#teammates if you see this thank you and I love you
hoe4sports · 3 days
“Take my heart, dont break it”
Alexia Putellas x reader
A/N: You voted and picked Alexia. This is a series based on Myles Smith song called stargazing. No triggers.
Update 3rd of June: There will be three more parts, thank you all so much for the love.
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The fresh Barcelonian air was flowing into your hotelroom as you found yourself sat in the frame of the window m next to one of your teammates, Alexia Putellas. You were both sitting together in silence with your eyes closed soaking up the morning bliss. The sun was slowly waking up as the gentle rays felt like a warm cup of cocoa in December by the fireplace with a book and a blanket. Not too warm, not too cold. You were taking in all the fresh salty air you could possibly fit into your lungs before exhaling through your mouth. It felt blissful, peaceful; like a morning mindfulness class. You could smell the gentle strawberry scent from the tea Alexia had made you when you got up in time for sunrise. You and Alexia had known each other forever. You grew up with her and Alba next door and you had religiously played football with Alexia for your whole life. You did it all together: High school, college, Barcelona and the national team. You sat together on buses and flights. Even though she was entitled to her own hotel room as captain; she still wanted to partner up with you.
“Can I interrupt your peace?” Alexia asked as you opened up your eye to see her still in the same relaxed position with her eyes closed. “If you must” you said as you giggled. Alexia sighted. “No, no, go ahead big al” you corrected as you looked out on the beach below the hotel.
“I’ve been having some issue with Olga; she seems spaced out. She’s there, but she isn’t really there. It’s strange, I don’t really understand and she keeps insisting that everything is all good. I dont honestly know what to do.”
You could sense the tension in the room as the Catalan poured her heart out to you. It was like thunder from a crystal blue sky. They seemingly had the picture perfect relationship. Amazing vacations. Nice cars. Fancy dinners.
“It’s just, I know it’s selfish but I can’t stop my mind from wondering if she is cheating on me. She’s always on her phone, and she deleted her location off of the life360 app.”
You spent a second figuring out what words Alexia wanted to hear and what she needed to hear. It was clear as day that you needed to knock some common sense into her. Who would cheat on one of the hottest women in the world of football? Nobody could ever be able to commit to adultery without anyone taking notice of their famous girlfriend.
“Ai, Ale. Do you want me to tell you what you want to hear or what you need to hear? Pick your poison capitana.”
You looked over at her. She was still sitting in the sun in the window while taking on the fresh air. Her chest rhythmically rising. Her brown eyes were still closed and her blonde hair was up in the messiest Lucy Bronze style bun you could imagine making the sight of her almost wanting you to giggle.
“Hm, buena pregunta…Tell me what I need to hear.” Alexia said softly as she opened up her eyes to look at you showing off her worried grin. Her body language changed. Like she was getting ready for a fight.
“Estúpida, Olga loves you! She adores you. She practically worships the ground you walk on. You need to talk to your girlfriend, and you need to tell her what you told me.” You finished as you looked at her with an attitude.
Later that day at practice, you were doing drills with Claudia. It was evidently warmer now, and you had popped off your shirt to avoid getting overly warm. You kept passing the ball at the right time in the right height to help Claudia with her first touches. It was always fun working with Claudia. Her humor was incredible and if her humor didn’t do the job; her infections laugh would. As you passed the last ball to Claudia, she ended up whacking the ball senseless and the ball went flying into the open field. It caused you to laugh hysterically as Claudia flopped down on the grass. Claudia was a vibe; you got along so well and she’d been like your little sister.
The next practice begun at the gym, and it was individual programs. You, Alexia, Claudia and Ingrid has the same program for the day meaning that you partnered up together. You noticed that Alexia seemed distracted. At first, she had placed the weights in the bench press without securing them causing them to go flying off the pole. The next situation was when she tried filling her waterbottle from the water cooler and she overfilled in for a good 10 seconds before she caught the little spill. The last situation was when Claudia was doing squats and Alexia was supposed to be spotting her right side as you spotted the left. The weights were a little heavier than what Claudia normally lifted so you expected her to need assistance. After four lifts, Claudia went for the fifth and it caused her to fail. You grabbed the pole from the left side as the younger girls hands were wobbly violently to hold up the other side of the pole. Alexia didn’t caught on. “Alexia” No answer. “Alexia for fucks sake, help!” You yelled causing Ingrid to shove her away to help you with the spotting.
In the warderobe that afternoon after everyone left, you decided to stay behind and talk to Alexia again. Alexia liked taking her time in the shower so it wasn’t uncommon for her to be the last woman standing. You approached her as she stepped out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around her lower half leaving her chest open.
“Ale, you have been distant. You could’ve caused an injury. What’s going on?” You crossed your arms as you stood in front of her with a stern look on your face. The feeling you had wasn’t something you could shook away easily. You just couldn’t act in situations that maybe had happened. That wouldn’t be fair to Olga or Alexia.
“Ai, Y/N, it’s just hard. I’m in my head and Olga is too busy to talk. I cannot shook the feeling I’m having in my gut. But I need to trust Olga, right?”
You nodded. Olga hadn’t done anything that wouldn’t give her chance to explain herself. For all Alexia knew, this was all just a big misunderstanding.
Olga was amazing, you knew her from before her and Alexia started dating, and they were perfect for each other. Olga was always so perfect, almost to the point where it annoyed you. Olga was picture perfect and rarely looked out of line or did Alexia wrong. Alexia’s observations were however not unlikely. A few weeks ago you went to a new restaurant with Claudia, and you could’ve sworn you saw Olga with another woman. You couldn’t be sure though because you had excused yourself to the bathroom to get a better look, but when you got out of the bathroom; The mystery woman was out of sight. Quite frankly, she had also been out of mind.
That was until now however, but it couldn’t have been Olga. Olga was sweet, genuine and had a heart of gold. You couldn’t wrap your mind around what Alexia had said, but you could also not tell her that you might saw Olga. You were having an internalised conflict of trying to decided whenever to tell her or not. You didn’t want to seem pushy and like you didn’t like Olga, but you didn’t want Alexia’s heart to break either.
At least, that was the lie you continued to tell yourself.
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cheriladycl01 · 2 days
It’ll come eventually, promise! - Lando Norris x Driver! Reader
Plot: You are there for your boyfriends first race win!
Credit to hamlectay for the GIF
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Starting in Miami was always a great feeling. But what was even better was having been promoted to F1 for the 2024 season and getting to drive it as one of the top 20 drivers in the world.
When Lawrence Stroll dropped Aston Martin to bankroll a new team at the end of 2023, Lance moving was without a doubt a thing happening. But that left a free seat open at a high mid field team. Which they were more than happy to get you on board with considering your racing history.
Fernando in the few races you’d got to know him had became an excellent mentor and had taught you lots and you were thankful for him. He was like your on grid dad.
You’d had a decent season so far.
P10 in Bahrain - your first race and you were in the points only a few seconds behind your teammate.
P6 in Saudí - where you were able to drive with your old Prema teammate Oliver Bearman who was just behind you in P7.
P5 in Australia - where you got to celebrate your boyfriends first podium of the season.
P12 in Japan - some unforeseen issues in qualifying leaving you in P16 and having to climb your way up.
P6 in China - happy to celebrate both your points finish and your boyfriends first P2 podium of the season.
And you didn’t want to disappoint in Miami, not when there was so many people riding on your going well. F1 Academy where there looking up to you, and all of the stars that normally attended Miami.
Thursday came around and you were in the paddock messing around in TikTok with Fernando. Everyone loved you guys as the ‘dad and daughter duo’ where everyone could see how much he genuinely cared for you and wanted you to succeed. He always would praise you and boost your confidence when talking about you in interviews like many others making your have a huge fan base after only being in F1 for a few months.
Friday came around and you were still feeling great, the Miami heat was blazing and you and Fernando had been making TikTok’s to the Will Smith song that had been trending on F1 TikTok with the build up and anticipation for the weekend ahead.
Getting in the car for FP1 and you were flying. P5 … Alonso down in P19. He was too stressed though. But you were beyond excited knowing you got P5 without pushing too hard as your engineers had just asked you to get used to the track in an F1 car.
It was your boyfriend who you’d snuck into his hospitality just to give a massive cuddle when you text you saying he needed you, that wasn’t having a great weekend.
Despite the vast amount of upgrades brought to his car he’d only come in P16 where as Oscar who had half the upgrades he did was cruising up in P2 and he was frustrated to say the least.
Next was the Sprint Qually which you’d actually been doing well in for the other in China the previous week.
You went coming in a measly P10, not enough for points.
Lando was even more annoyed with starting in P9 on the same row as you, not that he thought he was the better driver or anything but right now he definitely had the better car and he just couldn’t work out why it wasn’t performing.
“Baby, it’ll come eventually I promise” you sighed that night as you held him closely in your shared hotel bed. His head was rested in your chest as all of his worries and woes were let out.
He always thought so negatively of himself and you hated it, in your eyes he was the most amazing person ever.
“But what if it doesn’t, what if I never win and … I’m just a wash out of podiums and missed opportunity” he said looking up at you, and his eyes made you cave. He looked so sad and helpless.
“Lando… I promise you. When the time is right, you’ll get that win. You’ve worked so hard for this and it’s something you deserve. Baby, you are the most driven and ambitious person I know and you will be a world champion. In my eyes you already are” you told him softly and he just pulled you tighter to him as he nuzzled into you more, so thankful for you being in his life.
Come the next day, and it was the sprint race. You managed to get yourself into the points coming in P6 having overtaken Lando and those ahead. Once Lando saw you going for it he knew he had to get up there with you!
He started to push it a little too much and ended up with a DNF. It was a very disappointing weekend thus far considering the amount of upgrades McLaren had brought to the team.
Qually begun and you were all the way down in P11 after your car malfunctioning in Q2 meaning you didn’t get into Q1.
Lando had a better qualifying coming in just ahead of his teammate. He felt a lot better going to bed with you that night and it was more him comforting you than the other way it had been the other night.
“Baby, you got all you could out of that car. You literally couldn’t do anything else your engine shut down!” He exclaims as you hadn’t really spoken to him all night. You’d been silent at dinner and once your got back to the room.
He pulled you into a hug as you let out a sigh thinking things over in your head before smiling at Lando and kissing his neck and up his jaw.
“Thank you, for the pep talk. And just being you” you smiled at him.
Then came race day.
Oscar had an incredible start going from P6 all the way to P2 and was really increíble. Your also had a fantastic start, deciding to be aggressive and managed to go from P11 into P8. You managed to get the inside line overtaking Yuki, your teammate Alonso and then Hamilton.
“Amazing driving Y/N. It’s looking good, we going to try for the 1 stop. Manage those tyres for now” your race engineer explains. And you did, slowing your pace for a little bit. You abused the safety car for you pit stop, just like Lando did, leaving you coming out in P6.
“Is Lando still in P1?” You ask, knowing he would be ahead of Max and Charles right now.
“Yes, Lando, Max, Charles Oscar and Carlos ahead” he explains. Right now you were defending from Perez when all of a sudden he swung round the outside knocking Sargeant into the gravel and into the race.
“Yellow flag for Sargeant!” You say clearly into your radio for the severity of where Logan was.
“Yellow flag and safety car released” your engineer informs you. You were stressing now, you knew that Lando would be fighting Max once the safety car is released.
“Is Logan okay? Is he out the car!” You ask.
“Yes, it’s all fine”
You focused on closing the gap to Carlos, who you knew would be fighting Oscar hard to try and get up into the podium positions so he can celebrate with Lando if he can hold of Max.
You were 0.076 seconds behind Carlos but before you could overtake him, he clipped the back of Oscar as he goes for an overtake nearly sending the Australian into you.
He pitted, leaving him down in a lower position out of points by the time he had come out, meaning that you and Carlos were battling it out with each other and Sergio Perez behind both of you.
“If you can get within 5 seconds of him, he has a time penalty for the incident with Piastri” your engineer explained to you.
“And Lando, is he still P1?” You ask.
“Yes Lando is P1 with a 6 second lead on Max” he answers and you feel as though you could cry.
“Today is the day Marcus” you smile as you speed up catching back up to Carlos. With the laps left you manage to overtake him getting into your highest finish of the season in P4. You couldn’t share a podium with your boyfriend but, part of you didn’t want to.
“Race finished, P4 amazing job today Y/N congratulations” your engineer exclaimed.
“What about Lando? Did he win?” You ask immediately not too bothered about your result.
“With a 7 second gap to Max, Lando won” he says and you let out a scream of happiness for him. YES’s whooping and a lot of swear words came from your mouth into the radio.
You knew later it would be aired and you get in trouble for your language but you really didn’t care.
Today was Lando’s day and you didn’t want to damper that. He’d just won his first F1 race after 110 of them. And you couldn’t be prouder of him, you were so happy and you were sobbing for him as you pulled up into where all the cars were.
You went over to your team, in Aston who had all come out to congratulate you on your best race so far. P11 to P4 on one set of tyres.
You were hugging them before one tapped you on the back, showing you Lando who was just getting out of his car. You rushed over to him pulling him into a massive hug.
“And there is Y/N Y/L/N driver of Aston Martin congratulating Lando on his first win with a huge hug! She’s crying, he’s crying! It’s a beautiful sight really, just two young drivers congratulating each other … wow what a day for both of them” the sky sports presenter admits on the tv watching the interaction down in park ferme.
“I love you so much! You are incredible Lando Norris” you smile gripping his helmet and flipping up his visor so you could see his tears rolling down onto his balaclava.
“Omg I won! I can’t believe I did it! I WON!” He cries and you just grin.
“Believe it Lando Norris because you are now an F1 race winner!” You smile and he does a cheer. You let him walk off, watching as he jumps into his team to celebrate.
You rush with the team after they’ve let Lando go, to go watch the podium. You were so excited and it definitely wasn’t something you were going to pass up!
As you watch him lift up his trophy it feels like your falling in love with him all over again, and it’s a feeling taking over your whole entire body. There is nowhere else and no one else you want to be or be with right now.
He can’t stop smiling at you and you can’t stop the happy tears from rolling down your face. Your cheering with Bianca who you’d grown close to and started to mentor a little bit even though you had Tina and Jessica around a little bit more as your Aston Martin girls.
Once the anthem starts you can’t help but see just how radiant he looks, the way the lowing Miami sun was beaming on him and making his already golden skin glow.
That was your man, your boyfriend and your future husband because in this moment you were sure you would do anything and everything to keep him by your side.
He was your soulmate and you were his, and as he was looking down at the way your face had tear stains and was a little puffy from rubbing away the tears he couldn’t agree more.
Clubbing for sure wasn’t the only celebrations that happened that night for you and Lando, that’s for sure.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul l @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall l @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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judespoets · 23 hours
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𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 | 𝙟𝙪𝙙𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙝𝙖𝙢
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: it’s the last game of the season for real madrid and jude takes your daughter with him as a mascot for the first time.
𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: jude bellingham x fem!reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: none
the stadium buzzed with anticipation as fans filled the seats in the bernabéu, their cheers echoing through the night.
tonight was no ordinary game; it was the final match of the season for real madrid, and for jude, the final match of his phenomenal debut season.
the floodlights bathed the pitch in a bright glow, capturing the excitement in the air.
jude was stood in the tunnel shaking his upper body one last time before grabbing the hand of the little girl besides him, looking down at his daughter, his eyes glistening with pride as the girl looked up at her father, her role model, her hero, clutching his hand, her brown eyes wide with wonder.
as they walked onto the pitch together, the stadium buzzing with anticipation, jude led aurora out onto the pitch, her small hand clutching his tightly. she looked around in awe, her eyes wide with the wonder of the moment. the roar of the crowd was deafening, but aurora felt safe and proud next to her dad.
he waved to the crowd, but his eyes sought out one face in particular. there, in the stands, his girlfriend- the mother of his daughter- smiled and waved back, your eyes glistening with pride. for a moment the roar of the crowd dimmed, and it was just the three of you, in this moment, filled with nothing but pride and love.
jude bent down to whisper into his daughters ear.
“do you see mommy, baby? look she’s up there.” he said as he pointed a finger to the box you were sitting in.
“i see mommy!” the little girl squealed excitedly as she turned around to face her dad.
when the lineup started to be called, jude knelt down to aurora’s level again.
“it’s time to go back to mommy, sweetheart.” he said, his voice gentle but firm. aurora nodded, understanding that her special moment on the pitch was coming to an end.
with a final squeeze of her father's hand, she turned and trotted towards the stands. a member of the staff guided her safely through the bustling sidelines and back up to the box where you were waiting.
as aurora reached the box, you, smiling broadly, opened your arms wide. aurora rushed into them, her face beaming with excitement.
“mummy! did you see me out there?” aurora asked, her voice filled with pride.
“of course i did, my little star.” you replied, hugging her tightly. “you were amazing!”
aurora climbed into your lap, glancing back at the pitch where jude was now lining up with his teammates.
with aurora safely nestled in your arms, you settled in to watch the game.
as the game ended in a victory for real madrid, the stadium erupted in celebration. you took aurora’s hand, and you made your way down to the pitch to join jude.
jude, sweaty and exhilarated, was surrounded by his jubilant teammates. when he saw aurora and you approaching, his face lit up with pure joy. he broke away from the others and ran to meet you, scooping aurora up into his arms.
"daddy, you were amazing!" aurora exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“thank you, sweetheart," jude replied, his voice filled with emotion. "Did you enjoy the game?"
“it was so exciting! especially when you made that pass for the goal. mommy and I were cheering so loud!"
jude chuckled, turning to you. "and did you enjoy it too?"
"of course," you said, smiling warmly. "you played brilliantly, as always. we're so proud of you. i’m so proud of you."
jude kissed you on the cheek and then turned back to aurora. “you wanna play a bit of footy, sweetheart?”
aurora’s eyes light up. “yes, please!”
“you gonna be okay without us?” jude asked you, making sure you were okay with being alone on the pitch for a moment.
“yeah yeah of course i will, go.” you answered, planning on making your way to the other wags you were friends with.
you saw jude placing a small football in front of aurora. "ready to show me what you've got, baby?" he asked, a playful glint in his eye.
aurora nodded vigorously. "I'm ready, daddy! watch this!"
she ran up to the ball and gave it a determined kick. the ball didn't go very far, but jude clapped enthusiastically. "great job! now, let's try a pass."
they spent the next few minutes passing the ball back and forth. aurora giggled every time she managed to send the ball straight to her father, her little legs pumping with effort.
"you're getting really good at this," jude praised, ruffling her hair. "soon, you'll be out here playing for real madrid."
aurora's eyes sparkled with pride. "I want to be just like you, daddy!"
jude knelt down to her level, looking into her eyes. "you can be anything you want to be, sweetheart. just keep practicing and never give up."
aurora nodded, absorbing his words. "I will, daddy. I promise."
they continued to play, with jude teaching her some basic dribbling and even a few tricks. aurora’s laughter echoed around the stadium, mingling with Jude's encouraging words and the distant cheers of the crowd which was still there, celebrating every time aurora passed the ball into the goal.
after a while, as the stadium lights started to dim and the stands began to empty, jude knelt down to aurora’s level. "alright, superstar, I think it's time to wrap up. it’s way past you bed time.”
aurora pouted slightly but then smiled, nodding in agreement. "Okay, daddy.”
jude and aurora made their way over to where you were waiting.
aurora ran ahead, her cheeks flushed with excitement.
"mummy, I scored a goal!" she shouted, her voice echoing in the mostly empty stadium.
you smiled warmly, bending down to hug her. "I saw, darling! you were fantastic out there."
jude caught up, a proud grin on his face. "she really was. we’ll have to watch out for this one; she's got some serious talent."
aurora beamed, holding both your hands as you made your way out of the stadium. the three of you walked through the corridors, passing by fans and staff who congratulated jude on the victory and the season as well
as you reached the exit, aurora looked up at jude. "daddy, can we get ice cream now?"
jude chuckled, glancing at the dark sky. "it’s pretty late, sweetheart. how about we save the ice cream for tomorrow?"
aurora pouted for a moment, then nodded. "okay, daddy. tomorrow then."
you squeezed her hand. "and maybe tonight we can have a special treat at home before bed."
aurora’s face brightened. "like hot chocolate?"
"exactly," jude said, smiling. "a perfect way to end a perfect day."
you stepped out of the stadium, into the cool evening air, the glow of the stadium lights behind you. as you walked to your car, aurora chatted excitedly about her experiences, from being a mascot to playing football with her dad.
"you know," jude said, lifting aurora up to carry her for the last stretch, "this has been one of the best days ever. i’m so glad we got to share it together."
aurora rested her head on jude’s shoulder, her eyes heavy with the day's excitement. "me too, daddy. I love you."
"we love you too, baby," you said, reaching out to touch your daughter's cheek gently.
the car ride home was peaceful, a sharp contrast to the earlier excitement of the game. the streets of madrid were quiet, the city lights casting a warm glow on the buildings as you drove through the night. jude was behind the wheel, you beside him, and aurora snugly buckled in the back seat, her small body wrapped in a blanket.
aurora's eyes were drooping, the day's events catching up with her. she fought to stay awake, wanting to hold onto the special moments for just a little longer.
"daddy, I had so much fun today," she murmured sleepily.
jude glanced in the rearview mirror, smiling softly. "I'm glad, sweetheart. you were amazing out there."
you turned in your seat to look at her. "we’ll have to tell all your friends about your big day tomorrow."
aurora nodded, her eyelids heavy. "I can't wait," she whispered, her voice trailing off.
jude glanced back occasionally, watching his daughter as she drifted off, her head resting against the car seat.
"she’s out," you said softly, smiling as you reached over to squeeze jude’s hand. "what a day it's been."
jude nodded, his eyes filled with contentment. "yeah, it was perfect. I wouldn't trade these moments for anything."
“i love you, you know? i’m so thankful for how you’ve been supporting me not just this season but all the other ones before. and how you do all that and still be a great mom, i really do admire you so much.” jude told you, looking into your eyes shortly before placing his hand on your thigh and looking back at the street.
you took his hand in yours, kissing the back of it softly. “i love you so much, baby. words can’t even describe how perfect you are.”
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bunniesmelody · 2 days
Pretty With Your Hair Down
Paige Bueckers x reader
warnings: rpf, kissing, just fluff tbh
summary: Undoing Paige's hair after a game.
not proofread...at all😅
The squeak of sneakers on the court floors, sounds of the crowd cheering, and the sight of your beautiful girlfriend playing. The cold chairs that were pressing up against the back of your thighs became warmer with adrenaline.
You're rooting for your girlfriend as she shot across the court, passing the ball to one of her teammates. The buzzer sounds; another win for the Huskies.
Paige made her way towards you, squeezing passed her teammates and other people who want to talk to her. You waved at her, excitedly shouting your praises for her. Her muscular arms wrapped around you in a hug. She kissed the top of your head excitedly.
The two of you arrive at your shared apartment. You enter the apartment and hold the door open for your girlfriend.
"Did you see that? I was like" she starts before imitating the moves she displayed at tonights game.
"Yes, I did" you laughed.
She quickly makes her way through the door, dropping her bag down with a thud and picking you up instead. The door shuts behind you. The sound of both of your giggles fill the apartment. Paige carries you into the bathroom and places you onto the countertop.
Your girlfriend kisses you. The two of you bask in the warmth of each other. Your hands meet the back of her head and her hands meet the sides of your waist. You pull away and her forehead stays pressed to hers.
"You did really good out there today, babe" you run your hand down the side of her face.
"Thank you" she smiles "for being there"
"I'll always be there for you" you play with her hair "wanna put your hair down?" she nods in response.
Paige pulls the main hair tie to her ponytail off. Her braids slowly fall towards her face. She ruffles her hands through her hairand the rest of her hair drapes almost perfectly.
You remove the smaller rubber bands that were responsible for keeping her braids up throughout the game. Your skilled fingers undid her braids, gently twisting and tugging at her hair. As you did this, her blue eyes focused on you.
When you finish, her long, blonde hair falls around her. Her hair was straight, only the two front sections being wavy.
You run your hands through her hair intently in an effort to relax her scalp from the ponytail that tugged on it. Her eyes close and she lets out a sigh.
"I love when you do that" Her piercing blue eyes open to look up at you.
"You're so pretty with your hair down" Your hands slide out of her hair and onto the sides of her face. You press a soft kiss against her forehead.
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doingsfine · 2 days
I wasn't gonna say anything but well lol first of all, fyi, I’m a BLACK person and some things are really bothering me rn. I'll just say smth: It’s good that WNBA has so many new fans rn. But I also know that many white ppl are watching now bc of some players and that’s fine. I’m not judging cause that’s normal.
I hope you guys know that WNBA is mostly made up of black women too. The WNBA has a history, politics and a lot of activism. That won’t change. I was thinking abt some stuff I’ve been reading lately on twitter, tumblr and ESPECIALLY on tiktok.
I saw a video on tiktok about Nika and her teammate? Saying “save/free her”. And bro. That’s not a joke. It’s always a black player and a white girl who you guys love (and this is NOT a post against Nika since I love her too). Thank god I’m not seeing nothing about aces and kate, but once some ppl think that something weird is happening, then we will see the same thing. White ppl always want to demonize black players. And that’s racism.
Ofc you can disagree with some behaviors, that’s what life is about! But there have been a LOT of speeches in the past few days where Chicago Sky players are as predators and violents. And they’re black people. Like??? You can’t just go around saying that black ppl are violent when this sport is about THAT lol this discourse is extremely racist. You guys see a black woman fighting with a white woman and the first you do is portray the white girl as a poor girl? tf is that man. It’s a fucking sport. They don’t hate each other???? lol its RIVALRY on the court Lmfao pls be frrrrrr. It’s just trash talk. It’s just sport. They DONT hate each other off the court. Leave them alone.
DISCLAIMER: This IS NOT a post against Caitlin, I really like her. But also I’m a BLACK person and that’s my opinion.
Please, educate yourself and stop being a little shit. Thanks!
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kirusa2 · 15 hours
Can you give us some headcannons or a small fic of Kate’s Vegas teammates after an away game, everyone on the bus and Kate is last (ofc) but before she gets on someone runs up behind Kate and she hugs her and kisses her?? They find out it’s Kate’s long distance girlfriend who showed up to support?
Kate Martin with a long distance girlfriend headcanons/mini fanfic
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After Kate got drafted to Las Vegas Aces y'all had to go long distance because your a year younger then her.
Kate has been in Las Vegas for 2 weeks now y'all facetime every day and text when she not as busy.
Kate sends you money to spend on yourself She makes sure you eat everyday and drink water"Baby you get you nails done I just send you just money for them".
You and Kate decided that you would come see her for her birthday and support her"I cant wait to see you baby" "Me too I have to go now and get on my plane Bye I love you" "Bye love you too"
As soon you get off the plane you look around for Kate 5 five minutes later you see you drop your stuff running to her jumping in her arms hugging her and placing man kiss on her face "Kate I miss you so much!" "Me too baby am so happy your here".
You and Kate went back to where she was staying with the team as y'all started to catch up on small things that y'all missed.
The next day Kate was running late to leave for her game you were still asleep so she didn't bother to wake you up as she left one minute later you wake up to see Kate gone.
You jump out of bed to catch up to her next minute to see the bus leaving and Kate running after the moving bus as you sprint after her as she catches up with the bus "Kate wait!" you yell as Kate stops and looks at you"Babe what are you doing?" "I came to say bye to my girlfriend duh" As you hug her and give her a kiss on her lips "good luck love you" "Thank you I love you too" Give you one last kiss on your lips as she gets on the bus.
As Kate sat down on the bus the girls stared to question her about who that is "Guys calm down that my girlfriend" "Fr? how come we didn't know about her" "I don't know it just never come up".
After the game Kate introduces you to her teammates and you warm up pretty quick to them and y'all go out to eat to celebrate their win.
An: I hope you like this this was a mini fanfic and headcanons a bit I couldn't decide what to do and this is not proofread but I hope you enjoyed this!.
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lady-of-endless · 2 days
Risotto Nero romantic headcanons (sfw+nsfw)
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Author's Note: Sorry for being an old-school romantic and writing headcanons like these, don't come at me. I wanted to take my time with Risotto as he is so complex. I really hope that those are not too far-fetched. I hope you'll enjoy it! The lovely gif is not mine, I'm thanking the owners for it.
P.S. Prosciutto will be next. I just have to calm down from the feels I have for the husband, I mean Prosciutto.
- The most beneficial context for your relationship is for it to start off as a partnership, a team. This way, you go through many critical and dramatic experiences together and that will only bring you closer and strengthen your connection. Even after confessing, this dynamic remains, you are still a team, watching for each other.
- Everything about him indicates a slow burn. From obtaining his trust first and then his heart. Even after those two are won, he's still reluctant to the new dynamic. He will never deny those feelings even if he thinks that someone in his position should. Risotto is not just rationally intelligent but also emotionally intelligent so he knows that such desires of the heart cannot be stopped. He doesn't deny the feelings but he suppresses them. He knows how complex those emotions are and that's the problem, it complicates everything around him and you. But little by little, he starts giving in and surrendering to his love.
- At first, he analyzed you only from a strategic point of view (regarding your abilities and how you can work with his team) and in time, it escalated into a deeper and more emotional point of view. Because of this and because Risotto values other opinions and perspectives from his teammates, he seeks advice. No, he won't ask directly but he'll be more attentive when the others talk about you. However, the only one who Risotto might ask for an opinion is Prosciutto because he shares some morals and principles with him. Surprisingly, Prosciutto will put his rational arguments aside a little bit because more than the respect and admiration he holds for Risotto, he wants him to experience this sort of happiness.
- Risotto will not know how to react when receiving your affection, at first. There are many thoughts and morals that don't let him receive affection right. Many of those thoughts are regarding his line of work. He has made peace with the fact that he's not a good man, that he doesn't deserve good things. He's okay with it now, he did what he had to do.
- His preferred love language is acts of service. He's used to doing things for others (but even so he doesn't see how selfless he is) so acts of service are his way to show his feelings. He would do anything for his close ones so for you, his loved one, he would die for you, kill for you, protect you, anything, you name it. Plus, Risotto is always very observant and because his interest is your well-being, he pays extra attention to your needs. About receiving, it can be anything. Again, he doesn't see himself worthy of love.
- He rarely smiles so when you finally catch a glimpse of this rare occasion and compliment him, Risotto is lost. Any sort of comment like this will have him feel things he never felt before, in a good way. As a result, he starts smiling softly more at you in privacy.
- If you get severely injured on a mission, he still keeps his composure in your presence while helping you, patching you up, and even trying to heal you with Metallica. He's serious while doing it but it will be the only time in which his hands start trembling. After helping you, while you rest, he's still there watching over you fully neglecting his need for rest. As you sleep and he looks at your injuries, that's when his composure breaks. The guilt he's feeling is heavy in his heart, thinking how this way of life is not what you deserve and it's his fault.
- He's capable of many things, he's also a strategist but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have moments in which it all gets too much to process. That's where you come to the rescue. He doesn't want to pass his difficulties to you so it will take a lot for him to let himself tell you what's wrong.
- Secrecy and subtility are a must. But he'll get you (he'll make it), a dainty and thin silver bracelet with a charm that resembles some sort of blade. Whenever he's thinking of you and wants to let you know it, you'll feel that bracelet move a bit from his magnetism, as a reminder.
- As subtle as he thought he was, in time, every member of La Squadra will know what his feelings are towards you. Melone was the first to notice the way Risotto looked at you. Since his discovery, Melone couldn't keep it for himself and since then, they all started behaving suspiciously. They smirk every time you talk to Risotto about missions and other formal details, they try to let the two of you alone more, and so on.
- Contrary to popular belief, he's not rough (not every time at least) or freaky behind closed doors. His usual and favorite approach is slow and deep. He likes to take his time with it as he sees sex as not just a way to get pleasure but a moment of deepening the connection you have already.
- He never wants to use sex as an outlet for his pent-up frustrations and stress but if you give him the green light, he might give into it when things get too much to bear. But he still holds back a little bit, worried about how rough he can easily get. If you're into this rough approach as well and it's noticeable, he'll feel less guilty but still careful.
- He can go on with the foreplay for hours. Risotto likes to feel the tension build. Enjoying the reactions and the growing desire gives him the most pleasure, more than the act itself. Because of this, he might sometimes slip into trying orgasm denial with you.
- At first, he doesn't see the point of experimenting with kinks because he's so touch-starved. He only needs you. However, gradually he will start asking you for consent about some ideas he has. Watch out for your hands. If you get them close to the metal bars of the bed, your wrists will get caught in metal bindings in the blink of an eye.
- Quiet in the beginning but soon you'll see him losing his composure and start grunting and growling close to your ear as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. Not only that but you'll hear sweet words of affirmation, unheard before as he gets lost in the feeling of you.
- Aftercare is obligatory. It always gets intense, sometimes even rough, and he's aware of his size too so calming you down and taking care of you is both a way of showing his gratitude and also a duty (don't get this one wrong, he sees the act of aftercare as important as the rest of his duties, that's it). The aftercare always ends with him holding your hand and kissing it as another silent expression of his gratefulness and adoration for you. It's his unbreakable habit.
- He has to admit, he likes to mark you. Not in a possessive way, that's why those marks will only be on parts that are not usually visible. But because he loves the image and concept of your skin reacting to his affection. You can leave marks on him as long as they're not visible, again, it's about secrecy and subtility. He might feel a bit proud, just a bit, when he looks in the mirror at the scratches you left on his back.
- Doesn't get bored of being on top. After all of that slow burn and build-up of your deep connection, of course, he wants to look into your eyes when you both let yourselves be engulfed in the pleasure. Might even get a little mischievous with it when he's in a good mood. "If you look away, I'll stop."
The only situations in which you are the one on top are when you simply ask for it or when you tell him you want to help him relax. Hearing those words coming from you while you start touching him with care and warmth is going to be the death of him.
- Not a fan of quickies. He needs the whole thing. As mentioned before, he needs to feel the tension built and loves taking his time with it. But also, above all, he wants to treat you right so a quickie will never be enough for this.
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finelinepie · 3 days
"On The Field"
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*This is not my photo, but I couldn't find the original poster to credit them.🥺(but thank you to whoever made this)*
*I want this to be a short series, but I am not sure if this is even something people would like?? Please let me know how you like it, or don't like it.. I NEED THE FEED BACK*
Footballrry / reader
Plot: Dating the football star is not what you pictured happening your sophomore year of college, but its happening, and you have to keep calm... how does one keep calm when he looks like..that??
Word Count: 1K and some change
Warnings: none yet, just the smirk we all dream about and a little bit of fluff.
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Being in a football stadium is not how I thought my winter break would go. I thought for sure it would be spent with my friends on some extravagant vacation somewhere warm or maybe even going home to my family. It is so weird how things worked out this year. My friends went home to their families, and my parents wanted to spend their first vacation alone now that both of their kids are off at college and they are empty nesters. I found myself staring at the field and studying how the players moved about. The one thing I am most grateful for is the fact that I am currently sitting in a box chair in the warmth. The stadium box was a luxurious escape from the frigid winter air outside, with plush seats, a stocked minibar, and a perfect view of the field below. I don't care how many heat lamps are facing the field right now, I won’t be caught dead down there. The biting cold was relentless, and I could see the players’ breath forming clouds as they huddled and ran their drills.
With my textbook in my lap, I continued to multitask studying and watching the boys on Lambeau Field. My..actually, I don’t know what to call him.. we have yet to label anything. He was running around like a chicken with his head cut off, while his coach chased him, teammates laughing at the scene. I smiled softly and giggled, in total awe of his childlike nature. Shaking my head, I looked back down and continued taking notes. This class is kicking my ass, and I do not want to have to retake it. College is a bitch, and I don't want to stay any longer than I have to.
My thought process was interrupted by the club door opening. Turning my head to see who it was, I smiled and closed my book. “Hey, babe.” My best friend, Isla, said cheerfully, sitting down next to me.
“Hey, what are you still doing here? I thought you were going home this year?” I recalled. She sighed and looked down at the boys still practicing on the field.
“I am, but I just wanted to look at your dreamboat before I left.” She taunted.
I rolled my eyes before throwing my head back in a cackle. “He is not my dreamboat.” I could feel my cheeks heat up. My blush only deepened when I heard a quiet ‘Yet’ escape her mouth.
She cleared her throat before she continued. “All joking aside, I just came to say bye, and because I know you guys are in the puppy phase, you would be here pretending to study but actually staring at him the whole time.” She winked. “I love you, stay safe, I will see you in two weeks. And remember!” She chirped while standing back up. “Don’t be silly, wrap his willy!” She screamed. I swatted her thigh while she howled in laughter.
I chuckled, shaking my head as Isla made her way out of the box. Turning my attention back to the field, I noticed my favorite boy glancing up at the stands. For a brief moment, our eyes met, his lips lifting to the side to smirk and my heart skipped a beat. I quickly looked away, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement.
As I tried to refocus on my textbook, my mind kept drifting back to him. The way he moved with such confidence and energy was captivating. Despite the cold outside, the warmth of the box and the sight of him made everything feel a little bit brighter.
As practice wrapped up, the players began to filter off the field. The star player jogged toward the sidelines, grabbing a towel and wiping the sweat from his face. He glanced up at the boxed seats, his eyes scanning the seats, pretending not to see where I am, until they landed on me. A smile spread across his face, and he gave a small wave. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt my cheeks flush again. I waved back, feeling a flutter of excitement.
A few minutes later, he appeared at the door of the club box, still dressed in his practice gear. Harry leaned against the doorframe, looking effortlessly handsome. "Hey, stranger," he said with a grin. "Mind if I join you?" His green eyes shining bright against his flushed face.
I gestured to the seat next to me, trying to play it cool. "Sure, come on in. How was practice?" I am going to throw up.
His large body plopped beside me and I instantly got hints of musky vanilla. His presence immediately made the room feel warmer. "It was good, just the usual drills and stuff. Coach is really pushing us hard, but it's worth it." He glanced at my textbook. Wrapping his arm around me he spoke once more, "What about you? Studying during break—you're dedicated."
I sighed, closing the book again. "Yeah, trying to keep up with this class. It's a killer."
He nodded, his expression serious. "If you need any help, just let me know. I was pretty good at that class last semester."
I smiled, grateful for the offer. "Thank you, I might take you up on that."
For the next hour, we talked about everything and nothing, the conversation flowing easily. Harry had a way of making me feel comfortable, even when I was a nervous wreck inside. As we chatted, I couldn't help but think about how unexpected this winter break had turned out to be. It wasn't the vacation I had planned, but sitting here with him, it felt like it might turn out to be even better.
Eventually, Harry stood up, stretching. "I should probably hit the showers. But seriously, if you need help with that class, just text me."
I nodded, standing up as well. "I will. Thanks for the offer, H."
He smiled, that same infectious grin that had captivated me from the start. "Anytime. See you tonight, alright?" He leaned down to kiss my forehead and then my lips softly before making his way out the door.
As he walked out of the club box, I felt a warmth in my chest. Maybe this winter break wouldn't be so bad after all.
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happeehippie · 18 hours
instagram. j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his wife evie as they go through is football career.
*face claim is yasmin quintana*
series masterlist.
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liked by joeyb_9, lahjay10_, and 780,726 others
evie: “holding hands is like touching souls” 🤍
view all 5,729 comments…
user: how are we supposed to just live with this
user: i’m so jealous
joeyb_9: my girl. 😚
> evie: always always always.
user: do you think he knows she just posts him for attention?
> user: do you think he will ever see this comment? probably not.
user: i’m feeling extremely single right now.
lahjay10_: y’all be holding hands like crazy
> evie: we locked for life. 🤍🔒
user: wait this is actually so sweet, imagine how many pics she has of them just holding hands. she’s so down bad.
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liked by evie, lahjay10_ and 304,837 others
joeyb_9: Green Goblin
view all 2,681 comments…
user: Great football Joe!
millyg: joey tell ev to text me back.
user: green like that bank account baby
user: that’s hot
evie: 🥦🥒🍏🫛🫑🥑
> joeyb_9: you gotta calm down.
user: QB is always sharp
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liked by bengals, joeyb_9, and 990,864 others
evie: out here
view all 1,863 comments…
user: tell jb to pop a perc and get back out there
> evie: kind of a tactless comment my guy, he’d be out there if he was able.
user: man screwed my fantasy team
> evie: yeah forget your fantasy team, it wasn’t his fault.
user: brave woman
joeyb_9: jacket=dope
user: chefs kiss
user: go bengals!
millyg: i love to see you this happy 💗💗
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 709,950 others
joeyb_9: Just another stage on the journey of life
view all 11,306 comments…
user: praying for you my boy
nfl: 🙏🏼
evie: keep your head up baby, i love you.
> joeyb_9: couldn’t do it without you
joemainmixon: We got you brother!
user: the “he’s back” post next season is going to go crazy
user: get better soon lover
lahjay10_: the comeback will be legendary
user: revenge tour for real next year
cjstroud: 🙏🏾
user: joey take my wrist, i don’t need it.
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 91,736 others
evie: another gamedey in jungle. if you’re not in cincy you stink!
view all 7,728 comments…
user: still going to games??
> evie: ofc. those are my boys!
millyg: my little sweet pea
> evie: 🫛
user: my mom loves you (me too btw)
> evie: i luv ur mom. 😁💗
user: love to see you smiling
user: how is jb?
> evie: inspiring. 💗
joeyb_9: i like you.
> evie: omg thanks for sharing. i like you 2. 🤩🤪
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liked by lahjay10_, evie, and 852,100 others
joeyb_9: Learn to love discomfort
view all 5,793 comments…
lahjay10_: haha i just know you uncomfortable sitting like that. that’s what you mean by the caption?
> evie: lmao ur goofy
user: let’s go jb6
user: biggest qb in the league
user: happy birthday joe we love you!
evie: criss cross applesauce???
> joeyb_9: it’s called indian style. 🙄
> evie: is that what the big kids are calling it??
> user: ev is on his ass
user: it doesn’t go unnoticed you being on the sidelines for your teammates
user: are you and ev going to celebrate your special day?
> evie: we don’t skip bdays around here. even if you have a major surgery..
user: happy birthday king joe!
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 890,110 others
evie: bits and pieces
view all 3,611 comments…
user: wishing you and joe a lovely off season and smooth recovery
> evie: 💗💗💗
user: you’ll be back killing it next season! i can’t wait
user: okay, the teddy shirt? CUTE!
> evie: one of my favs
user: always giving us a peek at jb
> user: it’s funny how ev used to be the only one that called him jb and now it’s become one of his many nicknames.
user: going to be missing you this off season.
joeyb_9: puddle pic is 10/10 cuteness
> evie: 🥹💗
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liked nfl, bengals, and 891,028 others
joeyb_9: Sorry for the missed time. Return of the Jedi
view all 10,112 comments…
user: i hope my gf doesn’t see this post
user: miss u
user: see you next year daddy joe
evie: joe you can’t just post this on a monday morning with no warning.
> user: ev saying what we are all thinking
> joeyb_9: oh, i don’t know the rules. i thought this was my account.
> evie: smart. ass.
user: can’t wait to see you back!
evies stories
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* last part for now. 😢 *
if you want me to pick this back up once the season starts, give this a big ❤️ hehehe.
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e-dubbc11 · 1 day
Trivia Night
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader (wife)
Warnings: Some swear words, little violent, nothing major though, sexual reference, fluffy bunnies and unicorns
Word Count: 4.5K-ish
Summary: Trivia night at one of your favorite bars with your favorite people. Billy is late and you have to fill his spot with someone no one else is really fond of, especially Frank and Ginger
A/N: This one has been done for a few days but life got in the way of me putting it out. Finally had some time. Part of the Gingerverse. I’ll put the collection HERE. I haven’t written for them in awhile and I’ve missed it so this was fun. I hope you like it!
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
With music playing in the background, you sat at the bar with your friends staring at the beer in front of you. Poured perfectly, the high white foam piled high in the glass but not too high and melding into the citrusy white ale underneath.
It was a blend of orange, lemon and lime peel with a hint of spice from Grains of Paradise which was a rare pepper from West-Africa and considered an aphrodisiac.
Your head was full of little factoids and knowledge which is why Ginger thought it would be fun to do a trivia night at one of your favorite bars and it was also another way for Frank and Ginger to continue their “friendly” competition with each other.
The bar held a trivia contest every Thursday night and you were finally able to get everyone together for a fun night out. Of course, Frank and Maria were there, along with Ginger and another friend from work, Jules. You were just waiting for Billy to show up and complete your two teams of three but he was, once again, held up at work.
“Where’s your husband, kid? If he doesn’t get here soon, you’re gonna need another teammate so I can beat Ginger fair and square.” Said Frank.
“Keep talkin’ shit, Frank. We’ll see who answers more questions.” Ginger replied with a furrowed brow.
“I don’t know where he is. He promised he would be here but they’re starting soon.” You said with a worried look on your face.
You were going to have to find an alternate teammate.
The foam from the head of your beer touched the tip of your nose as you took a sip. The bright wheat ale was refreshing as it cooled and coated your throat. The bubbles tickled the inside of your nose as you set the beer back down onto the bar and the coaster underneath your glass was slightly damp from the condensation.
Searching the bar one more time for Billy, your eyes spotted a familiar face. The last time you had seen him was at your birthday party a few years ago before Billy had told you how he really felt about you. He was also the reason Billy almost left that night because you were dancing with him.
It was Lucas.
“Hey stranger!” He said, as he went in for a hug. “How are you?!”
Nervously, you replied, “I’m good, Lucas, really good. How have you been? It’s been a little while. You still working for Billy?”
He nodded. “Yep, actually he was still there when I left a little while ago.”
Glancing at your watch, you replied, “Yeah he’s supposed to be here for trivia time so our team is one player short at the moment.”
He took a sip from his beer bottle and a sly smile stretched across his face as he said, “I can fill in for him until he gets here.”
Both Frank and Ginger were staring at you, they glanced at each other and then turned their gaze back to you, well, back to Lucas. They both had a look of mistrust on their faces, narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. You loved how protective they were of you but it’s a public place with an old co-worker, what was going to happen?
As you pulled the barstool up, you said with an innocent smile, “Hey guys! Frank you know Lucas.” You said pointing in between the two of them. And turning to Ginger, you said, “Yeah, remember he was at my birthday party before I left Anvil.”
Still with her eyes narrowed, she replied, “Uh huh, yeah I think I remember. Silver Springs guy, right?”
Lucas nodded.
Ginger pulled him over to the barstools and said, “Alright stud, get comfortable, you’re gonna fill in until Billy gets here. You better be smart too, I’m not losin’ to Frank.”
Frank smirked at her. “We’ll see, Ginger.”
You turned to Lucas and said, “They’re a TAD competitive with each other. It’s comical to watch.”
“Oh I can’t wait.” He replied.
Billy was always in awe of how smart you are. He even went as far as saying you should try out for Jeopardy. A lot of nights after the two of you had dinner, you would turn it on while you were cleaning up in the kitchen.
“The answer is…This element has the highest atomic number that occurs naturally.” Said the host.
You said, “What is Uranium?”
“This Russian author wrote War and Peace.”
Again, you replied with the correct question, “Who is Tolstoy?”
“Located in Jordan, this ancient city is known for its rock-cut architecture.”
“What is Petra?” You said.
“What is Citizen Kane?”
“Who was Winston Churchill?”
“What is a Life of Service?”
“Who is Victor Hugo?”
With his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows, Billy stood at the sink washing the pots and pans with a smirk on his face and a towel draped over his shoulder. He’d hand them off for you to dry as you rattled off question after question.
“You’re amazing, my love.” He had told you. “You really should try out, I’m serious.”
“I’m not that smart, Billy. There are so many more people out there smarter than me.” You said.
After drying his hands off on the towel, he pulled you in by your waist, your body was flush with his, and his hands were still warm from the hot water from the faucet. Billy tilted your chin up with his long slender fingers so you were looking into his onyx colored eyes, smiling that perfect smile at you. That smile could get you to do pretty much anything. It was your kryptonite…in a good way.
“Why do you doubt yourself so much, sweet girl?” Asked Billy in a silvery tone.
Glancing down at his arms wrapped tightly around you, you replied with a shrug, “I dunno. I guess I’ve always had that feeling that I’m not good enough. Plus, I’m highly competitive so if I don’t win, I feel like a loser.” You said with a slight smile.
“You and me both, baby.” Said Billy. “Our kids are gonna be in trouble.” He said with a wink.
You laughed as he gently pressed his lips to yours. They tasted like the bittersweet piece of chocolate he had after dinner.
“Will you do something for me, beautiful? Just think about it? I wouldn’t blow smoke up your ass and tell you you’re good enough when you’re not. You know that.” Said Billy.
You snaked your arms around his neck and gently raked your nails against his scalp. His raven colored hair glided through your fingers as you kissed him again. Slipping his tongue between your lips, his kisses became hungrier as you angled your head so he could kiss up and down your neck.
“Not fair, handsome. That’s called coercion when you kiss me like that.” You said as warmth spread across your cheeks and chest.
“Does that mean you’ll think about it?” He asked, brushing his knuckles against your cheek.
You rolled your eyes playfully at him as he stood in front of you smiling like a Cheshire cat. Billy knew exactly what he was doing.
“Ok, you win Billy. I’ll think about it.” You said, biting back a smile.
He replied, “That’s all I ask, my love.”
You were sitting in between Lucas and Ginger. Frank, Maria and Jules looked very ready to answer some questions and before you knew it, the contest had started. Billy had promised he would be here but he was late and the game had started without him. Unsure of the rules, you didn’t even know if he could jump in when he got there.
Billy worked harder than anyone you’ve ever met. You couldn’t fault him for wanting to be the best, fighting to stay on top, and be the best security detail in the city. Sometimes he broke his promises which most of the time you let go but this one hit a little differently.
It was upsetting. You just wanted to have some fun with him and he was missing it but you were determined to have a good time anyway.
You were on fire tonight though. There wasn’t a question you didn’t answer correctly even when it wasn’t your turn.
“How many moons does Neptune have?” Your host asked.
You answered confidently, “Fourteen.”
“What is the fear of flowers called?” They asked.
“Anthophobia.” You replied.
“How many staircases are located in Hogwarts?” Their voice sounded frustrated because they couldn’t stump you.
You answered with a sly smile, “142.”
With his arm touching yours, Lucas leaned in and whispered, “How do you know all of this stuff, y/n?”
“Oh, just stuff I picked up here and there.” You replied.
You thought Lucas was harmless, but Ginger and Frank felt otherwise. In between their score keeping with each other, you swear they were silently communicating about how close Lucas was to you and keeping an extra close eye on him to make sure he didn’t try anything.
“He’s a little too close to you, don’t you think?” Said Ginger, in your ear.
Looking down at her leg and yours, they were practically touching so you replied, “Well the barstools are really close together. What am I supposed to do? Sit in your lap?”
“I’d say he still has a thing for you.” Ginger whispered, almost glaring at Lucas.
You whispered back, “Ok, well I NEVER had a thing for him. Also I’m very much in love with my husband.”
“I know that…just…well just watch his hands. I don’t trust him and neither does Frank.” She said.
You glanced over at Frank. He looked as if he could spit nails. “Yes, I can see that.” You replied. “I’ll be on high alert. Ready to do some Kung-Fu Panda if I need to.”
Ginger started to laugh and sing a verse from Kung Fu Fighting while Frank rolled his eyes and Maria chuckled.
While this was going on, you became hyper aware of how much Lucas was drinking and gradually inching closer to you. He looked like he was feeling pretty good and it was starting to make you a little uncomfortable but you tried to ignore him.
After a little while, it was break time. Time to stretch your legs, run to the bathroom, have a snack…whatever you felt like doing for a few minutes before the second round started. Frank and Ginger were arguing who had answered more questions correctly between the two of them.
There was the team score and then their personal scores that they kept track of. It was hard not to laugh when they would go back and forth and get under each other’s skin. Both of them, however, kept a close eye on you but mostly they were watching Lucas.
Maria caught the two of them eyeing you like a hawk.
“What are you two glaring at over here? Or maybe I should ask, WHO are you two glaring at over here?” She asked.
Without taking his eyes away from you, Frank replied, “We’re watching to see if Lucas makes any moves on y/n. I know he still has a thing for her, I feel it.”
Maria folded her arms across her body and playfully rolled her eyes.
“Baby, I’m sure y/n can take care of herself. Being with Billy all this time, I’m sure she’s learned a thing or two about defending herself if Lucas is stupid enough to try anything.” She said.
Ginger jumped in, “Yeah but it’s not just us, right? She looks a little uncomfortable talking to him.”
In an unsure tone, Maria replied, “I mean, I guess maybe a little bit.”
You finally saw the familiar face you had been waiting for all night to arrive. Scanning the bar, Billy’s dark brown eyes locked with yours and a wide smile stretched across his lips as he rushed toward you. Without realizing what you were doing, you walked away from Lucas and started walking toward Billy.
Excusing himself, he worked his way through the sea of people until you were close enough for him to touch. You crashed against his chest and melted into his embrace. Billy brushed your hair over your shoulder, snaked his arms around you, and held you while he apologized over and over again.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, sweet girl. I’m sorry.” Whispered Billy against the top of your head.
For a brief moment, you had forgotten how angry you were with him that he was late, yet again, and smiled against his chest while listening to the rapid beating of his heart.
“You’re VERY late, Billy. I had to find someone to fill in for you.” You said.
Billy glanced around the bar before he asked, “Who did you get on short notice, my love?”
Just as you were about to answer, Lucas said, “Me…she got me to fill in for you. Finally done at the office, huh Mr. Russo?”
Billy narrowed his eyes and gave Lucas a devilish smile before he answered, “Yeah…I am. Well I’m here now so you can take off.”
A cunning smile stretched across Lucas’s face as he replied, “Actually, I just asked the person in charge and there aren’t any substitutions after the game has started so it looks like you’ll just have to sit and watch, Mr. Russo. Your wife is…” He paused to stare at you. “She’s amazing. You know how smart she is?”
Billy replied with gnashed teeth, “I do, Lucas. Yes, MY wife is incredibly smart.”
“Oh, well I guess you do know then. They’re about to start, y/n. I’ll see you back at our seats.” He said.
Billy glared at Lucas as he walked back to his seat then turned back to talk to you. His body was stiff and the muscles in his shoulders tensed while his knuckles showed white as he clenched his fist.
“I don’t like the way he’s looking at you.” He hissed.
You rolled your eyes a little.
“Baby, you never like the way any man looks at me.” You said, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Yeah, well I know Frankie and Ginger feel the same way.” Said Billy.
“They texted you, huh?” You asked.
Billy nodded, his lips pressed into a straight line. You could tell he was furious.
“Well maybe you should have done a better job of trying to get here on time, Billy.” You said, turning on your heels and walking back to your seat.
He called out after you, “Sweet girl, I said I was sorry!”
“You’ve been sorry a lot lately, Billy. Maybe this will teach you a lesson.” You said.
You knew how Billy could be, how jealous he gets, and how possessive he is of you but he had been disappointing you more often lately because of work. He had been canceling dates, coming home late, and missing dinner. Maybe this was a tough lesson he needed to learn.
Ginger stopped you before you could get back to your seat.
“Awesome, Billy’s here! We can ditch the dummy, he doesn’t know anything anyway.” She said.
You started to shake your head back and forth and replied, “We can’t, Ginger…guy in charge said we can’t swap out. So we’re stuck with him for two more rounds.”
Frank walked up behind you.
“I’m ahead by one, Ginger. They’re gettin’ ready to start round two.” He said.
“They won’t let Billy play because he showed up late.” She said.
“What?! So you’re stuck with him for two more rounds? That’ll teach Bill to be late, yeah?” Said Frank.
Lucas was sitting in his seat, drinking his beer with a smug look on his face. You knew he was trying to make Billy jealous and it didn’t take much to get Billy’s blood to boil. The scorching glare he directed at Lucas could probably be felt by the entire bar as he sipped his bourbon.
But they were starting the second round and you directed your concentration to answering the questions and not toward Billy. In between questions, Lucas would lean in and whisper things to you like “You’re doing great.” And “That one was really hard, how did you even know that?” It was really making your stomach turn but you didn’t want to be rude. You made it through round two and only had to make it through one more round.
“I got five questions right that round, Frank. You forgot to mark that last one down.” Said Ginger.
“No I didn’t, Ginger. It’s that one right there.” Frank said, pointing down at his scrap paper.
“Well, my paper says I have one more.” She said.
“Then you’re cheating.” He said.
Ginger’s jaw dropped open. “I am NOT cheating and I am deeply insulted that you would even think that. I can beat you fair and square.”
Maria interjected, “Baby, I think you did forget one.”
“Hey, whose side are you on, anyway?” Frank said, looking at her fondly with a smirk on his face.
Meanwhile, a few feet down from where Frank and Ginger were “discussing” their totals, you were trying to reassure Billy that Lucas wasn’t going to try anything and there was only one more round left before it was over.
“There’s only one more round left and then we can go home, ok?” You said.
Lightly brushing his beard with your thumb, you smiled warmly at him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before returning to your seat.
Billy nodded and tried to smile at you but you could tell he was still angry and jealous.
Round three questions were a little more difficult…
“How many noses does a slug have?” They asked.
Deep in thought but distracted at the same time, you blurted out the first number that came to mind.
“Four?” You replied in an unsure tone.
“Four is correct!” They said, excitedly.
“What are baby rabbits called?”
“Who painted ‘Girl with the Pearl Earring?’”
“What 1949 science fiction book by author George Orwell describes a dystopian world in the future?”
“Twenty-Twenty-Fo—oh wait, sorry…I mean, 1984.” You said with a wide grin.
Billy chuckled a little at that one but his smile disappeared when he saw Lucas inch closer to whisper something in your ear.
“And she’s funny too.” He said, placing a hand on your knee and squeezing.
Your body immediately tensed and your face tightened as well. You could actually feel the color leaving your face and Billy could tell something was wrong.
You looked over at him, silently telling him that you didn’t like what was happening. Lucas slowly moved his hand up your thigh while looking over at Billy. Your body temperature started to rise and your heart started to race.
Earlier, you thought maybe Lucas was just being extra friendly because it had been awhile since you had seen him last but now you realized that he must still be upset because you left the night of your birthday party with Billy and not him.
“Take your hand off of me, Lucas.” You said through gnashed teeth.
His touch made your skin crawl.
“Don’t make a scene, pretty girl. We have to finish the game.” He whispered.
Billy got up from his barstool and started to walk over toward you but not before you planted your left leg and kicked Lucas’s barstool out from under him with your right. He was leaning forward when his stool disappeared from under him so his face smashed against the bar and he landed on the floor clutching his nose, yelling out in pain.
Looking down, you noticed blood dripping from in between his fingers while he weaved a string of profanities as he tried to get the bleeding to stop.
When he looked up at you, his face was flushed with rage as you smiled kindly, clutched your imaginary pearls and in a patronizing voice, asked, “Oh my goodness, Lucas! Are you alright? Did you lose your balance?” Then in a low voice only he could hear, you whispered, “Don’t you fuckin’ touch me ever again. We’re never going to happen so get over it. I’m married to your boss, dipshit. Although, after this I’m guessing he won’t be your boss for much longer.” You said with a devilish smile.
Ginger was trying to cover her mouth so no one would see her laughing but she was doing a terrible job. “Holy shit, where did you learn to do that?!” She asked in a surprised tone.
“My husband taught me.” You said loud enough for Billy to hear.
Billy winked at you, sending delightful shivers up and down your spine. He handed Lucas a bar napkin and growled in his face, “You’re FIRED and don’t you EVER come near my wife again. She knows how to do a lot more than just kick barstools, asshole.”
You heard Maria’s voice behind you, “See Frank, I told you she could take care of herself.”
“Time to go, Lucas. Let’s go.” Said Frank, pulling him to his feet and walking him toward the door and holding him by his shirt.
“I knew he would try somethin’ sooner or later! I hate to say I told ya so buuuuut…” Said Ginger with a wide smile.
Billy took your hand in his and gently brushed your cheek with the other. A look of concern washed over his face as he continued to look you over to make sure you were alright.
“You ok, sweet girl?” He asked.
“I’m fine, baby. I’m fine. You see what I did? Huh?” You asked with raised eyebrows and wide eyes.
He let out a little laugh and pulled you flush to him. Billy inhaled sharply and exhaled forcefully; feeling the tension leave his body, you wrapped your arms tightly around his back and you could feel the smirk play across his lips against the top of your head.
“I did and I gotta say it made me a little hard.” He purred as a tremor of pleasure went straight to your core. “All jokes aside, I’m gonna try to make more time for us and for our friends. I know I’ve been really busy lately. I’m so sorry, baby.”
With your body molded against his, your eyes closed in relief as his long slender fingers danced up and down your back. Nothing felt better than being in Billy’s embrace.
“That would really mean a lot to me, my love. I know how hard you work but you deserve to relax and have fun too.” You said, smiling against his chest.
As his gazed raked over you, Billy’s eyes were like pools of dark chocolate, rich and sweet. They were warm, inviting and begging for your forgiveness. He really was sorry. You felt it in the way he held you, the way he looked at you, and as his lips gently pressed against yours, you felt it in the way he kissed you.
“I’ll learn one of these days, sweet girl.” Said Billy as he kissed your forehead.
You replied with a subtle smile, “We have all the time in the world, handsome.”
Ginger interrupted the kiss between you and Billy.
“Well since you took out our teammate, how are we gonna finish the game now?” She asked. “Our TEAM obviously won because you have a ridiculous amount of information stored in that big brain of yours BUT, I need to finish round three against Frank.”
Ginger looked around at the group, wondering if any of you had an idea of how to finish up trivia night.
“Well, I know my beautiful wife has stacks of trivia cards all over the place at home so we could all go there for a couple more drinks, more trivia, and I can properly introduce myself to Jules…” Said Billy, extending his hand for her to shake. “Hi…I’m Billy. I’m y/n’s dumbass husband and she ended up in a bar fight because I was late.”
Jules laughed and started to blush, extended her hand to shake Billy’s, and said, “You’re right, y/n. He really does have a smile that will melt your insides. I don’t know how you can stay mad at him with a smile like that.”
“He definitely has an unfair advantage, that’s for sure.” You replied. “And I did not get into a bar fight, Billy.”
“Hey, he left the bar with a broken nose because of you, did he not?” Said Billy with a wink.
You bit back a smile as you narrowed your eyes at him and shook your head. It really was hard to stay mad at him…you loved him so much.
“Alright then…to the house of Russo! Let’s finish this, Castle!” Exclaimed Ginger.
“Lead the way, Ginger.” Said Frank, ushering her to go ahead of him.
Billy leaned in close and whispered, “Can we do a lightning round and get everyone to go home quicker? I’m still turned on from watching you bash Lucas’s face against the bar.”
A blur of a smile played across your lips as you replied, “OK number one…gravity did that to Lucas’s face, not me, and two…I’ll see what I can do about the lightning round. I love you, Billy.”
He quickly cupped your cheeks and his lips collided with yours. Sweeping your lower lip, Billy’s tongue parted your lips to twist and knot with yours. The taste of vanilla from the bourbon lingered on his tongue as warmth spread across your chest and his hands ran up and down the curves and hollows of your body.
All was forgiven.
Walking together arm in arm, you and Billy headed for home with your friends, talking about your day, and talking about what he missed from trivia night. You weren’t looking at him but you could feel his eyes on you and smell the remnants of his spicy cologne on his jacket. It was all so familiar and comfortable as his body was a warm cradle for yours while you laughed with each other all the way home.
Billy tried his best to learn from his mistakes and he hated to disappoint you because he knows what that feels like. To wait for someone, hoping they’ll show up and they never do. He never wanted to do that to you.
That fear of abandonment was still strong even after all this time, after all of the “I love you’s,” after the forever promises to each other, it was still there. Billy may never get over it but you would always be there for him in whatever way he needed you to be.
The perfection he strived for in your relationship was unattainable, nobody is perfect but it didn’t stop him from trying, learning what not to do, and it was ok to have these teachable moments like tonight. He took it all in and he would be better next time, you had no doubt about that.
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @idaoftheburningmind @rafaelakelley @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialend @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @aoi-targaryen
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @ittybxttykxttytxtty @mrsbillyrusso
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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codslut · 2 days
Hey, was wondering what your favorite cod ships are/what characters you ship together?
Why, I ship them with me, of course!
Lmao, but on a real note—I don't ship any of them together. I’m not into shipping when it comes to CoD and you won’t find any of that content here. Sorry to disappoint!
Because I was in the military, this affects the way I see character interactions, especially between two characters of different ranks with an imbalance of power (fraternization). I don’t look at any character’s interactions with other characters and think, “they’re boyfriends, your honor.”
I also tend to look at things too logically when it comes to character interactions. Using Ghost and Soap as an example because shipping them has become so popular thanks to Alone (love that mission, btw)—their dialogue in Alone, Ghost’s interactions with Soap were a real military tactic used to keep Soap, who was in a dangerous situation and injured, calm so he could get out alive. To me, their relationship is more of a mentorship or brotherly/best friends bond. I think they complement each other well, but in a strictly platonic way.
Also, soldiers regularly banter with each other and say or do “sus” or “gay” shit all the time. I had two married and straight teammates back in the Marines who used to slap each other’s asses, saying things like “damn, thicker than a hotcake, baby” and one of them would moan anytime the other slapped his ass just to embarrass him. Both of these men were “my wife this, my wife that, I love my wife” 24/7 types.
With all that being said, while shipping with CoD is just not for me personally, I don’t care what other people do. If you get mad over someone enjoying FICTION in a way that makes them happy, you need some help. If you like to ship CoD characters, I’m 100% supportive. Go write that raunchy fanfic of Soap twirling on Ghost's dick like a ballerina, babe!
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sigmasemen · 3 days
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tags: established relationship, fluff, tooth rotting fluff.
taglist: n/a currently.
characters: alexis ness, nagi seishiro, eita otoya, nijiro nanase, chigiri hyoma, reo mikage, karasu tabito, aryu jyubei, gender neutral.
word count: 2156
extra notes: wattpad repost yawn.
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- "You want me to teach ya?" He keeps asking ur with the biggest shit eating grin in the world. Not because he isn't confident, but because he loves hearing you say you need him in some way.
- He's very eager about teaching you, showing off the fact to his teammates. "My partner wants to learn soccer with me. Ya got that?" "Yes, we do..." "Well, get it again." 
- He's teaching you every thing in a very hands on way. Literally. Whenever you're practicing shooting, he's got his hands on your hips and is teaching you how to aim to the goal. How to twist your body, which way you want to look. If you get flustered, he'll just lay and kiss your cheek.
- He'll joke about private lessons but when you actually want them, he's caught off guard and nervously laughs before nodding. You love getting his composure (and clothes) off.
- Another man who loves to see you in his jersey.
- Karasu enjoys seeing you talk about soccer with him. At first, he gets the fact you don't understand a lot of words so he'll go back and repeat stuff.  But when you do know what he means, he'll try and impress you with bigger words. If you still know, he'll be impressed.
- "I needa see ya try somethin', alright doll?" And then he'll do a 180 and throw you up in the air to catch you. If you're able to do it back to him, he pretends to be a damsel in distress.
- His older sister is into soccer too and always enjoys seeing you and her brother play. Gossips about you two with his family.
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- Also takes a pause and looks at you. Though as you confirm it, he puts a hand on his chest and nods, "It's expected you would like to learn from me."
- He's making sure you're safe and you look good on the field. He argues that you always look good considering the way your eyes are shaped, the way your lips are so kissable, he's just making sure you look perfect.
- He gets a jersey with your name and his last name on it for you to wear. He also does the same with his jersey and adds your last name.
- He always checks your body for any scars you for while playing and tends to them, even if they're small blisters. He adores pampering you.
- He teaches you by telling you to follow his actions. Like a certain kick, a certain play style, he's very much teaching you how to copy things he does.
- He's a very metaphor based person. He uses things that you like to help explain soccer more to you. He doesn't know if you'll understand all the terms otherwise.
- "You looked absolutely glam when you made that goal." "Thank you!" "Why of course." He's extremely polite with these sorts of things.
- Asks you to tie up his hair before the beginning of every match.
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moon1833 · 18 hours
can u do a part two of URGES with kageyama with the team finding out or commenting on what they heard from that night? i love ur story’s on him!and please tag me in it 🙏. I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️
omg hi yes ofc !! thank you for requesting :) (sorry for the delay)
“Urges” part 2 (the aftermath)
“Lemme take care of you”
Contains: Timeskip! Kageyama Tobio x female reader, fluff, like so much yearning, Kageyama doesn’t know how to act, smut at the end
warning: smut, oral sex (male receiving), slight dom reader (barely), sub(ish) Kageyama, inexperienced Kageyama
The sound of sneakers against a wooden gym floor and volleyballs smacking into the ground was a sound you had gotten used to. You had been team manager for Schweiden Alders for the past year, and you practically heard the sounds of the sport in your sleep.
Your feet felt heavy as you dragged them past the double doors to drop off the paperwork you finished earlier that morning to the coach.
After the night you had, you were less than happy to be preparing for the upcoming match, the soreness in your upper legs still prevalent. You would’ve done anything to stay cuddled up next to Tobio for a minute longer.
You hear a few snickers as you enter the gymnasium, but you’re too tired to pay it any mind. From across the net, Tobio follows your frame as you walk, memorized by how your hips sway.
His teammate snorts at his dazed reaction, even the coach chuckling. Purplish marks were peaking out from Kageyama’s uniform, and the scratches on his back were more than enough for the locker room to congratulate him.
Still, he kept his lips shut about who he possibly could’ve slept with on the three days they’ve been in the hotel for. He wanted to keep you to himself.
The idea of another guy thinking about you in that way was enough to permanently etch a scowl into his face.
However, the slight wobble in your step and your managers jacket zipped up all the way to cover your neck was more than suspicious.
Besides, even though the boys were lucky enough to get their own rooms this time, they were still all next to each other. And you weren’t exactly quiet last night.
You try to avoid Tobio’s eye. This morning, you both had agreed to keep it between yourselves, not wanting to risk either of your positions.
(He had nodded, sleep still clinging to him as he listened to you. Your head was on his bare chest and he was playing with your hair.)
Tobio wasn’t holding up his part of the deal very well. You could practically feel his eyes on you at all times as they warmed up.
To your ignorance, he had always looked at you like that.
It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Tobio to be looking at you with more emotion than he gave a single other person in the world, but you didn’t know that.
Ten minutes to lining up, you were handing out water bottles to the boys. Your hand shook a little handing Tobio his, a new nervousness around him. For the first time all day, you looked up at him.
You found yourself smiling softly at him, fingers brushing yours just a second too long. You turned away, handing the next water bottle to the next teammate.
A part of Tobio’s brain stopped, the curve of your smile and the glint of your eyes washing over him.
After the game, the boys were just as rowdy in the locker room as they always were. The caption, the oldest member on the roster, clapped Kageyama’s back as he walked by.
“Man, I never thought I’d see the day.” He said, a true sense of pride in his words.
“W-what are you talking about?” Kageyama’s voice cracked before he cleared his throat.
“You and y/n!” Another teammate cheered.
“You’ve been ogling her for years.” The caption agreed.
In a few seconds, Kageyama’s entire team was surrounding him in a huddle, congratulating him while he desperately attempted to deny it.
By the time the rest of the team had shuffled out of the locker room to make their way to the bus that would shuttle them back to the hotel, Tobio was flushed pink.
After he washed his face twice, he couldn’t shake the tinge in his cheeks. Even before last night, the thought of you alone made him half hard. Now, with the sight replaying in his mind whenever he blinked, he’d been painfully hard for the whole day.
He contemplated jerking off right then and there, but he decided to wait until he got back.
Eventually, he exited the locker room, almost barreling into you.
“Oh! Uh, sorry.” Tobio’s expression lit up.
“It’s okay.” You giggled, your jacket was off now, a purple mark peaking from behind your hair. “I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner?”
“Like, with me?” He asked, a bit surprised.
“Yes, Tobio, with you.” You smiled at his nerves.
Not trusting his voice, he nodded shyly, completely embarrassed by how bashful he had became. Luckily, you found it endearing.
“Takeout and a movie okay?” Your smile was growing the deeper his blush got.
“Yeah.” He said quietly. “Sounds good.”
“Be at my room in an hour.” You called over your shoulder, walking away.
Tobio didn’t move for a few minutes, just standing while staring at the ground with a dumbfounded expression. (He almost missed the bus).
“You shouldn’t have paid.” Tobio scowled as he finished the food you bought, placing the container in the trash.
“Well, I wanted to.” You argued, legs crossed on your bed.
He slid 10,000 yen across the sheets, but you just scoffed and slid it back to him. He tried to return it, but you pushed it right back.
“You are so annoying.” Tobio said, but there was an amusemed smirk on his face.
“Wow.” You said sarcastically. “I liked you better when you were too scared to speak.”
“I wasn’t scared.” He crossed his arms.
“Uh, absolutely yes you were.”
“I was not.”
“Were too.”
Tobio retorts by taking one of the pillows from beside him and throwing it at your head. You catch it before it can hit you, launching at him.
He falls on his back, hands gripping your waist for stability. You settle on his lap, shoving the pillow in his face as you laugh.
He blindly grabs your wrists, turning you on your back when he wraps his fingers around them. The pillow slides off, and your met with Tobio’s eyes peering into yours.
You smile melts into a smirk when you readjust your hips, feeling Tobio grow on top of you. His prior confidence falls, red creeping up his neck as you spread your legs under him.
“Aw, there he is.” You coo, trailing a hand up his crewneck. You cup his cheek, running a thumb along his jawline.
You nod at him, as if telling him “yes, you can kiss me” and he obliges. Your hands move to his hair, your nails tracing his scalp. His breathe halts at the feeling, giving you the opportunity to slip your tongue past his lips.
His hips rut into yours, and you wrap your legs around him in response. You continue to kiss him while pushing him up, now sitting in his lap.
His hands slide down your back, settling just below your hips, fingers barely grazing your ass.
“Lemme take care of you.” You mumble into his lips, rubbing the tip of his dick through his sweatpants.
“You don’t have to if you don’t-”
“I want to.” You cut him off, kissing his ear.
You move your body back slightly, pushing him so he’s lying down. You’re in between his legs, hands gripping his thighs. Kissing down his chest, you push his shirt up to touch his torso, pushing his pants off.
There’s a spot of dampness in his boxers, and you’re reminded of how impressively big he is (like you forgot).
You kiss him through his boxers, licking the spot of his precum that seeped through. Tobio lets out a deep breath as he curses at the feeling, his hands finding your hair.
He doesn’t push your head towards him or tug on your hair, instead he caresses your head, tucking a strand out of your face.
You look up at him. His face is flushed and his hair is a bit messy, his eyes are half lidded and he’s smiling at you helplessly.
You pull his boxers down as he lifts his hips to aid you with it. They aren’t even halfway down his legs before you’re licking the precum off of his tip.
Tobio whimpers.
It’s quiet, but you hear it. It sends an almost primal response in you, warmth flooding to your core. You trail your tongue down his dick, desperate to hear the sound again.
Tobio bites his lip, swallowing a moan. You stop, closing your mouth and sitting up. His brows crease, worrying he’s done something wrong that caused you to stop.
“Don’t do that.” You say simply, parting his lips with your thumb.
He nods, a bit dumbly. You kiss his lips briefly before shifting back down, a slight arch in your back.
You suck gently on the tip, swirling your tongue around it before taking him as far down as you can.
He’s thick, and it almost hurts how he’s stretching your mouth. Still, the noises you’re pulling from him are worth it.
He’s withering under you, cursing under his breath and letting out the sluttiest sounds. You alternately between licking up his dick and engulfing him fully, tugging at him whenever you needed a break.
“I can’t last, ‘m sorry.” He whines after a few moments, gasping as you hallow your cheeks.
You squeeze his thigh in reassurance, taking him deep as he finishes in your mouth. It was more than you expected, some spilling out of your mouth and pooling with your spit by his pubes.
He twitches as jumbled words of affirmation fall from his lips, and you swallow as much as you can.
You pull off as he catches his breath, grabbing a tissue from the nightstand and wiping him off. He sits up with his elbows, watching you with a soft grin.
“Are you okay?” You ask.
“Mhm.” Tobio pushes you onto him, one hand hugging your waist while the other caressed your cheek. He kissed your forehead, then your temple.
“You did so good, pretty.” Tobio praises.
You kiss the tip of his nose tenderly, smiling at him. He lowers his head to kiss you, sighing into your mouth.
You adjust your hips to kiss him more comfortably, pulling back when you feel him. “How are you hard again already?”
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strwbrryeyes · 2 days
hi nini, i just read your bokuto imagine and my heart is on the floor in the best possible way <33
how about oikawa with a gf who’s also really hard-working, to the point that she pushes herself too much but always tries to hide it and puts on a smile. but deep down she really needs to just be held and to let go of everything (and oikawa sees that) 🥹
i love charming oikawa, but i feel we don’t really get to see his hard-working and obstinate side, as well as his ability to read people (like his team mates) well, emphasized in imagines/drabbles! it’s the multidimensional oikawa brainrot coming out </3
𖦹°。⋆ Nothing matters but you (oikawa x reader)
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⟡ cw: comfort, general stress for reader, lmk if i missed anything
⟡ a/n: this is shorter than i usually write but i was thinking of making a part two to this ngl
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The loud sound of volleyballs hitting the court echoed through the gymnasium, mixed in with the shouts and laughter of all the players who were hard at practice. In the middle of it all stood Oikawa Tooru, the captain of his university's volleyball team, effortlessly leading and encouraging his team as much as he could. He relished everything about volleyball, from the challenges to the adrenaline it gave him every time on the cour . But today, his mind was elsewhere. His mind was focused on you.
As practice ended and the team began to disperse, and Oikawa immediately looked around to look for you like he always did since you always came to watch his practice. Looking around, he finally spotted you. Your smile, that was usually so warm and welcoming now seemed like a mask but even so, Oikawa weakly smiled back at you making you wave before quickly walking out of the gym which only made him worry more as you would always come down from the bleachers to tell him and the rest of the team that they had done great today.
“Iwa,” Oikawa calls out to his best friend, Iwaizumi,  who was gathering his things a few feet away from where he was standing “I’ll catch up with you later.” Oikawa explains as he motions towards the door you had just walked out of
Iwaizumi gave him a knowing look but nodded. "Take care of her," was all he said, clapping Oikawa on the shoulder before heading out himself.
Oikawa quickly packed his things and jogged out of the gym, his mind racing. He knew You were hardworking to a fault. It was one of the things he admired most about her, but it also worried him. You often pushed yourself too hard, hiding your exhaustion behind a brave face. He couldn't shake the feeling that you needed more than just his admiration right now. You needed him to comfort you, to hold you…just be there as a shoulder to cry on.
After a few minutes of looking for you, Oikawa found you sitting on a bench outside, your back to him with your shoulders slightly slumped. Your eyes seemed distant and unfocused, like you were in a completely different world. Oikawa approached you quietly, his heart breaking at the sight of you.
"[name]," he said softly, taking a seat beside you, his voice startling you causing you to slightly jump.
"Tooru! Great practice today, as always," you said, your voice a bit too cheerful with a fake smile plastered on your face.
Oikawa took your hand gently, his thumb tracing soothing circles on your skin. "Thank you, my love. But enough about me. How are you, really?" He says, getting straight to the point and his main concern.
Your smile faltered for a split second before you regained your composure. "I'm okay! Really! I’m just tired from studying and all. You know how it is." you nervously laugh out .
He did know. You have been a top student for as long as he has known you, always aiming for perfection, just like he was with volleyball. But he also knew when someone was on the verge of breaking. He had seen it in his teammates, he has seen it in himself, and now he saw it in you and nothing broke his heart more.
"[name]," he said more firmly, "you don't have to hide from me. You can tell me if you're not okay. It's okay to need a break."
Your eyes filled with tears, and you looked away, biting your lip. "I just... I don't want to be a burden. You have so much on your plate already, Tooru." 
Oikawa's heart ached at your words. He pulled you into a gentle embrace, holding you close. "You're never a burden to me, [name]. You're my girlfriend. I want to be here for you, just like you're always there for me whenever I need it.” Oikawa whispers into your ear, his voice threatening to crack.
You let out a shaky breath, the walls you had built around yourself these past few weeks had begun to crumble. "It's just so hard sometimes and I feel like I have to keep pushing, keep smiling, even when I'm exhausted and defeated.”
Oikawa held you tighter, his voice a soothing murmur in your ear. "You don't have to do it all alone. Let me help you. We can face everything together. I promise"
For a moment, you were silent, and then you let out a soft sob, finally breaking. You buried your face in his chest, and he felt your body tremble. He stroked your hair, whispering comforting words, giving her the space to let go of the weight she had been carrying.
Time seemed to stand still as you both sat there, wrapped in each other's arms. Oikawa knew that this was just the beginning. There would be more tough days ahead, but he was determined to be there for you whenever you needed him, to support her as she had always supported him.
As your sobs subsided, you looked up at Oikawa, your eyes red but filled with a newfound sense of relief. "Thank you, Tooru. I don't know what I'd do without you."
He smiled, brushing a tear from your cheek. "We'll get through this together. I promise." He says followed by giving you a kiss on the forehead.
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notthelastconfessor · 5 hours
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Hola culers, I am here to share one of the most important decisions of my career.
You’ve been next to me since I arrived to Barça, that’s why I think you deserve I talk to you today from my heart to tell you that after 10 amazing years, I’ve decided it’s time to find new challenges.
Believe when I say it’s been a very hard and meditated decision, but in life you have to be honest and accept when a cycle ends and that, sometimes, paths separate. I can assure you that at Barça I’ve grown, I’ve made lots of dreams a reality –even some I didn’t know I could have– and I’ve been very very happy.
From all I’ve lived I’ll keep not only the sporting successes, but the changes and the social impact that we’ve had together. This is a historic team and I know with time they’ll be valued more and more.
It’s been an incredible journey that I’ve been able to share with the best teammates and staff and I leave knowing I leave Barça where it deserves: being the best team in the world.
We all know I’m culer since I was little thanks to my dad, and being able to wear this jersey has made me love this team even more. I’ve always felt Barça was my home, and I’ve felt valued and esteemed from day one in Barcelona.
Winning the first Champions, the assistance records, the massive mobilisations in games not at home, the warmth at Johan every day…
They are memories I will never be able to forget and that will always give me goosebumps. That’s why I want to thank the President, the Directives and everyone who made it possible.
I only hope you will remember me as the player who gave it her all for this badge, because all the effort, the sacrifices, the hard moments when injured or the losses were worth it just so that I can say that I am and will always be proud to have been a part of this family.
It's been more than 300 matches defending this jersey, more than 100 goals scored and more than 25 titles celebrated. I hope I can say goodbye to all of you at the last match at home against Betis. Because you are and have always been indispensable and because I am sure we will see each other sooner rather than later.
Thank you very much and visça el Barça.
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geotjwrs · 13 hours
Hey do you think u can do Jenna Ortega x male reader. The reader is a professional soccer player for AC Milan
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; injury??
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Y/N was living the dream as a professional soccer player for AC Milan. His days were filled with intense training sessions, thrilling matches, and the camaraderie of his teammates. But amidst the glitz and the grind, Y/N had a secret that kept his life balanced and his heart content – his relationship with Jenna Ortega.
Their romance had blossomed quietly, away from the prying eyes of the public. They cherished their stolen moments, the late-night calls, and the occasional secret rendezvous whenever their schedules allowed. Despite their different worlds, they made it work, keeping their love under wraps.
One sunny afternoon, Jenna managed to sneak into Milan unnoticed, her excitement bubbling beneath the surface. Today was special – she was going to watch Y/N play live for the first time. Disguised in a hoodie and sunglasses, she found her seat in the stands, trying to blend in with the crowd.
As the game began, Jenna couldn't help but cheer for Y/N, her heart swelling with pride every time he touched the ball. She captured videos on her phone, whispering words of encouragement that he couldn't hear but she hoped he could feel. It was thrilling to see him in his element, commanding the field with skill and confidence.
But not everyone in the stands was oblivious to Jenna's presence. Some fans began to murmur, their curiosity piqued by the young woman who seemed particularly invested in Y/N's performance. Whispers spread, and soon enough, Jenna found herself under discreet scrutiny.
Y/N, focused on the game, was unaware of the stir Jenna's presence was causing. He was having a stellar match until an opposing player, known for his rough play, started targeting him. During a heated moment, the rival player approached Y/N with a sneer.
"Hey, Y/N," he taunted, his voice low and mocking. "Your girlfriend's watching. Would be a shame if something happened to you."
Y/N's eyes flicked to the stands, briefly catching sight of Jenna. Panic and anger flared within him, but before he could react, the opponent made his move. A hard, deliberate tackle sent Y/N crashing to the ground, pain shooting through his leg.
The stadium erupted into a mix of cheers and gasps. Jenna's heart plummeted as she watched Y/N writhe in agony. The medical team rushed to his side, assessing the injury and signaling for a stretcher. Jenna's first instinct was to run to him, but she knew she had to stay put, keeping their secret intact.
Back in the locker room, the atmosphere was tense. Y/N was being examined by the team doctors, his face contorted in pain. His teammates hovered nearby, concern etched on their faces.
One of his closest friends on the team, Luka, knelt beside him. "Hey, man, hang in there. We'll get you through this."
Y/N nodded, trying to stay strong. "Thanks, Luka."
Meanwhile, Jenna paced anxiously outside the stadium, her heart aching for Y/N. She wanted nothing more than to be by his side, but she knew she had to wait for the right moment.
She sent him a quick text instead: "I'm here for you. Stay strong. I love you."
Hours later, Y/N was back at his apartment, his leg bandaged and elevated. The injury wasn't as severe as it had initially seemed, but it was enough to sideline him for a while. He was frustrated and in pain, both physically and emotionally.
A soft knock on his door broke his thoughts. Jenna peeked in, her eyes filled with worry and love. "Hey, superstar. How are you holding up?"
Y/N's face softened at the sight of her. "Jenna, you're here. I'm... managing."
She crossed the room and sat beside him, taking his hand in hers. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I wish I could've done something."
He squeezed her hand gently. "You being here is enough. I just hate that we have to keep this a secret."
Jenna leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. "We'll find a way to make it work. I promise."
They spent the evening together, Jenna doing her best to lift Y/N's spirits. They talked about everything and nothing, the comfort of each other's presence a balm to their souls. Despite the pain and the secrecy, their love felt stronger than ever.
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N's recovery was slow but steady. Jenna stayed by his side as much as she could, supporting him through the tough moments. Their relationship remained a secret, but the bond between them deepened with each passing day.
The next game was a pivotal moment. Y/N was back on the field, and this time, Jenna was determined to be there for him, publicly. She donned an AC Milan jersey with his number on it and made her way to the VIP section, a spot that would inevitably draw attention.
As the game progressed, Jenna cheered for Y/N with all her heart, her excitement palpable. She didn't try to hide her face; she was there to support the man she loved. Fans and cameras quickly picked up on her presence, and the speculation started to spread like wildfire.
Y/N, aware that Jenna was in the stands, played with renewed vigor. Her presence was a source of strength, reminding him of what truly mattered. As the match wore on, AC Milan gained momentum, and Y/N's performance was stellar. His passes were precise, his tackles were solid, and his energy was contagious.
Late in the second half, with the score tied, Y/N saw an opening. He sprinted down the field, weaving through defenders with incredible speed. As he approached the goal, he took a deep breath and struck the ball with perfect precision. The crowd erupted as the ball sailed past the goalkeeper and into the net.
Jenna jumped to her feet, screaming and cheering louder than anyone else in the stadium. Her heart swelled with pride and love as she watched Y/N's teammates surround him, celebrating the crucial goal.
The final whistle blew, signaling AC Milan's victory. The team gathered on the field, their joy palpable. Y/N's eyes scanned the stands until they locked onto Jenna's. Without thinking, he ran toward her, his heart pounding with excitement and adrenaline.
Jenna didn't hesitate. She climbed over the barrier separating the VIP section from the field and ran to meet him. They collided in a tight embrace, and for a moment, the world around them disappeared. Y/N pulled back slightly, his eyes searching hers.
"Jenna," he whispered, his voice full of emotion.
She smiled up at him, tears of joy in her eyes. "You were amazing, Y/N. I'm so proud of you."
Before he could respond, Jenna leaned in and kissed him passionately. The crowd around them gasped and then erupted into cheers and applause. Cameras flashed, capturing the moment that was sure to make headlines.
As they pulled apart, breathless and smiling, Y/N felt a weight lift from his shoulders. Jenna was by his side, and he didn't care who knew. Their secret was out, and it felt liberating.
Theo and a few other teammates approached, grinning widely. "So, this is why you've been so secretive, huh?" Luka teased, clapping Y/N on the back.
Y/N laughed, pulling Jenna closer. "Yeah, this is why."
Jenna smiled at the team, her eyes twinkling. "You guys played an incredible game. I'm just happy I could be here to see it."
As the celebrations continued, Y/N and Jenna stayed close, their hands intertwined. The media buzzed with excitement, and social media exploded with the news of their relationship. But Y/N didn't care about the attention or the speculation. All that mattered was that he had Jenna by his side.
Back at Y/N's apartment that evening, the two of them cuddled on the couch, reliving the day's events. Y/N's leg, though still sore, was a small price to pay for the victory and the joy of sharing his love for Jenna with the world.
"Today was incredible," Y/N said, pressing a kiss to Jenna's temple. "I'm so glad you were there."
Jenna snuggled closer, resting her head on his chest. "Me too. I wouldn't have missed it for anything."
They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet. Eventually, Jenna looked up at Y/N, her expression serious. "Are you ready for what comes next? The media, the attention..."
Y/N nodded, his eyes full of determination. "As long as I have you, I'm ready for anything."
Jenna smiled, her heart swelling with love. "We'll face it together, just like we always do."
And with that, they settled into a comfortable silence, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, their love would guide them through.
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