#the girlies with latin names would NOT like each other
steelthroat · 4 months
I think that if Terminus and Optimus ever met, they would cause each other an aneurysm.
I want them to meet, obviously.
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spacefinch · 10 months
MSB headcanons, part 2???
This time, featuring Phoebe!
She is most definitely autistic. Introverted, very empathetic, gets along with animals better than people.
Thinks cats, bunnies and chickadees are cute. Also thinks giant isopods and tarantulas are cute.
She has 2 dads.
Dad #1 is named Leonard “Len” Terese. He is blind(for his whole life) and taught Phoebe how to identify bird calls. He also loves listening to radio dramas and audiobooks with her.
Dad #2 is named Darach Cox. I haven’t figured out what he does, but he’s a botany professor.
More hc’s
Her family has both Irish and Scottish ancestry, though it doesn’t come up much.
Transferring from her old school to Walkerville Elementary was a tough time for her.
You wouldn’t guess by her quiet personality, but she is the “Excuse me, they asked for no pickles” friend.
Has the most pets out of anyone in the class. Two dogs (one of which is Len’s service dog), two cats, a gecko, and some birds. She’s also raising a few insects at any given time.
If she were in Camp Half-Blood, she would be a daughter of Demeter.
A bit more “girly” than Wanda (one of her best friends), but definitely more tomboyish than D.A. Phoebe grew up climbing trees and hanging upside down on the monkey bars and venturing into tall grass to look for birds. Wearing overalls shorts or a romper was more practical than a skirt when it came to her daily activities.
Even when Phoebe does wear a skirt, she wears shorts or leggings underneath so she can still do tree-climbing at a moment’s notice.
Vegetarian. Partly for environmental reasons, and partly because she’s never liked the taste of meat.
Her favorite bird is — surprise— the phoebe flycatcher. I imagine she sees them around her backyard, though I don’t know what species she would see. Anyway, here’s the birds:
Eastern phoebe (Sayornis phoebe): Found east of the Great Plains. A familiar backyard bird.
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Black phoebe (Sayornis nigricans): Year-round resident of the west coast of the US. Very fancy looking little guy.
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Say’s phoebe (Sayornis saya) : the largest of the phoebes. Found in open, arid areas.
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Knows a fair amount of Latin, thanks to her botanist dad.
If you mention birds or plants or insects around her, watch out. Phoebe can and will talk your ear off about those things.
Doesn’t consider herself a people person.
Has a good relationship with pretty much everyone in Ms. Frizzle’s class.
D.A. was the first to befriend Phoebe. The two of them bonded over their love of nature.
Enjoys art sessions with Tim. They specialize in different art styles though. Phoebe’s talent is drawing birds and plants, while Tim is more of a Jack-of-all-trades.
Carlos is the closest person she has to a brother. The two of them tease each other a lot, but they always have each other’s backs, and they’re both spirited advocates for the ecosystem.
More hc’s
Goes into environment and social activism at a young age.
Has lots of ideas of what she wants to be when she grows up: ornithologist (like her uncle Cecil), veterinarian, entomologist, writer, etc…
She and Carlos are Asexual/Bisexual solidarity.
Likes to play Animal Crossing and Pokémon.
Always goes as a Druid during class DND sessions.
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elskamo · 3 years
How about a Genderswap AU where Duncan & Alejandro are both women?
I love the idea of having different AUs exploring how the contestants’ experiences have changed regarding their gender. While this sort of thing was an introduction for me to explore my own identity and project onto characters I know that there are other users on here that find this topic triggering so I’m gonna answer properly under the cut so they can skip this post if they wish to. I know the ask specified an AU where they’re both female but I felt like talking about other scenarios with different genders too. This answer only has female and FTM, I did attempt to write more but my answers were getting less character specific and more generic and you deserve a better response than that. For clarity in case you aren't already aware I'm answering this as someone who's AFAB and a transguy.
I’ve talked a lot about issues with toxic masculinity and struggles with identity expression for Duncan, I really should start talking about Alejandro and his identity more now that I’ve spent some time trying to figure out his character too. In alt universes where they aren’t cisgender males I feel like both of them would still face various problems regarding their identities and how they’re perceived:
For a start the way I envision Alejandro’s experience as a teen girl would be wildly different to the way he’s portrayed on the show as a teen boy, frankly if I could I would rewrite a lot of his character as a guy! It’s no secret that Alejandro was a Latin lover stereotype that used his looks and sexuality to his advantage during World Tour but I can barely see that happening in the regular canon, let alone as a woman. Alejandra (Google says this is the female version of the name, please correct me if I’m wrong or if you headcanon a different name) would struggle a lot with being sexualised for her looks and for being “exotic” and this would have a massive impact on her mental health and self-esteem. 
I feel like she’d be very uncomfortable around boys in general and wondering if they’re only trying to use her, I find it unlikely that she’d have many, if any, male friends. Her friendships with other girls would be few and far between, unfortunately there’s always going to be girls who judge you based on other’s reactions and the way guys act around her is fuel for bullies to use as slut shaming, regardless of how Alejandra truly is. That being said she’d form some very close, loving friendships with some of the girls who are able to recognise those toxic behaviours and help her feel more comfortable in her own skin even when everyone else is trying to either tear her down or fetishize her.
Duncan has always been very sore and sensitive about his reputation and I think that’s a trait that would still be present regardless of gender even if it manifests in different ways. In canon Duncan has brothers that he seems very close to and he appears to have a much better relationship with his mother than with his dad due to his delinquent status, I can see those relationships being more or less the same however the main conflict for Donna and her father would be due to him finding her too masculine. Rather than her inner struggle being between wanting to be perceived as a bad boy but having a hidden soft side, Donna would feel conflicted around how feminine she is.
She’d grow up with brothers and feel completely comfortable roughhousing and being seen as one of the guys but as she gets older and peer pressure becomes more prominent amongst girls her age she’d start worrying about how she’s viewed by her classmates. She’s torn between being upset that her male friends don’t see her as a girl but feeling unease about making herself appear more stereotypically feminine. As she gets older she’d gain more confidence in regard to being herself rather than trying to force others to view her as either a total tomboy or an over-the-top girly girl.
I can see Alejandra and Donna having major conflict with each other to begin with due to their vastly different experiences as women before gradually growing to accept their differences and helping each other to feel more confident and comfortable in themselves and around their peers.
If Alejandro were FTM I feel that he’d spend even more time working on his body in an attempt to appear more traditionally masculine, sometimes exercising to the point of exhaustion to try and achieve his ideal figure. He’d likely also be very conscious about his clothing, attempting to keep his surgery scars covered up at all times even if he was overheating. I can see him being more wary of relationships than in canon, wanting to take things more slowly and get a feel for how his potential partners may react to him and his body before letting things get physical.
FTM Duncan would almost certainly go to extremes given his behaviour in the canon show. He’d likely be very insecure about how much smaller he his than some of the other boys he’s friends with, especially in regard to his lack of muscle. I can see him trying to go stealth and doing unsafe practices like binding too long and too tightly despite how dangerous it is and likely to hurt him. It’s also pretty likely that he equates manliness with toughness and as a result he really tries to big up how much of a man he is by constantly picking fights and bullying any of the guys he thinks he can take on.
Alejandro and Duncan wouldn’t get on at first, with Duncan in particular always trying to goad Alejandro into fighting. When the two realise that the other is transgender they find themselves constantly checking up on each other, especially when they find out about some of their more unsafe behaviours. Upon getting closer and more comfortable they won’t hesitate to call each other out on Alejandro exhausting himself and Duncan’s bad binding practices.
I was going to write about gender nonconforming/genderfluid/nonbinary stuff but it was just getting far too generic to the point that you could sub in any character and it would make no difference. I’ve spent far too long answering this ask already so I’m gonna end it here and try and give myself some time to think about some of my other interpretations before I share them, you guys deserve a properly thought out response than a few token sentences.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
Somewhat cursed (?) idea: Newsies/Gravity Falls (or a series like that).
Okay, so I’m gonna be completely honest, I didn’t grow up watching Gravity Falls. I was a Phineas and Ferb type of kid, but I always appreciated the idea behind Gravity Falls and I did watch the first couple of episodes the other day to get a little bit more of a feel for this AU.
Okay, so those of you who read my stories and my outlines know that I am a sucker for angst, so this AU is gonna be less of a children’s cartoon and a little bit more… well… not real… but… I don’t know… more angsty?
Anyways, here we go!
Gravity Falls AU
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Jack Kelly — Dipper
Racetrack Higgins — Mabel
Katherine Plumber — Wendy
Medda Larkin — Stan
Just to be clear, the personalities here are not an exact match 😂
Jack Kelly
A seventeen year old orphan.
He and his little brother are sent to a new placement in a town called Gravity Falls with a foster mother, one Miss Medda, who has a fascination with the unexplained.
Jack has never really believed in the things she seems to find so amazing.
He loves horror movies but often tries to rationalize them which drives his little brother just about insane.
He’s OCD and a bit of a control freak, but it’s the thing that typically keeps him out of trouble.
Before Medda, he and his little brother had been in a few less than nice homes, so Jack was used to keeping Race occupied and out of the house.
During the first week with Medda, she gives him an old, mysterious book that has an odd number three on the cover
Jack becomes obsessed with the book and studies it, not necessarily believing it’s real at first, but talking about it like it is
He has ADHD and has trouble sitting still
Often overthinks scenarios and obsessively makes lists when he’s overwhelmed or trying to figure things out.
He loves to explore and loves to figure out the history of wherever he’s placed, even though he often believes it won’t last long.
He has a massive crush on one of Medda’s employees and flirts with her often
Jack is first introduced to the supernatural forces around him during a walk in the woods
He catches one of his neighbors, a boy named Charlie, practicing magic in the woods.
After the initial terror is worked through, Charlie becomes Jack’s friend. One of his best friends.
He’s told he has to keep it a secret from everyone, though most of the town is involved in theories and mysterious phenomena
Jack is forced to let the secret out when he discovers his little brother new friend, Graves, is a vampire
This is when Charlie, more affectionately known as Crutchie, tells Jack more secrets about the town and introduces Jack to Albert, a vampire who promises to help Jack’s brother
After this incident, Jack quickly gets swept up into the world of the unexplained 
He’s terrified of ghosts. He doesn’t like that they don’t have many rules
Racetrack Higgins
The little brother to Jack and basically Jack’s whole world for a long time
He’s fifteen.
He’s slightly naive and a hopeless romantic
Though he loves horror movies, he prefers romance dramas.
He always seems to be full of energy, despite being slightly abused before. Jack always took the brunt of it for him.
While he’s always curious and a bit of an adventurer, he’s often forced to stay back by Jack
He has ADHD, just like Jack.
Often, he attempts to lighten the mood and is seen as ridiculous and over the top, but Jack knows it’s mostly for his sake
Unlike Jack, Race hates to make plans and enjoys running in head first and winging it
Again, Race is a hopeless romantic and is perceived as a bit of slut by most of the kids at many new schools that he attends. Despite this, he remains optimistic about finding a boyfriend
Graves is the first person to show interest and Race is infatuated with him
It’s because Graves wants him to be
Jack tries to tell him he’s under a spell of some kind, but Race tells him he’s crazy
Graves lures Race into the wood, planning on kidnapping him and feeding his blood to his flock
Albert, Jack and Crutchie save his life and Albert becomes Race’s best friend.
Race is understandably frightened after this encounter and spends a lot of time in Jack’s room, finding the book that Jack has annotated and color coded
He becomes obsessed with the book too
He memories almost every outlined supernatural being and ways to deal with them
He eventually dates someone named Drake, a telepath with telekinesis who nearly kills Jack after becoming obsessed with Race
He is extremely creative and gets Jack out of trouble time and time again by thinking outside of the box
Though it appears to most that Jack is extremely protective of Race, most underestimate the lengths Race would go to protecting Jack
After many odd and dangerous dates with many boys with bad agendas, Race eventually meets Spot
Spot is a dark angel, also known as a demon
Jack and him don’t get along.
Race really likes him
Eventually, Race gets bit by Graves and Albert has to suck the venom from him before he turns into a vampire
Katherine Plumber
Katherine is an eighteen year old part time employee and Medda’s Mystery Shack.
While she’s very peppy and girly, she’s never afraid to get her hands dirty and join Jack and Race in figuring out Gravity Falls mysteries.
She knows Jack has a crush on her, if not from him flirting, from Race who constantly tells her.
She treats Race like her own little brother
While she enjoys hearing stories about the unexplained and the supernatural, she doesn’t believe any of it exists until her and Jack and Race and some of her friends get trapped in an abandoned convenience store
This is the first time she sees how brave Jack can be as he is the one who convinced the ghosts to let them go  
While she introduces herself as Plumber, her real name is Pulitzer, though she doesn’t like to admit it.
Joseph Pulitzer is a rich businessman trying to buy the town. He wants to cut down the forest which would cost many mythical beings their home and Medda her business
When Jack and Race are new to town, many are hostile towards them as they’re outsiders. Katherine always stands up for them.
Though she is extremely girly, she has tremendous strength and is a really good fighter
She speaks three languages, English, Spanish and French and dabbles in Latin
Though she loves Medda, she often finds ways to blow of working and even has her own set up on the roof that she shows Jack
It’s the first place they kiss. Jack makes the first move and she can’t help but kiss him back even though she has a boyfriend at the time
She adores her boys and every person Jack befriends that belongs to the supernatural world.
She has amazing survival skills taught to her by her five older brothers. These come in very handy when her and her boys are in trouble.
Medda Larkin
Miss Medda Larkin is a supernatural enthusiast
She takes Race and Jack in after learning that their mother was an old friend of hers.
It is eventually discovered that it was their mother who wrote the book they’re so infatuated with
She runs a Mystery Shack, a tourist shop full of regular merchandise and odd ones
When Jack and Race first arrive, she lets them have one thing each, for free.
Jack takes a baseball cap and Race takes a necklace
Medda has known about the unexplained since she was a child.
Medda often sends the boys on odd errands which mysteriously get them into trouble
She is extremely protective of Jack and Race loves them unconditionally.
Medda is the only person to know that there is not only one mystery journal, but three.
She gives Jack the third journal in hopes that maybe he’ll find something she hasn’t.
She tells them a story about a young woman who went missing deep in the woods and asks Jack to try and solve the mystery.
That woman was Jack and Race’s mother
Not even Medda knows what happened to her
What do you guys think? Wanna hear about other characters? Let me know!
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The term was initially made use of metaphorically to describe official formality by Charles Dickens (). captured red-handed - caught in the act of doing something wrong, or promptly later on with proof showing, to make sure that rejection is meaningless - the expression 'captured openly' has maintained a regular significance for well over a hundred years. The openly photo is uncomplicated sufficient to have actually advanced from common speech, that is to claim, there's unlikely to have actually been one single quote that came from the expression. read the riot act - to reprove highly - from the Trouble Act of 1716, whose terms stated that a team of twelve or more individuals must disperse if someone in authority reviewed a portion of the act out loud to them.
Sadly official resources appear not to support the idea, interesting though it is. upper crust - high class - based on the image of a pie symbolizing the populace, with the upper class (1870 Maker recommends the noble 10%) going to the top. Some have actually suggested - debatably - that the term is from middle ages times when home-baked bread was usually burnt at the base leading to the customized of reserving the better high quality upper crust for one's betters.
Derived from the Greek, 'parapherne' suggesting 'beyond dower' (dower implying a widow's share of her hubby's estate). pansy - the blossom of the violet family/effeminate male - originally from the French pensee (technically pensée) suggesting an idea, from the verb penser, to assume, based on organization with the blossom's usage for rememberance or souvenir. Wimp initially came into English in the 1400s as pancy before developing right into its contemporary pansy type in the late 1500s, which was first videotaped in English in 1597 according to Chambers. The French word ultimately stems from the Latin pensare, suggesting to consider, where the modern English word serious obtains. The pejorative use words pansy referring to an effeminate male or a male acting in a weak or 'girly' method is a 20th century adaptation. The Pale also explained a part of Russia to which Jews were restricted.
The 'well-drinks' would certainly be those given unless the client defined a certain manufacturer's name, as well as would be generic as opposed to widely-known brand names. ' Well' drinks would be acquired in by the establishment in quantity at lower expense than the extra pricey makes, as well as would as a result generate a bigger profit margin. Recognized brands were/are consequently rationally referred to as 'call' beverages. The reality that the 'well' in a bar is also called the 'rail' would appear to provide weight to the expression's 'court well' origins.
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The labiaplasty procedure aims to decrease the size of the labia minora (inner tissues of the female genitalia) so that it is flush with the labia majora (outer part of the female genitalia). This procedure involves utilizing several different surgical techniques depending on the patient's specific situation.
on the wagon/fall off the wagon - abstain from drinking alcohol/ start consuming once more after trying to abstain - both terms have actually been in usage for around a hundred years. ' On the wagon', which preceded, is a reduced expression originated from 'on the water wagon'. Before paved and also tarmac would certainly roads, water wagons used to spray the dust roadways to maintain dirt down, and also anyone avoiding booze was said to be 'on the water wagon', no question since the water wagon presented a practical alcohol-free icon. If any person can aim me in the direction of trustworthy record of this recommended origin please do.
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There absolutely appear to be long-standing recommendations to 'soldiers' in darts video games, for instance when numbers on the board are alloted to players who then 'kill' each other's soldiers by landing darts in the relevant numbers. The intimation of the expression is to a tough and also painstaking or discouraging leisure activity, for which a video game functions as the metaphor. According to internet language customer group discussion '6s and Sevens' is the title of a collection of short stories by O. This is undoubtedly absolutely nothing to do with the beginnings of the idea, simply an another sign as to development of plural use of the term. Maker in 1870, as usually, gets my vote - he states that the expression '6 yea seven' was a Hebrew phrase meaning 'an indefinite number'. By ramification this would certainly make the expression numerous hundreds of, as well as possibly more than a couple of thousand, years of ages. scapegoat - an individual condemned for an issue - from the old Jewish annual personalized, whereby two goats were brought prior to the change of the tabernacle by the high priest on the Day of Satisfaction.
expedition - take a trip a huge distance, generally over hard ground - - it's Afrikaans, southern of Africa, entering English around 1850, initially describing travelling or moving slowly over a lengthy tough distance by ox-wagon. Trip was earlier trekken in Dutch, the major resource language of Afrikaans, when it implied march, journey, and also earlier pull or attract. Prior to Dutch, the word's roots are Old Germanic words such as trechan, indicating pull, additionally considered the mostly likely origin of the word track in the context of impacts and also train lines. neat - organized - late middle English from words 'trend', the expansion originally implying points done promptly and methodically. Words 'trend' came from older European languages, derived from words 'Tid', 'tith' and also 'tidiz' which implied 'time'. spinster - single lady - in Saxon times a lady was not considered suitable for marriage up until she could spin yarn properly. Remarkably, and in comparable chauvanistic blood vessel, words 'partner' stems from the Anglo-Saxon 'wyfan', to weave, next after spinning in the cloth-making procedure.
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Whatever their accurate beginnings Heywood's collection is typically the initial tape-recorded uses these phrases, and also apart from any various other debate it puts their age clearly at 1546, if not earlier. Dramatist and quip writer John Heywood (c.1497-c.1580) is a particularly notable personality in the history of expressions and sayings, thus this section committed to him right here. Heywood was in fact a favourite dramatist of Henry VIII as well as Queen Mary I, and it is likely that his writings would have acquired additional prestige in the times due to his celebrity links. rotate a yarn - tell a fanciful tale or a tall tale - According to Chambers the expression was originally a nautical one, first appearing in print concerning 1812.
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doughnut/donut - we understand the doughnut word beginnings, but doughnut significance ₤ 75? The derivations test demonstrates that word and also expressions beginnings can be used easily in tests, to teach about language, as well as likewise to emphasise the relevance of cultural diversity in language as well as interactions development. If you have modifications or further information regarding the words, mottos, expressions origins and also derivations on this page, please send them. I'm not able to address all such enquiries directly although picked ones will be released on this web page. These derivations have actually been looked into from a variety of sources, which are referenced at the end of this area. These reference resources consist of thousands a lot more sayings, expressions, origins and meanings.
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Indeed spinning yarn was a significant as well as crucial maritime activity, and also indispensable to rope production. In many cases a winch was utilized, run by two males, that probably passed their time working together telling tales of all types, that makes the nautical derivation of the allegory extremely most likely and also extremely plausible.
Comparable old expressions existed in Dutch (quacken salf - modern Dutch equivalent would certainly be kwakzalver, generally indicating a fake doctor or specialist, thanks M Muller), Norweigian, and also Swedish. ' Salve' stemmed from the Latin 'salvia' (indicating the natural herb 'sage'), which was a prominent solution in middle ages times (5-15th century).
stroller - a child carriage - acquired in the late 1800s from the initial word perambulator (perambulate is an old acceptation 'perambulate a place'). maintain the pot boiling/potboiler - preserve an efficient activity or routine/poor high quality novel - these are 2 old relevant metaphoric expressions. ' Maintain the pot steaming' alludes to the demand to refuel the fire to maintain a food pot boiling, which converts to mean keep effort/input so as to proceed producing/achieving something or various other. body and face toning have actually suggested the SWANK cabins originated from transatlantic trips whose affluent travelers preferred the sun both means. Some even suggest the acronym was published on P&O's tickets, who operated the cruisings to India. In any event words classy seems to have actually been in usage meaning a dandy or wisely clothed other by 1890.
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We normally carry out a repair service procedure at the very same time of the hysterectomy. If you wish to prevent a hysterectomy, we have the unique competence of offering key-hole prolapse surgical treatment with protecting the womb. Here are several of one of the most typical contemporary expressions that appeared in Heywood's 1546 collection.
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The close relationship between culture and also language - particularly the impact of French words in English background - is also interesting, and this link attributes in several words as well as expressions beginnings. The lingua franca entry also assists clarify this, as well as the natural nature of language modification and also development. This treatment is executed in ladies with prolapse of the womb, to achieve excellent altitude of the top of the vaginal area. It entails a cut in the vaginal area adhered to by elimination of the womb. The genital skin is shut after that as well as a pack and catheter inserted over night. They must come out in the next morning and you can expect to go home next day or the day after.
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The alleged YAHOO acronyms origins are false as well as retrospective creations, although there might really be some truth in the concept that Yahoo's founders picked the YA element because it represented 'Yet An additional'. xmas - xmas - x is the Greek letter 'chi', and the very first letter of the Greek word 'christos' definition 'anointed one'; first used in the 4th century. white elephant - something that becomes unwanted as well as very pricey to preserve - from the story of the old King of Siam that made a present of a white elephant to courtiers he desired to destroy. The original expression was 'to have a white elephant to maintain', implying to be strained with the cost of looking after something very pricey. well beverage - spirit or cocktail beverage from a bar - a bar's most frequently offered drinks are maintained in the 'well' or 'rail' for very easy gain access to by the bartender. As such the bottles are placed below counter-level in front of the bartender, as opposed to behind on a rack.
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Many people also believe that people who have sex with someone of the same sex can lose their virginity through oral or anal intercourse. But regardless, there is no way to “regain” virginity — being someone who never had sexual intercourse — no matter how long anyone goes without having sexual intercourse.
The Old French word is stemmed from Latin 'amare' implying 'to like'. alligator - the reptile - words has Spanish origins dating back a minimum of 500 years, whose language initially described the monster in the UNITED STATES and particularly the Mid-Americas, such as to provide the root of the modern-day English word. Alligators were obviously originally called El Lagarto de Indias, 'el lagarto', realistically indicating 'the lizard'. At first the word went into English as lagarto in the mid-1500s, after which it became aligarto towards the late 1500s, and afterwards was efficiently revised to allegater by Shakespeare when he utilized the word in Romeo as well as Juliet, in 1623. It seems that the contemporary Spanish word for reptile is lagartija, as well as lagarto currently suggests alligator.
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Bottom line: Laser resurfacing can tighten skin, usually better than any other skin-tightening procedure. It can also diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots on the skin, such as age spots. The tradeoff is that it requires downtime and has a greater risk of possible side effects, such as scarring.
There were several ancient North European mythological images and expressions connecting pet cats and also pet dogs with the weather, storms, wind and rain, which will unquestionably have added to the growth of the contemporary expression. Dogs and also wolves have long been a symbol of the wind, and both pets come with Odin the tornado god. Old German folklore revealed photos of a barking canine's or wolf's head to depict the wind. quack - incompetent or fake physician - from 'quack salver' which in the 19th century as well as earlier implied 'flatterer of salves'.
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sackbut - trombone - comparable expressions developed in French, Spanish and Portuguese, all based upon the initial Latin 'sacra buccina' meaning 'sacred trumpet'. riff-raff - common individuals - initially meant 'rags and also sweepings' from Anglo-Saxon 'rief' implying dustcloth, and also 'raff' indicating sweepings. bureaucracy - bureaucracy, management blockage, time-consuming main processes - from the middle-to-late English customized for lawyers and also government officials to link documents along with red tape.
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cthayers · 5 years
hiya it is sam back at it with another muse already ... so as you will soon find out i have little to no will power ... and i had no idea we’d be able to take up second muses so soon but i literally was already working on this beotch because i knew i wanted to bring her in eventually ! camila is a v old muse of mine that i have never had the opportunity of playing in a group but i figured this was the perfect opportunity and so here we are . 
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did you hear how CAMILA THAYER is applying to columbia university as an ENGLISH major ?! the TWENTY year old is living in the WATT HALL. i heard that they got in because they are + CREATIVE and + PASSIONATE, but honestly i think SHE can be - RESERVED and -ARROGANT. they’re a real ACADEMIC. oh well, only time will tell if the SOPHOMORE will make it til the end.  
full name : camila allen thayer
nickname : cam , cami 
birthday : june 15, 1999
zodiac : gemini sun, cancer moon, aquarius rising 
nationality : american
ethnicity : 1/2 ashkenazi jewish, 1/2 english 
religion : atheist  
sexual & romantic orientation : bisexual , biromantic
hometown : hampton , new hampshire & cheraw , south carolina 
accent : twinge of a southern accent , but mostly a posh new england accent
languages spoken : english , conversational french
major : english 
minor(s) : latin & french
hobbies : reading , horseback riding , tennis , piano playing 
aesthetics : plaid skirts and knee socks , clawfoot bathtubs , sylvia plath poetry books , thin framed glasses , pink highlight , wandering through the met , film cameras , hand written letters + PINTEREST
character parallels : astrid sloan ( the politician ) , camille preaker ( sharp objects ) , amma crellin ( sharp objects ) , camilla macaulay ( the secret history ) , serena vanderwoodson ( gossip girl ) , donna sheridan ( mamma mia here we go again )
personality & headcanons 
camila has always been a quiet individual , especially around those she doesn’t know . calm , cool , collected , many people’s initial impression of her is that she hates them due to her resting bitch face and the lack of acknowledgment she gives before she’s truly comfortable around a person 
she does not open up easily , and doesn’t really know how to handle being loved . so she typically doesn’t let anybody get that close . 
major abandonment issues and daddy issues . so she seeks validation from men and also if she lets you in be prepared to fucking stay 
doesn’t party much because she prefers to stay in and study or be with her closest friends , she drinks but prefers small social gatherings with those she’s close to 
has a nasty cigarette habit and shows no signs of stopping 
her favorite season is the fall , and her favorite holiday is halloween 
i think she’s v mysterious sort of ? like , this really pretty girl that keeps to herself mostly , and her small group of friends , but she’s got this alluring aspect of her that draws some near .. v greek mythology siren esque 
very soft , but also not at all ? like wears skirts and knee socks and berets and flow-y white dresses and sits in coffee shops while it rains reading poetry BUT , she can be dangerous . seductive , arrogant , selfish , and quite emotionless at times . v ice maiden type , will use beauty to get what she wants in the most subtle of ways 
so basically she comes off as this sweet , elegant woman with a soft smile who spends her weekends at museums , but when you get closer to her ( if you get closer to her ) you might see a much darker side to her 
kind of into that witchy shit , so
camila was the second child born to marianne allen, though her older brother has a different father. her brother was born when marianne was just seventeen, running away from her perfect new hampshire home and her perfect new hampshire family to raise the child with his father in a small town in south carolina 
they had planned to run away and meet in south carolina , though the father never showed . so it was just marianne and this baby boy , but it wasn’t long before marianne found herself pregnant again , another local farmer boy , thomas thayer 
so camila was born , and it was the four of them in this tiny home that barely fit all of them , and marianne was just shy of twenty and didn’t even want to be a mother , so life wasn’t all that great for the thayers . 
camila’s mother was never very maternal , and her father was a drunk . he didn’t truly love marianne , nor did he love camila very much . he especially didn’t love her brother , who wasn’t even his child . 
camila and her brother stuck together , a dynamic duo of sorts . they were best friends and had each other’s backs through anything . at night , when they could hear their parents fighting , they would cuddle up in bed together and talk about their happiest thoughts , the lives they wished they had , so on . 
at seven , thomas thayer decided to call it quits . he left in the night without so much as a goodbye , and though he had never felt particularly close to camila , camila felt close to him . it was her father after all , and she craved his attention , his validation . 
at nine , her grandparents in new hampshire were finally able to locate them . getting cps involved , they were granted full custody of the kids , and camila and her brother were taken away from their mother and put into a new , grandeur home with these old people they’d never even heard about before . it was not a welcomed change , though it would soon be . 
the first thing she discovered at her grandparent’s home was her grandfather’s library . he was a retired professor at dartmouth , and had an entire room full of literary classics , academic journals , and other first edition books . as a child , camila was not allowed in without his supervision , though she often snuck in without permission . 
she was put into private school where she was expected to achieve excellent marks and commit to extracurriculars , though she was so behind in her schooling due to the underprivileged education system she’d faced in south carolina , that it took her a while to get back on track . though once she did , she excelled . they found that camila was incredibly gifted in creative and liberal subjects , such as art , english , and history . still , she excelled in math and science , though had to put forth a little more effort . 
she took up horseback riding and tennis , but nothing could replace the comfort she felt in cuddling up with a good book from her grandfather’s library , in front of their grand fire place with a mug of her grandmother’s hot cocoa , or playing the piano in her grand parents’ grand hall
though she lived a life of luxury , her and her brother spent two - four weeks every summer going down to visit their mother . each year , as she got older , she began to realize just how broken her mother was , and truly began to understand why her grandparents felt the need to take her children from her . 
camila , though not necessarily a tomboy , had always surrounded herself with boys . all her best friends were boys , and she hardly ever got along with her girl classmates . perhaps it had something to do with growing up so close to her brother , and often befriending his friends . 
when she was sixteen , though , her guy friends started seeing her differently . boys , in general , began to really notice her . this was the first time she realized she was closed off to love . she had a boyfriend during her junior year of high school , and on the night he told her he loved her , she simply responded “ no , you don’t . ”
anyway ! getting accepted into columbia was a dream come true , though no one was all that surprised . she’d also been accepted to dartmouth ( her grandparents’ alma mater and where he taught , and where he’d urged her to go ) and brown , but something about new york city was enticing . she’d always lived in small towns , under twenty thousand people , and moving to a big city with millions seemed like a nice change of pace 
she has made one close knit group of friends during her freshman year , though she’s still only a sophomore and we know how those things change . nonetheless , if you weren’t one of those people , you probably wouldn’t know who she was , because she didn’t get out much ( mayhaps she was seen around campus though ) 
wanted connections !
alright enough about camila if you got through all that i’m so sorry KJAHKSJGH but ! i have quite a few connections i’d love 
the close friends she made freshman year . these would be pretty much the only people camila hung out with last year , and though things can change , the only people she’ll hang out with at the start of this year . i imagine this group to be mostly guys ( though not necessarily exclusively ) , because she tends to befriends boys as opposed to girls ? i’d say about 5 people ! ( 1 / 5 )
her number one best friend . this would have to be a male or male presenting muse , as camila has never found herself that close to a girl , reasons unknown tbh , she just gets along with boys better IDK inspo : ( x , x )  ( 0 / 1 )
close girl friend . that being said , every girl still needs her girlies . so she’d be fairly close to this girl , even if she doesn’t open up that much , perhaps the girl feels like she can open up to camila ? this can all be plotted out ! i feel like camila is a v good secret keeper , she doesn’t talk all that much so you can expect her to keep anything safe lmao ( 0 / 1 )
toxic relationship . sooo tbh this gotta be with a muse who is not a good guy , because camila is not that good of a gal ? . i see this being sort of on again , off again ? i’m not sure if either of them truly feel anything for one another , but they must feel something that keeps them going back to one another . though camila doesn’t really open herself up to love , she’s not necessarily closed off from relationships . ya girl needs to be satisfied and she ain’t the type to sleep around ok ? anyway i see them being really possessive of one another and having p explosive fights , definitely not right for each other and yet !!! also just to be clear , i see them as mutually bad for one another it’s not one sided ! just give me this angst pls . inspo : ( x , x , x , x ) ( 1 / 1 ) lukas tozer
unrequited crush . this would be unrequited on the other muse’s behalf . open to m/f/nb and whether or not camila knows there is a crush there can be plotted out ! basically this just goes along with the hc that camila is very mysterious and allurring from afar , and that those who don’t know her all that well tend to be drawn to her and a lot of times will romanticize her ? but also for extra angst i am possibly thinking that the two are v close and camila does know and won’t let them like her buT we can figure it all out . lmao .  anyway ya inspo : ( x , x , x  , x ) ( 0 / 1 )  
also just general plots i’d love to see : someone she tutors in english or journalism or literature anything regarding that sort of subject , bad influence / someone determined to get her out of her shell ,  enemy plots !! gimme girls who think she’s a snob or boys who think she’s a bitch or everything in between , study buddies , girl crushes because camila is bi and thinks every girl is pretty , give me anything under the sun tbh i’m open to so much 
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randomlerson75 · 5 years
Stuff people at my high school have said or done
• “I’ll just pretend I broke my ankle. I’ll limp a little”
• “You’re face doesn’t even have many bones”
• “Do you wipe your ass with your fingers”
• “I look cute though so I’m saving it”
• “They’re not dirty minded they just have a sexy brain”
• “This is not a good situation now. I’m not happy”
• *sleeping in class and randomly screams* “STOP!!!”
• “I’m coloring my weed symbol”
• “I stretch pretty violently I’m sorry”
• “I look like I’m more full of life than you”
•”I’m a good person” “haha ok”
• “I’m gonna round it to the nearest 11”
• “You don’t always have to swallow”
• “What a fucking time to be alive”
• “why are you harissing me”
• “That’s why you turn around and punch him in the face”. “I don’t have time”
• “You are the highest grade”
• “Does it taste normal”. “No it tastes good”
• “Why are we all up in this cold ass blueberry”
• “The sun can’t be that hot”
• “I could have overreached but that would make me stupid”
• “I’m all muscle bro, it’s tight on me”
• ”I’m a stripper that’s how I make my money”
• “You’re my mom” *talking to the teacher*
• “Are you high” “just get it off”
• *laughs normally* “you sound like a pedophile”
• “Pinkie ring until I roll”
• *about to jump off a cliff in a video for free diving* “push her”
• “Capitalism is ok”
• “It’s so funny how you can be alive one second and dead the next”
• “Change the m in marijuana to a j. Jarijuana”
• *teacher puts desk in the hallway*
• “He smoked water”
• “You can’t speak Latin” “Can you?”
• “May I acquire a pencil” “yes you may” “have a blessed day”
• “I’m going to write a book about how depressed I am”
• “God has forsaken me”
• *girls trying to stab each other with scissors*
• “I got a pretty long weenus. It looks like a penis”
• “My skeleton is twerking”
• *draws a skeleton twerking* “this is why it’s fun to learn art”
• “Why does he have eye holes?” “He’s a skeleton”
• “Don’t get my businesses ”
• “love is so good”
• “Happy 17th day of birth”
• “You know it’s cold when you walk outside and it’s cold
• “why are you smiling like a creep Jess?” “That’s my normal face”
• “I’m living my best life, right here right now”
• *About thirty kids doing nothing but snapping*
• “Yes, I am very racist about smart boards”
• “I used to be like ;) but now I’m like :|”
• “Physically I’m here but mentally I’m still at home”
• “Emotions are like hurricanes. They never go where they are suppose too”
• “it took me a whole 27 minutes”
• “I would pay for the fire alarm to go off again”
• “Why did we get such a gay name like Florence”
• “this is my dad” *points to Albert Einstein
• *A REAL debate on wether to rip the clippy part off of mechanical pencils*
• “Not gonna lie. I grinded a friends marathon this weekend”
• “You should know to never mess with another persons tech deck”
• “She has a thing against white people even though she’s white”
• “Speak of the devil. All white, what a fright”
• “You are a children”
• “You think a bull in a china shop? How about a bomb in a restaurant”
• “Me do”
• “I cheesed myself”
• “I never said I was going to jump you at Bojangles”
• “Knitting is VERY fun”
• “I’m not good enough, I’m great enough”
• “North Korea, South Korea, Same thing”
• *drops pencil* “NOOOOOOOOO”
• *light flickers* “excuse you”
• “You can make Australia bigger?”
• “Why don’t we burn people at the stake anymore for doing crimes. It was proven very effective”
• “It’s like I went into the pits of hell”
• “Can I borrow her crutches” “She has a lot”
• “You have arms?”
• “I was born thick”
• “I wasn’t sick I was drunk”
• “be a good person. Go go go”
• “Lotion and ravioli”
• “It smells like weed in here”
• “F*ck oxygen”
• “bring it back tomorrow or you die”
• “Tables are for glasses, not asses”
• “Stick it in between her boobs”
• “A lot of religions end in ism” “Christianiaism”
• “I just want someone to snort my ashes. That would be cool. Mix it with a little cocaine”
• “The United States of Australia”
• “Clark Kent who. I’m kidding, that’s not even Spider-Man”
• “Mental cheese”
• “Your blood is not supposed to make whistling noises”
• “Who sleeps on a Friday night”
• “A whole ass race”
• “that’s a sexy button” “I know right”
• *Screams* “and....”
• “Judaism is neither a religion or race”
• “Have you ever met someone and thought ‘wow. I would feel no remorse killing you’”
•“I hate this school with a burning passion”
•“Beep beep in your seats”
•“What is wrong with the world? The simulation is breaking”
•“What if we’re each other’s dad”
•“You use mental gymnastics to get around your head and get what you want”
•”You can’t just roll up to North Korea. You have to beat me in bingo”
•*teachers wear a dress and played despacito on the trumpet*
• “He’s a stingy boi”
• “A for anarchy? Dude i wish”
• “shut up I’m choking”
• “The snack the smiles back” “GOLDFISH!!!”
• “Where’s the pointy boi?” “I don’t know. I have the thick boi”
• “Dude. Fish can’t talk”
• “Stop taking my eraser” “it’s a ruler” “it can be whatever it wants to be”
• “A female vacuum is attractive”
• “I can love you but not like you”
• “I am mother gothel mentally, physically and spiritually
• “Mother gothel is my religion”
• “It’s like Leonardo Da’Vinchi but instead it’s Leonardo Decaprio”
• “I wish I had some crippling disease. Schizophrenia would be nice”
• “I’m gonna kill someone for the rush of adrenaline I’ll get. I’ll get pumped, then I’ll work out”
• “Should I become an important political figure”
• “My cats might have eaten him”
• “Who else is trying to overthrow the government”
• “Where’s our kid?” “He looked at me funny and I had to teach him a lesson. I flushed him down the toilet”
• “I text Jesus all the time”
• “You are a saucy boi”
• “Your neck is really soft. Do you know that?”
• “Um. No professor. I don’t give a fuck”
• “Bro I look like a whole ass beetle”
• “You know? I’m definitely going to hell. But I’ve accepted that”
• “We need to go to the woods and have a collective cry”
• “Moths = whore”
• “Can we watch more food videos”
• “Just outlive the old people and health care prices can go back to normal”
• “Let’s just start the gladiator games again to handle population”
• “I’ll be Michael Phelps”
• “Don’t you just hate it when Nolan steps on your 69 Barbie head”
• “He’s so 20”
• “You guys disgust me”
• “I thought I had a good nights sleep but then I stood up and was like ‘oh no’”
• “you look better as an apple”
• “Why the fuck does it smell like weed in here. Mrs. Burch be blazing it up”
• “What is the coast of South Carolina growing” “Fish”
• “Why are we here on Halloween but not on Thanksgiving”
• “Even though I’m 18 I still might go trick or treating”
• “All minors should be allowed to trick or treat”
• “Tomorrow is not today, is it?”
• “ah yes, the glorious uno and dos”
• “I think Kanye is a crackhead”
• “Like. She’s not hideous”
• “Casserole and Gatorade?”
• “That’s what Google’s for girly”
• “this class has corrupted me”
• “You stepped on my fat”
• “What would Jesus do?”
• *Squeaks kazoo in anguish*
• “We’re going to watch a video about the depression” “weird, nobody has been following me around with cameras”
• “Approximately 50 minutes till ice cream”
• “Did you know heroin is not good for you?”
• “I have the constant need to fight myself and my demons”
• “what the hell?” “I know”
• “you are crack-a-lakin me up”
• “I have no muscles so what’s the point”
• “Flex on the legless”
• “didn’t that movie come out in November? Fifty shades of green?”
• *County music blares from another class down the hall*
• “I got a twin brother” “What’s his name” “Pj”
• “Keep the iPhone in your ear”
• “Super white red lipstick”
• “They just need a lot more dollars”
• “Don’t be like Anthony” “Isn’t he your son”
• “There’s a lot that needs to happen in the next.... today”
• *Plays bagpipe music walking down the hallway*
• “Say sorry to Billie Eilish”
• “We should make army merch”
• “Some of us have bitch lips”
• “Time is moco loco”
• “Alfred Adler sounds like Adolf Hitler”
• “Albert Einstein is my favorite president” “YES”
• “It’s winter berries”
• “She just unfollowed your ass”
• “Do you ever get so mad you’re like rrrrr”
• “Bear Grills filtered that shit”
• “The US army is trying to recruit us with socks and bandannas”
• “This dude tastes bad”
• “I’m a sophisticated retard”
• “It’ll get your heart rate up” “I think asthma will make my heart rate go down”
• “She was like egh and the he was like EGH”
• *Door won’t open* “DISRESPECTFUL”
• “if she wasn’t my sister she would be my baby”
• “Will you let me make love to an Oreo”
• “Directions turn me on”
• “I’ll eat you” “Dude that’s gay”
• “you’ve been had a 69 in here”
• “I’m gonna be real with you. Hayden is a whole ass lesbian”
• “I’m sorry that picture is ugly. Sorry sis”
• “A whole jump suit with pikachu on it”
• “He’s been birthed”
• “Ru Paul’s drag race has been dragged”
• “Imma sip some chlorine”
• “why do you gotta throw up”
• “suicidal dog collar”
• “I’m pulling out Murphy’s head ass”
• “you’re gonna be single forever”
• “Do you trust me?” “No” “why” “you know why” “I told the truth after”
• “I didn’t mean to make her suicidal”
• “I did it in the most respectful way I possible could” “oh Jesus”
• “it’s not my fault she had that much of a connection”
• “she’s a sly bitch”
• *dresses in a Thomas the train hat and plays Thomas the train theme song on a piano*
• “I’m getting better at this” “what” “this”
• “It’s just my master plan to manipulate people’s emotions and have many successes in my future”
• “How do you do that” “I just empty my eyes”
• “You know what. Give me my birthday back”
• “Bitch bye. Not even cousins”
• “they go away. They don’t putt putt”
• “why” “so you don’t die in a police chase”
• “are you a virgin” “yes” *throws paper* “there’s my virginity for you”
• “I’m not stupid. I’m just not smart”
• *tries to hit someone with a decapitated mannequin head that has swim goggles on and fake blood coming out of its eyes*
• “you ignant”
• “I hope she chokes”
• “I had to sit at the edge of my chair, feet flat on the floor and hold my horn”
• “I don’t want to get my freaking hair done”
• “he hates my moms guts” “yeah no shit”
• “ok. Can you go cry over there��
• “Fuckin Jurassic world”
• “will you please beat up my mom”
• *drops phone purposefully* *immediately gets scared*
• “I want a new mom” “then break her”
• “did you just say what’s frog juice”
• *freshman walk by* “oh shit there’s a parade of them”
• “that five year old king is a queen”
• “Join the ranks”
• “Garrett’s carressing the computer” “cool”
• “You’re going into my dragons mouth”
• “Don’t snap my crab”
• “Crab breaking black belt”
• “are you milking the crab”
• “Cameron buttered my lemons”
• “Mixed with god”
• “What’s the juice”
• “I’m your bestie and you won’t even tell me the juice”
• “Let’s amazon.com this”
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Marcus/Lana story I wrote, takes place after Gray had his freak out in the kitchen in the last story.
Marcus didn't release my hand the entire walk to his bedroom. He pushed the door lightly shut and dug in his deep pockets for his cigarettes. Marcus' hands were soft from lack of doing just about anything with them and his bulged knuckles locked safely between mine. Although he always loved to talk, it seemed like now he didn't just want to, he needed to. "Heyaa...you alright?" Gotta start somewhere Lana. "Yes would be a vague statement on the matter, but yes I am ultimately okay." He exhaled the thick Pall Mall smoke. He gave me a reassuring smile. "Any incidence like the such can shake someone, we are all made to preserve our mind and body and to see both at jeopardy leads essentially back to our own selfish motives of survival. A crass reminder, but a neccesary one." "Yeah I guess I'm sorta used to it being in camp by now. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing." "Would you excuse me for just one moment, dear." He gently placed my hand on my own knee. As he swiftly exited the room, I could feel the warmth leave my hand. My eyes gazed around his room. He was neatish, but very cluttered. Spread across his desk was piles of notebooks and books, notecards with his immaculate penmanship jotting ideas, overflowing ashtrays 90% pall mall filters. His closet was packed to the brim with blazers, cardigans, many dulled colors of the rainbow mismatched together. He loved clothes and took the pride to dress up in his own unique fashion everyday. These thoughts made me love him more. 'THIS IS BOOOORING, she's just sitting there, let's follow Marcus and see what he's doing until she gets back." "Perhaps he is only using the faciluties." I was gonna show him wrong, check and mate, camera engaged to Marcus, and bam, harry was right. Marcus at a reasonable fast pace, hands in pocket, walked down the stairs and turned the corner on to the third door on the right. He gently knocked and called out, "Denny, would this be a bad time to inquire for your time?" "Uh shit, hold on.." "Oh my god Aiden don't, he'll see" "Babe, it's cool, chill..." "whisper whisper....whisper" The door swung open. Jenn was rearranging loose strands of hair while trying to hold the comforter over her exposed bra. She was always jealous to give up alone time with Aiden, but Marcus was his friend and he needed a best friend, especially a cool one like Marcus. "Whatchu need homes?" "Would you be able to spare a gram for the night, a sharp too? I have been outta stock at the present time. "Yeah fer sure, if Joni hasn't fucking washed me out. For a bitch that can get free drugs whenever she wants, she seems to never have any of her own shit. Gray has ghosted the bitch so she's crawling around my shit these days." In a little flower shaped box, Jenn had lovingly gave all Aiden's "shit" a proper place to live in the bedroom. No twice used needles in her perfect little world. Marcus laughed in his head at the concept of a girlfriend being more worried about the physical mess of addiction rather than the cause it had on the boyfriend in case. However, the only annoyance drugs had in Jenn's life was it meant Aiden would talk to his friends more. Aiden held out the box like a bowl of candy and Marcus proceeded to pick out a 1/2 inch rock and assorted tools for the activity. "Thank you good friend, we'll converse tomorrow. Goodnight, Jenavieve." Most of Aiden's friend didn't bother acknowledge Jenn, it felt good that Marcus always at least gave her a greeting or a goodbye, sometimes both. They hugged each other tightly, for almost a full minute. Aiden rested his head on Marcus's shoulder like a toddler. Marcus closed his eyes and held a soft smile. Harry was bored. Thank god he was finally leaving. Oh fuck. "Ayyye ya Marcus, how ya doin?" Harry boringly sat through another 20 minute conversation him and Gippal had about dead romantic languages. This was so stupid, he never thought he hated Gippal until this moment. "Of course, to interpret any eastern religions, namingly Hinduism, Buddhism would never be the proper message without rudimentary knowledge of traditional Sanskrit, we could only roughly use Hindi to roughly define it, but well, jo hai no hai." They both let out pretentious laughs. "Well yeah, but couldn't ya say that about dead greek, latin, and all the like? Lots of those Christian fanatics like to use Latin instead of language, makes it deeper er something like that." he leaned back and clicked his tongue for no apparant reason. "Well fanatic indeed is the key word their, seemingly Christianity's domination of the whole western world led to Latin's prevelance yet today, however Sanskrit is actually still spoken as a live changeble language. The difference between a dead language lies not in the fact their are speakers still, but rather the ability to alter and update language to our modern needs." "I guessum, but maybe the inflexibility makes the language more understandable, certainly easier to learn, hell, sed quid scio?" "Clearly you know a great deal, my friend." This was so gay. Harry couldn't give a fuck about language or latin or anyone of it. He knew some Latin cause of his spells, but he didn't need to speak it. Just speak English, i'm sick of having to put on the translators just to get a joke. Oh thank god they are finishing up. Finally. "Indeed somethign to think about. Very well, Satyricon amicus~" "Oib, oib. facile accipere pitto" "I detect by your accent shift that was Al Bhed?" "oui kud ed syh, hmmm, lmajan" "That's just it, written Al Bhed is an easy cryptograph, so I am more or less fluent there, but spoken I have not quite grasped the dialect." "You got it man, just like any other, you gots to talk with it. Yer good at talkin so it shouldn't be no problemo" "Indeed so, I only find it would be fair to speak Lana, and your, natural language, makes for better conversation to speak the way another thinks." "How's that girlie doin' these days?" "Oh quite well, but to know for sure i'd better get back to her company" "Do yer thang man, I gotta work on some....." he began muttering whatever bullshit to himself and pacing away. Fucking finally he proceeded back to where Harry wanted him. That was super annoying.
The slouched Lana perked up at the sight of him returning. She'd paced the room and looked through his writings, he didn't ever have a concern for privacy and if he did he would never  tell her, he would merely just keep it a secret. She was used to being patient when it came to Marcus. He wasn't neccesarily easily distracted, but easily engaged in whatever was around him. She hated herself for being disappointed that he brought back H. "I'm sorry I kept you so long darling, as we rest society continues to thrive." He used many pet names with people, however darling he seemed to save for more special situations. She felt more relieved. It was cute seeing them together, but Harry wanted more. He needed more. "Fuck this i'm drugging her to ask him questions, i hate waiting for the bitch to do something. " "Indeed so Harry Potter." As much as Harry loved the sound of his own name, it was starting to bother him the way Christian kept saying it, like he was mocking him. Harry opened a secret cabinet to the left of the monitors and began scanning around for the proper potion to guide the situation into what he wanted. "Mmmmmm I think I'll use a dash of love, a bit of truth....." He busily mixed away. Christian sat completely still, but scanned the room thouroughly with his eyes. "That's the magic touch! Okay this should make her start asking him things that might make things funner..mwah haha...." "More fun." "Excuse moi?" "Funner is not a proper word. The expression would be 'more fun'" This guy was really getting on his fucking nerves. Ugh. He placed the potion in the vaporizer, isolated to only work on Lana and pumped it through the vents of Marcus's room. Immediatly the effects engaged. Lana uncontrolablly began to talk before comprehending fully what she had thought. "I thought you weren't using lately?" Oh god she sounded like a bitchy controlling girlfriend, but she really was just curious. Who was she kidding she was bothered and she didn't know why. He never got annoyingly high, he always coasted at a light level, stayed attentive and active in the conversation. Since the day she met him he was a drug user so why now would she want it to change? She truly hated being 'this girl.' Dammit. Why did she say that? "Of course I wasn't lately, but a break would not be a break if one did not return would it, just simply the way things were." He smiled warmly again and excused himself to the bathroom. He knew she didn't like watching him do it, so it was considerate of him, but a pang of loneliness ran over her. Moments later he returned a wave of contentment ran over him, yet she still wanted to talk. "So are you using because you got by upset by before?" Fuck Lana, why do you keep saying these things? Stupid, stupid. "Perhaps there is a connection there, of course, any sitution like that not only is alarmingly in it's own right, it's probably the past associations I share like any human does. Familiar negative stimuli. And well comfort is occasionally do." He went silent and pondered on the wall for a moment. He beginning scurrying around behind his worn out recliner he spent the better part of his time in when he was alone. He pulled out a wooden guitar and begin picking random chords. "Sure, it just seemed you....whatever. I don't know what I'm saying." "Lana dear, are you feeling well? You seem to be rather confused in your sentiments. I mean that in no way condescending, really are you alright?" "Yeah I just wanna know you're okay I guess, not hiding." "I am well, however certain thoughts have the tendency to make one over think so i'd rather level my brain out and find a way to express it more productively." "I guess, but....." She wanted to be careful to not say anything else stupid, but all her thoughts felt like diarrhea spewing out of her mouth. She didn't even mean all the thigns she said, they were just stupid insecurities that passed though, they weren't her. Were they? Dammit, dammit.
"Lana i'd like to show you a song I had written a long time ago, one that reminds myself of this feeling."
Harry was on the edge of his seat. He fucking loved when kareoke/watching people came together so neatly. He could feel his jeans get tight. Lana watched him intently, trying to catch every word, tears welled in her eyes and she couldn't help but to fall even deeper. Fuck why does he do this to my head. "Wow that was......beautiful. I wish I was better  with words. That was...." As she rose from the bed, he moved the guitar aside to make a seat for her on his lap. they sat in silence for a moment as he rocked the chair back and forth to lull them. "Perhaps times where words are at a loss is when music is essential. Of course, I could say something, but well I figure it gets the point across." "hey Marcus, i was just wondering.....what are we?" His eyebrow raised in genuine confusion and turned her on his lap to be face to face. "What are we you ask....as in the title given to the intimacy we share? We've been over this dear, I've never needed the security of labels to define what I share with the ones in my life." "I mean yeah. I know.......but Liza wasn't she your girlfriend, what made her different. I mean I get it if you felt a different way....but I guess after all this time, I don't know. I'm being stupid." "Stupid? No never, what possibly gives you that idea? Oh Liza.....yes my 'girlfriend' Liza, a term she demanded be told to all our companions to solidify her insecurity with the situation. I honestly felt that it made no difference  other than the way other's view a connection, but the power of word does hold a weight in our lives. Language is a strong tool, but not the only one, of course. Could you elaborate what it is you desire from this?" Lana's cheeks flushed. Jesus is this how Memo felt every time she talked to a boy? This is horrible, no wonder she doesn't like dating. "I guess it's not always I need to know, just sometimes you seem you forget about me. Like your devotion... wow that's a gay word....comes and goes." She felt even stupider now, why couldn't she stop talking? It was like diarrhea coming out of her mouth. Fat chance he's gonna like me the same after this. I'm just the same insecure girl he's met 100 times. "Lana I wish you would tell me your first reaction rather than the contrived one you think I wanted to hear. This isn't like you." His eyebrows began to tighten into a concerned look. "Talk seems like it might only make you feel more minimilized, here let me play your song again. It seems our memories don't always stay constant in this camp. I know I had a memory of playing it, but it's as if someone erased it from our minds to try and relive the experience." He briefly glanced directly into the camera. Fuck he was on to Harry. How did he know that he purposely erased it so Marcus could sing it again like the first time? Whatever, it was working exactly how Harry wanted. Bingo.
Next Song
Two songs in my watching. Harry was rock hard. This was good so good. "Damn that was so CUHH YOOOT! You know they're your fav couple now too J, just admit it." "J?" "I didn't say that, why would I be thinking about J? He's actually gotten pretty boring and annoying, i say Jay like the name, it's a nickname we used at hogwarts to mean friend." "You do not need to lie to me Harry Potter, the results are futile." Lana pulled Marcus's hand and led him to the queen bed in the middle of the room. The slowly began removing clothing and kissing softly. They proceeded to make love, not fuck, for many hours. Harry got shy and turned the camera off.
"Do you fear intimacy Harry Potter?"
"noooo I just think it gets boring when people just screw forever and don't talk about things. On that note Harry pulled his robe around his body and scurried away to the restroom.
Christian remained in his seat. Smiling.
0 notes
eva-rivera-rp · 4 years
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UI: Hola, thanks for letting us borrow your time and doing this interview with us.
Eva: (laughs) Hola. Thank you for having me, it’s my pleasure.
UI: Alright, shall we start?
Eva: Sure.
UI: Why don’t we start with you telling us your full name and where you were born?
Eva: Okay, my full name is Eva Isabel Rivera Felix and I was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco in Mexico.
UI: That is a beautiful but very long name. Why is that?
Eva: Well, in Mexico most of the time parents give their children a middle name which in my case is Isabel. And then for our last names we always use the first last names of each parent, so we end up having two last names; Rivera for my father and Felix for my mother.
UI: That’s very interesting; did it ever bother you that it was so long?
Eva: Every Mexican kid complains about having to write their full in names in tests, it takes you five minutes of your time. (laughs)
UI: Good thing I only need to write two of your names (laughs) Okay, so what’s the story behind your name? Were you named after anyone special? Or did it come from a baby names book?
Eva: I was named Eva after my father’s mother and she was a very special person in our lives too. And then Isabel was after my mother who was, of course, a super special person in my life… she still is. Both of them are.
UI: I’m very sorry, when did they pass away?
Eva: My grandmother passed away about five years ago and my mom died when I was fourteen.
UI: I’m sorry to hear that, that’s a tender age to lose a mother.
Eva: It was.
UI: What happened? If I may ask.
Eva: Uhm…
UI: If It’s too hard for you to talk about, we can move on to the next question.
Eva: No, it’s okay… my mother was… (takes a small breath) she was kidnapped and murdered on her way to work.
UI: That is horrible! I’m so sorry, what was her job? Was it risky?
Eva: She was a teacher.
UI: That’s very scary.
Eva: Yeah, it is.
UI: What was it like? Growing up in Mexico?
Eva: It was good for the most part. Most of my family is there, I was lucky enough to play on the street where I lived at with kids my age, my parents took me to the zoo and parks on the weekends; I stuffed my face with every candy I could get my hands on (Laughs) I had a happy childhood, I had a good life in Mexico. There are many good things about it to be honest. I know people tend to be very scared because news makes everything a thousand times worse and some is not as bad as they make it look; it’s not like you go out to the street and expect to be robbed or find a gang in every corner. For the most people don’t notice these things especially violence against women, well… it should be talked about more.
UI: Why? Did you often feel insecure in your own hometown?
Eva: Yeah, there were times. Of course, at first you think it’s… an exaggeration from the news and your parents but… the moment it happens to someone close to you or yourself; that’s when you open your eyes and realize that… you can’t walk on the street without people whistling at you or trying to get close to you, some harass you and it’s looked as normal.
UI: Did anything ever happen to you?
Eva: Yeah… I was almost kidnapped by a taxi driver who was taking me home one night. I managed to escape before anything really bad happened; I was a lucky one, there aren’t many of those sadly.
UI: That must have been horrible, is that why you left Mexico?
Eva: No, to be honest that’s not why I felt. I love my country, it is beautiful and as any other place it has its bad things but it also has wonderful things; the reason why I left was to purse my career here.
UI: Does your father still live in Mexico?
Eva: Yes, he lives in Tijuana so I get to visit him often.
UI: What’s your father’s name?
Eva: Daniel Rivera Montez.
UI: What is his occupation? What is he like?
Eva: He was a doctor, he’s retired now. He is… a very sweet man who managed to take care of his daughter after a tragedy that was terrible for him as well. He is one of the strongest people I probably will ever know in my whole life, he’s funny and kind and has his moments of bad temper but hey who doesn’t? (laughs) He is a soccer fan, America not Chivas; he would kill me if I don’t specify which team is his favorite. After many years of trying, he’s finally learned how to cook and he makes probably the best fish tacos anyone can eat ever. Uhm, yeah, he’s just amazing and extremely supportive and protective and he’s my favorite person in the whole world.
UI: He sounds like an incredible man, what was your mother like?
Eva: She was… a firecracker. (chuckles) My father always says that he fell in love the moment he saw her because she was so alive and so wild, she wasn’t afraid of anything and if she did she never let it show. She was always dancing, always; whether it was while doing dishes or laundry or something or at a family party or just playing with me. She loved to dance and she loved life, she was an amazing woman.
UI: Your parents sound like they were a great couple. What is your stock image of each parent in your memory and dreams?
Eva: Hmmm, interesting question… I guess, one of the things I remember the most were times when we went out. I was raised a catholic, so we went to church every Sunday… very early in the morning which me and I dad hated but my mom forced us into the car (laughs) My dad would wear jeans or dress pants and a shirt depending on what we would do after, my mom usually wore a dress on Sunday if it wasn’t cold outside. We would go to mass and then after that we were starving, we would eat out or go to my grandmother’s to have lunch before going out somewhere; the zoo or the movie theater, the park or just have Sunday at Grandma’s. Usually when it was time to go home I was either almost asleep or too tired and my dad would always carry me to the car, once home they would try to wake me up to take shower or they would give up and put me into bed...
...Good times.
UI: That’s very sweet. So you were only child? No siblings?
Eva: No, no siblings.
UI: So living in Mexico, did you ever struggled?
Eva: Struggled, how?
UI: Financially. What social class did you grow up in?
Eva: Oh, no, not really. I mean, my parents… both of them worked; my father was a doctor. Sure, I remember talks and discussions about bills sometimes when I was a child but nothing really bad.
UI: So you would say you were in the Upper middle class?
Eva: No, I would say middle class. We lived well, I never lacked anything but it wasn’t until my father was much older that he really, you know, started making more money to afford some luxuries but really nothing extravagant.
UI: So here do you live now?
Eva: I live in an apartment in West Hollywood.
UI: Why do you live there?
Eva: Well, it’s a good area; I could afford it and it’s close to most places I have to go on a daily basis.
UI: And what is your apartment like?
Eva: I think it’s perfect; it’s not huge but not small, it has just the right space I need for me and my dog. The decorations I picked are something modern mixed with boho, it’s very cozy and it has a small balcony area which I love.
UI: That sounds very you.
Eva: It is! (chuckles)
UI: Do you have roommates?
Eva: No, no roommates. I like having my own space, plus Pepe… my dog, already takes up enough space. (laughs)
UI: (Laughs) So you mentioned you moved here from Mexico because of your career. What’s your occupation?
Eva: I’m an actress.
UI: How did you get into acting?
Eva: Well, I always loved movies and shows and I loved acting; I would make little plays for my family and friends all the time when I was a child.
UI: Did you watch the classic Mexican telenovelas?
Eva: I did! I also reenacted things from those when I was a kid. (Laughs) But yeah, when I was around eight I begged my parents to take me to auditions and I got a part in a commercial and I was hooked… since then, I knew that’s what I wanted to do with my life. My parents insisted to focus on my basic education though, so I didn’t really started taking seriously until I was eighteen and moved to Mexico City to take acting classes and start looking for jobs.
UI: When did you land our first job?
Eva: Uhmm when I was nineteen, I got a role in a Mexican independent film and it was just job after job from that moment on.
UI: So you are well known in Mexico?
Eva: Yes, I am. It’s weird to say that, I feel so conceded (chuckles) but yeah, I’ve build a career in Latin and Hispanic films. And then I wanting to do the same in English speaking films, represent my people.
UI: That’s incredible, and you already have landed several roles here as far as we could find. You seem to be doing very well. What social class do you think you live in now?
Eva: Uhm… I guess upper… or middle to upper. I live very comfortably, I will say that but I don’t consider myself rich like… I don’t know… Love Bryant or something.
UI: How do you feel about your social status right now?
Eva: I don’t really think much about it. I am grateful, of course that I can be financially sufficient at my age but yeah, I’m not really one to judge or be defined by material things.
UI: Alright, if you had to describe yourself in as much detail as possible; what would you say about yourself? You might want to consider factors such as height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
Eva: Well, I’m five feet and six inches tall and weight around a hundred and twenty pounds. I have brown hair, although I often dye it to blonde because of films or just because I want to (laughs) I have green eyes and I have chubby cheeks some say… some will even go as far as to saying that I have a chipmunk kind of face (laughs) I dress casually for the most part, I do have a very girly type of fashion. I love dresses and skirts but I love being comfortable as well. I do have two tattoos the words Resilience in Spanish and this design of lungs and flowers here (points at her left arm).
UI: That’s beautiful, why lungs?
Eva: I got it after my father was diagnosed with lung cancer and he started his treatment.
UI: I’m sorry to hear that, I hope he gets better.
Eva: Thank you.
UI: What about scars? Do you have any?
Eva: I do, I have this large scar across my right hand and then another one on my thigh.
UI: Can I ask where did you get those?
Eva: I got this the night I was almost kidnapped; it’s from breaking the window of the car to escape.
UI: I’m sorry, that’s really scary.
Eva: Yeah, it was but I’m okay now.
UI: Well, since we are talking about descriptions. What would you describe your voice? Like how do you think you sound like?
Eva: Uhmmm, I’m not sure. (laughs) I think that’s difficult to answer, I don’t pay attention to what I sound like much unless I’m acting. I’ve been told I have close to zero accents which is great since I’ve taken classes since I was a little kid. Other than that, I don’t know I suppose I have a feminine voice but… with strength of course. (chuckles)
UI: That sounds about right to me, and you don’t have much of an accent; I wouldn’t have guessed tha you’re Mexican if you were blonde and speaking like you are right now.
Eva: (Laughs) Thanks.
UI: Okay, we’re close to the finish line. Are you ready?
Eva: Yep, bring it on.
UI: Are you allergic to anything?
Eva: Nope, not that I’m aware of.
UI: How about any conditions or diseases?
Eva: I had like a very early stage of Asthma as a kid but It was never severe and I guess outgrew it as I got older.
UI: How about mental conditions?
Eva: Uhmm, yeah… I was diagnosed with PTSD shortly after the attempted kidnap situation. I also had to deal with depression and was diagnosed with anxiety when I was a teen after my mother’s death.
UI: Does this affect the quality of your life now?
Eva: Yeah, it still does affect me. I mean of course, it’s not as bad as it was as when those things happened but… it’s not something that just goes away. I’m very scared whenever I have to take a taxi or an uber even; even when I have like no signs of danger or no reason to be scared, it’s not an activity that I think will ever be able to do again without some fear.
UI: Are you ambidextrous?
Eva: No, I’m right handed.
UI: What about any strange abilities? Are there any strange things about you physically?
Eva: Well, I don’t think I’m close to be to the circus solei but I’m quite flexible; mainly because I took dance classes since I was a little kid and I do yoga every day.
UI: That’s a really cool ability to have though!
Eva: (Laughs) Yeah but it’s something most people can gain if they train enough. So it’s not something extraordinary… at least the level I’m at.
UI: Still impressive though.
Eva: (Laughs)
UI: Okay, do you have any quirks or strange mannerisms?”
Eva: Uhm… no, I don’t think so. I tend to walk around a lot when I’m on the phone. I don’t find that strange, I guess I just can’t stay still too long while talking on the phone.
UI: Sounds pretty normal to me (chuckles) Alright, last question. What do you think of fame?
Eva: It’s a strange thing and very complicated. It’s like… standing on a very fine line of liking it because that might mean that you are being recognized for the good things that you do or your job or just who you are as person…. But it can also hurt you because I think when you get famous, people are more interesting on what you are doing all the time and it’s like… every single movement you make is being watched with a magnifying lens; and people can be quick to judge without asking or know the full context of what they are seeing.
UI: I think your concept of Fame is very accurate; it is a tricky situation. Okay, well this is all for the first portion of this interview. We’ll be back shortly with the next round of questions.
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haplesshuman · 7 years
Rebel Girls: The Rant
I know, I should’ve done this on International Women’s Day, but I never thought of it at the time. I was going to combine this with the review of The Exiles, but when writing the review, I realised this is something that needs an entry of its own, and if that means delaying the Breaking Dawn review a week, then so be it. I need the extra time to locate my rubber gloves anyway.
That’s not the point. Recently, I was on Facebook and a video posted by Rebel Girls. They did an experiment (I say this whilst resisting the temptation to put single quote marks round the word) in which they removed all books from three shelves which had no male characters, no female characters, female characters that don’t speak and princesses. Then they talked about their non-fiction book, about real-life women who took their destiny in their own hands, saying that this might fix the problem!
Uh... Right. This is not the first time I’ve seen a study get used to sell a product (looking at you, Persil), but this one pisses me off more than most. I wanted to comment on the video on Facebook, but it would’ve been one in a sea of comments, and to be frankly honest, what I have to say about this is too long for your average Facebook post. So that’s why I’m posting my right to reply here, on Too Long; Didn’t Read. 
I’m going to start with the flawed solution. To basically summarise this video in one sentence, it’d be, “We think there are no books about girls who don’t have to be rescued by a man, so we wrote this non-fiction book about women who didn’t need to be rescued by a man!”
...Wait a second. You’ve found a gap in the market, and you’re not filling it? Sure, writing a book about real women who have overcome real problems is one thing, but that’s not filling the gap you’ve found. When you find a gap in the market, you freaking do something about it, you don’t leave the gap for someone else to fill.
By the way, if that’s a call to authors everywhere to do this, I’m answering that call.
Secondly, the experiment itself. The mum and the girl in the video just pick the books off the shelves. You just can’t do that without actually looking at the content - with the exception of the princesses one. These were three bookshelves of fairly narrow books. No way could they have just picked them off the shelves, which makes me wonder if the experiment was rigged. 
Shocking, I think that’s my first Tinfoil Hat moment. 
Then there’s the princess one. There’s a lot of hate aimed at fictional princesses, and I can understand why, because of the stereotype that they’re just passive characters waiting for their prince to come. However, removing all books about princesses is a bad case of throwing the baby out of the bathwater. 
First of all, there’s the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, which I really like. The main character is someone who ran away when she learnt she was going to be married to a man she loathed, learnt fencing, magic, Latin and cookery against the wishes of her parents, defended herself against magical creatures and wizards alike, and with the help of people she’d befriended along the way, foiled an evil plot. 
She is also a princess. 
In that experiment, Dragonsbane and Dragonsearch would’ve been removed from the shelves just because the main character, Cimorene, happened to be a princess. 
Then there’s The Princess Diaries. For all I dislike about them, Mia is not the kind of princess who is waiting for a prince. Yeah, she whines about not having a boyfriend, but she’s also a teenage girl. It’s not her fault she’s a princess, she’d give anything to be normal and can’t give up being a princess because her overbearing grandmother decided to tell the press that she was a princess.
In that experiment, The Princess Diaries and its nine sequels would be removed. Just because Mia’s a princess.
Then there’s one other thing. I don’t know if it’s still the case, but I have heard it’s tricky to get boys to read (a point I shall return to). In my early days reviewing children's and YA fiction, I reviewed Gold of the Gods by Bear Grylls, a book I still dislike. Yet when I look on Amazon, most of the reviews are by parents or grandparents who bought it for their son/grandson, and found that it got them into reading.
The lone female character, Christina (who is the only character I actually liked) was a damsel in distress and nearly had her earrings stolen, and when she protests, her brother is asked he minds her earrings being borrowed. She is treated with nothing but contempt by the main character (who I marked down as a Marty Stu).
That book, by the rules of the experiment, would’ve stayed on the shelf. Because Christina speaks, and she’s not a princess.
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Thank you, Jean-Luc.
We have now got to the point where I reference Dragons’ Den. In the recent series, a woman came in with some dolls that fell deep into the Uncanny Valley and came with stories about the dolls’ characters. The stories were empowering women stories, of course. Anyway, she said she did this because she couldn’t find toys for her daughter that weren’t stereotypical girly toys. I figured she wasn’t looking hard enough.
And when I see Rebel Girls saying they had never read any books that had female characters not having to be helped by a guy, I say they might not have looked hard enough either. There are tons of books out there with strong female characters. The Chalet School books for one. Jaqeuline Wilson’s books frequently feature female characters who take matters into their own hands. The Harry Potter books have some very competent witches.The Famous Five are two boys, two girls and a dog. There’s also the Shirley Holmes books (yeah, they were books long before the awesome TV show came out). Then there’s The Hunger Games. God I would not mess with Katniss Everdeen. And I don’t think I’ve even scratched the surface there.
Then there’s, as I’ve mentioned above, the troubles with getting boys to read. The book Rebel Girls are trying to sell is aimed at girls. Perhaps it should be aimed at boys, too? They might learn something useful, too. Lessons about important women shouldn’t be limited to girls, you know.
Last of all: “If you see it, you can be it.”, and the mention that children’s media - be it books, cartoons or TV - is dominated by men. I disagree. There are plenty of TV shows, cartoons and books with female protagonists. You just have to look. There’s the books I’ve already listed. There’s a whole load of kids’ TV shows with female protagonists. With cartoons, it’s a bit harder, but ever heard of Mona the Vampire? In fact, I can think of a lot of 90s TV shows where the protagonists are female. And I’m pretty sure it’s still the case now (Wolfblood, anyone?). You just have to look. 
OK, that was a long one! As you can tell, a few buttons were pressed there. Before I go, I’m just going to explain how things are going to be for the next few weeks.
You may remember that whilst I explained why I wasn’t going to review The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, I said this:
“The copy I got at a charity shop only just fits in my quarantine box.” before vowing to explain why I had a copy of Breaking Dawn in the first place. Well, now the time has come. 
I got the copy of Breaking Dawn for ease of actually reviewing. The other books I’ve been reading at bookstores (kindly don’t shoot me), but Breaking Dawn is so much of a brick that I thought it’d take too long if I did that. And Breaking Dawn is handily split into three books (thank you, Stephenie Meyer, sorry I’ve been spelling your name wrong), so I decided that each book will get its own review. I also have a copy of The Princess Diaries: Royal Disaster (or Take Two depending on where you’re looking). This means I have a provisional schedule for the next seven weeks. It goes as thus:
25th March: Breaking Dawn, Book 1
1st April: The Princess Diaries: Royal Disaster/Take Two
8th April: Breaking Dawn, Book 2
15th April: Breaking Dawn, Book 3
22nd April: Why I Won’t Review The Host
29th April: Eragon
This is still very much a provisional schedule, as I’m waiting on a reservation at my local library, and am hunting down a copy of Caddy Ever After. 
See you next week.
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forlovedogs11 · 4 years
The Best Female Dog Names of 2019 from Tough to Sweet to Unique
Female dog names can be hard to choose from. Whether it’s a girly name, something spunky, or a creative standout, it’s gotta be perfect. Choosing the best dog name, like choosing the perfect dog sitter, is a fun and important task for every pet parent.
Luckily, we’ve rounded up some great options for you. From Abbie to Zoe and everything in between, we’ve got the scoop on girl dog names here at Rover.com. After all, we’ve got the nation’s largest database of dog names to work with.
Start with the top 100 below, and then go deeper with our collection of dog name lists and our one-of-a-kind Dog Name Generator. Heck, you can even pick up a name book just for pets. The perfect name for your dog is out there!
100 Most Popular Female Dog Names
Least common female names from Rover’s dog name database, given to at least 25 dogs.
Betty White
Tough Female Dog Names
If you want a dog name with a little more, well, backbone, these tough choices should do the trick. And if you want a name that also works for boy dogs, look no further than the gender-neutral picks here. Harley, Ronan, Shadow—they all work just as well as female puppy names, we’d say.
Indie / Indy
Finley / Finn
Stormy / Storm
Place and Nature Names for Dogs
If you love Paris, why not name your dog for the City of Lights? Plenty of pet parents agree. Place names for dogs are on the rise, along with the plant, landscape, and gemstone names, all pulled from the natural world. These ten names made the top 100 female dog names this year.
Why Do So Many Girl Dog Names End in “Y” or “Ie”?
We’re seeing that many popular dog names are two syllables and end with a singsong “eee” sound, whether the name is spelled with a “y,” and “ie,” an “eigh,” or an “ee,” or any variation thereof.
In fact, a whopping seven out of ten from the most popular girl dog names in our data end with this sound! It’s easy to understand why. Names like Sunny or Katie are easy to call out and they come with a built-in warmth and friendliness we associate with our dogs.
If you end up going with a Kiki or Lexie, this customized polka dot collar would be a perfect complement to your dog’s new moniker.
The most popular of these names include Lucy, Daisy, Sadie, Molly, Bailey, Maggie and Sophie. Other great dog names ending in -y or similar include:
Zoey or Zoe
Dog Name Video Inspiration
Find out how real dog owners picked their pets’ names in this sweet video.
Choosing the Right Feminine Dog Name
Are you still uncertain about which dog name to choose? You’re not alone. Some dog owners just know their pet is a Bailey or Lucy as soon as they make eye contact, but many other pet parents need time to try out various options. ‘
If you’re having trouble deciding, keep in mind that a name can come from many different sources of inspiration, such as your favorite foods, books, celebrities, your heritage, or even dog breed history. For example, a French bulldog puppy might sport a French-inspired name like Chloe, while a Latin dog breed like the Chihuahua might be perfect for a name like Coco.
Another consideration when choosing your dog’s name? Dog training. This is of particular importance for puppies. When you’re teaching your new dog to respond to commands like sit, stay, or come, you’ll want to be sure their name isn’t a source of confusion. In other words, avoid puppy names that sound like a common dog training cue, such as “Bit,” which could easily be misheard as “sit.”
Many dog experts recommend choosing a name with at least two syllables and a sing-song or vowel sound at the end.
Of course, what matters most is that the dog name you choose rolls off your tongue with ease. You’ll want to select a name that you feel comfortable repeating because you’ll be saying it…a lot. Your dog’s name should make you happy!
We’re fans of the “backdoor test” for dog name selection. It’s pretty much what it sounds like: stand at the back door and call out your new dog‘s potential name. Saying “Rose, it’s time for dinner!” or “Sally, leave it!” helps take the name out of your imagination and into reality.
And once you have that perfect name for your gal, show it off with a customized collar.
The Bottom Line
As dog lovers through and through here at Rover, we find dog names absolutely fascinating, and we love searching our data on the topic to discover hot trends, quirky choices, and unique twists on classics. Over the years, we’ve compiled plenty of names for you to peruse—and we keep our lists updated with new data each year.
To start, check out our list of the most popular names of 2019, and then jump over to unique dog names to see the contrast. But that’s only the beginning. We’ve got articles covering top Irish choices, male dog names, popular names for hunting dogs, small dogs, white dogs, Huskies, German shepherds, and many more.
The 100 Most Popular Male and Female Dog Names
Top 101 Cute Dog Names
The Most Unique Dog Names Ever
Top Irish Dog Names
Top Japanese Dog Names
Top Hawaiian Dog Names
Top Spanish Dog Names
The Best Black Dog Names
62 Best White Dog Names
50 Best Hunting Dog Names
The Top Creative Dog Names
How to choose? To start, check out our guide to picking the perfect dog name.
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decolonizingmyfeels · 6 years
Machismo is girly af
We assign gender to things without regard to their genitalia, or lack thereof, every day - cars, animals, hurricanes, gadgets, presidents. It is not at all a new phenomenon that gender be used to represent concepts not seen only in our sexy bits. The yin and yang, astrology, the tarot, the latin languages, etc. all recognize two genders outside just the representative shapes of human bodies. They instead find also an abstract flexibility of personality traits that exist outside the realm of who or what embodies them.
Yet we hold ourselves as human beings to a double standard of fixed gender that the 'nonliving' get to avoid - outside of ourselves, gender might not just be believed, but allowed, to change over time. A river, for example, when calm and still, has long represented strong feminine qualities: subtle, passive, receptive, nurturing. But as soon as rains come and the river becomes white water, then its masculine qualities have been revealed: fast, undulating, destructive, penetrating.
We could argue that human genitalia may serve as fairly literal parallels for or translations of these qualities, penises being penetrative and vaginas receptive. It could perhaps even be true that there are in fact correlations between genitalia and personality that exist even outside of those socially constructed. But even if these correlations do in fact exist, we need only take a closer look at the individual realities of those around us to remember that not all bodies, if any, fit perfectly into these generalizations. We can acknowledge that it may not be so difficult to see the roots of our stereotypes, and perhaps even empathize with ourselves as a culture for having entrenched ourselves in damaging overgeneralizations. To continue our attachments, however, to the literal sources of these paradigms is to perpetuate violence upon those whose violations of our expectations frighten us. It prevents us from seeing the fluidity of gender as we would in the river, much like a mythology whose lessons are no longer understood simply because the imagery conveying them is anachronistic. When gender is not allowed fluidity we suppress our ability to connect with and represent the different traits of each within ourselves as suits our situation, or to recognize that it is still overly simplistic to deem any specific quality as having sourced from only one side of the gender spectrum in the first place. Fluidity itself, for example, would traditionally be considered a feminine trait: watery, soft, flexible, adaptable. But our ability to be fluid, in the context of modern culture especially, requires a faith in our personal right to change as we please and not need to hold ourselves at the mercy of those who expect us to be a certain way. And that kind of unapologetic and inflexible self trust, the kind that carves space for itself and its own needs before anyone else’s, is what would most often be labelled a masculine trait. So many times in my life I’ve become stagnant rotting water trying too hard to remain a feminine calm, not believing I had the right to be angry and tumultuous as a femme. So ironically, I denied my own feminine fluidity trying so hard to be feminine.
Similarly, we might consider the process of upholding what is considered respectable masculinity: stubborn territorialism and inflexibility, a lack of emotional expression, loud strength and the drive to penetrate and conquer. We know that, at least sometimes, to convey masculinity is a conscious choice, an act or show with which to prove one’s worthiness of respect or attraction. Yet this inclination to alter ourselves for acceptance, to be receptive to and nurture the gender expectations demanded of us as children, and the ability to adapt ourselves to fit into societal molds shaped by other people - are traditionally blatantly feminine qualities. So it stands that, to uphold social imagery of masculinity to these extremes, is in fact an extremely feminine thing to do. It lacks the unapologetic and disruptive qualities of pushing back against our environment and questioning its right to tell us what to do.
But this is not to say this kind of flexible 'softness' is in any way an inherently bad thing. It marks our ability to not senselessly attack others when we disagree with them. It allows us friendship, empathy, and subsequently stronger relationships within our community, and these relationships, ironically, earn us the respect and trust necessary to make us leaders and social symbols of strength.
I myself am prone to cravings for labels and categories, especially for my own identity. It is disconcerting to feel like you don’t know who you are, where you fit, or even how to introduce yourself; and labels, however overly simplistic, are an alluring place to find comfort in, even if temporarily. They are shelters under which we can hide to feel safe in our own bodies, in control of who we are and who we’ll be. They help us write our own obituary before we’ve even died, so we can revel in the comfort of feeling we know how we’ll be remembered. But the names stay the same even while we keep changing, whether we want to or not, and eventually the titles don’t seem to fit anymore. What was once masculine is now feminine, the words that were once an insult may now be a source of pride, and the organized structures that once helped us understand our world no longer make sense. But never before now have we had such a strong and global conversation about the frustrations of a restricting and rigid gender binary, which makes us ripe for a time of letting go, letting the ice blocks melt, and splashing in the puddled mess left behind. In order to do this, we have also to let go of our need to 'know' ourselves and where we fit. Language that could be merely a helpful tool with which to express ourselves has become instead a tool to erase the nuances of our experience so as to make us permanent and therefore predictable and safe. We have every right to claim our identity, to be acknowledged for who we are, and be loud about what that means to us. But we might also take care to prevent the concept of identity from being not just the expression of our experience but that which we frame our experience within and therefore oppress even ourselves with, whether conscious or not.
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marinareyesfranco · 6 years
Lino Diva$ Art Gallery from lino divas on Vimeo.
Post Internet Argentina
Partially published as New Media in Buenos Aires in VICE's The Creators Project blog, January 2014
Argentina boasts hundreds of artist-run initiatives, some of which occupy no permanent space at all, other than web space. There’s an infinite number of workshops, studios, exhibitions, residencies and galleries that may or may not have ever sold a work of art in their life, yet thrive culturally and contribute to budding local scenes all over the country. These projects, a lot of which are documented online in the website Proyecto CARA (full disclaimer: I’m also co-founder), are often much more interesting than whatever goes on in bigger galleries or museums because they are community-driven and respond to artists’ needs in the face of systematic institutional inaction. Some of these projects are so essential to some cities, that it’s become impossible to talk about art in the city of Córdoba without mentioning Casa 13, Rusia Galería in Tucumán or La Herrmana Favorita in Rosario. These projects not only exhibit artworks, but rather take on the responsibility of creating educational programs and constitute a network of artistic and, lately, curatorial residencies. Namely, these projects are doing what a lot of city, provincial and national governments are not doing: supporting contemporary art.
While a lot of projects rely on a physical space to exist, some are mutable or even virtual. In fact, these art workers are sustaining alternative art institutions with varying degrees of seriousness and play, but always with a lot of commitment, especially considering that basically no one makes a living off them. One of the most notable efforts of institutional transvestism is the Fundación para la Difusión del Arte Contemporáneo en Mercosur y Alrededores (FDACMA, or Foundation for the Dissemination of Contemporary Art in Mercosur and its Surroundings), an “auteur institution”, according to its founder, artist Lino Divas. FDACMA is only one of Divas’ many uni-personal cultural endeavors, which also include Fanzineteca (a zine archive), Videoarteca (video art archive) and the all important FDACMA Permanent Collection, comprised of art from emerging artists from the Mercosur economic community Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay and other affiliated states (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and Venezuela). FDACMA exists online and takes on various physical forms wherever Divas is invited. The fact that the project is his doesn’t mean he doesn’t involve many other people. In fact, in 2009 Divas invited several artists to create the future capital of Mercosur in ThisIsNotAGallery, each contributing a miniature building or urban area, turning the whole gallery into a model city. Recent activities also include the 1era Bienal del Pasacalle (1rst Banner Biennial), which took place in various public spaces during July 2012 in San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. Hopefuls tweeted messages with the hashtag #bienaldelpasacalle to @fdacma over a 3 day period, after which 20 were selected via online voting. The chosen messages, which varied in content and character -from “Thanks Google for everything” to “<3 Legal abortion is life <3”- were then turned into banners and placed around town close to existing independent art spaces, creating a route that increased their visibility.
Lino Divas (an alias, not his real name) is also an illustrator, web designer, gif maker, creator of his very own online Lino Divas Art Gallery, art peddler in Mercado Libre (a Latin American Ebay) and an artists’ artist who will probably matter more to insiders than to collectors, if that’s even a concern for him. Divas actually seems to be the direct descendant of another secretly great artist, Benito Laren (also not his real name). Laren, a self taught artist, first burst into the scene in 1987, when he started creating his paintings on glass and participated in the tight-knit 90s art scene around the Rojas Cultural Center at the University of Buenos Aires. He is also a cheeky megalomaniac who wears several wigs á la Warhol, open collar shirts under white suits, always dreamed of becoming famous and claims to be inspired not just by God, but by Martians. With him, everything about his personal branding is and is not a joke. His work spans painting, video, literature, mail art and nation building. Laren is actually the king and only citizen of Larenland, for which he has issued postage stamps featuring himself in various poses and sent letters to faulty addresses worldwide, including Saddam Hussein’s, only to have them sent back to him, with the other country’s “return to sender” stamp as a sign of recognition of Larenland. If mail art is a precursor of net art, then Laren is definitely sending spam. Both Laren and Divas have created personas as part of their work and the internet is a continued source of inspiration and source images, but Laren is still lagging on the technological front, whereas Divas’ body of work is readily available online. Divas is all about the internet, whether he’s making illustrations about the spam he gets or digital art based on “ego shots” (now called “selfies”, but this was back in 2008). Both his preferred mode of inspiration and medium is simply low budget technology.
The internet and the possibilities of Open Source, along with a lot of low tech and PC related imagery, are closely linked to the output of several Buenos Aires-based artists. There are more conventional venues like Fundación Telefónica, which focuses on “art and technology” or FASE, an annual exhibition featuring new media art, but both support a simultaneously dated and hi-tech version of art, which heavily features robots and LED lights. Other artists explore ways in which technology can be used to discuss such varied topics as the perceived notions of institutionality, politically correct humor and even the Patriarchy through gifs, websites and tumblrs, but also using otherwise old school mediums such as painting, sculpture and photography.
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Facundo Pires
One such artist is Facundo Pires, whose work expands photography, sculpture and installation, yet does so through printing experiments with failing machinery and researching amateur porn posted online, among other subjects. Mostly, what Pires is really doing in exploring the mechanics and limits of photography, both analog and digital, as well as image manipulation. In his most recent solo exhibition, “La línea del horizonte” (The horizon line) at Miau Miau gallery, Pires researched pornographic images and videos amateur performers would post online, retouching them into oblivion. Some film rolls, already a thing of the past because of digital photography, were encapsulated in clay and displayed on a shelf. A printed photo was displayed lightly resting on a rod that protruded from a wall. Pires is steadily developing an archaeological approach to images and paraphernalia: “what did we use this for, again?”
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Adriana Minoliti, from the Queer Deco series
Adriana Minoliti considers herself a painter, yet her practice expands way beyond the canvas into feminist activism through art, curating exhibitions and editing publications. What Minoliti proposes is a transformative approach to art and life, providing a more integral vision of sexuality that takes into consideration feminist and queer theories. Her practice includes painting but also installation and photomontages, always working with abstraction and geometry as a biopolitical tool. Aside from the huge and stunning paintings in her show Playroom at Daniel Abate Galería in 2012, Minoliti has been amassing an impressive body of work with her Play G and Queer Deco series, both of which are photomontages. In Play G, which she proposed to Playboy Argentina but was turned down for being “too artsy”, Minoliti mixes naked women and geometric forms that interact with them. According to the artist, the abstract porn she works with “is post-pornographic because they mean to excite the spectator’s nervous system but criticize the statutes of pornography.” The Memphis Group, an Italian architecture and design from 1980s Milan is a clear reference throughout Minoliti’s work, but particularly the Queer Deco series, in which she places anthropomorphic geometric constructions in the midst of design magazine spreads. Most recently, Minoliti teamed up with mexican born but Buenos Aires based net artist and curator Gaby Cepeda, to create a series of gifs for an online exhibition that mixed both Minoliti’s paintings and their interests, ranging from Rihanna to cats, japanimation and the affirmation of power through sexiness.
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Girls of the Internet Museum, a project by Gaby Cepeda
Another project that stems from the online exploration of feminism is the Girls of the Internet Museum. According to Cepeda, it's founder, the GIM was “born from a necessity to put together references, works and context that build sense around the girly internet experience, wether they stem from art or from the most random digital production.” The project came about in November 2012 during a workshop on temporary museums and express exhibition making by curator Pablo León de la Barra at the Centro de Investigaciones Estéticas. For the past year, Cepeda kept working on the project, developing a Tumblr-as-museum as a feminine, if not strictly feminist, institution. Integrating post-internet theory and international artists, from Jennifer Chan, Angela Washko or Jesse Darling, who are more upfront about their feminism, to Petra Cortright and Emilie Gervais, as well as the Argentine Laura Códega or Bolivian Narda Alvarado. The GIM manages to exist as both online exploration of “girls”, but also as IRL exhibitions and the ultimate thesis research tumblr.
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Franco Ferrari’s show at La Ene in Buenos Aires
Franco Ferrari is another artist fascinated by the idea of museums. First in an apartment show and then at the Nuevo Museo Energía de Arte Contemporáneoand the University of La Plata, Ferrari has been working with the idea of high art, theft, copyleft and the possibilities the internet provides for creating your own high art Open Source museum. Working with high resolution images stolen from the web, Ferrari prints them -mostly in a 1:1 scale- to play with the idea of the palace-as-museum, that 18th century space that, through revolution, was opened to the public and served as a tool for civilization. Searching for frescoes by Tiepolo, he found The Immaculate Conception on the Google Art Project -a 100MB file- and became obsessed with the quality of the images he could get online. He looks for the gloss, crackle and the paintings in their original frames. “It was a matter of improving the internet search to get high resolution pictures. I realized that I could open a museum anywhere.” he says. Ferrari clearly admires the greatest of the art of the past, but also questions its exclusivity, bringing the masterpieces to Argentina or someone’s home through appropriation, his DIY attitude and a little bit of theft.
The term post-internet refers to a state of mind that conceives the world as a network; another way of thinking. In the context of these artists’ production, we can apply it to how they create being conscious of the networks they are operating in - from inception to production and how it is distributed. But it doesn’t just apply to how artists produce art, but to how they team up with other art workers to generate other projects. Buenos Aires is an exciting art city mostly because of all the galleries and collectives you might not hear of, yet are essential. Some of the artist-run galleries that have been important in the past few years won’t necessarily be there when their lease expires -Rayo Lazer, Urgente, Inmigrante, Isla Flotante, Bonjour, Big Sur and Militantes are some of the standouts- but they all would have shaped a generation of artists that conceive their work as part of a greater, multi-platformed art world.
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
They have the whole package– money, fame, and beauty. They seem unapproachable and distant because they seemingly belong to another universe to which we are not granted access. The celebrities sell not only their professional skills, but also their own image. How many times did stars do something just for publicity’s sake? As long as the people from the magazines, TV screens and the YouTube videos are representing them positively, the sale is going well; and even if the feature is negative, any news is good news (it’s when they stop talking about you that you have a problem). That’s why everything that can tarnish the luster of their glamor is kept strictly confidential (same as any of us would do in all honesty). We think celebrities are flying above the social norms and trivialities. However, human as they are, nothing human is alien to them and now and then their dirty little secrets are made public. From secret love affairs and weird sexual fantasies to addiction problems and unusual obsessions, fears and personal hygienic habits– our beloved stars have them all. The famous folks might have thought their secrets would follow them to their graves, but forgot that eventually the truth has to come out. And we have it right here.
#1 Shaquille O’Neal’s Thirst For Blood Having a fetish is not something one should be ashamed of– after all, if consented and not harmful, no practice in the bedroom should be considered vulgar or inappropriate; to each his own, right? Yet, Shaq’s fetish makes him the last person you’ll be willing to share your drink with because the guy uses his mouth for the strangest thing. Some years ago, his former wife, Vanessa Lopez, filed a suit against him claiming “invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress”. During the trial sessions, Lopez revealed some disturbing intimate facts about the legendary basketball player. When asked if Shaq had any sexual hang-ups, she said that he’d often perform oral on her while she was on her period. Actually, this is a clinical condition which is called menophilia and is characterized by getting sexually aroused by menstrual blood. The fetish-lovers brotherhood, however, don’t care for the Latin name and call Shaq’s drive simply “bloodhounding”.
#2 Russell Brand’s Secret Box Of DVDs If you thought Shaq’s fetish was weird, check out what Russell Brand does for fun when he is alone at home. The eccentric Brit’s looks and reckless behavior would suggest that he is into kinky stuff. After his break-up with Katy Perry, she went to his place to collect some of her belongings and found a box full of unlabeled DVDs. Katy couldn’t resist the temptation and played some of them. What she saw made her eyes pop out of her head. On the home-made videos, Russell was doing what is called “air sex”– fully clothed, he was heavily pounding an invisible partner. This might seem quite an improbable way of satisfying oneself, but it’s actually a thing, which originated and was first documented in Japan. All in all, it’s like playing an air guitar, only with more moaning and more wriggling involved.
#3 Denise Richards’ Girl-On-Girl Experience Most people are used to thinking that lesbianism is monopolized by robust, masculinized ladies who dress in baggy jeans and know how to use a jigsaw and change a tire. Stereotypes, however, are not what they used to be. Especially the ones linked to naughty preferences and practices! Just look at this drop dead gorgeous beauty, Denise Richards! It’s true that her divorce with Charlie Sheen in 2006 attracted more attention and inspired more headlines than her film roles, but although ten years have passed since then, she keeps on surprising us with curious facts about her intimate life. If you have read her memoir The Real Girl Next Door (which became a New York Times Best Seller!), then it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that she has had a homoerotic experience. It was during an interview with the infamous radio host Howard Stern that she kind of came out, confessing that “a long time ago” she met this woman through friends, and she felt… curious. They were both curious, in fact. She was reluctant to reveal the name of the person, but what is known is that she is also pretty famous and is, in Richards’ own words, “a beautiful girly girl.”
#4 Sandra Bullock’s Foul Face Care Treatment When it comes to maintaining their seemingly ageless beauty, many Hollywood female stars subject themselves to all sorts of absurdly alternative beautifying procedures. Some of them are very expensive, yet effective if we judge by the appearance of the Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher. She regularly takes… wine baths. Others are weird, mildly put, like Demi Moore’s method of detoxing– she lets leeches suck her blood. But what Sandra Bullock does beats them all. Miss Congeniality applies hemorrhoid cream on her face because she believes it makes her skin glow. The other effect of the product is that, when applied under the eyes, it decreases inflammation. In other words, the cream, which is in fact a vasoconstrictor, is supposed to reduce puffiness. Actually, it makes a lot of sense, since hemorrhoids are… well… puffy.
#5 Martha Stewart’s Naughty Texting… And Other Things What can be more shocking than catching a whole nation’s, 71-year old domestic goddess in “inappropriate for her age and social status” conduct? Probably only Kim Kardashian becoming a nun. But, of course, there’s nothing inappropriate about a woman, no matter her age or occupation, participating in some Internet dating, as Martha Stewart confessed some time ago. But, if checking hot guys’ profiles still sounds too innocent to be on this list, how about imagining this hugely successful business woman engaging herself in a threesome and sexting with strangers? She must have been really bored living in that 35,000-square-foot residence on Mount Desert Island to take on alternative forms of entertainment. We don’t know how much of the rumors about her romantic life are true, but she herself has reluctantly disclosed that her intensive sexting once led to an actual one-night stand. Good for you, Martha! You give hope to all women who fear there is no fun time after menopause!
#6 Brad Pitt’s Bad Odor Routine His fellow actors and his closest friends always know, without a shade of a doubt, when Brad Pitt was somewhere before them. The stank he leaves behind is so unbearable that the guy’s armpits should be declared weapons of mass distraction. Reliable sources claim that one of the most desirable men on the planet completely stopped using deodorant and soap years ago. Some blame it on the fact that Brad Pitt has become all green, so instead of all those cosmetic products that damage the environment, he uses a natural portion of lemon, water and apple cider vinegar to get rid of the repelling smell of perspiration off his body. It obviously doesn’t work effectively, as many complain about the smell coming from him. Not long ago, his Inglourious Basterds co-star Eli Roth shared some inside the set info, “When he was sweating and didn’t have time to shower, he’d just take a baby wipe and rub his armpits with it.” Our advice: Do it more often, Brad! A wipe now and then won’t harm a forest!
#7 Scarlett Johansson’s Back Seat Fantasy This classy hotness surely appears in millions of men’s dreams. Now, her male fans from around the world have been given another incentive to further improve the quality of their dreams featuring the 32-year-old actress and model. Johansson has recently disclosed that her greatest turn-on is doing it in the back seat of a car. “To me, having sex in a car is sexy, and if I have to think of doing something kinky and crazy, I’ll definitely go for the back seat.” That’s it, people, the mystery’s revealed, and if you get lucky to be around Scarlett one day, do not try to seduce her with expensive jewelry, or fancy meals and wines. Just offer to give her a ride in your car! And who knows? You may get lucky.
#8 Keith Richards’ Weird Act Of Remembrance To His Dad Nobody who started their career in the music business in the 1960s, and I mean nobody, has remained untouched by the glorious days of sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. This is especially valid for the musicians of the legendary rock bands, most of whom have admitted to having consumed all kinds of substances in their time. But none of those are as bizarre as the one Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones is said to have sampled. In 2007, NME magazine revealed that the 72-year-old guitarist once mixed his father’s ashes with cocaine and snorted… him. The veteran of drug marathons is convinced that his father wouldn’t have objected at all, and adds that “he went down pretty well.” Years later, Richards now realizes that being still alive after decades of drug and alcohol abuse is pure luck, and he advises others not to follow in his steps. And definitely to abstain from snorting their parents!
#9 Matthew McConaughey’s Food Fetish Food can be hot not only smeared all over the body of your naked girlfriend who is waiting for you to eat her up. The 47-year-old Oscar winning actor sometimes has to stop eating because he enjoys food so much that he literally becomes aroused. If you wonder how he maintains this super fit slender body of his given that he likes eating that much, the answer is simple– the guy prefers to go hungry than to get turned on. Just imagine how embarrassing it must feel being in a fancy restaurant and get a huge boner over a dish of lobster tails with garlic and chili butter! The actor himself once said to Britain’s InStyle Magazine that when he savors something that feels good on his palate, he gets tingles down his spine which can be so forceful that he needs to stop eating if he doesn’t want to lose himself in blissful ecstasy. Another fetish the star admits to have is the smell of suntan lotion; the one with coconut fragrance draws him the most. “That smell brings back the sweetest memories of women in bikinis,” McConaughey says.
#10 Megan Fox’s Dysfunctional Toilet Habit You look at this girl and you say to yourself, “Wow, she is so perfect that I doubt she is really human!” Well, the devastating truth is that the 30-year old actress and model is not only of flesh and blood, but she is also one of those people you’ll probably find disgusting to live with. She might be a global heartthrob, but as regards her hygienic habits, there’s room for improvement— a lot of it. The Transformers babe very often forgets to flush the toilet. And not only in her own home, but also in other people’s houses! She must realize how repulsive this is because not once or twice has she admitted in interviews that she is horrible to live with. Besides being negligent about her going-to-toilet routine, she is also very messy. “My clothes end up wherever I take them off.” Well, Megan, sweetheart, although you kill in a bikini, we must say, being that untidy is definitely far from sexy!
#11 Robert Pattinson’s Bad Hair Day Every Day It came as a surprise to those who know of Robert Pattinson‘s problematic personal hygiene when he became the face of Dior Homme Eau. Was it a joke? After all, the star from the Twilight series is famous for not being a big fan of showering. He once didn’t wash his hair for six weeks in a row! “I don’t really see the point,” he says. “If you don’t care if your hair’s clean or not, then why would you wash it?” Solid logic, but still, it remains a mystery how he manages to look so awesome and well-groomed. His sex appeal is something the crew members working with him on a set in Vancouver obviously don’t care about as they can’t stop criticizing him. As one of the anonymous insiders put it, “He stinks. I mean, it’s awful. He never showers, and it drives people on the set crazy.” So much for the cool vampire appeal!
#12 Harry Styles’ Double Trouble Harry Styles from One Direction has four nipples! Of course, it’s not particularly a dirty secret one needs to hide, but to some it may sound like something you wouldn’t exactly brag about either. However, girls thought the two extra nipples looked just great on Harry’s tanned torso when in 2012 paparazzi caught him sunbathing on the board of a luxury boat in Australia. Despite his genetic defect, the 22-year-old English singer doesn’t seem embarrassed at all. Actually, whenever asked about it, he likes to joke that the extra nipples might have belonged to a twin brother, who didn’t make it to the world but left him his nipples as a form of legacy. Probably because Harry finds stripping so liberating (as he claims), his fans think he is dreamy– four nipples or not.
#13 Thora Birch’s Family History In “Showbiz” Nobody can choose their parents and, one way or another, we all have a past we cannot just erase and pretend didn’t happen. Thora Birch‘s professional path was pretty much mapped out from before she was born, as both her parents were kind of in the show business. Indeed, she started acting as a child and even won an award for Best Young Actress Under Nine Years of Age, but her breakthrough role came with the Oscar winning film American Beauty, in which her performance was applauded both by the critics and the audience. Her parents must be very proud of their daughter’s achievements, although the movie in which they both appeared in 1972 is no less unforgettable and covered in more glory than American Beauty. That movie is none other than the adult film classic Deep Throat, and Jack Birch and Carol Conners, Thora’s mom and dad, are former stars of the industry.
#14 50 Cent’s Shameful Bankruptcy It must be really humiliating for someone who has built one’s career on the classical attributes of rap music (i.e. money, bitches, furs, and fast cars) to go bankrupt. And be forced to hide it! In 2015, the former hottest rapper out there filed a statement of his financials in Connecticut bankruptcy court. From the statement, it became clear that Curtis Jackson drained a $25 million fortune just in a few years’ time. The rapper claimed his bankruptcy was a result of some bad business investments (and following lawsuits), but the truth cannot be concealed– back in his best days of fame and glamor, the man kept throwing money around like a maharaja. Although he owned money to creditors and lost a scandalous lawsuit, which stripped him of another couple of millions, 50 Cent kept posting pictures of himself buried in piles of money. When the court asked him to explain this unexpected wealth, he responded it was all fake money. Yeah, as if!
#15 Daniel Radcliffe’s Booze Addiction How time flies! Year after year, we have been so engulfed in following Daniel bringing the magical character of Harry Potter to life that we somehow failed to notice when the child star grew up. And the fact would have continued to escape us if it hadn’t been for his confession that he had a drinking problem, which, however, he beat in 2010. The actor revealed that he’d sometimes show up on the set of Harry Potter still drunk from the night before. In an interview for The Guardian, he said he turned to alcohol to cope with the pressure of fame and potential failure. Although it sounds like a big cliché, it’s actually a common practice among child stars to embrace bad habits. The examples are quite numerous– Lindsay Lohan, Drew Barrymore, Mary-Kate Olsen, Macaulay Culkin… This is how Radcliffe explains the inclination of the young celebrities towards alcohol and drugs, “It’s the pressure of living with the thought, ‘Oh, what if all these people are saying I’m not going to have a career? What if they all are going to be laughing and I will be consigned to a bunch of “Where are they now?” lists?”
Source: TheRichest
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