#tears of the kingdom oneshot
luckthebard · 1 year
Excited to see the ways in which weird video game physics and mechanics and glitches make their way into tonight’s Zelda oneshot, a la the Elden Ring Horse Stack.
I’m personally hoping all weapons break after 3 hits, for authenticity.
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
Robbie representing every gamer everywhere: *running but also inexplicably tucking and rolling every two feet* "I'VE HEARD THIS IS A FASTER WAY TO TRAVEL"
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dashtozadash · 1 year
I mean, if matt gives them a zonai cannon they technically could make a super big gun
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looniez · 1 year
thinking about link going back to hateno after the upheaval and as soon as he’s through the door he’s so bothered by the incessant silence without zelda’s rambling and laughter and the table is still set for them for when they got home and there’s traces of her literally everywhere and he just lays in his and zelda’s bed and cries because he feels like he failed her again hahhahaaaa im so normal im so normal im so nor
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fioreofthemarch · 11 months
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pairing: Link/Zelda Words: 880 [✨read the oneshot's two companion pieces: yearnings and kin]
The first thing Link began to wonder about the Light Dragon – once his tears for her ran dry and his grief made room for a growing curiosity – was whether she ever got hungry.
In her previous life, she’d had a utilitarian relationship with food. Link had cooked all manner of dishes for her, and each one she would eat in a straight-forward, disciplined manner, dutifully setting about tidying up once she was done. If he asked what her favourite meal was, she’d say, ‘All of them!’
Now, it was possible that dragons didn’t need to eat. Immortality, its terribleness aside, probably had benefits like that. The question was, would they want to?
Link hadn’t paid the Light Dragon much mind during his travels. Dragons seemed to be ten a rupee these days, arising out of chasms, swimming over villages, winding through canyons and so on. Now that he had learned who the Light Dragon really was – telling himself he’d known for a long time to muffle the anguished guilt he felt at not having known right away – he had begun to track her movements. Occasionally, she would break her kingdom-spanning flight path to spend a few hours circling the skyward Temple of Time. It was there that he waited for her now.
“Zelda, I’ve come to make your favourite,” he called up to the Light Dragon from the roof of the temple, unsure if she’d heard. Undeterred, he set up a cookpot and began, sauteeing a dozen apples in a hefty amount of goat butter – this being the only meal Zelda had ever requested of him, maybe two winters ago on a freezing evening camped somewhere in Hebra. She’d said if she had one wish, it’d be a hot buttered apple, and with pride Link had made that wish come true.
At first, the Light Dragon didn’t seem to notice him. He considered hitting her with an apple-fused arrow to get her attention, but was worried he’d discover, in retaliation, that dragons had a taste for humans. Over the course of an hour however, she circled lower and lower towards the temple and the cookpot, until she gently touched down, her body wound around the outer perimeter of the roof. She rested her head by the cookpot, a huge bright eye fixed directly on Link. He froze, unsure if she was really in there, and also what the proper etiquette would be when dining with a dragon. As if in answer, she sniffed at the pot of apples. Taking one in hand, Link offered it slowly out to her; she sniffed it again and opened her mouth just enough for him to push the apple between her teeth. In astonishment Link watched as the otherworldly creature munched carefully on the apple and opened her toothy jaws for a second.
Half a dozen more he fed her this way and each one she ate faster, opening her mouth wider to demand more. By now the supply of savoury-sweet apples was running low. “I’ve only got a couple left, Zelda, but I can come back—”
Chomp! The Light Dragon snapped its jaws down around the cook pot, sending apples flying in all directions. Link reached up and grabbed the edge of the pot, trying to yank it free. “Stop! You can’t eat this! Let go!”
Then he was falling, relinquished from the Light Dragon’s teeth when she roared, and he landed on the gravel just before the cookpot landed on him. He cried out in pain, and in response the Light Dragon recoiled, drawing up into herself, the roof shingles crunching under her claws. 
Dusting himself off, Link set about collecting the apples, finding them flung across the roof and soiled with gravel. With a sigh, he prepared to throw them into the cooking fire when, at his side, something soft nudged his arm. The Light Dragon, or Zelda, or whatever mix of the two she was, tapped him with the very tip of her snout, having crept back towards him. In Link’s hand was the final apple, mostly intact. The Light Dragon nudged him again, making a low rumbling noise, barely more than a whine. 
“It’s okay, apology accepted,” Link said. “Glad you still like my cooking, old girl.”
Then, the idea coming upon him with a laugh, Link threw the apple as high as he could. There was a tornado of rushing air and dust as the Light Dragon soared upwards, unwrapping herself from temple and launching herself in pursuit of the apple, which she caught with a swift snap of her jaws. Her prize seized, she descended again to fly past Link, so fast he could barely touch her, before rising into the sky and out of reach. Her way of saying thank you, he supposed. 
Later on, returning to the surface and Demon King-shaped task at hand, Link would horde apples by the dozen and spend even his last rupee on goat butter whenever he stopped by a town. From then, he knew that if his grief struck stronger than he could handle, he could return to the Temple of Time with as many apples as he could carry, and dine with Zelda again - just like they once had, in times gone by. 
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frickingnerd · 5 months
the world is (y)ours
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pairing: ganondorf x fem!reader
summary: you love ganon, you really do. but you worry he has gone too far this time...
tags: manipulation, mention of death/murder (nothing graphic), toxic relationship, established relationship
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“w-what… what did you do…?”
you couldn't take your eyes off the ruins of the city. only days ago, this place was a lively city, with dozens of people living in it. but now, it was burned down to ashes. you couldn't even make out what the burned down buildings used to be. and in the middle of all those ruins and ashes stood the man you loved.
“they were in my way, so i got rid of them”
he had his back turned to you and you could only imagine that his eyes were wandering through the remains of the city as well. yet he seemed to feel no remorse.
“they were in your way!?” you stepped forward. “all of them? all those innocent people were in your way? every single one of them?”
ganon didn't reply. because he couldn't. there was nothing he could say to defend himself.
“this…” suddenly, he raised his voice. “this is what we wanted. with this town gone, there's a gap in power. i'll be there to fill it and then we'll–”
before he could finish speaking, your hand met his face. normally, nobody would've been able to land a single hit on him. but he was careless. ganon thought he could let his guard down around you. but clearly, he couldn't.
“this isn't what we wanted! this is what you want! you want to seize control over hyrule! i only wanted to be with you–!!”
you tried to go in for another slap, but this time ganon was prepared. he grabbed your wrist and held your hand up. he was so much taller than you and yet you struggled against him. while you kicked and screamed at him, telling him to let go of you, he barely even bat an eye. there wasn't a single emotion on his face. he looked as calm as ever, until eventually he shoved you against the nearest wall, hands pinned above your head.
“you lost.” he told you calmly.
“no, you lost your way–!!” you screamed back. “you told me we'd be king and queen of hyrule! but not like this! not by killing people and taking those positions by force! this isn't how it was supposed to be… you changed…”
those last two words were barely a whisper, yet ganon heard them so clearly. the grip around your wrist loosened and one of his hands found its way to gently caress your cheek.
“i'm still the man you trust” he reminded you. “being your king was always my dream, my love. i just want us to rule, side by side. don't you want this? don't you want to be with me? don't you want to see me happy?”
you knew this was a trick. he'd have you tell him that you still love and trust him. in the end, you'd be the one apologizing, while he faces no consequences for his actions. because it was always like this. you loved him and you still saw the man he used to be in him. but that man was gone. and yet, you wouldn't stop chasing who he used to be…
“i… i still want to be with you.”
you lowered your head, too ashamed to even look at him. perhaps if you had looked at him, you would’ve seen that sinister smile spreading over his lips, as he spoke:
“i know you'd say that, my love”
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hanayori89 · 6 months
The Hand That Heals
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You were one of the contaminated ones.
The Hylians didn't use words like 'infected' or 'diseased.' Not that those words were much better. No matter what the title was for your malady, they all hurt just the same.
But something about the word 'contaminated' made you feel stark and hopeless.
Infections and diseases often have cures. Something that is tarnished, something that is ruined, is not salvaged; it is just disposed of.
And that's exactly what you felt like.
Which is why you disposed of yourself within the pockets of decaying earth that lay beneath
Hyrule's bedrock known as the depths.
It was your way of throwing yourself away before mobs of frightened citizens attempted to.
The depths were no place for the robust and bright-eyed. Or the 'uncontaminated.'
It wasn't all bad being exiled deep below in the cold and musty undergrounds. Especially since most of Hyrule had been thrown into peril by recent devastating events.
First there was the rise of the highly contagious 'gloom'. Followed by the princess and her loyal knight, who had both mysteriously vanished.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, was the coup being held by the restless Demon King known as Ganondorf.
Yes, you decided the healthy could have their surface; you were quite content existing in isolation, where the only threat was that of you and your gloom germs.
Living in the depths proved challenging for a mere mortal. Your circadian rhythm has been destroyed thanks to the lack of sunlight. Supplies were scarce, causing you to forage  whatever you could find. Mostly mushrooms and glowing cave fish, but hey, fish have omega-3's, right?
The biggest challenge was the constant darkness- a darkness unparalleled to anything you've ever encountered before. Not even the glum of a thick and clouded wilderness or a quiet, uninhabited basement could compare.
You'd never known what it meant to be in the dark before your time in the depths.
They held a darkness that consumed you, making you question if you truly were even alive. Making you question if you ever even were. Part of you grew to appreciate what little the depths revealed, such as the unforgiving side effects of the gloom and how it mutilated you.
The depths did more than just shield you and your contamination from the healthy residents of Hyrule; they protected you from the trauma of what you had become.
But every now and then, when you threw a bright bloom seed or lit a fire, there was a remorseless glow that revealed the way the gloom was devouring you. It only took a single glance at your wiry fingers and the bedizen of ashen knuckles that led to the fungal tint of your nail beds, to be reminded.
You couldn't even begin to imagine the abomination that was now your face.
Before the gloom, you were considered to be beautiful, at least to some. You had thick h/c locks that, if shaved, could easily coat the heads of 50 dolls. Your e/c eyes were striking against your s/c complexion, garnering you an abundance of compliments throughout your life. You had a thicker body, a well-fed one. Your hips were wide thanks to the cheesecake slices you graciously never skipped when offered. But now, thanks to the slim pickings of the depths, your body has taken on a lanky, frail appearance.
You trekked back toward your camp, tossing bright bloom seeds along the way to illuminate your path. You held your breath, listening carefully to your surroundings. The past horrors of trying to navigate the dark and coming face-to-face with a contaminated Lynel left you with a bit of ptsd.
Besides the depths being difficult to traverse thanks to a severe lack of light, they were also a domicile of frightening creatures that had been metamorphosed by the transformative powers of the gloom.
Sometimes you couldn't help but wonder how long it would take before you became one of them.
The bright bloom seeds were a tool that provided enough light to hunt, but not much else. The irony of the depths was that despite the blockade of layers of soil and organic matter preventing the entrance of light, there was a multitude of bright bloom seeds that flourished down here.
Yes, the depths truly were a whole new world. Starting with this darkness, which could easily cause one to mistake hell for heaven. You weren't aware of all the secrets buried within these shadows, and you also knew you weren't too eager to find out.
You breathed a little easier when the comforting flames of your camp came into view. As you lifted your arm, aiming to launch another bright bloom seed, you saw a figure at your camp. The closer you got, the more you recognized the familiar outline of a short, spiny ponytail jutting above the familiar white sheen of a face mask.
"Of all the founding fathers of Hyrule, what is a Yiga buffoon doing down here?" You growled.
Anger propelled you forward; rebellion coursed through your veins and burned like lidocaine on an open wound. You had so very little left, and the desire to protect what little you possessed was fierce. Fish carcasses and mushrooms were strewn around the ground as the Yiga's grubby hands rummaged through your knapsack. In it were pictures of your family and what little rupees you had to your name, should you ever be magically cured of your gloom diagnosis and could return home.
You tackled the Yiga to the ground. "How dare you!" The Yiga screamed. As you gripped his arm, the gloom in your hands incinerated the fabric of his sleeves, branding his flesh with your handprints.
"You bitch!" He stumbled out of your grasp, dropping all of your rupees in the process. One of the photos of your father and mother fell from the knapsack and fluttered downward into the open blaze of your campfire.
You screamed.
You stuck your hand into the fire, wincing as you retrieved the charred photo. The melted faces of your mother and father stared back at you. The photo began to shrivel beneath a small flame that continued to eat it.
You puckered your lips, releasing hefty currents of your breath. You had to blow this fire out.
You just had to.
This photo was one of the few you had that was a memory of when your life was normal. The smiles of your parents were the last visible evidence you had that they loved you before you contracted the gloom.
With a sickle in hand, the Yiga sprinted toward you, hollering a bunch of muffled expletives you couldn't hear well thanks to his ridiculous mask.
As you braced for impact, the Yiga fell face first in the dirt before your feet. An arrow protruded from his back.
He had been shot.
You fell to your knees, holding the destroyed photo, where your parents' faces had been, that now held your fallen tears.
A quiet voice called out to you; so soft was this voice that you thought it was your imagination.
"Are you alright?"
A figure came into focus; you couldn't make out his face, just the scraggly tresses that were whipped around his shoulders and the outline of his beefed-up biceps.
"Stay back!" You warned. "I'm contaminated..." You stifled another sob. The heroic intruder held his hands up, demonstrating that he was not a threat.
Which was all the more reason you had to warn him that you were.
He took a cautious step forward. "I've only come to ask a question." He retrieved a crumpled piece of paper from a satchel on his side. He retained his anonymity beneath the shadows, allowing you to only make out the faint outline of his fine lips as he spoke. "Have you seen her?"
You stood, taking a step toward him but keeping yourself hidden as well. It was almost as if you both wanted to remain concealed from one another. Despite the smeared ink that bled slightly down the paper and the creases that obscured the image, you could recognize the viridescent glare of Hyrule's missing princess on the sheet.
"Princess Zelda? They're searching the depths now?"
"No acre of land below or above should go without searching until we find her."
"Well, as you can see, these depths here hold no one but me and my greedy thief friend you have so kindly slain."
He tucked the sheet of paper back into his satchel but remained in your vision, or what the hollowed dark allowed of your vision. "Say, did they find her knight? Lonk? Ling?"
You could see the stranger open his lips, only to clutch them back together. "Link. His name is Link. And no, no, they haven't."
You turned your back to the stranger, assessing the mess the Yiga soldier had made of your supplies. You bent back down and picked up your parents' photo, choking on another wave of tears.
The man's voice sounded from behind you, only slightly closer now. "I can fix that for you."
You peered at him from over your shoulder. He was close enough to the fire that you could see part of the bare skin of his chest and his sculpted chin, which led to his chapped lips.
You still couldn't quite see his eyes.
He held his hand out, and you noticed his fingernails were long and jagged, not having seen nail clippers in some time. An alluring glow seemed to trickle down his arm in an intricate maze of glowing jade lines. You placed the photo in his hand, careful not to touch him with your fingers. You kept your face hidden in your shoulder, afraid that the first shred of kindness you had been given would be taken if he should see you beneath the truth of the fire's flames.
He held the photo, his silence encompassing you both. He was so still, that for a moment, you thought he had stopped breathing. Until you noticed his clavicles and chest slightly puff out and contract with breath.
The soft, verdant glow became more visceral. You continued to keep your back turned and your face hidden, your eyes never leaving the radiance of his arm.
After a moment, he handed the photo back to you. You quickly turned to snatch it back, burrowing your face in your shirt. As you observed it, you saw the bright, shining smiles of your parents peering back at you unscathed. For a moment, you forgot the enticing and enigmatic stranger that stood before you, letting your shirt fall from your face as you studied the photo above the fire's not too generous lighting. You could make out a thin line of some type of green jelly adhesive that repaired some of the rips in the photos. Without the light, the glue that he had created with his hand was mostly undetectable.
You stared at him in awe. "This is... this is amazing. I couldn't begin to repay your kindness. This is all I have left to remind me of my life before the gloom. Of the way people loved me before I became a monster." As you lifted your finger to wipe a tear away, you remembered your face was on display before him.
Your face and all the crusty and haggard abrasions of gloom that now coat it.
"No!" You cried. You began to back away, burying your face in your palms. "Don't look at me!"
But the boy grabbed your wrist with his enchanted hand, pulling it from your face. "You're beautiful." He whispered with a tone that was almost believable.
"Yeah right. Look at what this gloom is doing to us; if it isn't destroying us, it's dividing us! My own family banished me from my home!"
The man let your wrist go and held his arm in your vision. He spoke matter-of-factly, remaining out of the fire's path, so he was still shielded from you. "I'm missing my arm."
He held his arm out; the urge to touch it made the tips of your fingers tingle.
"May I?"
"Only if I can touch your face."
"You'll become contaminated."
You heard a slightly unhinged chuckle. "I'm not afraid... besides, there is a cure for the gloom."
"What!" You gasped. You felt your feet become unsteady. You stepped forward, attempting to grab the man's shirt, only to realize it was a one-shoulder tunic that looked rather outdated.
"Please, I'll do anything; please, I want to be cured! I want to be myself again, to be able to look at people and not be plagued by the cruel judgment in their eyes when they see what I've become."
The man's arm began to emanate light once again.
"If that's what you desire, what your heart truly wants, then I can heal you."
Swirls of sage traveled down his arm, glimmering brighter and more blatant.
Your lips parted at the man who stood before you.
Your savior.
Your healer.
You whispered. "Who are you?"
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fatefulfaerie · 1 year
When he threw the sword, he knew he was tossing aside eons of history, paramounts of a goddess’ power he was expressly chosen to wield. He heard voices he didn’t recognize almost excusing him from the sin, perhaps that it slipped from his hand or that he just didn’t yet understand the weight of the Master Sword. 
The goddesses were easily forgiving of him like that. He could replicate the sins of Ganondorf himself and they would still smile down upon him like proud mothers.
But he did understand. He knew everything. He remembered enough. The sword was nothing to him as he faced her fall to death.
He’d choose her over anything. This was a purposeful choice, leaping into the abyss to catch her, and he silently dared the goddesses to accept it.
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xombigirl · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom Oneshot Predictions
Okay so based on the group shot of the table I have thoughts about where the players are going to go with character choice.
Liam O'Brien: based on the shit eating grin and the knuckle smash I am thinking he's going to be a Goron
Emily Axford: Purah. I just want her to be Purah and I don't really know why. Just gimme it please.
Omar Najam: Rito, hands down. Soft spoken sweet bird person
Robbie Daymond: A Zora. Possibly even Sidon himself but I don't know if we'll get the champions or if we'll get other members of the four tribes
One Last Prediction: Matt will do the Ganondorf voice and everyone at the table will lose their minds
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criticalbeauregard · 1 year
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tallyacestories · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Link/Zelda (Legend of Zelda) Characters: Link (Legend of Zelda), Zelda (Legend of Zelda) Additional Tags: post tears of the kingdom, Spoilers for Tears of the Kingdom (Legend of Zelda), zelda assumed that after living together for five years she and link were dating, no one else came to that same conclusion, zelda is discovering link's tony hawk effect, Love Confessions, Living Together, Happy Ending, Misunderstandings
“You bought a house?” She asked after an eternity of tasting the dryness of her tongue and scrambling through her own thoughts for a perch to keep her from drowning beneath them.
He hummed and dragged the stained rag along the grain of the wooden floor, leaving behind a trail of soapy water that seeped into the imperfections in the old material. “Rhondson cut me a deal on a plot of land, so I took it.”
“Why?” The single word tumbled from her hollowed lungs before she could register that the question had even crossed her mind. But her heart slammed against her ribs and throbbed through her ears, so she could barely even hear her own voice.
“I didn’t want to impose on your house while you weren’t here.”
...Her house?
He didn’t see this as his home? Their home?
Zelda was still sleeping. Surely, she was having some twisted nightmare trapped inside of her own body and mind. There was no other explanation.
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luckthebard · 1 year
The “this is not official content” disclaimer is so Nintendo and also so fucking funny to me
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
if u saw u turned around and saw ur friend (?) rolling down a hill towards some enemies would you roll down a hill towards enemies too??? (yes)
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crushcandles · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Link/Sidon (Legend of Zelda) Word Count: 3306 Additional Tags: Mute Link (Legend of Zelda), Sidon Has Two Penises (Legend of Zelda), Established Relationship, Rimming, Anal Sex, Discussion of Non-Consensual Mating Rituals Summary:
"What is this?" Link asks, half-turned so Sidon can see his face and his hands. One of which is pointing to the side of formation on the side of the pool.
Sidon swims over so fast water sloshes over the side of the pool and Link bobs on the wave. Link braces himself on one of the swells of stone on the side of the pool and Sidon cringes to see Link touch it.
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Who told the guest cr cast that Tears of the Kingdom was a dating sim??? Why are there this many feels???
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fioreofthemarch · 10 months
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Pairing: Link/Zelda Words: 1270 [✨this is a companion piece to repast and yearnings]
When at last Zelda was returned to the present, it was all she could do not to dwell on the past.
The memories of her time as a dragon were gone, but the subconscious remained. She felt unsteady on her feet, disliked being cooped up without a view of the sky, and often dreamt of flying, always waking with a lingering sense of loss. 
It was a guilty feeling. She had gotten everything she’d wanted. The Demon King was gone, Hyrule was saved, and Link - Link! - he was alive and they were finally free to go about their lives in long-awaited peace.  
And yet?
“You look as though you’ve forgotten something,” Purah had said to her when they’d last spoken in Lookout Landing. Zelda agreed, but couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was. 
An answer came to her in Hateno, while she and Link were visiting their house by the river. Link had built them a new home in Akkala, and was sure that Zelda would enjoy rearranging it to her liking, if she didn’t mind moving house. So there in Hateno, while Zelda was sorting through her things and trying to decide what to take, something bright and blue caught her eye – a dragon! A spirit of cool, calm wisdom, passing silently overhead. 
At that moment, what was forgotten became clear. She burst from the house, arms waving, crying – “Sister!”
But the dragon never slowed, only kept on as sure as the wind. Then she was rounding north, slipping down towards the horizon, and then she was gone. 
Zelda sank down onto the grass, hands clasped tight and catching tears she didn’t know were falling. Naydra no longer knew her; they’d shared the skies for millenia, and yet! 
“Maybe she just doesn’t recognise you,” Link said upon finding her like this, his voice a steadying presence, as were his sure hands leading her back inside. “You’ve changed since she saw you last.” 
“For the better, right?”
He grinned, “I loved you just as much either way.”
After this Zelda tried, earnestly, to let life go on. The Akkala house was perfect, and only needed some nicer furnishings, maybe a painting or two, or a bigger garden. When not working on that, Zelda found her thoughts returning to the dragons – she charted Dinraal’s path over Akkala, drawing it on a map she kept in her study. Then, when the need arose to travel to Hateno, she did the same for Naydra, and later Farosh too, when she and Link travelled south to visit the Gerudo. Once the map was complete, it occurred to her that the three dragons formed a distinct triangle, each guarding their own corner of Hyrule. And that’s when knew what to do. 
“I was here for longer than I can even say,” she explained to Link, after convincing him to take her to the Great Sky Island. “The three dragons visited me here every day, at the centre of the Kingdom.” 
They stood on the roof of the Temple of Time, where Link had landed the ballooncraft he had made them. The skies were clear, and all of Hyrule could be seen below. He asked Zelda what exactly she planned to do, and she admitted she didn’t really know. She just had to try something. Link gave her an understanding nod, and stepped back to let her proceed. 
Zelda clasped her hands at her chest. She focused, felt all the yearning and regret, all the nostalgia for younger days, and let them flow from her like a lighthouse beacon – a single wish that cascaded from her very soul. Her secret stone, still worn around her neck, began to glow hot against her skin, in concert with the ancient royal mark on her right hand. I am here. Come to me!
How long she stood like that she did not know, but eventually she felt the air grow hot and cold all at once. 
The sight when she opened her eyes was all but beyond words; three great and immortal dragons, servants of the very Goddess herself, gathered together before the Temple. Their bodies flowed like rivers, irridescent scales scattering light, long horns shimmering with diffuse elemental power. Summoned here, the dragons hovered in place; Dinraal to the left, Farosh to the right and Naydra in the middle. 
Zelda bowed. She shook from nerves. Did the dragons hear her call? What was their answer? There was silence, except the wind, until at last Zelda heard a voice.
Sister, the dragon Naydra said, you are changed. 
You have become small and fragile, said the dragon Dinraal. 
You have joined the swordsman as a mortal, said the dragon Farosh. 
“You know me?” Zelda said, barely able to breathe. Behind her, Link stood tall and firm, though his body was tense. It was no small thing to treat with the gods. 
You were not easy to spot, Naydra said. Your light however was very familiar.
A great power summoned us here, sister. We are impressed, Dinraal said. 
As are we curious, Farosh added. Speak your command. 
Still Zelda did not know why exactly she had called them. There had to be something that she had wanted to say…
“Zelda… are you okay?” Link said, with a hint of fear in his voice. It was enough to steel her. She couldn’t tarry here. Immortal though her sisters were, she did not want to waste their time. 
“I am okay,” she answered, and she knew why.
Turning to Naydra, Dinraal and Farosh, Zelda bowed again, long and low. Rising, she said, “I was no one, adrift in an open sky, until I awoke in your company. I had done something terrible and forbidden, but you accepted me as one of your own, and stayed with me until my task was complete. And even now that I have left you, you remember me. This kindness…” she brushed tears from her cheeks, composing herself. “I must thank you. I wish there was a way to repay your generosity.” 
The dragons hovered, eyes bright and piercing. Zelda felt foolish; sentimental words probably meant little to them. But then, together, they bowed their heads in return. After a long moment, they broke formation and began to move through the air once more, silently circling the Temple of Time in a spiral of ice, flame and static.  
“Was that ‘offer accepted’?” Link asked with a nervous laugh. 
Dinraal departed first, heading north for Akkala. Then Farosh followed, turning south for Gerudo. Only Naydra remained. She flew down towards the roof of the temple, and landed on its parapets gentler than a feather. Placing her head down so that her and Zelda’s eyes were level, she blinked slow and calm. 
Beloved sister, she said, things done for kin need never be repaid.  
Then, a single tear falling from her eye, the dragon Naydra ascended from the roof, and flew east. Zelda watched until she disappeared from view, her own tears falling free. Not all memories were lost, she realised, but the past would always be the past, and that was its own kind of loss. 
Still, the future was calling. It came in the form of a warm and gentle hand – Link, threading his fingers into hers. “Home?” he said. Zelda nodded, knowing what he meant, but feeling that she was already there as he wrapped his arms around her. 
“Good, I’ve got an apple pie in the oven that you might like.”
With a laugh she returned his radiance, fresh but happy tears falling. “I think I might,” she said. And so they went, leaving the sky behind. 
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