#that second one is a scanned sketch colored digitally :]
acekindaneat · 1 year
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idc what they say they're father-daughter to me
bonus sho (+ his hamsters) and serizawa too bc they're also family
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squealing-santa · 8 months
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Welcome, one and all, to the 8th Annual Tickle Fandom Bloggers Squealing Santa Extravaganza!
This year’s humble host for 2023 on her second year is @hypahticklish - I'm ecstatic to continue stoking the fires of our wonderful tradition! We were so lucky last year to have not only our community artists join the fun, but to break our previous record of participants. I cannot wait to see all the magic our corner of tumblr is able to create 🥰 But enough of my shmoozing - let’s get on to the main event! 
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Here are the general rules of engagement:
In order to get a peice of tickle fiction or art, you must be willing to create a new peice of tickle fiction or art for someone else.
Your work must be based on the fandoms and prompts provided by your giftee during registration. Examples of what those loose prompts may look like can be found here.
All creations must be posted during the month of December.
All creations must have a title and @ both their giftee and the event blog when posting.
All participants will have their DMs and Asks available for communication with the event Host.
For Our Writers
Fics must be at least 500 words, but there is no limit if you’d like to write more!
All authors must also include the total word count of their piece and a short summary.
Fics must be legibly formatted, i.e. not a block of text for the entire piece.
For Our Artists
Traditional art must be completed on an unlined surface with minimal remaining sketch lines. Color or grayscale is optional. Scanning is preferable when uploading your piece but at the very least needs to be clear and well-lit photo.
Digital art must minimally be in contrasted color or grayscale, and have finished line work. 
Comics must have a minimum of two medium-large panels OR two small panels and one medium-large panel, with minimal remaining sketch lines. Color or grayscale is optional.
All artists must include their own accessibility image IDs.
There is no limit if you'd like to create more or explore stylization!
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Once sign-ups end, we’ll send out assignments and you’ll have until December 31st to finish your piece and send it to the person you’re creating for. In turn, your writer or artist will post a piece for you also by the end of December! No one will know who is working on whose prompts until the works are published, because surprises are fun!
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Use this link right here to complete your registration to this year’s exchange!
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Please note that the registration is conducted via Google Forms. While we have turned all email requirements off, there’s still a chance it will autofill that information if you’re logged in. We’d definitely recommend filling out the survey using incognito mode just in case for that reason. Should any emails be submitted accidentally, they will not be utilized or released.
IF YOU ARE ANON: you still must include a tumblr url that we can contact you at. We promise we won’t give it out to anyone; we just will need a way to contact you over the course of the exchange!
We will send you a confirmation DM once your registration has been submitted, so if you don’t receive that, contact us! We want to make sure no one gets left out due to the survey eating submissions or something similarly dumb.
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Registration closes at midnight PST on November 5th, so be sure to share with your knismobuddies!
The Fandom Registration will be sent out November 6th to be completed by midnight PST on November 12th. 
Assignments will go out by approximately November 16th!
We hope you can join the event this year and have a blast! Until then, we’ll be waiting for you all to sign up!
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echorats · 2 months
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You've met Neil! He's a long-time passionate musician as has been well documented:
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This second version of the post has bonus content and blog lore under the cut!
@chaos-has-theories: You know, it's Neil Banging Out the Tunes Day today. Me: Oh, right. Damn, too bad I'm too sick to draw him. Me: ... Me: ... Me: ... Me: Oh, who am I kidding, I could be dying and I'd still draw Neil banging out the tunes.
And so now here we are, interrupting the alphabet rats for this national holiday. Fun fact: Neil is the first rat I drew entirely digitally! No real life pen sketch involved! Which is why I don't have an original scan to share, only a copy with all the color layers turned off.
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And one without the carpet because why not
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And last but not least, because I felt weird not having a 'just Neil' version on my blog for some reason, a lineart version of that too:
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One last fun fact: I believe Neil might be the only hairless rat I've drawn so far, which is really weird since I quite like hairless animals. Oh well, I guess Neil is just extra special that way <3
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jasonsknight3 · 7 months
Okay here we go! First fanfic! I hope you enjoy! Hope you like the little sketch with it. I wanted to digital art if but I decided not to. I hope you like it anyway!
Desperate times
Living with your partner is the most vital stage of the relationship. It’s not just the good times anymore. It’s the real person that you fell in love with at home. All the time. You see things you like and don’t like. Did you and Jason have arguments that tend to end up in yelling? Yes. Was he overprotective? Yes, but it made you feel loved so you didn’t mind too much. At the end of the day he would always apologize or make up with you. At the end of the day you choose him. You love him and you knew he loved you. He was kind when it counts, he was smart, he even had hobbies. He had made you so many scarves from knitting to bundle up really well on a cold night. He just has you smitten.
After a long day of work you stopped at the store. “Pesto sauce, walnuts, oil, spaghetti noodles, we have garlic at home…” you say to yourself walking now the necessary aisle of the market. Grabbing a few items you check your phone. Smiling at your Lock Screen of you and him you see he hasn’t texted you yet. “Strange. He usually asks where I’m at. He shouldn’t be on patrol tonight.” Shoving the phone into your pocket you grab your last items, check out, and take the bus home.
The cold Gotham night breeze caused you to shiver as you climbed up the stairs to the apartment you shared. The keys jingled a little as you unlocked and opened the door. “Jay? Baby you here?” You call out into the seemingly quiet apartment. You hang your house keys on the wall, hang your scarf, and close the door locking it. No response. Setting the brown bag of dinner’s ingredients on the gray countertop you call out again. “Jason?” After no response you wonder if he was on emergency patrol. Starting to scan the apartment you look for him just to make sure. Walking down the hallway you start to hear quiet sounds of struggle getting louder. Your eyebrows knitting together in worry you slowly open the door to the bedroom. “Jason?” Your eyes settled on a heartbreaking sight.
Jason’s large form was pressed against the corner of the beige walls of the room. He was shivering, hai knees tucked up to his chest, his hands gripping his hair with his eyes closed, small sounds of struggle escaping his lips. You rush to his aid. “Jay. Jason. Baby. Hey, you’re safe. I’m here. Whatever you’re seeing and hearing, it’s not real. It’s not real okay.” You say wipe the hair that messily stuck to his sweaty forehead. “Jason. Please.” You feel your own panic set in. “I-I can’t- breathe.” He choked out. You haven’t seen him like this. You haven’t seen a PTSD episode, you've only heard about them from his brother Dick. You had to do something.
From your own years of therapy you had learned a few things. Who didn’t need therapy at one point or another in Gotham. Running to the bedside night stand, opening the drawer, you pulled out a stress ball. You nearly trip running back to Jason. Sitting on your knees in front of Jason, you gently remove his hand from his hair and put the ball in his shaky hand. “What color is the ball?” You ask him softly. “W-what?” He croaked confused. “What color is the ball in your hand Jason?” You repeat. Opening his eyes he takes a few seconds to focus on it through his blurred watery vision. “Blue.” He choked out a short answer. That good, you were able to break his focus from whatever he was struggling with. “How does it feel? In your hand? Is it rough? Is it soft?” Taking a deep shaky breath his thumb rubbed over the stress balls surface. “I-it feels soft but- rough with cracks from use.” His breathing mess became more stable. Almost there. “How does it feel to squeeze it? Is it easy? Is it hard?” His shaking hand squeezes it once and then a few more times watching it collapse and reform to its original shape as if nothing happened to it. “It’s easy to squeeze.” You nodded your head, your voice coming out in a softer comforting tone. “It feels real too doesn’t it. It’s here safe with me here in this room. Just like you.” Taking a deep breath he looks up at you with his Heterochromia blue and green eyes. You smile caressing his tear stained cheek with your thumb softly as he leaned into your touch.
A moment later putting the ball down he snaked his strong arm around your waist and pulled you in his sweaty forehead resting in the middle of your soft chest. “Thank you y/n.” His voice is a little horse but soft. His body still shook a little but he ultimately had come down from the high of the PTSD attack. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. I won’t let the monsters that bring You pain and suffering hurt you. When they come back to haunt you. I will be here to fight them off. Every. Time.” You cooed, Jason looked up at you with his arms still around you. “You’re n’ angel.” He whispered to you. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that.” His comment made your heart break. “No, don’t You dare apologize. You've been through and seen so much. We don’t get to decide when PTSD attacks or what the triggers are and when they happen. It doesn’t make you weak Jason.” You encouraged him. It was clear in his eyes that he didn’t believe you. Not right now at least. You’ll get there. You’ll work with him on it no matter how long it takes. Cupping his cheek and leaning down you plant a soft kiss on his lips. “You hungry?” Jason nodded. “Wanna shower first?” He sighed and closed his eyes “Yea.”
After a nice warm shared shower you both get in cozy pjs and you start dinner. You both love to cook. It was one of the things you bonded over. “You’re on chopping duty.” You say giving him cherry tomatoes, walnuts and so basil. On the other hand, You started the noodles and pesto sauce. Mixing in the olive oil, garlic, and pesto into the saucepan. A few moments later Jason comes behind you trapping you between him and the stove. He carefully added the chopped ingredients. His body was close to yours. A comforting thing he’s learned he likes. He takes the wood spoon from your hand and stirs the sauce. Putting the spoon down he wraps his arms around you and puts his chin on your shoulder. Smiling, you pat his head to which he hummed in response. Dinner was rewarding and enjoyable. To you there still seems to be an awkwardness from him so you didn’t want to push him to talk about it further unless he wanted to. In reality he was thinking to himself how much of a light you are to his dark world. The color that brings it. It's warm. The kindness he so deeply wanted. The love he desired. He’s great full for it. “I love you.” He said quietly, taking your hand as you both ate. Smiling, you give his hand a squeeze. “I love you Jason.”
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starry-nights-garden · 10 months
Renjun ✧ Distracted
✧ NCT Dream Renjun x gn!reader ✧ words: ~1.2k ✧ genre: fluff ✧ warnings: none
Desc.: In which your boyfriend Renjun is trying to draw you, but you keep getting distracted, making his work a little harder in the process.
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“Hey! You moved again!” You’re half spacing out while staring at a small fluffy bundle of fur that’s moving further away from you, its four legs moving fast, pink tongue hanging from its mouth as it stares up at its owner, ears pointing up attentively. However, your boyfriend’s soft yet upset tone of voice tears you out of your daze.
“But there was a cute doggie!” you protest and mimic the pout that’s formed on his lips. You stare at each other for a few seconds, before he releases the tension in his shoulders and leans back on the park bench while resting his hands in his lap, holding a pen and a sketchbook. 
“Ah…” He lets out a sigh of exasperation while staring up at the sky, maybe to put an overly dramatic emphasis on his next words. “I knew we shouldn’t have come to the park for this.”
“No, no!” you protest, shouting at him from the other side of the pathway. You’re seated on the bench opposite his, and you were supposed to stay still in one position so he could draw you, but somehow you keep getting bored, and boredom leads to distraction, and apparently your distraction leads to a very frustrated Renjun. 
He often does that - draw you, that is. Whether it’s a rough sketch, simply made with pencil on paper, or a digital drawing with coloring and shading and all that, this guy just can’t seem to get enough of it. You don’t know how many countless times he’s scanned the lines on your face before, traced the curves along your shoulders with his eyes, or moved a little closer to be able to draw every little detail just perfectly. You’d think by now he should’ve memorized your shapes, and know where every single line, mole or scar goes, however he still asks you to pose for him from time to time, so he can copy your image onto the paper.
“Fine…” your boyfriend mutters, and then he gets back into position slowly. He takes a deep breath and straightens his back, and when his eyes wander from the sketch in front of him back to you, an almost icy stare meets you. You know that look all too well, and though it surprised you at first, you figured out that most of the time it merely means that he’s being serious. And you know he can get very serious about his craft.
“Don’t move suddenly again, okay?” Renjun points the back end of his pencil at you, and even when a group of people passes you by and interrupts the eye-contact you share for a little while, his expression remains unchanged. “Okay?” he repeats, and he makes you promise not to move even an inch until he’s done, before he resumes drawing. You do your best to stay still this time, watching his face thoroughly just like he watches yours whenever he’s put a few additional lines onto the page of his sketchbook. You too let your eyes trace the lines connecting his eyes and his nose, the thin strand of hair in front of his face that doesn’t seem to bother him, or the outlines of his lips that somehow never stay still as he’s focused on his work. You feel yourself smiling, taking in the sight of him like this, and you realize once more how much you love him and how glad you are that he loves you too. And the next second you also realize that you should’ve controlled your facial expression better, because Renjun is now pulling up his eyebrows and his lips part to give way for another complaint.
“Oh come on…! Staying still also includes your face,” he scolds you, but somehow that just makes you smile more brightly. 
“Sorry,” you say, and you close your eyes while taking a deep breath to make the smile disappear. However, once you open them again, you can still see a pretty pissed Renjun giving you his best disappointed gaze. “Hurry, or I’ll get distracted again!” you urge him on, trying to make him smile, but he simply shakes his head and gets back to work. 
“Finally,” he mutters a few minutes later, followed by a long exasperated sigh. 
“You’re done?” you ask and jump up to cross the path separating the two of you. “Show me!”
“Mhm-mhm.” He shakes his head as he’s already putting the sketchbook back into the bag he brought. 
“Aww, why not?” you pry and you pout at him, thinking that maybe if you act cute he’ll give in. Instead, you merely earn yourself another sigh - but at least there’s a smile on his lips now, and his gaze softens. He gets up and throws the bag over his shoulder, and next thing you know he reaches out to pat your head carefully, and you feel your cheeks heat up when his fingertips come in contact with your hair. For a moment you feel yourself trapped in a space where only you, him, his gentle touch and the adoring smile on his lips exist, and you do not dare to blink, afraid that this moment might end too soon if you close your eyes for even so much as a split second. Renjun’s hand drops from the top of your head to yours, back brushing against back, before you feel his grip around your hand and he interlocks his fingers with yours. 
“I’ll show you later… wanna get going?” he suggests, but you refuse to move. 
“I wanna see it now!” you protest. “I held still for so long too…!” A soft laugh escapes your boyfriend.
“So long?” he repeats your words, raising his eyebrows at you as he’s unable to hide the disbelief reflecting in his expression. “It was like ten minutes, and not even in one go!”
“It was long to me!” you argue back. You feel him tugging at your hand, but you stay still. Eventually he lets out a sigh, one of retreat this time, and just when you think you won, he moves a little closer to press a kiss onto your lips. Then, once again, he says,
“Let’s go.” This time you don’t talk back, and when he starts walking, your legs simply follow him as you stare at him in shock.
“Huang Renjun! You’ve never kissed me in public before!” you burst out eventually. “Didn’t you say you won’t go beyond holding hands in public? Huh? Didn’t you say that?” He never reciprocates the stern look you’re giving him, but you notice the way his ears are taking on a deep shade of red. 
“We can go back to that then, if you want,” he says, and you’re sure it’s not coming out quite as confidently as he wanted it to. However, you’re fast to cut him off by jumping right in front of him so he almost walks into you.
“No!” you immediately say, leaning in so there’s merely an inch of distance between your faces. You keep your gaze fixated on his eyes, and the exact moment that his look drops to your lips and he’s about to kiss you again, you pull away. “However!” you add. “No more kisses until you show me the drawing!” The frustrated whine coming from your boyfriend amuses you to no end, and you shoot him a playful look, watching his internal struggle displayed quite openly on his face. 
“Fine!” he calls out eventually, already reaching for the zipper of his bag. “I guess I’ll have to show you, then.”
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ghostoffuturespast · 10 months
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I'm a menace and don't know how to operate Clip Studio Paint, so here's black and white Grandpa V lol. I've tried to color this twice now. The first attempt I hated. The second I tried CSP for the first time and didn't export the image correctly and it looked like hot garbage. And then I didn't save the actual CSP file, so I lost all the work I did anyway...
I'll try coloring again later, maybe. (I must be cursed. Third times the charm, but hey, practice.) That being said, the brushes in CSP are actually quite cool. Really enjoyed the watercolor ones, they kinda sorta behave like irl.
I did the sketch on paper, scanned it in, and cleaned it up a bit. Still can't draw lines I'm happy with digitally.
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kleefkruid · 11 months
It's interesting how 'I tought myself how to draw using youtube videos' has created a pretty distinctive style. I don't mean that everyone who was self taught trough the internet draws exactly the same don't get me wrong. But I was walking on the art market trying to see as much as I could of the 85 artists, and from the ones I can pick out as online artists (and they're are of course plenty I must have passed where I didn't have a clue) there were some recognisable elements from a distance that made me go "Ah yes, an artist from the school of the internet"
It's something in the colorscheme people use, and also the general outline of characters. It's like you can recognise the animators for Calarts versus other animators. Because it's not a "lol digital artists can only draw one way" because I can also spot people who got their illustration degree at my uni bc their head teacher had a specific way of filling the entire page that they also adapted.
So yeah, it's not bad, everyone has their influence. I'd just say two things about it which is one, don't draw like that if you think you have too, by which I mean never even open one of those "You're drawing shadows wrong" clickbait videos on youtube. There's no rule like that. But if you're drawing the way you like and that feels natural then you're on the right track! (art uni has bad art teachers you just ignore and the internet does too, but online you don't even have to pretend to listen to get a passing grade, huray!)
Second think I would say, when I was talking about the illustration department at my uni: at one point there was a collective show of everyone who graduated in that department, and I could not see where one artist ended and the others began. In this case it was bc the teacher had gotten too strict (I also had a class with her and hooh boy I ended up making up a parody of her style bc she hated everything and she liked that 💀) There was however one student who had put embroidery trough her paper. I remember that. She's the only one I can distinctly remember bc she had a thing. So if you're drawing in a popular style, try to find your niche. Something you love drawing more, a color you really love.
Saying 'you need to have your own style' can be debillitating to an artist bc there is no unique style to find, you're always a collage of everything you love. But it is good to think, if my work hangs in a line with others, how would my friends pick it out. They're usually better at that too, my loved ones can pick out work of me even if I think it's in a wildly different style. I call it a fingerprint, and it's usually there before you know.
But just, get weird with it. Print out your drawing and put stiches in it like that girl did and scan it in again. Draw upside down. Draw everything in greytones and then add color. Draw some classic painting in a widly different style. Make 5 second sketches of people walking by. It's not the style you use that makes you a better or 'legitimate' artist, but the ways you fuck around. There's nothing wrong with drawing chibi art, but draw it in charcoal sometimes. Or on an elaborate oil painting. Or hell do watch those clickbait youtube video's but follow their advice oppposite and see what funky shit you end up with.
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ethemreal · 11 months
Commission Info
tldr; I do Digital and Watercolor, $30 and up for digital, $80 and up for watercolor, paypal only. Message me here on tumblr, or email me at [email protected]
nothing is off limits for inquiring about (I won't judge) due to this being tumblr, I have not included nsfw examples, but am happy to do explicit art, as well as most kinds of violence/gore. I reserve the right to refuse anything without explanation.
Digital Commission Info!:
All digital commissions include 2 rounds of edits, the first at the sketch stage (at which point payment is required) and the second is when it's finished. if further edits are wanted, they will cost extra.
Icons ($30): reference necessary for this price. can do pets or characters. reduced rate available for portrait icons of underrepresented or visibly marginalized people.
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Pet Portraits ($30 to $90): all animals welcome, not just fur babies! Price determines level of detail: color/gradient or blurry background included in price, fully rendered backgrounds cost extra.
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Landscapes ($30 to $60)
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Fanart ($60 and up) characters or settings I am unfamiliar with may cost extra due to research requirements
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Watercolor Commission Info!:
All watercolor commissions come with one opportunity for edits, when the sketch is complete. Due to the nature of traditional painting, the types of revisions available after that are limited (we can always discuss options)
Watercolor commissions start at $80 for a painting 6"x9" or smaller. Price includes US shipping, international will cost extra. All watercolor paintings also include a high resolution digital scan of the piece.
examples below range from $80 to $250
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Comic Commissions!:
Comic commissions start at $150 per page, digital, watercolor, traditionally inked, or marker.
Examples of my comics can be found at:
@illbehome (watercolor, 30 pages, half letter size)
The world was already a prison (traditionally inked and watercolor, 6 pages, full letter size) 
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namurigiftexchange · 2 years
How This Works
If you’re interested in participating, please be sure to sign up before December 7th (12/7) 11:59 PM EST. You can access the sign-up here or by checking our discord. You MUST sign up with an email address you regularly check (this is how we’ll be contacting you throughout the exchange). 
We'll email you your assignment on December 10th (12/10). This will include your giftee’s URL, media preferences (art, fic, edits, or a combination of the three), prompt list, and what they’d like excluded from their gifts. We’ll ask you to reply to our email and confirm receipt of your assignment by December 17th (12/17). 
Get to creating! Our creation period will run from December 18th to January 14th (12/18-1/14).
Everyone will reveal themselves to their giftee and post their gifts to Tumblr between January 21st and January 31st (1/21-1/31). You are free to post your gift on any day during this time. Once you post, please fill out the form we provide you so we can track gifts. This is important as we'll be using this to decide who is in need of backup gifts. 
If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to DM. Our ask box is open. 
General Rules
Please check your emails regularly. This is how we will send everyone updates on the exchange, and it is important that you be aware of them. 
Make sure to sign all correspondence with the Tumblr username/contact information you signed up with so that we know who you are. This includes asks and emails. If you are changing your contact information, please let us know as soon as possible.
If you find that you won’t be able to finish your gift on time or that you’d like to drop out in the middle of the exchange, please let us know IMMEDIATELY. 
Rules for NSFW Content
NSFW content can only be exchanged between participants if they are both 18+. NSFW content will not be accepted from minors and may not be gifted to minors. There are no exceptions. 
For writers: please tag your fics with appropriate warnings and ratings and be aware of your giftee’s preferences. Fics must be put under a cut or include a link that redirects to a separate fanfiction site (e.g. AO3, FFN, etc.) 
For artists: we recommend posting your art to a different platform that allows NSFW content (e.g. Twitter, DA, etc.) and include a link to that work in your Tumblr post. 
Guidelines for Artists
Your gift must be a completed work
Art must be developed to an acceptable standard. Rough work/sketches will not be accepted. You are of course more than welcome to include backgrounds, color, graphics, etc.
Traditional art is allowed, but they must be scanned/photographed in order to be shared digitally. 
Please be aware of the quality of your images. If you’re making digital art, please be mindful of your resolutions. If you’re making traditional art, we recommend scanning if possible before resorting to photographs so that your gift will not be blurry/low-quality. 
Guidelines for Writers
Pieces of writing should be at least 1500 words. There is no word maximum. 
One-shots must be able to stand alone. You are more than welcome to write a multi-chapter fic for your giftee. However, the first chapter must be completed, be a minimum of 1500 words, and must be posted during the posting period.
Your fics must be edited. Spelling, grammar, and continuity mistakes should be absent from your fics. If you need a beta, please request one on the discord. 
Guidelines for Editors and Gif Makers
Your gift must be a completed work. 
Gifsets, graphics, manipulations, and any other form of edits are welcome. 
You must include at least 4 gifs in each set and include at least 2 sets in your gift. 
Your gifs must be Tumblr friendly (i.e. 3MB or smaller)
Guidelines for Video Editors
Your AMV/video edit must be at least 45 seconds long with multiple transitions.
You may NOT use artwork in the video that does not belong to you.
Any music used must be credited. 
All videos must be pre-approved by mods BEFORE posting dates.
Posting Instructions
Please post your gift between January 21st and January 31st (1/21-1/31) and complete the form we send you once you do so we can track all of the gifts that have been posted!
Please tag both the person you made your gift for and our blog
Fics must be put under a cut or include a link that redirects to a separate fanfiction site (e.g. AO3, FFN, etc.) 
NSFW content must be tagged appropriately.
If you have any questions about your particular piece or about the exchange in general, you are welcome to send us an ask or email, and we’ll do our best to answer ASAP.
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Trying to figure out colors for my and my friends’ guardians is equal parts fun and stressful
I like seeing where they end up but trying to account for lighting in screenshots and creating one entire design from the ground up overworks my three remaining braincells.
That and the difference in colors between monitors and devices makes me despair.
Every time I scroll down and back up the image positions are changing???? But
The first image (assuming it’s the lineless piece ft. a reddish/brownish haired man with a half updo) a wip of my friend’s arc titan, Jupiter. In his words, he “wants to explore the stars, not having to deal with aliens being dicks.” I don’t usually do lineless but I’m doing all of my and my friends’ guardians in that style for a line up for fun and for my own personal reference if I get around to actually making comics :)
The second image is (hopefully) my young wolf, Dragonfly-7, void/solar exo hunter. It’s a scanned traditional sketch (but digitally colored) I used to try and nail down a color scheme because I felt the other drawing I had of her was just… too washed out.
The third is another friend’s arc hunter who has no name (because he’s more cool and mysterious that way.) In a more realistic au in my brain (and my sketchbook) he serves as the young wolf bc he’s played since the D1 beta and is much better at the game than I will likely ever be lol. It’s another scanned traditional sketch with color added digitally. It’s one of many as we tried to figure out what he should look like since neither of us liked his actual in game character 🫣
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cherry-shipping · 4 years
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tryinghuman · 2 years
Zhuzhing Your Backgrounds
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I am of the belief that you can cram as much stuff into a character’s house as they’ll allow and still make it look good, so as you read this, keep that in mind.  As with drawing, I also believe that you can draw nearly anything and make it appealing with small adjustments.
So I know you didn’t want a tutorial on how to do backgrounds but I feel like that’s a part of all this so I’ll just give a quick rundown and get everyone on the same page...
Design floor plan.  This is a top down view of the space with all the furniture represented by simple shapes.  Usually in my head I already have a pretty good idea of what the Trying Human characters' homes and rooms will look like before I get to this point.  If you need help with that, I just do Google searches for things like ‘eclectic bedroom’ or ‘modern kitchen’.  This also helps with getting an idea for set dressings (books, pictures, lamps, room clutter, etc.)
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This is FJ12 and Pigment’s apartment from Trying Human.  The first sketch was done on a scrap of paper, scanned, and tightened up in a second pass.
Model room in 3D modeler of your choice.  I use SketchUp (https://www.sketchup.com/plans-and-pricing/sketchup-free) since it’s made for this kind of thing.  There’s also a ton of free plugins and resources out there to use when modeling as well as a large concise tutorial community on YouTube and The SketchUp Essentials (http://www.thesketchupessentials.com/).  I think seeing something in 3D that you can really visually interact with helps you to decide if a room is ‘working’.
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Here’s the model for their home.  I’ve only modeled the front room area because so far those are thats the only area that’s been featured.  Technically there is a hallway and stairwell model for the scenes that took place outside outside of their apartment but they’re not connected and a seperate file.  I also make the walls easy to hide so I can get my camera in there.  It’s kind of like working with a digital dollhouse.  
Tip:  Don’t bother modeling/staging anything that won’t be shown or the characters won’t interact with.  Half the time that kitchen and dining room set aren’t in the model because you just can’t really see them.  I also remove props from the background if I find it too distracting.
For example:
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Rose is in the same location in both shots but in only one shot do I actually show the kitchen behind her, albeit blurred.  It’s very faded and washed out to help push that depth of field.  Rose also has the effect applied near the bottom of her body in the second panel to help force FJ12 into the foreground and put some distance between their bodies.
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Here is the same depth of field effect applied to the wall, shelves and far part of the couch.
Here are some different techniques for making backgrounds ‘work’:
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Blurring -  This is the quickest way to move a character forward.  I wouldn’t use this effect in this panel however as Rose is about to interact with the background element by putting her book away.
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Outline - A faint outline around a character of a neutral color in the room is a nice way to bring a character forward without sacrificing the clarity of props and sets.
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Rimlight - This is similar to the last one except the outline is now built into the character’s shading.
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Fading/Fogging - This adds atmospheric depth by setting the background and props further back from the more richly colored and saturated foreground elements.
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Watch for tension between foreground and background elements.  Even word balloons and sound effects should be considered if you’re staging for a comic.
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kotikaleo · 4 years
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Hi, I'm KotikaLeo amd I'm an artist! This is my full time job so here is my pricelist:
half body - 15€
full body - 25€
+50% of a base price per additional character
Extra details such as props will have an aditional fee
digital only
Examples below:
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Rendered art:
half body - 25€
full body - 50€
+50% of a base price per additional character
simple background - it will be ether transparent, or one color or a simple gradient (it wiill be discussed with other details of the comission)
Extra details such as props will have an aditional fee
Can be done trationally (watercolor and pencils), digitally or in pixelart
Examples below:
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Base price 80€
price varies based on complitely and detail, like complex character design, armor, big props, aditional animals or creatures, complexity of a composition or light
Detailed background included: complex architecture, complex perspective, plant-filled landscapes and so on.
+50% of a base price per additional character
Can be done trationally (watercolor and pencils), digitally or in pixelart
Examples below:
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Comic page:
one page - 100€
add a second character is for free, add a third character +50% of a base price
Can be done trationally (watercolor and pencils), digitally or in pixelart
Examples below:
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Please DM me, describe your idea as detailed as possible. :з
Also don't forget to read ToS before commissioning me
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By purchasing an artwork from me you are stating that you have read and agreed to following conditions:
Commissions are for personal, non-commercial use. Commercial work will have additional charges and are about 3-4x the base price.
Please credit me whenever you use my art.
I will be posting the commission to my social medias and my portfolio.
I reserve the copyrights to the artwork, and the right to feature them in illustration books or zines.
I reserve the right to decline a commission request if it's something I am not comfortable to draw, or I am not interested, or if it is out of my skill level.
NSFW will cost 2-3x base price and will be discussed separately
I won't draw heavy guro or body horror
Payment will be done through paypal invoices.
Upfront payment is required before I start your commission.
No refund once the sketch has been approved. I will offer a full refund if I'm unable to complete your commission and the sketch has not been made. If the sketch has already been made, then I will offer an 80% refund.
Commercial work will be about 3-4x the base price. This includes twitch/stream assets, merch ect.
Tips aren't required but appreciated!
The digital file of the completed commissions will be given through email
turnover time:
Commissions usually take about a month to complete. If you'd like for a commission to be completed sooner/have a deadline, please let me know in advance. There might be an additional fee.
I will be sending you sketch for aproval. At this point you have three revisions for free. After that I will send you rough colors and lighting for approval, and three more revisions can be made.
Additional revisions will cost extra, and after the colors and lighting approval no major revisions can be made.
Please let me know if you'd like to be updated with work-in-progresses. I'd be happy to send them to you!
For traditional artworks you will receive a high resolution scan, and if you want to have an original artwork that should be discussed before the aerwork is started and it will cost extra, as well I will ask to pay for delivery.
You are free to post the commission and credit me. I will usually post the commission and tag you in the post!
DO NOT use my works in relation to crypto currency, NFTs, or AI training.
If you see a repost of my art without credit, please kindly link back to me in their comments and let me know.
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uhohitsdorian · 2 years
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Minecraft sona
[Image: a lineless, digital drawing of the artist’s Minecraft character. They are a humanoid with birdlike legs, each with a raised second claw. They are wearing a colorful gold helmet with stylised wings on each side and an orange and teal plume, and loose blue trousers with a feather-like edge and teal pocket accents. They have a long tail with a fan of brown and cream feathers, and wing-like matching sleeves with a collar whose scalloped edge is patterned reminiscent of eyes. They are holding a sketched-in pickaxe and have their other hand up to shield their face from the sun while they scan the horizon. Their armor and hotbar slots display their typical gear layout: all netherite tools and weapons, leggings and boots, a gold helmet and elytra, all enchanted, and firework rockets. The background is very loose, grass and some stone behind them with traces of coal ore, and a blue sky with faint clouds, all with a dreamlike purple tint. To one side are a few sketches of the character’s stance, figuring out their centre of gravity on non-human legs. End ID.]
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Drawing of the Lower Decks crew. I think Mariner and Boimler are debating something with Rutherford offering to look up the answer with his implant and Tendi having an epiphany about something. Quick thing before the second season.
This has a bunch of issues and I'm just now seeing that I forgot the pattern on the bottom of the boots, but I'm calling it done. It was originally a pencil sketch with really wonky proportions, so I decided to go digital and scanned it in, redid the sketches, and did the real drawing digitally. My poor drawing tablet has gone a while without getting attention, so it was nice to bring it out again.
[Image description: A digital drawing of the four main characters of Lower Decks. At the far left is Tendi, an Orion woman with green skin and hair that is short and swept to the left side with the lower right part of her head shaved. She has a somewhat surprised expression on her face and is wearing a blue science uniform and leaning over a dark object. Sitting on the object, second from the left, is Mariner, a Human woman with brown skin and black hair in a ponytail. She is leaning back and has her right leg crossed over the other. One arm is resting on the object and the other is gesturing forward. Her mouth is open as if speaking. She is wearing a red command uniform with the front flap left open, showing a white undershirt. Just to her right is Rutherford, a Human man with tan skin and short black hair. He has a gray cybernetic implant on the left side of his face, including his eye. He is stranding straight with his left arm pointing towards his cybernetic implant. His mouth is slightly open and he is wearing a yellow operations uniform. Standing on the far right is Boimler, a Human man with pale skin and short purple hair. He is gesturing with his arms and stands with his right leg slightly cocked. His mouth is open as if speaking and his eyes are looking off to the right. He is also wearing a red command uniform. The background is a solid cream color.]
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cereovo · 3 years
Would you ever be up for doing step by step photos of future traditional art? Not like a tutorial but just so people could see the your art process? Sounds strange probably but I just think it’d be really cool to see!
Maybe! It varies depending on what I'm drawing and what materials I want to use (honestly most times I just wing it) but i'll try to take pics next time i do a painting or something.
For lined art tbh the process isn't much different than what you see with digital stuff. I actually inked a lot of things traditionally this Art Fight and can show at least one process example:
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this sketch was really messy and dark so I taped a piece of white origami paper (the ones I have are just slightly more opaque than tracing paper) over it and inked on that. Tracing over the sketch on a second piece of paper eliminates the risk of your eraser smudging your lineart, a fuckin lifesaver for me.
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In this case i used a staedtler fineliner to ink, which i prefer over microns because their nibs are more flexible. If i wanted to color this one traditionally I probably would have just used copics and sharpies but the origami paper doesn't hold marker too well so I scanned the lines with my ipad and colored them in CSP! this also allowed me to fix a few things that were bothering me.
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