#the director is a dumbass
nightgoodomens · 8 months
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I’d watch anything with the two of them but this does sound bloody fantastic.
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mummer · 1 day
hotd casting notorious terf james dreyfus to play some dumbass twobit lord massey is so fucking horrendous especially while theyve made a point to cast trans actors including the LEAD of the SHOW… like they are actively endangering those actors by allowing this guy on set with them lmao jesus fucking christ
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simpbitchhere · 2 years
Accidentally falls for director clavell instead of the cute girls and emo artist gym leader like I originally planned
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I like you peepaw
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
man attempts to buy fire extinguisher off wall.mp4
(brian van holt’s cameo as the most annoying man alive in sex and the city)
@visceravalentines here u go meg
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the worst part of break is the last day when you're just drowning in stress thinking about going back. i feel literally physically nauseous
#the stupidest part is that i'm so fucking stressed mostly about my fucking FILM class#more than any of my honors courses#i haven't done enough work in it at all and i'm so embarrassed about it so i don't want to start working on it and show how little i have#done so i get even more behind#i have a film i have to make and it's only half done and now i can't fucking find it in my files cuz i'd planned on working on it this brea#but i got sick and wasted 4 days of my already stupidly short break#i have TWO whole presentations on an actor and a director and i don't CARE or know about any actors or directors#i just feel sick#i wish i could drop it or just fucking fail it but i can't#it's so so stupid#i'm never gonna be able to take another class with that teacher from the fucking shame i feel actually horrible every time i go in her clas#and the worst part is that it's literally my fault i could have just done the fucking work and i didn't#kiwifae says shit#ugh okay this made me feel better i need to just figure out my actor director presentations (which are my fucking final btw 😭)#i accept the shit grade i'm getting on the film i can fix it if i make decent presentations i'm just mad i'm doing bad and getting so#stressed over a dumbass extra class like film production like what#i still don't think i can take another class with her she's really pleasant but i just feel so so sick whenever i go in there cuz i feel so#guilty#which is a shame cuz she teaches photography which i would really like to take#maybe senior year idk i might not care anymore then#also i'm aware this isn't a normal amount of shame and anxiety just for procrastinating i just feel super bad abt this for some reason#sorry for ranting but i'm just blehhhhhhh rn#ok i'm gonna get something to eat and take a shower maybe i'll feel less like i'm dying#👍
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pedro-pascal · 4 months
It was all style and no substance the characters were like paper dolls rather than actual people even though the cast did their best (especially my girl Rosamund Pike) and it seemed like a movie that was trying too hard to have memorable and iconic scenes rather than tell a story
i completely agree! every characters felt like caricatures and idk............ i really felt like the director thought their audience was dumb for adding the last 10 minutes. like. i'm gonna give you all the answers! but sometime the beauty of movie is mystery?
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elegyofthemoon · 5 months
today was good!!!! but i am!!!! very tired!!!!!!! :D
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bonnieisaway · 8 months
meihua "snitched on myself so hard as i said 'i could never have feelings for you' to a man i just stabbed because by no means did he believe you did love him back and also not even five minutes later you turned around and changed your mind about this decision and i don't think it's necessarily occurred to either of us how hard i just outed myself' shisan
#i could never be in love with you btw im gonna follow you through the forest and find you to protect you and build a campfire next to you#and ask you to take your clothes off so i can bandage your wounds when its the both of us alone next to a campfire#I know she was saying that more to herself than him#and it was supposed to be her drilling that into her own head in the end#but also like#damn you could've said that after you walked away or after he died#lucky she's in love with a dumbass who never comprehended that bit#you may think “but bonnie it was his chest that was injured of course he neded to take his clothes off he wears 3 layers of clothes”#THEY'RE STILL MADLY IN LOVE#THEY'RE STILL AWKWARD AND GAY ABOUT IT NOBODY FIGHT ME ON THIS#THIS WOMAN BLUSHED TOUCHING HIS ARM AND YOU WANT ME TO THINK THAT SCENE HAD ZERO TENSION#HE ALSO BLUSHED WHEN SHE LIGHTLY TOUCHED HIS FUCKING ARM BTW#YOU WANT ME TO THINK THESE TWO TOUCH STARVED MADLY IN LOVE DUMBFUCKS DIDNT NEARLY EXPLODE#I'D KILL SOMEBODY TO SEE THAT SCENE#I'D DO ANYTHING ON THIS EARTH TO WITNESS THAT. WHY'D IT HAVE TO NOT BE SHOWN IN THE EPISODE#i would sleep with the director if it meant getting this scene#i would#guys i ahve such brainrot abotu this#and brainrot about this alot#i praise this show a lot for its lack of fan service and how well these two are written#and therefore this is such a perfect raw kinda tense moment I NEED IT I PHYSICALLY NEED IT#it's not fanservice but i am a afan and i am being serviced#ok im gonna shut up#scissor seven#wu liuqi#thirteen#seven
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thebicanary · 6 months
#in tags cos I'm not tryna start disk horse I just feel like ranting a bit about it cos it annoys me ahsmdhsbsgd#i'm tired of the prevalent attitude in a lot of RPG video game fandoms that men VAs suck and deserve to be ridiculed for no reason ahrbdgdgd#like it's been going on for so many years i'm tired i'm over it i'm done#having a preference for the female VAs and character options is fine lord knows i prefer to play them myself#but like mark meer??? gavin drea??? aren't bad actors???#it's a different performance and interpretation but like they're at worst FINE (but also actually good)#even in games where i have a very big preference for the female VA (ac odyssey and valhalla) the guy is still good???#i'm not big into alexios or meivor but i think their performances as deimos and odin respectively are brilliant for those stories#(and that's really a flaw in the fact they were not supposed to be main character options originally and were rewritten for that)#(so it's not on the VAs but ubisoft being dumbasses who fear making a woman the sole protagonist)#ANYWAY i know it's not that serious but it's so weird seeing people in tags on a certain post being so... nasty#about people they don't know and who afiak have been nothing but kind and appreciative of their fandoms#thank fuck honestly that bg3 doesn't have full voiced Tavs/Durges cos i know people would be freaks about the guys there too#also in games as big as these massive RPGs it's rarely just one voice director for the whole project#so a lot of the times a big reason these voice performances are very different is they're likely being directed by different people#sometimes different directors for different scenes so like. there's a lot of things that can change from page to performance because of that
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drewlypso · 1 year
i havent heard back from a program i applied to but website says decisions release today, so rn my slight paranoia (im assuming the worst case scenario, which is i never even submitted the application i worked on for a week) is meeting my extreme forgetfulness (actually not remembering if i hit submit on my application)
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dramaphan · 1 year
Girl help I'm thinking about changing careers
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you know what's strange? a christmas carol goes wrong obviously takes place in december, but we know that they've been planning it (and are a reasonable amount through organising it) in may (because that's when dennis' bday party is). i don't know a whole lot about the actual logistics of theatre, but isn't 7-8 months a very long time to be preparing for a show that you literally only do once???
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exist101 · 1 year
Okay dumb Poptropica shitpost with lore here we go!
Okay so I have this headcanon that Director D used to have a lot of pull in the government. And that early on in his B.A.D. days he had used that pull to make new weapons. And that one of them in particular backfired. And that it was a mind control device. And that one day the villains got on the topic of failed plots. And Director D brings the mind control device up. And Dr Hare slowly got more stiff while Director D was talking.
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dailyjournalsblog · 2 years
Sometimes the prank where kids knock on your door and run away becomes your whole life
people come, breaking all these walls, removing all these armours and telling you that you are the sweetest thing, a blessing in disguise, only to leave you like a curse
all people do is disappear and all I do is repent
I have scars in places I did not hurt, I have memories with people who forgot me too soon, and I have a life that I clearly do not want. I have a heart that beats no matter how hard it breaks. I am alive and that is my regret today
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abbyshands · 4 months
in honor of the media blackout this week, i wanted to compile a list of links and resources regarding what’s going on in gaza. i advise all of you to give these links a look at, or to at least reblog them. the people in gaza need the bare minimum from us in that sense. &, well, if you can’t take enough time out of your day to give these links at least a look, a like, or share, then, bye !
& for all the the last of us fans out there, you need to see this. it’s genuinely a must. not to call anyone out, but i see a lot of people who have not spoken out about this at all, who, for example, keep publishing or reblogging fics etc during the blackout. i love a good fic as much as anyone else, but you can wait a week. there’s really no excuses here. if you didn’t know about the previous blackout, then now is your chance. don’t turn a blind eye to this.
at the end of this post are links specifically for those engaged in the last of us tumblr. if you aren’t going to look at the links before that, then at least look at those.
oh, & for the dumbasses who are unfollowing me for spending a week to post about a fucking genocide? fuck you, & good fucking riddance. you are not and never were welcome on my page. i don’t want you here anyways!
SEVERAL ways you can help the people in gaza. some of which are fully free.
SEVERAL links regarding info around this genocide, such as places to boycott, and ways to learn more about the nature of it all.
SEVERAL ways you can help, including ways to donate, petitions you can sign, and campaigns you can join.
places you NEED to boycott. don’t buy from them, regardless of if they really fund israel or not. if they support them, that is more than enough. boycotting is a way to resist, so do it. at the end of this post are also places that are helping those who are in gaza, and families you can help escape by donating.
know that this issue did NOT begin oct. 7th. this is so much deeper than you know, and has been going on for 70+ years. click the above link to educate yourself on that front.
CLICK HERE TO HELP PALESTINE! this site has already been debunked on if it really helps the people in gaza or not, and it does. just one click is all you need. one button, once per day. you can even do it on different devices or browsers so you get more than one click in. click it daily!
CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES using this link, and this link (this will help you find ways to call or email them depending on where you live). also, urge biden and congress to do right by the people in gaza. the U.S. sends billions of dollars to israel every year, funding the genocide that’s ensuing as we watch on from the comfort our homes. do the bare minimum, & hold them accountable. please.
HERE ARE WAYS YOU CAN DONATE or find a PROTEST near you! not everyone is readily available to do these things, i know that. but looking into them could never hurt, or at least sharing it elsewhere so there is more awareness surrounding it.
LEARN OF AFRO-PALESTINIAN EXPERIENCES, & the efforts they have made over the years. i think it’s so, so crucial that we hear their voices, &, god, learning of all that they’ve been through, & all that they’ve done, is so inspiring.
here is some more info regarding BOYCOTTING. boycotting does, and has been proven to work. this post explains the subject a bit more in case it happens to confuse anybody, along w/companies and such that need to be boycotted, & why. as i said before, boycotting is a way to resist. so do it!
HERE IS A 🇵🇸 MASTERLIST including ways to educate yourself, donate, books you can read, & films you can watch. this is one of the best links i have regarding this genocide, and i highly recommend you look at it!
SOUTH AFRICA took israel to court for this genocide! read about it in the above link.
do not remain in the dark about the last of us’s link to the ongoing conflict in gaza. neil druckmann, the director of the game, is a ZIONIST. he grew up in israel, and TLOU2 is rooted in israeli themes. now, no one is saying you have to quit playing the game, or dislike it, for all you dense ones out there. but i ask that you remain aware of this aspect of it, especially if you are regularly engaged in the last of us tumblr.
this is a link that i highly, highly recommend you read through. it discusses the HEAVILY ISRAELI THEMES TLOU2 displays. click the following link to learn more on TLOU2 & NEIL DRUCKMANN.
DO NOT BUY TLOU, TLOU REMASTERED, TLOU2, TLOU2 REMASTERED, OR ANY GAME FROM ND! neil druckmann has donated money to the IDF in the past. & where do you think he’s getting his money from? yeah, you got that. watch gameplays, pirate these games, or buy them secondhand. several shops sell used games. & for those of you who went and purchased the game anyway, knowing about all of this? fuck you.
if you think your $10 doesn’t matter, then think about this: okay, one person spends $10 on the game. whatever. but when 100,000 people do it? that’s a million dollars, going into the hands of a zionist, who is using YOUR money to help kill innocent men, women, and children. put that in your pipe and smoke it.
it is not just the games you need to boycott. HBO’S show also needs to be. follow this link to learn of more movies and shows you need to boycott, & the reasons why, including the last of us. let’s also not forget that dina & abby’s actresses are in support of israel, and BELLA RAMSEY, ellie’s actress, has also shown support.
boycott. the fucking. show. there are a million websites where you can pirate it, so you are not giving any of your support to it. resist.
i understand that not everyone is educated on this subject, and that not everyone knew of the previous media blackout. for the last of us fans, i understand that not everyone knew about the game or show’s israeli nature. but it is never too late to take part. it is never too late to care. i promise you that. if you purchased the game, at least donate to one of the sources above. that’s just bare minimum.
get educated, get loud, & GET PROUD! these are innocent people who are dying as you read this from your bed, couch, whatever. the least you can do is like & reblog so this reaches more people. your voice matters, big account or small.
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natalievoncatte · 11 days
“Director Danvers, Lena Luthor is here.”
Alex stared at the speaker on her desk for a moment, feeling her anger rise. She didn’t need this now. Whatever stunt Lena was pulling, now was not the time. She had fires to put out and Supergirl was out of the fight.
Kara, a voice whispered. Kara, your sister.
Alex’s prime directive was take care of Kara. Yet here she was, again, dealing wit the aftermath of Kara being knocked down and beaten to a pulp in service of people she didn’t even know. Half of them hated and feared her now.
How had she let this happen? By small allowances. Step A led to Step B and then on to Step C. It started with looking the other way while Kara foiled robberies and rescued cats from trees and led to Kara defacto joining an organization whose mandate was, on paper, to imprison her or worse. She told herself that she was doing good, that between her and J’onn, they had become the wolves keeping the wolves from the door. Under the right leadership, an organization mandated to “control” aliens could help and protect them.
It gave her no comfort when Kara was lying in the sunroom unconscious, and the government was breathing down Alex’s neck while J’onn was off finding himself on some pacifist bullshit quest.
(Why did their fathers always leave them? Were the Danvers girls doomed to face everything alone?)
Now Lena was here. Luthor’s sister. Alex had let herself trust this woman and she wasn’t sure how that happened either.
Might have been because her kid sister, her precious dumbass kid sister, was over the moon for her Lena and didn’t even know it.
It was Luthor who did this to Kara, Luthor and his allies. Alex had enough of this. There would be no trial this time. No public spectacle. She didn’t care if it ended her career or even her freedom, she was going to kill him, because Kara couldn’t. Kara would always look for the other way, the perfect solution. She was beautiful and good, a hero who came from the heaven to set things right. A saint.
Alex was not and she never pretended she could be.
She drummed her fingers on the desk and stared at the speaker and said, “Keep her in the lobby.”
“No, Director, I mean she’s here, outside your door. We… she can be persuasive.”
Alex reached over wearily and hit the button to open the doors.
Lena marched in, and the sight of her took Alex aback. The boardroom predator with the razor sharp hairstyle, flawless makeup and fuck me pumps was gone, replaced by what Alex would think was Lena’s kid sister under other circumstances. She looked her age, for once, dressed in faded jeans and a threadbare MIT sweatshirt, carrying a battered messenger bag.
Alex had never seen Lena so bedraggled. Her hair was a chaos of unkempt curls pulled into a low ponytail and she was sans makeup, and for good reason. Her eyes were painfully red and the tracks of her tears were as livid as if they’d been left by claws. Her bottom lip was trembling and she fiddled with the strap of her bag.
“Close the door,” said Lena. “Can we talk here? Is this room secure?”
Alex pushed the button and closed the doors.
She had barely said “Yes”.
“Where’s Kara?”
“Not here. Why would she be at the-“
“Don’t fuck with me, Alex.”
Alex looked at her sharply. “I don’t know what you think you’re going to accomplish here with this, after you started working with Lex again.”
Lena stormed forward and slammed her palms on the desk, rattling Alex’s possessions. She leaned forward and glared with Alex with a furious, teeth-baring demand.
“The clone almost killed her. Where is she?”
Alex swallowed hard. “I’m not sure what-“
Lena cut her off. “I know Kara is Supergirl, Alex. I need to see her. Please.”
Alex rocked back in her chair as if struck by a physical force. The words slam into her chest like a brick into her sternum.
She knows.
“It doesn’t matter. I’ve know for months. But you have to listen to me. Lex knew. He told me her identity, tried to throw it in my face so I’d turn on her. He knew her real name, he knew about you, he knew about your mother. You have to do something now.”
“Oh my God,” Alex said, standing. Mom.
“He wasn’t going to stop, Alex!” Lena blurted, almost hysterical. “He was never going to stop. He was going to kill her, he swore to me that she was going to die. I had to do it!”
“Do what?” Alex whispered.
“I had to kill him,” Lena wailed, balling her fists impotently as if she were trying to choke her own soul. “I had to!”
The reality of it slams into Alex and before she knows it she’s rushed around the desk to throw her arms around her friend, all thoughts of Luthors and loyalty and everything else going out the window as Lena sobs into her should.
“I killed my big brother.”
Lena’s voice so so small, so broken, that Alex can’t help but sob with her.
The fucking bastard just wouldn’t stop hurting them, even in death. Alex didn’t believe in hell but she wished she did for Lex Luthor.
Lena’s sobbing ebbed but did not fade entirely. There was only one cure for that.
“Come on, let’s go see our girl.”
Alex led Lena outside. First, she flagged down Brainy and gave quick, clipped orders: Get Eliza and get her here now, and find Nia and do the same. Then make a list of anyone Lex might have targeted and find them and get them secured.
Then she took Lena to the sunroom. They stopped outside and Alex handed her a pair of silly looking goggles.
“We can’t stay long, the light is too intense even with sunscreen, and you look like you burn.”
“Like a lobster,” Lena choked, pitifully.
Alex entered the code and opened the door.
Kara lay on the padded bed in a paper gown, bathed in sunlight. She was a mass of bruises and her right arm and left leg were in casts, a collar wound her neck. She’d been unconscious for three days now, possibly in the same kind of healing hibernation she’d fallen into after her first fight with Reign.
Lena rushed to Kara’s side and cupped her cheeks with her hands, brushing back sweat-dampened hair.
“Oh God,” Lena blurted, “oh please oh God Kara wake up.”
“She’s been out for days,” said Alex. “She’s stable, just not coming around. This has happened before. We think it’s part of how her body heals serious injuries. It just takes time. She’ll wake on her own when she’s ready.”
Lena didn’t even seem to hear her. She leaned down with an intensity and intimacy that shocked Alex to the core, and then shocked her further. Lena loosed three words in a language from a dead world that she has no business knowing.
“Zhao w rrip.”
Alex was thunderstruck. Lena knew Kryptonian?
“Lex had a translation dictionary,” said Lena. “I just hope I pronounced it right.”
“We need to go,” Alex said, glumly. “You can stay at the DEO. We could use your help and it’s safer for you here anyway.”
“Just let me stay another minute. Please.”
“If I do, your face will be peeling off tomorrow. We can visit again later. Come on.”
“I can’t,” Lena choked out. “I can’t leave her.”
Alex was an about to say something else when her mother fell open. Kara’s eyes fluttered open and she immediately turned to Lena, bleary-eyed.
“Did you mean that?”
“Yes, Kara, I meant it.”
“But zhao means-“
“I know what it means,” Lena insisted, so full of joy now. “I know what it means, darling. That’s how I meant it. I love you, Kara.”
Alex swallowed hard. She didn’t want to interrupt but Lena, and not to mention Alex herself, would get very sick very fast if they didn’t leave this room.
Lena grasped Kara’s uninjured hand.
“You have to go. It’s not safe for humans in here.”
Lena swallowed hard, her throat bobbing.
“Before I… can I…?”
“Yes,” Kara whispered.
Lena darted down and gave Kara a quick, soft kiss on her lips, lingering for just a moment. Kara smiled at her and their hands slid apart as Alex half dragged Lena out of the room and closed the door, then ripped off her sun shades and stared.
“How long?” she breathed.
“I’ve been in love with her for at least for years now,” Lena said, her voice cracking a little. “I’ve wanted to tell her for so long.”
Lips trembling, Alex was besieged. She remembered every time that she told Kara to stay away, not to trust her, not to tell her. The weight of what she has done presses her down as firmly as the knowledge that Kara will be healed soon lifts her up. There’s only one thing she can do.
She swept Lena into a bear hug.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for doubting you and pushing you apart. I’m sorry I didn’t see sooner.”
Lena, at last, fully broke down in Alex’s arms. Later, when Eliza arrived, she passed off Lena-hugging duties to her mother until Kara was fully awake and can leave the sunroom.
Then, Alex went and did what you do for family.
She got rid of the body.
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