#that's it i guess ?
thatweirdnoise · 1 year
we got our 15 seconds of Chuuya for the season, pack it up everybody
we're going back to the novels and ao3
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beelial-beehemoth · 11 months
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Hi visitors and followers!!
This is my blog Welcome everyone!! 🫡
Mostly of my posts are about movies, tv shows but mostly are about Tsuki odyssey.
Hope you enjoy my posts. ✨ Good vibrations ✨
Aos brasileiros, tamo junto!
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inactive-and-moved · 5 months
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so the lore is that i randomly met the boys during a hard time in my life and they basically adopted me and arranged for me to get a job as their team manager since during that time i had nothing and was basically homeless too. they saved me 🥹 and now we're always together and ride or dies for life. i actually met osamu through atsumu and he was truly the best wingman 🥺 because for some reason he could tell that i had the biggest crush on his brother (i was so obvious my tail was basically always wagging when i was around him). bokuto and atsumu always play pranks and sometimes they get shoyo to join them but most of the times their pranks are too mean for him to want to participate him. kiyoomi is the most protective of me that's why he's almost always beefing with atsumu and bokuto and i have to reassure him that it's not a big deal 😭
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chicoca · 6 months
just give me one chance, i only need one
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virgilisspidey · 2 years
I guess you can say it's butterfly effect that got me into tmnt in the first place.
An earthquake happened after my big cousin's wedding when i was younger (i didn't feel it cuz i was asleep), we were told to get out of the hotel we were stauong at by my uncle and then once we confirmed that, yes, the earthquake's epicenter was thankfully far away that it won't cause any issues for us, we were allowed back in
At this point i was tired and i wanted to sleep, but no
I decided to watch the hotel's TV
I probably zoned out at most of the episodes (though i vaguely remember watching Monsters vs Aliens, and it wasn't the movie, there was an actual cartoon spinoff and Susan can go big and small?? Anyways i'm gettting off track)
I managed to stumble upon 2003 tmnt. I was so fascinated because, haha, silly ninja tuetles. I've heard all about it but never got to watch because you can only watch cartoons on cable TV (we had antennas that we had to shove to metal to get a clear picture), we didn't have one of those and the only time i get to watch is when i'm at my uncles.
And I fregin traumatised.
I think i only gkt to watch 2 episodes, one where there's a brain in a tube (someone just told me it was BAXTER STOCKMAN JN THERE??? LIKE, BITCH??) and then the other is, if i remember correctly, has 2003 Raph and 2003 Casey stuck on an island. I think it was Raph??? Idk, he wasn't wearing a mask. But they were stuck there and i remember the camera panning out and showing the two of them in that small island, and everything around them is just ocean.
Vro thr absolute dread my little kid self felt when i saw that.
I did kot end up sleeping
And then years later i find a tagalog dub kf 2012 on TV and once more was like "omfg ninja turtles!!"
I searched for the english version and watched.
And then years later again, Rise was announced and i remember being "Ohhh so cool!! They're making another one!!"
But then i forgot about it and the pandemic happened.
And then i'm here, writing fanfics are ninja turtles.
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aysepuramu · 8 months
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Ok, now that I'm here, I feel like I should pin some notes about me and this blog:
I mostly make art, so that will be like 99% of the content here. I write too but I don't ever finish anything I write lol.
I'm hyperfixed with DBH now, but my mind is a mess, expect content related to other random pieces of media that I also like. I guess I can label this multifandom or whatever.
I love well written love stories, however I am not, and have never been, particularly a shipper. So yeah, I rarely enjoy ships. The only ship I liked in my entire childhood to my teens was Fluttershy x Discord in the MLP fandom. That said, unless it's Simarkus (or Fluttercord lmao), I dislike every other ship, Markus x North included. I will not attack you if you're a shipper so don't worry, I simply ignore ship content.
I also see almost every relationship in DBH as platonic (with the only exception being Simarkus), and I love all platonic interpretations of them. This obviously includes father-son Hank and Connor, yes. (But please, without the need to infantilize Connor, I hate to see grown men being infantilized).
I'm demisexual, but I enjoy NSFW in an artistic way (don't know how to explain that lol, maybe other people in the ace spectrum will get what I mean). But usually, I prefer NSFW of characters in solo, no ship. Unless I like the ship ofc.
I like android gore, some of my art will probably include that too, so you've been warned if you're uncomfortable with it.
I'm Brazilian (against my own will), you can speak portuguese to me if you want. Spanish is welcome too, I can understand it.
I tend to disappear from social media from time to time with reasons unknown even to myself. And I also come back just as sudden, maybe even years later.
I never actually let go of any hyperfixation, I usually come back to them from time to time. :)
I don't block people unless they're childish and won't leave me the fuck alone. But annoying people can expect a response from their wall, as I'll just ignore. In short, it doesn't matter what it is, if it's not interesting to me or bothers me, I will simply ignore.
You can disagree with me in any future post of mine, as long as you're polite and act like an adult.
Last but not least important: I like men in cute dresses and skirts.
That's everything for now. Enjoy (?).
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miraculousbohemian · 10 months
i. i did it. i watched Xena Warrior Princess in all it's six season glory. I'm sure as hell doing a rewatch because havsdvshhsbyhdshbx
This show did change me, honestly.
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themilanobitch · 1 year
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in my bones collecting era
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I always forget about posting to tumblr so here's some updates:
-I got a Steam Deck recently
-My car got totaled from hail damage and has already been hauled away by a salvager....so I need to get a new car!
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adoginthemanger · 2 years
What did you shoplift⁽⁽◝( •௰• )◜⁾⁾
I've shoplifted (have lost count) chocolates (expensive chocolates ofc), lip balm, a handkerchief, a book from crossword, a tshirt, rings, earrings, peri peri masala from McD (this was very hard)
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ramshacklefey · 2 months
Kind of hilarious to me how poorly the title "Mob Psycho 100" localized to English-speaking areas. To someone whose first language is English, it scans as:
Mob (Yakuza, Mafia)
Psycho (violent person with "crazy" behaviors)
Thus: a particularly violent member of organized crime.
But in Japanese it scans as:
Mob (background characters in crowd scenes in manga or anime)
Psycho (short for psychic)
Thus: a psychic who looks/acts like someone you'd never pick out of a crowd scene in a comic.
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cabalt · 2 months
Getting a bit sick of all the "ooh I'm so glad Laios has a soft body!" "Laios is built like an average guy" style posts. Because he doesn't and isn't.
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Laios is built like a fucking professional wrestler. He isn't like, super chiseled or anything but he does not have an "average" body, he his built like someone who does a LOT of physical effort and training.
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butchdykekondraki · 3 months
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post this (not)deer when they least expect it
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sleepygaymerdisease · 3 months
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lizardsfromspace · 6 months
"Look at this video of a child disappointed at their expensive gift! Children are so spoiled these days!"
That's cool. So, why did their parents upload their small child being upset online? In a public video, shared to the entire video? Why did they even save the recording?
Like. The kid in that scenario could be saying the most entitled nonsense in the world, and if their parents post it online to be publicly shamed, I'd still support the kid 100%. Thinking your child's life is a toy to exploit freely for #content is "spoiled"; when faced with mommy vlogers, kids should be demanding three PS5s and a new Bugatti, and we should be applauding them for it
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haunted-xander · 21 days
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If you skip a meal Senshi will materialize next to you w/ food at the ready
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