#the freshmore
mxc-vstheworld · 1 year
Graded the freshmores 6 word memoirs tonight and was pleased with their work.
Quite a few had really strong ones and I feel like some of my pre-lessons really worked. Will include those in two years when I teach English 10 again.
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magictrailmix · 11 months
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Oh yeah I have oc’s
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parvumchao · 1 month
Sparrow LOVES to surf. She’s not great by any means, but she loves it so much.
Wanna make Bullet happy? Give her a burrito and a little horse figurine. That’s… legitimately the best first step and really… all it takes honestly.
Sometimes, Eddie wishes he had decided to study anything other than journalism. Eliza… does not.
Speaking of… Eliza pesters Charlie CONSTANTLY about info he can provide on stories she’s working on/trying to work on. He… doesn’t hate it, but it annoys him, but somehow, he also finds it a little oddly endearing that she always goes to him?
Nora has a favorite brother and it ain’t Murph.
Kayla has a blue belt in Taekwon-Do.
Jacob lies about pretty much everything, but each untruth is so smooth that nearly no one questions him.
Need a grumpy dad-figure? Look no further than Suzy, Connor, and Anna's dad Sam. He tends to adopt people who need protection. On that same note, Leona does as well, but she honestly will adopt anyone and everyone and love them to bits.
Pat is… a tool.
Lou has her GED and some credits from a local college that teamed up with her high school in her freshman year. If she were to go back to that education life, she’d technically be a freshmore in college.
Do not mess with Dom’s family. Just… don’t. You may not even want to look in their direction if he’s around.
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tea-intheworld · 1 year
#1 & #2! for the book asks
Book I've reread the most times.
Hmm, that is a tough one. The first book that comes to mind is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It's not my favorite HP book but it was the first one my mom got for me so it was the first I read. I told her early on I thought it was a series but I read the whole book anyway. So by happenstance I read that book once more than all the other books. But in recent years, it would probably have to be one of my class novels for the junior class, either The Great Gatsby or The Things They Carried. I read them when I was in school, read them on my own because I enjoyed them, and the junior class is only the one grade, unlike freshmores and the middles, so I tend to teach the same books every year. So by that happenstance I read them a lot, though I do really enjoy both of those books so it's not a shame.
2. Top 5 books of all time.
Ahh, you're killing me! All time??! I can't say of all time, just of this moment. Under pressure I might add! 1) Nova by Samuel R Delaney 2) One Hundred Years of Solitutde by Gabriel Garcia Marquez 3) Travels with Charlie by John Steinbeck 4) War of the Worlds by HG Wells 5) Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
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A Date with A Ghost part. 7
Book(s): The Freshmore Series & Haunting of Braidwood Manor
Summary: After My Classmate’s (Ghostly) Girlfriend, Hannah (HOBM MC) and Eleanor decided to have a double date with Kaitlyn and Emily (TF MC). And things get weird.| Everything is at peace.
Pairing(s): Kaitlyn x TF MC, Eleanor x HOBM MC
Tags: @kennaxval @almogchoices @jbzxls @mfackenthal @helentwombly
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (You are here!)
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Late in the evening, Hannah and Eleanor laid in bed in their pajamas, watching whatever show was on. Hannah wrapped her arm around her girlfriend while Eleanor rested her head on her love’s chest.
The girls were tired but at peace since they had just confessed their biggest secrets to Emily and Kaitlyn. The room was dimmed, with the bedroom lights off with only the TV and the indoor twinkle lights on.
“El?” Hannah whispered in her ear, not knowing if she was asleep.
“How are you holding up?”
Eleanor looked her in the eye. “I feel exhausted... But somewhat glad.”
“I feel the exact same way.” Hannah smiled softly. “I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you.” Eleanor blushed. She kissed her girlfriend passionately. She cupped Hannah’s face and pulled her in. They both pulled away once Eleanor giggled.
“You seem happy.”  Hannah teased. Eleanor nodded. “It’s such a relief. Confessing took the weight off my shoulders.”
“Now time for me to make things awkward.” With the remote, Hannah muted the television. “Have you ever considered therapy?” Hannah meekly asked.
Eleanor cocked her eyebrow. “Ther-apy?”
Hanna chuckled at her mispronunciation. She corrected her, “Therapy. It’s a place where you go and talk to someone about whatever.”
“Have you ever been to that place?” Eleanor asked.
“No.” Hannah’s eyebrows furrowed. “I just thought I could handle Jonathan’s... well, y’know, but I’m considering it.”
“So, I could talk to this person about whatever?”
“Mhm.” Hannah nodded. “Well, there’s some limitations, but you still can.”
“But, I could talk to you about anything.” Eleanor frowned. “Do you not want to talk to me?”
“El, of course I still do!” Hannah cried. “I just think you may need a second opinion. I don’t want you to think your thoughts to be limited to just me.” She took her hand. “I care about you and your well being. I want you to take care of yourself.” 
Eleanor intertwined her fingers with Hannah’s. “I might have to think about it.”
“No pressure.” Hannah said. “Take as long as you need.”
Silence emerged between them.  Eleanor slid her fingers away from Hannah’s. The show they were watching was still on.
Hannah spoke, “It’s already getting late.” She reached for the remote and turned off the TV. Only the twinkle lights and outside street lights were the only light source.
As Hannah was about to get up to get into bed, Eleanor hold her wrist.
“Hannah wait.” Eleanor called.
“Yeah, El?”
Eleanor bit her lip and blushed in embarrassment. “I was wondering if we could... You know...”
Hannah got the hint, “Oh! I mean, we could if that’s okay with you...?”
Eleanor grabbed her hand. “I am sure, but I am nervous about this. This is my first time.” Eleanor brushed her thumb onto Hannah’s lips.
Hannah gave her loving eyes. She positioned Eleanor onto the bed. She laid kisses on her face and neck, almost down to her chest. Eleanor laughed.
They both exchanged eye contact. She cupped her face while her girlfriend smiled.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
End. ♥︎
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mackenzie-wolf · 6 years
Good evening (please adjust for your time zone) Tumblr!
I've been crazy off the rails for a while and it took a lot put of me. With the help of my friends and family (well, some of them) I'm doing a lot better. So I'm back again and can't wait to start writing.
Looks like I have a lot to catch up on.
HMU if you want to make a request. Or if you just want to talk. Either way...
I'm glad to be home 😍😇
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grapecase · 6 years
This is a bit of a weird question
But does anyone remember the description Claire gave MC for that love poem/letter?
I had a thought, and was curious if she stated the same across the players or not.
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parvamundiarc · 3 years
Sparrow LOVES to surf. She’s not great by any means, but she loves it so much.
Wanna make Bullet happy? Give her a burrito and a little horse figurine. That’s... legitimately the best first step and really... all it takes honestly.
Sometimes, Eddie wishes he had decided to study anything other than journalism. Eliza... does not.
Speaking of... Eliza pesters Charlie CONSTANTLY about info he can provide on stories she’s working on/trying to work on. He... doesn’t hate it, but it annoys him, but somehow, he also finds it a little oddly endearing that she always goes to him?
Nora has a favorite brother and it ain’t Murph.
Kayla has a blue belt in Taekwon-Do.
Jacob lies about pretty much everything, but everything is so smooth that nearly no one questions him.
Need a grumpy dad-figure? Look no further than Sam. He tends to adopt people who need protection. On that same note, Leona does as well, but she honestly will adopt anyone and everyone and love them to bits.
Pat is... a tool.
Lou has her GED and some credits from a local college that teamed up with her high school in her freshman year. If she were to go back to that education life, she’d technically be a freshmore in college.
Do not mess with Dom’s family. Just... don’t. You may not even want to look in their direction if he’s around.
Gertie could probably bake cupcakes in her sleep, which would be bad and likely set shit on fire because we shouldn’t leave ovens unattended, right?
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smolpunlord27 · 3 years
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Some things happened over the past four days but I’m back now! And I’ll do day 15-18 since I’m late to it 😅
Day 15
Q: how did you find out you regress?
A: I found out about ageplay first back during my freshmore year of high school before finding regression and it just went from there.
Day 16
Q: if you could travel anywhere for free, where would it be?
A: hmmm this is a tough one!, I’d have to say wherever my mommy an’ daddy are! ☺️, or see Germany.
Day 17
Q: do you like going to the fair?
A: I love going to the fair!, I always have so much fun at fairs 🌸☺️🌸
Day 18
Q: what’s your favorite regression item? (That you own or not)?
A: it would have to be my stuffie cream and my pacis. My pacis and cream always help me regress so quickly
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ao3feedrnm · 4 years
by AncientCovenants
A couple of slice of life one-shots featuring Michael and Alex.
or “What if Michael and Alex had met before senior year of high school?”
Words: 486, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Michael Guerin, Alex Manes
Relationships: Michael Guerin & Alex Manes
Additional Tags: Freshman Year, alphabetical order, Teenaged hormones, Denial
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Get to know me...
1. I’m 19.
2. Im a “freshmore” in college and my major is Clinical Psychology.
3. I love old, antique, and vintage things. I always wear vintage hair barrettes from my collection which has grown a lot lol!!!
4. My favorite colors are mustard yellow, olive green, and lavender. Mix those together... aesthetic.
5. I love to read. My favorite book of all time is Jane Eyre, and if you want to know which movie adaptation is my fave- it’s the one from the 1940s.
6. The maze runner series owns me
7. All Too Well is my favorite song by our girl!
8. I’m a writer and I like to write about e v e r y t h I n g.
9. My mom is my best friend.
10. Dom is my other best friend.
11. My dad and brother and megs come in a tie for first also ok I CANT CHOOSE
12. I have Major Depressive Disorder, Panic Disorder, OCD, and a few others that fall under that general umbrella.
13. I’ve been in therapy for four years- I’m never going back to who I was before.
14. My favorite music outside of Taylor is Bastille! And The Killers! And Angus and Julia Stone! And Oh Wonder!
15. I’m agnostic and I believe in the magic of the universe ✨
16. I love art and painting and drawing. I was in the AP art program in high school.
17. I’m a cat mom to my little fuzzy Wuzzy, Sage.
18. I’m grateful to be alive each and every day and I thank the universe for allowing me to live such a beautiful, happy, colorful life.
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mxc-vstheworld · 4 years
Teaching during covid
We started school on time in the last week of August with masks on everyone unless eating, trying to limit contact between everyone, and teachers moving to classrooms instead of students.
Then about two weeks in, the teachers convinced our superintendent that this model was killing us teachers and interrupting education. After some bullshitting from him, us teachers were able to stay in our classrooms and students moved to classes. Then students were given sanitization wipes to clean their area upon arrival; something that seamlessly folded into the transition between classes. Mask wearing has become more lax from some of the students I suspected would have issue with it due to their expressed political beliefs. But we continue to be vigilante and our county still has zero cases. The county over had three recently because of their lax standards.
Other than that, educating is fairly similar. Rolling out the first units of the year has been easy enough. All of my classes have started their first reading units and writing units. My juniors are on their second essay, due Monday. Today is midterms (already!) so tomorrow is a grading day which is great because I need to do some planning to make the next few weeks easier. 
I will say that my biggest issue or time suck is the 6th graders. I have never taught students this young nor do I have plans to be an elementary teacher anytime soon. I had no idea what to plan this summer as I had no clue where these students would be so I’m planning day by day which isn’t my favorite. Their energy is out the window and I am exhausted after the two classes I have with them. I have three that are very loud and dominate the classroom (not unlike my freshmore class) and I’m struggling to reign them in. I love them personally, they are so funny and want to learn and don’t fight me on nearly so many things, but it’s challenging for me. Luckily, this will only be for the year and next year we will hire a 5/6 teacher. 
I’ll do this for a year so that we can avoid that horrible teacher from ruining more kids. Many of my students have behaviors that are in reaction to his horrible attitude and tendency to yell at them. Their reading and writing abilities are lower than they need to be. Every parent I talk to from that class only has horror stories of their interactions with this teacher. Our counselor told me that some of my sophomore students, when they were in his class, had placed on their desk “You are disappointing your mother” which is shitty at its face and because the family unit is not strong in this community. I am still fighting to get those students to trust me and I am nothing like the bastard. 
Despite being exhausted, terrified of catching the disease, and anxious for my students, this year is going fairly well. 
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magictrailmix · 6 months
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Your music snob friend
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tea-intheworld · 2 years
I'm into the second week of online learning while the omicron spreads through the students and they become uncontagious. I had one video call today with my freshmores to read some of Oedipus because we put it on hold last week. It was amazing despite just staring at letters. Students "bullied" two others to show up so I had most of my class. We ended up finishing the play and their reactions are always wonderful.
Now they will get to work on recreating Oedipus through memes.
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A Date with a Ghost part. 5
Book(s): The Freshmore Series x Haunting of Braidwood Manor
Summary: After My Classmate’s (Ghostly) Girlfriend, Hannah (HOBM MC) and Eleanor decided to have a double date with Kaitlyn and Emily (TF MC). And things get weird.| It’s the day after the date, and there’s some things that aren’t in the clear.
Rating: T
Genre: Crossover
Paring(s): Kaitlyn x TF MC, Eleanor x HOBM MC
Tags: @kennaxval @almogchoices @jbzxls @brooke-1515 @mfackenthal @helentwombly
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (You are here!), 6, 7
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Kaitlyn woke up to have Emily in her arms. She smiled and kissed her forehead, and moved of out her bed, making sure Emily wouldn’t wake up. She was naked from the night before and took out a fresh pair of undergarments and clothes from her drawers. After getting dressed, she got out of her room and closed the door behind her.
Despite the great sex they had, Kaitlyn hated it when things don’t go out her way. The song was overdue and the Battle of the Bands was still weeks away, so she kicked herself for not finishing something she was good at.
She was sitting in the kitchen table eating cereal and spotted Zack coming downstairs. 
“Morning.” Zack said before he went to the fridge to take out a gallon of orange juice.
Kaitlyn mumbled a “Good Morning.” Zack raised in eyebrow and said, ”What’s up? Was the date that bad?”
Kaitlyn sighed. “No, it was fine. It’s the song.” 
Zack sat across from her. He poured his drink to a cup. “You still haven’t finished it?”
She shook her head. “This is so stupid, I usually get these finished before we have band rehearsals and poof! I got nothing today.” She banged her head against the table.
Zack chuckled. “Take my advice, doing that doesn’t work.”
Kaitlyn flipped him off. “Shut up!” Zack laughed.
Hannah drank her second cup of coffee. Last night wasn’t great after the nightmares Eleanor was getting. She kept jumping from their bed and was crying profusely. Hannah had to comfort her to sleep until it happened again and again throughout the night.
Eleanor was now sleeping. Hannah felt awful about her girlfriend not being okay. She looked at her phone and it read 7:20 AM. 
She was grateful it was a Saturday, so no classes until Monday. She went to their room to get her clothes and towel to go shower.
Even showering, the time of being able to not worry about anything, Hannah was still concern about her. She thought to herself loudly, “What am I gonna do?”
Kaitlyn went to her room to find Emily not there.
“She’s probably in her room.” She thought. She grabbed her guitar from her case and went downstairs. She went to the house’s gazebo to set up band rehearsal.
Half an hour later, Amara, Anissa and Rachel showed up.
“So Kait, where’s the song you write from your genius brain?” Rachel asked.
Kaitlyn shrugged.
The other girls looked at each other with a confused look.
“What’s up?” Amara asked her.
“I didn’t get to finish the song.” Kaitlyn muttered. She hung her head in shame.
The girls didn’t have anything to say. Kaitlyn spoke up. “Look, I know I wasn’t suppose to finish it, but this entire week I was on a roll, but now I got nothing .”
Anissa gave her a comfort hand on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. We know the whole house situation, so it’s okay if you gave yourself a break.”
Kaitlyn frowned, “But I didn’t! I know the house is a big deal, but the Battle of the Bands is important to me too.”
The other girls stood quiet until Kaitlyn grabbed her guitar. She sighed, “Let’s start practicing.”
The girls assembled to position and did their soundcheck. Amara started counting off. “ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!”
After rehearsal, the three girls left at around 2 PM. Kaitlyn got inside the house to try more attempts.
Eleanor isn’t how you call tech- savvy. She could barely use a microwave and at least know how to use a phone and doesn’t know how to text without getting frustrated. That wasn’t a problem though as Eleanor pretty much resided in Hannah’s dorm while her girlfriend’s in class. However, Eleanor had to find a way to communicate with Hannah by using her old phone. The screen was cracked but not to the point she’s unable to use it at all, but Eleanor was still grateful. The old phone still has some contacts, one of them being Kaitlyn, which had the called id as “Kaitlyn from Anthro.” 
She hesitated to message Kaitlyn. Hannah by then was taking a nap after her shower and Eleanor looked over her shoulder to see her. Eleanor unlocked the phone and went to the messaging app to find old text from others she didn’t know about. When she found Kaitlyn’s tread, she was thinking about to write.
Eleanor bit her lip and typed the letters one by one. It took her at best ten minutes to get one sentence. She had meant to write: “Kaitlyn, this is Eleanor. There’s something I need to talk to you and Emily about.”
Instead the text was: “KiAtlyn, tis is EllA nor. Ther’S SomThIng I neded to talk to youansd Emily abot.
 Kaitlyn was strumming her guitar as she was figuring out the chorus.
See you in my dreams, Feel you in the dark, Loving you everywhere.
“No...” She scribbled off the last line from her notes. 
She did it again.
See you in my dreams, Feel you in the dark, Touching every inch.
“Goddammit!” She aggressively crossed the other line. 
She got a “ding!” sound from her phone. She picked it up and read the text. She raised her eyebrows. It took her a moment for get what the text is about.
Kaitlyn: Sure! What’s up?
Eleanor: I donot tHin K it IS approprIAte fo me to tel YOu ovE the phOn,
Kaitlyn: That’s fine. You wanna hang talk about this in person?
Eleanor: YeS.
Kaitlyn wondered what was she talking about. She texted Emily.
Kaitlyn: Hey babe, Eleanor just texted me telling me that she needs to talk about something...?
Emily: ?
Kaitlyn: I thought that too, but I think this is serious
Emily: Maybe it’s about her and Hannah?
Kaitlyn: Nah, there’s no way anything is happening between them. They didn’t give me that vibe yesterday.
Ding!  Kaitlyn got Eleanor’s text, which read:
CO uld Yuo meeT mE at BRaidwood Manor? 
Eleanor bit the fingernail of her thumb. She shook her leg of nervousness as she waited mere minutes of Kaityln’s reply.
Hannah woke up and saw her girlfriend doing something.
Eleanor turned around with the phone in hand.
“-Wait, are you texting someone?”
Ding! Eleanor looked at the text.
Kaitlyn: Sure! When?
Hannah asked, “Who’re you talk to?”
“Um, no one...”
“El, you can tell me anything.”
Eleanor took a deep breath. “I don’t want you to be mad.”
“There’s no way I could be mad.”
“Very well... I was messaging Kaitlyn.”
“How did you get-?”
“You still had her number on your old phone.” Eleanor answered. “I asked her if we could meet up in the manor.”
“What?” Hannah asked, confused.
Eleanor raised her hand in defense. “I could explain! You know those dreams I’ve been getting from last night?”
With a solemn look, Hannah nodded. “Well, yeah.”
“Well, those dreams were memories. About my old life.”
“About how you and your brothers and sister-”
A pained looked ran across Eleanor’s face. Hannah apologized. Eleanor nodded. “I think they’re a sign.”
Hannah wrapped her arms around her. “I know what you mean.”
Eleanor began to cry. “Why does this have to happen to me?”
“I don’t know... But if you think it’s a good idea to do this, I’ll be right there by your side. May I...?” Hannah signaled to grabbed Eleanor’s phone. Eleanor gave it to her and read the last text Kaitlyn sent.
“The choice is yours, what day is good for you?”
Eleanor bit her lip and took the phone. She typed in and sent the text.
“TOmor Row after noon.”
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mackenzie-wolf · 6 years
Fluffy/smutty - kaitlyn x mc (requested by anon)
This is based at the beginning of book 1 of the freshman with a different take on how kaitlyn and mc (Emily/Milly) confessed their feelings.
I'll always want more p.1/2
Having woken up early, Emily was sat up on the roof of the suite. It was still hard to get use to sleeping in her bed here, but she had always had trouble sleeping away from home. It had been 5 days since welcome week ended and still, a full night of sleep seemed impossible. Most mornings she would resign herself to shuffle to the living room and watch cartoons, but not today.
Since her first night at hartfeld, Emily managed to bond instantly with her suite mates, but things still felt unsettled. Tyler and Abbie were easy to get along with, especially as they kept mostly to themselves and spent most of their time either trying to find an excuse to sit close together or avoid eachother completely. Zack had already proven himself as best friend material. The way he could make her laugh was a big help, and he always had time to sit and listen to whatever was on her mind. Most nights she would find herself talking his ear off about the conflicted feelings that were already circling her and their 4 new friends.
On the first night they all had together, a game of 'Truth or Truth' had allowed them all to get to know each other better instantly. That's also where the problems started that were now keeping her up on the roof instead of downstairs on the much warmer couch. Chris, he struck her as a typical all American guy. Heart of gold, dirty blonde hair and the winning smile, it all fit his aesthetic so well. He had let slip that he was a romantic and made no effort to hide the fact that he wanted Emily to know it too. As their first night came to a close, chris found the courage to make the slightest move to gauge Emily's interest. He was sweet and handsome, and after a few glasses of wine and the excitement of a new start here, it was almost enough to draw her to him. Almost but not quite. Since then, they had found themselves alone together a few times. They were both early risers, which meant they had only eachother for company each morning. It was nice, his college experience was already so different to hers and it gave them a lot to talk about. He told her about his sister and mom, his part time work at the lobster shack and about his friends back in cherryfield.
As much as these talks were fun, it bothered Emily that he still flirted. She hadn't said a definitive 'No' to it, it didn't seem necessary as it was just flirting. Guys flirting with her was easy enough to handle. It wasn't the fact that he was persistent that bothered her really, it was more that it was all coming from the wrong person.
Emily felt a chill creep over her shoulders as a strong breeze swept across hartfeld. Closing her textbook that she had been half focused on and collecting the 20 highlighters she had brought up with her, she walked back to the stairs leading down from the roof. As she got to the kitchen, she glanced across to the living room couch where chris was sprawled out, still looking a little sleepy as he watched the tv.
"Chris..." she called over, shaking the nearly empty coffee pot. "...want some?" Chris lept up from the couch and took a seat at the kitchen island across from her.
"Yes, please." He grinned
"Why am I always the one who makes the coffee?" She looked around the suite, seeing that no one else was up yet. "Especially as I'm guessing you drank what was already in here from yesterday"
Chris rubbed the back of his neck and gave a small laugh under his breath. "Maybe... because I have no idea how to work the coffee maker?" At that, Emily raised her eyebrows at him. "...What?! My mom always had it set up before I was awake. I never had to learn."
"Well I'm not your mom..." Emily said in a deadpan sort of voice before laughing with him.
"Yeah... you make better coffee"
"Fine. I'll make it... again." She laughed. "Any plans today?"
"I have one class and I promised some of the guys from the team I'd meet them in the gym."
"Then you're going to need this" Emily pushed a hot cup of strong coffee toward him. As chris took the cup, his finger brushed just over her knuckle, leaving a slight, but noticeable blush on his cheeks.
"How about you? Any plans?"
"Just studying. I'd go and hang out with my friends too but id lose my position as hartfeld's newest recluse."
"Nothing wrong with enjoying your own company. You know, as you're not busy or anything..." his words were hopeful and his voice caught just a little in his throat as he spoke. "I was wondering if..."
"Is that for me?" A voice spoke up from just behind Emily, startling her enough to make her almost knock over the cup that was cradled in her hands. As she turned around, she saw kaitlyn stood just inches from her, a wide smile lighting up the soft features of her face.
"Oh.. hi kaitlyn. I... its mine but, you can have it if you want.." Emily could feel the heat rise in her face. The coffee would have seemed cold in comparison.
"Maybe just a sip..." kaitlyn giggled before taking the cup from Emily's hand.
"I can make you your own of you like..."
"Relax, I don't have cooties..." kaitlyn said with a grin as she raised the cups to her lips. "Damn that's good. It sure explains why you're always up so early chris. I wouldn't want to miss out in her coffee either."
"Uhmm, yeah..." he laughed nervously. "...I'm going to.. go get a shower. Thanks for the coffee Milly."
"No problem." She said as he walked slowly towards the bathroom. Emily gestured towards the couch where the two of them sat on oposit ends. Kaitlyn leaned back against the arms rest and kicked her feet up so they were just barely resting against Emily's thigh.
"Why do you always get up so early?" Kaitlyn asked, nudging Emily slightly with her heel.
"I always have. But... being away from home, I guess I miss my bed."
"Yeah, I'm the same. I have trouble getting to sleep though."
"I'm not surprised, I can actually hear your speakers playing when I'm up on the roof. How could anyone sleep through that?"
"Hey now... I've never been able to sleep without hearing punk girls in my room. I guess it's all just a part of my ultimate fantasy."
Emily nearly choked on her coffee at that.
"Don't you mean ultimate 'fancy'?" She giggled, trying to recover from her blush.
"Haha, Zack is such a dork..." kaitlyn laughed. A silence hung between them for a few minutes, just the sound of the tv I'm the background filling the room. Emily finished most of her coffee and handed the last few sips to kaitlyn who took it with a smile. "Well I better get dressed. I've got a meeting with one of my professors and she a total hard ass on punctuality. Buuut... she has got a great ass so I better dress to impress if I'm going to try and... convince her to give me a good grade" Kaitlyn winked before standing up and stretching her back.
Emily's eyes locked on to her. The way her muscles tensed as she stretched almost left her mouth gaping. "You're joking about that right?"
"Oh yeah. I never use my looks to get my own way. I've got enough charm to get it anyway." With that, kaitlyn walked back to her room, setting the coffee cup on the counter as she passed it. "Thanks for the drink milly."
Emily eyes never left her as she walked out of the room. Kaitlyn was a lot of fun. She had been the first of her new friends she had really introduced herself to, and they bonded almost instantly. After they both decided to don their bikinis and go to welcome week together, the attraction that Emily felt was undeniable. The only problem was, kaitlyn was a flirt. She loved showing off her confidence and could easily back it up. Emily had noticed kaitlyn flirting with her a few times now, but it always felt hollow. Like she could flirt that way with anyone and maybe she was just good practice.
Weeks passed and college had proven to be all Emily had hoped for and more. Even with the harder classes, the massive crowds of people where ever you turned and the fact that sleeping still wasn't any easier, Emily was feeling more and more settled. It was the night of their first party in their suite which meant a lot of work had to be done. Abbie supervised chris putting up decorations while Zack and Tyler laid out the snacks. Emily had just gotten home from a meeting with professor Vasquez. Abbie turned to her with a smile.
"Hey, how did it go with Vasquez?"
"Not great..." she sighed. "...I don't know of he's actually trying to systematically destroy my life or if it's just an added perk for him."
"Ouch. Couldn't you talk to him? Maybe ask him to lay off of you a little"
"Spoken like someone who's never met him" Emily grinned. "So what is there left to do?"
"Well..." Abbie surveyed the room. "...I guess you could..." before she finished her sentence, kaitlyn's voice carried from the hall.
"Is that Milly?! Come here I need you for something!"
Emily looked back to Abbie who gave her a weak shrug. "Go ahead, we're on top of things out here"
"Thanks. I promise I'll help when I'm done with kaitlyn."
Abbie rolled her eyes playfully and smiled back. "Take your time...."
Emily was taken aback by the teasing tone of Abbie's voice but brushed it off. Giving a slight knock on kaitlyn's bedroom door, she pushed it open and her heart leapt. In front of the full length mirror, kaitlyn was stood in a matching set of red lace underwear. Emily's eyes travelled upwards, taking in every inch of her striking body. Though kaitlyn was facing away, Emily met her eyes in the mirror.
"Oh... Sorry kaitlyn... I'll..." she stuttered. Kaitlyn turned to face her and giggled under her breath.
"Its fine, but you need to help me decide what to wear. Its our first party here so it definitely matters." Emily looked over at kaitlyn's bed which was awash with beautiful dresses and a few items of denim. Kaitlyn picked up the jean jacket and a black low cut top, holding them against herself. "How about this?"
"I don't know, maybe too casual?" Emily mumbled, trying not to stare at the still half naked girl in front of her. Kaitlyn turned her back to Emily and looked over her shoulder.
"Is that because I'm not wearing pants? Is 'No pants' too casual?"
Emily's face was burning with her blush. Desperately trying not to draw attention to it, she turned back to the dresses. "How about this?" She asked as she held up a long white dress with black laced patterns running down it.
"Oh I love that one. Good eye, Milly." Kaitlyn took the dress and stepped in to it, pulling it up over her curves and pulling the zipper half way up at the back. "Little help?"
"Oh right, sorry." Emily stammered as she pulled the zip up the rest of the way.
"While you're here... do you think you could help me put my hair up?" Kaitlyn asked with a small but adorable pout.
"Sure..." Emily laughed. "...how do you want it done?" Kaitlyn picked up her phone and scrolled through her pictures until she stopped at one with a beautiful and intricate hair style.
"Think you can do that?"
"Yeah for real. I use to practice doing my moms hair when she was dating."
"And how did that work out?"
Emily started working on the long dark hair that draped over kaitlyn's shoulders. "She's been married to my stepdad for a good few years so I doubt she would complain." They kept up the conversation as Emily styled kaitlyn's hair. Every couple of minutes, she found herself distracted by the smell of kaitlyn's perfume, the way her soft hair felt in Emily's hands and the gentle brushing of her fingers on the back of kaitlyn's neck. At one point she was sure she noticed kaitlyn shiver under her touch, which made her stomach flip. As she put in the last pin to hold the style in place, Emily stepped back while kaitlyn checked it in her mirror.
"Wow. It looks better than I hoped it would. You've got skilled hands milly!"
"Yeah so I've heard" Emily laughed, tucking her thumbs in to the belt loops of her jeans.
"You know you only do that when you're nervous?" Kaitlyn grinned wickedly at her.
"Do what?"
"That" she said, pointing to where Emily's hands were resting just away from her hips. "Why are you so nervous?"
"I... I don't...."
"Yeah, you do. You did it when you walked in on our first day. You did it when you went for your first meeting with Vasquez. You even do it at the café when you're trying to remember everyone's order." Kaitlyn took at step towards her, pulling her hands from her waist and not letting go of them as she spoke. "So why are you so nervous?"
Emily glanced down at her hands, the way they fit in to kaitlyn's was perfect. Like every other hand that had ever held them had been wrong in every way. "I don't know... Why do you pay so much attention to what my hands are doing?"
Kaitlyn choked on the air in her lungs and her face glowed with heat. As she tried to pull her hands back, Emily held them tighter.
"Kait... I think we really need to talk."
"I..." Kaitlyn's eyes avoided Emily's as she tried to find her words. Emily's grip was steady but soft, just enough to keep her hands from slipping away. "...you should get ready for the party." Kaityn said, almost mumbling each syllable.
"Oh..." Emily let her grip loosen and pulled her hands back. "Yeah, I guess so." As she left the room she wanted to look back to read the expression on kaitlyn's face, if there even was one. Using all of her determination, she managed to close the door behind her without a last glance.
As she walked across the hall to her room she noticed her thumbs already hooked in to the belt loops of her jeans. With a sigh she pulled them back and stuffed her hands into her pockets. When she opened her door, she gave a look over to her friends still setting up the party. As much as she wanted to help, the empty hole that had appeared in her gut made her need to shy away. Before she could look away from them, her eyes locked with Zack's who gave her a questioning tilt of his head. With a somewhat practiced smile, she looked away and crossed the threshold of her room, gently closing the door. She sat on her bed and tried to calm her breathing. Nerves were now taking over her. The thoughts of what just happened were circling her head; was the friendship with kaitlyn ruined? Does this mean that all the time kaitlyn had flirted with her was meaningless? The embarrassment was like a crushing weight on her.
A knock on her door woke her from her thoughts. Wiping away the mist in her eyes and taking a deep breath, she stood and opened the door. Zack stood there with a thousand watt smile.
"Zack? What's up?"
Wordlessly, Zack held her shoulders, guiding her back in to her room. Kicking the door closed behind him, he sat Emily on the bed and crashed down next to her.
"What happened?"
"What do you mean? Nothing ha..."
"Seriously?! Don't bother trying that with me. We've all just spent the last 20 minutes arguing about whether or not today would be the day you and Kaitlyn actually get together."
"What?" Emily snapped, trying to hold back the embarrassment that she felt rising in her chest.
"Yeah, If it's today, then Tyler owes me 30 bucks." Zack winked.
"First of all, it's creepy to gamble on my love life. And second, you're going to owe Tyler."
"No way! You guys are perfect for eachother! It's not even just about the money at this point."
"Yeah... I thought so too."
Emily explained what had happened in as much detail as she could, trying her best to stop her voice from breaking at the thought of the rejection.
"Hey..." Zack said softly, putting his arm over Emily's shoulders. "...Maybe she's just scared. Kaitlyn flirts because it guards her from getting hurt. If she's scared to talk it through with you, maybe it's because it actually means something." At that Emily sighed.
"Why do these things sound so simple until you actually try to do something about it?"
"Well, look at it this way; We're about to throw an amazing party, so you're going to get your chance for sure. And if for some impossible reason it doesn't work out, then just find me and I'll spend however long it takes to make you feel better."
"Aw Zack, thank you" Emily wrapped her arms around Zack, pulling him in to a binding hug. "You must really want that $30."
"I really do." Zack laughed. "I can't go flirt with my favourite barista without money to actually buy something. But right now, we'd better get you looking stunning for the party."
To be concluded
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