#that completely uninvolves you from the world!!!!
This might be something I've said before but I think the lack of a lockpicking minigame in Morrowind can actually make the act of lockpicking more involved and interesting compared to the minigames implemented in all later Bethesda RPGs.
Like sure, ON PAPER repeatedly "attacking" the lock with your lockpick until the RNG rolls in your favor and you unlock it sounds more mindless and uninvolved than completing a mingame.
But I think a crucial detail here is that in Morrowind your lockpicking attempts occur in real time, and having to make repeated attempts means that there's more chance for someone to wander by and see you while you're trying to pick a lock (especially if you're in like a city bc there'll be a lot of wandering guards and NPCs around). Meanwhile the minigames used from oblivion onwards pause the game world, meaning that you don't have to worry about that at all as long as no one was seeing you the moment you activated the lock.
I just think having to mind your surroundings to avoid being seen while making your lockpick attempts is a more interesting and engaging challenge for a player than solving the same minigame for the 100th time.
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17yearcicada · 1 year
i'm taking the word "culture" away from christians until they learn what it means. stop saying """"the culture""""" when you just mean leftists on twitter you're not achieving anything
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matan4il · 5 days
To the Nonnie who asked me about the countries which recently recognized a state of Palestine...
First, allow me to make it clear why it's an anti-peace move.
Since (at the very least) 1990 and the Madrid Conference, the concept of negotiations for peace in this conflict was that Israel will give the Palestinians land to have their own state, the world will recognize said state, and the Palestinians will give Israel peace.
I'll put aside all the issues with this concept, since there still isn't any other model. Since 2010, Mahmoud Abbas has refused to so much as negotiate for peace with Israel, let alone make compromises to achieve that peace.
The model only offers two incentives for the Palestinians, one is land and self-rule, the other is global recognition as an independent state. Israel already gave them quite a bit of land (areas A, B and Gaza) and self-rule. That's never been taken back, no matter how many times Palestinians turned to violence since the Oslo accords, instead of giving Israelis peace. The only other incentive was international recognition as an independent state. That was supposed to be a prize they get at the end of the peace process, when everything is resolved, no side has any claims for the other, both have a state, and both can live side by side in peace.
What does it mean, when countries are giving Palestinians "for free" that which they were supposed to compromise for? It means the Palestinians don't have as much of an incentive to do that, to reach a final resolution to this conflict, and peace. THAT is why this is an anti-peace move.
Now let me try to respond to the other parts of your excellent ask.
but what does that even mean? Palestine doesn't have a singular, let alone functional government. Gaza and the west bank are not controlled by the same people. How can they recognize a country that doesn't have concrete boarders?
You're absolutely right. Areas A and B are controlled by the Palestinian Authority (headed by Fatah), while Gaza is ruled by Hamas. The latter is an all out genocidal, antisemitic, Islamist terrorist organization. The former developed from a secular, nationalist terrorist organization, and has never completely abandoned its roots, it just compartmentalized its terrorism ties, so it can maintain global recognition and legitimacy. But the Palestinian Authority still pays terrorists imprisoned by Israel based on how long they're serving (which means, based on how many people they've killed, known as the "Pay for Slay" program), it trains kids and youth to be anti-Israel terrorists, and Fatah also has "military wings" which carry out terrorist attacks for it.
So what does it mean when countries are willing to recognize regimes directly invested in terrorism?
But let's put that aside for a second, even if we pretended either Palestinian regime is uninvolved in terrorism, how do you recognize one Palestinian state, when the Palestinian-ruled territories are divided into two, due to their own doing... In 2006 the Palestinians had democratic elections, Hamas defeated Fatah, both agreed on joint rule, then in 2007, Hamas slaughtered Fatah's people in Gaza and took over. Which means, not only do you have two unrelated regimes, these two are actually hostile and even violent with each other. Why were the 2021 Palestinian elections canceled? Because Fatah is terrified of Hamas winning again, and then slaughtering Fatah's people in areas A and B, just as they did in Gaza. How do you look at this and recognize it as one state?
But let's put that aside. Let's go with the idea that these countries are only recognizing the Palestinian Authority's rule, not Hamas'... That raises so many questions. If Hamas' rule isn't recognized, does that mean Gaza, which is controlled by it, isn't a part of the state of Palestine? Does it means it's all a part of it, but Gaza is occupied... not by Israel, but instead by Hamas? If that's the case, why isn't the world protesting Hamas' occupation of Gaza? And why would Israel owe anything to the Gazans, water, electricity, food, medical care, connectivity (for calls and internet), anything at all, if Gaza is either not a part of Palestine, or is currently occupied by Hamas (which means Hamas, as the occupiers, must provide for it all of the above)?
And even with the parts ruled by the Palestinian Authority... Like you said, what are the borders? Gaza's borders are pretty clear, since Israel withdrew from them in 2005, and that was recognized (even applauded) internationally back then. But what happens in the areas historically known as Judea and Samaria, which the Jordanians occupied between 1948 and 1967, re-named them 'the west bank' (to emphasize Jordan's claim on them, as the holder of 'the east bank' of the Jordan River), and then gave up any claim to in 1988? What ARE the exact borders of the state of Palestine there? Will Palestinians coming from those areas to work or tour Israel have to pay taxes for those privileges, as workers and tourists from other countries do (and just how I, as an Israeli, would have to pay a tax if I wanted to visit Jordan, and did pay one when I visited Egypt)? Will the Palestinian Authority renounce any claims to area C, since they are now recognized as a state, but only in the confines of areas A and B? And if it is an independent state, what about all the terrorist attacks on Israelis launched from within those areas, will the Palestinian Authority finally be held responsible for not stopping them, for supporting them financially, for launching some of them? After all, if they're an independent state, they also can't hide behind the immoral excuse that resistance is justified when people are occupied. Because they're not occupied, right? They're an independent state and have been since the mid 1990's, when they got self-rule!
Let's not get into how, if they are an independent state, they should be providing water, electricity, medical care (remember that time Covid hit, and the Palestinian Authority demanded Israel pays for and administers vaccines to the Palestinians living under PA rule? That's not what independent states do) for their own people instead of demanding to be provided for by Israel (claiming they'll pay Israel back for stuff like water and electricity, but never doing so, because they know Israel can't stop supplying them or else it will be accused of causing a humanitarian disaster in areas A and B as "the occupying force"). Basically, the Palestinians juggle between demanding to be recognized as an independent state, and shrugging off many of the responsibilities that come with that, instead relying on Israel's "duty" to provide for them as "the occupier." Which is it, is Palestine an independent state or an occupied one? It can't be both!
If Palestine is a country, does that mean Palestinians lose their refugee status?
Not only they would, it would also mean they have lost it (and might owe back a great deal of money) since the 1990's already... If the PA rules areas A and B, and Hamas rules Gaza, why have refugee camps in these territories never been dissolved, and their residents settled as regular Palestinian citizens?
And let's not even get into what Palestine being an independent state means for the crimes against peace, the crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by Palestinians, including ones in power, especially during Oct 7, but also since the 1990's in general...
Let's be honest here. If Palestine was an independent state and had to act like one, it would actually really fuck them over. They don't want to be one. They just want the perks and international political and diplomatic rights and power that comes from being recognized as one. That doesn't help the regular Palestinians who just want a normal life. It does help the anti-Israel terrorist regimes that rule over the Palestinians.
So these countries recognizing Palestine as a state now, before there's any resolution to the conflict? It's anti-peace, and it also only rewards the terrorists in power. But more than that, due to the timing, it's a specifically pro-Hamas move. This recognition is a middle finger to Israel as "punishment" for waging a war in Gaza. But Hamas started the war. This recognition is therefore a result of and reward for Hamas' massacre of innocent Israeli civilians, and it's literally how Hamas take it.
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That's what this step means for the average person in the conflict, too. No matter on which side...
These European countries are rewarding an Islamist and antisemitic, genocidal terrorist organization for having launched the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.
Let that sink in.
(also, yes to your footnote about the hypocrisy of Spain, which hasn't been as generous with its recognition of independence for the people living under its own rule, but having no problem rewarding antisemitic terrorists with exactly that)
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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"Fountain" (1917 - Marcel Duchamp) / "Judith Slaying Holofernes" (c. 1620 - Artemisia Gentileschi)
FOUNTAIN: I know, I know, if this was something you saw today in an art museum, it would be cliche and a little cringey, but this was not from 2023! Its from 1917, in France. In context, it is such a punk piece of work, such a fucking, fuck you to art elitism. While modern art movements were growing in Europe, France had a very real tension between older, traditional styles of art and the growing newer, less realistic and more abstract schools. There was a clear delineation between institutional traditional styles and the newer styles, whose artists were often working on the periphery or entirely outside of french art circles. So by putting this in a museum - saying yeah, this urinal is just as worthy as your shit to be here. Such a fuck you! It got rejected from several exhibitions for being "immoral and vulgar" and "a plagiarised object, or rather a commercial piece of plumbing art." And then the immoral, vulgar (and of course, why is this immoral or vulgar? and why are the objects of plumbers excluded from being art) piece got exhibited!
Our current understandings of art might not need this sort of philosophical challenge to "what is allowed to be art," but in 1917, the French art world definitely did (@travelingsmithy)
JUDITH SLAYING HOLOFERNES: This is one of my favorite Baroque/Renaissance paintings ever. First, it has that dynamic and theatrical lighting you get with Baroque pieces, where the background is dark and unimportant and the scene has very dramatic and intense lighting. Second, its so visceral, so violent in a way that women typically were not allowed to be in art. Judith is shown as powerful and strong, and its the same with her maidservant Abra (thanks wikipedia). Holofernes was clearly fighting back but was overcome by the two, there is blood splattered all over the bed, Judith has got her hands gripping his hair and just dragging the knife through his throat. 
The context to the scene, is that this is retribution for Holofernes raping Judith, that she is getting her revenge and justice. She is a fully active participant, this is her decision and action, and its just so clear in the painting. For reference, this is Carvaggio's version and it is so different. There is a distance and fakeness to the scene, where the women are timid and almost uninvolved in the violence. Here that could not be less of the case. Judith and Abra are fully in the scene, with the strain of the murder clearly showing in their figures. It is such a far cry from the typical depiction of women in this era of art, from their form to their expressions to their actions. There's a level of personhood that is typically denied to women that is present here, the painter allowing the figures to be present in the violence of the scene, to be full actors and perpetrators, knowledgeable and determined. 
On its own, it stands as an incredibly evocative piece of art. In comparison to other takes on this same scene, it completely rises above the rest (@travelingsmithy)
("Fountain" is a sculpture by French artist Duchamp that consists of a porcelain urinal signed "R. Mutt". The original was lost, but about 15 replicas exist worldwide.
"Judith Slaying Holofernes" is an oil on canvas painting by Italian artist Artemisia Gentileschi. It measures 6′ 6″ x 5′ 4″ (158.8 cm × 125.5 cm) and is located in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.)
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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.” This is a reference invoking the Biblical story of the total destruction of the Amalek by the Israelites, which Biblical passage reads in the relevant part: “Spare no one, but kill alike men and women, infants and sucklings, oxen and sheep, camels and asses.” 
President Isaac Herzog: “It’s an entire nation out there that is responsible. It’s not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware not involved. It’s absolutely not true. … and we will fight until we break their backbone.”
Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant:  
Israel is “imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.” 
“Gaza won’t return to what it was before. We will eliminate everything. If it doesn’t take one day, it will take a week. It will take weeks or even months, we will reach all places.”
Minister for National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir: “[t]o be clear, when we say that Hamas should be destroyed, it also means those who celebrate, those who support, and those who hand out candy — they’re all terrorists, and they should also be destroyed.”
Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Israel Katz: “All the civilian population in Gaza is ordered to leave immediately. We will win. They will not receive a drop of water or a single battery until they leave the world.”
Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich: “We need to deal a blow that hasn’t been seen in 50 years and take down Gaza.”
Minister of Amihai Eliyahu: “The north of the Gaza Strip, more beautiful than ever. Everything is blown up and flattened, simply a pleasure for the eyes … We must talk about the day after. In my mind, we will hand over lots to all those who fought for Gaza over the years and to those evicted from Gush Katif” [a former Israeli settlement].  “There is no such thing as uninvolved civilians in Gaza.”
Minister of Agriculture Avi Dichter: “We are now actually rolling out the Gaza Nakba.” [This term, “Nakba,” is a reference to the forced expulsion of around 750,000 Palestinians during the war that established Israel as an independent state. Israeli historian Ilan Pappe refers to it as The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.]
Knesset Deputy Speaker and Foreign Affairs and Security Committee Member Nissim Vaturi: “Now we all have one common goal — erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth.” 
Israeli Reservist Major General and adviser to the Defense Minister Giora Eiland: 
“The people should be told that they have two choices; to stay and to starve, or to leave. If Egypt and other countries prefer that these people will perish in Gaza, this is their choice.”  
“When you are at war with another country you don’t feed them, you don’t provide them electricity or gas or water or anything else . . . A country can be attacked in a much broader way, to bring the country to the brink of dysfunction. This is the necessary outcome of events in Gaza.” 
“Israel has no interest in the Gaza Strip being rehabilitated and this is an important point that needs to be made clear to the Americans.”  
“The State of Israel has no choice but to make Gaza a place that is temporarily, or permanently, impossible to live in.”
“Who are the ‘poor’ women of Gaza? They are all the mothers, sisters or wives of Hamas murderers. . . . The international community warns us of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from this, as difficult as that may be. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will bring victory closer . . . It is precisely its civil collapse that will bring the end of the war closer. When senior Israeli figures say in the media ‘It’s either us or them’ we should clarify the question of who is ‘them’. ‘They’ are not only Hamas fighters with weapons, but also all the ‘civilian’ officials, including hospital administrators and school administrators, and also the entire Gaza population who enthusiastically supported Hamas and cheered on its atrocities on October 7th.”
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"Train of thoughts" - Morpheus x Reader
A/N: made the trip back to my hometown today (5-hour train ride yikes) so here's what I've been thinking about. Choo choo.
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[MASTERLIST] | [Sandman-inspired playlist]
The sound of the train speeding along the tracks is loud enough to muffle the conversations of the passengers. For people gathered in one place for long hours on end, they appear to be completely disinterested and uninvolved in each others’ lives. It’s quite funny, actually - that people silently agree to ignore the presence of their bedfellows. Whether they like it or not, in a poetically lonely way they are now parts of strangers’ stories.
The train is passing a village, the sound of its travel undoubtedly heard by the citizens of the settlement of brick houses, cattle and fields as far as the eye can see. The noise of the train wakes up a three-month-old baby in one of the cottages. His mother hasn’t slept in long weeks. On the other hand, the passengers are also aware of the country life unfolding before them. Little Kate stares at the cows in the field with her nose slammed against the window. She’s seeing them for the first time in her life. For that imperceptible moment, as long as the brick houses are in sight, the strangers of the two worlds are companions in each others' lives.
"I do not understand why you have brought me here, sister," Morpheus speaks up. They have been sitting in silence for about an hour now.
"You should meet them," Death answers as she meaningfully nods her head towards the other passengers, who appeared oblivious to their atypical bedfellows. "On their ground, not yours."
Morpheus looks around the train van. Mothers, children, businessmen, elderly couples, snickering teenagers, restless students and… her. 
One woman, sitting alone by the window. A soft smile decorates her face as though that was the most neutral expression she could muster. There's a new issue of a sudoku notebook in her hand. She solves the puzzles from the end, where the most difficult ones are; among spacious fields of nothing and the monotony of a moving train, she's searching for a challenge, an adventure. Morpheus can’t quite put into words what she looks like to him. Strangely, it feels as if he just became privy to an overlooked secret; like he is the very first one to actually see her. Perhaps, she actually appears no different than the other passengers and it is Dream’s mystic knowledge that painted her alluring and not just human. Sunlight is entering the train through the window she’s sitting by, giving her something akin to a halo - as though nature itself wants to keep his attention on her. She, however, remains glamurously oblivious.
He knows her well. Alright, to be exact, he's well acquainted with a part of her - the part she's not entirely aware of, practically making the two of them remain estranged. Yes, Morpheus knows her but not in a way she understands; he knows her in a way no one else will ever be able to.
Her dreams are naive. That's partially why he grew to like them in a way. When she enters his realm, she lives a life of contentment - perhaps that is the best word to describe the state of affairs. How beautifully earthbound it truly is to fantasize about a life one does not need to rest from; a daily bread of routine that brings comfort, security and happiness.
"Go on, talk to her," Death coaxes her brother.
Reluctantly, Morpheus gets up from his seat. The train shakes as it speeds towards its destination but it doesn’t bother him. In slow strides, he makes his way to the woman sitting alone by the window.
Noticing someone in front of her, she looks up. A polite, soft smile enters her face when her eyes meet Dream's. "Good morning," she greets him.
Morpheus’s expression noticeably brightens. "It is good indeed,” he answers as he sits down. Her cheerful gaze lingers on him for a while longer before she quietly goes back to her pastime.
She stares at the grids with numbers in her lap while he stares at her. The train's wheels roll along the track as does life, undisturbed at the meeting of two such different creatures. Another village flashes past the window. They're strangers but, somehow, they're close companions as well.
Every now and again, her curious, bright eyes look at him, too.
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beemovieerotica · 10 months
How do you think Davy Jones and Calypso met? What do you think about their relationship ?
HWOAGGHH okay so let's get right into it
Supplemental POTC sources talk about Davy Jones basically being this incredibly skilled sailor likely from wealth and means who was able to impress Calypso and gain her favor through his seafaring abilities
It's a cool origin story and I've played around with it in fic, but I've always wondered what SPECIFICALLY about him caught her eye, because he wasn't the only great sailor of his time---like, he'd have to have done something absolutely bonkers in order for the goddess of the sea to take notice
I love hearing headcanons about this, but the flavor of origin story I've ascribed to him in most of my fics is "humble beginnings" / tragic war history / desertion / escape to sea
In my stories, what Davy Jones brings to seafaring and captaining his own ship that is interesting to Calypso is both a humility about his place in life and an obsessive devotion to the sea as the one thing worth living for / keeping him alive
He's not in it for profit, he's in it for survival and ends up aiding others---I have the Flying Dutchman (visually of Dutch design, 16th century, built like a slave trading ship) taken from Dutch slave traders at the height of their operations and the captives freed, both as a practicality on Jones' end (incredibly useful type of ship that balances speed and firepower) but more importantly as a compassionate act. There has to be a reason why Calypso chose him for the most compassionate role in the world, the most essential job in easing the dead into the next life.
I don't think that it's a coincidence that Calypso appears in the mortal form that she does, I think that witnessing men's greed as the soul of the sea has made her particularly sympathetic to the atrocities of the stealing and transport of West Africans to other parts of the world, countless of whom drowned and chose to throw themselves into the sea rather than face a life of subjugation. THIS resonates with her, this makes sense to her, her entire story is about having her freedom taken from her, and for that I deeply appreciate the casting and characterization choices they went with canonically, because it lends itself to such rich meta analysis. A lot of fan characterizations of Calypso paint her as completely discompassionate, uninvolved, and uncaring about the world of men, but I do not agree with this, I see her interest in humanity being much more complex, with hate, reverence, love, and disdain all mingled together
And that's ultimately why Jones stands out to her first, because he is one of the few/only people at sea not for profit, his freedom is wrapped up in the sea, and he has enough of a broken past that makes any kind of devotion he displays deeply and overwhelmingly all-or-nothing
It's this that lends itself to the imbalance of power and lack of compromise between them, which then leads to the betrayal, etc etc. But they are at the core of their relationship the two people who understand each other more than anyone else in the world could, but they are still mired in misunderstandings because they are a human and a god, because those relationships are doomed by nature of what they are, because you can never fully understand someone whose concepts of time, devotion, and reality are so fundamentally different to your own.
I love thinking about how terrible they are for each other and how no one else in the world fits better together than them. Their story is the most pivotal and interesting piece of lore to the trilogy, and ultimately the reason why I think P4 and P5 fell flat---because the writers kept scrabbling for something mystical and fantastical to try and replicate this, but nothing came anywhere close to reproducing that same love and meaning of the Jones/Calypso Elizabeth/Will contrast. Which I could also go on and on about but I'll stop here!
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bigblueoctoling · 3 months
Thoughts on the antagonists of Splatoon
A twitter post (or more accurately, the responses to it) pissed me off and I have to give my thoughts.
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I'm going to give my thoughts and spoiler alert Mr. Grizz is the only bad one so I'm going to talk about him last
So, the thing that irks me about people's opinions on Octavio is, as is probably obvious if you read my last post, people who think that Octavio is redeemable, or god forgive, an "anti-hero" as I saw someone say.
On one hand, yes, Octavio inherently has some good reasons behind his actions; Octarians are a very disadvantaged people who are struggling through an energy crisis- frankly inkopolis seems to have an entirely unnecessary overabundance of energy that could easily be shared with Octarians, but isn't.
On the other hand, it generally becomes clear as we learn more about him and octarians as a whole that his motives aren't entirely just- similar to Cuttlefish. Cuttlefish is much more evidently presented as an old war vet who still holds a heavy prejudice against not just all Octarians but Octolings in general. Octavio is much the same way- while he's not morally in the wrong from stealing from the severely energy-abundant Inkopolis, it's quite clear from his actions that he's not a good leader. His actual amount of political power is vague, but either way, as the head of the Octarian Military at the very least, he surely would have some power over the heavily militarized Octarian people who are seemingly raised for the sole purpose of being soldiers. A part of the reason why the Octarian people are so disadvantaged is because the Octarian government is corrupt.
All in all, this makes Octavio a very in-depth villain, but it absolutely doesn't make him the anti-hero. He's a part of the problem, and he very clearly has an enormous bias for self-aggrandizing, propaganda, and revenge.
Commander Tartar
Tartar is a perfect representation of humanity; his entire execution is flawless. He's very directly involved in the story, directly manipulating Eight with cult-like language of escape into the promised land. He has a very direct impact on the entire story- he created the levels to filter out the most skilled test subjects for use in his cause. His cause, despite him being an AI, is decently reasoned with flawed human logic- he simply does not consider the sea life that developed into Earth's sapient species to be an adequate target to pass the torch of humanity's knowledge to, because, from his uninvolved, impersonal observation, they seem to repeat the same mistakes of mankind. He dehumanizes the people he's subjugating toward contributing towards his cause, committing genocide upon those he views as subhuman. He is the perfect encapsulation of humanity.
The idea of anyone seeing any flaw in his execution is baffling to me. Frankly I just do not think you're smart enough to have a say in the quality of a game's writing if you think that tartar is a poorly written villain.
So, I'm going to be frank- I feel like the people who think that Smollusk is a generic evil "take over the world!!" villain simply did not finish playing Side Order, or just didn't bother thinking about the story of Side Order enough to have a say on the matter. To be fair, I thought the same thing when I beat Smollusk the first time, but as you keep beating smollusk, they keep revealing more and more of the story.
It's one thing to just not prefer this method of storytelling, I can't say it's as perfect as, say, Tartar's execution, but even people who actually finished Side Order will say that "all the extra story is just dumped after the ending", as if for some reason that doesn't count. Like, honestly, the execution of Side Order isn't perfect, but acting like anything said after the credits just doesn't exist is simply silly.
And just for the sake of completing this analysis: Smollusk seems very much like a manifestation of a part of Marina's subconscious, and the subconscious of many Octarians who helped produce this project. Smollusk's depth comes from the way the things it says reflect the inner feelings of those who produced the game, especially Marina.
And frankly anyone who says it's "just a generic supervillain who wants to take over the world" just plain didn't read the text in the game. It was never about "taking over" the world, it was to bring everything to a state of complete stasis. I won't say Order was perfectly executed but this is objectively a very different goal from Taking Over The World Because I Am The Evil Super Genius!!!
Mr. Grizz
Mr. Grizz is objectively just a very lazy and rushed attempt to mimic Tartar. He has no relevance to the story until the very end, at which point he just exposits his ideology, which is just "fish are bad and mammals are good" surrounded by an obnoxious amount of Business Lingo which is meant to be funny. His only motive just has no meaningful depth behind it, on top of blatantly just being Tartar's goal again (humans good fish bad). He has zero relation to Alterna- the dude was shot into space, he's pretty much only in Alterna to nab their extra rocket. The levels in Alterna just arbitrarily resemble Octo Expansion's for zero reason; there's absolutely no attempt to explain why this human facility has tests for inkfish, nor is there really any reason why Mammalians are there to defend it.
For a campaign entitled "Rise of the Mammalians", Mammalians are given literally zero elaboration- not only are they very blatantly just an excuse to reuse Octarians for the fourth time, but there's no in-universe reason for them even being here. At no point is Mr. Grizz seemingly actively trying to stop you, nevermind that Alternia's entire layout doesn't really seem designed to stop you, nor does Mr. Grizz seem particularly interested in trying to stop you. The only bosses are Deep Cut, who are just kind of There on their own accord for Ambiguous Things That Have No Actual Explanation And Are Just There To Be The Thing That Lets You Get To The Final Boss.
Deep Cut are done so dirty by Splatoon 3, for the record. Unrelated to this post but expect a post on that at some point.
Ultimately, Mr. Grizz has absolutely zero meaningful impact on the entirety of Splatoon's lore. He... "dries out?" Cuttlefish for absolutely no logical reason, he just says ambiguous shit about Needing Him for his Plan but what exactly that means is left entirely vague. Nothing about his plan is really personal to Salmonids- like, Tartar specifically thinks that sea folk are undeserving of being considered on par with humans, but Mr. Grizz doesn't really elaborate on why he thinks Fish Bad, they just Are. It's not that he thinks Salmonid deserve to be subjugated, hunted, and treated like animals, he just needs golden fish eggs for power because yeah. And ultimately, killing Mr. Grizz does nothing to impact the story, it just arbitrarily completes it- we learn literally nothing of the Mammalians, Salmonids are still being subjugated to being hunted and having their young harvested, and nothing in particular becomes of Alterna. It's nothing but pure arbitration.
In conclusion, frankly, if you think Mr. Grizz is at all an interesting character, let alone better than any other antagonist, I'd LOVE to hear an explanation because the opinion genuinely makes no sense to me beyond headcanons.
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palms-upturned · 7 months
‘Are you enjoying this horror movie?’ Gaza resident asks world leaders
Nov 2nd, 16:15 GMT
Speaking to Al Jazeera from al-Shati refugee camp, Gaza resident Zak Hania says the Israeli army has dropped leaflets asking people to leave to the south within “three hours”.
But Hania says it is too dangerous to move from the north, as the roads are in “complete darkness” due to a lack of electricity.
“The [Israeli] tanks are in the middle of Gaza, they will shoot at us,” Hania said. While some residents have sought shelters in schools, others have opted to stay put, saying, “We are going to die in our homes,” he said.
Addressing world leaders, Hania asked: “Are you enjoying this … horror movie?”
“How many people need to die, [need] to be killed, for the people, for the world, for the world leaders to move to do something? We asked for a ceasefire. We are all civilians.”
[emphasis mine]
Netanyahu: Get out of north Gaza ‘because we will not stop’
Nov 2nd, 16:45 GMT
The Israeli prime minister, speaking to soldiers, again called on Palestinian civilians to leave the north of Gaza – an appeal humanitarian groups have repeatedly said is not realistic.
“Nothing will stop us,” Netanyahu said.
“I call to the uninvolved: Get out. Get out, move south,” he said. “Because we will not stop in our activity to eliminate the Hamas terrorists.
“We will move forward. We will advance and win, and we will do it with God’s help and with the help of our heroic warriors.”
[emphasis mine]
Israeli military says it has ‘encircled’ Gaza City
Nov 2nd, 18:32 GMT
Spokesman Daniel Hagari added, “The concept of a ceasefire is not on the table at all – the [Israeli military] is waging a war to dismantle Hamas.”
He called Gaza City – the largest city in the besieged enclave – “the centre of Hamas activity”.
Hagari said Israeli forces were “attacking Hamas outposts, headquarters, launch positions and launch infrastructure” and were engaged in “face-to-face fighting”.
The UN says about 300,000 internally displaced Palestinians are still in the north of Gaza.
[emphasis mine]
Israeli tanks ‘pushing towards’ Gaza City’s downtown area
Nov 2nd, 19:11 GMT
Safwat Kahlout, reporting from central Gaza
Israel is … pushing tanks towards the downtown, specifically towards the al-Shifa Hospital, which is located in the heart of Gaza City. This is from the north side of Gaza City.
From the southern part of Gaza City, the Israeli tanks [are] already stationed at Salahuldin main road, and they are advancing or pushing towards the coastal road known as Rashid Street.
We learned from witnesses who managed to flee or to escape from Gaza City towards the south, that thousands of people from the north of Gaza City itself now are heading towards al-Shifa Hospital, seeking shelter.
Heavy exchange of fire is taking place between fighting groups and the Israeli tanks that are trying to push forward inside the downtown.
[emphasis mine]
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astrojulia · 1 year
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All about Gemini
As people I know, I have family, co-workers, crushes... There's quite a lot on the list. In my humble life before astrology, I swore they were cardinals as Gemini always approached me first and yes, it took a while to record that no, they were mutable LOL. In my experience with these people, they are people with active lives who are doing several things at the same time and who like to talk (and gossip too, but that's ok, where I live it's cultural 😆). However, they are not people I've had contact with for a long time and we always end up moving away as time goes by.
As a general energy, I cannot escape it, but it is that of duality. The angel and the devil, death and life, the yes and the no... Even If in my list of colors of the signs (which are made with the intention of bringing the strength of the sign in your life), I see Gemini like black and white. Simple but effective, it transmits its message effectively. This duality also reminds me of the air itself... we know that it exists and it is proven that it exists... but it is not visible, or smellable (you smell something, but not the AIR itself)... I say this because the occult sciences are ridiculed because they have no concrete proof... and neither is the air. This lack of proof, but still existing, reminds me a lot of Gemini (Am I spacing out 😆).
As always, I need to say that when I write in the post, I need to put what the experts and the most important astrological community say and think, because I am responsible for every word I write, but here I always say that it is just my point of view, my studies and my evolution, because I’m the type of person who always wants to be better the next day. So let me tell you this: for me there is no underdeveloped aspect! For me, the underdeveloped part will always be our “Shadow self” that will appear when we most need to defend ourselves! Underdeveloped is our deepest instinct and we need to look at it as a Digivolution and not a Pokémon evolution (nerd references!!!).
Gemini is known for their agility and quick-wittedness. They are always on their toes and ready to respond to any situation that comes their way. This is a valuable trait to have in a fast-paced, ever-changing world where quick thinking and flexibility are necessary for success. However, their constant alertness can also lead to impatience. Gemini can sometimes become restless and easily bored, always looking for the next exciting thing to capture their attention. This impatience can cause them to jump from one thing to another without fully committing or seeing things through to completion. Exhausting their minds and bodies in this process.
It says it's okay to have multiple talents. You know, in the world of work there are two ends (just like Gemini LOL), the one that says you need to be an expert in one area and the other that you need to know a little bit about everything... I won't go into detail on this subject, but when they say that Gemini never goes deep into anything but does a little bit of everything I don't see it as a negative aspect, their versatility is their individuality, but I won't sugarcoat them, they can be scattered.
They don't take things to heart, as they are more emotionally cool and mental, I'm not saying they don't feel because everyone has feelings and I already made a huge post talking about it... But they take everything more to the "professional" side " of things and not for the emotional and that makes them show in the exterior an aloof and uninvolved personality.
As I mentioned earlier, those born under the Gemini zodiac sign are often friendly and sociable individuals. They have a natural ability to connect with others and are often drawn to situations where they can engage in conversation and communication. However, communication does not only refer to verbal exchanges; it encompasses all forms of expression, including art. Their social nature makes them a social butterfly, and they often enjoy interacting with a wide range of people. They are incessantly talkative and may find it difficult to remain quiet for too long. Despite their talkative nature, Gemini individuals also have a strong listening ear. They are often interested in hearing what others have to say and may have a knack for putting people at ease in social situations… because you know, they are the Mutable Air… they’re receivers.
It can be said that the great love of this sign is freedom, they are an air sign, which has no barriers, and this gives them a natural inclination to explore and move around freely without feeling restricted. Their ruling planet, Mercury, also adds to their need for movement, communication, and change. While this free-spirited nature can be an asset in many ways, it can also make it difficult for Gemini to settle down and commit to a specific path or person. They may find it challenging to stay in one place or focus on a single task for an extended period, preferring instead to keep their options open and maintain their sense of freedom.
Geminis are known for their broad range of interests and their natural curiosity, which often leads them to acquire a vast amount of knowledge on various subjects. They have a sharp intellect and a natural gift for communication, which allows them to express their ideas and thoughts articulately and confidently. However, their wide range of knowledge can sometimes make them appear superficially opinionated. They may hold strong opinions on a variety of subjects, but their opinions may lack depth or nuance due to their tendency to skim the surface of a topic rather than delving deeply into it.
And last but not least, they’ve a light-hearted nature and the ability to infuse a sense of fun and playfulness into many aspects of their lives. They have a youthful energy and a natural curiosity that can make them seem lively and spontaneous, yet this lightheartedness can sometimes border on silliness and immaturity. They may have a tendency to engage in childish or frivolous behavior, which can sometimes make it difficult for others to take them seriously or view them as mature individuals.
So, in other words:
At their best, Gemini can be:
Intelligent: Geminis are naturally curious and have a thirst for knowledge. They are quick learners and have the ability to absorb information rapidly, making them knowledgeable and well-informed individuals.
Versatile: Geminis are adaptable and can easily switch between different roles and situations. They can be chameleons and fit into any environment, which makes them great team players.
Sociable: Geminis are outgoing and love socializing with others. They have an innate ability to connect with people from all walks of life, making them great communicators and excellent networkers.
Humorous: Geminis have a great sense of humor and can always make others laugh. They have a quick wit and can find humor in any situation, which makes them a joy to be around.
Resourceful: Geminis are skilled at manipulating the system to benefit themselves and others. They have a knack for finding creative solutions to problems and can think outside the box when faced with challenges.
At their worst, Gemini can be:
Deceptive: Geminis have a reputation for being two-faced and dishonest. They can present different personas to different people, making it hard to know who they truly are.
Treacherous: Geminis can be disloyal and untrustworthy. They may betray others' trust and use their knowledge and connections for personal gain.
Loud: Geminis can be talkative and sometimes dominate conversations, making it hard for others to get a word in edgewise.
Manipulative: Geminis may act nice to people they normally ignore just before asking for a favor. They can use their charm and wit to manipulate situations and people to their advantage.
Scheming: Geminis may constantly scheme and plan, even if it means backstabbing others. They may talk behind people's backs and use gossip to manipulate others.
As the third sign, Gemini speaks of our first desire to get involved with the other. The first two signs of the zodiac, Aries and Taurus, are associated with individuality, self-discovery, and building a foundation. It is with Gemini that we realize that we are not alone and that we need to express ourselves as well as understand, that's why he is also changeable, because first we listen and join a group and then start to put our own ideas.
We already made it clear that Gemini is the mutable air sign with all the communication parts already said LOL. But I see the air element of Gemini as the thirst to learn, to listen to improve, to also question all the world's problems because they are the ones who receive the information and need to improve it for the next ones.
Gemini individuals are known for their intense curiosity, but this curiosity can sometimes lead to distraction and a lack of focus, which can in turn create feelings of anxiety and self-doubt. However, the key to overcoming these challenges lies in embracing the symbolism of your opposite sign, Sagittarius. By focusing your concentration and attention on your greater goals, and by integrating with the energy of Sagittarius, you can transform any sense of dispersion into a powerful union of forces that will help you achieve your objectives and find meaning in your pursuits, ultimately leading to a reduction in anxiety.
As the ruling planet of Gemini, Mercury's influence can be seen in a number of ways. First and foremost, Mercury inspires Gemini's innate curiosity and love of learning. Those born under this sign are often quick-witted and able to absorb and process new information rapidly. They enjoy exploring new ideas and engaging in intellectual discourse, which can help to satisfy their need for mental stimulation. Mercury is also associated with communication, and as such, Gemini individuals are known for their excellent communication skills. They are often great at expressing themselves verbally and in writing, and are skilled at adapting their communication style to suit a range of different situations and audiences. In addition to these qualities, Mercury is also linked to reason and rationality. This can manifest in Gemini individuals as a tendency towards logical thinking and a desire for clarity and order in their thoughts and ideas. They are often able to see things from multiple perspectives, and are skilled at finding solutions to complex problems.
Now the association with the tarot, the suit of swords is a suit that in my view is kill or die, there is no middle ground, this energy of yes or no is Gemini. As The Magician, you can see all the duality he has, he can be alone as well as have an audience in front of him, he is surrounded by red roses (feminine) as well as white lilies (masculine) and his robes follow the same colors, it connects the high, the divine with the material and all these opposites connect it with a sign. As for The Lovers, I can already say that in the Marseille tarot and in the Rider-Smith-Waite tarot these card meanings are totally different and that is totally Gemini for me, but it talks about choices as well as people, again, the yes and the no.
Gemini men are often seen as charming and charismatic, with a quick wit and a love of conversation. They tend to be outgoing and sociable, and are often skilled at making connections with others. They may have a tendency to be restless or easily bored, and may enjoy pursuing multiple interests or hobbies at once.
Gemini women, on the other hand, may be seen as intelligent and independent, with a strong sense of curiosity and a desire for intellectual stimulation. They may be skilled at communication and may enjoy engaging in debates or discussions with others. Like Gemini men, they may also have a tendency to be restless or easily bored, and may benefit from pursuing multiple interests or hobbies simultaneously.
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“Os astros sempre nos Acompanham” by Claudia Lisboa
“DEPTH ASTROLOGY: An Astrological Handbook”, Volume 1, by Gargatholil
Servant of the Fates on tumblr
PSD by wildfireresources on deviantart
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passthroughtime · 6 months
sunday six time B)
wow! what is it? me, posting sunday six ON SUNDAY? unthinkable, and yet
thanks for the tag, @ohayouasagohan! i'm early, so now i can tag more people, hehe. hey, @fragilitease, @mike----wazowski, @woundedheartwithin, wanna play? c: and you've already been tagged, but @four-white-trees, @overdevelopedglasses, @fire-tempers-steel, i wanna poke you too!
i should start sharing less lines from my wip because i hope to finish the chapter in a... couple more weeks, before the end of the year, if i'm lucky, and i don't want to post too much of it atp >:( but, well... yeah.
He made it easy to hate him, but for Yagami it felt like hating some distorted version of himself. The main difference was that Yagami had been lucky. No one really abandoned him, he wasn’t (completely) guilty in the end, and he had an opportunity to redeem himself and make amends with people he hurt. Kuwana, in his turn, was left with nothing but his guilt.
If Yagami was in his place, he would’ve eaten himself alive. Without anything to hold on to when guilt was weighing him down, and nothing in the world having any sense anymore because your actions led to another’s death, what would Yagami be left to do?
It was the question he avoided since they had met with all cards open for the first time. Maybe, Yagami thought, he’d do something like that as well. Maybe he, too, burnt too bright to not do something before he’d turn into ashes.
In some sense, he did exactly that when he had decided to dig into Hamura’s case. And he did it again, burying himself deep into Mikoshiba’s murder. It was the same story of ardent need to do everything he could.
He had been motionless, uninvolved and indifferent for far too long, with far too painful consequences. They both had.
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kookieswan · 2 years
Red Light - Black Sheep
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Nightmare!Hoseok x Psychologist!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Genre: Horror!AU, Monster!AU, Psychological horror as well
Warnings: Not much going on since it’s their first meeting, it’s pretty tame tbh! Mentions of slightly creepy looking Hoseok lol. It should be noted that this story will contain themes of horror/psychological horror and also explore obsessive behaviors and codependency. Many characters are morally gray. Please be warned!
Notes: Got LOTS of requests for Red Light! I will thank @pamzn for inspiring a portion of this though! Also, I’m curious to see if people find the little “aha” moment in here teeehee. This drabble will likely have a Part.2 of Mc actually assessing Hoseok ♥️
This is the 3rd part of the Red Light series. Find the Masterlist here ♥️
“You’ll be charged with handling multiple Nightmares, not just one. We keep them in separate cells, some close together, some not. You’re meetings with them won’t always be in the same location though I’m sure.” You walk partially behind Doctor Williams as he speeds down the hallway, explaining this and that over the clicking of your heels. The facility is larger than you expected it to be, going underground much further than you thought. But like a good new hire, you nod along before speaking up.
“What exactly is it that you’d like me to do? I get that I’m here to talk the Nighmares, but I’m unsure what you’re expecting to learn about them based on our interactions.” The hiring process for the job was curious from the start, perhaps a tad bit on the concerning side. However, it was the first real offer you got after getting your license and so you felt compelled to take it.
“We want to better understand their psyche in every way possible. How they think, feel, act. It’s clear that they have violent dispositions, but we want to know why. Of course, you’ll be expected to take notes and come to your one conclusions as well.” Understandable, considering they could be a huge threat to the rest of the world should they choose to. Williams stops in front of a large locked door, scanning his ID badge to open it. You shift from foot to food, adjusting your own freshly made card that’s attached to your breast pocket. You don’t have as much access as him, but you can get though most of the building in your own now.
“You think I’ll be able to understand the complexities of a Nightmares mind? I mean no offense, but I’ve studied the human brain, which itself is complex enough. The Nighmares however… They seem to be a whole different world from what I’ve read.” Extensively read, perhaps to a level of going overboard. Williams just nods as the door opens up slowly, revealing a mostly white room to you with what looks like two cells. One looks to be empty, the other…
“We are aware. You’re fresh out of your studies though, your mind not muddled by your own experience yet. Now, to get you started, I’ll introduce you to one of our Nighmares. There’s quite a few down here, but there’s a select few we’d like you to know more intimately.” He leads you into the room, the security guard stationed inside muttering a greeting but keeping himself uninvolved. If the other inhabitants of the room notice the sudden feeling of unease, they don’t say anything.
Standing in front of the cell, you peer in, feeling like you’re at terribly managed zoo staring at a caged animal. The Nightmare sits inside of the cell on the floor, head down, legs crossed. They doesn’t move an inch, the wings on their back gnarled looking, almost as if they’re broken. Williams taps the material of the cell a few times, an oddly happy smile on his face.
“This is 061318, one of our most… precarious, a black sheep if you will. Do not be worried, this cell is completely secure and there’s no way for him to get out.” Continuing to stare, your note that nothing besides the wings really look out of place. He has arms and legs, a torso, hair on his head. His clothing resembles a prison jumpsuit almost, except it’s a pure white tone instead or orange.
“He looks more human than I thought he would.” Many of the depictions you had seen had looked rather demented, but you suppose this whole place is demented enough to make up for it. Your words actually make Williams chuckle, the sound ugly and unsatisfying to your ears. He scrapes a nail down the cell, the sound internally making your cringe, and he steps back slightly to gaze upon 061318 himself.
“It’s what he wants you to see at this moment. Nightmares can shape shift at will within reason, this is the form he seems to take on usually though, give or take a few changes. The others have their own forms, all different.” Again, you nod silently. There’s no way you can drawn any conclusions yet, not having talked to this man yet. Or the others for that matter, you’re sure they all have very different perspectives.
“May I speak to him?” The idea leaves your lips before you can think on it, but it’s not a bad one, you’ll be getting to know many of them soon hopefully. Williams shrugs before opening a small hole in the cell, perhaps what the orderly’s deliver food through.
“061318, our new psychologist would like to speak to you, stand at attention.” He doesn’t make a move though, sitting in the ground still, looking toward the floor. One of his wings twitches slightly however, so he’s at least heard Williams. You step forward, leaning toward the small roping to speak up.
“Hello, my name is Dr. _____. I’ll be your new psychologist.” You say it firmly, but not in an unfriendly tone. Sure, you’re not here to makes friends, but there’s no need to be rude to the Nighmares. They’ve done nothing to you, and are essentially prisoners here.
“My, my, they’ve brought a young one in this time. Pretty too, I’m surprised you want to work in such a demented place.” The low tone of his voice shocks you, almost like a growl but with a lilt of satisfaction in it. You huff out a laugh, causing Williams to look at you like you’ve got two heads. If you’re going to learn about him, you have to understand first.
“I think it’ll be a good experience for both you and me, a change in scenery one might say. Don’t you think so?” He must, because he looks up sharply from his lap. High cheekbones, defined jaw, dark black eyes and a heart shaped mouth. The Nightmare is as beautiful as he is terrifying, a mixture you’re not sure you’re going to like down the road.
“Oh, I think you and I are going to get along just fine, Doctor.”
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gotylocks · 1 year
Why Willow is my favorite show of all time (and why I'll miss it)
When I was a kid, I watched a lot of Disney princess movies. As a deeply closeted trans girl, it was one of the few things I could reliably watch that could technically be considered "girl stuff", but didn't carry the same bullying as other "girl stuff". Those movies made me fall in love with fairy tales, but they weren't really what I wanted from those stories.
It frustrated me to see the damsel, always waiting for a man to come save her. It frustrated me that they couldn't be the hero of their own story, sidelined and uninvolved, rarely the focus of any character development. This was worsened by the fact that I was also a closeted lesbian, as the overwhelming straightness of the romances on display never connected with me.
When I was a kid, I loved fantasy stories. Swords and sorcery and dragons and elves, it was all so exciting to me. But it fell into a similar trap as the fairy tales. It was rare to have a girl in the lead who I connected to. I read the Lord of the Rings books, but I didn't have the same connection to them as most people.
Something like Xena, which was very interesting to me, was tough to get into because being in the closet made me feel like I wasn't allowed to watch it, which is something I still regret. But I always wanted a fantasy story about a princess I connected to, that was more interested in swords and adventure than boys and ballgowns.
When I was a kid, I loved Star Wars. I was enraptured by this combination of fantasy and Sci-fi, filled to the brim with mythology and lore, with relatable characters at the heart of it. A story that showed love and compassion was just as, if not more, powerful than brute force violence. But it was also a story largely centered around men, as Leia (strong as she was) often sidelined from the action.
When the sequel trilogy started, I saw Rey as a chance to get the Star Wars story I had always wanted. But it soon became apparent that was not the case, as everything was made to be about the men of the story, be it Kylo Ren, Luke Skywalker, or Emperor Palpatine. She was never allowed to be the driving force, to become her own character, and by the time the trilogy ends, she is right back to square one on her journey.
You might be thinking, what is the point of all this preamble? What are you going on about? This is about Willow. Specifically, the Willow show. I bring up all of that background to impress upon you why Willow means so much to me and why I am so heartbroken its story has been cut short.
From the opening scene after the prologue that explains the events of the 1988 movie, we are introduced to Kit Tanthalos, a brash and cocky princess, and her long suffering best friend/sparring partner, Jade Claymore. From the moment they remove their masks at the end of their sparring session, you can see the romantic tension between them, barely contained. At this point, I knew better than to get my hopes up about anything happening with that, but it was still nice to think about.
Then we learn more about Kit and Jade. Kit is being forced into a loveless marriage with a prince from a neighboring area, purely for political reasons. She isn't happy about this, but is willing to do it for the good of the people, as long as Jade is there with her. But then, it's revealed Jade will be leaving to train with the Shining Legion (a prestigious group of Knights) the day after Kit's wedding. While Kit's outburst at this reveal is described as childish, it's also completely understandable, as she is having her world ripped from under her while she's attempting to do the selfless thing by going through with the wedding.
So she gets selfish, she lashes out, she makes a big scene about it. It's the classic "queer coded princess rejects the marriage" story, but that is only where we start things. After things cool down, Kit realizes she can't go through with it, because now she would be losing everything she cares about, with nothing to gain for herself. Again, she makes a selfish decision to run away, but before she does, there's one thing she has to do before it's too late.
She sneaks into Jade's room in the cover of night, straddles her in her bed, and gives her goodbye speech. Jade knows she can't talk Kit out of running, but still makes a half hearted attempt at it. Before she leaves, Kit does the one thing she knows she wants to do while she can, and kisses Jade. You can tell this is done with years of stifled love bursting through at last. More than that, it is a mission statement from the show in episode 1, that Kit and Jade are in love and it will not be something that is cut around.
But as Kit is making her escape, the castle is attacked and her brother is kidnapped, thus setting into motion the quest. Face untold danger, go beyond the known world, rescue the prince. At last, a story where the princess is the one that has to save the prince.
This would be fine as is. A totally acceptable fantasy story with these character archetypes in place. But it doesn't stop there, as it adds in the rest of the quest party, all with their own baggage and background. But nobody stays the same as they are in the first episode. Everyone has their own growth through this quest.
Kit learns that Jade has been letting her win in their sparring sessions, so her confidence in her talent is misplaced and she needs to learn both humility and how to fight if she's going to save her brother. And humility comes at Kit at a constant clip, starting with the reveal that the ditzy lovesick kitchen maid that insists on going on the quest is actually Elora Danan, the fabled chosen one, and this makes Kit jealous as hell.
Kit is brought down from her overinflated sense of self from the first episode over and over until she hits rock bottom and has to rebuild herself into the hero she's intended to be. She has to work for it! This makes her both flawed and layered, and she's a much more interesting character because of it.
But it's not just about Kit. Jade learns the truth of her family and that everything she's been training for is a lie. Elora learns the truth about who she is and has to grapple with the weight of the world and a destiny she might not live to see the end of. Boorman has to contend with his selfish nature and atone for his past mistakes. Graydon has to overcome childhood trauma to become the sorcerer he dreamed of being. And the title character Willow, as well, is not the one note mentor he could have been, instead fulfilling his own arc as he grows into the great sorcerer nobody thought he could be (while also overcoming his guilt for past mistakes).
That is a cast of six who are all incredibly important to the overarching story at hand, but also experience incredible personal growth across all 8 episodes. Nobody is sidelined. This is especially important when you look at the diversity of the cast, predominantly filled with people who have not been given the opportunity to be the heroes of their own story.
That's why Willow is important to me. It's a fantasy fairy tale with tinges of Star Wars sprinkled throughout, with a grumpy, cocky, gay, tomboy of a Princess at its core. It's a beautiful lesbian romance that isn't always cheery, but feels honest. It's a show with a gay romance in which the fact that they're gay is never a source of drama, is fully accepted by the rest of the questing party (before Kit and Jade, in true lesbian fashion), and is treated the same as any straight romance would be in its place.
It's a story that loves love and loves women. It's a story that tells you it believes that "Love is the most powerful force in the world" and actually shows that's true. It's a story about compassion and care instead of brute force violence and hatred. It's a story about actual found families, and not what the internet has told you found families are over recent years. It's a story about how fun it is to go on a quest.
While I know I could go on and on about this forever, I will have years ahead of me to pontificate about this show. But for now, I hope you understand just why I say Willow is my favorite show of all time, the show I have dreamt of since I was little, and why I'm heartbroken to see it end so abruptly.
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nenilein · 10 months
If you could write a plot idea for a new puyo light novel or drama CD with the newer characters what would it be about? It's a shame there aren't new ones made anymore.
Wheew, there are too many ideas to mention!
Like, for Marle and Squares a story about them jumping between the worlds for some sightseeing and accidentally causing trouble on the way to explore how involved/uninvolved they really can be would be interesting. Or, for the Spacetime Detectives, the fact that they're private eyes means the possibilities for crime mysteries are endless. As I said last post, Rokia's past is also pretty unexplored so I would love to see some stuff about that.
I would love to see a Sega take on the events of Madou 1-2-3 and (A)RS as well, so we can unify the canon a bit. Seeing Satan act a bit more in his capacity as a demon lord would be fun, too.
And for the Fever kids, the exact day Sig transferred to Amitie's class was never explored aside from being mentioned in a journal entry by Amitie. We also haven't seen Lemres' bio family yet, or Feli's hometown, or Ocean Prince's home.... A story that explores Amitie's connection to the "goddess" the devs mentioned would be cool. And Sig and P!Klug actually interacting.
And of course, any story that explores the Suzuran kids + Ecolo is fascinating. There currently is a bit of a gap in them between Ecolo being completely salty at the concept of Ringo having best friends other than him and Drama CD 8, where he's become fully integrated into the Physics Club's dynamics as a friend and clubmate. It would be nice to see the story where he makes friends with Maguro and Ris for good!
So yeah um... Too much there to choose from, really! Ahaha.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
I remember u said u liked soft yandere so can I request promt 68 with Bertholdt? thanks
Food Wars is so weird but somehow I really, really like it...Characters are aged up in here.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsession, stalking, delusions, manipulation
Prompt 68: “You’re all I think about. I always think about holding you, kissing you, touching you, making love to you, breeding you…”
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"Are you thinking about them again?"
The lanky man was thrown out of his thoughts upon hearing Reiner's grumbling voice. He didn't sound very happy catching his friend redhanded in the act of dreaming about you again. Neither Annie nor him could have forseen that the shifter of the Colossal Titan would end up being completely enraptured by one of the trainees inside the walls.
Perhaps even Bertholdt hadn't seen this coming himself and apparently even he couldn't pinpoint the exact time when he had gained feelings for you but disaster had struck before anyone could have prevented it from happening.
"Just a little bit." Bertholdt answered softly, pulling his legs up to his chest. Thinking about you made his chest stir with a warm emotion although he also couldn't ignore the tug of longing inside his heart. It was simultanously a relief and a bit of a torture that you had chosen to join the Garrison instead of going for the Survey Corps or the Military Police Brigade.
Truth be told, he wasn't completely uninvolved since he had been trying to coax you into choosing anything except the Corps. The thought of you being eaten by a Titan had given him severe anxiety and even during the attack where they had killed Marco, he had convinced Annie to keep you as far away as possible.
Commander Pixis had been the final push of inspiration you had needed to decide to choose this branch of the Military and it had lifted a large weight that had been suffocating him for such a long time now.
You were at least safe.
The downside of it all was that both of you had rarely time to see each other so he had been missing you daily ever since joining the Survey Corps. Reiner let out an exhausted smile when he saw the spaced out look in Bertholdt's eyes as his thoughts automatically drifted back to you. He was worried about the condition of his friend since he didn't know how Bertholdt would be able to handle himself after they would finish their mission here. His attachment was on the unhealthy side which even Annie had pointed out sharply. Whether Bertholdt had chosen to ignore her statement or just genuinely believed that his feelings weren't wrong was above Reiner.
Annie seemed fine with whatever Bertholdt was doing since she was only interested in seeing her father again so that left Reiner alone with his concern. He wanted to say something again but stopped himself when he saw the dreamy look in Bertholdt's eyes.
It was useless, he was in his own world. You.
The sound of the creaking of the mattress as Reiner went to bed was distant from his mind as well as the sudden lack of light. The sound of his unwavering attention was a small lucky charm, made out of carved wood. On the day all trainees had chosen their regiment and it had become apparent that both of you would walk on different routes, you had approached him and gifted him this lucky charm you had made yourself.
"Take that with you on missions so it can protect you from Titans. Since we're going separate pathes now, it'll watch over you in my place since you're such a timid guy for your height. Think of me at least a little bit whilst carrying that thing around, alright? Also...don't die on me, Bertholdt."
He remembered everything so well. The fire that had highlighted your faces in a warm and gentle light. The bright and proud grin you had flashed him when you had presented him the gift. The way your voice had wavered and your grin had faltered at the last sentence when you were reminded of the reputation the Survey Corps had and the way your eyes had glimmered with worry and fear for him.
He hadn't been able to see you ever since, both of you were busy working for the part of the military you had chosen. But he had taken this lucky charm everywhere with him, even wearing the string attached to it when he was sleeping. It reminded him that you cared about him and thought about him a bit as well, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered to pour your time into it.
He regretted that he hadn't been able to stutter more out on the day you had given him your present, far too flustered and embarrassed to say much more. He was a coward when it came to confessing his feelings and he couldn't even argue against Annie's dry comments on him that he made himself look like a fool in front of you.
His head was always filled with words of adoration when he was around you but he couldn't form them out aloud to you. He wanted to tell you that he constantly thought of you, that his heart was beating faster whenever you were around him...
"You're all I think about. I always think about holding you, kissing you, touching you, making love to you, breeding you..."
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indigosabyss · 18 days
DCST X Naruto: Convergence Point
"Back from your mission already, Kikumaru-kun?" The weaponsmith asked cheerily when he walked into the shop.
Ukyo nodded, holding up his considerably flatter weapons pack, "I'm looking to replace some kunai. Ran into more trouble than I had expected on the last one."
The man nodded in understanding, "You've probably begun running A-ranks, haven't you?"
"Nope. Still chunin." Ukyo quickly corrected him, moving over to the display to pick out a blade with a good weight distribution.
The weaponsmith made a dismayed sound, and began wallowing over Ukyo's promising future, but it was nothing Ukyo hadn't heard before. He let it all go over his head.
Then, a kid sauntered up to the counter and slapped ninja wire on it. He was so short he couldn't even see over it, but Ukyo didn't pay any mind. Every so often they let genin this tiny graduate. That's what happened to him, after all.
But the weaponsmith glared at the prospective customer sternly, "Only chunin level and above are allowed this type of weaponry. Identification, please."
The kid froze, and ah, he didn't have any. Ukyo watched with the detached bemusement of a person completely uninvolved in this situation as it continued to unfold in front of him.
But then. Something he wasn't expecting happened. The kid turned on his heel and pinned Ukyo with a wide-eyed beseeching look.
"Nii-san, you said you'd buy me ninja wire, remember?"
Ukyo was almost tempted to turn around and see if he was talking to someone else, but the store was empty spare the three of them. And he didn't hear anyone lingering outside.
"Nii-san, you forgot again." The boy accused.
The weaponsmith looked between them, disconcerted, "You have a brother, Kikumaru-kun?"
Now, Ukyo had two choices. Rat the boy out and go on with his way. Or go along with this and buy the ninja wire for him.
In the end, he chose the path of least resistance. (Kids were mean, okay?)
"Yeah." He agreed, patting the boy's shoulder, attempting to inject as much good-brother vibes as he could, "Sorry about forgetting the ninja wire the. First ten times."
The boy sniffed, "That's why I came myself this time. And I want this one."
Ukyo paid for said bundle of wire, along with his own kunai, and the two walked out side by side.
Surprisingly, the kid didn't immediately run away with his prize once they were out of sight of the weaponsmith. He hesitated beside Ukyo.
"I'll pay you back for this." He promised, pulling out a wallet, "Sorry for putting you on the spot like that."
"It's no issue." Ukyo assured him, gladly accepting the money, "But be careful, alright? Conduction wire is dangerous, especially ones designed for lightning nature. Show off to your friends if you want to, but try not to slice off a finger."
The kid gagged.
"I'm not using it for that. That'd be so boring! You wanna know what I have planned?"
Ukyo wasn't sure he wanted to know. But he also wasn't going to crush a kid's enthusiasm like that. (Yes, he was technically fourteen, but also he had twenty four years of a previous life on top of that.)
"Shoot." He finally said.
The kid hopped slightly mid-stride, "Okay, so lightning nature chakra conduction wire is made out of copper, which is super conductive. And I've heard if you run electricity through a coil of the stuff wrapped around some other metal, you can magnetize it. And you know how magnets push and pull with all that awesome force?? I think I can build a motor out of it, Faraday style!"
Ukyo smiled, trying to sort through all that info. No one taught him much science in this world, so he wasn't sure how far along their advancement was. But the kid was clearly knowledgeable about these things.
Wait a second.
"Faraday?" Ukyo asked, his mouth dry.
That was a name he hadn't heard in this world before. Barely recognized it from his own world either, really. But he knew enough to know that it was a name from Before.
Before the Green Light.
Before he woke up here.
Before all of this.
How much did this kid know?
Yes Ukyo's reborn name is meant to be translated as 'Hear Boy'. Puns are my only method of naming things.
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