#tfp wheeljack x s/o
dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Hi! So this is kinda a weird request considering my past ones, I’ve been going through some stuff lately mentally and I’m kinda struggling so I was wondering if I could request TFP Ratchet, Wheeljack, Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave, and Bayverse Optimus comforting/helping a s/o who is struggling to take care of themself? Like as if they feel as though everything is a chore and they don’t have the energy to get up anymore, If you don’t feel comfortable writing this then don’t feel like you have to:>
Sure, and don't worry, it's allowed since it's in my allowed rules. Also, everything will be ok, life is tough but you will get through. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. I ain't saying this to force you into Christianity but God will help you. Just remmber to take care of yourself at time.
TFP x Mentally Tierd Reader
Bayverse optimus
I think optimus will notice that something was wrong for reader when reader seems like...a zombie, less active, less happy
Optimus will try to talk to the reader, but the reader will always dismisses it by saying they had to go do something or pretend they heard sonone yell their name.
Optimus got annoyed by this since reader was one of the few poeple that made Optimus open up and talk to freely.
So he cornered reader to ask them what was wrong.
Optimus- I see something is wrong young one. Tell me.
Reader- I feel so over worked that everything feels like a job, I can't think straight, and I just can't be happy. It seems like anytbing that I do is wrong or I am not good enough.
Optimus- It is normal to feel like everything is becoming too much at times. But it is important to remember that you are capable and that you have the ability to make a difference. Take a moment to take a step back from whatever makes you feel overwhelmed. Remember to take care of yourself, get enough rest, eat healthy and stay positive. Remember that you matter, and that you are worthy. Never give up. Keep moving forward and focus on the things that make you happy.
Reader felt so happy about what optimus said that they promised to do what optimus said.
Soon, reader felt happy and was actallg able to do all the things they used to love.
Ratchet TFP
I think ratchet will the the one to notice how reader will be acting diffrent.
Like, he is a scientist but he's dumb with emotions.
He won't notice intel reader comes to him first
He will be coming fused why reader will be acting or feeling this way, probably saying something hurtful on accident like "why do you feel this way? There's no point of being sad." Or something like that.
He would realize his mistake if reader seems to be acting worse after talking to him.
He would find time to talk to reader and apologized to reader and offers to listen.
Ratchet- what is wrong reader? I will try my best to help you.
Reader- I feel so over worked that everything feels like a job, I can't think straight, and I just can't be happy. It seems like anytbing that I do is wrong or I am not good enough.
Ratchet- I can...understand that. I was to depressed how you humans say it. Everything will be fine though, I believe agent Agent William Fowler will be able to get you help.
Reader dose just that. Reader let's ratchet contact fowler so they could get help.
Reader feels so happy.
Wheeljack would take some time to realize that reader was acting diffrent
Not as long as ratchet.
He would notice when he asked reader to come on a flight with him and while on a flight, he would notice how reader seems less...active.
Wheeljack- so, squirt, what's wrong.
Reader- it's nothing.
Wheeljack- I don't know what's going on but it's effecting ya.
Reader- I feel so over worked that everything feels like a job, I can't think straight, and I just can't be happy. It seems like anytbing that I do is wrong or I am not good enough.
Wheeljack- I can understand that. Thought the war, I felt useless but I found my way out. Listen kid, if this old bag of bolts can get through a thought spot, you can to.
Reader definitely felt better after talking to wheeljack and wheeljack made sure reader never felt lonely or alone.
You gotta be good friends with megatron for him to even like you enough to care about you.
Though, if you somehow got into his Spark, megatron will be there for you.
I think he would be the second fastest person to pick up on readers change of behavior.
He wouldn't ask out right since he has an image to uphold.
He would only talk to reader if they where alone.
Megatron- what has you changing moods (Y/N)?
Reader- I feel so overworked that everything feels like a job, I can't think straight, and I just can't be happy. It seems like anything that I do is wrong or I am not good enough.
Megatron- that's the biggest lie I have ever herd.
Reader- what?
Megatron- if you weren't good enough, I would have killed you when we first met. And the over work stuff, I will make is personally that Soundwave makes you're work easier.
Megatron got alot of work load off of reader...in his own twisted way.
He will always check up on reader.
Only if the room is empty ofcorse.
Soundwave would take the number one spot for noticing how reader changes behavior.
He would take reader aside and ask what was wrong.
By asking, I mean pointing at reader and a question mark appears on his visor.
Reader- I feel so over worked that everything feels like a job, I can't think straight, and I just can't be happy. It seems like anytbing that I do is wrong or I am not good enough.
Soundwave- *tilts head*
Reader- I know, it's stupid to get emotion over this.
Soundwave- *buzzer sound with x on visor.*
Reader- what?
Soundwave- *points to reader and plays a recording.* you are awsome, everything you do is awesome don't let the world take you down, if it dose get back up. It's never over.
Soundwave wierd way of saying he is there for reader is strange but it helps reader.
Reader feels happy.
Shockwave will have to take 2nd place for the most oblivious to readers emotion change.
He would be so focused on his work to not notice.
I think he will only notice if reader starts to not do there work.
He will not ask reader what was wrong and searches up ways why humans are sad.
Que Shockwave entering the lab, and giving reader icecream, books, blankets, heating pads, stuffed animals, music, movies, etc.
Reader would ask why.
Shockwave- do not even think you are useless. You have helped me greatly with my work.
Reader- what? But I dident even-
Shockwave- no need, I reasurched you're problem.
Smooth Shockwave, smooth....
But he is right, reader is the best of the best and Shockwave wouldn't be this happy without them.
Even if they don't show it.
Don't ever forget, who ever is reading this, you are never alone. If you are going thru a dark time, it's ok to fall down, it dosent make you a failure. It means you ste stronger but only if you stand back up.
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Tfp arcee nsfw and sfw hc's with human female s/o?
I'm kinda taking a moment away form Nsfw, so here are sfw headcannons for Tfp Arcee x Female S/O. Not going to lie this was fun to make. If You want more please jsut request! Enjoy :)
She's a care giver, Always around even when you least expecct it. Either there to lift, grab or steady you. She knows with all these decepticons running around, she's gotta keep you safe. Think like those child leashes with the stuff animal backpacks, but she's willing wants to watch over you.
With that comes internal threats, a chaotic S/O is something i feel like she'd enjoy, but also have a hard time coping with. Sassy S/O she can be sassy back, servos on her hips as you looks down at you in disapproval of whatever you did or said. Plus have you seen Tfp Arcee, everytime I see her shes sassing or telling off one of the autbots, and just becasue youre her S/O doesn't mean she won't give oyu the same treatment.
She tries her best to get into the things you like or are interested in. She wants to connect with you in other ways than just the human help for the autbots, You like legos, so does she. She can't build them but she can just sit and watch you enjoy yourself for hours, as long as she was with you and you are happy.
I feel as tho she also can't really say no to you, The pleading from your eyes and the occasional pouty lip and shes off to get whatever you want. A certain Ice cream only found in stores near large busy cities, Alright put your helmet on, youre going for a ride. She will ride with you for hours to get god knows what, simply becasue she didn't have the nerve to say no to such a cute look.
Tfp Arcee seems like she's not all to found of touching in front of others. SO that being said, when its time to leave for a mission, she looks back at you a winks with the signature smile and her shoulder moving up a bit. She doesn't have the heart to just ignore you, you never know what could happen out there and this wink is her way of saying "I Love you, be safe." without actually saying it.
I like to think when Wheeljack or some other bots come to the base for a vist she get possesive. ushering you into spots where she can see you and your in arms length in case one of them pulls some funny shit. She feels like you can be too friendly sometimes, and its shown when you were jsut caught talking to Soundwave while being held captive. So since that day, when it wasn't one of the 'regular' autbots, she decided you MUST, and I mean MUST be in arms length or line of sight at all times.
Lets not star about how she can get when she cant find you, Panic, but also quite and deadly panic. She doesn't freak out, her optics move around frantically as she tries to spot you, you small, and some of the other bots are large. One wrong move and you cold be seriously injured and she wouldn't be able to forigve herself. SHe truly would keep you in one of stuffed animal leashed, or keep you in a cybertronian to human sized baby carrier. At least until your fully healed and know the ground rules.
That was just her 'I know theyre not in con hands panic', her panic and anger when she finds you in the hands of a con is scarier, you almost felt bad for the way she beat the shit out of Starscream just for holding you in a tight grip above the ground. Her servo grabbing his wrist and twisting it before prying you gently out of the cons servo. She was far too gentle then you thougth she'd be in that moment. A smile on her face as she moved you aside and out harms way, but you saw the dark glint in her optics.
But at the end of the day, Arcee was a lover girl. Desperatly in love with her S/O, no matter how hard she tried to keep this tough autbot act up. All it takes is your voice and shes whipped like no other. But that's what made her yours, your large lover girl.
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stickytrigger69 · 1 year
could- could i maybe have a small little teeny tiny list of headcanons (if that’s okay) with some tfp ratchet or starscream or maybe bee comfort, him n’ his masculine cybertronian s/o who flinches really hard at loud noises and needs some comfort, calm and quiet from it?
Headcannons: TFP Starscream, Ratchet, and Bumblebee x Male Cybertronian S/O
SFW headcannons
Mech instead of femme or bot
Readers paint job, optic color, frame type, etc are unspecified
Hope it's good, enjoy.
He tries so hard to protect you, but there's only so much that he can do for you. He's not very strong and is hardly capable of taking care of himself.
He does like to pick on you sometimes when he knows that it won't hurt your feelings too much.
Even though he likes to tease he hates when you get scared of something. You both could be hanging out, spending time together when a loud crash or even a human honking their horn will startle you.
You can keep your cool around Megatron with his angry shouting, but as soon as you are alone or with Starscream, you nearly break down.
You're both in a hostile environment, so you always try to stay as close to one another as possible. Especially around Megatron, he weaponises your love, dangling one over the other in an act of manipulation.
You haven't told Starscream why you get so scared and it bothers and frustrates him to no end.
Because sudden loud noises can freak you out so easily, you usually have your audials set at a lower volume than any of the others do.
Sometimes Starscream forgets that you, a big strong mech, gets scared of loud noises and yelling so when he's more screamy, he feels guilty and apologizes in his own way.
He apologizes by letting you preen over him or cuddle him and hold him for as long as you want or when you want. (He never lets you do that)
Sometimes, when a loud noise startles you, he likes to form a protection circle around you, it's not very big considering its just him, but he readies his rockets and paces around you till you feel safe cause he knows it makes you feel better. (Even if he feels ridiculous)
At first, he thought it was a joke. Thought you were just messing around, but after a little while, he started to notice that it took quite the toll on you.
You would become irritable and extra jumpy and reclusive, hiding away for time alone without telling anyone.
Because of your odd behavior, he finds himself watching you closely, observing you to find the cause.
It finally clicks in his processor when he sees you flinch from the sound of Bulkhead and Wheeljack's lobbing. He sees your vitals spike like if you were in battle.
He asks you to sit a mission out and stay behind with him so he can scan you for any audial issues.
If he doesn't find a solution that works very well, and because he's really awkward when it comes to certain "issues," he tries his best to be there.
He shows you the best of both sides of himself, a physician, and a boyfriend.
He likes making sure you're doing your best and showing you the ins and outs of his work so you can start learning how to do it. (So he can keep you close)
When you're having a moment, he does what he can to deescelate your fear and panic.
He loves you very much and only wants to keep you safe, even from yourself.
You have your safe space, and he has your quiet reminder to try not to get too worked up.
Of course, he notices right away that something is wrong but waits until he has you alone to try talking about it.
You don't feel like you can, but he sits with you and holds your hand.
You're taller than him, but, like Starscream, he will spring into action and try to protect you.
He is always reminding everyone to try not to make too much noise.
He acts more mature for you and starts doting on you just a little more than you think he should.
He likes to make sure that you're doing okay, always asking if you need a break or anything.
You guys go for long, quiet drives with Raf, some soft music on.
Though you absolutely love cloudy and rainy days, the thunder really freaks you out, so if there's lightning on the horizon, he takes Raf home and then takes you back to base.
You cuddle with him, your audials turned all the way down, only able to feel the vibrations and Bee's own frame pulsing.
You always take good care of him on the battlefield. The least he can do is take care of you when you're fighting your own battles.
He has his own triggers, and you have yours, and no matter what, you're always there to keep each other from drowning.
Similarities with all of them (still separate relationships)
You're a power couple, and you balance each other perfectly.
You guys will fight someone for each other, them especially.
If they can, they try to help you overcome your issues and relieve you of the stress.
They know where all of your hiding places are, so if you try, it was in vain.
They know you try looking strong in front of the others but please take it easy.
Megatron/Optimus, try keeping you at the base/nemesis because of your "disability," even if you are one of their best assets in the field, so you're probably a medical officer like Ratchet or Knockout, a communications officer like Soundwave, or scientist like Shockwave. Maybe even an engineer.
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cybertronian-cupid · 1 year
Heyo! This is my first time requesting here so I hope I'm doing this right 😅 could I request some headcannons for a gn! Reader x tfp!bulkhead? Just some general fluff for the big guy. He doesn't get enough love 😭 thank you so much! 💖💖
You are SO right, he does not get enough love!! We love Bulkhead, he is the world's most perfect man (Right next to CV!Grimlock, who, in my opinion, also does not get enough love)~Mila💟
............................. ....................... ............................
Going with him on coffee dates when he’s in holoform is a lovely experience. He’s become a favorite at the place his partner takes him, and everyone anticipates meeting this Miko girl. Him being a guardian for a transfer student got quite a few curious questions that both him and S/O answered as well as they could without telling the full truth.
His shoulder guards move up a little bit every time he sees or talks about his s/o. Even after the lovey-dovey start of their relationship mellows, this is one reaction of his frame that he can’t control.
He is a big cuddler. Just look at him, he is hug-shaped.
He gushes about his s/o a lot and Wheeljack has to hear about it, and enjoys poking light-hearted fun at Bulk.
S/O and Wheeljack  along would get along, but he just has to set the ground rule of "don't hurt the big softie"
To minimize the chance of getting squished, he enjoys when S/O sits on his shoulder when he’s at base and the kids are at home. Extra cuddle time too.
He has his music preferences (he’s a metal head (literally and music wise lol)) but he is not opposed to listening to other types of music with s/o if they aren’t a fan.
If S/O gives him a gift of any kind, he will ask them to keep it safe for him if he sees it as very breakable. He does forget his own strength sometimes, and would rather not destroy something precious like that.
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Masterlist of my works✍
A/N: Decided to make one so my blog won't look messy
TFP Ratchet x Human reader (Headcanons🧡)
TFP Optimus Prime x Human reader (Headcanons💙)
Rescue Bots Heatwave x Human reader (Crush Headcanons❤)
Transformer Prime/TFP Autobots as sparklings💕
Bayverse Autobots x Human Reader (Crushing and Confession Headcanons💞)
Bayverse Autobots x Human Reader (Crushing and Confession Headcanons Part 2! 💞)
"Love doesn't always end with a happily ever after.." (Bayverse TLK Optimus Prime x Human reader [Angst Oneshot])
TFP Ultra Magnus x Human reader (Headcanons💙)
TFP Arcee x Human Reader (Headcanons💗)
TFP/Transformers Prime Decepticons as Sparklings💕
TFP Optimus Prime being jealous over Predaking since Human Reader fangirls at him (Headcanons💙)
TFP Wheeljack x Human Reader (Headcanons💚)
How would TFP Ratchet react to his human charge calling him "Dad"? (Platonic Headcanons🧡)
TFP Ratchet, Optimus Prime, Knockout, and, Soundwave with a Human S/O that easily gets carsick (Headcanons)
TFP Arcee cuddling with a Female S/O (Headcanons💙)
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bots-and-cons · 10 months
Hii may I request tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack and Knockout with a acrobatic circus performer s/o <3
This is one of those “character trait” requests that I hate, because it’s not a situation. For future reference, you could’ve asked for something like “Seeing the circus performer reader perform for the first time” or “circus performer reader teaching X some of their moves” and I can almost guarantee I would have written it. I tried writing this but it was too much of a bother so I gave up
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Hi, I hope it’s ok to send in a request :’) maybe you could write something with wheeljack and his s/o that has a history with fire? Or dealing with it? Maybe they tend to set things on fire and they’re like ‘eh it’s normal’ Maybe they’ve got wicked burn scars that they’re proud of?? I hope it’s not too vague, thank you so much for your time and have a beautiful day!!!
You were nonspecific on continuity so I’ll try and make this work for multiple
WheelJack with an S/o who has a complicated relationship with fire
When S/o told WheelJack that fire loves them, he thought they were joking, but oh Primus was he wrong.
This was the sixth time this week He had to put s/o out while they were working, and it was starting to worry him
“S/o, you need to be more careful if you want to keep helping me”
“hay it’s not my fault fire loves me” s/o laughed putting down a fire extinguisher when they nodiced WheelJack’s optics get wide.
They looked down and saw over half of their sleeve up in flames.
s/o calmly dunked their arm into a bucket of water that was near by, absolutely oblivious to WheelJack freaking out at their lack of expression other then mild annoyance.
S/o just looked back at him like it was completely natural to have one arm half submerged in water
“Are you hurt?” WheelJack asked Dumbfounded. S/o looked down and moved their arm a bit
“yeah, probably only first, maybe second degree burn though”
S/o carefully rolled up their sleeve and let WheelJack look, when he did his optics got wide again; seeing all the burn scars painted up and down their arm.
He shook himself from his head and focused on making sure this new one wouldn’t scar but he couldn’t just say nothing.
“How...did these happen?”
S/o smiled.
“Well, this one I got from baking and this one is from my fireplace and this one is from a bonfire a few months back. Oh but this one is my favorite” S/o exclaimed lifting their shirt showing off a large scar on their hip “this is from The time my friends And I did blacksmithing, it was fun but really stupid” they laughed
WheelJack honestly tried not to stare, but he couldn’t believe how after all this S/o could still be so calm around fire, but he was more upset that he’d never really noticed.
“You ok Jackie?” He didn’t answer right away instead he finished wrapping their arm with a cold compress
“Now this one shouldn’t scar if you leave it alone” he said in a serious tone
“Jackie, what’s wrong?” S/o asking gently making him look them.
“Just, worried about you, getting hurt...again”
“Jackie, I love my scars it’s like I’m covered in stories you know?”
He nodded “I just, wish it didn’t happen as often on my watch”
“It’s not your fault fire loves me, and Besides I know I can always count on you to fix me up”
“Just promise me, you’ll be more cautious while we’re working?”
“I promise, now let’s get back to it!”
Well....this got longer then I intend....and probably more uh...dark-ish then you wanted anon so sorry if it’s not what u wanted
But I like it,
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ppnuggie · 2 years
    TFP x reader
   『 megatron ,, starscream ,, dreadwing ,, breakdown ,, ratchet ,, wheeljack ,, gender neutral human reader 』 
  -> gn human s/o who uses snapchat filters on the bots
  — sfw ,, crack ,, fluff
  — some hcs of this bc it popped into my head 😵‍💫😵‍💫
  ratchet ::
• bro dont give two fucks about your silly little filters ,, the only time he does is when miko and your’s laughter becomes too annoying for him
• he demands to know what it is that’s so funny !! why are you laughing at him ?? hes super confused ,, frustrated ,, and angry
• not until you show the picture of him w/ a bald head does he know the cause ,, hes very angry about this ,, what made you think this was okay ??
• he just sighs and goes back to work ,, not bothering to humor the two of you anymore
• though when he catches word that you used a filter on optimus and he got saddened by it ,, you bet he’ll be on your ass about it
• prepare for long scolding session 😵‍💫😵‍💫
  wheeljack ::
• he loves the filters ,, only when theyre not being used on him
• he’s a bad influence ,, and always convinces you and miko to use the filters on ratchet and ultra magnus ,, when you do the three of you are laughing like hyenas
• he does cover up for you two when magnus asks about the commotion ,, and hopefully he hadn’t seen the picture
• sometimes the filters work on bulkhead ,, so he asks to two of you to use some of the good ones on them ,, but being the little sly devils you are
• the said picture of wheeljack and bulkhead having hearts above their helms turns into them having broccoli heads
• ya’ll are quick to hurry and send it to raf and jack before wheeljack makes you delete it
  megatron ::
• as a decepticon hostage ,, its easy for you to use the filters on whoever ,, an unsuspecting vehicon ,, maybe knockout ,, and very many times one starscream
• megatron does become amused at this technology ,, his race may be vastly superior and more high-tech then yours ,, but theyve never come up with something as silly as these filters
• always gives a small chuckle whenever you use one on starscream and show him ,, or like the one time you got a good picture of knockout having his face on a penguin
• never use them on him. he gets super pissy about it ,, so mad ,, you’re hanging by a thread here human ,, now delete that photo of him or its a little taste of death for you
• somehow ,, just somehow ,, the filter worked on soundwave and you were quick to show megatron of your accomplishment ,,
• he was amused by it ,, impressed even ,, but made sure you had got rid of it ,, as he didn’t want to upset his friend by this silly image
  starscream ::
• hates the filters. theyre always used on him ,, what even are they ???
• always has the drag queen filter used on him ,, and he hates it
• always tries to convince you to do it someone else but it never works out ,, in the end ,, instead of getting a picture of some random vehicon with a broccoli head ,, its him with the broccoli head
• end this seeker abuse 💔💔 all humans are the same 😔🥀🥀
• knockout gets a good laugh out of it though 💪
  dreadwing ::
• he’s usually too busy thinking about his past or smt to notice you using filters on him
• the only time he noticed is when the room was particularly dark and your flash was on
• immediately ,, he thought someone broke in ,, but nope <33 just you being a silly little human
• he was curious as to what the flash was for ,, and thats when you dropped the balls 😵‍💫😵‍💫 ,, he now knows about the filters
• he doesnt really see them as amusing ,, nor does he really care ,, bro dont give a fuck ,, just don’t get yourself killed over this
• there may be a few bots who don’t enjoy them ,, and if he catches you in a pickle w/ said bots ,, he may just feel willing to help you out of your situation
• use them on him if you want ,, he wont care
  breakdown ::
• he loves them so much ,, human technology is amazing !! what other filters are there ?? will they work on him !? look ,, his face is blue now !!
• hes so humored by the filters ,, always carrying you around and letting you use filters on different bots
• the vehicons passing in the halls now have smiley faces all over their helms ,, knockout buffing himself in the medbay now has hearts above his helm
• he tries to see if theres other things you can use the filters on ,, like maybe one of knockout’s tools
• gets a bit bummed when it doesnt work ,, but you’re quick to make it up by showing a picture of broccoli head starscream
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miraculousmaladys · 3 years
TFP If You Ship...
Ultra Magnus
I would also like to warn yall, I do roast the shit outta these ships and you. Some of y'all are nasty and need to be told/reminded, and some of you need to stay far the fuck away from me. Aight? Aight lets begin.
MagOp/OpMag/Magnimus/ Ultra Magnus x Optimus Prime: You pretentious bitch. You absolute fucking- I have no fucking words to describe how beige you are. You 're personality is plain oatmeal. Message me. I want to beat your ass. You prolly like them for the fact that they can relate to each other, and because of their importance to the war. But I hate you cause you also have more content. Fuck you. May your cereal turn soggy before you can eat that shit, may your drawing tablet get so hot in that one corner that you can fry bacon on that bitch. Fuck you.
MagMeg/Magatron(ew)/ Ultra Magnus x Megatron: you eat mayonnaise with a fucking spoon. Y'all saw that one scene with them on Darkmount and was just like "hm, but what if fuck?" and ran with it. You went to Ao3 expecting kinky shit, but all you got was stuff for IDW Megs and Mags and honestly baby, its gon' be okay.
Matchet/Ragus?/ Ultra Magnus x Ratchet: Yes we get it, the old man can dom now shut the fuck up. If taking your S/O to the nursing home as a date was a ship it'd be these old crotchety ass bitches. But, but, on a more serious note this ship can be so therapeutic for both mechs. These two were there way before the start of the war, they lived through it, and they knew Optimus all throughout. I imagine Ratchet would tell Magnus about Orion before his ascension to the primacy. I ain't ever been more depressed scrolling through a tag though, y'all broke bitches need whatever the fuck UltraScreen is having.
Magbee/Ultra Bumble/Ultra Magnus x Bee: I ain't ever seen two same heighted Cybertronians in a relationship, always one of'em gotta be spike suckin' height.
UltraJack/ Ultra Magnus x Wheeljack: Listen, listen, both these mechs love their solitary time and it can create so much angst, SO MUCH. Magnus feeling he must uphold his duties and Wheeljack having a mindset similar to a pirate. His spark belongs to the stars AND Magnus, but the stars will always come first. But bitch this is Ultra Magnus. We horny. We know Wheeljack is a fucking brat, and Ultra Magnus is his Dom.... baby we nasty. We nasty and there is no fucking denying that shit my GOD.
Ultrabulk/ Ultra Magnus x Bulkhead: Listen man as crazy as this might sound, I think this could work. Just like any other ship with Bulkhead you are fucking STRUGGLING though dude, you got like 5 fics you keep coming back to. You cry at night, knowing, and praying, that the gods will smile upon you and bless you with an update. You know you struggling when you only got three fics that have this ship as the focus. If y'all ban together I'm sure you can scrounge together like three pieces of fanart and a lint roller between the four of you.
UltraScream/ Ultra Magnus x Starscream: I don't see how anyone could hate this ship. Like, they literally work as really good foils to each other. You've got Magnus who is loyal as fuck, very militaristic??? And very much involved with the safety of his team. He's described as recklessly brave. Starscream on the other hand has a lot of character to work on and Magnus could help him along with that, and he can teach Magnus self preser- fucking-vation because Mr. "gets fucking chomped by a predacon for another bitchass Autobot" needs it. You're fuckass wants someone to save you, or you want to go absolutely apeshit. You are the mom friend everyone is worried about.
Ultracee/ Ultra Magnus x Arcee: Huh?? I mean like....Okaaaayy?? I mean good for you. This ship makes me feel the way that you feel when someone offers you candy you don't like, but you wouldn't mind eating it so you do. To be honest the people who ship this definitely see diamonds in places others wouldn't expect, but like you're so fucking unnessecary oh my god. Like you prolly add weird ass comments to other peoples statements, ain't nobody out here asking for an echo. Sit down.
UltraShock: ya like'em thicc don't you commanding officer Ultra Magnus? Anyway maybe y'all could team up with UltraBulk shippers and add a pile of used soda cans to the pile. Y'all are ghosts, do you even exist on this plane. My guesstimate on how many people actually ship this forreal is like 5.
Ultrawave/MagnusSound/Magnus x Soundwave: Listen if the Ultrabulk shippers are starving y'all ain't even corporeal. I show up to this ship with a fucking ghost talk box and some heat sensors, and like one boombox tryna see if GHOSTS even inhabit this bitch. Y'all aight? Are y'all good?? HELLO IN THERE (hello in there) (hello in there). Yall really go all out for the goth shit. Prolly hidin' in the shadows of my house waiting to strike.
You, and I mean this in the most (derogatory) way possible, are a fucking
Literally looked on AO3 saw nearly NOTHING BUT kinky MF PORN. The oooonly plot y'all got is exactly how long Ultra Magnus can deny Smokescreen an overload. Why every time it comes to Magnus people make this by the books vanilla bitch the kinkiest one. YES I love subverting expectations but can I PLEASE get one fic where he sputters because his partner says a bad word. These two are the main ones who get this treatment, and baby I ain't complaining, but please. Please just- please sir I-I a-ah!
Ultradown: The UltraBulk, and UltraWave shippers come here every year, at the exact same location, at the exact same time, all for this ritual. The UltraWave shippers take out a boombox, some energon candies, and a supersized Cybertronian false spike. The UltraBulkers begin to sing the incantation to summon their fallen comrade: https://youtu.be/m9We2XsVZfc. They must do this once every year, they must battle the UltraDown shippers, though most would say they are a myth, the UltraShock and UltraWave shippers know better.
MagnusOut/KnockMagnusOut?/Ultra Knockout: Listen its not as horny as Smokescreen but the constant tension is definitely there. Knockout is just as horny as the depressed, RE-pressed ass Magnus fans and can you really blame him? Boyfriend? Dead. Magnus? kinky. Hotel? California.
/If I missed any let my gay ass know. Sorry if this ones lackluster, but some of these ships don't even really seem to have a fanbase?? Remember that these are TFP ships y'all.
Also I better see more Bulkhead content after this. Do you all have a problem with truly thicc bootyful babes or what?
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Requests are always open 💕
Wanna request or leave a tip? Buy me a Kofi!
My Wattpad: Lori
Started: 6/10/2020
Last Updated: 5/17/2023
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When Yall First Met
Dating Legoshi 🐺 
Dating Gouhin 🐼
Dating Haru 🐰
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Dating Headcanons: 
Izuku Midoriya💕
Shouta Aizawa🥺
Shoto Todoroki😌
Katsuki Bakugou💥
Eijiro Kirishima🤘🏼
Stain 🩸
Toshinori Yagi😋 
Hizashi Yamada🎶 
Kaminari Denki 🌩️
Gang Orca 🐋
Dating Twice🌚
Text Message Headcanons:
 Breakup Prank
Regular Headcanons &Preferences:
When They Get A Nosebleed
Gif Series:
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Dating Headcanons:
🌟Hinata Shoyou🌟 
😝Dating Lev Haiba😝
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Dating Headcanons:
Daryl Dixon🥺
Rick Grimes🥰
Merle Dixon❤️ 
✨Your Kids✨ 
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon 
Daryl Dixon:
I Still Love You (Oneshot)
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Dating Headcanons:
Bucky Barnes💘
Tony Stark😏
Erik Killmonger 🥺
Steve Rogers✨
Bucky Barnes
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Turning Human Headcanons: 
Breakdown, Knockout, and Megatron😉
Optimus, Bumblebee, & Ratchet🥰
Soundwave & Wheeljack 🥺
Predaking 🥰 
Regular Headcanons &Preferences:
 How He Kisses You (Rescue Bots)
Dating The Tfp Wreckers🤣🥵
Cute Moments In Bed 💋🥺(Random Bayverse Autobots)
Argument Headcanons Pt.1 (Autobots)
How He Kisses You (Requested Bots)
Dating Headcanons (Bayverse Jazz)
Dating Headcanons (MTMTE Drift)
Baby Preferences 🥰 (Select Autobots) 
Dating Headcanons (Bayverse Ironhide)
Dating Headcanons (Tfp Wheeljack)
Hearing Their S/O Sing (Requested Bots)
Depressed S/O Headcanons (MTMTE Swerve)
Dating Bumblebee and Charlie Would Include
Dating Headcanons (Tfp Ratchet) 
How He Kisses You (Requested Bots)
Friendship Headcanons (Optimus Prime x Reader)
Baby Preferences 💖(Select Decepticons)
Dating Headcanons (Bayverse Ratchet)
Bayverse Barricade x Black Fem!Y/N Headcanons
Dating/Friendship/Random Headcanons (Bayverse Crosshairs)
Dating Headcanons (G1 Prowl)
Baby Preferences❤️(Requested Bots)
Baby Preference🥺 (Requested Decepticon)
Late Night Drive Headcanons (Bayverse Crosshairs)
Dating Headcanons (Armada Red Alert)
The Wrecker Crew Headcanons
Sneaking Out Shortcanon (Bayverse Ironhide)
Be Safe (Bayverse Optimus x Reader)
Nice And Clean (Bayverse Bumblebee x Reader)
Surprise Surprise (Bayverse Bumblebee x Reader) 
Pregnant (Bayverse Optimus x Oc Reader)
Bumblebee Gifs [1]
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Marcel Gerard 
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Dating Headcanons:
Paul Lahote🤤
Edward Cullen🥰
Jacob Black 🐺
Regular Headcanons and Preferences:
Imagine Being Sam Uley's Little Sister
The Pack Headcanons (African American Fem Headcanons👑)
Getting Hurt (Jacob Black x Black Reader) 
Pregnancy Headcanons🤪 (Sam Uley x Fem! Reader)
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Say No To This 💋
Elijah Mikaelson 😘
Donatello 🤓
El Diablo 🔥
Damon Salvator😙
Joker 😉
Harley Quinn 🤪
Smutty Shouta Aizawa
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The Hearts Choice Masterlist 
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Swagger Jagger Masterlist
299 notes · View notes
until-all-are-one · 4 years
Maybe a TFP Ratchet x Femme Human Reader? Where Ratchet gets jealous seeing his s/o (the reader) interacting with the other Autobot mechs? Also their relationship is secret and she is a medical student? Thanks!
TFP Ratchet
He's so proud of you, and the things you're doing with your life, and can't help but worry that he's holding you back.
As much as he hates it and hates to admit it, he does get jealous from time to time. He doesn't mean to, so he bottles it up - he doesn't want to be controlling, or stop you from hanging out with your friends, so he keeps quiet.
He knows none of the others would try anything, so he isn't worried about that at all: in fact, he knows his fears are unfounded.
Even if your relationship is supposed to be a secret, some of the others have it figured out. Or at least, they know that you have feelings for each other
(Smokescreen and Bee are betting you'll get together soon, while Arcee has put money on you already being a couple)
But Wheeljack likes to push his buttons by intentionally (and deliberately loudly) flirting with you in front of him. You, to your credit, know exactly what game he's playing, so you're not too surprised when Ratchet blows up on him.
He apologises right away, to you and even Wheeljack, before leaving to cool his head.
You have to go after him, let him know that it's OK, you love him and only him.
After that, pretty much everyone has caught on.
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dragonridernoobie · 1 month
Optimus prime
Optimus(TFP) x Forgetful worrier reader
Optimus(TFP) x Single Mother
Optimus(TFP) x Maximal Reader
Optimus(TFP) x Nervous Reader
Optimus(TFP) x Wanting to beat up child reader
Optimus(TFP) x Zombie Apocalypse Reader
Optimus(bayverse) x Nifty Reader
Optimus(TFP) x Avian reader
Optimus(TFP) x Pregnant Reader
Optimus(TFP) x ADHD Reader
Optimus(TFP) x Nifty Reader (2nd)
Optimus(TFP) x Neotenic Reader
Optimus(TFP) x Physically Hurt Reader
Optimus(TFP) x Kidnap Reader Son
Optimus(TFP) x Dark conscience reader
Optimus(TFP) x Snakes
Ratchet(TFP) x forgetful worrier reader
Ratchet(TFP) x Nervous Reader
Ratchet(TFP) x Zombie Apocalypse Reader
Ratchet(TFP) x Nifty reader
Ratchet(TFP) x Avian Reader
Ratchet(TFP) x Mentally Tierd Reader
Ratchet(TFP) x ADHD Reader
Ratchet(TFP) x Neotenic Reader
Ratchet(TFP) x Helpful Reader
Ratchet(TFP) x Physically Hurt Reader
Ratchet(TFP) x S/O being flirted with
Ratchet(TFP) x Kidnap Reader Son
Ratchet(TFP) x Snakes
Wheeljack(TFP) x Avian Reader
Wheeljack(TFP) x Zombie Apocalypse Reader
Wheeljack(TFP) x Mentally Tierd Reader
Wheeljack(TFP) x Snakes
Bumblebee(TFP) x ADHD Reader
Bumblebee(TFP) x Zombie Apocalypse Reader
Bumblebee(TFP) x Physically Hurt Reader
Bumblebee(TFP) x Kidnap Reader Son
Bulkhead(TFP) x ADHD Reader
Bulkhead(TFP) x Kidnap Reader Son
Arcee(TFP) x ADHD Reader
Arcee(TFP) x Kidnap Reader Son
Smokescreen(TFP) x Best Friend Reader
Smokescreen(TFP) x Neotenic Reader
Ultra Magnus
UltraMagnus(TFP) x Dark conscience reader
Megatron(TFP) x forgetful worrier reader
Megatron(TFP) x Mother Figure Reader
Megatron(TFP) x Maximal Reader
Megatron(TFP) x Avian Reader
Megatron(TFP) x Single Mother Reader
Megatron(TFP) x Mentally Tierd Reader
Megatron(TFP) x Pregnant Reader
Megatron(TFP) x Nifty Reader (2nd)
Megatron(TFP) x Angry Reader
Megateon(TFP) x Physically Hurt Reader
Megatron(TFP) x Deaf Reader
Megatron(TFP) x Orange Cat Energy Reader
Megatron(TFP) x Dark conscience reader
Megatron(TFP) x Reader (NSFW)
Soundwave(TFP) x Nervous Reader
Soundwave(TFP) x wanting to beat up child reader
Soundwave(TFP) x Mentally Tierd Reader
Soundwave(TFP) x Angry Reader
Soundwave(TFP) x Artist Reader
Soundwave(TFP) x Physically Hurt Reader
Soundwave(TFP) x Deaf Reader
Shockwave(TFP) x wanting to beat up child reader
Shockwave(TFP) x Mentally Tierd Reader
Shockwave(TFP) x Nifty Reader (2nd)
Shockwave(TFP) x Helpful Reader
Starscream(TFP) x Nifty Reader
Starscream(TFP) x Dark conscience reader
Starscream(TFP) x Angry Reader
Starscream(TFP) x Helpful Reader
Starscream(TFP) x Physically Hurt Reader
Starscream(TFP) x Deaf Reader
Knockout(TFP) x Angry Reader
Knockout(TFP) x Artist Reader
Knockout(TFP) x Deaf Reader
Breakdown(TFP) x Angry Reader
Breakdown(TFP) x Deaf Reader
Sans x Married Reader (NSFW)
Sans x reader stargazeing.
Papyrus x sick reader
Underswap papyrus x abused reader
Underfell Sans x Serial killer Reader
Other AU's
Dust sans x (Y/N) dancing in love land
Mammon x Hellhound Reader
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high-off-energon · 4 years
Hello I was wondering if you could do a oneshot of tfp Ratchet x sweet and bubbly chubby reader where they've been secretly dating and one day when they're alone Miko finds out and tells everybody and well they're just shocked since reader and Ratchet are like total opposites but they're happy for them And could you please do a headcannon of rescue bots Blades with a chubby reader as well please
When Miko let out the high pitched, yet gleeful scream, not only did Ratchet cover his audials, he sighed.
“There goes that secret,” his s/o chuckled.
“It was bound to happen. Even I knew that one, dear,” Ratchet’s helm snapped up as soon as he heard the all too familiar voice of Wheeljack snickering out teasing words.
“So the oldie finally found love again?” The mech teased, leaning into the room by the door frame. The smug smirk faltered as soon as Ractchet grabbed the nearest tool.
No one had seen Ratchet move that fast since Synth en.
“Hey Blades, have you seen Kade?”
“No, why?” Blades watched as his s/o’s smile grew into an evil grin as they pulled out a few water balloons from a duffel bag at their side.
“He’s outside trying to show off to his girlfriend, if you want, I can help,” Heatwave seemed to be very very interested in your conversation now that he sees the plot. Blades chuckled.
“I can be a distraction,” Blades chirped, Rotors starting to twitch eagerly.
“I love how this is coming together. Hand me some of those I want in,” Even innocent Graham wanted in.
Sneaking around the corner with the skills learned from a certain father figure, Blades’ s/o, Graham, and Heatwave watched Blades for their little signal to absolutely smoke him.
Blades moved his rotors and Heateave immediately moved as soon as you slinked by. Graham made his walk over to Kade very casual.
“Hey Kade, how’s it going?” Kade made the mistake of turning around to answer.
“It’s been good wh-“ SPLASH!
“Scatter!” Graham ran with a loud laugh as you proceeded to pelt Kade with Heatwave heckling.
Blades picked his s/o up with a laugh.
“I love you so much even if you’re an instigator.”
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Up Next List (10/1/19)
Requests are finally closed again and I’m pretty sure every single one of you wants me dead X_X After going through the “doubles” (aka similar requests, requests for sequels, etc.) here is the most current up next list! If he request has too many characters, I’ll pick which to fill. If you have not specified a continuity (and its not obvious which) I will pick which one. If you don’t see your request on here, it is likely because it violated the rules (for some reason there were so many requests that did not adhere to the request rules?) These will be filled in the order submitted! And as usual, commissions are always open! At the time of posting there are 4 commissions in line ♥
Thank you for playing! Thank you for being patient! I’m putting this under a “read more” because it’s long and took me over a half hour to list out.
Here we go:
tfp bots tiddy pillow
prowl admitting to feelings
cyberverse grimlock x human s/o
mtmte hoist crushing on human
cyberverse thundercracker x bot s/o
mtmte megs x romance writer s/o hcs
rid2015 grimlock x human s/o
swerve voyeur x human
brainstorm x human s/o oral
tfa blitzwing x s/o fluffy nsfw
swerve x bot s/o praise kink
mer!drift love at first sight
ratchet x s/o comfort smut
galvatron x bot s/o fluffy smut
mtmte rung/roddy/tfp op x s/o breeding kink
reader singing to swerve
megatron x s/o rough
mtmte mmegatron x s/o soft nsfw
tfp blitzwing/tfp soundwave x bot s/o heat kink
tfp wheeljack holoform date night
cyberverse top robot fails
roddymags nsfw
tfp starscream x bot s/o
cyclonus x bot s/o oral
swerve x bot s/o
mtmte megatron x bot s/o slow dance
tfp ratchet x bot reader medbay
tfp optimus cat 
scavengers saved by human
g1 merformers hcs
ll bots touching human
synthen tfp ratchet x s/o hcs
rung x s/o kisses
more selkie swerve
tfa blitzbee x s/o poly
ll bots thirsty tweets
whirl x bot s/o play fight
mer!drift x s/o rut
bayverse optimus x male s/o
bugformers swerve courting
tfa jazz/jettwins/blitzwing x angel s/o hcs
tfp megatron/op/mtmte ratchet x s/o who gets sick
cyberverse megatron camgirl
mer!drift/mer!roddy/mer!wing x male s/o poly
tfa bumblebee x bot s/o
ll liaison turned cybertronian
tfp mer!starscream/mer!knockout poly x male mer!s/o
swerve x s/o edging
whirl x s/o soft
mtmte bots boner hcs
^ different bots
^ scavengers
rid2015 x bot s/o nsfw
tfa prowl dom s/o
cyberverse/rid2015 grimlock x bot s/o sandwich
rodimus x biologist s/o hcs
mtmte dratchet courting human
tfa prowl zoo date
brainstorm x nautica x human nsfw
50s!au swerve x greaser
tfp ultra magnus jealous nsfw
cygate x s/o fluff
mtmte roddy/krok/fulcrum hcs
first aid heat sequel
bayverse ironhide/ratchet/optimus x bot s/o hcs
fort max x bot s/o heat kink
cyberverse bots x s/o
rescue bots x excon bot s/o 
waspinator tittyfuck
swerve x bot s/o oral
cyberverse grimlock x s/o dance
beeverse blitzwing hcs
swerve x reader lapsitting
tfa prowl/jettwins/jazz x s/o coming out hcs
tfa jetfire dommed by human
tfp ratchet x virgin reader
cyberverse soundwave x s/o
jazz x s/o romance
tfp bumblebee x human fluff
whirl standing up for reader
bugformers swerve/cygate x s/o
dragonformers mins x s/o
drift x bot s/o thigh fucking
fort max x thunderclash x bot s/o
cyberverse thunderbee fluff
waking holo roddy with a bj
tfp ratchet x s/o singing/guitar
mtmte megatron x s/o facesitting
mer!dratchet x s/o
thunderclash x s/o
shatter/dropkick x mech suit reader
roddy x bot s/o oral
mtmte megatron/rodimus x s/o conjunx ritual
tfa prowl/tfp arcee/knockout x s/o dance
mer!roddy x mer!s/o rut
rumble/frenzy hcs
rescue bots chase x chief burns
rodimus x s/o laugh hcs
skids soup kiss?
setting off fireworks w/ bots
rung x swerve platonics hcs
naga!tfp ratchet x s/o rut
tfp bots x s/o hip sway hcs
human frenzy dress up
megatron x bot s/o size kink
cyberverse megatron x s/o
roddy x s/o comfort nsfw
tfp ratchet receiving candle
tfp ratchet/mtmte drift/magnus x s/o w/ thick thighs
mtmte bots x s/o dress up
swerve x bot s/o breeding kink
tfp soundwave x mech suit s/o
tfp wheeljack aftercare hcs
ravage x s/o fluff
mins/mags x s/o size kink
prowl x s/o soft
roddy x excon bot s/o
rid2015 bumblebee x s/o oral
deadlock x decepticon s/o
tfp ratchet and smokescreen hcs
rung x bot s/o
cdrw x bot s/o
scavengers x bot s/o
cyberverse hot rod x bot s/o oral
naga!mtmte magnus x s/o rut
cyberverse grimlock altmode nsfw
mtmte bots x s/o scaredof loud sounds
fort max x bot s/o
tfa roddy showing off fir bot s/o
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cybertronian-cupid · 3 years
Hiiiiiii~ Cupidsssss~~ The season is to be upon us soon, and I was wondering how you think TFA Jazz, TFP Wheeljack, amd TFP Megatron might react to/deal with their very Halloween-enthusiastic s/o? Like, they go all out with decorations, their outfits/costumes, and music, etc.
It truly is the most wonderful time of the year 🍁🍂🎃
They should feel grateful that their s/o keeps this to one or two months a year. With us they'd have to deal with it 100% of the time. Year round.~Mila💟
............................. ....................... ............................
TFA Jazz
He's all about that Halloween playlist.
He's confused by all the different genres in it, but still loves it and adds music he likes and is in spirit to the holiday
He is pumped for the costumes and gets his s/o to help him dress up as a spectre or one of the characters from the musicals he likes.
He might actually suggest couple costumes when he finds out about them
He gets a bit spooked the first time he watches a horror movie and ends up clinging to his s/o, but over time he chills out about them. If his s/o is easily spooked, he finds a way to comfort them during especially scary scenes.
His favourite sweets for the occasion are candied apples and popcorn balls.
............................. ....................... ............................
TFP Wheeljack
He’d go above and beyond making Halloween props with S/O
He has seen all sorts of things, so he can share quite a few horror stories and come up with his own spooky tales. He finds most of the human horror stories silly.
He, S/O and the kids go and pull pranks on bullies in Jasper. Miko is getting every ounce of the Halloween experience right along Wheeljack.
Fowler and Ultra Magnus are the main prank targets at the base.
Wheeljack got egged on at one point and after that hell of a cleanup, he drew the line on not doing that ever.
“I would not wish this upon my worst enemy.”
Knockout is not his worst enemy however, so he makes the egg-ception for the pretty bot.
When they they go out trick or treating his holoform is dressed in a cowboy getup
............................. ....................... ............................
TFP Megatron
The holiday may be intriguing and he is happy to see his s/o so enthusiastic, but he tries to limit the amount of the decorations at first.
He somehow managed to forget just how contagious their enthusiasm is.
It starts out with different jack-o-lanterns popping up everyday, with troops keeping track of how many there are in various parts of the ship.
Next thing he knows there are Halloween string lights on the hab door to his quarters. The following day they are on every door of the ship.
He actually walked in on his S/O shooing off some Vehicons that were clearly not helping his human put up some sort of fuzzy decoration on a corner wall. They claim it’s a common spider decoration. He’d take offense on behalf of Airachnid if he hadn’t seen just how convincing it looks from afar. At this point he just lets them go wild.
The upside of all the organic decorations they put up next, is watching the more squeamish of his troops deal with the fake human remains and gore.
The doctor knowing about the holiday and being somewhat knowledgeable about the horror movie genre is a surprise. According to S/O however, humans do not bleed nearly as much as the on-screen bloodbaths suggest.
He doesn’t appreciate the scare of seeing them posing as a heavily injured corpse until the initial shock passes. Their costume and stage make up were incredibly convincing, he had to congratulate them on that.
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Look At This Shit Barely Anyone Ships
Blurr x Starscream (IDW G1) 
Knockout x Wheeljack (TFP) 
Knockout x Bumblebee (TFP/RID) 
Rung x Nautica (IDW G1) Book Club
Rung x Drift (IDW G1) 
Fortress Maximus x Megatron (IDW G1) 
Drift x Perceptor (IDW G1) Fluffy Boiz
Blurr x Knockout (IDW G1) Fast and Fabulous
Knockout x Starscream (IDW G1) Vain Boys
Rung x Starscream (IDW G1) 
Rung x Thundercracker (IDW G1) 
Rung x Ratchet (IDW G1) 
Rodimus x Starscream (IDW G1) 
Bumblebee x Thundercracker (IDW G1) 
Fortress Maximus x Starscream (IDW G1) 
Skids x Blurr (IDW G1) 
Jazz x Bumblebee (IDW G1) 
Skids x Brainstorm (IDW G1) 
Skids x Swerve (IDW G1) 
Swindle x Lockdown (TFA) 
Bee x The Trine (IDW G1) 
Blurr x Knockout x Bumblebee (TFP/RID) Racer Boys
Blurr x Knockout x Starscream (IDW G1) Pretty Boys
Megatron x Rodimus x Ultra Magnus (IDW G1) Idiot Sandwich
Megatron x Rung x Fortress Maximus (IDW G1) 
Now look at me, shipping all of that.
I  C A N N O T  B E  S T O P P E D.
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