#the moment they met back up on the sea train and franky was like hi and sanji went SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU MF YOU HURT MY FRIEND
joyish-little-boy · 7 months
thinking about Usopp and Sanji and Sanji telling Usopp he was okay with Usopp dying for Nami and proceeded to sacrifice himself for Usopp and then later in Water 7 all their little moments together like wahhhhhhh they are my little guys who both hate themselves in different ways </3
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ezzydantes · 3 months
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Monster Trio Births part 1
Author's Note: Follow up to telling the Monster Trio You're Pregnant. Don't necessarily have to read that one to experience this but prequels are awesome. Lol. Enjoy! Supreme fluff! ***edited*** baby girl would be a little over a year old (17 months for those on top of it, lol) based on my timeline I gave in the prequel..smh..😳😒😩😑😬 my bad...
The pair of you had finally reached the Sunny after running into some "turbulence" along the way. Once the crew was together they were surprised to see a bouncing baby girl of a little over a year old amongst their crew. You had given birth to Monkey D. Asa (pronounced Ace-Ah after her dear uncle who would never meet her) before you're rendezvous point was to be met at Sabaody. Rayleigh and Sharkky had offered to keep the infant safe in secret until they could dispatch her later but Luffy refused. If after all the training he had gone through couldn't keep you and you're baby girl safe... he deemed it pointless. He would have his daughter and lover with him. It was his resolve and no one could tell him better. Not even you...
"Luffy... ", you whispered as he nuzzled into you after another day's hard work training on Rayleigh's regiment. Boa Hancock had allowed him to rest with you and the baby at night in your private quarters in the palace when he had wanted to end his day with you. She had taken a liking to you and considered you one of her sisters after helping save her family after having just given birth a few weeks before and still within your healing time, much to your lover and Rayleigh's protests.
"Y/n.... you and this baby you gave to me... you mean the world to me... I would rather you and her hate me then put you through the hardships that we will face... I'll keep you under Hancock's protection for eternity... " he began but you silenced him with your finger.
"You promised me Monkey D. Luffy that come hell or high water even the end of the world would not keep us from you... what changed?"
Your Captain actually lowered his head and began to get on his knees before you stopped him. "Will you always look to where we are? Concerned about our safety when you can ensure it?"
His eyes sparked red for a moment... the PTSD he endured at the Battle of the Best shining through...
"I'll fight to protect you and Asa... ", he gently whispered, "But I have more reason now than ever to be King of the Pirates..."
He smiled once more as he held your daughter close..."and Asa will be Princess..."
"Lou...", you gently stated, drawing his face to yours as he held your daughter to his chest and pulled you close as well, "We knew having a baby would put a kink in your plans....."
"You knew the day we left our island it wouldn't be easy.... and you reminded me more when we left that our relationship could result in a child.... but I SWORE to take care of you BOTH..." he interrupted your train of thought.
"I will NOT lose you or Asa...", he quietly swore as he kissed your forehead, "NEVER for a moment doubt that I want my girls with me... but if it gets too dangerous don't be upset if I send you back here..."
You smiled as you kissed his cheek. "I'll respect that... but if it ever does come to that... don't abandon us..."
"Never", he growled as he cuddled you and your infant daughter closer to him "I'll never give my girls up..."
****end of flasback***
"Captain... I can understand you bringing y/n along but what's with the kid?" Zoro ungracefully pointed out.
"IDIOT!" Nami shouted as she punched the back of his head with enough force to knock him down, "OBVIOUSLY they had a KID in the last two years!"
"Wait.... are you telling me I never had a chance with y/n?!" Sanji lamented before he joined the swordsman on the ground from Nami's hands as well.
"Congrats to you both... I mean it's SUUUPER that you guys had a kid but... are you sure it's a good idea for y/n and the baby to tag along? I mean we're going DEEP SEA..." Franky pointed out followed up by Chopper's medical advice saying it wasn't safe as well.
Robin and Brook were too enamored with the baby to care of anyone else's opinion and acted happy to meet the gurgling mess known as Asa.
"I've thought long and hard over the past two years... y/n is part of our Nakama... and my future Queen... Asa is my heir and princess... I'm NOT leaving them behind..." Luffy seriously stated, "I already lost a part of my family...again... I'm not giving them up... their my girls... my family.... as are each of you... help me keep our family safe or step off... I won't hold a grudge against you if you do..."
He took Asa out of your hands and held her close as he took your hand in his, "My daughter doesn't keep me from being King of the Pirates... or y/n being my Queen... if anything it's more motivation... I want ALL of us to be free and have fun in our journey TOGETHER..."
"I'm not changing diapers but I'll train Asa", Zoro answered first.
"I'll teach the Princess how to cook and defend her and y/n with my life ", Sanji spoke up.
"I'll teach her how to navigate and make profits!" Nami shouted as she took the baby from her Captain's grasp, "Gotta make sure you inherit it ALL, huh?"
"She'll need to learn about all the cultures we meet and those before her time. I'll read her some historical facts along the way..." Robin smiled as she cooed at the baby in Nami's arms.
"Well if that's the case I'll teach her how to build some cool Super weapons and repair things! Uncle Franky gots you kiddo!" The cyborg smiled.
"I can teach her basic medical stuff! And herbiology!" Chopper smiled big as he crawled up Nami's back to gently caress the smiling babe.
"I can teach her how to play the violin! Sing her lullabies to get her asleep!" Brook jovially laughed.
You smiled as the crew began to accept their newest Strawhat crewmate. Your daughter cooing, babbling, and giggling as she began to acclimate herself to her family. You squeezed Luffy's hand reminding the Captain he never let go. In all his goofiness he smiled wide at you, "Told you they'd spoil her..." and began to laugh. It was a perfect moment with your family. You felt reassured in that moment... your lover had picked his perfect crew.
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zaimta · 1 year
a/n- as y'all know i am in love this man like i would give it all up for franky, he's in his late teens early 20's in this bc he "dies" when he 26 apparently i had to google that one ngl the timeline probably off bc i haven't watch the entirety of water 7 in like 3 years
˗ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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the two of you were inseparable, if anyone saw one of you on your own the townsfolk knew that the other wasn’t far behind. the two of you weren’t always like this though, he had an obvious crush on you for months. he would talk about you to whoever was willing to listen he swore you were the person he was going to marry.
he loved everything about you, from your brain all the way down to your personality he couldn’t get enough of you, just the mere thought of you drove him crazy. he often talked about you to tom and he was always met with the same response
“so what are you going to do about it? are you going to show some gusto and let them know how you feel or not?”
the same mini lecture would always get to him, he wanted nothing more than to make you his and to be yours. he wanted to be the one to hold your hand and cheer you up when you’re sad- he slapped his cheeks and groaned “dammit this ain’t like me…what am i supposed to do.” he spoke aloud to himself not expecting an audience “what’s going on franky?” he jumped at the sound of your voice, his face was flushed red "y/n what are you doing here?"
you giggled at his anticks "it's a beach franky, literally anyone could be here. plus we come here all the time." he scratched his head and looked away from you embarrassed "right yeah...so um y/n" he remembered tom's words, he took a deep breath and sighed, running away wasn't like him he couldn't cower away from you anymore, he turned around to face you and suddenly shouted "y/n! i like you alright! please be my s/o!"
your jaw dropped at his confession, even though his crush on you was clearly obvious you were the only person who didn't realize, you felt your face warming up "franky?"
he didn't think it was possible but his face got redder at this point he knew he was in way too deep there was no backing out now but he was also weak for you, getting embarrassed wasn't his thing but you had that effect on him "i uh" he clears his throat "i've liked you for a while now y/n, tom said i should have 'gusto' and admit my feelings so that's what i did!"
you snickered then clutched your sides laughing smiling wide at him, you tackled him into a hug causing him to lose his balance and fall, he cautiously wrapped his arms around you, and your faces were mere inches apart "of course i'll be your s/o franky." he smiled at you "it's just me and you doll."
that moment of bliss would soon become nothing more than a reminiscent memory.
iceburg tried his best to hold you back despite your screams and cries demanding that he lets you go, the more you screamed the tighter he held you "you idiot i can't let you go with him it's a death wish!" you couldn't see him but he as restrained you there were tears in his eyes also, he didn't know where was franky was going but he did know that he made a promise to him protecting you. unbeknownst to him it was the last promise he would make to his friend, and to conclude the disastrous day the sounds of your heart-wrenching screams as the sea train collided with your lover.
eight years have passed since that day, you were able to move on you were dating here and there but you couldn't find anything that lasted. it was crazy to think how much of an impact he left on you, he was the love of your life and you would give anything to see him again.
suddenly a man with blue hair walked into your workshop, you rose a brow "can i help you mr...?" his monotone face quickly turned into one filled with shock, his eyes looked you up and down taking you in. he looked at you as if he knew you, it was strange "y/n?" you looked at him confused and took a step back "do i know you?" the fact that he knew your name shouldn't have been shocking for you, you were a well-known engineer in water 7 so it figures he would have known who you were but you still couldn't shake the strange feeling in the back of your head.
"it's me franky." your eyes went wide and you backed up hitting a work table and knocking some of the tools off of it "no you're not franky is dead. he died eight years ago, if this is some sick trick of yours it's not funny leave my fucking shop." the stranger walked closer attempting to plead with you, as soon as he took a step forward you threw a wrench at him, he dodged it with a slight tilt of his head and sighed "what do i have to do to get you to remember me or at least believe me?!" he shouted, pain evident in his eyes "maybe getting the hell out of my shop" you wind up your arm to throw another tool.
you dropped the tool you were holding and it made a loud clattering noise once it hit the floor "what...what did you say?" your voice was barely above a whisper as tears brimmed in your eyes. 'doll' was what he used to call you, he only used the nickname in private it was only between the two of you.
"that's what i used to call you right?" he took a cautious step towards you "the first time i called you that was when i asked you out and you accepted, you tackled me into a hug and we crashed onto the floor." tears flowed down your cheeks as he spoke "i hugged you tightly and i never wanted to let go" he took a few more steps and he was standing in front of you "i told you 'it's just you and me doll.'"
"who told you that..." you whispered softly
he gently pulled you into his arms and to his surprise, you didn't fight back "nobody told me, it's me doll. i don't know what you want me to say for you to believe me. do you want me to tell you your favorite color? or the time i fought iceberg over you even though he didn't have a crush on you" he chuckled at the memory.
"you fought him because he helped he out with my invention...our hands brushed when he handed me a tool and he smiled at me then you came over running and kicked him with a running start." you dryly chuckled "i missed you so much franky." you wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him tightly, as you hugged him you felt metal you pulled back and gasped "i had to rebuild my body to survive" he knocked on his stomach with his finger the sound feedback was hollow and sounded like metal "if i wanted to see you again i couldn't just sit there and die." he cupped your cheek in his hand, you nuzzled into his hand with a soft smile.
"words can't descrive how much i missed you franky."
"i'm not goin anywhere doll, i promise."
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
Request by : @humanoid606
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Training was harsh today, you were beaten and tossed around by Bakugo and everything felt sore. The last things you remembered were dinner and soaking in a warm bath before heading to bed. When you woke up you still felt completely drained and you were no longer in your room. You were in a small doctors office and as you started to come to it you made out the voices of people. “ Where am I?” “ You’re on a pirate ship and I’m Monkey D.-” the man in front of you was giving himself an introduction and was cut off by a random arm appearing on the side of his cheek covering his mouth. There were around 10-11 people surrounding you. The pounding in your head was agonizing, you were going to lay it on Katsuki when you seen him.
“ Ma’am, do you know who you are or how you ended up in the ocean?” A reindeer popped up beside the small bed and it made you slightly jump. Usually those with reindeer quirks were a bit taller and had longer antlers as they aged, this seemed to be a doctor but he was so tiny. How cute. Shaking the though from you brain you began to speak telling them your name and who you were. Once you were done they all bursted out laughing like you were some comedian on television. “ You’re a superhero? What planet do you live on” a man with green hair spoke up. You looked at him in confusion before telling him the school you attended. They should all know it, it’s quiet popular all around the world just as other hero schools. “ Sorry to inform you hero, but you’re on a pirate ship in the middle of the grand line”. “ Preposterous, I am Y/N L/N and I got second place during the festival. Why would I be on a pirate ship in the middle of.. the what? The grand line? There is no such thing what are you people talking about”.
The tall woman with tan skin explained to you that whatever world or place you were from didn’t even exist. She told you everything about the world you now seemed to be in and you began to panic. What would become of the world when Shigaraki strikes again? You needed to be there to help Izuku and the rest of your classmates, in this very moment they could be in danger. Over the coats of a next few days you learned all you could about this world. It was nothing like where you were from, you were also a student from abroad and now you seem to be a student in an entirely different universe. Everyone on that ship was amazed by your powers, as they had their own but they didn’t call them quirks they were devil fruits. You explained to them that where you were from almost everyone was born with their powers, and you were definitely a super hero.. in training and you needed to somehow get back home because the people of your world that you vowed to protect are in danger this was a horrible time for you to go missing.
You learned that the captain of this crew was the boy with the loud mouth and giddy carefree smile was named Luffy. Then you had his cheerful and evidently strong creates Zoro, Nami, Ussop, Sanji, Robin, Chopper, Franky, Brook, and Jinbe. You got along with them very well and you were able to train with them too. You were facinated by this world, your seven seas was something much greater and it was like you traveled back in time to before the world was fully explored for what it is today. You fit right in with the crew and they felt the same way which is why when you discovered a way to get back they didn’t take it so well. You had been with them almost a month, although you had help researching what happened to you, you always got the feeling that this irked them.. you wanting to get away from them. It disturbed you like all for one did the day you met him. This overwhelming fear and power that you never faced before. Yes, you were very confident in who you were but with this crew and these new powers you had been introduced to you might not get the upper hand even though you had trained vigorously in your world. You kept quiet about going home after that, it was better to keep them happy and to enjoy all the time you spent together than to get that weird anger that practically bled from them.
You had borrowed various things from each of them that you needed in order to complete your going home project. Everything was finally in place and just as you were going to step back into your life you were yanked right back. The entire crew standing over you with a dark shadow cast against their face. They wanted to know what on earth you were doing. You were going to leave them? Have you lost your goddamn mind? After all they’ve done for you— after how well you brought the crew together. You were finally another woman on the ship, a strong one at that and they made it clear that to them you were an important crew member. You were indispensable and you wouldn’t be going anywhere back to the world that wouldn’t be able to boost you to your full potential.
“ Have all of you lost your minds?” They had you locked in a room without any of the materials you needed. Soon you didn’t know how many days passed, you cried and screamed, you banged on the door and even used your powers but it always resulted in you being out back in square one.
Does anyone know you’re missing? Are they looking for you, your family… your friends.. could someone save you from this disaster that was suddenly sprung on you.
A/N: Hope you enjoy <3
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Disarming (Santi x fem!reader)
Summary: you and Santi - good friends- are Best Man and Maid of Honour at Frankie’s wedding, and guess what? There’s only one bed!
What is this? This is 5/10 one-shots/blurbs for my “friends to lovers” event. The prompt is “We can share a room, right? It’s only for a weekend”, requested by @woakiees​. Another double trope extravaganza! Hadley, I’m so pleased you suggested Santi for this one, as he immediately came to mind when I was writing this prompt :D Thank you so much for requesting! <3
If you’d like to  read/keep track of the other fics, I’m keeping an up-to-date friends to lovers list in my pinned post.
Author’s note: Apparently I get carried away EVERY time I write Santi. WHY AM I LIKE THIS?! :-/
Word count: 7.5k. I’M SO SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.
Rating: 18+ ONLY (minors out, please, do not read or interact)
Warnings: it gets angsty in the middle. Reader has nightmare- comfort offered. Mentions of reader being “hurt” in the past but vague and unspecified. They have a fight. One or two alcohol mentions- no actual consumption. Food mention. Swearing. Steam leading into smut but not explicit- mentions of masturbation, erections, making-out, one brief allusion to choking kink. Let me know if I missed anything.
Tagging: @isvvc-pvscvl​ @casifer-is-king​ (loads of the tags aren’t working :-/)
GIF: @nathan-bateman​
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From the first moment you met Santi, you had simply fallen into step with him. It was effortless, and so, as soon as you found yourself by his side, you stayed there. What’s more, that’s exactly where he wanted you to be.
Despite the man’s hard, no-nonsense edge -which you also appreciated- he was warm and charming. It was easy to connect with him, in a way it hadn’t often been for you. For him too - or so the boys told you - the way you surpassed his defences was a rare thing. It shouldn’t have worked, perhaps. Usually, he was slow to trust and you were quick to love, but on this occasion none of that seemed to apply, the two of you tumbling squarely into a fast-friendship; one deeper and more intense, perhaps, than its duration might suggest. Still, despite the boys’ inferences that you would quickly become an item, and Santi’s continual attempts to blur the lines between this and… something more, “friends” is what you have remained.
You had felt it immediately with him. Something different. You simply... flowed. You fit. It was immediately evident, even on that first night, in the way you orbited around one another, setting up an impromptu beer pong of all things. You moved together with a fluidity and a precision that seems almost tactical- as though you too had run countless manoeuvres in the field with him. You could read him and understand him as though you had drilled his habits and patterns and idiosyncrasies over and over; learning him. However, he was never that much effort - the two of you came naturally to each other, little learning required. You knew each other with your gut.
At that fateful party, when you each escaped to the back porch steps for some air at a serendipitous moment, the conversation had immediately flowed, and not only as a result of his natural, disarming charm. The silence even came easily rightaway – a comfortable thing, the space between you stuffed with contentment, rather than the feeling of a gaping vacuum, needlessly filled. It turned out his best friend was dating yours (the pair to be wed this very weekend) but that almost seemed like the cherry on top, rather than the thing bringing you to each other.
Safe to say, what was true then is true now. You get on so well. You find him fun and easy and generous and you love the man dearly.
…Most of the time.
Those other times, though? Santiago “Pope” Garcia can be a pain in your ass. But that’s another reason you love him, you guess. Keeps things interesting.
“Please don’t kill me,” Santi says sheepishly, and it’s obvious to you he’s laying on the charm - actively trying to be as disarming as possible as he saunters over from the reception desk. For a moment, despite all his training, he looks as though he believes you could pull it off, too.
Your annoyance is already prepped; locked and loaded, as he pads squarely towards the banquette where you are sat - amidst a sea of luggage. You’ve been observing his attempts to charm the desk clerk with interest (his efforts, you surmise, at least partially effectual), and judging from the slight level of desperation in his efforts, you can already tell he fucked up somehow.
“What did you do?” you say impatiently, even as a smile twitches at the corner of your lips.
“I booked all the rooms we needed, for all of the wedding guests, right? 13 rooms here, and all 10 at the hotel across town. 4 more in guesthouses,” he recaps. “Got Frankie and Mila a great deal too, remember?”
You remember. And yet, you fold your arms across your chest, looking up at him incredulously. Okay then. Rolling with your attitude, the man takes a different tack. He sits next to you. Smiles. Leans in. Pats your thigh. He’s trying to disarm you too, you realise. It’s going to take more than that - you’re not some flimsy desk clerk who will form a puddle and bat your eyes at the first sign of his charm.
“Well, funny story. I may have forgotten to book our rooms,” he blurts.
Oh? Oh, great. Yeah. This is a grand fuck-up. The whole damn town is booked-out. It’s a small town. No longer amused, your nostrils flare in annoyance as you tug in a slow breath, schooling your tone just a little before you speak. “You what?” Okay, you didn’t manage to school it all that much.
“Look, I already sort of fixed it,” he smooths. That explains the flirting with the clerk. Although, you think, glancing back at her. She’s pretty. That partially explains the flirting with the clerk, then, you mentally correct. “There’s just one, teeny-tiny issue.”
You raise your eyebrows and widen your eyes. Well?
“We’re gonna have to share a room.”
You blink at him a few times, in surprise. Well, it’s not ideal. For a number of reasons. But you can think of worse things, truth be told. And he’s not wrong. It is a solution. Still, on his reveal, a succession of emotions and micro-assessments are bounced back and forth between your eyes and his, until you land on resigned annoyance, exhaling a long sigh. That is, until Frankie appears in the lobby, swanning in like he’s walking on air. He probably is, given that he’s getting married this weekend. His face splits with a smile so wide you reckon it should be painful to maintain, and you stand to greet him as he heads over.
You’re glad he’s happy. It means that you and Santi, as Maid of Honour and Best man, respectively, are doing a fantastic job of deflecting all of the stress away from the happy couple. Indeed, that assessment certainly feels true – you do feel stressed. Still, the two of you immediately paint your faces with masking smiles; though, in fairness, it’s hard not to smile while looking at Frankie – his obvious joy is infectious.
Frankie wraps you both in a hug, then rubs his palms together like an excited kid. “I don’t have much time. Just gonna say a quick hello to my parents. Apparently, my mom’s already started crying? Can you two sort some extra tissues for the ceremony or something? Oh, and is everything okay with the rooms?”
“With this guy? Are you kidding?”, you say before you think, throwing your thumb towards Santi. Immediately, his eyes submit a powerful plea to you to keep schtum- it is written all over his face that he doesn’t want to let Frankie down. Not even in the smallest of ways.
Frankie would find his little error funny, probably. But he can find it funny after the ceremony. “Everything is A-OK! This guy? He has every single detail taken care of.”
Frankie grins, his eyes narrowing proudly at Santi as he slaps him on the back, laying profuse thanks on the two of you; then, he floats away again, as if on a cloud. Santi’s brown eyes are big with gratitude when you look at him again, and you can’t help but weaken. You’ll admit, it’s really not that bad of a fuck-up. Besides, you’re tired. Between the drive out here, the wedding rehearsal, and a never-ending list of errands, the day has been long. You just want to get to the room, and maybe even clock a snooze before the rehearsal dinner tonight.
“Fine,” you agree, albeit through gritted teeth. “We can share a damn room.”
Santi looks visibly relieved, and squeezes your shoulder in thanks. You’d even been nice enough not to bite his head off. “Yeah. We can share a room, right? It’s only for a weekend.” Suddenly, he doesn’t sound quite as certain.
“Sure. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?” you smile nervously.  
He returns your smile and swivels, heading back towards the desk.
“Oh, wait!” you call after him. “Is it a double or a twin?” you ask in horror. Sharing a room is one thing, but sharing a bed?
He turns, looking over his shoulder. “Doesn’t matter!”, he winks. “Whatever it is, we’re gonna have to take it.”
Oh. Oh dear.
You’re inclined to agree -you don’t have many options- but when you catch yourself stealing a glance at the man’s shapely butt as he walks back to the desk, you begin to chew your bottom-lip nervously.
Right. Ha.
What could possibly go wrong?
It turns out, sharing a room with Santi is resoundingly not bad at all. In fact, at first, it’s as easy as everything else is with him - even between your hurried preparations for the evening, unpacking, shuttling items to the relevant members of the wedding party, and calling down to reception several times to check the logistics for the rehearsal dinner. Even getting dressed, you find an easy flow as you each flit in and out of the bathroom, dancing around each other with ease and only a hint of friendly bickering.
Santi’s respectful too- always knocking and announcing himself before entering a space, and averting his gaze when he needs to, given that you’re rushing around and undressing. You even manage to ignore the fact there’s only one bed for the longest time, parking that specific panic for later. Even then, he has already made reception send up extra pillows and blankets, forming a barricade in the middle of the bed so you two can comfortably separate.
Thankfully, you are so busy that the idea of sharing a bed with Santi doesn’t even cross your mind until you’re finally ready, dressed in your finery. When you step out of the bathroom, Santi -sat on the edge of said bed- stands up, thrusting his hands into his suit trousers as he takes the sight of you in, pulling the material taut -in a rather pleasing way- across his hips and thighs. He ends up slightly slack-jawed for a moment as his eyes trail over you, brewing with a gentle, self-conscious heat. “Fuck,” he says softly, his voice gruff. “You look…” a little gulp trails down his throat as you give him a little twirl. “…hot”, he says, his eyebrow ticking up on the last beat.
“Wait until you see my bridesmaid dress,” you smile, and he returns it easily, those gorgeous creases appearing around his eyes.
Unconsciously, you lick your lips. You can’t help but wonder, vaguely, what it would be like to push him down on to the mattress. Maybe straddle him. Fuck, you should have known this would be a bad idea. A heat rising in your face at that thought of that, you distract yourself by lifting his suit jacket from the back of the chair, holding it out for him as he slips it on to his shoulders, and feeling the luxurious texture of it beneath your fingers.
It’s a grey suit, tailored, and it hugs him in all the right places. The cool colour is perfect against his warm-toned brown skin, and brings out the salt in his salt-and-pepper curls, and in the rough rasp of grey flecked through his stubble.
You try desperately not to notice how good he looks, but this may be your greatest challenge yet.
“Come on,” you encourage, nodding towards the door. “We better head down.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, half-heartedly. The way his eyes are subtly roving over you, though, he looks like he has something entirely different in mind for dinner.
“You’re probably going to spend all night being chased by the single bridesmaids,” you add casually as you collect your purse, and apply a final dab of lipstick in front of the mirror. You’ve already clocked a few members of the wedding party eyeing him up, and you don’t exactly blame them for being thirsty. Besides, Santi is a huge flirt; so perhaps he’ll be the one doing the chasing. You wouldn’t be surprised if he ended the night with his tongue thrust deep in someone’s throat, which -you assume- is typical Santi fashion.
“Isn’t it traditional, anyway,” he smirks cheekily, applying a splash of cologne, “for the Best Man to hook-up with one of the bridesmaids?”
Lord, does he have to smell so… edible.
“Got news for you, man. You fucked up. You can’t exactly bring a girl back to your room now, can you?!” you tease, nodding back towards your shared bed, a wall of pillows already arranged down the middle. You mean it to come out in good-humour, but you can’t scrub the hint of jealousy from your tone entirely.
You feel so silly for being jealous of whomever he may hook-up with. After all, Santi is always the one testing the boundaries of friendship with you. It’s not like he’s ever made a secret of the fact he’s attracted to you- and you are the one here will a firm line in the sand. A line you simply won’t cross with him. Can’t cross. You want to - of course you do, but after being hurt in the past, you have simply built-up far too many defences; or, more accurately, just the right amount of defences, you think, to protect you. So, no matter how disarming the man is, you simply have to keep your guard up; because if he breached your walls, you know everything else would come tumbling so easily down.
You had fallen so easily into friendship with him, and you are certain that you would fall just as recklessly in love with him.
You’re not ready for that.
You can’t take being hurt again. Besides; Santi? He’s an incredible friend. He’s tenaciously loyal and dedicated to his squad. But when it comes to love, and sex, you doubt whether serious is even his thing - and you’re too afraid to ask.
“You ready to do this?” he asks, with a wink.
“Yep,” you nod. “Let’s roll,” and with that, you turn, heading for the hallway.
“Princesa- that dress really highlights your ass,” he praises as he tags along behind you.
“Thank you, it’s true,” you smile devilishly, already beginning to let your guard down, just a little. He’s simply so disarming. “Speaking of, Garcia – did you get your trousers a size too small on purpose?”
“Oh, you noticed?” he retorts, smugly, guiding you through the door with a hand on the small of your back.
Okay. Sometimes you flirt back. After all – look at him.
Especially in that damn suit.
The rehearsal dinner goes swell. Frankie and Mila are a picture-perfect, loved-up couple, and they grin their way through the evening as if they slept with coat hangers in their mouths. The speeches are well-received, including Will’s, thus setting a high bar for you and Santi tomorrow. (You may be biased, but Santi’s is ten times funnier, and it’s going to kill, in your opinion.) There are no dramas through the evening- logistical or familial, and thanks to you and Santi overseeing everything with a military precision, it looks as though -so far- it is shaping up to be the perfect wedding weekend.
Finally, once your duties are over for the night, you are able to let your hair down a little, so to speak, and enjoy the food and company on offer. Still, with a big day ahead tomorrow, things wind down relatively early, and -having lost track of Santi at some point- you find yourself back at the shared room a little while before him. You usually burn out more quickly than he does in social situations, but even taking that into consideration, you begin to fret about where he has gotten to. With the way he was flirting his way through the party, though, it doesn’t take a genius to guess what (or who) might be keeping him up.
You try to sleep but you can’t, your mind going to the worst places, so, by the time Santi does return -softly cracking the door, and padding in with his shoes in his hands so as not to wake you- you have stewed in your own thoughts long enough to have become a little cranky. A little… green-eyed.
“Hey,” he greets in surprise when he enters, immediately noticing the soft lamp glow, and seeing you still sitting up in the bed, mindlessly watching the flicker of the tv on mute.
“Hey,” you return, your voice noticeably strained. “Have a fun time?” You find yourself wishing you weren’t sharing a room, then you wouldn’t have to know what he got up to.
“Yeah,” he replies softly, slipping off his jacket and laying it over the back of a chair. “Did you? How come you’re still up? Thought for sure you’d be wiped out by now.”
So, he did think of you, then?
“Couldn’t sleep,” you reply neutrally, fixing your eyes dead ahead as he begins to slip out of his trousers and shirt too, until he’s dressed in only his tight black boxers. Next, he takes off his watch and sets it at the bedside, and you notice that he smells of perfume. A cloying, floral scent that makes you feel a little sick.
“Just gonna have a quick shower and then I’ll slip in with you, okay?” he says, his voice slow and deep and muted, matching the soft light.
You still don’t look at him. You can’t.
“Do what you want. You usually do,” you bite, the words tasting bitter as soon as they have left your lips, and tears of regret pooling as your anger dissolves.
You don’t blame him if he was with someone – you really don’t. You’re simply angry at yourself; because you wish you could be that person, and you can’t for the life of you seem to find a way.
“Okay. What was that for?” he bristles, reacting defensively, turning towards you. And perhaps it’s because it’s late and he’s tired, or because certain demons feel safer coming out under the cover of darkness, but he doesn’t stop there. Especially when all he gets from you is a stony, pointed silence. “You know what? Actually, no. You don’t get to do this”, he hisses, and it is the first time you’ve ever heard him direct any genuine anger at you.
It doesn’t half sting.
“Do what?” you ask, but you already know the answer.
“You don’t get to be mad when I give my attention to someone who actually wants it,” his voice is hushed, but his words rattle through you as if he had yelled them. “I don’t have to explain myself to you. Guess what, I’m not yours.”
“That’s not fair”, you snap back, and then things are quickly escalating.
“Isn’t it?” he asks, rasping a hand over his stubble in distress. “I mean, come on. Shit. You know that I want more but I…” he exhales a disgruntled laugh. “You shoot me down, which is your prerogative, honestly, but you can’t have it both ways. You can’t knock me back all the time and then be pissed off when I look elsewhere.”
You meet his face, the planes of it shadowed and angled harshly with anger, suddenly so unfamiliar to you, and it causes your eyes to bloom with tears. You two look the opposite of Frankie and Mila; of a picture-perfect couple. But you’re not even a couple at all, are you?
You see him try. To blunt the emotion which is bubbling up. To soften. But he has uncorked something he now can’t put back in. “Fuck, I just wish that….” he pinches his lips together and shakes his head, planting his hands on his hips and looking at the floor. “If you don’t want me, just put me out of my fucking misery. Just say it. Just fucking tell me.”
Your heart shatters into a thousand pieces at the thought you make him miserable. At the way his voice breaks. At the way he thinks you don’t want him. Maybe you were wrong, thinking that you could be friends at all. Thinking that could be enough for him.
Your lower lip trembles, and your fingers clutch the edge of the blanket. “I… I can’t tell you that. I can’t tell you that I don’t want you, Santi.”
You can’t because it isn’t true. It could not be further from the truth, in fact.
He puffs out air, an exasperated sound, his hand raising up to tangle in his grizzled curls. Raising his voice a little more. “Let me guess. You can’t tell me the other thing either?”
“I.. I..” You try, but no words will come. You simply shake your head, swallowing a sob, your eyes almost brimming over.
He nods. He nods, his mouth slanted down. “Great. Got it,” he huffs.
You hate this. You hate how much you’re hurting him.
“Santi,” you breathe weakly, but it is too weak to blunt the force of his emotion. To halt his trajectory, and so, resigned, he turns towards the bathroom, grabbing-up a fresh white towel from the counter. Before he closes the door, he turns to you once more, now speaking softly, his eyes as sad as yours. “You know,” he says, his index finger sawing back-and-forth over the stubble at his chin. “For the record, I wasn’t with anyone else. I can’t even fucking think about anyone else but you. I was late back to the room because I couldn’t face it.” His voice becomes small and pained. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to just curl up next to you and act like I don’t care.” His eyebrow ticks up, and he adds, with a final flourish. “Guess I should have taken a lesson from you.”
Oh, how it stings, pain flowering in your chest like a bruise, but you hold yourself together until he’s out of sight. Then, when he’s gone, you immediately cave in on yourself, falling on to your side and screwing your eyes shut, clamping your hand over your mouth so that he can’t hear you crying as wet tears spill onto your pillow.
When he comes back into the room, after a long shower, you simply screw your eyes shut and pretend to be asleep. You hear him sigh heavily, and mumble something to himself under his breath, before dragging a few pillows and a spare blanket down on to the floor.
A few more silent tears roll over the bridge of your nose.
You guess you wouldn’t be sharing a bed with him after all.
You wake panicked in the night, sitting bolt upright in the bed. A cold wash of sweat over your skin chills you, even though you feel like you’re burning-up.
Immediately, you reach for him, for Santi, calling his name even as your fear strangles the sound in your throat. Your heart is thudding, and your breaths are sawing in and out of you, but your grasping hands find nothing to your side but pillows and blanket.
Unfortunately, you are used to this occurrence, and you quickly realise it was “only” a nightmare. Still, the feelings and images it conjured linger in your body, and around you in the shifting, seemingly fluid shadows of the room.
With a release of tension, you whimper, leaning forward and cradling your head in your trembling hands, and you try to ground yourself. To steady your breath and your heartbeat, like you’ve practiced. As you do so, the shadows to your left shift and change, and, even in the pitch-black you can feel him, a safe and warm presence, instantly travelling to your side, his weight dipping the mattress. His soothing, sandy voice filtering through the shadows and cutting back the tendrils of your nightmare like a Disney prince hacking through cursed vines.
You vaguely remember that he’s mad at you - but you can’t help it. Can’t help asking. “Hold me?” you plead, desperately afraid that he won’t.
Still, without questions or hesitation, you feel the wall of remaining pillows coming down, the defences around you quite literally being dismantled – a figurative wall between you shifting away along with it. He shushes you, and you focus on his voice, until he is close enough that the scent of him wraps around you, before his arms follow closely after.
You reach for him in return. You reach for him in every way possible.
“It’s just a nightmare,” he soothes. “I’m here, baby. I’ve got you,” and there is pain in his voice on your behalf, as if he tries to bear the burden of it for you.
“Closer,” you plead, and before you know it, he is shifting you on to your side, slotting his sturdy yet soft body around you, not caring that you feel clammy and hot against his bare skin. He simply loops his arms and draws your back, closer to his chest, becoming your big spoon.  
He calms you, hands enveloping yours and bundling them against your chest, his nose nuzzling into your hair, and his deep steady breaths slowing your breathing as you let his calm and his rhythms overcome you. He holds you, until the feelings pass, not caring how long it takes – and with any anger from before apparently forgotten.
This pain is all too familiar to him, you know. It something that Santi understands. It is your own and it is not the same as his, true, but you know it is familiar enough that he will feel the ache of it echoing in his own chest. You know that he is accustomed enough to bearing his own pain, that when yours is too heavy to carry, he will help you hold it for a while. And so, he holds you, while you are a tender thing, bruised and afraid, and he keeps you safe; with all your walls down, all of your defences collapsed, he becomes your fortress.
You never thought that letting yourself be so vulnerable could allow you to feel quite as safe as this.
As you lie together, Santi continues to usher soft reassurances into your ear, his words like charms and incantations to ward off the ghosts which haunt you. And, after a series of slow, stretched moments, you become more settled, and Santi feels you relax against him.
After a few moments more, he eventually whispers a small question into your hair. In the dark, the question feels safe to come out, perhaps.
“Do you always call for me when you…?” he trails off, thinking better of it. “I’m sorry- forget it, you don’t have to answer that.”
You don’t. You know you don’t. You don’t even truthfully know the answer. It’s likely that you do call for him, though how would you know, when you’re usually alone? But, there is something else you can tell him, while it is safe to come out in the dark. Something you want to tell him, before you build your walls all the way back up.
“Santi,” you begin, timidly, and his fingers skim softly up and down your arms, encouraging you to go on. “I-I’ve been hurt before. And, I want to be with you. I want to let you in but… I’m. I’m not ready. I’m trying so hard but I… I can’t.”
There is a long beat, and you realise he has held in a breath only when he releases it all at once, fanning hot across the back of your neck.
You are afraid. Afraid of what he might say, in response – what he might feel, but you think, maybe, it might be something like relief? And, Santi squeezes you, just a little tighter. A little closer. “Don’t worry about that now, okay?” he soothes, his voice feather soft. “Just… know one thing, okay, Princesa? Whenever you are ready? I’m waiting.”
This time your heart fills with a different emotion, all the spaces in it flooded with contentment, Santi’s words followed by a perfect, happy silence.
A soft smile blooms on your face.
It was not a confession of waiting impatiently, you understand, but an invitation to take your time to arrive at him. He’s not trying to bring down your defences at all, is he? He’s waiting for you to open the door, and invite him in. He’s waiting until you are ready. He simply needed to know that you are on your way, even if your footsteps are getting you there slowly.
For now, though, the thought of it is too much. More than you’re ready for.
So, you simply let him hold you.
To disarm you further.
To walk yourself a little closer toward where you want to be. With him; by his side.
In the morning, you wake up tangled around each other, Santi’s arm wrapped securely around your back and your head settled on his chest. He is still snoring lightly – cutely - when you awake, and so, as the night prior comes flooding back to you, you hastily try to extricate yourself from him; even if his bare skin feels so good against yours that you never want to move. You’re apparently not so subtle- or he’s a helluva light-sleeper – as, just when you pull away, Santi wakes up, quickly rushing to prove his innocence.
“You had a nightmare,” he croaks, still trying to peel his eyes open. “You asked me to- “.
“-I know. I remember,” you reassure, sitting up in bed, the blankets tugged to your chest. Santi shuffles, opting to assume the same position on his own side, mirroring you, rubbing his eyes.
You’re still not sure whether to apologise to him or thank him. Or maybe even to wait for an apology from him? Christ. Maybe all of those things or none of them, who even knows? You mentally spin a wheel and land on a casual “Uh. Thank you, for…. You know.”
“Anytime,” he says, turning his head to the side and looking at you earnestly. As if your bickering -your jealousy and his outburst- is all but forgotten. What’s more, you know that he means it.
Admiringly, your eyes wander over him, enjoying a side of him you’ve never quite seen before. Apparently, he’s even more handsome in the morning, with an even thicker, darkened brush of stubble, his grizzled curls dishevelled, and his swooping eyelids still heavy from sleep. Combined, it gives him a sultry, bedroom look. Feeling an involuntary rush of heat in the pit of you, your gaze drops to his corded neck, where, given the special occasion, he has substituted his dog tags for a silver chain, drawing your gaze down over his smooth, brown chest.
Your skin now cooling in the conditioned air of the room, you long for his body heat again, recalling how it felt to be held by him and wishing you had lingered a little longer while you could. Even with your interrupted sleep last night, you have somehow woken feeling refreshed, as though you had slept unreasonably deeply in his arms, reaching a whole new level of contentment - as though you just fit together, perhaps. As though it comes naturally for you to be held by him, and for him to hold you.
There is a silence and it isn’t awkward exactly; more… pregnant, with possibilities. Possibilities you see brewing with a gentle heat in his eyes. So, tearing yourself abruptly away from that line of thought, you lift your phone up from the nightstand, and note that there isn’t long before your alarms sound anyway.
Operation Wedding Day is go.
That should be enough of a distraction for you, shouldn’t it?
���You ready for this, Best Man?” you ask him, with a gentle quirk of your lips.
“Sure. Are you ready, Maid of Honour?”
Ready. Are you ready?
Thoughts of last night swirl in your head.
Well – as Santi flashes you a tentative, disarming smile, with hooded eyes, you certainly feel like you’re getting there. Like soon you could be ready.
“Sure. Let’s get this show on the road.”
“Atta girl,” he encourages, folding his arms behind his head as you jump out of bed.
You suddenly don’t care that you’re in nothing but your underwear, as you stretch out your body and track towards the bathroom. “I’ll shower first?”
“We’re sharing a bed,” he teases. “Sure you don’t want to share a shower too?”
You scoff, flashing a mischievous smile right back at him. You’ve always had a soft spot for his flirting, but you feel like -after all that transpired last night- you truly see if for what it is now. You realise why it has never felt like he’s pressuring you - not once. He’s simply reminding you, that as soon as you call for him, he’ll be there. That he’s waiting, when you’re ready.
Reminding you, that as soon as your walls drop, he’ll be your fortress.
“I don’t think you’re gonna get quite that lucky this morning, Garcia.”
You do linger in the doorway, just a little longer than necessary though, so that he can get a better look at you. He’d never look without permission – he proved that yesterday, when you were in various states of disarray- but this time, sensing your invitation, his eyes graze over you slowly, keenly. So, when he strategically moves his hands from behind his head to hide the tenting covers, you don’t mind at all.
You smile devilishly as you slip into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. You’re not sure if he will… take care of himself out in the room – how could you know? But, feeling inspired, you certainly do so in the shower, and it’s a pretty great wake-up call before you face the wedding day.
Maybe sharing a room isn’t so bad. Maybe you could even get used to it.
Frankie and Mila get hitched without a hitch.
Santi goes to the ends of the earth to make sure that Frankie has the best day possible- and at some points, he goes even further than that. His speech was moving and flawless, and pretty fucking funny; even if you are a little (or a lot) biased. Not a dry eye in the house, just as you predicted.
The man adores Frankie with his whole heart, and you could barely hold back the glow of admiration as you listened to him, feeling like it might burst from your chest like a beam of gold sunlight. You felt it especially strongly every time his eyes met yours during the course of the speech, and you couldn’t help but smile yourself stupid each time he did so. And, of course, you were overjoyed to see your best friend have the day of her dreams, with the man of her dreams. If you do say so yourself, you think your speech was pretty killer too.
Suffice to say, you ate until your belly was full, loved until your heart hurt, laughed until your sides ached, and danced until your feet ached.
Tonight, unlike last night, you and Santi retire to your shared room at the same time, your arm linked into his, and your shoes carried in your hand to spare your sore feet – there’s a reason you never normally wear shoes like this. Without your heels though, you keep tripping over the hem of your dress almost every few paces, causing you to giggle and Santi to steady you with a warm, rich chuckle, sometimes throwing you an extra hand to assist you.  
You look over at him, furtively, as he recounts some of the more choice moments from the day, immensely enjoying the simple pleasure of hearing him talk and smile and laugh. Seeing him happy. Of course, enjoying how he looks too, you have to admit - even more handsome than he did yesterday (somehow) in midnight blue dress pants, and a white, crisp shirt, now tieless. He’s only grown sexier as the evening drew on too, now with a wide open-collar and rolled up sleeves to accommodate all of the dancing; or, at least, as much dancing as his knees could handle, until he’d simply opted to sit to the side and watch you boogie, his eyes apparently transfixed on you and only you - the advances of the other bridesmaids be damned.
There is something that hits different about the way he looked at you today. His admiration shining deeper than usual. Less like a casual lust, and more like something… serious. You’re not sure why you doubted it before, exactly. Why you have been so inordinately afraid that he might hurt you. You broadly figured him for a smash and dash type of man, which is fine, but you have every reason to believe that he wants more with you.
After all, Santi can be deeply and tenaciously loyal. He has dedicated himself to things deeply and unwaveringly several times over in his life. To his country, to his missions, to his morals, to his squad. And there’s something about the way he looked at you today, you think, that suggests he might dedicate himself to you with the same tenacity. Something far deeper than appreciating how you look in this bridesmaid dress (and oh boy do you look hot). It’s more like the way he looks at Frankie. A little different to that, obviously. But you’re realising he looks at you like he’d never let you down. Not even in the smallest of ways. Like he’d rather go to the ends of the earth -or beyond- than do that.
At least… you think so.
You are sure about one thing though. The way he looks at you? It’s thoroughly disarming.
And so, you arrive at your shared room, utterly wiped out from the day (and night), yet still somehow buzzing with an energy. A gentle suffusing heat under your skin as you watch Santi walk inside and kick off his shoes at the end of the bed, before turning back towards you.
You have entered a few paces behind him, after nearly tripping on your gown all over again by the door, but now, you are quite steady on your feet - aside from that slight, nervous tremble in your quaking legs as he looks at you like that. As Santi looks you up and down, eyes skimming over the contours of your dress and hence everywhere it hugs your figure. Evidently, he likes what he sees.
“Wow,” he breathes, his brown eyes shining as if he’s looking at you for the first time that day, even if his gaze has barely left you all night. “I know it’s the bride’s day, but you look fuckin’ smokin’, sweetie.”
“You think so?” you ask humbly, suddenly feeling unreasonably shy. Flustered even.
“Yeah. I think so,” he nods, positively certain. “Shit, you’re so beautiful.”
You look at him. You look at him in a way which suggests an answer in your eyes instead of a question. A clear intention in your body, instead of uncertainty. But he doesn’t push you. He doesn’t assume. He doesn’t make a move. Instead, his mouth tugs up into a lopsided smile, offering you a lazy flash of teeth, and he shoves his thumbs into his belt loops.
“Well, we’re officially off the clock now, so I’m calling it. Well done, Maid of Honour. Think we nailed it? Made a pretty damn good team?”
A smile lights your face. You did. You flowed. You fit. It was easy.
Fuck. It feels so easy. Why had you ever thought this would be hard?
You nibble on your lip, eyeing him with intention, and a hard swallow trails down his throat in response.
“Off the clock, hmm?” you say breathily. “No more titles or duties? Huh. That’s a real shame.”
“How so?” he asks, his eyes devouring you alive, but his body fixed resolutely in place. Transfixed to the spot.
“Because it’s traditional for the Best Man to get with one of the bridesmaids, isn’t it?”
A slow, disbelieving smile inches over his face, and he looks at his feet, a little bashful. “Gross tradition. Kinda sexist,” he says, and your gaze fixates on his full, curving lips. On his hands, poised and broad at his belt.
“So, you don’t want to make out then?” you ask in your most sultry voice, mere breath.
The man huffs out a quick, broken exhale. “Fuck me. You know I do, sweetie. But only if you’re ready.”
Ready. Are you ready?
“Santiago,” you say, with conviction, your eyes dancing between his. “I’m ready.”
Santi searches your face one last time, just to be certain. He’s sure, of course – has been for a long time, but he needs to know that you truly want this. That you want this now. So, he looks at you, and he finds nothing but permission. Even so, after so long, he still can’t quite believe it. He would go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe – or beyond – and, so dammit, he will ask you again.
“C-can I..” he begins, and his voice already sounds choked; hollowed out with need. “Fuck, Princesa, can I kiss you?”
Too long. Too long without moving. Without touching. Too long.
If you were suddenly ready, his kiss becomes even more suddenly overdue.
“You’d better,” you encourage, feeling like vapour. “Unless you want me to do it first.”
With permission granted, you expect him to be on you, with a surge. All at once. But Santi has been patiently waiting for you long enough. He can wait just a little longer, and, when he subtly tips his chin up, ever so slightly, and when he near growls “come here then, honey,” somehow, it is perfect. Somehow, it is a thousand times hotter that he makes you come to him.
You lift the hem of your dress, and you pad delicately towards him, feeling like you are wading through molten honey to get to him, the air thick and sweet.
“That’s it. Come here, baby,” he encourages, with a curl of his index finger beckoning you to him, his voice curling in the pit of you, making you feel weak in the best way possible. Making you feel spent before he’s even done so much as brush you with his hand or his lips.  
You close the remaining distance with your steps, the anticipation too much, and your legs feeling so weak from the reckless lust and the light, liquid softness in his eyes. By this point, you are begging for his arms to reach out and clasp you- to hold you up; make you secure and safe in him. You are begging for his lips to sink down on to yours. But he makes you wait, through a few more slow, stretched moments. Makes you inch your mouth closer and closer until your lips are almost skimming his. He makes you wait until you are moaning his name into the air before he has even touched you.
And, if there’s one thing you know for sure, it’s that when you call for him, he is always there to take care of you.
You know he will take care of you.  
With that, his name a plea, he swoops his broad, large hand up until he is holding you, his fingers closing around your jaw and your throat, trailing down your neck. His touch is painfully gentle, but in a way that makes you want him to squeeze, a little harder. In a way that makes you push yourself ever so subtly into his hand. A way that draws a silken moan from deep in your chest, and Santi is moved to dip the pad of his thumb into your mouth, where it meets your wet and willing warmth. When your tongue skims him, humming as you taste his saltiness, that seems to be the final straw, a wrecked groan sounding from his throat, and finally he surges on to your lips, leading with his tongue, thrusting into your open mouth and drinking down every sound and moan he can draw from you, his stubble rough against you. You don’t care if he leaves you raw.
It’s tender, and it’s gentle, but Santi knows all about control, and you can tell he’s holding back. His hands are lethal, and he knows just how to kill you softly; but, you are certain, that if you want more of his power, he’ll give it to you. That he’ll take care of you however you like.
So, he kisses you more deeply, harder, and you go near limp against him until one of his arms wraps at the back of your head and one at the small of your back, making you feel a feeble thing, waning in his arms as his large hands support you. Except; you’re not feeble though. You’re not by a long shot, and you know exactly what you want.
“Santi,” you suspire, letting him walk you back against the wall, pressing his bulging arousal into you as more wrangled sounds and little grunts slip from his parted lips.
“Yeah, baby?” he asks, already sounding wrecked for you.
“There’s only one shower. Wanna share?!”
Even as he releases an endlessly eager, disbelieving breath, his eyes keenly search your face, checking you are ready. He watches, enraptured, as your lips curl into a deliciously sinful smile.
“You know. We don’t have to rush this,” he insists, even as he shivers with need, closing his eyes and biting his lip when you angle your hips to brush the tenting bulge at his crotch, ever so fleetingly, his hips bucking into you immediately in pursuit of more pressure.
“I know,” you say coolly, your body an undercurrent of frenzy, but your mind calm and sure. You push him back, with your palms to his chest, making room for you to about-turn into the bathroom, shimmying off your dress as you go and letting it waft to the floor like a sigh. Looking at him over your shoulder, with lust-blown eyes, you leave Santi stood there, entirely dumbfounded, as you reveal all of yourself to him.
You retreat, but once the water is running you call out to him, wondering where he has got to. “Take a hint, Garcia. If you’re ready? I’m waiting.”
And, he doesn’t waste another second before joining you.
(BONUS: Outfit inspo, if you wanna imagine him in the suits a lil better 😉)
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jazminetoad · 3 years
The True Straw Hat Crew AU
Water 7 Arc headcanons (Part 1)
Alright, so at this point we have 24 members of the Straw Hat crew by the time Water 7 takes place. Once again, this is a reference to this → post and the list of characters can be found → here
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Ipponmatsu goes with Luffy, Nami, and Usopp to trade in the gold for beris
Now, I believe that since Ipponmatsu is an appraiser himself, they would get more money than 300 million (scam or not, even if it was Nami would back him up)
I'm going to say they get 500 million beris (I mean we need the extra money because I'm pretty sure the giant log raft that was pulling Dorry and Brogy along is also going to be damaged)
Now since Nami and Ipponmatsu both value money, I don't think they would lose 400 million
Nami carrying 100 million, Usopp carrying 200 million, and Ipponmatsu carrying 200 million. (Luffy is still not trusted to carry the money)
We still gotta lose that 200 million for Franky, sorry Usopp but you still get kidnapped (We'll get back to that later)
Now I imagine at this point, Vivi and Robin are okay friends (especially when Aokiji almost froze the archeologist to death) so both of them accompany Chopper to town
Pell would, of course, wish to come along but Vivi reassures him she'll be fine and wants to freely explore the town so he would stay back and guard the Merry with Zoro, Cricket, & Wyper
A polite conversation goes between the trio until Chopper sees book store and speeds to the front asking if they can go inside, the girls giggling at Chopper being adorable
"Come on, Robin" Vivi goes ahead and Robin follows behind her but stops when Blueno(?) walks by muttering "CP9"
Vivi is now in the store so she doesn't notice Robin frozen in place, she sees Chopper reading some books already. The cashier lady makes her comment on Chopper's "costume" and by that time since he is now of aware of his surroundings Chopper would ask Vivi where's Robin.
"I don't know, she was right behind me," Vivi tells him confused, they both look outside and don't see Robin anywhere. This concerns both of them so they go to find her
Alright, I kinda want Boodle, Chouchou, Gaimon, Tonjit, and Shelly to have their own little adventure in the city. It'd mostly be for comic relief. I can see Boodle commenting about the structure of the city and the citizens (because he was a mayor himself) then Gaimon and Tonjit just happy to explore a spectacular area they've never seen before. So yeah, they have a fun time (I also want Boodle to be able to meet Iceburg but that could be saved for Post Enies Lobby)
Now, the Franky Family in the original story try to capture Zoro but fail, in this AU I don't think they could get even close to the Merry without the giants spotting them but let's just say they do (maybe they rolled high on their stealth check)
We don't only have Zoro (who is taking a nap on deck), we also have Pell, Cricket, and Wyper on the Merry (the rest who didn't explore the city are probably chilling in Laboon)
It is safe to say, the Franky Family gets their ass kicked no questions there
Kaku shows up later, once again, mistaken for Usopp. However, Pell, Wyper, and Cricket would be awake for Kaku to properly ask questions and explain he's here to assess the repairs of the ship before Zoro wakes up. I think Zoro would still get hostile when the shipwright tears the floorboards to look at the kilos. (Now I imagine, since the bottom of the kilos is strapped to Laboon, I think it would closer to the front that is damaged) (Yes, Merry is still going have to say goodbye, we need the Sunny) That makes Zoro, Wyper, Cricket, and Pell the first to hear the Merry can't be repaired. Which is sad, I know
Kaku then tells the other shipwrights, Luffy, Nami, and Ippanmatsu after coming back to dock 1
Everything is the same until Nami gets back to the Merry and that's when shit goes down
Now to keep the money even more safe, I imagine they keep it in Laboon, the army base, for safe measures. Ippanmatsu is personally hugging the remaining 300 million
Pell, Vivi, Nami, Boodle, Gaimon, and Crocus are guarding the Merry
Now, you know how badass it was when the monster trio + Chopper just wrecked the Franky house
Imagine this, the door gets knocked down and you see Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper (in full human form), Wyper, Cricket, and Coby (because at this point in the story, I feel like after some training with the others that Coby would be stronger) are there. The family are all scared and shit their pants, and when one of them thinks they could stand against the straw hats
The top half of the house is just torn off and thrown across the sea and you see Dorry and Brogy are towering over them
And it was at this moment, the Franky Family knew- They. Fucked. Up.
Cut to Usopp and Luffy's fight, they have more audience. I think the most affected ones here, apart of the new cast, is Coby, Vivi, and Wyper
Wyper because he sees how Usopp is fighting and using the dials, I feel like he would be conflicted. He would be proud of Usopp but at the same time it's a fight between the sniper and the captain
Coby seeing how the two friends who are usually happy-go-lucky to a serious fight and are both putting their lives on the line, because he remembers how serious Luffy was back when they first met and the captain's dream was to become king of the pirates, willing to die for it.
Vivi, as someone who had a civil war in her homeland, now seeing two of her friends fighting in a life or death battle. I can see how much pain that would bring her because her childhood friend was leader of the rebel army that was going to attack the palace, so this fight is going to affect her.
Of course, everyone is affected but I'm just adding that because that's how I see their emotions
Usopp still loses but keeps the Merry (they're going to have to try and get her off Laboon which may damage it more but for simplistic sake let's just say it doesn't)
The straw hats aren't going to have to rent out hotel rooms, no, they have Laboon for that. The whale is a mini army base, they don't need to worry about space. They're still going to get a new pirate ship because what's the king of the pirates without his grand ship
Now when they get the news Iceburg was shot, Vivi and Boodle are going along with Luffy and Nami because they also have their own civilization they take care of so I just feel they would try to help Iceburg.
With Vivi being a princess of Alabasta, I don't see a problem with the straw hats getting into dock 1 because she's of high status (not exactly a celestial dragon but a princess nonetheless) but Franky interrupts this then he and straw hat fight
When the foremen come outside to take care of Luffy (and Franky but mainly Luffy), accusing the boy of attacking Iceburg, Vivi and Boodle would step in and say "No, Luffy is not the kind of pirate that would do that. Luffy save our homes." (With Vivi I think it'd be more reassuring since she is a princess)
Now, Paulie, Lulu, and Tilestone would second guess themselves because things aren't adding up (I would mention that the straw hats are just a group of teens but in this AU they aren't all teens)
Lucci and Kaku on the other hand, are like "shit" because they weren't expecting a freaking princess (& mayor) to be apart of the crew so framing the straw hats is going to be a little harder. Especially when both Vivi and Nami mention they haven't seen Robin since yesterday.
I'm sure they wouldn't have to worry too much because it was mainly them (& Kalifa) that we're jumping to the conclusion the straw hats as a whole did this so they weren't letting Luffy or the others get a chance to explain Robin or themselves.
We then cut to Chopper and Sanji hearing about Aqua Laguna (they of course attempt to warn Usopp) but then there's the concern of Laboon. Well, it's not too much to worry about because Laboon can dive deep underwater. They still have to warn the others (and of course then they find Robin which leads to Sanji's side quest)
Part 2 will be coming soon
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missallsundayyy · 3 years
Breaking Boundaries
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First oneshot for my first post here and there’s no better ship/pair i’d rather write than Nico Robin & Roronoa Zoro
Things were lively on the Sunny Go as usual. Franky was upgrading the canons on the ship, Chopper and Ussop were being...well...being them as usual. Luffy was bugging Sanji in the kitchen asking/whining when was lunch going to be served and in his words.
"foooooooood SANJIIIIIIIIIIIII!!" the famous straw hat captain yelled from the other side of the kitchen.
Nami was focusing on the weather and the sea behavior, navigating the crew to their next destination whilst Brook was beside her asking if he could see her panties in which he received a punch that sent him flying through the ship's walls. Thus starting a fight with the shipswright that was just beside the wall that was destroyed.
"WATCH WHERE YOU LAND ASSHOLE!!!" Franky screamed out.
"Yohoho!! don't get your panties in a twist Franky-sannn"
Aside from all the chaos was the crew's infamous swordsman, Zoro whom was doing impossible training once again. Lifting weights that no humans could ever lift.
He grunts out in training, muscles flexing, his body coated with sweat. He did this everyday at the same spot the moment the sun starts to rise until Sanji calls them for lunch. Not far from the green-haired man.....well in fact maybe 5metres away from him was the ship's beautiful archeologist Nico Robin. Seated as usual on her umbrella armchair with a book on hand. 
She was wearing her spaghetti strap purple tank top that did no effort to cover her large breast and a very small tight fitting jean shorts. It was a very hot day at that, she had put her hair up in a ponytail which was rare because usually she prefered her hair down. Even though it was scorching hot outside and she could just retreat into her room where it would definitely be cooler but it was out of habit that she situated herself here when she read.
She’s elated to be where she was right now. Doing what she loved and surrounded by nakamas that accepted her, cared for her, protected her and loved her. She would give her life 100 million times over for the Straw Hats without a second thought. Back at Enies Lobby she was afraid that that they would find her a burden, a thorn in the flesh even when they proved that they will fight the whole world fearlessly for her. Comparing then and now she was flabbergasted at how many things have changed. Everyone has gotten stronger, more matured. The bond Robin shared with the crew was strong that not even God can sever it, that she was certain for.
Her mind wandered everywhere and anywhere, she wasn't even focusing on the book she was reading anymore. She summarised everything in her head with a content look on her face.
The sounds of Zoro's grunting and counting snapped Robin back to reality, her eyes diverted to the green haired crew member. Her eyes shamelessly stared at his god like body that was now glistening in sweat due to the monstrous work out he does everyday. His muscles was amazing, his abs was rock hard and his chest looked like steel plates had been implanted in him. His face was fierce and focus, never losing concentration.
Zoro was a very very veryyy handsome man, that was what Robin had always thought even when she first joined the crew. She knew he was a very powerful man and a dangerous one at that, the crew was blessed to have such interesting and indestructible members and Roronoa Zoro was one of them. He had many cons to him...well according to Nami and Sanji's list. He sleeps too much, he was too direct with his words so more often than not he always comes off as an "asshole". He drinks too much when he isn't sleeping or training and to top the icing on the cake, he couldn't find his way to the ship's toilet even if his bladder depended on it.
Robin however found him to be interesting as hell and even charming most times. How he was always the calm one amongst all of them and he was a very wise man that stick by his words. He was a strong man with honour and pride. He will no doubt be the type to keep a promise even if will be his demise. Robin didn't know she had a type until she met Zoro, the more time she has with the swordsman the larger her attraction for him grew.
Having a lover has never came across her mind, not that she wasn't interested in intimate relations before, it just never came up until she found herself glancing at him more than she should. Also the automatic position of their area happened to be beside each other every day so there was not much of a choice in that matter. She snapped back yet again to reality still staring at the handsome swordsman, she wouldn't admit it but internally she was swooning over his very very shredded body.
"Oi oi Robin, your staring is bothering me. You should read at your room today, your face is red from the weather right now."  Zoro called out to Robin who was unintentionally caught gawking at him although being the dense man he was, he of course would have not though that she was checking him out.
Zoro had placed all this training equipments down and was now walking towards the self fantasising historian that still had her eyes glued onto him. He walked a few steps towards Robin and stood beside her, taking her lemonade drink right from her side table and gulping all of it down with greed-thirst sounds.  This was another normal thing between them, she would have her drink but she would never drink any of it because before she could, he would always finish it up unless she had coffee. He never did understood how she could swallow the damn bitter beverage. She also was starting to think that subconsciously she would bring the drink for him instead of her.
"Zoro-kun. Sorry for bothering your training  but I don't mind a little heat today and besides the weather has been quite gloomy these past weeks, don't you agree?" Robin held her face with her palm, her usual signature posture. She now sat upright never breaking her stare.
"Rain or shine won't hinder me from my training." Zoro stated simply.
"Fufufu, yet my staring has disturbed your workout?" Robin teased him.
"Tch. You've been doing that a lot lately woman." he turned his head away, folding his arms. Ever since the crew reunited after being seperated for two years, Zoro had noticed Robin's change the most. She had gotten stronger, wiser and more matured in many different aspects.
She would tease him or outsmart him in their little chats which irate the man but in a good way.
"I was thinking if I could company you on watch today if you don't mind." Robin asked hopefully.
Zoro turned his head back to her "Sure. You can do can do whatever you want woman. Let's go to the kitchen already, bet that love cook will start yelling for us anytime soon." he was already walking towards the kitchen but in a pace that told her that he would be walking with her and not just leaving her like that. She smiled and followed him.
"ROBIN CHWANNN! You're looking veryyyyy SEXYYY TODAY!! The lunch I have prepared for you today is just as hot and spicy as you are!!!" Sanji greeted Robin that had walked in with Zoro whom by the way Sanji had not scoop his share onto a plate yet.  Robin smiled at the flirtatious cook.
"That's very kind of you cook-san, this looks delicious. As always your culinary skills are impressive." Robin replied politely, frankly only Robin would acknowledge Sanji's aggressively manic compliments. 
"Tch. Stupid love cook." Zoro muttered under his breath which didn't went unheard by the cook of course.
The fight between the two men continued while the crew watched on amused, nothing new on the ship.
"Cmmonnnnnn Chopper give me some, I'm lazy to go refill..."
Chopper and Luffy both had their hands on the cup that was filled with the cool drink and they both were playing tug rope with the cup and well unfortunately for them the cup had tipped and all of its contents is now spilling at the person that was sitting in the middle of them. That person was......Robin.
The room was now silent, Sanji and Zoro's bickering was on hold because of the light spill sound that interrupted everyone.
"Oh shit.." Franky muttered
The red beverage was now seeping through Robin's tank top. Her chest and thighs was now covered with the sweet drink and it was dripping. Robin looked down at her now soiled clothing.
"Oh my.." was all she said.
"Robinnn....im sorry!! I didn't..we didn't mean to ruin your clothes!!" Chopper started exclaiming, feeling guilty. "OI LUFFY! This is your fault you know!! APOLOGISE TO ROBIN NOW!"
Luffy had one hand behind his head, scratching while having a goofy grin "Sorry Robin it was an accident...please don't be mad"
"SERIOUSLY. Why can't the men in this crew behave like proper men in FOR ONCE! You guys are barbaric and I don't know how two beautiful women like me and and Robin got stuck with you guys!!" This time the screaming and yelling was now coming from the ship's navigator.
Robin wasn't mad, in fact she enjoyed all their shenanigans. The crew made life fun, they make her feel alive and everyday she will always have a smile on her face. "It's okay Luffy its okay Chopper. I will go and change into a new shirt." she said with a laughter.
"Well there you go Nami, you heard Robin. She's not mad so I don't see why you're all worked up." Franky joined in to which he received a death glare from the money obsessed pirate.
In the midst of the whole conversation Zoro had been staring at Robin's wet stained shirt accident. Everyone was too busy bickering with each other they had failed to notice that the water just made Robin's voluptuous figure even more prominent. The outline of her huge breast could be seen through the god damn tank top and the fruit punch was still dripping down her cleavage and most of it had splashed onto her thick thighs.
He didn't know what he was doing but he liked what he was seeing. Robin was a beautiful woman and he knew that. She had the perfect curves and her assets were anything but small. She had matured into a sexy woman and he could never deny that. The sight that she had unintentionally presented him with was very fucking pleasing to his eyes. His eyes glued to her soft skin and the way the water would drip down her cleavage because she was laughing and causing her chest to move tentalizingly. He knew she wasn't doing it on purpose but she was sexy without even trying. He shook his head and tried to clear the dirty thoughts that was now forming in his mind 'Why the hell am I thinking about her like that' his mind yelled at him.
"Well excuse me, I am going to take a bath since the punch has made my body all sticky now." Robin stood up and walked towards the door. Sanji on the other hand had knock both Luffy and Chopper's head while yelling something like 'Look what you guys did!' 'Robin-chan's lunch is ruined' 'assholes'
A loud crash was heard 1 minute after Robin had exited the kitchen. Zoro and Sanji both had dashed out of the door in a fighting stance-run. 
"Whats' going on now!!" Nami yelled.
"Looks like Luffy fell asleep" Franky muttered in half disbelief and half lazed tone.
"ROBIN CHANNN!! ARE YOU OKAY?" Sanji yelled frantically.
Zoro had drawn his katana out ready to slice anyone whom had dared to attack their ship and more importantly Robin.
"So this is the infamous Strawhat crew everyone has been talking about?? You don't seem much if i managed to cuff your deliciously beautiful crewmate here. If i know you guys had such a sexy pirate lady, we would have attacked you sooner!" The malicious voice came from Captain Deck from the Sink Pirates; notorious for sinking every ship they come across with. He was however not interested in woman and was quick to carry Robin and throwing her off the Sunny Go to everyone's horror.
"ROBIN NNNN!!" Chopper and Nami's voiced chorus together,
Zoro of course had already jumped in right after Robin was thrown into the sea. His first priority was definitely saving his nakama. Slicing every last one of his enemy would later be the second priority. He dived deep and because he immediately jump in right when Robin was thrown in, she hadn't sink too far for his vision. She was still conscious, eyes wide with shocked with everything that has transpired. He could understand her fear, you can be the strongest fighter with the best abilities but its all over if you get thrown into the water. Her hands was desperately reaching for Zoro. She knew she was safe, drowning in the sea or not, she had her nakama protecting her and always having her back.
He grabbed Robin's hand and pulled her into his body and quickly swam back up in full speed. When they reached the surface, he found himself swimming to an island, the Sunny Go and his crewmates were no where in sight. Now he was just confused, how the hell did he got all the way here now. He now carried Robin bridal style whilst walking on shore since she was weakened by the effects of the sea water.
He lay her down on the grass part of the island and stood up to survey their foreign surroundings.
"Oi woman you okay?" he asked her with concern although he wasn't facing her. Robin who now had herself up on her feet.
"Thank you Zoro-kun, i'm better now." Robin said smiling even if he wasn't looking to see it. "However, seems like we're stranded in here. How did you find this island?" she was already walking around surveying the flowers, sand, grass and anything that might tell her where they were. He scratched the back of his head, "I don't know how we end up here, my priority was only getting you out of the sea and next thing i know, i got us here." he said with a tone of frustration.
'ara...so this is how he looks like whenever we get seperated' Robin's amusing thoughts caused her to laugh behind him. He snapped his head to her "What's so funny woman" to which Robin smile "Nothing. Lets explore this island together, i'm sure Luffy and the others are already nearby." she suggested to which Zoro just grunted in agreement.
The both of them then ventured into the thick jungle of the island.
Meanwhile back at the Sunny Go.
"Geez you can definitely count on Zoro to be lost even when the ship was right above him." Franky grumbled while the crew set sailed for the island Ussop had spotted.
"That shitty asshole took Robin-chwann away! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME THAT SAVED HER AND WOULD PROBABLY BE ON THAT ISLAND WITH A VERY WET RO-" Sanji fainted from nose-bleed before he could finish his sentence.
"SANJIIIIII!!!" Chopper ran towards his perverted nakama.
"Leave him to die Chopper, he propably don't mind dying" Nami said while shaking her head.
"YOSH! FULL SPEED AHEAD TO THAT MEAT ISLAND MEN!" Luffy yelled to his crewmates.
"Oi oi what do you mean meat island" Ussop replied, "And we can leave stupidity to our captain. Zoro and Robin are missing and there he goes thinking about food" he finished leaving Nami and Chopper nodding their heads vigorously. Luffy laughed "Don't worry! They're strong and i'm not worried."
"Perhaps the plants here spit poison that could kill you in a second or maybe the soil might swallow you whole the moment you step on it." Robin said voicing her thoughts outloud.
"Oi Robin stop saying things like that." Zoro chastised the historian for always saying dark things.
"Fufufu sorry Zoro-kun." Robin giggled into her palm. 
"By the way......” he started “Robin,i'mgladyou'refineafter2years."
Zoro managed to choke all the words out as fast as he could. He was not one with sweet words but he somehow felt that before the seperation he was very cold with Robin out of all the members of the crew.
It had to do with the whole ‘Miss All Sunday’ business but now when he looked at her, it was as if everything in the past didn't matter anymore.Robin on the other hand was taken aback by his words, she would be lucky to get a grunt out of the swordsman but he was initiating a conversation first and to top that off, he was telling her how he was glad that SHE was okay.
"I'm happy to hear that. You've grown handsomely in two years Zoro-kun" She replied him with a genuine smile. His face instantly reddened from embarasssment. There she goes again, he thought. Always saying things like that and now he looks like a cat just bit his tongue.
"W..we..well you'vegrownbigtoO!"
Robin laughed aloud "Are you saying that i’m fat Zoro-kun?" she stopped abruptly nearly making him crash behind her.
"What!" he panicked. Now these are one of her antics to get him all flustered.
"You said i've grown big, so does that mean I’m fat to you Zoro-kun?" She asked him with an innocent smile, teasing him was her favourite things to do.
"You know what I mean woman." Zoro grunted frustratedly, face still heated up. She? Fat? Farrr from it he thought. Her figure was amazing, perfect if he may be so bold to say.
"So after 2years of not seeing me, thaaat....is the only thing you noticed? I think cook-san has influenced you abit." This has got to definitely get THE reaction Robin was waiting for.
“IM NOTHING LIKE THAT SHITTY BASTARD OF A COOK AND YOU KNOW IT WOMAN!!" Robin laughed at his predictable reaction. "I'm joking Mr Swordsman." And there the nicknames comes again, this woman knew how to push his buttons well.
Then Robin did the unthinkable, she put her hands on her waist and came closer to Zoro and with a low sultry voice with a pose that would drive Sanji into his grave from nosebleed.
"So am I big enough or is there anything else I can change....for you Zoro-kun" Robin said suggestively. She have to admit whilst she finally have people to call her nakama she needed more. She wants that intimate attention just like every  woman. Intimacy wasn’t something she even had time for in the past, it never crossed her mind to romance with men. Now that she’s comfortable and know she has a place to call home, why the hell not.
Now he was just as red a beet, he didn't know why Robin was being flirty with him. She was usually the quiet one, calm, collected and only commented on things when it was necessary. Then again she was the only woman ironically that he didn’t mind invading his personal space. She and him was always in the same room in the ship every damn time and it wasn’t even planned nor did they ever agreed to always have each other’s back. He had always protected Robin, he would be there, ready to cut her enemies. Just like on sky island and fishmen island, as long as he’s around her he will put his life on the line for her
It wasn’t that he wouldn’t do the same for the crew but when he does save her, he feels something for her, he don’t know what he felt but he felt his pride and ego semi boosted from it. It was as if he wanted to impress her and show off how strong he was when she was around him. Maybe because all her life she was used to everyone betraying her or maybe she never had anyone protecting her. If she needed him to tell her that she wanted his protection, he would proudly declare that he will always protect and care for her.
Since she was graciously being so near him, his good eye clearly did not miss everything Robin had to offer. She was obviously testing the waters like this and eventhough he wasn't THAT type of man but he will be THAT if she wants it so bad. He will gladly play along with her game afterall he didn't enjoy being dominated like this.
Zoro grabbed Robin's waist roughly and pressed her figure with his hard and he brought his mouth against her ears.
"You better stop that Robin because i don’t think I can stop myself after this " Zoro growled with his grip tightening on her waist and back. That was an indefinite warning, he was ready to drop the whole ‘nakama’ thing and fuck her right there if she insisted on being a minx. Amazing that they had the whole island to themselves, amazing that his bad sense of direction got just the both of them alone, amazing that his crew wasn’t here to interrupt this moment and lastly Nico Robin was and amazing woman. His mind was flooded with thoughts of her and he thought he was going insane.
“I don’t want you to stop Zoro.” Her voice was filled with want, need, lust and when he looked into her eyes he knew that she only wanted HIM and he was the only one she trusted her body with. Right now her eyes was an open book and he could read every thoughts she had going through in her head.
Mentally he was battling a war, he shouldn’t be indulging in this but he knew he wanted this so bad he could kill someone.
 “Not here Robin.” It had took all of his will power to seperate him and Robin, all that lust and need. Trust him he really wanted to take her right there and then but... “Fufufu, that’s very considerate and sweet of you.”
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
Zoro x reader! They've been traveling companions for a year before they met Luffy and became pirates, so they're close to each other. S/O fell in love with Zoro but he rejects her, so they stayed as close friends. Then, after 2 years passed, S/O is still friendly to him and the others but seemingly moved on while Zoro's love for her grow, and while he was still ambitious towards his dream, he felt so lonely as he watched S/O move on, even if she's happier than before.
Hello!! I’m so sorry for the late response!! 
From the moment I read this request, I fell in love with it!! It took me a while to write it, but here it is!! Let’s go! (I slipped a bit of Law x Reader to add to the angst, I hope you don´t mind XD) 
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: angst
Posted: 06.05.2020
Unique Kind of Pain — Zoro x Reader / Law x Reader
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It didn’t matter how much time Zoro spent training, it never seemed to be enough. As soon as he got down from the crow's nest, and he saw you there, it instantly hurt. Almost as if someone poked his heart with a needle, it stung. Constantly. His decisions haunted him, and were slowly carving a whole in his chest. 
The sight of you was unbearable. And it pained him. Seeing his best friend should not hurt this much. And yet, the weight of his mistakes seemed to follow you everywhere. Your smile, the warmth of your skin, the sound of your voice. Oh, the sound of your voice when you called his name. 
“Zoro! Come see this! Look what Ussop did!” 
That same gentle voice that had been calling his name for several years now. He remembered he sometimes found it annoying. The way your voice pronounced his name when you were angry. The concern, when he got injured. The annoyance when you got lost and were looking for him. Back then, he disliked the ways your voice called his name. But now, each and every single time you called his name felt like a cursed blessing. 
He wiped his face with the towel, as sweat kept falling from the intense training. His heart shrunk at the sight of your smile, your eyes reflecting fascination at Ussop’s newest project. 
“You’re amazing, Ussop” 
“Thanks, [Name]!” Ussop giggled. 
He could hardly concentrate on Ussop's new additions to his slingshot, as he was distracted by you. Your smile radiating fascination as it shone all the way into your eyes. The sweet smell of your hair that now haunted him in his sleep. 
Over time, as his feelings for you grew and grew, things got worse. Little by little. It hurt. But it wasn't so bad. Not yet at least. 
At least not until the whole Dressrosa chaos was over. In Punk Hazard, Zoro could tell Law was being particularly friendly towards you. But he could easily ignore that. God knows what happened in Dressrosa. For a fair amount of time, you stuck with him, fighting side by side. And suddenly, you were gone. 
Back in the Sunny after whatever shit show Fujitora tried to pull before you left. Everyone was on the ship and it was only you who was missing. Zoro's heart was in his throat, wondering if you were alive. 
A series of conflicting feelings overwhelmed him at once when you ran across the deck and jumped into the ship. A cheeky laugh escaped your breathless lips as you apologized to your crewmates. As your eyes scanned the Sunny, they stopped when you saw Trafalgar Law, rather weak, sitting on the grass.
"Law!" You sprinted one last time towards him. 
Falling in your knees as you slid a few feet, colliding with the doctor and wrapping your arms around Law. 
"Oh god, you're fine!" You said breaking the hug and looking at him. "Your arm! You got it back" 
"Yeah. I was not going to lose my arm. Fuck that" He chuckled "You dissapeared, I was worried" 
"I went looking for Luffy...sorry" 
"It's okay, you're fine and you're here" One of his long hands brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, lingering on your cheek as you leaned into his touch, looking into his grey eyes. 
The whole scene, while for most of the strawhats looked rather adorable, for Zoro ir was unbearable. 
A sting pinching his heart, as well as an uncomfortable twist of his guts suddenly angered him. Not angry at Traffy. Zoro knew it was childish to get angry at him. He was angry at himself for digging his own grave like this. He wished he was the one in your arms, and not Law. He wished he had corresponded to your feelings back then.  
Without saying much, he turned around and left. Drowning himself in yet another intense training. Probably more intense than before. His mind constantly picturing you in Law's arm, his imagination torturing him, playing him. Picturing you kissing him, clinging to him, as his hands roamed your body, whispering sweet nothings back and forth in each other's ears as you were both consumed by desire. 
The sweat puddling on the floor didn't seem to be enough. The strain in his muscles and the fatigue weren't enough to stop his head from wildly betraying him. 
"Oi! Zoro!" Franky called, cheerfully climbing the ladder to the crowsnest. "Robin says dinner is ready! Since sanji isn't here, she cooked for us tonight" 
TFrabky's fatherly instincts needed a single glance at Zoro to notice he was pushing himself way too much. 
"Zoro? Aren't you overworking yourself?" 
"I'm fine," Zoro grunted, doing another sit up with a bar and weights on his shoulders. 
"No you're not!" The cyborg hurried to his side. "Stop that, if you injure yourself, Chopper not only will get mad, but you won't be able to work out for a while!" He begged as Zoro growled lowly and put the weight on the floor before sitting down on the ground "Don't you feel like everything hurts?" 
"That's precisely the problem"  Zoro whispered to himself, however Franky managed to listen clearly as day.
"Nothing" Zoro answered.
"Do you feel alright?" The swordsman looked at Franky, noting Franky was being insistent.
"Yeah. C'mon. Let's go" Zoro shrugged.
"Zoro, don't lie to me. I know something's bothering you" Franky said louder than before.
"It's nothin'" 
"Its [Name], isn't it?" 
Zoro stopped dead cold at the entrance of the crowsnest. He glanced at Franky over his shoulder.
"I noticed the way you were looking at her when she ran to hug Law" Franky said. "If you like her why don't you tell her?" 
"I can't" 
"Of course you can! Aren't you guys best friends?" Zoro glared at Franky, feeling somewhat annoyed, and also desperate.
"It's more complicated than that" 
"Talk to me, kid" Franky said, resting one of his huge hands on Zoro's shoulder. 
He took a deep breath, thinking. He'd never talked to anyone about it. When you confessed your feelings for him back in Thriller Bark. He wanted to keep it a secret, but his body urged him to let all those intrusive thoughts out. Maybe talking to someone would help him soothe his nerves instead of intensively working out. 
"After dinner," Zoro said. 
He wanted to buy some time, maybe put his thoughts in order before talking to Franky. 
Strangely enough, what normally felt like a blink of an eye,the usual chaotic dinner scene now seemed to go by in slow motion. 
On one hand, his thoughts seemed to float around the room, shapelessly, and without an order. His mind was a total mess. Ten times more chaotic than the traditionally loud strawhat mealtime.
On the other, your flirty playful game with Law. You were talking to him, not really minding the other conversations taking place in the kitchen.  His arm was around your shoulders as the both of you were deep in your conversation. Zoro could tell how your "mindless" playing with his hand wasn't so mindless. 
After dinner, Zoro politely waited for Franky to be done and the both of them left the kitchen without saying much.
Zoro told Franky the whole story. Normally, he'd like to go straight to the point and keep the details to himself. But talking to someone about it, felt so liberating, all of his thoughts left his lips without second thoughts. 
Franky listened. Carefully. And very rarely interrupted Zoro to ask something. In the end, he remained silent for a few moments, letting all the information sink in and drawing conclusions.
"I still think you should talk to her. Maybe she'll get mad, considering the circumstances. But she still deserves to know. Especially because it's bothering you this much" He began "Even if she gets mad, she's your friend. I've seen you guys fight and yell at each other, and half an hour later, see you guys laughing as if nothing happened" 
"I don't know…" The swordsman whispered
"Think about it…" 
Zoro sighed loudly, looking at the moon shining bright close to the sea. 
A set of silhouettes left the kitchen into the deck. Not noticing Zoro and Franky, Law and you made it to the edge, looking at the moon and the stars. 
Zoro watched, silently, feeling his burdens weigh on his shoulders heavier than all of the weights up in the crowsnest.
It didn't take long for Law to place a hand on your waist, as you spun on your toes looking at him. Unable to hear what you were saying back and forth, Zoro could tell where this whole scene was going to end up. 
It didn't take long for you to stand on the tip of your toes, and for Law to leane down. Any trace of space was gone. The both of you trapped in a kiss Zoro craved. 
He felt nauseous and light on his feet. He turned around, unable to keep watching as you wrapped your arms around Law's shoulders. 
"I'm sorry, Zoro" Franky whispered upon   witnessing the scene.
"I am too…" Zoro said defeated. "I'll talk to her tomorrow, I'm off to bed now".
"Goodnight, kid," Franky said looking at Zoro as he silently made his way through the deck to the guys' room.
"Night, Franky" He whispered, not helping but peek once more, as Law had you in his arms, kissing you passionately. 
It hurt. It hurt as bad as it hurt when he realized he had feelings for you. And hurt like the pain your eyes reflected when you confessed to him back in the day. It hurt like the realization that you had moved on whereas he had fallen for you. And boy, what a unique kind of pain that was. 
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eirist · 4 years
A Taste of Summer II
One-shot #: 5
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T  (Teasing… Flirting… lots and lots of teasing and flirting. Plus a hint that they probably will have an unwritten sexy time.)
Note: Last prompt for the ZoNami Week 2020 at zonamievents in Tumblr. Day 5: Tan Lines. And it only took me months to finish this collection. But it’s done so I can now start my Autumn/Fall prompts.
Summary: His grey eye met hers. And the heat behind it was unmistakable. It was hotter than the sun she loves basking under.
It vaguely registered to him how brilliantly her orange hair shone against the sun.
How it glowed so radiantly…
As fiery as her personality.
Any more thoughts running inside his head came to a standstill when her lips slanted against his to deepen their kiss, prompting him to give her more access to his mouth.
She hummed—a rather, satisfied sound—as her fingernails scratched lightly against his scalp.
Her other hand started rubbing the well-defined muscles of his chest; his own was grasping her by the nape, pushing her closer to him while his free arm all but caged her body against his as their kiss turned aggressive.
She shifted on his lap slightly, pressing herself to him as they continued their lip lock.
They were on the top of the island’s lighthouse. Nami had seen it when they docked a few days ago and figured it would be nice to get a view of the whole area from that vantage point. But she only got the time to put her plan to action today—after arm twisting him to accompany her by reminding him of his accumulated debts these past few weeks from all the stress and waiting he subjected her to. 
He wasn't all too happy to acquiesce and she already expected that. So she threw in a promise of an undisturbed nap and some booze from the Sunny's secret stash as well. 
That changed his mind and sealed the deal.
So they headed towards the old white structure after breakfast despite the irritating, non-stop whining of that stupid love cook about how his Nami-swan shouldn't be left alone with him—the idiot moss head. 
Once at the top, Zoro settled down the wide gallery deck as Nami set up her surveying tripod and telescope.
The moment she finished… she made herself at home on his lap. 
What was supposedly a 'thank you' kiss had turned into a full blown make out session. And now they are kissing each other like there's no tomorrow.
This is most likely the result of all the tiptoeing they've been doing around each other these past weeks. Ok, more like the tiptoeing HE had been doing these past weeks… because Nami already knows what she wanted and was just waiting for him to come around.
“Mmmm…” she murmured against his lips, finally managing to pull away after a little while. “At this rate, I’m not gonna finish surveying this island.” Her voice was husky, eyes a bit unfocused as she gazed at him.
“Not my fault,” Zoro drawled, stealing one last kiss on her lips before giving her a rather arrogant smirk. “I’m not the one who got comfortable in my lap.”
“It IS comfortable here,” she agreed cheekily, her hand still rubbing at his pectorals.
"I can see that."
“You complaining?”
The corners of his lips quirked up some more and he shrugged. 
Her laugh was melodious as she untangled herself from him.
He must say... he was rather disappointed. How can he easily miss the way she was wrapped around him when it was just merely seconds ago?
"You should stop distracting me Zoro," she teased as she stood up. 
"Can't help it if you can't stay focused on what you're supposed to be doing."
Nami just chortled at his response. There was that certain twinkle behind her brown eyes as she regarded him... a naughty gleam he had just recently got accustomed to seeing.
She gave him a cat-that-ate-the-canary grin before swiveling around to finally pay attention to her surveying tools.
Zoro leaned back against the metal wall, hands behind his head, ready to pass out anytime as Nami gradually gets into her zone. It’s not like he will be able to disturb her without risking an increase in his currently renewed debt. Plus, she did promise him booze and an undisturbed nap.
And damn he’s going to get 'em both.
He yawned widely as he felt himself relax at the soporific sound of the waves crashing on the rocks below. His grey eye flitted towards Nami to check on her first before he succumbed to sleep.
The swordsman silently observed her… admiring the serene look she had on her face as she scribbled and doodled on that small notebook she had remarkably pulled out somewhere from her tight, pale yellow sundress.
Her orange hair whipped wildly across her face, prompting her to tilt her head towards the wind so they will be blown back and away from her pretty face…
…and sun-kissed shoulders.
“Quit staring at me Zoro,” she suddenly said, looking back at him with a smirk. “You’re making me blush.”
He scoffed.
She snickered at his reaction and went back to charting the island.
He, on the other hand, went back to watching her.
Her brows were furrowed in what could only mean deep concentration. She chewed on her lower lip as she focused on whatever was jotted down her notebook. 
He always marveled at the discipline and effort she puts out for her beloved maps. It was almost the same as what he devotes to his training and swordsmanship.
When she’s like this… Zoro realized that he can stare at her forever.
“You’re still looking, Zoro,” her playful voice broke into his thoughts.
He blinked up at her.
Nami was eyeing him again. Though despite the mischievous grin on her lips, he can see that her cheeks were slightly flushed and he knows that it has nothing to do with the sun.
He inwardly smirked.
“I take it you like what you’re seeing?”
He returned her grin with his signature shark-like one. “And if I do? Are you going to charge me for looking?”
“Yes. That’s 200,000 belis added to your debt.”
“200,000 belis are for groping.” Zoro pointed out, cocking an eyebrow at her.
She looked genuinely surprised that he knows that. 
“How come I owe you 200,000?” He asked, frowning. “Wait, don’t tell me you put a price on earlier?! I didn't grope, you greedy onna!”
“Idiot,” Nami reached down to pinch his cheek. “That doesn’t have a price. The charge is for catching you ogling at me twice!”
“The hell? You sure are evil,” he grumbled, wrapping a hand around her wrist. A wicked smile suddenly appeared on his face and he tugged her down to him.
She easily let him pull her right back into his lap… arms automatically wrapping around his neck.            
“And that’s why you like me,” Nami joshed, beaming at him.
“Who says I do?”
She pouted. “Didn't you kiss me because you like me? Oh you wound me!”
The corner of Zoro’s lips twitched amusedly. “You’re mistaken.”
“Am I really?”
"That wasn’t what you said last night.”
She was right. He did say that when they finally talked about what happened in the orchard after they  sneaked out of the villa for a late night stroll along the beach and almost got caught by Robin and Franky. 
And Brook.
And Usopp.
And Sanji for crying out loud!
Why are their crew mates such night owls?
Luckily they were able to wrap things up about their relationship and managed a kiss or two before nearly encountering their still awake and about friends.
“Hello?” Nami tapped his forehead with her knuckles. “Are you still there Zoro?”
“What?” He must’ve zoned out, thinking about yesterday’s events.
“Getting lost in your own thoughts huh?”
"Shut up."
He playfully sank his teeth on one bare shoulder.
Zoro grinned roguishly at her and immediately planted a kiss on the spot to appease her. “Can't resist. You're being more cheeky than usual."
Nami scowled at him. "Biting will cost you another hundred thousand belis!”
"Just put it on my tab. You have my permission to cash my bounty once my debt reaches it.”
Her eyes widened. Then she sniggered. “You must like me so much that you’re actually willing to be surrendered to the marines.”
She blushed when he easily admitted it but instantly recovered her composure as she tossed her head back and laughed loudly. 
Damn! Who knows Zoro can be endearing sometimes?
Nami kissed his cheek adoringly. “I’ll hold on to that. Nothing can make a woman fall so hard than a man willing to be handed over to the marines.”
“To cash out his millions worth bounty.” Zoro added.
“To cash out his millions worth bounty.” Nami agreed with a wide smile. “I really like that part a lot.”
“Tch. Of course you do. You're a money fiend after all.”
She laughed again and childishly stuck out her tongue at him. “Priorities Zoro.” 
“Glad to know I’m one of the least.”
“Uh-huh,” she nipped him on the jaw. “Now I'm going to focus on my other priority," she gestured to her equipment. "The earlier I finish, the sooner we can head back. Robin and I planned to sunbathe while we babysit you boys. Pretty sure you all want to run amok and play before we leave this island.”
“Is that why you’re wearing a swimsuit underneath this?” Zoro inquired as his fingers played with the thin strap of her dress.
“That and you know how spontaneous our crew is. First it's a barbecue party then the next thing you know one or three of our idiot hammers’ in the sea, drowning."
“You rarely go after our hammers.”
Nami rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. “That’s because we have you and Sanji-kun for that.”
“Hnnn…” he traced the strap on her shoulder before his finger strayed off path, to run along the bikini string that was diagonally traversing her collarbone.
She shivered slightly under his touch. Something inside her immediately sparked.
“I don’t see why you still need to sunbathe,” he was saying as he hooked a finger on her strap, nudging it to the side. “You’ve already had too much sun while we’re staying here.” He touched the tan line she was sporting underneath. “Still not roasted enough?”
Nami looked indignant. “What the hell do you mean by that?!”
He chuckled, dipping his head down and kissing the still pale skin.
And she melted just like that... her annoyance instantaneously dissipating. A familiar heat crept up her entire body and she groaned. “Damn it!”
He was looking smug. Absolutely liking the way he affects her. 
This is better than he expected when he kissed at the orchard.
"Thought we're here to map and nap Nami?"
She narrowed her eyes at him. She was slowly learning that Zoro can be a tease when he wants to.
But she wasn't the kind to just let him one up her. Together or not she wouldn't let him take the upper hand.
She batted her eyelashes at him. 
"Oh," her voice took on a flirtatious tone. "Here I thought you want to see and touch more."
Apparently Zoro was thinking just the same thing. 
“Of course I do,” he played along, whispering in her ear. “How about you lose the dress? Lemme see those tan lines you worked so hard to get?”
It took all her willpower not to let her jaw drop in pure amazement.
Was he really the same person who was hesitant to make the first move? Who managed to turn his back on her while she was top naked in front of him after skinny dipping on the lake?
Who consistently refused to kiss her despite every damn opportunity they have until he cannot stop himself anymore?
She heard the low rumble of his laughter as she just stared blankly at him.
“Is this…” she managed to say after a few seconds of short circuiting. “Your not-so-subtle way of saying you want me naked?”
“I think I’ve waited long enough Nami.” He stated in that deep, lazy yet light-hearted voice that she was secretly fond of.
A delicious shiver of anticipation ran all over her body and made her skin crawl.
“And you actually want me to believe that Roronoa Zoro’s actually interested in things like tan lines and a naked girl?”
He shrugged his shoulders.
“You!” She exploded when she saw the corner of his lips twitching. Her moron swordsman was trying not to laugh. “Quit teasing me, you idiot!” She bopped him on the head lightly as he finally laugh out loud.
She glared at him as he continued laughing at her expense.
This is going to be one hell of an interesting relationship.
With a vexed-sounding huff, she scooted away from his lap to stand up, giving his leg a nice, good kick.
Zoro caught her by the ankle. Still grinning up at her, he said, “Just go back to your mapping Nami, I still want my nap.”
“Damn right you still do! By all means kindly please pass out now!”  
“And booze.”
“I will drown you later in favorite sake!”
He threw her a cocky smirk as his thumb rubbed circles on the inside of her ankle. “The sooner you finished the better. We can continue where we left off back at the villa.”
Nami raised an eyebrow at him. “Where we… left off?”
His grey eye met hers. And the heat behind it was unmistakable. It was hotter than the sun she loves basking under to get tanned.
“You actually thought I was just teasing you?”
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 2 Lagoona Blue Diary
I finally got the big wave board that a friend of mine down under custom made for me. I can’t wait to try it out at Cyclops, Dungeon Beach or maybe Ghost Trees. Of course now that school’s in I can’t just take off whenever I want. Hopefully there’ll be some monster swells over one of our holidays - fins crossed till then. 
Conditions for the surf meet were perfect today and I was able to score my first 10 of the season off this killer wave that I totally could feel breathing down the back of my neck. I thought it was going to eat me alive but it only nipped me a bit and then let me escape. Draculaura, Frankie, Clawdeen and Clawd all came out to watch which was totally awesome only... Gil was supposed to be there too but he wasn’t. He texted me after it was all over to tell me that Frankie sent him a video of the wave and that I was totally bonzer... I didn’t have the heart to tell him no monster uses that word anymore but he’s so cute when he tries to use slang from down under. He also said he was totally sorry he couldn’t make it but he had some kind of family thing come up and he couldn’t get out of it. I told him no worries but I really was bummed that he wasn’t there to see me ride. 
Today I hung out with Abbey Bominable. She’s new this year and I think she’s been having a hard go of it. Her family lives way up the mountain and so Abbey stays with Headless Headmistress Bloodgood during the week so she doesn’t have to make the up and down trek every day. She can’t even count on calling home every day cause they don’t have cell phones on the mountain, which I can totally relate to since my dad doesn’t have one either. Of course he does live in a place that’s not exactly friendly to electronics. Anyway, I told her that I understood how hard it is to be in a strange place away from your friends and family where no monster speaks your language or really understands your culture. Even at Monster High where there are all kinds of monsters from all kinds of different places it can still take a while to get your sea legs. So when she asked me if I was some kind of fish girl - =) - I did start laughing but I let her know that I wasn’t laughing at her and even though she wanted to walk away I made her come back and we talked for a long time. Abbey is very... direct. She is also very tall and quite strong so I think some monsters get intimidated by her. But you know what? She’s also scary sweet and funny. When I told her that her language skills were fine she said, “No they are abominable.” I didn’t know if she understood what she had just said but she cracked a little smile and said, “It is joke.” I think Abbey is going to be just fine at MH.
A rumor cyclone hit school today and nearly turned the whole place into a disaster area. Mum once told me that there are three things every monster should know about a storm:
1. You can’t stop a storm by being in the middle of it.
2. A storm brings out the best and worst in every monster that goes through one. 
3. Storms take far longer to clean up after than they actually last.
Being raised on the ocean, I’ve seen and been through some monster cyclones but I never figured mum’s rules for a storm would apply to this kind of situation.
HH Bloodgood wants us to write about our monster heritage for this book she wants to put together and give out to all of us at the end of the year. All right then - this should be easy or possibly not. Problem is my dad is a very private monster and not even the mates on my surf team know him very well and that’s after he has been a volunteer at all our competitions. Until  he met me mum he barely had any contact with dry land monsters at all. ‘Course mum’s not exactly a dry land monster either - she’s an ocean nymph. She still lives in the same scary sweet little grotto as she did when dad met and married her. Being a nymph means that mum can leave the water and hang out on land as long as she doesn’t travel too far from her grotto otherwise she gets really weak. Dad will only leave the water for very short periods of time and that’s only if there’s a real emergency - like one time when I was just a small fry I was playing on the top of this rock and didn’t notice the tide going out. When I finally did pay attention I found that at low tide it was a long way from the top of that rock where I was to the bottom of that rock that was now sticking out of the sand. Mum couldn’t come and help me cause I was too far from the grotto and I was too little to climb down on my own. I remember the sun being very hot and my skin was starting to not just dry out but to burn. I was really scared and I thought I was never going to get down when I heard my dad calling my name, “Lagoona it’s okay - be brave and jump to me so we can get you back in the water.” I had to jump down a little but not too far cause dad climbed almost to the top of the rock to get me. It was still a long way from that rock back to the water though and it couldn’t have been easy on my dad to cross that distance twice. He told me later that being on land for him was like swimming against the strongest current in the ocean and never being able to rest. I reckon to have the best of both me mum and dad though since I’m at home when I’m in the water but I don’t feel like a stranger when I’m on land.  
Mad Science class had to be cancelled today after poor Heath Burns let his impulsive nature get the best of him. A bunch of us walked into class just as Mr. Hackington finished unpacking a large piece of lab equipment. He said it was a gift to the school from a former student who was now a famous mad scientist. It looked like a monster sized shoe box standing on its end and was painted completely black except for one shiny metallic button about half way up on one of its sides. Mr. H. was just about to tell us what it was when he got called to the office for some reason. The last thing he said before he left was “All right, me little Pandoras - nobody touch the box while I’m gone.” Of course Heath was out of his chair and standing at the box as soon as Mr. Hackington stepped out of the room. Sometimes Deuce will stone Heath before he can get into trouble but this time Deuce just shook his head and said, “He’s got to learn sometime.” Heath just laughed and said, “What? Nothing’s going to happen - watch.” Heath pushed the button and there was a noise like a tea kettle makes just before it starts to whistle. Heath jumped back and then the noise stopped. I guess we’d all been holding our breath... cause we all let them out at once which Heath thought was funny and he walked back over to the box and leaned against its side. “See I told you nothing was going to hap...” was all he got out as a panel in the box opened up and two tentacles shot out and pulled Heath in. The panel immediately closed and we could hear Heath yelling for help and lots of banging and what sounded like splashing. Mr. Hackington came back at that moment and he must have figured out what happened pretty quick cause he ran to his desk, grabbed something that looked like a remote control and pointed it at the box. All of a sudden a panel at the bottom of the box opened and a Heath shaped package wrapped in what looked like spider silk dipped in tar shot out and bounced across the floor. Mr. Hackington made us all leave before we could find out if Heath was okay but later on in the day Headmistress Bloodgood told us that he was going to be fine only he was going to need a few days off from school. Poor bloke.
Gil and I got into a fight today. =(  I’m not even sure how it started although he did seem to be a bit preoccupied and crabby today. Anyway, one minute we were swimming laps in the MH pool and the next we were shouting at each other. All I said was that we should mix up our training with some laps in the ocean. The next thing I know he’s accusing me of being a snob who doesn’t like fresh water. I was totally gob smacked. I shouted, “Gillington Webber!” “Why would you say such a thing?” I don’t think I’ve ever used his full name before and it seemed to snap him out of whatever funk he was in. He apologized and left the pool but later on in the day he put a scary sweet card in my locker. I wish he would tell me what’s going on but he totally clams up if I push him so I guess I’ll find out sooner or later... I’m hoping sooner.
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
df users,,,,tapetum lucidum.
I didn’t know if you wanted a fic or general head canons, so have a tiny fic while I post tapetum lucidum head canons later.
but anyways I love this thought so have some straw hats being creepy with a dash of humor.
Tapetum Lucidum - Strawhat Devil Fruit Edition
The sea is a comfort to pirates at all times of the day, but only a fool would not be wary of it.
Which is why, while his new captain snoozes next to him in their tiny dinghy, Zoro keeps watch over the nighttime waves.
It’s a quiet night and the ocean is peaceful. Food is a problem for the morning, so as far as Zoro is concerned, nothing is amiss.
For now, anyways. From what his captain tells him, its Luffy’s first week at sea and already he has managed to take out an entire pirate crew and a marine base, and recruit a former bounty hunter to his crew. Clearly anything is on the table at the moment.
A rather rough waves laps at the side of the boat, and Zoro looks over, slightly disgruntled that the relative peace is gone. Nothing’s there, so Zoro turns back –
Only to be met with two glowing orbs staring at him from the other end of the boat.
“HOLY SHIT!” Zoro flails around and nearly capsizes the boat. “What the fuck!?” His swords are drawn in a matter of seconds and –
And that’s his captain, giving him a sleepily confused glare from his end of the boat. His eyes are still shiny, but the scar on his face is faintly illuminated by the whole moon above their heads.
“Zoro?” Luffy says drowsily. “Wha- What’s going on?”
It takes Zoro a few moments to calm his heart long enough to respond. “Nothing, Captain.” He says eventually, and Luffy turns over to sleep again.
What the fuck, Zoro repeats inside his head, What the fuck.
Chopper doesn’t really change that much after his devil fruit– he’s still a reindeer after all, his eyes will always do strange thing in the dark – but it never stops Hiruluk from jumping three feet in the air every time he see’s Chopper at night.
His son is his son, reindeer or not, but that doesn’t mean he’s not terrifying sometimes.
(Two glowing orbs and a not quite human shape at the foot of his bed, shaking his leg in not-human hands – who wouldn’t be startled?)
Robin is perfectly aware of what being Devil Fruit eater means, and Usopp and Nami swear up and down, cross their hearts and hope to die, that she does it on purpose.
Robin can only chuckle as she walks through the town at dusk, a few extra limbs here or there. The town is quiet, in a way few places are, gothic in nature and kind at heart. She won’t receive harm here (especially not with her captain) only a silent reverence.
She holds a book in one hand and an apple in another, another two hands braiding her hair in the fashion of the island. A child looks out the door to her right and gives a little gasp. She smiles at him, winking five eyes at once, and continues on her way. The mother bows at her from the window – a thanks for not doing something Robin wouldn’t ever do now.
She arrives at the cemetery on the eastern side just as the sun sets, and breathes in the cold air.
More eyes sprout upon her limbs, scattering across her like beautiful art.
A thousand glowing orbs stare at the old man by the ivy-covered headstone, and he does not breath till she passes.
She waltzes through the forest on her own, limbs and eyes still there. It’s a form of training, one Robin practiced over her two years – a way to test her stamina in keeping her limbs longer.
The added effect of something creepier than this realm is a very nice bonus after all.
“NICOOOO ROBIN!” Franky yells from the doc of the Sunny, the only one to use her full name as a title rather than an insult. “You look SUPER spooky tonight! Scare anyone?”
“A few,” She chuckles, and lets the limbs fall away into petals as she climbs aboard.
Save for one that is – she chuckles at Usopp’s startled yelp, presumably from a glowing eye upon her back.
Its only science – shouldn’t he be used to that?
Brook didn’t think he still had it till Nami poked him through his eye sockets.
“WHAT THE HELL!” She cried, visibly distressed. “YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE EYES!!!! YOU ARE ALREADY SPOOKY! WHY DO YOUR EYES HAVE TO DO THAT TOOO NOOOOOOO!” She wilts to the floor, her and Usopp clutching at each other.
“Oh?” Brook asks, curious.  “What do I have then? Nothing terrible I hope.”
“It’s nothing, Brook,” Robin answers for her distressed crewmates as Luffy peers at Brook, his own eyes flashing in the dark. “You just still have the eyeshine that’s all.”
“Oh! Splendid! – What is that again?”
Luffy hums, before shouting the answer in a sudden fit of discovery. “YOU HAVE SPOOKY EYES WITHOUT HAVING EYES!! THAT’S SO COOL! YOU HAVE TO JOIN MY CREW!”
“NO!” Nami and Usopp shut him down, but all Brook can do is laugh as his black hole eye sockets glint in the dim lighting of the fog. They are a rowdy bunch, aren’t they?
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scotianostra · 4 years
The Gaelic singer Calum Kennedy was born on June 2nd 1928 at Orosay, Isle of Lewis.
Calum spent his early years in a remote community without electricity or running water. But music and dancing were strong features of his upbringing with villagers regularly converging for ceilidhs and informal music sessions.
His father ran a bus service to and from Stornoway and the family became quite a focal point of the local community and not merely for the sound of melodeon and fiddles regularly heard in their home. When Calum was 10 they acquired a radio - "the first in our village" - a novelty that attracted many visitors and opened his ears to the wider musical world around him. 
He regularly sang in church, but attributed his unusual range and powers of projection to wandering on the moors near his home and singing to the cows and sheep as a way of calling them home from the hill.
At this time he had no thoughts of a career in entertainment and moved to Glasgow to work on Clydeside as an apprentice plater. He didn't last long there and went through a series of abortive careers, including a brief period training to be a doctor, a spell as an accountant and three and a half years in the Army.
His sister then suggested he try his luck singing at the Glasgow Mod, a competition-based annual festival of Gaelic arts. Victory qualified him to compete in the National Mod held in Dunoon. He didn't win that year but it inspired him to take his singing much more seriously and resurrect the songs of his childhood, which he performed with rare zeal and passion.
In 1953 he met and married Anne Gillies, herself a fine Gaelic singer, and they started performing together. Calum took the gold medal at the National Mod in Aberdeen in 1955. It was a triumph that launched him to stardom.
Concerts followed in London and elsewhere, and his first recordings. He broadened his repertoire from Gaelic ballads and mouth music to incorporate English-language material and, with his mop of curly hair, boyish looks and dramatic sense of delivery, he caught the imagination of the public at large.
In 1957 he travelled by train to Moscow with another would-be singer and actor, Richard Harris, to compete in the World Ballad Championship, during which the two became good friends and Kennedy acquired a taste for drink and a reputation as a party animal. It proved to be a momentous trip as Kennedy beat 500 singers from all over the world, was presented with a gold medal by the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and got to perform at the Bolshoi Theatre. He returned a hero and his subsequent recording career included many orchestrated populist songs, with material ranging from "The Skye Boat Song", "Bluebells of Scotland", "The Whistling Gypsy", "Ae Fond Kiss" and "Amazing Grace" to "Keep Right on to the End of the Road" and "Donald Where's Yer Troosers"? His most famous and most acclaimed interpretations, though, were the Gaelic love song "Peigi a Ghraidh" and Byron's tribute to his childhood in Aberdeen, "Dark Lochnagar". Later he composed his own material, like "No No Geordie Munro" and "The Skyline of Skye", though the best-loved was probably the sentimental evocation of his own roots on "Lovely Stornoway".
As powerfully emotive a singer as he was, however, it was his engagingly forceful personality that won the hearts of the public and his escalating fame throughout the Sixties was largely built on regular television appearances. He hosted the first live show on Grampian Television and also starred in his own variety show on STV, almost inventing the template for the archetype Scottish performer of the day with his quips, kilt and irrepressible beam presenting long-running series Calum's Celidh and Round at Calum's.
He lived an expansive life, making big money selling out venues all over the country with his own travelling show, while also leading a busy social and family life, with five daughters. Anne and the girls all featured in his television show Meet the Kennedys and for a while performed on stage as a family group, the Singing Kennedys.
However, luck turned against him in the Seventies. His wife died suddenly in 1974 at the age of 40 after being admitted to hospital for a routine operation. AIt him him really hard and about the same time he was afflicted by throat problems, he didn't sing for two years and when he did return he found that his theatrical approach had lost favour with a public that now saw his robust, kilted persona and sentimental singing as representative of a one-dimensional, stereotypical image of Scottishness. He diversified and became an impresario, buying Dundee Palace and Aberdeen's Tivoli Theatre, bringing Shirley Bassey, Frankie Vaughan and the Billy Cotton Band Show to Scotland.
He was never again to recapture his glories of the Fifties and Sixties, but continued to perform. In 1985 he was the subject of an unintentionally funny BBC documentary, Calum Kennedy's Commando Course, which followed him on a disastrous variety tour through the north of Scotland. In 1986 he married his second wife, Christine, and they had a daughter together, but divorced.
Despite persistent health problems that resulted in a heart bypass operation, he made a stage comeback in the 1990s and was still performing at the age of 70. He suffered a stroke in 2005 but there was a continuing awareness of his work through a couple of compilation CDs, The King of the Highlands and Sailing up the Clyde, of tracks recorded in his heyday.
His eldest daughter, Fiona Kennedy, has taken on his mantle as a television presenter and singer of Gaelic songs, she continues to tour and sing, her latest album coming just a month ago.
There are so many songs I could have chosen to post to celebrate Calums birth date but as it's my birthday today I have chosen my favourite song from him, The Skyline of Skye, the lyrics are below.....
The islands are calling me back home again And I long for the skyline of Skye. A lassie is waiting, sweet flow'r of the glen, 'Neath the beautiful skyline of Skye. I left her one springtime; oh, I loved her so! The blue mountains whispered, "You're foolish to go." As I sailed with the tide, something died here inside. How I cried for the skyline of Skye! In mem'ry I'm hearing the ghost of her tune That keeps haunting my heart with a sigh. It tells of her parting that sad afternoon. It's the song of the skyline of Skye. The road to the islands comes down to the sea, And that's where my love will be waiting for me, And together we'll stay till we're both old and grey 'Neath the beautiful skyline of Skye.
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waterchestnut123 · 5 years
CHAPTER 1 / The Peculiar Perils of Straw Hat Parties
Common commentary throughout the 5 seas held that Straw Hat parties were notoriously wild. This is something that Trafalgar Law, as well as the rest of his crew, are also learning first hand. Not that Law particularly feels like partying; after Dressrosa, the Heart Pirates Captain has a little soul-searching he’d like to attend to. But one tends to become… drawn in, to certain things around Luffy—regardless of one’s plans or intentions. This is how Law finds himself developing an unlikely and unexpected friendship with his ally’s navigator—and how that friendship, much like Luffy’s parties, grows far beyond his intentions.
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Chapter 1: More Than Meets The Eye
Chapter Rating: T Warnings: Mentions of canonical character death, sexually suggestive content
Thinking back on her first impressions of him atop that bleak, snowy hillside on Punk Hazard, she would have laughed at anyone suggesting the captain of the heart pirates was anything more than a cunning sadist with hidden malicious intent; after all, one manipulator knows another. She had him pegged the moment she met him: sharp eyes belying a calculating brilliance beneath his cool exterior, who knew the power of few words and subtle suggestion. He was a shichibukai—and she never had met one she liked, with a sizable bounty to match her estimation of his dangerousness. Yes, she had him pegged; or at least, she thought she did.
Had anyone dared to inform her then of how she herself would come to view him in but a few months time—as not merely a valued ally and friend, but a lover, she would have choked on her own spit.
But a lot can happen in a few months time; this, Nami would come to learn with startling clarity. And perhaps she shouldn’t have been so surprised. After all, during Straw Hat parties, anything was possible.
“I think I see it! I think I see it!” Luffy hollered eagerly from the crow’s nest, arms already stretching to swing from the mast before he’d even finished speaking. Nami smiled, glancing down at the jittering vivre card in her palm before murmuring to Franky who stood beside her at the helm.
“Seven degrees starboard should bring us alongside them.”
“Aye aye!” he responded with a grin, turning the wheel with slight, precise movements.
Glancing out at calm water, she could see in the distance the telltale swell amidst the usual ocean waves as the Polar Tang began to near the surface. Glancing briefly up at the sun—it looked to be around 4:30 in the afternoon, she estimated it would be about ten minutes before they reached their ally’s ship. Though he tried to hide it, she could tell he was eager to be reunited with his crew—especially after the unanticipated events on Dressrosa.
With clear skies and smooth waters, their allies located and no enemies in sight, it seemed they would finally have a bit of a respite—and about damn time.
She walked to the railing, quickly scanning the deck for her crew mates. Usopp sat fishing off the starboard side, animatedly telling one of his tall tales to an enraptured Chopper, and Zoro hollered insults at Sanji from beneath one of the deck trees—just the men she needed.
“Oi, Usopp! Zoro!” As both men turned to her, she gestured above her. “Start raising the sails!”
Before they could voice protestations she turned her attention to Law who sat quietly against the fore-mast, his Nodachi resting against his shoulder—a comparatively calm presence in an otherwise chaotic array of personalities staggered about the deck.
“Ten minutes ‘till we reach your crew, Torao.”
He tilted his head back to look up at her, golden eyes bright beneath the shadowed brim of his hat as he smiled—or, well, his version of a smile.
“Thank you, Nami-ya.”
She had to admit, It was nice to have someone with some semblance of manners on board. She nodded with a small smile, returning her attention to the vivre card and the rolling ocean waves.
Franky’s shouted warning was followed by a loud thunk as the gangplank fell onto the deck of the Polar Tang, connecting the two ships.
“Oi, oi, easy on the paint Robo-ya!”
However Law’s protestation was quickly drowned out by the stampeding footsteps of his crew, Bepo well in the lead as he ran full-pelt across the gang plank towards him.
“Captaaaaain! I’m going to hug you!”
With little ceremony the bear launched himself at a wide-eyed Law, who staggered back at the unexpected force. Wrapping around his captain’s upper half, the heart pirates navigator gleefully indulged in what couldn’t be more appropriately termed a bear hug.
It was, if she had to put a word to it, cute to see the way Law reacted to the show of affection. It was subtle—likely by intention if she knew him at all, which she liked to think she’d come to at least a little; but Nami was well-versed in subtlety even if most of the rest of the crew seemed incapable of comprehending the meaning of the word. His head tilted down just a bit to hide the glimmer in his eyes, and a small smile tugged insistently at the corners of his lips, his posture relaxing easily into the bear’s fuzzy embrace. She leaned forward on the railing, smiling.
“Shishishi!” Luffy’s laughter echoed from the forecastle deck as he launched himself towards Law and his congregating crew.
“We should celebrate! Oi! Sanji! Make everyone some meat!”
Luffy’s sudden declaration startled her out of her amusement over Law’s covert huggle session with Bepo. She straightened, her eyes darting to Sanji—usually a voice of reason, who was instead walking towards the kitchen. Anxiously, she returned her attention to her own captain.
“Wait, Luffy! Don’t you think we should maybe dock at an island or something first?! We’re out in the middle of the sea and this is the new world—the conditions could turn on us at any moment.”
He turned to smile up at her without a trace of concern, draping his arms easily over a smiling Bepo and a frowning Law who stared at the offending hand but made no move to remove it.
“It’ll be fine, Nami! Who knows how long it would take to find an island; and besides, you’ll know if the weather changes before we need to do anything about it—you always do!”
She felt her ire flare at his statement. He was absolutely right, of course—but his shameless flattery did little to minimize the fact that he had openly admitted he was relying on her to keep an eye out for danger while the rest of the two crews partied. She couldn’t kick Zoro’s ass at a drinking contest (and fleece him for all he was worth while she was at it) if she had to be the responsible one! Responsible people were sober!
“Baka!” she shouted from the railing, leaning over it further in her anger, “You don’t get to have fun while I’m stuck keeping your sorry asses safe!”
Luffy simply laughed, releasing both Bepo and Law. “It’ll be fine, Nami! This is a celebration so you should have fun, too!” He then turned towards the kitchen, stretching his arms for the railing as he shouted again. “Oi! Sanji! Meat!”
“I’m already on it, you rubber idiot! Be patient!”
“Yohohoho!” Brook laughed from the swing, standing and pulling out his violin. “Shall I play something for the occasion?”
Nami sighed, leaning against the railing with a hand to her temple. As she glanced out at the deck with a resigned huff—she well knew when she was beaten with her crew, she felt eyes on her. Following the sensation, she found Law gazing up at her display of exasperation with a hint of amusement. He readjusted his nodachi on his shoulder, one golden eye twinkling beneath the brim of his hat as he smirked and gave the smallest of shrugs, before turning to follow an excited Bepo into the kitchen. She couldn’t help but feel a little heartened. At least someone else recognized the inconvenience, even if it wasn’t anyone on her nutty crew.
The sun was just beginning to set, amber light turning the blue water seafoam green as it hovered above the horizon. The party had just begun to get underway, and Law was on his third mug of ale. Limbs loose and a rare smile on his face, he gazed out at the water from the solitude of the upper aft deck. The sweet smell of citrus blossoms danced in the air with the mouthwatering tang of Sanji’s shish-kabobs, piped up to the deck from the kitchen chimney not far from where he leaned against the mast.
He felt… peaceful; free. It wasn’t a feeling he was familiar with, nor one that he yet trusted, but it was nonetheless welcome. So much of his life had been dedicated to seeking vengeance against Doflamingo—building his crew, honing his skills, training and preparing and planning; until that vengeance had been achieved, he hadn’t realized how much he had pushed aside, the simple pleasures he had ignored or left unnoticed—the desires and whims he refused to allow himself.
Like watching the sunset and enjoying the smell of citrus blossoms.
Though there was a small, instinctually protective part of himself that refused to believe Doflamingo was really, truly dealt with, with the Shichibukai’s imprisonment a tremendous weight the likes of which he hadn’t fully comprehended had lifted from his shoulders—and for the first time in over a decade he felt able breathe deeply. His world, once black and white and grey—life and death and suffering, had been suffused with color. Everything was just a little bit brighter; sounds were sharper, smells were stronger…
From the lawn deck, he heard the lilting laugh of the Straw hat navigator rise above the chatter of their two crews. Frowning down at the tightness forming in his pants, he shifted uncomfortably.
Other things seemed to be… stronger, as well.
He’d never given his sex drive much consideration over the course of his life. Sure he’d had the occasional liaison, but his physical desires had never been much of a preoccupation. It was yet another thing he’d come to notice these past few weeks—something that his fixation on vengeance had repressed over the course of years; now that his decades-long plan had finally come to fruition, his mind suddenly found itself wholly unoccupied, and quite open to new stimulus.
It was in the wake of this realization that he, for the first time really, noticed how little the Straw hats’ navigator actually wore.
While the archeologist also tended to prefer less fabric to more, she was nowhere near as daring as Nami. Sure, he had been aware of this fact for quite some time—in concept. On Punk Hazard she’d been wearing nothing more than a bikini top and jeans, and in Dressrosa she’d reduced those jeans to very short shorts. But it hadn’t quite… registered, in some higher part of his brain, all he skin left exposed.
And good God what she left exposed…
Objectively he recognized that she was attractive; she was all long legs and full breasts, with a narrow waist and bright eyes… Her wanted poster was a favorite among pirates and marines alike, something he’d noted with some amusement when he’d crossed the Navy’s path as a Shichibukai. But like with her attire (or lack thereof), he hadn’t quite… registered, how striking she really was, until a few weeks ago.
It had made life aboard the Sunny a bit more trying in a way he hadn’t been expecting. He’d grown accustomed to Luffy’s… exuberance, grown familiar with Sanji and Zoro’s constant bickering, the small explosions originating from Usopp’s factory. All things considered, he rather felt he’d adjusted quite well to the overall lunacy of Mugiwara’s crew. His gratitude for their (albeit unexpected) loyalty on Dressrosa certainly aided his patience.
But he had not anticipated, nor had he been prepared for the wholehearted return of his sex drive after recovering from his injuries aboard Bartolomeo’s ship.
He quietly sighed, leaning against the main mast as he watched the sun slowly sink towards the water. In the larger scheme of things, it was a relatively small price to pay. He had some catching up to do, perhaps, once they reached a habited island; find some woman to charm into his bed for the night (or several) and relieve the tension his own efforts failed to. Until then he’d just have to suffer through Nami’s undersized wardrobe. Subconciously he rubbed his right arm; he’d been through far worse, after all.
The sun was beginning to ripple and waver as Law breathed in the crisp ocean air, savoring the silence of the deck. The party would get into full swing soon enough, he was sure, and he aimed to get a little peace before the ruckus was inescapable. He lifted his mug to his lips, swallowing back the remaining ale in his mug. As he closed his eyes, basking in the warm amber light, the squeak of the observation room door caused him to creak an eye open and glance towards the source of the noise.
“Oh! Hey Torao, I didn’t think anyone was up here,” Nami said with a smile, shutting the door behind her with one foot. She had a basket on one arm and shears in the other and, he couldn’t help but gratefully notice, wore a thigh-length sweater—far more than she’d been wearing earlier in the afternoon.
“Nami-ya,” he acknowledged before returning his gaze to the sea, debating the pro’s and cons of descending into the commotion of the lower decks to refill his mug.
She walked towards him—or rather, towards her trees which occupied the space against the other side of the mast.
Without preamble she thrust her basket at him, beckoning him to her trees as she knelt before them. “Since you’re just standing there, help me with this real quick—I want to finish before the sun goes down and I’ll work faster with two hands.”
Perhaps it was the foreign feeling of calm aboard the Sunny making him unusually compliant—refusal only briefly crossed his mind, but he did as instructed. Standing next to her with the basket in hand, he watched as she thoughtfully pruned the first tree, inspecting each mikan carefully and gently placing the ripe ones in the basket.
“You know there are easier ways to fend off scurvy. You don’t have to keep live citrus trees on your ship.”
“That’s not why I keep them,” she answered smoothly without turning from her task, gently squeezing a mikan between her fingers before deeming it ready and giving it a gentle tug. She then turned thoughtful, pausing in her task before adding, “Well, not the primary reason anyway.”
He eyed her a moment as she moved to the next tree, placing her clippings in a bin beside the small grove.
“Then why do you keep them?”
She smiled softly as she reached for the next fruit, rubbing a smudge of dirt from it tenderly before answering.
“Because they’re from my mother’s grove. A little souvenir of home.”
“You’re from east blue, right?” he asked, though he felt he already knew the answer. Mikans were a common export from that ocean.
She hummed in response. “Bellemére—my mother, ran an orchard, where she raised my sister and I until I was ten. Best Mikans in all of the Conomi islands,” she boasted proudly.
Law eyed her as she carefully parted the tree’s branches to reach a more hidden fruit.
“Why did you leave then?”
He didn’t know why he was asking, but curiosity and boredom encouraged his curiosity.
She stilled, fingertips gently brushing a particularly broad leaf as she gazed at it, eyes faraway. It was several moments before she answered.
“She was killed; and I was kidnapped and forced into a pirate crew.” She was quiet a moment before adding with a small laugh, “It’s kind of how I met Luffy, actually.”
Law’s brow furrowed and he eyed her closely as she resumed her task, but did not respond. As he was learning from his time aboard the Sunny, all of the Straw Hats had more to them than met the eye—Nami was no exception. A pirate at ten years old… he could certainly relate.
She finished her pruning in silence, though it was a peaceful silence. Law’s eyes once more navigated out to the sunset, where the bright orange orb was meeting with the water, mind briefly returning to his earlier thoughts—tumbling and drifting much like the waves.
Doflamingo was gone…
When finally she stood, he extended the basket wordlessly and she took it with a smile, her eyes on him uncomfortably analytical. She placed her shears carefully beside the ripe fruit before returning her gaze to him, then following his eyes out to sea.
“It’s strange, isn’t it? Like there’s a little part of you that refuses to believe you’re really free.”
Her voice was soft, her eyes kind, yet despite that Law felt himself bristle at how easily she had seen through him.
“And what makes you say that, Nami-ya?” he inquired guardedly.
She hummed quietly, tilting her head at him with a small knowing smile as she answered.
“Because I felt the same way when Luffy saved me.”
She didn’t wait for a response, merely turned and walked towards the door with her hand raised behind her.
“Thanks for the help.”
Then, she disappeared into the library.
Law stared at the door for several minutes, not quite sure what to make of her words—or her, for that matter. She was the one member of the crew he’d had little time to get to know personally, and had perhaps dismissed the most readily. But there was quite a bit more to Nami than met the eye. She was far more perceptive than he gave her credit, for one; and he was seeing more and more how foolish that dismissal was.
He returned his gaze to the sea. The sun was now half hidden by the horizon, and he watched the rest slowly sink beneath the waves as he let his thoughts turn. She wasn’t wrong; Doflamingo had haunted him his entire adult life. Now he was gone, wrapped in twice his weight in seastone chains at the bottom of Impel Down. It was hard to believe that someone who had been such an omnipresent and looming specter could truly be gone, though It was a change he was happy to try and adjust to.
It did, however, make him wonder about her own life, and what her careful words had only hinted at. He’d had no idea she’d been a pirate before joining Luffy—for it had been on his crew that she’d gained notoriety, and it made him wonder: who was Cat Thief Nami before she was the navigator on a Supernova’s crew?
He heard her reappear on the lower decks a few minutes later, the assaulting shouts of Luffy pulling him from his thoughts.
“Oi, Nami! Have you seen Torao?!”
Law frowned. He had sought refuge on the furthest deck from the festivities specifically because he wanted some distance before the party became inescapable, hoping that the rest of his crew would be enough of a distraction for the other captain. Apparently not. He let out a sigh, pulling away from the mast as he made for the door—and another hiding spot—but stopped when he heard her response.
“Haven’t seen him,” she responded casually. “Have you checked the sub?”
He stilled, a smile growing before he let himself relax against the mast again. He uttered a silent ‘thank you’ before turning his gaze up to the darkening sky. Yes, Cat Thief Nami was full of surprises.
Stars were just starting to emerge, and he decided he’d enjoy what extra time she had bought him. Straw hat would find him soon enough, and besides, he would need to head down there eventually if he wanted to refill his mug. By the sounds of the growing laughter and the noodling of a guitar—Brook, no doubt—the party was just getting started; and he knew, soon enough, he’d be swept up into the pace of the straw hats—whether he wanted to or not.
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zonamievents · 5 years
ZoNa Summer Festival Day #3
Theme: Paradise Rating: PG / K Word Count: 2,769 words
Zoro was only one sip deep into his drink at the bar when an inquisitive murmur caught his attention. “Say, you look really familiar.”
Brow arched, his mug to his lips, He stared down the bartender and her studious leering. He immediately recoiled and lowered his drink in order to answer them as fast as he could, “Uh, yeah?”
The crow’s feet around her eyes pulled tightly as her frown lines tugged down. Zoro thought she had given up when she ripped her beady eyes away from him, until she placed her attention on his crew mate, “You do too. Have we met somewhere before?” 
“It’s our first time on this island.” He tried to distract her with the truth.
The sharp gasp she emitted proved he had failed. The mess of silver curls on her head bounced around her face when it finally dawned on her. “You’re Roronoa Zoro, aren’t you? And you - you’re Nami. I’m a big fan of your wanted posters.” 
“Thank...you.” feigning graciousness, he could hear the way the navigator responded with apprehension. 
The woman behind the counter didn’t seem to notice. She was still too excited to have them in her bar. “The name’s Venus. Welcome to the Wedge.”
“Nice to meet you Venus. I’m glad we found such a friendly place for my birthday.” Nami sighed happily. Zoro side-eyed her as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and leaned forward with the biggest grin encompassing her face. He knew what her goal was.
But apparently, Venus was easily taken by her nonchalant behaviour. “Is it really? Well then, the next round’s on me.”
“How kind of you!” squealed the birthday girl.
When the bartender turned away, Zoro made sure to whisper to her, “What a sneaky trick.”
“Hey,” she shot back immediately behind her hand. “Do you want an extra mug to drink, or not?”
Zoro saw her point right away and returned to an upright position in his seat. 
The place was rather lively in his opinion, most likely a popular scene for the locals of the island. A well kept dive, the Wedge was exactly the type of place he liked to drink at: cozy, lively enough to have some kind of energy charged up inside but quiet enough that he could drink in peace. If Venus wanted to intrude on their conversation for a little while and offer them a free drink in the process, he didn’t have any right to complain.
“So where’s the rest of the Straw Hat crew? They ain’t celebrating with you?” wondered Venus as she pulled out two icy-looking mugs. The sight alone made Zoro crave his next drink, compelling him to down whatever beer he had left in front of him.
Nami took over the conversation while he chugged. “Nah, we’re the heavy drinkers of the crew. If I want to drink my body weight and then some, I’m going out with this guy.” 
The affirming slap on his shoulder was not something Zoro enjoyed.
Venus, however, chuckled with great amusement. “I knew you were my favourites for a reason! I’ve had every version of your posters posted on that back wall ever since you were given bounties. You’ve really come a long way in the last few years.”
Such a nostalgic comment made Zoro turn to face Nami and he wasn’t at all surprised that she always looked in his direction. It was like they were silently observing one another while imagining the first version of each other that they had met. She had always been cunning, her cleverness her greatest asset at any point in time. Nevertheless, the girl he met in Orange Town - an ironic name if he ever heard one - could not compare to the woman who sat next to him on her birthday.
Thinking about her in such a way made a certain word he never really used pop into his head: flourish.
“We’re mostly alive due to stubbornness.” Zoro admitted with a cheeky smirk. When Nami didn’t immediately scold him for his summarization of their adventures, he knew she agreed.
In fact, she made sure to tack on, “Our captain set a precedent that we can do whatever we want, so long as we make it out alive.” “And it’s been working out pretty well so far.” Zoro pointed out, nudging his empty mug towards Venus’s side of the counter.
The older woman got the hint and reached for the two mugs she had resting in front of her. Filling them up as she carried on talking, she scoffed. “I’ll say. You’ve all got some pretty lofty ambitions if you’re willing to take on the enemies that you do.”
Disclosing their dreams easily enough, Nami admitted, “It’s easy to dream big when your captain is determined to find One Piece and become the King of the Pirates.”
Venus didn’t let her stun stop her from delivering their new drinks. The shock in her violet-colored eyes was obvious, though. “I suppose that’s true. So you’re all doing your damnedest to cause a ruckus no matter where you go or who you meet, huh?”
Zoro quickly guaranteed her, “Not here, though. This beer’s really good.”
“Happy to hear that,” Venus laughed softly at his promise. “With what I’ve seen from your crew, I think you’ve got what it takes to do just about anything.”
“That’s what we keep telling ourselves.” Nami concurred after she released a satisfied ‘ah’. He knew she was a huge fan of cold beer, so she didn’t need to show her enjoyment for Zoro to know that she was having a great time. 
But then, the mood took a bit of a nose dive when Venus inquired, “Any idea what you’ll be looking forward to afterwards?”
Sloppily, in unison, both of the Straw Hats at the bar responded, “Huh?”
Taking a moment to rest, the barkeep leaned on her forearms until she was nestled against her countertop comfortably. Then, she explained, “I don’t think there’s anyone out there on the open seas that’s got what it takes to do what your crew can do. So, have any of you thought about what you’ll do after you make it to the end of the road? What happens when your captain becomes the King of the Pirates?”
It was too broad a concept for Zoro to take, if the truth be told. For a man like him who trained everyday with Mihawk’s face in mind, who accepted the challenge of every enemy at a moment’s notice, imagining what life would be like after Luffy achieved his dream was not something he thought of often. He was much more interested in finding the thrill of the battle he was in or working hard to be ready for the next one. To wonder what kind of satisfaction he’d find if his dream was already obtained was something he didn’t let himself dwell on for fear of becoming blinded by his passion. 
Sure, the odds of that all of their dreams would be achieved at the same time were possible, but it was very slim. 
What was he going to do if Luffy became King of the Pirates but he hadn’t beaten Mihawk yet and claimed his title?
Unable to find an answer, he faced Nami. She was much more articulate than him, so he hoped that she had an answer ready. There was hesitation in her big brown eyes, yet she didn’t allow the lull in the conversation to carry on for very long. Poised, she replied, “Well, my dream is to make a map of the entire world, so I’ll need to keep going until I make my dream come true.”
When Venus didn’t start praising Nami the moment she finished speaking, Zoro realized she was awaiting his answer too. Having been put on the spot, he answered, “I’m going to become the world’s greatest swordsman. If I can’t beat Dracule Mihawk beforehand, I guess I’m going to have to go look for him.”
Venus appeared to feel complex emotions over their answers. With her brows knitted and her smile having fallen, she asked them both, “So you’re just along for the ride with your captain?”
“Yeah,” Zoro assumed that it was fair for her to word it that way. By this point, however, he was growing rather tired of the conversation. The urge to be protective of Nami was the only thing keeping him present in the moment. After all, having some strange woman chastise them for not thinking about their futures at twenty-one was really condescending to him. 
If it wasn’t for the free drink, he might have told her to piss off.
“Well, ain’t that sweet? You tell your crew that they’re all welcomed her any time.” Venus ensured them as she pushed off of the countertop and quickly strolled away. 
Zoro watched her go like a guard dog and only planned to take a sip of his drink when he knew she was distracted by another customer. “We’ve already skipped a few islands,” Nami said softly, clearly lost in thought. “So I’d have to go back and visit places we missed.”
Zoro huffed, “Yeah, I guess so.”
“I wonder if everyone would want to go with me?” The question could have been open-ended, but her tone implied that she wanted an answer. 
“Why wouldn’t they?” he grumbled in response. This wasn’t a topic of discussion he was fond of, he knew now, as it meant thinking about what was beyond the dream he had been fighting to achieve for his entire life. 
Knowing Nami wanted to dive into such unknown waters made him feel uncomfortable, to put it lightly.
He took her explanation as a sign that he could down his beer while she spoke, meaning he could hopefully leave the rest of the conversation to a more inebriated version of himself. “I don’t think Brook, Robin or Franky are going to want to do anything more than settle down once we’re done. I mean, Brook just wants to see Laboon. And Robin…”
“Hm?” He asked her to carry on while guzzling his drink.
Nami whipped her head in her direction just so she could frown at him. “Unless she’s got another Poneglyph to find or Franky has another boat to make, they’re gonna want to find a place to put down roots. Get it?”
He knew his silence would be enough to tell her that he didn’t.
“Ugh, men.” Nami groaned.
He groaned in response to her disappointment. Throwing his mug down, he shot back. “Well the rest of your crew mates are men so I guess you want any of them to go back with you.”
“Sanji’s goal is to see the All Blue, but after that, he could just end up going back to Pudding or the Baratie.” Nami pointed out.
Zoro whispered to himself, “Good riddance.”
She didn’t hear his insult, so she kept going. “Once Usopp believes his the bravest warrior on the sea, he can just do whatever he wants. We both know he should go back and see Kaya though, that poor girl.”
That, Zoro agreed with. “He’ll have actual stories to tell her now, not just some made up lies.”
“Maybe he’ll take Chopper to see her, make sure she’s doing well.” Nami mused. 
When her tone of voice dropped into a lifeless state, Zoro couldn’t help but notice how her mood suddenly became pensive and withdrawn. Her face looked like it was incapable of smiling while her mind was so heavily occupied. They went out for drinks whenever they could and sometimes, their conversations did become serious. However, it wasn’t usually to the point of her retreating inside of herself where he couldn’t reach. 
Trying to turn her mood around, he offered her an idea. “I’ll bet you my entire debt that Luffy will go anywhere in the world with you. If you’re out on the open seas, he’ll be there.” 
The mention of their captain tugged Nami free from the shackles of whatever dark thoughts she was thinking. To his surprise though, the suggestion made her sigh. “You may be right. I have no idea what that idiot is going to do once he’s got his treasure. I bet he’s as clueless as you are.”
Her accurate observation of him made him bashful. Zoro didn’t know what to do while she finished off her own beer, so he took the time until she finished her last gulp to come up with a response. “So? I have my goal, and then I’ll have to fight to keep it.” 
Nami opened her mouth to speak until she actually mauled over his words. Then, she said, “I guess that makes sense. Mihawk has to fight you off if he wants to keep the title now. Once you get it, you’ll be challenged all the time probably.”
“Only I won’t hide on some secret island forever.” Subtly, only because his idol couldn’t hear him, he made a dig at Mihawk’s character.
“A secret island?” Only when she asked the question did he realize that he never told her where he was for the two years they were all apart. It actually astonished Zoro that he never shared any details about his training with her before. In all fairness, he knew nothing of her time away from the crew either. Still, he genuinely thought that it was obvious where he had been, given the question Kuma had posed.
“Mihawk lives on this island called Kuraigana. It’s dark and full of monsters.” explained the swordsman, recalling his days training there in a flash.
“Sounds like it suits you perfectly.” He thought he heard her say.
“Huh!?” Zoro challenged.
Avoiding his fury entirely, Nami pressed on. “So you’re going to travel the world and fight every swordsman you see? That’s going to be no different from now.” 
That one remark gave him an idea, and Zoro could see the solution to whatever dreary thoughts she had been thinking. In an instant, he felt charged by the words he planned to say next because he truly believed that he had discovered the answer to any worries she may have had. “Yeah. I’ll essentially be a swordsman for hire, if you can afford me.”
Nami couldn’t hide the surprise on her face when she heard his declaration. Only, instead of applauding his sly suggestion, she concocted yet another fiendish way to take advantage of him. Smirking from ear to ear, she decreed, “Once you have that title, you’ll be able to work your debt off to me! Your rate would help you pay it off in at least, what, maybe ten or twenty years”
“What the hell!?” Her calculations sounded absolutely absurd! Zoro couldn’t begin to imagine a situation in which Mihawk was being exploited the way that he was by Nami the Cat Burglar, the Straw Hat’s navigator, the most difficult person he’d ever met!
Ignorant of his plight, she carried on with her ecstatic predictions. “It’ll be great! I’ll be making my map and you’ll be there to protect me, while also showing yourself off to any opponent you meet. We’ll make quite the team. Plus, we both know you can’t go anywhere without me.”
“I was away from you for two years and I was fine!” Zoro shouted his point so loudly, he noticed that Venus was eyeing them from across the bar. 
Nami must have noticed his darting eyes, as she looked over her shoulder towards the bartender who started the mess of the conversation they were having, then happily cheered, “Venus! Another round here, please! We’ve got something else to celebrate!”
“You got it.” complied the older woman, her wrinkles on display as she smiled at the two of them.
Zoro scowled at both of them. “Sure we do.” He said sarcastically. Flippant and irritated, he made it clear that he wasn’t on board with her plans with not only his voice, but his reclining body posture too. 
But as usual, Nami had her mind set on her ideal plan and she refused to see beyond it. Her sigh this time was indeed a happy one, preceding her proclamation, “Imagine - I’ll be even farther along with making a map of the world, and you’ll be the world’s greatest swordsman. It’ll be perfect.”
“Oh yeah,” he mocked her as their drinks placed down in front of them. Lifting his mug high as a fake toast, Zoro’s frown sunk into his jawline when she still clicked her glass against his, making him tack on an insincere, “It’ll be paradise.”
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The Three Women Of Durin - Busy Brain & Boiling Bathwater (54)
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(not my gif)
Rosanna Parker sat, alive and breathing, in a boiling bathtub that was barely full. The water was beyond scorching but it felt good, the pain that came along with prune pink skin and shrivelled fingers felt solid and whole, a constant reminder that she was here, that she was grounded in this moment. Yes, it felt good.
Rosie was now 5 days living, and after a horrendously emotional reunion with all those who had come to know her, she found herself shrinking back into the shadows, the dreamish like place that she had been to for the past 29 days (when she heard this she cried even harder) still echoing against the barricades of her brain. She emerged once Frankie woke and again when Cece woke, the familiarity of the scene reminding her of when they first found themselves in middle earth. She cried about this too.
The same thoughts rolled like hills before her, but every time, no matter what thought train she took, she would eventually run into a dead end. As she sat bare naked in the bath, her bruised and broken body numbed beneath her. Waking up came with the price of waking up to a body that had just been in a war. She wasn’t supposed to get her wound wet, so she took time in dipping body parts into the steamy sea before draining it enough for her to sit in.
Occasionally, she would simply close her eyes and listen to her heart beating. Her mind was a mess, a jumble of frantic thoughts and dizzy wonderings, and let’s not forget the mass of emotion that has been drowning her over the past few days. Yeah, her mind was not the best it had ever been.
News of the girl’s revival spread like wildfire around the mountain. She couldn’t simply walk through the corridors anymore without being stopped by excited passer-by’s. At first, she could handle it, it seemed exciting that people she had never met before knew her name, though, she would never tell anyone that. But as the days wore on, she found that she had too much on her mind to be dealing with animated admirers.
She had talked to Frankie and Cece and had found that they had experienced very much the same as herself, the entire conversation lasted throughout the night and as they were finishing the sun was rising over the broken entrance of Erebor, it was the only place where any sunlight could actually be seen.
“When we rebuild Erebor, I’m going to get Thorin to put a balcony in my bedroom,” Rosie had hummed as she pulled the blanket around her shoulders a little tighter. They each told each other about going back to America and how real it felt, the three of them shared a few nostalgic tears as they started reliving stories from those happy days.
They didn’t get time to discuss theories as people were already waking up, the majority of those who were injured now in their final stages of healing. However, the three of them promised to have a think about it and meet up again soon to talk. Rosie hadn’t seen them since.
And that brings us here, to an unnecessarily hot bath and a wickedly messy mind. Rosie had come up with only one main idea that had clicked to her whilst getting dressed, her phone playing a song she didn’t really know the lyrics to. Because they had universe hopped their forms will forever remain in the state of time during the hop, therefore their hair wouldn’t grow. It would also work for any objects that were brought through, such as their phones.
Rosie thought this now as she reached up into her hair, still not used to the shorter layers than the shoulder length cut she had been living with for the past year. It was weird, she was back home, the place where she only really wanted to be (besides earth of course) and yet there was a strange sense now of not belonging. The knowledge of what happened on the day of the crash should have been some condolence to her, answering a question that she felt like she had had since the beginning of time itself. Yet, here she was, more confused than ever.
Due to her busy mindset she had found herself distancing herself from the company and her friends, they didn’t mind, they understood that she needed time to think, they were simply happy to have her back. The celebration is still going on, every night the company gathers in a hidden hall. Candles are lit as they gather around the longest table Rosie has ever seen. They chatted about this and that as they sip on whatever wine has lasted in the cellars, never going to deep into anything as everything right now held some sort of triggering aspect. But it was nice.
Rosie stepped out of the bath, the now noticeably cooler water sloshing in protest. She took her time as she did so, her muscles not having been used in nearly a month meant that every small thing she does now felt like running a marathon. Once she was out she rubbed prescribed cream over her body, well, she was told only on the cuts and bruises but she couldn’t tell the difference.
Once she was done with that, she pulled on the robe gifted to her by the elves of Mirkwood. After an emotional reunion with Tauriel and Legolas, the former disappeared for a few hours returning with three very large sacks full of the finest elven clothes for the three girls. Rosie couldn’t thank Tauriel enough, whilst she enjoyed the clothes of the dwarven women, the elves had an undeniable feminine quality that she missed, the dresses that she could wear on a day to day basis made her feel like a million bucks. And to be honest, that’s what she needed right now.
As Rosie walked into her room she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and was taken aback. The robe was red and stretched out far behind her with a rich, red fur trim. The materials were that of both opaque and translucent, they were seamlessly woven together as they twisted the length of her body, pulling in at her waist with an adjustable belt and opening up across her chest. She was taken aback by how old she looked. The mixture of such a grand outfit and shorter haircut had changed her almost completely.
Rosie suddenly had the image of her past self, ripped jeans and oversized sweaters, never would she have thought that in a year she would be looking like royalty. The robe strengthened the angles of her body and softly strengthened in the candle light that flickered over the blood-red fabric. And then with a little jolt, she realised that she was no longer a girl, through the months of being on a quest, through fighting for her life and living in hellish conditions, her mind had aged. She had become a figure of wisdom, a strong warrior and even earned a small wealth that could be considered a fortune. She was a woman. And now, her appearance only reflected what was within.
As Rosie glimpsed at herself in the mirror she got a picture of the life that was ahead of her, a life where Thorin bestowed the finest gifts upon her, where she lived out her dream and wore a dress that queens would kill for, jewels that most could only dream about seeing would drip down her throat like blood as she bore ruby red lips and crimson nails, stockings and heels with a signature click. And Rosie looked in the mirror and smiled, but she smiled because she knew that she didn’t need any of that for her to be happy. She just needed to leave her room, walk down a few doors and knock on one of a selection of doors where a bundle of happiness would be waiting.
Smiling softly, she turned to her room where her bed lay before her. Thorin had given her probably the most luxurious room Rosie had ever seen, it was the size of a small tennis court with quite a low ceiling, but in every corner, the word wealth screamed. Gold trimmed headboards, paintings of some of the highest quality, deep red walls, and dark brown wooden floor. There was a dressing table with three mirrors and far too many draws that seemed to be made of gold itself. The bed was not only massive but had an overhanging canopy made from a soft translucent material. And of course, the on suit which was bigger than Rosie’s room on earth, enough said.
Sighing she allowed herself to sink into the bed, the velvety cushions and silk blankets sticking to her ever so slightly damp skin. Allowing herself to be enveloped by the overly thick duvet she squeezed her eyes shut, desperately hoping for sleep to come quickly and put her mind to rest, something that hadn’t happened since before the war.
Tossing and turning she hummed slightly as she squeezed her eyes shut even tighter, sleep refusing to come to her hysterical mind. She doesn’t know how long she lay there waiting for sleep to come, watching as time dragged slowly. But there soon came a point where she couldn’t take it anymore. She got out of bed, tightened her robe and walked out.
Thorin heard a soft knock at his door and originally thought that he was imagining it. Surely no one would be awake at this hour. Glancing at his door, he came to the conclusion that it was probably a bird from outside and he mulled this over whilst sinking low on his couch. In the past five days, his room had really changed. The fire had now been lit, the sheets changed, and the entire room dusted clean. It was funny, he could now see where he was going now thanks to the blinking candlelight.
Sinking lower onto a plush red couch he allowed his eyes to focus on the dancing flame of the fire before him when he heard the knock again. This time it was undeniable, so his placed his crystal wine glass on the small wooden table before him and answered the door.
Before stood an image that he still hadn’t got quite used to seeing. Rosie stood leaning quite nonchalantly against the frame of the door, her soft hips poking through her red gown, her eyes adverted to the hallway, checking to see if anyone was watching her. When she heard the door open her eyes fluttered to meet those of Thorin’s and something mischievous grew within them.
“I can’t sleep,” She smiled cheekily, Thorin couldn’t help but return the favour.
“Me neither,” He stepped back allowing her to sweep into the room. With her back turned he allowed his gaze to dip and dive over the gown that was coating her body.
“You seem very…”
“Oh, dressed up, I know,” She patted down her robe, now slightly self-conscious, “It was something the elves gave me,”
“You look like royalty,” He softly grinned as he moved closer to her now only inches away. Rosie felt a breath instantly hitch in her throat, her heart starts pounding through her body, and a grin stupidly wide grow on her face.
“I feel like it,” She grinned up at him.
“One day you could be,” Thorin said tenderly, his voice but a breath on his lips.
“Thorin,” Rosie almost laughed as she took a step back looking around the room, taking in his sleeping quarters. She didn’t think there could be a room larger than hers but the sight that greeted proved her wrong. Thorin’s room came across more as an apartment, she was currently standing in what appeared to be a small living room, with plush red drapes, far too many sofas and a crackling fire.
Without saying anything she moved through into the next compartment, Thorin quietly following her. It appeared to be a small kitchen and a small library, where the books had a variety of spines which had a variety of colours.
“You have a kitchen?” Rosie chuckled as she fingered the grates on the stove.
“Being King means that I can’t casually go down to the market and grab a bite to eat,” Thorin’s eyes crinkled
“There was a market?”
“Rosie, there was so much life that used to be here. Markets, shops, playgrounds, homes…there was life everywhere,” Thorin melodically talked, and Rosie could see that his smile seemed a little wider when talking about the past.
“Man, I can’t wait till it's like that again,” Rosie smiled to herself.
“Pardon?” Rosie turned back away from Thorin as she peeked into his cupboards.
“I mean, we are going to rebuild Erebor aren’t we? We’ll invite the people from the blue mountains and have a little celebration,” She stopped peeking and looked up at Thorin, “It will be like that again, you can’t stop it,”
“You sound so sure,” He smiled as she watched her skip to the other side of the room where she let her fingers trace the spines of his book collection.
“That’s because I am,” She turned around and smiled back at him. She then disappeared into the next room, the bedroom. Thorin’s massive bed sat to the left of the room, it too had an overhanging canopy made of translucent material, but the material was blue, Durin’s blue. But the bed was doused with a cool light, not like the warm candlelight in the other rooms.
Turning to her right Rosie feasted her eyes on a window, around the height of two wardrobes stacked atop one another, it was currently open allowing a cool night breeze to whisk through the room. There were pale translucent curtains longer than any Rosie had ever seen before, they were dancing in the breeze, sweeping in a way that was more magical than any scene she had seen so far.
“You have windows,” Rosie faintly whispered as she walked forward, her fingers skimming the soft white material before it danced away and out of her fingertips. Stepping through the magic she made her way out onto a broad stone balcony which was overlooking a small collection of mountain tops that lay behind Erebor, they shone pale in the moonlight and the snow that lay waiting, seemed to almost sparkle. “I thought there were no balconies in Erebor,” Rosie said softly, as she felt Thorin lean over the balcony next to her.
“There aren’t,” He hummed softly, “I specially requested this when I was 20 or so,” Rosie glanced to the man next to her before peering out on the scene.
“It really is beautiful.” She breathed. Thorin moved away from the barrier so he could drink in the appearance of Rosie. A soft smile was creased on her lips, her eyes fluttered shut, her face relaxed as moonlight spilt onto her features. Her crimson gown spilt behind her once more dipping in and out of her curves. She looked so at peace here, maybe there could be a time where she lived her full time.
“I love you, Rosie,” This appeared to catch Rosie off guard for a second, but she covered it quickly with a subtle smile and witty response, twisting her head to the awe-struck Thorin.
“You don’t even know me,”
“Rosie, I have travelled half of the known world with you in the past year. I have spent time with you besides a crackling fire and in the face of an envious enemy. I can safely say that I’ve never felt more comfortable around a person than when I’m near you” Rosie simply grinned at him, not convinced.
“Not satisfied?” Thorin asked, “Fine…I know you because I know that your favourite colour used to be red but now it’s blue, I know that you feel things in extremes and that you secretly love that, I know that you drink tea with a disturbing amount of sugar and I know that you have an accent unlike Frankie or Cece that reminds me of inky pens and fresh paper, I know that even if I didn’t let you on this quest you would have followed us anyways, I know that you love you’re your friends fiercely and would do anything for them, even die for them,” Why did Rosie feel like she was going to cry?
“And,” Thorin continued, growing closer to her, wrapping his strong arms around her smaller ones that were now coated in goosebumps, but it wasn’t from the nip in the air, “I know you miss your home more than you like to let on, I know you have a soft spot for Ori, I know you’re a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, but I also know you make the best pancakes I’ve ever had in my life.” Don’t cry Rosie, don’t cry. “The thing is Rosie,” Thorin’s eyes crinkled in the way that makes her stomach flip, “I know there is still so much that I don’t know about you, that you are an ocean of wonders that I will never truly understand and that each and every day you will find something new in yourself that everyone around you can’t help but love.” His hands were warm as they touched her face, his thumb stroking a cheek, picking up a soft tear that she didn’t even know had left her eye, “I know your eyes from any distance,” He touched his lips to her forehead, “I know your voice no matter how quiet,” Her neck, “And I know your lips in a way that would make the angel of love herself be jealous,”
The kiss was emotional yet gentle, and Rosie realised that they hadn’t kissed since before the war. Her entire body was pressed against his as he held her face with one hand, the other secure on the lower of her back. She pressed her trembling fingers against the sides of his faces, ignoring the tears that now couldn’t seem to stop. The kiss was full of fingers and thumbs, tears and touches, but the only thing Rosie could feel was pure and placid love for the man before her. They pulled away, drunk on each other as they touched foreheads gently.
“Oh we’re in love, aren’t we,” Rosie breathed, her voice whisked away by the wind, winding in and out of their intertwined bodies. Her entire body now shaking against Thorin’s strong and steady build. Thorin simply kissed her again in response, his heart beating rapidly in his chest, something that only normally happens when in the face of danger. Thorin had never really had a romantic partner before, sure when he was younger he was a bit of a lady’s man, but the feeling he had for those fleeting faces seemed almost inexistent to the feeling that was swelling in his chest in that moment.
Giggling Rosie pulled away and grabbed Thorin’s hand pulling him back into fluttering curtains with fluttering fingers. He simply couldn’t get enough of her or the feelings that surged all over his body whenever she was so much as in the same room as him. He could kiss her until his heart stopped beating altogether, and he would still call that a life well lived.
Thorin’s kisses were gently and came in the handfuls, they disappeared along with the length of her jawline, dancing their ways up and down the curves of her neck and even tickling the sensitive area under her lashes. And Rosie couldn’t help but whimper slightly as he nibbled slightly on her bottom lip, this boy was going to bring her to her knees.
They seemed to almost trip over each other as they made their way further and further into the room. Eventually, they tumbled in a heap of giggles and low chuckles onto the soft bed where Rosie’s hands became a little more adventurous and a little more suggestive. Thorin, realising this, pulled back slightly.
“Rosie, we don’t have to-” But he was cut off.
“Thorin,” Her voice was soft, and sounded so good saying his name, “Thorin…I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am right now, in this moment,” She intertwined her fingers with his, pulling him slightly closer to her, “Don’t worry about me, I want this,” A smile that appeared defiant flickered across her lips, “I want you,”
So, Rosie grabbed fistfuls of Thorin’s shirt pulling him back onto the white sheets, her robe spilling out around her like paint as their lips once more connected. She savoured the feeling of his hands, strong against her thighs, his rough beard slightly tickling her upper lip, his hair spilling down his shoulder and onto the bare skin that she revealed when she pulled at the belt of her robe like a ribbon, leaving her there for him to see. Thorin pulled back for a breath and simply gazed deep into her eyes, a soft smile painted on his lips.
“Your wish is my command,”
Frankie didn’t know where she got lost, but for the second time in a few chapters, Frankie was walking around in circles, no clue where she was going. It was late night, she at least knew that by the quiet world around her.
Frankie had left her room not that long ago in an attempt to search for Kili, the two of them hadn’t really talked things through since their emotional reunion, full of tears and soft kisses and Frankie repeatedly apologising for breaking Kili’s promise stone to which Kili responded by calling her a ‘perfect idiot’.
Sighing Frankie decided to make her way back to the remains of the barrier that was built for the battle, at least from where she could make it back to her bedroom. But as she crept up to the broken gate she noticed a figure standing in the moonlight at the highest point. She recognised him from quite a distance and was one hundred percent sure that he heard her sneaking up on him, but he still jumped when she zapped his ribs with her fingers.
“Don’t do that,” Kili laughed as Frankie collapsed next to him, looking out on the image of what was a battlefield, now coated with a layer of velvety snow. Kili allowed his eyes to look Frankie up and down, his heart beating heavily in his chest, it hadn’t quite sunk in yet that she was alive, that she was standing there, right in front of him, breathing. It was a beautiful sight. “I kind of expect you to be wearing white,” Kili said softly, thinking of the night not so long ago where they were in a similar situation.
“Really?” Frankie smiled widely, the memory of that happy night dancing in her mind.
“Yeah…and telling me all about Sherlock and detectives,”
“You remember that?” Frankie asked softly turning to him, God the things that this boy does.
“Of course I remember that, I remember everything you have to say,”
“Oh Kili, how do you do it? If anyone else said that, it would be creepy, but somehow you make it work,” Frankie sighed contentedly, not making eye contact with the blushing boy next to her. A comfortable silence blanketed the two as they found themselves shuffling closer, soon their fingers were shuffling over one another, interlocking in a way that made Frankie’s stomach burst into billions of butterflies.
“Kili,” Frankie breathed, twisting on her small patch of stone to stare at the beautiful boy next to her. “Kili, you remember that night, where you asked me what my new dream was, do you remember that?” Kili’s breath grew heavy as he stared deep into Frankie’s rich chocolatey ones.
“Yes,” He breathed, bringing their foreheads to touch, “Of course I remember
“I think I know now,” Frankie’s voice was barely a whisper, “I think…Kili, you are my new dream.”
And then they were kissing, their lips and breath mingling into one magical moment. But unlike the last time they kissed, they knew they had time, they had the rest of their long lives to stay in each other’s embrace. And that was the sweetest thing about it.
“You seem distant, I mean, after everything that’s happened in the past few days,” Thorin said softly, he warm voice mingling with the snapping of burning wood. The two were now sitting on the plush red sofa in front of the crackling fire, delicate glasses filled with a deep red alcoholic beverage that was tainting the insides of their mouths a plum colour.
“I’ve just, got a lot on my mind,” Rosie smiled back, her steady eyes moving from the flickering flame to Thorin.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Rosie thought for a moment, was it wise to share the information she had received only so long ago, she had barely had time herself to think about it.
“Sure,” Rosie eventually sighed, one day she was going to tell him, why not let that day be today. So, she did, she summed up the entire experience in a few sentences, not really going into detail about anything. The only thing that she did talk about a lot was the fact that the portal had opened 18 years ago, and a handful of dwarves had travelled across earth the implant something within her, Frankie and Cece, maybe he knew something about it. Thorin listened carefully, valuing everything that she had to say and only asking questions when she was done talking.
“Do you want to go to the library now?” Thorin asked, Rosie flickered her eyes up to him in question before something mischievous grew in her blue orbs.
Rosie was currently sitting on the plushest, velvety and purely comfortable sofa she had ever sat on in her entire life, a hot cup of tea in one hand as she scanned her eyes of a large document that Thorin had handed. All around her spread worn paper with thick slanted writing, heavy brown books and small drawings sketched in pencil. The only sound that could be heard was the crackling fire behind her and Thorin a few aisles down, plucking the odd thing here and there from a crowded shelf.
They were currently trying to piece together what happened eighteen years ago, searching through old records and documents and trying to picture the puzzle as a whole. They had been more successful than Rosie originally would have thought.
So far, they knew that a small group of rebellious dwarves who had been banished from their homes had simply disappeared for almost a year around the time. Rosie without a question believed that this small group must have made their way through the portal and would, therefore, be the ultimate reason she was in the situation she was in. Unfortunately, the book Thorin had found this in had said no more about the matter, and there were no documents claiming the return of this group, or if they were ever seen again.
The night was born on, and Rosie felt something soft tugging at her lashes and she found herself yawning now a few times a minute. Slowly the words begin to blur in front of her and Rosie’s eyes flickered closed as she listened to the crackling of the fire behind her and the warmth of the tea within her. However, before she could fall asleep Thorin’s voice hummed around her.
“I just found this, it was tucked inside this book from around nineteen years ago, I don’t recognise the language though,” He said peering down at a large yellow scroll. Then he turned it to her and Rosie felt like she had been hit in the chest.
“That’s my language,”
“That’s written English,” She said taking it swiftly from his hands, “That’s how the language we’re speaking in is written where I’m from,” It had never occurred to Rosie that written common language in middle earth would be different to that on earth. But as she looked at the large, yellow sheet, she undoubtedly recognised every single word. It was scribbled rather messily, and it reminded Rosie of the early stages of handwriting in primary school.
With shaky hands Rosie looked down at the writing and began to read, ignoring how the sofa shifted slightly with Thorin’s weight being added. When she was done she abruptly stood, the paper fluttering to the floor.
“What is it?” Thorin asked anxiously as he to stood. Rosie simply turned to him.
“Gather the others, meet back here in 30 minutes,”
TAG LIST: @britney8793
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latetothegreysparty · 7 years
I decided to try my hand at Grey’s fanfic. Here’s something I wrote for the following anonymous prompt on @omeliafics:
“Set after 14x08, the little boy dies from the heparin, Amelia feels responsible cuz she told Alexa to chance it. She relates it to feeling responsible about her baby’s death. Owen is there to comfort her and finally gets why she’s so scared of having more children”
I think I strayed just a tiny bit from the prompt, so I apologize to whoever wrote this prompt. As the fic started to take shape, it went in a slightly different direction, and I just sort of went with it. Please be patient with me as I’m new to Tumblr, I’ve never written any Grey’s fanfiction before, and I’ve never really been much of a writer.
Empty. Everything was empty right now. The darkened on-call room Amelia was sitting in was empty. The coffee cup she had been staring at for the past hour was empty. The room that just this morning had been filled with the chatter of Frankie and his mother as they watched Doc McStuffins together was now empty, the sheets stripped from the bed and the name and vital signs erased from the whiteboard by the door. And Amelia herself felt so empty as she stared at that coffee cup, unable to do anything productive, but unable to go to sleep on one of the old bunks in the on-call room.
If she laid down and closed her eyes, she would see that little boy’s sweet face. She would see his smile and hear his voice talking to his mother about how obvious it was that she wanted to date Dr. Alex. She couldn’t bear to see that face and hear that voice. The guilt that was consuming her, leaving her empty and hollow, was enough to deal with by itself without the image of his face burned onto the backs of her eyelids, assaulting her mind as she tried to sleep.
So here she sat, staring at the empty coffee cup in front of her and willing something, anything to take her mind off of the death of sweet little Frankie. The death that she had caused.
Amelia looked toward the door as she heard it open. She could tell that Owen must not have heard about Frankie because he just shot her a passing glance as he strode across the room to one of the bunks, asking over his shoulder, “Are you about ready to take a nap too?” Amelia opened her mouth to respond, but the words caught in her throat, and she was left staring at his back, willing herself to say something. Or do something. Willing anything to happen that would break the painful emptiness of the last hour.
“What happened?” Owen asked, his head tilting in that way it tended to as he turned back to look at her.
“I, um,” she choked out, “It’s just been a long day.”
“Amelia,” Owen sighed, drawing out the syllables of her name. “You know you can talk to me about anything anytime. That hasn’t changed.”
Amelia stared at him for a few moments, simultaneously trying to decide if she was ready to address this problem out loud and if she was ready to have the most substantive conversation she had had with Owen since their separation. At this point, she figured she might as well. She couldn’t really feel any worse than she was already feeling right now. “Did you hear about Frankie, Alex’s patient with the AVM?” she whispered.
“Oh yeah, he’s having surgery tomorrow, isn’t he?” Owen asked.
“No he’s not because he’s dead,” Amelia bit out. Owen reflexively flinched, but he quickly caught himself and recovered. He shouldn’t have been surprised. This was Amelia. She never minced words. Her next words, though, truly did catch him off guard. “I killed him,” she whispered.
Owen’s mouth fell open a little bit, and then his legs were moving before he even realized it, carrying him over to the bed where Amelia sat. Amelia didn’t move as Owen sat down beside her. “Amelia, I’m sure you didn’t…” he began, but he was quickly cut off.
“No Owen,” she said forcefully, speaking louder than she had in hours. “He had Factor V Leiden, so he was on anticoagulation. He came to the hospital for vitamin K to reverse the anticoagulation before the surgery. He started vomiting and complaining of a severe headache, but we didn’t have his records, so we couldn’t see if he’d gotten the vitamin K. Alex came to talk to me, and I told him to give Frankie heparin. He hadn’t gotten any vitamin K, and he had a massive brain hemorrhage. I killed that boy, Owen.”
Owen’s heart clenched as he tried to think of something to say. He thought of the times a patient had died because of a decision he had made, and he knew there was nothing that was going to take her pain away, but he struggled to come up with something to say to help her through this. “Amelia,” he began, “you are the most brilliant neurosurgeon I know. This kid had the best possible care out there. You made a decision based on what you knew, using your knowledge to do the best you could to give him a chance at life. Sometimes we do everything we can and it still falls apart on us. It hurts like hell, but it doesn’t make you less of a surgeon. You didn’t kill him.”
“But what if I didn’t think like a neurosurgeon?” she whispered.
“Excuse me?” Owen asked, struggling to follow her train of thought.
“The choice to give him that heparin without knowing if he had gotten the vitamin K was not the choice of a neurosurgeon, Owen,” she explained. “That dose of heparin was not part of stroke protocol.”
“The system was down, you had no way of knowing,” Owen began to argue, but Amelia cut him off.
“No, Owen,” she said, her voice once again gaining confidence. “Stroke protocol states that you don’t treat a patient for ischemic stroke without confirmation that it’s not hemorrhagic. I knew that the CT was inconclusive. I knew that we were unsure if the anticoagulation had been reversed or not. I knew that giving the heparin was against protocol, but I chose to do it anyway. I could feed you some line about how protocols aren’t foolproof and I used my best medical judgment to do what we could with what we had, but that would be a lie. The truth is that, in that moment, I thought like the woman who spent weeks knowing that she had a baby growing inside her that had no brain. During those weeks, every time I looked in the mirror I wished that there was something we could try. I wouldn’t have cared if it had been a gamble. Having the opportunity to try something would have been far better than weeks of knowing that he was going to die regardless of what I did. So today, when I saw that little boy vomiting and crying, I knew that I was supposed to wait until I could confirm that his anticoagulation had been reversed, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t just let that boy suffer and die. So I chose to gamble, and it cost Frankie his life.”
By this point, tears were rolling freely down Amelia’s cheeks. As Owen reached out to brush the tears from her cheeks, he struggled to make sense of the sea of emotions swirling through him. He was devastated for Amelia. He would do anything to take away the pain of today, the pain of the death of her son, and all of the pain that seemed to find her in every season of her life. He was also shocked to have heard the words that had just come out of her mouth. In all the months of their marriage, he could not recall a single conversation that was as honest and emotionally raw as the one they were having now. Finally, he was grateful to her for trusting him with her pain, doubts, and guilt. He knew Amelia was a professional at hiding all of these things, and he was honored that she had chosen to share all of this with him, even in the place they were currently at in their relationship.
Owen wrapped his arms around Amelia, pulling her head into his chest much like he had the night she had met Penny at the dinner party. “Oh, Amelia,” he whispered, closing his eyes and struggling to come up with anything else to say.
Amelia sniffled into Owen’s chest for a few more minutes before breaking the silence. “Children are so beautiful and innocent and perfect,” she whispered. “The world is too cruel for them. My world is too cruel for them. Every child who comes into my world is broken by this cruelty. I am terrified of bringing another child into my world just so he can have his life shattered by a neural tube defect or a computer virus.”
As Amelia spoke, Owen felt the tears begin to well in his own eyes. For the first time, he thought he was beginning to understand why Amelia hadn’t wanted children after that negative pregnancy test. His heart broke for Amelia and for the tiny little boy who had only gotten to experience the beauty and depth of Amelia’s love for 43 minutes.
Amelia felt one of Owen’s tears run down onto her forehead, and her heart clenched. Here they were, sitting in a dark on-call room with tears streaming down their faces and no rings on their left hands, but finally beginning to pick up the pieces from the mess of their conflict about having children. As Amelia glanced down at the coffee cup that she had dropped onto the ground a while ago, she thought that she still felt pretty empty, but she was oddly at peace with it now. Perhaps one has to be emptied in order to be healed and filled again.
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