#the game also states. yeah this is fucked up to the point you can consider literally ending all life as a measure to counterweight
balteus · 1 year
sometimes i wonder if im reading to much into the political implications of fromsoft games (armored core, dark souls, elden ring) but then i remember miyazaki has an actual degree in sociology so what do i know
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saerins · 8 months
𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆
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+ nagi seishiro x f!reader | wc 2.4k | content: fluff, high school setting!, some cursing
notes: this was something requested by an anon !! i realised this prompt was also done in my other fic whole except nagi was the second lead :’) also pleaseeeee excuse me if this is ass because i haven’t written in a long time T_T but i’m working on getting back properly !! <3
summary: he didn’t ask you out because he wanted to, yet nagi gets more than he bargained for in the end.
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“so, um, nagi, why’d you ask me out all of a sudden?”
it’s kind of an awkward situation to be in, you think, as you look around the arcade, shuffling your feet beside where nagi’s seated, trying to win some tickets from what you can only assume to be a music machine.
when he’d asked you out on a date yesterday, you didn’t think he’d take you to an arcade, of all places. (then again, nagi asking anyone out is sort of unbelievable, honestly.) if you knew sooner (or if nagi had bothered to tell you), you wouldn’t have worn such a nice dress for today.
besides, you’re not even sure why you’d agreed. call your state half-flustered or whatever, because you heard that nagi seishiro of all people does not bother with human relationships much. you’ve only ever seen him interact with mikage reo anyway—and you’d just chalked it up to him wanting it that way. nagi had never shown interest in girls or romance or that kind of shit, so cue your surprise when he asked you out yesterday, when he saw you at the bus stop.
“hey, wanna go on a date tomorrow?”
you blinked at him, utterly surprised because that was the first time that nagi had ever spoken to you.
“um, where to?” (you were still malfunctioning over the fact that he was asking you out on a date.)
nagi scratched the back of his head, and you could faintly make out reo a few ways behind him, watching on.
“hmm, not sure, i’ll text you tomorrow morning?” he suggested, pulling out his phone. “what’s your number?”
okay sure, you could’ve asked for more details, but it was hard getting nagi to respond to you at all. you’re pretty sure he was gaming, that’s why.
“oh, ‘cause reo asked me to.”
that… was not the answer you were expecting. “reo asked you to?”
nagi has a bad habit of not elaborating. you don’t really like that, because you don’t like asking questions, but you can’t help yourself now. this is too bizarre for you to let go.
“yeah, something about how he’s sick of me playing games all day long, told me to go get a date, then he’d return me my switch,” nagi mumbles, and you can’t help but think that reo’s plan may have backfired, considering how he’s on a date and still playing games.
while nagi’s grey eyes are focused on the screen in front of him, you find yourself drawn to the way he’s sucking in his cheek as he concentrates, the way his bangs fall over his eyes and how his fingers can respond so quickly to the lines on the screen.
“you’re pretty good at this,” you tell him, getting lost in how well he’s playing. the points on the screen gets so high he’s almost nearing the high score.
for a moment, nagi’s distracted by how close you are to him; your hair smells like citrus and it’s really smooth. it’s also the only time anyone other than reo has been this close and you’re not anyone so he doesn’t really see why you’re able to steal his focus from the game.
someone like you shouldn’t make him notice things that aren’t about games or himself.
but you do—and he misses the first note since the start of the game, though he recovers fairly easily.
he doesn’t know much about you, only that you’re in his class and you’re very pretty (now that he’s actually looking at you). you have a really cute laugh too, he realises, right when he wins the game and probably what’s a thousand tickets, with you rejoicing happily beside him.
“oh my god, you’re so fucking good at this,” you’re jumping and giggly and nothing like how quiet you are in school and why does he feel a little giddy knowing that he’s getting to see this firsthand? this doesn’t make sense. “okay, move aside, teach me, i wanna do it too.”
nagi obliges. it’s a pain having to teach someone else compared to doing it himself, he gets to know, as you miss probably half the notes on screen even when he tries to tell you how to do it. hell, he’s not really a good teacher.
you win about 300 tickets.
“not bad for a rookie,” nagi comments as you grab your own pile and stack it in your shared basket. the neon red and blue flashes pretty against your skin. it makes you even prettier, he feels.
you raise a brow. “nagi seishiro, wanna play a bet?”
no, not really. but somehow, he can’t quite turn down a game when it’s from you.
“what’re you betting?”
you hold out the basket in front of you. “i’m gonna find a game where i can beat you.” your chest is puffed out, like you’re determined, like you really believe you can. “if i lose, you can decide my punishment.”
nagi blinks at you. you’re… weird. you make his heart beat faster than usual. it’s a little concerning. “and if you win?”
grinning, you wink at him, “let’s leave that to later.”
whatever possessed him to spend the entire day following you around the arcade and watching you fail, he doesn’t know. you’re pretty bad at everything compared to him, but it’s not really fair—he’s probably spent ten times as much of his days in the arcade than you.
have you ever even set foot in here before?
nagi observes as you try desperately to beat him in ddr. you fail, naturally. your feet coordination really isn’t that good, but it’s pretty cute how hard you’re trying. you’re still pretty even at the end of it, even when you’re sweating and some of your hair is matted against your skin. he keeps that to himself though.
throughout the entire day, nagi finds himself entertained by your persistent insistence to beat him at something. it’s funny how you’re awful at the arcade games. it’s also funny how you’re honestly trying. it’s really no use but here you are, sweating once again from shooting hoops.
your 64 versus nagi’s 154.
“wow, you’re really bad at all these games,” nagi murmurs when he sees your score. “wanna go somewhere else?”
you’re quick to open your mouth but it takes you just as quick to shut it, probably knowing you’ll never beat him. at least, not today. “fine, you win,” you say through gritted teeth. you’re a little prideful; nagi’s learning a lot about you. “what do you want?”
nagi seems to have forgotten your earlier bet. he just shrugs and tells you to choose what you want at the exchange counter.
“you don’t want anything?”
nagi looks at the prizes with such disinterest it makes you wonder what can interest a guy like him. he shakes his head, “i can get anything i want anytime anyway.”
(the underlying insinuation that coming to the arcade with him is your only chance to win prizes flies right over your head.)
but when nagi looks at your slightly disappointed face, he tries to backtrack. “i’ll let you know when i think of something i want since i won,” he says, looking away from you. “but you choose one of the prizes today.”
turns out it’s so easy to please you. just like that and that smile is back on your face.
you choose a big goddamn pink teddy bear by the way. nagi sighs as he leaves the arcade with you. it’s probably a character nagi doesn’t know. he’s judging you, but then you hug it and smile at him and he forgets what he’s thinking about.
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“i know this was only because reo asked you to, but…” you mumble after you and nagi both finished eating dinner, sitting across from each other at the ramen shop. “it was fun.”
nagi’s not sure what this is. just a customary thing where you’re showing appreciation for the time you two spent together today? you’re looking away from him though, he’s pretty sure normal customs don’t dictate that. he’s pretty sure you’re supposed to look at him when you say that.
“why’re you looking away?”
you look at him in blank shock (an expression that he doesn’t know how to process—what’s so weird about asking you that?) before you smile helplessly. “you’re very weird, nagi seishiro.”
“what do you mean?” nagi’s clueless, in that nagi seishiro way only he can be.
a few seconds of silence pass when you try to make up your mind. it’s unnerving how big and wide his eyes are, especially when they’re focused only on you and nothing else. in the end, you manage with a shake of your head.
“it’s nothing,” you decide. telling him of your possible crush on him would not do any good, you guess.
something bugs nagi; he can’t understand what it is. he just knows something feels off but it’s not like he’s ever felt this particular kind of irk—he doesn’t know what to do.
when the time comes to leave the restaurant, nagi finds himself walking the opposite way to his home because you started walking first.
somehow, his feet follows you.
it’s stupid—walking this far away from the direction of his home is troublesome. it’ll be a hassle to get home when his bus is on the other side of the long gone restaurant. why is he walking you to the train station again when he’ll just see you next week anyway? you’re in the same class.
“oh, are you gonna take the train too?”
nagi blinks at you, drawing a blank at your question. he must’ve completely zoned out. did the both of you get here in complete silence?
“no,” he answers honestly. he doesn’t elaborate. as usual.
by now, that doesn’t surprise you. instead you just nod your head, a hesitance borne in the shuffling of your feet. “well,” you drawl out, dragging the syllable, somehow hoping this wasn’t the end of the night but it is. “this was a nice one-time date,” you settle for, smiling. you’re about to just say goodbye, but you bite on your bottom lip, contemplating, before you slip his phone out of his hand and slide the screen to the side, taking a picture of the both of you together, nagi looking at the screen in surprise and you winking beside him.
when you hand it back to him, you bite your inner mouth, trying not to grin. “in case reo asks for evidence,” you offer as an excuse. you totally didn’t want to take a picture with nagi. “he better give you your game back!”
nagi gets this fleeting feeling that he doesn’t know how to explain when he sees you smiling at him. like how you remind him of the color gray. not because it’s bland but because it’s his favourite color. you remind him of spring and the cool breeze and how refreshing it feels.
“it was a nice one-time date, nagi seishiro,” you chuckle before you turn around, ready to head into the station and probably never spend such time with nagi again. you’ll probably get over the sadness of what could’ve been pretty quickly. you think.
but just before you can enter, you hear the firm steadiness in nagi’s voice. “no.”
you whip your head around, not quite sure you heard him right. “no?” you narrow your stare a little, moving out of other people’s way as they push past you into the station. “as in, you didn’t like it?”
you hope he doesn’t mean it like that.
nagi looks away, earnestly processing it. it came blurting out of him, he didn’t even know what he said until he said it. “i won the bet and what i want is… this. again. with you.”
the implications of his words slowly sink in and it has you feeling giddy. nagi, the guy who barely cares about anything nor makes the time for anyone—is he actually telling you this? is he really saying he’d take you out more?
meanwhile, nagi’s feet stay firmly planted where he is, wondering why you make him feel like this, why you make him feel like he can’t get enough. you’re just… you. before today, he could honestly say you were insignificant. but just the way you are; how you speak, your smile, your laugh and your resilience—nagi likes it, finds comfort in it, somehow.
“then,” you say as you enter the station, face giddy with the excitement of something new blossoming. “i’ll wait for more dates with you, sei.”
the way you call him that makes his heart skip a beat and he’s left blankly staring at your figure as you retreat into the station, stealing his heart with you.
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“fine, fine,” reo sighs. it’s two days later on a monday and reo grudgingly gives nagi back his switch. “so, what’d you two do anyway?” he asks, shifting his gaze between nagi and you, though you’re at the other end of the classroom, talking excitedly to your friends.
nagi’s attention quickly transfers to his switch, already opening up a game to play. “nothing much,” is all he offers, and reo’s beginning to think maybe it was more of a punishment for you than a date.
reo sighs again, ready to lecture nagi for being the worst date ever when he pulls up his phone to look at the time. but he accidentally takes nagi’s phone instead, unlocking it to find his own chat thread—to which nagi doesn’t even bother saving his name (reo side eyes him but nagi doesn’t even realise).
that doesn’t surprise him, but what does is when reo realises your contact is saved—with the icon being a picture of the two of you together. you must really be something to be able to make nagi do something so idiotic like this.
“oi, nagi.”
nagi only responds with a raise of his brow. he’s still clicking away at the controls. reo guesses it must be a racing game from those sounds.
“if you guys get married i better be the best man for being your matchmaker,” reo teases, his grin filling his face.
even though nagi doesn’t respond, the champagne pink that brushes across his cheeks is enough indication to reo of nagi’s feelings for you.
looks like he never needed to worry after all.
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boyfhee · 1 year
UNKISS ⋆ nrk
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prompt · “you're so dumb” insert fond smile requested
g · bittersweet / fluff warnings · kissing, profanities wc · 0.9k
note · hi lily i hope u like this :< pls take care of urself, yeah? i luv u, and thanks to @flwrshee and @dokiyeom for beta reading + helping me with the ending. i asked both of them for advice and used neither's 😆☝️ go follow them
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riki follows you closely behind as you rush down from the hallways to the middle of the football ground for some reason, anger spilling around with every step you take. “riki, what the fuck? what the actual fuck? how could y— why did you do that?” 
“relax, it was just a kiss,” and his voice is calm, like it’s just a kiss, just a moment where his lips touched yours, like it’s an everyday thing, as if you’re making a big deal out of it by making it sound like he just committed a crime. you don’t know why or how he’s so normal about this while you feel every nerve in your body go off with sirens. 
“my first kiss,” you turn around hastily, your index finger pointed at him as he takes a step back to avoid crashing into you. “it was my first kiss, riki, and you took it. you, and you’re not even my boyfriend,” 
is this supposed to be a secret? yes. are you in the middle of the football ground throwing a tantrum like a five year old, for the world to know? also yes, and you couldn’t care less, actually. the fact that riki took your first kiss easily tops your list of concerns at the moment. 
“i am,” he blinks, as if he’s stating a fact, hands on his waist like he’s making a completely valid point. “a fake one, but i am still your boyfriend,” you roll your eyes, scoffing at his oh so true words before shooting him a glare. 
“that doesn’t even make sense. i thought i made it clear when i said ‘no kissing,’ at the beginning of this fake dating thing,” there were three rules, actually— no kissing, none of you are allowed to go on dates with someone else, this is a secret which means, none of you are allowed to breathe a word about this to anyone, not even your best friends. 
“well, what do you expect me to do when your friends dare me to kiss you?” another factual information falls off his lips, it’s actually true this time. truth and dare with friends— never a good option, especially when you’re playing with your fake boyfriend and when your friends are spawns of the devil. 
“i don’t know, you should’ve made an excuse to not kiss me, or you could’ve pretended to kiss me, you know, since this is all about pretending,” right, all about pretending, from pretending to date, to pretending to like each other, fake smiles and fake words of affirmations, fake sweet nothings whispered and fake claims of being in love— it’s all about pretending and riki, he isn’t enjoying this little play at all.
he doesn’t like that every i love you that leaves his mouth manages to convince the world but you. he hates that at the end of the day, every second spent with him is simply tagged as ‘fake dating’ under the chapters named after him in your life. riki despises the fact that no matter how true his feelings are, in your eyes, they’re just an act pulled by him to convince people he doesn’t care about, and he hates himself for not being able to tell you how he actually feels. 
“eh, what’s done is done. besides, it can’t be that bad to kiss me,” so, he just picks up pieces of you from the smiles and hugs you give him here and there, hoping that there will be a day when you will actually consider turning whatever you two have into something more serious, something real.  
you feel your cheeks heat up at his words as you turn around to face away from him. truthfully, the kiss wasn’t half bad. it only lasted for a few seconds, but the ghost of his lips still lingers over yours as if you’re the home they’ve been looking for. you can still taste faint flavour of strawberry from the strawberry milk he had during the game. the moment replays at the back of your head like a movie, one that makes your heart beat relentlessly everytime you think about it. you don’t even know why your mind keeps travelling back to it every now and then. 
“whatever, ‘ki, first kisses are important to me,” you like the fact that he hasn’t noticed your flustered face, he likes the little name you’ve given him unknowingly. “i wish we could just…unkiss or something,” 
“that isn’t even a thing,” he chuckles, earning another glare from you in return. “you’re so dumb,” your words make no sense, but riki can feel himself smiling fondly at your stupid thoughts, his eyes fixed on you while yours are staring at the horizon with slight annoyance. what you said is baseless, but the next second, he’s actually considering it; to unkiss, if that’s even a thing— he can make it a thing, perhaps,
the next thing you know, riki is cupping your face to make you look at him, and before you could say something, his lips are on yours again, catching you by surprise as he pulls you a little closer. you swear your heart might’ve just skipped several beats, another second passes as you process the situation, and riki pulls away the very next moment. “there, i returned your first kiss back to you,” 
and all it took riki is a kiss to find his way to your head, and an unkiss to find his way to your heart.
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bnhxx · 11 months
Coming out of my shell to say that I'm petitioning to be Leon's annoying little sister
Some platonic sibling hcs under the cut!!
Warnings: Platonic! Au, a little bit of sibling violence and A LOT of sibling banter, mentions of ptsd, drinking and alcoholism and events in RE2 and RE4
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It's always I want him to rail me! I want his babies! And I can respect that I can I can but...have you ever considered being his annoying little baby sibling that adopts him as your new family member 😇
Like yeah nah bro I wanna annoy him and tease him for having no rizz AT ALL and just all around annoy tf outta him 😤
Like he's an orphan but not AnYmOrE, scooping this traumatised boy up and making him WISH he never met you but also is weirdly protective you who "adopted" him as their "sibling", and now won't stop saying "point and laugh!" out loud everytime he does smth stupid in the middle of the office when hes back from a mission.
Like, please he just needs an annoying little sibling in his life, I know I can't fix him but by God can I be the annoying little sister he so desperately needs in his life
Like....I KNOW his heels have never known the wrath of MY FEET clipping his shoes up when he's walking too slow but he NEEDS to 😭😭😭 I need to post this and find my PEOPLE
Also I feel like being a sibling vibe you'd have tagged along as a civilian in RE2, also not knowing what the fuck was going on but hey, you're in this fucked up shit together now ig. 🤷‍♀️ And you have some family/friends out of state so after the event you take him to chill at a beach or smth w your family/friends bc you're both well deserving of a fucking break while this ptsd hits the both of you
n everyone talks about how fucking awkward he was w Sherry in game but ayo hes REALLY feeling it now...
Like you're joking when you're like "it's like you've never been to one of these Leon 🤨"
N he just looks at you like "Yeah I haven't 😐"
"You're like 😶....bro....you have now been absorbed.....as my older brother"
And he's like 🧐🧐🧐 at first bc what??? How do I interact w these ppl??? Why me???? but ofc they love him, he's RE2 Leon and although he's super fucking traumatised and still awkward asf he just wants to make a good impression on his friends' close ones
Also he's like sitting there like damn,,,,,I wish I had that 😔
So you're like wELP noW yoU dO 🤪
And of course they're super grateful to him bc he saved you so they treat him nicely but he kinda gets that a lot so he's just like 🧍
So after you tell them hes now your older brother you've deemed it so 🤗 they just start to treat him like that and he just, doesn't know what to do??? Do I salute them, (y/n)???
Do it make him salute them for at least three weeks until you tell him absolutely no one does that and he was stupid for ever believing you 😈
Tbh I feel like this would work for the first couple of times until he mentions it at work in passing n everyone's like 🤨,,,,so then the next time he sees you he just has that pissed off older sibling face and he's coming for you so you better have ran like you did in Raccoon City kahsjehs 🏃‍♀️💨
But yeah after a while you guys stay in touch, he's training and drowning his pain with alcohol and you're trying to get him into more healthier ways of dealing w his pain as well as laughing at him kshsjdhsjs
your just sort of there to support him even when he's pushing you away bc no idiot I will not leave you alone when you're training I will watch and I will LAUGH when you fall. But I will also cheer you on when you win and give you my favourite hello kitty bandaid if you ever get hurt 🥰
And he's super grateful?? Bc your like this stable sort of annoying person who's there for him no matter what.
Like he knows he can come to yours to crash if he's had one too many drinks to holds his hair when he's puking his guts out hungover.
Yes you are there in the morning to laugh and yell at him for being stupid but he also saw the glass of water you left on the couch next to the ibuprofen and chuck bucket for him. And the little blankets and they you always seem to have waiting on him when he arrives
Yes you will be there to do it all over again if he comes walking to your place after he's drunk again.
And Yes, you will also be there to show him all the dumb photos you took of him drunk on your Kodak once they get developed and cackle in his face 😈
He like actually learns to take a load off with you and relax a little bc you have a bond and you weren't just saying that when you took his ass on holiday, you really meant you'd be there for him and it means a lot to him bc he's never really had that stability in his life before 😔
Also bc the trauma bonding you just get him ✨️ like you can both relate to the horrors you saw and what you unknowingly found out about Umbrella.
Like maybe you work w him in the field or just as an archivist or smth but you're helping him w this cause too, dealing w the same or similar shit he's been dragged into so ofc you guys form a bond w each other.
And so by the time RE4 rolls around imagine you're like talking him through his mission on the radio n he's soo serious around Ashley and Luis so you can't help it you burst out laughing bc he's so stiff, and he's like THIS is a LIFE and DEATH siTuAtiOn now do your fUcKiNg jOb SeNd me tHe coOrDiNatEs
And you're like okay okay grumpy pants 😈 I'll give you the coordinates but you have to say pwetty pwease w a cherry on top for me 🥰
If it were anyone else he'd turn the radio off and find it himself but bc he does care for you, and you're like the only stable platonic thing he's had in ages he's like cursing and swearing until he FINALLY caves in and does it
So you give him the coordinates and just as he's about to go back to almost dying your like "I got that recorded fyi" and he's just 😤😤😤 at Luis for no real reason other than his 'little shit of an adopted sibling' kwhsjshdhd
But also imagine randomly calling him constantly bc you're really worried for him bc this time your not there with him and it scares you
And he's like, I'm not dying here bc who else is gonna put up w your shithead behaviour??? n you're just like, 'aww Leon!! 🥺🥺'
So hes like 'yeah so stfu and let me do my mission 😤' but you swear you can hear the smile in his voice through the radio
OR if you're there, with him it's even MORE chaos kshdjdhdjdn
Like imagine Luis flirting w you n him being all protective older brother on you, n you're just like 🙄 siblings amirite, btw Leon that's a prime example of how to properly rizz someone up you loser 😇 n your not running from ganados this time your running from him (again) 🏃‍♀️💨
If you engage in sibling violence he's like, you haven't hit me once this whole mission n you're like, I'm giving you a vacation since we're running for our godamned lives out here n hes thinking like 🥺 my shins have never know rest like this before since I met you 🥺
but he just gives you a little smirk 'heh' or some one liner and that's it he did it to himself his shins indeed do NOT know rest 💀
Being teased by him more and more as he matures but dw, you're always there to annoy him back 😇 and run tf away when he gives that older sibling look like he's about to wreck your shit for ever thinking of crossing him lajsjsjsbs
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tgmsunmontue · 2 months
Team Player 4/7
Hangster. Jake's cousin plays for the Sydney Roosters and gifts him with merchandise regularly. Bradley has an unexpected realization.
                He unsticks his tongue from where it’s lodged itself to the roof of his mouth and it makes a little gasping sound.
                “Bradshaw, you okay?” Jake asks, turning to face him and Bradley sucks in a breath, facing him is better, marginally. Jake is an attractive man, and he’s now got Roosters spread between his shoulder blades and Bradley needs to get ahold of himself. But not literally. He’s in public.
                “Yep. Yep. I’m good,” he manages to croak out.
                “Well, that makes two of us.”
                The grin Jake gives him is flirtatious and he wonders if Jake has always looked at him like that and he’s just never noticed before. Huh. Fuck. Maybe Nat is right. She’s never going to let him live that down. Even if he never tells her she’s still going to know though, damned mind reader.
                “Come on,” Bradley says, taking Jake’s hand in his and keeps his grin to a small little twitch of a smile when he catches Jake blushing again. He wonders if anyone has treated Jake gently. Sweetly. Not that he doesn’t want to rough him up and fuck him, but he also wants to keep on making him blush, the pink in his cheeks starting to become addictive.
                They go on the rides for over an hour, queuing up for disproportionate amounts of time considering the length of the rides themselves, but time in the queues goes fast enough, their conversation flowing just as easily as it had in the car ride. They make each other laugh with stories about their friends and themselves doing stupid shit, and he doesn’t let go of Jake’s hand whenever they’re simply standing around. Jake gets more comfortable with him as well, his finger hooking into his belt loop occasionally and tugging him to stand close, another point of contact between them and he can’t pretend it doesn’t turn him on.
                Of course Jake wants to go to the arcade and play some games, and Bradley knew it was going to come to this, they’re far too competitive to not and he refuses to bring that aspect into whatever new thing they’re beginning to forge here. He draws Jake close, fingers grasping at the fucking hoodie which he’s tried to keep out of his line of sight, at least the back.
                “I don’t want to compete against you. Not here. Not now. I’m happy just watching you be impressive.”
                “You think I’m impressive?” Jake asks, his smirk all flirty again and Bradley grins back at him, eyes flicking to Jake’s lips then back to his eyes. God he wants to kiss him.
                “I know you’re impressive,” Bradley states, and again Jake pinks up and oh, how about that then huh?  “How about you win me something…”
                “Win you something? If I win anything I’m keeping it for myself.”
                “I can be okay with that too…”
                “Can you now?” Jake says, tone teasing and Bradley can’t help it, gives in and quickly presses his lips to Jake’s, soft and chaste, over before it’s even started and Jake just blinks at him.
                “Yeah, I can. Come on, show me what you’ve got.”
                Jake then proceeds to spend too much time and money collecting tickets and winning the games, focusing on the games that require precision aiming, his first attempt deliberately failing until he figures out what the trick is to make them harder to win, then winning perfectly on his second attempt. He’s clearly competing against himself, but he keeps throwing little looks Bradley’s way and six months ago he would have taken them as a challenge. Now though? Now he’s pretty sure Jake just wants his attention, and he must know he has it. All of it.
                “Look! It’s a rooster!”
                Bradley does look, attention drawn away from the man to the absolute horror he’s holding. It is indeed a rooster; a bright red and green thing and one of the biggest items behind the ticket booth, clearly meant to be used as a pillow. Jake’s eyes are absolutely feral with glee and Bradley can’t help the burst of laughter.
                “It’s a squishmellow…”
                “You know that they’re called squishmellows. Can I judge you?”
                “When have I ever had a say in whether you judge me or not? Anyway, I’ve got a semi step-sister with Amelia. She has a lot of squishmellows. None that big though.”
                “You saying size matters?”
                “Nope, it’s always down to the pilot in the box…”
                That makes Jake laugh, and he grins. Jake reaches for his hand, his other arm busy with the squishmellow and his mind is running riot with the fact that Jake’s walking around with a soft-toy rooster under his arm, a hoodie with Rooster across the back all while holding his hand as they head towards the food part of Belmont. Jake couldn’t be more clearly his right now and damn if that’s an intensely heady feeling.
                After eating they decide to stay away from the more intense rides, even knowing that none of them can come close to what they deal with for work it’s nice to have the option of letting their food settle and just walk around together, feeling alarmingly normal. He’s feeling pretty pleased with how well their whole first date thing is going. Jake’s never held back with what he thinks, and all he’s doing is looking and blushing and he knows now how to read those looks.
                He maybe needs to buy Natasha a drink or two.
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okay i was joking about writing an essay about Cid and while i don't have the brain power or time to do all that, i will expound my thoughts on his relationship with Shera. They're coworkers, first and foremost. She's a rocket scientist assigned by Shinra to stay in Rocket Town and help with the space program. Why exactly she lives with Cid is ??? I don't know if it's ever explained or if its just a matter of them being roommates. Regardless.
I will state that it is wrong that Cid yells at her, but in the same instance I will also say that she herself is also in the wrong for what she did. She's supposed to be a professional in charge of checking equipment and making sure it's all working as it should, and when she notices a problem she doesn't say anything. She doesn't tell anyone and get the launch delayed, she doesn't tell Cid so he can stall for time, she instead decides 'yeah I don't care if I die' and silently continues working while within the blast zone. The scene of the launch gets translated as "Are you trying to make me a murderer, Shera?!" because that's how Cid assumes it to be: She is trying to commit suicide by his fucking hand. That would make anyone fucking pissed off. Imagine having to live with someone who tried to get you to tie their fucking noose. Yeah, he probably shouldn't be yelling at her and it's shitty that he does and they should talk it out, but how realistic is that? They don't have therapists at Shinra, and they sure as hell don't have therapists in the boonies. Cid copes by chain smoking and holding onto hope that the one thing that almost destroyed both of their lives will still come to fruition. And it does, and Shera is still fucking there, and it come full circle with the oxygen tank exploding and almost fucking killing him. Her failure to alert others almost cost Shera her life and almost cost Cid his life on two fucking occasions. Neither of them are blameless, and even the small "sorry" when he's trapped under shrapnel is monumental. He knows he's being too much, but what the fuck else is he gonna do?
Clearly they make amends and become better friends considering in Advent Children he names his newest ship after her and in DoC apparently they get married??? (I don't agree with that one but its at least something to show that he did finally make it to the other side of like, all that)
Cid went through the trauma of almost killing his fucking coworker/roommate/friend because she wouldn't speak up, lashes out because of that trauma and the fact that her inaction cost everyone on that team the hope of space, not just himself. He's flawed and he's aggressive, but he comes around, he makes the effort, and most of all he cares, whether the people around him want him to or not.
Shera is not entirely blameless and Cid is not off the hook by any means, they both got issues and they both need therapy but alas, they are video game characters and this is all just bullet points to make the plot go forward.
me, a liar: I'm not gonna write an essay about Cid >proceeds to write a mini essay about him instead of doing whatever the fuck else i was doing with my day
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theworldvsyoshiko · 6 months
Well, this newest camp is drawing to a close. I know I haven't said much about this one, but here's the thing: Long Night is an awful fucking garbage event if you are playing non-farming nomads. It's not so much 'challenging' as it is 'a borderline automatic game over.' You have no plants to forage. You can't graze your animals, which you're dependent on for moving from base to base. You can't make kibble for the animals unless you have plants to make it with, and if you had plants you wouldn't be in this mess. You can get food for your colonists by hunting, but meat won't last long when you're on the move... unless you make it into pemmican or packaged survival meals, which you need plants for.
If there was a geothermal plant on this map, I would have seriously considered setting up a sun lamp just so some small area would be able to grow grass.
So yeah, this camp has mostly been a long tedious slog to keep all the animals alive, with a side of too many raids. On the upside, the kids have... not amazing gear or anything, but they're not going into combat with hand-me-down clothes and garbage weapons anymore.
Since Lewis hit 13, this seems like a good time for an overview of the current state.
Thanks to the fucking Long Night, the kids have plenty of food, but less than they had when they left the last camp. This was another great climate, so it would've been a good place to stock up before moving on, but instead the supplies have been slowly evaporating. Still, the ship's actually not parked that far north. It'll be sub-tropical or temperate climates the whole way, so the biggest hazard food-wise is going to be areas where it's too dry to grow much.
Not a lot of trade goods left, but with 10k silver saved up, trading goods is kinda optional anyway. They can just buy shit with cash. Now if only anywhere had shit to buy. They'll be making another round of shopping trips on the way out of this area, so here's hoping. This isn't their last chance to buy new gear, but there are only a few opportunities past here. I could have them linger in this area for however long it takes to find quality gear, but that would be 1) boring and 2) probably overkill.
While the ship is expensive, these ruin maps are pretty expensive, too. Dev mode informs me that the current map, in fact, would currently get raids of 950 raid points. The ship shouldn't be too much worse than that--if the kids dump a lot of their unneeded possessions and there aren't fancy ruins around the ship, the ship raids could go as low as 500. So, the fights they're having right now might actually be pretty representative of what they'll need to be capable of handling.
That's all banking on nothing bumping the raid point level a lot higher on that map, though.
I haven't kept things to three pawns for any strong reason. Good candidates have just been hard to find. As Lewis showed, preteens aren't a good fit for this lifestyle. Hussars and Wasters are automatically disqualified, because they're just going to die to a lack of psychoid. I've also only been looking for recruits who are younger than Umeko, which limits it further, and thanks to the nomadic lifestyle, prisoners are only a great option if they capture one early enough to recruit them before they have to pack up camp.
So, just the three kids for now.
Umeko Keith
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Now she's great at fighting and construction, the two main things she does. Construction is the big one, really--it's not a full-time job in most colonies, but this group has to build a new base every 20-30 days. She's also the group's de facto crafter, but... crafting isn't quite as important here. Researching something like gunsmithing would be a long-term project. The only things to craft are trade goods and clothes, really. Fortunately, the herd of alpacas and all the hunting for meat means that she has an unlimited supply of leather and wool.
She's got an archotech arm, a bionic leg, and a sterilizing stomach. The sterilizing stomach was an instant buy when I saw it. Umeko and Choco are both good at cooking, so food poisoning is rare, but... the last time it happened, it was an outright existential threat. When you only have three people, two of them being nearly downed by illness is an absolute disaster if anything actually dangerous happens.
Umeko likes both of her companions a lot. This might be the most tight-knit group I've ever had. Umeko and Lewis are pretty much always at 100 relationship in both directions.
Choco, though... Umeko has like a near-paralyzing crush on her. Choco, on the other hand, is straight. Way Better Romance (I think? I don't believe this is core, and I'm not sure what else would do this) seems to make it so sexualities aren't absolute, so while Choco is straight, she's like... an 0.4 on the Kinsey scale. She can conceive of a circumstance in which she might possibly have a relationship with another girl, and thus has like a 1.4% chance of agreeing to romantic things with Umeko. That's good enough for Umeko. She asks Choco on a date at basically every opportunity, and gets politely shot down every single time.
At this point, Umeko's wearing trooper armor and a flak helmet, with a sniper rifle and carbine. Since the group usually doesn't have good defenses set up, having her snipe enemies on the edge of a pack before they attack the base has been vital to continued survival.
Curca Choco
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Choco's taken over cooking duties, and she's the group's default medic. She's also pretty good at killing, and psychopath + masochist is admittedly a really nice combo for that. She doesn't mind hauling the bodies away, and if she gets hurt in combat that only makes her happier.
She also doesn't mind needless killing or violence. I have a policy that when somebody needs to, say, run outside and spray bullets at the cavemen next door until they stop trying to hunt the alpacas for dinner, that's Choco's job. If a bullet goes through one of their eye sockets, she can drag the body off and it's no big deal. Umeko doesn't need to know the dark price of her alpacas' continued safety.
That's true friendship, right there.
With double passion in shooting, I've been setting her up as the main general combatant, so Choco's got recon (!!) armor, a semi-automatic rifle, an assault rifle, and an SMG.
And a... look, the group only had two flak helmets. So instead, Choco wears the next-best head protection we've got.
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A hyperweave bowler hat.
Lewis McLaughlin
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For somebody who's been around since he was 4, Lewis's general setup is just sad. He could've easily had 5+ passions in a normal colony, but the nomad lifestyle's hard on a kid. Still, he's good at plants + animals, aka the skills that let them eat, he can shoot well, and he'll be the group's head researcher soon. Plus, with Iron Stomach, two out of the three pawns are immune to food poisoning.
Lewis likes everybody! Choco is 100% neutral on him.
He's got the least impressive combat loadout, with a flak jacket and helmet, a bolt action rifle, and Umeko's starting combat handgun. Good guns have been in short supply.
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BIIGHORNER- Hancock, not a particular kink (or maybe considered public?) But I feel like Hancocks the type to pull F!sole into an alley or some place vaguely private whenever the mood strikes them and get a quickie in, be it diamond city, goodneighbor, anywhere really 😂🤠
Btw, congrats on the followers!!! You deserve it. You're writing is so amazing and fun to read. I come back and reread your stuff all the time ❤
Oh. Absolutely, Hancock is that type of guy. I also think he has fantasies about him and Sole going at it on his balcony, but
Yeah, definitely, anywhere mildly private is fair game. He just digs on the high he gets with the danger that comes with it. Not to mention, he can get at you sooner--
Anyway, there's more stuff below the cut, because clearly I've got thots on this 😅
NSFW below the cut! Minors please don't interact!
"Shit, Hancock." Your voice rumbled out, the vibrations in your throat tickling the sensitive skin of John's lips as he left another love mark upon your skin.
He only grunted into you, his hat shifting back on his head as he attacked your collarbone with his feverish kisses and electrifying nibbles.
"The State House is twenty yards from here--" another involuntary gasp cut off your sentence as his hands pulled up on the tight fabric of your dress. One smoothed over the curve of your ass and down your thigh, his rough touch encouraging you to wrap your leg around his waist as he pressed his hardon to your barely-concealed center.
"Baby," he groaned at the feel of your heat against him. "You're lucky I made it through dinner."
Your hands had no choice but to wrap tightly around his shoulders for stability, as Hancock hauled you up against the wall, the tiptoes of your remaining foot just barely managing to keep you grounded as his body threatened to fully support yours.
With you secured against him, John's hands were free to roam. They left streaks of lighting over your skin where they dragged up your thighs, brushing roughly over your sensitive sides, before shamelessly landing at your still-clothed breasts. You fought hard to bite back your noises as his hands and lips worked together to melt away your worries. And your sense of better judgement.
Who needs to bother with that shit? Life's too short.
You could almost hear your partner say. You were so fully enveloped in him, in the warmth of his embrace, that smoky-sweet scent that always lingered around him, the feel of the rough skin of his dexterous fingers pulling down the straps of your dress.
He was so close.
"Fuck... You, in this dress? An' you wanted me to keep it together?"
You felt his hips buck into yours, jamming that pleasant hardness against your most sensitive point until you felt like your knee was going to buckle beneath you.
"If you knew how close I was to hauling you into that VIP room..."
The fabric of your dress strained against the tug of his fingers, as he dragged it down to expose your bra. His reckless lips followed, mouthing at the lace he found there, and you heard another groan escape his throat.
"Next time," He spoke between hot open-mouthed kisses over you, one hand aiding his conquest as it kneaded over your breast through the thin fabric, pushing it up to meet his attentions. "Ahh, next time, I may not be able to hold back."
Your back arched, pushing your chest forward and into his touch. Your arms flexed around his shoulders as you felt his unoccupied hand travel down and between your bodies. He brushed over the matching lace of your panties, and you felt his body shudder against yours as he stroked over the wetness seeping through there.
"Fuck, sunshine. All ready for me?" He sucked in a breath, and you felt his hand lightly brush your panties out of the way, felt the callouses of his fingers go maddeningly to that hooded bud that was crying for his attention.
You couldn't hold back your groan this time, and you felt your partner smile against the now-glistening skin of your breast.
"Shit, Hancock..." You bucked again, as he gave you exactly what you needed, easing in one finger, as his thumb pushed lovingly against your clit. "Next time..."
"Mmhm. Tell me, baby."
He started moving, gently pumping his finger in time with his thumb over you, with his other hand kneading over your breast as his mouth hungrily followed suit.
"Next time, I don't want you to hold back." You managed, still clinging tightly to his shoulders as you slowly began to come undone.
"Mm." He left your chest, just for a moment, in favor of capturing your lips in his.
"I won't hold back." He mumbled against you, only just intelligible through your union. "Fuck, never holding back again sunshine."
You opened up around him, and soon enough, you felt another finger enter you, both now craning and curling within you until sparks were bursting behind your eyelids.
"Promise?" You gasped as his lips released you.
"Promise." He growled.
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resizura · 4 months
you know i think it readily becomes apparent where the creators of re movies’ loyalties lie where you realize that really the only organization that our heroes work for that gets routinely criticized…is the human rights organization
like in degeneration, they pin the blame for the terrorist attack and lack of resources to put it out on terrasave acting on the knowledge they had at the time to try and stop big evil pharma, and although they end up being right, the blame falls entirely on claire/terrasave and claire spends a good amount of time believing it, even saying “it’s all our fault” and when leon comforts her, he says what she does is noble but the creators also have to slip in “well leon and chris, they’re fighters, they’re cool guys. but uh feel bad for claire i guess” then in infinite darkness we barely even see her doing terrasave work, just at the beginning, then she researches the mad dogs and finds the suicide, then she gets kidnapped, then the climax. like claire really has NO bearing on the actual PLOT going on except for exposition, meanwhile all the stuff we WANNA watch goes to cool government agent man. then in fucking death island, the one time i thought the movie was GOING to actually criticize the institutions these guys work for, who’s organization gets shit on the most by other characters and even called terrorists between the government, a private military, and a human rights ngo? go ahead. guess.
its actually kinda crazy you sent this because i was just thinking about it while i rewatched death island.
like, i literally was thinking about how messed up it is that an organization that works completely independently from a government, that gets its funding through things like donations, grants, and membership dues, that has to meet legal requirements to get registers to administer aid, that has hundreds, maybe even thousands of employees across the globe, is so heavily criticized in a series where the government literally nuked a city and covered it up to save a huge corporation's ass
and like idk, how realistic is it for terrasave to even get away with all this stuff? i'm not saying it can't happen, but so far terrasave has been called out for so much, like starting outbreaks, members secretly working with terrorist orgs, and other vague bad stuff the series won't go into detail on. i feel like if an anti-terrorist ngo was always in trouble for doing terrorism, they wouldn't be able to work. especially since governments will sometimes try to limit their power and diminish the aid they can give out.
and consider this: the BSAA works with the united nations. you know who else works with the united nations? ngos. granted, they're different since terrasave is a humanitarian group and the bsaa is a paramilitary agency, but considering the point is to combat bioterrorism, the difference between how they're treated in the games is ridiculous. i know now the bsaa is corrupt as of re village (i think), terrasave has been called corrupt since the moment it was shown.
i feel like if they wanted to go through with the "corrupt ngo" route they could do something more along the lines of terrasave destabilizing the communities it works in or maybe the people within it take bribes or don't use the money for its intended purpose. but yeah the way capcom goes "look at how UNRELIABLE these humanitarian groups are! the only ones who can save them are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and SOLDIERS and COOL PEOPLE" like gtfo
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Major Tea Update
Okay, I need you all to be prepared to be absolutely pissed off. I mean, filled with rage levels of pissed off, because that's where I'm at, even if I have to also continue being totally and completely pleasant.
So, some time after Ratboy allowed me to have Luke by myself, unsupervised for the time I was driving with him, Ratboy filed a protection order AND a CPS case against me.
Ratboy says my suicide "threats" (me telling him I was going to kill myself and actually meaning it) were coercive control, which is considered domestic violence. Gamers, this is my state's definition of coercive control: "Coercive control" means a pattern of behavior that is used to cause another to suffer physical, emotional, or psychological harm, and in purpose or effect unreasonably interferes with a person's free will and personal liberty. In determining whether the interference is unreasonable, the court shall consider the context and impact of the pattern of behavior from the perspective of a similarly situated person. 
Now, suicide threats or attempts are considered examples of coercive control, but see, it has to be used to cause him to suffer physical, emotional, or psychological harm. Um... Mine were legitimate actual mental health crises. I have messages with a crisis text line showing that for some of these, I was actively in a mental health crisis. I have psychiatry appointments talking about my suicidal ideation. I went inpatient to a psych hospital multiple times. Mine were not "used to cause another harm". Therefore it doesn't fucking count. Whatever, that'll be easy to prove with my texts to the crisis line as well as my medical records from my psychiatrist throughout that entire time.
Now the CPS case? He claims that I threatened to kill Luke. I have never once threatened to kill Luke, ever. In fact, I've straight up told Ratboy that I'd cut my own hand off before I hurt Luke. During my postpartum depression did I have thoughts of hurting Luke? Yes. But I was seeing a psychiatrist about them and actively working with her on it. And I haven't had those thoughts since, well, I was no longer in emotional distress because of Ratboy. Anyways, this will also probably be easy to throw out with the simple fact that, if he was concerned that I was a danger to our son, why did he allow me an unsupervised visit with him? Because, if he was actually concerned I would hurt or kill Oliver, letting him go with me unsupervised would be negligent on his part and well... That won't look good for him.
Anyways, CPS, without interviewing me or my family or even contacting me at all, has made the recommendation of no unsupervised visits, which pisses me off. How about you actually interview the person accused to figure out the whole story before you just side with the people accusing. Especially right in the middle of a custody battle.
But, if he wants to play dirty and lie, how about I play dirty and tell the truth. Ratboy was a neglectful father for the entire time I was taking care of Luke. Up to the point where my own brother watched Ratboy ignore Luke while he was screaming to play video games. My brother's exact words (just with names changed): Yeah while we were packing he was "taking care of Luke" while he played his games and Luke was just having a meltdown
I can also bring up all the times he refused to help me with Luke while I was so exhausted my legs tried to give out. And when he did, I didn't actually get to sleep because Luke started screaming and would just scream for 10 minutes straight and Ratboy didn't do anything. Not even when I suggested he feed him. I go out and I feed him and guess what? Luke calmed down!
Anyways, meeting with my lawyer on Monday to discuss where to go from here. She said she wasn't worried and that we could handle it so I'm going to try not to stress about it. I'm just gonna be completely and totally pissed off that he's stooping to completely lying now.
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crunchchute · 6 months
need to know when exactly hw2 is taking place so that i can work it into my headcanons cause right now its just not fitting at all. a lot of "..unless?" but i wont know until i get the timeline (more under cut i guess. spoiler territory ahead 🚨🚨)
also i had 6 hours of copium for my sleeptime. if youre a hater just take this as if i was pulling this out of my ass, unless you agree, in which case youre welcome to comment or. nod in agreement.
so how does this help wanted economy affect the fazcoin?
but no for real now. to preface im very forgetful when it comes to fnaf lore and i sometimes miss some plot points and many times they affect my headcanons (once i remember them) but i cant check everything. im just forming my own little timeline with my own ideas i guess, but i still want it to be canon adjacent So!
i believed that its taking place post SB, pre Ruin. which i was super happy with as i was worried it would be pre-SB and not give enough lore that i crave. however, just as ive seen some people say, this didnt help with the lore much, and it just got more confusing for me. still a fantastic game but from a lore point it doesnt give us anything too big or a conclusion (well. maybe one) i also saw people say its post ruin, which i dont agree with but i would agree with during ruin. (when ppl say cassie is the player, i dont think so, need more arguments) its unclear once people bring in other arguments than the obvious roxy's mask or the state of the pizzaplex. but basically as an afton believer its hard for me to work around this, but i will try. never back down never what?
so my hc is iykyk, scraptrap->man in the room->ghost/amalgamation->latching onto tech and the mimic in the form of glitch and burntrap->mimic "shedding" him->wills ghost forming mxes; it also works without the frights books but the afton amalgamation and everything around it is too cool to not use. i fucking love ruinborn afton graaaaah *tears shirt apart* i also liked the idea of his spirit shattering and a piece of it forming glitchtrap for years, and i believe it can coexist with mimic, i think burntrap was real and is both mimic and afton.
now. this game. really messing it up for me as glitchtrap existing post or during burntrap just doesnt make sense, i dont want -trap multiples or something (sounds like the years old 2-3 purple guys theory lmao) but i will look into it as glitchtrap and mxes connection..? honestly, i really expected getting to see burntrap here (or at least mimic shown). was burntrap like retconned or something for real??? also still dont understand when people say burntrap isnt the mimic or whatever. no, it is, just with something a little extra on. and that extra is again, wills ghost or remnant or whatever you wanna call it, symbolized by the bonnie parts on his endo, but theres also flesh so yeah, as funny as it sounds i fuck with the afton homunculus growing over mimic theory. its stupid enough, he would do it.
but i wanna focus on mxes, i knew we wouldnt see the entity in the game, didnt expect it. but i also didnt expect the system to show up, which it did, but obviously not the entity yet as i believe they were formed only after burntrap has been "scooped" by tangle (comparing the scooper mimic ending and the burntrap one as a parallel) i just dont understand how glitchtrap is in here. thats the thing i cant figure out! this is 100% post SB so at that point glitchtrap is just gone. how did we get him back now? only ends up with me reaching with like MEGA SPOILERS the vanny ending crushing glitchtrap being a metaphor of her locking away or deleting the code. extreme reaching would be stuffing it into the mxes system where glitch would turn into the entity. but thats way too loose, but ive seen many people call the mxes entity glitchtrap, which doesnt even work with their theory that glitchtrap is mimic, because the entity is obviously not the mimic. like you have to consider this too, not just mimicmimicmimic but then agree that a glitchy rabbit is similar to another glitchy rabbit
lost my thread of thought. and thought of how this all is just, an end to glitchtrap era and only mimic in the future. well.. without an evil rabbit, fnaf will lose its charm for me, i dont know if vanny!cassie would save it for me, i only want wiwi. more wiwi, no mimi *starts glowing red and then explodes* anyway its not that bad. as long as i get to see the mxes entity again i will be good. and as long as im right about the clickteam game, i will be happy :D
also im intrigued by the fallfest showing up again, i really want to see how the maps look and look at all the details.. but in general the area is either underneath or next to the pizzaplex, the body of water in curse of dreadbear imo is the same as the underground water in ruin and hw2 to me confirmed that it truly is all in one place (goes nowhere with this). i love how the hw2 hub is in the pizzasim building. also, another thing, need to check it out again but i want to see if scrap baby is in a vr level or reality so i can theorize about scraptrap, as in, if at least tangle and scrap baby are still around and real in the plex, it would make sense for scraptrap to not show up because he has gone through digitization /j you know the whole pipeline. and so on and so forth
anyway im gonna pet my dogs and maybe read tse and then get back to hw2 in the afternoon. just getting this out of the system and my brain
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voids-voyager · 7 months
Vibe check for borderline crack but also kinda serious AU where Baldr somehow finds himself heart freeloading in Riku years after his death, and now Riku has a keyblade wielder with a body count hanging around over the events of the mainline games. Baldr haunting the narative figuratively AND literally.
Extra features such as Riku and Baldr having extra strong light in them because to quote the intro to KH1 "the closer you get to light the greater your shadow becomes" but much like how negative times can easily overtake positive ones, it's not easily noticeable.
Featuring events such as:
Hanging around Destiny Islands as an incorporeal ghost that can barely interact with Riku but spending most of his time sleeping or at ease kinda does wonders for all those repressed emotions and trauma.
Adults think Riku has an imaginary friend. Riku was halfway convinced he was being haunted thanks to Baldr's white hair, eyes and lashes.
Baldr gets attached. Just a little bit.
Watching Riku struggle with his inner darkness and feeling abandoned in KH1 hits a little too close for comfort for Baldr, but hey, he knows from experience that anyone's voice would be preferable to the darkness.
Baldr clocking Xehanort almost immediately and going what the fuck. What the hell are you doing. Bastard what happened to you after all these years. Finds out Xehanort's trying to create Kingdom Hearts and is all OH so when *I* try to do it, you kill me, but if it's you, it's totally fine? I hope the kid beats your ass.
Baldr popping in as a voice in the climax and giving Ansem Seeker of Darkness a crisis before he dies, which he didn't quite *mean* to but he can still read emotions as a heart ghost. Feels kinda good he's not gonna lie.
Riku eventually grows taller than Baldr and he feels slighted. Offended. You're supposed to be a pipsqueak stop that.
Riku instead of turning into Ansem SoD in KH2 takes on the form of Baldr from connecting with his own darkness and, by proxy, Baldr. Instead of getting taller he gets shorter.
Cue Baldr weighing the pros and cons of Riku revealing his new form in front of Xemnas like- Cons: The possible rise of danger my heart innkeeper will be in. Pros: Chaos.
Sora squinting at Baldr!Riku until he screams and points like "YOU'RE THE GUY! FROM RIKU'S DRAWINGS! THE GHOST!" and Kairi doesn't get it until Sora reminds her of the guy Riku sometimes talked about when they were kids and drew pictures of and then SHE'S pointing like !??!!?! and Riku's like uuuuhhhh I can explain but it'll take a while.
"You know Xehanort? Why didn't you say anything??" "Yeah he was my classmate. And then he executed me after I killed the others in our class. And some of our upperclassmen. It's not the best conversation opener."
Riku becoming understandably distressed once he finds out how exactly Baldr died and the lead-up to his breakdown. Has to go talk to Mickey and be reassured that if Riku ever loses his way in the darkness again, they'll pull him right out no matter how many times it takes.
Baldr tries very, very hard not to be bitter.
"My feelings about my friends, sister and place of birth are complicated on the best of days, but I'm glad you don't have to live with the suffocating guilt and anxiety that there's something inherently wrong with you for having even a sliver more darkness in you than what's considered acceptable and worrying your loved ones will put you down if they find out. I'm glad you have people who understand you, and who try to understand you."
"Do you ever wish you could meet your sister again?" "I'm content mourning her."
The state of Sora, Riku and Kairi's friendship and complicated feelings about each other is almost enough to give Baldr an aneurysm when he feels them.
The fun of DDD where Baldr can take a solid form inside the dream realm and meets young Xehanort when his death is still fresh in his mind :^ )
Baldr, finding out about what happened with Eraqus and his apprentices; "Goddamnit Eraqus."
Someone telling Riku to follow his heart and he goes "Are you asking me to kill?"
Baldr; The number one guy who can get under Xehanort's skin and tear down his 'specialest guy' mindset, and only partly because his emotions are an open book to him. Takes a look at adult versions of him and goes "Oh I want to bully him so bad, it'd be so easy." Xehanort; Has spent the last decades researching darkness because of Baldr, while also pointedly not thinking about Baldr, that Baldr killed their friends, or that Xehanort killed him.
Why is Baldr in Riku? Eeeh, unsure. Mayhaps the kids were all meant to go to Quadratum after they died but Baldr went "nope" and drifted around instead until Riku was born and his heart went "oh twinsies". Maybe his classmates have been looking for him, after time has passed to think and reflect yet there's still been no sign of him.
And since I'm a sucker for happy endings all the DR kids reunite in Quadratum and Xehanort and Baldr can now kick each other's ankles and be the kind of pair that would be unbelievably toxic where they different people but it somehow works. Being able to read your partner's emotions would be very one-sided in any situation except where they can read yours right back.
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andreaphobia · 10 months
hi, friends! long time no see. obviously i've started reblogging stuff here again (ty to my mutuals who have the most excellent taste in both art and memes), but i think i'd like to start posting here again as well. (and before you ask, yes, these entries will be tagged so they can be filtered xd)
over the last couple years or so i've found that i'm sick to death of social media, and what it's done to fandom and the way people interact with each other. i know that makes me sound like a real fucking fandom boomer but man i'll just fucking own that at this point. i'm sick of clout chasers trying to go viral, of people trying to be content creators, of people who think of fanworks first and foremost as "content" to be monetized and hawked to consumers as opposed to SOMETHING FUN TO BE SHARED WITH FRIENDS. also sick of discourse but well, at least that shit ain't new.
at any rate, here we are! i would love to both reconnect with old fandom friends and also make some new ones! please do not be shy about reaching out, sending asks, or replying on posts if we like the same things and/or you feel the same way about the state of the internet today, 'cuz we'll probably get along. if we used to talk somewhere else but have since lost contact, hit me up for my discord!
little intro for those who don't know me yet...
fandom interests: persona 5, final fantasy xiv, chainsaw man, trigun (+ stampede), katekyo hitman reborn, mob psycho 100
ships: shuake, 8018, erejean (yeah im gonna put this here lmfao)
fic on ao3, art here and (begrudgingly) on instagram
lastly, if any friends/mutuals are considering getting into p5........ i'll buy the game for you. dead fucking serious. please join me in my brain worm hell, i would love to have more friends understand why i can't stop thinking about akechi goro :')
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tearlessrain · 7 months
the thing about karlach's ending that pisses me off is that it doesn't make sense if you do everything you can for her though. the gondians are master workers of infernal iron, and if you liberate the house of hope, and make sure dammon lives, you have all the ingredients needed to help karlach's condition improve. it simply doesn't make sense for her to say that she will NEVER EVER go back to avernus even when you have a safe place to set up an independent hellforge and work on a new non-explosive heart replacement. it frustrated me immensely that in my playthrough because i didn't choose to romance her and i had wyll become a baldur's gate bigwig, she chose actively to explode and die... when i had everything i needed to save her life. to go on the terminal illness theme, it felt to me like she had cancer and i had chemo and she was rejecting it and choosing to die horribly instead of get it treated... which totally does happen IRL, but isn't exactly FAIR to her as a character. it's good writing because it makes me engage emotionally with it to this level but it's frustrating because i felt like i should have been able to save her with the pieces available in the game.
this is all also leaving aside that gale has a scroll of true resurrection in his fuckening satchel. WHY can't i immediately use it on Karlach after she 'plodes lol is Gale really that selfish?
okay fuck it, I'll bite. yeah, it IS unfair and frustrating and she doesn't deserve any of it, and that was kinda the whole point and it's why I think they did such a good job with Karlach's arc. because, again, it was a pretty clear metaphor for terminal illness and the associated grief/helplessness/denial/scrambling for solutions that comes with dealing with it. your chemo metaphor is interesting because as you've mentioned people DO often choose not to go through chemo, because chemo itself is miserable and draining and wrecks your body and is not guaranteed to work, and some people would prefer to just remain as active and present as possible for as long as possible and then go out when it's time, especially if the cancer is aggressive and terminal and chemo may not do much. kind of like going to Avernus would be miserable and draining and dangerous, and Karlach stated many times how much she hates Avernus and would rather die than go back. how on earth does it not make sense that she wouldn't choose that, especially believing as she did that she would immediately be shanghaied back into Zariel's service indefinitely after so many years of being desperate for freedom.
though ironically, people in real life sometimes react to cancer patients choosing not to do chemo or other procedures that suck/are invasive and awful the same way you're reacting to Karlach not wanting to go to Avernus. sometimes, and for some people, it's not about just extending your life as far as possible at any cost. there's a point at which it isn't worth it, and that point is different for everyone. and BOY does that make some folks upset when a loved one's "it's not worth it" point is different from theirs. It's why DNR is a thing, and it's also why you should think very carefully about who you want making medical decisions for you if you're incapacitated and have a talk with that person/clear instructions written up.
I already mentioned in the post that they sort of dropped the ball on not explaining why all those potential avenues don't work so I don't know what you expect me to say about that, but I stand by my previous statement of "all I really need them to say is 'yeah the gondians agree, this thing is fucked' and I'll accept that." I would love for them to add that in. but I don't think it should be fixable.
finally, considering that the scroll of true resurrection was intended to be used on Gale during that quest, yes it's on Larian for letting you revive him in other ways and keep the thing, but it's still metagame-y and I don't think it qualifies as a plot hole so much as a game design flaw. it annoys me when people bring up "why didn't they account for my cheesing in the story" arguments as writing critiques.
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spikeinthepunch · 8 months
I dont know if this is something youd want to hear, but i absolutely love how during the beehive quest, brad is constantly emasculated and put down for being ugly and fat and bald and worthless and everything a man shouldnt be. But then during the campfire cutscene right after, Queen tells him hes hot. Not in a pitying compliment way, but in a way that someone actually believes in and likes about him.
I just thought that everything that was said to brad during that quest was a culmination of everything that has been said to him growing up, and that hes said to himself as well. And that someone saying he actually thinks hes hot... he needed something like that.
duuuude please i love getting asks at all i legit NEVER get asks and talking about my current fixation? yes please.
i forever love love queen's campfire scene esp when you get it right after the beehive quest. brad faces quite a bit of general 'old and bald' stuff in the game. and brad's general silence makes it kinda hard to know what he feels? i think in most cases we assume as players that brad is cold and stone faced. which i dont think is wrong. but the new dialogs, and especially in queen's, do show how stuff gets to him.
there is a very long line of emasculation and toxic masculinity in Brad's life. Marty and his grandfather push it so hard-- a lot of the emasculation can be seen in Brad's flashbacks/new dream. Brad is put down a *lot* in that way and we see it again with that quest. (and that weird island. place? that weird place where he also has to put on the dress? that whole thing was weird in another way lol. but it still brings up the idea).
queen is very straight forward and has no issue throwing down the compliments-- i think its something he is genuine about because hes a gay middle aged man living in a world of other middle aged men. and no one in olathe is gonna fall in that conventional attraction category, esp considering the state of the world. no ones keeping up with shit about their looks lmao. especially stereotypical cis straight men.
brad certainly has a lot of shyness and repression around the topic of sex but i think its easy to assume the series of actual compliments he gets from queen stun him because its the complete opposite of what hed been hearing. anything along the lines of him in some kind of sexual fashion'/context was degrading. but queen's compliments that lean towards sexual interest were actually positive. its probably some of the only words he has heard that can raise his self-esteem because they dont put him down for those aspects.
but yeah i wholly agree. the topic of brad and femininity and masculinity is an interesting one in the context of that quest. because outside of those negative experiences from others we also got to see how hes indulged with 'girly' things for younger girls (lisa and buddy). which i think is cute and lovely. but knowing one of those situations, with lisa, ended with them be reprimanded (to what degree...? who knows) i feel like that also could have been an easy starting point for being closed off with things that were not "masculine" enough... and then further comments in regards to his looks and whatnot-- comments insulting him for what are male features/ugly or even being treated in that sexual aspect as if being seen as feminine and being treated poorly through projected sexism like in the beehive situation............... it would all easily bring bad association to all of that.
sorry idk where i am going with this. i love brad and i love queen. insane about that campfire scene forever. i heard that movement in the dark. i want to know what that fucking was
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crystalelemental · 3 months
Okay a bit more detail on the Geeta and NC Silver event, because I actually really liked this one. Don't worry, I'm not actually playing the game, just watching the videos of the event.
Most important thing first: Geeta gets a bit more character here than in her home games. Specifically, in that she's a lot more like Nemona than she initially seems. Like, despite her seemingly poised nature, she wanders away from Lear during their tour of the island, because she heard a Tyranitar roar and got excited about the new strong guy that dropped. At the end of the event, during the closing ceremony, she accepts Silver's challenge and just throws out Glimmora right there, startling even Lance. That's the bit of unhinged I needed for her. Love what we're doing here.
I've seen some comments of "Her trial is so dumb, like half of Pasio has beaten a champion," as if that's not literally the point. Yes, the champions have all been defeated at one point or another, but her test is outright stated as "refined strength." She's looking for people who continuously improve to push themselves, which is honestly great because it also gives extra credence to people who haven't won already. And her eventual selection of Silver also means she's the first Champion to choose someone outside of their own region, so congrats to her on being the first to actually look outside of people she knows for talent.
Also also, she's super up-front about this being a test of other champions as well. She's interested in what other regions have to offer, and is pretty open about this assessment being to see what they're made of as well. Yeah, champions have lost, but they're constantly improving as well. That's the point. They're all showing how much they've improved, even when they're the pinnacle. And Geeta's really clear about her views on the role of champions as someone who helps others along, and that's why the Lance and Silver dynamic was such a good selection for a winner. Unlike so many others, this hasn't been a challenge of just finding the bestest strongest, it's a clear focus about determination and perseverance. The test is super clever and well put together and y'all need to back the fuck off.
Silver is really a great pick, too. Like, this is ideal. The setup of bringing Tyranitar because it's new to Lance and he won't know how to counter it (which also implies Silver has fought Lance repeatedly, make of that lore what you will). This into Lance viewing Silver as just out to win and not taking his advice to heart at all, only for Silver to pivot into "Yeah, it is, kicking your ass is our dream, and Tyranitar's gonna do it for the team," into his mega evolution, which its presence alone shows how far his bond has gone considering that it's thought to only work with a strong attachment, that leads to his win. Proving once again that NC events are at their peak when it's about rivals finally getting their win.
The whole event is excellent. Very satisfied. I don't play anymore, but glad Masters can still put together a really good story when they're so inclined.
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