#thats of course my interpretation as well as the many ppl i see
sexysilverstrider · 1 month
i want volo to get arceus in pokemon masters ex. i want him to be the hyped 5th anniversary character with a shiny arceus. hes not even redeemed. hes still vicious and malicious and cruel and yet hes still able to form a bond with arceus. and hes a nuke striker with a field passive that allows him to hit for super effective for ANY type despite being a normal tyoe unit. his kit and grid are busted that it rivals ashs kit. when he was finally revealed in pokemas people went nuts and the japanese fandom esp lost it. volo got an a++ seiyuu that once again made peoole lose it (and hosoyan himself rtweeted volos trailer i knw that man will voice more volo in the future). i want volo to go fucking nuts that it drives people nuts this august.
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Extra commentaries for "Untitled" (Portrait of Ross in L.A.)
a work that creates a metaphor for the loss of the artists partner by AIDS. There's a mass of candy equal to Ross at a healthy weight and gallery visitors are invited to take pieces of candy, dwindling the weight of the work to mirror Ross' drop in weight as his illness progressed. (cesiousblue)
I had to just kind of sit there trying to remember how to breathe for a few minutes after seeing it for the first time (courfeyracs-swordcane)
The themes of consumption in this work really get to me. It can be made by anyone, using the instructions of the artist, collecting a number of pieces of candy that weigh a total of 175 lbs, the weight of his partner who died that same year. This art hits me like a brick. (envelopedbyoblivion)
untitled (the one with the pile of candy) especially fucks me up bc of the extremely varied interpretations of it. my art history teacher told me that it represented someone spreading joy through ppls lives. a friend of mine said they viewed it as someone deteriorating due to aids-related complications. et cetera. either way it just feels so emotionally intense. (anonymous)
so this isn’t going to be articulated well especially since I’m not that familiar with conceptual art but I’m gonna try because I think it’s so incredible!!!! For a long time when I was younger I dismissed art like this and many pieces that fell under the modern art umbrella because I couldn’t really see the value in like, a dot on a piece of paper or what seemed like a random object placed in a room that someone decided was art for no particular reason. I never examined it and kinda dismissed it for being “low effort”, but this piece completely changed my mind and I was like holy shit I get it now! To elevate the seemingly ordinary, a pile of candy, into something so heartbreakingly meaningful, a portrait of his lover Ross who he lost to AIDS, is so meaningful! I feel like that’s so often what grief is, not the delicately crafted tributes that remind you of who you lost, but the ordinary objects that suddenly become imbued with so much meaning and sadness because they remind you of what’s been lost. It’s not to say that it’s not a delicately rendered portrait, because it is! But it’s like, not a portrait in the painting sense? It’s a snapshot of living with grief, without it it’s just a pile of candy, but when you carry that grief it becomes so much more. Another thing that I really like about this piece is that to me it’s less like a typical visual art piece and more like a song kinda? and as someone who was unfamiliar with conceptual art before seeing this, I think that’s so cool!? There is no “original” or one canvas that is The Art. If you place a pile of wrapped candies that weighs 175 pounds in a room, you now have “Untitled” (Portrait of Ross in L.A.). I realize a lot of conceptual art is like this, but this piece opened my eyes to that. I want to say more about the meaning of creating art that can persist anywhere when so many artists effected by HIV/AIDS were silenced or diminished, and how this piece also uses the audience in a really interesting way, but this is already way too long (sorry for rambling!). I really recommend reading up on this piece and it’s history. (anonymous)
A popular compliment/comment on art (at least in my tumblr circles) is 'i want to eat this art' and often it is illustrated or worded in a hedonistic tear into it wildly and animalistic eating way and thats great but this art is one I want to take one single 'bit', and let it savor on my tongue, put a hand on my stomach and think about how thankful i am to have gotten this bite. As a queer person its one of this installations i cant think about to long and not cry. I am young, too young to have lived through the AIDS crisis (as in the crisis of governments actively working against their people). Its an interactive piece of art and this kind of art always make me crazy the most (of course all art is interactive. the act of looking changes stuff already as we know from physics. looking and thinking about it is interacting) - you are invited to take one of the candy bits symbolising Ross. and on one hand that may sound horrifying to eat away a person who already had so much taken away, you take the part of the sickness of the government neglect. But as a queer person interacting i think about how matter never really goes away, things just transform. You take a piece. You eat it or share it with someone and you remember. You make him part of you. Queer community lost a lot because of AIDS but not all is lost, this work and others like the Quilt are remembrance, the galleries are stipulated to have the pile replenished - so Ross stays 'alive' and able to share bits of his history with people as long as the art work remains - and that makes me emotional (anonymous)
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narutobad · 5 months
Ok ok I'm normally not a person that would do this but I have thoughtts that have been eating me feom inside and I feel like ur insane enough (/pos) to understand this but like
Have ur ever got the energy Abt sasusaku being like tragic? I not really into them bc I never got the right vibes for them to really appeal to me so I never really cared or paid attention to them in a romantic sense but after seeing some ppl talking Abt them divorcing put this ideas into my mind of them clearly loving caring respecting and trusting each other but being together as in married or commiting ina relationship doesn't make them happy or it even makes them unhappy but the idea of letting go especially now it's so painful that they stay and even when they try to break it of they end up back together bc staying with each other is always a better option then being without the other even if they know it's not doing the good
But idk um a sucker for divorce and doomed tragic relationships and am being a bit delusional lol
i do think there is a lot of tragedy around sasuke and sakura's relationship, yeah. there is so much grief there, with sasuke's history and trauma and sakura's complicated feelings towards him, so many years of waiting and all of it festering.
i like to think that with time, patience and the love they undoubtedly share they're able to figure it out, and thats part of why i like them, how complicated their relationship is - but just as easily there is a possibility of them not being able work it out, of course. and that's also interesting.
i can see it going the way you're pointing out, especially if you consider how sasuke behaves in boruto, which i personally don't because i find it ooo. in that universe, divorce is the answer yup. god, they'd grow to resent each other so much, it'd be super toxic.
all in all, for sasusaku to work out, there has to be a lot of healing on both sides, so much maturity and grace in both of them. i could see sakura making herself smaller for sasuke, as she often did when she was a child, and sasuke being emotionally unavailable, and taking and taking from sakura. i could see them being stuck in that dynamic, loving each other so much still, unable to let go.
that is tragic indeed, but in my interpretation by the end of the manga neither sasuke nor sakura are those people anymore/they are well on their way of leaving those people behind, and that's why i place my bets on them figuring it out 😝
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motifenjoyer · 8 days
akane kurashiki is (not) allocishet: an analysis
[pt: akane kurashiki is (not) allocishet: an analysis. end pt].
okay so we’ve been meaning to write this for a while but havent bc we’ve been focusing on other projects. slight disclaimer if u dont agree w this hc thats fine, just dont be a dick just bc it interferes w ur own interpretation . we all have our own ways of reading the text so. Yeah!! lets get started
so i just wanna say akane is a character i resonate with in a lot of ways, and a lot of what im going to say comes from my and others’ experiences. ur identities and experiences r def gonna affect how u view a piece of work right? 
so when i played through the series in 2023, i initially viewed akane as everyone else did: she’s in love with junpei, and even hced her as bi like most of the fandom. but the more i studied the source material, the more i felt thats not rlly the case?? esp after ztd, like im sorry but i cannot buy the idea that both junpei or akane wanna marry each other. junpei is for another day but in terms of akane i wanna talk abt the idea that she may be aromantic. 
immersing myself in the fandom, a lot of ppl’s first impressions of akane’s june persona is that she was initially gonna be this ditzy girl next door who only serves as a love interest for junpei. ofc that ended up not being the case, but i see ppl say that they only rlly cared for akane after finding out she’s zero. which imo is such a missed opportunity for analysis.
as june, akane interacts with the world through tropes. the first thing she does when we’re introduced to her is fall on junpei. and overall is seen as this nervous girl who wouldn’t harm anyone. she flirts w junpei throughout the game, yadda yadda yadda. when it comes to her identity as zero, she desperately wants a perfect ending where she can be with junpei. its guesswork as to which aspects are true of akane, but i personally see these traits as smth she thinks “kanny” would do. 
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[id: screenshot from 999’s script, black text on a white background that reads:
“Junpei: Well, I dunno. Anything. I mean, you're hiding it. How would I know?
June: You mean, like...the number of men I've dated?
Junpei's heart stumbled over itself.
June: Do you want to know?
He had to admit, he was a little curious.
June: Don't worry.
She smiled at him.
June: Only 18...
June: ...Times 0.
June: Yeah... I guess I just haven't met Mr. Right yet…”
“Number of men” is highlighted in green. End id].
of course, bc of her tumultuous childhood and how she didn’t have many friends, she never rlly had experience w dating. but not much suggests she would beyond her own words.
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[id: screenshot from 999’s script, black text on a white background that reads:
“Kanny: You...meant a lot to me...when we were kids...
Kanny: I've liked you...for a long time, Junpei... A really...long...time..”
“Liked” is highlighted in green. End id]. 
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[id: screenshot from 999’s script, black text on a white background that reads:
My voice shook as I answered.
It was hot in the room. It felt like my heart was on fire.
6 minutes or not, my heart burned with my feelings for him.
“burned” is highlighted in green. End id]. 
but actions speak louder than words, and she doesn’t go far beyond flirting and declarations of love. in ztd, she doesn’t even make these advances even when she’s trying to lighten the mood or make things right with junpei. the only time being when she speaks with carlos in the pantry. 
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[id: a log of dialogue from zero time dilemma which reads: 
akane: if it was because of me somehow… then this time i need to rush to his aid. that’s what i’ve decided anyway.
carlos: you really like junpei, don’t you?
akane: wh-what in the world are you saying, carlos?! 
carlos: i’m out of my depth when it comes to romance.
end id].
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[id: a log of dialogue from zero time dilemma which reads: 
carlos: did you bake heart-shaped cookies full of love for your darling junpei?
akane: oh carlos… would you please stop teasing me… 
june is meant to be seen as the ideal japanese woman, and since performance/identity is a huge part of her character, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that she’s performing heterosexuality/amatonormativity, by extension femininity (but that’s an analysis for another day). 
akane is also slotted into the role of a mother figure for kyle just as sigma with the role of father. i can’t help but think of the scene in little shop of horrors (1986), audrey sings abt a stable and “ideal” middle class life. i remember watching it thinking it was odd, given that im aro and am not interested in settling down or emulating cishet middle class values. but my friend, who is poor just like audrey and akane, told me that it’s a common occurrence for poor ppl to think this way. to want a sense of stability even if it’s stereotypical. i feel like this applies to akane as well. i also hc her with bpd, and instability is a common symptom for us, so it makes sense for her to see junpei as a beacon of such, of normalcy. he’s rlly the only normal part of her childhood. she wants him to fix her lol . 
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[id: screenshot from virtue’s last reward which reads: 
“i pleaded with her to leave, but she quietly shook her head. there was someone very special to her, she told me. he had saved her life once, and she felt her death would help to repay that favor.” end id].
and while we do see oldkane/vlrkane reminisce abt her life w junpei thru kyle, the passcode being jumpydolls, i feel like thats less abt love and more abt the fact that shes lonely, which a lot of ppl mistake that like. love can fix that.. when it rlly cant. not to mention what i said earlier
akane and junpei rarely make physical contact beyond junpei holding her in his arms and hugging. you can of course be a couple and not be that physically affectionate, but junpei is the only one initiating this. also like?? not even an “i love you” when you haven’t seen each other in nine years???????
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[id: cg from nine hours nine persons nine doors. junpei holds akane’s shoulder with a worried expression. Akane has her eyes closed. End id].
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[id: screenshot of zero time dilemma. junpei hugs akane near the basketball court in the lounge. akane wears a wedding ring on her right hand. end id].
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[id: screenshot from zero time dilemma. junpei holds a ring in his right hand. white text on the bottom reads, “well, remember back in elementary school your dream was to wear a ring?” end id].
this is actually a common experience for aros who dont realize aromanticism is even an option. i remember when i was a kid, i’d have daydreams of getting married and dating ppl but when the opportunity actually came, i was uncomfortable and rejected it. 
i feel like junpei’s proposal and akane’s acceptance were reckless of both of them, and probably not even signs of true feelings. junpei’s arc is abt regaining agency, and akane’s is abt control (hashtag cinematic parallels), so it makes sense this would happen. both wish they could return to their childhoods, hence their emotionally immature attitudes + tendency to reminisce abt the past (junpei is counterphobic to this though and eventually gets over it in vlr’s timeline, though akane continues to act this way going forward). poor decision making is a sign of trauma after all. 
i mentioned how akane (and junpei but again. Another story for another day) subverts gendered expectations w her personality. aro ppl (as well as lesbians if u wanna go for a lesbian akane reading) tend to feel disconnected from their agab bc yk we arent straight and like a cishet woman liking a man is a sign of womanhood according to Society............ so like what if ur a girl who likes girls? or doesnt like anyone??? what does that make u??? (again, this could either be a trans reading or a lesbian reading)
anyway my point is. i think its more interesting to read akane’s interest in junpei as her wanting stability and a normal life, esp given that she is traumatized and was once poor. i feel like fluffy junepei fanworks make their dynamic very one-note and lack what makes their dynamic intriguing. but hey!! thats just my opinion as an aro person and how i prefer to interpret it 
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clown-bear · 1 year
tell me about the dahlia and pheonix dynamic in your head
sorry if it takes long to respond but I started Shaking when I saw this ask /pos
my headcanon about their dynamic comes back to. the class trial when Phoenix started looking up to Miles. they (Dahlia and Phoenix) only met in uni of course but the mock trial is Important to the Phoenix's character as a whole so here we are
ok, looking back to the mock trial we can see that Phoenix is a person that starts looking up to people the MOMENT they do sth significant/nice to him. some kid defends him? friends forever now. some girl goes up to him and start flirting? love from first sight. personally I believe that means he isn't really used to any of that
Dahlia on the other hand. she is used to that. to the attention and also kinda to ppl being willing to take her side (even if she's wrong. let's just look at Iris who used to help her). I believe thats the biggest reason she hates Phoenix so much tbh, I don't think she ever expected that he'd just say "no" to her when she asked him for the necklace back (it was Iris asking him but you know. he thought it was Dahlia)
sorry it's a bit chaotic but I want to talk about the moment Dahlia gave Phoenix her necklace. I think most of us look at this scene in a "Dahlia The Mastermind" sense (which is pretty fun) but I think it's also worth it to acknowledge that she was probably. kinda scared during this scene. scared for selfish reasons (scared of being found out to have murdered someone) but scared regardless. and Phoenix. we saw it time and time again that he feels like he needs to help everyone who is scared. I think he might have picked up on her being scared and that might be a part of why he fell (or more accurately.thought he fell imho) so hard so quickly
then. Dahlia didn't see him for some time but she spent a Lot of time thinking about him (NOT in a romantic sense of course but in a "I hate him so fucking much for not giving the necklace back and I'm now afraid all the time" sense) the next time they interact is like. when she wanted to kill him and them when she was on the witness stand.
I don't believe she persuaded him in any way to eat the necklace btw. I truly believe he just realized it on his own that she was guilty and he saw she was scared and wanted to protect her. in the weirdest way possible
and then. she says THE line. "how can any woman count on you" or sth like that. and then he learns she tried to kill him. Fucking Hell! now, I know the reason he still was kinda on her side after that is because he was genuinely confused because of the Iris Dahlia situation but it also shows sth else which is. he is READY to excuse fucked up behaviors towards him if it's from ppl he loves. which sucks
now, did Dahlia actually hate Phoenix? yes. but less for him as a person and more for the circumstances around them. on the one hand he was the perfect person she could have given the necklace to, on the other hand he was the worst person she could have given the necklace to. and all because of The Same Reason which is, Phoenix gets connected to people and things extremely easy if they show him (even if for a brief moment) that they are "on his side". do you get me. anon do you get me. does it make any amount of sense. I'm not sure myself
Dahlia. Dahlia Dollie Dearest. I made her seem like someone who always gets everything she wants which is both true and extremely untrue (I mean. Morgan is her mother). so many things about her are contradictory and I choose to interpret that as her being a nuanced character and not bad writing decisions. and in that spirit. I think her thoughts about Phoenix are contradictory as well. and Phoenix's thoughts about her. I think that's the theme of their weird dynamic, it's contradictions, it's Dahlia pretending all the time and it's Phoenix pretending right back. pretending he didn't know she was guilty. pretending he didn't see her umbrella on the crime scene.
did I answer your question? I'm not sure, I actually don't think so. but I don't think I can put it into words what I think is going on BETWEEN them. I just can point out things I think are influencing it
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matoitech · 3 months
cannot remember if this has been asked before in any capacity BUT do any of your ocs have a "theme song" (interpreted however you wanna interpret that)
THEY DO YEAH! i tend to have music associations for characters in general tho characters w specific 'theme song' esque songs narrows it down (which i am doing on purpose cuz i will talk too much abt too many ocs otherwise gbhfhg).
some of my ocs have playlists and they're privated since theyre usually just for me, but i do plan on sharing the blue, elle, and blue/elle playlists at some point- elle's needs new art, once thats done i can share them! as ppl know i edit and rearrange my playlists a lot lol
picking single ones can be touogh but i can do it . believe it. very small amnt of my ocs
blue: probably murderer by grandson, as soon as i heard it i was like god damn this is literally the blue theme song. but he has a BIG playlist with a lot of fitting songs
elle: old town road... is it bcuz shes southern YES its bcuz shes southern. otherwise i gotta go with all along the watchtower (the jimi hendrix version specifically) or creep by radiohead u have to see my vision
angel: pink hotel by scene queen cuz i think she sounds like that but also she has a playlist so LOTS of songs (lots of more serious ones lol.. but they cant beat pink hotel by scene queen)
lucas: dreams by baby storme
cas: helena beat by foster the people. i made a playlist for him a while back cuz i was collecting too many songs that fit him lol
pose: she does directly have theme songs i describe as theme songs- dream boy by waterparks and barbie girl by aqua (tho also anything by ayesha erotica could qualify). i have a playlist for him but it really needs to be cleaned up lol its super old
gem: constant repeat by charli xcx or virgos groove by beyonce maybe? i have a playlist for her too its smaller but tighter
jolene: jolene by dolly parton of course
diesel: drive off a bridge by jakey or racecar by besties
tiara: die 4 ur love by tei shi
lahar: shark attack by grouplove
angus: super saiyan by duckwrth
cain: wow! by alaska thunderfuck (this is what he sounds like 2 me)
griff: wild horse by darci, also bored by ari abdul or sexy villain by remi wolf. he has a whole playlist too lol
izzy: something like fire by sleeping with sirens probably lol he was originally an Emo Middle School Winged Wolf Oc so
peril: one of their intentional character things is that they are a character that those like funny serious old anime amv songs would actually fit VERY well to so probably like. courtesy call by thousand foot krutch. or you're gonna go far kid or something
lots of ocs that arent included in this 4 whatever reason but still fun to share these ones :) thanks for asking!!
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actualbird · 2 years
Vyntem... thoughts?
hi anon!!! pls kno that this ask's wording made me laugh cuz it felt like this
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but yes, some THOUGHTS cuz ive been thinking about them lately
assorted vyn/artem thoughts
wc: 1k
zero awareness on how their relationship is progressing
one reason, among many, that i love vyntem is cuz both of them see their relationship development as the "enemies to friends to lovers" trope which is True.
but vyn thinks theyre in the enemies stage for far too long even once him and artem are already hanging out doing groceries together. vyn appreciates artem's input on quality ingredients and which ones go good together. vyn, of course, Knows Food Well. but the selection at stellis groceries is still not what he grew up being familiar with, so he still has to have trial and error periods. but vYN? EXPERIENCING ERROR?? HE'D RATHER SET HIMSELF ON FIRE. so he and artem start doing groceries together, but it's Not because theyre friends. it's a mutually beneficial relationship because vyn gets to acquire more grocery savvy knowledge and also he gets to see how artem's mind Works (in....grocery aisles.....) which is important for......reasons....like getting the upper hand, on artem, of course. like, vyn and artem will already be firmly in the Friends territory of the trope and vyn is still 100% certain they are Enemies
artem, on the other hand, will think theyre in the Friends portion even after he and vyn have kissed and start going on legitimate dates. this is how friendship works, sometimes, right? it's just...friend things, right?
it's excruciating all around
cooking setup
let's go back to cooking: one would think that vyn and artem in the kitchen is an unbeatable culinary powerhouse of deliciousness, yea? theyre both Really Good Cooks. but their skill is negated by the fact that when theyre in close proximity of each other, neither of them can resist passive aggressive micromanaging comments about the other's process
this starts out when theyre still (actually) in the enemies phase but then once they start getting more comfy with each other, they both start doing it as their way of helping
but end up backseat driving, just in the kitchen KJBKSJBKGSD. so they cant be cooking at the same time in the same place.
artem takes breakfast duty (and packing up leftovers for lunch) cuz vyn is either still dead asleep in bed or, if he does wake up, is too groggy to give input, he just wants food and morning tea. vyn takes dinner duty cuz by that point, artem is either still working like a madman on his tablet or hes exhausted and zoned out on a nearby couch.
vyn and artem tumble into domesticity, completely unaware that theyve begun acting like an old married couple---
Are They Exes?
like, listen. vyn and artem give me the same vibes as redd and tom nook from animal crossing. in the sense that like, everything about them makes sense if you assume theyre exes
THEY ALREADY ACT LIKE IT IN CANON KAJFBSJ, but thats jus me putting on my shipper goggles. my ideal situation is that theyre not exes but Everybody Else Thinks They Are. thus resulting in the hilarity of like, other ppl interpreting their slow "enemies to friends to lovers" development as "oh my god theyre making amends and starting anew with a relationship stronger than ever!"
luke, misinterpreting everything so much: im really glad you and artem are patching things up vyn: hm? luke: i mean, i dunno how you two split the first time and thats! none of my business! but it's super obvious things are getting better and i hope that whatever happens, both of you will be happy :') vyn: what on earth are you talking about? nevermind. i have to go now, artem and i are going to the farmer's market luke: :'D vyn: yes, i will be using the excursion to get a better vantage point on the inner workings of his mind luke: and his heart :'D? vyn: what??
both of them leave this conversation confused but thats okay, vyn and artem still go to the farmer's market and debate about gourds.
so vyn and artem's parents live in the same neighborhood
vyn and artem's parents are canonically implied to live in the same neighborhood (see: Big Data Lab entry for Hemingway Heights, IT'S REAL, IT'S THE BEST) and ive taken this to mean "oh hell yea, mrs. kimberly an garner is VYN'S NEIGHBOR" leads me to this mental image scenario
vyn and kim somehow meet at a homeowner's association meeting. neither of them want to be there, they both think it's dumb, but they both have to go cuz, idk, they were Politeness Manipulated by surburban moms that if they dont go, theyre basically Ex-Communicated From The Hemingway Heights Community <3
anyway, they meet there and become friends cuz they both recognize their energy of Not Wanting To Be There, also theyre both smart and sharp, and both of them appreciate that in people. anyway, kim thinks vyn is a strapping young lad and starts telling him about her son whos been single for 30 DAMN YEARS!!!!
vyn, who does not know kim's son is artem because she doesnt have the last name "wing": maybe he is not looking for a relationship kim, so worried about her bitchless son: well, im looking for him. anyway, are you interested in a blind date with him? vyn, Not Interested, because hes already in the slowburn process of courting artem: apologies, but no.... kim, Not Interested in Vyn's Disinterest cuz she loves artem and also has no idea the person vyn is turning artem down for is ALSO ARTEM: GIVE IT A SHOT, PLS, MY SON IS ADEQUATE
anyway, this trainwreck leads to vyn hyping up the person hes courting and kim affectionately going "psssshhh, my son is better" totally unaware theyre talking about the same person
somehow this leads to vyn introducing artem to artem's own damn mother at a dinner.
kim is delighted, vyn is mortified cuz he hyped artem up to HIS MOM, and artem is just lost
those r my thoughts for now! hope u enjoy HAHA
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Pebbelwhisper strikes again! Just saw some ppl saying they liked leopardstar’s se and so many ppl r shitting on it and i totally agree it was a great se! I saw most ppl complaining about the fact that it is “recycled content” well duh if we are doing an se about leopardstar we already know like 100% of what has happened during that time it is all just a new perspective. Same idea with movie prequels if that makes sense. It is BONUS CONTENT for the HARD CORE fans. I thought it was really cool to see riverclans side of things and how events shaped their perspective of the other clans i feel like we didn’t have that insight before. We got an inside peek of riverclan as we all know thats what everyone was asking for and it was really good. I think most of the people complaining are passive readers and not the fans that super editions/similar content are made for. On a totally unrelated note as an aro ace person i don’t understand all the lesbian and aro ace headcannons for her bcz it was so blatantly obvious that she was in love with frogleap and she questions that she made the right choice sacrificing her chance at love for her career essentially. Her rationale wasn’t just like “oh i want kits so i gotta have a mate to do that” it was how she felt like she missed such a huge opportunity to be with frogleap specifically and it was so bittersweet to see their dynamic and his death was just so sad. I can’t believe she took his new mate for that weird “bonding” bonus mission that nearly got her killed but that was another thing. I also don’t like people interpreting her close platonic bond with Sunfish as her being a lesbian? Why erase the beauty of that? I mean i kind of see what people might be getting at w her being aro because when she was young she said she wasn’t interested in anyone but as she grew up she clearly wanted a romantic relationship with frogleap and was arguably sexually attracted to tigerstar ruling asexuality out. I’m not trying to be an asshole and ruin anyones fun but i just didn’t get that impression everyone else seemd to at all but either way i really liked seeing her journey with sunfish and frogleap (and of course her relationship with whiteclaw). Even though frogleaps death ripped my heart out it was so weird because they were all saying how dangerous it was and that they should go etc and he was so persistent to put himself in harms way as a new father so even though his death was sad bcz he really wanted to catch the carp for the babies he was so reckless like dudes get out of the water it couldn’t be any more obvious frogleap is about to die. Aaaanyway hope ur good
Hi again! I’m doing good, I really hope you are too, great to hear from you again!
I think the main reasons those headcanons came to be is because (at least this is how I feel) there just wasn’t any build up to her being romantically interested in Frogleap, I personally only got a friends vibe from the two until Frogleap broke up with her- I just didn’t see the romance at all. So to me at least in my headcanon, Leopardstar mistook a strong platonic bond (from her end) with Frogleap as a romantic one because of the heteronormativity of her society - but that’s just my interpretation and I know it isn’t what the Erins intended
Speaking of Frogleap - I know he wanted a bit excitement and was confident in his abilities but why take the risk dude? And I feel so awful for Mosspelt, she lost her mate and 2/3 of her kits within 24 hours, and I am kind of disappointed the book didn’t focus much on her grief and healing process after that truly tragic day for her but I guess at that point they couldn’t fit it in if they were going to put all the TigerClan stuff in also, but it’s still a shame.
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archivebottles · 4 years
im not really a part of the fandom so its so weird to me to find out rn that everyone thinks of melanie as the Angry One bc i have never thought of her that way? all of her "outbursts" have been completely appropriate imo and out of an effort to protect herself or others (which is part of why i like a butch melanie hc)
oh yeah it bothers me a bit on how ppl describe melanie or tim as like...the Angry One bc i feel like it just..simplifies the both of them when both of their anger is a result of something terrible
i wont get into tims bc we were mostly talking about melanie before but its like a very complex issue with how ppl talk about media and how ppl interpret the talking this is going to be incredibly informal bc i am not very smart but
like the Big highlight of melanies arc and, she says this, was her anger and of course thats what ppl r gonna talk about the most (combined that with how ppl (including myself) like to draw images of the characters and the entities they are intertwined with so we get a lot of pics of chats of melanie with knives and then it sort of escalates from there bc well most ppl dont focus on 1 female characters that much and 2 stuff that can be easily fit into jokes (also in tmas case fluff which is why a lot of ppl forget its a horror podcast)
now because of all these post unless ur like a fan of a character this happens to ppl tend to cling on what ppl r talking about the most wrt meta, theories, hcs etc so if what the most ppl r seeing regarding a character are posts about their anger since it was covered explicitly(altho glancing over some explanation of it an nuance etc) + Many pieces of fanart of them with knives its like that sticks in ppls minds and those who dont rlly care about the character just regurgitate that and they cycle continues etc etc etc
i. actually forgot my last point i didnt mean to go on a small rant in the response to this ask i am just lost in some a81 tunes and am procrastinating my work
i do not interact with most tmas fans but there was a time long ago when i was stupid enough to try
again i forgot where i was going from this but i have spent my time since like idk sept thinking about melanie king way too much and i think i am letting it slip whoops
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stray-tori · 5 years
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So I actually had a super long caption but then last it so HAH JOKE’S ON ME.
This is my Rapunzel AU for Aesthetic(TM). Raypunzel AU is still far more fitting imo but idc
More rambles + potential TPN/Tangled spoilers under the cut (I’ll warn!)
Actually sunshine fits Emma super well. Norman would totally call her that. 
[TPN SPOILERS] You know how Eugene uses a pseud he got from reading books...... hehehehe. Fits kinda well, at least if my interpretation from spoilers is correct.
[TANGLED S3 SPOILERS] Ray is Cass not just for Aesthetic(TM) but like... the mommy issues?? come on haha.
They end up in the kingdom and now the new quest is to stop Emma from seeing all these pictures of her omg why are there so many. 
Somehow she would bump into Ray, who's a guard, and he'd be like: huh. And then Norman just swoops in like ":)))) sorry"
after movie plot, Ray's like "I don't trust this guy, he literally wanted to use you as a hostage" - "He died for me." - "Don't trust anybody." - "Not even you?" - "... WHA-- SIGH. yeah not even me." - "Allright, I decided not to trust your judgement about Norman!" :) Emma drags Norman behind her Norman gives Ray the smug grin.
Norman b like: welp your leg is broken and i'm dying, guess i doomed us both :))) emma: ***** no way this leg is gonna stop me 
i have this amazing plot of hey evil ppl from the kingdom are coming to the tower and norman decides "lol no. let's warn her" and isabella is like haha bitch you thought, cue leg break and stabby stab it's an amazing plot but idc 
after getting smacked with a pan he's like "okkk i might. get help" and then Emma drags him around and.... cue power of 1-day-crush or sth i dont actually wanna design them so they'll just be a looming threat thats never shown
isabella should stab norman with a fork in tangled au, actually. cruel irony
Norman and Emma sneak out through tunnel. Ray waits in front of it. E: "Oh Ray, Hi!!" N: "I didnt know you were here..." R: "Of course not, that's the point."
[Tangled S1 Spoilers from here on]
"Cut it, cut itcutit!!" Emma gives Norman scissors. He grabs her hair and leans over: "Are you sure? it's magic healing hair you know, we could save everb--" - "I WANT IT GONE OMG CUT IT" - "ALLRIGHT!" He tries. "Uhm. I--" Ray: raises eyebrow. Ray: "Dude can you not even cut hair?" He goes up and takes the scissors, breaking them when he tries to cut her hair. "Uhm. That's not normal"
Emma in more adventurous clothes: "There we go, this is much more pleasant!"  Norman: O///w///O
"Ah, dw, now that my hair's back I might as well use it!" Emma grabs Norman's arm and starts singing. Ray: !! Norman: ? /It doesn’t work/ Emma: huh? It, uh... didn't work?
I’d have more but I hope to actually draw them and want to reveal them all in drawn form hehe >:3 thanks for reading!
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faunusrights · 4 years
Hey so... How do you like... Find character voices, tones and speech patterns or mannerism for your characters? Especially with so any variations on the same cast members? I really admire it, and am having trouble doing it for a story I've had outlined and a cast I've had set for years, but now the writing time cometh and I cannot for the life of me put dialogue to any of this.
WOOF this is a Big Ol Question but i will do my best to explain how i work 😞🤙 the art of dialogue is a careful one and entirely too much practice BUT we will push on
as such, stickin this under a cut
so i’m opening up with a quick flex on y’all: my dialogue is the one of very few things that was always very Good abt my writing (to the point that in uni it was one of those things ppl never even bothered commenting on cause they were like ‘idk i cant make it better lmao’) SO ive been doing dialogue for YONKS and at this point i dont rly have to Think abt it so much as just. do it. lmao
but one of the reasons i got Good was because an a monotone autistic kid i spent a lot of my early years like... listening to how ppl spoke and mimicking it because yall i used to talk At The Same Speed In The Same Tone At One Hell Of A Lick for years and tryna sound normal took me just shutting tf up and having a good listen to how other people spoke, which is my first tip: listen to people!! sit in a discord chatroom!! listen to convos in a coffee bar!! be nosy and listen in on convos!! humans r VERY GOOD at talking and we love 2 do it and theres so many types of dialogue to listen out for that will help u get better!
the other tip is thinking a lot abt personality and how that shines thru; every person i write is a very different person to the character next to them, and how they are effects how they verbalise shit; let’s take, for instance, yang and weiss, yeah?
YANG comes from a backwater island off the coast of vale; it’s a rural, outdoorsy farming community that’s very tight-knit and quite remote, which means a few things for yang’s speech patterns. ONE is that she talks in a dialect native to patch, which is a more drawl-y (yet surprisingly staccato) version of vale’s accent. it’s also SLATHERED in local slang and terms that any valian will be thoroughly unfamiliar with. we’re thinking of a mix of rural southern america and also somehow californian/australian surfer dude stereotypes??? it’s a WILD mix.
WEISS comes from the very high-class, very technologically-advanced and Strict society of atlas, which has scandinavian/germanic origins! her speech is very measured and very articulate, given the high standard of education she’s been subjected to, and her atlesian accent (again, very german-esque) can be suppressed very well in the right crowd to better fit in (tho it shows when she gets Angery). she rarely uses slang, she’s speaks very clearly, and it’s all very... prescriptive, yeah?
so yang and weiss have literally two OPPOSITE ways of speaking, built in entirely different communities for very different NEEDS and personalities. of course they dont sound like each other; it’s not just a change of location, but a change of person. even if weiss had lived on patch and yang in atlas, what you could guarantee is that weiss could still be a stickler for grammar and yang would still learn all the slang that’s used in atlas/mantle/solitas, right?
but blake is very sort of. laid back and chilled and brooding and considering revolution so for them, they speak less often, and usually in much more succinct thoughts: we’ll see a lot of one-word answers, a lot of bluntness. of course, this backfires when theyre trying to be genuine because sometimes it gets in the way! of course, compared to, say, tribelands blake, who is chieftain and is REQUIRED to be more articulate, we see a blake who is still calm and collected and therefore they speak rarely with error. all very thoughtful, a lot more like weiss.
of course, thats not even going into how they TEXT as seen in frapp logs (since how someone speaks and how someone TEXTS is like, two diff ways for speaking) which is a whole other kettle of fish that’s still impacted by a BUNCH of other factors!
dialogue, when boiled down, is basically just an extension of a character’s personality -- and it’s an IMPORTANT aspect of their personality, because speaking is how we impart a lot of our ideas and thoughts into a space that other people can, uh, interpret! a character is, ultimately, a bunch of concepts that form a person, and when they speak is when those concepts are on show for everyone to see! so WHAT those ideas are and HOW they envision those ideas informs the way their dialogue will function. are they like ruby, who thinks twice as quickly as she can get the ideas out of her mouth? are they like blake, who likes to mull things over before jumping to conclusions (unlike theyre impassioned, of course)? are they like weiss, who had her way of speaking beaten into shape by academia? or are they like yang, who speaks in a way that best allows her to connect with her community and her people? these are all distinct people and ideas!
a good way to test if theyre distinct in your writing is to write down a transcript w/o any tags or names, and see if people can tell you how many characters are in that conversation. the most distinct their voice (even if they use similar words or one another), the better chance you have at having characters with distinct speaking methods. consider every word! consider every phrase! everybody approaches speaking differently!
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ingayderzim · 4 years
not to be that person who asks a googleable question but wtf is hazbin hotel bc i googled it and the only “critical” thing i could find was a typo-ridden article of someone saying it has good animation and its haters are stupid. i was able to glean what it is/what it’s about but idk about the discourse lmao
Im actually so glad u asked this. Here's the lowdown, this is my definitive answer to hazbin shit from here on out, unless new info comes about of course.
Hazbin hotel is an independent cartoon by vivziepop. Most people (that ive seen) have agreed that the pilot of the show really isnt that great but the reason it has so many fans is bc of the entertaining livestreams, massive amounts of canon content produced (she has had these characters for years), unique art style, and the characters. (Ass ugly but unique.)
Its haters are totally justified bc of some of the "controversial" (read: bad) things vivziepop has done. Here's the conclusion that my friends and classmates (several of whom are Black, one Hispanic woman, and one trans woman...nellie if ur reading this i 💜 u) and i came to after discussing this stuff. I am NOT saying "well my black/trans friend said it's ok so i dont have to think about it!" this is based on a few different conversations that my friends and i have had about this topic so what im saying is that my opinion was formed by talking about this situation with multiple people affected by the controversy.
One controversial thing is a drawing u can easily find on google (called beastiality.jpg i believe?) It's a cropped (chest and up, but hes obv naked) drawing of vivziepops character, drawn by vivziepop, moaning, with a snake around him. The character is 17. Many people have interpreted this as child porn. I dont think this image is pornographic, i think it's a stupid joke (it was even tagged as a joke iirc) and completely inappropriate but since it's 8 years old on top of not being porn, i think it's just an example of a dumb drawing. That being said, i would NEVER argue that someone who is uncomfortable w the drawing (im uncomfortable with it! It's gross just not porn) or considers it porn is wrong. They are entitled to that opinion and i would never expose them to vivziepops work or talk about her stuff around them if they expressed to me that they disliked the image.
Another thing is that she drew a doodle of two racist TERFs. This is the one where my friends of color, my friends who are black, and my friends who are trans women took the lead. I sat back for this part and here's their and my opinion on this after talking about it and verbally going through this whole situation.
She was following these women (who had done blackface and stuff) and drew art of them. The art was a "quick doodle" that she did apologize for and she said she didn't realize the extent of their beliefs. She knew they werent great but hadnt consumed much of their content in depth. I believe her bc while ive never followed anyone as bad, ive certainly followed some pieces of shit and didnt notice for months simply bc im not online all the time and bc of the volume of people i follow, combined with the non chronological algorithms lately.
At the risk of screwing myself, im going to admit that there was about a year or so of my life where i enjoyed The Amazing Atheist. I was even subbed to him. I was a nonbinary lesbian (2 things he cant stand lmaoo) in catholic school and therefore i strictly watched his videos about theological stuff since thats what was frustrating me at the time. I had no clue the type of evil racist, transphobic, homophobic (yes ik hes bi), misogynistic things he thought, said, and did, bc i didnt watch those videos. I literally only watched select theological ones that could be of use to me while edgily debating my teachers (sorry mrs macdougal but u had it coming). I was about 15 at the time and im 19 now. Im sorry to everyone i hurt by ever having supported him. I had one of his quotes written in the inside of my religion notebook in high school. I regretted it and ripped the page out the moment i discovered the truth about him. I cant stress enough how much I HATE HIM. Thats an example of what i think happened here tho.
One of my friends who is a trans woman said (paraphrasing) "i think the worst thing shes done is that terf art but i believe the apology especially bc it was a quick drawing."
That being said, i would NEVER argue with someone who wanted nothing to do w vivziepop bc of this. That's their right. 100%. I would never expose them to her work after that.
The last thing i remember is something about a pedophilic couple in a comic but i heard it was a 17 year old and a 19 year old. Im 19 and if one of my peers did that i wouldnt say pedophile but id say ur a fucking weirdo, BUT, the kids were fake and being written by an adult so i can totally see her thinking that age gap is much less of a big deal than it really is. Like she forgot what it's like at this age. Idk how true any of that part is tho, i heard that info entirely secondhand.
Another thing to do with racism is that there's a joke within the show where one character says to the other
"don't get your taco in a twist"
"Was that supposed to be racist or sexist?"
"Whichever one pisses you off more"
I thought that was gross but one of my friends pointed out that vivziepop is of el salvadorian descent so that's her business. Like if i made a lesbian joke of equal or greater offensiveness than that and someone tried to call me lesbophobic over it id be like "that's literally my territory."
Oh speaking of which that character's name is vaggie and shes a lesbian but it's not pronounced w the same G you'd hear in "vagina." Vivziepop seems to name characters weirdly (like how in helluva boss theres a guy named blitzo and the o is silent) so maybe it's a pussy joke but i have no idea.
The animation was.................better than i could do, i wanna say the faces and gestures were good but god i remember there was a part with a car and my gf had to pause so i could laugh my ass off at it. I wouldn't describe the animation as a highlight but i liked the style in motion i thought it was a fun change. Vivziepops style is not appealing imo but i appreciate it as an art student and as someone whose friends all like she ra and steven universe where every character looks the goddamn motherfucking same, and while its chaotic and i dont care for it, the style actually works way better in motion than you'd think.
A good rule that i def use is to assume hazbin fans are guilty until proven innocent. If someone says they dont care about the discourse surrounding it and like it no matter what, RUN! They would support the show even if the creator was in fact a pedophile, or had done the blackface/was a terf herself! They probably support some horrible ppl and are probably "anti antis." A lot of them are minors tho so i'd say block and move on.
So, do i like it or not? Im an art student and all my friends like it so while i didnt think it was funny, i do fuck with it. At the convention this weekend my friends and i had a convo that led to me drawing an ahego hoodie where the faces were angel dust (a character's) face. It was a joke that i could make a killing by selling that in a booth at a con.
Theres really nothing compelling about the show but my friends like it so i join in on their conversations, and i do have a soft spot for angel dust bc he's like a worse, less amazing and gorgeous version of one of my characters, Candy, the love of my life.
A lot of people say the show was edgy/offensive and maybe im just desensitized but besides the taco thing i didnt pick up on that whatsoever??? The Archer episode "Swiss Miss" is worse than helluva boss and hazbin combined and even archer isn't offensive.
Im probably not aware of all the "discourse" (aka people being reasonably uncomfortable by weird and bad shit this random woman has done, and other ppl saying their opinions are wrong when it's literally just an opinion about a show) so if anything she's done isnt included in here it's not to defend vivziepop, this is genuinely all i know. I wouldnt describe myself as a fan of hers.
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gojngdown · 5 years
why every tøp song is for the gays
there’s at least one reason for each tøp song as to why it’s for the gays. so please enjoy. if i missed anything please feel free to add it in. written by a disaster nb lesbian.
implicit demand for proof: the first time i heard this song, i was in world history class. we were learning about ancient greece at the time. ancient greece is literally the gayest place on the planet. implicit demand for proof is for the gays.
fall away: the backing vocals of “la da da da da” are just . it’s Gay. fall away is for the gays. also there’s that one live video of fall away with an epic trumpet solo and i watch it religiously and i’m gay. fall away is for the gays.
the pantaloon: i am too lazy to draw it out but the rhythm of this song is roughly the same as “mama” by my chemical romance. if mcr isn’t for the gays, i don’t know what is. the pantaloon is for the gays.
addict with a pen: this is my crush’s favorite song. addict with a pen is for the gays.
friend, please: this song is so meaningful and powerful, just like gay rights. friend, please is for the gays.
march to the sea: this song mentions spaceships. space is gay. march to the sea is for the gays.
johnny boy: simply because it is a Huge Bop that also has really relatable lyrics, johnny boy is for the gays.
oh, ms. believer: one of the prettiest songs tøp has ever wrote. you know who else is pretty? GIRLS. oh, ms. believer is for the gays. snow is also super cool just like gay rights. oh, ms. believer is for the gays.
air catcher: this song flows with passion, just like me when i see any girl ever. air catcher is for the gays.
trapdoor: “everyone gather around for a show.” show = theater. theater is gay. trapdoor is for the gays.
a car, a torch, a death: again this is one of the prettiest songs tøp has ever wrote. and who else is pretty? GIRLS. a car, a torch, a death is for the gays.
taxi cab: the live performance of this song absolutely knocks everyone off of their feet. this is also one of the safest songs on the planet. it’s also my favorite song off of self titled and i’m gay. taxi cab is for the gays.
before you start your day: “put on the glitter that your soul hides behind” can be alluded to closeted gay/trans kids having to hide who they are because they’re closeted. before you start your day is for the gays.
isle of flightless birds: “we put our worth in giving birth and stuff” single-handedly, this line makes the whole song for the gays. we put our worth in heterosexual intercourse when the most important thing is to be gay and do crimes. isle of flightless birds is for the gays.
(i did the songs on rab that are not on vessel!)
slowtown: “i put my socks on my feet.” a beautiful, meaningful line. also a very very gay line slowtown is for the gays. also this song mentions pokemon and pokemon is for the gays. slowtown is for the gays.
forest: the whole chorus is just,,, it’s so gay. like bringin all ur friends out and just singing songs in the middle of a forest there’s no heterosexual explanation for that. forest is for the gays.
kitchen sink: this is @serainechor’s favorite song and sera is a LGBTQ+ ICON. kitchen sink is for the gays.
lovely: the ending. that’s just. it’s. words fail. lovely is for the gays.
anathema: the whole last rap part is from no phun intended, aka For The Gays. anathema is for the gays. also it’s the song playing during that one scene from dreamers at best by @vialism u all know that scene yep. anathema is for the gays.
ruby: “UR AN ANGELLLLLLLLLL”- me @ girls. ruby is for the gays.
be concerned: “where’d you go, HUUUUUUH?” that line is so gay like u hear it and u just Know. be concerned is for the gays.
clear: so many good puns and misheard lyrics can be made out of this song, and we all know memes are for the gays. clear is for the gays.
ode to sleep: literally half of this song is from npi which as we all know is a Gay Album. ode to sleep is for the gays. also this song practically SCREAMS be gay do crimes. ode to sleep is for the gays.
holding on to you: tyler held up a gay pride flag during the live version of this song. holding on to you is for the gays.
migraine: AMM I THE OOOOONLY ONE I KNOOOOOOOW that’s gay that’s so amazing and Gay Culture also i listened to this on repeat on the way back from a band field trip and band field trips are gay. migraine is for the gays.
house of gold: this is the first ukulele song tøp ever released. it’s common knowledge that playing the ukulele is gay culture. house of gold is for the gays.
car radio: just the fact that tyler screams half of this song makes it for the gays. also during the alter ego festival, tyler said “peace” after this song which is gay. car radio is for the gays. also josh takes off the mask at the same time as tyler but no one notices and that’s also very meaningful just like gay rights. car radio is for the gays. tyler illegally climbs a lot during this song and once he literally built his own tower which is chaotic and gay. car radio is for the gays.
semi-automatic: hope is ur friend!! that is very gay and very powerful also keep telling me those sun metaphors those are extremely gay. semi-automatic is for the gays.
screen: another uke song. ukes are for the gays. screen is for the gays. “excuse us while we sing to the sky” is a Gay Line. screen is for the gays.
the run and go: DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO thats just the grandest gayest lil tune what a Bop also tyler called josh baby on stage during this song “oh hello josh! hello josh”. the run and go is for the gays.
fake you out: this song is very sad and very real- just like me. i’m gay. fake you out is for the gays. “i have committed dirty crimes” HEY BE GAY DO CRIMES. fake you out is for the gays.
guns for hands: turn ur guns into a fist. rise against the homophobes who spread hate. guns for hands said gay rights. guns for hands is for the gays.
trees: the live performance of this is everything and is enough of a reason as to why it’s for the gays. trees is for the gays.
truce: a meaningful yet simple song about staying alive. fantastic as Fuck. it’s also in the key of G aka the best key ! truce is for the gays.
heavydirtysoul: THERES AN INFESTATION IN MY MINDSIMAGINJDHDJDNDBSJBBSBM. heavydirtysoul is for the gays. also the drum tabs are chaotic just like the gays. heavydirtysoul is for the gays.
stressed out: this is the tøp song that so many people heard first. as we all know, the clique is very very gay. stressed out is for the gays.
ride: once again, a song that a lot of people heard first. and the clique is like, SUPER FUCKING GAY. ride is for the gays. during alter ego fest, tyler said during this song “save the best for first” aka the most chaotic and gayass thing i’ve ever seen. ride is for the gays.
fairly local: the contradiction between the first and second verse is gay. fairly local is for the gays. also YEEEEEEEEEEAH is gay. fairly local is absolutely for the gays.
tear in my heart: this song is about jenna. tear in my heart is for the gays. it’s also the first tøp song i ever heard and i’m a gay icon. tear in my heart is for the gays.
lane boy: the riff on this boi. i mean Wow. lane boy is for the gays. “will they be alive tomorrow” he’s talking bout the straights that shit on the awesome lgbtq+ community i don’t make the rules. lane boy is for the gays.
the judge: i listened to this song on repeat when i first got my gay haircut. the judge is for the gays. tyler did a mashup of this and holding on to you (quite obviously for the gays, of course.) on the ukulele (a gay instrument.) the judge is for the gays. the simple act of screaming “JOSH DUN!” is gay culture. the judge is for the gays.
doubt: “don’t forget about me” me @ my crush. doubt is for the gays. no to be completely serious i interpret this song as a message to god and i feel like a lot of lgbtq+ ppl can relate to that sort of interpretation. doubt is for the the gays.
polarize: this is @poisonous-vibrations’s favorite tøp songs. ty is a LGBTQ+ ICON AS WELL. polarize is for the gays.
we don’t believe what’s on tv: tyler once dedicated this to josh. wdbwotv is for the gays. it’s also a ukulele song and the uke is a gay instrument! wdbwotv is for the gays. “YEAH YEAH YEAH” is gay. wdbwotv is for the gays. this is my brother’s favorite tøp song and my brother is a gay icon. wdbwotv is for the gays.
message man: this song just slaps u in the face and screams GAY RIGHTS. message man is for the gays. also the sleepers version of this is on the ukulele a gay instrument. message man is for the gays.
not today: the brassline in this is absolutely gay. not today is for the gays. JUST BECAUSE I PLAY THE PIANO DOESNT MEAN IM NOT WILLING TO TAKE U DOWN im sorry. that’s the gayest and most chaotic thing i’ve ever seen Hello???? not today is for the gays.
goner: tyler screaming is gay culture and he screams a lot during this song. goner is for the gays. “i wanna be known by you” me @ my crush. goner is for the gays. to be serious this song is so meaningful and powerful and raw and i love it so much. goner is for the gays.
(there isn’t a yellow this is home of phobia)
jumpsuit: tyler screams in this one too and that’s gay culture. jumpsuit is for the gays. i feel like anyone who joined this fandom before july remembers exactly when and where they were when this came out. and of course, the clique is very gay. jumpsuit is for the gays. also throwing yellow flowers on ppls head is gay culture. jumpsuit is for the gays.
levitate: tyler fuckin rapping a mile a minute non stop is the epitome of gay culture! levitate is for the gays. also vultures = clifford. clifford is a gay icon. levitate is for the gays.
morph: every line of this song is gay! i don’t make the rules. morph is for the gays. (gorph is for the mays) the simple act of morphing to someone else is a metaphor a lot of gay/trans kids can relate to. morph is for the gays. “not done not done not done josh dun” is the gayest thing ive seen in a while. morph is for the gays.
my blood: this one is all about family and friends. a lot of lgbtq+ people have a chosen family, and i feel like my blood emulates not only family by blood but your chosen family as well. my blood is for the gays.
chlorine: ned is a gay icon. chlorine is for the gays. the arpeggio in the second chorus is gay culutre. chlorine is for the gays. red carnations were used by the gays to tell other gays they were gay. chlorine is for the gays. josh wearing a bucket hat is my aesthetic and i am gay. chlorine is for the gays.
smithereens: this song is about jenna. smithereens is for the gays.
neon gravestones: neon has a very important message. 100% for the gays. also it’s a very pretty song and i know ive said this twice already but who else is pretty? GIRLD. neon gravestones is for the gays.
the hype: the second verse is all about not caring what others think of you! the hype is for the gays. a sample in this song is from the two piece video and that is ... :((((( the hype is for the gays. the bridge has a uke in it and ukes are gay. the hype is for the gays.
nico and the niners: EAST IS UP im fearless when i hear this on the low EAST IS UP wearing rebel clothes is gay culture. nico and the niners is for the gays. flying from a fire is also gay culture. natn is for the gays.
cut my lip: “though i am bruised face of contusions know i’ll keep moving” gays have always persisted thru prejudice and u can totally take that line as 100% gay. cut my lip is for the gays.
bandito: this song is all about the fans. the clique is so gay y’all have no idea holy fuckin shit. bandito is for the gays. also it’s such a pretty song ,,,,, repeat after me ,,,,, who else is pretty . GIRLS ! bandito is for the gays.
pet cheetah: THE BOP OF THE CENTURY. absolutely gay culture. pet cheetah is for the gays. also josh takes his shirt off right before this song so. pet cheetah is for the gays.
legend: me and sera were talking abt how ned is a legend and we referenced this song. two gay icons talking abt a gay icon. legend is for the gays. also !! ukulele song. ukes are gay. legend is for the gays.
leave the city: i have no words to describe this song other than that.......... it’s definitely for the gays. <3
heathens: once again a song that brought many more gays to the clique. heathens is for the gays. the piano intro to this song live makes u ascend to heaven. heathens is for the gays.
cancer: this is a mcr cover. my chemical romance is gay culture. cancer is for the gays. this song is also super frickin pretty and girls are also pretty. cancer is for the gays.
two: so eerie and pretty at the same time. just,, really hard to describe. but definitely , definitely two is for the gays. me and sera are gonna do a two piano duet when we meet and we’re both gay icons. two is for the gays.
time to say goodbye: this is my favorite tøp song . the song i DO NOT SHUT UP ABOUT. as such, it’s automatically gay culture. ttsg is for the gays. also it was the first tøp song josh ever heard i’m not crying you’re crying. ttsg is for the gays.
in conclusion: every tøp song is for the gays and i just proved it.
thanks for reading this whole thing i really hope u liked it this took me two hours but hey . Gay Rights.
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Meta Monday
!MAJOR SPOILERS! for season 6 of Voltron: Legendary Defender. If you can’t watch yet, might I recommend some of my favorite Sheith AUs instead? For everyone else, here are six things I’m currently living for: 
1) “I love you;” 2) “You found me;” 3) Schrödinger's Shiro is finally over; 4) Keith is now 21, end of debate; 5) Space Wolf has two daddies; and, of course, 6) All this new Sheith meta on my dash! ...So much meta, in fact, that despite it only having been out for a couple of days, I might have gone overboard on today’s Meta Monday (and yes, it’s exclusively about Sheith in season 6). 
At this rate, I may even wind up doing a Part Two in the next week or two, or maybe a follow up with meta from previous seasons. Let me know if you’re interested in that! And, as always, let the original authors know you appreciate their work. 🦁 
Voltron: Legendary Defender - Keith/Shiro
Black didn’t pick Keith to be her paladin, Shiro did by @belovedsheith, You know what I just realized? We’ve been talking about how Shiro allowed Kuron to pilot Black, right? But that means…Black didn’t pick Keith to be her paladin. Shiro did. (Mirror Link)
Brother vs. ‘Brother’: A Sheith meta by @ea-stofnar​, [...] Still with me? Okay, so to lay the groundwork for this meta, I first need to address the elephant in the room; the word that a lot of people in this fandom seem to get stuck on. That word is ‘Brother.’ Now whether you’re an anti or a Sheith shipper, that word holds a lot of weight. For antis because they’ve stuffed, mounted and made it their grizzly rallying cry; claiming that it means Sheith is dead and we are fools who continue to ship it. And we shippers get caught in the trap. The majority of the fandom seems to either try and talk around it, or pretend it doesn’t exist within the context of Shiro and Keith’s relationship. I say, we don’t have to do either. (Mirror Link)
The DND episode was so important for Shiro/Kuron than we think and here’s why by @jaegereska, It showed Kuron was fucking human being, that it wasn’t an act, and that he is still Shiro, himself, despite it all. He wanted to spend his time off with the team, he was already playing with Coran Pidge and Hunk before Allura and Lance decided to join them. (Fun side note: Haggar probably watched the whole dnd session through Kuron). (Mirror Link) 
Sheith evidence from the French version (and other languages) by @spiftynifty, I’m tired of the totes desperate brogane/dadgane rhetoric going around about this season. So here’s the french version of the “raising him” scene, just in case anyone needed further clarification that Krolia wasn’t saying “thanks for adopting my son”. In dialogue she says, “He’s the man he is today because of you.” The captions offer a slightly less profound, “Thanks for making him the man he is today”. (Mirror Link)
Sheith isn’t dead by @saltyshiro, Here’s the thing, anon - I don’t at all feel that sheith is dead or anything like that bc of the “You’re my brother. I love you” line. In fact it just reaffirmed my love for sheith :’) @arahir made a great point about this before the season dropped - the whole brotherly or sisterly love thing is something that’s pretty common among queer ppl. (Mirror Link)
Shiro’s love for Keith by @arahir, Oh man, I’m really glad someone asked [if Shiro cares about Keith just as much]. I think the way Shiro acts toward/around Keith is one of the most well produced parts of vld. they do such an incredible job with Shiro’s character in general, but so much of his character depth is centered on Keith. No matter how you interpret their relationship, the fact that they love each other is never in question, and it’s done so well. (Mirror Link)
Keith and Shiro’s bond by @as-many-times-as-it-takes, It wasn’t a lack of time, but a lack of connection. He was able to appear just brief enough to Lance, as they still have a great bond, as Shiro does with the other Paladins. But not like Keith. (Mirror Link)
Krolia’s line on Shiro “raising” Keith is not literal by @quiznackingqueen, I’ve gotten a few asks about this, and I keep seeing antis harp on this line, so we’re gonna take a closer look at it. This is definition of raise I see the antis using: to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself. This doesn’t fit the situation. Shiro was not Keith’s guardian, he wasn’t a parental figure, he was not literally responsible for Keith’s well being. That fell to Keith’s actual guardians, be they the Garrison, the employees at the home, or Keith’s case worker. These were the people that kept Keith fed and clothed and safe. (Mirror Link)  
Kuron’s Reaction to Older Keith by @dent-de-leon, Yes!! I’m a bi guy myself and I wholeheartedly agree. So, let’s get to it–for one thing, Kuron is a bit flustered in this scene, it’s so sweet. As soon as Keith gets on the comms, you can hear in Kuron’s voice just how much this boy means to him. He literally stutters. One moment he was completely composed and in control, but then Keith is suddenly back and his whole world is off its axis. “Keith? I–are you okay?” He stumbles, stops. He just doesn’t know how to place his emotions, and he’s visibly affected by this. He’s also the only one who takes the time to ask if Keith’s alright. Because no matter what, that’s what matters to him most. He obviously cares a lot. (Mirror Link)
The part I can’t stop thinking about from this season is this by @arahir, [...] He has absolutely no hope for himself anymore. For all he knows, this is the last time he’s going to see Keith or talk to anyone, but still, all he cares about in that moment is Keith. He just wants to know Keith can believe in himself and be ok. (Mirror Link)
The purple glow by @kcgane, Okay so if Shiro’s soul was in Black all along and when Allura transferred his soul back to the clone body that purple glow showed up... when Keith was piloting Black and that purple glow was there could that have been Shiro’s presence there with him?!?! (Mirror Link)
Sacrifice and Keith’s Development by @begrudging-fudanshi, I just have to point this out. These two scenes have some very interesting parallels that really showcase Keith’s development. First and most obvious, it’s pretty clear in both that Keith thinks he’s going to die, and in both he closes his eyes in preparation for what’s to come. However, there’s a huge difference between them. (Mirror Link)
Shiro went out of his way just to be in Keith’s arms by @im-love-sheith, [...] This scene at the end where Shiro leans into Keith. At first i thought “aw thats sweet, he happened to lean into Keith” but thinking back on it, even though Shiro was exhausted and literally just came back from the dead, he chose to lean on Keith specifically. (Mirror Link)
There’s always one episode in each season in which Keith finds Shiro by @zoetekohana, I had a thought about the “you found me” + “how many times are you gonna have to save me before this is over? as many times as it takes” quotes for Shiro/Keith. (Mirror Link)
Why I still ship Sheith, and it’s not “dead” by @dent-de-leon, [...] So, let’s get started with the dreaded ages thing that always comes up, just get that out of the way. According to the guidebook, they were 18 and 25 respectively at the start of the series. Shiro hasnt aged in the astral plane. Since, you know he’s been dead. And it’s more or less implied that Shiro has been gone for months, and then they meet Lotor and there’s the whole time that conflict plays out, then we fast forward to after he lays low and Keith says “Lotor hasnt been seen for months.” we can infer that more or less a year has elapsed since Shiro’s death/disappearance. Adding in the two year time skip, that puts them at about 21 and 25 respectively. You know, a completely reasonable age difference. (Mirror Link)
“You’re my brother.” by @biscoote, I’m gonna be honest I’m not the best at articulating my thoughts into words but hear me out because I think it’s worth looking at just what the term brother, and what brotherhood means to two men. So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking over the last few days after watching this episode, thinking especially about this comment and all the different responses to it and Shiro and Keith’s relationship as a whole. I’ve also been especially attuned to male / male dynamics (platonic or romantic) and how they play out in media specifically. (Mirror Link)
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comicteaparty · 5 years
December 27th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on December 27th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Inhibit by Eve Greenwood / evegwood.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Inhibit by Eve Greenwood / evegwood~! (http://www.inhibitcomic.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
there are many great scenes, but i am particularly fond of victor in the parking garage. specifically, i enjoy the unfolding of events once masha joins the party. i love the fact that victor freezes up and just flat out doesnt know what to do. not only does this fit with his character, but i actually think its refreshing for a protagonist with powers to still just be a regular person deep down who does not have the required training to deal with that sort of situation. not to mention i love seeing paulina's powers in action
Agreed! The garage is one of my favorites too. I love how Paulina is breaking rules left and right- not just laws (lol) but all the concepts that have been established so far about how powers are supposed to work. I really want to figure out what's going on(edited)
or is she breaking laws? as in the powers. obviously shes breaking the other sorts of laws like dont set ppls property on fire. but i will save theories on the powers for a bit later. i do enjoy that she throws a wrench already into what's established. tho i felt bad for victor that nobody is listening to him.
another scene ive been enjoying is the current flashback where victor is a bouncy child. mostly because i love how excited about everything victor is. like wanting explosions just cause its cool. and i think its just this real contrast that builds tension for the narrative since youre like "victor man what happened O_O"
No one listened to him then and no one listens to him now. I would love it if someone took him seriously for once
I would also love it it someone let him REST
yeah my heart really hurts for him. because ive been in that position of sitting there constantly trying to tell someone something and then being ignored.
although i really think ppl need to learn moderation in regards to their expectations for victor most of all
cause it seems like ppl either 1) expect nothing from victor and think hes a loser or 2) pull a nate and expect victor to auto be this extremely capable person despite not having trained for anything in years
*jumps in
hey super!
Hey Rebel!
Pleased to be here~
And hello to you too, Spire!
another scene that i enjoy was when julia, david, and victor snuck back in to the building to eavesdrop. on a technical level i liked the writing for it because it was a scene that moved the plot along but also served to show off the relationship dynamics that exist between those specific characters. so as a narrative construct everything in that scene felt like it had purpose to one end or the other.
I just want to say, the faces in this comic are incredible.
http://www.inhibitcomic.com/comics/2658763/chapter-5-pg-11/ Especially this one on the bottom right
And then they play bloody Laser Tag
yeah the faces on the kid are really some fantastic exaggerations
Oh yes
but suits them cause theyre kids
There's lots of fun to be had with giving characters over the top faces.
QUESTION 2. Victor has been shown to be a drastically different person than he was in his youth. What is the past incident that several characters bring up that apparently resulted in a trial and inevitably got Victor kicked out of Urquhart? What does it have to do with Masha, and do you think Julia was involved somehow considering she’s also at Earl Estate? Is it the reason Nate and Victor’s relationship soured as well? Do you believe the incident is what changed Victor so much, or is it several aspects of his life? Do you think any of this has something to do with why Victor has failed to improve at Earl Estate? Also, why do you believe Victor’s inhibitors are now failing him so badly? Lastly, do you believe his missions with Nate will have an effect on Victor’s personality? How so?
tfw it's already time to answer question 2
I'll stop posting these to the chat now
well considering adult victor has some issue controlling his powers when hes emotional, im gonna assume something of that nature happened. potentially maybe to that bully who keeps picking on young masha. cause i feel like victor is gonna stand up to them or attempt to and get mad and then accidentally severely injure them or something. idk about julia being involved
tho looking back it looks like she has all her fingers as a child
That seems like a very good interpretation.
Considering he does shoot out electricity at impractical times, at least from what I've seen(edited)
as for nate and victor's relationship souring, i think theres more at work than just this incident. i kind of get the impression that nate just kind of likes taking things out on victor even when everything has nothing to do with victor. but i think basically all this crap combined to shake victor's confidence and that's a large reason hes not improving. cause he just has no reason to be confident anymore.
I think Vic's self worth has been raised into a precarious position thanks to being a gifted (in this case- super powered) child, and with how much his spark-outs are emphasized through the whole comic, something terrible must have happened with a spark and that lack of control was touted against him, which makes it near impossible to repair his self esteem
yes definitely all that. cause i feel by and large that victor has just given up on himself. which tbf i dont blame him cause literally nobody is doing anything to help really. like theres not a truly positive influence. although to nate's credit i guess he's trying? just ya know, in a super bad way
Lol yeah. That's a good way to put it
Nate is helping but in the worst way. Vic needs some genuine, earnest support
As for Julia, I suspect she gave herself frostbite? Noor is very strict about Julia forming ice around her limbs, and she must have been moved to Earl for a similar outburst of her own powers
tbh i think julia has more control of her powers. from the impression i get anyway. i kind of think julia is just reckless and doesnt think her actions through. though i mean might of been an outburst too. i could really go either way. and maybe its both.
though frostbite is way more tame than what i was thinking happened XD
i was picturing more encasing an ice and then shattering said ice
frostbite sounds more reasonable and less horrific
Julia just thought one day that it would be cool to be a snowman
She didn't consider the fact that she can't move. Once she becomes the snow man ️
that sounds like something shed do. even now cause i dont feel shes anymore responsible than she was as a kid
which ya know narratively speaking is kind of a good contrast with victor in a way
cause victor has no control of his powers but has a sort of reserved control of himself. whereas julia has control of her powers but is an explosion of bad decisions waiting to happen
I love that about them. Despite Julia's recklessness I think it's good for Vic to not be sitting alone in his room 24/7
idk i agree and disagree. its good for him to get out and socialize, but im not sure the ppl around him are well-suited to kind of give him teh space he needs.
tho tbf im not sure the estate is the healithiest place in general
it kind of feels like prison
QUESTION 3. Victor’s life changes a lot when he’s forced to join Nate’s team. Why do you think Nate is so vehement about having Victor as a temporary member on his team? Is he honestly just trying to help Victor, or is there is some other hidden reason? What did you think the way the retrievals were handled says about the world and its view on Variants? How might the first mission change Victor’s perspective on Variants and how they’re treated (if at all)? How will it affect how Victor deals with other team missions and/or the course of the story? Lastly, do you believe that Victor will be able to makes amends and bond with the team, or will he continue to be chastised and treated somewhat lesser?
The way that variants are trained at places like Urq and Miller to almost solely police their own community is disturbing. Vic wants no part of it and it's perfectly understandable
Variants are monitored so closely through their whole lives. it's invasive.
yeah. and i mean...theres a degree i want to be understanding. i would not want untrained variants just walking around causing accidents and such. cause theyve shown that their powers can be damaging not just to others but themselves and also all the property around them. so i can understand that variants kind of need a special thing going on for everyone's protection
but man do those places feel like prison
like when you cant even let someone's mom see their kid off
thats a bad sign
In that kind of environment a variant is pressured to do whatever they can to appear trustworthy. Even if Nate is trying to help Vic out I think he's ultimately trying to make himself look better by helping Vic succeed
that could be although i feel theres easier ways then making under the table secret deals. tho tbh i think theres a mix going on here. like i think nate does want to help victor and wants to see him succeed. but i also feel like nate isnt altruistic either. more like he wants to help victor cause he feels like victor is his one failure that he cant leave to continue to be a failure just for the sake of his own pride.
“I think he's ultimately trying to make himself look better by helping Vic succeed”
This thought caught my eyes
although it could also be that nate sees something of himself reflected in victor. cause nate did freak out when masha wasnt just flat out listening to his captain's orders. and i kind of feel that reflects his own feelings of being unsure of himself
but i kind of wonder if theres an issue of dormancy at play in all this? cause if nate feels like he's losing his powers and position soon, that could be a prime motivator in whatever he feels hes got to do
like hes running out of his chance to do that one super awesome thing that immortalizes him in history
Ooooooooo that's a very interesting thought
Reminiscent of thinkin you need to be ultra successful by the time you're 30
I hadn't thought of nates motivation that way before :0
yeah and this is kind of an extreme case of needing to be successful by 30. cause in this case its kind of true in a way. since im sure if youre a variant the powers are kind of part of who you are. but by 30 you lose that and essentially have to redefine who you are as a person. and i think thats more true with the way their system is set up since their glorified prisons are so life encompassing.
Yeah. That's got to be terrifying, knowing your whole identity is going to disappear one day, one day SOON
yes. or so were led to believe. cause tbf i got sinister vibes from that scene with the doctor checking young victor for dormancy. so maybe all we know is a lie and dormancy is not a natural process but something forced upon variants.
Terrifying if tru
Yeah that scene creeped me out a bit
and it just came out of nowhere
cause i agree with young victor. why are you checking a kid for dormancy if you know the typical ages for dormancy
and i feel that line is there for a reason
I wonder if he's still wondering that now, 9 years later?
And I hope he is
maybe hell remember it
Exactly, Rebel. (about the dormacy part)(edited)
cause to tie in the 2nd part of that question, i def think victor is on the path to see the injustice in how variants are treated
those facial expressions in the van were already on the extreme i feel sorry for these people side
QUESTION 4. Inadvertently, Victor becomes involved with a dangerous arsonist named Paulina. What do you think Paulina’s powers are? Is she a pyro as many believe, or is there something funky going on with her powers like Victor believes? Why do you believe Paulina attacked Miller, and why do you think she’s so desperately looking for Chalice? Where do you think Paulina even came from given she isn’t declaring any facility as her origin? Why, of all people, do you think Paulina went to Victor specifically for help? Given Victor gets Julia involved, how might the residents of Earl Estate affect Victor helping Paulina or not? In general, do you believe Victor will help Paulina or not, and how will this choice affect the rest of the story?
I'm going to say maybe she has multiple powers versus most of the other characters that only have one
That's what I was thinking too
I mean she really is mysterious, since her profile is still //||?⁄⁄/⁄\ | on the site
idk. i mean its certainly possible. but im also willing to think that she has one power that doesnt fit any of the predefined powers the world established. so like shes a new variant type. or that she knows how to use her pyro powers in a way that nobody thought possible
but multiple powers is still possible
im just more willing to error on the side of it still fitting in with established laws and we just dont get the full picture yet
maybe like dark/gravity powers, or some power that's otherwise considered taboo?
I think ultimately Vic's going to be looking for some truth and working with Pauli will appear? To get him some answers
Considering het background is nothing like the others
And yeah, maybe that ends up happening
http://inhibit.smackjeeves.com/files/what.png I mean can anyone translate this(edited)
no but its probably just for the purposes of making her mysterious
and wont change to not give new readers spoilers XD
Yes I believe that's simply to keep it mysterious for new readers
i think victor will def help paulina, although im not sure i get the impression paulina is gonna inspire victor to look for truth persay. though if she gets him to chalice, i think chalice will make him question stuff.
Maybe, just maybe.(edited)
i kind of get the impression that paulina didnt come from any facility but instead has been living and training outside the system. cause we dont really know the process by which the facilities collect variants in the first place. like obviously we see victor's mom bring victor. but like...was it the law? was it under threat hed be taken anyway? how did ppl know?(edited)
and without knowing these things i can think of a lot of reasons paulina just skirted by the system
Definitely could be something outside the system, since it's still a mystery
I'm wondering if the only reason Pauli chased Vic down to Earl is because she has blackmail to make him help her find chalice. If she asked anyone else she's obvs get turned in to the police or taken home?? Wherever that is???
Well, I guess it's not really black mail. So I don't really know
maybe paulina just picked him cause hes the only variant she knows now who didnt immediately try to arrest her
and tbf
victor is a good choice cause he would seem easy to intimidate into doing what you want him to do
tho i couldnt fathom why she wants to find chalice. i mean the assumption is she wants their help. but maybe she super hates them and chalice is corrupt and bad. and that there is no good in this world. or something depressing like that.
Plus he's the protagonist
paulina got super meta and said "hey victor you feel like a protagonist. you can probably help"
Protagonist Syndrome in a nutshell
that makes me feel bad for victor. victor seems like the last person whod ever want to be a protagonist
just wants to sleep in his room instead
Hashtag relatable tbh
since we only have 4 mins left, are there any final thoughts to share?
I'd love to do the same lol
I want to say this has been a great read so far, it's got great characters, lots of emotion, and lots of charm.
(And lots of good expressions)
Good luck with the comic, Eve, it's really going strongly so far.
I think inhibit really nails what it feels like to be pinned by the expectations put on you by all levels of society, but still allowing itself to breathe and be funny and so human
i think inhibit is a great story with memorable personalities. but most of all it has a relateable protagonist whose inner demons can speak to most ppl, and watching his journey is definitely probably something that will inspire hope
unless victor dies
then no hope
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Eve Greenwood / evegwood, as well, for making Inhibit. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Eve Greenwood / evegwood’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://www.inhibitcomic.com/
Eve Greenwood / evegwood’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evegwood
Eve Greenwood / evegwood’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/evegwood
Eve Greenwood / evegwood’s Paypal Donation Link: https://www.paypal.me/evegwood
Eve Greenwood / evegwood’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/evegwood
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Princess Pups by Lindsay Hornsby. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, January 3rd, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://tapas.io/series/Princess-Pups
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comicteaparty · 6 years
November 8th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on November 8th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Anacrine Complex by Sae.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Anacrine Complex by Sae~! (http://pigeoncomic.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i liked the whole sequence in Lee's head. illustrative wise it was really creative and had so much subtle detail that helped breathe that sense that they were not in the real world. not to mention the color balance really leaves you feel kind of ominous
What criticism? Man, I agree! I loved the sequence in his head, it was cooler to me than Inside Out in many ways cause it reminded me more of my own head
I think Lee was my favourite but Ben was so funny he reminded me of Hinayana from Haikyuu
Hello there~
Is what I meant to say
Pleasure to be here ^^
My favourite scene was probably the scene in Lee’s mind too-but I also loved the Jujitsu scene, and the scene at the beginning with Ben and Lee and the explosion
The pleasure is all ours
And I just found out that I have nowhere to be this evening so I’ll probably be chatting more than I thought
Looking through, I found this one charming
It was a ton of fun
i think ben is my favorite. cause while hes not as serious or practical as lee (which lee is a precious angel), i like how he has to basically interpret everything as a game. and i think they just make him really unique and entertaining
i like ben and lee as a package though. i think they have an interesting personality mesh that isnt quite perfect for drama but isnt quite completely opposite so they can work together and achieve common goals. like its that perfect blend of subtle awesome that not a lot of comics can achieve
http://pigeoncomic.com/post/170447488832/spider-ben-spider-ben-does-whatever-a-spider-ben This one was also good, the effects especially.
Yeah I think characters were this comic’s greatest strength, which is the most important part of a story to me
AAAH that was great
Oh yes
Characters mean lots to me
Of you write them well and provide enough side-material to back them up
yes that was definitely a fun scene. in general i like how the powers are visually depicted. i think it was a great choice to give them all diff colors schemes and aesthetics. it makes them stand out and you can always tell who is doing what.
i also love the random pigeon cameos.
these are the most photobombing pigeons in the land
Giving powers different colors is part of the fun, IMO
Made it. You can probably guess at my favourite scene.
Glad I don't live in New York City then
Let me guess
It's loaded with puns
It's where the trigonometry was used to knock the guy out. ^.-
Also, Ben was using degrees, rather than radians, implying that it is coming from his own experiences rather than some meta-math in the environment.
'Course he uses the imperial system too, for whatever reason.
that scene made me sad with jealousy because even when i was good at math, i always sucked at mental math. XD
The sequence in Lee's head was pretty cool and creative. I suppose I felt I couldn't get as into it, I think because it just represented such an invasion of his privacy. (I liked how Lee addressed the whole "manipulation" thing later.)
Heh. I think that sort of mental math is beyond most people.
The visual depiction of the math-type powers as more cubic/angular was a nice choice too, I found.
>Rebel mentions math while Mathtans is in the chat(edited)
Math's good stuff.
It was my best school subject
till they stopped teaching it after tenth grade
Actually, I kind of hate it when "doing mental math" is presented as some kind of superpower. I don't feel like that's the case here, because being able to judge distances, monetize portions of food, and hit precise estimations isn't the same thing as "I can multiply real fast". So that was good.
Incidentally, how does magnetization powers give one the ability to X-Ray? Maybe I missed something in my science classes.
QUESTION 2. Of all the characters, Lee seems to have the past that is most covered in mystery. What do you think happened in Lee’s past that caused him to have such a core of guilt? Was it related to Ana or was there something else going on? What even was Lee’s relationship with Ana? Why do you think Lee turned to illegal car theft activities, and what do you think caused him to go clean? Why do you think Lee is so desperate to patch things up with Sterling? How do you think Lee even knows Sterling in the first place? What do you think any of this has to do with the comic’s opening scene? Lastly, do you think Lee will manage to meet Sterling? If so, what do you think will happen?
I think Lee and Sterling worked together in the past, maybe in a post-doc or something. There was that flashback sequence with the motorbike (I think that's what it was?) and stuff.
arent mri machines basically just giant magnets?
i assume they took creative license based on that
Ahh, maybe they are, right. Can't bring metal in and such.
which actually explains why ben has that headache meltdown everytime hes near lee using his powers
cause like an mri machine, lee is pulling those metal shards
causing more damage
good job lee
Creator here, hey guys!! I'm so happy to see this discussion! To address the x-ray thing, there is a bit of creative license applied for sure. Lee can't literally see people's bones like in an x-ray, but he can sense metal objects and magnetic fields. I just had to find a way to visually represent that, and x-ray visuals felt like something that would be a really quick read for most of my audience.
And yeah Rebel, you're right on the money! Lee can easily move the little bits of metal around in Ben's brain if he isn't careful
Right, the metal shard pulling thing I figured. (Also, I tend to agree with Lee that the guy should get that checked out! It cannot be good for the health.)
Oh, hihi creator! Must be early morning for you I guess.
Hello Lightlybow!
Will Ben not have superpowers if the metal is removed?
tbf going to the hospital might not do ben any good. cause if theyre in his brain thats already a very dangerous surgery
But will he get killed if he doesn’t remove the metal?!
I feel like he might be able to calculate a way to deal with it mathematically. I mean, it was the substance on the metal that gave him the abilities, right? And it's supposed to be healing or something, so that's probably why he's still functional.
Yikes wow but still
Removing metal from head before wounds close seems prudent. shrugs
Ding ding ding! Ben's powers do come from the metal! Idk how many details you guys want...
Now that's why he can't do the surgery then, cause, well.
He loses the powers
I think Lee worked with Sterling and they both love the same woman and that caused a rift between them. Maybe Lee tried to win Ana away from sterling or left him when he needed him because of Ana. This may be the biggest cause of his guilt since the thought of talking to Sterling is the only hope he has
But what if it’s unhealthy for Ben to have that metal??
Ahh, interesting. (I mean, what do I know, right? ^.- ) Maybe Ben will learn that he doesn't need superpowers to be a cool guy. Particularly if he retains the fighting techniques.
it is definitely unhealthy for ben to have metal in his head, especially around lee who can make it worse. XD i dont forsee ben wanting to give up powers tho
Sha: I'm kind of with you, but I'm not sure Ana necessarily caused a rift directly... I feel more like maybe Lee decided he just couldn't work that close to them any more, and went looking for other work.
Illegal work, possibly.
Maybe he's got a bit of self loathing or something.
In terms of metal in the head/ injuries! There are reported cases of people living normal lives with shards of metal stuck in their brain matter. I was going off those when writing Ben, especially a case of someone who shot themselves with a nail gun and turned out to be just fine
That's an interesting piece of trivia
I have heard of people living with bullets lodged into their brain for years
as an example
I've heard of that stuff, possibly even seen an XRay one time. Gives me the willies.
yeah its definitely possible. but basically no mris ever which limits diagnostic tools ppl can use
which is not good cause mris are super powerful
im gonna go out on a limb and assume ana is dead or potentially in a coma. and that lee is (or assumes he was) the cause because whatever he used to contain the medicine that sterling had him built
and thats where his guilt is
Lee's kind of my fave character, actually. Ben is too eager to treat everything as some kind of game, and Veda has no respect for boundaries.
and that what happened between lee and sterling is they both feel responsible for what happened
and while lee wanted to move on, sterling wanted to obsess
Rebel: If that's the case (interesting theory), maybe Lee just feels like if he'd stuck around (assuming it happened after he left), he'd have been able to do something.
maybe ana is just sick in the hospital
and sterling is obsessing trying to save her
Maybe he even has a theory for how to fix things but Sterling put a hit out on him and refuses to hear anything.
and while lee should be supporting her he doesnt have the strength too
Either way, if they end up talking, I feel like it would be near the climax.
Seconding Math
I don’t think Ana is dead, otherwise this would be a lot like Miraculous Ladybug is recently
i forsee that, but i also hope they dont wait till the climax. and that they hug and talk it out. and while they patch some things up theres stuff about the disease that fall to deaf ears on sterling's part(edited)
I don't follow the reference, but okay.
Sorry Miraculous is a silly romantic superhero cartoon that I love for some reason
yeah i go back and forth on ana being dead. although i think we can at least assume something bad happened to her
Just want to say, I thought putting in that scene of Sterling was a great move. I'd kind of pictured him having gone all "mad scientist", so the idea that he's kind of tortured and trying to fix things was an interesting window.
Yeah I felt sorry for him he’s like an even more realistic Hawkmoth sorry I keep referencing Ml
I love the realism in the drama for this comic
Plot twist: Ana is actually one of the pigeons. Things went terribly wrong.
yeah i really liked what that scene of sterling did
cause it knocked him down from enigmatic evil overlord to tortured human soul who is trying to fix something he doesnt know how to fix
I'm crying
ana is trying to tell lee shes a pigeon this whole time but lee just doesnt get it
all the pieces are falling together
Ana tried to use the bird woman to get her message across. That also went badly.
QUESTION 3. Much of the current events of the comic are now being driven by Veda who wants to save her sister. Do you believe all Veda really wants to do is save Dani, or is something else going on? Do you think Dani is being held against her will, or might there be a reason she doesn’t want to see Veda? How exactly do you think Veda became exposed enough to the medicine to gain her powers? Is Veda so aggressive with her powers because of desperation to save her sister, or do you think it’s telling about what Veda does for a living in some way? At the hotel, we also see Veda get sick for a moment. Do you think her sudden illness is revealing? What about her words as she looked in the mirror? What consequences do you think this “sickness” will have for the group as a whole?
Math does it again
But I do wonder if there is some kind of dark secret to the pigeons, and why they're everywhare
"That also went badly"
I think Veda is trying to save her sister, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was another motive as well. I think she gets fatigued severely from using her powers too much
I mean, magic exists in this world so that wouldn't be far out of the ordinary
but back onto the subject
on a tangent i liked lee's convo with the old lady because it was so utterly ridiculous on so many levels. like who approaches some old lady on the bench and assumes she knows a lot about pigeons just cause shes showing them mild affection.
Wait magic?! I missed that
Yeah but he was desperate lol
More like superpowers
As in, the en mase of pidgeons being a result somehow of everyone having powers
Yeah I don’t think this was magic I didn’t get that at all just superhero sci-fi
Magic and sci-fi together can annoy me sometimes I just love my scifi
i do think veda is trying to save her sister. but part of me wonders if its not just that her powers exhaust her. what if veda has the disease too and thats actually why she was exposed to the medicine? that is my out there theory
Oh yeah....
That could be it
I wonder if people get the disease if they get the powers or if the powers don’t actually cure you
oh man thatd be ironically sad. that the cure comes with the disease
Sorry, in and out as the little one makes a fuss. I wonder if Veda's trying to save her sister more for herself than for her sister's sake. Like, she feels guilty over letting her go in the first place. (And what other doctor is she going to take her sister to if they get out? I mean really.)
yeah i thought that too
about where would veda even take her
Yeah there aren't really any other doctors who can solve her problems but she's desperate
Yeah Math could be right. (I’m doing Laundry right now lol) good luck with your little one!
any other doctor is probably gonna tell her theres nothing they can do but make her comfortable and manage the symtoms
and give a death time estimate
Guess doctors aren't common in this universe or soemthing
Well doctors who can cure the disease aren’t
well doctors who can cure this specific disease, yes XD
Junebug! Hello!
to answer another question on the list, i think dani's imprisonment is a bit of both. that sterling 100% is holding her but that even if veda came dani would tell her to go away for some reason. maybe to protect veda...or maybe veda and her had a fight just like lee and sterling had a fight. and later on that fight is something lee and veda can bond over
Certainly the fact that her ailment can’t easily be cured by someone else is a motivation for Dani to stay with Sterling
Or maybe Dani also has mind powers and can tell that Veda's not being real sincere or something.
Hello Junebug~
Something the future script will touch on is whether the Cure is more important than the Person. If their physical health should be prized over their emotional well-being
that sounds deep
Hmm. I don’t know I wonder if Lee and Veda will start to like each other. Probably not but they do have some things in common
I really want them to(edited)
What good is emotional well-being if you’re sick as a dog? You need a combination of both I guess
I desperately need them to be begrudging friends / partners in crime
He is a chick magnet. (That was a good line.)
Good one Math
i feel like before lee and veda can get along they need to have a huge fight. like get all their reservations an stuff out in the open air. cause at the moment the entire relationship is kind of soured by veda's emotional blackmail
Yeah as it stands there's not much room for "getting along"
Yeah, that there's pretty twisted
I’m just a big sucker for characters like Veda esp if she goes through some good ol character development
wink wonk
i think of the characters veda is the most likely who's gonna grow too. cause right now shes toeing that bad guy line a bit too hard
QUESTION 4. All these super powers are caused by one thing: Sterling and his magical Anacride medicine. Why do you think Sterling developed this medicine in the first place? Does it have something to do with Ana given the number of times she’s shown when talking about the disease it cures? What is going on with Sterling currently given he refuses to let families see those in his treatment program? Are there some sort of detrimental side effects he can’t control, or is something else afoot? Do you believe he can fix everything, or are the powers and other side effects now permanent? Also, what do you think happened to him that landed him in the hospital during one flashback? Finally, what does all this mean for Ben given that he has metal dangerously embedded in his head? Are Ben’s powers really caused by a brief exposure to the medicine, and will this journey change him in some way?
Character development makes the world go round
Ana could have the disease
Also is the uh medicine named after her
I feel like he could be desperate to find her a permanent and less detrimental cure so he goes through others not caring what happens to them so he can save Ana ?
i never connected ana's name was in the word anacride
I just now saw it capitalized and was like ???? Maybe ????
Do I win a prize
Yes you get a pigeon. Here
I will take good care of him
thatd be a sad approach is sterling was using everyone else to test the medicine before testing it on ana, assuming shes a victim. but now im wondering if maybe she isnt a victim. maybe she helped make the medicine but she had a falling out with sterling and now sterling hopes that if he makes the medicine succeed ana will love him again
I feel like Ana has some dark side to her
Okay, back, mostly. Oh, good call on the naming! Didn't register that.
Like she at least a little bit fudges the lines when it comes to pharmaceutical experimentation but wouldn’t go as far as sterling would idk
Remember there was that flashback scene where Ana was actually helping Sterling due to his heart problem or whatever. I think maybe SHE developed the medicine, and Sterling's trying to perfect it for her.
So I guess similar to the "love me again" idea.
Except maybe it's just in her memory.
'You will be the last victim of this disease'...
well tbf, the only viewpoints weve had of ana are those from ppl who love her in some capacity. so to them ana is probably an angel. so her having a dark side would not surprise me at all cause nobody is perfect an all that jazz
and yeah i considered that too, math. that this could just be a "last victim of the disease" sort of thing
Ana is actually an NPC in the story.
She hands out the quests.
As a pigeon.
its a good thing they have ben. he will figure out you have to accept the pigeon quests in order to progress the story
I shall do that o_ o\
Give me all them challenges
The clues were there all along. There she is, pigeon # 62
Yeah, some of the "deluded Ben" stuff when Lee first found him was amusing. I'm glad it didn't become an overlong gag though.
For a sec I thought those were bats
Speaking of amusing things - I liked some of the little background naming things. Like the diner that had been crossed out and it's like "Al's now" or whatever. Or the donut box saying to drink juice.
I'm so happy you noticed
My favourite was the self defence book. "This convenient book is going to show you how not to get punched in the face".
The best kind of book
And in Ben's apartment there's a statue of Han Solo with the words "_ shot first" and the name is covered
I think it also had a picture of the Matrix in it or something.
the Han statue
Ahh, I interpreted that as "Han" (the statue) "shot first".
Oh I see!
Probably why Ben's roommate moved out. A Star Wars disagreement.
Anyway I'm glad you guys enjoy the stupid jokes in the flavor text
I almost walked out of watching a new hope bc my friends all said exactly the opposite of who I think shot first
Always fun when the author sneaks in background gags/jokes
I wonder what's in the van. Like, is it more of the drug? Could they actually analyze it before they do the run? (Though, they probably don't have time for that.)
i assumed it was more of the drug
that begs the question of how its made
cause youd think sterling would make the drug in his lab
Maybe he outsources.
Maybe ingredience
Right, just gotta mix it with fructose.
The drug needs to go through a special process of pressurization and maturation before it's viable... so Sterling designs the drug but no one knows if it will work for a few weeks until they test it
It's important to be mature about such things.
pun game on point
Oh, nice detail about Lee's card being demagnetized btw. Hadn't occurred to me.
Poor guy.
In that pigeon comic it's implied that he keeps breaking watches too. It's really inconvenient!
Well, I guess it's almsot the end
having magnetic powers sounds like all kinds of trouble. cant take him camping cause hell throw off the compasses. although you could use him to hold metal screws for you without them getting lost
Right! I remember noticing that. Guess it does make it easier to fall off the grid.
In that case cya, and thanks for the great reads, @lightlybow
It was great metting ya.
I wonder if Ben will compare him to Magneto.
He should
I wonder what Dina!s gonna be like she looks like she could be a sweet but tortured soul
Great meeting you too @Superjustinbros !!
He already did compare Lee to Magneto!
I remember he said “You totally Magnetoed him”
I am clearly not paying enough attention. Must have read it as magnetized. It makes sense given his Marvel references.
Omg rebel I just imagined Veda sticking screws to Lee's face like "Here, hold this"
I could see that.
Anyway, definitely pulling for Lee. Guy can't seem to catch a break. Hope his mental demons are appeased.
Me too, buddy. Me too
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Sae, as well, for making Anacrine Complex. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Sae’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://pigeoncomic.com/
Sae’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cottonart
Sae’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/lightlybow
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Skeletons in the Closet by Niah. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, November 15th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://tapas.io/series/Skeletons-in-the-Closet
0 notes