#the gay & diverse firefighter show
Remembering why I muted the Buddie tag in the first place.
Why shippers seem to be unable to ship their favorite (non)couple without bashing and harassing other actors is beyond me.
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neverevan · 15 days
You know what I really love? Not just because they look hot together but because tv doesn't usually do that - they took two incredibly tall beefy manly masculine "macho" firefighters and let them kiss. They didn't try to make one of them more "feminine", they let them be who they are even if that's very similar. I appreciate that so much
yes YES exactly!! they gave us scruff and didn't change their masculinity at all; Tommy's still into monster trucks and muay thai and Buck is still into women and they are who they are regardless of being queer.
I honestly don't think any other show has ever done bi or even queer rep this well; including the diversity we get between Michael — a masculine gay, black man and both guys he dated on screen, who fall into the same category — henren — two black lesbians with very different and well fleshed out personalities — and Josh, a slightly feminine gay man, who is played by an actual gay actor of syrian descent and now Buck and Tommy, two big burly firemen who discovered themselves later in life.
I just haven't even heard of anyone doing it like 911, certainly not any show its size.
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exhuastedpigeon · 1 month
Buckxtommy? Eww 🤢🤢 tommy is racist
I wasn't going to answer this because you're clearly a child without the ability to understand that characters, like real people, can grow, but actually I'm going to answer it and it's going to be LONG.
This got really long so I'm putting it under the cut but if you don't want to read it there's the TLDR:
Tommy was, at best, a passive member of the boys club at the 118 when we first meet him and at worst an active member who made Chim and Hen's lives harder when they first joined, but as the shitty people left the 118 and were replaced with less shitty people, Tommy starts to become kinder and more accepting and less of a toxic macho man.
He's friends with Chim and Hen when he leaves the 118. He's been away from the 118 for probably 7-8 years at this point and in that time he has clearly continued to grow.
People can change. People do change. Sometimes it takes meeting new people to spur that change and sometimes it takes a change in scenery. For Tommy it seems to have taken a mix of both to get him to where he is today - a funny, sweet, kind, queer man who is willing to STEAL A HELICOPTER and FLY INTO A FUCKING HURRICANE because someone he worked with for a few years almost a decade ago had a hunch. He believed Hen and Chim. He trusts them and they trust him.
So here's my question anon? Why don't you?
And now for the very long part under the cut...
When we first meet Tommy Kinard in Chimney Begins he is a part of the old boys club that is the LAFD and the 118. He's a person surrounded by shitty people and he adapts and behaves like them.
We don't know much about Tommy, but by the end of the episode he accepts Chim as a teammate and friend because Chim proves himself to Tommy. Do I think you should have to prove yourself to be accepted? No. But i understand the thought process because you're relying on people to have your back and save your life. We also find out Tommy's favorite movie is a romcom - not your typical toxicly masculine answer.
He shows growth in Chimney Begins and I cannot stress this enough, at the end of that episode Chim and Tommy are friends. We don't have an exact date at the end of Chimney Begins, but we can assume based on when Bobby joins and when Hen joins that it was at least a decade prior, if not more to where we are currently in canon.
In Hen Begins Tommy is still a part of the boys club at the 118, but you can see that he (and a lot of the team) don't actually agree with Captain Gerard, but he's their boss. They can't exactly call him out because that puts their own job on the line. You can see Tommy look at Gerard like 'what the fuck' when he calls Hen a "diversity hire" but he doesn't say anything in that moment - Chim does and Gerard brushes him off.
Sal makes a gay joke about Tommy in this episode and Tommy plays it off as a joke because what else is he suppose to do? Tommy looks uncomfortable when Gerard starts going on about female recruitment in the LAFD and him saying/implying that female firefighters aren't as strong, etc. He doesn't say anything, but I ask? Would you be brave enough to risk your job for someone you just met a few months ago?
When Hen gives her big speech Tommy looks back at Chim and sees him nodding. He looks at Chim because (I think) he's reminded of how they treated Chim when he first started. It's Tommy that says Hen's instincts are good after she disobeys orders and goes looking for another victim (who would have died if she hadn't). Tommy and Sal shake her hand and then Tommy pats her on the shoulder and says 'you're good'.
This interaction is both similar to and different from Tommy's 'moment' with Chim. Similar because it seems like Tommy needs new firefighters to prove they can be there before he trusts them and different because the Chim and Tommy moment is framed as the start of a friendship and that moment with Hen and Tommy is framed as the start of a good working relationships.
The next scene is Hen talking to their new interim captain about how her colleagues are impressed with her and how they've filed complaints against Captain Gerard. We can assume that Tommy was one of those colleagues.
Then we get Bobby Begins Again - Tommy is laughing and joking with Hen about how long the new captain will last. Tommy even asks to place a bet on credit and Hen jokingly says he better pay because she knows the bookie.
Tommy is shown to be a part of the team - the Hen and Chim team - on calls. Yes, he's still friends with Sal but he's much less likely to be at Sal's side when Sal makes shitty comments. Tommy even tells Sal to stop when Sal starts going off on Bobby.
The next scene we see Tommy in is him hanging out with Hen and Chim at a bar - when Hen tells them that Bobby didn't fire Sal, he suspended him and found him a new spot, Tommy takes that information and accepts Bobby because he finds out he's a good man and a good captain.
Then we see Tommy, Chim, Hen, and Bobby hanging out, sharing war stories. We even hear Tommy talk about 'scars helping him get women' because he's still not out with the team yet - he's still hiding that part of himself because he isn't ready yet (and because that wasn't a part of the storyline for Tommy at the time).
The rest Tommy's part in Bobby Begins Again is just showing how the 118 is becoming more than just a team - family dinner for example. Tommy smiles and is excited at the idea of 'family dinner'.
When he leaves the 118 Hen and Chim are happy for him and celebrate the move because it's a good career move for him. They even smash his face into the cake!!!
AND THEN in Broken Chim calls Tommy to ask him for a favour. A favour that saves the 118s asses.
That doesn't even touch on the Tommy of today - the Tommy who is brave and kind and trusting and funny. The Tommy that Chim is friends with, that Eddie is now friends with, that Buck has a HUGE crush on.
If you like the Firefam (which I'm hoping you do since they're the main cast of the show) I would hope you also trust their judgement. If they like a character who wasn't great in the past but has grown, we should see that growth and hopefully like them too.
You can dislike Tommy all you want, but don't try to tell me it's because 'he's racist' because that isn't true. He's evolved like people do. We should want more characters like Tommy because they remind us that just because we've done something shitty in the past it doesn't mean we can't grow too.
Anyone who says OOH TOMMY IS A RACIST HOW CAN YOU LIKE HIM clearly doesn't watch the show. Just because his development happened off screen doesn't mean it didn't happen.
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nymph1e · 1 month
I've officially gotten to the point of liveblogging my watch of 911 abc. I'm like 7 episodes in to season 2. Here are my current thoughts:
I miss abby (not as much as buck lol) but I'm glad they found a way to get rid of a female leading character without killing them off.
Buck and eddie are really really gay. I was not expecting it to be this gay. I went into this expecting the shipping to be a reach but oh boy no. We got fucking early 2010s levels of - well I'd call it queerbaiting but this show is too fucking queer to be baiting ANYTHING. I just. How is this unintentional???
Not loving the whole "boy needs his mother" storyline that's going on this episode. It's giving nuclear family norms. It's giving heteronormativity. And considering how opposed to this shit the show is I expect it not to last long.
Literally so pissed no one told me how progressive and queer this show is. Like all I saw on social media was firefighter bits and bobs, and buddie - which as far as I could tell was typical queerbaiting. What do you MEAN this show is about found family? What do you MEAN this show has a married lesbian main character? What do you MEAN this show is about moving past your fuck ups, being open to new experiences and diverse groups of people. What do you MEAN I could have been watching this for years and I was sitting here thinking it was another hurr durr comphet police procedural stand in??? What do you mean?!
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
I would love to see the show touch on how Carlos deals with being a gay cop of colour. We could have such an insightful and thought provoking storyline.
I also just want to see them do this with other characters:
1. Marjan being a Muslim woman in a male dominated workplace. She’s the only female firefighter.
2. Mateo being an immigrant.
3. Paul being trans and black (they’ve touched on the difficulties of him being trans briefly but they could do so much more).
4. Nancy and Tommy being woman of colour.
These characters are more than what I’ve listed and Austin is a fairly liberal place but I think it’s a disservice to this incredibly diverse cast not to delve deeper into these things.
Oh I absolutely love this and I agree! I want to see more, to dive deeper into story lines and just build on the characters we already know and love. There's just so much they could touch on, I'm not sure if they have the time to do so, but I think they might do a bit.
I remember reading Paul gets a love interest this season - maybe they'll dive more into his storyline in that too!
And I think we get a Marjan begins? That's been a working theory so maybe they'll talk about her being a Muslim woman in a male dominant work place.
All of these are brilliant and I really hope that we get more on each of these characters because there can be so many beautiful stories that come out of it.
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duckielover151 · 1 month
Some Thoughts on 911 Lone Star (Episode One)
I'm not planning to write up something for every single episode... just the ones that I feel really leave me with something to say. But definitely, to kick this rewatch off...
This is the type of show that smacks you in the face with its diversity agenda by the time the first episode is half over. And it's great. It just got me thinking how-- after Buck being announced as bi in the original 911 went viral, I saw people who were otherwise unfamiliar with these series starting to refer it as the 'gay firefighter show.'
Maybe this first episode blurb is more me trying to sell it to new fans than anything else, but honestly: both 911s were always 'gay firefighter' shows. If you're looking for a new series that's heavy on the diversity, look no further.
Just... to give you a little bit of a run-down on this spin-off's premise and these characters:
We open in New York City with Captain Owen Strand being approached by the fire chief from Austin, Texas about relocating there to help rebuild and repopulate a firehouse that recently lost all but one of its members in an accident on a call. Specifically, they're looking to diversify the force. They kind of skirt around coming right out and saying they got into legal trouble for not being inclusive enough but... you get the picture. Owen, fairly tactfully, points out that they're not exactly off to the best start, going to a straight white guy for the job, but they want him to lead this effort for one big reason: Owen once had to rebuild his own firehouse from scratch, after he lost his entire crew during 9/11. Something that has longer-reaching effects for him, as he's recently been diagnosed with cancer.
This opening episode does kind of give him a white savior type of vibe but... I didn't think it was too obnoxious. This time around, I have 4 seasons' worth of hindsight to be able to share that there is quite a bit more to his character: Owen's a good leader. But on a personal level, he can be almost childishly competitive and stubborn to the point of self-destruction. He is occasionally frustrating to watch... but generally a really likable character. As for the rest of the team:
TK Strand, Owen's gay, recovering addict son, Marjan, a Muslim woman, Paul, a black trans man, Mateo, a dyslexic Mexican American and Judd, who was the sole survivor from the accident and is dealing with PTSD at least in this first season.
And it doesn't stop there, but I think the point has been made for an initial rundown.
I think it's important to note that-- while a pretty big deal is made of their differences in this first episode-- literally being part of the premise of the pilot-- none of these characters feel diverse in a token sort of way. They've all got strong personalities and character quirks... Even when those differences are the focus of one of their plot points, who they are always takes precedence over what they are.
I actually went and rewatched this one first... so I haven't seen the pilot for the original 911 in several years, but I remember that one getting off to kind of a rough start. I love them both but I definitely feel like Lone Star is stronger from the beginning. It started, like, 3 seasons into the original's run, so the showrunners had some time to test out what worked, get a feel for the writing, etc. (I actually totally forgot that the Tarlos romance started right in with episode one. I saw Carlos eyeing up TK after the car accident call and then later in the bar... I feel like maybe the fandom has rewritten my memory a bit, because I definitely remembered TK being the bolder one.)
Anyway, I've fallen deep down this hole and am really looking forward to reliving it.
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hype-blue-fixation · 2 months
I don't wanna contribute to it, but I always thought shipping discourse in fandoms was so funny. Like the way that people try to police others is insane, especially when they create their own AUs and everyone judges it like its cannon.
I saw a post describing characters as dolls, but the way they took the argument kinda made the analogy fall apart. But I'm gonna use that idea: imagine every character as a Barbie.
There are thousands of Barbies. Vet, firefighter, race car, trans, black, latinex, etc. and from a consumer standpoint, that's an amazing range of diversity and inclusion. The company goes out of their way to make sure they can represent as many people in their dolls as possible. But do the girls/boys playing with those dolls care? Not really. Vet barbie can become skydiver barbie if she wants to. Fashionista barbie can play in the mud if she wants to. Whatever makes the kid happy, and we don't loom over them and tell them how they "should" play with their toy.
Now apply that to fictional characters in a show. There's an asexual, a gay, a straight, an egotistic crap bag, a shy and quiet bean. From a consumer standpoint, that's a great diversity. The show is going out of its way to represent these different kinds of people. But the fans don't have to care. They can create their own AUs and self-indulgent stories. They're enjoying themselves and we don't have the right to tell them how to play with their toy. If we find it problematic, then we can just leave them be. Use our energy to build up our own worlds instead of tearing theirs down. The fans are not the company. And we're pretty much just big kids.
(Disclaimer: I am not a proshipper. There are some things that are blatantly problematic. But if someone creates their own AU that isn't problematic or breaks cannon, then let them live. I'm just tired of seeing things like people arguing over sexuality, the "that wouldn't happen in cannon" police, or why some ships are "problematic" when they really aren't.)
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gaykarstaagforever · 6 months
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This is a list of scripted ABC shows from the last season. I haven't heard of most of them because I'm not 63 so I'm going to guess what they are about from the titles and then check and see how right I was. Or if my idea is better.
1. The Conners was that reboot / sequel of Roseanne. But then Roseanne was insane and racist in real life so they kicked her off of it. I assume it was retooled to now be about the family becoming private eyes and traveling from town to town in a gadget-loaded super RV, solving mysteries.
You should all note before I go on that most of what I know about network television comes from the 70s and 80s. Back when it was also cheap and lame, but at least fun.
2. Abbott Elementary. Probably just Community / The Office, but in an elementary school filled with a diverse cast of quirky characters who only seem to date each-other. I bet they do a lot of jokes about helicopter parents and people getting offended by seemingly innocuous things. There is probably a sassy brown person whose culture is played for light-hearted comic relief.
3. Station 19. Firefighter show, where all the firefighters look like soap opera actors. Most of the show is people having arguments and making out, then like 3 times a season stunt people in face-hiding fire gear fight a big fire inspired by some thing that happened in the news around the time they were filming the show. I bet the tag line is "And you thought the hottest action would be the fires!" Occasionally old actors from 80s movies will cameo as someone's parents. I am falling asleep just typing about it.
4. Grey's Anatomy. Oh my god. In real life these people would have retired from being bad doctors by now. Or be in jail.
5. The Rookie. I looked this one up due to the last post. Nathan Fillion plays a 50 year old rookie LAPD officer. Because they wanted to do a cop show with him but he's too old for that, without the premise. He probably has to learn about diversity and drugs or something. No one ever gets shot and they don't show LAPD white supremacist cop-gangs doing dog fights or anything. Wasted potential.
6. The Goldbergs. I've heard of this. It was some writer's Everybody Hates Chris about his 80s secular Jewish family. Obnoxious old people watched it to be reminded about how they just don't make good rock music like that anymore, man, because they are too old and lazy to go find new music they might like via streaming platforms. It has been cancelled. Good, if only to spare me that recurring conversation with people I don't like.
7. Home Economics. A rich white homemaker lady gets divorced and has to get a job as a home ec teacher at a public junior high to make ends meet? And she slowly learns to laugh and love again, while also coming to realize that poorer people are good for more than just mowing your lawn. There are hijinks about her wearing $600 shoes that get covered in cake batter. She has to rent part of her house out to an Indian immigrant family. Starring Delta Burke from 1995.
8. The Good Doctor. Ha ha ha. That show about an autistic doctor, except Hollywood doesn't know what autism actually is so he's just a deranged lunatic who gets away with shitty behavior because he's good at hearts.
But not in the fun, House MD, way.
9. The Rookie: Feds. This got cancelled so that means it was bad, even by low network TV cop show standards. I don't even know how to do that. Uh...some 50 year old TV actress I probably wouldn't recognize quits being a crime professor to become an FBI agent, after her son FBI agent goes missing under mysterious circumstances? And it ended in a cliffhanger when she got attacked by a polar bear in the middle of the jungle.
10. Not Dead Yet. My Name is Earl, but if Earl was a nice zombie. He has a best friend guardian angel played by Jaleel White.
...This actually just sounds like Highway to Heaven, if Michael Landon had been a zombie. And instead of brains he eats Jell-O, and he can take his limbs off and send them into air ducts and up drain pipes to help people, like trained rats.
...I'd watch a couple episodes of that, I guess.
11. Will Trent. Oh give me a break.
Okay. There is guy named Will Trent, who is on the run from the...CIA, because he was with them but then someone framed him for killing the Speaker of the House with a poisoned lapel pin. He now travels from town to town, helping average people and their sexy sisters out of jams, while also trying to figure out who framed him and what their master plan is, to clear his name.
The last season ended with it looking like the real villain is the First Lady, who belongs to some ill-defined anti-America cult.
It's probably based on a book series from the early 2000s that only the loudest uncles read.
12. Big Sky. Some cowboy thing, probably. Where all the cowboys are hunky stoic white men who are millionaire ranch owners. But you are still supposed to sympathize with all their "we gotta keep a-hold of this land at any cost" violent toxic male shit, because you are a postmenopausal my mother and want to have sex with these men.
It's one of those shows that just "accidentally" has zero POC cast members, who aren't one-shot drug-runners or coyotes or thugs hired by rival ranch owners.
One-shot because that is how all of their characters are killed.
It probably got cancelled when some writer got smart and tried to do a thinly-veiled anti-Trump allegory and all the Evangelicals turned on it. Tucker Carlson probably got mad about it for 3 minutes, before he interviewed some Russian politician about how the Ukrainians hate Jesus.
13. The Company You Keep. Black women try starting and running a bakery. It quickly devolved into a romantic melodrama. Black audiences never cared and white audiences wanted more sexy rich cowboys.
I don't know. It's ABC. Every seasonal lineup has at least a couple token shows starring POCs that get immediately cancelled after one season, because they aren't serious attempts at anything outside of the politics and so never connect with an audience.
Also all of them are still written by white men, so what chance could any of them have, really?
14. Alaska Daily. Northern Exposure, but the protagonist edits a news blog when not busy solving quirky small-town mysteries. The Janitor from Scrubs might be in it.
...Well. WAS in it.
This Twin Peaks thing is hard to pull off in a compelling way unless you are willing to go kookoo-bananas with it.
15. A Million Little Things. This one "ended," which means the cast wanted too much money after so many seasons, so "the producers had always planned from the beginning to wrap things up after 5 seasons."
It was probably one of those shows that just follows a "typical American family," which happens to have soap opera problems every week based on things the writers heard CNN say people in the Midwest are mad enough over to vote for Trump again.
It probably had a regular cast of like 16 people, and was on the giant TV in the showroom of every US car dealership at least once. Until someone changed it to that show which is just Kitchen Nightmares, but Gordon Ramsey has been replaced by a balding round man who lacks his charm and good heart and is just an asshole to struggling restaurateurs.
You know the one.
Or, at least, your parents do.
Update: The Conclusion
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scattered-winter · 2 years
also. im suddenly intrigued by this “911” thing u keep talking about. it looks like homosexual activity (that might actually be somewhat healthy for once??)
IT IS IN FACT!! I'm gonna ramble about it a bit because it's my current new favorite thing of all time. it's the show for the girls and the gays <3
there's 2 separate shows, 911 (the og, set in california) and 911 Lone Star (a spinoff set in texas). my favorite thing about both of them is that they have very wide diverse casts of characters, and the writing is overall very well done which is a nice change of pace from dc lmao
in 911, the main cast consists of two black women (one of which is a lesbian married to another black lesbian and they're raising a son together), a korean man, a mexican man who's also a single parent to a kid with cerebral palsy, and a woman who is a victim and survivor of domestic abuse. there's also a popular ship between two of the main male characters that isn't canon but it's widely believed that it will be soon. it's a character-driven show that doesn't have any set main character because everyone in the main cast and every main relationship gets the same amount of care and attention. my favorite favorite thing is that the familial/platonic relationships are JUST as important as the romantic shit and the found family in this show is SOOOOOO <33333 its a show for the aroaces, truly. it also has some of THEE m/f ships of all TIME.
there are also a lot of queer/poc side characters!! and the main female characters all have a life and friendships outside of their male (or female) love interests and it's sad that that's such a high bar for media but it's soooo <3333
911 lone star is my least favorite of the two, but I still love it a lot! the writing focuses a lot more on a specific Main Character (and he's like. the blandest most obnoxious white guy of all time smh) but there's still a very diverse cast and the found family is once again very <333333 in the main cast there's a black trans man, a hispanic man with dyslexia, a muslim hijabi, a black woman, a gay jewish man, and a gay hispanic man (who are one of the main canon pairings and one of my personal favorites in the 911 universe.) sadly the main white character is played by a more famous actor so a lot of the storylines center around him, but there's still quite a few storylines for the others!! there's a more correct 911 lone star in my head where owen (bland obnoxious white guy) dies in the first season for his son and wife's character development <33
so tldr if you're wanting good writing and a wide cast of characters who each get their own chunk of the story, I'd recommend watching 911 first, but lone star has its good moments too. it's also worth mentioning that both shows are about first responders (mostly firefighters/paramedics and dispatchers, but there's a few cops too) so there could be some triggering content since they're dealing with car crashes and earthquakes and shit. and there's also some copaganda vibes surrounding the cop characters but again, there's a more correct version in my head where they're vigilantes instead of cops
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agent-bash · 2 years
Please disregard this if you don’t feel comfortable answering/are unable to.
I was just wondering about diversity in the fire service. People always want for the show (and the others too) to be diverse in terms of race and sexuality but I have always felt that the show seems to do an okay job of this in what I imagine is representative of the profession. Eg there is significantly more men in FD and in positions of power and I imagine most of those men are straight and white.
Fire currently has a number of characters from different ethnicities and has one out gay character. Is this somewhat representative or could they do a better job of being representative of those who actually work in the service? Now I am aware that that breakdown is not representative of the community of Chicago, not even close, however I would have thought it was more so in the realms of the fire department.
Putting preface on this by saying, I'm white. I'm straight. And I'm a man. So if I say anything offensive or insensitive, please call me out so I can correct myself. There is a TL;DR for those who want to skip.
One of my less politically correct co-workers summed it up best (and I'm heavily paraphrasing here): 'If you want a shift that looks like 51 then you got to build it intentionally like they did on Lone Star.'
Most FDs, in Canada, the US and Europe are going to overwhelmingly be white and male. To use my own department as an example, here's what I can tell you. There is one person of colour on my shift. One person on a team of ten people who is not white. They're also a WOC because it's Bex. There are only two women (technically, three, more on that in a second). I can think of five POCs off the top of my head who serve on different shifts or in different houses. I can only think of four women who aren't paramedics (the third woman on my shift is a paramedic only). Obviously, I have not met my entire department. And I don't know the demographic breakdown in percentages, but what I can tell you is it's a lot of white guys. It's a shame, but it is the reality.
Departments are trying to change this. There's marketing and PR at play that I don't understand. And shows like Chicago Fire, the 9-1-1s etc. can help. If they skew the demographics, (and they are, believe me they are very much so) and people see someone who looks like them doing the job on TV then maybe it'll inspire them. And that's, hopefully, great for the future. But as it stands, Fire and firehouse 51's second shift is far more diverse than any you will step into IRL.
Sexuality is different and far harder to gauge. It's not something everyone is open about, and it's not something you have to reveal. I know firefighters who are openly LGBTQ, and I don't doubt for a second there are more who haven't come out yet, at least at work. But I'm also not naive enough to say that those people would be accepted and welcomed with open arms on their shifts if they did.
What I think is important for these shows, Chicago Fire (and PD), the 9-1-1s, the new one coming out and any more in the future, is that they don't only focus on these differences with these characters. Not all of Stella's storylines need to focus on her being a woman/WOC in the department. Not all Ritter's (though I don't think they've really focused on this on the job too much with him) need to revolve around him being gay. Do these things matter? Do these characters, and people who look like them, or love like them, IRL go through challenges I won't ever on the job (and not)? Yes. Of course. And these stories do deserve light cast on them. But they're also not all these characters are just like there not all the IRL people they can represent are. Stella and Ritter aren't good firefighters for a woman, or a black man, or a gay man, they are just good firefighters, and that deserves to be recognized for what it is as well.
TL;DR: Fire departments pretty much are a white sausage fest. And while I'm all for more representation (and I really hate the writing off of Mason in favour of a white guy) it has to be understood that as a reflection of reality, Chicago Fire does way better than people think.
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peachpxnic · 2 years
diversity win! the gay firefighter from the firefighter show broke up with his girlfriend
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toodrunktofindaurl · 3 years
First time hearing about this, what is station 19? :O
Oh boy okay, please bear with me!  I’m gonna go off for a second and add pictures to make it easier to read lmfao
Station 19 is a TV show following the story of Firefighters, all working at the same station. It’s set in Seattle, and often has crossovers (not just special crossover episodes but the normal episodes are often connected in very small ways) with Grey’s Anatomy. (which i do not watch and had no issue following Station 19 despite it!). There is 4 seasons so far, and the 4th season is still airing.
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So, honestly pretty standard and soapy, but it’s ABSOLUTELY worth a try and here is WHY:
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You first think it’s gonna mainly follow the story of the main character, Andy Herrera, the daughter of the Captain of Station 19, but the more you watch, the more it focuses on literally every firefighters working with her too, and pretty evenly at that!
Not to nerd out too much about it but that’s kinda why it lowkey became my main comfort show, I’ve never watched something that depicted found family and character developments (good or bad), and character interactions so well. All the characters have pretty fleshed out relationships with one another, they are all extremely close to each other (with some duos closer than most) and the cast chemistry as a whole is phenomenal. 
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Like, it’s about fighting fires and saving people in distress, but the show doesn’t forget to balance it out with a lot of just... chill, funny, or emotional character moments and that’s its strongest point by FAR. The scenes where all or a few of them are just hanging out are definitely my favorites, and here’s the great thing: THERE IS A LOT OF THIS, which is just so refreshing to see from a high-stakes drama like this. Season 3 gets a little dark and all over the place but y’know, just a rough patch to go through, and still plenty of very interesting developments and plotlines going on that are worth following.
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It tackles a lot of modern day issues, which can be a little tacky or on the nose sometimes, but it’s pretty well done and respectfully so. Not to mention the main cast is very diverse as well as the one-off characters, and their respective struggles regarding their differences is handled with care, at least that’s been my impression. So it doesn’t feel tokenistic, but again, that’s only my own point of view on it, i’m not the authority on this obviously.
There are ~7/8 main characters in the Station (it varies depending on the seasons), and among this ensemble: two of them aren’t straight (one bisexual woman and one gay man) and only two of them are caucasian, and no, it’s not the lead character! (Andy is latina) So all in all, it’s one of the most organically diverse cast I’ve seen in quite a while, and the focus of the show lies more with their relationships with each other (platonic mostly but romantic as well) and the family they made for themselves, more than with the firefighting itself. Which, by the way, there’s plenty of (of course), and it is always extremely cool looking to see and learn about. And firefighting isn’t JUST about fires, which makes every episodes nicely different and always exciting.
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So anyway, please give it a try, watch a few episodes, if it’s not for you that’s completely fine, but it is an interesting little gem of wonderful found-family goodness and very loveable characters! :)  and also ladies firefighters make gay brain go brrr
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festival-of-pudding · 2 years
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like seriously @peachworthy I squee about the gay firefighter husbands but this show is so much more than that. ok yeah it's a soap opera, it's basically ER in a firetruck, except it has actual diverse characters who go through actual story arcs? I've never watched an ensemble show where none of the ensemble bugs me?? I love the entire firefam??? and almost all the side characters except she who must not be named???? anyway Bobby is my love and also firefighter husbands
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youngbloodlisk · 2 years
things i have to say abt 9-1-1 + Lone Star after tonight's new episodes lol
ranting like hell
i would like to wish lucy AND taylor both a very Leave and i would like to wish Eddie and Buck a very kiss
they have better chemistry than the actual gay couple in Lone Star do. ???? Like ??? much love to tk and carlos I love them but if we can have mlm first responders in THE TEXAS ONE why not in the LA ONE......
yes YES we have wlw in the la one and we LOVE THAT Hen my lesbian fave and Karen........is also gay.............sorry guys I cant stand Karen but But but . But Eddie and Buck too !!!! PLEASE
and would it kill them to have a multisexual character on one of these shows
listen listen to me between 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star i can think of
- trans mc
- mlm mc couple
- wlw mc couple
and also good pretty diversity including interracial couples a mixed baby and an mc who wears a hijab All things you don't see on cable tv much at all right
so can i have a bisexual plz (and no I'm not counting eva. i count no representation that puts the character only in a negative light)
I'll take pansexual even like I'm not pan but fucks sake I'll take any multisexual
at this point I'll take woman who only dates men but kissed a women in one episode give me SOMETHING PLEASE
the gays attract other gays the lgbts attract other lgbts why do you think you hardly ever see a token gay in a friend group but often a token straight the gays CONGREGATE and that includes multisexuals you got a cast full of lgbt shit so throw in a bisexual !! put me on television basically
back to Karen though actually. can we not make one of the lesbian characters be sooooooooo hateable??
istg these writers make me dislike Karen more with every word she says
hen deserves a better gf sorry??? Idc !!!
Kinda hate these writers I won't even lie
maddie and chim coparenting made me sob they're so cute
chances that grace ryder has a single homosexual bone in her body: extremely low. but i wanna kiss this woman on the mouth
marjan is the love of my life fr For Real absolutely
yeah alright that's all i've got but now that I've done this and contributed to the gay firefighter show discussion expect this next week too (assuming we don't have another week break idk)
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
This is the problem right here, from Zavier's post on Twitter "Thank you to @ KristaVernoff and @ TheKileyDonovan for all the help, and giving me a place to let this lil Black, gay, femme voice shine". WTF does him being a "black, gay, femme voice" have to do on this Firefighter show? Maybe have wlw voices who have gone through the pregnancy process instead to write the story right.
I'm all for diversity and representation in the writer's room but again, the bigger issue for me is that it seems there's a lot of writer's in the writer's room that lack experience and that would explain the mess and inconsistency of this season. I mean in regards to Marina's storyline, no, his voice doesn't exactly help. But since he's gay, he could be representation for Tremmett example and should be able to write a gay relationship realistically. I would hope that Leah, the only wlw writer that seems to be in there, would have a lot of input in Marina's storyline but since all of these storylines revolve around men, it doesn't seem likely.
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santiagonex · 4 years
Watch 9-1-1: Lone Star on FOX
why? a loving father-son duo is the heart of the show... both of them are firefighters situated in New York
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the whole premise of the show revolves around the consequences of a tragedy that happens in Austin, Texas... long story short, the father is asked to build the affected firehouse in Austin entirely from scratch because of his experiences BUT keeping in mind that Department of Justice is involed because of an inclusivity issue down there
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at first the father is being hesitant, but when his son OD’s after the proposal to his boyfriends goes wrong, he decides it’s best for both of them to relocate to Austin
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and the fun begins, along with his son, the father (and now Captain of Firehouse 126) decides to seek out three badass exceptional experienced people and beg them to join the 126
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say hello to Marjan, a literal queen who loves danger and gets viral everytime she does something dangerous in the field
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and now onto daddy Paul, who has a gift for threat assessment... Sherlock Holmes is literally shaking right now... and yes, he’s transgender
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last but not least, Mateo, flunked out written exams... four times... but for some reason is exceptional in the field... thinks he’s stupid, except he’s not... yeah and poor king is allergic to cats I mean c’mon let him breathe
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to complete the team, here’s Judd, the sole survivor of 126's opening fire disaster... seems rude but his heart is in the right place... also suffers from PTSD which he believes doesn’t even exist... men and their pride
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yes there is a gay storyline involing T.K. (the son)... yes it’s full of angst, soft scenes, spicy scenes, banter, screentime, tongue kissing like they’re on netflix, shirtless scenes, I mean you name it
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who he has the gay storyline with you may ask... well say hello papi Carlos, the only police officer in the show and he’s gay... hello pop it off how iconic is that?
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the show can go from scenes like this
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to scenes like this in a span of 5 minutes... it’s safe to assume the show’s a mix between drama and comedy and weirdly, it somehow works
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also let’s NOT forget about the most underrated compassionate smartest loving character of the show Grace who’s a 9-1-1 operator (and Judd’s wife), we SEE you
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Liv Tyler is also there but we’re clamping our tongues cause her acting skills... anyways, let’s make all the people who were expecting a non-diverse non-woke cast for a show located in Texas even more mad by supporting this serve yeehaw and all that... let’s GO
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