#the brainrot gremlins
Behold! The glitch fuckers.
In this post, I shall be introducing my most developed original species known as a “Duus’ire.” (Derived from the words “Desire” and “Error”
Duus’ires are a type of Airan demonic who’s entire existence and power level revolves around that of technology. On September 9th, 1947, a moth got trapped into a computer and because of it, the computer malfunctioned. The energy of that malfunction traveled to Hell and combined with the soul of a powerful dead demon- Thus creating Cecropia, the mother of all Duus’ires. Cecropia was incredibly powerful and could possibly take over Hell’s throne, so Lucifer imprisoned her in an inescapable Pit in the depths of Hell. She herself can’t escape, but she can create other Duus’ires with her energy combined with other malfunctioning technology, thus making them all brothers and sisters towards each other. The rest of Hell absolutely despises Duus’ires and many are killed right as they escape the Pit. 
Duus’ires, as stated above, all possess glitch like powers. However, they all also possess a monochrome color scheme, white eyes, and a distinct tail tip shape. 
If you guys have any questions about the characters listed below, send an ask! I’m happy to go more in depth! :D
Now without further ado:
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Pierce Vide
Alright, starting it off strong. Pierce, better known by his last name “Vide”, is absolutely despised amongst my group of friends and I love it. He was created from a 1960s box TV malfunctioning. 
He is entitled, smug, manipulative, and has an obsession for control over the ones around him. However, he wasn’t always like this. At one point, he was quite friendly, and protective of his sister Blaire (We’ll get to her later). This all quickly changed once he was exposed to how much everyone despised his species. He declined rather rapidly and now there is no turning back and no chance at redemption. 
On top of that, Vide also killed @cupcakes-oc-corner ’s main persona Cupcake and made her a ghost. His main motive behind that was to gain control over her, corrupt her, and ultimately gain complete and total control over her, making her a puppet. However, he didn’t take into account that Cupcake had befriended a Prince of Hell named Cyber (Owned by @isas-oc-asylum ) who is incredibly powerful and extremely protective over Cupcake. He has been defeated... For now.
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Blaire Nulle
Previously known as Blaire Vide, Blaire is the closest Vide will ever get to a sister (Even if all Duus’ires are related). She was created from a 1960s radio malfunctioning. From the start, Blaire has been at his side and helped him. They were an inseparable duo up until Vide’s thirst for control threw him over the edge. After Vide ultimately betrayed her along with Verge (Owned by @cupcakes-oc-corner ), Blaire cut herself off from the rest of her siblings and changed her last name to Nulle. 
Not a lot is known about Blaire other than she is very closed off, sarcastic, and untrustful of anything and anyone. However, once Vide is defeated, she might start to open up a little. Her opening up will ultimately be healthier, but man she has suppressed so much. Her healing arc might (will) include a lot of murder.
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Fable Naivade
Also previously known as Fable Vide, Fable has been nonstop manipulated by Vide since they were 16 years old (They’re 24 now). They came from a 1990s VCR Camera malfunctioning due to a paranormal experience. They lived on their own for most of their young life, but once they turned 16, they were trapped in a church and were almost exorcised. However, the exorcism was not successful as Vide chased the attackers off and saved Fable. From then on out, Fable was Vide’s right hand and helped him with his plans. But, Vide was incredibly manipulative and abusive towards them, making them believe they could not live without Vide’s guidance. 
Fable’s general personality is prideful, snarky, competitive, and sometimes arrogant. A lot of their traits come naturally, but some have been picked up from spending so much time with Vide. They are very quick and agile, which makes their use of twin pistols (That they have named “Ghost” and “Ghoul” in reference to their creation) very dangerous weapons. 
A lot of their personality and appearance is inspired by Chuuya Nakahara from Bungo Stray Dogs and in future canon, they will be dating @isas-oc-asylum ’s character named Story.
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Blink Parifecte
Blink is a strange one.They’ve always been murderous and unhinged, but at one point it was less so. They went through something called “Corruption.” When a Duus’ire becomes corrupted, it basically means they have severed their ties to Cecropia, which leads to them going completely insane. At one point, Blink attempted to possess a doctor named Alysela Hawk. Due to Alysela having a very strong soul, the possession didn’t work fully. Now Blink is permanently bound to this poor, tired doctor and can’t do anything about it.
Blink is impulsive, hyperactive, and very dangerous to be around if you don’t know them. They also are a very special case of Duus’ire creation where they actually came from a historical glitch instead of just a random household item. They came from the first supercomputer known as CRAY-1, making them very powerful. 
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Arcade Paardoxa
Arcade is a dramatic, smug trickster and he will get flustered if you refer to him as the “king” of the Duus’ires, but honestly that’s what he is. Arcade is currently the most powerful Duus’ire to ever exist and he is considered the “big brother” to all the other Duus’ires as he commonly tries to be at the Pit to help those that escape before they can be attacked. He came from, whoa what a surprise, an arcade machine malfunctioning. You will also notice that he does not possess the monochrome colors scheme that other Duus’ires possess. That is because he is possessing someone named Russel Perry which allows him to look different. 
Arcade’s story is a sad and happy one. Upon escaping the Pit, he wasn’t alone. He had his twin sister Prism by his side and the two were as close as Vide and Blaire, if not closer. However, Vide was quick to find them at the edge of the Pit and when Arcade and Prism refused to work with him, Vide threw Prism back into the Pit. Arcade was left alone up until another Duus’ire named Kvasir helped him. He has been steadily healing ever since. 
Arcade is commonly known as the “Casino Demon” because of his ability to trick people and because of the literal pocket dimension he has that is a casino (Think of the Lotus Casino in Percy Jackson. That is literally how this dimension works). He is the master of games, gambling, and tricks. You cannot win against him.
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Kvasir Decepre 
Kvasir was the first Duus’ire that Cecropia made, meaning he is the 2nd one to ever exist. He came from a classic 1950s projector malfunctioning, and once it malfunctioned, it caused the entire theatre to burn down. Not a lot is known about Kvasir’s past, and thinking about it is known to make him anxious. Instead, he focuses on the present where he is dating a man named Jackolis (Owned by @isas-oc-asylum ), has a large house in Newsile, and is disgruntled at the younger Duus’ires referring to him as “Grandpa” (He isn’t that old!). 
Kvasir’s first impression on you completely relies on who you are, but normally he comes off as deceivingly friendly, innocent, and protective to the ones around him. However, there is another side to him. Kvasir primarily works as a bounty hunter and his job combined with his personality has awarded him the nickname “Mr. Deception.” He is spectacular at killing and will commonly jumpscare me and tell me JUST how many people have become his victims (Spoiler: Its over 8k people). 
Kvasir, sadly, suffers from corruption. He was there the night Blink became corrupted and Blink attempted to fuse their soul to him. The result was Kvasir becoming “partially corrupted” which basically means he can be normal one second and painfully fighting off a lapse in sanity the next. He doesn’t like to talk about it.
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Span Chronole 
Span, despite his looks, is actually a very young Duus’ire. Cyber DeLuna (Owned by @isas-oc-asylum ) actually forcibly created him by making a piece of technology malfunction (It was a digital clock). This has lead to Span being odd and honestly a little bit revered by the other Duus’ires. 
Span is very reserved, quiet, and proper. You will rarely see him without his trenchcoat, vest, and cane as he always wants to present himself the best he can be. He can also be very dangerous as he was created by a literal Prince of Hell and he is known to make deals with people (And making deals with demons is just in general a bad idea)
Span is also a musician as many of the Duus’ires are. He can play piano, percussion, and trumpet, his best skills being in percussion. He has fantastic rhythm. Perhaps it has to do with him coming from a clock? 
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Lyric Chorstruck 
Lyric actually hates that he is a Duus’ire and actively tries to avoid most of their glitching powers. The reason why is because once they escaped the Pit, they were instantly attacked by demons trying to kill them. Arcade, as he was preoccupied with something, could not be there for him, so he was left completely alone. They absolutely despise Arcade because of this. Currently, they live in Arboresia (Original country made by @isas-oc-asylum and @deaths-presence​). How they wound up there is a mystery, but it is their chosen space.
Lyric is generally very sassy, flirty, and in general a huge fruit of a man. They don’t care about gender roles and they honestly think clothing being gendered is the stupidest thing anyone can come up with. They’ll wear anything and everything if they think it’ll look good on them. Lyric also, as their name suggests, is a singer. They came from a mix table malfunctioning which makes them have an affinity for anything and everything music related. 
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eldritchnebula · 1 year
I know I'm rarely active on Tumblr these days, but I thought I'd say that I made a side blog for my original characters and world building! Go take a look :)
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lunniere · 1 year
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the hatake teefs are toofin'
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lufdraws · 1 year
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hawke’s favor 🥀
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gremliinsart · 4 months
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Sorry I think I'm so funny (I am)
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aceisferal · 9 months
Why is Din shipped with like. Primarily Tattooine-based lads. Like there’s:
Dinluke: Luke Skywalker is basically Tattooines idk Jedi guy™️ I don’t feel like I’ve gotta explain this it’s covered in the first Star Wars movie
Dincobb: Tattooine cowboy sheriff man Cobb Vanth
BobaDin: Boba is less tattooine-raised but he is literally leading. A decent chunk of it with Moss Pelgos (I think. I’m forgetting the city he leads’s name. Star Wars fans don’t kill me please). Also he spent a lot of time with the sand people (I don’t think that’s their actual name sorry❤️❤️). I think he’s basically tattooinian now
What is it with the metal man and some sandy-cowboys. I know he’s on the planet a lot because it’s kind of like crime-central and he’s got friends there, but like man oh man. He’s got to leave that planet and be finding sand in his armour for weeks
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talleryn · 1 year
Wylan: Okay okay stop asking me if I'm straight, gay, bi, whatever. I identify as a FUCKING THREAT.
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yingxtkm · 2 months
The demons in my head crave for aeriseph sibling content
Now if only my dumbass can sit still for a couple hours to clean my sketches
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katamite-cinaedus · 1 year
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Don’t call the SUS guy at 3 AM ‼️‼️ he will come
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applbottmjeens · 8 months
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Pillowtalk taken straight from this old piece
Nothing like hooking up before you betray her and her team,amirite?
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Original Characters
Trust me, there are more than this, but here are the ones from my original world! All of the others are from worlds made by friends ( @isas-oc-asylum @illyriashade56 @nebula-starlight @bunchofdoodlesinspace @deaths-presence @alexorsobean) which will still be mentioned periodically :)
All characters below the cut
Nebula (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Nova (Inarakuma/Astril)
Silarce (Opposite)
Ava (Human)
Aurora (Inarakuma/Astril)
Alex (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Amelie (Human)
Marcus (Human)
Tempest (Android)
Idalia (Half-Fae)
Evelyn (Fae)
Lucien (Human)
Harriet (Human)
Azalea (Human)
Carlie (Lycan)
Melody (Human)
Harmony (Alter)
Dillan (Warlock)
Sadie (Warlock)
Dr. Hugo (Cyborg)
Sam (Human)
Athena (Unimprinted Az'Linzi)
Phileas (Mountain Az'Linzi)
Oteilas (Unimprinted Az'Linzi)
Dexterity (Volcanic Az'Linzi)
Calypso (Plant Az'Linzi)
Juno (Ocean Az'Linzi)
Vukita (Plant Az'Linzi)
Elroy (Animal Az'Linzi)
Jericho (Galactic Az'Linzi)
Orion (Lunar Az'Linzi)
Astrid (Lunar Az'Linzi)
Clocktower (Creation Az'Linzi)
Sapphire (Creation Az'Linzi)
Nadyra (Seer Az'Linzi)
Clyde (Ocean Az'Linzi)
Lucifer II (Satan)
Camille (Lilith)
Samael (Harbinger)
Jophys (Harbinger)
Michaelis (Harbinger)
Lilit (Harbinger)
Lucille (Harbinger)
Thomas (Fallen Angel)
Ashley (Fallen Angel)
Jackson (Angel)
Valentine (Sin of Lust)
Dixie (Sin of Pride)
Ivy (Sin of Envy)
Zohyn (Sin of Sloth)
Scarlet (Sin of Wrath)
Dagon (Sin of Greed)
Gala (Sin of Gluttony)
Miguel (Demon)
Cecropia (Duus'ire)
Vide (Duus'ire)
Blaire (Duus'ire)
Arcade (Duus'ire)
Prism (Duus'ire)
Blink (Duus'ire)
Kvasir (Duus'ire)
Fable (Duus'ire)
Ariadne (Duus'ire)
Lyric (Duus'ire)
Span (Duus'ire)
Spark (Duus'ire)
Design (Duus'ire)
Mikhail (Human)
Max (Human)
Ca Prend (Demon)
Jazz (Demon)
Maia (Demon)
Kava (Demon)
Leo (Demon)
Nathaniel (Warlock)
Noah (Warlock/Az'LinziDescendant)
Jaydeka (Naga)
Kayra (Naga)
Griffin (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Dr. Carson (Chimera)
Dr. Alysela (Human)
Dr. Varian (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Matthew (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Dr. Catalyst (Warlock)
Zachariah (Demon)
Emily (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Traci (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Sarah  (Az'Linzi Descendant)
Zira (Ink Demon)
Phoebe (Fire Sorcerer)
Carolyn (Ability User)
Aiden (Fire Sorcerer)
Valery (Reaper)
Dritzen (Lycan)
Archer (Half-Demon)
Callisyxis (Demon)
Cascadia (Nyrix)
Nymphea (Nyrix)
Airyn (Nyrix)
Lucia (Nyrix)
Robin (Nyrix)
Eirwen (Nyrix)
Draven (Nyrix)
Chaya (Nyrix)
Trinity (Dimension Jumper)
Manisavi (Eldritch Lite)
Vashya (Eldritch Lite)
Andromeda (Inarakuma/Astril)
Sidney (Sun Elf/Archivist)
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momochiiee-reblogs · 5 months
I am so sorry for the Kavetham / Haikaveh I've turned my social medias into since newyear
It will get worse overtime
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plasmatonic · 8 months
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Ahhh I haven't posted any art in awhile. Been fighting burnout and everything I started got tossed to the side and I wasn't all that fond of the style and such.
But uh...then the TF2 brainrot hit me again and I'm d e e p in that mess so have some doodles of my wives some mercs. I will be doodling all of em and most likely fixing them up digitally :v Also a little doodle making fun of myself
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
scaramouche would get so caught up in beating you when playing the pocky game that he’d forget his original objective of stealing a kiss. when your end breaks off and he internally cheers at his accomplishment, the cold realization of his ulterior motive going unfulfilled comes creeping up. 
victory is obtained, but at what cost? 
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yumemiruuuu · 5 months
Oh what a day to be alive 😩🤌🏻
It’s always such a blessing to see Shi Qingxuan alive and well and being their lively, good self
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katasstrophy · 1 year
just saw your post about shidou and wing tatts on his back and OH MY GODD I NEED HIM SO BAD</3
REKHA YOU AND ME BOTH GIRL!!!!! 😩😩😵‍💫😵‍💫 NGGGHHHHH i think about him all the time he haunts me he mAKES ME SICK!! IN THE HEAD!!!
you best believe i’m gonna make all his shirts disappear if he insists on acting so whoreish with that back tattoo 😤 i’m gonna objectify him in my own house sooooo bad
“dollface, have you seen my shirt?”
“hm? 🤔 which one babe?😇”
“all of them, angel. i can’t even seem to find one.”
“oh? how strange😌”
“a mystery.”
“y’re not even gonna offer to help me look for them?”
“oh i would but i’m just so busy you know maybe later :(”
but the bastard knows. of course he knows. so he forgoes even his otherwise still available hoodies and saunters around your shared home shirtless, grey sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips. makes sure to stretch his back muscles well and groan as it burns while he gives you a show that leaves you itching to jump him.
and when you can’t resist anymore, he makes you straddle him as he sinks you down on his cock, positioning your bodies in a way that lets you ogle his back muscles through the full length mirror in your bedroom – how they ripple and flex together with devil wing tattoos hugging every sculpted part of him as he bounces you up n down in his lap<3
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