#thank you to the kind person who sent me $ 'for treats' today :')
fuwaprince · 9 months
Yes, society runs on the kindness of seemingly uncompensated labor. But I promise, if you stick around and stick with it- you will be compensated with the most fulfilling and meaningful life. With the richness of empathic regeneration. It will go beyond thank you. Beyond hugs and friendship and even love. Being kind to each other is the whole point. The sum of the whole will be greater than the sum of the parts.
Voluntary kindness is EVERYTHING. Today I shared kisses (the chocolate kind) with a few ladies at school.... then a very kind lady with pink hair gave me an ice cream sandwich (she didn't charge me anything :'3 which was a surprise)... and then ANOTHER kind lady came into THAT kind lady's shop just to gift her sweet grapes that she mentioned she grew out of her backyard!!! Then guess what???
The cycle continues!!!!! And we're all so grateful and smiling. We're all so much happier than we would've been just buying these things because we had to for ourselves. Everything tastes better when they're coming from someone who thinks of you and cares. I love people.
I'm hopeful for dream weavers making this happen. College students voluntarily sharing pages of textbooks and lab manuals. Kids voluntarily sharing their toys. Strangers sharing benches and holding doors open for each other. It's all in the spirit of KINDNESS. I'm so proud of the camaraderie I've seen within society and to be a part of it. I'm proud of whoever is reading this for all the nice things they've done on earth too. It might seem unnoticed or uncompensated for now but hold onto this vision. It's a positive feedback loop. It's symbiosis. It's mutual aid. It's humanity! I'm so grateful to play a part.
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dreamauri · 26 days
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♪ — 𝗪𝗜𝗥𝗘𝗗 𝗜𝗡? - part three max verstappen x reader (fluff) “. . . when he wants to be normal, he can count on you, stranger.”
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He thought he’d forgotten how to breathe, standing in his spot with his hands in his pockets, looking up at the chalkboard menu. You'd think he was a statue with how little he was moving. But then again, you weren't aware of who you were standing next to you.
"Y/N? Can we explore for a bit?" the two college-aged boys asked, making you peel your eyes off the list of foods to the interns, Max would assume. Out of the corner of his eyes, the blond could see you check your watch before nodding. 
"Yeah, sure. There's plenty of time. Meet me back here in an hour and a half so we can head over to the circuit. Deal?" Oh, that was definitely your voice. You were his Y/n. The way you talked and your voice and accent. He could now put a face to your voice, no more profile pictures.
"Deal! Thanks, Y/n." "See ya, Y/n."
"Take care, guys." Max didn't expect to run into you so soon, or be this close to you at all, even. He watched as you waved to the two interns who excitedly jogged out.
Don't come off as a creep, Max reminded himself, shaking his head and taking a step forward in the direction of the register. He'll just act cool, normal. Get himself something to drink and sit down. That helped calm him down a little, just like any other indifferent person.
It's very unfortunate for Max that his inner peace never lasts so long. Not that it was a bad thing he bumped into you. There is nothing wrong with accidentally stepping forward at the same time as you. It's just not good for his heart. Max already has to meet fans today and get in the car for fp2 and 3. You're just making his brain go haywire a little too much that he feels his eyes are going to turn static and face turning the shade of Charles' Ferrari.
"Sorry." He tried to apologise, stepping back, feeling his body stiff and turning to stone. 
"Désolée," you went to apologise only to look up and meet eyes with the three time world champion. "oh- im so sorry."
"No, it's ok." Max smiled nervously, meeting your eyes for the first time, which honestly made him feel mesmerised.
"Here, you can go," you stepped back, offering the blond to step to the cashier. 
"No, no. Ladies first." he shook his head, cutting you off when you went to argue back. "—I insist."
Max was kind of disappointed that you felt so nervous and acted so polite upon recognizing him. He wished you would've treated him like normal, the same way you talk to him as amilian or the same way you would talk to a stranger who wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into you.
He knows it's not fair that he's pushing his expectations on you, though. Anyone would react the same way upon meeting a very important or famous person. Max just wished he was standing beside you in line instead of behind you. Having a friendly conversation, telling you how much you'll love the cheesecake.
He'll have to settle for sitting on a table not too far from you for now, sipping from his paper cup while scrolling through his phone.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
y/n — 'I bumped into Max 😓' 
Max himself, glanced up to where you were sitting, catching you looking away quickly, face turning a deep shade of red.
y/n — 'And now he thinks I'm stalking him!!' y/n — 'million help 😭😭'
Max chuckled slightly, feeling his heart ease. You were overthinking things. He wished he could sit beside you and pat your back until you calmed down. But he can't really do that, can he? Max calming you down after you get all nervous and anxious meeting him? The situation gets sadly funnier the further Max plays into it and thinks about it.
Max — 'What did you do ⁉️' he sent back in the chat
y/n — 'I went to the café you told me about, and i think i accidentally stepped on his foot 😭😭' y/n —  'I ruined his shoes! And he needs his foot to drive the car!!!' y/n —  'He must hate me' y/n —  'He saw me looking at him too' y/n —  'Must think i’m a weirdo
"Not at all." He mumbled, a soft smile covering his face. You're just feeling anxious. He could care less about his shoes, and his foot is fine. He didn’t even realise you stepped on it. 'relax, deep breath' he sent, seeing you fill your chest and release as told.
Max — 'you're fine' 'don't overthink things'
y/n — '🥺' You were actually pouting.
Max — 'Do you want me to text him and apologise on your behalf?' 
A weird offer. Apologising to himself for you even though he wasn’t mad, but grateful he saw you today. 
y/n — 'NO!!!!' 'NO NO NO!' 
Max — 'Do you want me to get you a pass for the meet and greet?'
Max — 'Ok, ok' 
Max thought for a moment, sitting back. 'Count from one to ten' He was actually surprised that you did as told, listening to him, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath for ten seconds.
Max — 'What did you order?' Start a conversation, comfort and distract her. He's good at that.
y/n — 'A mocha, the one you told me about'
Max — 'You should try the cheesecake, the one with strawberry jam on top.' He typed back. 
y/n — 'I didn't see that on the menu?'
Max — 'Trust me' Max — 'You'll love it'
y/n — 'Ok, ok, i trust you a million' y/n — ‘But not right now’ y/n — 'I'll stop by after finishing with stuff at McLaren’ y/n — 'I'm not hungry rn’ y/n — 'Wish you were here'
Max — 'Yeah, i'd be stealing that cheesecake from you' 
y/n — 'Don't you dare!! 😠'
Max chuckled, you were really expressive with your face as you typed. He saw you frowning to match the emoji, but there was still a hint of a smile. He liked that smile, he loved it. He loved you overall. 
You were real. If only Amilian was real. If only he could sit beside you and tease and joke with you. 
Max — '🫵😏' 'Max texted me!'
y/n — 'WHAT?!!!!????!!' 
He could see you jump in your seat a little before trying to act cool even though it was clear you were anxious.
Max — 'He texted me about a cute girllllll who he bumped intooooo' 
He couldn't help the smile that curled on his face.
Max — 'I’m joking, I’m joking' Max — 'hahaha' He leaned back, sighing happily.
y/n — 'ofc you are' y/n — 'No way he thinks i'm cute'
Max — 'I mean you dress up like it's fashion week' Max — 'Compared to him, he could use some advice'
y/n — 'His outfit is actually not that bad today' y/n — 'Baggy white pants!!' y/n — 'And a blue shirt!!!!!'
Max — 'Wow, you serious?' Max — 'No way' He typed even though he is wearing that.
y/n — 'tbh it makes him look even more pretty'
Max — 'Pretty?’ Max — ‘He's a guy' 
y/n — 'What, a guy can’t be pretty?' y/n — 'Max is cute’ y/n — ‘Especially when he's having fun and smiling'
Max — 'The guy looks like a gremlin.' He didn’t even realise he was smiling, feeling fuzzy inside. Max — ’Sid the sloth, Netflix rerun’
y/n — 'Don't insult him!!' y/n — 'Take it back' y/n — 'He’s handsome and beautiful and amazing!' y/n — 'Any woman would be lucky to have him'
Max — 'You just dug your own grave' Max — 'I believe you fall into the *any woman* category'
y/n — 'No no no, pleasee' y/n — 'You'll embarrass me'
Max —’That's my job’ Max — 'I'll simply put in a good word for you'
y/n —'amiliaaaaaan 😭😭'
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yanderehsr · 7 months
Assalaam alaikum (its a traditional greeting from where I’m currently staying) This is my angsty request:
Can I request yandere ex-fiance sylvain x betrothed reader. For context, Sylvain and reader were betrothed at a young age by their families to conjoin the families. We all know how sylvain hated being his family and seen as crest stud so he will hate reader too who bears a crest and is part of the reason why he is being force to marry early. Reader on the other hand is dutifully fulfilling their role as sylvain’s fiancé as they don’t want any of their siblings to suffer in their place. Reader cooks sylvain’s favorite food, invites him for teas and all kinds of couple activities. Sylvain being himself decides to flirt with other girls despite having a fiancé already and is skirt chaser with new girls every week just to spite reader and his father. Seeing how their fiancé doesn’t even respect them as a person and is often caught in indecent scandals, reader is hurt as they’re the only ones trying to make something good in the unfortunate situation but is hated by sylvain. One day reader after being stood up by sylvain once again is comforted by one of the kinder students (ashe, dedue or ignatz even) and they fell genuinely in love with the student. How does sylvain feel that reader is no longer trying to make the relationship work and is now interested in other men and frankly speaking replace him in their heart? How would he get the reader back?
-Thank you for reading my request (I’m so excited that you’re doing three houses, do you still remember the anon that sent the jing yuan x neglected wife reader request, that was me. It was such a long time ago, and your blog has grown since then. This request has similar vibes but I see Sylvain to be the kind of yandere that needs a wake up call to snap into yandere mode)
*Gasp*, so it's you who requested that, nice knowing that you still read from me, Sylvain is actually one of my favorite fe3h characters, 4th place in fact😆
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour
The arrengement happened before either of you were born, that didn't mean that Sylvain didn't hate this situation, he hated it more than anything else, and the only thing he could take his anger out on was you, it was stupid and even he knew that, but he was a child and that was all he could do.
Sylvain ignored you, he hated you, sure it was the situation he really hated but it was you it effected, the two of you should be a couple but this whole situation had made you feel lonlier than ever before. You had to go through with his angry looks and indifferent responses for so so long.
"Just go away, I don't have time for you today"
But that didn't mean that you didn't try, you tried so damn hard to make this not only easier for Sylvain but for you as well, if this was going to happen then why not make it a happy relationship at the very least, so you cooked for him, you stood up for him and what did you get in return, he ignored you, flirted with others and left you alone, over and over again, it was tiring but you held out, or you thought you could at least.
"I-I just don't understand what he has against me"
"There there, I am here to listen to each and every word, so vent all you want"
You had met Ignatz at yet another ball Sylvain had left you at, yet another party where everyone would laugh at you as soon as he left and you were all alone, that's when you met Ignatz who allowed you to rant about it, get everything you had been holding in for the last 10 years off your chest.
A new spark had been ignited that day, not for Sylvain but for the kind boy who listened to you and comforted you when you needed it, he treated you with respect and kindness, much different to your fiance.
Someone who did take notice of this was Sylvain, you who were such a constant in his life was suddenly spending less and less time with him, you smiled at him less and less, and one day it had all dissapeared... he would admit, he missed it, missed you.
But Sylvain saw you with Ignatz, saw your smile not be directed at him your fiance, but at Ignatz, His heart clenched tightly, a painful feeling in his chest as he saw this, for some reason he felt like ripping the boy from the golden deer apart and get you back, he felt jealous.
Sylvain through jealousy realises what he had, and what he is losing right now, someone to love, someone that treated him with kindness, he feels saddened that he has pushed you away, why did he do that. Maybe it was too late now... you were leaving him...
... Wait you were still his fiance, you were still his, this arrangement was made by not one but two nobles, you couldn't break this off that easely, he will be better for you, he promises, Sylvain cleans up his act, stops flirting with others, now he just needs you to stop cheating on him and he will finally have happiness, with you tied to his side through marriage.
"You need to remember I am you fiance, our love was destined since birth, nothing will sepperate us, I will admit that I have acted stupid so far, but just because I have acted stupid doesn't mean you can cheat on me"
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finnsbubblegum · 10 months
will we be getting a javier part 2 ? ☺️
Warnings: fluff, drunk man, lmk if i missed any
A/N: It's been a while since I've written anything, i'm not sure if you're the same anon that sent me a question today, but I received it and I'm on my way writing another joel fanfic (oneshot), thank you for your patience and thankyou for enjoying my work❤️ Hope you like this one!
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It was Friday night and you decided to spend an alone time at the bar. You wore a chic but simple short dress just the way you dress elegantly every day. You were alone so you grabbed a seat on the corner table. As you sipped on your alcohol, you felt a stranger's presence near you. You weren’t expecting anyone so you knew it was probably someone you knew or someone drunk trying to hit on you.
“Hey, pretty woman.” A drunk man standing next to you with his wobbly legs.
You scoffed as you rolled your eyes.
“Wanna spend the night with me?” The drunk man grabbed your wrist.
“Excuse me?! Let me go! I don’t know you!” You yelled at him.
Javier Peña's heart raced as he glanced across the dimly lit bar, spotting a scene that immediately caught his attention. A man, clearly intoxicated, was becoming increasingly aggressive towards someone sitting alone at a corner table. Javier's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly made his way through the crowd, his law enforcement training guiding his steps.
"Excuse me, amigo," Javier's voice was firm as he intervened, his presence commanding respect.
The drunk man's eyes widened as he recognized the DEA agent, stumbling back in a mixture of surprise and fear.
"I think it's time for you to call it a night." Javier crossed his arms.
As the tense situation defused, Javier turned to you. His eyes locked onto yours, and for a moment, the world seemed to slow down. You nodded to him to say your thanks, and Javier found himself captivated by your smile.
"Thank you so much for stepping in," you said with genuine appreciation.
"I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come over." You smiled.
"It's all part of the job. Just glad I could help." Javier shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant despite the racing of his heart.
"Well, how about I treat you to dinner? As a way of saying thanks?" You were the type of person who couldn’t take anything for granted.
Javier's surprise was evident on his face as he considered your offer. He hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with doubts. You were attractive, kind, and seemed genuine – everything he wasn't used to. He was used to playing the field, not getting involved in anything serious.You must have noticed his uncertainty because you leaned in closer, your voice was soft but reassuring.
"Hello?" You waved your hand in front of his face.
“Sorry.” Javier came back to his senses, he was too stunned to speak.
“What do you think?” You asked him again.
Javier's defenses began to crumble as he looked into your eyes, seeing sincerity and kindness that he hadn't experienced in a long time.
With a sigh, he gave you a small smile. "Alright, then. I'd like that."
As you exchanged numbers, Javier couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. You were way out of his league, and he was well aware of his reputation as a bit of a womanizer. It was too late at night so you and Javier decided to find another day to have dinner. And Javier insisted on taking you home.
As you continued to talk and laugh, those doubts started to fade away. Maybe, just maybe, this could be something different – a chance at a real connection. And so, Javier Peña, a man used to navigating the dangerous world of drug cartels, found himself facing a different kind of challenge – opening up his heart for real love.
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mebemilena · 3 months
You are my Candy girl and you got me wanting You
A/N:  life is tough sometimes and i got a few issues. There was this stray cat, we called him Sushi. He'd come to visit nearly everyday and i was preparing to adopt him. Sadly, he passed away. Little guy was run over by some irresponsible shithead. He wasn't living at my house yet and i'm not okay about it , i wish i had done something sooner. We took him to the emergency vet but he didn't make it. I feel so small sometimes. 
I didn't want to leave more fanfiction on the wait because i love writting, but i've been feeling sad and tired about everything. Thank you for the kind messages though, I appreciate them. 
A/N 2: we don't celebrate valentine's day in Brazil, we have another saint for romantic relationships and marriage and it's celebrated around June 22nd, i guess. 
Summary:  you're working doing errands for a bakery on valentine's day. You're not amused but Maya likes you. 
tittle from Sugar, Sugar by The Archies (one of my favorites)
You took your bike and went to the Firefighter station, your first stop. Wandering around Tamaha, you noticed there were more couples than you'd usually see. The stores seemed more pink and there were love songs playing everywhere.
"A box of donuts for Boonie!", you entered the patio yelling, hitting the small hornet on your bike.
Boonie came almost running to you, she grabbed the box and smiled. She checked it for any name on the outside but there was no card, no name nor anything that could identify who had sent it. She shrugged, opening the box. 
"Why are you grumpy? It's Valentine's day, smile!", she took a large bite of one of her treats.
You looked at Boonie frowning, you hated Valentine's day. Especially because the one person you wanted to be your valentine seemed so out of reach.
"It's a holiday created by Europeans to sell cards and chocolate.", you muttered just as Maya arrived. Maya and her leather jacket, riding that motorbike and looking like the woman of your dreams.
She parked the vehicle and took off her helmet, her eyes landing on you instantly, a smile trying not to appear.
Maya walked towards you and Boonie, greeting the two of you. "Why do you look upset?", she signed to you, accepting one of the donuts Boonie offered. You huffed and replied slowly. "i don't like today. Valentine's day.", you signed.
Boonie smiled at herself, she's been helping you with ASL vocabulary lately. You nearly begged her to teach you so you could impress Maya during class, but she talked you out of it. "It's a pretty great opportunity for you to spend more time together. Ask her for extra classes!", she had said. But she did teach you a few more signs and of course you could practice with her too.
Maya contemplated for a moment, she finished the donut and cleaned her hand on her jeans. "We can study love words today, and i'll teach you how to ask someone on a date.", she started. "I can teach you how to flirt too.", she smiled, confident, not knowing you were already charmed. 
For the first time in a few weeks you understood all of what Maya signed. You couldn't reply how you wanted to, but you did understand and that made you blush.
You and Maya planned on practicing your daily vocabulary at a bakery store, eating cake. But first you had to go to Skully's store, him being one of your errands' destinations. 
"Oh, someone remembered me on Valentine's day?", the old man nearly giggled as you handed him a small package, a few decorated cupcakes inside. "Is it from pokni?", Maya asked, making Skully blush and smile. He nodded, not trusting his words as another wave of giggles left his mouth.
You smiled at the old man's antics, a bittersweet feeling spreading on your chest.
 Maya noticed you were too quiet. You barely looked around, your eyes on the floor while you pushed your bike around. The two of you bought some soda and pretzels for lunch and sat at a bench to eat and chat.
Maya sighed, she looked around and could finally notice the amount of couples and flowers around Tamaha, her eyes stopping at a couple on the other side of the street. She looked at you and back at them, nudging your shoulder with her own.
"I know you are upset" , she signed. "But it's just a day. You don't need a valentine to celebrate.", she signed to you. "But if you want one, I can be it. Though I like to be with you many other days too.", she smiled, that big smile that showed most of her teeth. 
Your heart danced inside your chest, you could feel the vibrations all over your body. Thump-Thump. Thump-Thump. You kept staring at her, thinking of an answer.
"I understand what you say, but i don't know reply.", you finally signed to her, watching her face turn into a half-surprised expression.
"Someone's finally studying more?", Maya mocked you, nudging your shoulder with her own. Again. 
You noticed she does that as an act of affection.
"I don't need...", you started, trying  to remember the signs. "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E", you spelled , your hands moving slow. "I have something. More. Candy", you continued. "I have you.", you signed, nervous.
Maya laughed but she understood what you meant, leaving the opportunity to correct you for later. She took a caramel candy from her jacket pocket and gave it to you. "Not chocolate.", she told you with a smile, leaning to give you a kiss on the cheek. 
You sighed, your big smile matching Maya's.
"Happy Valentine's day, Maya.", you signed, linking your arms together as you ate the pretzels and watched the couples walk around town from your bench. 
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peekaboo-icyou · 1 year
You asked for mafia wilbur requests, I shall deliver.
mafia!wilbur who is known for like being super intimidating and everyone is scared of him but no one really knows what he looks like unless they’re in business with him. He’s know as the chimney or something (haha get it? soot?…) (the chimney is a haha funnies jk but whatever). then he just meets the reader (preferably fem but you can do whatever you would like) who is like the total opposite of him. Shes super kind and supportive and loves everyone and is just a literal ray of sunshine. they meet in a coffee shop or something like that and he just like melts when they first meet. Then like Techno and Phil or whoever else you want to be in his mafia are all like confused on why he keeps disappearing during the days and nights and he’s just going on dates with you and spending the night at your house and stuff.
A new person
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Usually wilbur gets one of his men to go get his daily coffee for him but today the only one of his men that knew his order was busy doing something so he had to go get his own. He already wasn’t having a good day since he had just gotten news that his men had failed a mission so maybe a little walk would do him good. He was walking down to his local cafe one of his favorites but he’s never actually been there just sent a worker to get his coffee for him so when he stepped inside and saw this absolutely beautiful person making coffee he almost passed out his heart might’ve even grown a few sizes bigger he even felt nervous walking up to the counter
“oh hello I’m y/n can I take your order?” He blushes when he hears your name “oh um yes c-can I get f/d” you smile cutely at him “oh that’s one of my favorites” he turns red “oh um thank you” he cringes at himself while he watches as you turn around and start to make his drink “I like your cute little bumble bee apron” you smile at him “oh thank you it’s quite old and dirty” you finish his drink “here you go sir” you smile sweetly he blushes like crazy “oh um thank you um how about I pay for a drink for you and you take a break?” You smile softly “oh I couldn’t” he smiles “I insist” you sigh and smile “I suppose I could spare 5 minutes”
that 5 minutes turned into and hour an a half of laughing and getting to know each other “sooo bumble bee, can I take you out?” you blush “oh um I-I would like that” he smiles “how about that new restaurant tomorrow at 7?” “Oh but isn’t that expensive?” “Dont worry you pretty little head about it it’s on me”
and since then you’ve both been spending almost everyday with each other but it’s usually at your house he says his roommates aren’t pleasant but in reality he doesn’t want you to know that he’s rich and then that leads to you asking about his job and he told you it was some low paying job, so after a few weeks of Wilbur leaving at night or lunch time to hang out with you his right hand men got suspicious, “so Wil why are ya always disappearin at lunch?” Asked the pink haired male Wilbur looks at him like he’d been caught for a murder but quickly calms down “well to get food of course” he smirks at the male thinking he’s won “well why now are you leaving you’ve always gotten someone else to get you food for you?” That’s when Wilbur starts getting nervous “well I um just like going out more now” “mhm” the male gave him a stare that showed Wil he knew he was lying “fine I-its this girl I’m seeing and she’s just so sweet she owns my favorite coffee shop and she doesn’t know what I do and she actually treats me like a normal person and always gets me stuff which I do kinda feel bad for cause shes already struggling with money but I’ll pay her back when we get married” techno laughs “y’know she’ll probably just run away when she does find out what you do” Wil sighs “I know that’s why I haven’t told her yet” “y’know that’s going to backfire right?” “Of course I know that I just have to hope for the best and make her fall in love with me enough so she’ll never leave me” he smiles “yeah that’s not creepy”
a few days later wilbur gets a letter “dear chimney we have your beloved if you ever want to see them again come to the old abandoned factory before sun down” his heart immediately drops he knew this would happen he doesn’t know why he ever asked you on a date he should have just kept his feelings hidden so you wouldn’t get hurt but he had to be selfish and keep you all to himself, he starts throwing stuff around out of anger “GODDAMMIT” he grabs his phone “PHIL SEND EVERYONE TO THIS ADDRESS RIGHT NOW, TELL THEM TO PREPARE FOR THE WORST NOT FROM OUR ENEMYS BUT FROM ME” he’s fuming, “oh um yes Wil but can I ask what for?” “JUST FOLLOW ORDERS” he hangs up “well that’s not how you talk to your father figure” phil mutters. Meanwhile your kidnappers were trying there best to not even leave a scratch on you or mess up your hair well actually they are going to mess up your hair, they put stuff on you to make you look real beat up look on the verge of death beat up and then sent him a picture he better bring the money or it’ll be worse. TBC
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Hello helloo, 🌟anon here popping up again^^
I ended up rereading the sister request that I sent previously over and over and the cobra's sister X fujio rlly goes up my lane frfr ✋😭
You did mention that you preferred writing oneshots before, so if you could, can I have a oneshot where Cobra's sister came with Jamuo to help out and she ends up treating the Oya Bois after the fight? Kind of like she learned first aid from Naomi and used those skills to help out.
Thank you in advance^^✨ Don't forget to get enough rest~
Fujio x Cobra's Lil Sis x Platonic!Murayama with Oya Boys
a/n: Hii! Thank you and here is your request I hope you like it :')♥️
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: hnl usual violence
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The silence of the Oya High School, which had been quiet for a while, was broken by a shout. After the fight with Housen, Jamuo thought that everyone was in a very bad situation and their wounds needed to be cleaned, so he sought help from the first person that came to his mind.
Fujio stood up slowly at the familiar voice he heard from the stairs and looked at the door. He knew very well who this voice belonged to, and the voice sounded quite angry.
Y/n looked around in shock as she entered in a fury.Nakagoshi was helping to clean up to Nakaoka;  Tsuji was also helping to Shibaman.Tsukasa and Todoroki were sitting calmly in one of the sofas.Kiyoshi was wrapping Yasushi's head in bandages, and many people on the roof looked pretty bad...
Fujio, on the other hand, was staring at the young girl in front of the door with a stupid grin.
"Y/n-chan! It's very lovely to see you!"
Y/n looked at the boy who was looking at her with a silly smile and excited like a puppy and rolled her eyes in anger.
"I can't believe you! Look at you! What would happen if Murayama-san didn't come?"
Hearing Murayama's name, Todoroki called out from his place.
"We didn't need his help."
Y/n laughed and nodded
"You look very confident for idiots who just got out of a stupid fight."
Y/n glanced around again after all the boys shouted complaining.She rolled her eyes when she saw that Kiyoshi was not very good at wrapping Yasushi's head. She took her bag from her back, took out the first aid kit she had brought, and walked the two of them.
"You have to wrap it tighter, and you have to clean the wound well. It will get infected."
Kiyoshi listened to the young girl and stepped aside and y/n slowly wrapped Yasushi's head. Fujio was quite jealous that the young girl was taking care of others than him, so he faked a scream.
Fujio pouted, showing the small scar on his face as Y/n and the others looked at him in surprise.
"When are you going to help me, it hurts a lot, you know?"
While Tsukasa secretly laughed at his friend's attitude, y/n didn't realize that he was lying. The young girl quickly finished Yasushi's bandage and made Fujio sit on the side boards.
While Fujio was being taken care of like a baby by Y/n, she did not forget to scold the people around her. The young girl often told them how stupid they were.
While they were laughing among themselves, Murayama had already heard that y/n was in Oya.  He knew that beloved Cobra-chan's little sister was close with the little demons and did not trust them as he was an overprotective older brother.
When he entered through the roof door, he literally twitched when he saw that y/n was cleaning Fujio's wounds - they were very close to each other- and that Fujio was quite happy.
All the boys were looking at the three of them in surprise when Murayama quickly came to the two of them.
"Y/n-chan? What are you doing here? Does Cobra know you're here?"
Y/n had come without telling to her brother. Cobra doesnt like anyone from Sword so that's why they were sure to argue cause of today.
"Murayama-san! Please don't tell my brother. He doesn't like me coming here."
Murayama smiled at the young girl's sweet concern and patted her shoulder.
"Your brother has good reasons for not liking this place, y/n-chan. I told you before, this is a dangerous territory."
Y/n nodded silently as Fujio stood up and put his arm around her with a smile.
"We can protect her. So-"
"You can't protect even yourself, idiots."
Murayama spoke contemptuously and pulled Fujio's arm away from the young girl.
"Y/n, we're going home. And you... We'll talk to you later."
Fujio frowned as Y/n nodded and waved to her friends. Even though they were all annoyed by this situation, they couldn't say anything to Murayama...
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hpowellsmith · 1 year
I bought the game today and feeling so excitedddd 🎉🎉🎉
I wasn't able to follow the development from beginning to end due to some academic piles but now that we'll have a week off soon, it was amazing timing 💐💐💐
Backread Tumblr too and myyyyyyy
The collages of the RA ROs really hype up the story and allows a glimpse of seeing what MC is compatible with who
Speaking of compatibility, if it isn't much time consuming or a bother, is it alright knowing what qualities turn off ROs from romance (or what they least like)? Both for RA and Cdlc???
Also is it just me or do Javi secretly likes rival/ enemy to lovers???
Ahh thank you so much! This ask has been in my inbox for a while but I want to say congratulations for your week off and I hope that you don't have too much work now!
In both Creme de la Creme and Royal Affairs (and Honor Bound), some characters will break up with you based on how you handle some events that happen in the game. So there are some dealbreakers for some characters. But in general… the characters will absolutely go for MCs who aren't necessarily their usual "type" depending on how the MC treats them.
That said! Here are some aspects that may make the characters not enjoy spending time with the MC so much.
Creme de la Creme:
-Hartmann: being really rebellious, flouting rules (though they can find that a bit exciting too)
-Max: being a stickler for rules, telling them off
-Freddie: lack of curiosity or shared interests
-Delacroix: being dismissive about their occult beliefs
-Karson: being cruel
-Blaise: what they see as lacking backbone
-Auguste: being very "unpolished" without intellectual interests (eg they will go for Freddie because of their academic enthusiasm but wouldn't go for Karson)
-Rosario: being an overt snob
-Florin: being (as they see it) too intensely emotional, wanting a serious commitment quickly, causing them drama or discomfort
Royal Affairs:
Related: here's an answer about the kinds of people the Royal Affairs characters find harder to talk to
-Asher: doesn't like meanness, but, crucially, this doesn't apply to the MC. They can and do make almost any excuse for things the MC might want to do to those around them
-Beaumont: clinginess, lack of ambition/direction
-Dominique: being told off, especially someone being snippy about their flightiness
-Hyacinthe: dismissiveness, breaking social rules to be very outspoken
-Javi: gold-digging, manipulativeness
-Trevelyan: lack of curiosity or thought about how the world works (they don't have to agree - they like arguing - but if someone just doesn't care, that's a turnoff to them)
You didn't ask for Honor Bound and I hadn't announced it when you sent the ask, but here is a bonus round for them, hehe!
There are some plot events that equal dealbreakers, but let's wait to draw the curtain and reveal them...
Honor Bound:
Fiore: lack of manners/social polish (though they may sometimes find it fun to be brought out of their shell); being mean to or about their daughter
Korzha: lack of backbone or rigor (though perhaps they would like to encourage someone to have more backbone... hmmm)
Matia: they don't reeeally have many turnoffs and are pretty adventurous with who they'll go for (but under some circumstances they might see a very hapless person as more of a younger-sibling relationship rather than romance) (which is where they're at with Raffi and Savarel - not just because of age, because they'll romance a younger MC, but more personality)
Raffi: they are so easygoing that someone would need to be, like, really mean to them to be a real turnoff. They would hypothetically Hit That for almost any MC or indeed most of the adult NPCs under 50
Savarel: disagreement about moral correctness
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
The Dick Grayson angst tho
This isn't an ask but I'm treating it like one
Dick kept his hands in his pockets and his head down. Small towns meant people were chatty. And the last thing he wanted was to talk to someone.
But. When a huge chocolate lab blocked his path, wagging its tail and yipping happily he smiles a little, "Hey, Buddy," he said, offering a hand for them to smell and rubbing their ears when they found him acceptable.
The woman's voice made him look up and he smiled a little. She lookedfrazzled as she jogged forward, juggling her bag, her keys, and a coffee cup. "Sorry," you pant, smiling apologetically. "Usually he's kind of an old grump. I don't know what got into him today."
"It's alright," he said, giving the dog one last pat and stepping back so you could clip a leash to him. "I probably still smell like my little brother's dog."
"Sammy does like other dogs," you hum, smiling. "I uh- I should let you get going-"
"Actually," Dick said, clearing his throat, realizing he had no idea where to go to get a bite to eat, "Could you help me?"
"Depends-" When you go a little guarded, Dick nods approvingly to himself- evidently you'd left your little fish bowl and been in a bigger pond. That pleased him- he didn't want to think you'd let yourself be put some place dangerous.
"I just- Is there a diner around here or something? I got in late last night and didn't notice?"
"Oh!" Your face brightens, "You must be the guy Ravencroft's picked up last night-"
"Word travels fast," Dick said ruefully.
"Not really. My cousin works dispatch," you explain, "And he gets bored and texts me-"
Dick grinned, "I bet you know all the good gossip."
"Most of it," you chirp. "But yeah- Diner- If you head straight down the sidewalk and take a right at the light; Haldora's. It's the lime green eyesore. You can't miss it."
"Thanks," Dick said, holding out a hand, "Dick and your-"
"Y/N," you answer, taking the hand he offered. "Tell the girls at the counter I sent you. They'll fix you up."
"Gossip and connections?" He gasped, "A couple hours and I met a celebrity."
And when you crinkle your nose at him, whistling at your dog to get him moving, Dick watched. You were the only person he had ever met who could look good in overalls and steel-toed boots.
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harrysfinelinevol1 · 2 years
love on tour insta blurb pt.7
harry styles x personal assistant!y/n
summary: y/n is harry's personal assistant and is currently working on his tour
emma chamberlain
part 1! part 2! part 3! part 4! part 5! part 6!
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liked by yourusername, harris_reed and 6,810,471 others
harrystyles Harry’s House. Out now.
view all 66,812 comments
harryfan2 im crying already
latelateshow 👏👏👏👏
harryfan10 iM SO PROUD
harry_lambert yes king
yourusername so incredibly proud of you and what you have achieved. it's been an honour to witness ❤️
↳ harryfan9 naww shes so cute
↳ harrystyles thank you for experiencing it with me x
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 523,019 others
yourusername happy harry's house day!
view all 21,302 comments
harryfan3 y/n feeding us harry content, thank you queen
harryfan7 im actually so sick of her she makes it out like shes everything to harry when shes really not
↳ harryfan31 literally shes obsessed with him, bitch get a life
yourbff it's on repeat in the car, I'm obsessed!
harryfan20 did anyone notice the subtle references to the album that y/n has been making in her insta comments and posts recently? she's too clever for us
harryfan5 get away from harry, he deserves better
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liked by harryfan2, harryfan12 and 4,232 others
harrystylescherries y/n spotted in new york today heading to the USB arena ahead of ONO new york! apparently there were some harry fans following her and they wouldn't leave her alone. it didn't look like a good interaction :(
view all 491 comments
harryfan1 poor y/n shes been getting so much hate recently for no reason
↳ harryfan19 literally the amount of hate this poor girl gets is unbelievable
harryfan52 shes literally never done anything wrong either its just cos people think she's with harry
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liked by harrystyles, yourbff and 1,092,819 others
yourusername taking an indefinite hiatus off social media. hope this video explains why. it's heartbreaking to have to do this, but for the sake of my mental health, i cannot continue interacting on social media for the moment. love u all, y/n xx
comments have been disabled for this post
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liked by yourbff, gemmastyles and 7,101,345 others
harrystyles hello all.
first, i would like to thank all my fans and supporters who have shown this girl nothing but love and support since the beginning and have always supported the relationship i have with her. however, i have been appalled by the levels of disrespect and harassment she has received since rumours of our relationship began to circulate. this breaks my heart to see such levels of abuse being directed at the girl i love, seeing people accuse her of being someone she is not and making horrible assumptions about our relationship. i am very happy in this relationship, possibly the happiest i have ever been. i want to express the importance of spreading positivity on platforms like this and also make people aware of the damaging effects that negativity can do to a person. i have witnessed the love of my life go through it and nothing was more painful to watch than her suffering every day due to the enormous amount of hate sent her way. it's time to stop.
treat people with kindness, every day, all the time. H.
view all 220,291 comments
harryfan10 this is heartbreaking, watching y/n's video actually made me burst into tears, she was so upset over all the hate
harryfan6 we love you y/n!!! so happy that you are in a relationship with harry and we wish you the best for the future xx
gemmastyles sending all my love to you both ❤️
harryfan1 i feel bad that harry had to announce his relationship like this, cant believe some people are so horrible online :(
harryfan22 guys, harry's fans started chanting 'we love y/n' and all held up candles in support at ono london tonight and he almost cried
↳ harryfan3 he really does love her, that's so cute
harrystyles thank you all for the overwhelming amount of love and support you have sent our way in the last 24 hours. we do appreciate it massively. thank you in particular to my fans at ONO London who did a massive gesture for y/n last night. i cant tell you how much that meant to her. thank you.
that's it! that's the end of this long insta blurb series which was the first thing i posted on this account. i know it was a bittersweet ending but that's how i planned it out in my mind from the beginning. thank you for all the support you have shown me since i posted the first part of this. i'm sad i finished this but onto the next one! affection will continue based off these events so keep up with that
sloane xx
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liminalpebble · 1 year
The Refugee: Chapter 38
Masterlist Link
It had been almost a week now of Loki's careful watch over Lenora, and she was chafing at the lack of privacy, though she begrudgingly admitted it was necessary. She had mended herself with a hasty patch of mental distraction, focusing on the Jotun war, but the stitches were straining. It could only be temporary. 
When the king couldn't be by her side, she was sent to medical, rolling her eyes and protesting inwardly, but not bothering to voice it. The kind medic who had been so supportive, and the only one to stand up for her along the way, was always there to meet her. Lea had learned that the doctor's name was Majbrit, and the older lady had a soft spot for the stubborn refugee.
Lea was nervous the first time, expecting to be strapped into a bed and given some kind of sedation or medication to make her behave more conveniently, but she was pleasantly surprised to find that wasn't the case. Instead, she followed Majbrit's bobbing head of gray hair and bright chatty guidance to a pleasant parlor in which to spend her time. Majbrit always had food ready, knowing that Lenora had probably forgotten to eat in her depressed haze. The doctor also encouraged her to bring her work with her to occupy her mind and give herself some normalcy.
Lenora feared it would be like some kind of embarrassing babysitting, with nothing of use to do. She quickly learned that this wasn't at all the case, as Majbrit's kind gray eyes and wise lined face never regarded her with anything but dignity; not pity, not patronization. Vlad often attended these sessions, and seemed to like Majbrit, seeing how well she was treating his favorite person. He even graciously allowed the motherly woman to pet him. Once Lea would finally relax and settle in for the day, Majbrit would try to ease her into talking and unraveling her trauma. The matron wasn't particularly surprised to find the young lady resistant to help, turning politely but with determination back to her work.
Sitting across from each other one morning, over breakfast, the doctor sighed heavily as she set her cup down. “Lea, you can't just bury everything, dear. These things have a way of coming back over and over again if we don't sort them out.”
Lea gave a wan smile and held the woman's hand. “Majbrit, I am grateful for your efforts to heal me, but realistically, I'm still a prisoner here. For now Loki's being kind, yes, but I'm always in a state of fear and uncertainty, and now I'm facing a future of responsibilities that I am not at all ready to handle. How can I not be terrified? It seems I can swallow the pain and work, or I can let it all engulf me and fall apart like I did the night you patched me up. What other options do I have?”
“You can talk to me,” she said slowly, simply, and earnestly, meeting Lenora's gaze for a long moment. “You're trying to mastermind your way out of this...solve the equation...plan your attack. But it doesn't work like that, Lenora. This takes a different kind of intelligence to recover from, and its own time.”
Vlad jumped into Lenora's lap, coiling into a warm purring mass on her thighs as she obliged him with soft, pensive, strokes. She paused, then said, “I...I don't know what to say, or where to start.”
“You don't have to know. Just be present with me. The words will come.”
Lea tightened her grip on Majbrit's hand and whispered, “Thank you.”
The harbor in Copenhagen was radiant that morning, as the sun rose, pink and gold and full of promise. On a park bench, a handsome red-headed man sat with one bobbing slender leg crossed over the other and a steaming take away cup warming his hands. Magnus was a morning person; he always had been.
His human friends remarked that he had the kind of face where it was difficult to tell his age; youthful, graceful, and luminous but with unnaturally wise and ancient green eyes. He wondered how surprised they'd be if they knew. Today his pale skin had a pink flush of cold chafing and his eyes flushed red, as if he had been crying, and had cried often lately. He held a little polished rock of blackish-purple stone tight in his hand and rolled its satisfying smooth surface between his fingers; a parting gift from Lea at the harbor. It had been so long since he'd poked at the aching memories of his former life.
Magnus remembered how, at first, this existence felt like an ill-fitting suit. In fact, literally, even his Midgardian clothing, though more comfortable than Asgardian clothes, felt wrong for a few years, like wearing another man's outfits. He would never have settled in, not without Astrid's patience and love, not without his child to look forward to. He smiled warmly, thinking of them and smiling at the little gold ring on his finger.
For the first time in 6 years he was faced with Loki again. His message sent a shiver of white hot anger through him, but the emperor's tone was serious and fair, though still not contrite. Magnus sighed, disoriented by Loki's small change of heart in just...what had it been for him? Three months? But Magnus knew all too well that it took a good deal less than three months for Loki to change and change again. The question was whether or not this was a change for the better, and whether or not it would persist. He had wished for that before, was certain Loki was capable of it, and his faith in his oldest friend was punished mercilessly.
Loki's letter was brief, a precise message in his precise hand:
As of today, I've reinstated your temporal magical protections. Your time flow is now synchronized to the time of our realm for the sake of communication with your family in Asgard, however, your exile remains in effect. Do not attempt to contact Laufeyhavn. It would be in vain.
He didn't know how to feel about it. It was an unexpected mercy, certainly, but a strangely cold one. How he wished Lenora was here to advise him, how he wished for her friendship and strength. She was the one who knew how to weather the sorrow of flights and exiles, who navigated them as nimbly and competently as a fish in water. What he wouldn't give for her to sit with him and Astrid this morning, with tea and a sandwich, he thought smiling and looking to the paper bag and empty bench beside him.
How he wished Lea could meet his daughter. She would be arriving soon; only a couple month yet, according to Astrid. Would Lea be proud of his strength in fulfilling their promises? Was she even alive? Magnus ached knowing that if she was alive and aware of his situation she would certainly be brokenhearted, regardless of how much she wanted it for him. He was fairly certain Lenora must be alive and that Loki was lying. He was far too covetous of her to kill her; had worked too hard to force her to his side for anything short of possessing her. Magnus could feel her living presence in the universe, as if she were seeing him now, but Lea herself would scold him for trusting a feeling.
He felt a pang of guilt at wanting Lea there, but he realized there was nothing to be sorry for. She had mattered very much to him and they had loved each other. Just because it ended didn't mean it wasn't beautiful and important and to be treasured. He realized it was her friendship he missed above all else about her. The potent lust had dissolved after so much time, becoming less and less important or insistent. At the core of things, he missed his dear friend.
The doctor sighed unhappily, but when he raised his eyes to see his lovely wife walking with her long strides to meet him, his face transformed into the warmest kind of joy. Astrid's beaming light chased away the clouds of his rumination. He stood to greet her and kiss her, then they settled themselves companionably on the bench. He handed her a sandwich and a warm cup of her own.
Astrid, always perceptive, met his eyes with her deep blue ones and understood. “You miss her, don't you?” she said, stroking his cheek comfortingly.
Magnus stuttered, “Uh...yeah, I do. But not like that, love.” He said squeezing her hand reassuringly.
She released a musical little laugh. “I know that, silly Magnus. I know you. It would be written all over that honest face of yours.”
He lowered his eyes sheepishly. God, he loved her. She was more secure in herself than anyone he had ever met. She was like bedrock, and never seemed to know a moment of intimidation or jealousy.  After a lifetime of friendship with Loki, who made his insecurities everyone else's massive problem, Astrid entered the most sorrowful time of his life as a blessed beacon of the clarity and stability he had never enjoyed before. Astrid said, clearly and with the deepest sincerity, “I greatly hope that you will see her again and that I can meet her. I wish she could meet our family. I want to thank the woman who fought for my beloved's life.”
Magnus smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “I think you would like each other very much, the two strongest people I've ever known,” he said and then couldn't say anymore as his voice hitched, thwarting tears. His wife stroked her warm encouraging hand over his back, as she had done countless times before, and together they hoped for, and looked forward to, an even brighter future.
Magnus and Astrid couldn't know that across the universe, time, and space, Lenora had just woken from her three month sleep, and was viewing their meeting without hearing their words, only Loki's gloating narration, as she crumbled. What none of them knew at that moment, especially not Loki himself as he enacted one of his cruelest acts of revenge, is that there was still hope for the villain. The good that Lenora and Magnus had discovered within him would soon breech the surface of his black waters of amorality, his conscience reanimated by rescuing Lenora from a sea of blood and glass. It had transformed him, like a baptism. The deluge of shards cut to his heart more effectively than any surgeon's blade, revealing that it still beat with something other than anger or avarice. There was hope for him after all, small but tenacious, like Lea herself.
@gigglingtigger @lokisgoodgirl @goblingirlsarah @unlucky-number-13 @thedistractedagglomeration @thenerdyoldersister @peaches1958 @sweetsigyn
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 months
omg, finding someone else who detests eggs like me is such a relief! i feel like i just met my other egg-hating half, haha! everyone around me likes them, so i feel sort of embarrassed when eggs are served during mealtimes and then people look at me like i’ve committed a crime by being the only one not eating them. god, it’s exhausting to have to explain or justify myself.
anyway, i appreciate you taking the time to read my self-ship headcanons. i find it heartwarming that you’re always excited and enthusiastic about your readers’ interests. i noticed that you reblogged prompts, so this time i have something to send in. from the ask game, can you do 🐰🐶💎🌿? i’m interested (and i’m sure the other readers are as well) in getting to know you more!
- nix
I know what you mean! Everyone I know definitely is an egg person and they keep telling me that oh, I just haven’t tried them prepared like this or I’ll love them if they’re in something. And they’re kind of right on that one – I tell them I like them in cake and cookies and they look at me like I’ve committed some kind of culinary crime in disliking them. I know the struggle. Also get lots of weird looks for saying I hate Jello – it’s a texture thing though. Squishy makes me so blegh and it’s not pretty, haha!
Heck, I appreciate you sending them in. They gave me so many smiles and happiness today and I appreciated the nice chance of pace and distraction! Thanks to that and other messages sent in, I made it through the commission I was working on and got inspired to reply to a couple emails, and write one post to add to the queue eventually! Honestly, hearing all about your guy’s interests, ships and characters inspire me as a creator too! Also, thank you so much for wanting to get to know me more! I find that really sweet and very flattering 😊
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
This is a lesson I’ve learned the hard way, but people’s actions speak volumes. Unfortunately, it’s been a lesson hard learned, but anyone can say pretty words, anyone can promise you the moon and the stars, anyone can convince you that they’re this amazing person just from their words alone, but their actual actions and what they do will speak volumes more. People whose actions tell me they’re a good person, people whose actions show kindness, respect, and strong morals and character – those are the people I have learned are safe to trust and open my heart to and let into my life. I hope nobody ever has to learn that lesson the hard way, of course, but do believe that people’s actions should be what others judge them by, not their words alone, not some superstition based on star signs, not their looks, not their mental illnesses, not their physical capabilities…just their actions.
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
Both! I love all animals – up until my last couple and current apartment, which are pet free, I’ve always had a cat and love lavishing my friend’s dogs with attention and treats. Once I get a new apartment (or, crossing my fingers, my own house), I definitely want a cat again and I would kill for a place where I can have a pig again! Just a mini-pig, honestly. I have a friend who got one and I love them so much. They’re harder to train than a cat, yes, but once they’re trained, they’re smart and cuddly and lovely pets.
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
I have a leather jacket a friend gifted me. Yes, you guys can be mad at me, it’s indeed real and genuine leather, a motorcycle jacket so I’d be a bit safe when I rode behind him. It’s lasted me eight years now and looks almost the same as it did when I got it. Not only has it held up remarkably well, it’s warm enough to last me into December (though I admittedly run hot) some winters, most definitely into November. It also looks good with everything I own, has good pockets on it. I also have a hand-me down cut from the same friend that I wear when I’m feeling really lonely, as it always reminds me of him. I’ve had some rude people tell me it looks ridiculous on me, especially when I wear it with my usual pastel dresses and frilly skirts, but he always told me I rocked it like no one else, so I take his confidence into all days when I wear it.
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
I wear a lot of dresses and skirts, to be honest. It’s only in winter that I start throwing on pants or when I have to work (uniform and all). My favourite one is super geeky though! I’m actually going to add a picture here!
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I’ll throw leggings on under it in chillier weather and always wear bike shorts under all my dresses and skirts (I’m super active and tend to sit like a man, so they protect my modesty). It’s old now, at least five or six years old and it’s been washed so much the colours aren’t as vibrant and it’s all stretched out, but it will have to come apart at the seams before I give up wearing it.
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punch-love · 3 months
hi i noticed a lot of comments demanding updates for lunch-love and im sorry, if no one else has said it thank you for what you’ve taken the time to put out for it already, i hope you know that even if you never put out an update for it again in your life there are at least a few people who will forever cherish it as it is, even incomplete. i came to your page because i adore the way you write spideypool, but im horrifically fond of your writing style and your passion for loki and mobius is rather infectious, would you recommend watching the show before reading anything you write on it? or would you say that reading things first could help someone appreciate subtle details in their relationship? i hope today has been kind to you !
The way you sent this mere hours after I got another "you need to update this pleeeaase" comment that made me want to tear my hair out. I really appreciate you saying all that. I'm really proud of the work I put into love-punch, and it does mean something to me that people appreciate it for what it is, unfinished and all. I always say that I really only write for myself but with that project in particular, I do also write for the people who love it as much as I did.
I also cannot express how delighted I am that somehow my non-stop lokius infection has charmed instead of repulsed you off my page. I love that you're fond of my writing outside my prior fandom work! That's always such a huge compliment. I 100% recommend watching the show before reading anything I write on it, and it's for a few reasons.
The show is really, really good. It's not only one of the best things the MCU has ever produced but it's an incredible character study alongside being one of the most romantic stories i've ever watched. I don't even consider it queer-baiting, it's really very much a love story (whether you see it as romantic or platonic) and it moved me very much to watch it.
Unlike spideypool, the relationship between Mobius and Loki is very much defined and enriched by the source. I'm imitating perfection, truly. I think with spideypool I really treated them like my personal sandbox because the canon is so loose and fast, but Mobius and Loki ARE the show.
I really think watching the show in fact, helps you appreciate subtle details in their relationship. You can read my work without watching it technically, since it's an AU, but god is it 10000000000% better with the source informing it.
If I am the reason someone checks out Loki and appreciates a story that has not left my mind in the months since I've watched it, I would be very delighted. If you end up watching it feel free to tell me what you thought of it! Good or bad, I'd be interested in hearing. Again, thank you for such a sweet message. You really kept me from getting overtly jaded yesterday.
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i0veless · 1 year
tell us a secret that you would never tell anyone you knew in real life
I'll always be second place to my brother..rant underneath the cut. Feel free to ignore this.
To be honest, I was going to ignore this question at first, but after the day I have had, I need to get some shit off my chest. And before you ask why I am sharing this with random strangers on the internet...I think it's probably because none of you know me in real life and there aren't going to be as many repercussions for these words as there would be if you all knew me. You guys only know me threw what I present online, so in a way, none of you truly know. And in a way this blog (and other sites) are my safe space and haven away from all of my problems so if I would ever share something it would be here, okay so with that addressed let me myself a bit.
From the day I was born, I was a walking second-place trophy to my brother. He was better than me in every sense, smart, stronger, respectful, kind, and a man. This made me seem like the most flawed thing on Earth, the second child to my mother and father, and I was everything my brother was not. Angry, stubborn, unladylike, and a disgrace were just a few of the colourful adjectives I was described as in the later years of my life (after the age of 9). I suppose I wouldn't have been treated like this if I had been born a boy, which is my biggest regret. It set me up to be the failure that I am today.
While my brother was handed everything, I had to fight for it all. Since my parents (my father) are deeply religious and are stuck in the mindset that women do not need further education (not all of my family think like this, but most do). And everything I do is looked at from under a microscope, everything from my weight to my looks. Though that was the only thing, I had going for me in the eyes of many. I was decent-looking, though I thought my sharp tongue would make me a horrible housewife.
I suppose that one of the reasons why I was so self-conscious while growing up, I was constantly told I was too fat or too skinny. My skin was too dark or I looked like a white person, and I couldn't even wear normal clothes without being judged. I'll never forget my 10th birthday, the day my uncle (dad's side) called me a wannabe prostitute for wearing a princess dress with my bare legs out and sent me running back into my room in tears. And since that day they constantly monitor everything that I do to make sure that I keep my mind "pure", from who a text and what I watch on youtube - to be honest, this blog is my best-kept secret.
And at this point, my life is a badly written Wattpad fanfiction because it keeps getting worse. Every day I wake up and hope it's going to be better just take another turn into shitvile. And at this point, I don't know how much more of this I can take. I'm constantly walking on eggshells, worried I am doing something wrong. And before you ask, yes, I want to leave, but I'm unsure if I can. Where would I go? I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do, so this next year of my life will be crucial in my path. Also it's not just because of my brother that I want to leave, there are a lot more issues I don't feel comfortable talking about just yet, and they are part of the reason why I want out. Thank you for listening, hope you have a good day/night.
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
I’m really sorry if I was the person that sent you and ssa-Morgan-hotchner the same asks. I wanna make excuses about it having been a long time or I forgot who I’d previously sent it to but truthfully I just didn’t think before asking, I should be more considerate of how writers feel receiving stuff like that especially anonymously :/. I’ll be more thoughtful in future of how I request these things. Sorry again if it made you feel used or unappreciated. I know you guys do all this out of the kindness of your hearts so I’ll keep that in mind and not treat bloggers like fic machines.
I do love both of your blogs and I will continue to be a fan but hopefully a more thoughtful one. (I sent a similar message to Greg-Montgomery just to make sure you both know it was not my goal to upset either of you. I love both of your work <3)
thank you!!
okay so - i don’t think it was about you? i didn’t notice getting the same ask as morgan. it’s not possible to keep track of everything that gets posted by other blogs. it was about a request mon received that was very similar to one i got and then another request i got for a reader who has adhd (which i was really excited to write bc i also have it but i saw today another blog got the same request and already wrote it - and i bet did it beautifully - so i obviously won’t).
it wasn’t targeted at certain people, just in general bc it happens a lot. sometimes i notice it sometimes i don’t.
it means the world to me that you sent this because you understood exactly what i mean! and of course your apology is accepted 💞💞
i know that when you guys do that you don’t mean any harm and that like you said you don’t think of it that way. that’s why i wanted to explain why it makes me uncomfortable.
imagine getting a request and getting excited about it and planning what you wanna write and suddenly seeing someone has already posted it. it’s very disappointing.
there are many blogs that post similar content so they might just blend all together in your minds but behind those blogs we are just some guys who love aaron as much as you do and are excited to talk about him or create stories about him with you.
i’m not attacking anyone and i’m not angry at anyone i’m just saying these things so you can all see our point of view.
anyway. thank you very much for sending this and i really appreciate it 🫶🏻 i hope you have a beautiful day!!
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
one of these days, when your requests are open, you’ll get a flood of me on my knees requesting content with the short races. I feel like I couldn’t fix nere, kethric, lorrokan, cazador, jaehira, or z’rell but a cute halfling could /lh.
no, but seriously thank you for writing these niche races! as much as I will always eat up your elves, tieflings, drows, orcs/half-orcs, and Dragonborn x human reader content, I still have a special place for the smaller races. I’m also a little embarrassed you recognize me from liking your human kink stuff haha I never thought I liked that much of it!! Have an amazing day/night! Take breaks and I hope your wisdom teeth are healing nicely lol.
Today is really not my day, tumblr is being stubborn, and this is the second time I had to rewrite this.
And I should be the one thanking you for these kind messages <3 Thank you so much for sending them
Nothing motivates my writing more than knowing I'm adding droplets of water to an empty cup rather than a vast ocean. I'm being fr. When I first learned of my human kink, I searched up for mostly elves x humans and found a decent amount of results!
Then I searched for dwarves x humans and literally found nothing, z e r o results.
No matter how small this is, I genuinely want it to be the mark I leave behind. Fullfilling niche interests of people because things will add up eventually! Each relationship tag I started on Ao3 will expand eventually! It will be there forever for others to realise that this idea they had wasn't so silly after all and they do want more of this.
Even if that niche subject isn't something I'm interested in, it's good practice to write about things out of your passion zone every now and then! Realise your skills have more to them than simply love, and you can apply them to something you feel neutral about.
Also how regressive the dnd community tends to be- anti queerness is still present. People who scoff at any non-binary portrayals or gender ambiguity.
So I really love making the human kink gender neutral, that the kink Itself is about the human as a person. Not about their gender.
and there are people who throw tantrums at the idea of short races being treated as actual people rather than a gag character.
Because short people aren't just there for laughter, or infantilization. It's not just really old wise people or "cute must protect beans"
They can be attractive, have rich complex lives, love, hate, and be in relationships, have sex and act like any other adult around them.
And thanks for respecting my time and waiting for the requests to reopen, some people would've just sent them without regards- i still get the occasional stray ones.
So hey, if you do happen to accidentally send yours by accidentally writing them out and accidentally hitting the send button, then I will look the other way <3
I am telling you to send them yes, subtly of course. Because to be honest, I won't re-open my requests for a long time. I've been less active because one thing after another keeps piling up on me irl while I had so much more free time in the beginning of this blog- even the free time I do have now, I'm using for my other hobbies. Started reading the Odyssey! Weirdly fun, didn't expect it.
The flame for halfling reader hasn't burned out yet, and I am struggling to get through my other requests. They are fine and good but my passion just isn't there. Might as well use yours as an excuse to buy myself more time since I'll be writing about something I'm interested in.
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