#thank you so much Antonia
alicent-archive · 1 month
Baela. Targaryen. with. a. crossbow.
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starbuck · 2 years
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“Martha... How do you stop- How do you stop it?” “You don’t.”
Martha from Ravenous (1999) ~ requested by anonymous
#ravenous 1999#REQUESTED OVER A YEAR AGO I SHOULD ADD#i am SO very sorry that this took so long#i wasn't in a ravenous mood when you sent the request and then various Unforeseen Life Circumstances got in my way#and then i procrastinated on getting the blu ray for a bit#but - if it's any consolation - this is a MUCH higher-quality set than you would have gotten if i had made it right away#i'm remaking all my old sets with the blu ray footage - i'm OBSESSED#and it's soooooooooo much easier to work with than the black sa.ils blu rays thank GOODNESS#so lots and lots more goodies to come!#but i wanted to start with this one because i've been meaning to do it for SO long and life just kept getting in the way#i love Martha SO much - i def would have done a set for her eventually request or not#truly i am keeping it together until Cleaves' coat and the purple stole... then i just lose it#like. she loses everyone she loves to imperialist violence and then is forced to leave her home for her own survival#it's so awful#i'm so glad she survives - but it's still absolutely a tragedy (both for her and in general)#kudos to Antonia for insisting on the inclusion of the final shot of her walking out though... it's such a powerful image#in a tragic sense of her being forced off her land with literally only the clothes on her back#and in a hopeful sense that she DOES escape and live on... she isn't devoured by the system#it's just A Lot#i'm have a few more Martha sets planned that i'm really excited about as well!#one of her and Cleaves (in which i will shamelessly reuse a few of these gifs)#and one of... well... You Will See! :))))))))))))))))))))#stay tuned!!
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jinwoosungs · 8 months
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lies of p
pinocchio x reader
{ with freckles like constellations | i just want a new sensation. }
- valentine by COIN
your eyes were basking in the beauty of the expanse of the universe settled directly on your lap.
pinocchio had always been a puppet that greatly fascinated you. an utterly beautiful boy in a strange, tragic world that drew you in. from his true blue eyes to his chestnut strands of hair, geppetto's puppet reminded you deeply of the princes you read in fairytales from long ago.
you were one of the few human survivors left in the wake of the petrification disease, and it was thanks to your good fortune that you were lead to hotel krat, where you met with the owner, lady antonia. she was a kind and giving, always welcoming guests like you with open arms.
and it was here that you came into contact with pinocchio.
he was twitchy, at first, and it was abundantly clear that he was a puppet. and despite how unnatural his movements were, your eyes were always drawn to his beautiful face.
his pale skin was littered with freckles, and each and every speck reminded you of tiny little stars being dotted across the skies. his gaze was steadfast, unflinching even, as you kept your eyes on him. you admired each and every part of him, even finding yourself reaching out to him.
pinocchio continues to give you a blank stare, not even stepping back when your hands unconsciously reaches out to gently grace at his cheek. you admire the soft and smooth surface of his face, allowing your fingertips to brush back his flowing locks of chestnut hair, revealing those endearing freckles.
finally realizing what you were doing, you gasp and attempt to step away. "s-sorry pinocchio...ah?"
he says nothing, simply closing his eyes before placing his cheek against the palm of your hand. you watch as pinocchio's eyes flutter close, his eyelashes brushing against your skin as soft as a butterfly's wings.
he remains in this position for a few more beats before opening his eyes fully. not saying a word, pinocchio relinquishes his hold of your hand before walking away from you-
leaving your heart a mess of rapid beats and palpitations, threatening to explode within your chest.
despite how pinocchio was a mere puppet, you couldn't stop yourself from admiring him (or having that admiration turn into something much deeper, akin to fondness.) as he continued on with his journey through krat, the more he became... alive.
it was hard to explain. maybe it was due to his soft beauty, or how you witness him treating hotel krat's cat with such a gentle curiosity and kindness, but something about p made him feel more human than puppet.
and that just made your heart yearn for him even more.
as night fell across krat, and you were in the comfort of your own room within this grand hotel, you found yourself unable to sleep. you were settled on the settee placed near the window, giving you the full view of the city and the wide expanse of the night sky. the dim lighting of the candle flickers with the night air as you drank in the sight of the fading stars, somehow feeling your thoughts drifting back to pinocchio.
"i hope he's safe."
earlier, you had voiced your concerns to eugénie and sophia, yet both women had told you not to worry, that p was strong and would likely come back unscathed.
"if it truly worries you, perhaps i can send your beloved puppet to your room?"
sophia's gentle smile and teasing words were enough to make your face heat up in response, with you weakly holding up your hands in mock denial before hurrying back to your room, your face burning at how sophia seemed to know.
so you found yourself unable to sleep, feeling embarrassed and shy at the thought of pinocchio coming in here.
as you continued to stargaze, your reveries were interrupted by a gentle knock at your door. your voice was raised a few octaves when you said, "c-come in!"
you figured it was sophia or eugénie coming to call you down for supper, but what you weren't expecting to see was pinocchio himself come in.
"pinocchio?!" his name comes out of your parted lips in a choked gasp, heart beating almost painfully now at the mere sight of him. despite how he was still technically a puppet, you could see the changes he was beginning to display.
the p that stood before you now no longer had those wavy locks of chestnut hair. instead, his hair has grown longer, and a bit lighter as well. it was difficult to describe the color of his hair, but if you had to try, you'd say it was like the shade of a full moon. those gentle strands shone like spun silver against the moonlight, and he was so utterly beautiful that you found it hard to breathe.
he closes his eyes, seeming to take in a deep breath before letting out a whisper of your name. hearing the familiar syllables causes a shiver to run up and down your spine, and you could feel your heart melting within your chest at the sound of it.
"hello pinocchio." you greet him in the same, gentle manner, never once hiding your smile from him. you watch as his lips seemed to quirk upwards just the tiniest bit before making his way toward you.
he remains silent, simply laying down on the couch with you, settling himself on your lap. this sudden action was so...different and unexpected that you weren't sure how to respond or what to do.
your stomach was in knots now, and all you could see was pinocchio's achingly gentle beauty. as his hair was spread out across your lap, you could see his freckles clearly now, the sight of it all being much more captivating than the stars above.
with the puppet seemingly asleep, you took this chance to admire your personal constellation, allowing your fingertips to trace over his smooth skin like you did during your first meeting with him. truly, everything about p drew you into him, and you wanted nothing more than to bask in him, drinking him in as you burned his very visage into your memories.
your touch was gentle, not wishing for him to feel any discomfort or pain.
your touch was reverent, never once taking him for granted as you praised him for his bravery and strength.
as you continued to admire him, you felt a strange trembling in your lips, filling you with a desire to press them against the parted, rosy lips settled below you. you slide your eyes shut and whisper his name before allowing your lips to gently press against pinocchio's.
his reaction was immediate, eyes opening as true blue irises met with your own gaze. with a gasp, you pull away, an apology already set at the tip of your tongue when the puppet stops you.
using his hand, he brushes back your hair while letting out a sigh of your name, kissing you again as he closes his own eyes in response.
with pinocchio kissing you back, you found yourself melting into his arms, clinging to him. the kiss was awkward, with your teeth either bumping into his lips or his nose meeting with yours-
and yet it was still so utterly sweet. as you cling to him, you could have sworn you felt the tiniest bit of warmth exuding from him-
and a gentle flutter within his chest, reminding you of a heartbeat.
when the need for air proved to be too much, you pull away from pinocchio with adoration in your eyes. his expression was gentle and filled with tranquility, closing his eyes before pressing his lips against your forehead.
while being in pinocchio's embrace, you found your anxieties all but melt away, allowing the pinpricks of slumber to mar your consciousness. you end up falling asleep within his arms, unaware of how pinocchio held you and took you to back to bed.
as he held you, he presses his lips against your temple once more, silently vowing to remain forever by your side.
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a.n. - pinocchio is utterly sweet, and with lies of p fully released, i had to write something soft for him. this is unedited so do forgive me for any glaring errors 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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missvelvetsstuff · 27 days
No Benefits
Bucky Barnes x Reader, Bucky x Sharon
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
**Previous chapter**
Cookie looked at the cold face of her friend, the man she had loved for 2 years and rasped out "Bucky. Please." She looked into his emotionless eyes and she realized this was it, she closed her eyes and tried to say "I forgive you" as she lost consciousness.
Chapter 6
Note: sorry this chapter took so long, hope it's worth the wait.
Warnings: Swearing, angst
The Soldat was distracted by a door slamming open, the sunlight that shone through it and the shield that hit him in the chest, knocking him back. He dropped an unconscious Cookie and turned in the direction of the distractions before stalking over towards them. He approached the man who threw the shield and a man in a red and gold metal suit but before he could throw a punch the guy in the metal suit put his hand up and some red mist came out. The Soldat covered his mouth and tried not to inhale it but failed.
Bucky coughed and shook his head before looking up to see Steve and Tony in front of him, holding defensive positions as they waited to see if it worked.
Bucky rubbed his eyes "Steve? What the Hell is going on?"
Bucky looked around as his head cleared and saw Cookie, crumpled on the floor and rushed over to her, falling to his knees.
"Cookie! Nonononono. Fuck! What did I do? Please doll, you have to be ok"
He started to reach out to her but pulled back when he saw the bruises starting to form on her neck. He turned to look at Steve and begged "Help her, please."
As soon as he sprayed Bucky, Tony aimed the mist at Nat, Sharon, Yelena and Antonia. All but Antonia shook themselves out of the trance they were in while Antonia tried to escape up the stairs. Unfortunately for her, Nat and Yelena were faster and tackled her to the floor.
Steve carefully picked Cookie up and hurried towards the quinjet.
Bucky stood, looked around and saw Sharon. He glared and started towards her when Tony stopped him. "We'll take care of them, you go back to the jet with Rogers and Cookie.
Bucky flinched when he heard her name "I don't think-"
Tony cut him off "Don't think, just go, everything here is handled."
Bucky just nodded and turned in the direction Steve had gone. When he arrived at the jet he saw Steve standing next to the medical bed where he had laid Cookie.
He turned to face Bucky "Friday is monitoring her but there doesn't seem to be any serious damage just some bruising. She'll be alright, Buck."
Bucky scoffed "Yeah, no thanks to me. I'll just keep my distance." and sat as far away from her as he could.
Steve tried to comfort him "C'mon Buck, it's not your fault. They were controlling you."
Bucky just turned his back to him without a word and Steve knew he would need some time.
Tony and Sam walked up the ramp with Antonia, Nat, Sharon and Yelena all in front while Clint and Sam were last so they could keep an eye on everyone.
Antonia was restrained and belted into one of the seats with Sam and Clint on either side. Tony took the pilots seat and they raced home as quickly as possible.
Cookie felt herself being pulled awake by an annoying beeping in her room. She tried to tell Friday to turn her alarm off but quickly realized that no sounds were coming out. She tried to clear her throat but it was painful like a sore throat when you're sick but much worse.
She tried to open her eyes but the room was too bright and as she sniffled detected a strong antiseptic smell.
Once she put it all together she realized she must be in the med bay.
Cookie opened her eyes again and was able to keep them open this time. She felt a hand holding hers and looked around the room to see dark hair. She squeezed the hand gently and tried to speak, which made her cough and woke him up.
"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?"
Cookie tried to speak but on squeaked and coughed. She shrugged and pointed at her throat.
"I know, I'm sorry Cookie. We tried to get there before it went that far but I'm glad we found you in time. Here, have some water." He sat her bed up and held the cup of water so she could drink from the straw. As she drank he explained that Bucky, Sharon, Nat and Yelena had all been controlled by Antonia with a serum that the Red Room had been using on the Widows, to keep them in line.
The cool water soothed Cookie's throat but when she tried to speak it still came out as a croak "Sammy" and made her cough again.
Sam set the water down "Dr Cho said your throat will be sore for awhile so no talking for a few days. If you can manage that, Imma be seriously impressed. Here, this will help." he handed her a tablet so she could type out what she wanted to say.
Cookie slapped his shoulder before taking the tablet and trying quickly into it. *How's Barnes?*
Sam shook his head "After everything that's happened, that's the first thing you wanna say?" he sighed "Bucky is fine. He's been in the waiting area all night but won't come in here. Blames himself, which he should, if you ask me."
Cookie scowled at him and started typing again
*I didn't ask. According to what you just told me, wasn't his fault. Tell his dumb ass to come in here!*
Sam looked at her, frustrated "I also just told you he won't come in here. Did he mess up your hearing too?"
Cookie sighed *Tell him I said so*
Sam shook his head as he left the room to talk to Bucky. It didn't go well.
Bucky refused "Goddammit Sam, I already told you I wasn't going in there. What if I see her and he decides to come back and finish the job? That was his last order and I don't know if it'll still be there when I see her. She deserves better than me. I'm stupidly damaged and can't promise she won't end up hurt, whether it's by someone I've hurt, Hydra wanting me back or just me and my unstable mind. I can't risk hurting her again. Just tell her I'm sorry."
Sam tried to reply but when he looked where the super soldier had just been standing, the entire waiting room was empty.
When Sam returned to Cookies room she frowned and he shrugged "I told you he wouldn't. He bailed before I could convince him. You're gonna have to wait till he's ready."
A few hours later Cookie was released by Dr Cho with the conditions that she take it easy and not try to talk for a few days. On the way back to her room she saw Nat and Yelena. Both women looked at the floor and mumbled apologies as she walked past.
Cookie was happy that she made it to her room without seeing Sharon. Even if she was being controlled, Cookie couldn't wipe the images of Sharon and Bucky all over each other or the nasty comments she had made. Maybe after some rest and time to put it all into perspective she would feel more rational about it.
Cookie wasn't sure what her next move should be since her being here seemed to be traumatic for everyone involved in her adventure. DC and Boston were always options. She could transfer to either one and still do her job without much trouble, thanks to Stark tech and wouldn't be too far away by plane or Dr Strange in a real emergency.
She knew that seeing Bucky every day, especially if he stays with Sharon or finds another "friend", would be challenging for her. Distance would help her heart heal, or so she thought.
She figured being out of his sight would help Bucky deal with his own trauma and guilt without her reminding him that the Soldat was still lurking.
After a couple of days Cookie was getting her voice back and had been released to go back to work. She noticed that Bucky always seemed to be lurking around but bolted everytime their eyes met. He wouldn't stay in the same room as Cookie unless there were briefings where he wasn't given much choice.
When Maria came to her office a week later, to see how she was feeling, Cookie told her what she was thinking and Maria tried to talk her out of it.
By the time Maria left her office, Cookie was sure of her next step and sent the papers to Nick Fury, already begrudgingly signed off on by Maria.
When her work day ended, Cookie headed to her room to start organizing and packing. She would miss her view of the lake and her friends here but she felt like she just couldn't stay with the way things were. Maybe in a few years she could get her head together and figure out how to convince her heart to let go of Bucky but it wasn't happening here.
Cookie told Sam that she was moving but made him promise not to tell anyone, especially not Bucky. She wasn't up to a teary goodbye with the whole team and didn't want Bucky to feel like it was his fault.
At her last team dinner two weeks later, everyone was there even Steve and Tony but only Sam knew it was her last day at the compound. Everyone else thought they were celebrating her clean bill of health the day before. As always, Bucky was nowhere to be seen while Sharon, Nat and Yelena were there but none of them had even tried to speak to her since they all returned to the compound.
Cookie figured they were dealing with their own guilt even if it wasn't really any of their fault but she knew Dr Raynor would help them work through it all. She convinced herself that her move was best for them as well, so they don't have to see her and feel bad about what happened.
The next morning she woke early, left her room packed for the movers to pick up and Sam flew her to her new home for the foreseeable future.
@erelierraceala @capswife @ozwriterchick @cjand10 @wintrsoldrluvr @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @browneyedgrli @greatenthusiasttidalwave @hhiggs @dontworryboutitsweetheart-blog @behindmygreyeyes @pattiemac1 @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @calwitch @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @ordelixx @blackhawkfanatic @casey1-2007 @scott-loki-barnes @selella
Chapter 7
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00fairylights00 · 5 months
I Guess You Just Don’t Love Me Anymore
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GIF from @glowing-starlight on Tumblr
I was so taken by @ash-arts-but-sinful's post which mentions P being jealous of the cat and @oldworldghost’s post which contains the idea of him becoming more mischievous and sassy as he becomes human that I just had to write a little something, I hope it’s alright that I drew on your thoughts for some inspiration!
As a disclaimer, I haven’t finished my first play-through yet so this is more of a character study based off of what I’ve experienced in-game and what I’ve been seeing on Tumblr instead of delving heavily into the world-building and established story that exists within the game. So hopefully no spoilers and it’s very likely that this won’t at all line up with the in-game timeline.
Big thanks to @cupidsredcollar beloved for proofreading <3 
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For as long you had known Pinocchio you had never known him to be a jealous individual, in fact, when you’d first met that bleak, overcast morning in Hotel Krat you had been almost unsettled by his uncanny nature. 
His features were perfectly human, aside from the metal prosthetic he’d been fitted with. He had freckles and soft hair, a face that looked fashioned from a real person instead of the smiling caricatures Krat’s puppets were usually fitted with. 
But despite his boyish features, his face barely moved, he nodded along to Sophia as she gave him the task of locating his father, Mr. Geppetto, and tilted his head in question as Lady Antonia explained the concept of lying but his brows didn’t so much as pinch, his lips didn’t quirk and his eyes looked straight through you as you had wished him safety on his travels.
So watching in real time as he came into his own was something you cherished greatly, you continued to watch him grow and change, become something new. Pinocchio chose to spend a lot of his down time with you, he said he found you interesting, that you had a way of explaining humanity that made sense to him and over the last couple of weeks something had started to shift in him.
No, Pinocchio had never been a jealous individual, for as long as you’d known him.
Until today.
Your morning had started normally, woken up by the cool feeling of P’s lips against your forehead, human hand smoothing back your hair. He mumbled something about needing to go out, you tried to convince him to come back to bed, he tried to convince you to get up (he always wins).
P drags you down to the kitchen, you eat and he watches, something that was initially a little awkward but you’ve come to really look forward to, then you farewell each other at the rear entrance of the hotel. 
He holds you close to his chest, resting his lips to your hairline and making you promise to look after yourself and your companions while he’s away, you make him promise to be careful though you know he’s not always able to, often catching glimpses of Sophia muttering blessings and incantations under her breath in the foyer.
“It’s just Ergo hunting today, I’ll be more than careful.” He whispers, human arm winding around your shoulder. You breathe him in, hands to his chest feeling the odd sensation of his heart, not quite a tick but not quite a beat. 
You lean up to kiss against the slant of his jaw, his mechanical pulse jumping in response. He looks down at you, you catch the fondness in his blue eyes without mistake, he captures your lips in his, holding on for a second longer than he knows is necessary (it’s not like you mind though).
Lounging against the doorway, watching him walk towards the entrance of Elysion Boulevard, he turns and gives a last longing look over his shoulder before stepping through the wrought iron gates and disappearing from view.
You sigh, making your way back inside to start on your usual round of chores, helping where you could to take the load off of Polendina who needed more time to focus on Lady Antonia and her illness. You had just returned to the puppet butler for more tasks when you noticed movement on the top of the shelf behind the front desk. 
Sitting tall and proud was Hotel Krat’s resident sweetheart, Spring, tail swishing steadily as she kept watch of the foyer from her perch. The white and orange cat jumped down to the desk as she noticed you, laying down across the dark wood and turning over in gesture for belly rubs; which you gave happily. 
“She’s been very noisy today,” Polendina explained, stroking the cat, “I wonder what she’s trying to tell us?”
“Probably trying to manipulate us into giving her more treats, isn’t that right?” You accused lightly, you were sure that if he could, Polendina would be smiling. 
“There is another load of laundry that needs folding, could I have a hand?” He asked politely.
“Of course Polendina.”
And it seemed you had found yourself a shadow, Spring making an unreasonable amount of noise as she followed you and Polendina around the hotel. She wound between your legs, chirruped in response to your voices and bumped her head against whatever part of your bodies were within her reach. 
It was no surprise that Spring was loved by the inhabitants of the hotel, and it was very apparent that she loved them back, well everyone except for P. Not for lack of trying of course, he followed your advice of trying to build trust between him and the animal but she wouldn’t so much as let P touch her, hissing her disapproval for all to hear.
You’d often watch as P would recoil from Spring, the feline swiping and spitting at the puppet. You couldn’t tell from his expressions if the cat’s dislike for him bummed him out but sometimes as he lay next to you in bed he would lament quietly that Spring hated him, which would award him a sound of humoured pity and a kiss for the cheek.
It wasn’t clear what it was about P that set Spring off so aggressively. In all the time you had spent at Hotel Krat she’d never behaved in such an unfriendly way, even complete strangers who would seek refuge for short periods of time were welcome to interact with Spring freely. 
She would bask in the attention. You hoped that she would eventually come around to the puppet, given it looked like he would be around for the long haul and you just knew the two would be the best of friends if she would stop being so nasty.
But P was patient, far more patient than you were and it showed as you folded and unfolded the same piece of linen for the third time without realising, Polendina placed a gloved hand over your own, silently relieving you of duty.
“Apologies, my mind seems to be elsewhere Polendina.”
“You worry for the boy, it’s only natural that your mind wanders.” You sometimes forget how long Polendina has been around, having been a close companion of Lady Antonia’s for decades. You had a feeling he knew more about human emotions than he let on, somehow he always knew what to say when it came to your thoughts surrounding Geppetto’s Puppet. 
“I just can’t help it, and with him figuring out who he is, I fear he’ll get himself hurt by being too kind.” You wring your hands in your lap, focusing hard on the lines in your skin as you try to keep yourself from thinking of anything too awful.
“He has met humans who have given him trouble before and he has a good head on his shoulders. I would wager that you have nothing to worry about, but I understand that may not put your mind at ease.” 
“It doesn’t but thank you.” Your hand went to Polendina’s shoulder with a smile. “I think I’m going to find something else to do, try and get my mind off of things.”
Polendina nodded once, going back to folding the linens, “I’ll send the boy your way when he returns.”
You smiled in earnest, appreciative of Polendina’s knowing kindness. 
Spring, who had been lounging between you and Polendina, got up, stretching herself out and scampering over to your side. She meowed frantically to grasp your attention. 
Her interruptions continued as you made your way around the kitchen. It wasn’t particularly dirty given how little it was being used now, however, the repetitive action of wiping down the countertops and sweeping the floor were just the distraction you were looking for. 
Your ears perked up at the heavy steps of boots on marble floors, the jingle of P’s belt was something you could identify in your sleep. He stood tall in the doorway, all sweet smiles and fidgeting hands. Happy to see you, always happy to see you.
He was shockingly clean as he approached, resting his forehead to yours as his hands found their place on your waist, all the scolding about tracking oil and muck through the hotel was finally paying off.
You ran your hands over the intricate designs embossed onto the lapel of his coat, smoothing the fabric down before hooking your hands behind his neck.
“Welcome home, pretty boy.” You cooed, brushing your nose against his. 
He liked the small intimacies you shared, bunny kisses you’d come to find were a favourite of his.
“You can go and relax if you want, I’m just cleaning.” You offered, but he shook his head. 
Spring had also gotten bored of waiting on you, brushing up against your legs. So there you stood, sandwiched between your two favourite beings. 
And two shadows wouldn’t be so bad if they would stop getting under foot, you laughed as Spring and P fought for your attention while you made your way around the kitchen.
P hovered close, slinging his arm around your waist as you tried to pass him. You stopped short as he pressed his face into your neck, leaning back against his chest and resting your hands over his wrist. You could feel him smile against your skin, a careful, small smile that only he could manage.
At that moment Spring took it upon herself to jump up onto the counter in front of you, hissing and swiping at P, he scowled and pulled you closer.
“Beast,” he scowled, you gaped at P, smacking the back of your hand at his chest.
“Don’t be horrible, she’s just protecting her territory,” you chided, 
“I haven’t done anything to her, yet she spits at me.” He complained, you thought your ears might be playing tricks on you at the distinct sound of a whine in his tone.
“You love her.” You reminded smugly, a truth he was unable to escape.
“Yeah, unfortunately,” he mumbled, you pushed against his hold, trying to signal your want to move and he hesitantly loosened his grip. Hand ghosting over your waist as he watched you go, you threw a smile over your shoulder which he returned in kind.
You gave Spring a kiss on the head, letting her nuzzle her face against yours before scooping her up and putting her down on the floor where she went back to curling around your legs.
“Ah, so the cat gets a kiss but I don’t?” P asked. You snorted, flinging the rag you’d been using to polish the countertops over your shoulder.
You lent your hip against the counter and crossed your arms over your chest, “you never asked for a kiss, how was I supposed to know that’s what you wanted?”
“I feel like it was obvious.” He placed both of his hands on the counter, stretching his arms out straight as he pushed against the granite. 
You rolled your eyes in jest, unable to keep the fond smile from creeping onto your face, playfully exasperated you closed the short distance between the two of you. Lifting up on your tip-toes to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, he was quick to move his head once you’d pulled back. Hands to your waist and pulling you against him, sealing his lips to yours so quickly it pulled a sound of shock from your throat.
“What’s up with you today, you’ve been awfully touchy.” You teased, twisting the ends of his hair between your fingers. “Not that I’m complaining of course.”
“Missed you,” he murmured, pressing his lips to your forehead tenderly. 
“I missed you too, always miss you when you’re gone.” You placed a hand on his cheek, thumb rubbing gently under his eye.
He pulled the rag from your shoulder and threw it behind you unceremoniously, taking your hand from his cheek to drag you out of the kitchen, a laugh bubbled out of your throat that P was happy to mischievously return.
He led you to the library, seating you at the piano and turning away to rifle through the sheet music stacked in a crate on the floor. He’d been getting better day by day. 
His body wasn’t exactly built to do delicate actions but that never seemed to stop him, in fact, he was inexplicably drawn to all the soft parts of being human even if initially he was afraid to get it wrong. The last thing he’d ever want to do is hurt anyone close to him and for that reason he was acutely aware of the raw strength he possessed.
Though his conscious effort to be gentle made all the difference.
Spring decided she’d had enough of being ignored, jumping up onto the piano bench and brushing up against you, pressing close and then curling down next to you. P turned around, the particular book of sheet music he was searching for held up in his hand, his expression dropped almost comically as he noticed Spring’s position next to you, taking up what was going to be his spot.
“Move her,” he says simply, you throw your head back with a hearty laugh but P’s serious expression doesn’t change.
“No,” you start with a laugh, “Spring got here first, you’ll have to pull up a chair.”
P continued to stand his ground, you wondered if he hoped his very presence would annoy Spring enough that she’d disappear of her own accord, but the cat only opened one eye. She regarded P from her curled up position before nestling her chin back down into her tail. 
It was like Spring knew she was in his spot and was smugly showing off to him, purring loudly.
“P, I’m not moving the cat. Just come and sit on the other side of me.” You insisted, watching as his unappreciated love for the animal won out and he stalked off to get a chair. You chuckled under your breath and passed your fingers through Spring’s soft fur.
“You are so mean to him, you know? He’s quite fond of you and I think you two would be very good friends if you gave him the chance.” You whispered to the cat who ignored you, continuing to purr unabashedly.
Unbeknownst to you, P watched your interaction with the feline from the doorway, his chest feeling warm in a way he wasn’t quite used to yet. Touched by your words that you thought were falling on deaf ears.
He gave in to your fondness for the cat, pulling his chair up next to you, fingers gently flitting across the keys as you hummed softly, head resting comfortably on his shoulder. He decided he didn’t mind this so much.
Late in the evening, however, he decided he did mind. 
You were curled up in your bed a book in hand and Spring dozing lazily in your lap, he entered the room and his shoulders physically dropped.
“What’s the matter?” You asked, thumb placed between the pages of your book as a makeshift bookmark. 
“Nothing,” he mumbled, sitting down unceremoniously on the edge of your bed to take off his shoes.
You placed the now forgotten book on your bedside cabinet, the act of sitting up a little difficult with the cat in your lap. You reached for his shoulder but he shrugged off your hand, trying to hide the action by stripping off his coat.
He stood and draped the coat over the back of your desk chair and moved to unbutton his waistcoat, all while staring down Spring with a scowl.
It clicked.
“Are you jealous of the cat?” You wanted deeply to believe that your Pinocchio was not jealous of a cat, but you couldn’t come up with a more sound explanation.
“I don’t know what that word means.” He lied, avoiding your gaze entirely, unbuckling his belt and dumping it on the desk, Gemini didn’t say anything so you assumed he mustn’t be awake.
“Yes you do,” you rolled your eyes, “I remember very clearly the conversation we had about it.” 
He didn’t respond, turning his back to you and focusing his attention on rifling through the dresser drawer full of his clothes. The sleep clothes he was looking for were folded at the end of the bed.
“It’s okay that you’re jealous of-”
“I am not jealous.” Quick, concise and with no room for argument, he spun back on you. His snapping didn’t phase you.
“Uh huh,” you teased with a smirk, turning all your attention back to Spring who’d been ignoring your exchange.
Perhaps what you were doing was a little mean, given that before you hadn’t been ignoring him on purpose, but it was too fun an opportunity to pass up. P let out a disgruntled huff, shuffling around in your peripheral.
“I guess you just don’t love me anymore.” He offered with his arms crossed over his chest, your jaw dropped and a shocked laugh fell out of your open mouth.
“You take that back, immediately!” You snapped playfully, sitting up fully and annoying the cat enough for her to get up and move.
“Make me.” The challenge he’d levied would mean conceding to his childish behaviour but after all he’d been through, you thought it only fair. 
You pulled the sheets back and stood from the bed, crossing the room to him. He tried to act as though he was uninterested, tried to pretend that your hands on his chest didn’t affect him, tried to ignore the speed of his heart as it hammered under your palm.
Your hands travelled the beaten path they always did, from his chest to his collarbone, then hooking behind his neck. Trying to pull him down was useless, like trying to topple a brick wall with bare hands, but you caught him staring out of the corner of his eye.
“Look at me.” Your whisper was a command, and he had always been faithful to a fault. “I love you.”
He tried to hide the oncoming smile, dropping his chin to his chest, but you were quick to guide his gaze back to yours. There was no way you’d be missing that careful grin. His eyes were soft and gentle when they met your own, there was hesitance in them that you didn’t want to see, so you kissed him.
He melted against you, arms winding around your back and pulling you against his chest, you hummed and he couldn’t stop the full blown grin from forming on his lips; breaking away to look at you like a giddy school boy.
“Are you going to take it back?” You asked, brushing your nose against his in a bunny kiss. 
“Will I still get to kiss you if I do?” He joked, you rolled your eyes albeit in good nature, hands cradling his cheeks as he continued to smile.
“I think that can be arranged,” you mused, leaning in to kiss him again, the two of you falling into familiar rhythm with one another.
Spring slinked out of the partially open door, tail held high, she had seen more than enough.
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
hello hello hello! how are you lovely mods doing? first of all I want to thank you for this blog, it's given me all the best GO fics I've read!!
I wanted to ask you, are you guys aware of any Cinderella!au fanfic for AziraCrow? Cause I've been thinking about writing one, but I don't want to accidentally make it too similar to an existing one!
Thank you ever so much ❤️
Hi, I'm good thanks! We have some Cinderella aus here, and I've got more now...
Raven by desk_mess (T)
King Gabriel's son, Prince Ezra, is coming of age to take a wife for themself. A servant-girl, Antonia, dreams of escaping the clutches of her cruel step-mother and step-sisters. Little do they know they have someone looking out for them. After all, it's ineffable. (Good Omens Cinderella AU) (Rated Teen for Language and Implications.)
A Midsummer Midnight’s Dream by pilatesandpinot (E)
Aziraphale Fell dreams of becoming an actor and dancer but instead lives in servitude to his wicked stepfather and stepsisters. When a mysterious duke invites all of the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes to the Midsummer Masquerade Ball, he thinks he’s found his escape. His stepfamily shuns him from attending, though that’s not something Aziraphale or his sassy godmother will take laying down. Will Aziraphale find his happily ever after, even if it’s not entirely what he expected? A Cinderella/Fairytale inspired AU
Cinderfall by a_serpent (G)
Azira Fell had a really though childhood - his parents died and he had to live with his terrible stepmother and stepbrothers. Everything changes when one day Az meets intriguing (and deadly handsome) redhead stranger.
Cinderphale by Ezra_Oakenshield (G)
As the title suggests, this is a rewrite of "Cinderella" with the Good Omens characters. After the death of his mother, Aziraphale is at the mercy of his cruel adopted siblings. They reduce him to a lowly servant. The solace he finds is with his animal friends, his bookkeeper friend from town, the mysterious blank book that she gave him, the prospect of the three-night ball at the palace, and a certain handsome red-head with dark glasses.
Cinders Bound by Golden Crown by AJ_Constantine (E)
Good Omens Alpha Beta Omega Cinderella AU From the far end of the ballroom Prince Aziraphale’s eyes locked on Crowley as he raised his hand beseechingly. Crowley couldn’t look away from him if his life depended on it, although he was keenly aware of the increasing number of eyes joining the Prince’s to stare at him standing frozen on the dais. As he realized that he was incapable of not answering the silent call of the bright Alpha below him, a calm washed over him, acting as a soothing balm over the jagged edges of his seething emotions. Just breathe. He inhaled shakily as he began descending the steps to the ballroom floor. Prince Aziraphale mirrored his steps, stepping forward to close the distance between them. The sea of nobles between them parted like waves receding from the shore as they moved closer. When Crowley drew close to the Prince, his hand slowly rose to settle in the Alpha's outstretched one. The Prince looked at Crowley's face searchingly. His voice was quiet yet ringing with intent as he asked, "May I have this dance?"
- Mod D
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togetherhearted · 8 months
Commission for @ahhlito [at this point I feel like it is you? After all so many kind gestures towards me 😭]
Topic-Headcanon or drabble about Reader taking care of Pino.
Fun fact,The LoP oc I made is unironically a maid that likes to take care of him like a big sister. I tried my best to not indulge myself too much. I hope you'll like it!
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Pino had left many hours ago. It was supposed to be a quick trip outside;or so Geppetto said. Your eyes often glanced outside in hope to see the familiar puffy brown hair coming close to the hotel. Still nothing, so you went back to your chores, not noticing him passing the gates. The puppet dragged his feet inside the hotel's hall. His head was high like always. He shook his metal arm;dripping of oil. Droplets hit the carpet and floor and Polendina thanked the heavens Antonia was not here to see him making a mess 5 seconds in. Pino was positively drenched from head to toe of whatever substance puppets and those new weird zombies released while dying. Sophia went to greet him but stopped mid-walk -Oh- Was everything she could muster. Pino was looking really messy this time. She made him stay put, near the stargazer and went to call you in a hurry. Her light blue shoes ticking on the marbled floor. Polendina instead grabbed a mop and cleaned the floor around a confused Pino who tilted his head and looked at him through all the chore. You walked downstairs, ready to greet the puppet when you stopped mid-stairway. -Oh- You had the same reaction as Sophia. -I told you this was...umh- The other woman tried to find the right words. You huffed and puffed your chest proudly. -Leave it to me. I can handle this- You walked towards Pino. You extended your hand towards him but when he seemed to extend his greasy one you took your hand back. -Ok, never mind Pino. Follow me. We have lots to do- The puppet gave a firm nod and followed you upstairs. Pino followed you in the bathroom where he was undressed and immerged in the warm bubbly bath you promptly prepared. This was the first time he had a bath;he must have been in a bad shape;luckily he seemed waterproof;except for the metal arm that you removed. As the puppet played a bit with a rubber duck you passed him your hands found their way to his hair. Pino tilted his head up and blinked at the foreign sensation. -Sorry,didn't mean to startle you- Pino shook his head and put your hand back in his hair. You figured he liked to have his hair washed. Since he had no problem with being immerged for a long period of time, you moved your attention to his legion arm; scrubbing away all the oil and dirt stuck in the cranes. -They did a number on you, mh?- Pino nodded as his eyes watched you turning his arm like new. It was sparkly even. After his legion arm it was turn of the clothes. You threw everything in a wooden basin and cleaned them. Pino watched you intently;his cogs made ticking noises;he almost seemed happy someone was taking care of him and his belongings. Once done with those as well,you wrapped the puppet in a warm cloth to dry his body and hair. Pino was calmly sitting at the edge of the tub; enjoying your proximity. He wondered if he could the same to you;take care of you like you just did to him. Then an idea came to his...mind. He was going to wash you to repay your kindness, so he pushed you in the tub;drenching you from head to toe. -Pino!W-why?! Why you did t- Pino put his cold finger on your lips before grabbing a sponge. You did the math and burst out laughing. -Oh, you're so silly...-
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If you'd like to commission or leave a symbolic support you can do it here
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anonymergremlin · 8 months
I want to feel you
Well there you go guys. My smut oneshot with P x Fem!Reader. You could say it has a certain naughty plot that ends up with I think romantic and sexy... well S€X. I hope you like it and as always thanks for reading my stuff. WARNING! SMUT
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It has been like this for a few years. [Name] would leave the safety of the hotel in the morning, two blades in each hand, a firearm strapped to her hip, and the desire to fight again. Fight for the people of Krat, who had suffered far too long. Fight for the memory of her dear friend and the one she loved so much. This motivation was the only fuel left in her body to participate in this nightmare, even if it meant returning to the hotel exhausted and tired. But after the arrival of the good puppet, things changed, there were fewer puppets to fight, the number of madmen decreased and the hope in the people's eyes began to flicker again. Geppetto's puppet, P, is a blessing to everyone.
At first, [Name] kept her distance, watching the puppet from afar. By the way Lady Antonia looked at him and spoke to him, [Name] knew that the lady had the same thoughts as she did. His pretty face, his long chestnut hair, and the way he was built all looked way too familiar. Over time, she began to close the distance between herself and the puppet, to let him into her life and to open her heart to him. P is a useful companion, P is a chance for the desired end of chaos, P is a new beginning for her broken heart.
[Name] hadn't planned to go this far. She didn't think that she would end up kissing him after he came back from a dangerous mission, she didn't think that she would whisper sweet nothings into his ear every time he visited her in her little workshop in the basement of the hotel, and she certainly didn't think that she would want to take him back to her room to devour every part of his body. The young woman had opened her heart to him and he embraced it completely. As he became more human, he began to lean into her actions, becoming needy and romantic himself. He showed the effect of her gestures and words. It made her desire burn even more. Soon [Name] had to devour him.
The two lovers entered the hotel covered in blood and oil. It was now normal for her to be accompanied by him on what she called her hunts. P has to protect her, he wants to protect her, so [Name] had no choice but to let him go with her. Step by step they climbed the stairs, both of them heading for her room. [Name] opened the door slowly and walked in, taking off everything heavy from her tired body. Her coat hit the floor while her blades and weapon were carefully placed on a table. A sound of displeasure escaped her lips as she turned her head from side to side to relieve some of the pressure on her muscles. "Ahhh, it really hurts today. I should have been more careful."
"Mia cara."
[Name] turned around as the pet name finally reached her ears. Oh, by whatever god there is, she loved to hear him call her by that name. Her orbs focused on his face. She watched as his soft lips parted slightly and his eyebrows lowered to show his concern. "Oh, my love, it's all right. A little pain didn't stop me then and it won't stop me now," she said softly as she moved closer to him. Her left hand found its way to one of his cheeks, her thumb stroking the skin. She watched as he leaned into the gesture, moving his head slightly so that her touch reached every little spot. They stayed like this for a while before she moved in for a kiss. Their lips pressed against each other, both of their hands searching for a spot on each other's bodies.
It burns inside her. She needs him now.
With all the strength left in her body, [Name] pushed him and herself backwards. A light thud reverberated through the room as his back hit the wall. The tip of her tongue pressed against his lips, waiting for P to understand what was happening, or for a moment where he would open his mouth just slightly for her tongue to slip in. It wasn't a surprise to her that the second option became the true one. Without hesitation, she pushed her tongue into his mouth, swirling it around his as if she wanted them to dance. Unknown sounds, sounds she had never heard from him, left his mouth. The tongue kiss was a strange thing for him, but it felt so good. He began to mimic her actions, his tongue swirling around hers in a dance, playing with it.
They both stayed like this for a while until she pulled away. Thin strings of salvia hung from both of their lips, the young woman was breathing heavily, and from the way he was looking at her, she knew that he would probably be doing the same if he had to breathe at all. Her eyes swept over his body before she grabbed his coat. Helping him pull it off. "Come on, love. Let's take this to the bed," she whispered into his ear as she took his hand. [Name] pulled him close enough to her bed before giving him a little nudge. He felt backwards into the soft mattress, blue orbs still focused on her. If he had the ability to blush, he would look like a ripe, sweet cherry.
P watched as her hands moved over her body, slowly tugging at each piece of cloth that covered her skin. The puppet's eyes grew wider and wider as one piece after another fell off, until she was left with nothing but her natural beauty. "Do you like what you see, my love?" she asked him with a cheeky smile, slowly moving closer and kneeling on the bed right next to his two legs. [Name] sat down where his crotch would normally be and rubbed her lower half gently against him. She knew that P wasn't made like a normal human, that certain human parts didn't exist for him because they weren't considered necessary. But she didn't care, they would have their 'fun' in a different way.
The young woman leaned forward, her bare breasts pressing lightly against his chest. A few strands of his auburn hair found their way between her fingers. She played with them for a few seconds before planting a soft kiss on them. "You are so beautiful P, like a dream in the shape of a person, like a light that keeps you safe in the dark. You are simply amazing, my love". Her attention returned to his face, watching his reaction. Puzzled and enchanted, something she could read in his bright blue eyes. [Name] moved her face closer to his once more, kissing his lips before running her lips down the length of his throat and then stopping at his chest. Her fingers found their way under his shirt, carefully pushing it up to pull it off his body in one swift motion.
His chest was incredible. The skin looked so soft, so luminous and untouched. It felt like she was looking at one of those ancient paintings. A painting that summarised the word 'beauty'. The tip of her fingers rubbed circles into his skin, nudging him just slightly to see his reaction, and to her surprise, he did react. Soft, short gasps left his lips and his back arched slightly the more she touched him. It was beautiful, attractive and erotic, something that made the sensation between her legs burn even more. [Name]'s hands found their way into his trousers, pulling them down by the waistband. Now the puppet lay beneath her in his own naked glory.
Even without any significant human parts, without a cock between his legs, he still drove her crazy. A short moan escaped her lips, a blush covered her face. She couldn't hold back any longer. "P, my love, look at me. Look what you are doing to me." The young woman pressed her knees deeper into the mattress, moving her hips back and forth, rubbing her wetness against his body. The slight bulge beneath her, probably there to express a certain masculinity in the puppet form, felt so good against her needy clit. Her hands gripped his hips, using them to pull herself further into his frame. And he, he watched her satisfy her needs with his body while she made sure to give him a good time in return by letting him watch her. His eyes shone a strong blue, words wanted to leave his usually quiet throat, but they couldn't. The sight took his breath away.
"P… P!" she had moaned over and over again. His name fell from her lips as if it was all that was left in her mind. He watched as her pussy rubbed more and more against his artificial skin, leaving a wet trail that seemed to glisten slightly on his skin. Her two breasts bounced with every movement of her body, revealing what he thought was perfect roundness. The puppet loved to watch her show for him, he could feel a certain sensation running through his springs as he watched her. He was sure that if he were more human he would have felt the same thing, he would have felt aroused.
As he watched her continue to fuck herself with his body, a certain desire began to grow within him. He wanted to be more involved in this act. To be a part of her pleasure, away from the spectatorship and the enjoyment of the show. P placed one of his hands on her lower body, stopping her movement. He could see an unpleasant look behind her eyes. It must have been a bad moment for her pleasure, but he had to do it. With his other hand, he carefully pushed her off his body, allowing her body to fall beside him. [Name] wanted to raise her voice but was stopped by the feeling of cold metal touching her clit, rubbing it lightly with one finger while the other fingers found their way into her wet cave. "P! Ahhh… there. Yes, right there!".
His action came as a surprise. But not as much as the fact that he knew almost immediately where to place his fingers. P's movements with his fingers are gentle, exploring her pussy cautiously before having a slight idea of what to do. Fingertips rubbed over the tiny bundle of nerves, the same way his skin did when she rubbed against him. His other fingers entered her needy hole, stroking her inner walls in a circle of entry and exit. The puppet seemed to have grasped the concept of finger fucking far too quickly.
She moaned louder and louder, almost as if she were singing to him. His name echoed through the room. Again and again. His movements grew faster and stronger. The springs inside his body almost exploded at the sight of his lover. She was in total bliss. His lips pleased his lover with wet tongue kisses which followed the same rhythm as his fingers. The puppet desired all of this, and he wants it again and again.
After a while, [Name]'s nails began to crawl into his back, her body trembling and her moans becoming stuttering. With a final whisper of his name, she climaxed. Covering his metallic fingers with her juice. Her eyes closed for a moment before opening again to see her lover curiously holding his juice-covered fingers in front of his eyes. A small smile on his face. Making him look like he appreciated what he had done. To make him focus on her, [Name] pulled his hand slightly away from his gaze. Without hesitation, she placed his fingers in her mouth and licked off her own juices, knowing by the look on his face that his springs were responding again.
"My love… you are so good to me. But I am sure. We could do even more, P."
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lucy-phel · 3 months
🦋She's a lady and I'm just a silly boy🦋
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_It's been a week since Pinocchio felt a strange sensation, he looked at you with so much admiration and affection, watching you dance the waltz was so perfect, he normally sat while Antônia He dictated the dance steps and you followed them perfectly, sometimes Venigni danced with you, and sometimes P seemed to dream about what it would be like to dance this dance with you.
But you were a lady and he was just a dreamy boy, you were such a skilled doll, you seemed to float when you danced so beautifully in that room, it had been a long time since he was sitting looking there?, even though he spent so much time, he never got tired, sometimes he daydreamed, dreamed of holding you in his arms and twirling you around like a ballerina.
Antônia smiles and praises your performance, you did so well, you improved so much, you in turn smile and thank you like in the theater, then your eyes run around the room until they meet Pi's, who seemed immersed in thoughts, you smile and wave at him, surprising him, he just responds to your wave and returns it, blessed be his creator, you say goodbye to Antônia and him with a simple and polite gesture and go up To his room, Pinocchio sighs with a pink pigment on his cheeks, Antônia lets out a slight weak laugh and questions Pinocchio.
_tell me dear, why don't you confess to her? I see you watching her every day, but you never ask her to dance or even talk to her....
Antonia's calm and melodious voice catches Pinocchio's attention, his eyes widening, his cheeks burning.
I don't know ..
Pinocchio looks down with shame and uncertainty, sighing and standing up...
She's a lady, and I'm just a naive boy... I'd better just daydream...
A sigh escaped Antonia, looking back at the painting, oh will he be able to put his shame aside and confess? Or will it be too late... You are a lady and he can be yours Knight, But for now he will have to be content with dreams of the two of you dancing
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leesmustardgarden · 8 months
Gardener/Botanist Reader Headcanons
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P x (gn) reader
A/N: Completely self indulgent. I love plants, flowers, mushrooms— any sort of flora mystical or otherwise. I think, considering how much was delegated to the puppets the need for gardeners would be less and less. That aside, people are stubborn when it comes to art and caring for such plants is, in my opinion, nothing short of art.
Warnings: Game spoilers just all around, P and Gemini are a little stupid in this one (I am very fond of them), Lots of bouncing around concepts, tell me if I need to add more
The art of gardening was dying amongst the people of Krat, despite its rich ecosystem and peculiar plants, as it had been delegated instead to the Puppets of the city
When the puppet frenzy set in, almost all of the knowledge gained from Krat’s flora died with its people and with its puppets
Except you had survived, taken in by Antonia in the hotel, and offered her your services as thanks for the safety and security the Hotel provided
You were close with Antonia, saw her almost as a peculiar aunt. In turn she was fond of you and loved to share any of Krat’s secrets during the few times she could muster the strength to visit the gardens or you took a break and stepped inside.
When P first came by and stopped at the inner gardens, you gave him a once over before bluntly telling him not to mess about the bushes. You weren’t otherwise perturbed by his presence.
One of the few things Antonia seemed to hesitate speaking about was Gepetto, and so you had your reservations about a puppet made by him. He seemed… nice, though. Polite. Definitely very sweet.
He had come to check out the puppet dummies Eugenié was talking about, and was intrigued by you.
You kept him coming back to the garden, but most times he’d make an excuse about wanting to try out a new weapon of sorts. Not that he needed to make one— as long as he didn’t out right hurt the plants you didn’t mind.
Honestly avoids touching the plants incase some complication arises and they die or something. Doesn’t want to disappoint you, the silly guy.
Every subsequent visit comes with his awkward (albeit endearing) attempt to get to know you, and what starts off as a tentative friendship blooms into mutual pining.
P is a quiet visitor when he’s in the gardens, content to ask a question and hear you ramble on for however long you want to.
That doesn’t mean he won’t indulge your questions.
He’ll spend just as long recounting his adventures in Krat if you ask for it, sheepish and sweet as he censors the more… unsavoury moments of his journey.
In game, your character gives a bit of exposition to the flora of Krat. You tell him the certain conditions some plants thrive in, talk about the weather conditions in relation to that, etc. but you also talk about the meanings of each one. It’s from you he learns to communicate through flora.
More than that though, when you mention something specific of certain flora, it becomes a little sidequest for him. He’ll take back a little piece of it to show you and you start trading him items every time he does.
Not wanting it to be a one-sided thing, you give him pressed flower charms, amulets, floral accessories, and even some shiny things you’d picked up like quartz.
The greatest reward is maybe like a little gardener costume. To match with you, you know.
And listen, whatever you give P, he treasures. If you gave him a spare gardening uniform he’d wear that the whole way throughout Krat he’m so silly.
There’s a lot of clumsy and endearing gestures from his end.
One time he accidentally misunderstands you and makes a bouquet asking for your hand in marriage and you about have a heart attack.
You explain both the message and meaning of the bouquet to him, and while he isn’t fussed or embarrassed at his mistake he makes note of it
As he progressively becomes more human, his expressions more lively and his voice more open, your relationship develops further.
His own interest in flora flourishes. He starts trying to record the plants he comes across somehow— either by learning how to draw or asking Venigni to make some sort of camera.
He often thinks of you when he finds a peculiar plant, wondering if it would be ok to take it to you. If he had the means to just take record of it instead he’d show that to you
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t get you flowers still though. He’ll pick out flowers while weighing in his mind if it’d disrupt the ecosystem too much, and once he has them he does his best to arrange them in a pretty manner.
Gemini actually helps him here, giving him ideas for things like the wrapping, telling him to do things like use newspapers or something of the like to bundle them up
At some point the two idiots genuinely consider breaking into an arts and crafts shop because Gemini thinks it might be a good idea, and P just doesn’t know enough to argue that it isn’t
“I mean, the shop is closed down right? Nobody would mind if we just stole a ribbon… or two! Nobody’s using them anyways!” — Gemini
When he regains Carlo’s memories, he feels a little embarrassed about that and refuses to ever mention it again. Gemini makes fun of both of them somehow without being ashamed
When even Gemini fails at figuring out how to decorate flowers, P goes to the other Hotel inhabitants
Sophia’s got such a lovely eye for them, and knows how to arrange a bouquet beautifully and loves to help, and Antonia finds the whole thing adorable and loves to tease P lightly but offers genuinely good advice
Polendina is the perfect butler of course, so he knows his bouquets and is happy to help with them, and while he’s seen metal more than he’s seen flowers at the factory, Pulcinella is just as good
God forbid he asks Eugenié or Venigni though. They might be great at what they do but they’ll put together the most foul colour arrangements known to man.
Eugenié finds out about one (1) poisonous plant and decides it’s a great idea to make a whole bouquet of them. Venigni just picks out the flowers he likes the most, or the ones that match with his outfit, without… really knowing how to match it to his outfit.
I don’t even want to bring up Geppetto. Man would probably sit P down and spend hours agonizing over the arrangement of the petals and pollen like the little control freak he is.
But it gives P a nice break from Krat’s troubles, and your joy at the bouquet makes it worth it every single time
By the end of it, the flowers spill into the hotel, spotting the place with life and colour that makes it feel like maybe the world isn’t as dead and gone as it might be
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willalove75 · 10 months
Hey, I hope this isn't too complicated but can I request a fic where Y/N is going through heartbreak and Alcina is comforting her, angry someone could hurt the person she secretly cares about and loves the most?
Not complicated at all! Thank you so much for the request!💕
Tags: Fluff
A/n: My period is being an asshole again this month so here's something fluffy. I feel like shit so apologies if it's not my best but I hope you guys like it anyway💕💕
18+ Only Minors DNI (everrr)
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Alcina is making her way down the staircase when the front doors open and a large group of maidens walk in. Earlier in the day the group went out for the weekly trip to the village and are just returning home. She pauses as they make their way inside, hoping to catch a glimpse of you coming in. For whatever reason your smile is always it's biggest and brightest when you come back from the village and the happiness that radiates off of you is infectious. Not only are you secretly Alcina's favorite maid, she's been admiring you from afar. When she sees you so inexplicably happy she can't help but feel happy herself.
"Good afternoon Mistress." "Good afternoon my Lady."
The girls say as they walk past her with their eyes glued to the floor. Very few of them dare to look up. Those that do can't seem to make eye contact with her. The maids inabilities to look at her make Alcina feel powerful, but that was also one of the reasons why you were so different. Not only did you look at her and were able to hold her eye contact longer than any other maid, you never looked at her with fear. It certainly threw Alcina off at first but eventually she came to cherish the small smile you would send her way when you crossed each others paths in the halls.
As the last of the girls file in her brows knit together when she doesn't see you.
"Antonia." Alcina says, calling to the maid that chaperoned the trip.
"Yes my Lady?"
"Is there a maiden missing? It seems like there are less of you returning than there are when you left." Alcina says.
She doesn't want to make it obvious that she's looking for you, but there is a hint of concern in her voice.
Antonia thinks for a moment and turns to Alcina.
"Ah, I believe you're talking about y/n?" She asks.
Trying to keep up her façade, Alcina gives her shoulders a light shrug but Antonia sees right through it. Antonia has been one of the Lady's head maids for nearly ten years now and knows Alcina better than the Lady herself would ever admit to. She smirks at Alcina who narrows her eyes at her a bit.
"She was the first one out of the carriage when we arrived although she seemed to be in an unusually unhappy mood. I believe I saw her run off towards the gardens."
Alcina lips form a thin line and she nods at Antonia.
"Thank you Antonia. That will be all."
Antonia gives the Lady a slight bow and isn't surprised when she sees Alcina changing directions to head off towards the gardens. With a small smile on her face, Antonia heads off to complete the rest of the work she has for the day.
Fall has officially hit the village and Alcina's daughters have been locked inside the castle once again until spring. The wind blows through the courtyard as Alcina enters it, the ends of her dress whipping in the cool air. She looks around for a few moments before finally finding you. Your back is turned and you're looking out over the vineyard and the vast landscape before you.
Alcina can hear your sniffles and your heart beating irregularly inside of your chest. Concern and anger begin to wash over her when she realizes you're upset. She decides to stride over to you in silence but since she doesn't want to completely startle you, she makes sure you can hear her footsteps before she approaches.
Tears stream down your cheeks as you look over the vineyard. The snowcapped mountains in the distance are so peaceful, so beautiful, you wonder if your heart would still be in pain if you got far enough away from this god-forsaken village. The sound of heels clicking across the brick pavement pulls you from your thoughts. You know right away who the footsteps belong to and you try to wipe your tears from your cheeks and pull yourself together before she sees you like this.
Alcina takes her place next to you, looking out over the vineyard, admiring the beautiful scenery before her. The two of you stand next to each other in silence for a few moments before she breaks it.
"This is one of my favorite views in the entire castle." She says.
"It's beautiful." You say, trying to keep your voice from shaking.
Silence envelopes you both once more. Another tear escapes down your cheek and you try to wipe it away without her noticing. But she does, of course she does. Alcina has been focused on you out of the corner of her eye since she walked up.
Things between you and you Lady have been weird to say the least. There's been gossip that she's taken a liking to you but every time a maid brings it up you brush her off. Telling them that she's just being friendly - which in turn many of the maids look at you like you're nuts. "Friendly" is definitely not a word any of them would use to describe the Lady. But deep down you've grown to care for her. The way she smiles only at you and the way her eyes light up when you randomly - or not so randomly sometimes - see each other throughout the day doesn't go unnoticed by you. But your heart had already been taken by another, by your girlfriend in the village. The love of your life.
Without saying a word Alcina places her large hand on your shoulder and leans you into her. The small act of kindness and comfort was enough to break through the hold you had on your emotions and your tears begin to fall once more. Her grip around you tightens. When a small sob escapes from your lips, Alcina bends down to your height and pulls you into her.
You bury your hands in your face and lean into her shoulder as you cry harder. Alcina cradles the back of your head with one hand and rubs your back with the other.
If someone were to see the two of you right now she'd probably kill them on sight. Never has she comforted a maiden like this before. In all honesty she's never cared for a maiden like this before either. Although the fear of someone seeing Alcina be kind and gentle to a maid - something that could take away the power she holds over her staff since she usually rules with an iron fist - is present in the back of her mind, she's more concerned about you than that at the moment.
"Oh draga," Alcina whispers. "who did this to you my sweet girl?"
A strong breeze whips around you both and the chill goes straight to your bones. The jacket you were wearing was not thick enough for standing around in the cold.
"Come, lets go inside before you get sick." Alcina says as she strokes your hair.
You nod and Alcina releases her hold on you and stands up. The tips of her fingers just reach the back of your shoulders when she stands at her full height and she guides you inside. Alcina leads you to one of her personal sitting rooms. It's one of the few rooms in the house that is off-limits to everyone except the Lady, her daughters and a few hand-picked maids. You've never stepped foot in here before.
It's a beautiful room with a large floor-to-ceiling bookshelf lining one of the walls. It has a large, ornate fireplace, a table with a few chairs, one chair bigger than the rest to accommodate the Lady's size and a gigantic armchair, also suited for the Lady.
Alcina closes the door behind her and walks over to the armchair. It's facing the fireplace and like every fireplace in the castle in the fall and winter, has a warm fire burning inside of it.
She sits in her chair and you stand in front of her with your eyes trained on the ground. Usually looking up at her is never an issue, but since you're so upset you can't bring yourself to do so. Alcina leans forward and places one of her large knuckles under your chin and lifts your gaze to meet hers. When you look up you see her gorgeous yellow eyes, they almost take your breath away. You've never been this close to her before. Every detail of her face is on clear display; the crows feet in the corners of her eyes, her delicate laugh lines that decorate her beautiful smile. The way her mascara is clumped in a few of her long eyelashes, the faint strokes her makeup brush left behind in her foundation. You can also make out the fine details of her eyes; you never realized she has hints of slate grey and blue mixed into the bight yellow in her irises. She truly is beautiful, absolutely breathtaking.
"Tell me draga mea, what has made you so upset?" She asks.
Tears begin to fill your eyes once more and you can feel your heart breaking inside of your chest. You go to open your mouth to speak but all you hear is your voice crack.
Your words fail you and you begin to cry once more.
Lady Dimitrescu scoops you into her arms and sits you in her lap.
"Did someone harm you in the village?"
You can feel her grip tighten around you as she asks the question. She relaxes a little when you shake your head "no."
"But something did happen when you went into the village today, yes?"
When you shake your head "yes" you start to cry harder. Lady Dimitrescu cradles the back of your head once more and rubs your back.
"Oh fetița mea dulce, what on earth happened? You are usually so happy when you return from these trips."
She pulls you away from her a bit and cups your face with the hand she was using to cradle your head. Her large thumb wipes away your tears and she looks into your eyes.
"What happened?"
"My heart is broken."
Her eyes widen just a bit before she regains her composure.
"You had a lover in the village?"
"Who is he?" She growls.
"She was my girlfriend." You say, avoiding eye contact with the Lady. No one you work with knows you had a girlfriend. Honestly, not many people you know even in the village knew.
A faint blush crosses Alcina's cheeks. She had no idea you were interested in women and is a little embarrassed she assumed you were talking about a man.
"My apologies, who is she?"
"Her name is Bianca. She- I loved her more than anything. We've been, well, we were together for six years."
More tears run down your cheeks as Lady Dimitrescu wipes them away. When you look up into her eyes you see compassion and a hint of anger, but you can tell that the anger isn't directed at you. It's directed at whoever hurt you - at Bianca.
"I am so sorry draga. Sometimes these things just don't work out-" She says, trying to comfort you. You close your eyes and knit your eyebrows together and Alcina realizes that something more went on. "what happened?"
"Usually I tell her when I'm going to visit, but today I wanted to surprise her. She's been having a tough time lately and I thought if I surprised her it would make her feel better. So I went to her house and let myself in, she gave me a key a few years ago. It was still early so I figured she was still asleep so I went into her bedroom and found her in bed with someone else." You start to cry again and Lady Dimitrescu pulls you into her.
She holds you tight and rests her cheek against your head. As you cry into her she rocks you and whispers "shh draga, it's okay. It's okay."
"I loved her so much." You cry. "And she was mad at me for getting upset. She told me it was selfish of me to stop her from seeing other people while I lived and worked here at the castle. That it was my fault."
You hear a low growl rumble deep inside Lady Dimitrescu's chest.
"That is absolutely ridiculous. The nerve of that girl. Blaming you for her infidelity. You did nothing wrong draga mea, nothing." She comforts you more as you sob into her. "You deserve so much more than that, so much better."
"I loved her so much. She told me she loved me, that she wanted to be with me for the rest of her life." You say through tears. "And now I'm all alone, I don't have anyone."
"You're not alone draga, as long as you are here you will never be alone."
Alcina begins to rock you and starts humming. She closes her eyes and rests her cheek on your head as you start to calm down.
You've only ever heard Lady Dimitrescu sing once before and it was only an echo from down the hall. Now you can hear her voice perfectly as she hums above you. You can feel the vibration against your face with your cheek laying against her chest. Her voice is beautiful and soothing. Even though your heart still feels like its in pieces in your chest, your tears begin to dry and you start to relax in her arms.
Never in a million years did you think you would ever be here - laying in your Mistresses arms as she consoled you. Of course you've seen her at her worst, lashing out at other maids, hurting them, disfiguring them, you even saw her kill someone once. But for the most part, every time she did something like that it was more or less justifiable. At least what constitutes as justifiable here in the castle - in terms of the outside world, well, that was a different story. But she was always kind to you and you always obeyed, did your work, stayed out of trouble and did your best to help the other maids when you could.
It was those traits that made Alcina notice you from the start. She is very attentive, even when her staff doesn't think so. With her supersonic hearing she can hear nearly everything that goes on within the castle. The maids would be amazed at what she hears and doesn't act on. Usually when a punishment for a certain maid seems out of the blue, to Alcina it isn't because she knew what that maid had been doing or saying for weeks before she found an excuse to properly punish them. But she never heard anything bad about anyone, including herself or her children, leave your lips. You were always the first to help another maid when needed and you always did your job - and did it damn well too. When she realized you weren't afraid of her like the other maids were, that was just the cherry on top.
As your tears stop falling and your cries soften you feel exhaustion begin to take over.
"Feeling better?" She asks.
"Yes my Lady, thank you very much."
"When we are in private you may call me by my given name, Alcina."
"That's a beautiful name."
"Thank you, I am quite fond of it myself."
"Thank you, Alcina. For everything." You say.
"Of course draga mea."
You feel yourself start to doze off and Alcina notices. She adjusts you in her arms and you think she's going to put you down and send you on your way. To your surprise she cradles you in her arm so you're more comfortable.
Her eyes meet yours and she flashes you a warm smile.
"Rest, draga."
"Are you sure?"
A rogue tear rolls down your cheek and she wipes it away. She continues to rock you and hum and your eyelids grow heavier and heavier.
You don't know when it happened but at some point you lost your battle to sleep and drifted off in her arms.
Alcina watches you as your blinks become longer and longer before you finally fall asleep. She smiles down at you as you sleep in her arms and continues to hum. Her humming stops when she hears a soft snore escape.
"My sweet girl. No one hurts you and gets away with it. That dreadful woman will learn her lesson. You will never be alone, draga mea. That I promise."
Alcina brushes a stray lock of hair out of your face and caresses your cheek with the back of her finger. She rests her head against the back of the armchair and closes her eyes. She drifts off to sleep with a smile on her face as thoughts of what she plans on doing to the one that broke your heart dance in her head.
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wheresarizona · 2 years
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Learning to Live Part 14
summary: Javier gives you a tour of the ranch and introduces you to the animals. It’s no surprise when you end up mostly naked in the hayloft.
rating: E (18+!! No y/n, Dual POV, Soft Javier Peña, Rancher Javier Peña, romantic comedy, unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, oral sex (f receiving), rimming (f receiving), anal play, breeding kink, praise kink, some Papí’s, some spanks, multiple orgasms, so much fluff, feelings and emotions, (1) horse bite, (1) human bite, Chucho telling stories about Javi as a child, Javier being sweet with animals, Javier getting cockblocked, Javier looking like a whole ass meal in plaid flannel)
Pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader
word count: 16k+ (I’m sorry! But I promise it’s entertaining)
a/n: I’m alive! Sorry about how long this took. Life has been kicking me in the ass, but I’m hoping things are settling down. Thank you for your patience! This chapter got too long, so I have one more at the ranch to round out this arc, and then we’re going forward in time to hear some words we’ve been looking forward to. I hope you enjoy! Big thanks to @juletheghoul for being by my side through all of this and @invisibleismyname for betaing! I love you both.
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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They were sitting at his father’s dining room table, Javier forking another bite of pasta into his mouth, unable to stop the appreciative groan as the flavors hit his tongue. He’d never tire of Cielito’s cooking, she was too fucking talented, and he was positive she could do it professionally if she wanted. Honestly, there wasn’t anything she’d make that he wouldn’t eat, she could boil his leather shoes, and he’d happily eat them, because somehow she’d make them taste fucking incredible.
Cielito was a fantastic cook, and from how his father had gone for seconds with him, it was safe to say the older man agreed. It made him smile, watching her visibly relax, a beaming grin on her face when they’d served themselves another helping.
Chucho had told her repeatedly throughout the meal how good it was, easy conversation flowing between the three of them, his father getting to know his girlfriend better while also doing his best to embarrass the fuck out of Javier with stories of him growing up. Some of the shit he couldn’t even remember, feeling the flush on his cheeks, but it was all worth it when he saw the delight on her face.
“I should have made more garlic bread,” she said when both men reached for the last piece at the same time, Javier letting his dad have it.
“You made more than enough, baby,” he said, setting his fork down to squeeze the hand she had resting on the table beside him.
“Are you sure?” she asked with a smile. “I thought I made enough for your dad to have leftovers, but we demolished the baked ziti.”
It was true. There was hardly any pasta left in the casserole dish, and the side dishes of salad and garlic bread were also gone.
“My food has never been safe from Javi,” his dad mused, wiping his mouth with a paper napkin after swallowing his last bite, their attention turning to him. “Since he was muy pequeño (very tiny), he’s loved food—especially his mother’s. There was a dinner when he wasn’t even a year old. Antonia had made her special carne asada that she marinated for over a day and was always a special treat. She’d served up our plates, Javi sitting in my lap, drinking his bottle. We’d closed our eyes to say grace, and when I opened them, the little guy had the carne from my plate in his mouth—un pequeño ladrón (a little thief).” He chuckled. “Makes sense he’d steal my leftovers, too—un gran ladrón, ahora (a big thief, now).”
“Next time, I’ll make an extra dish just for you, Chucho,” Cielito said, leaning over to squeeze his dad’s arm.
“Thank you, mija.” His father looked delighted, patting her hand.
“Why does he get his own?” Javier asked, looking at her.
Her eyes met his, amusement etched on her features.
“I cannot believe you are jealous that I’m offering to make your dad food when you, sir,” she said, moving to poke his arm, “eat my food practically every day. Learn to share.” She glanced at his dad. “¿Cómo se dice ‘greedy’ (How do you say greedy)?”
“Codicioso,” Chucho answered with a grin.
She turned her attention back to him.
“Eres un ladrón y codicioso (You are a thief and greedy),” she said, poking him again, and he frowned. “Pero (But),” she added, eyes sparkling, leaning over to press her hand against his cheek, “me gustas mucho. Eres mi ladrón codicioso (I like you a lot. You’re my greedy thief).“
He couldn’t help but smile, turning his head to kiss her palm.
“Es que tu comida es tan deliciosa,” his words were muffled in her skin, his eyes locked on hers, “no me puedo controlar.” He kissed her palm once more before facing her again. “It’s just that your food is so good I can’t control myself,” he translated into English. “I never wanna fucking share, Cielito.”
“As the lovely lady said, codicioso, mijo (greedy, my son),” his dad said, shaking his head. “Dejar que un viejo pase hambre (Letting an old man go hungry).”
Javier raised an eyebrow at the other man.
“You don’t go hungry, Pop,” he said, picking his beer up and waving it a little as he spoke. “All the restaurants in town know your order without you having to ask, and we both know you can cook for yourself. Mamá made sure of that.” He raised the bottle towards his dad before bringing it to his lips, taking a long pull.
“That may be true,” Chucho said, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’d still deprive an old man of a delicious home-cooked meal? You have to learn to share, mijo. ¿Qué harás cuando tengas hijos (What will you do when you have children)?”
Javier’s eyes went wide as he choked on his drink, setting his bottle down as he sputtered, coughing into his arm while his other hand pounded on his chest, eyes watering.
Was his dad trying to kill him tonight? This was the second time he’d almost choked to death, and he was beginning to take it personally.
“Jesus, Javi,” Cielito said, looking concerned while leaning over to pat his back. “You’re just having the worst time drinking tonight. I need you alive, babe—think of the children,” she teased.
His heart clenched hard at her words, squashing down the inkling of hope that rose in his chest.
Javier wasn’t the kind of man who got the wife, white picket fence, and two and a half kids—he was already pressing his luck that he even found an amazingly beautiful woman who wanted to spend her life with him. Children? That seemed out of reach to him, a fever dream, something that popped into his head every once in a while that he immediately batted away, because who would want kids with someone like him? When he thought about Colombia, his past, the terrible fucking shit he’d done, there was no way he deserved the happiness of bringing children into this world, not when he thought about the innocent lives lost from his involvement with Los Pepes, or fuck, Helena and all that happened to her because she was trying to help him. Cielito could tell him every fucking day that he was a good man, but his mind made sure he remembered the pain he had caused, either directly or indirectly.
He wasn’t a good man. He had never been a good man. That was established before he’d even left for South America.
There was a moment when he saw Lorraine at Danny’s wedding, her picking up one of her kids, that he honest to god thought he’d made a mistake not marrying her—that maybe he could’ve learned to love her, and even though she treated him like shit, he could’ve had that American dream life everybody wants, with the house, wife, and kids. Again, his asshole of a brain had reminded him that wasn’t a life meant for him, that was never a life meant for him.
So, children weren’t in the cards for him, and he was just happy that Cielito even wanted to be with him to begin with, taking her comment as a joke because that’s all that it was.
He wiped the tears from his eyes with his hand, the coughing finally dissipating.
“Pop is trying to fucking murder me,” his voice was rough, finally looking at his dad. “Is this payback for all the shit I did growing up?”
“It was a valid question, mijo,” Chucho said, smiling and raising a hand in a placating gesture. “Lo siento (I’m sorry), I didn’t mean to make you choke. I’ll keep my future nietos (grandchildren) in mind before I speak.”
Javier’s jaw clenched, the tight feeling making itself known in his chest again.
“Yeah,” he said, grabbing his beer. “Keep dreamin’, Pop.” He took a swig, needing to do something.
“Speaking of things you did growing up,” his dad said, and Javier groaned, setting his bottle down. “Tu novia (Your girlfriend) would probably love to hear about that time you embarrassed your mother in church.”
Javier rested his elbows on the table, pressing his hands to his face.
“Which time?” he grumbled, thinking of a few different possibilities.
“When the air conditioning had gone out.” He was wracking his brain trying to remember. “You were maybe five or six, and it was during summer—mija, are you familiar with San Agustín downtown?” he asked Cielito.
“The cathedral with the bell tower?” she asked.
“Sí,” his father replied. “That’s the one. It’s been around since the 1800s—very old—they did major renovations in the 1940s, which included air conditioning, a blessing for the parish. One Sunday, Antonia, me, and Javi walked into the building, and it was warm, really warm—the air conditioning had gone out, and Javi said at the top of his lungs, ‘It’s hotter than hell in here!’” Chucho chuckled.
“That sounds like Javi,” Cielito said, laughing.
“Yes,” his dad nodded. “People laughed, but Antonia was madder than a wet hen.” His voice went a little higher, “‘Javier Jesús Peña López, donde aprendiste eso?’ Which means, ‘where did you learn that.’ Antonia dropped down to his level, and I’ll never forget his response, pointing his little finger at me, answering her with, ‘Papá! Cuando entró del trabajo!’ He threw me under the bus, telling her I’d said it when I came in from work!”
Cielito was giggling hard.
“Did you say it?” she asked.
“Well, yes,” Chucho answered. “It was summer and hotter than hell out here.” He laughed. “Mi amor always told me to watch what I said around Javi, but it must have slipped. She’d looked at me with fire in her eyes, and I knew I was in trouble.” His voice went up again, “‘¡Jesús Eduardo Peña Torres, debería darte vergüenza!’ ‘You should be ashamed of yourself!’” he translated. “I was shaking in my boots, mija.” Cielito was laughing at his tale. “Apologizing profusely, telling Javi that what I’d said was bad and not to repeat it. We’d both gotten in trouble that day—still makes me laugh how quickly he told on me, but he always loved his mom more.”
Javier’s eyebrows were in his hairline at his father’s last comment, his hands dropping as he looked at the other man across from him.
“Is Chucho your nickname?” Cielito asked, a bright smile on her face.
“Sí,” Chucho answered, nodding at her. “It’s what my family and friends have always called me—use it more than my birth name.” He shrugged. “My full name is Jesús Eduardo Peña Torres, but you can call me Chucho.” He smirked. “You’re practically family already.”
Javier’s brain was still focused on his dad saying that he loved his mom more, finding himself suddenly asking, “What?”
Chucho looked at him, eyebrows furrowing, the smile falling from his lips as he quickly started speaking in a severe tone, “¿Qué quieres decir (What do you mean)?” he asked. “Dijiste que ella era tu media naranja (You said she was your other half). Dijiste que querías casarte con ella (You said you wanted to marry her). Ella es familia y me cai bien, mijo (She is family, and I like her, my son).”
Javier’s mouth fell open, eyes widening at his dad’s words realizing his fuck up. He looked at the woman next to him, her gaze squinted as she looked forward like she was trying to put together the fast Spanish his father had said, clearly understanding it was about her. A knot was in his stomach, knowing that his delayed question and his father’s reaction probably had her feeling uneasy. Without a second thought, he grabbed her hand, watching her head snap to look in his direction to meet his eyes, seeing the trepidation, his heart clenching.
“I’m sorry for the confusion,” he said. “My brain had bad fucking timing. Everything Pop said was true.” Her head tilted in confusion, eyebrows dipping together. “You probably only caught half the shit he said with how he went off on me.” He humorlessly chuckled. “So, I’ll make sure you understand, Cielito,” he said, squeezing her hand. “You are a part of the family. You are my other half.” He watched her face slowly lighting up, making him smile. He swallowed hard before he spoke again. “And I really fucking hope you’ll marry me one day.”
“You don’t have anything to worry about, babe,” she said, smirking. “I’d be stupid to turn you down.”
He felt his cheek dimple when he grinned.
“Hopefully, you still feel that in the future, Cielito.”
“Oh, I will.”
“Come here,” he said, leaning over the corner of the table, her doing the same. His fingers slid along her cheek and into her hair, pressing his lips against hers in a tender kiss they were both smiling into.
They separated after a moment, his attention turning to his father, knowing his face was pinched in confusion.
“Pop, what did you mean that I loved mom more?” he asked.
There wasn’t a time that he’d ever thought he loved one parent more than the other. They were both so involved with his life growing up. He remembered riding horses for hours with his dad, talking about anything and everything, or sitting on the couch with his mother, learning to knit as she told him stories or helping her in the kitchen, her gentle voice walking him through what she was doing—they were there every step of the way through his childhood and teens, college, and even when he fucked off to Colombia he could count on them calling every Wednesday night.
At least until his mom got sick.
Javier found out about her illness in the summer of ‘90. He would’ve gone home, but his parents told him to stay, that he had a job to do, and at the time, things in Colombia were more fucked up than usual. He became the one to call them every Wednesday night and Friday, Sunday, too, practically calling them every other day to check up on his mom, not caring about his astronomical long-distance bill.
It caught him off guard when he got a call from his father on a Tuesday towards the end of January the following year telling him he needed to come home. He was there when she passed, he was there for her funeral, and not even two days after his mother had been laid to rest, Javier was back in South America trying to convince the Colombian government not to abolish extradition.
The Wednesday night calls ceased, neither man picking up the phone, be it from grief or guilt; the weekly calls became once-a-month calls just to check in.
The realization felt like a gut punch—he did love his mother more.
After her death, his quest for justice became personal. The desperation and grief had him making risky choices, doing things he would’ve never fathomed before, all because he had a vendetta against the people he’d spent years trying to take down.
He loved his dad a lot, and since he’d come back to Laredo, the two of them had gotten closer, having the same relationship they had when he was younger, but he missed his mom so fucking much.
His dad met his eyes from across the table, smiling softly.
“Oh, it’s okay, mijo,” Chucho said, waving away his question. “I understand. I loved your mamá a whole hell of a lot, too—still love her.” He held up his left hand, the silver band prominent on his ring finger. “I know we said, ‘til death do us part,’ but I’ll keep wearing this until the day I die, and even then, I’ll keep wearing it ‘cause I’ll finally be with her again,” he said with a sad smile.
Javier’s eyes felt like they were burning, a lump forming in his throat.
“I’m sorry if I, fuck.” He looked away, pushing his fingers through his hair. Javier sighed deeply. “I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like you were less.”
Cielito reached over to squeeze his hand near her, still resting on the table.
“I’ve never felt like that at all,” his dad said. “I know you love me, and I love you, Javi.”
“I love you, too.”
“Well,”—Chucho clapped his hands together—“This has been the best meal I’ve had in years. You’re very talented, mija. There’s just enough left for me to have a nice light lunch tomorrow. Hopefully, next time my son won’t be so codicioso and share with su papá (his dad).”
“I told you her cooking was really fucking good,” Javier said, looking at his dad again.
Cielito was smiling brightly, Chucho meeting his gaze.
“And I meant what I said when you made me that sandwich from her recipe,” he said with a smirk. “Si no te casas con ella, será el gran error de tu vida,” he spoke the words clearly and slowly before looking over at Cielito. “Would you like me to translate, mija?”
“If you wouldn’t mind,” she replied, giggling.
“I told him”—he pointed at Javier with his thumb—“that if he doesn’t marry you, it will be the biggest mistake of his life.”
“Thanks, Chucho,” she said, laughing. “You’re sweet. We should have dinner every week.”
His father looked excited.
“I’d love that!” He met Javier’s eyes. “Can you stand to have dinner with your dear old father once a week, mijo?”
“Sí, Pop. Of course.”
“It’s a date!” His dad clapped his hands together again. “Now, since the two of you made dinner, I will clean up—”
Cielito interrupted, “Oh, you don’t have—”
His dad put up a hand, stopping her words. “I insist, mija.”
“I can clean up, Pop,” Javier said.
“No, mijo.” Chucho shook his head. “You gave her a tour of the inside of the house. Go show her the outside. I’m sure she’d love to see the calves.”
“There are baby cows?” she asked excitedly.
“Yes,” his dad answered with a grin. “Calving season was a couple of months ago.”
She turned to him.
“Please show me the babies.”
“Of course,” Javier replied, smiling and pushing back his chair to stand up. He held his hand out to her. “Come on, baby, I’ll introduce you to the animals.”
She squealed happily as she took his hand, getting up from her chair, and he chuckled, leading her from the kitchen and through the back hall, stopping before he opened the back door.
“I’m gonna put on my boots,” he said, releasing her hand as he toed off his shoes.
Lined on the floor against the wall below the coat hooks were two pairs of cowboy boots, the leather aged and worn, and some of his dad’s tennis shoes.
“Oh my god, you’re going to wear cowboy boots?” she asked. He could see the excitement on her face, and it made him smirk.
“Yeah,” he answered.
His were handmade in Mexico, the tobacco-colored leather embroidered in a very subtle design with the hand-laid cording, and not very showy, unlike his father’s pair that were two-toned with the long shaft a bluish-grey, while the heel and toe were a golden brown made from shark skin. Javier had scoffed when he’d seen the boots upon returning to Laredo, his dad claiming they were stronger than traditional leather and water resistant, but he knew his father just thought they were cool.
Stepping into one of his, he leaned down to hold the pull straps at the top and pushed his sock-covered foot all the way in, his jeans sliding up before he pulled the denim over the leather.
“Is one of these yours?” she asked.
He looked up to see her pointing at the two cowboy hats hanging over rain jackets—one black and one white.
“Yeah, the dark one,” he answered, getting his other boot on.
Cielito grabbed his and put it on her head.
“You wear the boots but not this amazing hat?”
He stood back up, standing in front of her, his thumb rubbing over his lip while taking in the way the hat was slightly too big for her head, the brim at her eyebrow line and making her look adorable.
Smiling, he tipped up the front with his finger. “I don’t like how fucking hot it makes my head.”
“You’re always hot,” she said with a wink, smiling.
He moved into her space, his fingers tilting her chin to look at him.
“I like how you look in it,” he rasped, ducking his head under the brim to speak near her ear. “I’d like how you’d look in only it.” His brain was conjuring up images of her riding him in nothing but the felt hat atop her head, her tits bouncing in his face. He wet his bottom lip, his jeans feeling tighter with the blood rushing to his dick.
“Javi,” she gasped softly, the visible skin on her shoulder and arms erupting in goosebumps.
He kissed her cheek, moving his face to slant his lips against hers, the hat pushing up more to accommodate him beneath it. His hands came up to cradle her cheeks, licking along her lip, and she opened for him, Javier deepening the kiss, tangling his tongue with hers in the way he knew drove her crazy. He was delighted when he heard the softest moan, kissing her harder, feeling her fingers gripping the front of his shirt.
Fuck, he loved kissing her.
Her mouth fit so perfectly with his, one of his hands moving down the front of her body to palm her breast, earning him a louder moan that had electricity shooting through his body, his cock twitching in his pants.
“I’m still here!” his dad called from the kitchen, hearing the sound of running water and the clatter of dishes.
Javier broke the kiss with a groan, resting his forehead against hers.
“This is why we stay at your apartment,” he mused with a sigh. “No one to interrupt us.”
She giggled, rubbing her hands over his chest and probably feeling his pounding heart.
“I mean, Mrs. Hernandez did bang on the wall last Saturday,” she said.
A crooked smile curled on his lips at the reminder of how they’d spent their day in bed, with Javier determined to beat his record of how many times he could get her to come before she passed out.
It happened at fifteen.
Number twelve was when he had her face down, ass up, her hands clutched in the sheets while she screamed his name. He’d been pounding into that one spot he knew made her drool, his fingers on her clit, and she was so loud when he made her squirt—her voice hoarse, his lap drenched, and Mrs. Hernandez was banging against the wall to tell them to quiet down.
It had been a really fucking good day.
He was knocked from his thoughts, air leaving his lungs in a hiss, when a hand pressed into the front of his jeans, knowing he was half-hard.
“Fucking knew it,” she whispered for only him to hear, palming him. “You’re thinking about it.”
He pulled back to look her in the eyes, seeing the knowing look on her face.
“Of course I am,” he said just as quietly, squeezing her tit. “Fucking can’t stop thinking about my dick being inside you.”
“God, that sounds good,” her voice had that huskiness to it where he knew she was imagining the same things as him, and it was making him harder. “Can’t fucking wait to get home.”
He had to keep himself from laughing, an amused snort leaving his nose.
There was no fucking way they were making it back to her apartment without her wanting him to fuck her. There was no fucking way they were making it back into this house without her wanting him to fuck her.
With narrowed eyes, she asked, “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, baby,” he said, quickly kissing her lips. “Let me show you around the ranch, and then we can get the fuck out of here.”
She didn’t look like she believed him.
“Sounds like a plan,” she said slowly.
He pulled back from her, adjusting his dick in his jeans, seeing her amused look, he grabbed her hand to put it back on his bulge.
“This is all you,” he husked, loving how her eyes got darker, her mouth falling open. It was taking everything in his power not to kiss her again.
“We’re leaving, Pop!” he yelled.
“Have fun!” his dad answered, still doing dishes from the sounds in the kitchen.
Javier took the hat off her head, putting it back on the hook, and grabbed her hand still on him, “Come on, Cielito,” he said, pulling her behind him as he got the back door open.
The back of the house featured a concrete patio where his father’s fancy grill was set up, along with a glass dining table surrounded by six outdoor cushioned chairs.
Many family gatherings had been held in the backyard, a large patch of green grass that had an ample amount of seating for their large family. A picnic table was in the yard, plastic chairs surrounded a large fire pit, and other seats scattered about that had probably been brought over by people and simply left.
Javier could almost picture his tíos and tías and all the primos running around while music played.
He led Cielito away from the house and along the dirt path towards the barns.
The chicken coop was their first stop, the wooden structure with windows to look inside and a large enclosed chicken run that was fenced in with chain link and small mesh wire, a roof overtop to keep the animals cool during the summer months.
“The chickens,” he said, pointing at the clucking red-feathered creatures moving around their space—there were only about a dozen in their flock.
“For fresh eggs?” Cielito asked.
“Yeah,” he answered, chuckling, “and the occasional meal.” She made a face, and he laughed. “They used to roam free”—he waved his hand—“but my mom got tired of chasing them down and made Pop and me build this.” He patted the fence.
“It looks very nice and sturdy. I’m sure it protects them from predators, too.”
“Yes,” he replied with a nod. “That too. Come on.” He grasped her hand, taking her down the path and walking beside a large paddock that was currently empty. “We let the horses roam in here.” He pointed to the open space surrounded by metal rail fencing.
“To let them relax after working so hard.” She nodded. “That’s good.”
“Yeah, before we stable them for the night—which, speaking of stables.” They were approaching the new barn, the big doors already open.
They entered the building, a center aisle with a row of stalls on each side. Just inside, to the right was storage where they kept food and supplies, and to the left was the tack room with the saddles and equipment. There was a hum of fans running and noises of the horses huffing out breaths and moving about their spaces.
“Pop just had this built—the old one was fucking old and falling apart.” He took her into the storage area, pulling open a burlap sack. “Sombra will be pissed if we visit without bringing her una manzana (an apple),” he said, grabbing two apples with his hand. “Will you hold some of these?” he asked, looking over at Cielito.
“Gimme,” she answered, smiling and holding out her hands.
He returned her smile, handing her apples until she had four carefully tucked against her body with one arm, leaving one of her hands empty. Javier got four apples, fitting three easily in his palm, the fourth stacked on top.
When his attention turned back to Cielito, her eyes were locked on the fruit he was holding, but it was the way she was looking at his hand that had his chest puffing out a little. He knew that look, when her pupils went wide, lips slightly parted, her breathing heavier.
“See something you like?” he asked, smirking when he saw her gulp.
She met his gaze, her eyes narrowing, “You’re seducing me again,” she accused, poking her finger into his chest.
“I’m holding apples. How am I seducing you, Cielito?” he asked in an amused tone.
“You have the audacity to dress like something out of a cowboy romance novel!” She pointed at his shirt. “The plaid, with the pushed-up sleeves and those buttons undone so I can see your chest, and my god, you know how wet your neck makes me. The fucking cowboy boots and your big ass hand is holding three fucking apples. Three!” She held up three fingers for emphasis. “Javier, you are well aware of how horny your hands make me, and you’re just taunting me, teasing me, with this display.” She waved her hand at his body. “Ugh, you’ve ruined my panties again”—she poked him in the chest again—“and now I have to deal with being so fucking wet until we get home.”
His cock was throbbing in his jeans at her frustration, swallowing hard.
“I’m sorry for making you horny,” he didn’t mean for the words to come out so husky, but all of his self-control was going into not tossing the fruit and fucking her against a wall.
“You’re not sorry—not even the slightest bit,” she said, pouting. “It’s fine.” She sighed. “Just gotta stop thinking about you with a hand on my boob and your fingers inside me. God, they’re so thick,” she whined, his dick twitching. She shook her head like she was trying to make the thoughts go away. “Make me stop thinking about horny things, babe.”
That was going to be a real fucking challenge with the fact his brain was running through all of the available surfaces he could fuck her on. She looked so fucking amazing in her dress, but Javier was leaning towards stripping it off of her, sitting her on a nearby table, and fucking her while he sucked on her gorgeous tits.
There was a long pause before he realized she was waiting for him to speak, “Enrique bites,” he said dumbly.
“Enrique?” her head tilted as she asked the question.
“A big asshole of a horse,” he said, getting his wits back. “The rest are fine, but watch out for him—he’s the last stall on the right. Follow me.” He was ignoring the fact his dick was straining against his zipper, knowing she was behind him as they walked down the aisle with four occupied stalls on each side, stopping at the first one on the right. “This is Dulce. She’s my cousin’s.” The chestnut-colored horse noticed them and walked over, sticking her head out over the door, and huffing out a breath. “Hola, Dulce,” he greeted. Cielito looked hesitant. “Hold out the apple in your palm. Keep it flat.” He watched as she did as he instructed. “Pop always told me growing up, ‘feed the lips, not the teeth.’” Dulce took the apple in one bite, hearing her teeth work as she chewed it.
“Can I pet her?” Cielito asked, looking at him with big eyes.
“Yeah.” He smiled. “Her name is fitting, and she likes her ears scratched.”
“Dulce means ‘sweet,’ right?” she asked, moving her free hand up to scratch behind the horse’s ears.
“Sí,” he replied, his free hand raising to rub Dulce’s neck. “She’s a sweetheart. Isn’t that right, cariño?” He patted her, hearing her nicker happily, the sound low in pitch from her nose, making him grin.
They moved from Dulce across the aisle to Fuego, a sorrel-colored Belgian draft horse, her coat a bright copper with white feet. Cielito knew what to do, the horse happily accepting the offered fruit and pets before they moved to the next stall.
Aside from Sombra and his dad’s horse, the rest belonged to his cousins who worked at the ranch, Enrique only letting his tío, Ángel, ride him. Javier introduced her to a blonde mare named Lucía; There was Churro, who had a chestnut coat with a white stripe down her face (his primo’s daughter named her); In the stall next to Enrique was Armand, a gray gelding who butted at Cielito’s hand trying to get more apples.
“Eres codicioso (you’re greedy),” she said, giggling and scratching under Armand’s chin, the horse nickering at her. “I’m sorry, buddy, Javi only brought enough apples for each of you to have one, but it was nice meeting you.”
Javier was holding the three remaining apples, allowing Cielito to use both of her hands to pet the animal.
“Geldings fucking love food. They get distracted easily,” he said.
“Well, if you couldn’t fuck, wouldn’t you be obsessed with food?” she asked with a smirk, giving Armand one last scritch under his chin before moving with Javier to the stall across from them.
“I guess so,” he said, handing her an apple.
“If geldings are neutered and obsessed with food, I’m assuming stallions are obsessed with food and sex?”
“Yeah.” Javier nodded. “That’s right. Stallions just wanna eat and fuck.”
“That sounds awfully familiar,” she purred, moving into his space, and looking up at him through her lashes. She slid a finger along the skin he had exposed from his open shirt, starting at the base of his throat and moving down, making a tingle move down his spine. “All you wanna do,” she said, her hand moving lower over his shirt, “is eat and fuck.” He swallowed thickly when her hand made it to the front of his jeans, licking his lips when she palmed his cock which was still hard. “Makes sense, with a dick like this”—she squeezed him, and he groaned, eyes closing for a moment, lips parting as he focused on breathing—“you could have any woman you wanted.” His heart was pounding in his chest, his cock throbbing under her hand—he was under her spell, watching as she leaned into him to hover her lips near his ear, speaking in a sultry tone, “But you don’t want just any woman. Isn’t that right?”
His self-control left his body as quickly as the apples fell from his hand, making Cielito gasp in surprise when he lightly grasped under her chin, moving her face to crush his mouth against hers. His other arm wrapped around her back, walking her backward, kissing her needily. His tongue pressed hungrily into her mouth, swallowing her moans as he backed her into the wooden stall wall, caging her in, the kiss a mess of tongues, lips, and teeth, unable to get enough.
He was so worked up, drunk on everything about her—feeling her, smelling her, tasting her, drowning in her, his only thought was that he needed to be inside her. She was just as ravenous, matching his energy, her fingers tangled in his hair, his hand grabbing the meat of her thigh to hike it up on his hip, the other moving between their bodies and under the front of her dress, sliding his palm over her panty-covered pussy, feeling her wetness seeping through the material.
“You,” he murmured against her lips. “Only fucking want you—need you. Let me have you, baby, please.” He sounded desperate, his cock painfully hard in his jeans.
“Yes,” she answered.
He groaned into her mouth, her answer making his dick throb. She was offering him nirvana, and Javier couldn’t move quickly enough, needing to feel her, needing to be inside her and to make her come, wanting to have her feeling as good as she made him feel.
His fingers started pushing under the waistband of her underwear—a snout nudged hard against Javier’s cheek, the horse blowing out a huff of hot air through its nostrils and making a low snorting sound, causing him to stop all of his movements, Cielito giggling into his mouth. He couldn’t help the whine of frustration as he pulled back from her to glare at the interloper vying for his attention.
“¡Por Dios, yo estoy ocupado (For God's sake, I am busy)!” He rubbed the horse’s head affectionately, it nickering in response. “¡Mierda, eres peor que mi papá (Shit, you’re worse than my dad)!”
“I have never been cockblocked by a horse before,” Cielito laughed.
Javier sighed. “Well, it makes fucking sense it's Caramelo,” he said, pointing at the golden horse, her mane white. “She’s Pop’s and a cockblock like her fucking owner.” He scratched Caramelo’s ear.
“A very cute cockblock, though,” Cielito said, holding up the apple in her palm and Caramelo taking it with a happy sound as she chewed the fruit.
“I’m gonna have fucking blue balls,” he complained, frowning.
She smoothed her hands down her dress before pressing her palms to his cheeks.
“Oh, pobrecito (you poor thing)!” she cooed, leaning in to kiss his mouth. He held her closer, a smile creeping up on his lips as she smothered his face in kisses, moving her hands to get his cheeks and low on his chin.
“I am un pobrecito (a poor thing),” he said, her mouth landing on his once more and making him moan.
Caramelo nudged against his head again.
“¡Ay!” he exclaimed, breaking the kiss to narrow his eyes at the horse. “Mala, Caramelo (Bad, Caramelo). ¿Por qué me odias (Why do you hate me)?” He stomped his foot, Caramelo whinnying in response. Cielito was laughing, and he looked back at her with a frown, sighing as he removed his arms from around her.
“I think she wants attention,” she giggled.
“Yeah.” He rubbed his hand through his hair before moving to stand in front of the stall door, the horse moving her head to follow him. Javier slid a hand along her cheek, the other scratching at her ear. “¿Estás celosa (Are you jealous)?” he murmured. “¿Es eso (Is that it)? We brought you an apple—that’s not enough, though, huh?” He got under her chin, Caramelo huffing out a happy breath.
“Well, that’s a new one,” Cielito mused.
He looked over at her, still continuing to give the horse attention.
“Huh?” he asked.
“New turn-on unlocked,” she smirked, walking up next to him. She rubbed her hand over his bicep, looking at him through her eyelashes and making him gulp. “You being sweet with the animals is really doing it for me. Honestly, if there wasn’t a risk of being interrupted, I’d let you finish what you started.”
“Baby,” he groaned, eyes closing for a second. He gave Caramelo one last pat before having to adjust his hard dick in his jeans, cursing the fact he liked them so fucking tight.
“Better show me the other animals so we can get going,” she purred, moving to kiss his cheek.
She was driving him crazy, but he had a plan in the back of his mind.
He turned his head to kiss her quickly, then moved past her to lean down and pick up the apples he’d dropped, groaning when he stood back up.
“It was nice meeting you, Caramelo,” Cielito said, giving said horse a scratch under her chin.
He had both apples held easily in one hand, grabbing one of hers in his other, and practically dragged her to the next stall wanting to get the animal introductions done as quickly as possible.
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You couldn’t help but giggle at the way Javi was rushing you to the next horse.
“Hola, Sombra,” Javi said, using that calming tone he seemed to take when speaking to the animals. You thought it was sweet, all of the horses seeming to like him quite a bit, which showed that this was how he always treated them.
A big all-black horse stuck their head out over the door, welcoming Javi’s rubs to its nose as he spoke quickly in Spanish, your brain only recognizing some of the words.
“What did you say to them?” you asked, watching him seem to have a moment with the animal.
He looked at you with a soft smile.
“I told her, ‘quiero que conozcas mi media naranja,’” he said, speaking the words clearly, “I’d like you to meet my other half. ‘Ella es muy importante para mi,’ she is very important to me. ‘Porta te bien, por favor,’ behave yourself, please.”
A snort left your nose at the last bit, feeling like you were melting from the softness. You weren’t lying when you said it was a turn-on, how good he was with the animals. It revved your engines and showed you he was nurturing, compassionate, and caring, all things you already knew but seeing them displayed with these creatures did something to you. Loving him more seemed impossible, yet here you were, your body feeling all warm and fuzzy because your boyfriend was an animal lover.
Moving to stand beside Javi, he handed you an apple, and you focused on the horse because if you didn’t, you’d end up making out with your boyfriend again. Holding the fruit out in your palm, you smiled when Sombra took it immediately.
“Hola, Sombra,” you greeted. “Mucho gusto (Nice to meet you).”
She had kind, big brown eyes, the horse happily chewing the apple. You admired her shiny black coat and large ears; she’d finished eating, Javi chuckling and petting her head when she made that happy sound through her nose.
“What does ‘Sombra’ mean?” you asked, glancing at him.
“Shadow. Mi mamá named her.”
You felt your eyes widen, knowing his mom had passed over seven years prior. You figured Javi got Sombra when he returned to Laredo, but now you wondered how old she was—some horses could live to be well over thirty. “Oh, did your mom name Caramelo, too?” You pointed at the other horse next door.
He shook his head. “No, Pop named her, but he did name her after mom’s flan—you know, the sweet custard dessert with caramel sauce on top?” You nodded. “Pop loved my mom’s. His favorite dessert and a big fucking surprise he’d even share with us,” he said with a chuckle. “So, Caramelo, caramel.”
“That’s sweet,” you replied, reaching out to rub Sombra’s ear. “And your mom also named your horse?”
He gave said horse one last pat before rubbing his hand through his hair, his other holding the remaining apple and resting on his hip. His throat bobbed, Javi gulping before he spoke.
“Uh”—He scratched at his mustache—“Sombra wasn’t always my horse,” he said slowly.
Your eyebrows knit together, your fingers scratching under her chin.
“She was my mom’s.”
Your hand stopped, eyes focusing on Sombra, feeling her breaths on your arm, those big brown eyes of hers watching you. She was a gorgeous horse, and much larger than the rest—even bigger than Caramelo. She nudged your hand, demanding more pets, and you smiled, continuing to rub over her cheek.
“How old is she?” you asked.
“About seventeen.”
“So, when you came back, you took her over?”
“I needed a horse, and Pop had always taken good care of her. I was lucky she seemed to like me and didn’t just buck my ass off the first time I tried to ride her,” he chuckled, reaching over to scratch her ear. “Te gusto (You like me),” he cooed. “¿No es así (Isn’t that right)?”
Sombra whinnied in response, and you saw Javi smiling when you looked over at him, your hand still petting the horse.
“I think all of the horses like you,” you said. “You’re like the horse whisperer.”
“The power of treats,” he smirked. “It’s more they want the food than like me.” He shrugged.
“I’m not too sure about that. Caramelo seemed to really want your attention.”
“Caramelo just wanted to make sure I didn’t get laid.”
“How rude of her.”
“Sombra seems like a very good horse.”
“She is,” he agreed. You watched as his free hand went to pull his wallet out of his back pocket, him having to do some maneuvering while holding the apple to open the worn black leather to get something out. It was a small photograph, Javi holding it out to you. “This was maybe a year or two after they got her. Mom really liked her.”
In the color photo were Antonia and Chucho on top of their horses beside each other, both smiling to the camera, Sombra taller than Caramelo, and Antonia looking so small on the back of her horse. They were both much older than they looked in the black and white photo you saw in the house, their hair beginning to grey and more lines on their faces. You couldn’t help but smile at how happy they both looked, holding their reins.
“How did your mom even get on top of Sombra?” you asked, meeting his eyes. She was a smaller woman.
“In the stable?” Javi grinned. “She’d use a mounting block, or Pop would help her. While out riding? She’d just lower the stirrups, or Pop would help her.”
You eyed the horse for a second.
“I would definitely need help.”
There was no way you could get up onto a saddle directly from the ground. She was tall; you’d need a boost. Javi carefully put the photograph back into his wallet and away into his pocket.
“Would you like to go for a ride later?” he asked.
Your head was turning towards him quickly, eyes wide.
“Like, riding the horse alone? I’ve only ridden ponies as a kid, where someone was leading. These horses are all huge—I’d fall off and crack my head open.”
“I’d never let anything happen to you,” he said, frowning. “You wouldn’t be riding alone. We can ride together, and” —he leaned in close like he was about to tell you a secret—”I’ll help you up… and down.” He ended the sentence by kissing your cheek.
Your eyebrow rose, “You do love helping me up and down, but usually it’s on your dick,” you teased, making Javi chuckle and kiss your cheek again. “If I’m with you, I’d love to go for a ride, but you have to promise that I won’t fall.”
“I promise, baby,” he said, moving his mouth to softly kiss your lips. His hand smoothed down your back to grab a handful of your ass. “You wanna meet Enrique or get out of here?”
You could hear the promise in his words, and it made your core clench smiling into his mouth.
“Mmm,” you hummed, pulling back to look at him. “I’m intrigued by this asshole horse, and it’d be mean to leave without giving him an apple.”
He sighed.
“With how many fucking times he’s bitten me, I’m not too inclined to give him one.”
You turned your body to face him, moving your hands up to cradle his cheeks.
“Did Enrique hurt your feelings?” you cooed.
Javi frowned, and you smiled.
“No,” he sniffed. “He’s just a dick.”
“Well, let’s go give him an apple quickly, and then we can look at the calves. After that, we can go for the ride, then say goodbye to your dad, and”—you trailed a hand down his front, until you were grabbing his bulge—”we can finally fuck without interruptions at my apartment.”
“Fuck, Cielito,” he groaned, leaning in to kiss you hard. “Want you so fucking bad,” he murmured against your lips.
His free hand was still on your ass, and he gave it a squeeze.
“Let’s get going,” he said as he separated from you. He gave Sombra scratches on her ear. “Adíos, Sombra. Nosotros volveremos (We will be back).” She snorted happily in answer.
Smiling, you petted the horse.
“Mucho gusto, Sombra (It was nice meeting you, Sombra). Eres muy bonita (You’re very pretty). We’ll be back.”
Javi led you across the aisle to the other stall, pausing before you got to it.
“Do you want to feed him?” he asked, holding up the apple in question. “Or do you want me to do it since he’s a biter?”
Thinking about it for a second, you put your hand out, wanting to be brave.
“I will feed the asshole horse.”
“Keep your hand flat,” he said in a serious tone, as he set the fruit in your palm.
“Yes, Javi. ‘Feed the lips, not the teeth,’” you repeated his earlier words.
“Exactly, and once he takes it, step out of his reach.”
“You make him sound like a dangerous prisoner who will murder me if I get too close.”
His eyebrows furrowed as he frowned.
“He’s fucking opportunistic—will bite without hesitation, and it hurts like hell,” he said. “I don’t want anything happening to you. So, stay out of his way.”
“Okay, babe,” you nodded. “It’s very sweet of you being so protective. I’ll do everything you’ve said, but I’m sure I’ll be okay.”
He didn’t look convinced, nodding his head once.
Facing the stall, you could see the horse milling about, your eyes widening at just how big he was. You’d thought Sombra was big, but Enrique was bigger—a tall black mass with white markings, who, upon your approach, came to investigate. Nerves were swirling in your belly as he stuck his large head out over the door, huffing out air through his nose, almost sounding annoyed, dark eyes boring into you.
“Hi, Enrique,” you said. “You’re not gonna bite me, right?” Holding the apple in your palm, you extended your arm, and slowly moved toward him until he quickly snatched it out of your hand, causing you to jump a little. You took a step back, like Javi asked, and sure the horse was a bit aggressive, but he didn’t seem all that bad.
Enrique had finished eating and was nodding his head up and down, wanting more treats, breathing loudly mixed with high-pitched neighing.
“No más (No more),” Javi said, moving to stand beside you, with his arms crossed over his chest. “Tienes suerte de tener una manzana (You’re lucky to be getting one apple).” You could hear the horse stomping its front hooves as it squealed. Javi turned his head towards you, “We should go so he’ll calm down.”
“Okay,” you nodded.
He stepped in front of you, his body blocking Enrique while he placed a comforting hand on your back to lead you away, the other pointing towards the door. “Let’s go, ba—FUCK!’ he shouted, suddenly stumbling into you and making you step backward and away from the stall, Javi following.
“What?!” you asked, confused, grabbing hold of his biceps to steady yourself, his body pressed into yours, a pained expression on his face.
“He bit my ass!” he growled, rubbing his free hand over his injury while he glared over his shoulder at the horse. “Pinche caballo loco (Crazy fucking horse)!” Enrique whinnied proudly in response.
“Okay, so not all of the horses like you,” you said. Javi faced you again, his face pinched, clearly upset. “Why does he hate you so much?” you asked.
“He hates everyone,” he seethed. “Barely tolerates my uncle, who is the only person he’ll let ride him.”
“So, he’s just a grump.”
“A fucking asshole,” Javi corrected.
“A grumpy asshole. At least the other horses were nice.”
That made his face relax a little, a small smile turning up on his lips.
“You liked them?” he asked.
“I did,” you answered with a nod. “Very beautiful, and so friendly, except He Who Shall Not Be Named. How’s your ass, babe?”
“Fucking hurts,” he grimaced, moving his hand to rub it again.
“Need me to kiss it better?”
He looked at you with round, puppy dog eyes, pouting.
“Yes,” he said with a nod.
“Will a kiss on the lips tide you over until I can get you naked?”
He let out a long sigh, “Yes,” he replied, nodding again.
You tried to fight the smile, but your lips still lifted up.
“Oh, mi pobrecito (my poor thing),” you cooed, cupping his cheeks as you leaned in to kiss him. “That enough?” you asked after kissing him once.
“No,” he said into your lips, his hands coming up to cradle your face, kissing you harder. You let him take what he needed to make himself feel better, losing himself in your kiss until you were both breathing heavily, Javi pulling back to nudge his nose against yours as you smiled.
“Better?” you asked.
“A little.” Enrique started making noise again and rattling the door to his stall, making Javi sigh. He turned his head to look over his shoulder. “Nosotros nos vamos (We’re leaving)!” he shouted at the horse. He faced you again. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” Without another word, he took your hand as he pulled you behind him and out of the stable.
Outside was brighter, causing you to squint as you exited the building, the temperature still warm. There were still a couple of hours before sunset, Javi leading you down the dirt path to the neighboring barn. There was another paddock, the space surrounded by a metal fence, and inside, you could see a handful of cows eating from a trough, their babies close to their sides, others spread out in the space.
The two of you approached the fence, Javi leaning against it and resting a booted foot on a lower rail, an almost perfect picture of a cowboy if he’d just been wearing his hat. The image made you grin, taking up the space at his side as you looked at the cattle, seeing that some were black and others red.
“I know you’re a rancher,” you started, glancing over at him. “I know it’s a cattle ranch, but I’m going to be real, babe. I have no idea what the fuck you do for a living.”
He met your eyes as he laughed, his eyes crinkling at the edges.
“We’re a cow-calf ranch—we breed cows to sell.”
“Oh, okay. Tell me about it.”
His arms were crossed over the railing, his shoulders relaxed as he explained.
Their operation wasn’t too big, more quality over quantity, and the majority of their herd was made up of adult female cows and their calves, along with heifers - female cows who hadn’t reached breeding age yet. They only had a few bulls, Javi pointing behind you both at a fenced-in pasture where you could see them out grazing, used for mating. The calves were born during late spring, and once weaned, they were raised until the age they could be sold.
“Are these all the calves from this year?” you asked, pointing into the paddock.
“No,” he answered with a shake of his head. “Most are out on the land.” He pointed out in the distance. “These ones like being close to food.” He stepped away from the railing, putting his hand out to you. “Come with me. Let me show you something,” he said, smiling.
“Okay,” you replied, accepting his hand. He led you to the barn, Javi pushing the door open, hearing it squeal from age as it moved.
The ceilings were lower than you were expecting, with a good layer of hay on the floor, cushioning your steps, him taking you into a room where the floor was relatively clean. It had to be a supply room, spotting feed bags, and other things needed to take care of animals, along with a kitchen setup complete with a fridge. You watched as Javi got into the refrigerator and pulled out two large bottles, already filled with what you assumed was milk.
Realization hit you, “Oh my god, are we going to feed calves?” you asked.
Excitement was bubbling in your belly over the idea of getting close to some of the babies.
“We are,” he answered, smiling at you as he walked over to the sink and turned it on. He tested the temperature with his fingers for a minute before putting one of the bottles under the tap, twisting it in his hand, and making the milk swirl. “You don’t want it to be too hot,” he said.
“Do you feed them cow’s milk?”
“No, it’s a milk replacement—more nutritious, which is needed when they can’t get it directly from their mother.”
Your mind went to when you both were watching the cattle a little bit ago, many of the little ones happily drinking from their mothers.
“Are there other calves that aren’t outside with the rest?” you asked slowly, feeling your brows knit together.
“Yeah,” Javi replied. “Two.”
“Did… did something happen to their moms?” you asked softly, unable to help thinking the worst.
He glanced over his shoulder at you, “Their moms are fine,” he reassured. “Sometimes calves are abandoned or rejected by their mothers. In this case, they were abandoned.” He frowned, turning his attention back to what he was doing.
You matched his look as you spoke, “Oh, that’s really fucking sad.”
“It is.” You saw his head nod. “When cows have twins, it’s common for the mother to forget about one of them, and as fucked up as it is, sometimes the mothers just lose interest. We did a count, and we’re pretty sure one of them is a twin.”
He turned off the water, and you watched as he squirted some of the milk onto his inner wrist, nodding to himself that it wasn’t too hot before wiping it off with a nearby towel. Setting the warmed bottle on the counter, he put the other under the faucet, going through the same motions to get it ready.
“Luckily,” he said, “these two were found on the same day, so they’ve been together. Bottle-fed calves get lonely by themselves.”
He went through testing the temperature of the milk and, once satisfied, turned to face you, holding out the bottle, and you took it, the plastic warm under your fingers.
“Every season,” he continued, “a couple of calves have to be bottle-fed for one reason or another—it’s common. You ready to meet them?” He had the fondest smile on his face, and it made you feel like you were going to melt.
“Javier, you just told me these sweet baby cows were abandoned by their mothers. Yes, I am ready to meet them. I’m this close”—you held up your free hand, pinching your fingers close together—“to figuring out a way to take them home. I’m sure Mrs. Hernandez wouldn’t mind some cow neighbors.”
His eyebrow quirked, “Mrs. Hernandez barely tolerates human neighbors. I wouldn’t push your luck, baby.”
“Mrs. Hernandez loves me, thank you very much. She’s just not fond of the guy who makes me sound like a fucking porn star.” You paused as you thought about it. “Jesus, the noises you get out of me.” Heat started creeping up your neck, feeling hot.
Before Javi, there wasn’t a single partner you’d been with who made you scream their name. Hell, you thought loud moaning was just played up for porn, but apparently, if someone fucked you good enough, the sounds were a reality—a very loud reality.
He was smirking now, looking a little too proud of himself, as he closed the distance, his hands pulling your hips into him, Javi leaning in to kiss you.
“Love the sounds you make,” he murmured against your lips.
Kissing him one last time, you moved your head back to look at him.
“I know you do. You love them so much you never quiet me down, so really, you only have yourself to blame for Mrs. Hernandez not liking you.”
He seemed to think about it for a second.
“Yeah,” he said, nodding, “It’s worth it.”
That made you laugh.
“God, you’re ridiculous,” you said, playfully hitting his chest. “I would like to see the babies.”
“Follow me, Cielito,” he said, moving to grab the other bottle before taking your free hand and leading you out of the room.
Like the stable, the barn had a center aisle with stalls on each side, except where the others were fenced in with wood to make sure the horses couldn’t bother each other, the cow stalls were all separated with metal rail fencing similar to what was around the paddocks. Lights were hanging from the ceiling, and holes that you assumed hay was pushed down from, if the strands dangling from them were anything to go by. Fans were built into the walls for circulation, humming loudly as Javi took you to the first stall on the left.
Immediately, the two calves were bounding quickly toward the gate, making Javi chuckle.
“¡Hola, mis preciosas (Hello, my lovelies)!” His voice took on that sweet tone again that had you grinning. “¿Me extrañaste?” He turned his head toward you, smiling, “I asked if they missed me.”
“With how excited they are to see you, I think they did,” you laughed.
“Yeah, don’t worry if they come out. They’ll follow us back in.”
“Okay,” you replied.
He opened the door, and the calves were at his legs like giant puppies begging for attention and following you both back inside.
One was black, and the other red, neither paying you any attention, clearly over the moon to be seeing Javi—it was evident they were familiar with him.
Standing at his side, you started petting the back of the black one, and she seemed to realize there was another person, rubbing her head against your leg. “Do they have names?” you asked with a glance to the man next to you.
“Uh,” Javi leaned down, grabbing the red calf's ear tag. “Eight-Seventeen,” he answered. He looked at the other, his eyes squinting as he read, “and Eight-thirty-three.”
Your eyebrows had risen. “I’m sorry, they don’t have names?” You could hear the surprise in your voice.
Straightening up, he gave you a sheepish look.
“No? Just endearments?”
“Unacceptable,” you replied. “They need names! Look at how cute they are.”
He huffed out an amused breath, smiling.
“We can name them. Lower the bottle down. She’ll drink it.”
Doing as he said, the calf was eagerly latching onto the long red nipple of the bottle, hearing her suckling loudly.
“Both girls?” you asked him.
“Yeah.” He was feeding the other, bending slightly for the calf to easily drink.
“Is it normal for cows to be so friendly?”
“They’re just used to humans and associate us with food,” he shrugged.
“That seems to be a common thing—feed the animals, and suddenly they’re your best friend. The power of food.”
“It’s powerful shit. Have you decided on names?”
“Did you watch Saturday morning cartoons growing up?” you asked. “The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Bugs Bunny—sitting in front of the tv with your bowl of cereal?”
“My mom usually made breakfast, but yeah, I’d watch cartoons. There was one, fuck, what was it called.” His eyebrows furrowed while he wracked his brain. “It had a kid who went on adventures with his dad and a special agent. He had a dog named Bandit. I think it was Jonny, Jonny something.” He was frowning at not being able to remember the title.
“Jonny Quest!”
“Yes!” he said with a smile. “I liked that one.”
“I liked that one, too. My favorite was The Flintstones, but did you ever see Scooby-Doo?”
“Yeah,” he nodded.
“Okay, hear me out.” Pointing at the red calf, you spoke, “Daphne, and this one’s Velma,” you said, rubbing her ear while she fed.
“Daphne and Velma,” Javi said with a nod. “I like them.” He turned his attention to Daphne, petting her head as he spoke softly, “¿Entonces es así (So, it’s like that)? Te llamas Daphne (Your name is Daphne)? Sí, ese es el nombre de mi preciosa y es el nombre perfecto, porque mi Cielito es perfecta y demasiada buena para mí (Yes, that is my precious’ name and it’s the perfect name, because my Cielito is perfect and too good for me).”
It took you a second to process what he’d said, your lips tipping down.
“Javier, no soy demasiada buena para ti (I am not too good for you),” you said. “And I’m not perfect either, so stop lying to our cow children.”
A choking sound came from his throat, Javi going into a coughing fit.
“Sorry!” you exclaimed, patting his back.
The topic of kids hadn’t been brought up since that time in the truck after going to the farmers market, and from his reactions tonight with his dad and you teasing him, it was safe to assume that he wasn’t too inclined to the prospect. It was a shame, really. From the way you’d seen him interacting with animals—the care, the gentleness, the sweet affections—Javier would be an excellent father, and he already knew how to make a bottle, which was a plus. Seeing him being so affectionate and loving to the creatures had you all hot and bothered, the cavewoman part of your brain alerting you that he was the perfect partner to procreate with.
God, you’d have his babies in a heartbeat, but like you told him that afternoon on the drive back to your apartment, kids were a big decision you wanted to make with your partner, and you were happy to be with Javi with or without them. Though the thought of tiny Peña’s, with his big brown eyes and messy hair, made you yearn.
“I’m okay,” he wheezed.
The calves had finished their bottles and were now crowding at his legs.
“I’m okay,” he said again to the cows, leaning down to pet each of them with his free hand. “A real fucking shock to find out I have bovine children.” He turned his head to smile at you.
“Obviously, they’re adopted,” you replied with a grin. “I don’t know why you’re surprised.” You pointed at them, “They clearly know you’re their father.”
He snorted.
“I’m their source of food,” he said, standing back up. “It’s either me or Pop taking care of them. My mornings start by coming in here, opening their gate, and the two of them following me around while I make their bottles and clean their stall. They’ll even follow me around while I do other chores—it’s cute. They do the same with Pop. Last week he was grilling himself dinner in the backyard, and they just played in the grass.”
A big smile was on your face as you moved to pet Daphne.
“They really are just giant puppies.”
“Basically,” he nodded. “You ready to go? There’s one last place I want to show you before we go for a ride.”
“Yes. Thank you for letting me feed her,” you said, holding up the empty bottle. “They’re both so ridiculously adorable.”
“Anytime, Cielito,” Javi said, leaning in to kiss you. As he pulled back, he smacked your ass, making you squeak in surprise. “Say goodbye to our hijas (daughters).”
Laughing, you gave each of them some pets, telling them goodbye before following Javi back to the supply room. He took the bottle from you, and you stood near him at the sink, watching as he washed each of them before putting them on a drying rack and cleaning his hands.
“Will we be petting any more animals?” you asked as he dried his hands on a nearby towel.
“No,” he answered with a shake of his head.
Nodding at his answer, you moved into the space he’d vacated at the sink to wash your hands, smiling happily when you dried them and turned your attention back to him.
“So,” you started, clapping your hands together. “What did you want to show me?”
“You’ll see,” he said with a mischievous smile that had you curious.
His hand was warm when it grabbed onto your own, engulfing yours easily as you followed him out of the barn and around the side, where there was a set of stairs. Butterflies started flying rapidly in your tummy, suddenly having an idea as to where he was taking you, your bottom lip pulled between your teeth.
It wasn’t a surprise when you found yourself in the hayloft, hay bales stacked all over at various heights. The place was secluded, that was for sure, the hay basically soundproofing the noises from outside, but did it work for the ones inside, too? The thought had your skin heating, remembering Javi telling you how he used to fuck in here. It was safe to say your panties were ruined, feeling as more arousal pooled in them.
There was a window high up on the front wall, causing daylight to spill through, while a lone light bulb hung at the center of the space from a wooden beam.
Standing in the middle of the room, hay surrounding you on three sides, Javi turned to face you, his eyes darkening in the low light.
“The hayloft,” Javi said, the words coming out deeper, raspier, causing a shiver to move down your spine.
“Where the magic happens,” you replied breathily.
He crowded into you then, taking up the space at your front with his eyes locked on yours while his big hands moved up your arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake as they rose, skating along your shoulders, and the taut skin of your neck until his fingers were sliding along the sides of your jaw to cup your face.
“Yes,” he said it like a promise, that if you said the word, he would make the magic happen, and it had your thighs rubbing together to try and ease the growing ache.
His face was inching closer to yours, his eyes dropping down to your lips and back up to meet yours, seeing the pink of his tongue wet his bottom lip. Your heart was pounding in your chest, Javi close enough now you could feel his breaths ghosting over your lips, his hovering over your own, the tip of his perfect nose nudging against yours.
“You want me?” he rasped.
“God, yes,” you answered desperately.
The words barely left your mouth before he kissed you hard, swallowing your surprised moan. You welcomed his tongue, feeling his hunger, his need, hearing his groans as he kissed you all full of passion and desperation. Your fingers were tangled in the front of his shirt, needing something to hang onto as he plundered your mouth.
That ache had grown substantially, need burning brightly in your belly, wanting him so fucking badly, moaning as he tasted every inch of your mouth. His hands moved down your body, palming your breasts before they were zeroing in on the ties that held your wrap dress closed, undoing them while his mouth stayed on yours, getting them worked open so quickly and the fabric off your body so fast, you were making a surprised sound when his hands touched your bare skin.
“Fucking need you, baby,” he groaned into your lips, his palms greedily roving over your newly exposed flesh.
“I need you, too,” you replied, your fingers threading into the thick strands of his hair.
His mouth trailed messily along your jaw, making you moan when he sucked at your pulse point while his hands squeezed your covered breasts, weighing them in his palms until he tugged down the cups of your bra. His mouth went lower, bending down to wrap his lips around a pebbled nipple, gasping as pleasure shot straight to your cunt.
“Fuck, Javi,” you moaned, his hot tongue laving at your sensitive peak.
He moved to your other breast to give it the same attention, your fingers tightening in his hair, feeling the vibrations as he groaned against your skin.
Your body was thrumming, gasping his name as he worshipped your breasts with his lips and tongue, moving from one to the other, your skin slick with his spit. His head came up abruptly to kiss you again, the force causing you to take a step back, him following, his hands gripping your hips as he continued to walk you backward until a surprised gasp was pulled from your throat when he spun you around, pushing you forward to bend at the waist over a stack of hay bales.
The new position wasn’t wholly unwelcome, the hay a bit scratchy, but you didn’t care, not when Javi blanketed himself over your back, feeling the material of his flannel shirt and the rough denim of his jeans, his hard cock pressing into the roundness of your ass.
His head was beside yours, his breath tickling your ear, feeling as he spoke, “Is this okay?” he asked.
“It’s more than okay,” you replied. “Touch me.”
“Gonna do more than touch you, Cielito.” He ended the sentence with a nip to your earlobe.
The heat of his body left yours, making you gasp when his lips touched your spine, his fingers getting under the band of your panties. His kisses went lower as he pulled down your underwear until he was kneeling behind you, and your panties pooled at your ankles.
Anticipation was swelling inside of you, wanting, no, needing to feel his touch, something to ease the burning ache between your legs.
“Need you to spread open for me, baby,” he husked, those large hands of his finally touching you, grabbing your thighs and opening them wider, your feet shuffling apart to give him more space.
His fingers dug into the globes of your ass, squeezing the plump flesh appreciatively.
“So fucking pretty,” he murmured. The sharp sting of his palm hitting your bare ass had you moaning, Javi quickly smoothing it over to soothe the pain, and you giggled when his lips pressed a wet smacking kiss into an asscheek, turning your head to try and see him behind you.
“I thought I was supposed to be kissing your ass?” you teased. “You’re the one that got bit.”
“Mmm, I did get bit—should level the playing field.”
“What—?” Your question answered when his teeth sank into the plush skin he’d kissed, causing you to shout, “Javier!” It wasn’t a hard bite; it was just unexpected, following it with another wet smack of his lips, kissing your ass one more time.
His head moved into view to meet your eyes, grinning boyishly, his cute dimple on display.
“We’re even,” he said.
Your eyebrow rose. “Does that make you feel better?” you asked.
The smile fell from his face, his eyes rounding.
“A little,” he answered.
“But you’re still upset about getting bit?”
“Yeah.” He squeezed your ass. “You make me feel better.”
“Yeah? Well,” you purred. “I am fucking dripping for you. Would it make you feel even better if I gave you free rein to do whatever you want to me?”
His hands tightened on your flesh, seeing his throat bob.
“Anything?” The word came out deeper, a flush licking up his neck.
“Anything,” you promised with a nod.
His eyes were locked on yours as he moved his hand between your legs, dipping his fingers through your wetness to get them wet. Closing your eyes, you gasped his name when he languidly swirled his digits around your clit, the sparks of pleasure making your pussy flutter.
“Look at me,” he rasped.
Doing as he asked, your gazes were locked as his fingers moved back through your folds, moaning when he teased your entrance, barely pushing in, feeling how fucking soaked you were for him before he moved further up to a place you knew he’d been dying to touch. You sucked in a breath when he circled your tight ring of muscle, the sensation new and pleasant, something you thought you might even quite enjoy.
His eyes had glazed over with want, barely any brown remaining.
“Anything?” he asked again.
He growled, hands spreading you open and pulling a loud moan from you when his tongue pressed eagerly into your cunt, making you face forward again as your eyes rolled back in your head. Your fingers were digging into the hay bale, Javi groaning into your skin as he tasted every bit of slick coating the lips of your sex like a man starved, igniting a spark in your belly that was growing rapidly.
His tongue dipped in to swirl around your clit, the pleasure having you gasping his name while the tension built in your core, ratcheting up when he pulled the sensitive bundle between his lips and sucked.
The man was ravenous, licking, sucking, fucking his tongue inside you, devouring your pussy, and you were in heaven, so pent up from all of the almosts that you knew you were going to fall apart fast, the noises doing you in—hearing Javi’s hunger, his want, how fucking much he was enjoying eating you out. You shattered with a cry of his name as pleasure washed through your system, his moans muffled against your soaked entrance as he drank down every drop of your release from the source.
He didn’t wait for you to fully come down before he was working you back up again—your cunt still fluttering in the aftershocks as his tongue teased around your sensitive little clit, over and over again, until you honest to god whined, the sound turning into a moan when he gave it the attention you wanted with laps of his tongue, the oversensitivity making you keen.
You clawed at the hay, your body overcome with pleasure, chanting his name as he worked you over, his tongue fucking into you, before greedily laving back over you like he wanted to taste every last drop of your need for him. His fingers were digging into the skin of your ass, feeling as he started licking higher, moving over your entrance and continuing up, your eyes flying open at the realization of his intended destination.
“Oh my god,” you moaned as the flat of his tongue moved over your tight hole.
Oh yes, this was something you definitely liked.
You could hear and feel his groans, his pace languid as he licked all around and over before applying more pressure to gently prod at the tight ring of muscle. The pleasure was surprising, feeling it in your clit with the beginnings of an orgasm taking shape, sounds coming out of your mouth you weren’t entirely sure were human.
“You like this?” he asked, words muffled in your spit-soaked skin.
“Yes. Don’t stop,” you answered, unable to control yourself from squirming to try and get his mouth on you again.
“My dirty fucking girl,” he said, slapping your asscheek before gripping it with his big hand.
He dove back in, and this time he was relentless.
It felt like every nerve in your body was alight, his tongue all wet and warm, swiping and prodding, making you tingle all over, and driving you wild. Your forehead was pressed into the hay bale, moaning loudly as you felt the familiar heat at the base of your spine. His mouth moved, licking back down to your clit, before he went back up again, making sure he left no part of you untouched, the muscles in your belly beginning to tighten.
His face was buried in your ass, and the knowledge that Javi wanted every part of you—that you could hear just how much he wanted every part of you had you reeling and so fucking turned on you thought you’d combust. Your pussy was weeping, your slick dripping out of you, and the feeling of Javi’s fingertips pressing against your clit had you crying out his name.
That was your undoing—his fingers, his mouth, the act itself had you rocketing towards your release, it crashing over you with a silent scream. Euphoria coursed through your veins, limbs tingling as your body slumped into the hay bale like he’d wrung out every last bit of pleasure he could get, panting hard.
He helped you ride out your high this time, letting you fully come back to earth before he was standing up, his hands rubbing up your sides.
“How you feeling, baby?” he asked, his hand moving your hair away from your neck as he leaned down to kiss your nape.
“Fucking incredible,” you slurred.
His lips moved to your shoulder, his body pressed against you feeling the hard line of his cock digging into your ass.
“Yeah?” he asked, kissing your skin.
“Oh, yeah.”
You felt the breadth of his hands on your hips, his thumbs rubbing circles into your softness.
“Want me to fuck you?”
“Need you to fuck me,” you answered. “Your tongue and fingers are fantastic. The ass stuff? Fucking steller, a wonderful remix to a classic, but we both know I won’t be satisfied until I’m your stuffed little creampuff.”
Javi snorted, moving to kiss the side of your head, feeling him smiling.
His lips were at your ear, “Yeah, Cielito?” The deep timbre of his voice had you shivering. “Need me to fill you up? Want me to fuck you full of me? Make you drip, baby? You want my come?”
You felt your heartbeat in your cunt, arousal stirring in your belly, suddenly feeling empty.
“Yes, Papí,” you moaned. Javi’s groan was so rumbly it bordered on a growl. “I need it.”
His hand lightly grabbed your chin, turning your head to look at him, seeing your slick glistening on the bottom half of his face and mustache, your eyes meeting—his lust-filled and wanting, the adoration still evident in the dark pools.
“You can have it,” he rasped. “You can have whatever you fucking want, mi amor. Gonna pump you so full of me I’ll be inside you for days.”
And there was no doubt in your mind he’d be true to his word, your pussy throbbing in anticipation.
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Javier wanted to kiss her, but he was at the end of his rope with his self-control, gently running the pad of his thumb across the plush of her lower lip before moving off of her to stand, his knees aching from being on the ground.
Fuck, he was old.
He couldn’t remember the last girl he had in here—didn’t even care to remember—all he knew was he’d been in much better shape back then than he was now.
Didn’t have sore joints and muscles.
Definitely didn’t have a horse bite on his ass.
Fucking Enrique, the asshole.
None of that mattered, though, not with the way Cielito was so perfectly on display for him, her ass begging to be touched, her pussy shiny from his spit, and her come, looking so inviting—beckoning him—and it was like he was under some kind of fucking spell, or maybe he was just so fucking hard he was running on autopilot because in the seconds his eyes were locked on her, he’d worked open his belt and pants.
A hiss slid through his teeth when he took himself in hand, pulling his throbbing cock out and eclipsing every other thought that didn’t involve getting inside her as soon as possible, the need taking over, consuming him. Quickly, he spat on his fingers, wetting his dick, getting it nice and slick with a mix of saliva and leaking precum, before pushing himself through her soaking folds.
Javier groaned, the sound bubbling up deep in his chest and rumbling out of him at the feel of her warmth.
“Fuck, baby,” his voice was rough, his free hand squeezing the soft flesh of her ass. “Are you ready for me? Or do you want me to loosen you up?”
He didn’t think he could wait any longer, feeling like he was going to explode.
“Put your dick in me,” she whined, her desperation sending sharp spikes of heat down his spine. “Please.”
His hand landed on her ass with a loud smack, hearing her moan as he started pushing inside her entrance, not needing to be told twice. He was groaning loudly, watching as he fed himself into the tight hug of her pussy inch by inch, thinking how it was impossible how hot and wet she was, her velvet walls pulling him deeper, welcoming him in its embrace until his hips were flush against her ass.
His head fell back, eyes shutting closed with a moan as her warmth soothed something deep inside him.
He couldn’t move.
He was so fucking worked up, barely hanging on by a thread, and dangerously close to blowing his load like some two-pump chump, which would be fucking embarrassing.
Javier took steadying breaths to try to calm and get himself under control.
“Fucking love being inside you,” he groaned when he could finally speak.
She clenched around him, and air left his lungs in a wheeze like he’d been punched.
“Fuck,” he panted, swallowing hard. “Baby, shit, gimme a second, or you’re gonna have this ending before it’s even started.”
“You okay?”
“Yeah, more than okay. Fucking needed this—been on my mind all fucking day, and you feel so fucking good. Fuck, I can’t get enough of you—will never get enough of you.”
He’d calmed down to the point he could start thrusting shallowly, loving the little noises she made.
“Javi,” she said his name in that breathy gasp he loved, the sound that told him she was just as needy as him, and it had a sting of pleasure shooting through him.
Tilting his head down, he watched as he pulled almost all the way out, seeing his cock glistening with her arousal, Javier groaning at the sight.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he rasped, sinking back into her again, and setting a steady pace, soft sounds falling from her lips as he fucked into her.
She had taken up all of his thoughts—how she was making him feel, how she felt, how he needed to make her feel good. Losing himself in her hot depths and her sweet noises spurring him on, her pussy hugging him so tightly he thought she might keep him inside her forever, and how he wanted to stay there, to live within her, their bodies melding into one and never parting.
He sped up, his brows furrowing, mouth going slack in concentration, panting as his thrusts became faster, hearing the slap of their bodies connecting and the wet suck of her pussy taking him, over and over again, while she mewled under him, chanting his name.
Admiring her under him, he took in the lines of her back, the sheen of perspiration on her skin, and how she was resting her cheek on her arms, giving him a glimpse of her face, seeing it screwed up in pleasure, her lips parted.
Fuck, she was gorgeous.
He’d never tire of her sounds or how fucking perfectly they fit together, the snug fit of her cunt always welcoming, her softness complementing his hardness, taking all he had to give.
It was never just sex with her, never just scratching an itch or working out stress—it was never transactional; it was something more, something that intoxicated him and made him feel things he’d never felt before. She was practically naked under him, and yet Javier felt just as bare when he was still fully clothed, her tapping into another part of him he normally kept hidden—he could be vulnerable with her, be himself, fucking relax.
“Feels so fucking good,” she gasped, taking him from his thoughts as pride filled his chest. “You fuck me so good.”
The praise shot straight to his dick, making him shudder.
“You like how I fuck you, Cielito?” The question came out deeper, breathier.
“Yes—fucking love it,” her answer ending in a moan.
His hands gripped her cheeks, spreading her open, his eyes locked on where they were connected, marveling at how well she took him. There was something else, though, some other want that had been kept locked away until today—a desire, a need to have every single part of her. Getting to be the first to fuck her ass was a dream of his, her revealing to him one night after a few drinks that she’d never let anyone touch her there, making him think it wasn’t something she was interested in. But she let him eat it, and from those sweet sounds she’d made, she loved it and gave him hope one day she’d let him have it—have all of her.
She’d offered him free rein to do whatever he wanted to her, and without wasting another second, he spat on her tight hole, his thumb moving to stroke over it. She loudly moaned his name, her cunt clenching hard around him, feeling her get wetter. It fueled him to keep going, Javier grunting as he continued thrusting hard, his thumb breaching her tight ring of muscle.
“Yes,” she gasped. “Oh, fuck, that feels so fucking good,” she whined. “Gonna come.”
“Shit,” he hissed, his rhythm stuttering, almost coming himself.
Her body seized up as she came undone, crying out his name, her pussy gripping him so tight, the feeling was almost overwhelming, his pace slowing. It took a few seconds before he sped back up, fucking into her desperately to extend her high, panting from exertion, sweat on his brow, her body trembling beneath him through the aftershocks of her orgasm.
“My good fucking girl,” he groaned, grinding his hips into her. “You fucking love that.” He removed his thumb, gently smoothing it over her puckered hole. “Fucking love it when I play with your ass.”
“Yes,” she moaned.
“You’d probably even let me fuck it.” His cock twitched at the thought. “You’d like that wouldn’t you, Cielito? My dick in your ass, filling you up.”
“Yes, Papi, you can have me however you want,” she sounded wrecked, a spike of adrenaline hitting his system, a groan reverberating from his chest as he leaned over her to get his arm under her chest to haul her up to stand with her back pressed to his front.
He lightly tugged on her chin to get her to turn her head, Javier angling to look at her face and see her fucked out expression.
“You love when I fill you up,” he rasped, her eyes squeezing shut as she whimpered. “Love when I’m inside you.” He had an arm braced at her waist to hold her against him, his other hand moving to her breast, rolling her hardened nipple between his fingers as he started thrusting into her slowly, the wet glide of his cock sliding in and out of her smoothly. “Love when I touch you.” Javier was rambling in a haze of lust, so fucking drunk on her that the feelings were overtaking him. “Love a lot about me.” He swallowed hard.
“Yes, everything,” she gasped.
He pressed his face into the crook of her neck, quickening his pace. His arm moved to lock over her chest, the weight of her breast held in his hand, keeping her up, while his other dipped between her legs to circle her swollen clit. He mumbled into her skin, the question swimming at the front of his mind, “¿Pero me amas a mi (But, do you love me)?”
Her hand came up, sliding her fingers into his sweat-damp hair, “What did you say, baby?” The words coming out slightly slurred.
He kissed her neck, “Need you to come again,” he answered, having a moment of clarity that this wasn’t the time or place to bare his soul, the doubt making him too chickenshit to hear her answer.
Her tight walls started spasming around him, and pleasure curled in his gut, his body feeling hot all over, Javier cursing his decision to keep his clothes on with the sweat soaking his shirt. He fucked into her harder, her moans stuttering, the breath pushing from her lungs from his cock punching its way into her over and over again.
He could tell she was close, her hand gripping his brown waves tightly, murmuring his name like a prayer.
“Come on, baby,” he said through gritted teeth, breathing hard. “Give me one more. Come for me, soak my dick, and you can have my come.”
With a handful of thrusts more, she was coming with a gasping moan, choking his dick as her body went boneless in his arms.
“So good to me,” he said, rocking his hips into her, kissing her neck. “So fucking good to me. Such a good girl.”
He wasn’t gonna last, the heat building in his belly, feeling so fucking close.
“Come inside me,” she breathed. “Let me have it. Please, Javi, I want it—want it so bad. Fill me up, Papi.”
The groan that came out of him was guttural, feeling it vibrate in his chest as he started fucking into her hard, hearing their skin colliding and the slick sounds of her pussy being worked by his cock.
There was something deep in the recesses of his mind that made him need to come inside her, quelling some dumb primal instinct when he pumped her full of himself, wanting to fill her until she leaked and have her keep him inside. He thought it was so she’d have him with her, a reminder, but it made him so fucking hard thinking about filling her over and over again, stuffing her full of his come, and keeping her full.
His balls started tightening up at the thought, the muscles in his belly coiling, his cock thickening. Pushing into her deep, he came with a loud moan, his spend gushing into her and filling her, rolling his hips to work it deeper inside her depths to fill every crevice and soothe that need of his.
He heard her sigh happily, Javier slumping into her body when he was fully spent, feeling euphoric and so relaxed he wasn’t sure if there were bones left in his body.
Nothing else in the entire fucking world mattered except for her. He wanted to stay in her warmth forever, bask in it, live in it. His nose was pressed into her neck, inhaling her scent that was comforting and smelled like home. Hugging her close to him, her body fitting perfectly against his like they were made for each other—two halves of a whole.
Mi media naranja (My soulmate).
The fucking chemicals rolling through his body had him feeling sappy as fuck, and he should feel embarrassed, but it was all true.
He kissed her skin, nosing up to press his lips against the shell of her ear to whisper, “Te adoro y me haces el hombre más feliz del planeta. Gracias por estar conmigo, mi Cielito.”
Her hand pressed against his cheek.
“‘I adore you, and you make me the very happy man on the planet,’” she translated slowly. ”’Thank you for being with me, my Cielito.’ Did I get that right?”
He smiled, kissing her ear.
“Close. I adore you, and you make me the happiest man on the planet. Thank you for being with me, my Cielito.”
“I adore you, too,” she said, “and you make me the happiest woman on the planet. Thank you for being with me, baby.”
Warmth was radiating in his chest, his heart constricting from feeling so fucking happy. He tightened his arms around her, hugging her harder.
“I really fucking like you, Cielito,” he said.
“I really fucking like you, too, Javi.”
He frowned, sighing, “We should go get cleaned up so I can kiss you how I want.”
“What a gentleman,” she replied, and he could hear her smiling, her hand lightly patting his cheek. “Eats ass like a fucking champ, then cleans himself up so he can make out with me. This is why I like you.”
Pride had his chest puffing out. “Like a champ? You liked it that much?”
“Oh, babe. That’s happening again—all the ass stuff is definitely happening again.”
“Fuck,” he groaned, his cock twitching inside her. “So, you’d wanna try…”
“You can have me however you want, Papi,” she purred.
“Shit, baby, you’re gonna get me hard again.”
He huffed out a breath, “No, you’re not.”
“No, I’m not.”
As much as it pained him, he slowly pulled out of her heat with a hiss, his hand finding its way between her legs, feeling his come beginning to leak out, two of his fingers pushing it back inside.
“Javi,” she gasped.
“Don’t wanna lose any—gotta keep it inside, baby,” he said, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“Yes,” she moaned.
Her answer made something inside his brain purr happily.
“My good girl.”
He slipped his fingers out, sucking them clean with a groan, enjoying their taste on his tongue.
Stepping away from her, he moved to pick up her discarded dress, and she turned to face him, bending down to pull up her panties, his eyes raking over her body appreciatively, loving every curve and dip, his hands itching to touch her soft skin.
Handing her the dress when she straightened, he helped right her bra, frowning as he picked off stray bits of hay.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
She looked down at what he was doing.
“What are you sorry about?”
“Bending you over the hay bales.”
He thought he’d gotten it all off, eyes finally meeting hers.
She had an eyebrow quirked.
“It was sexy,” she replied, putting her clothes back on. “And a great fucking time.” Her attention was on tying the dress, so it stayed closed. “Don’t be sorry. I loved it.”
“Are you sure?”
In the past, there was always a blanket to ensure his partner was comfortable when he fucked in here.
“Positive, babe,” she said, finally finished and looking at him again with a bright smile. “Would fuck on a hay bale again. Honestly, I’d let you fuck me anywhere because, one, you always make it really good, and two, I trust you—I know you’d make sure I was safe. So, don’t stress. It was really fucking good. Now, let’s go get cleaned up. I really wanna kiss that pretty face of yours.”
He could see the earnestness in her gaze, that everything she said was true, and it had him feeling soft, his body relaxing—three words stuck to the tip of his tongue and dying to come out, him having to swallow them down with a bob of his throat.
Just a little more time, that’s all he needed to make sure this wasn’t all a fluke. But he knew in his gut it wasn’t. He knew this was real and that by some fucking miracle, he found the person he was supposed to spend his life with—the one who completed him and made him want to be a better man.
He found his person.
His media naranja.
His soulmate.
His Cielito.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Blankets - Bishop Losa x Reader
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When Bishop first meets you, he isn’t at his best. He’s exhausted, the stench of smoke and cordite clinging to his skin. He’s seen too much tonight; he just wants to go home and drink himself into oblivion, but he can’t because now there’s a kid involved that he has to do right by.
When he’d heard that there was a stash house in his backyard he was pissed. He thought the club had sent a clear message the last time Vatos Malditos had encroached on their territory, but apparently, he had been wrong. They’d expected drugs, a little smack, a couple of kilos of coke but they hadn’t expected the kid. He’d known they were into some dark shit but trafficking kids for sex…
Putting bullets in those animals had been way too fucking quick.
They’d found the kid cowering in the corner of a princess themed bedroom, nine years old he guessed, hair in pigtails, a schoolgirl’s uniform with a skirt that was far too short and a tie that was far too low. They’d tried talking to her in English and then in Spanish, it wasn’t until Bishop saw her hand gestures that he realised she was deaf. He couldn’t imagine how fucking terrifying that must have been, to be at the hands of monsters with no way to communicate, to have your voice stripped away from you. He knew a little sign language; he’d started learning when Aidan had been diagnosed with hearing difficulties.  He’s rusty has fuck but he manages to tell the girl she’s safe, that no one in this room is going to hurt her, she signs back to him quickly, too quicky and he has to hold his hands up so that she understands that he’s a novice.
He discovers her name is Mari and she sticks to him like glue after that. He’s forced to ride in the van with Creeper because she refuses to let him out of her sight.
It’s Coco that suggests taking her to the community centre. Stitches has been running a clinic out of there and knows the manager, she’s helped out in situations like this before. It’s a happy place he tells Bishop, kid friendly and they’ve been doing some great work in the community. He can’t stand the idea of just dropping Mari off at social services, so he has Creeper swing by.
You’re waiting by the front door when he arrives. It’s been a while since he has been by this way and the place has changed a lot. Shit has been going downhill since the Galindo Agra Park project stalled and it looks like you’ve stepped up, he notes the additional services that are now on offer. The clothing drives, the food banks, the pop-up children’s library…
All of these things make difference to people who are barely managing to keep themselves afloat.
He thinks he recognises you, but he can’t be sure, it might have been back after Aidan was born and he was taking him to the Tummy Time play sessions. Even back then he knows he would have noticed you. He’d been committed to Antonia, but there was definitely something about you.
“Thanks for helping out with this.” He says, shaking your hand. “I only know a little ASL.”
There’s a thrum of connection there, something he hasn’t felt in years. He almost pulls away, but he finds that he can’t bring himself too. You like him, he’s gruff but earnest. He could have dumped Mari at social services, but he chose to bring her here, to a place that hopefully she’ll feel safe so that you can find out more about her.
Mari refuses to venture anywhere without him, so he finds himself seated on a red bean bag in the children’s library, his motorcycle boots resting on a brightly coloured patchwork rug. It makes his chest ache being back here, it’s different than before but the memories of Aidan, they’re everywhere. When he sees the Gruffalo book, it almost feels like he can’t fucking breathe.
It’s the motion of your hands that distracts him. You’re sitting cross legged on the rug across from Mari, continuing a conversation in ASL. It’s moving too fast for him to follow, but he’s captivated by the flourish of your movements, the speed and grace in them. It’s clear that Mari’s impressed too. The kid has been withdrawn ever since they found her, now she’s animated and rapt. He figures it’s been a long time since anyone’s actually spoke to Mari in her language.
“She says she was brought here by her Uncle.” You tell him later on in the break room, your hands wrapped around a mug of coffee. “When he couldn’t pay his own fee, he traded her to pay off the rest.”
“Man, that’s fucked up.” He says, his gaze on the young girl curled up under a blanket on the couch. The kid is fast asleep, a stuffed lion clutched to her chest, it breaks his fucking heart. “What’ll happen to her?”
“I have a friend who works at a charity who deals with this sort of thing. She’ll be here in a couple of hours.” You told him with a grimace. “Sadly, it’s more common than you think.”
Bishop sags back in his chair, his head tilting back as he sighs. The world is a fucked up place and he knows that but tonight, somehow it feels a thousands times worse.
“Obispo.” You say his name quietly, your hand coming to rest upon his. It’s warm, your touch. He doesn’t expect it, part of him wants to yank his hand away because that brief moment of connection is too much. He’s been alone for such a long time, he’s forgotten what it feels like to have someone actually give a shit, about him, about the people around them. You could have told him to fuck off tonight, you could have called social services, stayed at home drinking a glass of wine or whatever you did to wind down, but you hadn’t. You’d stepped up and he fucking admired that. “You did a good thing tonight. If you hadn’t found her…”
You let the words trail off  because the truth is you can’t bring yourself to say it. He gets that, he doesn’t want to think about it either. He slouches down in his chair, arms crossing over this chest. It’s cold in here, colder than he thought it would be. You’re wearing a black sweatshirt with white stars over your jeans, it clings to your form in a way he tries not to notice. All he has on is a short-sleeved shirt and his kutte.
“I’ll stay until she gets here, your friend.” He says, his gaze coming to rest on Mari as he rubs his hands together to warm them. “I don’t want her to wake up scared.”
“Ok.” You tell him, before snatching up a blanket from the back of the second couch and handing it to him.
He shakes his head.
“I don’t need that.”
“You have goosebumps.” You point out, gesturing at his biceps. “I’m still working on getting the heating fixed but it’s a process…”
He fixes you with a stare, it’s meant to be a glower but you can see the exhaustion in his handsome features, how tired he is both mentally and physically. He’s stubborn, you shouldn’t like that, but you do. You set the blanket down in his lap. He huffs before rolling his eyes and shaking it out. You watch as he tucks it around his chest and upper body, drawing it up to his neck.
“I’m doing this because the heating’s out.” He tells you with a scowl.
“Not because it’s comfortable as fuck,” You summarise. “Yea I think I got it.”
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you busy yourself collecting the coffee cups and depositing them in the sink.
“You didn’t have to stay you know.” You tell him, glancing at him over your shoulder. “I can keep her company.”
Bishop tilts his head towards the little girl asleep on the couch, he remembers the way she clutched onto his kutte when he helped her to feet, how she refused to let go of his hand when they’d first stepped inside the community centre…
“Yea.” He said, closing his eyes as he hunkers down in the chair. “I do.”
Love Bishop? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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goodomensafterdark · 2 months
Writers Guild Presents - Ohh, You're My Best Friend
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Written by ckocek on our subreddit!
CW/TW: canon typical alcohol use, reference to past homophobia, coming out
Summary: E, F/F, 5.2K words. Angelica Fell and Antonia Crowley have been best friends since childhood. Could there be something more? Crowley, an out and proud lesbian, helps Angelica come to terms with her own sexuality.
"Thank you again for offering me the couch, I’ll just use this blanket.”
“Angel, don’t be silly. Who knows how long the power will be out. It’s going to get cold, and we’ll both be warmer if you come stay in the bed with me,” Crowley offered. Purely out of practicality, she told herself.
Angelica’s heart skipped a beat. Sure, they had shared beds multiple times over the years, but with this weight off her chest, she fully felt the spark of excitement at the thought of laying so close to the striking redheaded woman. This feeling she had tried to tamp down and deny until now.
“Oh. Thank you. But I wouldn’t want you to think that I was… coming onto you… considering everything I just said…”
No, wouldn’t want that, Crowley thought bitterly. Her heart sank in disappointment. Yet she plastered on a false smile.
“C’mon. We’ve shared a bed plenty of times before. Not going to change anything now.” Crowley said it to convince herself as much as Angelica.
Continue reading on AO3.
Major thank you to u/Aidaran-ao3, u/Natyu0815 and u/badbitchbarenziah for beta reading!
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Precious ones
a/n: I just notice that I don't know you, I'll be happy to talk with you but right now I give you that...
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*not my GIFs*
Yelena Belova x Stark!Reader; Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader; Scott Lang x Female!Reader(platonic); Hope van Dyne x Female!Reader(platonic); Cassie Lang x Female!Reader(platonic); Avengers x Female!Reader
Summary: you may have been married to the blonde widow since nearly two years now but nobody knew. When your father learnt that he didn't totally act like you except.
Type: generally Fluff but a big Angst part
Warning: mention of blood, car accident and mention of death
word count : 4771 (it's long sorry)
 "I'm glad it's finished; I need to take a shower and sleep," Yelena said. She was back from a mission with the Avengers. She joined them four months ago, and to be honest, you were the one who convinced her. You were relieved to know she was not alone, and you were sure your father would protect her even if he didn't know who she was for you.
"Oh, come on, Yelena, it was fun." Natasha said, and her sister glared at her.
"You were not the one who almost got hit by the green giant." She replied, and Bruce looked at the ground.
"Mr. Stark, Y/n just arrived at the compound." Friday said, and everybody looked at Tony.
"Thank you, Friday. Let her know we will lend in 10 minutes." He replied, and when he met the curious faces of the others, he explained, "Guys, be ready to meet someone really important to me." 
Now all the Avengers were more curious. Okay, maybe not all, Yelena was not curious; she was happy. It's been two weeks since the last time she saw you. You both have been married for one year and a half now, but nobody knew except three people. Antonia and Selina, two widows who were with you at this moment, and your mom Pepper. You hadn't told your father yet because you hadn't really found the time, and Pepper promised she would let you announce it to him.
Ten minutes later, like promised, they were walking to the living room in the compound. They were greeted by Friday and then by Pepper and Morgan. And when your little sister finally finished hugging everyone, you came back from the kitchen.
"Guys, let me introduce you to one of my favorite people in the world, my older daughter, Y/n Stark." Your father said, and you rolled your eyes at his attitude while everyone was shocked by his revelation.
"Nice to meet you." Steve was the first to come back to his senses. "I'm–" 
"Steve Roger, aka Captain America." You cut him off. "To be honest, I know all of you." you said, and you paused your eyes on the two new recruits behind them. "And you two should be the news recruits Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova, right?" You said, and the brunette nodded frantically while the blonde just smiled.
"Why didn't we see you earlier?" Natasha asked, and despite the fact that her sister groaned loudly, you chuckled.
"I was working in San Francisco, with Hope. I think you know her as ‘The Wasp’." you said
"Wait, Scott's girlfriend?" Sam asked, and you nodded. 
"And she didn't like to spend her time with her dad anymore." your dad added, and you playfully groaned.
"Oh, come on don't say that, it's just that I don't like the parties, but it's okay now." you said
"You want to come to my new party?" he asked.
"Definitely not. But, I move on in New York." You announced, and he raised his eyebrows, he knew how much you liked to work with the daughter of Hank, she was like your big sister. "I decided to spend more time with my little sister, so I joined Stark Industri." You explained, and he couldn't help but hug you tightly.
"Does that mean I will see you more often?" He asked, and you nodded.
After that, you properly introduced yourself and spent the afternoon with them before you went back to your house. Yelena had to finish her paperwork before she could leave, so when she was working, the rest of the Avengers were in front of the TV, watching a movie, when Kate broke the silence.
"Did you see how Yelena reacted when she saw Y/n?" she asked, and everyone thought for a moment before agreeing. "I think she likes her, but I can be totally wrong." she said.
"Yeah, but Y/n has a ring on her finger." Natasha said.
"Don't worry, it's nothing." Tony said, and everybody looked at him confused. "She just really likes jewels, that's why she always wears rings." he explained.
"Yelena is the same. She always wears rings." Natasha said. 
"I think we should let them know each other more." Kate proposed, and everyone nodded.
Two months after you almost spent all your free time in the compound, you were searching for the right moment to talk to your father about you and the Russian, but that was never really the right occasion. If he wasn't too busy with his work, you were working; if you were both free, your wife was busy, and you promised her to wait for her to tell him. But even with that, all the heroes seem to have noticed that you quickly became close to the blonde; they thought it was a good friendship. You both decided to keep your relationship secret until you talked with your father and her sister. Yeah, even the great spy Natasha Romanoff was unaware that her own sister was married.
You were in the kitchen with Natasha and Kate when Yelena came, "Hi Yelena." You greeted her without even looking at her. For everyone, it would be a little weird, but we talk about Yelena Belova, a super train widow, she was very discreet, so it was funny to see the face of the archer when she saw you recognize the footsteps of her friend when she couldn't yet.
"Hi Y/n, were you not supposed to work now?" she asked.
"Yeah, but I had something to finish before." you said, and you finished what you were doing. "Oh, I brought a new toy for Fanny. I left it in my dad's lab." you said before leaving the room.
"See you later!" the blonde shoots at you.
"See you later!" you yelled back.
When you were out of the room, Natasha cleared her throat, and her sister looked at her. "Oh, good morning, Nat, and good morning, Kate. I didn't see you." she said, and now her sister was surprised; it was not the type of Yelena to not greet her first in the morning. Of course she was happy to see her sister was making a new friend, but usually no one came before her. She wanted to say something, but Yelena started to leave the room. "I will train, but before I will pass by the lab." she announced and left.
"Wow, did you see that?" Kate was the first to talk after a moment. "Y/n could tell it was Yelena without even looking; do you think she had a superpower or something like that?" she asked, and the older Russian shook her head.
"No, I don't think so, but it's true; it's weird; even Bucky and Steve can't tell when Yelena walks to them, but the strange thing was that she greeted her, but she totally didn't acknowledge us." she said, and Kate chuckled. "What's so funny?" the older redhead asked.
"You're jealous that your sister didn't say 'hi' to you first." She said and quickly left before Natasha could do anything to her.
In the lab, Tony was working when Yelena came. "Hey little spider, how can I help you?" he asked, and your wife rolled her eyes.
"Y/n, said she brought a new toy for Fanny, and she left it here." She said, and Tony pointed to a bag in a corner of the lab. When Yelena opened it, she found not only the toy but also a new vest you brought her with a card. She smiled at herself and texted you to thank you.
Two days later, she was out on a mission with Tony, Steve, and Natasha, and the redhead noticed the change.
"Oh, it's new," she said, and Yelena followed her gaze and looked at her new vest.
"Oh, yes. Y/n brought it to me when she brought the new toy for Fanny," the blonde explained, and your father frowned his eyebrows.
"I know you are close, but I didn’t think it was her thing to bring a gift for her new friend. I think she really likes you." He said, and Yelena smirked. Of course you like her; more than that, you love her, and you promised to spend the rest of your life with her.
When she returned from her mission, she immediately left the compound and made her way to your shared house. There she found you asleep on the couch with the TV on; she knew you waited for her. She turned off the TV and delicately picked you up to your bedroom; after she placed you under the blanket, she took a shower and slid next to you.   
The next month, everyone was almost pissed by the fact that you were both oblivious by the way you looked at each other with heart eyes. But today was the day, Pepper was here with Morgan, your dad should come back from a mission with your wife, and you decided to finally tell him.
On their mission, Tony and Yelena found Antonia and Selina, and the blonde invited them into the compound and afterwards to your house for dinner. During the flyback, they didn't hesitate to tease them about you, and that made Tony laugh even if he didn't know who they were talking about.
"Tony, you should have seen her before," Selina started. "She was a badass widow, and now she's so soft. We call her the ‘soft widow’." she said, and Yelena groaned.
"Oh, why do you have this long face, soft widow? Do you miss your wife?" Antonia asked.
"Wait, wife?" Tony asked, visibly shocked.
"Yeah, the soft widow has had a beautiful wife for nearly two years now." Selina announced, and his jaw dropped. But before he could say anything, the jet lent, and the three women ran out. To be true, Antonia and Selina ran for their lives while Yelena chased them.
You were in the kitchen, and everyone was in the living room, when you heard two familiar voices screaming playfully. When they entered the living room, they quickly hid behind the older widow. "Natasha, help us. Softy Widow wants to kill us." Antonia said, and you sighed.
"Who's Softy Widow?" Natasha was clearly confused, but Yelena quickly appeared in front of her, and the two women screamed like little girls, and that made your little sister laugh. Fortunately for them, you walked from the kitchen at the same moment Tony entered the living room.
"Please Y/n calm your crazy wife." Selina said while she was running to you with Antonia. You let them hide behind you, and everyone vanished when you saw Yelena stop in front of you with her disappointed face.
"детка(babe) I love you, but let me kill them just today." She said, and you chuckled.
"Oh, baby girl, you know you can't kill them," you replied. "And they're our witnesses, you'll not kill our witnesses, right?" You added kissing her nose, and she stopped.
You were in your bubble when Natasha and Tony cleared their throats, but before they could say anything, Kate seemed to want to exteriorize her emotion. "What's the hell?!!" she yelled, and you both looked at her. 
You smiled awkwardly and looked at everyone. "Surprise? I think." You said. Natasha was furious, Pepper was scared for you, Morgan was surprisingly happy, and your dad was...not there anymore. Tony left without even getting noticed. When you didn't hear him say anything you knew where he was.
"Yelena, what's the hell?" the redhead asked and her sister was now a little scared too.
The blonde looked at you and squeezed your hand "Go find him I'll handle this," she said and you raised your eyebrows at her "don't worry she'll not kill me, but I'm not sure about you." She added and you kissed her before quickly leaving. Now the young widow was facing the rest of the room.
You were in front of the lab, and the doors were closed, pretty uncommon. "Mr. Stark doesn't want to be disturbed." Friday informed you.
"Oh, come on Friday. I really need to talk to him," you pleaded.
"Sorry, MissStark, but even you can't come." The AI said.
"Friday, we both know I know how to open this door with or without your consent. And we both know I can easily hack you to turn you off. So, please." You said, and the AI didn't say anything for a moment. You were sure if she could, she would sighed, but she finally opened the doors, and you rushed in.
Tony was moving some boxes on the big table, he noticed some footsteps but didn't turn around. "Friday, I thought I was clear when I said I didn't want anyone here." He said.
"Um. I think we need to talk." You said, and he finally turned around to look at you.
"Oh, you want to talk now?" he asked sarcastically.
"Listen, I know we should have told you earlier, but we didn't find the right time."
"Since when?"
"Since when you two are-? You know."
"Two years soon."
"TWO YEARS?" He yelled, and you flinched. "You didn't find the right time during those two years?". He asked.
"I know it's long, but we both know we couldn't see each other for the last two years." You said, and you started to walk back and forth in the lab. "I know you are angry, but—."
"No!" He cut you off. "I'm not just angry, Y/n. I'm also sad and shocked. It's been nearly two years since my daughter got married, and I didn't know. And what pisses me off the most is that you were not even the one who told me. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know."
"We were used to telling each other everything. How did something like that happen?"
"I know. I think I was scared."
He sighed, and you stopped to look at him. "Did Natasha know?"
"No, we wanted to talk with the both of you. But Pepper knew."
"Pepper?" He repeated, and he scuffed.
"She's my mom."
"Yes, but I'm your dad too, did you forget that? What happened to the little girl that I raised and always made sure she could tell me everything?" He asked and walked out of the room.
"She just grew up." You replied when he passed beside you, and he left without arguing more. You stayed in the lab for an hour; crying alone, when you heard someone come.
"Hey, Yelena said we could find you here." Antonia said. You wiped away your tears before facing her. The two widows looked at you and your pitiful state. Selina didn't say anything and just hugged you. "We're sorry." Antonia said, and you looked at her.
"Oh, no, it's nothing. I think you helped me in a way." You replied and tried to smile. "You both came tonight?" you asked them, and they nodded.
When you left the lab with your two friends, you saw Natasha. She was on the couch, and when you approached her to say your goodbyes, she didn't even acknowledge you. This night, the girls spent the night trying to cheer you up.
The next day, you went to the tower to pick up some files for work. Kate didn't leave your side; she asked you a lot of questions about you and Yelena. It was cute, and you were happy to finally talk about the woman who owned your heart, but right now you needed to talk to someone. So after the questions about your first meeting, and who asked who, you successfully found a way to escape in your dad's lab.
In there, you were surprised to find Natasha and Pepper talking about something that visibly concerned you because they stopped immediately when they saw you.
"Hey sweetheart. I thought you were already at work." Your mom said.
"Hi mom. Hi Natasha. I will go. I just wanted to talk with dad before." You said.
"He was tired from last night, so he should be sleeping right now." Pepper said, and you nodded.
"Okay, bye. I'll see you next week." You added before leaving.
"She looks desperate," Natasha said when you were out of earshot.
"She always was a daddy girl, she spent all her time with Tony. But he doesn't seem to approve of her relationship with your sister, so I think it's the best condition she could be in, actually." The blonde explained.
"But why didn't she tell him anything?"
"She wanted to, trust me. She just waited for the right time. They had planned to announce to you when they'd find a way to reunite you and Tony with them in privacy. But every time you were the three of you together, it was the time she was in San Francisco, and when she moved here, you were a little hostile towards her because your sister was mesmerized by her wife."
"Do you think I scared her?"
"Oh, don't worry, Natasha; she needs more than a shovel talk from an ex-assassin to be scared. But I think she's worried about not being enough for your sister."
You didn't find your dad, and you needed to leave for San Francisco this afternoon for a week; Yelena was out with Antonia and Selina. When you were ready to leave, you texted your wife and your father, even if you knew he wouldn't reply soon.
Two days later, you were with Hope and Cassie on the couch, talking about all that had happened since you left. "Wait, how did you want him to act when he just learned that her daughter got married to an ex-assassin?" Hope asked, and you rolled your eyes.
"Oh, come on, we all know she's not like that anymore." You said.
"Yeah, Softy Widow is totally different with you." Cassie said, and you looked at her confused.
"How do you know this nickname?" You asked.
"She came for a visit last month with Selina and Antonia, and they didn't stop to call her that." The young girl replied.
"You know she would kill you if you call her that in front of her." You replied playfully.
"Oh, come on, she loves me, I'm her best niece." She said with an amusing tone.
"You're technically her only niece," you said, and she rolled her eyes. "So, let's talk about something else. Like how my little Cassie is becoming a delinquent."
"Oh, come on. It was not bad." The young girl said and you chuckled.
"You miniaturized a police car. It's a little bad, but I'm not Scott, so, I'll let it slide." Hope said.
"You're a pretty bad mom, Hope." You said dramatically, and the girls laughed.
You spent the rest of the day talking and laughing with them, and Scott came a few hours later. You were grateful to see him, even if he was not the smartest of all of you, he was the one who always helped you with your family issues.
"Oh, it's a huge problem." Scott said, and you sighed. "I mean, I don't want to take his side, but honestly, if it were Cassie, I would act the same. Listen, you know how much he likes you, it's just a question of time. Let him process the changes and show him how Yelena could be a Softy Widow." he said, and you laughed.
"You really have a death wish in this family." You replied, and he smiled.
"I'm glad to see you smile. And don't worry, she already almost killed me the last time I called her like that, but she's not here." He said, and you laughed. "I have some ideas if you want me to help you," he added.
You were grateful for the time you spent with them; it was fun to see Scott come up with a few things you could do to make up with Tony. When you left at the end of the week, you were sad, but you promised to come with your wife the next time. When your flight landed in New York, you had already missed your time in San Francisco, but you were glad to see your favorite blonde again.
You texted your dad to let him know you were back, and you weren't surprised when he didn't reply. A little upset, you reached your car and started to drive to your home. The ride was pretty cool, and Friday told you that Yelena was required on an emergency mission. Okay, it was not really how you wanted to be greeted, but you knew how it was to be an avenger.
At a red light, you noticed a car that suspiciously followed you. It was not uncommon for some people to follow you when they knew that you were the daughter of Tony Stark. They usually just wanted a photo or to talk about business. At another red light, you took your phone and texted Pepper to let her know that you should be back a little later than expected. When the light turned green, you drove, but you didn’t see the same car speed up in your direction until it was too late.
On the other side of the state, the Avengers were coming back visibly exhausted by their mission when Friday alerted them:
"Mr. Stark, Mrs. Belova, you have an incoming call from Mrs. Pott." 
The Avengers exchanged curious looks.
"Take it." Tony said, and the AI did. "Hey Pepper, how are you?" He asked.
"Good, but I need you and Yelena to come here asap." She replied, and everybody was worried because of the little fear in her tone.
"What's happening?" Your father asked.
"It's Y/n. She got involved in a car crash." She successfully mumbled while she was sobbing.
"Where is she?" Yelena asked, clearly worried.
"In the hospital, I'll send you the address." Your mom said. After she sent them the address, the heroes didn't wait to come. 
Pepper was waiting for any information, while everyone burst into the hospital. She fell apart in the arms of your father before she tried to comfort your wife. They didn’t have time to sit until a doctor reached them.
“Mr. Stark, Mrs. Pott, I’m happy to see you. Did any of you know who Mrs. Belova is?” they asked.
“It’s me.” Yelena said, and it brought the attention of everybody.
The doctor nodded and gave her a little comforting smile. They took some steps away from the group before they told them about what happened to you and what they were doing in the operating room. After that, they joined the group, who were as worried as them.
“How is she?” Steve asked first.
“They almost finished the operation, so we need to wait.” Pepper informed them.
“But what happened?” Kate asked this time.
“Someone provoked an intentional accident, and she was obviously the target.” Yelena replied, and the group didn’t ask anything else. “She shouldn’t be here.” the blonde mumbled.
“Hey, it’s okay Yelena nobody couldn’t predict that.” Natasha said.
“No, that’s not what I mean. She shouldn’t have taken this trip to San Francisco if YOU’d decided to act like an adult and talk with her.” she said, pointing to Tony.
“What do you mean?” your father asked, visibly angry at your wife’s accusations.
“You know exactly what I mean. If you had taken the time to talk with her, she wouldn't have booked a flight for Hope’s support. If you’d act like a parent and didn’t use this mission to avoid the conversation, she would never take her car and never get here right now.” She explained. “I joined you because she wanted to make sure I could have somebody if something happened to me, but now, because of that, I couldn’t protect her.” Her tears started to fall on her cheeks.
Kate didn’t wait to lead Yelena to the nearest bathroom, leaving the team totally surprised and speechless. Natasha followed the two girls, but not before sending a terrifying glare at Tony. In the bathroom, Yelena was crying while the archer tried to comfort her, even though she knew it was impossible. A few minutes later, Natasha came with a water bottle.
“Hey, take this.” she said while handing the bottle to her little sister. The blonde took it but didn’t say anything. A few seconds passed before the older sister spoke again, “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll be alright.” 
“I know.” Yelena replied, “But I should be here; I promise to never let anything happen to her. If I didn’t go on this mission, we would be at home right now.”
“If you weren’t there, I could be the one here.” Kate said, and the blonde chuckled.
“You really need to learn how to fight Kate Bishop,” your wife said. She wanted to say something else when she received a text from Hope asking how you were. "Sorry, I need to call Hope.” she said before excusing herself.
A little over an hour later, the doctor came to tell them that the operation was successful, and they transferred you to a private bedroom. And that was where your father and your wife were—only the two of them because the other had plans for the rest of the day.
There was an awkward silence because of the earlier argument. Tony came back after a little trip to the vending machine, and he sat on the second chair near your bed. He took a deep breath, and the woman looked at him. “I’m sorry,” your father said.
“Excuse me?” The Russian asked; she was ready for another argument or sneaky comment, not an apology.
“I’m sorry for how I acted since last week. Hope told me everything you did for her and I thank you for that. I'm truly happy for you, it’s just that we used to tell everything and suddenly I learn that she’s married.” The billionaire said.
“Yeah it’s too much.” The blonde chuckled.
“Yeah that’s it…” 
“She wanted to wait for you but somewhere we knew that it may never happen so we did at the moment. But believe me, when I said I never regret this decision. She’s the love of my life, she’s the one who taught me to love properly since the Red Room and just for that I would give her my life even if she’s not ready to do that in return.” Yelena explained.
“We all know that I can give you anything for you, even my life.” You said, and the two of them looked at you. “Hey guys. How are you?” you said with a weak voice.
Tony called a doctor, and only a dew later a nurse and doctor were in your room doing some tests and asked you some questions to be sure everything was alright. They told you what happened and that they will keep you for three more days.  In the evening you were in your bed with Yelena cuddling with you because it’s been a while since you were able to see each other.
“So, with my dad? I hope you didn’t strangle him.” You joked.
“I was about to but I know how much you love him so I had to restrain myself.” she replied and you laughed. “I missed it.” she said softly.
“What?” you asked.
“Your laugh. Your smile. You. I miss you.” she replied, and you grinned.
“It’s only been a week, babe,” you said.
“I know, but it was a really long week. I had to support my sister and all her friends, and the pranks of Selina and Antonia.” she said, and you laughed.
“And what does my little drama queen need me to do to make up for this.” you cooed.
“Don’t do that again.” She replied, and you kissed her forehead.
“Okay, next time, I'll bring you with me." You said but she didn’t seem relieved.
“No, I meant don’t scare me like this, I thought I lost you. We both know I would not be able to live in a world without you.” She said, and with her tone, you were sure she was totally serious.
“Don’t worry, my love, I will always be with you no matter what.” You reassured her. “Now let’s sleep because tomorrow everyone will be here and they’ll not give us enough time to sleep.” you said, and she nodded.
“Good night, moya lyubov' (my love),” she said, and she kissed you.
“Good night, my love.” you replied.
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morgana-artt · 8 months
First Meeting (P x GN!Reader)
NOTE: So this is my first x reader, I've checked for mistakes but if there's still any I do apologise and I hope you enjoy it!
You were sick of this, sick of everything that has happened in Krat. Everything had happened so suddenly with puppets murdering people and people becoming sick because of the petrification disease, you were just someone who visited Krat trying to look for work and yet you got more than you bargained for.
Trying to dodge the puppets and even people who tried to pull a fast one on you, you managed to finally get to the hotel that was supposedly a safe place. Upon entering you were enriched with how big this place was and even how clean it was despite the random luggage bags that were sprawled out in certain places within the hotel, probably from the sudden panic everyone would've been in during the attacks, poor sods.
Walking in you were greeted by an elegant looking lady in blue, she smiled and approached you "Hello, are you here for refuge?" she spoke, her voice as soft as she looked. You nodded,
"Y-yes...I heard that this was pretty much the only safe place in Krat, I hope I'm not barging in on anything I can leave if it-", she shook her head, "No, no! Please stay, Miss Antonia kept this hotel open so people could stay in. You're more than welcome" she gave a small smile. You softly chuckled and thanked her before taking a seat near what appeared to be the library, you noticed a woman in a wheelchair gazing at the painting in front of her, you greeted her as she did to and turns out that was thee Miss Antonia that Sophia mentioned.
With the greetings done you decided to take a look at the books which you weren't really invested in but it was something to pass the time with, you also noticed the piano, you yourself never learned how to play but you do remember your mother playing one a few times when she had the time.
About to sit down you heard the door at the back of the hotel open and footsteps approach, you heard the soft voice of Sophia talking with the person who just arrived, you peeked out from the library and noticed a person that was in blue attire and what you noticed mostly was the metal arm they had, 'A prosthethic?' you wondered before looking up at the back of the head of this person. Their hair was between black and brown you couldn't tell but the person turned around you swore your heart stopped a second, they were beautiful and certainly looked out of place wihtin the broken city of Krat. Upon seeing the two finish their conversation you saw Sophia point her head towards the library with a smile, the person, assuming they were a guy, looked towards the library making you jump and rush back inside the room, your face heating up out of embarassment and you went to sit down with the book you had picked.
Hearing foot steps come in you slowly peeked at the new person in the room, he looked at you and his stare was almost...puppet like? He was a bit twitchy and he just seemed odd. The boy approached you silently and tilted his head at you, was he greeting you? Was he mute? You decided to start the conversation, "Ah...hi? I'm (Y/N), I've just arrived and your name is?", he blinked silently before quietly saying "...P" "P? Thats...an unusual name, is it a nickname?" you asked as he just shrugged, "Wait...don't tell me you've been going out there?!" you exclaimed suddenly as you noticed the sword he had that was hooked to his belt, he nodded "Need...to do...a job", his monotone voice replied, "help...Krat" he said and became silent after. You blinked, "then you're extremely brave P, it's scary out there...everywhere you turn it's just violence and death..." you frowned as you spoke, "I can't even say 'I want to go home' because I don't really have a home to go to" you
continued, P just stayed quiet but you could tell he was listening very intently as he slowly sat down next you on the couch, "Home...what is home?" he asked softly, looking directly at you.
You frowned, what was home? Some people say home is where the heart is but for you your heart is just...lost. You never really had a stable life as you only had your mother who passed away when you were young and thus having you be moved around to different boarding schools which wasn't fun because being the constant newcomer had made you out to be an easy target. So no, you had no idea what the true meaning of 'home' is.
Hearing P tilted his head again, you turned to him and softly smiled before quietly saying, "I don't know...I wish i did but I don't, sorry P" you gave an apologetic smile as the boy next you blinked as you continued, "People say home is with the people you're surrounded with could be a family member, a friend or even a lover, thats one definition of home for some and for others it can be a physical building ha ha..." you chuckled dryly before going quiet. "There's...no need to be scared. I'm...going to fix this." you heard the boy next you speak up, "then maybe...you can find a place...or person to call home." he contiued making you softly smile, that was sweet of him even if you didn't fully believe him at least he was trying to make you feel better. "Thank you, P. But please be careful when you go out there...you seem like a good person and it would be a shame for you to get hurt", you said as he nodded. You two went silent as you looked through your book, noticing P moving closer and by closer it was his upper half while his lower half was still planted in the same spot, you snickered as you patted the side next you inviting him to sit next you. He took the invite and sat next you, you noticed his body felt firm and slightly cold but deciding not to comment you smiled at him. "Do you enjoy reading? I'm not really a big fan but it's a nice thing to pass the time with" you spoke, as P shook his head "I don't understand a lot of it...", "Oh? like you can't read?" you asked, "I can but...some words I don't understand..." he muttered, you gave a small smile "well...maybe I can help? Teach you the words you're not familiar with?" you offered, P looked down before looking up at you and gave you a small smile,
"I would like that, thank you."
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