#terfs take the rad out of radical feminism
transrevolutions · 1 year
TERFs thinking dicks are inherently evil is one of the funniest things ever. they'll be like "a dick is a weapon used to harm women" but like. it's a fucking natural body part not a nuclear bomb.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 1 month
Oh lovely, the transandrophobic "trans inclusive" rad/ical feminis/ts are now calling te/rfs "twerfs" (trans woman exclusive radi/cal femin/ists).
Hey, you know how terfs "soured" a lot of people on genuine, intersectional feminism?
You're just them but trans, regardless of your gender. You're JK Rowling and Dave Chappelle in blue white and pink. You're writing essays on the evil predatory (trans) men invading (trans) women's spaces and mutilating their bodies with testosterone and cutting off perfectly healthy organs and rejecting the only good gender as traitors.
That last part is just verbatim, even.
Add trans in front of the genders in any transphobe's horrific ranting and you get your own posts. You're cruel, you're class traitors, you're feds in binders and gaffs too pathetic to even demand pay for the work you're doing for our oppressors.
Trans unity means I never give up fighting for your rights, even as you're throwing them to the wolves just for a taste of what it feels like to have your boot on someone else's throat. You justify it because of who you say has faced the "worst" pain, has been hurt the "most" by (trans)misogyny, because don't you know that women have the right to speak over any other marginalized person on their own oppression because only women really know what it's like to be oppressed?
Merlin's unwashed nutsack, do you fuckers even hear yourselves? You're indistinguishable from ter/fs!
Yeah, I'll keep fighting, because I can understand that even the most sniveling narcs who think they're "saving" people by betraying them, even the people radicalized enough that they actually believe in the bullshit they're spreading, don't deserve oppression.
Quite frankly, this post isn't FOR them, no matter how much it's worded like it is, because rage is not a tool of deradicalization and I refuse to judge even bigots every bit as taken in as your average Jehovah's witness or Amish person for doing harm while being victims of the group they're doing harm for.
(All the same, the accusations of trans people being indoctrinated and taken in by "MRA shit" are not only blatant projection, but also in the rare cases that they are true, pale in comparison to the quantity and scope of harm done by this actual significant growing group of radicalized trans people .)
Since I've mainly seen people with some form of "baeddel", who call people "transandrophobia truthers" or "transandrodorks" doing this, perhaps people need a reminder that baeddels were a group who took that name themselves (after it had fallen out of usage for several hundred years, claiming they were "reclaiming" it) who did a shit ton of harm to transmascs, nonbinary people, intersex people, and transfems.
These trans-woman "inclusive" radic/al fem/inists who actually are dangerous and violent towards every transfem that doesn't agree with you. TWIRFs are not a fucking joke. And to be exceedingly clear, there's a reason I hyphenated trans-woman in the acronym spelled out, because it's an adjective modifying inclusive; trans people of every gender make up "twirfs".
There's a decent chance they'll either take "twirfs" and wear it like a badge of honor, like some t/erfs do, or claim it's a slur, like... oh, like some terf/s do. I've read the playbook, and if there's a play I haven't laid out, I'm sure it'll be just as uninspired and plagiarized from te/rfs. But who knows, maybe they'll come up with something new and horrific and surprise us - every so often, ter/fs do that too.
Anyway, if you see this post and wanna tell me, an intersex transneufemmasc, what a horrible awful transmisogynist I am for acknowledging all forms of oppression I face and not just the single one I share with most of you, fuck off and block me. I've got no time for the usual suicide baiting, florid violent fantasies of me being raped and/or tortured and/or killed, and the like.
Besides, while you are fucking dangerous, I've got worse danger to deal with than you on a daily basis, for being a visibly genderqueer fat disabled person in a place where everything from gender roles to medicine is stuck in the 18-fucking-hundreds. I truly do not have time for your bullshit.
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stormysapphic · 2 years
What makes lesbian archives a terf? Is it that they’ve reblogged radical feminism material? Or that they talk about the oppression of women at the hands of men? Is it that they don’t outright say trans women are women? Is the lack of trans inclusion being taken as trans exclusion?
Is it possible this person is not in circles with trans lesbians? Is it possible this persons experience of being a lesbian has been narrow because of their surroundings? Do we hold space for people who have not had the same exposure we have had? (And please don’t say tumblr is exposure because not everyone uses it that way) Do we shut down a blog that is pro-lesbian and pro women because it hasn’t included trans people in their posts? Do we shut them down because they’ve reblogged radical feminism material? For a lot of history, radical feminism meant acknowledging the oppression of women and wanting to dismantle the patriarchy. Do we lump everyone who talks about this into being a terf?
either you didn't check their blog out for yourself or you're just playing dumb. they haven't just "reblogged ra/dfem material", 99,99% of their content - which in turn is largely original, not reblogs - is ra/dfem related. the stuff that they do reblog from other blogs is literally all from blatant transphobes with tags like "t/er/f sa/fe". and content doesn't need to explicitly mention trans people to be transphobic. a lack of explicit trans inclusion IS trans exclusion when all your posts are about s/ex-b/ased se/parati/sm, "ma/le" viol/ence, "g/ynoce/ntrism", and quotes from specific, anti-trans rad/ical feminists. i don't think EVERYTHING to EVER come out of ra/dical feminism is bad - in its early days there were even factions that actively tried to take it in a trans-inclusive direction. but that's not where mainstream ra/dfem thought ended up going, and especially in the current climate, you would be extremely naive to think that you can engage with any ra/dfem content in a "trans-neutral" way.
also, it's not like i called for the ostracization of the individual person(s) behind that blog, whoever they might be. i just asked trans-friendly blogs not to give visibility to the hateful content they spread and their network of blatant transphobes. i think people can change for sure - they can think critically about their opinions, expose themselves to different viewpoints, and listen to trans women. but it would be absolutely insane to pretend that that means we should not only excuse, but SPREAD the ignorant content they're currently curating. a blog that isn't pro all women isn't "pro women". a blog that isn't pro all lesbians isn't "pro lesbian". ignorance is not an excuse to be hateful & never has been. being a feminist or anti-patriarchy or wanting to acknowledge how assigned sex and gender affect oppression are not excuses to leave trans women out & never have been.
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scratch-the-anti · 7 years
Since it’s been a while
If you support redkathrinee you are trash.
There is no second option and no opting out. If you give her reblogs, likes, money, you are absolute trash. *
*- this does not apply to those who previously supported her before finding out she was absolute transphobic shit. Only to those who know and continue to support her.
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ex-terf-anti-terf · 2 years
Hey, I'm a former TRA who certainly gets called a terf online from time to time. When I was shifting from "tra" to "terf" i ran a semi popular ask a former terf™️ blog to cope with the guilt i felt after making so make of my personality "fuck terfs" for so long, so everytime I see an "ex terf" blog i feel the need to interact, if out of nothing but genuine curiosity.
I've read through some of your blog and you don't seem as much like the usual "person faking having had been a terf" that pops up so I'm very interested in asking a few questions about you and why you've ended up here,,
A lot of what you say about these communities is fair. When others are getting into radical feminism, I encourage it of course but I tell them absolutely NOT to try to join social media communities because they're batshit and full of "gender critical" conservatives who literally do not give a fuck about women in the first place, much less actual gender abolition, like they literally just think they belong because some radlib called them a terf over something they did that was transphobic. There's an overall lack of gatekeeping in any of these circles which is part of why they've gone to shit imo, but I think an ever bigger proponent is the word terf being used to describe SO many people, that the term altogether has changed shape and expanded to include many peoplewho are far from actuallytrans exclusionary. I've observed this phenomena that comes as a result, in which of course radfems who are trans exclusionary insist that you can't have female liberation without trans exclusion when you're 'radicalizing', but on the flipside the "tras" insist that radical feminism, or sometimes just generally any type of feminism is actually "terfy" and participating makes you a "terf". 10 years ago it wasn't like this, and I really do feel that we're in a state where people more or less force you to "pick a side" whether or not you fully agree with those on either "side". The "TRA movement is so chocked full of homophobia, sexism, racism, and even retroactive transphobia imo. But the radfems are in a position where many don't gatekeep out these gendercrits, so I end up getting a different form of also homophobia, sexism, racism, transphobia etc. I simply feel that actual radfeminism, as in based on the theory and then adjusted unto a modern context, is the best path I can take. I am a radical feminist because I think that the theory is more solid than any of the other stuff out there, even if the communities make me irrate. And when I compare them side by side, the stuff that "terf" communities have done that I think are fucked up are lesser than the things that the "tra" community has done.
I actually lost the main question I initially wanted to ask in this and more or less just expressed a though that I'd been expressing for a long time. I suppose I am wondering, if you had recognized many of the issues in the TRA community before, but also still have a lot of radfem beliefs, why did you end up here and targeting this topic? Did you have an ex tra blog before? Why are you here, and not a casual rad who regularly critiques the community that calls themselves terfs even when they're not radical feminists, or even by any means libfems? Maybe this should've been a dm instead lol but o well
Thank you for sharing this with me! Lemme just answer these in order.
Why do I run a blog for ex TERFs?
I still have heavy criticisms of TRAs and I don’t really engage with trans communities in general. However, I was — as I’ve said many times on this blog — abused and traumatized by TERFs for over a year. Since I left I’ve met other ex-TERFs and discovered that that’s not an uncommon experience. So I created a blog to bring hope to people who are also being abused and traumatized by TERFs.
Did I have an ex-TRA blog before?
No, because I was never a TRA (and I’m still not). Like I said I don’t really engage with trans communities, just individual trans people. I would never consider myself a TRA (for several reasons, one of which being that I consider it to be a mildly offensive term) and I also don’t usually get called a TRA by FITs because I’m not a fourteen-year-old with a million xenogenders. I’m a grown-ass adult with critical thinking skills and I have opinions that are more complex and nuanced than fit into one prescribed label.
Why did I choose to repurpose this blog instead of leaving it like it was and just criticizing both sides?
Well, I am honestly deeply ashamed of some of the shit I said on this blog when I was deep I to radical feminism. I had to delete my posts because I recognized the harm I had done to many people — not just trans people but people of color, and even other disabled folks and women. The least I could do to remedy that was to remove the posts, the absolute bare minimum. I still criticize both communities, or I do my best to. The longer I’m out of radfem communities the less and less I agree with their politics on anything, and I’m starting to uncover in therapy that most of the opinions I retained from radical feminism were a trauma response, born out of a sense of fear, and that I don’t truly believe most of them.
On that note, though, feel free to DM me! I’d love to keep talking with you.
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kiefbowl · 4 years
here's what I think happens around here in "radblr". Okay so like something will happen that will send a wave of peaking, and all these new girls and women are super energized to consume as much internet culture as possible around the mysterious ~radical feminism, especially since so many of them have been actively denying themselves even the possibility of looking at any "terf" blogs. So then they unblock all these blogs, and they don't really know how to find radical feminism blogs so they just start looking at any high profile blogs that are "know terfs", right? But a lot of those blogs are not always high profile because they write constant qaulity analysis and engage in meaningful discourse, some of us just happen to have some pretty funny posts that got popular. and then these funny posts end up on alllll our blogs and then all these new comers who know 0 things about radical feminism all perceive "radblr" as this big group of terf women and we all know each other and are all good friends and mutuals making these funny posts when really any woman who breathes is a terf now, and then you get these outsiders who will drop wild anons in a random feminist/lesbian/radfem/woman's inbox (because she's a """terf""") assuming this woman can teach her radical feminism and that she's in the Know and has the Knowledge, even if it's a topic this woman has never once posted about, because these peaked girls and women are consuming these new blogs and new content at breakneck speeds to try to catch up and all these blogs start running together and we all seem to be in a club and know each other, and then this woman is being asked this intense question and she takes a stab at it and sometimes she does well but sometimes she a) exposes she doesn't really have a radical perspective on the issue b) gives a take that is radical but not "well known" b/c it has nothing to do with trans that becomes completely controversial c) has her whole ass out cause she reveals she's really actually a racist, homophobic, fascist piece of shit, and then tumblr combusts for like a week b/c 99% of us do not actual know each other lmao.....anyway supplement your rad tumblr experience with books and irl female relationships and take a hot bath once in awhile
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tirfnotterf · 3 years
so im starting to like the label of trans inclusive radical feminist as I like a lot of the original tenants of rad feminism but dont vibe with the terfs that occupy the space now. I'm not completely anti sex work though, I think prostitution and porn is okay but only if we can somehow regulate it IMMENSELY. The current porn industry is very fucked and I am totally against it. I just dont think it needs to be eliminated completely, just the system changed to the point where it's no long harmful to women. is this hypocritical?
Hi anon! Sorry it took me so long to reply to you!
I used to think like this. I don't think it's hypocritical per say, I think your intentions are from a good place. But the goal of radical feminists is to radically change the position of women in society. How exactly can we reform the porn industry in a way that isn't misogynistic? Even women who aren't trafficked are being exploited. If a women 'consents' to being in porn because she has no other options to survive financially, that's not consent it's coercion. Even for the few (mostly western) women who have an onlyfans as a side hustle for extra cash and don't necessarily need to do it to survive, it is still extremely questionable and misogynistic. Even among these women who claim to do it just because they want to and aren't being trafficked or coerced, the majority do not make that much. Onlyfans makes all the profit. Furthermore, porn promotes unrealistic standards for women's bodies and expectations of women during sex, as well as increasingly extreme and violent kinks where women are physically and verbally abused and degraded. The more of this content people consume, the more desensitized they become to it, leading to them seeking out more extreme violent content overtime.
Even putting all this aside, let's say we were able to reform it in a way where violent content was no longer created, pimps and male corporate elites weren't making the profits and nobody was being coerced or trafficked. The ideology is still incredibly misogynistic. Let's take a step back and examine why is it that the majority of sex workers are female while the majority buying sex / consuming porn are male? Doesn't this inherently say something about how women are seen in society? Doesn't it communicate that women are objects that exist for the consumption of men? The argument that it is simply like any other job because all labour is unethical under capitalism doesn't hold up because in sex work, the women is not just an employee providing a service or product, her body IS the product being bought and sold. And if she withdraws consent by quitting, those images and videos are still going to exist, be consumed and be spread without her consent.
Hope this answers your question and I'm glad to hear you're getting into radical feminism! Good for you! ❤
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aro-culture-is · 4 years
terf spotting part 2
okay, so I figured it’s time to upgrade your terf-spotting toolbox. Pro-tip: apply these to EVERY POST ABOUT FEMINISM and you'll catch 90% of the TERFs on your dashboard
binary language is the biggest red flag. if a post refers to only men/women, you need to check it. seriously. anything that has “men are like...” “while women are...” is so so likely to be a terf.
check the urls. a huge amount of these assholes are obvious. look for words like “rad”, “womyn/wombyn”, “terf”, “female”, anything related to vulva/vagina/etc, and to a lesser degree goddesses, typically named, such as aphrodite or artemis
step one: look at their description.
does it include terf, swerf, radfem, tradfem, gender critical, nonbinary skeptic, or anything like that? at minimum they’re a transphobe. swerfs are very rarely not transphobic but like... do you really think they’re better than terfs? it’s just a slightly different pathway into being a terf usually. also, 2nd wave feminism = feminism minus trans acceptance (this is simplified). if they’re a “2nd wave feminist” they’re transphobic.
if it seems to give off a huge “women are superior” vibe, that’s more suspicious than not. words like misandrist pop up, and it might seem innocent to someone who isn’t used to terf-hunting
lastly, if anything else flags your attention, take note. a lot of “baby radfems” so to speak are exclus or mention “cishet” in the aphobic way.
step two: search their blog
whatever words you think will give you an idea of their attitude, look for that. common: “trans”, “transgender”, “gender”, “radical feminism”, “feminism”, “terf safe”, etc are tags you can check. if tumblr refuses to search for whatever reason, skip to step two and a half
look at the posts with a critical eye. sometimes this is easy - they reblog a transphobic comment that is easy to recognize as such (esp if you are trans. cis people, i’ll list more ways to recognize it), comment it, etc. sometimes, this is harder. does every post not directly imply transphobia, but constantly criticize trans people? hmm. what could that imply? (hint: transphobia) does every post involving a trans person talk down to them, describe them as confused, refer to how sad transitioning is, etc? or maybe there’s a shocking number of posts about detransitioning with some “good” looking sources? (detransitioning is, statistically, almost always because the person in question experienced so much transphobia after beginning to transition that they stopped for their safety. most of these link to a shitty study that labeled non-answers as detransitioned people). be critical of patterns.
step two and a half: searching for transphobia didn’t give a clear answer
if searching didn’t clunk out, look for other bigotry; these people rarely choose one minority to hate. often they tend to want a straight/gay only view of the world, so biphobia, panphobia, queerphobia, aphobia, and such are other avenues to check. search terms relating to those - “bi”, “pansexual”, “queer”, “asexual” - and read them critically. ask yourself what tendencies are shown in these posts.
if searching clunked out: try briefly scrolling through their blog. the easy avenue is that they reblog from a variety of blogs that do have these sorts of things clearly labelled - if every post includes a url that you’d want to check according to step one, it’s safe to assume this is a feminism to terf pipeline blog. 
if nothing continues to jump out, decide where your instincts lie - if you’re wary despite this, don’t reblog a post they’re in! 
step three: do something about it
okay, they’re a bigot. now what?
if there are other people on the post who seem suspicious, and there often are, do this for each. you’ll get good at doing it quick.
you’re gonna take a deep breath with me first. try breathing in for a count of 4 (however fast you want), hold for 4, out for 4, and hold for 4. repeat 4 times. 
you’re gonna send this post to whoever reblogged it via messaging / asks / submit if you can, and tell them what you found. ask if they can delete it, or if you’re a little concerned about the person you’re sending it to, leave it with that. see how they respond. if you’re feeling especially brave, ask them to do the same for the person they reblogged it from. destroy the distribution of the words of a terf at their source.
hopefully they delete it or offer to - if they don’t, ask if you didn’t, and if they refuse, be cautious. don’t assume they’re transphobic or get defensive - explain that this is how transphobes on tumblr recruit. they sneak onto posts about feminism to target new feminists and convince them that trans people are destroying feminism, and that it’s important to give them no platform. if someone consistently gives transphobes a platform to speak on. as a trans person, I will assume that you are not an ally at best and one of them at worst. feel free to quote me on that. 
if they delete it - great! good job :) offer resources like this post if they seem friendly and genuinely interested in no-platforming transphobes
if they don’t - okay. you’ve got a decision here. check their blog from step one first, and unfollow and block them if needed. if it seems like this is the only type of suspicious post, go with your instinct. unfollow for your health, send it directly to whoever they reblogged it from and see if you can bridge that gap, or a bunch of other options. do what you think is best, but NEVER send threats, never send messages from a place of anger, and never interact with someone who drains you on tumblr. 
This is a basic formula I follow, and it works pretty damn well. If you have the Shinigami eyes extension for chrome or firefox, right click on the bigoted post where their username is, or on their title if the description speaks for itself, and mark them as transphobic. exercise caution - if you are a minor, don’t interact with blogs you aren’t comfortable interacting with especially. 
and remember: posts about feminism are where they hide. feminism =/= good if it’s transphobic garbage masquerading as feminism now. 
if you are someone who used to be in some way transphobic or otherwise bigoted, please double check your blog for those posts, delete them, and post that you did so because you no longer agree with those views. 
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the-ghost-king · 3 years
Hey im kinda new to Tumblr and im scared that im accidentally going to reblog something not knowing it was from a TERF/MAP/Homophobe, etc, so can i have a few names to block? thanks <33
Oh you'll know, don't worry!
Every other post will be misgendering a trans person, saying sex work is inherently oppressive, men are abusive and can't be anything better, and they're center their feminism in a very specific way! On top of that, if you follow a terf, you'll get a lot of similarly recommended terf blogs, if that's who they follow :/
Keep an eye out for words like "radfem", "gender-critical", "dysphoric woman", etc. Also, just because some uses pronouns besides she/her, uses a label specifically relating to transgenders (xenogender, mogai labels, etc) doesn't mean they're not a terf.
Worst case scenario, search through someone's tags for the words: trans, gender, transgender, pronouns, and other similar things.
There are always crypto-terfs, I do my best to avoid blogs that have the word "rad", "radical", "critical", or other similar variants in their title unless they are loudly outspoken about trans rights (sometimes people use urls from a specific group to keep that group from owning those urls). On top of that terfs/radfems will use words like "woman", "women", "womyn" and various other spellings, as well as "feminism" or words relating to it (obviously you can't hard block anyone with woman or feminism in their URL or bio, you'll accidentally block a lot of good people, so you have to dig a little more here).
Here's a good post on recognizing crypto-terfs, @/nothorses is generally a really good blog for trans issues, most specifically trans masculine issues, and I'm a huge fan of all of his posts tbh... He reblogged a post a while ago about recognizing crypto-terfs (months ago) but I can't seem to find it right now, so I apologize for that!
Sometimes people have "secret terf side blogs" so if you follow a blog and suddenly get recommended a bunch of terf accounts- you'll have to figure out who you've recently followed.
As for homophobes, in all my years on Tumblr I've only ever come across 2, and I assure you the community on Tumblr does a good job of taking care of them, so I wouldn't worry yourself there.
As for pedophiles, I've never necessarily found one, I've found a few "ex-pedos" (again Tumblr people handle them quite sufficiently) but never anyone actively praying on children with sexual intent... I'm sure they exist, but from what I understand they stick to their own little corner reblogging map positivity posts or whatever the fuck they do idk... Avoid people who call them MAPs or PEARs, they're pedophiles and they should be referred to as such.
Also, getting involved with any of these groups, you'll notice a certain way they argue things and a certain way they talk, as well as certain slang vocabulary they use. You'll get a lot easier at recognizing who's who, also don't feel bad if you don't get a terf... Maybe you block someone who isn't a terf but has a one weird post they reblogged from one unknowingly? Just block them too it's not a big deal! If you go on block sprees (sometimes I'll spend a half hour straight up just blocking terfs) you'll quickly notice which blogs have the most followers, because lots of different blogs tie back to their blog.
Also if someone is doing something extremely wrong, shifty, or discriminatory- report their blog and the post. Don't send them an anon, don't watch for more posts, just report and move on. Tumblr has a "does this discriminate based on gender identity?" clause in their report section, just say that it discriminates based on gender identity and harms trans people.
Hopefully that helps some! I don't do block lists, and I apologize for that but it's not something personally comfortable with considering I don't know who's behind any specific blog and what they're going to do or what they're going to receive. That's not to say I think you're a bad person, it's just to say I don't know you we'll enough to know what actions you might take.
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dumbassacademia · 4 years
Tumblr media
hey folks! i just wanted to clarify this post a little! (i would’ve just reblogged it but tumblr is a bitch so it wasn’t letting me do that soooo screenshot) 
i am Not making this post for the sake of the terfs who interacted with that original post, bc frankly i really don’t care all that much what they think of me. i’m making it for all my followers bc i don’t want there to be any misunderstanding about what i meant by this 
the way the terfs who have been reblogging this read it: “I like everything that terfs post including their rhetoric but the term ‘terf’ makes me feel like i’m breaking some type of social contract so i can’t follow them” 
that’s so completely not what this post meant. 
it takes so little for me to follow a blog tbh. i skim a few posts, i look at the bio, and i follow. unless like the top 10 posts are actively terf rhetoric i often don’t realize and just follow 
and then the “radical feminism” thing-this post was meant to be poking fun at myself and the way i talk. i say stuff like “sick” and “rad” and “dope” all the time. the slang i use is mixed from like a ton of different decades because i’m ridiculous like that. what i was saying there is that i don’t read it as “radical feminist” the way that term is actually meant, i read it as like “cool feminist” or “feminism is cool” and i get excited and follow before i think about what they actually meant by that 
i’ve also gotten some stuff that’s like “you don’t have to unfollow them just bc they’re a terf if you like their other posts” but like...i don’t like to follow people i don’t like. and if you’re transphobic, i just don’t like you. in the same way that i don’t really want to follow blogs run by people who are misogynistic or racist or homophobic, i don’t want to follow a blog run by someone who is transphobic. 
also! i do know that not all people who call themselves radical feminists Are terfs, i know that that’s just the vibe some people go with, but unless i already know you pretty well, i don’t know which way you mean it, and i’m not willing to take the risk 
but yeah this was supposed to be a lighthearted post about my own mind and the way i process information in a kind of silly, sometimes slow way, and it spiraled out of control, and maybe y’all already understood what i meant by it and i didn’t have to make this explanation post, but i wanted to anyway just in case, bc i don’t want there to be any misconceptions about what it meant or what i value 
if you aren’t cis you are still incredibly valid and my blog is always meant to be a safe space for you and for everyone else 
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Hey, shoutout to the gals who were sending me hate mail last week that now creep on my blog and like/reblog my posts. I see you and I appreciate you.
Know that I didn't take what you said personally or to heart, bc if being called a "dumb bitch" by women I've never met before ruffled my feathers, I wouldn't have created and posted on this blog and go out of my way to reply to your hate mail in a way to piss you off.
Know that, if you agreed with me the whole time, but called me out and sent me hate mail out of fear for being ridiculed and labeled an "evil terf cunt", that I don't think less of you or think you're weak. Humans are social creatures and its ok to be afraid of being ostracized. Just remember that me and my rad sisters are here for you and you're always welcome.
Know that if you didn't know about radical feminism and started discourse with me anyways, only to look at my blog and realize you agree with radfem ideologies, that I appreciate you, and you can message me privately any time.
Know that if you're just curious and had nothing to do with any discourse on this blog, that my inbox is permanently open and I love answering questions.
But, just as a reminder to those who use my open inbox and messaging as an opportunity to insult me, my beliefs, and my friends, know this: I don't hate you, and like Bugs Bunny himself, I don't like starting shit but I will finish it.
Until next time, Ciao!
♡ X O X O ♡
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i've been following you for a while, but i only just now went and looked at your personal blog. i'm shocked by the amount of radical feminism you engage in, especially because on this blog you have discussed gender identity, presentation, and helped trans people before. please be honest on this blog so people who want to avoid terfs can do so. do you support trans people, or not?
I have to justify my feminism on here when I’ve been, as you say, respectful to trans issues? Whatever, let’s get this over with. There is a BYF on my personal blog that I think quite plainly states my position:
“- I am a rad-leaning feminist
- Trans women are women, trans men are men.
- Against cotton-ceiling rhetoric and any other arguments that rely on rape culture to accuse someone of prejudice.
- I do not support rhetoric that shields abusers or rapists for being a part of a minority group, especially when it attacks survivors telling their truth.
- Fighting traditional sexism that assumes women have vaginas and are inferior for having them (abortion, fgm, sex trafficking, gendered socialization) is not incompatible with fighting and understanding transmisogyny and supporting trans women as women.”
That means I think it’s horrorific rhetoric to suggest that lesbians are required to be in a relationship and sleep with trans lesbians to be politically correct. I have always maintained since before the birth of Terf as a term that no women has to have sex with anyone to prove their politics. These days that’s enough to be labeled a terf.
I also don’t think female women have any kind of privilege related to our gender. Whether you’re a woman from birth or a trans woman, our gender does not have privilege. Cis isn’t a privilege when your a woman. Which to me means that while it’s important for women not to be transphobic, it’s important for trans people to not be sexist. For me to date to assert this truth is another view point enough to label me a terf.
Also what matters is the content of my blog not who I reblog from. Are there disgustingly transphobic posts on my personal blog? Absolutely not. I avoid generally avoid the radfems who aggressively call trans women males. I will never condone or agree with that.
I know many of you truly feel like terfs are the evil you need to stop, but the idea the terfs are as evil as Nazi’s is really just classic misogyny. It’s so much easier to attack women. Women are generally viewed as a loving and nurturing gender. When we don’t act like that, we are punished dearly for it. Being a terf these days seems to be more about attacking women for not being perfect than going after actual transphobia. Last time I checked whenever I read about a trans woman being murdered, a cis man was responsible. And yet zealous feminists misgendering trans women are the genocidal ones. Really?
Did any of you ever stop and think how much you are attacking and hurting women for the talking about their oppression is fucked up? How cis men get a pass over and again, but man it’s those terfs you got to watch out for. Even though it’s men that have killed your trans sisters. But no, your more worried about who I follow.
I get the pressures to conform in society, and some of you have really done a great job of scaring female women into not talking about feminism in the way it effects them for fear of being called a terf. I don’t say this lightly, you’ve created a real witch hunt to shut up women talking about their vaginas. You’ve done nothing for the cause of trans people, you’ve just essentially attacked the minority gender because it’s easier. It’s always easier to go after women, like this new Ok Karen bullshit that once again ignores men as a primary cause and perpetrators of all kinds of bigotry.
At the end of the day I’m a disabled butch lesbian. I have been on the receiving end of genuine transphobia (questioning if I belong in a bathroom) and I will stand against it gladly. I have never had any problem with trans people I have a problem with misogyny.
A lot of you have said you appreciate the way I see things, I really hope you can understand the nuance here. I don’t have anything against trans people and will never suggest otherwise. I have a problem with attacking women and calling it activism. You want to know something? Transmisogyny can’t exist without good ol fashion misogyny.
I know this post is going to get me attacked, and I’ll get hate for this. That’s what’s happened to my real life friend on this site for having the audacity to be a de-transitioner and settling on a butch lesbian identity. But I’m mature enough to deal with it and stick to my guns.
If you truly think my assertation of certain feminist beliefs automatically makes me a terf despite having a history on this blog of being respectful of trans issues, you can go. I really don’t care to have people follow me who feel like my vagina is a constant threat to trans people and want to dictate who I can and can’t reblog from. I’m not going to be bullied that way.
I won’t respond to this post, as I refuse to have this fight in my blog. This is my stance, take it or leave.
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Happy lesbian visibility day!
it's lesbian visibility day! let's all take some time to remember that talk of "lesbian erasure" "lesbians are becoming forgotton" "least visible letter of acronym" "female biology" and more are radfem dogwhistles and should not be propagated. mentions of lesbians as a whole standing in opposition to "porn culture" or against sex/sexual related things (as opposed to saying we reject the male gaze), are also notorious radfem takes. Anti queer post should also be examined carefully. Not all posts like this will be made by self identified radical feminists. It's important to spot the ideology.
radical feminism is exclusionary, fascist in nature, and inherently hateful. it has no place in celebrations of women who love each other.
Things to look out for in posts, tags, urls, etc.:
terf, swerf, rad, radical, gender critical, PIV, focus on sex organs, focus on gentalia, compulsory heterosexuality, beratements of kink, implications that women are unable to consent to sex (if it's not vanilla sex with a cis woman), mentions of lesbians being erased or endangered (especially when explicitly blamed on another queer group such as aces or trans people), and more.
feel free to add on!
Happy Lesbian Visibility Day!
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discyours · 5 years
Hey, so i'm a trans man who's been "truscum" since he came out (2011) idk what that community is doing right now but i've always preferred "Transmedicalist" instead anyway because it sounds less dicourse-y. I've been reading more radfem and rad-leaning blogs lately (gone from the "Arielle scarcella is a terf >:(" brigrade to not believing that anymore and actually liking her. my views are better these days.) I am just wondering, I see so many rad/leaning blogs of trans men who appear /1of2
to have some sort of connection to women(/females)? Like there’s a shared experience, not just literally from initially living life as female like we all do, but it almost sounds like some sort of deep connection/understanding? IDK, am I read into it wrong? I’ve just never felt any connection like that, things to do with women seem so foreign to me. tldr; is this a universal feeling most trans men have and it’s just me who’s weird, or is it just a feeling exclusive to the rad circles? Or? /2of2
Excuse the crude comparison, but most people who grow up female go through an “I’m not like the other girls” phase. Maybe over liking videogames, or being good at math, or not caring that much about their appearance. Even girls who are stereotypically feminine may feel this way, because unlike the other girls they do have thoughts about more than just shopping and boys. The reason this is such a near universal experience is because of misogyny. Most girls realise at some point that they can’t relate to the one dimensional way that women are often portrayed, but don’t know how to deal with it except by concluding that they must simply be different than all other women. 
I feel like trans men go through an extreme version of this. Some radfems believe that that’s the entire reason we transition, but that’s offensive to me and I strongly disagree. What I mean is that we rarely hear about women who experience dysphoria. We rarely hear about women who don’t feel at home in their bodies, whose issue with theirs isn’t that they wish they were more attractive to men. Even when we grow up and gain some ability to connect with people like us, all we hear about dysphoria is that it’s the reason we’re not women, the reason we can’t connect with women. 
Radical feminism, aside from giving me the ability to relate over the lived experiences almost all females have, finally introduced me to the fact that there are women like me. There are women who feel the same dysphoria, women who look like me, even women who transitioned who still consider themselves to be women. There’s still a lot I can’t relate to in most women, but the idea that there’s this thing that universally “others” me is gone. I do think most radfem trans men go through this realisation in some degree (and most non-radfems don’t, to answer your question), but it takes time and that’s completely okay. It’s not something you have to do, just a natural, gradual result of learning more about the women society never told you about. 
If you want to learn more (and again, you don’t have to) I’d recommend reading blogs like @detransbutch, @tejuina, @crashchaoscats, @destroyyourbinder and @bone-jar 
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peakblr · 5 years
rad asks: 3, 10, 16
ah hey!!!!!! thanks for asking 💕💐 sorry this took so long
3. Are there any parts of radical feminism, or beliefs commonly hold by radical feminists that you strongly disagree with?
im actually having a hard time answering this ahshskshdlska i wrote a really long rambly response but i ended up justifying what i was describing as disagreeing with LOL so like. idk no widely held radfem beliefs are coming to mind, sorry im just as disappointed as you are shdkshdlsjds i hope this doesnt sound sheepish or anything. So i’ll say what i do agree with, which won’t come as a surprise to anyone probably.
i’m anti porn, i think porn should be illegal, should not exist and all of it should be destroyed, pornstars should be given justice and compensated somehow for the govt allowing this shit, and all pornographers should be considered lower than dirt and killed publicly LOL. and i don’t feel bad about that, they don’t feel bad about filming rape and selling it, having the pornstars they abuse lie about how they love it when asked. i feel the same way abt prostitutes and their pimps, that paid consent is not consent and pimps can all drop dead.
i’m all for separatism, no it would not stop men from being men, but it would save women and girls a lot of grief, hurt and scarring.
i think gender isn’t real, is used to oppress women and helps no one, and that id rather it be abolished than exist to validate some people who like gender roles, ackshully.
ive been agnostic for a long time; my mom and my brother are atheists, my dad is a deist. but i will sooner believe that the creator of everything is female, having given birth to the universe than a male. A man’s involvement in creation is his ejaculation. No more, no less. life does not begin in the testicles, or you wouldnt see all this anti abortion stuff, you would see more anti male masturbation stuff–if it weren’t mostly about using women as incubators, lol. that being said i’m pro choice clearly.
i am anti surrogacy, for similar reasons. same sex couples should absolutely be allowed to adopt, but no one has the right to have a baby except the woman who can use her own uterus for her own baby. even with infertile women, there is no justification for paying another women to rent out her uterus.
i currently am not vegan but i admire the ideas behind it, and i see the similarities between how animals and women are treated. i do know however that those who are farming this produce are not necessarily treated well either. disclaimer i know literally jack shit about it so i can’t really speak much for it either way at this moment.
i know there are trans identified, detransitioned or reidentified females who don’t like words like “mutilation” to describe the surgeries they have had to remove their breasts or to alter their privates to mimic penises, and while i don’t insist on mutilation being the word used, i don’t see how it is inaccurate and i find it hard to talk about it in a positive light, less i be endorsing that women get these surgeries to ease their discomfort with their bodies. that being said i don’t want tifs or detransitioned/reidentified women to beat themselves up and constantly regret it. it is not their fault that they were made to be so disconnected from their bodies. they did not want that, and with the trans movement there were not a lot of people telling them that there are other ways besides transitioning to deal with these feelings. i don’t see how this can be hard to believe seeing as we call it the trans cult all the time, which is an accurate name by the way.
i like the alternative spellings of woman and women. womyn, wombyn, wimmin, womxn, a mon, wom or whatever it is. i don’t currently use them myself but i love them and i don’t care how “stupid” you think it is. you know whats stupid??? the words “trans woman,” “trans man,” and “nonbinary.” “Cis woman.” yeah ill take wombyn any day rather than agree that i “identify” as a woman for not subscribing to the transgender religion.
political lesbianism is shitty, i understand some straight women don’t wanna be celibate, but dating lesbians to stick it to the men and not because you love that lesbian is selfish i think. if youre bisexual then you are also not a lesbian but by all means be a febfem or just a bisexual who does not fuck with men.
prostitution will never be empowering. make up, nails, impractical clothes, revealing clothes is not empowering, having men think you are sexy or fuckable is not empowering. you are not “doing it for yourself.” “Poly” relationships are not empowering or woke, making yourself more accessable sexually to men is not empowering in the same way that it empowers men to have sex with multiple women.
idk ive been writing this for a million years but thats some things off the top of my head that i know i Do agree with, i know that wasnt the question but i still wanted to say something lol. i realize now this answered multiple questions from that ask post so im sorry if anyone else thought of asking those things that i answered LOL
10. What’s your relationship with the term “terf”?
ah! i do jokingly call myself that occasionally, you can see it right there on my about page. but in all seriousness it’s horseshit and goes to show how narcissistic the trans movement is. I see people, newly self described radfems who haven’t figured out what the point of it all is, who try to say “there’s a difference between terfs and radfems! You can be radfem and trans inclusive!” or whatever. To which I say, 
these are not two separate groups. Actual radfems are called trans exclusionary because they don’t think men who identify as women can be oppressed by women, and that having been born as a woman is not a privilege, regardless of how that woman identifies. 
radfems aren’t even trans exclusive, really. While there are many detransitioned, reidentified women, there are also many who have transitioned and intend to stay that way, or who are even transitioning currently for their own reasons and comfort, while still confronting their womanhood and how they have been affected or are effected by being a woman in our society as well as how transitioning is dangerous. it’s male exclusive more than anything, and rightfully so. any problems men have are created by other men, and as one user on here put it, feminism should not be “all lives matter.” 
i forgot to say this initially but being “trans inclusive” is interpreted by some to mean “trans endorsing,” that being trans is an innate thing just like homosexuality, that brain sex is real, and that there is nothing wrong with trans identified females getting surgeries they don’t need on perfectly healthy genitals, or getting hormones they otherwise wouldn’t naturally have that have life altering side effects. otherwise i would be called trans exclusive. LOL. so it really does not mean anything, ultimately.
16. How do you feel about the terms TIF/TIM?
i think they’re great. it says exactly what it means. it is much more appropriate than trans man or trans woman, and it makes it easier to talk about them with a little less word salad. the term trans man others tifs from females, and the term trans woman others tims from males. this is problematic. there is nothing differing tifs from females and tims from males outside of the fact that they are trans identified. the only differences they may have are if they have surgically and or hormonally transitioned, but it is not enough difference to make them the opposite sex, nor does it erase male or female socialization, and the benefits or consequences of being a man or a women, respectively. i worded this a lot better when i saved this draft last but tumblr seemingly ate it LOL so thats a drag. but yeah. tif/tim is great. i don’t think it should be offensive, there is nothing insulting or cruel about it. at best it is “invalidating.”
thank you for sending me these!!!! i’m sorry if my answers were unsatisfactory or hard to understand lmao i edited a lot of fluffy blabbering out of my responses believe it or not. i hope you’ve had a great day and that you’re having a lovely night 💌🌻😊
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radicalmommyxx · 5 years
1 for the rad asks
1. Who/what introduced me to radical feminism
Ok, so, this is going to be a bit long. Here we go:
I started out with Tumblr back in late 2010. It started out because someone I had crush on moved to this site, and I wanted to be close to them, so it was just for aesthetics and then some Supernatural for a bit. Then around 2013 I started to notice the whole TRA thing. It started out fine and understandable- trans people exist, face a unique set of issues, and deserve rights and protections. I pretty much still agree with that, but with a more critical mindset. Back around this time, there was no denial of biology or coercing of lesbians and gay men. At least not that I saw. 
Anyways, around late 2013 I am getting into camming and tumblr was huge for that. I was exposed to so many libfems and fell into that trap- it was the proverbial frog in a pot of water. Eventually after getting better financial and having sex work take a huge mental toll, I leave tumblr and SJW?TRA shit behind. I actually hit a mini ‘peak’ with the TRA movement around then. I saw a bunch of TRAs attack a blog dedicated to rape survivors (I think it was called selfcareafterrape or something like that) after the people who ran the blog told someone who had a trauma-based aversion to penises that it’s 100% ok and normal to feel that way, and if they never wanted to have sex with a penis that’s fine. I was shocked they would call a rape survivor transphobic. That’s also when the violence against terfs became normal and ‘okay’. Which always made me feel...bad inside. This was around late 2015, if I recall correctly. 
A  year and a half or so passes, and by this time I moved on to reddit. I give birth at 20 in summer of 2017 to a baby girl, and this reignites my passion for feminism, so I start exploring again. I ended up finding r/gendercritical on accident, after trying to find some info on anti-porn feminism (since I came from libfem and was a sex worker, it was weird how much I hated porn and how it wrecked my mental health and how everyone seems to love it). So I read and I see their stance on trans people, and it freaks me out, so I leave that tab on my phone. A few months later, I find it again, and read with a more open mind. And, to my surprise, I agree...it makes sense. It expressed what I had been feeling for so long, but couldn’t put into words. Then I deep dived and embraced radical feminism, read as much as I could/can, rejected femininity, grew a spine, and enrolled in school in a field that actually ties in really well with being a radical feminist. 
TL;DR: tumblr exposed me, reddit educated me.
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