#tgg mysteries
riddles-n-games · 4 months
TIG Blog Announcement
Hey, TIG fandom. I have a massive undertaking that's going to span throughout The Grandest Game series. If you noticed today's post called the "TGG To-Do List", that's going to be a new segment on the blog. Also, I'm going to start another called "TGG Mysteries" which will address the major mysteries we know of going into The Grandest Game. I may also start a third called TGG Theories but we'll get to that later. Anyways, TGG To-Do List and TGG Mysteries will be two new additions on my blog headings for you to check out.
I will also be incorporating a series of new hashtags: #tggtodolist, as you likely already saw, #tggmysteries, and #tggtheories.
Now, what is going on with this? Well, under TGG To-Do List and TGG Mysteries, you'll find all entries related to the tags and there will likely be several parts. However, I don't want to just do this myself. I've already been talking to several people about clues on the covers and in the past books. @hathorneheiress and @carmenpowerpuffgirl, you are my inspo for this so kudos to you before I continue.
As a community, there are many minds with different thought processes and ideas. Like in the last few days we've been guessing and spinning theories left, right, and through the roof which is why I believe we can all make contributions to this. So here's what I want you to do. If you have ideas to add to the to-do list or have theories pertaining to the mysteries, send an ask or put one of the hashtags listed on here and tag me so I can put a link to your entry.
I want to see to see this list grow. I know for sure that many of you are hungry for content but the truth is we already have much of it here and who knows how many new things we can put together from the old clues. Remember what Jameson told Avery in The Final Gambit?
"That puts us halfway through, and my grandfather would say that's a good point to step back. Go back to the beginning. Consider the framing and your charge." (The Final Gambit)
I don't know what mark we're at. I don't know how far we have to go. I don't know if we're that much closer. But, what I do know is we have four books in our possession and we have five covers that give us clues and there's also a whole lot of us. Surely, that's enough to start somewhere. Maybe this is our Saturday morning where we get to show we're extraordinary but we know that already so let's do just that. We've been taught how to think like Hawthornes; are you ready to prove that? This is your chance.
Please comment, reblog, and like this to spread the news. If we actually connect and do this, I know that we'll have a lot more fun in the months of waiting and could decode more than ever before. Who's ready to do this?
Remember: Opposites attract. There are clues in the Final Gambit. Only one can win.
(Not gonna lie, I felt like Avery announcing the Grandest Game in the epilogue of The Final Gambit writing this.)
"On your marks, boys," Tobias Hawthorne said on the recording. "Get set. Go." (The Final Gambit)
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djevelbl · 2 months
Inky Mystery x The Gray Garden - Cuphead!!
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"For being the Ruling Demon's right hand man, he's really chill - able to keep his cool on the battlefield. Also, he's one hell of a prankster." - You find written on a metal placard, somewhere within the walls of BlancBlack Castle. This was one hell of a fun little project to do, as I like designing blorbos from time to time, and trying to replicate (to some extent lol) the style of the intro cards in the game was fun as hell Oh and be sure that I AM gonna push it further - next in line is Mugman >:]
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herondalesbooklover · 2 months
So if it is the second game, it means that my girl lyra has been more than a year waiting for an answer about her dad... did she called him again or not? Did he looked for her?What happens in that year and a half (probably)? That might be answered in games untold.
It also means that Grayson has been having her in his mind for more than a year and he is probably 22. Tbh was in june, so by the first game he had already turned 21, and tgg is set a year later so he is 22. Avery is 20 then, and jameson 21. The twins might be around 18/19, and Xander might be 19.
I am thinking this game is probably different than the first one. It was probably created to solve the mysteries that were hanging around like Alice and Lyra's
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snicketstrange · 10 months
Solving the Apparent Plot Hole in SB of Netflix's ASOUE
The mystery of Esmé's sugar bowl in Netflix's "A Series of Unfortunate Events" is an endless source of speculation among fans. Kit Snicket's claim that the sugar bowl contains "sugar" that can cure the disease caused by the MM fungus has upset many, and for good reason:
The cure for the MM fungus was originally discovered by Beatrice Baudelaire, who used a hybrid apple and horseradish in her experiments. Nothing suggests that she would give special status to the resulting "sugar."
Count Olaf also seeks the sugar bowl, but he explicitly states in the TGG adaptation that he believed the MM fungus no longer existed. So why would he seek a cure for a disease he thought had been eradicated?
Horseradish alone is already highly effective in preventing death caused by the MM fungus. Sunny was infected, used horseradish, and showed no side effects or traces of the disease. This makes the definitive cure for the disease less valuable than one might think.
In truth, the only way to view Netflix's ASOUE canon as coherent is to accept the fact that Kit Snicket wasn't entirely honest about the sugar bowl's contents.
So, can we deduce what's really in Netflix's sugar bowl based on the information we have?
In Netflix's "A Series of Unfortunate Events" series, various clues are given about the mysterious contents of the sugar bowl. First, the contents are edible, evidenced by a flashback where Esmé uses the sugar bowl's contents to make tea. This same scene also reveals that the tea tasted bitter, suggesting the bitter nature of the contents. Beatrice, also present in this flashback, hints that the contents have some sort of power, adding that this power shouldn't be in the hands of one person but could be shared with many. Additionally, the contents are tangible: Quigley looks inside the sugar bowl and sees something he can't fully understand but is definitely there. Lastly, Kit Snicket, known for telling half-truths and omitting information, claims the sugar bowl contains "sugar" that cures the fatal MM fungus disease. This information, given Kit's history, may only be partially true.
So, how can these contradictions be reconciled? The crux of my theory lies in the idea that the "sugar" inside the sugar bowl is much more than it appears to be.
All signs point to there actually being sugar in the sugar bowl, likely derived from Beatrice's research with the bitter hybrid apple. What we call sugar could really be a remedy. But it can't just be a remedy for the MM fungus disease.
Firstly, Beatrice must have conducted various different experiments while on the island. After all, everything ends up on that island sooner or later. She must have used rare ingredients from shipwrecks or something that accidentally fell into the ocean somewhere to combine with her basic experiment of blending horseradish with apples. After all, the end result contains "something" that is abortive. Neither apples nor horseradish have abortive substances. This suggests that Beatrice used additional ingredients.
(This detail was first brought to my attention by TheAsh , as far as I know) She may not even know exactly what those ingredients are, as labels made of paper could easily dissolve in water.
If, by chance, in one of these experiments, it were possible to produce a unique fruit and a special type of hybrid apple, formed from a very specific formula and rare ingredients (some of which even Beatrice might not know), then maybe we're onto something. If the fruits from a single harvest had the power not just to cure the disease caused by the MM fungus... but perhaps the ability to cure all diseases! And that would be truly hard to replicate elsewhere, even by Beatrice herself.
So we might have something there. This would indeed be a great parallel to the biblical account of the tree of life, to which TE clearly refers (in a somewhat inverted manner, but still a reference). The tree of life in the Garden of Eden could make someone live forever. Beatrice's apple could cure all diseases. But this phenomenon wasn't replicated, and Beatrice knew she couldn't replicate the experiment.
In that case, to prevent the specific apples from losing their properties when they spoil, Beatrice must have made "sugar" from these apples. A type of sugar that preserved the healing properties of the fruit of life. But where would she store it? Indeed, this powder became the most valuable substance in the world.
And so, a safe, discreet (and preferably beautiful) container was needed to hold something so valuable and powerful. Esmé's sugar bowl proved suitable, as it could preserve the sugar even in case of fire and flood.
Esmé, thirsty for power, would love to be the guardian of such a substance. And of course, the sugar bowl is hers. Has she remained so beautiful and youthful over the course of 14 years by consuming a bit of this sugar over the years? Either way, after discussing with Esmé the importance of sharing the sugar bowl's contents with others, she felt obligated to steal it from Esmé.
catastrophist , this theory was for you! I hope you enjoyed reading it.
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I just thought of this, but what if one of the players in TGG is Isaac Liu (Max's brother)?
Like, its not a completely impossible. He was mentioned once or twice in the book when Max had her phone taken away amd she called Avery through Isaac's phone
Hes not rich, so he can be a participant. The contestants are chosen via invitation, i think, so theres a chance he might get one due to Max's connection with Avery. Not everyone is playing for just money and power, as said in the synopsis, some are playing for reasons unknown. Maybe thats a hint related to him?
If this was a different book, i would brush it off. But its part of the The Inheritance Games franchise and JLB is a devious lil author, with many puzzles and mysteries up her sleeve. I refuse to believe she'd just brush him off like that.
Im gonna hold on to this theory
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the-inheritance-games · 4 months
Ok with the vault opening tomorrow here are my final predictions:
- Grayson is one of the pov characters, I think we all know this by now. He is the character most connected to this new book. He is the only one, besides Avery, named dropped in the synopsis and is apparently “amisdts” it all, plus the whole “if you've ever wondered what it's like falling in love with Grayson hawtorne” thing in the interview. So yeah I'd be surprised if gray WASNT one of the povs
-Phone girl is another pov, ik this is being debated right now and that we've all really been in our delulu era coming up with these headconons lol but I really think this is going to be her book. Mostly bc of ALL the calla lilys on the cover. she is the only character tied to those. Jlb said there was easter eggs on the cover and in tbh for tgg. Why else even include this mystery girl at all. Plus she would have her own reasons to play the game and she could give us the pov as a player
Now those are my willing to bet a Hawthorne sum of money on guesses
Now I have a few options for the third pov
1. Eve- she’s obv up to something evil and I feel like jlb really wants to give eve a redemption arc much to most of our disinterest
2. Slate - if eve is going to do some evil shit but jlb doesn’t want to give us her pov then she might give us slate pov and make him a player and have him be the tie to eve w/o making her a player
3. Another completely new character/ or a character introduced in tbh but as a player in tgg, idk just feel like it
I don’t think any of the characters from og tig will be pov characters here, Ik disappointing but idk it’s just my gut feeling
Now for two main side characters
1. Avery- I just can’t see her NOT in this book, it’s her game she’s going to be IN it
2. Jameson for the same reasons
other options:
Gigi and Sav- I feel like they will DEFINITELY have a part in this series I just don’t know how big, plus the whole potential love with slate and Gigi and the cliffhanger about eve and Sav (one of them could also be pov characters but I just don't see that happening rn)
Slate- if he isn’t a pov then I still think he’d be a player on eves part
Now for the secret :
Idk man we could find out that Tobias Hawthorne is alive who tf knows
Maybe PG is a Rooney, maybe Alice Hawthorne already showed up, maybe the Hawthorne money is at stake, maybe we'll find out that “eve inows”
Its the wild card but I for sure know it will be the last card revealed
Now one last crack theory about grays role in the game:
Grayson might be a player in the game. If he is “amidst it all” he might actually end up IN the game. I thought maybe he was running the game at first or coaching but if anyone would be coaching it would be jameson and it says Avery is running the game. THEY are the gamemasters, so idk what Grayson “vital role” is but maybe he’ll be a Donatella Dragna, he’ll be there right alongside the players, maybe not a “player” but player adjacent idk it’s just a thought me and my friend had lol
But yeah, what do y’all think?
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kandyrezi · 1 year
Mogeko Castle location + Kurokawa [thesis]
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Amongst all the puzzling, mystifying things DSP has about their characters, worlds and relationships to one, something thing that has always stuck out to me, and to a lot of other people, is the fact that apparently, contrary to popular belief, Mogeko Castle is not located in the Pitch Black World/Land of Roots, but somewhere else entirely. Sure begs the question - where is it then?
Well, one of its potential locations could possibly be in More Ordovices’ (aka. Tapir God’s) world.
The very first image that comes to mind is the one where he’s seen pouring from this mug; an alligator and a bunny type of creature + a mogeko.
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Nataka Kurokawa & Imika Yuhijma are the only ones who are seen riding on the train with Yonaka at the beginning of the game, and not any of the other characters. We don’t know how it traveled from the human world to Mogeko Castle specifically, possibly by either some magic intervention, or the human world where Yonaka is from (seeing as there is more than one - Victor Flankenstein, for example, lived on an entirely different human world before it was destroyed) is specifically connected to Tapir World.
Another familiar, recognizable character, yet from different places; Why is Kurokawa, the mysterious, largely unknown entity, in Tapir world specifically, and not anywhere else? We can assume Kurokawa & Nataka are connected to one another with their similar appearance & the exact same surname.
I would not put it past for Nataka to eventually have gone through with it and actually have committed suicide at some point, considering how often she’s depicted with suicidal/self-harming imagery.
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(The hand reaching out to her could be someone offering her a change at starting over her life?)
If they are one and the same, then why are Nataka & Kurokawa being shown as two separate characters instead of one individual? On the character page of Funa's website, Kurokawa is in the 'unknown' category, while Nataka is in the 'human' one. We’ve already seen reincarnation is possible in DSP’s worlds. (The TGG ancestors as an example; on a fundamental level, their descendants are technically the same persons as they are, while the gray village girls are still their own person and not just a copy of their ancestors.) As such, Kurokawa might be a reincarnation of Nataka, but now that she's More Ordovices' creation, she isn't fully 'human' like she was before.
The creatures in More's world are mostly based off of fairytale characters, so it feels Like an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ type of situation for Nataka, except less child friendly for obvious reasons.
A popular running theory that used to float around in early days of Funa fandom was the idea that Rose Murder and Imika Yuhjima are related to one another, taking into account some of their physical/visual similarities. Similar deadpan expression, similar eyes, similar hair.
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If Rose Murder is in Tapir world, then Imika could have received the aid from Rose to resurrect Nataka and bring her over to a different world. Imika has a canonical crush on Nataka, so aside from just being friends, Imika has another reason to go to extreme lengths to want to bring her back.
That being said, Nataka and Imika being on the train together at the beginning of Mogeko Castle could be a subtle hint towards the possibility of them having a connection to Tapir World.
it's possible the world surrounding Mogeko Castle isn't ruled by a God at all, but only by king mogeko. It's not entirely clear how massive the land surrounding Mogeko Castle is, as Yonaka spends majority of time inside the castle, and only goes on a somewhat linear path towards it at the beginning of the game. There is no way to explore anything beyond that, unlike in The Gray Garden.
If it isn't located in any specific world, then that opens up an entire can of worms to try to unravel, but might also explain why the ending sequence after Yonaka exits the castle on floor seven doesn't follow a linear path of time; waking up at the train again and seeing Defect Mogeko's blood on her hand. (unless you believe the theory that she just hallucinated the entire encounter with her brother.)
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So, passage of time might work differently in a world not reigned over by a god.
In conclusion, my money is on either:
1) Mogeko Castle is located in the Tapir World.
2) Mogeko Castle is not located in any world ruled over by a God. It is instead entirely its own land under the reign of King mogeko (or Lord Proscuitto, depending on the ending/timeline).
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nonelysianthoughts · 6 months
Okay people here’s the symbolism for calla lilies in case anyone might find any clues for tgg with it.
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The life and death part seems like it could mean something, especially since phone girl was given a calla lily right before her father offed himself.
And while I don’t think there’s anything too interesting about the next symbolisms, but blue and black calla lilies are on tgg’s cover sooo.
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I suppose these two could be about the grandest game as in the literal game. Like royalty because of the sheer amount of money that could be won, and the whole unknown, hidden depths of the soul part could refer to the riddles and stuff they have to solve.
Or if you take a look at the cover:
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There are mostly blue calla lilies on the outside perhaps symbolizing how the games appear to the public. With the black calla lilies on the inside perhaps symbolizing how the games really are.
Continuing with the theme of the inside of the clover symbolizing the reality of the games. Notice how there’s a necklace and that it’s chain is encircling a majority of the stuff within the clover. I was thinking that perhaps that means that someone ends up taking control of the games or something. Specifically Alice Hawthorne.
Why? Well when I noticed the jewelry I immediately thought of Tobias Hawthornes will, and how the only jewelry other than his wedding ring
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Is Alice’s jewelry, hence why I think the necklace symbolizes Alice though this could be a bit of a stretch.
Just a reminder that the fact Alice is alive impacts the plot greatly without the mystery and questions of her fake death. After all Alice is the rightful heir to the Hawthorne she could probably take it all back, or not who knows what’ll happen. Either way the fact Alice is alive is major.
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i am def interested in coma fics, specifically ones where john is in a coma 👀
Hello Lovely!
Whee! I'm excited to share this long-awaited list with you! I've not many of my own recs, so I did a quick tag-search on my MFL list, so I added those as well. Hope y'all enjoy, and as always, friends, add any that you may have!
See also:
Hospital Fics
Hospitals Pt 2
Giveaway Fic #9 - Angsty Sick Fic/Sherlock is Sick by ConsultingPurplePants (T, 1,734 w., 1 Ch. || Sick Fic, Hypothermia) – The next time he awakens is even more chaotic. Two doctors are shouting at each other in the corner, and John is holding his hand so tightly Sherlock is worried he’ll break it. Part 9 of 1000 Tumblr Followers Giveaway Fics
A Room of One's Own by whitchry9 (K+, 2,174 w., 5 Ch. || S2 Timeline, Hurt/Comfort, Supernatural, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Coma, John Whump, Worried Sherlock, POV John, Angst, Friendship/Bromance, Hospital) – When a severe head injury lands John in a coma, somehow he ends up in Sherlock's mind palace. It's actually pretty nice there, and John is entertaining the notion of staying there, rather than returning to his broken body. But Sherlock isn't taking it as well, and John can feel him breaking around him.
The Deafening Silence by occasionally-maybe-never (T, 2,238 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, Major Character Death, Post-TRF) – 'Sherlock hopes fiercely that John can hear him, as sometimes coma patients can. He knows that John will understand, that his admission of love isn't a grand, sweeping romantic statement, but simply an expression of truth.' When Mycroft retrieves Sherlock to bring him home, it's not to John having dinner, but to John on his death bed.
As You Wish by PipMer (K, 3,311 w., 1 Ch. || Bromance/Pre-Slash/Epic Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, John Whump, Hospitals) – When John woke from his coma, he wasn't at all surprised to see the wrong Holmes brother sitting at his bedside. Disappointed, but not surprised. 
I See You Through by belovedmuerto (T, 12,078 w., 8 Ch. || Psychic AU || Empath John, Alternate TGG, Whump, Nightmares, Bedsharing, Slow Burn, Pre-Slash) – John has never asked Sherlock about his past, his childhood, the reason he quails in lonely misery almost every time he sees his brother. He’s never needed to. Part 2 of An Experiment in Empathy
I Think I've Come A Long Long Way To Sit Before You Here Today by ArwenKenobi (T, 18,251 w., 3 Ch. || Grief/Mourning, Passage of Time, Major Character Death, Alternating POV, Sherlock Whump, Pining Sherlock, Hospitalization, Coma, Revenge Murders, Hallucinations, Love Confessions, Brutal Accident, Mystrade, Ghost John) – One year after John is killed Sherlock starts to wonder whether John has actually gone anywhere.
Rupert Street by WritingOutLoud (M, 27,262 w., 9 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting || Case Fic, Sexuality, Demisexual Sherlock, Drugging, Smart John, Sherlock Has Internalized Biphobia, Fluff, Angst with Happy Ending, Gay Bar, Flirting, John Manipulates Sherlock to Eat, John Deduces, Arguments, Kidnapping/Torture, Hospitalization, John Whump) – Discharged from the war with nothing but the clothes on his back and a realisation of his bisexuality, John Watson has to learn who he’s become. He can’t afford London on an army pension, but the city is the only friend he has. In an effort to understand his newfound queer identity, he heads to a bar one night, where he stumbles across a mysterious stranger who turns his life upside down. ‘I dug around inside myself, and I'm not quite sure what I found, but it was beautiful and terrifying all at the same time.’
The Wisteria Tree by SilentAuror(E, 29,773 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S3, Emotional Love Making, Amnesia/Memory Loss, Sherlock Loves John So Much, Sherlock POV, Romance, Angst with Happy Ending, First Times, Hurt/Comfort, Est. Rel., Retirement) – Sherlock wakes up from a month-long coma only to discover that he has no memory of the previous six years to his own shock as well as John's...
Repairing the Broken Things by BakerTumblings (M, 75,252 w., 15 Ch. || S4 Compliant, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Trauma, Hospitals, Big Brother Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Realizations, Severe Accident, John Whump, Pneumonia, Medical Procedures, Bed Sharing, First Time, Healing, Happy Ending) – "I'm calling today to notify you that there's been an accident."
Being John Watson-ish by elwinglyre (E, 69,902 w., 17 Ch. || Bodysnatcher AU || Author John, Cranky Sherlock, Angst, Sexual Tension, First Kiss / Time, Falling in Love, BAMF John, Past Soldier John, Feelings, Inside Someone’s Brain, Shy Sherlock, Sherlock Loves John, POV Sherlock, Switchlock, Slow Burn, Internal Dialogue, Mental Turmoil) – When consulting detective Sherlock Holmes steps on one toe too many at a crime scene, he's consigned to a desk job in an archaic office on the seventh-and-a-half floor of the New Scotland Yard. It’s in this bleak office that Sherlock discovers a portal into the mind of renowned author John Watson. Grander than his mind palace, this new wonderland affords Sherlock new vistas of experimentation. To learn more about the mystery behind the portal, Sherlock seeks out and befriends Watson. But then it all goes wrong when others find the secret portal door—including the man whose brain he visits.
The Lost Special: Family Matters (As Do Relationships) by  ShirleyCarlton (M, 144,688 w., 40 Ch. || S4 Fix It Fic / Meta Fic, Unreliable Narrator, John’s Mind Bungalow, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending, Demisexual Sherlock, Holmes Family, John Whump, Gay Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Drug Addiction, Parenting, TFP is a Nightmare, Virgin Sherlock, Slow Burn, Minor Character Death, Switchlock, John’s Past, Sherlock’s Past, Eurus, Love Confessions) –Sherrinford is not really the name of some high security prison. That was just a figment of John’s frantic coma dream. And Eurus is not actually Sherlock’s sister. That’s just something random she said to John before shooting him. Sherlock and John were never actually estranged. That was just their act to cover up what really happened to Mary – or Rosamund Moran, as her real name has turned out to be. Sherlock does have a secret sibling, though, and his name is Sherrinford. After finally eliminating Moran – though in a rather dramatically different way than they had envisioned – and exposing the truth about Eurus, John encourages Sherlock to delve into his past and to find out whether the reasons to keep Sherrinford away from Sherlock were the right ones, and to discover what really happened in 1981. Along the way, Sherlock and John gradually, finally, stop keeping each other at a distance, and eventually become a proper family of their own.
Awake by greymantledlady (G, 2,178 w., 1 Ch. || Pilotverse || UAP ASiP Fix It, Dreams and Nightmares, Dreams vs. Reality, Hospital Love Confessions, Getting Together, Awkward John, Coma Dream, Sick Fic) – Pilotverse fix-it in which Sherlock is initially in a coma and the events of S1-4 are a kind of lucid dream. Also, hospital confessions, clearing the air, soft pilotverse Sherlock and John, and John Not Hitting Sherlock.
Fugue (n.) by reyiosa (NR [G], 3,281 w., 1 Ch. || Alternate Universe || Post-TRF, Hospital, Hallucinations, Coma, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, It Was All A Dream) – A Sherlock AU were it turns out Sherlock has made up his whole life with John as a consulting detective while stuck in a coma caused by an overdose. The real John is just a kind doctor at the hospital that sits by Sherlock’s bed and reads him detective stories.
The A.G.R.A. Complex by SilentAuror (E, 19,563 w., 1 Ch. || Freebatch RPF || Brain Injury, Reality/Sherlock Crossover, Altered Perceptions, Angst, Motorcycle Accident, Sherlock is a Coma-Dream, Martin POV) – Martin Freeman wakes from a brief coma during which he dreamed the entire Sherlock series. As he recovers from his brain injuries, he has trouble distinguishing between reality and the Sherlock universe in his dream. This impacts his relationships with both Amanda, whom he cannot stop seeing as A.G.R.A., and his friend and sometime colleague Benedict, who is Sherlock to his John. Part 1 of The A.G.R.A. Complex
Whenever it's right (AKA First Date) by Aliea (M, 26,493 w., 15/? Ch. || WiP || London Underground, Explosions, Doctor John, Sherlock Whump, Angst, Hospitals, Mind Palace John, Coma, Past Drug Use, Big Brother Mycroft) – Meeting the person you have been searching for all your life, never knowing that you have been searching until its over and you have them before you. What happens when you fall in love at first sight then everything goes to hell? Do you stay or go, take the risk or run for the hills. John has has never ran from anything, so he wasnt going to run from the man that changed his life in less than five seconds.
Where The Ghosts Have Voices by HappyJuicyfruit (M, 37,691 w., 12 Ch. || Supernatural AU || Ghosts, Magical Realism, Light Horror, Fluff and Smut, John Can See Ghosts, John Whump, Emotional Manipulation, Dark Magic, Coma, Injury Recovery, Blow Jobs, Anal, Happy Ending, John’s Past, Mr Holmes, Powerful John, Holmes Brothers, Sherlock’s Past, Past Viclock, Drug Abuse, Hair Pulling) – John has lived his whole life as an outcast. It is only when he meets Sherlock, that be realizes being a freak might not be such a bad thing, and that the curse he has lived with his whole life may be a gift after all.
Having Your Cake by SilentAuror (E, 44,615 w., 1 Ch. || Freebatch RPF || POV Martin, Open Infidelity, HLV/TAB Filming, Jealousy, Angst, Drama, Hotel Sex, Twitter) – Set four years after Martin's temporary brain injury that caused his universe to shift between reality and his coma dream of the Sherlock universe, Martin's history with Benedict comes back to haunt them both as they attempt to make sense of the relationship between their characters during the filming of His Last Vow. They are forced to face the question of whether they're interpreting the scripts objectively or are biased because of their personal history. As Martin deals with the difficulty of separating real life from fiction, he also has to make a decision that will affect the rest of his life as he knows it. Part 2 of The A.G.R.A. Complex
NO! by Tildathings (M, 50,043 w., 36 Ch. || Homophobia, Bed Sharing, Military Uniforms, Past Abuse, Jealous John, Stalking, Violence, First Kiss/Time, Fluff, Pillow Talk, Coming Out, Sherlock’s Past, Shower, Cuddling, Grief and Sorrow, Hugs, Character Death) – Sherlock has been in a coma in over 8 months after he overdosed on the plane at TAB, during which time Mary and Rosie were killed by Vivian Norbury.  This story starts 3 weeks after Sherlock has woken up. John is asking to move back to Baker Street.
In Absentia by SeaweedWrites (T, 79,273 w., 39 Ch. || TRF Divergence, Major Character Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Realism, Car Accident, Traumatic Brain Injury, Hospital, Sherlock in a Coma, Physical/Psychological Rehab, Sensory Issues, Heavy Angst, Drama, Sherlock Whump, Biog Brother Mycroft, Depression, Nightmares, Panic Attacks) – Sherlock sends John a mysterious text. While John waits for Sherlock to come back to 221B to explain, Sherlock is involved in a terrible car crash, and everyone's lives are irrecoverably changed. Will Sherlock survive? And the bigger question for John- If he does survive, will he ever be the same? Part 1 of the In Absentia Fics and Information
Out There by DiscordantWords (T, 131,695 w., 10 Ch. || X-Files Fusion || Slow Burn, UST, Case Fic, Government Conspiracy, Aliens, UFOs, Mutants, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Coma) – FBI Special Agent John Watson, medical doctor and army veteran, is assigned to assist eccentric genius Sherlock Holmes with paranormal investigations on the X-Files project.
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ebaeschnbliah · 2 years
UNAIRED PILOT:  The beginning
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A STUDY IN PINK:  Repetition 
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Never before has ‘falling in love’ been more thoroughly investigated and studied ... but then, Sherlock Holmes never liked not knowing. Instead he prefers to solve the mystery.
TBC below the cut .....
The slightly differnt filming decisions in PILOT and ASIP - the unofficial, unaired and the official, first episode of the story - give the impression of two perfect mirrors of each other, in which left turns to right and vis versa. While in both rooftop scenes Sherlock can be seen high up on a building (body/above the body) - looking out and down for his ‘pink case’ - John stands, looking up, next to a parked car (body/motionless transport) in the first version and next to a phone (voice of the heart) in the second. 
The first version is created as a compact scene. It plays without any dialogue at all - there’s just ... music. The audience is aware that John can see Sherlock on the rooftop while Sherlock doesn’t seem to notice John. 
In the second version the same scene is split in two separate parts. Although John does look up as well and one can asume that it is Sherlock whom he sees on a rooftop, there is no visual proof of it. Only when both characters are back at 221b and Sherlock talks about his discovery of the pink case, the missing rooftop scene from the earlier scene, appears in a flashback. This time though John is the one who is absent. 
This scene is linked to the first appearance of Sherlock’s brother Mycroft (the brain) who enters the stage by an anonymus phone call, directed at John. And why should the brain communicate with the voice of the heart? Maybe because ... ‘there is a heart somewhere inside me’? At least that’s what Mycroft says in TFP. In the PILOT Mycroft isn’t completely absent either. By e-mail he advises his brother: ‘When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains must be the truth.’  In this version though Mycroft’s appearance isn’t linked to the rooftop scene at Lauriston Gardens but to Sherlock’s and John’s first meeting in Bart’s lab.
Back to the official verson in which Mycroft doesn’t text but talk. The first phone starts ringing exactly at the very moment John looks up to the rooftop. When John finally answers the third call (under the sign of a modern ‘cockcrow’), the voice of the mysterious man on the phone gives informations about three single surveillance cameras, mounted onto buildings, all focussed at John (full observation of the mind), followed by one explicit demand:
"There is a security camera on the building to your left. Do you see it? ... Do you see the camera, Doctor Watson? ... Watch. There is another camera on the building opposite you. Do you see it? ... And finally, at the top of the building on your right. ... Get into the car, Doctor Watson.”
Viewing both ‘first statements’ (text and call) of Mycroft side by side - in relation to the scenes in which they happen (lab and rooftop) and at whom they are directed (Sherlock and John) - this almost gives the impression of some nice choreographic planning. In any case, both first episodes seem to complement each other perfectly. The introduction of the main characters in both first episodes is then followed by user manual (TBB) and chapter list (TGG) before the story finally takes its course from ASIB down to the bottom of the well in TFP. This well is located at Musgrave Hall, the ancestral home of the Holmes family, where there was always honey for tea ... 
‘Get into the transport, John! ... Fasten your seatbelt! It’s gonna be a bumpy night ... My brain is terribly fast! ... When I have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains must be the truth ... the truth that lies at the bottom of the well ...’  :)))
Premonition of the fall, followed by character switching and a fall down from stage to stage, from level to level, caused by a masked attacker who comes from the East, from the distant moonlight shores of the Yangtze River.
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Five cold cases, pips and explosions, deep waters and a boy called Carl. Someone stole his shoes to catch Sherlock’s attention ... someone who is closely connected to the ‘hound’. And a bomb, wearing John’s jacket, is waiting, ready to explode ... 
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Distracted, hit and felled by a boomerang, brought back from the East. It falls into a Brook to be washed down a stream. The naked truth comes to light ... “We’re not a couple” - ”Yes you are” ... Officially ‘truth’ gets executed, inofficially ‘truth’ lives on undercover.
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The water-repellent umbrella of the brain gives the impression of a dark circular spot on the ground. Already a premonition for the deep well’s dark opening?
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The entrance to hell is marked by the hound’s paw, illuminated by a circle of light, while the air is full of chemistry that rouses fear and terror. 
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Lab experiments: Sherlock wants to find out how John might react to the presence of the hound. He observes how the former army doctor breaks out in panic and fear, how he seeks shelter behind the iron bars of a covered cage and even forgets that he carries a gun. Despite being ‘acclimatised to violence’ and having ‘nerves of steel’ due to his military service, it seems that the presence of the hound renders John totally impotent ...
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More lab experiments: Sherlock can’t find any illegal drugs under the microscope, just sugar and water ... ‘sweet emotions’ ... the basic ingredients of a ‘natural high’. In the end John shoots both - hound and dog - a foreshadowing of what will happen in the following episode on Bart’s roof . 
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Jim Moriarty, Mr Big G, prepares to introduce Sherlock to his - their - final problem. He is the man with the key, who is in controll of the vaults of power, who is able to free dangerous criminals from their prison and breaks open the crown jewel’s case. He is Mr Sex ...
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Falling for John ... falling towards John, who is caught in the circle and cross-hair pointer of a sniper’s gun, a sniper who works for Mr Sex. After the Baskerville experiments Sherlock knows how very afraid John is of the Hound, therefore the Hound must never get John. As a consequence Jim (the hound) and Sherlock (the dog) both ‘die’.
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An underground journey. From dark and dangerous woods, in whose lightless depths the mind observes the torment of the imprisoned body, back to the trains and tunnels below the city of London, where the transport starts getting into gear.  
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Then the explosive transport at Sumatra Road, the underground station beneath the Houses of Parliament, that was closed before it ever opened, threatens to bring the government  down.
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A great treasure from the banks gets lost to the Waters. The sign of four has become a sign of three. Not long now until AGRA steps forth and then Sherlock will be drawn into a river, a maelstrom, with only one destination.
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Close observation can prove dangerous because one never knows what might wait at the end. Scorched, fallen and drowned in tea. It’s the eye that first sins and then falling can not be avoided ...
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Some clueing and looking under the influence of chemistry turns out to be essential to find the correct solution - a solution that will lead Sherlock to one more, not expected, deduction ... Oh what a night! I felt a rush like a rollin' ball of thunder, spinnin' my head around and takin' my body under ... Sherlock’s ‘I’m in love’ deduction becomes the turning point of the story.
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Sherlock reveals and confronts Mary, his facade, which will seal both their fates. Sherlock falls towards Jim, towards Mr Sex, who is chained to the wall of a circular cell like a vicious dog, singing of pouring rain. Countless vortex-spirals-smiley faces are watching intently. Then Sherlock gets caught in the cross-hair pointer of the government ... ‘Oh, Sherlock. What have you done?’ - ‘A deal with the devil’ ... ‘You want me to shake hands with you in hell? I shall not disappoint you.’ ... ‘Dewer’s Hollow or Sherrinford?’
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From the beginning then: Burning tobacco transforms into a gunshot aimed at Baker Street. The veil of the bride lifts. John and Jim are connected by a circle of glowing light. How many pipes will Sherlock need to solve the final problem?
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Towards the journey’s end lies Rich Brook’s cauldron, Jim’s cauldron that is waiting for Sherlock. And smiling the detective plunges down into Mr Sex’s boiling maelstrom of overwhelming emotions ... flying free as a bird, carried away by the chemistry of love.
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The former drug-induced victorian fever dream has now been replaced by a modern ‘natural high’ and Sherlock starts to explore the cauldron. He relives the past, faces old monsters, investigates the destruction of masks and finds a memory stick with secret informations about AGRA next to a swimming pool. Could it be the same memory stick Jim threw into another swimming pool in another episode? 
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Circles within circles ... another premonition of the dark well that is waiting for Sherlock to devour him?
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“Amo, amas, amat ... I love, you love, he loves.” And again circles within circles. Circles that make up a fan ... a ‘wind machine’ ... with a black hole at the centre. In the end AGRA leads to AMO. The city of Agra, on the banks of the Yamuna river, is most famously known for the Taj Mahal ... symbol of undying love. 
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Well in the mirror ... mirror of the well? And the reflection in a mirror shows the truth ... the facade and that what the facade hides and protects. A mirror filmed side by side with a bathroom - the same bathroom in which John was ‘not shaving’ for Sherlock Holmes, the detective who likes his doctors clean shaven ... 
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Snow-capped mountain-waves rise from the foaming waters of a stirred up swimmingpool. Sherlock and Ajay, the man who wears the Y on his cheek like Jim on his lips, are locked in a fierce fight beneath an artificial waterfall. The facade finally falls and the stream becomes a river, a torrent, with only one destination. 
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At the bottom of the cauldron and still falling ... that’s where Sherlock finally reaches the beginning. The great story-cycle starts to close. 
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Smiley face, serial killer and the fall float to the surface and merge into one single case, while Eurus, the East Wind, broken loose from her prison, begins to dictate the rhythm. The‘truth’ gets in touch once more and announces her survival. Sherlock is challenged to go to Hell.
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‘We always saw it coming’ ... that dark abyss of the well ...
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‘Patience’ wears thin and the long overdue explosion of the ‘passions’ grenade inside 221b causes a jump and a fall through fire and foggy clouds onto a ship at sea.
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Sherlock and John call themselves pirates. A gap in the clouds meets a hole in the ground and Mr Sex becomes the stationmaster of the East Wind’s experiments ... ‘Choo-choo! Come on now! Aaaaaall aboard!’ ... the transport takes up speed ... 
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At the bottom of the well: Sherlock finds somthing long forgotten but deeply familiar ...  ‘Hello skull, my dear old friend! ... Hello John, did you miss me?’
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‘Deep waters, Sherlock, all your life. In all your dreams. Deep waters.’ ... and the vast ocean of long suppressed, overwhelming emotions yearns for the pirate to dare its billowing waves ...
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Water ...
Just some general basic info for good measure: water represents life, physical and spiritual birth, forgiveness, purification and flexibility. Water is also said to be a feminine energy, connected to passion and emotion. It can be associated with birth, fertility, and refreshment. In traditional western philosophy it is one of the four elements essential to life. Colours commonly associated with it are blue and green. Flowing water, like rivers, represents death, rebirth and the passage of time. Water is also a universal symbol of change and of the unconscious mind, linked to the moon. In alchemy water is associated with the element Mercury, it’s symbol a downward-pointing triangle.   (Sources:  Water symbolis X X)
At the bottom of a well ...
The surface of water is like a mirror. It gives off a reflection and reflections have long been symbolically associated with truth. ‘Truth lies at the bottom of a well’ and ‘Truth coming out of her well’ has already been discussed by several people. Jean-Léon Gérôme’s four paintings are also well known in this context. Thanks @possiblyimbiassed​ for this interesting link on the ‘vicar’ post. The statement that ‘truth lies at the bottom of a well’ originates from the Greek philosopher Democritus: “We know nothing in reality; for truth lies in an abyss.”
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Truth, lies and liars are constantly repeated themes in Sherlock BBC. Even the creators described themselves more than once as ‘lying liars who lie’. The Kafka-Paradox comes to mind:
“Art depends on truth, but truth, being indivisable, cannot know itself: to tell the truth is to lie. thus the writer is the truth, and yet when he speaks he lies.“
Well, well .....
A well is a deep hole, made in the ground, from which water can be removed. Since prehistoric times wells have had great significance. They are associated with the feminine principle, the womb of the Great Mother. In psychology, descending into a well, equals the positive regression of the conscious to the unconscious mind, to gain new insights.  (Sources:  Wells symbolism X X X X)
In myths and fairytales wells are often holy and serve as portals to the Otherworld - into the unknown world of the unconscious mind - of that what is hidden and inaccessible in everyday life. A stream leading into a well is a symbol for the union of male and female. Trains and tunnels come to mind but also that one scene in TFP of John in the well, when water starts pooring into it (Source of PRISMApic @constancecream  x) ... and also Sherlock’s line in HLV: ‘Sherlock is actually a girl’s name’.
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Other continuous motives in Sherlock BBC are fairytales. There are a lot of references to a number of well known fariytales included in the story. In TRF the ‘Complete Edition of Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ (published by Routledge and Kegan Paul 1948, with 212 illustrations by Josef Scharl (X)) plays an important role and leads Sherlock to Max and Claudette (the ‘big one’ and the ‘lame’), the siblings who got abducted by Jim and poisoned with Mercury.   
(Fairytales master post by @bug-catcher-in-viridian-forest)
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Mother Holle ...
One of the fairytales, collected by the Brothers Grimm, that features a well, is Mother Holle, also known as Mother Hulda or Old Mother Frost (fairytales + interpretations). In this story two girls who are half-siblings jump into a well  - tirst the one, then the other one - to retrieve something that had gone lost. Both become unconscious during the fall and when they wake up again they have entered the Otherworld. Here the girls are confronted with several tasks they need to solve before they are allowed to go back again. The return of both girls - one covered with golden rain, the other one covered with pitchy rain - is announced by the ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’ of a rooster. The crow of a rooster - the cockcrow - is also often used as a metaphor for revelation and transformation.
Mother Holle is related to the Germanic figure of Perchta, who is a somewhat contradictory and Janus-faced character, sometimes depicted with big teeth. She abodes in the depth of a well’s underworld but at the same time she’s also in heaven from which she lets the snow fall down to earth. Eurus comes to mind, whol lives deep down below the island of Sherrinford and at the same time she is on board of a plane high up in the sky.
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On the one hand Frau Holle/Perchta was depicted as a young and lovely lady, clothed in white, whose power granted fertility and abundance. But on the other hand she was the old crone, a dark goddess, the queen of witches, demons and restless spirits of the dead - also called ‘the wild hunt’ - who swept up the souls of children who had died before being named and transported them to the Otherworld. As a spinner, Holle was also a deity of fate. Her festival is in the middle of winter - at the same time that is regarded as the Twelve Days of Chrismas, the Twelve Tide of the Celtic calendar.  
Sources:   Mother Holle   Perchta   pic
Twelve tide:  Epiphany & 12th Night by @7-percent​   John’s wedding is the Eleventh Night by @lukessense ,  Sherlock S4 is set during Twelve Tide , Sherlock BBC/Dr Who/The Eleventh Hour comparison by @sagestreet  
additional  X X)
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Back to Reichenbach’s - Rich Brook’s Cauldron .....
“If Moriarty has risen from the Reichenbach cauldron, he will seek you out.” (Mycroft, TAB)
As longsnowsmoon5 pointed out in this post from 2016, the term  ‘cauldron’ was indeed a careful choice of words from the creators of Sherlock BBC. Interestingly that word doesn’t appear in The Final Problem nor in The Empty House, the two canon stories that tell about the events at the Reichenbach Falls. (Pot, cettle, cauldron)
To summarize: a cauldron is a large metal pot, used for cooking over an open fire. When a cauldron of water is placed over a fire, filled with water and boiled, its magic can be seen in bubbling action. Whatever is placed into it comes out changed. The word ‘cauldron’ is also used to describe a stiuation characterized by instability and strong emotions (for example: cauldorn of repressed emotions).
Originating from the central source of nourishment in a Celtic household, the cauldron became over the centuries a symbol of transformation and spiritual - if not physical - regeneration. Magic cauldrons appear as a leading theme in Celtic mythology. Some never empty themselves as long as they are not used by cowards. Others bring the dead back to life -  dead soldiers, so that they can return to battle - or they contain the essence of wisdom and knowledge. Ceridwen’s magical cauldron held a potion that granted knowledge and inspiration. She is regarded as the Celtic goddess of rebirth, transformation and inspiration and closely associated with the full moon.
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The famous Gundestrup cauldron is a richly decorated silver vessel, adorned with the horned god Cernunnos surrounded by a stag, canines, felines and bovine animals. On another plate of the cauldron two elephants can be seen as well.  (Sources: Welsh mythology  Celtic mythology  Gundestrup Cauldron  Wild hunt, sacrifice & rebirth  Ceridwen)
In Sherlock BBC the horns of bull and stag and several characters who ‘wear’ those horns (Sherlock, Mary, Mycroft, Janine and the ‘Viking’) turn up repeatedly. Some of the animals depicted on the Gundestrup cauldron make also an appearance in Sherlock BBC: elephants, cats and dogs, lions and dragons, pigs and birds. (Cernunnos the horned god , Thoughts about horns) 
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Where the dark secrets are kept ...
A circular staircase spirals down to the ‘Alexandrian Library of secrets and scandals’, the central ‘repository where all the sensitive and dangerous informations’ are guarded behind lock and key. Not in a vault they are kept but inside a mind palace, a brain. And what an interesting choice by the creators to name that collection of most sensitive informations after the Alexandrian Library, which was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. Maybe the decisive factor to choose exactly this facility had been its name? Because names often seem to have great importantce in this story. For example: Alexander means ‘defending man’ and this fits very well with army doctor John Watson. Alexander is also another name for Paris, the guy who eloped with beautiful Helen and so caused the great Trojan war (x). 
It rather seems that the name of that mind-palace-library and the secret it keeps are actually one and the same .... 
As mentioned above, a well often symbolizes the glance into the depths of the soul. It’s a place of change and rebirth. No one comes out of such a well the same person they fell into it. Wanting to find his true self - that what he really is - Sherlock has to dare this dark pit and listen to that what is waiting there. After all, information is the power to change. 
And sometimes the well and the secret it guards seems to turn out to be one and the same as well .....
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It would be very interesting to learn what conclusions Sherlock might draw from all his detailed investigations and deductions regarding his ‘pink case’ and his preferred ‘cup of tea’ ..... :))))
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Thanks for reading and looking and thanks @callie-ariane​ for the scripts. :)
October, 2022
Outtakes: From the beginning then   The thing with the acronyms   Procect Hound - Sherlock’s experiment  1/2   Your cup of tea? Well ...
SUMMARY OF A THEORY  (my interpretation of SHERLOCK BBC based on metaphorical reading)
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riddles-n-games · 23 days
I have a theory i want to share: I'm not sure if you've talked about this before, but I've always been interested in Tobias and Alice's relationship because we heard/know so little. All we know is that she was the love of his life (stated in tbh). I think their relationship is definitely going to come up in the Prague story because, tbh scene where Tobias talks about Alice makes it seem like he knew or at least suspected her survival of whatever killed her (saving Alice's opinion/judgment of the boys when they're ready/done. It could either be interpreted as him knowing alice so well he knew what she would say or he was literally going to save her judgment for another time). Because it's Tobias, the comment about saving Alice's opinions for when the boys are ready/worthy, her cause of death never being explicitly stated (It just said the grief of losing toby had something to do with it in thl. WAS THAT ONE OF YHE CLUES JLB SAID SHE HID IN THL?!), and the fact that he knew toby was alive, I think Tobias had known about Alice or helped her disappear. Btw I lowkey think Nan knows because it's her daughter. This probably didn't happen, but It'd be so interesting if toby and Alice had crossed paths while he was on the run.
It's a very well put statement and I promise to look into more of the stuff again while I go through my theory stuff. Thank you very much for your input. But yeah, it wouldn't make sense NOT to talk about Alice and Tobias as clearly something happened there. From the way Tobias told Grayson and Jameson that when a Hawthorne even to the point of destruction, I wonder if there was a turning point or if that's just indicative of Alice's headstrong personality that it was one of the only things that put Tobias in a soft spot. I mean, a man that loves his wife that much, how couldn't he?
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gregorovitch-adler · 9 months
WIP Wednesday on a Saturday!
Thanks for the tag, @gaylilsherlock !
1.) Title: Shootout
Description: Canon Divergence AU right after the pool scene in TGG.
Summary: Sherlock and John finally find each other after confronting Moriarty near the pool. It's bliss for both of them, but unfortunately, their happiness is short-lived. Jim Moriarty can't stand the possibility of someone else being romantically involved with his Sherlock.
Life isn't going to be easy for the couple, but it might come up with the strangest surprises as they navigate this situation together.
2.) Title: In the Dark
Description: Vamp!lock AU with a case fic. Also AU: Different First Meeting.
Summary: John Watson is just back from the army, looking for a flatshare. That's when he runs into this extremely beautiful, mysterious man. Over time, John comes to know about who he really is as they become close.
Together they solve a case and help a client - a conservative man - find his son, which leads the newly formed friends and flatmates to have an important conversation that is in direct relation to the case they just solved.
(I haven't published these yet. They're in my WIP folder at the moment. Hopefully, I'll finish both of these stories and post them.)
3.) I'm working on my next Sherlock September Prompt Towel at the moment. I should be able to post that soon.
Tagging: @topsyturvy-turtely @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels and anyone else who wants to share.
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herondalesbooklover · 27 days
The first review of tgg came out!
Jlb shared it in her twitter, and I am so excited!!!!
Btw, the review says that eight individuals are in a race against the clock, and there are only 7 participant? Grayson will probably not only be the gamemaster, but he might be looking for something on his own.
Also, it mentions that this game is a more private event...So maybe all the contestants have something to do with an overall mystery.
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snicketstrange · 5 months
Behind the Periscope: The True Story of Captain Widdershins
Many people don't like Captain Widdershins, but he is actually humanity's greatest hero. Moreover, he possesses the best skill in hiding truths: he can tell half-truths and mix them with lies. I would say he is on the same level as Quigley, or even higher, in deceiving people.
He created an entire character to distract those around him. We see this in a comparison between his young version in ATWQ and his adult version in TGG. Let's analyze his adult version in TGG and see how he is an impressive agent of VFD.I find this book very interesting. I'm not following the reread, but I remember some important points in my theory. Firstly, Captain W. is certainly a big liar.
He is looking for the SB in the ocean because he received information that the SB had been thrown out of the HQ window. Certainly this information must have been received through the telegram equipment that is hypothetically broken. But it was working all the time. Surely after Klaus calculated where the SB was, Captain W sent the information to the mysterious woman or her supporters. He must have sent this information while the children were sleeping.
Thanks to that, the woman got to GG and grabbed SB. She must have arrived at the submarine with the SB in hand. And Captain W decided to abandon the submarine so urgently because the woman said something like: "I can't breathe." He must have taken the SB with him. That's why he needed to send the SB to Hotel D via the crows. The reason SB needed to go to Hotel D was because SB contained a lot of confidential information, much of that information was being cataloged in the real Hotel D.Another key thing is the backstory of the W family that mixes with the Anwistle family and Olaf's actions. It has been explained several times that the word "schism" refers to different events in the recent history of VFD.
We had the Great Schism, which the Man with a Beard and the Woman without a Beard participated in, about 40 years before the main events. As they said, it was at this event that the serpents took the willing side of the schism. Olaf, evidently still quite young, took the willing side of the schism as well, and was trained along with Lemony by VFD. Another important schism was the Anwistle Schism. It is this schism that the W family was unsure whether to participate or not.
Captain W's wife evidently sided with the schism that wanted to use the deadly MM fungus against the enemies that already existed (the incendiary side) while Captain W himself was unsure whether he would support his wife or not. That's certainly what led to the end of their marriage, and the lame excuse about Fiona's mother's death. Fiona herself was still a baby. Around this time, Olaf and Fernald teamed up to put an end to the threat of the deadly MM fungus. This development of events made Fernald very confused about VFD's morals and Olaf's morals.
According to Fernald and Lemony's words about him disagreeing with some of Captain W's attitudes, and Olaf's words about the W family never deciding which side to support in the schism, and the fact that Olaf and Fiona were close when she was still a baby, leads me to believe that Captain W was actually the great hero of humanity. An unrecognized hero, but a hero nonetheless.
The deadly MM fungus needed to be destroyed. That is a fact that, at least I, recognize. But only people who supported Anwistle's schism could approach where the fungus was being cultivated. This is evident by the fact that Kit Snicket tried to convince Anwistle through a letter, instead of solving the problem herself.Captain W had to pretend to be a supporter of Anwistle's schism and infiltrate the sect. In order to help him complete this mission, Captain W managed to marry Fiona and Fernald's mother, one of Anwistle's main persons of interest due to her research work. Additionally, Kit Snicket achieved an engineering feat: building a submarine that required a very small crew to operate, as it did not use human propulsion.Thus, Captain W became a person of interest for Anwistle's plan since his submarine could be used in all the necessary logistics. But at some point, Captain W was responsible for bringing a person from VFD with a bad reputation and experience in causing fires to Anwistle's facilities: Olaf.
Unable to explain his true intentions to Fernald, Captain W posed as a supporter of Anwistle's ideas in Fernald's eyes. And for that reason, Fernald allied with Olaf and helped in the destruction of AA and the deadly MM fungus, without knowing that this was exactly what Captain W had in mind.It was a complicated situation. Anyway, Fernald could not conceive the idea that Captain W would remain a member of VFD even knowing that VFD was responsible for cultivating the deadly MM fungus, without making the proper separation between the wheat and the chaff of VFD. That's why he joins Olaf, who from his point of view was a dissident member of VFD and one of the responsible for saving humanity.
Another important detail is how Captain W manages to pretend that he is completely unaware of JS. At no point did he show any lack of knowledge about the fact that he was actually working with JS, and instead he simply changed the subject and stated that Jacques Snicket was dead. But evidently, Captain W was working with JS. After all, JS knew that the children were arriving in a submarine. This information must have come from the submarine itself and reached JS, and this could only be possible through W's communication with JS or a supporter of JS. This leads us to believe that JS, the recipient of the message in the refrigerator in TSS, was expected at the VFD HQ. He would receive the SB. And he must indeed have received it. After all, the person who really took on the role of Jacques Snicket must have been his brother Lemony Snicket, who is also disguised as a taxi driver, and received the SB just as he had wanted to from the beginning. (In TPP). In other words, Captain W saved humanity again: he prevented the SB from falling into the wrong hands.
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gothberries-r-us · 1 year
We'd have to have some serious changes and suspension of belief regarding ages and timelines but hear me out:
Benoit Blanc... And the Golden Girls.
Do I care that we'd have to bring TGG into 2022? No.
Do I care that they'd all be roughly the same age? No.
I just want Blanc to come visit his "Dear aunt Blanche" while on vacation with Marta, Helen, and Philip when she's accused of murdering one of her many lovers and is forced to deal with her three roommates/friends as they solve the mystery together.
Helen and Dorothy can commiserate over the state of American education and swap horror stories.
Sophia and Philip can cook together (or against each other).
And Marta can be completely confounded by Rose's experiences in the health care system.
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charl3ss · 5 months
I just reread The Great Gatsby for the first time in years (I still love it ❤️) but one thing it made me notice is that there is a common theme in modernist novels or novels with modernist elements of Westerners moving to the East and becoming disillusioned and then going back home (think TGG, The Secret History, or even East of Eden which flips this on its head). Which, yes, I understand why: especially in the turn of the 20th century, the west was seen as this golden, glorious place and reminiscent of the “new world”; while the East was glamorous and mysterious and reminiscent of the “old world” and by going back home at the end it’s either a narrative punishment (like with TSH, get fucked Richard) or symbolic of letting go of the past (like in The Great Gatsby). Anywho, all this to say that I think this is a funny trope because I am from California and I personally know many people whose dream as a child was to go to the mysterious, old East. I was one of these children. This probably says something about the west, but I’m not going that deep, I just think it’s amusing especially since now I do not think I would ever move East or at least not stay there permanently. California dreaming baby ✌️
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