#thanks to a friend on Facebook who created this and gave me permission to post
caitylove · 2 months
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This was too damn funny not to share.
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jessiarts · 2 years
I just saw your content meme and that shit had me in tears. I'm sorry that happened to you 🥺❤
Thank you for your empathy. I'm sorry that it's happened to so many others as well.
I've been reading all comments and tags on that post. So many write how they have actually lost their enthusiasm for creating because situations just like that happened to them too often. I read one the other day that said they actually gave up writing completely because of it. That's heartbreaking to hear.
This is why we keep telling people to share, not repost, content. It really does take a toll on creators; both to feel your work isn't worthy, and to see that your work was worthy, but apparently not when posted by you.
Story Time (happy ending!)
I remember the first time it happened to me. I had a piece get quite popular, but I didn't know it for forever because someone had re-uploaded it to their own tumblr instead of reblogging it and from there it just got reposted over and over and over again across the internet-- without me. (In fact for years my original post from 2016 only sat at 12 notes. It currently sits at 15 despite being shared hundreds of times across the internet. Who knows, you might have seen it before. If so, Hi! I'm the one that drew it lol)
It wasn't until a friend shared it from a facebook page (not even realizing it was mine) that I even knew it had happened and when I reverse-image searched it I found the hundreds of times it had been reposted. (And if you google "Snape, Snape, Severus Snape -Dumbledore!" it's literally the first image result, and within the first ten if you google "Snape, Snape, Severus Snape meme" or "Snape Sandbox." Unfortunately those results all come from Pinterest. I just searched it again just for shits and giggles for this post and people apparently are still reposting it as early as 5 days ago. Heh.) My sister later told me she had seen it before too, had even thought "Heh, that looks like something Jessi would draw" but because my signature was cropped she didn't know that it had, in fact, been my work.
It's a conflicting, bittersweet, feeling to see that yes, so many people loved something you made, but you never got to see the happiness it brought people it until it was over, that it happened all without you, and knowing it's because someone took that from you. I honestly wondered what the point of continuing to create was if people were just going to steal my work, part of my soul, for attention and just leave me in the dust.
I've told that story so that I can now tell you of a happier story:
I had another post go popular on here. Only this time it didn't get reposted (well, it did from where I posted on Insta, but we're gonna focus on the happy that on here people respected me enough as the artist to not steal it this time lol)
This time I got to interact with everyone who enjoyed it- and it was so much better!
I was able to see how happy the comic made people in real time. I got to engage with people who thought the thing I made was cool. I got to read the tags where people wrote about specific parts that they liked and what made them laugh. I got to meet new accounts that had the same interests and engage with them. I still get notes from it popping up from time to time and every time it lights up my day to see that comic has made yet another person happy.
None of that was taken from me just so that someone else could gain attention using my work.
It was so much better. It actually encouraged me to make more art! I didn't care if it got popular, I was just happy that anyone enjoyed something I had created.
So, for anyone reading this, please: if you enjoy something someone created, please reblog it. Don't repost it.
And for the love of the gods, PLEASE let's all collectively stop giving repost accounts attention for stealing work from creators. They don't give credit, they don't ask permission, and they gaslight creators by telling them that they should be grateful for the exposure when in reality the creators don't get any. Repost accounts only care about exposure for themselves and growing accounts that they'll abandon or sell in a couple years anyway. It's never about the creators with them, they're only chasing clout.
Think about it, they could easily just share directly from the accounts of the creators, in fact it's actually easier to do so. The only reason to repost someone else's work is because you know it'll get your own account attention.
Let's give the attention to the people who actually created the art, not the people who stole the art.
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cyberfairyblog · 3 years
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Why Jillian Sucks
Hi, welcome to Odyssey Mystery Hour! I'm your host @gritsandbrits and today I'll be talking about a hot topic in the AIO fandom! Wanna know the tea? Keep on reading!
In the weeks I started getting back into the radio series, the newer episodes have started to irk me, mostly because of one of the more annoying additions: Jillian. Marshall. 😬😬😬
Even though I ship Jason with my self insert OC this not going to be about her. There's a lot of reasons why I do NOT like the idea of Jillian x Jason becoming a canon thing on the show. I hope to describe these feelings as best I can.
Who is Jillian you might ask?
Well to put it simply, Jillian is what happens when a Soccer Mom and a TikTok boyfriend mate and spawn an unholy baby and name them Rachel Berry. Out of the aspects of Nu!Odyssey I dislike, Jillian is the one thing I truly despise. Thankfully I've met fans who share the exact sentiment! 😁😒
Double-N Annoying, Double-O Nincompoop
Making her debut in 2018, Jillian is described as lively and upbeat, if a little high strung and immature; the perfect recipe for Kid Appeal! Before she moved to Odyssey she lived in different cities and worked nineteen jobs before becoming roommates with Connie and her sister Jules.
Now this is actually a fairly interesting set up: a new character struggling to find purpose only to discover it in a quaint small town. But as it turns out her going through that many jobs seems to be more than just struggling to find purpose.
When I first saw her design my thought immediately went to the smarmy classmates I went to school with.
We're introduced with this iconic line: "Hi!! I'm Jillian Marshall, double-L Jillian, double-L Marshall! It's so nice to meet you!"
With that one sentence I knew I was about to die.
The following episode has Jillian bumbling through every job interview much to Connie's duress after which she conveniently ending up working at Triple J Antiques...the same place Jason works!
A little backstory on Jason: he is the adult son of John Whittaker, one of the show's main character, and a bit of an Ensemble Darkhorse. He was introduced as a secret agent meant to bring action and intrigue into the show. He was set up as a charismatic and reckless sort of guy clashing with the calmer Jack Allen. After the Green Ring Conspiracy Saga, Jason officially retired from James Bonding and settled down to work at the Allen's antique shop.
Given his immense popularity there's understandable concern for how he is written and who he gets paired up with. So what does that have to do with Jillian.
Well, the idea of Jillian working at the same exact place as Odyssey's resident bachelor and calling him cute raises a few eyebrows.
"B-but Grits all she did was call him cute! You're reaching too far into this!"
Am I? Look I know this wouldn't be much of a big deal too but that is a subtle tactic the writers threw in to get the cogs turning for Jillison. Jason is clearly uninterested and even implied to dislike her. Jillian bemoans this but Connie reassures her that that's not the case. But hey at least she called him cute so OF COURSE she's going to end up being his love interest!
To me removing a character's core trait to justify a romance means you do NOT know how to actually write a compelling romance. It's trite, it's forced and painful to listen to.
It's also obvious she's a replacement for Bernard, given they have similar personalities and her brief stint on TV (which she also failed at lol). But whereas Bernard was actually endearing, Jillian seems more of a cliche womanchild with zero self awareness and tact. No actual depth, just a personality that is incredibly dumbed down and even insulting. Seriously they made her the dumb blond stereotype in an era where we should've moved on from that! 🤦
Did I mention she goes to church?
Yep she's gonna be one of those Christians.
Literally Loveless, Literally!
Oddly enough the narrative frames this as a rivals to lovers thing, where Jason is both the charismatic friendly guy and the super uninterested Straight Man. The constant twisting the turning makes him go OOC. See we know he's fit better as the former because that goes in line with his canon personality. But when they make him the latter he just comes off as unnecessarily mean. This is turns frames Jillian as someone we should pity: "Oh the attractive male doesn't like me because I went into his office without permission!!"
Wouldn't it make more sense for Jillian to be the one uninterested in a romance since her focus in to find a job/better purpose and romance might distract her? That would make a fun subplot...IF SHE WASN'T OBNOXIOUS!
A pattern I noticed and several fans pointed out: Jason's previous love interests were consistent in that they were strong minded women who challenged him in different ways. Their personalities bounced off creating a fun dynamic that was entertaining to see. Even though they didn't end up with him, you can still see and hear and feel their chemistry which is my goal for Jason x OC. Tasha doesn't make Jason OOC & they had a bittersweet arc, so their interactions were organic. Monica only made him OOC because she was a villain actively manipulating him. So again that worked in terms of story and led to Monica's redemption if my memory serves.
However, Jillian's dynamic is not that fun to listen to. You can feel her annoying Jason through the airwaves. She's strong but only in the sense of feeling something hard underneath your back laying on the bed and realizing that's just your earbud. She's vibrant yes but what else? She doesn't have any unique traits to contrast Jason, and any attempt at a contrast would mean making him act out of character. Adding her bumbling clumsiness and annoying voice, Jason would get tired of her very quickly. He's the type to go for people to have intelligent conversations with, not make him lose braincells. She could very well bring out the worse in him, it'll be an unhealthy relationship.
Here's a tidbit worth mentioning: the VA for Jillian actually auditioned with Jason's VA Townsend Coleman. Now that is big ass red flag right there! No hate towards the actress, just throwing that out there. There's also a facebook page dedicated to Jillison. Typical FB stupidity ramped up to eleven, or AIO fans who see something in Jillian; or at least THINk they see something worthwhile in her.
It doesn't help the writers keep insisting that these two go well together. The audience knows they do not work well as a pair but the narrative keeps insisting they are anyways. I recall an episode that had them pretend to be married while undercover and it was bad. Like REALLY humiliating to see Jason put in that position. He also told her to shut up much to my joy because she could NOT stop being irritating for five minutes. Alas the show still tries to justify Jillian being the Perfect Woman for Jason when she's anything but. And not even endearingly imperfect.
Follow Up
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These tags I wrote on one of the AIO posts describes how I feel about Villain Marshall and the Jillison coupling as a whole. It just wouldn't work because Jason needs someone that can actually CHALLENGE him, have their own personality that can bounce off his (without being forced), and most importantly DOESN'T AGGRAVATE THE FANDOM!!
I have not met a single person anywhere that say they like Jillian. It's a different story apparently on the Club App - they like her for reasons I'm too cowardly to find out. But no, she sucks as a character. She makes a annoying friend, and is not a good addition to the show, much less a good love interest.
The only good thing she brought us are the nicknames we gave her 😌
That's all for now thank you for tuning into the Odyssey Mystery Hour. Next week I'll be talking a bit more about my OC Vanessa and her role in the world of Odyssey! Goodbye and make sure to lock your doors to prevent Jillian from coming in!!
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thenaughtyguy · 3 years
Dying Love
*this is a fictional story, matching any of its characters with any real person would be just a coincidence, and the place name and date have been just used to make it look real.
I think I should pen the dying love of two and a half years.
Let me first tell you something about the protagonists of this story, I, Mayank, 18 at that time, my hometown is Burhanpur and I study in Bhopal, and my hero, Virat- he was 20 at that time, he is properly from Bhopal.
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It started on 27th November 2018, we met on Grindr, we both were new on that app, I was still exploring what is gay, what is bisexual, what is straight, I had never seen any porn, so I was totally unaware of sexual stuff, even today I'm untouched of all those things, I just knew was that, I feel attracted to boys and I never feel the same for girls. I got one friend who was member of QueerMitra, he helped me in knowing my feelings, I was graphic designer and content writer for them for few posts, I was trying to find my seniors and batch mates on that app, and one day- it was 27th November, (Exactly one month before I started using Grindr), a guy sent me "hi", I didn't know how to chat with people, after all I have got my first smart phone and I was not used to it. I sent "Hi" too. I said I'm in MANIT, 1st year CSE student. He said he is commerce student. he was 20. everything was going very nice. I had no knowledge of sex... I was just looking for someone with whom I can talk on my personal topics. so pics never mattered for me, so I didn't ask. but he sent his pic, I was shocked to see, I said send your real pics, he send another one, He was looking so hot, I was unable to believe, for few days I was offline, I came to Burhanpur, It was winter vacations for 1 month. One day I opened Grindr, and He never asked for my pic, he asked for my number and I gave him, I have started sharing everything with him, I had ordered my laptop, and again I was offline for few days, my laptop arrived on 5th December, and I was very happy, on 6th December, he texted me "hi" on whats-app, he sent me his pic, but I never believed on him, we talked after everything, I was very happy because of laptop and I was facing problem while starting it, I was updating him with every single thing, those days are literally so memorable to me, I was a lil kid.
Then on 7th December we made a call, I heard his voice, it was so mesmerizing, I asked him, do you sing, he said how did you know, actually I had become fan of his voice. I used to laugh so much, I was so happy, there were no words,  just my blushing and happiness and laughter that he can listen to. I was so happy while talking with him, But always I had to go to terrace, and as like always, it used to be night time, so darkness and he never saw me, even I didn't believe on his pic, I never had dp too, so everything was like blind date, I was not using Grindr then, one day we made vc, but it was terrace and too dark, he hadn't got to see me, but I had seen him, he was so handsome and exactly the same as I saw in his pics. But I was fan of his voice more than his looks, and to be honest in our whole journey, I never praised him for his look, just I praised him for his voice, he used to love singing and cooking, so I started having interest in cooking, I used to ask him for recipes.
In no time he had become my very good friend, my secret box, and the surprising thing was he didn't had seen me, on 30th December I clicked one selfie and edited it, and keep it as my dp, he saw me first time in that edited pic. and even today I have the same dp on whats-app, I think it is the sign that my heart is still waiting for him.
Then I came to Bhopal, but we didn't met in real, we just used to talk day and night. everyday my first message used to be "gm" and last message -"gn and tc"
Whole day whenever I got time we used to chat, soon he got a job in Dainik Bhasker, he got busy, so we chose to chat instead of calling, and as our timing didn't match, he used to reply when he got time.
I was so happy. and finally after 8 months, we met first time in real on 19th July 2019. it was just 10 min meeting, but I remember every second of it. we shake hands, his that soft hands, and his voice was so nice in real, he was dressed up in formal dress, white shirt, black pant, we were of same height, he was looking fit and so cute, but I didn't say a word, I was a kid, I was so much blushing, I didn't say anything but after that, I text him my all feelings, I was so shy to speak out anything. but he was praising me, and the most memorable moment was that hug, he tried to hug me while we were leaving, that soft touch, not a tight hug, just the way friends hug each other, but there was a softness and love in it.
We had become more than a friend to me, we started using love emojis, everything was slow but everything was memorable, we were too happy.
I had learnt graphic designing, I used to be very busy with the work of all different societies, but the messaging was all same, I remember, the whole day, whenever I used to have free time, I used to message him.
He started being busy, his timing of job changed, it was from afternoon to late night 11-12. He used to get tired, so replying every single message become tough for him, but he used to read my all messages, He used to care a lot.
Even every Sunday he used to go job, he didn't had a fixed day for holiday, it could be any day in a week, so it become tough for our meeting.
We started having little bit of fighting much often, always it was me who used to get mad at him and he used to be so busy that he didn't even understand that I'm mad at him. Actually I was in love so deep that I couldn't able to get mad for long time and finally I myself had to approach him. I could understand but really not having time for me. He used to say, I'm busy you can search someone for you, I won't be mad. That single sentence was too enough to feel his care.
But still I'm a human, I used to get mad at him because he was not having time for me.
For me, he was the only person whom I could say everything, whole day I used to tell him whats going on in my life, but now he didn't had time for reading those too too long messages, he used to say, I'm too tired and I can't type, So I let him go. he used to watch you-tube video before sleeping. Facebook has option to choose what to do after your death, who can access your account, I chose Virat as that person who can access my account after me, there was a option to write down something with that permission and so I wrote one big letter to him saying, I wanted to see him while dying, I wanted to say thank you to so many people, I wrote down everyone's name- my family, my friends, i wrote everything, it was literally a very long letter, It was too kiddish too.
I was in love, I used to create and graphics for impressing him, but he never praised anything, I was not a graphic designer, I'm a coder but I did that for him and he never commented anything on it. But still I tried to do whatever I could do,
There one time came when I started using Grindr again, and one guy started hitting on me, I used to tell Virat everything, so he could be jealous, but was such a rude, he was always okaywith everything.
I start having weak feelings for him
But when it come to choose between those two, I chose Virat, and same thing happened many times and I always preferred him over everyone, because It was not totally his fault, and fighting, getting mad, getting sad, crying all these are just part of love.
He was always special for me but in between a period came when I became more closer to my bestie- Parv, he was my crush but we were strangers in starting, but with time we had come so closer that he become my best friend and then my roommate we used to study together, he was so protective and caring for me, I start feeling for him, I used to tell everything to Virat and while chatting I never felt that he is jealous but later one day when we were on call he used the word "Tumhara Parv", I could feel that little jealousy, I was so happy. but still I was feeling something for Parv. I was so confused because I was feeling something special about two persons parallely.
And soon a day came when lots of things happened, my friends knew about me that I'm gay, they even knew that Parv is my crush, they started teasing me and Parv, everything was so nice, but one day my roommates other than Parv changed the hostel for the sake of study, I was crying like a baby, and in that sadness I speak out everything to Parv even about having crush on him and he said don't tell other friends that he knew it, and in just 2 days my other friends came back, (when todsy I think about it, it looks so dramatic,) now my all friends knew everything, it was so fun, I was so happy, everywhere were just happiness,
But Virat was less involved in it, my friends never liked Virat, they did so many mischievous things for our breakup, but every-time we understood each other, once my friend Hardik hacked my mobile he used to read everything, all my lovey dovey conversations with Virat, then we decided to talk little bit for some time and in those days my friends tried to bring Parv and me closer, Parv become my so special friend but still he was straight, we used to go on long drives and every dream that I have imaged with Virat, was coming to true but with Parv, and in those days Virat started becoming more like my friend than my love and one day I dared my friend Hardik to do whatever he could, and he sent the message to my brother the one which I wrote for my brother to tell him everything about me. I was so afraid what will happen now, but after an emotional conversation with my brother on call, everything got fine, he accepted me, it was a great party time, I was very happy, my friends were more happier than me, but Virat was worried about me, he was worried that problems may come with this, but my friends and my Daa were with me so I had no worries.
One day I confessed my feelings (that Parv already knew) to Parv, he start behaving uncomfortable, I was so sorry for that, but he was afraid of me because I crossed my limits in the text. That day Virat made me a call and said don't worry, he is straight, he was too loving that day, he was treating me very nicely, I was so worried about me, his those lovely words let me move on over everything, and he finally made me smile.
Due to pandemic, we were said to go home, and the day came when I was leaving for home, -17 march 2020, our second meet- and I asked him to come to meet me, he was so angry because I have wasted so much of time that day, he had to go somewhere else, but for me he came, because I was going home, and I asked Parv to empty the room but Parv didn't, he didn't leave the room, It was feeling like, he did it on purpose (I hope it was not jealousy), But Virat himself didn't wanted to come to my room because he didn't want to face my friends those who didn't like him.
so we met in jungle- the MANIT jungle, we had private time there, it was on my demand, because I wanna try something, but to be honest, it was me who denied for something special ( I think you can understand what I mean), because I was afraid of pain (I think you got it, whst I'm saying) but still I had my first kiss, the most memorable moment, I can't forget those moments. then I left for home.
we used to chat, but things were going bad, I used to get angry, I used to block him again and again, It was so  kiddish, I used to unblock and send him message and again block him, so he was not able to reply.
Everything was still nice, becsuse everything was our love, I were not serious about our fight, it was just fun. But suddenly one worst day of my life came- 26th April 2020 - It was the birthday of my di, for me my Di is the most special person, I prepared lots of things for Di, pani poori, cake and lot... I was texting him and updating him about everything whats going on here, but I realized no message is going.
I tried fb, insta, calling, everything but I have blocked from everywhere.
I had tried all different numbers that I had in my home, I used all whats-app but he blocked everything.
No reason- just I was blocked from his life, I cried a lot, for many days I tried many things, then one day he didn't blocked that number and said, he is not interested-- I asked for reason but he said, I'm not interested- might something that happened but he said nothing. I said I will always wait for him, I promised him few things, and I keep texting him, he never seen them, But I knew he might be reading in notification, I never loose hope, But one day that whats-app was blocked, I tried other and it was also blocked, I started using insta, I keep on changing account but he never accepted my message request but I was thing he might be still reading, but I was not sure he might have deleted my message request so I keep on changing insta account, everyday or in few days I used to have a new account, even today I have different accounts to text him, I never loose hope.
It's already 8 months, day night I tried to contact him, I tried to listen the reason, what happened that, that he had to block me from everywhere while before the day, we were totally normal. Then the day came I thought to move on and I started hitting on someone, and as Virat is my bestie too, I used to share everything with him through texts which he never seen, and I’m sure he might be reading everything, he was aware that I'm hitting on other guy,(I was wishing him to come back, I was widhing him to feel jeslous, but nothing happened), and again my bad luck, that guy I'm hitting on, said I'm like a brother to him, And so I thought it is what Bhagwan wants and My new year was spent with him- with Virat- ( that I thought I'll be spending with the guy I'm hitting on but happened something else, I was with the guy I was hitting on on 31st but my mind and heart were with Virat), I texted Virat a happy new at midnight 12, I knew he will definitely see this.
But he never replied.
And what a dramatic situation it was, one the same day, in new year party I had met a guy, I had crush on a him in first sight, but he was straight, I was texting everything to Virat, I was thinking, he might feel jealous, I never thought I will approach that guy, but lil bit flirting and things were going in favor, I used to say everything to Virat, but on 21st April 2021- I got a reply and he said “you are just wasting your time over me”, I replied his all messages with hard words but got softened and I said, “I love  you”, but till the end of conversation, my all hope and my love had come to its weak point. I was broken. But I didn't let myself break, I diverted my mind and that new guy started taking Virat's position, I know it's not easy, But it's on me, I could control my mind to let it think anything.
But later on, I realized he is straight so whatever I’m thinking is impossible, and it’s again a heart break, but it was hurting not because of the later one but it was because of the former - Virat.
I never forgot him, My feelings for him got weaken but they are still in existence.
My heart still says "Virat, plz rok lo mujhe".
Today it's two and half years of our journey that basically started from whats-app, that pic of his that took my heart away. I think it is not dead, it might be dying, it might be too much injured, it could be in comma for some time, but it's not dead.
Because I believe, there is a part of story that is unheard, the story from Virat’s side. After all what happened that day, why did he suddenly blocked me from everywhere? 
It might be just me, who is thinking there is a something that I don’t know, and may be it’s only me who thinks he loves me, and it is possible that he really got bored of me, so he took this way, but if he loved me, I don’t want to loose him, for that lil possibility, I’ll be keep waiting, I won’t loose the hope.
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lightsburnbrite · 3 years
Things We Do for Love: Part 3
(Third part to Such a Thrill and The Devil is in the Details) 
The next morning, Leon left the apartment early using training as an excuse. Instead he swung by Karina’s favorite cafe and got a couple of coffees and chocolate croissants to go. He was able to get the waiter to give out Karina’s room number and he hoped that he’d catch her before she left.
Karina wasn’t asleep, but she had no desire to leave the bed yet. She debated just ignoring the knock at the door but the second one seemed a bit more urgent. Against her better judgement, Karina opened the door when she saw Leon through the door viewer.
“Hello.” Karina looked up at him, her eyeliner and mascara smudged just enough to give her an unintentional smokey eye.
Leon gave a slight nod of acknowledgment and smiled that she was obviously comfortable enough with him to open the door in just a t shirt and underwear. “I need to apologize for Mathea last night. Breakfast?”
“Just for Mathea?” Karina laughed as she stepped aside so he was able to walk through. “You don’t take any ownership in the train wreck of last night?”
Leon waited for Karina to lead the way in. She stopped at a small seating area separate from the bedroom and sat crisscross in an oversized armchair prompting him to sit down opposite of her. “I should have called but I figured you’d say no. Listen, I know I fucked up last night and I should have asked if you’d be ok with Mathea there but I just assumed that he’d be coming with you.”
“Who is he? What makes you think I’m seeing someone?” Karina's tone was strained as she searched Leon’s expression, trying to see if he’d give anything away.
He held his hands up. “Look, you don’t need to be so hostile-”
“Well maybe I don’t like being ambushed, Leon. You show up with Mathea last night,” Karina tilted her head back, reminding herself to unclench her jaw. “She was wearing my wedding dress, and then you keep insinuating that I’m seeing someone. How am I supposed to react to that?”
“I wasn't stalking you, it's just that…nobody knew where you were.” Leon cleared his throat. “Even your brother didn’t know. Sebastian saw a post on facebook that you were tagged in and it said you were his girlfriend. He…has pictures of Elsa on his instagram so I figured it was serious.”
Karina attempted to keep any sort of emotion from coming through but she was infuriated by the idea that he was checking up on her. When Leon only offered a slight shrug, she pinched the bridge of her nose. “We broke up last month but Cos was nice enough to keep Elsa and Ember for me while I'm here.”
“Ember?” Leon sat up straighter now.
Karina retrieved her phone from the bedroom and made a few swipes before handing it to Leon. There he saw the man whom he had become all too familiar with laying on a bed with Elsa sprawled out next to him and a similar tricolored pup laying on his chest.
“I thought Elsa could use a friend.” Leon glanced up slightly and Karina shrugged. “You can go through my phone if you want, I don’t care.”
He hesitated at first but soon scrolled through and saw more pictures of Cosmo and the dogs but also pictures of the two of them. Suddenly it hit Leon that the pictures of the two of them were out an about, at different events and parties, even professional baseball games. Things that they never did together. He remembered back when Karina complained about it and Leon basically shrugged it off.
“I’m sorry.” Leon shook his head and handed her phone back. “I was just so worried when no one had heard anything from you. Part of me just wanted to know that you were safe.”
She gave a slight smile, she couldn’t begrudge him his curiosity knowing it stemmed from concern. “I’m fine, Leon, ok? It’s fine.”
“Just fine? I mean, you’ve practically created a whole new life and you’re only fine?” His voice raised slightly, concern ever present.
Pressing her lips together, Karina took a sip of her coffee. “I needed to make a whole new life, there was nothing left for me here.”
“I was here.” Leon locked eyes with her. “I was here but you left me.”
She held his gaze for a moment before a look of skepticism took over. "Why do you think I left, Leon?"
"I…" He hesitated for a moment, scratching the back of his head. "I still don't know."
“How would we have worked through you wanting kids when I don't?" She managed to keep her composure despite the tears that were collecting on her cheeks. "I still think that maybe I should have just given in because then maybe things could have been normal but I kept imagining me hating this innocent kid and I couldn't live with that. My marriage was over, my family disowned me. There was nothing left for me here except pain.”
Leon looked genuinely hurt by Karina’s emphasis on her last sentence so she decided to elaborate her answer. “I enjoy my job, I have a nice little house, and I spend my time with my dogs. Given everything that has happened, I’m pretty content with my life right now.”
"Were you in love with him?" His voice was low, almost a whisper, as if he was afraid of what Karina's answer might be.
Karina rolled her eyes. "I won't answer that, Leon."
With a heavy sigh, Leon closed his eyes and nodded. "Do you regret it?"
"Regret what?" Karina frowned, confused by his question. "Getting married?"
He only offered a shrug at first. "Everything between us."
Tears continued to stream down her cheeks as Karina shook her head. "You've helped me through some of the lowest points in my life and I will be forever grateful for that. I loved being married to you."
"Would we still be married if I never said anything about kids?" Leon took his thumb and wiped her cheeks before letting his hand fall back down.
Karina adamantly shook her head now. "Don't do this to yourself."
"No, be honest with me." He took hold of her hands and gave a slight squeeze. "I want to know."
She stayed silent for a while before speaking. "I don't think I made a very good wife for you."
"Maus, please just answer my question." Leon's tone became more pleading, partly because he knew what she was going to say.
With the slightest nod, Karina leaned forward and rested her head against his chest.
"We could run away." He rested one hand on the back of Karina's neck while wrapping his free arm around her shoulders. "Just start over."
Karina stepped back and shook her head. "That's never going to happen. I love you, Leon and I care about you tremendously, but you have to realize we can never go back from here."
"Well, I mean not actually run away," Leon let out a nervous laugh before the smile fell from his face. "Why not?"
Covering her face with her hands, Karina let out a heavy sigh. "Where do you want me to start? I will always be wondering if I'm preventing you from being happy, the first thing you did was to turn to Mathea so how am I to be convinced that you will ever be finished with her, and if all that wasn't enough, your family hates me because I left you."
He shook his head and started to protest. "That's not true."
"Really?" Karina let a little smirk lay on her lips, a way of giving him permission to be truthful.
"I mean," Leon hesitated again. "It's not that-"
Karina cut him off by giving him the slightest of kisses before sitting back down and sitting criss cross in her chair. "It's ok, Leon, really. It is what it is."
Leon slumped back down in his chair but frowned. "I don't get it, you say you love me but you're so willing to let go."
"It's because I do love you." She wiped her eyes again. "I want you to be happy, even if that means we're not together. We just want different things from life and as shitty as it seems right now, sometimes that happens."
Covering his eyes with the heels of his palms, Leon stayed silent for a moment. "What if I just want you back? What if want you more than I want anything else?"
Up until now, it seemed like Karina had an answer for everything. Her brow knitted, fresh tears came fast.
Leon stood, a move which prompted Karina to do the same, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling Karina tightly against his chest. "I've been miserable with out you. I don't care what your answer is, I just need to let you know."
Karina didn't respond. Instead, she simply wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his embrace. Finally, she stepped back. "I think you should probably go…before we do something that we'd regret."
"I regret agreeing to separate with out counseling or something, I regret not fighting for you to stay." Leon interrupted, shaking his head.
She sighed as she wiped her face again. "It wouldn't be fair to Mathea…go home, go on with your life."
Leon frowned. "Maus, you're not listening to me."
"If you still feel this way after a few months then…we'll talk." Karina couldn't say it, she had her doubts that Leon would still want her. Instead, Leon simply smiled broadly.
Leon was curious to see how their relationship would progress once Karina returned to Toronto. At first, he was slightly cautious in his advances, sending her memes and the occasional selfie. When Karina started texting him spontaneously, Leon knew things were becoming more favorable for their future together.
Although Leon resisted sending Karina a gift on the date of their anniversary, when her birthday came around, he knew exactly what he wanted to do.
As soon as he got the delivery notification, Leon waited for the call.
He smiled broadly as he answered. "Hey Maus."
"You didn't need to send me flowers." There wasn't a single bit of admonishment in her tone. Instead, he could tell she was smiling as well.
He laughed at this. "I love how you think I'm not going to send you flowers on your birthday."
"Thank you." There was a little sigh on her end. "They're beautiful. The ring too."
It wasn't as though Leon was looking, but as soon as he saw the ring, a cushion cut black onyx surrounded by bezel set diamonds and a platinum band, he thought of Karina. "I'm glad you like it." He grinned again but had no intentions of letting Karina know that. "I've gotta go now Maus, but I love you."
"Leon," Karina started to chastise him but gave up. After a long pause, she sighed again. "I love you too."
Leon continued to keep an eye on the social media feeds of AGO, sometimes he'd get lucky and there would be a feature involving Karina. This morning, there was a picture of Karina and three others standing around a large painting. He smirked at how everyone was dressed in business casual attire and then there was Karina in her black mini dress and studded leather jacket. He felt a pang as he looked her over, he was still very much in love with her and very much attracted to her.
As Leon read the caption, his smile grew. "…AGO would like to thank Karina Müller for her time as acting Associate Curator of European Art. We will miss her as she returns to the Alte Pinakothek in Munich…"
That was it. Karina was coming home.
Leon spent the rest of the day on cloud nine. His training went well and he felt generally untouchable. He checked his phone before he left the parking lot and noticed a text from Karina asking him to call her if he was able to. There was no question as to if he was going to or not.
"Hey, Maus. What's up?"
Her initial hesitation made Leon hold hid breath.
"I…um, I have a favor to ask of you. I know it's asking a lot so feel free to say no. I mean, it's ok if-"
"Babe." He didn't like cutting her off but he had the feeling that she would have gone on for a bit longer if he hadn't. "What do you need?"
"I'm going back to work at the museum. Most of the time I'll be working from home but I'll go in once or twice a week. Nena asked me to come in on Wednesday and I didn't expect to be going in that soon-"
"Come stay with me."
Again, she hesitated. "Are you sure? I'd have the dogs with me. Would Mathea even be ok with that? I know it's a huge boundary."
"I broke up with Mathea as soon as I left your hotel room. I want you, and the dogs, to come and stay with me as long as you need to."
"I can sleep on the couch if the guest room isn't open." Karina had a hint of disbelief in her voice as if she expected there to be some wavering on Leon's part.
"Or you can sleep in my bed." He really wanted to add that she could sleep in his bed with him but Leon didn't want to push his luck. "I'll take the couch."
He heard Karina let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Leon. I owe you."
"We can discuss that once you get here. Call me when you land and I'll come pick you up."
As soon as he got home, Leon got to work in making things ready for Karina's visit. He cleared some space in the closet and made sure there was an extra set of towels in the en suite bathroom before making a list of some things he wanted to get in the shops. He was in the middle of checking to see if there was a jar of Nutella in the cupboard when Sebastian sent him a message in the group chat about going out tomorrow night. His simple reply of can't. busy elicited some smart ass retorts. Leon thought about explaining that Karina was coming home but Marius was included in the chat and it was still up in the air how Marius would react.
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solsticexolos · 4 years
This was posted by a poultry genetic expert and someone I very much admire on Facebook and they gave me permission to share it;
Extreme breeding gives ammunition to Animal Welfare Groups
I've written more often about this, regarding to:
the extreme Serama with backwards folded necks, wry tails and very short life spans
the vault of the skull in Silkies which lack bone material (compared to Polish) and therefore suffer from neurological injuries
silkied naked necks (Show girls now accepted in the EU) in colder climates because the Na/Na animals are stripped of feathers on the sides and cannot keep themselves warm in the Northern hemisphere
frizzled Serama, or even silkied frizzled that cannot keep temperature and die before their time
silkied Serama that are kept outside like normal chickens in the Northern hemispere and have short life spans
lack of freedom of vision in the Silkies of American type (bearded and crested), resulting in eye infections, starvation, and with a vault triple handicapped
leg problems in straight legged birds for height, and therefore lack of bend of hock as in German Brahma and Malay and other large game breeds
Now you probably think or say: NOT in my birds, I have NEVER experienced such things.
Well, let me surprise you, the above problems don't fall out of my keyboard for no reason, you cannot make these things up.
They exist and are extremes, they are deviations from Red Jungle Fowl, the default chicken.
You are not relieved from responsibility only because you did not have this in your birds, if you have these breeds.
YOU are part of the community of breeders. There is a collective responsibility because the ones that want to kill the Fancy, don't know you, yes you as a person, you are nonexistent. Let me explain this.
What does exist is the Fancy as a whole, that is all people who have a few or few hundred (pet)chickens.
The Fancy exhibits at public places, freely accessible to anyone who pays an entrance fee and often that is not even necessary to visit show.
What we see as exhibitors and/or visitors is not always nice, like empty drinking cups, not for 2 hours but for a whole day, dry cups.
Even on huge national shows on the best locations, in the most civilised countries.
No feed, sick birds, birds with injuries, these things are very rare, but do happen. And more bad stuff, "the poor chickens are in small cages for 2 or 3 days, away from home and their friends, what a stressful life they live!"
This, this will be enough for an animal welfare group to make photos and complain at the city council and the rest you can guess.
Animal shows in general are under a magnifying glass.
Animals are not Things, they are living beings. And domestic animals, created by humans over thousands of years too.
Domestic animals and humans are one entity and we are the ones responsible for their welfare, thriving, health.
Till now, the animal welfare groups were only a small problem. Although they caused bigger problems in Germany and Holland before.
If there are excesses in breeding of extreme traits, just like in the dogs, the problems the Fancy faces will grow.
And I, even as a breeder, don't blame the animal welfare groups for their call to stop it.
That is called 'self-cleaning capacity' to keep breeders that cross the line of animal welfare in check.
Not for themselves, even if they perceive themselves as the most important creature in the universe or the god of something and everything, but for the Fancy as a whole.
The Fancy itself is more important than YOU. YOU are not more important than millions of breeders in the world.
And YOU are responsible for the suffering of animals when you stand by and say nothing when you see animal welfare is violated by breeding to the extremes of what genetically is possible without immediately killing the bird.
What is violation of animal welfare?
If you cannot see that, you should not have animals.
The inability to step in the paws and feet of animals to experience their life at your property, means you are a danger to domestic animals and the Fancy.
Perhaps to your fellow humans too.
Breeding domestic animals according to standards of which some are more than 180 years old (that is 5 to 6 human generations!) and are part of our cultural biological history, is a huge responsibility.
If you think you and your ego are more important than animal welfare and the history of domestic breeds, go collect stamps, you are part of the problem.
It is known people are extremely selfish and conscienceless when it comes to CARE for other creatures when that care has to compete with their ego and entitlements.
Do you like people who laud extreme breeding, hoping they breed a more disabled (in my eyes) bird than the bird in the next cage?
People without a conscience?
It is sick behaviour and it is suicidal.
For the Fancy, if that is of any interest for those people who often don't think further than "I do what I want on my property in my time for my dime", immediately followed by "me, me, me."
This attitude is what causes most problems today, everywhere.
Since I see the EE (for overseas readers: The European Poultry Organisation) is taking a more lose approach towards the overwhelming amount of chickens bred into the extreme, I want to call breeders to take responsibility.
Just like the extreme environmental changes, there is a way to stop extreme excesses and lack of moderate use and that is extinction of humans.
The planet will not suffer from that fact. It will balance out and life continues till the sun dies.
The same is happening with the Fancy. Although the EE is keeping a watchful eye on animal protection groups, the latter are becoming more and more powerful.
They do have sometimes reasons though.
Let me be clear I am not an activist, I promote fun, joy, thriving and health for both humans and chickens. What I write here is common sense.
Facebook already banned advertisements of animals. You want more restrictions? Eventually no chicken breeding at all, apart from industrial hybrids?
Because industry controls the money, so the governments, so you are only a little blood mite somewhere in a dark corner in a coop of society, regarding your voice.
Industry already attempted to kill us, during the first massive outbreaks of bird flu.
The Fancy is threatened by external forces since the early 2000s, don't give another threat, the animal welfare groups, ammunition to whipe out the heritage of the 6 generations of grandfathers and -mothers before us.
Thank you for reading, enjoy the holidays and spend as much time with your birds as possible, take (a lot of) care.
Sigrid van Dort"
(Posted by Sigrid van Dort,
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noramoya · 5 years
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• TrayC — I love to tour.
BACKGROUND FOR THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW : Pearl Jr is a 'journalist' who states she has evidence that MJ faked his death. She has made 3 DVD's with her 'evidence' which she sells to naive fans. One of her main arguments is that she's spent thousands of hours on the phone to Michael himself, who she claims is Peter. Peter comes to this site to try to recruit people for his own forum. I don't think he has claimed he is MJ but he does creepy stuff like posting collections of rare memorabilia (which some people think is stolen), and mimicks MJs voice. (He sounds ridiculous but this has not stopped Pearl and thousands of lonely, vulnerable women into thinking that it's MJ). He has not disputed Pearls claims. He goes on live chats on his forum and many of these women seem to think they are in some kind of personal relationship with him. He has fairly large followings on twitter, facebook and his forum. Both of these people, in my opinion, are batshit. A few years ago, a group of fans exposed who he really was, a guy who has spends his life mimicking MJ. This is the first time I think he has been exposed in a live chat. What happened (what I posted in the other thread):
• Xscape —*The dark thoughts in your head*
“TrayC, Thank you so much for bringing this info out in the open. This has truly gone on way too long.
It is the intent of Peter Midani and his followers to throw Pearl Jr under the bus, claiming she is the only one responsible, but Make no mistake.. Peter Midani admitted on LSA to giving her permission to share their conversations so he knew very well what she was saying and promoting.
I know people who buy into this whole labor of love lie but hear me out. If Michael was discovered alive by the mainstream, what would happen.. Especially to the person he decided to reach out and go public to... That person is set for life... For bringing Michael back to the world. Seventy five thousand dollars is chump change compared to millions and millions of potential income if the risk panned out.
Pearl may be crazy but She ain't stupid. And Using the argument of being biased against Peter for sounding similar to Michael to certain people, again is not logical when 99.9% of impersonators and tribute artists have no qualms nor problem about their real identity known and, in fact prefers that, so no misunderstanding happens. Peter uses his Michael like voice to seduce young girls who are MJ fans into cyber or phone sex with him. Plus, because of what Pearl Jr has promoted him as, they think they are involved with Michael, in a secret life.
Please... It's fake ! Glad to see him busted, although I am sure another claim of being hacked and stolen identity will come up. And these people buy it because they're that desperate thinking they are close to Michael somehow, even when its not him . Crazy ! Also, He supports Shana ! Thanks again Tray C :) Thanks Thanks 🙏🏼 Hugs! Hugs! — April 29, 2018. “
• SellingOutSouls — 24KCoughDrop
“I wouldn’t really worry about it. The very few stans that give her the time of day are usually from foreign countries and struggle to understand English.” — 04/29/2018.
• TrayC — I love to tour .
“Yeah, you're probably right. I'm more concerned about the 12k people that follow Peter tbh. Many of them young girls ... “. — April 29, 2018.
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“This is the Pearl Jr of “Wink wink.Nod nod... Michael Jackson is Alive” and Peter Midani is Michael Jackson on various platforms. I only point her out because, for a friend, Midani is a lousy one, willing to throw her under the bus for this when he gave his permission and has seen her videos. He knows what she sells ! In other words, They’re both in it, like peas in a pod ! — April 29, 2018.”
• Angels777 — Well-Known Member
Thank you @TrayC
This does deserve it's own thread for people who either aren't aware of the con-game Pearl Jr and Peter Midani have going on, or who support them and may need their eyes opened. It's so sad that some fans of MJ still continue to fall victim of shenanigans such as this. The best way to show them is to expose them.” — April 29, 2018.
• awsomegirl015 — Minding your business
“Why is it that people constantly think celebrities fake their deaths? Now Tupac is somewhat believable because there was never a real autopsy done. But I doubt Michael is still alive. The whole world saw his funeral”. — April 29, 2018 .
• TrayC — I love to your.
“Because some people find it hard to accept when their fav dies. Especially if they are still young or if under suspicious circumstances. To be clear, I don't care what people believe. I personally enjoy watching videos about conspiracy theories. I do have a problem with manipulation and scamming which I believe is the case here.” 04/29/2018.
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
ROTFLMAO... Let's not give Peter Midani any real followers, Man ! Actually, It is hard to understand ! These young girls and followers think they are protecting and being loyal to Michael Jackson here ! Now, we know this is nonsense... Especially now . But they are convinced, so they are loyal, thinking they are standing up for Michael Jackson , secretly ! This person almost caused the collapse of another MJ fan board with this act, and I know of two girls he flirted with, who absolutely thought this was Michael Jackson ! And this happened when Michael was still living ! Just know.. The two young women I knew were devastated when everything fell apart. They loved him as Michael and it was a betrayal when he turned out not to be, or they began to have doubts. Then, Michael was murdered. How would you feel being unable to confirm or deny you knew someone. Chatted with someone.. And they may be dead ? These people didn't have the truth and no place to go to find it ! The truth is coming out, but it cannot be placed all on Gaz. Now is the time to take a stand and spread this message or share your experiences if you are familiar with this situation. Secrets only keep the lie going, with people getting coin in their pockets off MJ fans ! Let's take back our fan base for each other ! Time for the crap to go ! “. — April 29, 2018 .
• Angels777 — Well-Known Member
ABOUT : Leogirl817 said:’ I don't know how this woman can function in her everyday life!’
“She's obsessed ! Her whole life revolves around this scam. Either she thinks Michael is in the car with Prince following her, or she thinks she talks to Michael on the phone all the time.She screams about talking to Michael (Peter Midani) for over ONE THOUSAND HOURS so she knows he's alive. If you challenge her, she gets smart with you and basically degrades you by calling you names and tells you if you don't believe her then get off her page. She insists that Peter is Michael and continues to do so, even after his real face was recently exposed yet again. Talk about crazy 😜! “ — April 29, 2018.
• SellingOutSouls — 24K CoughDrops
“Woah...WHAT HAPPENED TO GAZ?!! “. — 04/29/2018 .
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“Gaz? He is fine, as far as I know. I don't know him well... I said as I did, because it was like there was a time he was fighting this alone... There just hasn't been much of a system in place for such victims to be able to find the truth and hopefully healing ! Instead, these people are often met with ridicule because they are hard to convince. Letting Peter Midani go, means letting Michael Jackson go, for them... So they stay silent and in the limbo .” — April 29, 2018 .
• SellingOutSouls — 24K CoughDrops.
“I find it incredibly hard to believe people would dismiss GAZ, regarding anything because, despite his falling out with some of his members on MJJC, he’s still held with high regard ! Last I had heard he had exposed Peter Midani as a fraud and the sane majority of the fan base believe GAZ. I honestly feel like regardless of Peter existing or not there’s ALWAYS going to be beLIEvers among us. No matter how hard we try or how many frauds we expose there will still be those who choose to believe in the false hope of Michael being alive. I mean you still have people that number in the thousands that believe Elvis is alive, even though the chances of somebody with the type of health issues Elvis had wouldn’t likely make it into their 80s are slim.” — 04/29/2018 .
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“You're right Selling. Frauds exist. Scams get uncovered... I don't know how these people truthfully face themselves with the way they con people ! Gaz is fine . He still fights the good fight. My statement was about the fact Midani has been doing this, ever since before Michael Jackson died, and Burned a few bridges forcefully with nobody knowing the full truth of who he was ... So these girls were conflicted even more, when Michael was murdered.” — 04/29/20018 .
• BestOfJoy — Well-Known Member
“I think some people are missing the point here. It's not about people believing Michael is or is not alive. The issue here is that "Peter Midani” has been pretending to be Michael for years... going all the way back to MySpace days.He has lured young women (many who are under age) in to believing he is Michael and, in doing so , these young girls have shared very personal information with him- pictures, their address, phone number, etc. I'd like to direct everyone to MJJC's official statement made in 2014 about Peter: OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF MJJCOMMUNITY TO THE MICHAEL JACKSON FANS, RE : "Peter Midani" (Bobby Anderson) .” — April 29, 2018 .
• SellingOutSouls — 24K CoughDrops
“I understand. The problem is, our hands are tied because, these people have been given facts upon facts to prove he’s a fraud, and people still choose to believe in him. You can’t help those who refuse to be helped. I spent a good 5-6 years, after Michael died , trying to keep fellow fans from falling for the schemes and lies of frauds, but eventually realized that, if people refuse to consider the facts they are given to stop supporting these schemers, then they’re getting exactly what they’ve bargained for ! How many frauds have been exposed in the last 9 years alone and, yet, you still have naive MJ fans that refuse to use some common sense and research things, before giving people their trust and many times their hard earned money?Just look at how many dumb ass fans still follow Karen Faye despite the AEG trial exposing her for the “backstabbing c*nt” that she is ! Perhaps it’s because I’ve already reached my limits with age, but I just don’t have the time or energy to keep trying to pull these people’s heads out of the sand to force feed these people the truth, regarding the frauds among the fan community.” — April 29, 2018 .
• CHLOEXHALLE — Public Relations Agent & Lawyer.
“This shit is gonna be in history books about Michael. Mark my words. The "twin soul" shit too. I need to know why MJ fans (particularly women) are always so fucking stupid to believe shit like this ?! And it has nothing to do with age cause some of these people are over 25, and even as old as 40. Edit: Anyway I remember Pearl J from my early Twitter days. The bish was nuts then. I'm surprised she's still going over 6 years later !” — April 29, 2018.
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“In my opinion, I think if one focuses on trying to push anything down another's throat, It will fail. Knowledge is power and can help those people who actually DO want the truth and need support. Like Pearl Jr , for example. Her response was the frame was a mask, but Come on.. It's clear that's no mask. Why would anybody wear a mask in their home on their own computer when they weren't expecting to be seen ? Top that with, he looks rough in this pic. He wasn't planning on it happening ! Karma is a bitch !! But still Pearl tries selling her hand with the mask excuse. Nuts! “ — 04/29/2018 .
• TrayC — I love to tour.
“See, I'm of the opinion that Pearl doesn't even believe herself that it's MJ anymore (maybe she did think it was him years ago)... but she can't back track now, she's gone too far ! It would be admitting that all her 'work' her book, DVDs etc are BS ! She couldn't possibly admit that , without some pretty harsh repercussions. So she will justify any evidence to the contrary. Until the end of time ... “ — 04/29/2018.
• SellingOutSouls — 24kCoughDrops
“At the end of the day, the victims of these schemes have to be the ones to report the fraud ; but even then, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything would come of it, because it would likely fall under a civil complaint and, at the end of the day, some just don’t feel like much will be accomplished, by attempting civil action .” — 04/29/2018.
• TrayC — I love to tour
“Well she claims her work is 100% factual ! That is false advertizing ! But yeah, I'm talking more about her reputation as an investigative journalist. But I guess that's not exactly that high either ! — April 29, 2018.
• SellingOutSouls — 24kCoughDrops
“That’s still something they’d refer for civil litigation and that type of stuff takes too much time and money. It ends up being easier to just cut your losses and never look back ! Now, maybe if enough people organized a class action suit, there’d be a glimmer of hope that she’d be shut down, but it would still rely too much on hearsay and certain unknowns.” — April 29, 2018 .
• BarbaraLee — Well-Known Member
“Interesting ! I remember the statement and the exposing on MJJC, in 2014, and wondered why Gaz cared so much about it... it seemed pretty absurd to me ! But I didn't know Peter had 12K followers and it had been going on for years and years ! Jeez !! — 04/29/2018 .
• NOT ALL MEN — Well-Known Member
“So I have a confession for y'all . For years, before Michael's death, I was part of the King of Pop message board. I, along with other MJ fans, downloaded this program called Paltalk (before Skype, or before the popularity of Skype). Myself and other MJ fans would all gather in the chat . And also, if you had a microphone or headset of some kind, you can actually speak in the chat instead of type. Well, guess who would also be in the chat? "Peter Pan PYT," or "Peter Midani." Often, he'd take the mic and impersonate Michael. And a lot of us enjoyed it. It sounded scarily like Michael ! However, this shit ended up being concerning because there were girls in this chatroom who ACTUALLY THOUGHT that he was the REAL Michael Jackson (this was during 2004/2005). I remember feeling creeped out by all of this. Obviously, it wouldn't really be Michael, but so many girls thought it was ! One of my friends from the KOP board who was also on Paltalk, she was on the phone with one of the girl's parents to tell them that that wasn't really Michael Jackson. Just someone impersonating his voice. She did this while she had the mic on Paltalk. I haven't heard this fraud's MJ's impersonation voice since then, but at the time, I thought he was really good. He sounded convincingly like Michael. Then years later, after I lost my moderation status on the KOP board over something petty, there was a huge thread, there, about "Peter Midani" because there were a few girls on the site who got conned. I don't remember the full story, so if there was anyone who was there on the kOP board at the time, if you can clarify, that would be nice. But, to my surprise, it was the same guy that we're talking about here. But these girls thought it was really Michael. He wrote them poetry, and all kinds of crazy claims ! The gullibility of these women amazes me ! How these women cling on to every dude's saying-and-action, without a thought ?! It's like all senses and thinking skills are thrown out the window, and they're ready to accept and believe, and do the most for him . But, more than that, is that not only has this guy been doing this BEFORE Michael passed, but years after, taking advantage of women and girls. Michael is supposed to be dead (he is), and here ‘Peter’is, the proof that Michael is alive, and taking advantage of these desperate BeLIEvers for his morbid and selfish reasons !And don't even get me started on Pearl Jr. She's an embarrassment to black women everywhere !” — April 29, 2018 .
• TrayC — I love to tour.
“When people wonder how on earth anyone could be so naive as to get sucked into lies like this, it's placing the blame on them, instead of the manipultors. The majority of people who fall into these traps aren't like you, with a normal life etc. Maybe they are children who are too trusting, they could have mental health issues, some people lean on things like this as a form of escape from whatever horrible shit is going on in their lives. This is what is so sad about it ! it's those type of people that Pearl and Peter are manipulating. I know there isn't really much we can do, but it just disgusts me. “ — 04/29/2018 .
• ShalaShalingay — Well Known Member
“ But could Gaz help ? I mean, shouldn't this ‘Peter’ man be investigated by police for soliciting young females online ? I'm sure that must be illegal ! I don't think with freedom of speech that much can be done about the Pearl Jr. woman. I can only imagine the conspiracy talk when it will be his 10 year next year. It will be a circus .” — 04/29/2018 .
• TrayC — I love to tour .
“I don't know Gaz so I dont know. I am not a member of his forum. From what I hear he already tried to do something but I really don't know. A member of MJJC would be better placed to speak on that than me...” — 04/29/2018
• Realtk92 — Unapologetically Real
“In the case of Michael, he was a larger-than-life-figure that ruled the Pop Culture world for over 40 years ! His impact, influence and contribution to Music and Culture was and is something that had not been seen before. He has become an Immortal figure and for many it is very hard to accept he is no longer here anymore. With Tupac, they haven't found the person that killed him and they continue to release new music from his vault. That is why there is speculation around his death. “ — 04/29/2018 .
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“Let me take a crack and try my best to explain. Peter Midani used the same handle he always used as the email Addy to contact him by, that's how its known it's the same person as the imposter on KOPD board. Now of course, Peter cries Hacking, but that's his m.o. ..it's always an imposter, someone else when it isn't. Anyway, a moderator of that board befriended Midani through friends of hers and believed it was Michael Jackson as well. Later on, that moderator was approached by someone having doubts about the situation. This moderator kept the situation under wraps and bullied the person who came to them with their concerns to try and intimidate them into silence. The girl went over the mod's head. Hell broke loose at one point. It's like the one thing you just don't discuss there. People would rather forget. But I am, personally, of the opinion it's a network of people conning and conniving together. They think they got a good act going. Well busted ... EDIT : I want to be clear about the moderator here and note that the person apologized and lost the position over what happened, but went on to better themselves and change their bullying ways.” — 04/29/2018 .
• Awesomegirl015 — Minding Your Business
“According to the NYPD, they found Tupac’s killer years ago and have evidence but, because the guy was killed two years after Tupac, he was never convicted ! It was revealed in the tv series documentary about pac and biggie. The guy pac stomped out that night was the one who killed him. His uncle basically snitched years ago in order to save himself from having to go to jail. Let me see if I can post a clip... (it’s on Netflix). I agree with what you said about Michael , though ... He has become Immortal ! — 04/29/2018 .
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“Michael... It's like... somehow, people forgot he was a human being, regardless of his Talent, Wealth, and Life . He was ultimately destined to do what 100% of creatures of Earth have done and that was have a life span. They bring up he loved magic and illusion. Ok... So did Houdini, people ! It's us that yearned so much for him ! We wanted Redemption and Justice for him , because he deserved a happy life, after all he shared with the world. The world kicked him and spit him out. They’re STILL trying to rewrite his history and erase his true character from it. He deserved better than to be murdered ! To be abused and neglected right under our noses ! And, yet, Michael swallowed the blame as a drug addict, when he wasn't sleeping nights. He was very sleep deprived. But let's take the account of the murderer as gospel truth of Michael supposedly asking repeatedly for sedatives when evidence points to that version being a lie. Michael never woke up after the first sedative was given. That's what the evidence shows. Murray drowned him in drugs. He never had a chance ! It's just more injustice against Michael as ever and repeats in the media. People ignore Michael was murdered ! ‘Nope. Drug addict !’ When Court evidence and doctor’s records and testimony tell another story, the media muted. Typical media ! One day it WILL be set right though. Michael deserves at least that much in his honor ! Anyway, Hell ... You guys are reading this and can see how all of what happened to Michael hurts and angers me ! Well, some just can't come to grips with the idea that Michael was more vulnerable than was known, and was abused and betrayed, repeatedly, by those who should have had his back. A few of these clowns, MJ fans actually still think did right by Michael and loved him, because not everyone followed the AEG trial . This just wasn't supposed to happen like this for him. And Michael was their inspiration in life ! They have to find him again, because they can't feel like they can move on. Some live abused lives ... It’s tragic in some cases ! As a Michael Jackson fan since childhood, I am grateful to have grown up being inspired and spellbound by him. He was a friend, when I had no friend in my corner, giving me encouragement to believe in myself and my dreams. My heart aches for some other answer for Michael, too ... not enough to swallow a lying illusion though. There's been enough lies and crap in this fan base, people picking on us cause they think we’re an easy target ! We still have time to carry on Michael's legacy and pass it down to generations ! “. — April 29, 2018 .
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your-dietician · 3 years
Dr. Steven Edelman on Hypoglycemia + Glucagon – Diabetes Daily
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/dr-steven-edelman-on-hypoglycemia-glucagon-diabetes-daily/
Dr. Steven Edelman on Hypoglycemia + Glucagon – Diabetes Daily
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This content originally appeared on Beyond Type 1. Republished with permission.
By Alexi Melvin
Dr. Steve Edelman, MD, is a diabetes specialist as well as the Founder of Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) — an organization focused on empowering those with diabetes and encouraging them to “take a more active role managing their diabetes, and being self-advocates.”
Dr. Edelman recently took the time to chat with Beyond Type 1 about the importance of glucagon, among other key issues around hypoglycemia.
BT1: Thanks so much for speaking with us today Dr. Edelman — to start, can you talk about your personal background with type 1 diabetes?
Dr. Edelman: When I turned 15, I came down with all the drastic signs and symptoms and was diagnosed with type 1. 1970, they really were in the dark ages. So, my doctor put me on one shot of insulin and regular in the morning and we had urine testing and that was it. Could you imagine being on regular insulin just with breakfast?
And then eventually when I was an undergrad at UCLA, I ran into some really good diabetes doctors and they got me on the right track, but I did have really poor control for a long time. I didn’t really realize the importance of it. Unfortunately, as a result, I do have complications, but the good news is they’re stable.
What inspired you to create TCOYD?
It dawned on me that the education to people with diabetes was really quite lacking way back to 1995. I went to the Joslin clinic for my training. I went to UCSC to do clinical research, and I realized, all of the education was just going to healthcare professionals.
Not that it wasn’t good, but that’s the only direction it was going. I decided to put on a conference for people with diabetes at the San Diego convention center in September of 1995 and that was the beginning of TCOYD. And I was just going to do one conference here. I had two young kids and so I was just going to do it once a year. And that was a lot of work. But the feedback was so powerful, and people were, it’s a great phrase, so thirsty for information that I just said, “you can’t just stop at one a year” and then slowly spread. And then we started putting them on around the United States.
I felt that it was still important to educate healthcare professionals and about 15 years ago I kind of gave up on healthcare professionals. They were really stuck in the mud, really hard to change their practice habits, so that’s why I focused on patients. Then about 15 years ago, we started this program called Making the Connection, where we brought people with diabetes and healthcare professionals together in the same learning environment. The healthcare professionals got their own lectures in their own room at the convention centers and patients got their own, but in parts of the day, we brought them together. It was all in an effort to improve the doctor-patient relationship because our system is pretty broken. People are pretty pissed off at their caregivers. And if you don’t have trust in your caregiver and if the caregiver doesn’t have empathy back, it’s a bad combination.
So now we do our CME programs in parallel with our patient programs, and now we converted to virtual and I think we did a really good job. I don’t get much credit myself. If you’ve seen some of the crazy videos we do to try to keep education entertaining. I think we have a combination of good content and entertaining. I think the future’s going to be virtual learning for us. We have a conference on Saturday and we have people signed up from 60 different countries, about 3000 people across the United States, every state.
What sparked your desire to bring awareness to hypoglycemia and the need for glucagon options in particular?
A lot of people do not remember that in the old days there were people dying of hypoglycemia and it still occurs. Thanks to the continuous glucose monitor (CGM), it has gone down dramatically. I haven’t had any patients recently pass away from hypoglycemia, but I’ve had 10 people through the years, and they all were the same. They all had really good control. They were told a zillion times that they need to avoid complications, get their blood sugars down, but we didn’t have tools to prevent severe hypo. After having type 1 diabetes for 10 years, you kind of lose your response to hypoglycemia and you lose your symptoms. It’s really a sad thing.
What are some of the main issues that lead to severe hypoglycemia today?
Being a diabetes specialist, I see some pretty serious stuff all the time including people who failed at using the old glucagon kit, which delayed therapy and caused unbelievable hassles. I also have an uncle who had type 1 and he died from hypoglycemia and he had severe hypoglycemia unawareness. He had no complications of diabetes. He was treated at the Joslin Clinic when he was diagnosed, but he was so strict. I could not get him to back off like my other patients. And he basically got low and didn’t realize it. And that was it.
How have glucagon options progressed?
With the old glucagon kits, you had to be almost like a chemist to put these things together. And think about it, the person administrating and getting the glucagon ready to give, they’re typically not medically oriented. They’re the mother, the sister, coworker. And you’ve got to squirt diluted fluid into a little vile of powdered glucagon, mix it up, make sure it’s all dissolved. Then you got to suck it back out into the syringe. Then you got to take the syringe and jab it into someone on the ground that’s typically having a seizure or biting their tongue or rolling over, or demonstrating pretty bizarre behavior, which can occur. And when someone’s like that, time is of the essence. Anything that could make the quick administration of glucagon in an easy way for almost anybody, no matter what type of background is, is so important.
What would you say is the biggest obstacle around glucagon access today?
I think the biggest issue today is people do not have a valid prescription for it. I always have this analogy, if you have a house or an apartment and it gets robbed and they steal everything that’s important to you, what do you do next? You get an alarm system on your house. And I always say that same analogy. If someone’s had a bad hypo, they always have glucagon with them, but they did not have one at the time that they really needed it when they had a bad hypo. So, we have to really say, “Yeah, it can occur even if you’re on CGM, especially if you’re a type 2 on insulin as well,” cause that happens. And you got to have a valid glucagon kit with you, a valid meaning unexpired. These new glucagon kits last much longer. They don’t expire as fast as the older ones do, so that’s also helpful.
What are some ways that the CGM can most effectively help avoid hypos?
Well, one of the things I do in clinic is to really check where people set their upper and lower alerts. I had a patient yesterday in clinic who has had type 1 for 60 years. Her A1C is unbelievable, but she does have hypo unawareness and her lower alert was 65. You have to convince people that the extra alerts are worth it to you.
A lot of people said they put their lower alert at 65 and they don’t realize this situation called the “lag time.” So, when your blood sugar is dropping, even if you have a diagonal arrow down compared to, even worse, one arrow down or two arrows down, looking at the Dexcom arrows, they don’t realize that the glucose in your circulation is probably much lower than it appears on the Dexcom monitor or your phone. Because the Dexcom sensor and other sensors too, they measure the glucose in the subcutaneous tissue, and there’s a lag between the subcutaneous tissue and the circulation.
When your Dexcom goes off or when your CGM goes off at 65, and if your trend arrow’s going down, you could be 45 or 40. So that’s really an important issue, especially for people that their symptoms aren’t as obvious anymore. You could be caught off guard. And I had multiple patients that has occurred with. And then unfortunately, as you know, the majority of T1Ds in this country do not wear a CGM and that’s the topic of a whole other story.
Does this lag time issue apply to a regular glucometer as well?
Yes. If your blood sugar is dropping, your meter or CGM may be perfectly accurate of the subcutaneous tissue at 65. If you checked your blood sugar with a meter, it’s still going to say 65, but your circulation that’s going to your brain might be 45. So, the lag time is key. You could have the most accurate meter or CGM in the world, it doesn’t affect the lag time.
Is there anything else that you would want people to know about glucagon options that you don’t think is discussed enough?
I would say this, people have to ask their caregiver for it because in a busy clinic, it’s typically the last on the list and it’s important that they ask for a glucagon prescription.
I think they need to know that there’s two now that are just as easy to use as an EpiPen. Obviously, one is the nasal spray (BAQSIMI). But these devices aren’t for them, they’re for people who are going to be around them and that they should get more than one if they’re going to be at work or out of the house a significant part of the day. And have their best friend or their coworker be on the cautious side because when you least expect it, it can happen.
Post Views: 35
Read more about A1c, baqsimi, continuous glucose monitor (CGM), Dexcom, hypo, hypoglycemia, insulin, Intensive management, joslin, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), Taking Control Of Your Diabetes (TCOYD).
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rndyounghowze · 3 years
Susan Cinoman’s “Period Piece” Draws First Blood With 36 Storytellers and 12 Performers
@periodpieceplay Gave us a wide range of stories on a topic that is usually just seen as “lady problems” @susancinoman @kcdirector
By Dana and Ricky Young-Howze
Los Angeles, California
Venmo: @rndyounghowze
Review 224
We were prepared to let this night of short plays about periods pass us by. Period Piece conceived by Susan Cinoman was a hot commodity with a rolling list of performers every night that spanned the space of three weekends. Try as we might we couldn’t get permission to the first or the third nights. Then we got an invite from Kristina Wong, one of the performers in the show, who came through for us right at the buzzer. While we didn’t get to see all three weeks we came in with certain expectations. None of those expectations came out with us after the show. This team of theatre artists led by Director Karen Carpenter went on to wow us in every single way. Let’s start from the beginning...
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Better Than Elephant Dung
By: Jacquelyn Reingold
Reingold set the tone by having a super tampon to start the night. Geneva Carr is someone who has been on our radar for a bit and the way she made the character both relatable and funny was a real feat. It makes me laugh even now to think that the one thing that The Man of Steel can’t handle is the thought of period blood. It served to highlight the frailty of toxic masculinity in a fun way.
Cramps Services
By: Maria Elena Rodriguez
This was the first time we saw Kristina Wong acting in a show that wasn’t hers and it was so fun! It showed the kind of range and comedic talent that makes her one of our favorites. The play highlights the fierce dedication and technical knowledge needed to supply every person that menstruates with the products they need to just get by. This is usually a world that is invisible to the cis males of this planet. I love the way they lifted the veil. Using the backdrop of buying for craft services was genius. The hierarchy of chips to pads is something I wasn’t ready for.
Prayers To Menstruatia
By Destry Spielberg
One can often define their period by things that they can’t do. Can’t wear what you want, can’t go out where you want, the pain! It was really great to find a writer that was willing to put these things in the context of a new found freedom. Finally able to go out during the pandemic then hit by the period gods. However if feeling powerful and beautiful is embraced nothing can stop you. Destry explores the things that have been gained at the end of the pandemic and it is more than water weight.
Waiting on Womanhood
By: Ngozi Anyanwu
I really resonated with this one. Bleeding must mean death. If it doesn’t you must at least be punished in some way by the patriarchal system. The part I really resonate with is that being a woman means being watched with all these eyes on you. Candace Boahene gave us a remarkable performance that packed a lot of heart into a very small space. Ngozi created a scene that gave us the perspective of another culture in the capsule of a young student wondering about the future. Growing up could prevent her from doing and being all this young girl could be. It was important to put in to context periods globally.
Day 22
By Rhiana Yazzie
Kimberly Guerrero is very funny yet very frank in this piece. Not many people see their period as their friend. For some people it may be their oldest friend. No matter what you think you definitely do notice when it’s missing. Thanks to Yazzie for shining a light on how hyper aware people who menstruate are about any and all things period.
Way More Scary
By: Nicole Lynn Evans
Add this to one of the subjects that we didn’t think were going to be covered during the evening. Ricky’s mom is in a chair and was raised to be very proactive and proud about periods. This was very familiar and very cathartic and honest. Nicole Lynn Evans spared nothing from her straight and to the point take on the issue. When we talk equality and rights our disabled people often get left behind. Periods add another layer to that. We need to be open and honest about periods and disability to make change.
Zooey Deschanel Wants To Save The Cows, And I Want To Know Why My Abdomen Hurts
By: Jaimie Jarrett
We loved seeing a trans period moment. Jaimie Jarrett was killing us with lines like “trans is just a fun way to misspell trauma”. As two beings that fall under the trans umbrella we really appreciated it. In fact we were really expecting a lot of “bleeding equals female” in the night. I’m so happy that this show went out there and got the perspective of all people who menstruate and talked about the PTSD and the physical and mental toll dealing with this can have on them, on us.
Glorify! (the messy parts)
By: Christina Anderson
Sometimes plays need to bring up chicken dung to get their story across. Adriane Lenox took us wonderfully from rescuing a wedding dress from period blood (that’s a horror story and a half) to bringing us a charming story about throwing crap. We love seeing Black female professionals onstage and we are so grateful to have seen her.
A Really Good Lubricant
By Lally Katz
Now all of us know that sex and periods are fabled far and wide to be mutually exclusive. Others think you have to make a mess to make it any fun. Carissa Kosta sold this monologue of a woman walking that knife edge of not wanting to disappoint a potential lover but also really wanting him to leave. The part that gave Ricky chills up their spine was Kosta saying “thank God” at the end. The last thirty seconds of the play told the entire story. It was really one of the strongest of the night.
Flash Of An Eye
By Elaine Romero
Ricky has known some gymnasts and thinks that they are the most serious athletes alive. Carmen Carrera struck all of the notes you get from a gymnastics coach: dead serious, brutally honest, but also supportive. Romero painted us a great picture of a world that showed us the dark side of what most people call a dainty world. Stuff like using Tampons to keep uniforms clean, describing the massive changes going on in young athlete’s bodies, and even addressing the superstitions of their parents show that this is a different and crazy world than what we see on ESPN.
Interview With A Punk Goddess
(A fable 4 bloody sisters everywhere)
By Caridad Svich
I had no idea what a punk goddess is before but now I’m wondering where I can sign up. Caridad Svich made being a bloody beautiful monster seem so cool! Lauren Patten nailed the piece. You have a woman in a job interview which should be one of the worst places to get a period. Instead she flips the script and becomes a powerful being who tells people what she wants and that they’re going to give it. Amazing writing.
All The Shades Of Red: 13, 35, 45, 46
By Sarah Ruhl
We can’t even begin to tell you anything about miscarriages. We don’t even have the vocabulary and the language to talk about it. Sarah Ruhl pulled back the curtain on this dark and intimate world. Jessica Hecht was the perfect person to act as our handhold through the different moments of a life and how periods fell into it. Sarah Ruhl showed how our lives can be marked by these weird red milestones, the toll they can take on us, and how we look on the other side.
It’s a shame that we still need to have a feminist equality conversation around how humans bleed. That fact that this is a touchy subject for some, intimately personal for others, and a thing to be reviled by the patriarchy in the twenty-first century is atrocious. We’re so glad that these artists came together as one to address all the different intricacies around this issue. Every piece of this night was unique and different. In our experience it has been rare where we see a showcase with each piece centered around a theme and it does not hit the same monotone note every time. I was expecting a lot of “I am bleeding hear me roar” but it wasn’t that. In fact it hit a lot of different notes. We were so afraid that it would not encompass the whole spectrum of people who menstruate and it did. We were so shocked and relieved. Here’s to a show about periods and blood exceeding our expectations.
Check the Project Out For Yourself Here
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magzoso-tech · 4 years
From Quarantine Songs to Funny Police Clips, Social Media Is Helping Beat Coronavirus Blues
New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/from-quarantine-songs-to-funny-police-clips-social-media-is-helping-beat-coronavirus-blues/
From Quarantine Songs to Funny Police Clips, Social Media Is Helping Beat Coronavirus Blues
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We’re into week three of lockdown in India, and all around the world people are practising social distancing and spending more time at home — and on the Internet — than ever. People are turning to social media to share, to vent, and also, to create really fun memes. At the same time, the platforms be they Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok, are also taking steps to make sure that their users stay informed, stay safe, and stay home.
Misinformation during a crisis is a serious concern, and different companies are taking a number of measures to help — from Wikipedia, which has a special project about medical misinformation, to WhatsApp, which recently limited the ability to share frequently forwarded messages, while others like Snapchat and Instagram have launched new filters and new stickers in order to reduce the virality of fake news, much like staying at home is supposed to flatten the curve of the virus’ transmission.
Fighting misinformation on social media
To combat the spread of fake news, Facebook recently introduced a Corona Helpdesk Chatbot to offer relevant COVID-19 information, and WhatsApp followed suit with a similar WHO chatbot for verified information around coronavirus. Facebook also activated a Community Help feature to allow people impacted by the coronavirus pandemic to reach out for help from their community.
Twitter is working with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and various State Governments to upskill various departments on COVID response management. It has enabled state-wide COVID-response accounts, and has also published a Twitter list of key police accounts for latest and credible information on the 21-day lockdown. TikTok has plastered a COVID-19 button on the top right of its app, and it takes you to live stats of coronavirus cases and deaths, and information from credible sources regarding coronavirus. Snapchat launched the ‘Here For You’ tool aimed at providing relief to users who may be feeling anxious over the coronavirus pandemic while staying isolated from their friends and family.
Finding fun, in the time of coronavirus
On the flip side, these same platforms have also become a place where you can take your mind off things, and find a little relaxation in the lighter side of life, with memes, funny songs, and skits. Celebrities, influencers, and even official police accounts have been using social media to spread information mixed with humour, and getting people to think about social distancing, washing hands, and staying at home.
For instance, the Punjab police made this creative TikTok video urging people to stay at home:
Hashtags like #gharbaithoindia and #coronavirus are trending on TikTok, and popular creators are making videos asking people to help with the house work and spend quality family time. There’s a catchy rap song that has gone viral too. Some videos on TikTok are also just plain-jane hilarious, giving us the giggles in these times. The ones we particularly liked can be seen below:
Thanks to social media, we now live in a world of memes. The internet mafias out there, with their incredible humour and on point sarcasm, do not fail to disappoint – even during these dark times. What’s probably the best is officials using memes to spread awareness. Here’s Nagpur Police preaching social distancing on Twitter:
Here are memes around coronavirus that were just plain funny:
Several YouTube songs about the coronavirus have also cropped up, and while some are downright hilarious, some do strike a chord. Muskarayenga India – an upbeat song to lift the spirits of an anxious nation was also released recently. It features celebrities like Ayushmann Khurana, Kartik Aryan, Kriti Sanon, Bhumi Pednekar, and many more. It comes with a subtle message, “Phir muskarayega India, jo saath denga India.” The video can be viewed below:
Rapper Emiway Bantai, who has over 10 million subscribers on YouTube, also released a song titled ‘Khatam Karona’, and this video spreads the message of staying at home.
Sandeep Ranade, creator of an iOS exclusive app that helps people train themselves in classical music also published a catchy song on his YouTube channel that went viral. It even managed to impress AR Rahman, who shared it on his Instagram page. “I recorded the song on the evening of March the 19 and then uploaded it to YouTube. I then shared it on Facebook and sent it to a few friends and family members on WhatsApp soon after,” Ranade told Gadgets 360. “I realized something’s different, when, in just a few short minutes, my phone started ringing off the hook and people from all over the world were calling and messaging me, telling me it made their day and gave them strength, asking permission to share it to their social media, and even permission to use the song to dance to! People then started messaging me saying they just received my video from their friends on social media. That’s when I realized that the video had truly gone viral and seemed to really be resonating with a lot of people. The inpouring of love and blessings was overwhelming. As an artist, I couldn’t ask for a more rewarding outcome.”
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Learn French with stories - Storytelling in French for self-learners.
Twenty years ago I was probably where you are now: struggling to learn a 2nd language (French in my case).  I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t remember how to write new words that I had just learned, forgetting the pronunciation and the spelling.
All my teachers would say the same thing to me: “you spell the word the way it sounds, you just sound it out, that simple”. I would sound out the word and still get it wrong and it was not simple.
Right after a teacher said a word, sound, or played an audio cassette (yes, at that time mp3 did not exist); I could reproduce it.
Reproduction of a sound and facial expression, I learned that technique from my brother who would mimic me as a child. Now I’m a master mocker.
I remember those expensive textbooks, the reading and writing exercises that we had in class which were so boring, I struggled to pay attention.
“What’s wrong with me!”, I would scream in my head to myself.
I enrolled in so many language classes that I could have paid for a new car. Always thinking it was the teacher, the school’s fault etc…
I was so frustrated that I gave-up several times trying to learn French.
That was until I decided to move to Paris in 1997.
I enrolled again in a new language class in San Francisco, but this time I was more focused, more determined, because I wanted to live and work in Paris.
I made it through a whole class, learned some vocabulary, but still unable to speak nor hold a conversation.
Let’s not talk about my pronunciation...
I took a leap and planned my moved to Paris, “I’ll master it when I get there” I told myself.
Fast forward to 1999, I found a job and needed to really work on my poor French conversation skills. So, I enrolled in Institut Catholique in Paris, a six month program.
That is when I learned, at the age of 24, I was dyslexic.
My teachers had no solution for me and just gave me this advice: “You need to work harder”.
And that is what I did.
I took the bull by the horns by researching and testing different techniques on myself.
I was my own little guinea pig.
How and where would I start?
I started with what I like doing in my free time. I love illustrations, colors and stories. When I was in California, I loved hanging out with friends on the beach at night in front of a bonfire, making s'mores and storytelling. We would make up all kinds of stories.
I would alway remember the stories afterwards.
Humm…. I remembered the stories.
That was my first clue that led me to go to the public library in Paris.
At first I tried magazines, novels etc.. but that wasn’t easy for me, it took too long (I have a short attention span) and I got so tired of translating every word. That’s when I went into the children's section of the library.
Colors, illustrations and not a lot of texts in a book. I was hooked.
I was able to pick up simple phrases that I could remember and reuse for later conversation with people. Also, I was able to understand the context in how grammar was used in French. Plus learn about real French places and regions.
The best of all it was fun and entertaining.
I would lose myself in these stories and their vivid settings, this is immersion at its best. I’d later move on to watching cartoons in French.
Some of the other students in my class would laugh at me because I had kiddie books, and not reading on the same level as them. But I didn’t care, I was remembering and was able to start speaking French freely.
Fast forward to today, I am now fluent in French.
It’s my 2nd language. I can speak my mind freely and conversate with anyone on the street, in a cafe and at work.
The Power of Stories.
At that time when I was <strong>self-testing</strong> different ways of learning French, I didn’t know that different scientific research had proven that stories do something to our brain. It engages the entire brain and activates several brain areas that regular learning techniques cannot reach.
According to research you will acquire more vocabulary and grammar if you engage in meaningful ways with the language you’re trying to learn.
There is also a method created by Blaine Ray, a spanish teacher based in California during the 1990’s, called TPR Storytelling (Teaching proficiency through Reading and Storytelling).
This method is based on teaching foreign languages that builds upon scientific research. This can take a variety of forms from reading aloud to acting out a story and singing.
“I don’t read, I just look at pictures“ Andy Warhol.
This was my old saying, I used it for years.
What is exciting about learning anything through a heavy textbook (even the tiny ones without pictures)? I used to hate to read, that was until I re-discovered children’s books.
I was easily engaged through the narrative contexts with illustrations and thus finally fell in love with reading. Can you believe that?
So, I get you if you feel that reading is not important to learning a 2nd language, nor if you don’t like to read or write. I was once where you are at now.
Your wish is my command.
Over the past six years I’ve been making videos on YouTube, I get many requests on: “How to learn French?”, “I’m dyslexic too”, “What technique did you use?” etc… “.
With the help of my natural born French Husband H.B., we have set out to create storytelling videos of children's stories in French.
How are our storytelling videos different from others?
We are not looking for well-known children's stories translated into French. I don’t know about you, however I’m tired of The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks and The Three Bears translated into French.
Sorry but I know the story already and so do YOU. Plus you don’t learn about French culture and everyday life from these stories.
And where are the idioms ????
We are looking for those diamonds in the rough. There are lots of great children's stories, French authors and illustrators in France.
However, if you don’t know where to look, how do you find them?
That’s where HB and I come in with our Storytelling’N French (learning French with stories). We’ll curate children’s literature that is easy for self learners (like me).
The best of all, it will be read by HB, a native French Speaker (no worries, don’t want you to pick up on my american accent).
Test it yourself ! One technique from many.
Imagine using this technique to learn a language like French.
Imagine reading through a story in French, learning new vocabulary along the way, and recalling the tiny details easier.
GO test yourself!
The only way to know if your brain will accept the French story with open arms is to test yourself. Don’t just take my word for it, you can definitely make use of this tool, too. And it will be a fun and “un-boring” supplement to your French language studies.
Our first Storytelling ’N French is now online :
The Bee and the Garden Spider (Abeille et épiere) by Emile Vast, with the permission of éditions MeMo, Nantes France.
First watch the video (10mins):
Second, read the blog post here: “Storytelling ‘N French Bee and Garden Spider (Abeille et Épeire) by Émilie Vast ” on the video so you know how to use the video in your French language studies.
In the comments below, I’d love to hear from you.
So, please share:
Have you already tried this technique before?
How did you feel afterwards, and what changes happened in your language learn process?
What’s keeping you from doing these simple exercises?
I love learning about new techniques in self-learning.
Please share yours!
If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Facebook.
Would you like to get MORE personal?
MORE intimate details, to my no-bull-shit perspective, on surviving in France (life, work, relationships and more). I will write you two lettres (letters) per month. Yes, the old fashion way. Sound cool? Then sign-up to une lettre de Rachael.
Thank you for reading and adding your perspective to the conversation! See ya in the comments down below .
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inquiringquilter · 5 years
Wednesday Wait Loss 112
Welcome to Wednesday Wait Loss. Please share what you’ve been working on!
First let me tell you what I've been up to
On Saturday, I reviewed my latest acquisition: a wool pressing mat. Are you thinking about getting one? Click here to learn more.
Yesterday, my Partners in Design released Block 2 of the Sew Let’s Quilt Along. I’m not sewing up every block this time, but I am providing tips for making each block. This time, I’ve written up a tutorial on printing on fabric! Click here to learn more about the block—where you can download the free pattern, and my tips for making it.
Meanwhile, I’m working like crazy to get my Island Batik March Challenge quilt done! Come back at the end of the week to see this beauty. I think you’re going to love it.
Well, that was my week!
Now let's see who made this week's feature
Here are my favorite posts from last week.
First up are my fellow Island Batik Ambassadors, who shared their March Challenge quilts. The challenge is to take inspiration from a vintage quilt and make something new and boy they sure did!
Vicki @ Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting shared her table runner inspired by the classic Dresden Plate block. Love those flowers!
Gail @ Quilting Gail shared her quilt, Stars on Ice, which was inspired by the vintage block 54-40 or Fight. You have to read the history of this wonderful block!
Karen @ Quilts Etc. proved that frugality can be oh so beautiful with this table runner made of scraps.
Anja @ Anja Quilts shared her version of Noodlehead’s Cargo Duffle pattern which is a free download. If you’ve never made a Noodlehead tote or bag before, you simply must! Their patterns are wonderful.
Here’s my version of the Open Wide Zippered Pouch by Noodlehead. Another free pattern!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting recently completed her Gypsy Wife quilt. Isn’t it stunning?
Finally, Melva @ Melva Loves Scraps shared blocks she’s making for two different quilt alongs. The first one is a Shamrock block for A Time for All Seasons. I’m Irish, so of course I had to feature this block!
Melva shared the Irish Blessing in her post, which is a favorite of mine—especially the choral version of the poem. I’m thinking of it a lot because we used it in my sister Pat’s funeral program. In addition, we recently lost our family priest (the brother of my sister-in-law and my brother Joe’s best friend) to cancer. Father Glenn was the very best of priests—kind, loving, giving and full of laughter. He was a parish priest, priest for our International Airport, and the priest for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. He was nicknamed the “Priest in the Pits” because he actually worked on several teams, changing tires, spotting, and doing whatever he could to keep his hands in. My brother who used to work for IndyCar is the one who gave him that bug.
He had two lovely funeral masses, each featuring the song and of course lots of shamrocks!
Melva also shared these Ocean Waves blocks, from the Adventure Quilt qal.
Congratulations ladies! Here's an I Was Featured badge for your blogs or to simply print out and wear with pride! Thank you for supporting my blog!
I’m not sure how to link up
Need help? Click the Wednesday Wait Loss tab above to get step by step instructions on what to do. You can link up a blog post, a photo from Flickr, Instagram, or Facebook, or a photo direct from your cell phone provided it is low resolution.
Time to link up!
Now it’s your turn to link up your works in progress and recently completed quilts! Here are some quick reminders about the linky party:
By linking up, you give me permission to grab a photo or two to share here on Wednesday Wait Loss.
This linky is all about encouragement, so please visit a few of the links and leave a comment.
If you’re uploading a photo from your phone/computer, leave a comment below that explains your project. And for the rest of us, please reply to a few of these comments leaving words of encouragement for a quick finish.
Please link back to my post somewhere in your blog post or use @inquiringquilter and #wedwaitloss to tag me in your Instagram/Flickr post.
If you link a photo from Facebook, please mention @InquiringQuilter and my Wednesday Wait Loss.
I appreciate you!
As you know, I use InLinkz to run my weekly Wednesday Wait Loss linky party. To link up, you’ll need to sign in using Facebook or Google+ or create a username/password for InLinkz.
I’d really hate to lose you over this change because we have such a great weekly group! If needed, you can send me your images via email and I’ll add them manually.
Important note!
If you would like to link up a photo from your phone or computer, you need to enter an URL or InLinkz will not let you proceed. Use this URL
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter
Linking to several fun quilty linky parties.
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Tell me..what have you been Working on this week?
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Week 5 Artist's Way Check In. What an overwhelming week! I saw that my artwork "Woman Praying" was stolen by an author Robin Griggs and used on her book Broken:2B or Not 2B That is The? as well as t-shirts, banners, posters, website, and social media. Robin did not receive my permission to use my artwork and I did not receive any monetary compensation. I received an enormous amount of support from my friends and other artists and writers. Lots of helpful suggestions on how and where to file copyright infringement reports. The majority were outraged that happened to me and many recommended into finding a lawyer. Which I am looking into. I so far filled copyright infringement reports with Amazon, Facebook, and the webhost Squarespace. Amazon said they received my report and will get back to me in two days. Facebook responded and agreed Robin violated my intellectual property rights and since Robin's Facebook Page Broken has been removed. Thank you so much for everybody who helped me and agreed my intellectual property rights were violated. Thank you for every post that gave me resources and direction on what to do. Thank you for everybody's encouragement and support. I felt so powerless in the beginning but all you have empowered me to stand up for myself. Thank you all who encourage me as an artist. I am writing a memoir "Mohican Forever!" and I created a Mohican Forever! Facebook group to create a community to support my creative journey creating this book. Topics to explore is Native American culture, Mohican tribe, mental health, art, music, movies, plus more. To join https://m.facebook.com/groups/569917896550491 My Morning Pages are always inspiring. My Artist's Dates were watching YouTube videos from YouTube stars. Still working on writing my writer's business plan. I have been researching business articles and webinars. I haven't made as much progress as I like because of the whole protecting my artwork that has been going on.
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altarflame · 7 years
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I recently mentioned a friend of mine who is helping Syrian refugee families get settled in the greater Miami area (in this post). These are her words and pictures from Facebook, shared with permission, and all so beautiful: 
“So this happened tonight. Muslims, non-Muslims and recently resettled Syrian families all gathered around the table. Our first south Florida Syrian Supper Club. I really don't have words. Maybe they will come to me in the next few days once I've digested this spectacular evening a little bit more. These (first two) are photos of us after dinner, listening to the Syrian families tell their stories. The best part? When they said that although they've been here for seven months, this was the first time they had a feeling of home: gathered together with friends, under the night sky, sharing food and good conversation. Thank you to all of the guests who attended and everyone who gave generously to support this event. Thank you to the families who cooked the most delicious Syrian food for all of us and shared their culture and their journeys. Thank you to the amazing planning committee we created Sahar Shaikh, Sara Fathima, Yasmine Saib and Kate Cruz. I'm so grateful to all of you... for seeing the potential in this kind of event and each doing your own unique and amazing part to make it a huge success. I cannot wait for the next one!”
If you are interested in participating in one of these beautiful fundraising and community building events being put together by Project Motherpath and the Muslim Women’s Organization of South Florida, visit Syrian Refugees Supper Club of South Florida. 
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Ahmaud Arbery’s Mom BLASTS Friends & Fundraisers For Profiting Off Of His Death + Naomi Osaka Wears Ahmaud Arbery Mask, Wins U.S. Open Match
Ahmaud Arbery’s mom, Wanda Cooper-Jones, is no longer staying silent! She’s blasting everyone who’s making money off the death of her son. Find out what she said, plus see tennis star Naomi Osaka in her Ahmaud Arbery mask before winning her match at the U.S. Open inside…
It’s bad enough Ahmaud Arbery’s mother, Wanda Cooper-Jones, is dealing with the tragic lost of her son after he was hunted and gunned down in the street by two white men while out for a jog in February. Now, she’s dealing with people profiting from her son’s tragic death.
Apparently, Ahmaud’s best friend - Akeem Baker – is one of the people making money from Wanda’s son’s death. And she has had enough.
I am deeply saddened & grieved that a foundation in Georgia rooted in the image, likeness, life, & death of my son, Ahmaud, was started without my permission or blessing.
I do not approve of their work or their fundraising and have asked that they stop.https://t.co/bpA4i2K9wY
— Wanda Cooper Jones (@AhmaudsMom) September 3, 2020
Ahmaud’s mom went on Twitter to announce she is NOT affiliated with The 2:23 Foundation’s “I Run With Maud” Labor Day campaign. In fact, she's not affiliated with the foundation at all.
”I am deeply saddened & grieved that a foundation in Georgia rooted in the image, likeness, life, & death of my son, Ahmaud, was started without my permission or blessing,” she tweeted. “I do not approve of their work or their fundraising and have asked that they stop.”
S. Lee Merritt – an attorney representing the Arbery family – tweeted something similar:
No one should ever raise money or launch an initiative about the death of a person without the clear support of their family.
Wanda Cooper should not be begging men from her community to honor her request concerning her son #AhmaudArbery. Wanda is grieving. Honor her wishes. https://t.co/R5P4RnzHv9
— S. Lee Merritt, Esq. (@MeritLaw) September 3, 2020
”No one should ever raise money or launch an initiative about the death of a person without the clear support of their family,” he tweeted. “Wanda Cooper should not be begging men from her community to honor her request concerning her son #AhmaudArbery. Wanda is grieving. Honor her wishes.”
In the about section on The 2:23 Foundation’s Facebook page, it reads: “This page was created to help bring awareness on the tragic killing of the innocent Ahmaud Arbery, who was chased and gunned down on February 23rd, 2020 by Travis and Greg McMichael who sought to take the law into their own hands. The 2:23 Foundation exists to continue that advocacy to help young men and women pursue paths to help avoid similar occurrences and instances of injustice.”
According to reports, Ahmad’s best friend Akeem came to her about the “I Run With Maud” idea and at first she was on board. However, she didn’t like how the memorial for her son is now being ran more like a business. Also, Wanda said someone who never even knew Ahmaud has filed for the “I Run With Maud” trademark. No mention of who the person is.
It’s reported Akeem – who gave an emotional and gut wrenching interview following his friend’s death – launched a GoFundMe page for Ahmaud that she said she never asked him to do. The fundraiser has raised almost $2 million ($1,988,340 to be exact) in funds and the page claims the money is going to Wanda.
”This fundraiser was designed to assist Ahmaud's mother; Ms. Wanda Cooper-Jones and her immediate family with financial support during this extreme difficult time and in their struggle for justice for the murder of Ahmaud Marquez Arbery," the fundraiser wrote.
It’s unclear if Wanda has actually been awarded any of the funds, but she told TMZ she’s already back to work.
Ahmaud’s mother also has an issue with the 2:23 Foundation, which was founded by Jason Vaughn – a local high school coach who Wanda said did not have a close relationship with Ahmaud when he was alive. Jason’s brother, Arkansas attorney John C. Richards, Jr., is also involved. The foundation got its name from the date Ahmaud was killed, February 23rd, as he jogged through a neighborhood in Brunswick, GA.
“This foundation did not have my blessings,” she told WSB-TV. “Everybody who has supported us thus far, thank you.”
The foundation has scheduled a “I RUN WITH MAUD” event over the Labor Day Weekend and Ahmaud’s mother asked everyone NOT to support.
“I would want to ask everyone that hears this message to not fund it,” Cooper-Jones said.
The 2:23 Foundation told WSB-TV that they “made Wanda Cooper-Jones aware of our intention to create a page to continue to pursue justice and discuss action step,” and, “She said it was fine.”
“I learned about the foundation the same day, the same time the world found out about it, and that was on social media,” Wanda told the local news station.
On Facebook, the 2:23 Foundation addressed the name change:
We are well aware there is a community of people who are coming over to our page to sow discord. Our team has always...
Posted by The 2:23 Foundation on Friday, September 4, 2020
"We have every intention of changing the name of this page from I Run With Maud to the 2:23 Foundation. As you can see, the profile picture and URL have already been changed," the foundation wrote in a FB post. "However, Facebook has certain requirements to fulfill a page name request (Google it, it's a thing). We initiated the request process on August 29th when we announced the name change. However, Facebook has requested a few other items to make the change. We have submitted those and are awaiting approval. In other words, we are not intentionally retaining any image, likeness, or name in our continued work. Social justice advocacy is bigger than a four-word phrase."
They addressed the controversy more in another post:
  Official Statement from the 2:23 Foundation Recently, our team was made aware of a social media post that questioned...
Posted by The 2:23 Foundation on Thursday, September 3, 2020
  "Early in the process, on April 4th to be precise, we made Wanda Cooper-Jones aware of our intention to create a page to continue to pursue justice and discuss action steps for the local community. She said it was fine with her," the page wrote.
"Our intention from the beginning was simple: Pursue justice for Ahmaud. Our team has not benefited financially from any of the work we have done to do just that. In fact, we have spent our own money to help pursue justice. And we have gotten the support from Maud’s family in the process."
"We are saddened that someone would use a public space to spread misinformation about our work and the nature of our relationship. But we could not remain silent, for the sake of the work many of you have partnered with us to do and the work we will continue to do for justice in and around our state."
"Currently, we are not using Maud’s name or likeness in our organization. But pursuing justice for a person and for a community is something that Glynn County as a whole is committed to doing moving forward. We will continue to pursue #JusticeForAhmaud and pursue social justice advocacy and awareness for our community and across our state. Our movement has moved from a local one to one that could impact our entire state."
Read the full response above.
For Wanda, it’s not about the money - she wants justice. She said no amount of money can bring her son back.
“It’s never been about money to us,” Wanda said. "My most immediate job now is to get justice for Ahmaud.”
Earlier this month, Ahmaud’s suspected killers, Travis and Gregory McMicahel (son & father), filed separate motions for bond. They also filed to have two charges dropped. Their attorneys want the malice murder charge and the criminal attempt to commit a felony removed.
The father-son duo has pleaded not guilty to all charges, which include malice murder, four counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit a felony.
William “Roddie” Bryan – the third suspect who recorded the murder – was denied bond in July.
Tennis star Naomi Osaka is still raising awareness about police brutality and social injustice. After wearing masks with the names of victims Breonna Taylor and Elijah McClain, the two-time Grand Slam champion (who's Japanese & Haitian) rocked a mask with Ahmaud Arbery's name on it for Friday's U.S. Open match against Marta Kostyuk. She beat Marta - 6-3, 6-7 (4), 6-2 in the third round at Flushing Meadows. Woot!
“None of these deaths had to happen. I want people to know the names.”
At the U.S. Open, Naomi Osaka continues to spotlight victims of racial injustice. Today, she wore a mask with Ahmaud Arbery’s name. pic.twitter.com/ieDlF6xk5M
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) September 4, 2020
“I’m aware that tennis is watched all over the world, and maybe there is someone that doesn’t know Breonna Taylor’s story,” the No. 4 seed said after her victory. “Maybe they’ll Google it or something. For me, [it’s] just spreading awareness. I feel like the more people know the story, then the more interesting or interested they’ll become in it.”
In total, Naomi brought seven masks with her to the U.S. Open to honor victims of violence.
“It’s quite sad that seven masks isn’t enough for the amount of names,” added Osaka, the 2018 U.S. Open and 2019 Australian Open champion. “Hopefully I’ll get to the finals and you can see all of them.”
Here's footage and pics of Naomi rocking Breonna Taylor and Elijah McCain masks previously:
.@naomiosaka has 7 masks ready with different names for a potential run at the #USOpen. pic.twitter.com/jmARabKhae
— US Open Tennis (@usopen) September 1, 2020
.@naomiosaka walked out in a Elijah McClain mask for her Round 2 match at Arthur Ashe Stadium tonight. pic.twitter.com/PHd7LzF6hO
— US Open Tennis (@usopen) September 2, 2020
Last month...
        View this post on Instagram
                  #NaomiOsaka has pulled out of her semifinal match Thursday at the Western & Southern Open in New York City to join athletes across several major sports in protesting racial injustice.
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Aug 26, 2020 at 9:58pm PDT
Naomi pulled out of her semifinal match at the Western & Southern Open in New York City to join athletes across several major sports in protesting racial injustice.
We love a conscious queen.
Tonight, Naomi will battle it out against Anett Kontaveit in the fourth round.
Photo: AP Photo/Seth Wenig/Arbery Family
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/09/06/ahmaud-arbery%E2%80%99s-mom-blasts-friends-fundraisers-for-profiting-off-of-his-death-naomi-osaka
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givencontext · 4 years
First Quarter Review 2020
What the actual…?
We are at the end of the first quarter of 2020. It’s time for an update on my dreams, plans, and goals for the year. As I prepped for 2020, I promised myself Freedom. Three months in, where am I? More or less confined to home, along with the rest of the WORLD. That’s right: coronavirus, COVID-19, social distancing, quarantine, work from home… it’s a whole new world. How does one work towards the goal of Freedom without leaving the house? Let’s contemplate that and see if I was able to accomplish anything in the start of the year before lockdown began.
I’m still working through The Calling. I fell behind my schedule, but I am almost finished with it. I’ve slacked a bit on doing the exercises, but I will finish a “light” version of the program. Doing things like this can be scary, and scary brings resistance. I don’t have to do it right, I just need to do it. I started a Facebook group, but I think I’m the only person still doing it, and I haven’t even posted in my facebook group lately, so I’m giving myself low marks for influence this quarter.
Regarding my day job, I feel pretty good. Working from home has its perks and its challenges, but I am definitely not bored. I’m grateful to have this experience and to still be drawing a paycheck when so many have their jobs affected by the COVID-19 crisis. There is a mental toll to being in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, and that means good days and bad days for me. I am doing my best, because that’s the best I can do.
Relationships and Family
I committed to focus on my relationship with myself first and foremost. Being home alone with a 19-year-old who wears headphones and takes naps affords me lots of solitude. I am still working full time from home, so I am not sitting in silent contemplation every day, but I do have time for some introspection.
The fact that everything is cancelled means that I can’t use “going” and “doing” to distract myself any longer from some of the things I need to work through. The timing seems right anyway. Six months ago I told myself I could have six months to “get ready.” I don’t have to be ready for any particular thing, it’s just that when I told myself that, I wasn’t ready for anything. I gave myself permission not to be, with the understanding that it wasn’t a permanent excuse. So I told myself to be ready, and I feel like I will be. (I still have about 10 days ’til my deadline.)
I’m checking on my dad a lot and worrying about him. He’s 81 and has emphysema, so he’s a prime target for COVID-19. I had Amazon send him some elderberry supplements. Social distancing makes it hard to help, so this allowed me to feel like I did something. Aside from one of the cats needing stitches, everyone in the family has been well. He’s already healed and I removed the stitches myself so we didn’t have to leave the house. The one person I haven’t heard from this whole pandemic is my brother, so I’m texting him now.
Lucky for me, I have been building a community for a few years that doesn’t always meet face-to-face. I am acquainted with several apps and tools for connecting with people remotely. That being said, I also have a tendency to isolate or to just want to enjoy quiet time alone. I’m grateful for people who reach out and light a fire under me to actually use these connections. My book/craft club has been chatting via zoom, as have some of my BLE groups. I also use the Marco Polo app to see people but not necessarily be online at the same time. I use facebook groups to stay in touch with some people and text with others. I feel like I’ve been very well connected to my community so far this year. Thank goodness.
Also, memes. My real friends are the ones who share the most memes. #BabyYodaForLife
Physical Wellbeing
My goal of 120 Pure Barre classes by the end of the year might be a stretch. I’ve done some of the at-home workouts, but my motivation has started to wane. When the weather is nice, I do a lot of yard work. I have done a little tap dance practice, but recital is postponed and this dance is really hard. This means I should practice more, but yeah… and I got some new pillows that have helped my spine tremendously in the short time since I got them. I am feeling good most of the time. That doesn’t mean I’m not exhausted the rest of the time, but when I’m exhausted, I try to go to sleep early. Fresh air and sunshine help a lot. There’s also a new course from Bright Line Eating that is helping me keep my lines bright. I really do feel better when I just stick to the plan.
I might get lowest marks on this section. The dissolution of a marriage is a hard and sad thing, even when it’s the right thing. Grief might inspire some people to write, paint, sing, etc. It seems to sap my creativity. For months I was in action mode, trying to resolve things as quickly as possible. It’s over now, but that doesn’t resolve everything. There’s still a process to go through. I am determined to go through it with as much aplomb as possible, which means fiercely protecting my boundaries and my right to self-care. That has meant letting the creativity ebb while some other things flow. I feel it starting to come back now. Springtime is a good time for it.
Exploring is difficult in isolation. The Squid and I have gone out for a few drives, but mostly we are staying home. Even picking up a book or watching television has been hard. I’m giving myself a pass on explore this quarter too.
Play is a little easier. I’ve spent so much time with my dog and I’m teaching him some new tricks. Well, not really. He has a jumping problem, but I think he’s starting to understand “off.” Let’s call that a trick. I have also had “isolation dance parties” in the kitchen. They are in the kitchen, because they usually happen when I am prepping food or waiting for something to cook. I’m a bad dancer, so I put on ridiculous songs and dance like no one is watching… because no one is watching.
Psychological and Spiritual Health
My therapist sort of gave me a clean bill of mental health. I don’t even know what to do with that. It’s like, yeah, you’re going through a lot of really tough stuff right now, but you are actually handling it rather well. And I think she’s right.
I did a great book study with one of my sister circles about The Warrior Heart Practice and that was wonderful. I haven’t done justice to my goddess archetype Inanna. I hope to get back to her once I finish up a few other things. I have to cut myself some slack on this one too, but my spiritual health definitely needs to be a priority. It doesn’t always have to be about checking something off my list though. The best thing for my psychological and spiritual health right now might be nothing. It is just as important to know when to say no.
The first quarter of 2020 had its ups and downs, but I am satisfied with it. I never would have seen the pandemic and stay-at-home/work-from-home situation coming on January 1. Some people are protesting, because they see these orders as a violation of their freedoms. As painful as it has been, I have to admit that having most of my “avoidance” methods eliminated has forced me to go ahead and deal with some stuff. This will lead me to greater Freedom in the future. The process is more important than the results. Today, I feel good about my process.
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