#thats how riverdale memories make me feel
one of the things that will forever hunt me and make me feel bad about myself its the fact that I know the whole fcking backstory of the "I dont fit in and I dont wanna fit it, Im weird, Imma weirdo, have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on?" scene
I feel so bad, like I cant believe it, like people dont have to know I watched it when it came out but I know it and I feel sorry for my soul
it really gets me down
(sorry for the multiple missspelled words in the tags, Its late and I didnt doble check and Im tired and I dont think I cant re write all of that)
#like Ive been watching fcking tiktok compilations on youtube which is sad enough but everytime that clip comes out I feel such sorrow#I want to die#I mean cry#I want to cry#I feel so bad for myself#I cant believe I liked that#riverdale#jughead jones#being a riverdale fan back in the day its my biggest darkest secrets#it will haunt me forever#if someone ever gives me the chance to erase something from my brain I will not hesitate Ill beg them to delete any detail of riverdale#thats coming from someone who stopped watching after episode 3 of season 3 maybe#like you know that scene from stranger things where theyre burning the upside down tunnels thats what I want them to do in my brain w river#“i wish I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things” but its riverdale#its not a break up its just deep deep regret and hours and years of my life I'll never get back and will haunt me forever#like that episode of Sonny with a chance where they go to public school#thats how riverdale memories make me feel#one of the scenes that will haunt me forever its Betty seeing her mom and sister about to burn her niece and nephew for a ritual#and thats bc I decided that was my last straw and ran away as fast as I could from that show and now I'll never know what happens afterward#trapped depressed ansious thats how that Sonny w a chance ep & Riverdale make me feel#also strime cringe#like Cherryl pigblood Josie stalker ???? WHY DID NOBODY EVER TALKED ABOUT THAT EPISODE AGAIN???? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE??#THAT LET ME DEEPLY DISTURBED STRIMLY SCARED#AND THE GUY NEVER HEARD BACK FROM JOSIE BC CHERRYL TOLD HER HE DID THAT? AND SHE KEEP BEING FRIENDS W CHERRYL#The fact that they used to air this episodes at the same time that in the US but in my country it was between 12 & 1 am#I HAD TO GO TO BED AFTER THAT!
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ariesbilly · 4 months
misc. tag game
tagged by @blood-mocha-latte
a band you don’t like that many others do:
maneskin... tried a couple songs, wanted to like them.... cant do it
a childhood memory that you remember vividly:
this costume contest i refused to enter because my costume was boring and i knew i was gonna lose by the adults were like "no just join come on itll be fun" and i was like... already consumed by the darkness at that point lmfao and i sat watching everyone crying. fun! lmfao
least favorite animal and why:
i hate a snake. i respect their role in the ecosystem but dont you ever put one near me. dont put one within 5 miles of me. no. i dont trust anything that slithers bitch aint got no legs! i dont like that. and the striking? dont like that either. i have to stop talking about them now im genuinely uncomfortable
hot fandom take:
steve harrington is not a good character. he is badly written. yall only like him cuz you think joe is hot. thats literally it. the man has literally zero positive qualities. apply this to every other loved st character as well theyre all bad the show sucks i hope everyone dies
do you were any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
i wear a friendship bracelet and a rope bracelet i got on a cruise (i forgot what theyre called. sailor bracelets or something?) and thats about the extent of my jewelry wearing
a movie others liked but you didn’t:
i don't think i've ever cognitively watched a movie and thought that i loved it or hated it. i'm usually just like Well That Sure Was A Movie. <- im keeping prevs because thats what wildest thing ive ever read in my life i need to study you lmfao as for my answer, insidious movies are bad. youre next is bad. many movies this website loves i havent even seen but i know they are bad thats why i havent watched them.
three things you love about yourself:
my hair is getting real cute lately. i am a huge bitch. i stare at my butt a lot i think its fun
a place you hope to visit in the future and why:
italyyyy i want to trace my roots
an actor that gets on your nerves and why:
idk if theres actors i have beef with for their personality lmao several i dont like because they are overhyped and im sick of seeing them. ariana grande she counts as an actress i cant stand her lmfao the vibes are rancid also stop dating married (taken) men its gross its weird
things you’re excited for in the nearby future?:
for my dog to finally be healed from her surgery cuz god its a lot of working making sure she dont pop her stitches
least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
if stancy is endgame im setting fires to buildings i want you all to know this. also fuck a steddie and a ronance but that goes without saying
what’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?:
stranger things. riverdales a close second but stranger things... you are all genuinely mentally unwell i would like to speak to your therapists and tell them shit aint working
list three things you find beautiful about life:
the ocean my best friend the ocean. animals just be out here looking for pets... brings a tear to my eye. im really struggling for a third life is bad lmfao my best friend? thats it.
any dreams for the future?
i try not to think about the future it gives me panic attacks
how are you really feeling today?
tagging (no pressure): @panickedpenguin @avalonlights @ihaveacorgi @imsodishy
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tiktaalic · 2 years
ok what r ur thoughts on andrew dabb after school special crimes it’s the thing on which all criticism of andrew dabb starts from and i’m curious about ur opinion as a dabb era warrior
it aired in 2009 every man alive in 2009 in possession of a television writing credit sucked so bad. you know how everyone's shocked and pearl clutching because they're watching breaking bad (aired in 2008) for the first time this year and jesse casually drops the word faggot more than once. thats quite literally just what tv was like. in 2009 men would boot up their little computers to write their main characters saying fag and being weird about women. it's far from the only misogynistic thing supernatural ever did. kripke wrote the episode with the leather strip over boobs torture rack. theres quite literally not enough time to get into supernaturaltransgressions re: misogyny.
i think bringing up after school special is a lazy dunk and selective memory at play. every supernatural showrunner wrote an episode that makes me tug my collar and go ah... this is... c'mon man. maybe not your best work. and i think people talking about supernatural on the internet tend to conflate writing ability with showrunning ability which is not. the same thing. sera gamble and jeremy carver in particular come to mind as having KNOCKOUT episodes they wrote while their seasons are messy as hell all over the place and slapped together.
i think dabb criticism in particular comes in three flavors of: a) he is responsible for the riverdalification of supernatural which is obviously cringe and i hate his seasons and i hate him. b) he made dean mean. bad and wrong! and c) feelings curdling post finale. and like. i love riverdale. i love boiled frog dean. i think season 14 is trying to Do Something in a way supernatural seasons have not tried to do in years. i think 13-15 goes miraculously far down the track without incident before blowing itself tae fuck. i will agree that he has a tendency to write dean meaner than most people tend to (yellow fever, after school special) but he also writes some SUPER wooby dean (jump the shark, dark side of the moon) that people forget about. and by the time s13-15 rolls around there's more than enough reason to explain him being mean.
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Betty//tell me something nice, like flowers and blue skies
Request: Can I request a Reader/Betty with the song I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend by Girl In Red, maybe reader pines over Betty how she pines over Archie
hey! before i ramble trigger warning: i don’t really know how to describe it, so there’s like a nightmare bit and people aren’t really nice about the reader being gay, so if that upsets you don’t read. anyway! it’s loving women hours (when is it not?) as i’m writing this its october, so it’s officially girl in red season! happy holidays gays! 
Betty Cooper, Archie Andrews and Y/n L/l/n. The three musketeers of Riverdale. Wherever one of them went, the other two followed. 
You have lived next door to each other, since before any of you were even born. Your moms went to baby classes together, your dads let you play in the back yard while the three of them enjoyed a beer. There was never a day that at least two of you weren’t together. 
Every birthday party was spent showing presents off and eating far too much cake. And every weekend sleepover was spent giggling way into the night and eating junk food, only to be told off by one of your moms. You would plan countless pranks that Polly would always be on the receiving end of, and then when the three of you were inevitably grounded for ruining another thing of hers, you’d hang out of your bedroom windows to wave at each other. 
As the three of you grew older, your parents thought you would grow apart. All three of you developed new interests and personalities, but despite everything you stuck together. Promising to go through High School by each others side. 
But then disaster struck. Hormones got the better of one of you and suddenly Betty was pining over Archie. Which was bad news for all three of you. 
Because while Archie was all Betty wanted, he wanted everybody but her. He even tried it on with you once, it ended awfully and you both vowed never to speak of it ever again. 
You don’t know how many hours you’ve spent sat on her bed while she watched Archie from her bedroom window, despite you telling her how creepy it is. 
At first it was kind of boring. You just watched her, watch him and then you’d listen to her mope, tell her he’ll realize soon and then go home. But then it stopped being boring and something shifted. You found it more hurtful? 
Like whenever she would talk about him in that lovestruck tone, it felt like your something twisting your lungs. You found yourself stuttering over your words when she talked to you. Your cheeks would heat up whenever she was in close proximity of you, and if she touched you, even if it was just a light graze of her fingers over your own, your mind would go blank and busy all at once. 
You found yourself sneaking glances at her whenever she wasn’t looking, or trying your hardest to make her laugh, even if it meant making yourself look like an idiot. She was the last thing you thought of when you went to sleep, the first thing you thought of when you woke up and she was every other thought in between. 
The littlest of interactions between you had you overthinking. What did that smile mean? Why did she ask just you to hang out and not Archie too? Is she trying to tell you something? Was that goodbye wave just a goodbye wave or was it something else? And that goodnight text? Was there a tone to it? 
It was only when she rang you at 2am to ask you what you thought Archie meant by ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’, did you realize. 
You’d fallen for your very straight best friend. 
Nobody knew you were into girls. Not even you were aware of it until her. 
Until she made you look forward to going to school because that meant you’d get to see her. Until she made you feel like the most important girl in the world when she smiled at you. Until she made butterflies swarm in your stomach whenever she so much as looked at you. 
But she always talked to Archie before you first thing in the morning. She always smiled brighter at Archie, and she always looked away far too soon. 
Even if had beed years since she’s first fallen for him and she’s dated Jughead in between. You could tell there was still something there between them. 
Just look at me the same
Riverdale is a small town, people talk and people judge. So for now, you’ll stay in the very comfy closet your in. 
You’re graduating soon so you just have to keep in a secret for another four months. That’s totally do-able. 
But then again you and Betty have applied for the same college’s so who knows what going to happen then. Maybe you’ll find a girl there that you’ll fall for. 
But there’s nobody like Betty Cooper.  
There never was and there never will be. 
She’s the only good thing to come out of this place. Even after everything she’s been through, they’re usually things you’ve also been dragged into by either her or Archie, but she always comes out the other side stronger. 
She’s a force to be reckoned with. 
She’s wonderful. 
If you tell people that you were into woman, then there’s a chance that Betty might find out you like her and you definitely don’t want that. 
So you’ll continue secretly pining and looking way too much into things. 
You’ll continue to listen to her talk about Archie or Jughead or whoever she likes this week, in exactly the same way you think about her. 
You’ll lie next to her at Friday night sleepovers and try to keep your breathing normal as she cuddles into the side of you. You’ll stop yourself brushing hair from her face, from stroking her arm gently and from pressing gentle kisses to her head. 
You stop yourself from doing all of those things and just lie there. Letting the darkness envelop you as she snores softly beside you. And when you eventually fall asleep she’s there too, but something’s off. 
She’s looking at you all wrong. Everybody is. They’re looking at you like you’ve done something wrong. Archie and Betty stand hand in hand, and they glare at you. The world around you twists and warps, you try and get closer to them, to ask whats wrong but they just keep jumping further and further away. And then she tells you, she knows. She knows everything, about the way you feel, how you think of her and she’s looking at you like you’re a stranger. They all are and the world becomes tighter around you and its getting harder and harder to breath an-
You eyes snap open and you sit upright, gasping for breath.
Betty stares at you, eyes full of panic as she moves to sit in front of you. She flicks the lamp on as she moves and the room is flooded in a soft orange glow. The duvet bunches around you and she moves it down to allow you to breathe and cool down.
“Breathe. You’re okay. It’s okay. I’m here.” She says, her voice firm but soothing. Her hands rest on your shoulders and you force yourself to nod, and slowly start to breathe properly. “Are you okay?” She asks, her voice now a lot less panicked and a wave of embarrassment rolls over you. 
“Yeah.” You shrug. “Just a bad dream.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” She lies back down and you follow apprehensively. 
“No thanks.” You mumble and move your pillow. 
In times like this its good that you have shared trauma. It means if you get bad dreams about your best friend finding out you like her, thats not the first thing she assumes. 
She probably thinks its got to do with the Gargoyle King, or that night you were hunted through the woods. Or when you went to Lodge’s Lodge and got robbed. Veronica had insisted that it was couple’s only but Betty had fought for you to come. Saying that if her and Archie were both away you’d be alone. Plus, the three of you come as package. You want one, you get all of them. 
You shuffle backwards towards the wall, trying to put as much space between the two of you as you possibly can. She doesn’t seem to get your hint and just moves closer to you, slinging her arm over your waist and you feel goosebumps rise over your skin. 
Your eyes flutter shut but the dark and distorted world you were previously trapped in plays behind your eyes like a really bad horror movie and so they snap open again. 
You hold in a gasp once you notice how close she is to your, your foreheads barely touching, her blonde hair sprawled out on the pillow and the ends tickle your face. 
“You okay?” She mumbles and opens an eyelid to look at you. 
“I just don’t think I can sleep right now.” You reply causing her to frown and look at you properly. She props her head up with her head and her hair falls around her face as she angles her head to look at you properly. 
You want to kiss her. 
She’s right there so you could. She’s lying in front of you and she’s giving you a look you’ve never seen directed at you before. 
You could just lean up and kiss her. You wonder if it will feel like how you’ve imagined. If her lips are as soft as they look and if you’ll still be able to feel them long after you’ve stopped. If the feeling will engrain itself into your memory, becoming impossible to forget. If her hands will hold your own or if they’ll settle on your cheek or in your hair. Will she be cautious as she kisses you or will it be the most sure she’s ever felt about something? 
You want to kiss her until you lose your breath. 
You want to get lost in her and for her to get lost in you. Until this is the only thing either of you know. 
“Tell me something nice.” 
“Like Archie’s hair today. Because it was really nice. I think he spent a little longer on it today but it was worth it. It looked very soft...very ginger.” 
“No.” You laugh. 
She’s gone back to Archie for this week and even if it does hurt, its a little comforting. It reminds you of when she first went on like this, you were unaware of your feelings then. You were just hanging out with your friend while she pined for your other one. There was no feelings to mess it up, at least not on your end.
Now you’re almost three years into this and there’s been more complicated emotions and plot twists than a teen drama. More moping than a Smiths song. 
The internet is obsessed with the mutual pining trope, it’s romanticized beyond belief. And in a way you’re in one, the only problem is she’s pining for the wrong person, maybe so are you. 
“Like flowers and blue skies.” You add after a few seconds of silence and a soft smile settles on her face. 
“Okay. Come here.” She stretches her arms out towards you and you reluctantly shuffle towards her. 
She squeezes you tightly before lying back down properly, her arms are wrapped around you and her chin rests on your head. You feel the steady beat of her heart and you hope she can’t feel your erratic one. 
“Can you remember last Christmas?” She asks and you hum in agreement. “It was Christmas day, me, you and Archie got together in Archie’s backyard to do our annual present swap. It was freezing, but the sky was the bluest it had been for months. There wasn’t a cloud in sight and the sun was brighter than the previous summers.” 
“It had been snowing.” You reply. “And we threw snowballs at Archie.” 
“Yeah.” She laughs. “Archie threw one back, but it was more ice than snow and it hit me right on the nose.” 
“I thought he’d broken your nose with the amount of blood.” You laugh. 
“You took me home and made sure I was okay.”
“Of course I did.” You mumble, your voice sleepy. “I’d do anything for you.” You add, your voice muffled by a yawn. 
“What?” She asks but you shake your head. 
“Nothing.” You reply. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen your mom so confused.” 
“So would you be if your kid and her friend were stood on the porch, one of them with blood pouring out of their nose and the other with blue lips almost the same shade as the sky.” 
“Fair enough.” You laugh. “Hey, what are you getting for Archie for Christmas this year?” 
“I dunno.” She shrugs. “What about you?” 
“I dunno, thats why I was asking you.” You reply and the two of you giggle quietly. “What do you want for Christmas?” 
“A boyfriend.” 
“Gross.” You mumble and she looks at you annoyed. 
“What do you mean gross?” 
“I mean...gross.” 
“Shut up. You’ll understand when you get a boyfriend.” 
“I highly doubt thats gonna happen.” You mutter making her frown and move to look at you. 
“Don’t think like that.” She cups your cheeks in her hands and you feel your face heating up under the intensity of her stare. “You are so pretty. You’re the prettiest girl I know. Any boy would be lucky to have you.” 
“Yeah, okay.” You snort and she sends you a look but decides not to say anything. 
“Do you like anybody at the minute?” She asks, her chin resting back on your head and your breath hitches as you try and figure out the best way around this. It’s too late though, she heard you and now she’s staring at you wide-eyed with a bright grin on her face. “Oh my God. You do. You so like someone.” 
“No, I er. No I don’-” 
“Who is it. You have to tell me. I tell you everybody that I like.” 
“I know.” You mumble making her glare at you. 
“Please. I won’t tell anyone. I promise. Do I know them?” 
“No.” You shake your head. 
“Okay, So I know them.” 
“But I just said you didn’t.”
“I know. But I can tell when you’re lying. We’ve been friends for 18 years, I know all your tells.” She says. 
A lump sits in your throat and you try your hardest to swallow it. 
“So I know them?” 
“No.” You sigh and lie down properly. “There’s no point in trying to guess because I’m not gonna tell you.” 
“Why not?” She pouts and flops beside you, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Because. Plus, there’s no point in telling anyone because they don’t like me back.” 
“How do you know? Have you asked them?” 
“No, bu-” 
“So how do you know?” 
“Because I’m really not their type.” You say. It’s more to yourself than to her but neither of you seem to get the hint. 
“You never know.” She argues. 
“Believe me I do. So can we just drop this and go to sleep.” You snap. 
Her happy expression disappears as she looks at her hands and you feel your chest tighten. 
“Yeah sorry.” She whispers. 
“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped.” 
“Its fine.” She shakes her head and turns to look at you.“I shouldn’t have pushed it. But before I drop it forever, for the record, whoever it is is an idiot for not liking you.” She says sincerely and you send her a small smile. 
The two of you stare at each other for a few seconds, and your sure her gaze drops to your lips for a split second. But then you hear a bang on the bedroom door followed by her mom telling you to go to sleep and the moment, whatever it was, is gone. She drops your gaze and turns around, pulling the blanket all the way up to her chin. 
You watch her turn, continuing to stare at her back before you sigh and face the other way. 
You’re both stuck in the same place but you want to follow different paths. 
You both know what its like to be a friend but want something more. The different is that she’s more likely to get what she wants. A boy can start to like his best friend, but you can’t turn a straight girl gay.
That knowledge weighs you down over the weekend. You, Betty, Archie, Jughead and Veronica hang out at Pops on Saturday. And even though you and Betty were the first one’s there, you somehow end up stuck on the end, forced to borrow a chair from someone else’s table. 
Betty and Archie sit next to each other and laugh over inside jokes and their shared dislike of one of the new kids. Veronica and Jughead sit beside each other in an awkward silence. Every ten minutes one of them will try and desperately think of something that have in common but it never works. 
And you?
You sit on the end with nothing to do and no one to talk to. So you leave early, muttering a small goodbye before rushing out of the diner. Veronica and Jughead mumble a small goodbye, and an hour later they come up with an excuse as to why they also need to leave. 
But Betty and Archie don’t notice. They don’t notice you’ve gone until Jughead says goodbye an hour later. 
They stay for a bit longer talking about stories from when they were younger, their plans for the rest of the weekend and whether they’ve done the homework for Miss Fireworth. 
But something is missing. They both feel it, Betty more than Archie. 
It settles in her bones, a feeling of loneliness. It’s only when Archie starts talking about if she thinks if Veronica would give him another chance does she realize it. 
Of course! How could she have not seen it before It’s obvious. It was right in front of her this whole time and she’s only not just realized. 
“Archie, I’ve got to go.” She says quickly, grabbing her bag and shuffling past him. 
She feels terrible, all of these years you’ve been feeling like this and she’s been so oblivious. So inconsiderate. She’s the worst. But she’s going to make it right, she’s going to try her best to anyway. 
“Okay.” He calls after her, she’s already out of the door by the time he replies and he watches her walk quickly out of the parking lot. 
It takes her ten minutes to walk to your house and as soon as she runs up the steps of the porch she’s knocking loudly on the door. She moves from foot to foot, the excitement rising as she waits for you to answer the door. 
The door swings open and your brows furrow once you see who it is. But before you have the chance to ask why she’s here, she’s already speaking. 
“You like Archie?”
“What? No!” You exclaim and she raises an eyebrow. 
“Its okay if you do. I actually think you guys would be really cute together.” She reassures you and you stop yourself from rolling your eyes. 
“I don’t like Archie.” You repeat but she’s having none of it, waving her arm around before continuing to talk. 
“But you do though. I understand now. All of these years I’ve been pining over him and you also liked him. And you listened to me and comforted me like the great friend you are and I just let you. I didn’t even think that you could like him. But it makes so much sense now.” 
“Does it?” 
“Yes.” She huffs. “I’m sorry I was an idiot.” 
“Its okay?” 
“So you do like him? How long for?” She wonders, shrugging her jacket off as she walks past you. 
You know you shouldn’t. You know this is going to end badly for everyone involved, but you do it anyway. You play along, at least if she thinks you like Archie, she won’t suspect herself. 
“About three years.” You shrug and she stares at you in shock. 
“That long?” She says. 
“How do you know you aren’t his type?” She wonders, remembering the conversation you had last night. 
“I just do. I mean, look at his track record, and then look at me. Nothing alike.” 
“Thats good though!” She replies. “Nobody wants to date someone exactly the same as their ex.” 
You are very different to her ex’s, that is true. 
“Not this different though.” You shrug. “Its fine though. I’m used to it. Now, do you want to watch a movie tonight?” You ask, sitting down on the sofa. 
“Yeah, sure.” She replies, not really sure what to do. She sits beside you and looks around the living room, hoping the right words to say will find her. There’s something else to this, she knows there is. She just can’t quite figure out what it is. “Y/n?” She asks and reaches out to hold your hand. Her touch is gentle, almost cautious and you’re dreading whatever is going to come out of her mouth next. “Are you sure thats it?” 
“What do you mean?” You ask, dropping her hand. Hurt flashes through her eyes and she pulls her hand back, placing it on her thigh. 
The feeling of her hand went from light to heavy awfully quickly, and you want to touch her, but not like this. Not in this situation. She’s looking at you. 
When she looks at you usually, it’s gives you a feeling you can’t describe. But the way she’s looking at you now makes you want to shrink. 
“Do you like Archie?” She repeats.
“No.” You breathe and she sighs. 
You can see her trying to figure it out. Trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together and you know she’s going to work it out. You stare at her with bated breath and watches as she stares at the blank television. 
“I er, I’ve got a few things to do so, I’ll see you later.” You try but she just continues to look ahead. 
The walls close in on you, it’s only a matter of time. She’s going to figure it out and she’s going to hate you and everything is going to be ruined. 
“I’m sorry.” You cry quietly and she looks at you confused. 
She’s beside you in an instant, wrapping her arms around you and your bury your head in her chest. 
“I’m really, really sorry. I didn’t meant to and I wasn’t gonna tell you. I didn’t want to ruin anything between us because you’re my best friend and I don’t want to lose you.” 
“Do you like me?” She asks, her voice remaining calm as she moves away to look at you. 
“Yeah.” You mumble and stare at the grey fabric of the sofa. “I’m sorry.” Your force yourself to look at her. 
She wipes the palms of her hands on her jeans, takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. You stare at her in confusion, wondering what she’s doing and why she hasn’t shouted at you and left yet. But then her hands cup your cheeks and she leans in, kissing you softly. 
It’s slow at first, both of you unsure of what’s happening. But it doesn’t make any less perfect. It doesn’t stop your cheeks from heating up, or your heartbeat from going haywire and it doesn’t stop all cohesive thoughts from falling out of your head. 
She pulls away quickly, and both of you looked at each other shocked. 
“I’m sorry.” She says quickly and stands. 
“No, no. It’s fine.” You reply, copying her movements. You follow her to the door, despite your entire body screaming at you to not let her leave. You don’t think you can handle watching her walk away. 
You’ve wanted that kiss for three years. You’d built it up in your head so much, but now its happened and she’s running away and this is nothing like you thought it would be. 
The kiss was perfect. 
This is a nightmare. 
“Y/n. I’m sorry.” She says, finally looking at you. 
She’s holding on to her bag so tightly her knuckles have turned white, she glances at the door behind her and points awkwardly at it. 
“I’ve got to go.” 
“Yeah, okay.” She turns around and you will yourself not to cry. She can’t see you cry, not over her anyway.
“Bye.” She says quickly and walks through the front door. 
“Bye.” You reply, closing the door before she even has a chance to turn around. 
A shaky breath escapes your lips and you can’t stop the tears anymore. They keep coming, running down your face like sad little waterfalls. Your hands shake, your head hurts and your chest tightens. 
You’ve just watched your best friend and the woman you’re in love with run away after kissing you. 
Nothing is going to fix this. 
Well one thing will. 
“Y/n.” Betty is shouting outside, banging on the door louder than she ever has and you quickly swing the door open, revealing her tear stained face. “I’m so sorry.” She apologizes. 
Within seconds she’s stepped over the threshold, her arms hold you waist and pulls you tight to her. She kisses you desperately and messily, with teeth clashing and tears mixing together.  
But she doesn’t want it any other way. 
And neither do you. 
“Y/n?” She asks between kisses and you nod in reply. “I don’t want to be your friend.” 
“Okay.” You pull away to look at her. 
Her hands are still wrapped around you, but yours drops from from her cheeks, now worried that all of this has been some sort of trick.
“I wanna be your girlfriend.”
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lj-idk · 3 years
~ Main character moments ~
Tumblr media
Tw: sensitive content, sa
As im laying here and am looking for the perfect way to start a biography about my life i realized that it doesn't matter how because im still living it.
Or something else that sounds smart.
I decided to start writing this book because i noticed that those "movie-moments" you have in life, the moments that feel like they are copied out of an indie coming of age movie about depressed kids, have been happening non stop and i feel the need to share them.
Ok so im not a writer neither am i a native english speaker so keep that in mind while reading my thoughts (also this is based on my life not a 1:1 retelling of it). I do not know how to organically move into those stories so im just gonna start with one of the earliest memories of one of those moments:
I am in highschool (like 13 or 14y/o) and had broken up with JG about a year ago. JG was in the same grade as me and we're still friends to this day and hell be part of a later story. Our grade could have been split into three groups; the popular ones, the trainwrecks and us, the nerds/unpopular ones. Our friend group consisted of: MD, PA, VN, AB, JG and his best friend FB. FB and me really hit it off. We joked around and had the same humor and we were really vibing (i know cringe but theres honestly no better description than that). Its my birthday (in January of the last semester of HS) and i invited my bestie at the time (LDS) and FB to a slumber party, just like last year with the exception that JG wasn't there, obviously.
LDS canceled last minute and so it was just gonna be me and FB. I let him know that LDS canceled and that i would understand if he was uncomfortable staying alone with me.
Btw my parents, although they were kinda strict, were aware that this happened. I made it clear to them that i am not interested in him and that he has a crush on my bestie anyways so they don't have to worry. (Spoiler warning: really Ironic in hindsight)
Anyways that evening hes laying on a spare mattress on the floor next to my bed and were watching some move i can't remember.
I was craving some physical contact so like the teenager i am i hit him over the head in a playful way. He, a bit shocked, looks up and blocks my second attempt with his hand. So time goes by and im slowly hitting his hand until were just holding hands.
I ask him if he wants to get up on my bed bc watching a movie on a laptop like we were was very uncomfortable. So were cuddling and talking about our very private interests and preferences. I am a very open and honest person. If i get asked any question i will usually answer it straight up and often shock people with my "openness".
Nothing more happened.
Anticlimactic i know.
I remember that around that time FB and me were texting and talking on the phone all night.... like the horny teens we were we had phone sex... while still being virgins....
Well like a week after the sleepover LDS was free so she and FB came over to delayed celebrate my birthday.
We shared my queen-sized bed bc its way more comfortable than the floor mattress. LDS fell asleep and FB and me started to make out and touch each other inappropriately. 69 My first oral sex experience was next to my sleeping best friend with the guy i tried to set her up with a few months ago (tbh it wasn't even that good and he came on my pillow 🙄).
She doesn't know. Still doesn't almost 10 years later.
Now that already sounds like an episode of riverdale but the actual movie moment that stayed with me is that like a week later my period was late. You probably know where this is going but don't get your hopes up.
My naive (and child phobic, 13y/o) ass thought that because we made out in between going down on each other, somehow his precum might have traveled from my mouth to his and that i am pregnant bc he went down on me.
Also i wasn't on any birth control yet.
So i went to the pharmacy got two expensive pregnancy tests (because thats the only ones they had) and went home to take them.
I never told my parents or FB.
Now a day after i took the test i got my period. My Periods were always on time. Like clockwork. But after that night Mother Nature decided to torture me and i was late for 7 days.
Oh btw these stories are very tmi but im not forcing you to read it neither do you know me so fuck it.
Anyways like a month or two after the spicy sleepover FB and me were hanging out at his apartment. Our relationship was absolutely private and a secret we told noone.
His younger brother was home and i didn't want him to catch us making out so i started to say stop and push FB away yet he grabbed my neck and forced his face on mine. I know this sounds bad and i have had time to process and archive this experience but the worst part about this whole thing was that he was dating another girl when that happened.
He didn't tell me. I found out like two weeks after the forced kiss that like a month after the sleepover FB got a girlfriend. I felt so dirty and disgusting. I now know that that's absolutely not my fault but it ate me up on the inside.
I confronted him with my best friend (whom i told about "our relationship" and the kiss) and made him tell his girlfriend.
Cheating is unacceptable. There is no reasonable excuse for cheating on someone when you're dating someone and you're monogamous.
And if you do cheat you owe the person you're cheating on the truth.
So this was the first part of whatever this is gonna get called.
I neither spellchecked this nor is this the full story so be respectful and have a nice day/night.
Love JD
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n0-eyedtaissa · 4 years
“Take my jacket. It’s cold outside.” Ruthie n Romeo
Fall in Riverdale meant lots of gloomy, rainy days. Ruthie didn’t mind the rain or the gray, rain always helped her clear her head. Right after her dad died, the drought ended and it rained for two weeks straight. She thought it was some cosmic sign, or a metaphor of sorts and walked home every day without her umbrella just to feel the cold raindrops on her face. 
This kind of became a habit of hers, even though it was a habit that often landed her in bed with a cold. A short walk in the rain to wash away her worries, and she had a lot of those to be washed away. Currently she was in the midst of her exams and trying to commit the names and numbers of muscles in the human body to memory. She sat at the corner table of the coffee shop, resisting the urge to pull her hair out as she contemplated ordering another coffee with espresso to her her through another few hours of flash cards and highlighting. 
“Hey Shorty” A kind voice breaks Ruthie through her haze and she smiles, wiping the fatigue from her tired brown eyes. Romeo Fogarty tosses a stained towel over his shoulder before grabbing the push broom and starting to sweep. “How’s the studying going?” 
Ruthie groans in response, completely lacking in any enthusiasm that could lead Romeo to believe that she was having an okay time. She sits up in the rickety cafe chair and her back seems to crack all the way up her spine. 
“That bad, eh?” Romeo tilts his head to look at her, notices the dark circles under her eyes and the wrinkle between her eyebrows that he wanted to smooth out with a tender thumb. “Come on, I think I know something that might do the trick.” He holds out his hand in hopes that Ruthie would take it. 
“More caffeine?” She asks hopefully but is met with a no from Romeo. 
“Shorty I think if you had any more coffee you’d have a premature heart attack, and that sounds like a liability to me...” Romeo trails off with a low-sounding chuckle and smooths one of his hands over the barely-there stubble of his face. Ruthie can’t help but groan again in response, too tired to notice how fondly Romeo was looking at her from over her notebooks and papers. 
“Up” Romeo demands, all but yanking Ruthie out of her seat. “You need a break, you’ve been in that chair since before I got to work this afternoon, and I think after the number of coffee’s you’ve downed, I’m surprised you’re not vibrating where you sit” 
Ruthie holds up an over-caffeinated hand and watches her long skinny fingers as they shake. She lets Romeo lace his fingers between hers, lets herself be pulled up from the uncomfortable chair in the corner, lets Romeo mark her place as he closes one of her textbooks. Ruthie’s almost willing to tell Romeo lead her outside of the cafe but she hesitates. 
“What about all my stuff?” 
Romeo waves a casual hand, “Shorty, Angel knows that this is your table. If you’re not here but all yo’ shit is, he’ll know that you’re coming back soon. You need to stop worrying so much.”
This is enough to at least get Ruthie to crack a smile. “Stop worrying? Have you met me?” 
Romeo’s eyes light up and he laughs. “Yes, yes I have, and thats why we’re gonna get out of this place for a little while.” He looks down and sees their hands still entwined and he feels a blush creeping up his neck. 
“We?” Ruthie raises and eyebrow and gives Romeo’s hand a light squeeze.
“You think I’ma let you walk outta here with anyone else?” He feigns hurt but smiles with all teeth. Romeo hooks his arm around Ruthie’s shoulder and the two of them make their way towards the door. 
Noticing the rain coming down hard outside, Romeo stops short of the coatrack by the entrance of the cafe. “Take my jacket, it’s cold outside”. He tosses the thick material towards Ruthie and she catches it with ease. 
“But what’re you gonna wear?” Ruthie asks earnestly, never being one to shield herself from the rain. 
“I’ll be fine, Shorty, I run hot anyways” Romeo helps Ruthie put his jacket on and feels a warm sense of fondness upon seeing her frame dwarfed by his clothing. He opens the door for Ruthie and laughs when she ducks under his arm. 
The cold bites at Romeo’s nose as the two of them make their way down the street and around the block. The rain is a constant pattering on their shoulders, making Romeo pull his hood up over his head as he tries to shake the fine water droplets from his hair. He can feel the too-cold tightness in his hands, limiting the mobility of his fingers as Romeo wishes nothing more than to be holding Ruthie’s hand. 
“You alright over there?” Ruthie asks after a few minutes of comfortable silence. The pair had walked the whole block that Irene’s Cafe was on, and they were slowly making their way past the Southside and over towards Midtown, quite a ways away.
“I’m all good” Romeo promises, trying not to shiver as the rain started to soak his hoodie and t-shirt. 
“I can give you your jacket back, I really don’t mind.We’ll call it even.” Ruthie stops in her tracks and shrugs off the thick material despite Romeo’s protesting. “Anyways I like the rain” She laughs, pointing her chin towards the sky and reveling in the feeling of cold raindrops on her skin. She looks back over at Romeo and wipes the water from her face, smearing her mascara.
Romeo fiddles with the zipper of his jacket before he speaks up. “You know I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you before, Shorty” He tries to hide the fact that he’s blushing and goes to grab Ruthie’s hand. 
“Now’s that a good thing or a bad thing?” She smiles and lets herself be lead out of the rain, lets herself be pulled close to Romeo’s chest as he tries to zip his thick jacket up around the both of them. The two of them stand like that for a nice, quiet moment; with her face pressed into his collar bones, arms snaked around his middle. His nose in her hair, arms resting respectfully around her waist.  
“Good thing. Yeah.” Romeo nods and Ruthie can hear his heart speed up. “Definitely good”
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2019 Fic Recs
To celebrate the end of 2019 (and also to procrastinate on my own fics!), I figured I’d round up 19 of my favorite fics of the year! Now, to be clear, these were all written (at least partly) during 2019, and they’re all complete. But that’s like all they have in common. They’re from random fandoms and some are def explicit and they’re in no particular order, but mostly it’s Riverdale lmao. Bc i’m trash and i ain’t ashamed.
Starting out with the Riverdale here babyyy:
Things unrequited by Bearfacedcheek
New Veronica, new type?
Set after S01E01 Veronica decides that Jughead Jones is the perfect antidote to all the bad romantic and moral choices she always seems to make. But making Jughead hers doesn't prove as straight forward a task as she expects
No peace nor rest by Bearfacedcheek
They're not stupid. They know there's no peace in revenge. But the sight of Betty and Archie together makes them stupid and whisky makes them weak, so they take the only revenge they can.
Set post 2x08 Betty and Archie enter a relationship, leaving Jughead and Veronica heartbroken and a night of drunken revenge sex morphs into something far more complicated.
have i been too discreet? by partyhardy
In which Betty realizes she slowly watched Jughead fall for Veronica. 
keep telling myself i'm not the desperate type by Krewlak
The new kid at school argues with Veronica and it sparks something inside of Jughead. 
Supporting Characters by torombolo
Maybe this was inevitable, Jughead thought, staring at the couple in front of him. He spared a glance at Veronica. From the look on her face, she thought the same thing. Betty and Archie. Archie and Betty. Perfect. The American Dream.
“Fine,” the dark-headed girl had told him, “I’m fine.”
“Me too,” he said convincingly. Whether he was trying to convince her or himself he wasn’t sure.
But Darling, Who Ever Said That Love Was Fair? by bothromeoandjuliet
There is no room for blood and thorns in the bubblegum scented word that was Betty Cooper's life, and both Jughead and Veronica know it. But that doesn't mean that they can help what they are or what they feel. Only, nothings fair in love and friendship. 
Hindsight, As They Say, Is Twenty-Twenty by bothromeoandjuliet
Betty's always wondered why Jughead Jones broke up with her, and now, eight years after the fact, she finally gets her answer. (A one shot/drabble ft. past!bughead, and past!veggie, with a healthy dose of jeronica sprinkled all the way through.) ((Also I manage to write fluff that doesn't just turn to angst!)) (((So thats exciting)))
Some Stucky:
This Side of the Blue by notlucy
Tucked against a set of crumbling, stone steps was a tank made of metal and glass, filled to the brim with greenish water, distorted sunlight filtering through and casting strange shadows. Playing tricks on the eye. A trick was the only explanation for what Steve saw floating there. This figment of his childhood. This myth. This legend.
Within the tank, the siren bared its teeth.
Paper Tree by Ellessey
Bucky just laughs and shoves another bite of egg in his mouth, giving Steve a shrug and a full-cheeked smile. He's so damn cute Steve wants to shout at him, but he can't seem to say any of the right things. "Shoulda got you a comb for Christmas," is what he comes up with instead.
"What did you get me?"
It's Steve's turn to shrug now, and if he looks more terrified than cheeky as he does so, he can only hope Bucky doesn't catch it before Steve hurries out the door.
On December first, Steve wraps up a letter for Bucky and sets it under their Christmas tree. Now he has twenty-four days left to figure out how to tell Bucky what he wrote, face to face.
Political Animals by crinklefries, Deisderium
Okay, so the real problem is that you shouldn’t fuck your arch-rival, political enemy, and the person you loathe the most in the world where you work. Or like, at least, you shouldn’t keep doing that.
But okay, the thing that Descartes or whoever didn’t know was that Steve really tries, but Bucky Barnes has a mouth that should probably constitute an eighth sin or something.
Jesus fucking Christ, Sam’s going to kill him.
(or—Steve’s best friend is the U.S. Constitution and he can’t seem to stop fucking a hot Republican. They shouldn’t fall in love, but somehow they do. That’s it, that’s the fic.)
like heaven stood up in you by napricot
“You said you were gonna miss him,” says Bruce slowly. “He was supposed to be back in five seconds, but you hugged him and said ‘I’m gonna miss you.’”
Bucky’s face is serene again now, and gives nothing away. “I know Steve,” he repeats. “You think you can hand him a time machine and some rocks of unspeakable power and he’s just gonna go put ‘em right back where they belong?”
Steve does put the Infinity Stones right back where they belong. He just does a couple other things too. Or: three timelines and a Reverse Time Heist.
Drive It Like You Stole It: A Bodyswap by AggressiveWhenStartled
Steve had gone fully red-faced with pedantic altar-boy fury. “Did your computer forget how to Google translate?” he bellowed, sticking his head up and over. Bucky yanked him down again. “What are you even trying to say?”
Bucky tried to shake the sparkles off the grenade he had been planning on lobbing over the divider. “It sounded like Latin to me,” he said reasonably, pursing his lips and frowning at the explosive. It dripped a sparkle, and a puff of purple smoke curled up where it hit the concrete.
“That’s because you spent Sunday school flirting with Sarah Cunningham,” Steve accused, bobbing back up to throw his shield and ducking back down to dodge a shining ball of blue light. “You wouldn’t know Latin if it came up and kissed you on your ugly mug.”
“I’d sure know it if Sarah Cunningham did, though.” Bucky grinned, struck by the memory. “That gal really knew what she was doing.”
Some DC stuff (Halbarry):
Iconoclast by the_mythologist
When an alien race’s covert invasion and assassination spree decimates the Supercommunity, the survivors must band together to defeat against an unseen, invincible enemy. With many of their greatest heroes off-world or dead, the remnants of the Justice League, Teen Titans, Birds of Prey, Batfamily, and a few unaffiliated ‘heroes’ are all that stand in the way between the ‘Iconoclasts’ and Earth’s annihilation.
John Constantine is most unamused.
Slowing Down by Cinderstrato
It hadn’t been long after they first met before Barry began to suspect, in a vaguely-formed way, that it would be easy to fall in love with Hal.
sweating out a hot day by magnetocent
it's a hot day, but barry decides it's not hot enough 
Okay now some one-offs from random fandoms/pairings:
Off The Record by crookedswingset
Peter Parker is a corporate lackey whose sole job is to root out problem executives who waste Oscorp’s money and time. Wade Wilson is a reserve Avenger on the hunt for a prize even Iron Man couldn’t nail down: the real identity of everyone’s favorite webhead.
Too bad most people think Spider-Man is Harry Osborn.
Stars Beneath His Skin by ElloPoppet
On the white piece of paper was a smattering of small, black dots. McCoy turned the paper, in search of a pattern or alignment of some kind but not finding even a trace. The dots appeared to be drawn at random or rather, McCoy noticed as he squinted, printed. He looked up at where Spock was standing over him and returned a cocked eyebrow of his own.
“If you need help cracking some kind of code, this isn’t exactly my specialty, genius.”
Rather than banter back, Spock responded immediately and smoothly. “It is not a code. That is the alignment of stars that would have been visible in the night sky from Earth should one have been standing at the coordinates where my Mother was born at the moment of the occurrence.” Silence blanketed the room, McCoy not having a goddamn clue how to respond to that. Luckily, Spock wasn’t finished.
“I wish to memorialize her with what most races would call a tattoo, and I would like your help with the matter.”
Too Close To Love You by stylescoalition 
Aleks used to have a big crush on Brett but he doesn’t anymore, which is great considering they work together, on top of being good friends (suuuper lit). Now, Aleks is going to be living with Brett in LA until he finds a place of his own, but just because he isn’t crushing on Brett doesn’t mean that Brett isn’t crushing on him. Suffice to say, it makes things complicated… except it really isn’t as complicated as they think. 
drawn to wilder nights by detectivemeer
Scott and Derek start a frenemies-with-benefits relationship, and it goes about as well as one would expect.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Hi guys!!! I’m Crystal. I’m in my late 20s and I am looking for new RP partners. I write to unwind and because I feel like it is a good outlet for me. I can’t stress enough how open I am, please don’t be afraid to message me with basically any idea!  I feel like the easiest way for anyone to read this is to use bullet points so here goes. 
I like making friends with my partners so please be friendly. When I get excited about a ship, I tend to want to send headcannons and ideas to my partners randomly, so please be okay with that. 
Also, please be 18+, especially if you want to write smut. 
And I love multiple threads with my partners. I write both males and females but please don’t just use me for my guys! I love my girls too!
Timezone: I am in the Eastern time zone and I do have a full time job and family but I try my best to be active every day. If I am not, I will try to at least let my partner know what’s going on. 
Type of roleplay I’m interested in: I love smut but I prefer for the characters to have a decent connection. I also love to write fluff and plots with some angst and drama. I also love some good hurt/comfort. I don’t mind dark(ish) plots and I am open to discussing anything. 
I have a wish list of plots that I want that I am adding to all the time, feel free to check it out https://crystal-indie-rp.tumblr.com/tagged/wishlist
See below for some that I would really like!!!
I also have a few OCs that I have already created. They are very basic and can be altered for almost any plot. They can be found here https://crystal-indie-rp.tumblr.com/characters
What I want to avoid: I have very few no-gos. I’m not interested in writing anything that is illegal (rape, pedophilia, etc)
Style: I am open to any style of writing depending on the plot but I prefer 3rd person. I do try to match my partners length. I try to avoid one-liners unless they are texting because it doesn’t keep the plot moving forward but I am more interested in quality over quantity.
Method of roleplay I’m interested in using: I really prefer Discord  or Kik because I am mostly mobile but I am open to other methods if you have any suggestions. 
Contact info: My Discord is crystal.indie.rp#9686 and my tumblr is https://crystal-indie-rp.tumblr.com My Kik is Crysty09
Roswell New Mexico (KYLEX, Malex, Mylex, Echo, Maribel, Open to any)
Harry Potter 
Pretty LIttle Liars
One Tree Hill
The Fosters
Ask About Any Others
Wishlist plots I am REALLY wanting currently:
muse a is fresh out of prison, solitary confinement to be exact, and hasn’t truly seen the light of day for at least a couple of years. they’re adjusting to the real world; they barely speak anymore, and they haven’t experienced gentle human contact in what seems like forever. insert muse b, their new neighbor.
Muse A and Muse B grew up together; they were best friends. Muse A’s home life was awful; their parent(s) were alcoholics/drug users and could be abusive when they used. Muse B’s life was pleasant and low key. Any time the home would get explosive, Muse A would sneak out to see Muse B would calm them down and make them feel safe. Muse B was head over heels in love with Muse A and Muse A has feelings but isn’t sure what to do with them. Fast forward to their college years, they have grown apart some but are still friends. Muse A is an abusive/controlling relationship but doesn’t leave. Until one night things go too far and Muse A shows up at Muse B’s door or calls Muse B from the hospital to come save them. Muse B falls back into protective mode and while taking care of them the old feelings start to come back.
I want a plot where there’s a hard ass cop, and healways sticks by the rules and works hard and hiswork is his life and all that blah blah, but then one day he makes a huge bust in an underground sex ring and carries a girl out, and the media dub him as a superhero, and he feels strangely protective over this girl. So he goes and visits her at the hospital, and she lights up as soon as she sees him and just thanks him continuously, and he starts smiling a bit more, and she doesn’t really talk to anybody except for him because she doesn’t trust anybody excepthim. Cue her having trouble sleeping at night because of bad dreams and memories, so she calls him to help, and he does, he always does of course. And shecalls him when her car breaks down in the middle of the night and she’s terrified, and he literally drops everything for her, and its so obvious they like each other, but he doesn’t know how to do relationships and she’s just a mess from everything thats happened to her, and so much angsty fluffy goodness of them two being awkward and shy dorks at times but also staying up and telling their entire life stories to each other
someone give me a plot where muse a was arrested in high school due to drug dealing and was sentenced to ten years — except he’s let out a couple of years early due to good behavior. with no car, his feet take him to the one place he never thought he’d set foot again in a lifetime. his ex-high school sweetheart, muse b. except, when the door opens, it’s not her. it’s a seven year old little girl with her mom’s hair and her dad’s eyes. tldr; muse a gets arrested and leaves behind his (unknowingly) pregnant girlfriend at the time. years later, he’s out and he has a daughter he doesn’t know about.
i just want a damaged, broken boy who doesn’t have a lot of friends & keeps to himself & a caring, kind girl who takes interest in him & gets him to open up & rocks him in her lap when he can’t stop crying & rubs his back when he has nightmares & teaches him that it’s okay to show his pain because being strong doesn’t have to mean hiding your emotions please give me this 
whispers but i would love a cliche poly plot where like two best friends are in love with the same girl but instead of fighting over her they share her but of course there is small competitions in bed seeing who can make her cum faster and !!!! and omg like her settling them both down like ‘boys please you are both my prince charmings’ and ‘i wouldn’t be the same without the other’
can i have a plot where best friends drifted as they got older because lets be real they were in love and never wanted to admit it because it scared the hell out of them so they went their own way and now 10 years later, they bump into each other and it’s like things havent changed except oh wait, he’s engaged to be married and they spend the last few weeks leading up to the wedding together and the final night they end up sleeping together (for the first time) and things get angsty because they realize that they are in love and theyre the ones supposed to be married, but she cant bring herself to ruin something he’s built without her ?????? and he pushes the wedding date because he wants her and JUST PLS
*screams* i want a plot where a guy goes on a roadtrip just wandering around the state trying to find meaning of life with his big ass doggo and one day he comes to diner where this shy young woman works and like her boss is always yelling at her and she has abusive boyfriend and her father used to be abusive as well and this guy he is the first man who ever treated her nicely and he just asks her completely out of the blue if she doesn’t want to leave with him and she’s like “why not?” so she takes all of her things and leaves with him. Pleaseee!
someone give me a plot where muse a is a cop/firefighter/military/etc whose partner/best friend gets killed in the line of work. before they pass, their friend makes them promise to take care of muse b, their spouse. muse a takes the promise to heart, helping muse b make the arrangements and becomes the rock while muse b’s entire world is turned upside down. but soon muse a begins to fall for muse b, despite their fear of crossing a boundary or being the reason for their friend’s death ( and bonus points if muse b is pregnant when their spouse dies )
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thanks to a conversation with @declermontdiana i’m now thinking about the end of riverdale s2 and where all the characters were at after the chaos in town and the black hood reveal, and i think it’s time to talk about the fact that alice was perfectly positioned to be pulled into a cult.
because while she was vulnerable to the farm because of how traumatized she was, i’ve never seen a discussion of the way that she was also incredibly, horribly alone in the face of nearly being murdered by her husband and finding out he was the source of the town’s terror for all that time.
yes, we know that betty was trying to look after her, but not being able to pull herself together around betty could only have added ‘i suck as a mom’ feelings to alice’s emotional problems in the immediate aftermath. despite what betty thinks because she’s spent her life trying to be everything to everyone, alice would actually be a worse parent if she were using betty for friendship and emotional support, because that shouldn’t be her teenage daughter’s role.
and yes, polly also came and offered her support and potential help. but despite being a mom already, polly is her teenage daughter too, who she shouldn’t expect to lean on, so it makes sense that alice would be more likely to throw all her trust in with the adults in the cult that polly eased her into.
but why, after everything she had been through, would she decide to trust and get help from total strangers? we focus so much on the fact that she was an easy target, like her instability after hal and fake-charles and even polly is the only factor. but alice’s openness to the cult because of what happened to her is just part of it--the world around her matters too.
and the reality of it is that alice let the farm become her most trusted support system because nobody else was there for her.
alice doesn’t have a single female friend in riverdale. though she and sierra probably have the least antagonistic dynamic, that doesn’t make them friends...and hermione, mary, and penelope make it very clear how they feel about her. obviously there are valid reasons why she’s not well-liked, but having made more enemies than friends doesn’t change the fact that alice is a mess after hal and in need of sympathy and support.
arguably, the two people in town who you’d most expect might care about how alice is doing after she’s nearly strangled to death by her husband are fp and fred. with fp, there’s all the history and obvious feelings that s3 showed us were still there even after their affair ended...and fred has both known her forever and is a genuinely nice guy. he may snark back when alice is being a jerk about archie, but it’s hard for me to believe that he wouldn’t check in on his next door neighbor who’s just been through a tragedy.
however, that’s where the events of s2 really conspire to leave alice totally isolated. fp’s son is in the hospital barely alive, and fp dove into a losing fight with a rival gang--he’s in no shape to immediately rush to her side, even once word does reach him about hal. meanwhile, fred was hal’s first victim. he nearly died thanks to alice’s husband, which i imagine would make it hard to offer her unsolicited support, even though fred assures betty she’s not to blame when it comes up.
now personally for the sake of human decency, i think it’s totally crappy that alice was left alone in that house to suffer. i don’t care how little she was liked in town, anybody who’s nearly murdered should get checked on by someone. but as far as we’re aware, that doesn’t happen. after hal tries to kill alice, the only people who come to her door are reporters looking for more scandal. (you could argue that this part is a twisted kind of karma given how often alice’s reporting reveled in others’ pain, but that shouldn’t mean she’s also without other visitors.)
when you really think about it in context, alice and the farm make even less sense. the last thing alice cooper should want to do is trust a stranger just because her daughter vouches for him--the last time she did that, she had to bleach her whole kitchen! and by the end of s2, she’s found out that she can’t trust the last twenty years of her life, the most intimate partner she had, or her own judgement.
only desperation can explain her throwing herself into the arms of polly’s new friends, when she must have the worst trust issues she’s ever had in her life.
but honestly, of course she’s desperate. her entire carefully-crafted life unraveled a piece at a time over the last three years. she lost her older daughter to the blossoms, her younger daughter to the serpents, her husband to madness or evil or both depending on how you look at it, her credibility at her job once her history was revealed, and her rekindling with fp because they’re both idiots who can’t get it together. she wasn’t even left with a shred of normalcy--or the facade of it that made her life worthwhile before.
alice smith became alice cooper who reinvented herself again and again once things started falling apart, and it’s not clear if even she knows who she really is deep down. so she’s heading fast toward middle age, with very little to show for it, living in a house full of ruined memories with no one to talk to, and no reason to believe any of the other adults in riverdale would be there for her if she did reach out.
in the aftermath, all she has is one daughter she didn’t protect from her own father, who she never knows how to save...and another who’s offering her hope.
it’s terrible that she took it, as is everything alice has done since the farm became the center of her world. i don’t know anyone who’s blindly trying to defend her s3 behavior, or who isn’t expecting an awful reckoning someday.
but at the same time, of course she accepted the help that edgar evernever was reaching out to her, during the absolute lowest period in her life.
he was the only one who offered.
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Get To Know Me Tag
1. What is your full name? Alicia M. Stinnett
2. What is your nickname? Ally
3. What is your zodiac sign? Sagittarius
4. What is your favorite book series? I can’t focus enough to read one book, let alone a whole series lol
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? both
6. Who is your favorite author? John Green
7. What is your favorite radio station? 94.5
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? I love chocolate. Mainly dark chocolate. So, that I guess?
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Dope
10. What is your current favorite song? Good Enough by Little Mix, but it's gonna probably change in about 2 or 3 days
11. What is your favorite word? Doggo or puppo
12. What was the last song you listened to? Hair by Little Mix
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Stranger Things or Riverdale
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? I usually watch youtube when I’m feeling down so I’m just gonna say Buzzfeed Unsolved.
15. Do you play video games? Not really. I love watching people play then though
16. What is your biggest fear? Being ignored and unloved by someone a really care about.
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’m loyal
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? My anxiety makes me too paranoid about everything so that.
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? Dogs
20. What is your favorite season? I like fall and spring. Can’t choose tbh.
21. Are you in a relationship? Just got out of one a few days ago..
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? Not being stressed all the time
23. Who is your best friend? Kaleigh and Bailey
24. What is your eye color? They change from blue, to green, to turquoise, and to gray.
25. What is your hair color? Light brown on top and ombre` to blonde
26. Who is someone you love? My ex..
27. Who is someone you trust? My two best friends and my ex
28. Who is someone you think about often? My ex...
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? Sorta. I have dress rehearsals for a choir performance tomorrow, but i've been pretty down lately so I’ll probably end up crying.
30. What is your biggest obsession? Music
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Hannah Montana
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? My ex
33. Are you superstitious? yep
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? I probably do, but I can’t think of any right now
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? It depends on what I’m doing for the camera.
36. What is your favorite hobby? Singing
37. What was the last book you read? I honestly don’t remember
38. What was the last movie you watched? The Autopsy of Jane Doe
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? Just my voice
40. What is your favorite animal? Dogs or Penguins (not bc it was Luke’s favorite lol)
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? I’m not on Tumblr enough to have a top 5 blogs
42. What superpower do you wish you had? telekinesis
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? In my now ex boyfriends arms on a Saturday evening
44. What makes you smile? It was my boyfriend, but thats over so I’m gonna say 5SOS, Little Mix, music in general, and singing.
45. What sports do you play, if any? Ew sports. I play none.
46. What is your favorite drink? Pepsi, but I’ve been drinking a lot of water for the past year so I could lose weight and it's killing me, bc i was obsessed with Pepsi.
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? I don’t remember, but probably not too long ago, bc I write a lot.
48. Are you afraid of heights? Nah
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? Big egos and being dicks about it
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Yep. One Direction, but I only went to see 5SOS. Oops?
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? Nah, but I’m not much into meat.
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A pop singer
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? Maybe Harry Potter, but I don’t wanna fight any bad guy. I just wanna go to Hogwarts and do magic.
54. What is something you worry about? My ex not coming back or not caring, not being able to focus on school work, my mom’s mental health, and my mental health.
55. Are you scared of the dark? Nah
56. Do you like to sing? YES
57. Have you ever skipped school? All the time, but mainly, bc of my anxiety problems
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? My ex’s arms..
59. Where would you like to live? A little further from where I live now, but in the same state and close enough to the college I wanna go to.
60. Do you have any pets? Yep. 4 amazing doggos
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night owl, definitely.
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets
63. Do you know how to drive? Yep, but not a stick shift and that’s what type of car I have, so I can’t drive it yet.
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds
65. Have you ever had braces? nope
66. What is your favorite genre of music? Don’t have a favorite.
67. Who is your hero? My mom.
68. Do you read comic books? nope
69. What makes you the most angry? My anxiety problems fucking up my life
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Electronic device so I can turn off all the lights and get less distracted and actually be able to read.
71. What is your favorite subject in school? Choir
72. Do you have any siblings? Yep. One full brother, one half brother, and one half sister.
73. What was the last thing you bought? I think it was a Starbucks doubleshot coffee that you can get at a gas station or WalMart
74. How tall are you? 4’10
75. Can you cook? Yep
76. What are three things that you love? Singing/music, my loved ones, and animals.
77. What are three things that you hate? Anxiety, depression, and mainly my brain.
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Female
79. What is your sexual orientation? Pansexual
80. Where do you currently live? Kentucky
81. Who was the last person you texted? My ex
82. When was the last time you cried? Like, an hour ago?
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? Don’t have one, but I do love Buzzfeed Unsolved.
84. Do you like to take selfies? Yep, but only with fiters.
85. What is your favorite app? Instagram or Snapchat
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? I’m really close to my mom and my dad is okay, but usually isn’t really there for me or my full brother.
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? French or British
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? I have a lot of places I wanna go to, but I guess Japan is my number 1.
89. What is your favorite number? 5 (not bc of 5SOS lol. 5 has always been a significant number in my life for many reasons.)
90. Can you juggle? eh
91. Are you religious? eh
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Outer space
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Lol no
94. Are you allergic to anything? Yep. Animal hair and coconut. Most allergic to cats.
95. Can you curl your tongue? yep
96. Can you wiggle your ears? nope
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? A lot tbh, bc I usually am.
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Beach 100%
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Nothing will put you down unless you let it.
100. Are you a good liar? It depends on who im lying to and what I’m lying about. Usually I’m bad at it though.
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Gryffindor
102. Do you talk to yourself? Yep. A lot lol
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert, but I wouldn’t mind going places for people I love and care about.
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? yep
105. Do you believe in second chances? yep
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Take it to the police so they can find who owns it.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yep
108. Are you ticklish? Only in one place
109. Have you ever been on a plane? nope
110. Do you have any piercings? Yep. My ears, cartilage, and nose.
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Landon Carter from A Walk To Remember
112. Do you have any tattoos? Nope, but I’m getting one this summer
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Got into theater
114. Do you believe in karma? yep
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Used to, but grew out of it.
116. Do you want children? Yep. I want a boy and a girl, but no matter what I have, I will love them so much and spoil the shit out of them.
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My mom
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? Telling my cousins to get lost bc we don’t want them there as a joke, but then realize it wasn’t actually them.
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Multiple times
120. What colour are most of your clothes? Pink
121. Do you like adventures? Definitely
122. Have you ever been on TV? Only once, bc my friend was on the news for getting into a dog attack and I was interviewed since I saw it happen
123. How old are you? 17
124. What is your favorite quote? “if you don’t heal what hurt you, you’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut you.” - Crystal Leigh (soon to be Clifford)
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Savory
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division-m · 6 years
The Merge [3] - Sweet Pea
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Paring: Sweet Pea x Reader
Genre: angst | AU
Word Count: 2,649
Part [3] Warning: Violence, Swearing.
Part [3] Brief: ❝ In which the silver moon was high in the sky giving off the only light over Riverdale, apart from the lampposts whose rays died inches from the dirty tungsten bulbs, and Sweet Pea held a rage the power of a wildfire, you could practically see the flames roaring in his eyes, ready to ignite anything that he came in contact with. We learn [y/n] is an enigma - not like that of books where words are so plainly written out and flow from page to page, but of books torn, frayed, and indecipherable.❞
[y/n] was currently lounging around with youngest Cooper just like old times;
[y/n] admired Betty’s room.
Her room was like a princess wonderland. The walls were a baby pink that pulsed in the light, sprinkled with various pictures, mostly of friends and a few celebrities, [y/n] noticed she still kept the montage they made together of them since they were 6 up to the age of 14. Her comforter was pulled over her bed. It was messy as they both laied on it together, this resulted in lumps of varying sizes and shapes to form on the comforter.
A desk sat in one corner, littered with wadded up pieces of paper and pens. A few shelves were pushed against the walls and filled with books. Some books sat on the floor in front of the shelves. How does Betty manage to make a mess of books look like they are perfectly placed? [y/n] will always wonder. 
"Simple, I heard the devil call out my name" [y/n] said in response to Betty's question;
"Why did you leave Riverdale two years ago? you just got up and left, it broke my heart”.
Betty's eyes shifted to the side and they soon became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As she blinked, they dripped from her eyelids and slid down her cheeks. She bit her lip tightly in attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from her mouth; my heart sank.
Seeing Betty like this really broke my heart, all I want to do is protect her, that’s one reason why I left in the first place.
[y/n] whipped the tears from Betty's eyes.
"Betty.." [y/n] cooed,
"I'm back now and I'm staying, trust me, its like everyone born in this town in bound forever to it".
Betty accepted that response, however [y/n] didn't want anymore questions around why she left, so she changed the subject.
"Betty.. Chic seems nice.. Considering his current situation, I mean I can understand why he is a bit crude, he just reconnected with the family that gave him up, but your dad, he seems to hate him?" I inquired, really curious to why this is.
Betty shook her head "[y/n] I have no idea, mum loves him already and if im honest its like shes trying to make up for all the years she lost with him, but I can't understand why dad doesn't want the same, its like-" Betty was cut off by her mum entering the room with a huge smile.
"[y/n] its getting late, are you going to stay over?" Alice asked politely.
I always loved Alice, she was like a second mother to me when I was little, if I wasn't at my house, I was at hers, if I wasn't eating at my house, she always made sure I was feed.
"That’s okay Alice, I should be getting back to my Grams now, I'm sure she’s getting worried, iv been out all day" I refused politely much to Betty's dismay.
[y/n] hopped off Betty's bed and gave her a warm embrace and told her she'll see her tomorrow at school and made her way home.
[y/n] walked. She walked as her hair fluttered in the air, her clothes clung to her body, arms tightly wrapped around her. [y/n] felt cold wind stroking her skin, wanting to rip her clothes off her, as if she were its enemy. 
She lifted her hands to the air to feel short bursts of rain.
As she walked she couldn't help but remember that cursed night, that night her family left for Greendale, [y/n] remembers this path, because she ran it that night, remembering passing Betty and Archie's house at an ungodly hour, never knowing when she'll see them again.
Being chased was nothing like the movies. The stars look heroic, sexy and in command of the situation. Reality was far removed from that pretty version of running to save you skin.
I'd had no time to put on shoes or even grab my jacket, my parents pulled me from my bed whispering to me;
"It's no longer safe".
Panic took over my expression. I could only think one word.
They travel to innocent towns, looking to exterminate unwanted family's. At the time Riverdale was innocent. 
Greendale on the other hand was not. It was known for its mystical nature. Hunters wouldn’t dare enter, it was the only safe place for our kind.
The mundane fear the town over Sweet Water River, ever heard the saying;
'you should know better than to be caught in Greendale after midnight'
Usually you would run from the town, yet the crescents were sprinting towards it.
My souls crashing into the asphalt a few times before I transitioned to the balls of my feet. My face is flushed red and my expression is pure panic.
The crescents managed to make it into the forest, the moon was at its peak and spooky doesn't quite cover it and eerie is an understatement of this situation.
I've seen darkness before, the kind that makes this forest look like an old fashioned photograph, everything a shade of grey. This isn't like that. This is the darkness that robs you of your best sense and replaces it with a paralyzing fear.
I only know my eyes are still there because I can feel myself blink, still instinctively moisturizing the organs I have no current use for, since the darkness was blinding. The only way I am getting through these thick trees is the hand of my father pulling me along.
By my genes I am a predator, I have the front facing eyes and brain enough to hunt, but I feel like prey in this utter black.
The dawn is hours away and until that precious time I can only run for my life. 
Hunters, they are skilled, deadly skilled, yet still mundane, and don't have the senses of my parents. Hence why they hunt us. And why they will always hunt us.
*End of flashback*
The memory sent shivers down [y/n’s] spine, as well the now pouring ice cold rain.
However the rain was the least of her problems in this moment, as she heard the revving up of motorcycles, she found herself in stumbling into a civil war.
There was stillness on both sides. If hatred was visible the air would have been scarlet.
Screams broke out. The men rushed forward, the attack was fierce and efficient.
[y/n] wasn't foreign to battles, she fought many herself, hence why she decided to climb the tree to her left and perch herself up on nearest branch. Ready to watch this turf war commence.
'This should be interesting' she entertained this thought.
As the fight was happening, [y/n] noticed a certain tall dark and handsome serpent throwing punches left and right.
'He is a good and confident fighter, its like he is trained.. Riverdale needs more of that' she smirked as she studied his fighting skills. 
A certain red head crashed a punch into Sweet Pea's stomach, a sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Sweet Pea's body. His stomach ached, his arms lost tension and his legs began to weaken.
[Y/n] studied the look on his god like features, its like she could read him like a book.
"He will not get the better of me" his features read.
His tongue was soaked in the taste of blood. Bruised and winded, with a leg in agony, he grabbed the foot of the captain and pulled him to the ground. His head was pounding. He brought a fist to the captain’s face, snapping his nose into a state of grotesquerie.
It pained [y/n] to see Archie this way but she commended him, he grew up over this past two years. 
'Least he is out here throwing elbows, thats my boy' she praised him internally.
"Listen here Northsider!" Sweet Pea demanded loud enough for the whole street to hear, as he man handled Archie's letterman collar.
"Normally I would give you mercy, however you think you can come to my house, stick a gun in my face, and there wouldn't be any payback? You're stupid. You blame the Northside for all the problems in this town! Watch us be declared innocent then see me come out fighting. I've thrown one punch at you and I already see you quiver. How weak you are? This isn't cruelty Andrews, this is justice. You cannot control your actions and so I’ll control you. Continue to fight me and you know I'll win, or maybe you like gambling? It's a sin, you know"
I sat there with my jaw dropped in utter shock at Sweet Pea's monologue.
'What the fuck have you been up to Archie, i thought he knew better than to mess with the Serpents.. Jesus' I internally battled whether to stop this, Archie can clearly fight but facts are facts, Sweet Pea could easy take him out.
Just as I was about to come down I heard my name being called.
"Veronica?" I whisper yelled.
She looked as though she had been running due to her flushed cheeks.
"What the hell are you doing here" She asked me wide eyed.
"Being entertained" I deadpanned.
"[y/n] that’s Archie out there, with the serpents fighting, we need to stop this right now!" Veronica rushed towards the madness but I grabbed her by the arm to pull her back to me.
"Veronica no listen, they are hand to hand combat right now, running in there unarmed or just running straight into those muscle pigs will get you hurt" I warned, Betty informed me Archie and Veronica were an item, and I also know Archie.
He would be beside himself if she got hurt.
"Oh but sweet [y/n] I am armed" Veronica pulled out a gun out of her obsidian hooded cape.
[y/n] studied the gun, it was, small, discreet and deadly. The metal was cold in Veronica's hand, icy perhaps.
"Oh Lodge you really are a paradox but I am not going to ask why you have that right but If you want to stop this fight I have a plan".
"Shoot, what's the plan" Veronica was serious about stopping this fight.
"That’s exactly the plan, shoot" I deadpan once again.
"What! Are you crazy we can't just-" Veronica panics.
"No no not at them! up into the air! It's a small gun but trust me it will be loud enough to capture everyones attention, but once you do that, you have to run and get Archie out of here! if the cops aren't already on their way they will be now, then once you’re safe get rid of that fucking gun!" I carefully yet firmly explain to Veronica as i hold her shoulders, she is smart she understood every order and was on bored.
[y/n] gave Veronica a encouraging push.
Veronica ran between two cars, now her senses sharpened with adrenaline, Veronica held her breath, still straining to focus with every ounce of her concentration is focused on making this right. Cool air whispered through her body, she breathed in;
She fired.
Not too long before Veronica fired, [y/n] ran over to where the Serpents kept their motorbikes, knowing Sweet Pea will run this way out of instinct.
[y/n] was right, once that gun was fired he sprinted in her direction, she took this oppotunity to grab his arm and drag his weak state into her side.
"Listen to me, the cops are on their way, now unless you want to be hauled in by the police you should follow me, I'll help you" [y/n] said with utter seriousness.
In this short moment she wasn't admiring him from afar, she was inches away from his heated body. For a moment it shattered her to see his features this way, He's a bloody mess, nose bleeding and his right eye black and blue thanks to Archies left hook. His arms are wrapped round his guts like he's holding them in. he's beat so bad.
"We don't have all day!" [y/n] raised her voice in fear as she saw him contemplate.
"Why do you want to help me" he didn't say with a raised voice, it's like he's speaking while being choked, he must have taken a few hits at his throat while [y/n] was with Veronica.
"Remember when you saved me from falling on my ass? Yeah well lets call this me paying back my debt to you okay, now let me help you this time". [y/n] made her point, a broken chuckle escaped his busted lip.
The sirens were becoming louder the cops were coming, it was time to get going.
[y/n] snaked an arm around his waist, he slung an arm over her shoulder, instinctively, almost like it was a natural fit.
Their bodies were much different in height and stature, yet that didn't stop [y/n] from easing any type of pain she could.
My feet slip outwards on the wet autumn leaves as I round the corner, the cold night air shocking my throat and lungs as I inhale deeper, faster. It wasn't easy having Sweet Pea lean on me. Sweet Pea was 6'5 and very heavy in this weak state. 
With each footfall a jarring pain shoots ankle to knee through Sweet Pea's legs, this was evident as I kept hearing him hiss.
"C'mon we can't slow down, lean on me more if you need to" [y/n] aided him with words.
He let out broken "mhm's" and “ah’s” in response. His mouth continuing to fill with an Iron taste as his teeth bit into his lips, clearly trying to stop himself from moaning in pain every second.
Due to this he kept spitting blood onto the ground.
"I'm sure you're leaving a trail with the amount of blood you're spitting" [y/n] sassed him.
"Well princess I can't swallow It can i? if I was Dracula, I would" He still managed to sass back even though he's seconds from passing out.
I'm confident I'll get Sweet Pea back to Grams safely, I know this estate better than they do, those cops are just pretty boys in uniform, shipped in from the nicer end of town. They're weighed down with guns, batons and electrical stun devices, all of them useless unless they get a clear shot, which they won't.
I can hear them panting with the effort from three hundred yards behind, that's how freakin' noisy and slow they are. Conditioning from a tread-mill with a stop-watch will never beat real-life training on the streets.
[y/n] knows that better than anyone, and if anyone can understand her street training, It would be Sweet Pea.
He wouldn't have trusted her with his life unless he had a feeling she knew what she was doing.
And Sweet’s had an intuition that was never wrong.
A/N: ahhh! This was so fun to right, I didn't want to end it! But I have to keep you guys wanting more hehe. How are you guy's enjoying so far? I'm mixing the current Riverdale storyline and the storyline from past episodes, so I hope you can understand that. And oooo what do you think about little miss crescents past?  Feedback is always encouraged and welcomed :)
Be well x
Also should out to @sweetypeaimagines <3 go check out her work its so lovely! And she is so sweet! She deserves all the recognition she gets.
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ariesbilly · 5 years
Please tell us about fp sobbing in the river while all the other riverparents hold onto him...
why do yall want me to suffer...
i dont even know if i wouldve gone straight for a direct parallel like that, i was more just thinking about the general concept of it. but i mean, dont get me wrong i definitely did think about everyone in an actual river/lake/whatever recreating that exact scene i just dont know if thats the route i wouldve taken had i actually written it
but anyway i had this one idea about the midnight club all breaking in to the school the night after freds funeral (but like mary and gladys and probably hal wouldve been there too because fuck canon. and hiram and hermione wouldve also been there and not in jail. and penelope would not have been on the run... god i had shit thought out about fp and penelope having a conversation too.... listen i had a lot of thoughts about a lot of things but thats not what this message is)
so anyway everyone wouldve been together in the school and its all solemn obviously because fred has left such a huge hole in the group, but then gladys or somebody pipes up and starts sharing this really funny story about fred from back in the day and it gets everybody kinda smiling, half laughing, loosening up. fps like off by himself in a corner just keeping quiet the whole time, but as more stories get told, some of which he was involved in, his mouth starts turning up and its the faintest hint of a smile but its something. and by the time everyones gone around swapping stories the mood in the room is a lot lighter than when it started, but fp still hasnt said anything and it hasnt gone unnoticed
so everyone kind of turns to him and mary asks if hes got any stories he wants to share (and of course he does, hes got a million stories and they all know it) 
hes silent for a little bit before he clears his throat and starts talking about this one time they were at pops real late, fp had just gotten into it with his dad so he didnt want to go home and fred had just sat with him in the booth to keep him company, was trying to cheer him up. so fred had been putting on these stupid voices and doing really bad impressions trying to get fp to laugh and it was working a little bit but not as much as fred liked, so fred had started picking at his fries and flicking them at fp and of course fps first reaction was confusion and a tinge of annoyance but fred had this smirk on his face that always meant trouble and it didnt take long for fp to catch on and soon enough they had a full blown food fight in the middle of pops at 11:30 at night. fortunately they were the only two patrons around but by the time pop got them to stop they were covered in ketchup and mustard and milkshake and pickles and pop was yelling his head off at the two of them that they had to clean up the mess themselves which was admittedly a pain in the ass but by that point they couldnt stop laughing and fp had all but forgotten about his dad and even while they were mopping up the floor and wiping down the table they had these big smiles on their faces
and fps smiling as he tells the story but hes got tears in his eyes that he keeps wiping away. and everyone around him is smiling and chuckling along too (alice had chimed in with some commentary about how immature they were but it didnt really hold any bite)
and as the story winds down fps just kinda sitting there thinking about freds smile that night and he can still hear freds laughter ringing in his ears and suddenly its hitting him that hes never gonna hear that again. its hitting that fred always knew how to cheer him up and hes never gonna have that again either and soon enough theres this sob racking through him and even though it wasnt ever really talked about, everybody knows that fred and fp werent just friends. that there was always something deeper. and its abundantly clear now with the way fp cannot keep himself together. gladys and mary are the first ones that go over to him, wrapping him up tight in their arms, gladys holding him to her chest. alice goes over next and holds the hand that fp isnt using to cover his face. everyone kinda follows suit after that and its not long before fps in the middle of this giant group hug which usually would make him feel wildly uncomfortable but he cant really focus on anything else right now besides the memory of fred. hes hardly even aware whats happening around him but eventually he looks up and realizes whats going on around him its a lot to take in. because at the end of the day none of them are friends, not as a whole anyway. and he knows the only reason theyre all even together right now is because freds gone. and its not like he even wants them all to be friends anyway. hes perfectly fine with how things stand between them all but... its nice that they can all come together even if just for a little bit for this.
but once he finally somewhat pulls himself together he says “well this is embarrassing” and everyone laughs and starts to disperse, gladys kisses his temple and she and mary are the only ones that stay close to him.
i also like the idea of alice going over to the window and carving the + between fred and fps initials because in my mind the reason she carved them next to each other in the first place was because she was one of the few people actually in the know about their relationship in high school and she was being a good friend and did that for the gays because she knew fp wouldve carved their initials all over the damn town if he could but this was a stealth way to give him what he wanted. a good friend, really. we love friends. :) so anyway now shes just completing the though but please BELIEVE if there is a lovers bridge or some shit in riverdale fp took his ass down there the next day and finally carved his and freds initials himself! ive cried 15 times writing this 
anyway you could also just take all this and apply it to everyone going down to the swimming hole that julia and i have discussed MANY a times and everyone just kinda having a day celebrating fred cuz he used to love going down there in the summer and fp ends up sobbing in the water cuz he keeps thinking about all the secret trips he and fred used to take up there themselves... im depressed
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
Shocking Amount of Fanfic for Obscure Canadian Disney Show. Shipping Step-Siblings! Canon Conspiracy? Life With Derek.
Many Canadians out there might remember a little show called 'Life With Derek', which initally aired on the Family Channel (Canada's version of the Disney Channel) in 2005-2009.
Somehow, this tiny, unknown, short-lived show is in the TOP 75 for TV shows on fanfiction.net for the sheer number of stories! About the same number as Friends, and MORE than Riverdale! And, it still has an active fan community today! Life With Derek Fanfiction
But....why??? Get ready for my deranged rant, Pepe Silvia style. 🤔
Here is a brief synopsis for those who haven't seen the show:
"A man with three children (including eldest son Derek) marries a woman with two children (including eldest daughter Casey). They all move in together to form a blended family, and they must adapt to the new circumstances. It is a particularily challenging adjustment for step-siblings Derek and Casey, who do not get along due to their many differences, and who have developed a competitive rivalry as a result."
Cue the "Dasey " ship, inspiring thousands of fanfictions.
When I re-discovered this show as an adult (all of the episodes are on youtube btw), I was shocked to uncover the massive conspiracy in the comment section.
Playlist, starting episode 1 for anyone interested in watching the show themselves.
The conspiracy is that the writers of the show PURPOSEFULLY wrote in subtext that would imply something romantic between the step-siblings. Which....is pretty taboo for a DISNEY SHOW.🤐 But they never actually GO THERE explicitely so they get away with it.
The actors who play the step-siblings (Michael Seater and Ashley Leggat) have stated in interviews that they were aware of ship, and were fans of the ship themselves, and that they purposefully acted up the subtext and meaningful glances during filming.
Seventeen Magazine (2016) "The Real Derek and Casey from Life With Derek Admit You Weren't Imagining Their Chemistry"
It didn't help that there were rumors of the actors dating.
So that means, there is a Disney show that is literally about the sexual tension between step-siblings. Innuendo and longing glances galore. It's canon, baby!
It is so canon, in fact, that there was supposed to be a spin-off called "Life With Derek, Again" (that never ended up happening), that started off with Derek and Casey IN BED TOGETHER 😱 SCANDELOUSSSSSSS! 🎶😂
I was a fan of the show growing up, and looking back, I remember feeling slightly weird on occasion while watching it. Those were the times I caught on to the....something...happening between the characters. But I thought, NO, I MUST be imagining things, because a teen Disney sitcom wouldn't allow THAT! 🙃
IMO, this show is an example of the Mandala Effect (where many people have a shared false memory of an event)...in this case, many people look back on the show and say "thats the show where the step-siblings kissed, right? or...dated?" 🤔 But the characters never actually kissed. What everyone likely recalls is the scene where Derek makes out with Casey's cousin (his step-cousin??) who looks exactly like Casey and who was wearing Casey's clothes at the time. Hmm... 👀
The kiss itself was also much steamier than a typical Disney show kiss and may have been a sexual awakening for me once upon a time. 😅 The kiss in question
Not exactly subtle.
Also not subtle, is the episode where bad-boy Derek throws a party while the parents are out of town, and tells uptight Casey "You're 15 going on 50. Don't you want to....live a little dangerously?" 😏 Then, the pair get accidentally locked in the bathroom together because the bathroom knob (in?)conveniently breaks, and they end up having a shampoo fight, wrestling and rolling around on the floor. "Put that [shampoo] down." "Make me!" There is even a close-up shot of the shampoo squirting all over Casey's face. You can't make this shit up. bathroom scene
You can imagine how this kind of dynamic lends itself well to fanfiction.
One of the craziest parts of this whole thing, is that the Family Channel had a behind-the-scenes segment that would sometimes play between shows. One behind-the-scenes segment featured Derek and Casey ACTING OUT DASEY FANFICTION TOGETHER! This ACTUALLY aired on TV! They even encouraged fans to continue writing Dasey fanfic.
Fanfiction re-enactment It is...well...quite suggestive if you ask me.
There is even more out there for this ship, and what started out as an ironic exploration of this ridiculous phenomenon turned into me delving deep into the wormhole and eventually led me to genuinely ship Dasey. 🤷🏻‍♀️
A good starter Dasey fanfic aka the one they act out together: "Out of the Blue" by user degrassichick
I also found this ridiculous monstrosity, which I can't even begin to explain, it is just so cringeworthy and hilarious. For what it's worth, here
Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Am I crazy? What are your thoughts? Do you see it? Do you ship it? Help me out here.
Tldr: Me @ Derek and Casey while watching Life With Derek: WHAT THE FUCK? IS THAT ALLOWED?!
submitted by /u/UntoldGalaxies [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2qforQE
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Sweet Pea//i wish it wasn't so damn hard to leave
Request: Hi! Big fan of your work! Would you be able to write a Serpent fic based off of the Senorita video? I’m obsessed with it
hey! I hope you like this!!! and i’m sorry its so late. but hey, its hopefully a nice surprise! have a great day!!
The hot summer air hits you as soon as you walk through the out the front doors of Pop’s. You sigh and rearrange the bag on your shoulder, silently dreading the long walk home. 
You moved to Riverdale three weeks ago, and they’ve been the weirdest three weeks of your life. They’ve also been the hardest three weeks of you life. Moving to a small town is like trying to infiltrate Area 51, and not in the fun way. 
Everybody knows each other, everybody talks and everybody gossips. Plus to make matters worse, you’re still not entirely sure where everything is. 
Street names change, certain houses end up being some place other than you thought they were, and old buildings make weird noises in the night...old buildings that you have to walk past after your shift. Based on the stories you’ve heard though, you wouldn’t be surprised if they did. 
A few good things have come out of moving here though. You’re finally able to live alone, the rent here is surprisingly cheap (being the murder town and all), although the more you think of it the more you think it might not be a good idea to live by yourself. You’ve made a ton of new friends, one of which gave you a job in her diner (go veronica!). And lastly and most recently, you met him. 
Sweet Pea
Even the thought of him makes you smile. 
You’d met him last night at Veronica’s club (it’s crazy how many business’ under 20 year olds can own here) last night. She had invited you to come out and celebrate making it to three weeks, and you’d very happily accepted, needing an excuse to get dressed up and get out. It felt like you’d done nothing but live in either your waitressing uniform or your pajama’s for three weeks straight and so it was nice to feel normal. 
Once you’d got there, Veronica introduced you to a few people you had yet to meet, before you all started drinking. Betty had gone to the bar to get drinks for everyone, when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You’d turned around, expecting her to be stood with a tray full of drinks balanced in her hands, but instead you were met with a chest, taking you very much by surprise. 
Your eyes travelled upwards, fighting against the darkness of the club until you met his gaze. He was already look at you, his lips parted and eyes hooded and a small gasp left your lips. 
All night, the two of you had been stealing small glances at each other. He was sat with who you assumed were his friends, a couple of them playing guitar despite the loud music playing through the speakers while the rest talked. 
As soon as you saw him you felt your pulse quicken and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. 
And so when he was stood in front of you, you felt all of those things and more. A small shiver ran up your spine as he held his hand out towards you. No words were exchanged, he just stood and waited. You quickly glanced at your friends, all of which were smiling knowingly at you, before you carefully placed your hand in his. 
He pulled you into him, your back against his chest and the motion made you breathless. Your faces inches apart, the faintest hint of alcohol on his breath that made you feel dizzy. You swayed together, completely caught up in the moment before he twirled you back out. The bass from the song playing and the heavy beating of your heart swirled together until you could feel both of them pounding in your chest. 
Pulling you back towards him, your hands lay flat against his chest while he held you close, the two of you getting lost in your own world. The rest of the club fell away behind you, it was just you and him and the slow beat of the music. 
But then you started to panic.
Not because of who he was. 
You knew he was a serpent, heard the stories from your friends about the war between the Northside and Southside. But maybe it should have been. The leather jacket with the gang sign proudly stitched onto the back, the fading bruise framing his eye and the spilt lip should have all been warning signs. 
But the thing that made you panic was yourself. You don’t even know why you felt it.
You’d been waiting all night for him to talk to you, but now that it what happening you felt the anxiety rise in your chest, and before you knew it you were running out of the front doors of Pop’s and into the warm summer night. 
You’d been quietly hating yourself ever since that night. 
You didn’t even know his name until Veronica had teased you about the interaction the next day at work. However when she saw how upset you were about it, she’d told you not to worry and that she was sure he’d come back and you’d get another chance. 
You didn’t believe her, not at all. Nobody in their right mind would come back for a girl who ran away from them. 
But the universe is full of surprises. 
And so is he apparently. 
“Are you stalking me?” You stop in the middle of the parking lot, your eyebrows raised as you wait for a response. 
Your question hangs in the air for a few seconds, and you worry that you were just seeing things. That the person you thought you saw stood outside was just in your imagination, that you were just seeing what you wanted to. 
But then you hear the crunch of gravel followed by quick footsteps and you thank the universe for the second chance. 
“Wha-no. Why would you think that?” He stutters, shoving his hands in his pockets. You turn around to face him and a shy smile takes over your features as you make eye contact with him.  
“Because you’re loitering outside the place I work.” You shrug. “And Veronica told me that she say you hanging around inside for a few hours.” 
“Okay, that I am doing. But I’m not stalking you.” He says, a bashful smile twitching at the corners of his lips. 
“So what are you doing then?” 
“I just wanted to know why you ran away yesterday.” He replies and your face falls. You gaze drops to the dusty ground beneath you and you kick a few stones around to try and distract yourself. “Sorry.” He mumbles. “I was just worried if it was something I did.” 
“What, no.” You reply and look at him quickly. 
He looks sad and a frown takes over your face at the sight. 
“Are you sure. Because I’m sorry if I did do something. The last thing I wanted you to do was run away.” 
“I didn’t run.” You mumble and he raises an eyebrow at you. “It was more of a quick walk.” 
“Okay.” He chuckles. “Why did you quickly walk away from me then?” 
“I needed to pee.” You shrug, not even trying to make your lie believable.
“You pee outside?” 
“...yes.” You say, deciding to stick by what you said. 
“Okayyy.” He replies, not really sure of what to say and you mentally curse yourself. “You’re cute you know, even if you do go to the bathroom in weird places.” 
“Thanks.” You giggle, and brush a piece of hair out of your face. 
“Would you like to go for a ride?” 
“Excuse me?” You blink and his eyes widen. 
“Not like that, I meant, I-er. I have a bike.” He says, pointing to the black bike parked right in the corner of the parking lot. “Would you like to go for a ride.” 
“Should I really be going off with a stranger thats been stalking me?” You ask. 
“I wasn’t stalking you.” He rolls his eyes. “Plus, everybody knows it’s almost impossible to kidnap someone with a motorbike. There’s no boot and it’s very easy to jump off a moving bike. I wouldn’t recommend it though.” He rambles making you laugh. 
He looks away embarrassed once he’s finished talking, but it makes your chest feel fuzzy and warm and you desperately want him to continue talking, even if it is about kidnapping. 
“Okay.” You agree and he looks at you surprised. “Where are we going?”
“I dunno.” He shrugs, the two of you falling into step with each other as you make the short walk to his bike. “Where do you want to do?” 
“I honestly don’t know. Where are the best places in Riverdale?” 
“Greendale.” He replies making you snort. 
The sound makes your cheeks heat up and you quickly look away, but you feel him smiling at you making you relax a little. 
“You’re new here right?” He asks and you nod. “Why don’t I give you a tour of the town. Hopefully I can make it seem exciting.”
“I’m sure you will.” You reply and put the helmet he’s given you on. He reaches over and helps you fasten it, tapping your head a few times once he’s finished and the two of you look away awkwardly. 
“...sorry.” He mumbles. “Can we forget I did that?” 
“Of course.” 
“Can we forget that I ran away?” 
“I thought you quickly walked.” He replies making you huff. 
“Shut up.” You mumble. “Can we?” 
“Yeah.” He nods. “Now get on. The sun’s gonna come up soon if you keep standing there.” 
What started as bike ride around the town, ended in the two of you getting a hotel room together and not leaving until early afternoon. 
You lean against the wardrobe doors, memories of the previous nights and the moments leading up to it flicker in your mind. 
The wind in your hair as you drove around the sleepy streets, the feeling of your arms around his chest when he sped up. Dancing in small bit of sand by Sweetwater River and promising yourself never to run away from him ever again. To be honest, you don’t even think you could. 
He’s staring at you through hooded eyes, his lips swollen and red and you feel your knees buckle. Slowly you make your towards him and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you tight to him. He flips you around as you fall, your back landing on the soft bedding and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him towards you and kissing him deeply. 
You can feel yourself falling for him with each kiss. The feeling of his hands running through your hair, how his fingers graze your skin lightly and the softness of his kisses. 
You’re hooked and there’s no turning back. 
You didn’t even know Riverdale had motels. But they do, and they’re the definition of Riverdale. They look inviting from the outside but once you step through the doors, they’re dim and dingy. The only plus point are the people inside, and you’re very happy to be locked in with Sweet Pea. 
You spend practically the whole day tangled up in bed sheets, and before you know it, it’s time for your late shift at Pop’s. 
So with a heavy heart and a promise of spending another night together, you part ways.  
“Thanks for dropping me off.” You smile and smooth your hair down. 
You didn’t have time to go back home to change, and so suddenly you feel self conscious, your uniform has the same grease stain on it from your last shift and you know for a fact Veronica is going to notice and not let it go. 
“No worries.” He laughs. “You look great.” He catches your hands, stopping you from messing with your hair again and presses light kisses to them. 
“You’re a terrible liar.” You roll your eyes, letting him tug you forward. “Will you be stalking me again?” You wonder, a soft smile tugging at your lips and he rolls his eyes at you playfully. 
“Maybe.” He shrugs and leans down, capturing your lips in a kiss that makes your heart race. 
“I’ll hold you to that.” 
“I really hope you do.” He whispers, his lips grazing your ear and a shiver travels down your spine. 
“Maybe, my ass!” You huff, throwing your hands up in frustration. 
It’s been a week since you saw him, and he’s definitely been avoiding you. 
“It’s only been a week.” Veronica asks. 
The two of you are on the late shift tonight, along with a few other servers and Veronica made sure your break was together so you could hang out, although now, you’re pretty sure she’s regretting that because it’s been ten minutes and the only thing you’ve talked about is him. 
“But nobodies seen him. Not you, not his friends, not anybody. And the other day I heard Toni and Fangs talking about his skipping town. They were trying to figure out why he’d done it.” 
“You know, there’s a reason we didn’t go back to his place. It’s so I didn’t find out his address so I couldn’t hunt him down. That bastard.” You curse, and flop back in the seat. 
“You never know.” She says, placing a comforting hand on your leg. “He might surprise you.” 
“I very much doubt it.” You sigh. “Why are all men the same. They get they want and then as soon as they do they go.” 
“I dunno.” 
“Or maybe he isn’t avoiding me.” 
“Maybe he’s hurt somewhere. He does go really fast on that bike. Oh, god. I’ve called a dead man a bastard. I’m the worst. Why did you let me do that?” 
“Wha- You know what, never mind.” She shakes her head. “He’s not dead Y/n. And I’m sure he’s got a good reason for doing whatever he’s doing.” 
“Like?” You sigh and look at her. 
“I dunno.” She shrugs. “Why don’t you ask him yourself.” She says and nods behind you. 
You frown and follow her gaze, before your eyes meet his. 
“I’ll leave you guys to it.” She says and stands up, quickly making her way back into the diner. 
“Hi.” He’s the first to talk as he cautiously sits beside you.  
“Hey.” You reply, not bothering to look at him. 
It’s silent for a while. 
There’s quiet chatter from the diner that travels through the air, but apart from that its just an awkward silence. 
“Sorry I ran away.” He breaks it, daring a glance at you. “I guess it’s something we’re both quite good at.” He adds, and you send him a look.
“I don’t run. I quickly walk.” You remind him and he lets out a shaky laugh. “I am glad you’re back though.” You add. 
“Do you wanna go for a ride? And I’ll explain everything at the hotel.” 
“I’m at work.” You laugh and he frowns. “And I’m definitely not that easy.” 
“You were the other night.” He mumbles and you let out an offended gasp, slapping his arm lightly. 
“Ass.” You huff and cross your arms over your chest. 
“Y/n? I hate to be this person, but I kinda need you in here.” Veronica interrupts, sending you an apologetic smile. 
“Sorry.” You shrug, smiling sadly at Sweet Pea. 
“Don’t worry.” He smiles, shifting against on the wooden seat. “I’ll wait for you.” 
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break up | archie andrews (riverdale)
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request: can i request an archie imagine where the reader and him had a fight and break up. it being really angsty and avoiding each other. but one day she went to investigate something with betty and jug she got hurt and he sees it? just fluff please!!! thank youuu❤️
it had been days since you left the house after what had happened with archie. you were heart broken with the latest events including the break up.
betty & veronica had constantly been visiting bringing you over food and movies trying to cheer you up and get your mind off of things but it you just couldn’t, there was no use.
how could you possibly forget that your boyfriend of almost a year had let himself be seduced by the blossoms and allowed cheryl to kiss him. the thought made you feel sick inside
and it was worse because he didn’t even have the guts to tell me, you heard it from the mouth of the devil herself. and boy did she love to see you crack and squirm, placing doubt in both of our minds enough to make the red headed boy i love leave you
there’s soft knocks on your door causing you to sigh sniffling, “come in” you croak shifting in your bed to face the door as it opens to reveal two of your closet friends jughead and betty
“hey stranger” you smile sadly to the beanie wearing brunette standing next to your blonde best friend.
he sits himself on the edge of your bed extending his hand to your shoulder giving it a comforting and reassuring squeeze “im sorry i didn’t come sooner”
you quickly place your hand over his i knew exactly why he didn’t come, he was currently living in the andrews residence so it almost seems reasonable that he didn’t want to offend or anger his new roommates and his re kindled relationship with the red headed jock and his father
“it’s seriously fine jug- i understand” you smile sadly at your best friends, concern visible on their faces
“we’ve got a job for you” you wipe the tears from your cheeks and sit up slightly “you up for it?” “yeah okay”
they smile triumphantly at each other and before reaching over and pulling you out of your cozy bed “change and meet us outside” you nod flopping back down on your bed watching them as they scurry out of your room
you finally get the courage to leave your bed changing and pulling a brush through your knotted hair for the first time in days applying makeup to cover the evident dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep
after you finish changing you grab a random sweater off your freshly made bed and throw it on only noticing half way down the stairs that it was intact archies; he leant it to you one night at pops when it was cold and he didn’t want you to freeze.
well that’s what he liked to tell you why he did it, you still believe to this day that he only did it to shut your whining as you rubbed your arms rapidly comparing on how it was so cold
you tug at the sleeves, it smelled of him. the warmth swallowing you up. trudging outside you spot the couple standing beside your car “so what’s the plan?”
the blonde glances to her boyfriend before speaking “jug and i are going to explore a new lead, you need to go to pops and find veronica she’ll catch you up to speed” you nod fiddling with your keys
“pops, v? got it” betty gives me a tight squeeze “be safe, ill see you later” you nod turning slightly as jughead gives wraps you up in a small hug “bye”
you watch as they join hands and walk toward the direction of the cooper household, heart eyes evident. you feel the tears stream down your face as the sight trigger your memories of they way archie used to give you that same look exactly like that.
you get in the car and drive over to pop’s, sliding out and walking briskly into the empty diner, spotting the raven haired girl sitting with him. you find your breathe hitches, lodging in your throat
swallowing the lump in your throat, you force your feet to propel yourself forward to the occupied booth “V” the raven hair girl looks up slightly surprised at your presence.
she jumps out of the booth and throws her arms around you pulling your body into her warm embrace “god it’s good to see you out of bed- and in normal clothes- and your hairs brushed oh im so proud”
she hugs you again it was tighter then before, glancing over her shoulder making eye contact with the boy who broke my heart, he looks worried sick
she pulls you back at arms length and glancing at you concern washing over her face “(y/n) i thought you were getting more sleep?” you shake my head moving away slightly from your friend.
“look can you just fill me in?” she glances back at our friend then to me “yous should talk” she begins backing away from the booth
panic setting in for the both of you
you shake your head furiously “no no i-i-i ccan’t-t” you stutter edging yourself further and further away from the booth before breaking into a sprint racing toward the diner door and out to your parked car.
tears begin to cloud your vision as you drive off toward betty’s house, hoping that the two hadn’t left for their sleuth session yet
you were an absolute mess tears pouring from your eyes blurring your vision so much that you didn’t seem to even notice the car speeding through a red light and just like that your vision turned black.
archie’s pov
i cuss under my breathe as i watch my girlfriend, ex-girlfriend rush out of pops like she was on fire. i hate that i did that to her.
“archie you can’t keep avoiding each other you need to talk to her” i shake my head “cause your idea worked so well didnt it” i yell 
“god i should’ve never listened to you three- she doesnt want anything to do with me thats why she just ran out!”
i pull on my hair as we sit in the booth in silence, tears begin to well in my eyes and it takes all of me to swallow my pride standing from the booth and slipping on my jacket
“where are you going?” veronica stands grabbing onto my arm “i need to make this right”
i grab my phone and dial her number holding it against my ear waiting for her response only for her to not pick up, i try again the sound of sirens faintly ringing in my ears
the two of us share a glance before looking out the window as the sirens grow louder and louder until finally they pass the diner, two ambulances and a police cruiser
my stomach dropped her name falling from my mouth before i rush out of the diner veronica hot on my hells “arch get in my car ill drive!” she yells but i ignore her pushing myself to run as fast as my legs will carry me
i chase after the emergency services as they pull up a head to what looked like a car accident, a soon as i see the familiar car i scream out her name veronica zooming past me and fleeing the car.
i rush over to the paramedics as they pull (y/n) from the car her cheeks still dripping wet with tears “no- no no NO” i yell not bothering about the tears that are streaming down my cheeks.
she was covered in blood, her arm looked broken and her lip split my heart shattering as i stare at the fragile girl that was my entire world
“son you need to step back” the paramedic told me trying to wheel the gurney up into the rig “no im going with her” i insist trying to push past “please” the shake their head loads her in
“archie?!” i turn to see sheriff keller jogging to me “what’s wrong?”
i point to the ambulance “it’s (y/n) she was in a accident i have to go with her” i beg to the sheriff and he nods walking over to the guys and whispering something with them before the allow me to climb up
i lace my hand with hers as i giving her a squeeze my other hair tangling through her hair trying to soothe her.
“c’mon (y/n) you can do this baby keep fighting" i mutter tears still running down my cheeks.
i clutch her hand tightly as the monitors start to beep the crew shouting a bunch of words to each other before they push me back in my seat forcing our hands to pull apart
“what’s happening?!” i shout panic dripping from my words.
“we need you to give us space kid” i nod sitting back in my seat clutching my hands together hoping that she wouldn’t die not today
and thats when she flatlined.
i shift in the uncomfortable hospital chairs still clutching my girlfriends hand when i feel a slight squeeze.
i jolt up blinking the sleep out of my eyes “(y/n)” i choke my voice raw from all the crying and begs for help.
she stirs moving slightly in the bed her head titling toward me “a-arch” she whispers her lips are cracked her eyes wet from tears.
tears overwhelm me as i stand pecking her head “god i thought i was going to loose you” she smiles bringing both hands up to my cheeks “im sorry” she mutters to me
i shake my head frantically my cheeks growing wet “no im so, im sorry for everything i did to hurt you i didn’t want to hurt you (y/n) i just want you back”
i move her oxygen mask from her mouth and lean down connecting our lips together in a sweet embrace before pulling back and placing her mask back
“will you take me back?” i ask eyes begging for her to say yes
“of course archie, i love you”
“god i love you too (y/n)”
she giggles and it cures my heartache i smile up at my beautiful girlfriend as she scoots over in her bed patting the spot next to her “c'mere” she mumbles.
i move from my seat kicking off my shoes and cuddling into the fragile girl as she rests her head on my chest tracing circles into the fabric
and in that moment you knew, you never know what you have until it’s almost taken from you
TAG LIST✨👱🏻‍♀️: @hauntedcherryblossombanana-blog @sadbreakfastclb @jugandbettsdetectiveagency
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i was tagged by @imkait​ to do this SUPER LONG questionnaire. Also I totally stole some of your answers :P 
ALSO shoutout to my best friend @somebooksmakeusfree for talking me through the mild panic attack i had when i had to think of something i was talented at and could not for the life of me find an answer. 
anyways i tag @anthropologicalhands​, @risssaar​, @millennialfangirl​
last text sent: to my best friend. we’ve been geeking out over Riverdale and Cole Sprouse for the last two weeks.  list three favourite colours: blue, black, and red what time did you wake up today?: 6 what were you doing last night at midnight?: writing questions for an interview with someone from the fundraising department of NMNH, half asleep.  name something you can’t wait for: Riverdale next week.  when was the last time you saw your mother: this past Tuesday! She came out to see me on my Spring Break which was really nice.  one thing you wish you could change about your life: more money, more sleep, less depression, less anxiety, no migraines what’s getting on your nerves right now?: I’m so stressed about school, and getting enough hours in my internship,and my writing requirement, and graduating, and finding a job, and LIFE. favorite tv shows: veronica mars, riverdale, arrow, when calls the heart, criminal minds, miraculous ladybug, cutthroat kitchen, etc. etc. etc. I mean I can keep listing shows... first best friend: A girl named Bee who moved away in the 6th grade. We’re still facebook friends but we’re not really in touch.  listening to right now: LITTLE MIX. I BLAME YOU KAIT.  3 fears: I HAVE HERPETOPHOBIA. PHOBIA OF LIZARDS. DO NOT LIKE. IMMEDIATE TEARS. Other than that I fear failure and the future 4 turn ons: dry sense of humor/wit, nice smile, deep voice, kindness 4 turn offs: people who don’t read, bigotry, lack of empathy, just meanies in general >:( sexual orientation: heterosexual (probably? mostly? I’ve never been in a position to really test that out and I’ve always stood by the point that gender wouldn’t matter if I loved a person) senior quote in your yearbook: Dude I don’t even know. I feel like I blocked out a lot of high school memories.  first thing you notice in a new person: height I guess? whether or not they’re smiling? shoe size: 6.5-7.5 depending on the shoe.  eye color: brown hair color: dark brown  favorite item of clothing: A black leather and lace jacket I got from LA for like $25 or my brown and black brocade corset.  what color underwear you’re wearing rn: dark gray with light pink polka dots ultimate bias: ? what does this mean ultimate bias group: ? what does this meaaaaaan favourite season: fall how much time did you spend designing your blog: not long? It’s one of the free themes. I should change it up I think.  the reason you joined tumblr: my best friend convinced me to join do you ever get ‘good morning’ or ‘good night’ texts?: not really no?  when did you last hold hands: I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. I link arms a lot but the last time i think i held someone’s hand may be high school? Maybe it happened once or twice in undergrad?  how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: eh. anywhere from 10 min to 1 hour. depends on how much effort i actually put into it.  have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: no i wax where are you right now?: on my bed trying to convince myself to go and make dinner do you like music loud or at a reasonable level?: I usually listen on headphones but if not I feel like I listen at a reasonable level? I’m always paranoid about how much my neighbor can hear me. (Although honestly i don’t give a shit anymore with how loud she is). 3 things you love: lipstick, books, french fries how you feel right now: i have a bit of a migraine. Not eating is probably not helping.  something you really really want: to have a jooooob, where i get paid with moooooney, someone hire me pleaseeeeee.  3 things that upset you: what doesn’t upset me, honestly what do you find attractive in other people?: didn’t i already answer this? 3 habits you have: biting my nails (which is why i wear nail polish), making a high pitched sound when startled, and flailing a lot with my hands, especially when excited.  something you fantasize about: being gainfully employed something you’re talented at: ... um... i don’t know? My best friend said “Cooking and writing and logistics”  the last person that reblogged something from you: @maggisesk do you smoke/drink: no your favorite food: french fries. and burgers. i really want some right now.  your favorite dessert: lemon meringue pie what you did yesterday: I worked at my internship from 8-5, cataloguing items from a 5,000 item loan. Guess what I did today? Guess what I’m gonna do tomorrow?  number of kids you want: none. absolutely none. nope. nada. no kids. DO NOT WANT.  number of siblings you have: zilch something that’s constantly on your mind: I can guarantee you it’s an OTP. Which specific otp it is depends on the week. these past two weeks, it’s been Bughead. and also Jack and Elizabeth from When Calls the Heart. The week before that was the Doctor and Rose. IT’S ALWAYS AN OTP.  last person you messaged on tumblr: alissa @somebooksmakeusfree  can you drive?: yes, technically. honestly the past two years I’ve only driven while I have my car in CA and that was just at the christmas breaks. and only in my tiny hometown.  what state or part of the world do you live in?: washington, DC are you in school?: yes but the end is so close i can almost taste it do you get grossed out easily?: depends, a bit yes  somewhere you would like to visit for a week: ALISSA. LET’S RUN AWAY TO SCOTLAND TOGETHER I’ll love you if …: you talk to me about my OTP’s  last show you binge-watched?: Riverdale. also When Calls The Heart on Netflix. GO WATCH BOTH.  what words upset you the most: i don’t know if it’s words so much as tone. like, say something to me in a mild tone i can misconstrue as criticism and i’m a mess what words make you feel the best about yourself: compliments? a wish that you’ve wished for repeatedly on 11:11: love, a job, money who would you switch lives with for a day?: I... honestly don’t know. I’d say someone rich and famous but then I’d probably have all their responsibilities. Like performing for them or something and thats too much for me.  your favorite ice cream: strawberry or vanilla caramel allergies: cats. honestly it’s the saddest thing because they’re so cute and fluffy.  sexiest person to come your mind immediately: chris evans. i mean hot damn.  your childhood career choice: actress one of your insecurities: my tummy. it pooches.  how many blogs are you following?: 116 how many tabs/windows do you have open right now?: only 10. i’m honestly surprised coke or pepsi: coke  tea or coffee: tea movie or book: book a sense you would be willing to lose: hmmm maybe smell?  quote you live by: stay gold type of accessory you wear most: i love earrings, i have a huge assortment but I am almost ALWAYS wearing my gold Buddha necklace.  last awkward situation you found yourself in: i’m consistently awkward every day of my life, so who knows honestly what time is it right now?: 10:27 pm a song that’s made you cry: recently? what song hasn’t? I’ve been an anxious, depressive mess, crying at everything.  first song you ever sang at karaoke: probably some thai karaoke at a party when i was 3 i bet you. 
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