT. I MISS MY MOM. GO AWAY.
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Vincenzo : Episode 1
Oh my god STOP this title card is saurrrrr good
It is giving me the nostalgia of old crime thrillers which used to have these quiet , animated and wonderful title cards.
his hair are styled to the T my god, not a strand displaced. my dumbass wants to ruffle it a little.
and just like that an entire building is down 🫨
all of the shots up until now have been so pleasing to me. the cinematography is so unserious hot!? mind you, I'm four minutes in. 💀
the random ass vertical shot just as i said this
i thought he was the mafia boss? he's a lawyer
the shots are so beautiful HELP
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Ohhhh, his boss is dead.
lmao the man just casually eating pasta. that's an Italian baby 🇮🇹
this man is so busy chowing down on that pasta that he cannot see the threat sitting in front of his table
did Netflix change its subtitles again (since i saw this happen with alchemy of souls i have never recovered my trust in them) like i can read! let them be
throw the pasta in this racist's face vince!!!
[foreboding music]
'regret is the most painful thing one can experience in life' bars! saying this before you kill someone and you're giving them a chance is funny but still bars
all of that blatant racism and heat for Vincenzo but can't handle 3 sentences said in Korean
i knew they were going to burn everything as soon as I saw the damn plane 😭
the driver liked that 😂
the score mixed with the silence is actually so good
not a second has been wasted as of it. it's been so pleasing on the eyes
yes!!! snap and kill that cigarette #real #lungsareourfriends
got out of that bathroom so elegantly to kill everybody 😭😭😭
Adrenaline playing let me just
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no way they cut to a scene this cute WHO IS SHE I LOVE HER
lmaooo where is this discussion going, is she trying to strongarm him? gotta be the most adorable way I've ever seen
LMFAOOOO she is deadass singing Für Elise while making him take out the cake topper 😂
a string of money coming out she is so unserious 💀✋
wait I know this man
it's candy in my ear !!! cutie !!!
Do Bong Soon's dad and Itaewon class villain! Him being here... will this be a hit or a miss 😟
he's mad because she's working for the enemy, it's giving Itaewon Class
I still find it fun as of yet though
lmao is this emotional blackmail. ah we both clocked it 😂
i just watched xo kitty before this so this man getting a free taxi is so funny when my girl was running for her life in Korea when she got out of the airport
lmaooo not this limo man being a kidnapper
he's got really pretty eyelashes
[sinister laugh continues] 💀
honestly kidnappers accidentally kidnapping someone from the mafia is a storyline i can always get behind. you deserve each other!
the old man from alchemy of souls!
[ominous music playing]
superiors being lax after getting an important tip from a junior once again before impending doom
the way i already know what's going to happen to taecyeon like let me not get attached
His hair are so poofy and cute let me run a hand through them 😭
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my man who burned like 7000 acres and contributed to 100% of climate change just got kicked in the face and knocked out cold by two casual robbers 😭
a true homecoming
i did not expect this show to be funny
speaking in lower tones with pauses so we know for sure that they're the bad guys doing a business deal
flower of evil detective?!! they really picked one person from each of the 5 kdramas I've watched 💀
he's having the worst day one can have in a new country 😂
the dramatic ass Italian music playing
the piano player 😂 oh wow the tenants of this building are something
lmaooo Vince having the weirdest day in Korea after having an intense I’m the shit, fear me moment in Italy is sending meeee
what is going on in this building
awoop monk jump scare
how does he look THAT good in a blue shirt
lmaooo the chef
everytime water goes out in foreign serials the south asian in me wants to beg people to just keep one bucket in their bathrooms just in case!
do not burn yourself king
the shower doing its own concert with breakdance slay
freezing water is always better than getting burnt by hot water 😭
he gets my pigeon hate omg they’re always outside your window !!!! doing the most 😡
leave sir 🐦 omg don’t use your phone !!
is that his mom? free us from the dumbass narrative of mom leaving child for adoption as heartless. y’all hate women and don’t get it at all
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she is correct! this is literally not relevant and y’all are just trying to rile hate for her here. he’s teary eyed. oh no she worked for an abuser ?!!! let her TALK
wait isn’t that lawyer our girl?
eugh annoying perverts. stop taking pictures of strangers challenge failed
get them aunty!
okay opera chef !!! lmaooo the dramatic music playing in this show gets me 💀
nawww he made the chef cry 😭
I'm bonding hard to every 3rd character on the screen like why is the conversation between lawyer dad and mom wrongly in jail making me soft
I know it's actors being actors but I'm so happy to see laywer dad ( Yoo Jae Myung) be soft again. I was ready to fight through the screen with him in Itaewon class.
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I love the Mr. Cho actor so much. He truly has the funniest expressions. 😂
NOOOO Mr. Cho. Oh this is nasty
lmao is her dad emancipating from her
#saveMrCho omg
NO NO NO NO NO you cannot do this to me
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I am suddenly terrified like I'm already low key devestated
beat his ass sister !!!
lmao the Italian ass entry 😭
help how has he not fallen to his death that's a measuring tape 😭
i need to take a self defense class at some point lol
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bisexualnettobean · 2 years
Ok so I just finished watching the first episode of Netflix’s Bee and Puppycat, so here are my thoughts:
As I had mentioned before, it looks gorgeous. It has this Studio Ghibli and 90’s Sailor Moon feel that makes it look very comforting and soft. Its current aesthetic is a massive improvement over the one shown in the Cartoon Hangover pilot, earlier episodes and the comic books. The style is cleaner and it definitely leans more into anime than cartoon, which I like. Also, I like how most of the show’s charm was kept intact. The show is still as whimsical and funny as the first time I saw it. I loved how the show kept minor “mistakes” that the voice actors made, like stuttering and pronunciation errors to make every conversation seem real and grounded. Bee and Deckard’s conversation still holds up nine years after the pilot.
I like how they managed to go further in depth on world building and expanded on character backstories. However, certain details are no longer implied, such as Puppycat’s identity as the space outlaw, and other things I would’ve liked being kept subtle. I loved seeing baby Bee and her dad. The story behind Bee’s firing made Bee go from someone ‘pathetic’ to someone who is kind and sweet. I’m happy that the episode length is now 22 minutes instead of the original ten.
And now for the things I did not quite like:
The humour isn’t as good. Maybe it’s nostalgia bias talking, but the pilot had more weird, comedic moments than the Netflix version. The energy of this new show seems a lot more toned down compared to the earlier stuff. They changed up the whole (real life) Temp Agency scene [You took too long, now all your candy’s gone], they cut out when Bee went dumpster diving for Puppycat, and although Deckard and Bee’s conversation was good, it’s not as funny as the original. I wonder if they’re going down a more dramatic route for this adaptation, because it seems like a lot of the comedy was sacrificed. Bee’s weird little behaviours like being messy, lazy and impulsive, as well as her adult problems like being broke were changed to be cuter. As a result though, she doesn’t feel as relatable, and it’s not as comedic.
I miss pathetic Bee, now she’s just cute lol. Anyways, if you made it this far, you get a cookie. *For clarification, I am just comparing the pilot and the first episode because one is a reboot of the other. The Youtube shorts and Lazy in Space are all their own thing.*
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